import axios from 'axios'; import { getParsed, getProfit, splitNumber, getRawCraft } from './src/helperFunctions'; import { parentPort, workerData, isMainThread } from 'worker_threads'; import { Item } from './src/Item'; import { AuctionResponse, Auction, Bid } from './src/auctionType'; import { loadConfig } from './src/configLoader'; const config = loadConfig(); if (isMainThread || !parentPort) { throw new Error('This module can only be run in a Worker thread.'); } const worker_count: number =; let minProfit =; let minPercentProfit =; let ignoredAuctions: any[] = []; const promises: Promise[] = []; console.log(`[Worker ${workerData.workerNumber}] Worker started`); parentPort.on('message', async (message) => { console.log( `[Worker ${workerData.workerNumber}] Received message: ${message.type}` ); if (message.type === 'pageCount') { await doTask(; } else if (message.type === 'moulberry') { workerData.itemDatas =; console.log(`[Worker ${workerData.workerNumber}] Updated item data`); } }); async function parsePage(i: number) { console.log(`[Worker ${workerData.workerNumber}] Parsing page ${i}`); try { const auctionPage = await axios.get( `${i}` ); for (const auction of { if (!auction.bin) continue; const uuid = auction.uuid; if ( ignoredAuctions.includes(uuid) ||[auction.category] ) continue; const item = await getParsed(auction.item_bytes); const extraAtt = item['i'][0].tag.ExtraAttributes; const itemID =; let startingBid = auction.starting_bid; const itemData = workerData.itemDatas[itemID]; if (!itemData) continue; const lbin = itemData.lbin; const sales = itemData.sales; const prettyItem = new Item( item.i[0].tag.display.Name, uuid, startingBid, auction.tier, extraAtt.enchantments, extraAtt.hot_potato_count > 10 ? 10 : extraAtt.hot_potato_count, extraAtt.hot_potato_count > 10 ? extraAtt.hot_potato_count - 10 : 0, extraAtt.rarity_upgrades === 1, extraAtt.art_of_war_count === 1, extraAtt.dungeon_item_level, extraAtt.gems, itemID, auction.category, 0, 0, lbin, sales, auction.item_lore ); const unstableOrMarketManipulated = Math.abs((lbin - itemData.cleanPrice) / lbin) >; ignoredAuctions.push(uuid); const rcCost = ? getRawCraft(prettyItem, workerData.bazaarData, workerData.itemDatas) : 0; const carriedByRC = rcCost >= * lbin; if ( carriedByRC || unstableOrMarketManipulated || sales <= || !sales ) continue; if ( config.filters.itemIDExclusions.find((name) => itemID.includes(name) ) === undefined ) { if (lbin + rcCost - startingBid > minProfit) { const profitData = getProfit(startingBid, rcCost, lbin); let auctionType: string | null = null; if ( rcCost > lbin - startingBid && profitData.snipeProfit < minProfit ) { auctionType = 'VALUE'; } else if ( profitData.snipeProfit >= minProfit && rcCost < lbin - startingBid ) { auctionType = 'SNIPE'; } else if (profitData.snipeProfit >= minProfit && rcCost > 0) { auctionType = 'BOTH'; } prettyItem.auctionData.ahType = auctionType; if (auctionType === 'VALUE' || auctionType === 'BOTH') { if ( profitData.RCProfit > && profitData.RCPP > ) { prettyItem.auctionData.profit = profitData.RCProfit; prettyItem.auctionData.percentProfit = profitData.RCPP; parentPort!.postMessage(prettyItem); } } else { if ( profitData.snipeProfit > minProfit && profitData.snipePP > minPercentProfit ) { prettyItem.auctionData.profit = profitData.snipeProfit; prettyItem.auctionData.percentProfit = profitData.snipePP; parentPort!.postMessage(prettyItem); } } } } } } catch (error) { console.error( `[Worker ${workerData.workerNumber}] Error parsing page ${i}:`, error ); } } async function doTask(totalPages: number) { console.log( `[Worker ${workerData.workerNumber}] Starting task for ${totalPages} pages` ); let startingPage = 0; const pagePerThread = splitNumber(totalPages, worker_count); if (workerData.workerNumber !== 0 && startingPage === 0) { const clonedStarting = pagePerThread.slice(); clonedStarting.splice(workerData.workerNumber, 9999); clonedStarting.forEach((pagePer) => { startingPage += pagePer; }); } let pageToStop = startingPage + pagePerThread[workerData.workerNumber]; if (pageToStop !== totalPages) { pageToStop -= 1; } console.log( `[Worker ${workerData.workerNumber}] Processing pages from ${startingPage} to ${pageToStop}` ); for (let i = startingPage; i < pageToStop; i++) { promises.push(parsePage(i)); } await Promise.all(promises); console.log(`[Worker ${workerData.workerNumber}] Finished task`); parentPort!.postMessage('finished'); }