/* * Vencord, a modification for Discord's desktop app * Copyright (c) 2022 Vendicated and contributors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ // @ts-check import "../suppressExperimentalWarnings.js"; import "../checkNodeVersion.js"; import { exec, execSync } from "child_process"; import esbuild, { build, context } from "esbuild"; import { constants as FsConstants, readFileSync } from "fs"; import { access, readdir, readFile } from "fs/promises"; import { minify as minifyHtml } from "html-minifier-terser"; import { join, relative } from "path"; import { promisify } from "util"; import { getPluginTarget } from "../utils.mjs"; import { builtinModules } from "module"; /** @type {import("../../package.json")} */ const PackageJSON = JSON.parse(readFileSync("package.json", "utf-8")); export const VERSION = PackageJSON.version; // https://reproducible-builds.org/docs/source-date-epoch/ export const BUILD_TIMESTAMP = Number(process.env.SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH) || Date.now(); export const watch = process.argv.includes("--watch"); export const IS_DEV = watch || process.argv.includes("--dev"); export const IS_REPORTER = process.argv.includes("--reporter"); export const IS_STANDALONE = process.argv.includes("--standalone"); export const IS_UPDATER_DISABLED = process.argv.includes("--disable-updater"); export const gitHash = process.env.VENCORD_HASH || execSync("git rev-parse --short HEAD", { encoding: "utf-8" }).trim(); export const banner = { js: ` // Vencord ${gitHash} // Standalone: ${IS_STANDALONE} // Platform: ${IS_STANDALONE === false ? process.platform : "Universal"} // Updater Disabled: ${IS_UPDATER_DISABLED} `.trim() }; /** * JSON.stringify all values in an object * @type {(obj: Record<string, any>) => Record<string, string>} */ export function stringifyValues(obj) { for (const key in obj) { obj[key] = JSON.stringify(obj[key]); } return obj; } /** * @param {import("esbuild").BuildOptions[]} buildConfigs */ export async function buildOrWatchAll(buildConfigs) { if (watch) { await Promise.all(buildConfigs.map(cfg => context(cfg).then(ctx => ctx.watch()) )); } else { await Promise.all(buildConfigs.map(cfg => build(cfg))) .catch(error => { console.error(error.message); process.exit(1); // exit immediately to skip the rest of the builds }); } } const PluginDefinitionNameMatcher = /definePlugin\(\{\s*(["'])?name\1:\s*(["'`])(.+?)\2/; /** * @param {string} base * @param {import("fs").Dirent} dirent */ export async function resolvePluginName(base, dirent) { const fullPath = join(base, dirent.name); const content = dirent.isFile() ? await readFile(fullPath, "utf-8") : await (async () => { for (const file of ["index.ts", "index.tsx"]) { try { return await readFile(join(fullPath, file), "utf-8"); } catch { continue; } } throw new Error(`Invalid plugin ${fullPath}: could not resolve entry point`); })(); return PluginDefinitionNameMatcher.exec(content)?.[3] ?? (() => { throw new Error(`Invalid plugin ${fullPath}: must contain definePlugin call with simple string name property as first property`); })(); } export async function exists(path) { return await access(path, FsConstants.F_OK) .then(() => true) .catch(() => false); } // https://github.com/evanw/esbuild/issues/619#issuecomment-751995294 /** * @type {import("esbuild").Plugin} */ export const makeAllPackagesExternalPlugin = { name: "make-all-packages-external", setup(build) { const filter = /^[^./]|^\.[^./]|^\.\.[^/]/; // Must not start with "/" or "./" or "../" build.onResolve({ filter }, args => ({ path: args.path, external: true })); } }; /** * @type {(kind: "web" | "discordDesktop" | "vencordDesktop") => import("esbuild").Plugin} */ export const globPlugins = kind => ({ name: "glob-plugins", setup: build => { const filter = /^~plugins$/; build.onResolve({ filter }, args => { return { namespace: "import-plugins", path: args.path }; }); build.onLoad({ filter, namespace: "import-plugins" }, async () => { const pluginDirs = ["plugins/_api", "plugins/_core", "plugins", "userplugins"]; let code = ""; let pluginsCode = "\n"; let metaCode = "\n"; let excludedCode = "\n"; let i = 0; for (const dir of pluginDirs) { const userPlugin = dir === "userplugins"; const fullDir = `./src/${dir}`; if (!await exists(fullDir)) continue; const files = await readdir(fullDir, { withFileTypes: true }); for (const file of files) { const fileName = file.name; if (fileName.startsWith("_") || fileName.startsWith(".")) continue; if (fileName === "index.ts") continue; const target = getPluginTarget(fileName); if (target && !IS_REPORTER) { const excluded = (target === "dev" && !IS_DEV) || (target === "web" && kind === "discordDesktop") || (target === "desktop" && kind === "web") || (target === "discordDesktop" && kind !== "discordDesktop") || (target === "vencordDesktop" && kind !== "vencordDesktop"); if (excluded) { const name = await resolvePluginName(fullDir, file); excludedCode += `${JSON.stringify(name)}:${JSON.stringify(target)},\n`; continue; } } const folderName = `src/${dir}/${fileName}`.replace(/^src\/plugins\//, ""); const mod = `p${i}`; code += `import ${mod} from "./${dir}/${fileName.replace(/\.tsx?