1627 lines
59 KiB
1627 lines
59 KiB
* mhchemParser.ts
* 4.2.1
* Parser for the \ce command and \pu command for MathJax and Co.
* mhchem's \ce is a tool for writing beautiful chemical equations easily.
* mhchem's \pu is a tool for writing physical units easily.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (c) 2015-2023 Martin Hensel
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* https://github.com/mhchem/mhchemParser
export class mhchemParser {
static toTex(input: string, type: "tex" | "ce" | "pu"): string {
return _mhchemTexify.go(_mhchemParser.go(input, type), type !== "tex");
// Coding Style
// - use '' for identifiers that can by minified/uglified
// - use "" for strings that need to stay untouched
// Helper funtion: _mhchemCreateTransitions
// convert { 'letter': { 'state': { action_: 'output' } } } to { 'state' => [ { pattern: 'letter', task: { action_: [{type_: 'output'}] } } ] }
// with expansion of 'a|b' to 'a' and 'b' (at 2 places)
function _mhchemCreateTransitions(o: TransitionsRaw): Transitions {
let pattern: PatternName, state: StateNameCombined;
// 1. Collect all states
let transitions: Transitions = {};
for (pattern in o) {
for (state in o[pattern]) {
let stateArray = state.split("|") as StateName[];
o[pattern][state].stateArray = stateArray;
for (let i=0; i<stateArray.length; i++) {
transitions[stateArray[i]] = [];
// 2. Fill states
for (pattern in o) {
for (state in o[pattern]) {
let stateArray = o[pattern as PatternName][state].stateArray || [];
for (let i=0; i<stateArray.length; i++) {
// 2a. Normalize actions into array: 'text=' ==> [{type_:'text='}]
// (Note to myself: Resolving the function here would be problematic. It would need .bind (for *this*) and currying (for *option*).)
const p = o[pattern as PatternName][state];
p.action_ = [].concat(p.action_);
for (let k=0; k<p.action_.length; k++) {
if (typeof p.action_[k] === "string") {
p.action_[k] = { type_: p.action_[k] } as ActionNameWithParameter<ActionNameUsingMString>;
// 2.b Multi-insert
const patternArray = pattern.split("|") as PatternName[];
for (let j=0; j<patternArray.length; j++) {
if (stateArray[i] === '*') { // insert into all
let t: StateName;
for (t in transitions) {
transitions[t].push({ pattern: patternArray[j], task: p } as Transition);
} else {
transitions[stateArray[i]].push({ pattern: patternArray[j], task: p } as Transition);
return transitions;
const _mhchemParser: MhchemParser = {
// Parses mhchem \ce syntax
// Call like
// go("H2O");
go: function (input, stateMachine) {
if (!input) { return []; }
if (stateMachine === undefined) { stateMachine = 'ce'; }
let state: StateName = '0';
let buffer: Buffer = {};
buffer['parenthesisLevel'] = 0;
input = input.replace(/\n/g, " ");
input = input.replace(/[\u2212\u2013\u2014\u2010]/g, "-");
input = input.replace(/[\u2026]/g, "...");
// Looks through _mhchemParser.transitions, to execute a matching action
// (recursive)
let lastInput;
let watchdog = 10;
let output: Parsed[] = [];
while (true) {
if (lastInput !== input) {
watchdog = 10;
lastInput = input;
} else {
// Find actions in transition table
let machine = _mhchemParser.stateMachines[stateMachine];
let t: Transition[] = machine.transitions[state] || machine.transitions['*'];
for (let i=0; i<t.length; i++) {
let matches = _mhchemParser.patterns.match_(t[i].pattern, input);
if (matches) {
// Execute actions
const task = t[i].task;
for (let iA=0; iA<task.action_.length; iA++) {
let o: undefined | Parsed | Parsed[];
// Find and execute action
if (machine.actions[task.action_[iA].type_]) {
o = machine.actions[task.action_[iA].type_](buffer, matches.match_ as any, task.action_[iA].option);
} else if (_mhchemParser.actions[task.action_[iA].type_]) {
o = _mhchemParser.actions[task.action_[iA].type_](buffer, matches.match_ as any, task.action_[iA].option);
} else {
throw ["MhchemBugA", "mhchem bug A. Please report. (" + task.action_[iA].type_ + ")"]; // Trying to use non-existing action
// Add output
_mhchemParser.concatArray(output, o);
// Set next state,
// Shorten input,
// Continue with next character
// (= apply only one transition per position)
state = task.nextState || state;
if (input.length > 0) {
if (!task.revisit) {
input = matches.remainder;
if (!task.toContinue) {
break iterateTransitions;
} else {
return output;
// Prevent infinite loop
if (watchdog <= 0) {
throw ["MhchemBugU", "mhchem bug U. Please report."]; // Unexpected character
concatArray: function (a, b) {
if (b) {
if (Array.isArray(b)) {
for (let iB=0; iB<b.length; iB++) { // a.push(...b); is slower
} else {
patterns: {
// Matching patterns
// either regexps or function that return null or {match_:"a", remainder:"bc"}
patterns: {
// property names must not look like integers ("2") for correct property traversal order, later on
'empty': /^$/,
'else': /^./,
'else2': /^./,
'space': /^\s/,
'space A': /^\s(?=[A-Z\\$])/,
'space$': /^\s$/,
'a-z': /^[a-z]/,
'x': /^x/,
'x$': /^x$/,
'i$': /^i$/,
'letters': /^(?:[a-zA-Z\u03B1-\u03C9\u0391-\u03A9?@]|(?:\\(?:alpha|beta|gamma|delta|epsilon|zeta|eta|theta|iota|kappa|lambda|mu|nu|xi|omicron|pi|rho|sigma|tau|upsilon|phi|chi|psi|omega|Gamma|Delta|Theta|Lambda|Xi|Pi|Sigma|Upsilon|Phi|Psi|Omega)(?:\s+|\{\}|(?![a-zA-Z]))))+/,
'\\greek': /^\\(?:alpha|beta|gamma|delta|epsilon|zeta|eta|theta|iota|kappa|lambda|mu|nu|xi|omicron|pi|rho|sigma|tau|upsilon|phi|chi|psi|omega|Gamma|Delta|Theta|Lambda|Xi|Pi|Sigma|Upsilon|Phi|Psi|Omega)(?:\s+|\{\}|(?![a-zA-Z]))/,
'one lowercase latin letter $': /^(?:([a-z])(?:$|[^a-zA-Z]))$/,
'$one lowercase latin letter$ $': /^\$(?:([a-z])(?:$|[^a-zA-Z]))\$$/,
'one lowercase greek letter $': /^(?:\$?[\u03B1-\u03C9]\$?|\$?\\(?:alpha|beta|gamma|delta|epsilon|zeta|eta|theta|iota|kappa|lambda|mu|nu|xi|omicron|pi|rho|sigma|tau|upsilon|phi|chi|psi|omega)\s*\$?)(?:\s+|\{\}|(?![a-zA-Z]))$/,
'digits': /^[0-9]+/,
'-9.,9': /^[+\-]?(?:[0-9]+(?:[,.][0-9]+)?|[0-9]*(?:\.[0-9]+))/,
'-9.,9 no missing 0': /^[+\-]?[0-9]+(?:[.,][0-9]+)?/,
'(-)(9.,9)(e)(99)': function (input) {
const match = input.match(/^(\+\-|\+\/\-|\+|\-|\\pm\s?)?([0-9]+(?:[,.][0-9]+)?|[0-9]*(?:\.[0-9]+))?(\((?:[0-9]+(?:[,.][0-9]+)?|[0-9]*(?:\.[0-9]+))\))?(?:(?:([eE])|\s*(\*|x|\\times|\u00D7)\s*10\^)([+\-]?[0-9]+|\{[+\-]?[0-9]+\}))?/);
if (match && match[0]) { // could also match ""
return { match_: match.slice(1), remainder: input.substr(match[0].length) };
return null;
'(-)(9)^(-9)': /^(\+\-|\+\/\-|\+|\-|\\pm\s?)?([0-9]+(?:[,.][0-9]+)?|[0-9]*(?:\.[0-9]+)?)\^([+\-]?[0-9]+|\{[+\-]?[0-9]+\})/,
