/************************************************************* * * Copyright (c) 2009-2022 The MathJax Consortium * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * @fileoverview A namespace for utility functions for the TeX Parser. * * @author v.sorge@mathjax.org (Volker Sorge) */ import {TEXCLASS, MmlNode} from '../../core/MmlTree/MmlNode.js'; import {EnvList} from './StackItem.js'; import {ArrayItem} from './base/BaseItems.js'; import ParseOptions from './ParseOptions.js'; import NodeUtil from './NodeUtil.js'; import TexParser from './TexParser.js'; import TexError from './TexError.js'; import {entities} from '../../util/Entities.js'; import {MmlMunderover} from '../../core/MmlTree/MmlNodes/munderover.js'; namespace ParseUtil { // TODO (VS): Combine some of this with lengths in util. const emPerInch = 7.2; const pxPerInch = 72; // Note, the following are TeX CM font values. const UNIT_CASES: {[key: string]: ((m: number) => number)} = { 'em': m => m, 'ex': m => m * .43, 'pt': m => m / 10, // 10 pt to an em 'pc': m => m * 1.2, // 12 pt to a pc 'px': m => m * emPerInch / pxPerInch, 'in': m => m * emPerInch, 'cm': m => m * emPerInch / 2.54, // 2.54 cm to an inch 'mm': m => m * emPerInch / 25.4, // 10 mm to a cm 'mu': m => m / 18, }; const num = '([-+]?([.,]\\d+|\\d+([.,]\\d*)?))'; const unit = '(pt|em|ex|mu|px|mm|cm|in|pc)'; const dimenEnd = RegExp('^\\s*' + num + '\\s*' + unit + '\\s*$'); const dimenRest = RegExp('^\\s*' + num + '\\s*' + unit + ' ?'); /** * Matches for a dimension argument. * @param {string} dim The argument. * @param {boolean} rest Allow for trailing garbage in the dimension string. * @return {[string, string, number]} The match result as (Anglosaxon) value, * unit name, length of matched string. The latter is interesting in the * case of trailing garbage. */ export function matchDimen( dim: string, rest: boolean = false): [string, string, number] { let match = dim.match(rest ? dimenRest : dimenEnd); return match ? muReplace([match[1].replace(/,/, '.'), match[4], match[0].length]) : [null, null, 0]; } /** * Transforms mu dimension to em if necessary. * @param {[string, string, number]} [value, unit, length] The dimension triple. * @return {[string, string, number]} [value, unit, length] The transformed triple. */ function muReplace([value, unit, length]: [string, string, number]): [string, string, number] { if (unit !== 'mu') { return [value, unit, length]; } let em = Em(UNIT_CASES[unit](parseFloat(value || '1'))); return [em.slice(0, -2), 'em', length]; } /** * Convert a dimension string into standard em dimension. * @param {string} dim The attribute string. * @return {number} The numerical value. */ export function dimen2em(dim: string): number { let [value, unit] = matchDimen(dim); let m = parseFloat(value || '1'); let func = UNIT_CASES[unit]; return func ? func(m) : 0; } /** * Turns a number into an em value. * @param {number} m The number. * @return {string} The em dimension string. */ export function Em(m: number): string { if (Math.abs(m) < .0006) { return '0em'; } return m.toFixed(3).replace(/\.?0+$/, '') + 'em'; } /** * Takes an array of numbers and returns a space-separated string of em values. * @param {number[]} W The widths to be turned into em values * @return {string} The numbers with em units, separated by spaces. */ export function cols(...W: number[]): string { return W.map(n => Em(n)).join(' '); } /** * Create an mrow that has stretchy delimiters at either end, as needed * @param {ParseOptions} configuration Current parse options. * @param {string} open The opening fence. * @param {MmlNode} mml The enclosed node. * @param {string} close The closing fence. * @param {string=} big Bigg command. */ export function fenced(configuration: ParseOptions, open: string, mml: MmlNode, close: string, big: string = '', color: string = '') { // @test Fenced, Fenced3 let nf = configuration.nodeFactory; let mrow = nf.create('node', 'mrow', [], {open: open, close: close, texClass: TEXCLASS.INNER}); let mo; if (big) { mo = new TexParser('\\' + big + 'l' + open, configuration.parser.stack.env, configuration).mml(); } else { let openNode = nf.create('text', open); mo = nf.create('node', 'mo', [], {fence: true, stretchy: