/* * Vencord, a Discord client mod * Copyright (c) 2024 Vendicated and contributors * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later */ import { definePluginSettings } from "@api/Settings"; import ErrorBoundary from "@components/ErrorBoundary"; import { Devs } from "@utils/constants"; import { getCurrentChannel } from "@utils/discord"; import definePlugin, { OptionType } from "@utils/types"; import { findByPropsLazy, findComponentByCodeLazy } from "@webpack"; import { ContextMenuApi, Menu, useEffect, useRef } from "@webpack/common"; import { User } from "discord-types/general"; interface UserProfileProps { popoutProps: Record; currentUser: User; originalRenderPopout: () => React.ReactNode; } const UserProfile = findComponentByCodeLazy("UserProfilePopoutWrapper: user cannot be undefined"); const styles = findByPropsLazy("accountProfilePopoutWrapper"); let openAlternatePopout = false; let accountPanelRef: React.RefObject | null> = { current: null }; const AccountPanelContextMenu = ErrorBoundary.wrap(() => { const { prioritizeServerProfile } = settings.use(["prioritizeServerProfile"]); return ( { openAlternatePopout = true; accountPanelRef.current?.props.onMouseDown(); accountPanelRef.current?.props.onClick(e); }} /> settings.store.prioritizeServerProfile = !prioritizeServerProfile} /> ); }, { noop: true }); const settings = definePluginSettings({ prioritizeServerProfile: { type: OptionType.BOOLEAN, description: "Prioritize Server Profile when left clicking your account panel", default: false } }); export default definePlugin({ name: "AccountPanelServerProfile", description: "Right click your account panel in the bottom left to view your profile in the current server", authors: [Devs.Nuckyz, Devs.relitrix], settings, patches: [ { find: "#{intl::ACCOUNT_SPEAKING_WHILE_MUTED}", group: true, replacement: [ { match: /(?<=\.AVATAR_SIZE\);)/, replace: "$self.useAccountPanelRef();" }, { match: /(\.AVATAR,children:.+?renderPopout:(\i)=>){(.+?)}(?=,position)(?<=currentUser:(\i).+?)/, replace: (_, rest, popoutProps, originalPopout, currentUser) => `${rest}$self.UserProfile({popoutProps:${popoutProps},currentUser:${currentUser},originalRenderPopout:()=>{${originalPopout}}})` }, { match: /\.AVATAR,children:.+?(?=renderPopout:)/, replace: "$&onRequestClose:$self.onPopoutClose," }, { match: /(?<=\.avatarWrapper,)/, replace: "ref:$self.accountPanelRef,onContextMenu:$self.openAccountPanelContextMenu," } ] } ], get accountPanelRef() { return accountPanelRef; }, useAccountPanelRef() { useEffect(() => () => { accountPanelRef.current = null; }, []); return (accountPanelRef = useRef(null)); }, openAccountPanelContextMenu(event: React.UIEvent) { ContextMenuApi.openContextMenu(event, AccountPanelContextMenu); }, onPopoutClose() { openAlternatePopout = false; }, UserProfile: ErrorBoundary.wrap(({ popoutProps, currentUser, originalRenderPopout }: UserProfileProps) => { if ( (settings.store.prioritizeServerProfile && openAlternatePopout) || (!settings.store.prioritizeServerProfile && !openAlternatePopout) ) { return originalRenderPopout(); } const currentChannel = getCurrentChannel(); if (currentChannel?.getGuildId() == null) { return originalRenderPopout(); } return (
); }, { noop: true }) });