* Vencord, a modification for Discord's desktop app
* Copyright (c) 2022 Vendicated and contributors
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
import "./style.css";
import { definePluginSettings } from "@api/Settings";
import ErrorBoundary from "@components/ErrorBoundary";
import { Devs } from "@utils/constants";
import { canonicalizeMatch } from "@utils/patches";
import definePlugin, { OptionType } from "@utils/types";
import { findByPropsLazy } from "@webpack";
import { ChannelStore, PermissionsBits, PermissionStore, Tooltip } from "@webpack/common";
import type { Channel, Role } from "discord-types/general";
import HiddenChannelLockScreen from "./components/HiddenChannelLockScreen";
const ChannelListClasses = findByPropsLazy("modeMuted", "modeSelected", "unread", "icon");
const enum ShowMode {
export const settings = definePluginSettings({
hideUnreads: {
description: "Hide Unreads",
type: OptionType.BOOLEAN,
default: true,
restartNeeded: true
showMode: {
description: "The mode used to display hidden channels.",
type: OptionType.SELECT,
options: [
{ label: "Plain style with Lock Icon instead", value: ShowMode.LockIcon, default: true },
{ label: "Muted style with hidden eye icon on the right", value: ShowMode.HiddenIconWithMutedStyle },
restartNeeded: true
defaultAllowedUsersAndRolesDropdownState: {
description: "Whether the allowed users and roles dropdown on hidden channels should be open by default",
type: OptionType.BOOLEAN,
default: true
export default definePlugin({
name: "ShowHiddenChannels",
description: "Show channels that you do not have access to view.",
authors: [Devs.BigDuck, Devs.AverageReactEnjoyer, Devs.D3SOX, Devs.Ven, Devs.Nuckyz, Devs.Nickyux, Devs.dzshn],
patches: [
// RenderLevel defines if a channel is hidden, collapsed in category, visible, etc
find: '"placeholder-channel-id"',
replacement: [
// Remove the special logic for channels we don't have access to
match: /if\(!\i\.\i\.can\(\i\.\i\.VIEW_CHANNEL.+?{if\(this\.id===\i\).+?threadIds:\i}}/,
replace: ""
// Do not check for unreads when selecting the render level if the channel is hidden
match: /(?<=&&)(?=!\i\.\i\.hasUnread\(this\.record\.id\))/,
replace: "$self.isHiddenChannel(this.record)||"
// Make channels we dont have access to be the same level as normal ones
match: /(activeJoinedRelevantThreads:.{0,50}VIEW_CHANNEL.+?renderLevel:(.+?),threadIds.+?renderLevel:).+?(?=,threadIds)/g,
replace: (_, rest, defaultRenderLevel) => `${rest}${defaultRenderLevel}`
// Remove permission checking for getRenderLevel function
match: /(?<=getRenderLevel\(\i\){.+?return)!\i\.\i\.can\(\i\.\i\.VIEW_CHANNEL,this\.record\)\|\|/,
replace: " "
find: "VoiceChannel, transitionTo: Channel does not have a guildId",
replacement: [
// Do not show confirmation to join a voice channel when already connected to another if clicking on a hidden voice channel
match: /(?<=getCurrentClientVoiceChannelId\((\i)\.guild_id\);return)/,
replace: (_, channel) => `!$self.isHiddenChannel(${channel})&&`
// Prevent Discord from trying to connect to hidden voice channels
match: /(?=&&\i\.\i\.selectVoiceChannel\((\i)\.id\))/,
replace: (_, channel) => `&&!$self.isHiddenChannel(${channel})`
// Make Discord show inside the channel if clicking on a hidden or locked channel
match: /!__OVERLAY__&&\((?<=selectVoiceChannel\((\i)\.id\).+?)/,
replace: (m, channel) => `${m}$self.isHiddenChannel(${channel},true)||`
// Prevent Discord from trying to connect to hidden stage channels
replacement: {
match: /!(\i)\.isRoleSubscriptionTemplatePreviewChannel\(\)/,