true, symmetric: true, texClass: TEXCLASS.OPEN}, openNode); } NodeUtil.appendChildren(mrow, [mo, mml]); if (big) { mo = new TexParser('\\' + big + 'r' + close, configuration.parser.stack.env, configuration).mml(); } else { let closeNode = nf.create('text', close); mo = nf.create('node', 'mo', [], {fence: true, stretchy: true, symmetric: true, texClass: TEXCLASS.CLOSE}, closeNode); } color && mo.attributes.set('mathcolor', color); NodeUtil.appendChildren(mrow, [mo]); return mrow; } /** * Create an mrow that has \\mathchoice using \\bigg and \\big for the delimiters. * @param {ParseOptions} configuration The current parse options. * @param {string} open The opening fence. * @param {MmlNode} mml The enclosed node. * @param {string} close The closing fence. * @return {MmlNode} The mrow node. */ export function fixedFence(configuration: ParseOptions, open: string, mml: MmlNode, close: string): MmlNode { // @test Choose, Over With Delims, Above with Delims let mrow = configuration.nodeFactory.create('node', 'mrow', [], {open: open, close: close, texClass: TEXCLASS.ORD}); if (open) { NodeUtil.appendChildren(mrow, [mathPalette(configuration, open, 'l')]); } if (NodeUtil.isType(mml, 'mrow')) { NodeUtil.appendChildren(mrow, NodeUtil.getChildren(mml)); } else { NodeUtil.appendChildren(mrow, [mml]); } if (close) { NodeUtil.appendChildren(mrow, [mathPalette(configuration, close, 'r')]); } return mrow; } /** * Generates a mathchoice element for fences. These will be resolved later, * once the position, and therefore size, of the of the fenced expression is * known. * @param {ParseOptions} configuration The current parse otpions. * @param {string} fence The fence. * @param {string} side The side of the fence (l or r). * @return {MmlNode} The mathchoice node. */ export function mathPalette(configuration: ParseOptions, fence: string, side: string): MmlNode { if (fence === '{' || fence === '}') { fence = '\\' + fence; } let D = '{\\bigg' + side + ' ' + fence + '}'; let T = '{\\big' + side + ' ' + fence + '}'; return new TexParser('\\mathchoice' + D + T + T + T, {}, configuration).mml(); } /** * If the initial child, skipping any initial space or * empty braces (TeXAtom with child being an empty inferred row), * is an <mo>, precede it by an empty <mi> to force the <mo> to * be infix. * @param {ParseOptions} configuration The current parse options. * @param {MmlNode[]} nodes The row of nodes to scan for an initial <mo> */ export function fixInitialMO(configuration: ParseOptions, nodes: MmlNode[]) { for (let i = 0, m = nodes.length; i < m; i++) { let child = nodes[i]; if (child && (!NodeUtil.isType(child, 'mspace') && (!NodeUtil.isType(child, 'TeXAtom') || (NodeUtil.getChildren(child)[0] && NodeUtil.getChildren(NodeUtil.getChildren(child)[0]).length)))) { if (NodeUtil.isEmbellished(child) || (NodeUtil.isType(child, 'TeXAtom') && NodeUtil.getTexClass(child) === TEXCLASS.REL)) { let mi = configuration.nodeFactory.create('node', 'mi'); nodes.unshift(mi); } break; } } } /** * Break up a string into text and math blocks. * @param {TexParser} parser The calling parser. * @param {string} text The text in the math expression to parse. * @param {number|string=} level The scriptlevel. * @param {string} font The mathvariant to use * @return {MmlNode[]} The nodes corresponding to the internal math expression. */ export function internalMath(parser: TexParser, text: string, level?: number | string, font?: string): MmlNode[] { if (parser.configuration.options.internalMath) { return parser.configuration.options.internalMath(parser, text, level, font); } let mathvariant = font || parser.stack.env.font; let def = (mathvariant ? {mathvariant} : {}); let mml: MmlNode[] = [], i = 0, k = 0, c, node, match = '', braces = 0; if (text.match(/\\?[${}\\]|\\\(|\\(eq)?ref\s*\{/)) { while (i < text.length) { c = text.charAt(i++); if (c === '$') { if (match === '$' && braces === 0) { // @test Interspersed Text node = parser.create( 'node', 'TeXAtom', [(new TexParser(text.slice(k, i - 1), {}, parser.configuration)).mml()]); mml.push(node); match = ''; k = i; } else if (match === '') { // @test Interspersed Text if (k < i - 1) { // @test Interspersed Text mml.push(internalText(parser, text.slice(k, i - 1), def)); } match = '$'; k = i; } } else if (c === '{' && match !