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2024-10-14 08:09:33 +02:00
* @typedef {import('hast').Comment} Comment
* @typedef {import('hast').Element} Element
* @typedef {import('hast').Nodes} Nodes
* @typedef {import('hast').Parents} Parents
* @typedef {import('hast').Text} Text
* @typedef {import('hast-util-is-element').TestFunction} TestFunction
* @typedef {'normal' | 'nowrap' | 'pre' | 'pre-wrap'} Whitespace
* Valid and useful whitespace values (from CSS).
* @typedef {0 | 1 | 2} BreakNumber
* Specific break:
* * `0` space
* * `1` line ending
* * `2` blank line
* @typedef {'\n'} BreakForce
* Forced break.
* @typedef {boolean} BreakValue
* Whether there was a break.
* @typedef {BreakNumber | BreakValue | undefined} BreakBefore
* Any value for a break before.
* @typedef {BreakForce | BreakNumber | BreakValue | undefined} BreakAfter
* Any value for a break after.
* @typedef CollectionInfo
* Info on current collection.
* @property {BreakAfter} breakAfter
* Whether there was a break after.
* @property {BreakBefore} breakBefore
* Whether there was a break before.
* @property {Whitespace} whitespace
* Current whitespace setting.
* @typedef Options
* Configuration.
* @property {Whitespace | null | undefined} [whitespace='normal']
* Initial CSS whitespace setting to use (default: `'normal'`).
import {findAfter} from 'unist-util-find-after'
import {convertElement} from 'hast-util-is-element'
const searchLineFeeds = /\n/g
const searchTabOrSpaces = /[\t ]+/g
const br = convertElement('br')
const cell = convertElement(isCell)
const p = convertElement('p')
const row = convertElement('tr')
// Note that we dont need to include void elements here as they dont have text.
// See: <>
const notRendered = convertElement([
// List from: <>
'noscript', // Act as if we support scripting.
// Hidden attribute.
// From: <>
// See: <>
const blockOrCaption = convertElement([
'address', // Flow content
'article', // Sections and headings
'aside', // Sections and headings
'blockquote', // Flow content
'body', // Page
'caption', // `table-caption`
'center', // Flow content (legacy)
'dd', // Lists
'dialog', // Flow content
'dir', // Lists (legacy)
'dl', // Lists
'dt', // Lists
'div', // Flow content
'figure', // Flow content
'figcaption', // Flow content
'footer', // Flow content
'form,', // Flow content
'h1', // Sections and headings
'h2', // Sections and headings
'h3', // Sections and headings
'h4', // Sections and headings
'h5', // Sections and headings
'h6', // Sections and headings
'header', // Flow content
'hgroup', // Sections and headings
'hr', // Flow content
'html', // Page
'legend', // Flow content
'listing', // Flow content (legacy)
'main', // Flow content
'menu', // Lists
'nav', // Sections and headings
'ol', // Lists
'p', // Flow content
'plaintext', // Flow content (legacy)
'pre', // Flow content
'section', // Sections and headings
'ul', // Lists
'xmp' // Flow content (legacy)
* Get the plain-text value of a node.
* ###### Algorithm
* * if `tree` is a comment, returns its `value`
* * if `tree` is a text, applies normal whitespace collapsing to its
* `value`, as defined by the CSS Text spec
* * if `tree` is a root or element, applies an algorithm similar to the
* `innerText` getter as defined by HTML
* ###### Notes
* > 👉 **Note**: the algorithm acts as if `tree` is being rendered, and as if
* > were a CSS-supporting user agent, with scripting enabled.
* * if `tree` is an element that is not displayed (such as a `head`), well
* still use the `innerText` algorithm instead of switching to `textContent`
* * if descendants of `tree` are elements that are not displayed, they are
* ignored
* * CSS is not considered, except for the default user agent style sheet
* * a line feed is collapsed instead of ignored in cases where Fullwidth, Wide,
* or Halfwidth East Asian Width characters are used, the same goes for a case
* with Chinese, Japanese, or Yi writing systems
* * replaced elements (such as `audio`) are treated like non-replaced elements
* @param {Nodes} tree
* Tree to turn into text.
