299 lines
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299 lines
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* Vencord, a Discord client mod
* Copyright (c) 2023 Vendicated and contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
import * as DataStore from "@api/DataStore";
import { definePluginSettings, Settings } from "@api/Settings";
import ErrorBoundary from "@components/ErrorBoundary";
import { Flex } from "@components/Flex";
import { Devs } from "@utils/constants";
import { Margins } from "@utils/margins";
import definePlugin, { OptionType } from "@utils/types";
import { findStoreLazy } from "@webpack";
import { Button, Forms, showToast, StatusSettingsStores, TextInput, Toasts, Tooltip, useEffect, useState } from "webpack/common";
const enum ActivitiesTypes {
interface IgnoredActivity {
id: string;
name: string;
type: ActivitiesTypes;
const RunningGameStore = findStoreLazy("RunningGameStore");
function ToggleIcon(activity: IgnoredActivity, tooltipText: string, path: string, fill: string) {
return (
<Tooltip text={tooltipText}>
{tooltipProps => (
onClick={e => handleActivityToggle(e, activity)}
style={{ all: "unset", cursor: "pointer", display: "flex", justifyContent: "center", alignItems: "center" }}
viewBox="0 -960 960 960"
<path fill={fill} d={path} />
const ToggleIconOn = (activity: IgnoredActivity, fill: string) => ToggleIcon(activity, "Disable Activity", "M480-320q75 0 127.5-52.5T660-500q0-75-52.5-127.5T480-680q-75 0-127.5 52.5T300-500q0 75 52.5 127.5T480-320Zm0-72q-45 0-76.5-31.5T372-500q0-45 31.5-76.5T480-608q45 0 76.5 31.5T588-500q0 45-31.5 76.5T480-392Zm0 192q-146 0-266-81.5T40-500q54-137 174-218.5T480-800q146 0 266 81.5T920-500q-54 137-174 218.5T480-200Zm0-300Zm0 220q113 0 207.5-59.5T832-500q-50-101-144.5-160.5T480-720q-113 0-207.5 59.5T128-500q50 101 144.5 160.5T480-280Z", fill);
const ToggleIconOff = (activity: IgnoredActivity, fill: string) => ToggleIcon(activity, "Enable Activity", "m644-428-58-58q9-47-27-88t-93-32l-58-58q17-8 34.5-12t37.5-4q75 0 127.5 52.5T660-500q0 20-4 37.5T644-428Zm128 126-58-56q38-29 67.5-63.5T832-500q-50-101-143.5-160.5T480-720q-29 0-57 4t-55 12l-62-62q41-17 84-25.5t90-8.5q151 0 269 83.5T920-500q-23 59-60.5 109.5T772-302Zm20 246L624-222q-35 11-70.5 16.5T480-200q-151 0-269-83.5T40-500q21-53 53-98.5t73-81.5L56-792l56-56 736 736-56 56ZM222-624q-29 26-53 57t-41 67q50 101 143.5 160.5T480-280q20 0 39-2.5t39-5.5l-36-38q-11 3-21 4.5t-21 1.5q-75 0-127.5-52.5T300-500q0-11 1.5-21t4.5-21l-84-82Zm319 93Zm-151 75Z", fill);
function ToggleActivityComponent(activity: IgnoredActivity, isPlaying = false) {
const s = settings.use(["ignoredActivities"]);
const { ignoredActivities = [] } = s;
if (ignoredActivities.some(act => act.id === activity.id)) return ToggleIconOff(activity, "var(--status-danger)");
return ToggleIconOn(activity, isPlaying ? "var(--green-300)" : "var(--primary-400)");
function handleActivityToggle(e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement, MouseEvent>, activity: IgnoredActivity) {
const ignoredActivityIndex = getIgnoredActivities().findIndex(act => act.id === activity.id);
if (ignoredActivityIndex === -1) settings.store.ignoredActivities = getIgnoredActivities().concat(activity);
else settings.store.ignoredActivities = getIgnoredActivities().filter((_, index) => index !== ignoredActivityIndex);
// Trigger activities recalculation
StatusSettingsStores.ShowCurrentGame.updateSetting(old => old);
function ImportCustomRPCComponent() {
return (
<Flex flexDirection="column">
<Forms.FormText type={Forms.FormText.Types.DESCRIPTION}>Import the application id of the CustomRPC plugin to the allowed list</Forms.FormText>
onClick={() => {
const id = Settings.plugins.CustomRPC?.appID as string | undefined;
if (!id) {
return showToast("CustomRPC application ID is not set.", Toasts.Type.FAILURE);
const isAlreadyAdded = allowedIdsPushID?.(id);
if (isAlreadyAdded) {
showToast("CustomRPC application ID is already added.", Toasts.Type.FAILURE);
Import CustomRPC ID
let allowedIdsPushID: ((id: string) => boolean) | null = null;
function AllowedIdsComponent(props: { setValue: (value: string) => void; }) {
const [allowedIds, setAllowedIds] = useState<string>(settings.store.allowedIds ?? "");
allowedIdsPushID = (id: string) => {
const currentIds = new Set(allowedIds.split(",").map(id => id.trim()).filter(Boolean));
const isAlreadyAdded = currentIds.has(id) || (currentIds.add(id), false);
const ids = Array.from(currentIds).join(", ");
return isAlreadyAdded;
useEffect(() => () => {
allowedIdsPushID = null;
}, []);
function handleChange(newValue: string) {
return (
<Forms.FormTitle tag="h3">Allowed List</Forms.FormTitle>
