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2024-10-14 08:09:33 +02:00
* Copyright (c) 2018-2022 The MathJax Consortium
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @fileoverview Implements a lightweight DOM adaptor
* @author (Davide Cervone)
import {AbstractDOMAdaptor} from '../core/DOMAdaptor.js';
import {NodeMixin, Constructor} from './NodeMixin.js';
import {LiteDocument} from './lite/Document.js';
import {LiteElement, LiteNode} from './lite/Element.js';
import {LiteText, LiteComment} from './lite/Text.js';
import {LiteList} from './lite/List.js';
import {LiteWindow} from './lite/Window.js';
import {LiteParser} from './lite/Parser.js';
import {Styles} from '../util/Styles.js';
import {OptionList} from '../util/Options.js';
* Implements a lightweight DOMAdaptor on liteweight HTML elements
export class LiteBase extends AbstractDOMAdaptor<LiteElement, LiteText, LiteDocument> {
* The document in which the HTML nodes will be created
public document: LiteDocument;
* The window for the document
public window: LiteWindow;
* The parser for serialized HTML
public parser: LiteParser;
* @param {OptionList} options The options for the lite adaptor (e.g., fontSize)
* @constructor
constructor() {
this.parser = new LiteParser();
this.window = new LiteWindow();
* @override
public parse(text: string, format?: string): LiteDocument {
return this.parser.parseFromString(text, format, this);
* @override
protected create(kind: string, _ns: string = null) {
return new LiteElement(kind);
* @override
public text(text: string) {
return new LiteText(text);
* @param {string} text The text of the comment
* @return {LiteComment} The comment node
public comment(text: string): LiteComment {
return new LiteComment(text);
* @return {LiteDocument} A new document element
public createDocument(): LiteDocument {
return new LiteDocument();
* @override
public head(doc: LiteDocument) {
return doc.head;
* @override
public body(doc: LiteDocument) {
return doc.body;
* @override
public root(doc: LiteDocument) {
return doc.root;
* @override
public doctype(doc: LiteDocument) {
return doc.type;
* @override
public tags(node: LiteElement, name: string, ns: string = null) {
let stack = [] as LiteNode[];
let tags = [] as LiteElement[];
if (ns) {
return tags; // we don't have namespaces
let n: LiteNode = node;
while (n) {
let kind = n.kind;
if (kind !== '#text' && kind !== '#comment') {
n = n as LiteElement;
if (kind === name) {
if (n.children.length) {
stack = n.children.concat(stack);
n = stack.shift();
return tags;
* @param {LiteElement} node The node to be searched
* @param {string} id The id of the node to look for
* @return {LiteElement} The child node having the given id
public elementById(node: LiteElement, id: string): LiteElement {
let stack = [] as LiteNode[];
let n = node as LiteNode;
while (n) {
if (n.kind !== '#text' && n.kind !== '#comment') {
n = n as LiteElement;
if (n.attributes['id'] === id) {
return n;
if (n.children.length) {
stack = n.children.concat(stack);
n = stack.shift();
return null;
* @param {LiteElement} node The node to be searched
* @param {string} name The name of the class to find
* @return {LiteElement[]} The nodes with the given class
public elementsByClass(node: LiteElement, name: string): LiteElement[] {
let stack = [] as LiteNode[];
let tags = [] as LiteElement[];
let n: LiteNode = node;
while (n) {
if (n.kind !== '#text' && n.kind !== '#comment') {
n = n as LiteElement;
const classes = (n.attributes['class'] || '').trim().split(/ +/);
if (classes.includes(name)) {
if (n.children.length) {
stack = n.children.concat(stack);
n = stack.shift();
return tags;
* @override
public getElements(nodes: (string | LiteElement | LiteElement[])[], document: LiteDocument) {
let containers = [] as LiteElement[];
const body = this.body(document);
for (const node of nodes) {
if (typeof(node) === 'string') {
if (node.charAt(0) === '#') {
const n = this.elementById(body, node.slice(1));
if (n) {
} else if (node.charAt(0) === '.') {
containers = containers.concat(this.elementsByClass(body, node.slice(1)));
} else if (node.match(/^[-a-z][-a-z0-9]*$/i)) {
containers = containers.concat(this.tags(body, node));
} else if (Array.isArray(node)) {
containers = containers.concat(node);
} else if (node instanceof this.window.NodeList || node instanceof this.window.HTMLCollection) {
containers = containers.concat((node as LiteList<LiteElement>).nodes);
} else {
return containers;
* @override
public contains(container: LiteNode, node: LiteNode | LiteText) {
while (node && node !== container) {
node = this.parent(node);
return !!node;
* @override
public parent(node: LiteNode) {
return node.parent;
* @param {LiteNode} node The node whose index is needed
* @return {number} The index of the node it its parent's children array
public childIndex(node: LiteNode): number {
return (node.parent ? node.parent.children.findIndex(n => n === node) : -1);
* @override
public append(node: LiteElement, child: LiteNode) {
if (child.parent) {
child.parent = node;
return child;
* @override
public insert(nchild: LiteNode, ochild: LiteNode) {
if (nchild.parent) {
if (ochild && ochild.parent) {
const i = this.childIndex(ochild);
ochild.parent.children.splice(i, 0, nchild);
nchild.parent = ochild.parent;
* @override
public remove(child: LiteNode) {
const i = this.childIndex(child);
if (i >= 0) {
child.parent.children.splice(i, 1);
child.parent = null;
return child;
* @override
public replace(nnode: LiteNode, onode: LiteNode) {