* @param {Options} [options]
* Configuration (optional).
* @returns {string}
* Serialized `tree`.
export function toText(tree, options = {}) {
const children = 'children' in tree ? tree.children : []
const block = blockOrCaption(tree)
const whitespace = inferWhitespace(tree, {
whitespace: options.whitespace || 'normal',
breakBefore: false,
breakAfter: false
/** @type {Array<BreakNumber | string>} */
const results = []
// Treat `text` and `comment` as having normal white-space.
// This deviates from the spec as in the DOM the nodes `.data` has to be
// returned.
// If you want that behavior use `hast-util-to-string`.
// All other nodes are later handled as if they are `element`s (so the
// algorithm also works on a `root`).
// Nodes without children are treated as a void element, so `doctype` is thus
// ignored.
if (tree.type === 'text' || tree.type === 'comment') {
...collectText(tree, {
breakBefore: true,
breakAfter: true
// 1. If this element is not being rendered, or if the user agent is a
// non-CSS user agent, then return the same value as the textContent IDL
// attribute on this element.
// Note: were not supporting stylesheets so were acting as if the node
// is rendered.
// If you want that behavior use `hast-util-to-string`.
// Important: well have to account for this later though.
// 2. Let results be a new empty list.
let index = -1
// 3. For each child node node of this element:
while (++index < children.length) {
// 3.1. Let current be the list resulting in running the inner text
// collection steps with node.
// Each item in results will either be a JavaScript string or a
// positive integer (a required line break count).
// 3.2. For each item item in current, append item to results.
// @ts-expect-error: `tree` is a parent if were here.
breakBefore: index ? undefined : block,
index < children.length - 1 ? br(children[index + 1]) : block
// 4. Remove any items from results that are the empty string.
// 5. Remove any runs of consecutive required line break count items at the
// start or end of results.
// 6. Replace each remaining run of consecutive required line break count
// items with a string consisting of as many U+000A LINE FEED (LF)
// characters as the maximum of the values in the required line break
// count items.
/** @type {Array<string>} */
const result = []
/** @type {number | undefined} */
let count
index = -1
while (++index < results.length) {
const value = results[index]
if (typeof value === 'number') {
if (count !== undefined && value > count) count = value
} else if (value) {
if (count !== undefined && count > -1) {
result.push('\n'.repeat(count) || ' ')
count = -1
// 7. Return the concatenation of the string items in results.
return result.join('')
* <>
* @param {Nodes} node
* @param {Parents} parent
* @param {CollectionInfo} info
* @returns {Array<BreakNumber | string>}
function renderedTextCollection(node, parent, info) {
if (node.type === 'element') {
return collectElement(node, parent, info)
if (node.type === 'text') {
return info.whitespace === 'normal'
? collectText(node, info)
: collectPreText(node)
return []
* Collect an element.
* @param {Element} node
* Element node.
* @param {Parents} parent
* @param {CollectionInfo} info
* Info on current collection.
* @returns {Array<BreakNumber | string>}
function collectElement(node, parent, info) {
// First we infer the `white-space` property.
const whitespace = inferWhitespace(node, info)
const children = node.children || []
let index = -1
/** @type {Array<BreakNumber | string>} */
let items = []
// Were ignoring point 3, and exiting without any content here, because we
// deviated from the spec in `toText` at step 3.
if (notRendered(node)) {
return items
/** @type {BreakNumber | undefined} */
let prefix
/** @type {BreakForce | BreakNumber | undefined} */
let suffix
// Note: we first detect if there is going to be a break before or after the
// contents, as that changes the white-space handling.
// 2. If nodes computed value of `visibility` is not `visible`, then return
// items.
// Note: Ignored, as everything is visible by default user agent styles.
