/* * Vencord, a modification for Discord's desktop app * Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and contributors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ // eslint-disable-next-line path-alias/no-relative import { _resolveReady, filters, find, findByCode, findByProps, waitFor } from "../webpack"; import type * as t from "./types/utils"; export const FluxDispatcher = find(filters.byProps("dispatch", "subscribe"), (m: t.FluxDispatcher) => { // Non import call to avoid circular dependency Vencord.Plugins.subscribeAllPluginsFluxEvents(m); const cb = () => { m.unsubscribe("CONNECTION_OPEN", cb); _resolveReady(); }; m.subscribe("CONNECTION_OPEN", cb); return m; }); export const ComponentDispatch = find(filters.byProps("ComponentDispatch", "ComponentDispatcher"), m => m.ComponentDispatch); export const Constants = findByProps("Endpoints"); export const RestAPI = find(filters.byProps("getAPIBaseURL"), m => m.HTTP ?? m); export const moment = findByProps("parseTwoDigitYear"); export const hljs = findByProps("highlight", "registerLanguage"); export const lodash = findByProps("debounce", "cloneDeep"); export const i18n = find(m => m.Messages?.["en-US"]); export const SnowflakeUtils = findByProps("fromTimestamp", "extractTimestamp"); export const Parser = findByProps("parseTopic"); export const Alerts = findByProps("show", "close"); const ToastType = { MESSAGE: 0, SUCCESS: 1, FAILURE: 2, CUSTOM: 3 }; const ToastPosition = { TOP: 0, BOTTOM: 1 }; export const Toasts = { Type: ToastType, Position: ToastPosition, // what's less likely than getting 0 from Math.random()? Getting it twice in a row genId: () => (Math.random() || Math.random()).toString(36).slice(2), // hack to merge with the following interface, dunno if there's a better way ...{} as { show(data: { message: string, id: string, /** * Toasts.Type */ type: number, options?: { /** * Toasts.Position */ position?: number; component?: React.ReactNode, duration?: number; }; }): void; pop(): void; } }; waitFor(filters.byCode("showToast"), m => { Toasts.show = m.showToast; Toasts.pop = m.popToast; }); /** * Show a simple toast. If you need more options, use Toasts.show manually */ export function showToast(message: string, type = ToastType.MESSAGE) { Toasts.show({ id: Toasts.genId(), message, type }); } export const UserUtils = findByProps("getUser", "fetchCurrentUser"); export const UploadHandler = findByProps("showUploadFileSizeExceededError", "promptToUpload"); export const ApplicationAssetUtils = findByProps("fetchAssetIds", "getAssetImage"); export const Clipboard = findByProps("SUPPORTS_COPY", "copy"); export const NavigationRouter = findByProps("transitionTo", "replaceWith", "transitionToGuild"); export const SettingsRouter = findByProps("open", "saveAccountChanges"); export const PermissionsBits = find(m => typeof m.Permissions?.ADMINISTRATOR === "bigint", m => m.Permissions); export const zustandCreate = findByCode("will be removed in v4"); const persistFilter = filters.byCode("[zustand persist middleware]"); export const zustandPersist = find(m => m.persist && persistFilter(m.persist), m => m.persist); export const MessageActions = findByProps("editMessage", "sendMessage"); export const UserProfileActions = findByProps("openUserProfileModal", "closeUserProfileModal"); export const InviteActions = findByProps("resolveInvite"); export const IconUtils = findByProps("getGuildBannerURL", "getUserAvatarURL");