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Warning\n|\nSystemExit | Stop(Async)?Iteration\n| KeyboardInterrupt\n| GeneratorExit | (Base)?Exception\n)\\b\n", "name": "support.type.exception.python" }, "builtin-functions": { "patterns": [{ "match": "(?x)\n(?<!\\.) \\b(\n__import__ | abs | aiter | all | any | anext | ascii | bin\n| breakpoint | callable | chr | compile | copyright | credits\n| delattr | dir | divmod | enumerate | eval | exec | exit\n| filter | format | getattr | globals | hasattr | hash | help\n| hex | id | input | isinstance | issubclass | iter | len\n| license | locals | map | max | memoryview | min | next\n| oct | open | ord | pow | print | quit | range | reload | repr\n| reversed | round | setattr | sorted | sum | vars | zip\n)\\b\n", "name": "support.function.builtin.python" }, { "match": "(?x)\n(?<!\\.) \\b(\nfile | reduce | intern | raw_input | unicode | cmp | basestring\n| execfile | long | xrange\n)\\b\n", "name": "variable.legacy.builtin.python" }] }, "builtin-possible-callables": { "patterns": [{ "include": "#builtin-callables" }, { "include": "#magic-names" }] }, "builtin-types": { "match": "(?x)\n(?<!\\.) \\b(\n__mlir_attr | __mlir_op | __mlir_type | bool | bytearray | bytes | classmethod | complex | dict\n| float | frozenset | int | list | object | property\n| set | slice | staticmethod | str | tuple | type\n\n(?# Although 'super' is not a type, it's related to types,\nand is special enough to be highlighted differently from\nother built-ins)\n| super\n)\\b\n", "name": "support.type.python" }, "call-wrapper-inheritance": { "begin": "(?x)\n\\b(?=\n([[:alpha:]_]\\w*) \\s* (\\()\n)\n", "comment": "same as a function call, but in inheritance context", "end": "(\\))", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.arguments.end.python" } }, "name": "meta.function-call.python", "patterns": [{ "include": "#inheritance-name" }, { "include": "#function-arguments" }] }, "class-declaration": { "patterns": [{ "begin": "(?x)\n\\s*(class|struct|trait)\\s+\n(?=\n[[:alpha:]_]\\w* \\s* (:|\\()\n)\n", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "storage.type.class.python" } }, "end": "(:)", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.section.class.begin.python" } }, "name": "meta.class.python", "patterns": [{ "include": "#class-name" }, { "include": "#class-inheritance" }] }] }, "class-inheritance": { "begin": "(\\()", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.inheritance.begin.python" } }, "end": "(\\))", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.inheritance.end.python" } }, "name": "meta.class.inheritance.python", "patterns": [{ "match": "(\\*\\*|\\*)", "name": "keyword.operator.unpacking.arguments.python" }, { "match": ",", "name": "punctuation.separator.inheritance.python" }, { "match": "=(?!=)", "name": "keyword.operator.assignment.python" }, { "match": "\\bmetaclass\\b", "name": "support.type.metaclass.python" }, { "include": "#illegal-names" }, { "include": "#class-kwarg" }, { "include": "#call-wrapper-inheritance" }, { "include": "#expression-base" }, { "include": "#member-access-class" }, { "include": "#inheritance-identifier" }] }, "class-kwarg": { "captures": { "1": { "name": "entity.other.inherited-class.python variable.parameter.class.python" }, "2": { "name": "keyword.operator.assignment.python" } }, "match": "(?x)\n\\b ([[:alpha:]_]\\w*) \\s*(=)(?!=)\n" }, "class-name": { "patterns": [{ "include": "#illegal-object-name" }, { "include": "#builtin-possible-callables" }, { "match": "(?x)\n\\b ([[:alpha:]_]\\w*) \\b\n", "name": "" }] }, "codetags": { "captures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.codetag.notation.python" } }, "match": "(?:\\b(NOTE|XXX|HACK|FIXME|BUG|TODO)\\b)" }, "comments": { "patterns": [{ "begin": "(?x)\n(?:\n\\# \\s* (type:)\n\\s*+ (?# we want `\\s*+` which is possessive quantifier since\nwe do not actually want to backtrack when matching\nwhitespace here)\n(?! $ | \\#)\n)\n", "beginCaptures": { "0": { "name": "meta.typehint.comment.python" }, "1": { "name": "comment.typehint.directive.notation.python" } }, "contentName": "meta.typehint.comment.python", "end": "(?:$|(?=\\#))", "name": "comment.line.number-sign.python", "patterns": [{ "match": "(?x)\n\\G ignore\n(?= \\s* (?: $ | \\#))\n", "name": "comment.typehint.ignore.notation.python" }, { "match": "(?x)\n(?<!\\.)\\b(\nbool | bytes | float | int | object | str\n| List | Dict | Iterable | Sequence | Set\n| FrozenSet | Callable | Union | Tuple\n| Any | None\n)\\b\n", "name": "comment.typehint.type.notation.python" }, { "match": "([\\[\\]\\(\\),\\.\\=\\*]|(->))", "name": "comment.typehint.punctuation.notation.python" }, { "match": "([[:alpha:]_]\\w*)", "name": "comment.typehint.variable.notation.python" }] }, { "include": "#comments-base" }] }, "comments-base": { "begin": "(\\#)", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.comment.python" } }, "end": "($)", "name": "comment.line.number-sign.python", "patterns": [{ "include": "#codetags" }] }, "comments-string-double-three": { "begin": "(\\#)", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.comment.python" } }, "end": '($|(?