== '') { // @test Mbox Mbox, Mbox Math braces++; } else if (c === '}') { // @test Mbox Mbox, Mbox Math if (match === '}' && braces === 0) { // @test Mbox Eqref, Mbox Math let atom = (new TexParser(text.slice(k, i), {}, parser.configuration)).mml(); node = parser.create('node', 'TeXAtom', [atom], def); mml.push(node); match = ''; k = i; } else if (match !== '') { // @test Mbox Math, Mbox Mbox if (braces) { // @test Mbox Math, Mbox Mbox braces--; } } } else if (c === '\\') { // @test Mbox Eqref, Mbox CR if (match === '' && text.substr(i).match(/^(eq)?ref\s*\{/)) { // @test Mbox Eqref let len = ((RegExp as any)['$&'] as string).length; if (k < i - 1) { // @test Mbox Eqref mml.push(internalText(parser, text.slice(k, i - 1), def)); } match = '}'; k = i - 1; i += len; } else { // @test Mbox CR, Mbox Mbox c = text.charAt(i++); if (c === '(' && match === '') { // @test Mbox Internal Display if (k < i - 2) { // @test Mbox Internal Display mml.push(internalText(parser, text.slice(k, i - 2), def)); } match = ')'; k = i; } else if (c === ')' && match === ')' && braces === 0) { // @test Mbox Internal Display node = parser.create( 'node', 'TeXAtom', [(new TexParser(text.slice(k, i - 2), {}, parser.configuration)).mml()]); mml.push(node); match = ''; k = i; } else if (c.match(/[${}\\]/) && match === '') { // @test Mbox CR i--; text = text.substr(0, i - 1) + text.substr(i); // remove \ from \$, \{, \}, or \\ } } } } if (match !== '') { // @test Internal Math Error throw new TexError('MathNotTerminated', 'Math not terminated in text box'); } } if (k < text.length) { // @test Interspersed Text, Mbox Mbox mml.push(internalText(parser, text.slice(k), def)); } if (level != null) { // @test Label, Fbox, Hbox mml = [parser.create('node', 'mstyle', mml, {displaystyle: false, scriptlevel: level})]; } else if (mml.length > 1) { // @test Interspersed Text mml = [parser.create('node', 'mrow', mml)]; } return mml; } /** * Parses text internal to boxes or labels. * @param {TexParser} parser The current tex parser. * @param {string} text The text to parse. * @param {EnvList} def The attributes of the text node. * @return {MmlNode} The text node. */ export function internalText(parser: TexParser, text: string, def: EnvList): MmlNode { // @test Label, Fbox, Hbox text = text.replace(/^\s+/, entities.nbsp).replace(/\s+$/, entities.nbsp); let textNode = parser.create('text', text); return parser.create('node', 'mtext', [], def, textNode); } /** * Create an munderover node with the given script position. * @param {TexParser} parser The current TeX parser. * @param {MmlNode} base The base node. * @param {MmlNode} script The under- or over-script. * @param {string} pos Either 'over' or 'under'. * @param {boolean} stack True if super- or sub-scripts should stack. * @return {MmlNode} The generated node (MmlMunderover or TeXAtom) */ export function underOver(parser: TexParser, base: MmlNode, script: MmlNode, pos: string, stack: boolean): MmlNode { // @test Overline ParseUtil.checkMovableLimits(base); if (NodeUtil.isType(base, 'munderover') && NodeUtil.isEmbellished(base)) { // @test Overline Limits NodeUtil.setProperties(NodeUtil.getCoreMO(base), {lspace: 0, rspace: 0}); const mo = parser.create('node', 'mo', [], {rspace: 0}); base = parser.create('node', 'mrow', [mo, base]); // TODO? add an empty <mi> so it's not embellished any more } const mml = parser.create('node', 'munderover', [base]) as MmlMunderover; NodeUtil.setChild(mml, pos === 'over' ? mml.over : mml.under, script); let node: MmlNode = mml; if (stack) { // @test Overbrace 1 2 3, Underbrace, Overbrace Op 1 2 node = parser.create('node', 'TeXAtom', [mml], {texClass: TEXCLASS.OP, movesupsub: true}); } NodeUtil.setProperty(node, 'subsupOK', true); return node; } /** * Set movablelimits to false if necessary. * @param {MmlNode} base The base node being tested. */ export function checkMovableLimits(base: MmlNode) { const symbol = (NodeUtil.isType(base, 'mo') ? NodeUtil.getForm(base) : null); if (NodeUtil.getProperty(base, 'movablelimits') || (symbol && symbol[3] && symbol[3].movablelimits)) { // @test Overline Sum NodeUtil.setProperties(base, {movablelimits: false}); } } /** * Trim spaces from a string. * @param {string} text The string to clean. * @return {string} The string with leading and trailing whitespace removed. */ export function trimSpaces(text: string): string { if (typeof(text) !