using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; namespace Catch_the_button { class Leaderboard { static internal List Leaderboards = new List(); static internal LeaderboardEntry highscore = new LeaderboardEntry("",0); static RichTextBox LeaderObject; static Form form; static Label highscoreLabel; static string filename = "leaderboards.txt"; static string root = "./resources/"; static string path = root+filename; static internal void Init(RichTextBox leaderObject, Form form, Label highscoreLabel) { LeaderObject = leaderObject; Leaderboard.form = form; Leaderboard.highscoreLabel = highscoreLabel; byte stat = Read(); if (stat == 1) return; Output(); } static internal byte Read() { if (!Directory.Exists(root)) Directory.CreateDirectory(root); if (!File.Exists(path)) { LeaderObject.Text = "Leaderboards not found"; File.Create(path); return 1; } if (File.ReadAllLines(path).Length <1) { LeaderObject.Text = "Leaderboards empty. Be the first to place a record"; File.Create(path); return 1; } string[] preformat = Sort(File.ReadAllLines(path)); Leaderboards.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < preformat.Length; i++) { string[] pars = preformat[i].Split(':'); LeaderboardEntry formatted = new LeaderboardEntry(pars[0], Int32.Parse(pars[1])); Leaderboards.Add(formatted); } FindHighScore(); return 0; } static internal string[] Sort(string[] input) { SortedDictionary carry = new SortedDictionary(); for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++) { string[] pars = input[i].Split(':'); carry[Int32.Parse(pars[1])] = pars[0]; } int j = 0; foreach (KeyValuePair item in carry) { input[j] = $"{item.Value}:{item.Key}"; j++; } return input.Reverse().ToArray(); } static private void FindHighScore() { foreach (LeaderboardEntry entry in Leaderboards) { if (entry.points > highscore.points) highscore = entry; } highscoreLabel.Text = $"{}: {highscore.points}"; } static internal void Output(RichTextBox leaderboardObj = null) { if (leaderboardObj != null) { int count = Leaderboards.Count > 5 ? 5 : Leaderboards.Count; string output = ""; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { output += Leaderboards[i] + "\n"; } leaderboardObj.Text = output.Substring(0, output.Length - 1); } else { string[] lines = new string[Leaderboards.Count]; for (int i = 0; i< Leaderboards.Count; i++) { lines[i] = $"{Leaderboards[i].name}: {Leaderboards[i].points}"; } LeaderObject.Lines = lines; } } static internal void Write() { Form leaderboardDialog = new LeaderDialog(Game.points, form); leaderboardDialog.ShowDialog(); string leaderboardtxt = ""; foreach (LeaderboardEntry entry in Leaderboards) { leaderboardtxt += $"{}:{entry.points}\n"; } File.WriteAllText(path, leaderboardtxt.Substring(0, leaderboardtxt.Length - 1)); Read(); } } class LeaderboardEntry { internal string name; internal int points; public LeaderboardEntry(string name, int points) { = name; this.points = points; } } }