{ "areYouSure": "Are you sure?", "backupAndRestore": { "customQuickcss": "Custom QuickCSS", "description": "You can import and export your Vencord settings as a JSON file. This allows you to easily transfer your settings to another device, or recover your settings after reinstalling Vencord or Discord.", "exportContains": "Settings Export contains:", "exportSettings": "Export Settings", "importSettings": "Import Settings", "importWarning": "Importing a settings file will overwrite your current settings.", "pluginSettings": "Plugin Settings", "themeLinks": "Theme Links" }, "clipboardNotSupported": "Your browser does not support copying to clipboard", "cloud": { "integrations": { "authorizationNote": "This will request authorization if you have not yet set up cloud integrations.", "backendNote": "Which backend to use when using cloud integrations.", "backendUrl": "Backend URL", "description": "Vencord comes with a cloud integration that adds goodies like settings sync across devices. It <0>respects your privacy, and the <1>source code is AGPL 3.0 licensed so you can host it yourself.", "enable": "Enable Cloud Integrations", "enabled": "Cloud integrations enabled!", "eraseAllData": "Erase All Data", "eraseError": "Could not erase all data (API returned {status}), please contact support.", "eraseIt": "Erase it!", "eraseSuccess": "Successfully erased all data.", "eraseWarning": "Once your data is erased, we cannot recover it. There's no going back!", "reauthenticate": "We've noticed you have cloud integrations enabled in another client! Due to limitations, you will need to re-authenticate to continue using them. Click here to go to the settings page to do so!", "setupFailure": { "generic": "Setup failed ({error}).", "missingSecret": "Setup failed (no secret returned?).", "oauth": "Setup failed (couldn't retrieve OAuth configuration)." } }, "settings": { "deleteCloudSettings": "Delete Cloud Settings", "deleteError": { "api": "Could not delete settings (API returned {status}).", "generic": "Could not delete settings ({error})." }, "deleted": "Settings deleted from cloud!", "description": "Synchronize your settings to the cloud. This allows easy synchronization across multiple devices with minimal effort.", "localNewer": "Your local settings are newer than the cloud ones.", "nothingOnline": "There are no settings in the cloud.", "overwriteWarning": "This will overwrite your local settings with the ones on the cloud. Use wisely!", "syncErrorDown": { "api": "Could not synchronize settings from the cloud (API returned {status}).", "generic": "Could not synchronize settings from the cloud ({error})." }, "syncErrorUp": { "api": "Could not synchronize settings to the cloud (API returned {status}).", "generic": "Could not synchronize settings to the cloud ({error})." }, "syncFromCloud": "Sync from Cloud", "syncSuccess": "Synchronized settings to the cloud!", "syncToCloud": "Sync to Cloud", "upToDate": "Your settings are up to date.", "updated": "Your settings have been updated! Click here to restart to fully apply changes!" } }, "cloudIntegrations": "Cloud Integrations", "cloudSettings": "Cloud Settings", "copiedToClipboard": "Copied to clipboard!", "errorBoundaryDescription": "An error occurred while rendering this Component. More info can be found below and in your console.", "failedToImport": "Failed to import settings: {error}", "failureUpdate": "Uh Oh! Failed to render this Page. However, there is an update available that might fix it. Would you like to update and restart now?", "gitCopyNewer": "Your local copy has more recent commits. Please stash or reset them.", "importedSettings": "Settings successfully imported. Restart to apply changes!", "nevermind": "Nevermind", "new": "NEW", "noSearchResults": "No plugins meet search criteria.", "noSettings": "There are no settings for this plugin.", "ohNo": "Oh no!", "pluginContributed": { "one": "This person has <0>contributed to one plugin!", "other": "This person has <0>contributed to {count} plugins!", "zero": "This person has not made any plugins. They likely <0>contributed to Vencord in other ways!" }, "pluginFilters": "Filters", "pluginHeader": { "cogWheel": "Plugins with a cog wheel have settings you can modify!", "iconInformation": "Press the cog wheel or info icon to get more info on a plugin.", "managementHeader": "Plugin Management", "reloadDescription": "Restart now to apply new plugins and their settings", "reloadHeader": "Restart required!", "restart": "Restart" }, "pluginRequiredBy": "This plugin is required by:", "pluginRestart": "Restart to apply changes!", "plugins": "Plugins", "pluginsNeedRestart": "The following plugins require a restart:", "requiredPlugin": "This plugin is required for Vencord to function.", "requiredPlugins": "Required Plugins", "restartLater": "Later!", "restartNow": "Restart now", "restartRequired": "Restart required", "saveAndClose": "Save & Close", "search": { "all": "Show All", "disabled": "Show Disabled", "enabled": "Show Enabled", "new": "Show New", "placeholder": "Search for a plugin..." }, "settings": "Settings", "settingsErrors": "You must fix all errors before saving", "settingsSaveError": "Error while saving: {saveError}", "settingsSync": "Settings Sync", "themes": { "betterDiscord": "BetterDiscord Themes", "betterDiscordNote": "If using the BD site, click on \"Download\" and place the downloaded .theme.css file into your themes folder.", "editQuickCss": "Edit QuickCSS", "findThemes": "Find Themes:", "loadMissing": "Load missing Themes", "local": "Local Themes", "oneLinkPerLine": "One link per line.", "online": "Online Themes", "openFolder": "Open Themes Folder", "pasteLinks": "Paste links to css files here", "upload": "Upload Theme", "useDirect": "Make sure to use direct links to files (raw or github.io)!" }, "update": { "available": "A Vencord update is available!", "clickToRestart": "Click here to restart", "clickToView": "Click here to view the update", "updated": "Vencord has been updated!" }, "updaterRepeatFailed": "That also failed :( Try updating or re-installing with the installer!", "warning": "Warning" }