== 'string') { return text; } let TEXT = text.trim(); if (TEXT.match(/\\$/) && text.match(/ $/)) { TEXT += ' '; } return TEXT; } /** * Sets alignment in array definitions. * @param {ArrayItem} array The array item. * @param {string} align The alignment string. * @return {ArrayItem} The altered array item. */ export function setArrayAlign(array: ArrayItem, align: string): ArrayItem { // @test Array1, Array2, Array Test align = ParseUtil.trimSpaces(align || ''); if (align === 't') { array.arraydef.align = 'baseline 1'; } else if (align === 'b') { array.arraydef.align = 'baseline -1'; } else if (align === 'c') { array.arraydef.align = 'axis'; } else if (align) { array.arraydef.align = align; } // FIXME: should be an error? return array; } /** * Replace macro parameters with their values. * @param {TexParser} parser The current TeX parser. * @param {string[]} args A list of arguments for macro parameters. * @param {string} str The macro parameter string. * @return {string} The string with all parameters replaced by arguments. */ export function substituteArgs(parser: TexParser, args: string[], str: string): string { let text = ''; let newstring = ''; let i = 0; while (i < str.length) { let c = str.charAt(i++); if (c === '\\') { text += c + str.charAt(i++); } else if (c === '#') { c = str.charAt(i++); if (c === '#') { text += c; } else { if (!c.match(/[1-9]/) || parseInt(c, 10) > args.length) { throw new TexError('IllegalMacroParam', 'Illegal macro parameter reference'); } newstring = addArgs(parser, addArgs(parser, newstring, text), args[parseInt(c, 10) - 1]); text = ''; } } else { text += c; } } return addArgs(parser, newstring, text); } /** * Adds a new expanded argument to an already macro parameter string. Makes * sure that macros are followed by a space if their names could accidentally * be continued into the following text. * @param {TexParser} parser The current TeX parser. * @param {string} s1 The already expanded string. * @param {string} s2 The string to add. * @return {string} The combined string. */ export function addArgs(parser: TexParser, s1: string, s2: string): string { if (s2.match(/^[a-z]/i) && s1.match(/(^|[^\\])(\\\\)*\\[a-z]+$/i)) { s1 += ' '; } if (s1.length + s2.length > parser.configuration.options['maxBuffer']) { throw new TexError('MaxBufferSize', 'MathJax internal buffer size exceeded; is there a' + ' recursive macro call?'); } return s1 + s2; } /** * Report an error if there are too many macro substitutions. * @param {TexParser} parser The current TeX parser. * @param {boolean} isMacro True if we are substituting a macro, false for environment. */ export function checkMaxMacros(parser: TexParser, isMacro: boolean = true) { if (++parser.macroCount <= parser.configuration.options['maxMacros']) { return; } if (isMacro) { throw new TexError('MaxMacroSub1', 'MathJax maximum macro substitution count exceeded; ' + 'is here a recursive macro call?'); } else { throw new TexError('MaxMacroSub2', 'MathJax maximum substitution count exceeded; ' + 'is there a recursive latex environment?'); } } /** * Check for bad nesting of equation environments */ export function checkEqnEnv(parser: TexParser) { if (parser.stack.global.eqnenv) { // @test ErroneousNestingEq throw new TexError('ErroneousNestingEq', 'Erroneous nesting of equation structures'); } parser.stack.global.eqnenv = true; } /** * Copy an MmlNode and add it (and its children) to the proper lists. * * @param {MmlNode} node The MmlNode to copy * @param {TexParser} parser The active tex parser * @return {MmlNode} The duplicate tree */ export function copyNode(node: MmlNode, parser: TexParser): MmlNode { const tree = node.copy() as MmlNode; const options = parser.configuration; tree.walkTree((n: MmlNode) => { options.addNode(n.kind, n); const lists = (n.getProperty('in-lists') as string || '').split(/,/); for (const list of lists) { list && options.addNode(list, n); } }); return tree; } /** * This is a placeholder