/************************************************************* * * Copyright (c) 2009-2022 The MathJax Consortium * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * @fileoverview Node factory for creating MmlNodes. This allows extension * packages to add node constructors or overwrite existing ones. * * @author v.sorge@mathjax.org (Volker Sorge) */ import {TextNode, MmlNode} from '../../core/MmlTree/MmlNode.js'; import {MmlFactory} from '../../core/MmlTree/MmlFactory.js'; import ParseOptions from './ParseOptions.js'; import NodeUtil from './NodeUtil.js'; export type NodeFactoryMethod = (factory: NodeFactory, kind: string, ...rest: any[]) => MmlNode; export class NodeFactory { /** * Parser configuration that can be used to pass information between node methods. * @type {ParseOption} */ public configuration: ParseOptions; /** * The external node factory. * @type {MmlFactory} */ protected mmlFactory: MmlFactory = null; /** * The factory table populated with some default methods. */ private factory: {[kind: string]: NodeFactoryMethod} = {'node': NodeFactory.createNode, 'token': NodeFactory.createToken, 'text': NodeFactory.createText, 'error': NodeFactory.createError }; /** * Default node generation function. * @param {NodeFactory} factory The current node factory. * @param {string} kind The type of node to create. * @param {MmlNode[]} children Its children. * @param {any=} def Its properties. * @param {TextNode=} text An optional text node if this is a token. * @return {MmlNode} The newly created Mml node. */ public static createNode(factory: NodeFactory, kind: string, children: MmlNode[] = [], def: any = {}, text?: TextNode): MmlNode { const node = factory.mmlFactory.create(kind); node.setChildren(children); if (text) { node.appendChild(text); } NodeUtil.setProperties(node, def); return node; } /** * Default token generation function. * @param {NodeFactory} factory The current node factory. * @param {string} kind The type of node to create. * @param {any} def Its properties. * @param {string} text Text of the token. * @return {MmlNode} The newly created token node. */ public static createToken(factory: NodeFactory, kind: string, def: any = {}, text: string = ''): MmlNode { const textNode = factory.create('text', text); return factory.create('node', kind, [], def, textNode); } /** * Default text node generation function. * @param {NodeFactory} factory The current node factory. * @param {string} text The text for the new node. * @return {TextNode} The newly created text node. */ public static createText(factory: NodeFactory, text: string): TextNode { if (text == null) { return null; } return (factory.mmlFactory.create('text') as TextNode).setText(text); } /** * Default error node generation function. * @param {NodeFactory} factory The current node factory. * @param {string} message The error message. * @return {MmlNode} The newly created error node. */ public static createError(factory: NodeFactory, message: string): MmlNode { let text = factory.create('text', message); let mtext = factory.create('node', 'mtext', [], {}, text); let error = factory.create('node', 'merror', [mtext], {'data-mjx-error': message}); return error; } /** * @param {MmlFactory} mmlFactory The MmlFactory for the TeX jax to use */ public setMmlFactory(mmlFactory: MmlFactory) { this.mmlFactory = mmlFactory; } /** * Adds a method to the factory. * @param {string} kind The type of node the method creates. * @param {NodeFactoryMethod} func The node creator. */ public set(kind: string, func: NodeFactoryMethod) { this.factory[kind] = func; } /** * Adds a set of node creators to the factory. * @param {Object.<NodeFactoryMethod>} maps The set of functions. */ public setCreators(maps: {[kind: string]: NodeFactoryMethod}) { for (let kind in maps) { this.set(kind, maps[kind]); } } /** * Creates a node for the internal data structure from the factory. * @param {string} kind The type of node to be created. * @param {any[]} ...rest The arguments for the node. * @return {MmlNode} The created node. */ public create(kind: string, ...rest: any[]): MmlNode { const func = this.factory[kind] || this.factory['node']; const node = func(this, rest[0], ...rest.slice(1)); if (kind === 'node') { this.configuration.addNode(rest[0], node); } return node; } /** * @param {string} kind The method for generating a node of given kind. */ public get(kind: string) { return this.factory[kind]; } }