'state of aggregation $': function (input) { // ... or crystal system
const a = _mhchemParser.patterns.findObserveGroups(input, "", /^\([a-z]{1,3}(?=[\),])/, ")", ""); // (aq), (aq,$\infty$), (aq, sat)
if (a && a.remainder.match(/^($|[\s,;\)\]\}])/)) { return a; } // AND end of 'phrase'
const match = input.match(/^(?:\((?:\\ca\s?)?\$[amothc]\$\))/); // OR crystal system ($o$) (\ca$c$)
if (match) {
return { match_: match[0], remainder: input.substr(match[0].length) };
return null;
} as PatternFunction<string>,
'_{(state of aggregation)}$': /^_\{(\([a-z]{1,3}\))\}/,
'{[(': /^(?:\\\{|\[|\()/,
')]}': /^(?:\)|\]|\\\})/,
', ': /^[,;]\s*/,
',': /^[,;]/,
'.': /^[.]/,
'. __* ': /^([.\u22C5\u00B7\u2022]|[*])\s*/,
'...': /^\.\.\.(?=$|[^.])/,
'^{(...)}': function (input) { return _mhchemParser.patterns.findObserveGroups(input, "^{", "", "", "}"); } as PatternFunction<string>,
'^($...$)': function (input) { return _mhchemParser.patterns.findObserveGroups(input, "^", "$", "$", ""); } as PatternFunction<string>,
'^a': /^\^([0-9]+|[^\\_])/,
'^\\x{}{}': function (input) { return _mhchemParser.patterns.findObserveGroups(input, "^", /^\\[a-zA-Z]+\{/, "}", "", "", "{", "}", "", true); } as PatternFunction<string>,
'^\\x{}': function (input) { return _mhchemParser.patterns.findObserveGroups(input, "^", /^\\[a-zA-Z]+\{/, "}", ""); } as PatternFunction<string>,
'^\\x': /^\^(\\[a-zA-Z]+)\s*/,
'^(-1)': /^\^(-?\d+)/,
'\'': /^'/,
'_{(...)}': function (input) { return _mhchemParser.patterns.findObserveGroups(input, "_{", "", "", "}"); } as PatternFunction<string>,
'_($...$)': function (input) { return _mhchemParser.patterns.findObserveGroups(input, "_", "$", "$", ""); } as PatternFunction<string>,
'_9': /^_([+\-]?[0-9]+|[^\\])/,
'_\\x{}{}': function (input) { return _mhchemParser.patterns.findObserveGroups(input, "_", /^\\[a-zA-Z]+\{/, "}", "", "", "{", "}", "", true); } as PatternFunction<string>,
'_\\x{}': function (input) { return _mhchemParser.patterns.findObserveGroups(input, "_", /^\\[a-zA-Z]+\{/, "}", ""); } as PatternFunction<string>,
'_\\x': /^_(\\[a-zA-Z]+)\s*/,
'^_': /^(?:\^(?=_)|\_(?=\^)|[\^_]$)/,
'{}^': /^\{\}(?=\^)/,
'{}': /^\{\}/,
'{...}': function (input) { return _mhchemParser.patterns.findObserveGroups(input, "", "{", "}", ""); } as PatternFunction<string>,
'{(...)}': function (input) { return _mhchemParser.patterns.findObserveGroups(input, "{", "", "", "}"); } as PatternFunction<string>,
'$...$': function (input) { return _mhchemParser.patterns.findObserveGroups(input, "", "$", "$", ""); } as PatternFunction<string>,
'${(...)}$__$(...)$': function (input) {
return _mhchemParser.patterns.findObserveGroups(input, "${", "", "", "}$") || _mhchemParser.patterns.findObserveGroups(input, "$", "", "", "$");
} as PatternFunction<string>,
'=<>': /^[=<>]/,
'#': /^[#\u2261]/,
'+': /^\+/,
'-$': /^-(?=[\s_},;\]/]|$|\([a-z]+\))/, // -space -, -; -] -/ -$ -state-of-aggregation
'-9': /^-(?=[0-9])/,
'- orbital overlap': /^-(?=(?:[spd]|sp)(?:$|[\s,;\)\]\}]))/,
'-': /^-/,
'pm-operator': /^(?:\\pm|\$\\pm\$|\+-|\+\/-)/,
'operator': /^(?:\+|(?:[\-=<>]|<<|>>|\\approx|\$\\approx\$)(?=\s|$|-?[0-9]))/,
'arrowUpDown': /^(?:v|\(v\)|\^|\(\^\))(?=$|[\s,;\)\]\}])/,
'\\bond{(...)}': function (input) { return _mhchemParser.patterns.findObserveGroups(input, "\\bond{", "", "", "}"); } as PatternFunction<string>,
'->': /^(?:<->|<-->|->|<-|<=>>|<<=>|<=>|[\u2192\u27F6\u21CC])/,
'CMT': /^[CMT](?=\[)/,
'[(...)]': function (input) { return _mhchemParser.patterns.findObserveGroups(input, "[", "", "", "]"); } as PatternFunction<string>,
'1st-level escape': /^(&|\\\\|\\hline)\s*/,
'\\,': /^(?:\\[,\ ;:])/, // \\x - but output no space before
'\\x{}{}': function (input) { return _mhchemParser.patterns.findObserveGroups(input, "", /^\\[a-zA-Z]+\{/, "}", "", "", "{", "}", "", true); } as PatternFunction<string>,
'\\x{}': function (input) { return _mhchemParser.patterns.findObserveGroups(input, "", /^\\[a-zA-Z]+\{/, "}", ""); } as PatternFunction<string>,
'\\ca': /^\\ca(?:\s+|(?![a-zA-Z]))/,
'\\x': /^(?:\\[a-zA-Z]+\s*|\\[_&{}%])/,
'orbital': /^(?:[0-9]{1,2}[spdfgh]|[0-9]{0,2}sp)(?=$|[^a-zA-Z])/, // only those with numbers in front, because the others will be formatted correctly anyway
'others': /^[\/~|]/,
'\\frac{(...)}': function (input) { return _mhchemParser.patterns.findObserveGroups(input, "\\frac{", "", "", "}", "{", "", "", "}"); } as PatternFunction<string[]>,
'\\overset{(...)}': function (input) { return _mhchemParser.patterns.findObserveGroups(input, "\\overset{", "", "", "}", "{", "", "", "}"); } as PatternFunction<string[]>,
'\\underset{(...)}': function (input) { return _mhchemParser.patterns.findObserveGroups(input, "\\underset{", "", "", "}", "{", "", "", "}"); } as PatternFunction<string[]>,
'\\underbrace{(...)}': function (input) { return _mhchemParser.patterns.findObserveGroups(input, "\\underbrace{", "", "", "}_", "{", "", "", "}"); } as PatternFunction<string[]>,
'\\color{(...)}': function (input) { return _mhchemParser.patterns.findObserveGroups(input, "\\color{", "", "", "}"); } as PatternFunction<string>,
'\\color{(...)}{(...)}': function (input) {
return _mhchemParser.patterns.findObserveGroups(input, "\\color{", "", "", "}", "{", "", "", "}") ||
_mhchemParser.patterns.findObserveGroups(input, "\\color", "\\", "", /^(?=\{)/, "{", "", "", "}");
} as PatternFunction<string[]>,
'\\ce{(...)}': function (input) { return _mhchemParser.patterns.findObserveGroups(input, "\\ce{", "", "", "}"); } as PatternFunction<string>,
'\\pu{(...)}': function (input) { return _mhchemParser.patterns.findObserveGroups(input, "\\pu{", "", "", "}"); } as PatternFunction<string>,
'oxidation$': /^(?:[+-][IVX]+|(?:\\pm|\$\\pm\$|\+-|\+\/-)\s*0)$/, // -IV to +IX, +-0 // "0" could be oxidation or charge - but renders the same
'd-oxidation$': /^(?:[+-]?[IVX]+|(?:\\pm|\$\\pm\$|\+-|\+\/-)\s*0)$/,
'1/2$': /^[+\-]?(?:[0-9]+|\$[a-z]\$|[a-z])\/[0-9]+(?:\$[a-z]\$|[a-z])?$/,
'amount': function (input) {
let match;
// e.g. 2, 0.5, 1/2, -2, n/2, +; $a$ could be added later in parsing
match = input.match(/^(?:(?:(?:\([+\-]?[0-9]+\/[0-9]+\)|[+\-]?(?:[0-9]+|\$[a-z]\$|[a-z])\/[0-9]+|[+\-]?[0-9]+[.,][0-9]+|[+\-]?\.[0-9]+|[+\-]?[0-9]+)(?:[a-z](?=\s*[A-Z]))?)|[+\-]?[a-z](?=\s*[A-Z])|\+(?!\s))/);
if (match) {
return { match_: match[0], remainder: input.substr(match[0].length) };
const a = _mhchemParser.patterns.findObserveGroups(input, "", "$", "$", "") as MatchResult<string>;
if (a) { // e.g. $2n-1$, $-$
match = a.match_.match(/^\$(?:\(?[+\-]?(?:[0-9]*[a-z]?[+\-])?[0-9]*[a-z](?:[+\-][0-9]*[a-z]?)?\)?|\+|-)\$$/);