const i = this.childIndex(onode);
if (i >= 0) {
onode.parent.children[i] = nnode;
nnode.parent = onode.parent;
onode.parent = null;
return onode;
* @override
public clone(node: LiteElement) {
const nnode = new LiteElement(node.kind);
nnode.attributes = {...node.attributes};
nnode.children = => {
if (n.kind === '#text') {
return new LiteText((n as LiteText).value);
} else if (n.kind === '#comment') {
return new LiteComment((n as LiteComment).value);
} else {
const m = this.clone(n as LiteElement);
m.parent = nnode;
return m;
return nnode;
* @override
public split(node: LiteText, n: number) {
const text = new LiteText(node.value.slice(n));
node.value = node.value.slice(0, n);
node.parent.children.splice(this.childIndex(node) + 1, 0, text);
text.parent = node.parent;
return text;
* @override
public next(node: LiteNode) {
const parent = node.parent;
if (!parent) return null;
const i = this.childIndex(node) + 1;
return (i >= 0 && i < parent.children.length ? parent.children[i] : null);
* @override
public previous(node: LiteNode) {
const parent = node.parent;
if (!parent) return null;
const i = this.childIndex(node) - 1;
return (i >= 0 ? parent.children[i] : null);
* @override
public firstChild(node: LiteElement) {
return node.children[0];
* @override
public lastChild(node: LiteElement) {
return node.children[node.children.length - 1];
* @override
public childNodes(node: LiteElement) {
return [...node.children];
* @override
public childNode(node: LiteElement, i: number) {
return node.children[i];
* @override
public kind(node: LiteNode) {
return node.kind;
* @override
public value(node: LiteNode | LiteText) {
return (node.kind === '#text' ? (node as LiteText).value :
node.kind === '#comment' ? (node as LiteComment).value.replace(/^<!(--)?((?:.|\n)*)\1>$/, '$2') : '');
* @override
public textContent(node: LiteElement): string {
return node.children.reduce((s: string, n: LiteNode) => {
return s + (n.kind === '#text' ? (n as LiteText).value :
n.kind === '#comment' ? '' : this.textContent(n as LiteElement));
}, '');
* @override
public innerHTML(node: LiteElement): string {
return this.parser.serializeInner(this, node);
* @override
public outerHTML(node: LiteElement): string {
return this.parser.serialize(this, node);
* @override
public serializeXML(node: LiteElement): string {
return this.parser.serialize(this, node, true);
* @override
public setAttribute(node: LiteElement, name: string, value: string | number, ns: string = null) {
if (typeof value !== 'string') {
value = String(value);
if (ns) {
name = ns.replace(/.*\//, '') + ':' + name.replace(/^.*:/, '');
node.attributes[name] = value;
if (name === 'style') {
node.styles = null;
* @override
public getAttribute(node: LiteElement, name: string) {
return node.attributes[name];
* @override
public removeAttribute(node: LiteElement, name: string) {
delete node.attributes[name];
* @override
public hasAttribute(node: LiteElement, name: string) {
return node.attributes.hasOwnProperty(name);
* @override
public allAttributes(node: LiteElement) {
const attributes = node.attributes;
const list = [];
for (const name of Object.keys(attributes)) {
list.push({name: name, value: attributes[name] as string});
return list;
* @override
public addClass(node: LiteElement, name: string) {
const classes = (node.attributes['class'] as string || '').split(/ /);
if (!classes.find(n => n === name)) {
node.attributes['class'] = classes.join(' ');
* @override
public removeClass(node: LiteElement, name: string) {
const classes = (node.attributes['class'] as string || '').split(/ /);
const i = classes.findIndex(n => n === name);
if (i >= 0) {
classes.splice(i, 1);
node.attributes['class'] = classes.join(' ');
* @override
public hasClass(node: LiteElement, name: string) {
const classes = (node.attributes['class'] as string || '').split(/ /);
return !!classes.find(n => n === name);
* @override
public setStyle(node: LiteElement, name: string, value: string) {
if (!node.styles) {
node.styles = new Styles(this.getAttribute(node, 'style'));
node.styles.set(name, value);
node.attributes['style'] = node.styles.cssText;
* @override
public getStyle(node: LiteElement, name: string) {
if (!node.styles) {
const style = this.getAttribute(node, 'style');
if (!style) {
return '';
node.styles = new Styles(style);
return node.styles.get(name);
* @override
public allStyles(node: LiteElement) {
return this.getAttribute(node, 'style');
* @override
public insertRules(node: LiteElement, rules: string[]) {
node.children = [this.text(rules.join('\n\n') + '\n\n' + this.textContent(node))];
* The next four methods get overridden by the NodeMixin below
* @override
public fontSize(_node: LiteElement) {
return 0;
* @override
public fontFamily(_node: LiteElement) {
return '';
* @override
public nodeSize(_node: LiteElement, _em: number = 1, _local: boolean = null) {
return [0, 0] as [number, number];
* @override
public nodeBBox(_node: LiteElement) {
return {left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0};
* The LiteAdaptor class (add in the NodeMixin methods and options)
export class LiteAdaptor extends NodeMixin<LiteElement, LiteText, LiteDocument, Constructor<LiteBase>>(LiteBase) {}
* The function to call to obtain a LiteAdaptor
* @param {OptionList} options The options for the adaptor
* @return {LiteAdaptor} The newly created adaptor
export function liteAdaptor(options: OptionList = null): LiteAdaptor {
return new LiteAdaptor(null, options);