replace: (m, channel) => `${m}&&!$self.isHiddenChannel(${channel})`
find: "ChannelItemEditButton:function(){",
replacement: [
// Render null instead of the buttons if the channel is hidden
].map(func => ({
match: new RegExp(`(?<=${func}\\(\\){)`, "g"), // Global because Discord has multiple declarations of the same functions
replace: "if($self.isHiddenChannel(this.props.channel))return null;"
find: "VoiceChannel.renderPopout: There must always be something to render",
all: true,
// Render null instead of the buttons if the channel is hidden
replacement: {
match: /(?<="renderOpenChatButton",\(\)=>{)/,
replace: "if($self.isHiddenChannel(this.props.channel))return null;"
predicate: () => settings.store.showMode === ShowMode.LockIcon,
replacement: {
// Lock Icon
match: /(?=switch\((\i)\.type\).{0,30}\.GUILD_ANNOUNCEMENT.{0,70}\(0,\i\.\i\))/,
replace: (_, channel) => `if($self.isHiddenChannel(${channel}))return $self.LockIcon;`
predicate: () => settings.store.showMode === ShowMode.HiddenIconWithMutedStyle,
replacement: [
// Make the channel appear as muted if it's hidden
match: /(?<={channel:(\i),name:\i,muted:(\i).+?;)/,
replace: (_, channel, muted) => `${muted}=$self.isHiddenChannel(${channel})?true:${muted};`
// Add the hidden eye icon if the channel is hidden
match: /\.name\),.{0,120}\.children.+?:null(?<=,channel:(\i).+?)/,
replace: (m, channel) => `${m},$self.isHiddenChannel(${channel})?$self.HiddenChannelIcon():null`
// Make voice channels also appear as muted if they are muted
match: /(?<=\.wrapper:\i\.notInteractive,)(.+?)if\((\i)\)return (\i\.MUTED);/,
replace: (_, otherClasses, isMuted, mutedClassExpression) => `${isMuted}?${mutedClassExpression}:"",${otherClasses}if(${isMuted})return "";`
replacement: [
// Make muted channels also appear as unread if hide unreads is false, using the HiddenIconWithMutedStyle and the channel is hidden
predicate: () => settings.store.hideUnreads === false && settings.store.showMode === ShowMode.HiddenIconWithMutedStyle,
match: /\.LOCKED;if\((?<={channel:(\i).+?)/,
replace: (m, channel) => `${m}!$self.isHiddenChannel(${channel})&&`
// Hide unreads
predicate: () => settings.store.hideUnreads === true,
match: /(?<={channel:(\i),name:\i,.+?unread:(\i).+?;)/,
replace: (_, channel, unread) => `${unread}=$self.isHiddenChannel(${channel})?false:${unread};`
// Hide the new version of unreads box for hidden channels
find: '="ChannelListUnreadsStore",',
replacement: {
match: /(?=&&\(0,\i\.getHasImportantUnread\)\((\i)\))/g, // Global because Discord has multiple methods like that in the same module
replace: (_, channel) => `&&!$self.isHiddenChannel(${channel})`
// Make the old version of unreads box not visible for hidden channels
find: "renderBottomUnread(){",
replacement: {
match: /(?=&&\(0,\i\.getHasImportantUnread\)\((\i\.record)\))/,
replace: "&&!$self.isHiddenChannel($1)"
// Make the state of the old version of unreads box not include hidden channels
find: ".useFlattenedChannelIdListWithThreads)",
replacement: {
match: /(?=&&\(0,\i\.getHasImportantUnread\)\((\i)\))/,
replace: "&&!$self.isHiddenChannel($1)"
// Only render the channel header and buttons that work when transitioning to a hidden channel
find: "Missing channel in Channel.renderHeaderToolbar",
replacement: [
match: /(?<="renderHeaderToolbar",\(\)=>{.+?case \i\.\i\.GUILD_TEXT:)(?=.+?(\i\.push.{0,50}channel:(\i)},"notifications"\)\)))(?<=isLurking:(\i).+?)/,
replace: (_, pushNotificationButtonExpression, channel, isLurking) => `if(!${isLurking}&&$self.isHiddenChannel(${channel})){${pushNotificationButtonExpression};break;}`