if (match) {
return { match_: match[0], remainder: input.substr(match[0].length) };
return null;
'amount2': function (input) { return this['amount'](input); },
'(KV letters),': /^(?:[A-Z][a-z]{0,2}|i)(?=,)/,
'formula$': function (input) {
if (input.match(/^\([a-z]+\)$/)) { return null; } // state of aggregation = no formula
const match = input.match(/^(?:[a-z]|(?:[0-9\ \+\-\,\.\(\)]+[a-z])+[0-9\ \+\-\,\.\(\)]*|(?:[a-z][0-9\ \+\-\,\.\(\)]+)+[a-z]?)$/);
if (match) {
return { match_: match[0], remainder: input.substr(match[0].length) };
return null;
'uprightEntities': /^(?:pH|pOH|pC|pK|iPr|iBu)(?=$|[^a-zA-Z])/,
'/': /^\s*(\/)\s*/,
'//': /^\s*(\/\/)\s*/,
'*': /^\s*[*.]\s*/
findObserveGroups: function (input, begExcl, begIncl, endIncl, endExcl, beg2Excl, beg2Incl, end2Incl, end2Excl, combine) {
const _match = function (input: string, pattern: string | RegExp) : string | string[] | null {
if (typeof pattern === "string") {
if (input.indexOf(pattern) !== 0) { return null; }
return pattern;
} else {
const match = input.match(pattern);
if (!match) { return null; }
return match[0];
const _findObserveGroups = function (input: string, i: number, endChars: string | RegExp): {endMatchBegin: number, endMatchEnd: number} | null {
let braces = 0;
while (i < input.length) {
let a = input.charAt(i);
const match = _match(input.substr(i), endChars);
if (match !== null && braces === 0) {
return { endMatchBegin: i, endMatchEnd: i + match.length };
} else if (a === "{") {
} else if (a === "}") {
if (braces === 0) {
throw ["ExtraCloseMissingOpen", "Extra close brace or missing open brace"];
} else {
if (braces > 0) {
return null;
return null;
let match = _match(input, begExcl);
if (match === null) { return null; }
input = input.substr(match.length);
match = _match(input, begIncl);
if (match === null) { return null; }
const e = _findObserveGroups(input, match.length, endIncl || endExcl);
if (e === null) { return null; }
const match1 = input.substring(0, (endIncl ? e.endMatchEnd : e.endMatchBegin));
if (!(beg2Excl || beg2Incl)) {
return {
match_: match1,
remainder: input.substr(e.endMatchEnd)
} else {
const group2 = this.findObserveGroups(input.substr(e.endMatchEnd), beg2Excl, beg2Incl, end2Incl, end2Excl);
if (group2 === null) { return null; }
const matchRet: string[] = [match1, group2.match_];
return {
match_: (combine ? matchRet.join("") : matchRet),
remainder: group2.remainder
// Matching function
// e.g. match("a", input) will look for the regexp called "a" and see if it matches
// returns null or {match_:"a", remainder:"bc"}
match_: function (m, input) {
const pattern = _mhchemParser.patterns.patterns[m];
if (pattern === undefined) {
throw ["MhchemBugP", "mhchem bug P. Please report. (" + m + ")"]; // Trying to use non-existing pattern
} else if (typeof pattern === "function") {
return (_mhchemParser.patterns.patterns[m] as unknown as PatternFunction<string | string[]>)(input); // cannot use cached variable pattern here, because some pattern functions need this===mhchemParser
} else { // RegExp
const match = input.match(pattern);
if (match) {
if (match.length > 2) {
return { match_: match.slice(1), remainder: input.substr(match[0].length) };
} else {
return { match_: match[1] || match[0], remainder: input.substr(match[0].length) };
return null;
// Generic state machine actions
actions: {
'a=': function (buffer, m) { buffer.a = (buffer.a || "") + m; return undefined; },
'b=': function (buffer, m) { buffer.b = (buffer.b || "") + m; return undefined; },
'p=': function (buffer, m) { buffer.p = (buffer.p || "") + m; return undefined; },
'o=': function (buffer, m) { buffer.o = (buffer.o || "") + m; return undefined; },
'o=+p1': function (buffer, _m, a: string) { buffer.o = (buffer.o || "") + a; return undefined; },
'q=': function (buffer, m) { buffer.q = (buffer.q || "") + m; return undefined; },
'd=': function (buffer, m) { buffer.d = (buffer.d || "") + m; return undefined; },
'rm=': function (buffer, m) { buffer.rm = (buffer.rm || "") + m; return undefined; },
'text=': function (buffer, m) { buffer.text_ = (buffer.text_ || "") + m; return undefined; },
'insert': function (_buffer, _m, a: string) { return { type_: a } as Parsed; },
'insert+p1': function (_buffer, m, a) { return { type_: a, p1: m } as Parsed; },
'insert+p1+p2': function (_buffer, m, a) { return { type_: a, p1: m[0], p2: m[1] } as Parsed; },
'copy': function (_buffer, m) { return m; },
'write': function (_buffer, _m, a: string) { return a; },
'rm': function (_buffer, m) { return { type_: 'rm', p1: m }; },
'text': function (_buffer, m) { return _mhchemParser.go(m, 'text'); },
'tex-math': function (_buffer, m) { return _mhchemParser.go(m, 'tex-math'); },
'tex-math tight': function (_buffer, m) { return _mhchemParser.go(m, 'tex-math tight'); },
'bond': function (_buffer, m: BondName, k: BondName) { return { type_: 'bond', kind_: k || m }; },
'color0-output': function (_buffer, m) { return { type_: 'color0', color: m }; },
'ce': function (_buffer, m) { return _mhchemParser.go(m, 'ce'); },
'pu': function (_buffer, m) { return _mhchemParser.go(m, 'pu'); },
'1/2': function (_buffer, m) {
let ret: Parsed[] = [];
if (m.match(/^[+\-]/)) {
ret.push(m.substr(0, 1));
m = m.substr(1);
const n = m.match(/^([0-9]+|\$[a-z]\$|[a-z])\/([0-9]+)(\$[a-z]\$|[a-z])?$/);
n[1] = n[1].replace(/\$/g, "");
ret.push({ type_: 'frac', p1: n[1], p2: n[2] });
if (n[3]) {
n[3] = n[3].replace(/\$/g, "");
ret.push({ type_: 'tex-math', p1: n[3] });
return ret;
'9,9': function (_buffer, m) { return _mhchemParser.go(m, '9,9'); }
// Definition of state machines
stateMachines: {
// TeX state machine
'tex': {
transitions: _mhchemCreateTransitions({
'empty': {
'0': { action_: 'copy' } },
'\\ce{(...)}': {
'0': { action_: [ { type_: 'write', option: "{" }, 'ce', { type_: 'write', option: "}" }] } },
'\\pu{(...)}': {
'0': { action_: [ { type_: 'write', option: "{" }, 'pu', { type_: 'write', option: "}" }] } },
'else': {
'0': { action_: 'copy' } },
actions: {}
// \ce state machines
//#region ce
'ce': { // main parser
transitions: _mhchemCreateTransitions({
'empty': {
'*': { action_: 'output' } },
'else': {
'0|1|2': { action_: 'beginsWithBond=false', revisit: true, toContinue: true } },
'oxidation$': {
'0': { action_: 'oxidation-output' } },
'CMT': {
'r': { action_: 'rdt=', nextState: 'rt' },
'rd': { action_: 'rqt=', nextState: 'rdt' } },
'arrowUpDown': {
'0|1|2|as': { action_: [ 'sb=false', 'output', 'operator' ], nextState: '1' } },
'uprightEntities': {