// 3. If node is not being rendered, then return items. [...]
// Note: We already did this above.
// See `collectText` for step 4.
// 5. If node is a `<br>` element, then append a string containing a single
// U+000A LINE FEED (LF) character to items.
if (br(node)) {
suffix = '\n'
// 7. If nodes computed value of `display` is `table-row`, and nodes CSS
// box is not the last `table-row` box of the nearest ancestor `table`
// box, then append a string containing a single U+000A LINE FEED (LF)
// character to items.
// See: <>
// Note: needs further investigation as this does not account for implicit
// rows.
else if (
row(node) &&
// @ts-expect-error: something up with types of parents.
findAfter(parent, node, row)
) {
suffix = '\n'
// 8. If node is a `<p>` element, then append 2 (a required line break count)
// at the beginning and end of items.
else if (p(node)) {
prefix = 2
suffix = 2
// 9. If nodes used value of `display` is block-level or `table-caption`,
// then append 1 (a required line break count) at the beginning and end of
// items.
else if (blockOrCaption(node)) {
prefix = 1
suffix = 1
// 1. Let items be the result of running the inner text collection steps with
// each child node of node in tree order, and then concatenating the
// results to a single list.
while (++index < children.length) {
items = items.concat(
renderedTextCollection(children[index], node, {
breakBefore: index ? undefined : prefix,
index < children.length - 1 ? br(children[index + 1]) : suffix
// 6. If nodes computed value of `display` is `table-cell`, and nodes CSS
// box is not the last `table-cell` box of its enclosing `table-row` box,
// then append a string containing a single U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION
// (tab) character to items.
// See: <>
if (
cell(node) &&
// @ts-expect-error: something up with types of parents.
findAfter(parent, node, cell)
) {
// Add the pre- and suffix.
if (prefix) items.unshift(prefix)
if (suffix) items.push(suffix)
return items
* 4. If node is a Text node, then for each CSS text box produced by node,
* in content order, compute the text of the box after application of the
* CSS `white-space` processing rules and `text-transform` rules, set
* items to the list of the resulting strings, and return items.
* The CSS `white-space` processing rules are slightly modified:
* collapsible spaces at the end of lines are always collapsed, but they
* are only removed if the line is the last line of the block, or it ends
* with a br element.
* Soft hyphens should be preserved.
* Note: See `collectText` and `collectPreText`.
* Note: we dont deal with `text-transform`, no element has that by
* default.
* See: <>
* @param {Comment | Text} node
* Text node.
* @param {CollectionInfo} info
* Info on current collection.
* @returns {Array<BreakNumber | string>}
* Result.
function collectText(node, info) {
const value = String(node.value)
/** @type {Array<string>} */
const lines = []
/** @type {Array<BreakNumber | string>} */
const result = []
let start = 0
while (start <= value.length) {
searchLineFeeds.lastIndex = start
const match = searchLineFeeds.exec(value)
const end = match && 'index' in match ? match.index : value.length
// Any sequence of collapsible spaces and tabs immediately preceding or
// following a segment break is removed.
// […] ignoring bidi formatting characters (characters with the
// Bidi_Control property [UAX9]: ALM, LTR, RTL, LRE-RLO, LRI-PDI) as if
// they were not there.
.slice(start, end)
.replace(/[\u061C\u200E\u200F\u202A-\u202E\u2066-\u2069]/g, ''),
start === 0 ? info.breakBefore : true,
end === value.length ? info.breakAfter : true
start = end + 1
// Collapsible segment breaks are transformed for rendering according to the
// segment break transformation rules.
