import html from './html.mjs';
import yaml from './yaml.mjs';
import csv from './csv.mjs';
import c from './c.mjs';
import clojure from './clojure.mjs';
import coffee from './coffee.mjs';
import cpp from './cpp.mjs';
import css from './css.mjs';
import csharp from './csharp.mjs';
import diff from './diff.mjs';
import docker from './docker.mjs';
import elixir from './elixir.mjs';
import elm from './elm.mjs';
import erlang from './erlang.mjs';
import go from './go.mjs';
import groovy from './groovy.mjs';
import haskell from './haskell.mjs';
import java from './java.mjs';
import javascript from './javascript.mjs';
import json from './json.mjs';
import jsx from './jsx.mjs';
import julia from './julia.mjs';
import kotlin from './kotlin.mjs';
import less from './less.mjs';
import make from './make.mjs';
import objective_c from './objective-c.mjs';
import ocaml from './ocaml.mjs';
import perl from './perl.mjs';
import python from './python.mjs';
import r from './r.mjs';
import ruby from './ruby.mjs';
import rust from './rust.mjs';
import sass from './sass.mjs';
import scala from './scala.mjs';
import scss from './scss.mjs';
import shellscript from './shellscript.mjs';
import sql from './sql.mjs';
import swift from './swift.mjs';
import toml from './toml.mjs';
import typescript from './typescript.mjs';
import xml from './xml.mjs';
import './cpp-macro.mjs';
import './glsl.mjs';
import './lua.mjs';

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