 *  Copyright (c) 2018-2022 The MathJax Consortium
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.

 * @fileoverview  Implements the HTML DOM adaptor
 * @author dpvc@mathjax.org (Davide Cervone)

import {OptionList} from '../util/Options.js';
import {AttributeData, AbstractDOMAdaptor, DOMAdaptor, PageBBox} from '../core/DOMAdaptor.js';

 * The minimum fields needed for a Document
 * @template N  The HTMLElement node class
 * @template T  The Text node class
export interface MinDocument<N, T> {
  documentElement: N;
  head: N;
  body: N;
  title: string;
  doctype: {name: string};
  /* tslint:disable:jsdoc-require */
  createElement(kind: string): N;
  createElementNS(ns: string, kind: string): N;
  createTextNode(text: string): T;
  querySelectorAll(selector: string): ArrayLike<N>;
  /* tslint:enable */

 * The minimum fields needed for an HTML Element
 * @template N  The HTMLElement node class
 * @template T  The Text node class
export interface MinHTMLElement<N, T> {
  nodeType: number;
  nodeName: string;
  nodeValue: string;
  textContent: string;
  innerHTML: string;
  outerHTML: string;
  parentNode: N | Node;
  nextSibling: N | T | Node;
  previousSibling: N | T | Node;
  offsetWidth: number;
  offsetHeight: number;

  attributes: AttributeData[] | NamedNodeMap;
  className: string;
  classList: DOMTokenList;
  style: OptionList;
  sheet?: {insertRule: (rule: string, index?: number) => void};

  childNodes: (N | T)[] | NodeList;
  firstChild: N | T | Node;
  lastChild: N | T | Node;
  /* tslint:disable:jsdoc-require */
  getElementsByTagName(name: string): N[] | HTMLCollectionOf<Element>;
  getElementsByTagNameNS(ns: string, name: string): N[] | HTMLCollectionOf<Element>;
  contains(child: N | T): boolean;
  appendChild(child: N | T): N | T | Node;
  removeChild(child: N | T): N | T  | Node;
  replaceChild(nnode: N | T, onode: N | T): N | T  | Node;
  insertBefore(nchild: N | T, ochild: N | T): void;
  cloneNode(deep: boolean): N | Node;
  setAttribute(name: string, value: string): void;
  setAttributeNS(ns: string, name: string, value: string): void;
  getAttribute(name: string): string;
  removeAttribute(name: string): void;
  hasAttribute(name: string): boolean;
  getBoundingClientRect(): Object;
  getBBox?(): {x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number};
  /* tslint:endable */

 * The minimum fields needed for a Text element
 * @template N  The HTMLElement node class
 * @template T  The Text node class
export interface MinText<N, T> {
  nodeType: number;
  nodeName: string;
  nodeValue: string;
  parentNode: N | Node;
  nextSibling: N | T | Node;
  previousSibling: N | T | Node;
  splitText(n: number): T;

 * The minimum fields needed for a DOMParser
 * @template D  The Document class
export interface MinDOMParser<D> {
  parseFromString(text: string, format?: string): D;

 * The minimum fields needed for a DOMParser
 * @template N  The HTMLElement node class
export interface MinXMLSerializer<N> {
  serializeToString(node: N): string;

 * The minimum fields needed for a Window
 * @template N  The HTMLElement node class
 * @template D  The Document class
export interface MinWindow<N, D> {
  document: D;
  DOMParser: {
    new(): MinDOMParser<D>
  XMLSerializer: {
    new(): MinXMLSerializer<N>;
  NodeList: any;
  HTMLCollection: any;
  HTMLElement: any;
  DocumentFragment: any;
  Document: any;
  getComputedStyle(node: N): any;

 * The minimum needed for an HTML Adaptor
 * @template N  The HTMLElement node class
 * @template T  The Text node class
 * @template D  The Document class
export interface MinHTMLAdaptor<N, T, D> extends DOMAdaptor<N, T, D> {
  window: MinWindow<N, D>;

 *  Abstract HTMLAdaptor class for manipulating HTML elements
 *  (subclass of AbstractDOMAdaptor)
 *  N = HTMLElement node class
 *  T = Text node class
 *  D = Document class
 * @template N  The HTMLElement node class
 * @template T  The Text node class
 * @template D  The Document class
export class HTMLAdaptor<N extends MinHTMLElement<N, T>, T extends MinText<N, T>, D extends MinDocument<N, T>> extends
AbstractDOMAdaptor<N, T, D> implements MinHTMLAdaptor<N, T, D> {
   * The window object for this adaptor
  public window: MinWindow<N, D>;

   * The DOMParser used to parse a string into a DOM tree
  public parser: MinDOMParser<D>;

   * @override
   * @constructor
  constructor(window: MinWindow<N, D>) {
    this.window = window;
    this.parser = new (window.DOMParser as any)();

   * @override
  public parse(text: string, format: string = 'text/html') {
    return this.parser.parseFromString(text, format);

   * @override
  protected create(kind: string, ns?: string) {
    return (ns ?
            this.document.createElementNS(ns, kind) :

   * @override
  public text(text: string) {
    return this.document.createTextNode(text);

   * @override
  public head(doc: D) {
    return doc.head || (doc as any as N);

   * @override
  public body(doc: D) {
    return doc.body || (doc as any as N);

   * @override
  public root(doc: D) {
    return doc.documentElement || (doc as any as N);