// So here we jump to 4.1.2 of [CSSTEXT]:
// Any collapsible segment break immediately following another collapsible
// segment break is removed
let index = -1
/** @type {BreakNumber | undefined} */
let join
while (++index < lines.length) {
// * If the character immediately before or immediately after the segment
// break is the zero-width space character (U+200B), then the break is
// removed, leaving behind the zero-width space.
if (
lines[index].charCodeAt(lines[index].length - 1) === 0x20_0b /* ZWSP */ ||
(index < lines.length - 1 &&
lines[index + 1].charCodeAt(0) === 0x20_0b) /* ZWSP */
) {
join = undefined
// * Otherwise, if the East Asian Width property [UAX11] of both the
// character before and after the segment break is Fullwidth, Wide, or
// Halfwidth (not Ambiguous), and neither side is Hangul, then the
// segment break is removed.
// Note: ignored.
// * Otherwise, if the writing system of the segment break is Chinese,
// Japanese, or Yi, and the character before or after the segment break
// is punctuation or a symbol (Unicode general category P* or S*) and
// has an East Asian Width property of Ambiguous, and the character on
// the other side of the segment break is Fullwidth, Wide, or Halfwidth,
// and not Hangul, then the segment break is removed.
// Note: ignored.
// * Otherwise, the segment break is converted to a space (U+0020).
else if (lines[index]) {
if (typeof join === 'number') result.push(join)
join = 0
} else if (index === 0 || index === lines.length - 1) {
// If this line is empty, and its the first or last, add a space.
// Note that this function is only called in normal whitespace, so we
// dont worry about `pre`.
return result
* Collect a text node as pre whitespace.
* @param {Text} node
* Text node.
* @returns {Array<BreakNumber | string>}
* Result.
function collectPreText(node) {
return [String(node.value)]
* 3. Every collapsible tab is converted to a collapsible space (U+0020).
* 4. Any collapsible space immediately following another collapsible
* spaceeven one outside the boundary of the inline containing that
* space, provided both spaces are within the same inline formatting
* contextis collapsed to have zero advance width. (It is invisible,
* but retains its soft wrap opportunity, if any.)
* @param {string} value
* Value to collapse.
* @param {BreakBefore} breakBefore
* Whether there was a break before.
* @param {BreakAfter} breakAfter
* Whether there was a break after.
* @returns {string}
* Result.
function trimAndCollapseSpacesAndTabs(value, breakBefore, breakAfter) {
/** @type {Array<string>} */
const result = []
let start = 0
/** @type {number | undefined} */
let end
while (start < value.length) {
searchTabOrSpaces.lastIndex = start
const match = searchTabOrSpaces.exec(value)
end = match ? match.index : value.length
// If were not directly after a segment break, but there was white space,
// add an empty value that will be turned into a space.
if (!start && !end && match && !breakBefore) {
if (start !== end) {
result.push(value.slice(start, end))
start = match ? end + match[0].length : end
// If we reached the end, there was trailing white space, and theres no
// segment break after this node, add an empty value that will be turned
// into a space.
if (start !== end && !breakAfter) {
return result.join(' ')
* Figure out the whitespace of a node.
* We dont support void elements here (so `nobr wbr` -> `normal` is ignored).
* @param {Nodes} node
* Node (typically `Element`).
* @param {CollectionInfo} info
* Info on current collection.
* @returns {Whitespace}
* Applied whitespace.
function inferWhitespace(node, info) {
if (node.type === 'element') {
const props = || {}
switch (node.tagName) {
case 'listing':
case 'plaintext':
case 'xmp': {
return 'pre'
case 'nobr': {
return 'nowrap'
case 'pre': {
return props.wrap ? 'pre-wrap' : 'pre'
case 'td':
case 'th': {
return props.noWrap ? 'nowrap' : info.whitespace
case 'textarea': {
return 'pre-wrap'
return info.whitespace
* @type {TestFunction}
* @param {Element} node
* @returns {node is {properties: {hidden: true}}}
function hidden(node) {
return Boolean(( || {}).hidden)
* @type {TestFunction}
* @param {Element} node
* @returns {node is {tagName: 'td' | 'th'}}
function isCell(node) {
return node.tagName === 'td' || node.tagName === 'th'
* @type {TestFunction}
function closedDialog(node) {
return node.tagName === 'dialog' && !( || {}).open