/* * Vencord, a Discord client mod * Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated, FieryFlames and contributors * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later */ import "./ui/styles.css"; import ErrorBoundary from "@components/ErrorBoundary"; import { Devs } from "@utils/constants"; import definePlugin from "@utils/types"; import { findByPropsLazy } from "@webpack"; import { UserStore } from "@webpack/common"; import { CDN_URL, RAW_SKU_ID, SKU_ID } from "./lib/constants"; import { useAuthorizationStore } from "./lib/stores/AuthorizationStore"; import { useCurrentUserDecorationsStore } from "./lib/stores/CurrentUserDecorationsStore"; import { useUserDecorAvatarDecoration, useUsersDecorationsStore } from "./lib/stores/UsersDecorationsStore"; import { settings } from "./settings"; import { setDecorationGridDecoration, setDecorationGridItem } from "./ui/components"; import DecorSection from "./ui/components/DecorSection"; const { isAnimatedAvatarDecoration } = findByPropsLazy("isAnimatedAvatarDecoration"); export interface AvatarDecoration { asset: string; skuId: string; } export default definePlugin({ name: "Decor", description: "Create and use your own custom avatar decorations, or pick your favorite from the presets.", authors: [Devs.FieryFlames], patches: [ // Patch MediaResolver to return correct URL for Decor avatar decorations { find: "getAvatarDecorationURL:", replacement: { match: /(?<=function \i\(\i\){)(?=let{avatarDecoration)/, replace: "const vcDecorDecoration=$self.getDecorAvatarDecorationURL(arguments[0]);if(vcDecorDecoration)return vcDecorDecoration;" } }, // Patch profile customization settings to include Decor section { find: "DefaultCustomizationSections", replacement: { match: /(?<=USER_SETTINGS_AVATAR_DECORATION},"decoration"\),)/, replace: "$self.DecorSection()," } }, // Decoration modal module { find: ".decorationGridItem,", replacement: [ { match: /(?<==)\i=>{let{children.{20,100}decorationGridItem/, replace: "$self.DecorationGridItem=$&" }, { match: /(?<==)\i=>{let{user:\i,avatarDecoration.{300,600}decorationGridItemChurned/, replace: "$self.DecorationGridDecoration=$&" }, // Remove NEW label from decor avatar decorations { match: /(?<=\.Section\.PREMIUM_PURCHASE&&\i)(?<=avatarDecoration:(\i).+?)/, replace: "||$1.skuId===$self.SKU_ID" } ] }, { find: "isAvatarDecorationAnimating:", group: true, replacement: [ // Add Decor avatar decoration hook to avatar decoration hook { match: /(?<=TryItOut:\i,guildId:\i}\),)(?<=user:(\i).+?)/, replace: "vcDecorAvatarDecoration=$self.useUserDecorAvatarDecoration($1)," }, // Use added hook { match: /(?<={avatarDecoration:).{1,20}?(?=,)(?<=avatarDecorationOverride:(\i).+?)/, replace: "$1??vcDecorAvatarDecoration??($&)" }, // Make memo depend on added hook { match: /(?<=size:\i}\),\[)/, replace: "vcDecorAvatarDecoration," } ] }, // Current user area, at bottom of channels/dm list { find: "renderAvatarWithPopout(){", replacement: [ // Use Decor avatar decoration hook { match: /(?<=getAvatarDecorationURL\)\({avatarDecoration:)(\i).avatarDecoration(?=,)/, replace: "$self.useUserDecorAvatarDecoration($1)??$&" } ] } ], settings, flux: { CONNECTION_OPEN: () => { useAuthorizationStore.getState().init(); useCurrentUserDecorationsStore.getState().clear(); useUsersDecorationsStore.getState().fetch(UserStore.getCurrentUser().id, true); }, USER_PROFILE_MODAL_OPEN: data => { useUsersDecorationsStore.getState().fetch(data.userId, true); }, }, set DecorationGridItem(e: any) { setDecorationGridItem(e); }, set DecorationGridDecoration(e: any) { setDecorationGridDecoration(e); }, SKU_ID, useUserDecorAvatarDecoration, async start() { useUsersDecorationsStore.getState().fetch(UserStore.getCurrentUser().id, true); }, getDecorAvatarDecorationURL({ avatarDecoration, canAnimate }: { avatarDecoration: AvatarDecoration | null; canAnimate?: boolean; }) { // Only Decor avatar decorations have this SKU ID if (avatarDecoration?.skuId === SKU_ID) { const parts = avatarDecoration.asset.split("_"); // Remove a_ prefix if it's animated and animation is disabled if (isAnimatedAvatarDecoration(avatarDecoration.asset) && !canAnimate) parts.shift(); return `${CDN_URL}/${parts.join("_")}.png`; } else if (avatarDecoration?.skuId === RAW_SKU_ID) { return avatarDecoration.asset; } }, DecorSection: ErrorBoundary.wrap(DecorSection) });