$/, "")}";\n`; pluginsCode += `[${mod}.name]:${mod},\n`; metaCode += `[${mod}.name]:${JSON.stringify({ folderName, userPlugin })},\n`; // TODO: add excluded plugins to display in the UI? i++; } } code += `export default {${pluginsCode}};export const PluginMeta={${metaCode}};export const ExcludedPlugins={${excludedCode}};`; return { contents: code, resolveDir: "./src" }; }); } }); /** * @type {import("esbuild").Plugin} */ export const gitHashPlugin = { name: "git-hash-plugin", setup: build => { const filter = /^~git-hash$/; build.onResolve({ filter }, args => ({ namespace: "git-hash", path: args.path })); build.onLoad({ filter, namespace: "git-hash" }, () => ({ contents: `export default "${gitHash}"` })); } }; /** * @type {import("esbuild").Plugin} */ export const gitRemotePlugin = { name: "git-remote-plugin", setup: build => { const filter = /^~git-remote$/; build.onResolve({ filter }, args => ({ namespace: "git-remote", path: args.path })); build.onLoad({ filter, namespace: "git-remote" }, async () => { let remote = process.env.VENCORD_REMOTE; if (!remote) { const res = await promisify(exec)("git remote get-url origin", { encoding: "utf-8" }); remote = res.stdout.trim() .replace("https://github.com/", "") .replace("git@github.com:", "") .replace(/.git$/, ""); } return { contents: `export default "${remote}"` }; }); } }; /** * @type {import("esbuild").Plugin} */ export const fileUrlPlugin = { name: "file-uri-plugin", setup: build => { const filter = /^file:\/\/.+$/; build.onResolve({ filter }, args => ({ namespace: "file-uri", path: args.path, pluginData: { uri: args.path, path: join(args.resolveDir, args.path.slice("file://".length).split("?")[0]) } })); build.onLoad({ filter, namespace: "file-uri" }, async ({ pluginData: { path, uri } }) => { const { searchParams } = new URL(uri); const base64 = searchParams.has("base64"); const minify = IS_STANDALONE === true && searchParams.has("minify"); const noTrim = searchParams.get("trim") === "false"; const encoding = base64 ? "base64" : "utf-8"; let content; if (!minify) { content = await readFile(path, encoding); if (!noTrim) content = content.trimEnd(); } else { if (path.endsWith(".html")) { content = await minifyHtml(await readFile(path, "utf-8"), { collapseWhitespace: true, removeComments: true, minifyCSS: true, minifyJS: true, removeEmptyAttributes: true, removeRedundantAttributes: true, removeScriptTypeAttributes: true, removeStyleLinkTypeAttributes: true, useShortDoctype: true }); } else if (/[mc]?[jt]sx?$/.test(path)) { const res = await esbuild.build({ entryPoints: [path], write: false, minify: true }); content = res.outputFiles[0].text; } else { throw new Error(`Don't know how to minify file type: ${path}`); } if (base64) content = Buffer.from(content).toString("base64"); } return { contents: `export default ${JSON.stringify(content)}` }; }); } }; const styleModule = readFileSync("./scripts/build/module/style.js", "utf-8"); /** * @type {import("esbuild").Plugin} */ export const stylePlugin = { name: "style-plugin", setup: ({ onResolve, onLoad }) => { onResolve({ filter: /\.css\?managed$/, namespace: "file" }, ({ path, resolveDir }) => ({ path: relative(process.cwd(), join(resolveDir, path.replace("?managed", ""))), namespace: "managed-style", })); onLoad({ filter: /\.css$/, namespace: "managed-style" }, async ({ path }) => { const css = await readFile(path, "utf-8"); const name = relative(process.cwd(), path).replaceAll("\\", "/"); return { loader: "js", contents: styleModule .replaceAll("STYLE_SOURCE", JSON.stringify(css)) .replaceAll("STYLE_NAME", JSON.stringify(name)) }; }); } }; /** * @type {(filter: RegExp, message: string) => import("esbuild").Plugin} */ export const banImportPlugin = (filter, message) => ({ name: "ban-imports", setup: build => { build.onResolve({ filter }, () => { return { errors: [{ text: message }] }; }); } }); /** * @type {import("esbuild").BuildOptions} */ export const commonOpts = { logLevel: "info", bundle: true, minify: !watch && !IS_REPORTER, sourcemap: watch ? "inline" : "external", legalComments: "linked", banner, plugins: [fileUrlPlugin, gitHashPlugin, gitRemotePlugin, stylePlugin], external: ["~plugins", "~git-hash", "~git-remote", "/assets/*"], inject: ["./scripts/build/inject/react.mjs"], jsx: "transform", jsxFactory: "VencordCreateElement", jsxFragment: "VencordFragment" }; const escapedBuiltinModules = builtinModules .map(m => m.replace(/[-/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, "\\$&")) .join("|"); const builtinModuleRegex = new RegExp(`^(node:)?(${escapedBuiltinModules})$`); export const commonRendererPlugins = [ banImportPlugin(builtinModuleRegex, "Cannot import node inbuilt modules in browser code. You need to use a native.ts file"), banImportPlugin(/^react$/, "Cannot import from react. React and hooks should be imported from @webpack/common"), banImportPlugin(/^electron(\/.*)?$/, "Cannot import electron in browser code. You need to use a native.ts file"), banImportPlugin(/^ts-pattern$/, "Cannot import from ts-pattern. match and P should be imported from @webpack/common"), // @ts-ignore this is never undefined ...commonOpts.plugins ];