
19 lines
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2024-10-14 08:09:33 +02:00
import html from './html.mjs';
import xml from './xml.mjs';
import css from './css.mjs';
import javascript from './javascript.mjs';
import sql from './sql.mjs';
import './java.mjs';
const lang = Object.freeze({ "displayName": "Perl", "name": "perl", "patterns": [{ "include": "#line_comment" }, { "begin": "^(?==[a-zA-Z]+)", "end": "^(=cut\\b.*$)", "endCaptures": { "1": { "patterns": [{ "include": "#pod" }] } }, "name": "comment.block.documentation.perl", "patterns": [{ "include": "#pod" }] }, { "include": "#variable" }, { "applyEndPatternLast": 1, "begin": "\\b(?=qr\\s*[^\\s\\w])", "comment": "string.regexp.compile.perl", "end": "((([egimosxradlupcn]*)))(?=(\\s+\\S|\\s*[;\\,\\#\\{\\}\\)]|\\s*$))", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "string.regexp.compile.perl" }, "2": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.perl" }, "3": { "name": "keyword.control.regexp-option.perl" } }, "patterns": [{ "begin": "(qr)\\s*\\{", "captures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.perl" }, "1": { "name": "support.function.perl" } }, "end": "\\}", "name": "string.regexp.compile.nested_braces.perl", "patterns": [{ "include": "#escaped_char" }, { "include": "#variable" }, { "include": "#nested_braces_interpolated" }] }, { "begin": "(qr)\\s*\\[", "captures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.perl" }, "1": { "name": "support.function.perl" } }, "end": "\\]", "name": "string.regexp.compile.nested_brackets.perl", "patterns": [{ "include": "#escaped_char" }, { "include": "#variable" }, { "include": "#nested_brackets_interpolated" }] }, { "begin": "(qr)\\s*<", "captures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.perl" }, "1": { "name": "support.function.perl" } }, "end": ">", "name": "string.regexp.compile.nested_ltgt.perl", "patterns": [{ "include": "#escaped_char" }, { "include": "#variable" }, { "include": "#nested_ltgt_interpolated" }] }, { "begin": "(qr)\\s*\\(", "captures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.perl" }, "1": { "name": "support.function.perl" } }, "end": "\\)", "name": "string.regexp.compile.nested_parens.perl", "patterns": [{ "comment": "This is to prevent thinks like qr/foo$/ to treat $/ as a variable", "match": "\\$(?=[^\\s\\w\\\\'\\{\\[\\(\\<])" }, { "include": "#escaped_char" }, { "include": "#variable" }, { "include": "#nested_parens_interpolated" }] }, { "begin": "(qr)\\s*'", "captures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.perl" }, "1": { "name": "support.function.perl" } }, "end": "'", "name": "string.regexp.compile.single-quote.perl", "patterns": [{ "include": "#escaped_char" }] }, { "begin": "(qr)\\s*([^\\s\\w'\\{\\[\\(\\<])", "captures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.perl" }, "1": { "name": "support.function.perl" } }, "end": "\\2", "name": "string.regexp.compile.simple-delimiter.perl", "patterns": [{ "comment": "This is to prevent thinks like qr/foo$/ to treat $/ as a variable", "match": "\\$(?=[^\\s\\w'\\{\\[\\(\\<])", "name": "keyword.control.anchor.perl" }, { "include": "#escaped_char" }, { "include": "#variable" }, { "include": "#nested_parens_interpolated" }] }] }, { "applyEndPatternLast": 1, "begin": "(?<!\\{|\\+|\\-)\\b(?=m\\s*[^\\sa-zA-Z0-9])", "comment": "string.regexp.find-m.perl", "end": "((([egimosxradlupcn]*)))(?=(\\s+\\S|\\s*[;\\,\\#\\{\\}\\)]|\\s*$))", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "string.regexp.find-m.perl" }, "2": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.perl" }, "3": { "name": "keyword.control.regexp-option.perl" } }, "patterns": [{ "begin": "(m)\\s*\\{", "captures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.perl" }, "1": { "name": "support.function.perl" } }, "end": "\\}", "name": "string.regexp.find-m.nested_braces.perl", "patterns": [{ "include": "#escaped_char" }, { "include": "#variable" }, { "include": "#nested_braces_interpolated" }] }, { "begin": "(m)\\s*\\[", "captures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.perl" }, "1": { "name": "support.function.perl" } }, "end": "\\]", "name": "string.regexp.find-m.nested_brackets.perl", "patterns": [{ "include": "#escaped_char" }, { "include": "#variable" }, { "include": "#nested_brackets_interpolated" }] }, { "begin": "(m)\\s*<", "captures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.perl" }, "1": { "name": "support.function.perl" } }, "e
var perl = [
export { perl as default };