'0|1|2': { action_: [ 'o=', 'output' ], nextState: '1' } },
'orbital': {
'0|1|2|3': { action_: 'o=', nextState: 'o' } },
'->': {
'0|1|2|3': { action_: 'r=', nextState: 'r' },
'a|as': { action_: [ 'output', 'r=' ], nextState: 'r' },
'*': { action_: [ 'output', 'r=' ], nextState: 'r' } },
'+': {
'o': { action_: 'd= kv', nextState: 'd' },
'd|D': { action_: 'd=', nextState: 'd' },
'q': { action_: 'd=', nextState: 'qd' },
'qd|qD': { action_: 'd=', nextState: 'qd' },
'dq': { action_: [ 'output', 'd=' ], nextState: 'd' },
'3': { action_: [ 'sb=false', 'output', 'operator' ], nextState: '0' } },
'amount': {
'0|2': { action_: 'a=', nextState: 'a' } },
'pm-operator': {
'0|1|2|a|as': { action_: [ 'sb=false', 'output', { type_: 'operator', option: '\\pm' } ], nextState: '0' } },
'operator': {
'0|1|2|a|as': { action_: [ 'sb=false', 'output', 'operator' ], nextState: '0' } },
'-$': {
'o|q': { action_: [ 'charge or bond', 'output' ], nextState: 'qd' },
'd': { action_: 'd=', nextState: 'd' },
'D': { action_: [ 'output', { type_: 'bond', option: "-" } ], nextState: '3' },
'q': { action_: 'd=', nextState: 'qd' },
'qd': { action_: 'd=', nextState: 'qd' },
'qD|dq': { action_: [ 'output', { type_: 'bond', option: "-" } ], nextState: '3' } },
'-9': {
'3|o': { action_: [ 'output', { type_: 'insert', option: 'hyphen' } ], nextState: '3' } },
'- orbital overlap': {
'o': { action_: [ 'output', { type_: 'insert', option: 'hyphen' } ], nextState: '2' },
'd': { action_: [ 'output', { type_: 'insert', option: 'hyphen' } ], nextState: '2' } },
'-': {
'0|1|2': { action_: [ { type_: 'output', option: 1 }, 'beginsWithBond=true', { type_: 'bond', option: "-" } ], nextState: '3' },
'3': { action_: { type_: 'bond', option: "-" } },
'a': { action_: [ 'output', { type_: 'insert', option: 'hyphen' } ], nextState: '2' },
'as': { action_: [ { type_: 'output', option: 2 }, { type_: 'bond', option: "-" } ], nextState: '3' },
'b': { action_: 'b=' },
'o': { action_: { type_: '- after o/d', option: false }, nextState: '2' },
'q': { action_: { type_: '- after o/d', option: false }, nextState: '2' },
'd|qd|dq': { action_: { type_: '- after o/d', option: true }, nextState: '2' },
'D|qD|p': { action_: [ 'output', { type_: 'bond', option: "-" } ], nextState: '3' } },
'amount2': {
'1|3': { action_: 'a=', nextState: 'a' } },
'letters': {
'0|1|2|3|a|as|b|p|bp|o': { action_: 'o=', nextState: 'o' },
'q|dq': { action_: ['output', 'o='], nextState: 'o' },
'd|D|qd|qD': { action_: 'o after d', nextState: 'o' } },
'digits': {
'o': { action_: 'q=', nextState: 'q' },
'd|D': { action_: 'q=', nextState: 'dq' },
'q': { action_: [ 'output', 'o=' ], nextState: 'o' },
'a': { action_: 'o=', nextState: 'o' } },
'space A': {
'b|p|bp': { action_: [] } },
'space': {
'a': { action_: [], nextState: 'as' },
'0': { action_: 'sb=false' },
'1|2': { action_: 'sb=true' },
'r|rt|rd|rdt|rdq': { action_: 'output', nextState: '0' },
'*': { action_: [ 'output', 'sb=true' ], nextState: '1'} },
'1st-level escape': {
'1|2': { action_: [ 'output', { type_: 'insert+p1', option: '1st-level escape' } ] },
'*': { action_: [ 'output', { type_: 'insert+p1', option: '1st-level escape' } ], nextState: '0' } },
'[(...)]': {
'r|rt': { action_: 'rd=', nextState: 'rd' },
'rd|rdt': { action_: 'rq=', nextState: 'rdq' } },
'...': {
'o|d|D|dq|qd|qD': { action_: [ 'output', { type_: 'bond', option: "..." } ], nextState: '3' },
'*': { action_: [ { type_: 'output', option: 1 }, { type_: 'insert', option: 'ellipsis' } ], nextState: '1' } },
'. __* ': {
'*': { action_: [ 'output', { type_: 'insert', option: 'addition compound' } ], nextState: '1' } },
'state of aggregation $': {
'*': { action_: [ 'output', 'state of aggregation' ], nextState: '1' } },
'{[(': {
'a|as|o': { action_: [ 'o=', 'output', 'parenthesisLevel++' ], nextState: '2' },
'0|1|2|3': { action_: [ 'o=', 'output', 'parenthesisLevel++' ], nextState: '2' },
'*': { action_: [ 'output', 'o=', 'output', 'parenthesisLevel++' ], nextState: '2' } },
')]}': {
'0|1|2|3|b|p|bp|o': { action_: [ 'o=', 'parenthesisLevel--' ], nextState: 'o' },
'a|as|d|D|q|qd|qD|dq': { action_: [ 'output', 'o=', 'parenthesisLevel--' ], nextState: 'o' } },
', ': {
'*': { action_: [ 'output', 'comma' ], nextState: '0' } },
'^_': { // ^ and _ without a sensible argument
'*': { action_: [] } },
'^{(...)}|^($...$)': {
'0|1|2|as': { action_: 'b=', nextState: 'b' },
'p': { action_: 'b=', nextState: 'bp' },
'3|o': { action_: 'd= kv', nextState: 'D' },
'q': { action_: 'd=', nextState: 'qD' },
'd|D|qd|qD|dq': { action_: [ 'output', 'd=' ], nextState: 'D' } },
'^a|^\\x{}{}|^\\x{}|^\\x|\'': {
'0|1|2|as': { action_: 'b=', nextState: 'b' },
'p': { action_: 'b=', nextState: 'bp' },
'3|o': { action_: 'd= kv', nextState: 'd' },
'q': { action_: 'd=', nextState: 'qd' },
'd|qd|D|qD': { action_: 'd=' },
'dq': { action_: [ 'output', 'd=' ], nextState: 'd' } },
'_{(state of aggregation)}$': {
'd|D|q|qd|qD|dq': { action_: [ 'output', 'q=' ], nextState: 'q' } },
'_{(...)}|_($...$)|_9|_\\x{}{}|_\\x{}|_\\x': {
'0|1|2|as': { action_: 'p=', nextState: 'p' },
'b': { action_: 'p=', nextState: 'bp' },
'3|o': { action_: 'q=', nextState: 'q' },
'd|D': { action_: 'q=', nextState: 'dq' },
'q|qd|qD|dq': { action_: [ 'output', 'q=' ], nextState: 'q' } },
'=<>': {
'0|1|2|3|a|as|o|q|d|D|qd|qD|dq': { action_: [ { type_: 'output', option: 2 }, 'bond' ], nextState: '3' } },
'#': {
'0|1|2|3|a|as|o': { action_: [ { type_: 'output', option: 2 }, { type_: 'bond', option: "#" } ], nextState: '3' } },
'{}^': {
'*': { action_: [ { type_: 'output', option: 1 }, { type_: 'insert', option: 'tinySkip' } ], nextState: '1' } },
'{}': {
'*': { action_: { type_: 'output', option: 1 }, nextState: '1' } },
'{...}': {
'0|1|2|3|a|as|b|p|bp': { action_: 'o=', nextState: 'o' },
'o|d|D|q|qd|qD|dq': { action_: [ 'output', 'o=' ], nextState: 'o' } },
'$...$': {
'a': { action_: 'a=' }, // 2$n$
'0|1|2|3|as|b|p|bp|o': { action_: 'o=', nextState: 'o' }, // not 'amount'
'as|o': { action_: 'o=' },
'q|d|D|qd|qD|dq': { action_: [ 'output', 'o=' ], nextState: 'o' } },
'\\bond{(...)}': {
'*': { action_: [ { type_: 'output', option: 2 }, 'bond' ], nextState: "3" } },
'\\frac{(...)}': {
'*': { action_: [ { type_: 'output', option: 1 }, 'frac-output' ], nextState: '3' } },
'\\overset{(...)}': {
'*': { action_: [ { type_: 'output', option: 2 }, 'overset-output' ], nextState: '3' } },
'\\underset{(...)}': {
'*': { action_: [ { type_: 'output', option: 2 }, 'underset-output' ], nextState: '3' } },
'\\underbrace{(...)}': {