for future security filtering of attributes. * @param {TexParser} parser The current parser. * @param {string} name The attribute name. * @param {string} value The attribute value to filter. * @return {string} The filtered value. */ export function MmlFilterAttribute(_parser: TexParser, _name: string, value: string): string { // TODO: Implement in security package. return value; } /** * Initialises an stack environment with current font definition in the parser. * @param {TexParser} parser The current tex parser. * @return {EnvList} The initialised environment list. */ export function getFontDef(parser: TexParser): EnvList { const font = parser.stack.env['font']; return (font ? {mathvariant: font} : {}); } /** * Splits a package option list of the form [x=y,z=1] into an attribute list * of the form {x: y, z: 1}. * @param {string} attrib The attributes of the package. * @param {{[key: string]: number}?} allowed A list of allowed options. If * given only allowed arguments are returned. * @param {boolean?} error If true, raises an exception if not allowed options * are found. * @return {EnvList} The attribute list. */ export function keyvalOptions(attrib: string, allowed: {[key: string]: number} = null, error: boolean = false): EnvList { let def: EnvList = readKeyval(attrib); if (allowed) { for (let key of Object.keys(def)) { if (!allowed.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (error) { throw new TexError('InvalidOption', 'Invalid option: %1', key); } delete def[key]; } } } return def; } /** * Implementation of the keyval function from https://www.ctan.org/pkg/keyval * @param {string} text The optional parameter string for a package or * command. * @return {EnvList} Set of options as key/value pairs. */ function readKeyval(text: string): EnvList { let options: EnvList = {}; let rest = text; let end, key, val; while (rest) { [key, end, rest] = readValue(rest, ['=', ',']); if (end === '=') { [val, end, rest] = readValue(rest, [',']); val = (val === 'false' || val === 'true') ? JSON.parse(val) : val; options[key] = val; } else if (key) { options[key] = true; } } return options; } /** * Removes pairs of outer braces. * @param {string} text The string to clean. * @param {number} count The number of outer braces to slice off. * @return {string} The cleaned string. */ function removeBraces(text: string, count: number): string { while (count > 0) { text = text.trim().slice(1, -1); count--; } return text.trim(); } /** * Read a value from the given string until an end parameter is reached or * string is exhausted. * @param {string} text The string to process. * @param {string[]} end List of possible end characters. * @return {[string, string, string]} The collected value, the actual end * character, and the rest of the string still to parse. */ function readValue(text: string, end: string[]): [string, string, string] { let length = text.length; let braces = 0; let value = ''; let index = 0; let start = 0; // Counter for the starting left braces. let startCount = true; // Flag for counting starting left braces. let stopCount = false; // If true right braces are found directly // after starting braces, but no other char yet. while (index < length) { let c = text[index++]; switch (c) { case ' ': // Ignore spaces. break; case '{': if (startCount) { // Count start left braces at start. start++; } else { stopCount = false; if (start > braces) { // Some start left braces have been closed. start = braces; } } braces++; break; case '}': if (braces) { // Closing braces. braces--; } if (startCount || stopCount) { // Closing braces at the start. start--; stopCount = true; // Continue to close braces. } startCount = false; // Stop counting start left braces. break; default: if (!braces && end.indexOf(c) !== -1) { // End character reached. return [stopCount ? 'true' : // If Stop count is true we // have balanced braces, only. removeBraces(value, start), c, text.slice(index)]; } startCount = false; stopCount = false; } value += c; } if (braces) { throw new TexError('ExtraOpenMissingClose', 'Extra open brace or missing close brace'); } return [stopCount ? 'true' : removeBraces(value, start), '', text.slice(index)]; } } export default ParseUtil;