match: /(?<="renderHeaderToolbar",\(\)=>{.+?case \i\.\i\.GUILD_MEDIA:)(?=.+?(\i\.push.{0,40}channel:(\i)},"notifications"\)\)))(?<=isLurking:(\i).+?)/,
replace: (_, pushNotificationButtonExpression, channel, isLurking) => `if(!${isLurking}&&$self.isHiddenChannel(${channel})){${pushNotificationButtonExpression};break;}`
match: /"renderMobileToolbar",\(\)=>{.+?case \i\.\i\.GUILD_DIRECTORY:(?<=let{channel:(\i).+?)/,
replace: (m, channel) => `${m}if($self.isHiddenChannel(${channel}))break;`
match: /(?<="renderHeaderBar",\(\)=>{.+?hideSearch:(\i)\.isDirectory\(\))/,
replace: (_, channel) => `||$self.isHiddenChannel(${channel})`
match: /(?<=renderSidebar\(\){)/,
replace: "if($self.isHiddenChannel(this.props.channel))return null;"
match: /(?<=renderChat\(\){)/,
replace: "if($self.isHiddenChannel(this.props.channel))return $self.HiddenChannelLockScreen(this.props.channel);"
// Avoid trying to fetch messages from hidden channels
find: '"MessageManager"',
replacement: {
match: /"Skipping fetch because channelId is a static route"\);return}(?=.+?getChannel\((\i)\))/,
replace: (m, channelId) => `${m}if($self.isHiddenChannel({channelId:${channelId}}))return;`
// Patch keybind handlers so you can't accidentally jump to hidden channels
find: '"alt+shift+down"',
replacement: {
match: /(?<=getChannel\(\i\);return null!=(\i))(?=.{0,150}?getHasImportantUnread\)\(\i\))/,
replace: (_, channel) => `&&!$self.isHiddenChannel(${channel})`
// Patch keybind handlers so you can't accidentally jump to hidden channels
find: ".APPLICATION_STORE&&null!=",
replacement: {
match: /(?<=getState\(\)\.channelId.{0,30}?\(0,\i\.\i\)\(\i\))(?=\.map\()/,
replace: ".filter(e=>!$self.isHiddenChannel(e))"
replacement: [
// Change the role permission check to CONNECT if the channel is locked
match: /ADMINISTRATOR\)\|\|(?<=context:(\i)}.+?)(?=(.+?)VIEW_CHANNEL)/,
replace: (m, channel, permCheck) => `${m}!Vencord.Webpack.Common.PermissionStore.can(${PermissionsBits.CONNECT}n,${channel})?${permCheck}CONNECT):`
// Change the permissionOverwrite check to CONNECT if the channel is locked
match: /permissionOverwrites\[.+?\i=(?<=context:(\i)}.+?)(?=(.+?)VIEW_CHANNEL)/,
replace: (m, channel, permCheck) => `${m}!Vencord.Webpack.Common.PermissionStore.can(${PermissionsBits.CONNECT}n,${channel})?${permCheck}CONNECT):`
// Include the @everyone role in the allowed roles list for Hidden Channels
match: /sortBy.{0,30}?\.filter\(\i=>(?<=channel:(\i).+?)/,
replace: (m, channel) => `${m}$self.isHiddenChannel(${channel})?true:`
// If the @everyone role has the required permissions, make the array only contain it
match: /computePermissionsForRoles.+?.value\(\)(?<=channel:(\i).+?)/,
replace: (m, channel) => `${m}.reduce(...$self.makeAllowedRolesReduce(${channel}.guild_id))`
// Patch the header to only return allowed users and roles if it's a hidden channel or locked channel (Like when it's used on the HiddenChannelLockScreen)
match: /MANAGE_ROLES.{0,90}?return(?=\(.+?(\(0,\i\.jsxs\)\("div",{className:\i\.members.+?guildId:(\i)\.guild_id.+?roleColor.+?\]}\)))/,
replace: (m, component, channel) => {
// Export the channel for the users allowed component patch
component = component.replace(canonicalizeMatch(/(?<=users:\i)/), `,shcChannel:${channel}`);
// Always render the component for multiple allowed users
component = component.replace(canonicalizeMatch(/1!==\i\.length/), "true");
return `${m} $self.isHiddenChannel(${channel},true)?${component}:`;
find: '+1]})},"overflow"))',
replacement: [
// Create a variable for the channel prop