'*': { action_: [ { type_: 'output', option: 2 }, 'underbrace-output' ], nextState: '3' } },
'\\color{(...)}{(...)}': {
'*': { action_: [ { type_: 'output', option: 2 }, 'color-output' ], nextState: '3' } },
'\\color{(...)}': {
'*': { action_: [ { type_: 'output', option: 2 }, 'color0-output' ] } },
'\\ce{(...)}': {
'*': { action_: [ { type_: 'output', option: 2 }, 'ce' ], nextState: '3' } },
'\\,': {
'*': { action_: [ { type_: 'output', option: 1 }, 'copy' ], nextState: '1' } },
'\\pu{(...)}': {
'*': { action_: [ 'output', { type_: 'write', option: "{" }, 'pu', { type_: 'write', option: "}" } ], nextState: '3' } },
'\\x{}{}|\\x{}|\\x': {
'0|1|2|3|a|as|b|p|bp|o|c0': { action_: [ 'o=', 'output' ], nextState: '3' },
'*': { action_: ['output', 'o=', 'output' ], nextState: '3' } },
'others': {
'*': { action_: [ { type_: 'output', option: 1 }, 'copy' ], nextState: '3' } },
'else2': {
'a': { action_: 'a to o', nextState: 'o', revisit: true },
'as': { action_: [ 'output', 'sb=true' ], nextState: '1', revisit: true },
'r|rt|rd|rdt|rdq': { action_: [ 'output' ], nextState: '0', revisit: true },
'*': { action_: [ 'output', 'copy' ], nextState: '3' } }
actions: {
'o after d': function (buffer, m) {
let ret;
if ((buffer.d || "").match(/^[1-9][0-9]*$/)) {
const tmp = buffer.d;
buffer.d = undefined;
ret = this['output'](buffer);
ret.push({ type_: 'tinySkip' });
buffer.b = tmp;
} else {
ret = this['output'](buffer);
_mhchemParser.actions['o='](buffer, m);
return ret;
'd= kv': function (buffer, m) {
buffer.d = m;
buffer.dType = 'kv';
return undefined;
'charge or bond': function (buffer, m): undefined | Parsed[] {
if (buffer['beginsWithBond']) {
let ret: Parsed[] = [];
_mhchemParser.concatArray(ret, this['output'](buffer));
_mhchemParser.concatArray(ret, _mhchemParser.actions['bond'](buffer, m, "-"));
return ret;
} else {
buffer.d = m;
return undefined;
'- after o/d': function (buffer, m, isAfterD) {
let c1 = _mhchemParser.patterns.match_('orbital', buffer.o || "");
const c2 = _mhchemParser.patterns.match_('one lowercase greek letter $', buffer.o || "");
const c3 = _mhchemParser.patterns.match_('one lowercase latin letter $', buffer.o || "");
const c4 = _mhchemParser.patterns.match_('$one lowercase latin letter$ $', buffer.o || "");
const hyphenFollows = m==="-" && ( c1 && c1.remainder==="" || c2 || c3 || c4 );
if (hyphenFollows && !buffer.a && !buffer.b && !buffer.p && !buffer.d && !buffer.q && !c1 && c3) {
buffer.o = '$' + buffer.o + '$';
let ret: Parsed[] = [];
if (hyphenFollows) {
_mhchemParser.concatArray(ret, this['output'](buffer));
ret.push({ type_: 'hyphen' });
} else {
c1 = _mhchemParser.patterns.match_('digits', buffer.d || "");
if (isAfterD && c1 && c1.remainder==='') {
_mhchemParser.concatArray(ret, _mhchemParser.actions['d='](buffer, m));
_mhchemParser.concatArray(ret, this['output'](buffer));
} else {
_mhchemParser.concatArray(ret, this['output'](buffer));
_mhchemParser.concatArray(ret, _mhchemParser.actions['bond'](buffer, m, "-"));
return ret;
'a to o': function (buffer) {
buffer.o = buffer.a;
buffer.a = undefined;
return undefined;
'sb=true': function (buffer) { buffer.sb = true; return undefined; },
'sb=false': function (buffer) { buffer.sb = false; return undefined; },
'beginsWithBond=true': function (buffer) { buffer['beginsWithBond'] = true; return undefined; },
'beginsWithBond=false': function (buffer) { buffer['beginsWithBond'] = false; return undefined; },
'parenthesisLevel++': function (buffer) { buffer['parenthesisLevel']++; return undefined; },
'parenthesisLevel--': function (buffer) { buffer['parenthesisLevel']--; return undefined; },
'state of aggregation': function (_buffer, m) {
return { type_: 'state of aggregation', p1: _mhchemParser.go(m, 'o') };
'comma': function (buffer, m) {
const a = m.replace(/\s*$/, '');
const withSpace = (a !== m);
if (withSpace && buffer['parenthesisLevel'] === 0) {
return { type_: 'comma enumeration L', p1: a };
} else {
return { type_: 'comma enumeration M', p1: a };
'output': function (buffer, _m, entityFollows) {
// entityFollows:
// undefined = if we have nothing else to output, also ignore the just read space (buffer.sb)
// 1 = an entity follows, never omit the space if there was one just read before (can only apply to state 1)
// 2 = 1 + the entity can have an amount, so output a\, instead of converting it to o (can only apply to states a|as)
let ret: Parsed | Parsed[];
if (!buffer.r) {
ret = [];
if (!buffer.a && !buffer.b && !buffer.p && !buffer.o && !buffer.q && !buffer.d && !entityFollows) {
//ret = [];
} else {
if (buffer.sb) {
ret.push({ type_: 'entitySkip' });
if (!buffer.o && !buffer.q && !buffer.d && !buffer.b && !buffer.p && entityFollows!==2) {
buffer.o = buffer.a;
buffer.a = undefined;
} else if (!buffer.o && !buffer.q && !buffer.d && (buffer.b || buffer.p)) {
buffer.o = buffer.a;
buffer.d = buffer.b;
buffer.q = buffer.p;
buffer.a = buffer.b = buffer.p = undefined;
} else {
if (buffer.o && buffer.dType==='kv' && _mhchemParser.patterns.match_('d-oxidation$', buffer.d || "")) {
buffer.dType = 'oxidation';
} else if (buffer.o && buffer.dType==='kv' && !buffer.q) {
buffer.dType = undefined;
type_: 'chemfive',
a: _mhchemParser.go(buffer.a, 'a'),
b: _mhchemParser.go(buffer.b, 'bd'),
p: _mhchemParser.go(buffer.p, 'pq'),
o: _mhchemParser.go(buffer.o, 'o'),
q: _mhchemParser.go(buffer.q, 'pq'),
d: _mhchemParser.go(buffer.d, (buffer.dType === 'oxidation' ? 'oxidation' : 'bd')),
dType: buffer.dType
} else { // r
let rd: Parsed[];
if (buffer.rdt === 'M') {
rd = _mhchemParser.go(buffer.rd, 'tex-math');
} else if (buffer.rdt === 'T') {
rd = [ { type_: 'text', p1: buffer.rd || "" } ];
} else {
rd = _mhchemParser.go(buffer.rd, 'ce');
let rq: Parsed[];
if (buffer.rqt === 'M') {
rq = _mhchemParser.go(buffer.rq, 'tex-math');
} else if (buffer.rqt === 'T') {
rq = [ { type_: 'text', p1: buffer.rq || ""} ];
} else {
rq = _mhchemParser.go(buffer.rq, 'ce');
ret = {
type_: 'arrow',
r: buffer.r,
rd: rd,
rq: rq
for (const p in buffer) {
if (p !== 'parenthesisLevel' && p !== 'beginsWithBond') {
delete buffer[p];
return ret;
'oxidation-output': function (_buffer, m) {
let ret = [ "{" ];
_mhchemParser.concatArray(ret, _mhchemParser.go(m, 'oxidation'));
return ret;
'frac-output': function (_buffer, m) {
return { type_: 'frac-ce', p1: _mhchemParser.go(m[0], 'ce'), p2: _mhchemParser.go(m[1], 'ce') };
'overset-output': function (_buffer, m) {
return { type_: 'overset', p1: _mhchemParser.go(m[0], 'ce'), p2: _mhchemParser.go(m[1], 'ce') };
'underset-output': function (_buffer, m) {