<Forms.FormText className={Margins.bottom8} type={Forms.FormText.Types.DESCRIPTION}>Comma separated list of activity IDs to allow (Useful for allowing RPC activities and CustomRPC)</Forms.FormText>
placeholder="235834946571337729, 343383572805058560"
const settings = definePluginSettings({
importCustomRPC: {
type: OptionType.COMPONENT,
description: "",
component: () => <ImportCustomRPCComponent />
allowedIds: {
type: OptionType.COMPONENT,
description: "",
default: "",
onChange(newValue: string) {
const ids = new Set(newValue.split(",").map(id => id.trim()).filter(Boolean));
settings.store.allowedIds = Array.from(ids).join(", ");
component: props => <AllowedIdsComponent setValue={props.setValue} />
ignorePlaying: {
type: OptionType.BOOLEAN,
description: "Ignore all playing activities (These are usually game and RPC activities)",
default: false
ignoreStreaming: {
type: OptionType.BOOLEAN,
description: "Ignore all streaming activities",
default: false
ignoreListening: {
type: OptionType.BOOLEAN,
description: "Ignore all listening activities (These are usually spotify activities)",
default: false
ignoreWatching: {
type: OptionType.BOOLEAN,
description: "Ignore all watching activities",
default: false
ignoreCompeting: {
type: OptionType.BOOLEAN,
description: "Ignore all competing activities (These are normally special game activities)",
default: false
ignoredActivities: IgnoredActivity[];
function getIgnoredActivities() {
return settings.store.ignoredActivities ??= [];
function isActivityTypeIgnored(type: number, id?: string) {
if (id && settings.store.allowedIds.includes(id)) {
return false;
switch (type) {
case 0: return settings.store.ignorePlaying;
case 1: return settings.store.ignoreStreaming;
case 2: return settings.store.ignoreListening;
case 3: return settings.store.ignoreWatching;
case 5: return settings.store.ignoreCompeting;
return false;
export default definePlugin({
name: "IgnoreActivities",
authors: [Devs.Nuckyz],
description: "Ignore activities from showing up on your status ONLY. You can configure which ones are specifically ignored from the Registered Games and Activities tabs, or use the general settings below.",
patches: [
find: '.displayName="LocalActivityStore"',
replacement: [
match: /HANG_STATUS.+?(?=!\i\(\i,\i\)&&)(?<=(\i)\.push.+?)/,
replace: (m, activities) => `${m}${activities}=${activities}.filter($self.isActivityNotIgnored);`
replacement: {
match: /\.Messages\.SETTINGS_GAMES_TOGGLE_OVERLAY.+?}\(\),(?<={overlay:\i,.+?=(\i),.+?)(?=!(\i))/,
replace: (m, props, nowPlaying) => `${m}$self.renderToggleGameActivityButton(${props},${nowPlaying}),`
find: ".activityTitleText,variant",
replacement: {
match: /(?<=\i\.activityTitleText.+?children:(\i)\.name.*?}\),)/,
replace: (_, props) => `$self.renderToggleActivityButton(${props}),`
find: ".activityCardDetails,children",
replacement: {
match: /(?<=\i\.activityCardDetails.+?children:(\i\.application)\.name.*?}\),)/,
replace: (_, props) => `$self.renderToggleActivityButton(${props}),`
async start() {
const oldIgnoredActivitiesData = await DataStore.get<Map<IgnoredActivity["id"], IgnoredActivity>>("IgnoreActivities_ignoredActivities");
if (oldIgnoredActivitiesData != null) {
settings.store.ignoredActivities = Array.from(oldIgnoredActivitiesData.values())
.map(activity => ({ ...activity, name: "Unknown Name" }));
if (getIgnoredActivities().length !== 0) {
const gamesSeen = RunningGameStore.getGamesSeen() as { id?: string; exePath: string; }[];
for (const [index, ignoredActivity] of getIgnoredActivities().entries()) {
if (ignoredActivity.type !== ActivitiesTypes.Game) continue;
if (!gamesSeen.some(game => game.id === ignoredActivity.id || game.exePath === ignoredActivity.id)) {
getIgnoredActivities().splice(index, 1);
isActivityNotIgnored(props: { type: number; application_id?: string; name?: string; }) {
if (isActivityTypeIgnored(props.type, props.application_id)) return false;
if (props.application_id != null) {
return !getIgnoredActivities().some(activity => activity.id === props.application_id) || settings.store.allowedIds.includes(props.application_id);
} else {
const exePath = RunningGameStore.getRunningGames().find(game => game.name === props.name)?.exePath;
if (exePath) {
return !getIgnoredActivities().some(activity => activity.id === exePath);
return true;
renderToggleGameActivityButton(props: { id?: string; name: string, exePath: string; }, nowPlaying: boolean) {
return (
<ErrorBoundary noop>
<div style={{ marginLeft: 12, zIndex: 0 }}>
{ToggleActivityComponent({ id: props.id ?? props.exePath, name: props.name, type: ActivitiesTypes.Game }, nowPlaying)}
renderToggleActivityButton(props: { id: string; name: string; }) {
return (
<ErrorBoundary noop>
{ToggleActivityComponent({ id: props.id, name: props.name, type: ActivitiesTypes.Embedded })}