match: /maxUsers:\i,users:\i.+?}=(\i).*?;/,
replace: (m, props) => `${m}let{shcChannel}=${props};`
// Make Discord always render the plus button if the component is used inside the HiddenChannelLockScreen
match: /\i>0(?=&&.{0,60}renderPopout)/,
replace: m => `($self.isHiddenChannel(typeof shcChannel!=="undefined"?shcChannel:void 0,true)?true:${m})`
// Prevent Discord from overwriting the last children with the plus button if the overflow amount is <= 0 and the component is used inside the HiddenChannelLockScreen
match: /(?<=\.value\(\),(\i)=.+?length-)1(?=\]=.{0,60}renderPopout)/,
replace: (_, amount) => `($self.isHiddenChannel(typeof shcChannel!=="undefined"?shcChannel:void 0,true)&&${amount}<=0?0:1)`
// Show only the plus text without overflowed children amount if the overflow amount is <= 0 and the component is used inside the HiddenChannelLockScreen
match: /(?<="\+",)(\i)\+1/,
replace: (m, amount) => `$self.isHiddenChannel(typeof shcChannel!=="undefined"?shcChannel:void 0,true)&&${amount}<=0?"":${m}`
find: ".Messages.CHANNEL_CALL_CURRENT_SPEAKER.format",
replacement: [
// Remove the divider and the open chat button for the HiddenChannelLockScreen
match: /"more-options-popout"\)\),(?<=channel:(\i).+?inCall:(\i).+?)/,
replace: (m, channel, inCall) => `${m}${inCall}||!$self.isHiddenChannel(${channel},true)&&`
// Remove invite users button for the HiddenChannelLockScreen
match: /"popup".{0,100}?if\((?<=channel:(\i).+?inCall:(\i).+?)/,
replace: (m, channel, inCall) => `${m}(${inCall}||!$self.isHiddenChannel(${channel},true))&&`
replacement: [
// Render our HiddenChannelLockScreen component instead of the main voice channel component
match: /renderContent\(\i\){.+?this\.renderVoiceChannelEffects.+?children:/,
replace: "$&!this.props.inCall&&$self.isHiddenChannel(this.props.channel,true)?$self.HiddenChannelLockScreen(this.props.channel):"
// Disable gradients for the HiddenChannelLockScreen of voice channels
match: /renderContent\(\i\){.+?disableGradients:/,
replace: "$&!this.props.inCall&&$self.isHiddenChannel(this.props.channel,true)||"
// Disable useless components for the HiddenChannelLockScreen of voice channels
match: /(?:{|,)render(?!Header|ExternalHeader).{0,30}?:/g,
replace: "$&!this.props.inCall&&$self.isHiddenChannel(this.props.channel,true)?()=>null:"
// Disable bad CSS class which mess up hidden voice channels styling
match: /callContainer,(?<=\i\.callContainer,)/,
replace: '$&!this.props.inCall&&$self.isHiddenChannel(this.props.channel,true)?"":'
find: '"HasBeenInStageChannel"',
replacement: [
// Render our HiddenChannelLockScreen component instead of the main stage channel component
match: /"124px".+?children:(?<=let \i,{channel:(\i).+?)(?=.{0,20}?}\)}function)/,
replace: (m, channel) => `${m}$self.isHiddenChannel(${channel})?$self.HiddenChannelLockScreen(${channel}):`
// Disable useless components for the HiddenChannelLockScreen of stage channels
match: /render(?:BottomLeft|BottomCenter|BottomRight|ChatToasts):\(\)=>(?<=let \i,{channel:(\i).+?)/g,
replace: (m, channel) => `${m}$self.isHiddenChannel(${channel})?null:`
// Disable gradients for the HiddenChannelLockScreen of stage channels
match: /"124px".+?disableGradients:(?<=let \i,{channel:(\i).+?)/,
replace: (m, channel) => `${m}$self.isHiddenChannel(${channel})||`
// Disable strange styles applied to the header for the HiddenChannelLockScreen of stage channels
match: /"124px".+?style:(?<=let \i,{channel:(\i).+?)/,
replace: (m, channel) => `${m}$self.isHiddenChannel(${channel})?void 0:`
replacement: [
