import axios from 'axios'; import { WebhookClient, EmbedBuilder, Embed } from 'discord.js'; import { Worker } from 'worker_threads'; import { asyncInterval, addNotation } from './src/helperFunctions'; import { string } from 'prismarine-nbt'; import { SqlSystem } from './src/sqlFunctions'; import { setupErrorHandlers } from './src/errorHandler'; import { ItemCompactData } from './src/Types'; import "reflect-metadata" setupErrorHandlers(); import { loadConfig } from './src/configLoader'; const config = loadConfig(); let worker_count = ?? 1; let lastUpdated = 0; let doneWorkers = 0; let startingTime: number; let maxPrice = 0; let itemDatas: Record = {}; const workers: Worker[] = []; const webhookRegex = /https:\/\/\/api\/webhooks\/(.+)\/(.+)/; const bazaarPrice = { RECOMBOBULATOR_3000: 0, HOT_POTATO_BOOK: 0, FUMING_POTATO_BOOK: 0 }; async function initialize() { await SqlSystem.InitDB() const matches = process.env.WEBHOOK_URL.match(webhookRegex); if (!matches) return console.log(`[Main thread] Couldn't parse Webhook URL`); const webhook = new WebhookClient({ id: matches[1], token: matches[2] }); await getBzData(); await getMoulberry(); await getLBINs(); for (let j = 0; j < worker_count; j++) { workers[j] = new Worker('/app/dist/AuctionHandler.worker.js', { workerData: { itemDatas: itemDatas, bazaarData: bazaarPrice, workerNumber: j, maxPrice: maxPrice } }); workers[j].on('message', async (result) => { if (result.itemData !== undefined) { let averagePrice: number | null = itemDatas[]?.cleanPrice || null; if ( result.auctionData.lbin - result.auctionData.price >= && (averagePrice || averagePrice! - result.auctionData.price >= ) { let mustBuyMessage = ''; const embed = new EmbedBuilder() .setTitle(`**${ยง./g, '')}**`) .setColor('#2e3137') .setThumbnail(`${}`) .setDescription( `${mustBuyMessage}\nAuction: \`\`\`/viewauction ${result.auctionData.auctionID}\`\`\` \nProfit: \`${addNotation('oneLetters', result.auctionData.profit)} (${result.auctionData.percentProfit }%)\` \nCost: \`${addNotation('oneLetters', result.auctionData.price)}\` \nLBIN: \`${addNotation('oneLetters', result.auctionData.lbin)}\` \nSales/Day: \`${addNotation('oneLetters', result.auctionData.sales)}\` \nType: \`${result.auctionData.ahType}\` \nAverage Price: \`${averagePrice ? addNotation('oneLetters', averagePrice) : 'N/A'}\`` ); await webhook.send({ username: process.env.WEBHOOK_NAME, avatarURL: process.env.WEBHOOK_PROFILE_PICTURE, embeds: [embed] }); } } else if (result === 'finished') { doneWorkers++; if (doneWorkers === worker_count) { doneWorkers = 0; console.log(`Completed in ${( - startingTime) / 1000} seconds`); startingTime = 0; workers[0].emit('done'); } } }); } asyncInterval( async () => { await getLBINs(); workers.forEach((worker) => { worker.postMessage({ type: 'moulberry', data: itemDatas }); }); }, 'lbin', 60000 ); asyncInterval( async () => { await getMoulberry(); workers.forEach((worker) => { worker.postMessage({ type: 'moulberry', data: itemDatas }); }); }, 'avg', 60e5 ); asyncInterval( async () => { return new Promise(async (resolve) => { const ahFirstPage = await axios.get(''); const totalPages =; if ( === lastUpdated) { resolve(); } else { lastUpdated =; startingTime =; console.log('Getting auctions..'); workers.forEach((worker) => { worker.postMessage({ type: 'pageCount', data: totalPages }); }); workers[0].once('done', () => { resolve(); }); } }); }, 'check', 0 ); } async function getLBINs(): Promise { const lbins = await axios.get(''); const lbinData =; for (const item of Object.keys(lbinData)) { if (!itemDatas[item]) itemDatas[item] = new ItemCompactData(); itemDatas[item].lbin = lbinData[item]; } } async function getMoulberry(): Promise { const moulberryAvgs = await axios.get(''); const avgData =; const cleanPriceAvgs = await axios.get(''); const cleanPriceData =; for (const item of Object.keys(avgData)) { if (!itemDatas[item]) itemDatas[item] = new ItemCompactData(); const itemInfo = avgData[item]; itemDatas[item].sales = itemInfo.sales !== undefined ? itemInfo.sales : 0; itemDatas[item].cleanPrice = cleanPriceData[item] !== undefined ? Math.round(cleanPriceData[item]) : itemInfo.clean_price !== undefined ? itemInfo.clean_price : itemInfo.price; } } async function getBzData(): Promise { const bzData = await axios.get(''); bazaarPrice['RECOMBOBULATOR_3000'] =; bazaarPrice['HOT_POTATO_BOOK'] =; bazaarPrice['FUMING_POTATO_BOOK'] =; } initialize();