/* * Vencord, a modification for Discord's desktop app * Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and contributors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import ErrorBoundary from "@components/ErrorBoundary"; import { ExpandableHeader } from "@components/ExpandableHeader"; import { classes } from "@utils/misc"; import { filters, findBulk, proxyLazyWebpack } from "@webpack"; import { i18n, PermissionsBits, Text, Tooltip, useMemo, UserStore } from "@webpack/common"; import type { Guild, GuildMember } from "discord-types/general"; import { PermissionsSortOrder, settings } from ".."; import { cl, getPermissionString, getSortedRoles, sortUserRoles } from "../utils"; import openRolesAndUsersPermissionsModal, { PermissionType, type RoleOrUserPermission } from "./RolesAndUsersPermissions"; interface UserPermission { permission: string; roleColor: string; rolePosition: number; } type UserPermissions = Array; const Classes = proxyLazyWebpack(() => Object.assign({}, ...findBulk( filters.byProps("roles", "rolePill", "rolePillBorder"), filters.byProps("roleCircle", "dotBorderBase", "dotBorderColor"), filters.byProps("roleNameOverflow", "root", "roleName", "roleRemoveButton") )) ) as Record<"roles" | "rolePill" | "rolePillBorder" | "desaturateUserColors" | "flex" | "alignCenter" | "justifyCenter" | "svg" | "background" | "dot" | "dotBorderColor" | "roleCircle" | "dotBorderBase" | "flex" | "alignCenter" | "justifyCenter" | "wrap" | "root" | "role" | "roleRemoveButton" | "roleDot" | "roleFlowerStar" | "roleRemoveIcon" | "roleRemoveIconFocused" | "roleVerifiedIcon" | "roleName" | "roleNameOverflow" | "actionButton" | "overflowButton" | "addButton" | "addButtonIcon" | "overflowRolesPopout" | "overflowRolesPopoutArrowWrapper" | "overflowRolesPopoutArrow" | "popoutBottom" | "popoutTop" | "overflowRolesPopoutHeader" | "overflowRolesPopoutHeaderIcon" | "overflowRolesPopoutHeaderText" | "roleIcon", string>; function UserPermissionsComponent({ guild, guildMember, showBorder, forceOpen = false }: { guild: Guild; guildMember: GuildMember; showBorder: boolean; forceOpen?: boolean; }) { const stns = settings.use(["permissionsSortOrder"]); const [rolePermissions, userPermissions] = useMemo(() => { const userPermissions: UserPermissions = []; const userRoles = getSortedRoles(guild, guildMember); const rolePermissions: Array = userRoles.map(role => ({ type: PermissionType.Role, ...role })); if (guild.ownerId === guildMember.userId) { rolePermissions.push({ type: PermissionType.Owner, permissions: Object.values(PermissionsBits).reduce((prev, curr) => prev | curr, 0n) }); const OWNER = i18n.Messages.GUILD_OWNER || "Server Owner"; userPermissions.push({ permission: OWNER, roleColor: "var(--primary-300)", rolePosition: Infinity }); } sortUserRoles(userRoles); for (const [permission, bit] of Object.entries(PermissionsBits)) { for (const { permissions, colorString, position } of userRoles) { if ((permissions & bit) === bit) { userPermissions.push({ permission: getPermissionString(permission), roleColor: colorString || "var(--primary-300)", rolePosition: position }); break; } } } userPermissions.sort((a, b) => b.rolePosition - a.rolePosition); return [rolePermissions, userPermissions]; }, [stns.permissionsSortOrder]); const { root, role, roleRemoveButton, roleNameOverflow, roles, rolePill, rolePillBorder, roleCircle, roleName } = Classes; return ( openRolesAndUsersPermissionsModal( rolePermissions, guild, guildMember.nick || UserStore.getUser(guildMember.userId).username ) } onDropDownClick={state => settings.store.defaultPermissionsDropdownState = !state} defaultState={settings.store.defaultPermissionsDropdownState} buttons={[ ( {tooltipProps => ( { stns.permissionsSortOrder = stns.permissionsSortOrder === PermissionsSortOrder.HighestRole ? PermissionsSortOrder.LowestRole : PermissionsSortOrder.HighestRole; }} > )} ) ]}> {userPermissions.length > 0 && ( {userPermissions.map(({ permission, roleColor }) => ( {permission} ))} )} ); } export default ErrorBoundary.wrap(UserPermissionsComponent, { noop: true });