#!/usr/bin/node /* * Vencord, a modification for Discord's desktop app * Copyright (c) 2022 Vendicated and contributors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ // @ts-check import { readdir } from "fs/promises"; import { join } from "path"; import { BUILD_TIMESTAMP, commonOpts, exists, globPlugins, IS_DEV, IS_REPORTER, IS_STANDALONE, IS_UPDATER_DISABLED, resolvePluginName, VERSION, commonRendererPlugins, watch, buildOrWatchAll, stringifyValues } from "./common.mjs"; const defines = stringifyValues({ IS_STANDALONE, IS_DEV, IS_REPORTER, IS_UPDATER_DISABLED, IS_WEB: false, IS_EXTENSION: false, VERSION, BUILD_TIMESTAMP }); if (defines.IS_STANDALONE === "false") { // If this is a local build (not standalone), optimize // for the specific platform we're on defines["process.platform"] = JSON.stringify(process.platform); } /** * @type {import("esbuild").BuildOptions} */ const nodeCommonOpts = { ...commonOpts, define: defines, format: "cjs", platform: "node", target: ["esnext"], // @ts-ignore this is never undefined external: ["electron", "original-fs", "~pluginNatives", ...commonOpts.external] }; const sourceMapFooter = s => watch ? "" : `//# sourceMappingURL=vencord://${s}.js.map`; const sourcemap = watch ? "inline" : "external"; /** * @type {import("esbuild").Plugin} */ const globNativesPlugin = { name: "glob-natives-plugin", setup: build => { const filter = /^~pluginNatives$/; build.onResolve({ filter }, args => { return { namespace: "import-natives", path: args.path }; }); build.onLoad({ filter, namespace: "import-natives" }, async () => { const pluginDirs = ["plugins", "userplugins"]; let code = ""; let natives = "\n"; let i = 0; for (const dir of pluginDirs) { const dirPath = join("src", dir); if (!await exists(dirPath)) continue; const plugins = await readdir(dirPath, { withFileTypes: true }); for (const file of plugins) { const fileName = file.name; const nativePath = join(dirPath, fileName, "native.ts"); const indexNativePath = join(dirPath, fileName, "native/index.ts"); if (!(await exists(nativePath)) && !(await exists(indexNativePath))) continue; const pluginName = await resolvePluginName(dirPath, file); const mod = `p${i}`; code += `import * as ${mod} from "./${dir}/${fileName}/native";\n`; natives += `${JSON.stringify(pluginName)}:${mod},\n`; i++; } } code += `export default {${natives}};`; return { contents: code, resolveDir: "./src" }; }); } }; /** @type {import("esbuild").BuildOptions[]} */ const buildConfigs = ([ // Discord Desktop main & renderer & preload { ...nodeCommonOpts, entryPoints: ["src/main/index.ts"], outfile: "dist/patcher.js", footer: { js: "//# sourceURL=VencordPatcher\n" + sourceMapFooter("patcher") }, sourcemap, plugins: [ // @ts-ignore this is never undefined ...nodeCommonOpts.plugins, globNativesPlugin ], define: { ...defines, IS_DISCORD_DESKTOP: "true", IS_VESKTOP: "false" } }, { ...commonOpts, entryPoints: ["src/Vencord.ts"], outfile: "dist/renderer.js", format: "iife", target: ["esnext"], footer: { js: "//# sourceURL=VencordRenderer\n" + sourceMapFooter("renderer") }, globalName: "Vencord", sourcemap, plugins: [ globPlugins("discordDesktop"), ...commonRendererPlugins ], define: { ...defines, IS_DISCORD_DESKTOP: "true", IS_VESKTOP: "false" } }, { ...nodeCommonOpts, entryPoints: ["src/preload.ts"], outfile: "dist/preload.js", footer: { js: "//# sourceURL=VencordPreload\n" + sourceMapFooter("preload") }, sourcemap, define: { ...defines, IS_DISCORD_DESKTOP: "true", IS_VESKTOP: "false" } }, // Vencord Desktop main & renderer & preload { ...nodeCommonOpts, entryPoints: ["src/main/index.ts"], outfile: "dist/vencordDesktopMain.js", footer: { js: "//# sourceURL=VencordDesktopMain\n" + sourceMapFooter("vencordDesktopMain") }, sourcemap, plugins: [ ...nodeCommonOpts.plugins, globNativesPlugin ], define: { ...defines, IS_DISCORD_DESKTOP: "false", IS_VESKTOP: "true" } }, { ...commonOpts, entryPoints: ["src/Vencord.ts"], outfile: "dist/vencordDesktopRenderer.js", format: "iife", target: ["esnext"], footer: { js: "//# sourceURL=VencordDesktopRenderer\n" + sourceMapFooter("vencordDesktopRenderer") }, globalName: "Vencord", sourcemap, plugins: [ globPlugins("vencordDesktop"), ...commonRendererPlugins ], define: { ...defines, IS_DISCORD_DESKTOP: "false", IS_VESKTOP: "true" } }, { ...nodeCommonOpts, entryPoints: ["src/preload.ts"], outfile: "dist/vencordDesktopPreload.js", footer: { js: "//# sourceURL=VencordPreload\n" + sourceMapFooter("vencordDesktopPreload") }, sourcemap, define: { ...defines, IS_DISCORD_DESKTOP: "false", IS_VESKTOP: "true" } } ]); await buildOrWatchAll(buildConfigs);