return { type_: 'underset', p1: _mhchemParser.go(m[0], 'ce'), p2: _mhchemParser.go(m[1], 'ce') };
'underbrace-output': function (_buffer, m) {
return { type_: 'underbrace', p1: _mhchemParser.go(m[0], 'ce'), p2: _mhchemParser.go(m[1], 'ce') };
'color-output': function (_buffer, m) {
return { type_: 'color', color1: m[0], color2: _mhchemParser.go(m[1], 'ce') };
'r=': function (buffer, m: ArrowName) { buffer.r = m; return undefined; },
'rdt=': function (buffer, m) { buffer.rdt = m; return undefined; },
'rd=': function (buffer, m) { buffer.rd = m; return undefined; },
'rqt=': function (buffer, m) { buffer.rqt = m; return undefined; },
'rq=': function (buffer, m) { buffer.rq = m; return undefined; },
'operator': function (_buffer, m, p1) { return { type_: 'operator', kind_: (p1 || m) } as Parsed; }
'a': {
transitions: _mhchemCreateTransitions({
'empty': {
'*': { action_: [] } },
'1/2$': {
'0': { action_: '1/2' } },
'else': {
'0': { action_: [], nextState: '1', revisit: true } },
'${(...)}$__$(...)$': {
'*': { action_: 'tex-math tight', nextState: '1' } },
',': {
'*': { action_: { type_: 'insert', option: 'commaDecimal' } } },
'else2': {
'*': { action_: 'copy' } }
actions: {}
'o': {
transitions: _mhchemCreateTransitions({
'empty': {
'*': { action_: [] } },
'1/2$': {
'0': { action_: '1/2' } },
'else': {
'0': { action_: [], nextState: '1', revisit: true } },
'letters': {
'*': { action_: 'rm' } },
'\\ca': {
'*': { action_: { type_: 'insert', option: 'circa' } } },
'\\pu{(...)}': {
'*': { action_: [ { type_: 'write', option: "{" }, 'pu', { type_: 'write', option: "}" } ] } },
'\\x{}{}|\\x{}|\\x': {
'*': { action_: 'copy' } },
'${(...)}$__$(...)$': {
'*': { action_: 'tex-math' } },
'{(...)}': {
'*': { action_: [ { type_: 'write', option: "{" }, 'text', { type_: 'write', option: "}" } ] } },
'else2': {
'*': { action_: 'copy' } }
actions: {}
'text': {
transitions: _mhchemCreateTransitions({
'empty': {
'*': { action_: 'output' } },
'{...}': {
'*': { action_: 'text=' } },
'${(...)}$__$(...)$': {
'*': { action_: 'tex-math' } },
'\\greek': {
'*': { action_: [ 'output', 'rm' ] } },
'\\pu{(...)}': {
'*': { action_: [ 'output', { type_: 'write', option: "{" }, 'pu', { type_: 'write', option: "}" } ] } },
'\\,|\\x{}{}|\\x{}|\\x': {
'*': { action_: [ 'output', 'copy' ] } },
'else': {
'*': { action_: 'text=' } }
actions: {
'output': function (buffer): undefined | Parsed {
if (buffer.text_) {
let ret: Parsed = { type_: 'text', p1: buffer.text_ };
for (const p in buffer) { delete buffer[p]; }
return ret;
return undefined;
'pq': {
transitions: _mhchemCreateTransitions({
'empty': {
'*': { action_: [] } },
'state of aggregation $': {
'*': { action_: 'state of aggregation' } },
'i$': {
'0': { action_: [], nextState: '!f', revisit: true } },
'(KV letters),': {
'0': { action_: 'rm', nextState: '0' } },
'formula$': {
'0': { action_: [], nextState: 'f', revisit: true } },
'1/2$': {
'0': { action_: '1/2' } },
'else': {
'0': { action_: [], nextState: '!f', revisit: true } },
'${(...)}$__$(...)$': {
'*': { action_: 'tex-math' } },
'{(...)}': {
'*': { action_: 'text' } },
'a-z': {
'f': { action_: 'tex-math' } },
'letters': {
'*': { action_: 'rm' } },
'-9.,9': {
'*': { action_: '9,9' } },
',': {
'*': { action_: { type_: 'insert+p1', option: 'comma enumeration S' } } },
'\\color{(...)}{(...)}': {
'*': { action_: 'color-output' } },
'\\color{(...)}': {
'*': { action_: 'color0-output' } },
'\\ce{(...)}': {
'*': { action_: 'ce' } },
'\\pu{(...)}': {
'*': { action_: [ { type_: 'write', option: "{" }, 'pu', { type_: 'write', option: "}" } ] } },
'\\,|\\x{}{}|\\x{}|\\x': {
'*': { action_: 'copy' } },
'else2': {
'*': { action_: 'copy' } }
actions: {
'state of aggregation': function (_buffer, m) {
return { type_: 'state of aggregation subscript', p1: _mhchemParser.go(m, 'o') };
'color-output': function (_buffer, m) {
return { type_: 'color', color1: m[0], color2: _mhchemParser.go(m[1], 'pq') };
'bd': {
transitions: _mhchemCreateTransitions({
'empty': {
'*': { action_: [] } },
'x$': {
'0': { action_: [], nextState: '!f', revisit: true } },
'formula$': {
'0': { action_: [], nextState: 'f', revisit: true } },
'else': {
'0': { action_: [], nextState: '!f', revisit: true } },
'-9.,9 no missing 0': {
'*': { action_: '9,9' } },
'.': {
'*': { action_: { type_: 'insert', option: 'electron dot' } } },
'a-z': {
'f': { action_: 'tex-math' } },
'x': {
'*': { action_: { type_: 'insert', option: 'KV x' } } },
'letters': {
'*': { action_: 'rm' } },
'\'': {
'*': { action_: { type_: 'insert', option: 'prime' } } },
'${(...)}$__$(...)$': {
'*': { action_: 'tex-math' } },
'{(...)}': {
'*': { action_: 'text' } },
'\\color{(...)}{(...)}': {
'*': { action_: 'color-output' } },
'\\color{(...)}': {
'*': { action_: 'color0-output' } },
'\\ce{(...)}': {
'*': { action_: 'ce' } },
'\\pu{(...)}': {
'*': { action_: [ { type_: 'write', option: "{" }, 'pu', { type_: 'write', option: "}" } ] } },
'\\,|\\x{}{}|\\x{}|\\x': {
'*': { action_: 'copy' } },
'else2': {
'*': { action_: 'copy' } }
actions: {
'color-output': function (_buffer, m) {
return { type_: 'color', color1: m[0], color2: _mhchemParser.go(m[1], 'bd') };
'oxidation': {
transitions: _mhchemCreateTransitions({
'empty': {
'*': { action_: 'roman-numeral' } },
'pm-operator': {
'*': { action_: { type_: 'o=+p1', option: "\\pm" } } },
'else': {
'*': { action_: 'o=' } }
actions: {
'roman-numeral': function (buffer) { return { type_: 'roman numeral', p1: buffer.o || "" }; }
'tex-math': {
transitions: _mhchemCreateTransitions({
'empty': {
'*': { action_: 'output' } },
'\\ce{(...)}': {
'*': { action_: [ 'output', 'ce' ] } },
'\\pu{(...)}': {
'*': { action_: [ 'output', { type_: 'write', option: "{" }, 'pu', { type_: 'write', option: "}" } ] } },
'{...}|\\,|\\x{}{}|\\x{}|\\x': {
'*': { action_: 'o=' } },
'else': {
'*': { action_: 'o=' } }
actions: {
'output': function (buffer): undefined | Parsed {
if (buffer.o) {
let ret: Parsed = { type_: 'tex-math', p1: buffer.o };
for (const p in buffer) { delete buffer[p]; }
return ret;
return undefined;
'tex-math tight': {
transitions: _mhchemCreateTransitions({
'empty': {
'*': { action_: 'output' } },
'\\ce{(...)}': {
'*': { action_: [ 'output', 'ce' ] } },
'\\pu{(...)}': {
'*': { action_: [ 'output', { type_: 'write', option: "{" }, 'pu', { type_: 'write', option: "}" } ] } },
'{...}|\\,|\\x{}{}|\\x{}|\\x': {
'*': { action_: 'o=' } },
'-|+': {
'*': { action_: 'tight operator' } },
'else': {
'*': { action_: 'o=' } }
actions: {
'tight operator': function (buffer, m) { buffer.o = (buffer.o || "") + "{" + m + "}"; return undefined; },
