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2024-10-14 08:09:33 +02:00
* @typedef {import('hast').Element} HastElement
* @typedef {import('hast').ElementContent} HastElementContent
* @typedef {import('mdast-util-from-markdown').CompileContext} CompileContext
* @typedef {import('mdast-util-from-markdown').Extension} FromMarkdownExtension
* @typedef {import('mdast-util-from-markdown').Handle} FromMarkdownHandle
* @typedef {import('mdast-util-to-markdown').Handle} ToMarkdownHandle
* @typedef {import('mdast-util-to-markdown').Options} ToMarkdownExtension
* @typedef {import('../index.js').InlineMath} InlineMath
* @typedef {import('../index.js').Math} Math
* @typedef ToOptions
* Configuration.
* @property {boolean | null | undefined} [singleDollarTextMath=true]
* Whether to support math (text) with a single dollar (default: `true`).
* Single dollars work in Pandoc and many other places, but often interfere
* with normal dollars in text.
* If you turn this off, you can still use two or more dollars for text math.
import {ok as assert} from 'devlop'
import {longestStreak} from 'longest-streak'
* Create an extension for `mdast-util-from-markdown`.
* @returns {FromMarkdownExtension}
* Extension for `mdast-util-from-markdown`.
export function mathFromMarkdown() {
return {
enter: {
mathFlow: enterMathFlow,
mathFlowFenceMeta: enterMathFlowMeta,
mathText: enterMathText
exit: {
mathFlow: exitMathFlow,
mathFlowFence: exitMathFlowFence,
mathFlowFenceMeta: exitMathFlowMeta,
mathFlowValue: exitMathData,
mathText: exitMathText,
mathTextData: exitMathData
* @this {CompileContext}
* @type {FromMarkdownHandle}
function enterMathFlow(token) {
/** @type {HastElement} */
const code = {
type: 'element',
tagName: 'code',
properties: {className: ['language-math', 'math-display']},
children: []
type: 'math',
meta: null,
value: '',
data: {hName: 'pre', hChildren: [code]}
* @this {CompileContext}
* @type {FromMarkdownHandle}
function enterMathFlowMeta() {
* @this {CompileContext}
* @type {FromMarkdownHandle}
function exitMathFlowMeta() {
const data = this.resume()
const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]
assert(node.type === 'math')
node.meta = data
* @this {CompileContext}
* @type {FromMarkdownHandle}
function exitMathFlowFence() {
// Exit if this is the closing fence.
if ( return
this.buffer() = true
* @this {CompileContext}
* @type {FromMarkdownHandle}
function exitMathFlow(token) {
const data = this.resume().replace(/^(\r?\n|\r)|(\r?\n|\r)$/g, '')
const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]
assert(node.type === 'math')
node.value = data
// @ts-expect-error: we defined it in `enterMathFlow`.
const code = /** @type {HastElement} */ ([0])
assert(code.type === 'element')
assert(code.tagName === 'code')
code.children.push({type: 'text', value: data}) = undefined
* @this {CompileContext}
* @type {FromMarkdownHandle}
function enterMathText(token) {
type: 'inlineMath',
value: '',
data: {
hName: 'code',
hProperties: {className: ['language-math', 'math-inline']},
hChildren: []
* @this {CompileContext}
* @type {FromMarkdownHandle}
function exitMathText(token) {
const data = this.resume()
const node = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]
assert(node.type === 'inlineMath')
node.value = data
const children = /** @type {Array<HastElementContent>} */ (
// @ts-expect-error: we defined it in `enterMathFlow`.
children.push({type: 'text', value: data})
* @this {CompileContext}
* @type {FromMarkdownHandle}
function exitMathData(token) {, token), token)
* Create an extension for `mdast-util-to-markdown`.
* @param {ToOptions | null | undefined} [options]
* Configuration (optional).
* @returns {ToMarkdownExtension}
* Extension for `mdast-util-to-markdown`.
export function mathToMarkdown(options) {
let single = (options || {}).singleDollarTextMath
if (single === null || single === undefined) {
single = true
inlineMath.peek = inlineMathPeek
return {
unsafe: [
{character: '\r', inConstruct: 'mathFlowMeta'},
{character: '\n', inConstruct: 'mathFlowMeta'},
character: '$',
after: single ? undefined : '\\$',
inConstruct: 'phrasing'
{character: '$', inConstruct: 'mathFlowMeta'},
{atBreak: true, character: '$', after: '\\$'}
handlers: {math, inlineMath}
* @type {ToMarkdownHandle}
* @param {Math} node
// Note: fixing this code? Please also fix the similar code for code:
// <>
function math(node, _, state, info) {
const raw = node.value || ''
const tracker = state.createTracker(info)
const sequence = '$'.repeat(Math.max(longestStreak(raw, '$') + 1, 2))
const exit = state.enter('mathFlow')
let value = tracker.move(sequence)
if (node.meta) {
const subexit = state.enter('mathFlowMeta')
value += tracker.move(, {
after: '\n',
before: value,
encode: ['$'],
value += tracker.move('\n')
if (raw) {
value += tracker.move(raw + '\n')
value += tracker.move(sequence)
return value
* @type {ToMarkdownHandle}
* @param {InlineMath} node
// Note: fixing this code? Please also fix the similar code for inline code:
// <>
function inlineMath(node, _, state) {
let value = node.value || ''
let size = 1
if (!single) size++
// If there is a single dollar sign on its own in the math, use a fence of
// two.
// If there are two in a row, use one.
while (
new RegExp('(^|[^$])' + '\\$'.repeat(size) + '([^$]|$)').test(value)
) {
const sequence = '$'.repeat(size)
// If this is not just spaces or eols (tabs dont count), and either the
// first and last character are a space or eol, or the first or last
// character are dollar signs, then pad with spaces.
if (
// Contains non-space.
/[^ \r\n]/.test(value) &&
// Starts with space and ends with space.
((/^[ \r\n]/.test(value) && /[ \r\n]$/.test(value)) ||
// Starts or ends with dollar.
) {
value = ' ' + value + ' '
let index = -1
// We have a potential problem: certain characters after eols could result in
// blocks being seen.
// For example, if someone injected the string `'\n# b'`, then that would
// result in an ATX heading.
// We cant escape characters in `inlineMath`, but because eols are
// transformed to spaces when going from markdown to HTML anyway, we can swap
// them out.
while (++index < state.unsafe.length) {
const pattern = state.unsafe[index]
// Only look for `atBreak`s.
// Btw: note that `atBreak` patterns will always start the regex at LF or
// CR.
if (!pattern.atBreak) continue
const expression = state.compilePattern(pattern)
/** @type {RegExpExecArray | null} */
let match
while ((match = expression.exec(value))) {
let position = match.index
// Support CRLF (patterns only look for one of the characters).
if (
value.codePointAt(position) === 10 /* `\n` */ &&
value.codePointAt(position - 1) === 13 /* `\r` */
) {
value = value.slice(0, position) + ' ' + value.slice(match.index + 1)
return sequence + value + sequence
* @returns {string}
function inlineMathPeek() {
return '$'