// Remove the divider and amount of users in stage channel components for the HiddenChannelLockScreen
match: /\(0,\i\.jsx\)\(\i\.\i\.Divider.+?}\)]}\)(?=.+?:(\i)\.guild_id)/,
replace: (m, channel) => `$self.isHiddenChannel(${channel})?null:(${m})`
// Remove the open chat button for the HiddenChannelLockScreen
match: /"recents".+?&&(?=\(.+?channelId:(\i)\.id,showRequestToSpeakSidebar)/,
replace: (m, channel) => `${m}!$self.isHiddenChannel(${channel})&&`
// Make the chat input bar channel list contain hidden channels
find: ",queryStaticRouteChannels(",
replacement: [
// Make the getChannels call to GuildChannelStore return hidden channels
match: /(?<=queryChannels\(\i\){.+?getChannels\(\i)(?=\))/,
replace: ",true"
// Avoid filtering out hidden channels from the channel list
match: /(?<=queryChannels\(\i\){.+?isGuildChannelType\)\((\i)\.type\))(?=&&!\i\.\i\.can\()/,
replace: "&&!$self.isHiddenChannel($1)"
find: "\"^/guild-stages/(\\\\d+)(?:/)?(\\\\d+)?\"",
replacement: {
// Make mentions of hidden channels work
match: /\i\.\i\.can\(\i\.\i\.VIEW_CHANNEL,\i\)/,
replace: "true"
find: ".shouldCloseDefaultModals",
replacement: {
// Show inside voice channel instead of trying to join them when clicking on a channel mention
match: /(?<=getChannel\(\i\);if\(null!=(\i))(?=.{0,100}?selectVoiceChannel)/,
replace: (_, channel) => `&&!$self.isHiddenChannel(${channel})`
find: '="GuildChannelStore",',
replacement: [
// Make GuildChannelStore contain hidden channels
match: /isChannelGated\(.+?\)(?=&&)/,
replace: m => `${m}&&false`
// Filter hidden channels from GuildChannelStore.getChannels unless told otherwise
match: /(?<=getChannels\(\i)(\){.+?)return (.+?)}/,
replace: (_, rest, channels) => `,shouldIncludeHidden${rest}return $self.resolveGuildChannels(${channels},shouldIncludeHidden??false);}`
find: ".Messages.FORM_LABEL_MUTED",
replacement: {
// Make GuildChannelStore.getChannels return hidden channels
match: /(?<=getChannels\(\i)(?=\))/,
replace: ",true"
find: '="NowPlayingViewStore",',
replacement: {
// Make active now voice states on hidden channels
match: /(getVoiceStateForUser.{0,150}?)&&\i\.\i\.canWithPartialContext.{0,20}VIEW_CHANNEL.+?}\)(?=\?)/,
replace: "$1"
isHiddenChannel(channel: Channel & { channelId?: string; }, checkConnect = false) {
if (!channel) return false;
if (channel.channelId) channel = ChannelStore.getChannel(channel.channelId);
if (!channel || channel.isDM() || channel.isGroupDM() || channel.isMultiUserDM()) return false;
return !PermissionStore.can(PermissionsBits.VIEW_CHANNEL, channel) || checkConnect && !PermissionStore.can(PermissionsBits.CONNECT, channel);
resolveGuildChannels(channels: Record | string | number>, shouldIncludeHidden: boolean) {
if (shouldIncludeHidden) return channels;
const res = {};
for (const [key, maybeObjChannels] of Object.entries(channels)) {
if (!Array.isArray(maybeObjChannels)) {
res[key] = maybeObjChannels;
res[key] ??= [];
for (const objChannel of maybeObjChannels) {
if (objChannel.channel.id === null || !this.isHiddenChannel(objChannel.channel)) res[key].push(objChannel);
return res;
makeAllowedRolesReduce(guildId: string) {
return [
(prev: Array, _: Role, index: number, originalArray: Array) => {
if (index !== 0) return prev;
const everyoneRole = originalArray.find(role => role.id === guildId);
if (everyoneRole) return [everyoneRole];
return originalArray;
[] as Array
HiddenChannelLockScreen: (channel: any) => ,
LockIcon: ErrorBoundary.wrap(() => (
), { noop: true }),
HiddenChannelIcon: ErrorBoundary.wrap(() => (
{({ onMouseLeave, onMouseEnter }) => (
), { noop: true })