'output': function (buffer): undefined | Parsed {
if (buffer.o) {
let ret: Parsed = { type_: 'tex-math', p1: buffer.o };
for (const p in buffer) { delete buffer[p]; }
return ret;
return undefined;
'9,9': {
transitions: _mhchemCreateTransitions({
'empty': {
'*': { action_: [] } },
',': {
'*': { action_: 'comma' } },
'else': {
'*': { action_: 'copy' } }
actions: {
'comma': function () { return { type_: 'commaDecimal' }; }
// \pu state machines
//#region pu
'pu': {
transitions: _mhchemCreateTransitions({
'empty': {
'*': { action_: 'output' } },
'space$': {
'*': { action_: [ 'output', 'space' ] } },
'{[(|)]}': {
'0|a': { action_: 'copy' } },
'(-)(9)^(-9)': {
'0': { action_: 'number^', nextState: 'a' } },
'(-)(9.,9)(e)(99)': {
'0': { action_: 'enumber', nextState: 'a' } },
'space': {
'0|a': { action_: [] } },
'pm-operator': {
'0|a': { action_: { type_: 'operator', option: '\\pm' }, nextState: '0' } },
'operator': {
'0|a': { action_: 'copy', nextState: '0' } },
'//': {
'd': { action_: 'o=', nextState: '/' } },
'/': {
'd': { action_: 'o=', nextState: '/' } },
'{...}|else': {
'0|d': { action_: 'd=', nextState: 'd' },
'a': { action_: [ 'space', 'd=' ], nextState: 'd' },
'/|q': { action_: 'q=', nextState: 'q' } }
actions: {
'enumber': function (_buffer, m) {
let ret: Parsed[] = [];
if (m[0] === "+-" || m[0] === "+/-") {
ret.push("\\pm ");
} else if (m[0]) {
if (m[1]) { // 1.2
_mhchemParser.concatArray(ret, _mhchemParser.go(m[1], 'pu-9,9'));
if (m[2]) {
if (m[2].match(/[,.]/)) { // 1.23456(0.01111)
_mhchemParser.concatArray(ret, _mhchemParser.go(m[2], 'pu-9,9'));
} else { // 1.23456(1111) - without spacings
if (m[3] || m[4]) { // 1.2e7 1.2x10^7
if (m[3] === "e" || m[4] === "*") {
ret.push({ type_: 'cdot' });
} else {
ret.push({ type_: 'times' });
if (m[5]) { // 10^7
ret.push("10^{" + m[5] + "}");
return ret;
'number^': function (_buffer, m) {
let ret: Parsed[] = [];
if (m[0] === "+-" || m[0] === "+/-") {
ret.push("\\pm ");
} else if (m[0]) {
_mhchemParser.concatArray(ret, _mhchemParser.go(m[1], 'pu-9,9'));
ret.push("^{" + m[2] + "}");
return ret;
'operator': function (_buffer, m, p1) { return { type_: 'operator', kind_: (p1 || m) } as Parsed; },
'space': function () { return { type_: 'pu-space-1' }; },
'output': function (buffer) {
let ret: Parsed | Parsed[];
const md = _mhchemParser.patterns.match_('{(...)}', buffer.d || "");
if (md && md.remainder === '') { buffer.d = md.match_ as string; }
const mq = _mhchemParser.patterns.match_('{(...)}', buffer.q || "");
if (mq && mq.remainder === '') { buffer.q = mq.match_ as string; }
if (buffer.d) {
buffer.d = buffer.d.replace(/\u00B0C|\^oC|\^{o}C/g, "{}^{\\circ}C");
buffer.d = buffer.d.replace(/\u00B0F|\^oF|\^{o}F/g, "{}^{\\circ}F");
if (buffer.q) { // fraction
buffer.q = buffer.q.replace(/\u00B0C|\^oC|\^{o}C/g, "{}^{\\circ}C");
buffer.q = buffer.q.replace(/\u00B0F|\^oF|\^{o}F/g, "{}^{\\circ}F");
const b5 = {
d: _mhchemParser.go(buffer.d, 'pu'),
q: _mhchemParser.go(buffer.q, 'pu')
if (buffer.o === '//') {
ret = { type_: 'pu-frac', p1: b5.d, p2: b5.q };
} else {
ret = b5.d;
if (b5.d.length > 1 || b5.q.length > 1) {
ret.push({ type_: ' / ' });
} else {
ret.push({ type_: '/' });
_mhchemParser.concatArray(ret, b5.q);
} else { // no fraction
ret = _mhchemParser.go(buffer.d, 'pu-2');
for (const p in buffer) { delete buffer[p]; }
return ret;
'pu-2': {
transitions: _mhchemCreateTransitions({
'empty': {
'*': { action_: 'output' } },
'*': {
'*': { action_: [ 'output', 'cdot' ], nextState: '0' } },
'\\x': {
'*': { action_: 'rm=' } },
'space': {
'*': { action_: [ 'output', 'space' ], nextState: '0' } },
'^{(...)}|^(-1)': {
'1': { action_: '^(-1)' } },
'-9.,9': {
'0': { action_: 'rm=', nextState: '0' },
'1': { action_: '^(-1)', nextState: '0' } },
'{...}|else': {
'*': { action_: 'rm=', nextState: '1' } }
actions: {
'cdot': function () { return { type_: 'tight cdot' }; },
'^(-1)': function (buffer, m) { buffer.rm += "^{" + m + "}"; return undefined; },
'space': function () { return { type_: 'pu-space-2' }; },
'output': function (buffer) {
let ret: Parsed | Parsed[] = [];
if (buffer.rm) {
const mrm = _mhchemParser.patterns.match_('{(...)}', buffer.rm || "") as MatchResult<string>;
if (mrm && mrm.remainder === '') {
ret = _mhchemParser.go(mrm.match_, 'pu');
} else {
ret = { type_: 'rm', p1: buffer.rm };
for (const p in buffer) { delete buffer[p]; }
return ret;
'pu-9,9': {
transitions: _mhchemCreateTransitions({
'empty': {
'0': { action_: 'output-0' },
'o': { action_: 'output-o' } },
',': {
'0': { action_: [ 'output-0', 'comma' ], nextState: 'o' } },
'.': {
'0': { action_: [ 'output-0', 'copy' ], nextState: 'o' } },
'else': {
'*': { action_: 'text=' } }
actions: {
'comma': function () { return { type_: 'commaDecimal' }; },
'output-0': function (buffer) {
let ret: Parsed[] = [];
buffer.text_ = buffer.text_ || "";
if (buffer.text_.length > 4) {
let a = buffer.text_.length % 3;
if (a === 0) { a = 3; }
for (let i=buffer.text_.length-3; i>0; i-=3) {
ret.push(buffer.text_.substr(i, 3));
ret.push({ type_: '1000 separator' });
ret.push(buffer.text_.substr(0, a));
} else {
for (const p in buffer) { delete buffer[p]; }
return ret;
'output-o': function (buffer) {
let ret: Parsed[] = [];
buffer.text_ = buffer.text_ || "";
if (buffer.text_.length > 4) {
const a = buffer.text_.length - 3;
let i: number;
for (i=0; i<a; i+=3) {
ret.push(buffer.text_.substr(i, 3));
ret.push({ type_: '1000 separator' });
} else {
for (const p in buffer) { delete buffer[p]; }
return ret;
// mhchemTexify: Take MhchemParser output and convert it to TeX
const _mhchemTexify: MhchemTexify = {
go: function (input, addOuterBraces) { // (recursive, max 4 levels)
if (!input) { return ""; }
let res = "";
let cee = false;
for (let i=0; i < input.length; i++) {
const inputi = input[i];
if (typeof inputi === "string") {
res += inputi;
} else {
res += _mhchemTexify._go2(inputi);
if (inputi.type_ === '1st-level escape') { cee = true; }
if (addOuterBraces && !cee && res) {
res = "{" + res + "}";
return res;
_goInner: function (input) {
return _mhchemTexify.go(input, false);
_go2: function (buf) {
let res: string;
switch (buf.type_) {
case 'chemfive':
res = "";
const b5 = {
a: _mhchemTexify._goInner(buf.a),
b: _mhchemTexify._goInner(buf.b),
p: _mhchemTexify._goInner(buf.p),
o: _mhchemTexify._goInner(buf.o),
q: _mhchemTexify._goInner(buf.q),
d: _mhchemTexify._goInner(buf.d)
// a
if (b5.a) {
if (b5.a.match(/^[+\-]/)) { b5.a = "{" + b5.a + "}"; }
res += b5.a + "\\,";
// b and p
if (b5.b || b5.p) {