   * @override
  public doctype(doc: D) {
    return (doc.doctype ? `<!DOCTYPE ${doc.doctype.name}>` : '');

   * @override
  public tags(node: N, name: string, ns: string = null) {
    let nodes = (ns ? node.getElementsByTagNameNS(ns, name) : node.getElementsByTagName(name));
    return Array.from(nodes as N[]) as N[];

   * @override
  public getElements(nodes: (string | N | N[])[], _document: D) {
    let containers: N[] = [];
    for (const node of nodes) {
      if (typeof(node) === 'string') {
        containers = containers.concat(Array.from(this.document.querySelectorAll(node)));
      } else if (Array.isArray(node)) {
        containers = containers.concat(Array.from(node) as N[]);
      } else if (node instanceof this.window.NodeList || node instanceof this.window.HTMLCollection) {
        containers = containers.concat(Array.from(node as any as N[]));
      } else {
    return containers;

   * @override
  public contains(container: N, node: N | T) {
    return container.contains(node);

   * @override
  public parent(node: N | T) {
    return node.parentNode as N;

   * @override
  public append(node: N, child: N | T) {
    return node.appendChild(child) as N | T;

   * @override
  public insert(nchild: N | T, ochild: N | T) {
    return this.parent(ochild).insertBefore(nchild, ochild);

   * @override
  public remove(child: N | T) {
    return this.parent(child).removeChild(child) as N | T;

   * @override
  public replace(nnode: N | T, onode: N | T) {
    return this.parent(onode).replaceChild(nnode, onode) as N | T;

   * @override
  public clone(node: N) {
    return node.cloneNode(true) as N;

   * @override
  public split(node: T, n: number) {
    return node.splitText(n);

   * @override
  public next(node: N | T) {
    return node.nextSibling as N | T;

   * @override
  public previous(node: N | T) {
    return node.previousSibling as N | T;

   * @override
  public firstChild(node: N) {
    return node.firstChild as N | T;

   * @override
  public lastChild(node: N) {
    return node.lastChild as N | T;

   * @override
  public childNodes(node: N) {
    return Array.from(node.childNodes as (N | T)[]);

   * @override
  public childNode(node: N, i: number) {
    return node.childNodes[i] as N | T;

   * @override
  public kind(node: N | T) {
    const n = node.nodeType;
    return (n === 1 || n === 3 || n === 8 ? node.nodeName.toLowerCase() : '');

   * @override
  public value(node: N | T) {
    return node.nodeValue || '';

   * @override
  public textContent(node: N) {
    return node.textContent;

   * @override
  public innerHTML(node: N) {
    return node.innerHTML;

   * @override
  public outerHTML(node: N) {
    return node.outerHTML;

  public serializeXML(node: N) {
    const serializer = new this.window.XMLSerializer();
    return serializer.serializeToString(node) as string;

   * @override
  public setAttribute(node: N, name: string, value: string, ns: string = null) {
    if (!ns) {
      return node.setAttribute(name, value);
    name = ns.replace(/.*\//, '') + ':' + name.replace(/^.*:/, '');
    return node.setAttributeNS(ns, name, value);

   * @override
  public getAttribute(node: N, name: string) {
    return node.getAttribute(name);

   * @override
  public removeAttribute(node: N, name: string) {
    return node.removeAttribute(name);

   * @override
  public hasAttribute(node: N, name: string) {
    return node.hasAttribute(name);

   * @override
  public allAttributes(node: N) {
    return Array.from(node.attributes).map(
      (x: AttributeData) => {
        return {name: x.name, value: x.value} as AttributeData;

   * @override
  public addClass(node: N, name: string) {
    if (node.classList) {
    } else {
      node.className = (node.className + ' ' + name).trim();

   * @override
  public removeClass(node: N, name: string) {
    if (node.classList) {
    } else {
      node.className = node.className.split(/ /).filter((c) => c !== name).join(' ');

   * @override
  public hasClass(node: N, name: string) {
    if (node.classList) {
      return node.classList.contains(name);
    return node.className.split(/ /).indexOf(name) >= 0;

   * @override
  public setStyle(node: N, name: string, value: string) {
    (node.style as OptionList)[name] = value;

   * @override
  public getStyle(node: N, name: string) {
    return (node.style as OptionList)[name];

   * @override
  public allStyles(node: N) {
    return node.style.cssText;

   * @override
  public insertRules(node: N, rules: string[]) {
    for (const rule of rules.reverse()) {
      try {
        node.sheet.insertRule(rule, 0);
      } catch (e) {
        console.warn(`MathJax: can't insert css rule '${rule}': ${e.message}`);

   * @override
  public fontSize(node: N) {
    const style = this.window.getComputedStyle(node);
    return parseFloat(style.fontSize);

   * @override
  public fontFamily(node: N) {
    const style = this.window.getComputedStyle(node);
    return style.fontFamily || '';

   * @override
  public nodeSize(node: N, em: number = 1, local: boolean = false) {
    if (local && node.getBBox) {
      let {width, height} = node.getBBox();
      return [width / em , height / em] as [number, number];
    return [node.offsetWidth / em, node.offsetHeight / em] as [number, number];

   * @override
  public nodeBBox(node: N) {
    const {left, right, top, bottom} = node.getBoundingClientRect() as PageBBox;
    return {left, right, top, bottom};