 *  Copyright (c) 2017-2022 The MathJax Consortium
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
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 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 * @fileoverview  Implements the CHTMLmsqrt wrapper for the MmlMsqrt object
 * @author dpvc@mathjax.org (Davide Cervone)

import {CHTMLWrapper, CHTMLConstructor} from '../Wrapper.js';
import {CommonMsqrtMixin} from '../../common/Wrappers/msqrt.js';
import {CHTMLmo} from './mo.js';
import {BBox} from '../../../util/BBox.js';
import {MmlMsqrt} from '../../../core/MmlTree/MmlNodes/msqrt.js';
import {StyleList} from '../../../util/StyleList.js';

 * The CHTMLmsqrt wrapper for the MmlMsqrt object
 * @template N  The HTMLElement node class
 * @template T  The Text node class
 * @template D  The Document class
export class CHTMLmsqrt<N, T, D> extends CommonMsqrtMixin<CHTMLConstructor<any, any, any>>(CHTMLWrapper) {

   * The msqrt wrapper
  public static kind = MmlMsqrt.prototype.kind;

   * @override
  public static styles: StyleList = {
    'mjx-root': {
      display: 'inline-block',
      'white-space': 'nowrap'
    'mjx-surd': {
      display: 'inline-block',
      'vertical-align': 'top'
    'mjx-sqrt': {
      display: 'inline-block',
      'padding-top': '.07em'
    'mjx-sqrt > mjx-box': {
      'border-top': '.07em solid'
    'mjx-sqrt.mjx-tall > mjx-box': {
      'padding-left': '.3em',
      'margin-left': '-.3em'

   * @override
  public toCHTML(parent: N) {
    const surd = this.childNodes[this.surd] as CHTMLmo<N, T, D>;
    const base = this.childNodes[this.base];
    //  Get the parameters for the spacing of the parts
    const sbox = surd.getBBox();
    const bbox = base.getOuterBBox();
    const [ , q] = this.getPQ(sbox);
    const t = this.font.params.rule_thickness;
    const H = bbox.h + q + t;
    //  Create the HTML structure for the root
    const CHTML = this.standardCHTMLnode(parent);
    let SURD, BASE, ROOT, root;
    if (this.root != null) {
      ROOT = this.adaptor.append(CHTML, this.html('mjx-root')) as N;
      root = this.childNodes[this.root];
    const SQRT = this.adaptor.append(CHTML, this.html('mjx-sqrt', {}, [
      SURD = this.html('mjx-surd'),
      BASE = this.html('mjx-box', {style: {paddingTop: this.em(q)}})
    ])) as N;
    //  Add the child content
    this.addRoot(ROOT, root, sbox, H);
    if (surd.size < 0) {
      // size < 0 means surd is multi-character.  The angle glyph at the
      // top is hard to align with the horizontal line, so overlap them
      // using CSS.
      this.adaptor.addClass(SQRT, 'mjx-tall');

   * Add root HTML (overridden in mroot)
   * @param {N} ROOT             The container for the root
   * @param {CHTMLWrapper} root  The wrapped MML root content
   * @param {BBox} sbox          The bounding box of the surd
   * @param {number} H           The height of the root as a whole
  protected addRoot(_ROOT: N, _root: CHTMLWrapper<N, T, D>, _sbox: BBox, _H: number) {