res += "{\\vphantom{A}}";
res += "^{\\hphantom{" + (b5.b || "") + "}}_{\\hphantom{" + (b5.p || "") + "}}";
res += "\\mkern-1.5mu";
res += "{\\vphantom{A}}";
res += "^{\\smash[t]{\\vphantom{2}}\\llap{" + (b5.b || "") + "}}";
res += "_{\\vphantom{2}\\llap{\\smash[t]{" + (b5.p || "") + "}}}";
// o
if (b5.o) {
if (b5.o.match(/^[+\-]/)) { b5.o = "{" + b5.o + "}"; }
res += b5.o;
// q and d
if (buf.dType === 'kv') {
if (b5.d || b5.q) {
res += "{\\vphantom{A}}";
if (b5.d) {
res += "^{" + b5.d + "}";
if (b5.q) {
res += "_{\\smash[t]{" + b5.q + "}}";
} else if (buf.dType === 'oxidation') {
if (b5.d) {
res += "{\\vphantom{A}}";
res += "^{" + b5.d + "}";
if (b5.q) {
res += "{\\vphantom{A}}";
res += "_{\\smash[t]{" + b5.q + "}}";
} else {
if (b5.q) {
res += "{\\vphantom{A}}";
res += "_{\\smash[t]{" + b5.q + "}}";
if (b5.d) {
res += "{\\vphantom{A}}";
res += "^{" + b5.d + "}";
case 'rm':
res = "\\mathrm{" + buf.p1 + "}";
case 'text':
if (buf.p1.match(/[\^_]/)) {
buf.p1 = buf.p1.replace(" ", "~").replace("-", "\\text{-}");
res = "\\mathrm{" + buf.p1 + "}";
} else {
res = "\\text{" + buf.p1 + "}";
case 'roman numeral':
res = "\\mathrm{" + buf.p1 + "}";
case 'state of aggregation':
res = "\\mskip2mu " + _mhchemTexify._goInner(buf.p1);
case 'state of aggregation subscript':
res = "\\mskip1mu " + _mhchemTexify._goInner(buf.p1);
case 'bond':
res = _mhchemTexify._getBond(buf.kind_);
if (!res) {
throw ["MhchemErrorBond", "mhchem Error. Unknown bond type (" + buf.kind_ + ")"];
case 'frac':
const c = "\\frac{" + buf.p1 + "}{" + buf.p2 + "}";
res = "\\mathchoice{\\textstyle" + c + "}{" + c + "}{" + c + "}{" + c + "}";
case 'pu-frac':
const d = "\\frac{" + _mhchemTexify._goInner(buf.p1) + "}{" + _mhchemTexify._goInner(buf.p2) + "}";
res = "\\mathchoice{\\textstyle" + d + "}{" + d + "}{" + d + "}{" + d + "}";
case 'tex-math':
res = buf.p1 + " ";
case 'frac-ce':
res = "\\frac{" + _mhchemTexify._goInner(buf.p1) + "}{" + _mhchemTexify._goInner(buf.p2) + "}";
case 'overset':
res = "\\overset{" + _mhchemTexify._goInner(buf.p1) + "}{" + _mhchemTexify._goInner(buf.p2) + "}";
case 'underset':
res = "\\underset{" + _mhchemTexify._goInner(buf.p1) + "}{" + _mhchemTexify._goInner(buf.p2) + "}";
case 'underbrace':
res = "\\underbrace{" + _mhchemTexify._goInner(buf.p1) + "}_{" + _mhchemTexify._goInner(buf.p2) + "}";
case 'color':
res = "{\\color{" + buf.color1 + "}{" + _mhchemTexify._goInner(buf.color2) + "}}";
case 'color0':
res = "\\color{" + buf.color + "}";
case 'arrow':
const b6 = {
rd: _mhchemTexify._goInner(buf.rd),
rq: _mhchemTexify._goInner(buf.rq)
} as const;
let arrow = _mhchemTexify._getArrow(buf.r);
if (b6.rd || b6.rq) {
if (buf.r === "<=>" || buf.r === "<=>>" || buf.r === "<<=>" || buf.r === "<-->") {
// arrows that cannot stretch correctly yet, https://github.com/mathjax/MathJax/issues/1491
arrow = "\\long" + arrow;
if (b6.rd) { arrow = "\\overset{" + b6.rd + "}{" + arrow + "}"; }
if (b6.rq) {
if (buf.r === "<-->") {
arrow = "\\underset{\\lower2mu{" + b6.rq + "}}{" + arrow + "}";
} else {
arrow = "\\underset{\\lower6mu{" + b6.rq + "}}{" + arrow + "}"; // align with ->[][under]
arrow = " {}\\mathrel{" + arrow + "}{} ";
} else {
if (b6.rq) { arrow += "[{" + b6.rq + "}]"; }
arrow += "{" + b6.rd + "}";
arrow = " {}\\mathrel{\\x" + arrow + "}{} ";
} else {
arrow = " {}\\mathrel{\\long" + arrow + "}{} ";
res = arrow;
case 'operator':
res = _mhchemTexify._getOperator(buf.kind_);
case '1st-level escape':
res = buf.p1 + " "; // &, \\\\, \\hline
case 'space':
res = " ";
case 'tinySkip':
res = '\\mkern2mu';
case 'entitySkip':
res = "~";
case 'pu-space-1':
res = "~";
case 'pu-space-2':
res = "\\mkern3mu ";
case '1000 separator':
res = "\\mkern2mu ";
case 'commaDecimal':
res = "{,}";
case 'comma enumeration L':
res = "{" + buf.p1 + "}\\mkern6mu ";
case 'comma enumeration M':
res = "{" + buf.p1 + "}\\mkern3mu ";
case 'comma enumeration S':
res = "{" + buf.p1 + "}\\mkern1mu ";
case 'hyphen':
res = "\\text{-}";
case 'addition compound':
res = "\\,{\\cdot}\\,";
case 'electron dot':
res = "\\mkern1mu \\bullet\\mkern1mu ";
case 'KV x':
res = "{\\times}";
case 'prime':
res = "\\prime ";
case 'cdot':
res = "\\cdot ";
case 'tight cdot':
res = "\\mkern1mu{\\cdot}\\mkern1mu ";
case 'times':
res = "\\times ";
case 'circa':
res = "{\\sim}";
case '^':
res = "uparrow";
case 'v':
res = "downarrow";
case 'ellipsis':
res = "\\ldots ";
case '/':
res = "/";
case ' / ':
res = "\\,/\\,";
throw ["MhchemBugT", "mhchem bug T. Please report."]; // Missing mhchemTexify rule or unknown MhchemParser output
return res;
_getArrow: function (a) {
switch (a) {
case "->": return "rightarrow";
case "\u2192": return "rightarrow";
case "\u27F6": return "rightarrow";
case "<-": return "leftarrow";
case "<->": return "leftrightarrow";
case "<-->": return "leftrightarrows";
case "<=>": return "rightleftharpoons";
case "\u21CC": return "rightleftharpoons";
case "<=>>": return "Rightleftharpoons";
case "<<=>": return "Leftrightharpoons";
throw ["MhchemBugT", "mhchem bug T. Please report."];
_getBond: function (a) {
switch (a) {
case "-": return "{-}";
case "1": return "{-}";
case "=": return "{=}";
case "2": return "{=}";
case "#": return "{\\equiv}";
case "3": return "{\\equiv}";
case "~": return "{\\tripledash}";
case "~-": return "{\\rlap{\\lower.1em{-}}\\raise.1em{\\tripledash}}";
case "~=": return "{\\rlap{\\lower.2em{-}}\\rlap{\\raise.2em{\\tripledash}}-}";
case "~--": return "{\\rlap{\\lower.2em{-}}\\rlap{\\raise.2em{\\tripledash}}-}";
case "-~-": return "{\\rlap{\\lower.2em{-}}\\rlap{\\raise.2em{-}}\\tripledash}";
case "...": return "{{\\cdot}{\\cdot}{\\cdot}}";
case "....": return "{{\\cdot}{\\cdot}{\\cdot}{\\cdot}}";
case "->": return "{\\rightarrow}";
case "<-": return "{\\leftarrow}";
case "<": return "{<}";
case ">": return "{>}";
throw ["MhchemBugT", "mhchem bug T. Please report."];
_getOperator: function (a) {
switch (a) {
case "+": return " {}+{} ";
case "-": return " {}-{} ";
case "=": return " {}={} ";
case "<": return " {}<{} ";
case ">": return " {}>{} ";
case "<<": return " {}\\ll{} ";
case ">>": return " {}\\gg{} ";
case "\\pm": return " {}\\pm{} ";
case "\\approx": return " {}\\approx{} ";
case "$\\approx$": return " {}\\approx{} ";
case "v": return " \\downarrow{} ";
case "(v)": return " \\downarrow{} ";
case "^": return " \\uparrow{} ";
case "(^)": return " \\uparrow{} ";
throw ["MhchemBugT", "mhchem bug T. Please report."];
// Helpers for code anaylsis
// Will show type error at calling position
function assertNever(a: number) {}