="""))', "name": "comment.line.number-sign.python", "patterns": [{ "include": "#codetags" }] }, "comments-string-single-three": { "begin": "(\\#)", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.comment.python" } }, "end": "($|(?='''))", "name": "comment.line.number-sign.python", "patterns": [{ "include": "#codetags" }] }, "curly-braces": { "begin": "\\{", "beginCaptures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.dict.begin.python" } }, "end": "\\}", "endCaptures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.dict.end.python" } }, "patterns": [{ "match": ":", "name": "punctuation.separator.dict.python" }, { "include": "#expression" }] }, "decorator": { "begin": "(?x)\n^\\s*\n((@)) \\s* (?=[[:alpha:]_]\\w*)\n", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "" }, "2": { "name": "punctuation.definition.decorator.python" } }, "end": "(?x)\n( \\) )\n\n(?: (.*?) 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"punctuation.parenthesis.lookbehind.begin.regexp" } }, "end": '(\\)|(?="))|((?=(?<!\\\\)\\n))', "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.operator.lookbehind.negative.regexp punctuation.parenthesis.lookbehind.end.regexp" }, "2": { "name": "invalid.illegal.newline.python" } }, "patterns": [{ "include": "#double-one-regexp-expression" }] }, "double-one-regexp-named-group": { "begin": "(?x)\n(\\() (\\?P <\\w+(?:\\s+[[:alnum:]]+)?>)\n", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "support.other.parenthesis.regexp punctuation.parenthesis.named.begin.regexp" }, "2": { "name": "" } }, "end": '(\\)|(?="))|((?=(?<!\\\\)\\n))', "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "support.other.parenthesis.regexp punctuation.parenthesis.named.end.regexp" }, "2": { "name": "invalid.illegal.newline.python" } }, "name": "meta.named.regexp", "patterns": [{ "include": "#double-one-regexp-expression" }] }, "double-one-regexp-parentheses": { "begin": "\\(", "beginCaptures": { "0": { "name": "support.other.parenthesis.regexp 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"constant.character.escape.python" }, "escape-sequence-unicode": { "patterns": [{ "match": "(?x)\n\\\\ (\nu[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}\n| U[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}\n| N\\{[\\w\\s]+?\\}\n)\n", "name": "constant.character.escape.python" }] }, "expression": { "comment": "All valid Python expressions", "patterns": [{ "include": "#expression-base" }, { "include": "#member-access" }, { "comment": "Tokenize identifiers to help linters", "match": "(?x) \\b ([[:alpha:]_]\\w*) \\b" }] }, "expression-bare": { "comment": "valid Python expressions w/o comments and line continuation", "patterns": [{ "include": "#backticks" }, { "include": "#literal" }, { "include": "#regexp" }, { "include": "#string" }, { "include": "#lambda" }, { "include": "#generator" }, { "include": "#illegal-operator" }, { "include": "#operator" }, { "include": "#curly-braces" }, { "include": "#item-access" }, { "include": "#list" }, { "include": "#odd-function-call" }, { "include": "#round-braces" }, { "include": "#function-call" }, { "include": "#builtin-functions" }, { "include": "#builtin-types" }, { "include": "#builtin-exceptions" }, { "include": "#magic-names" }, { "include": "#special-names" }, { "include": "#illegal-names" }, { "include": "#special-variables" }, { "include": "#ellipsis" }, { "include": "#punctuation" }, { "include": "#line-continuation" }] }, "expression-base": { "comment": "valid Python expressions with comments and line continuation", "patterns": [{ "include": "#comments" }, { "include": "#expression-bare" }, { "include": "#line-continuation" }] }, "f-expression": { "comment": "All valid Python expressions, except comments and line continuation", "patterns": [{ "include": "#expression-bare" }, { "include": "#member-access" }, { "comment": "Tokenize identifiers to help linters", "match": "(?x) \\b ([[:alpha:]_]\\w*) \\b" }] }, "fregexp-base-expression": { "patterns": [{ "include": "#fregexp-quantifier" }, { "include": "#fstring-formatting-braces" }, { "match": "\\{.*?\\}" }, { "include": "#regexp-base-common" }] }, "fregexp-quantifier": { "match": "(?x)\n\\{\\{(\n\\d+ | \\d+,(\\d+)? | ,\\d+\n)\\}\\}\n", "name": "keyword.operator.quantifier.regexp" }, "fstring-fnorm-quoted-multi-line": { "begin": `(\\b[fF])([bBuU])?('''|""")`, "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "string.interpolated.python string.quoted.multi.python storage.type.string.python" }, "2": { "name": "invalid.illegal.prefix.python" }, "3": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.begin.python string.interpolated.python string.quoted.multi.python" } }, "end": "(\\3)", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.end.python string.interpolated.python string.quoted.multi.python" }, "2": { "name": "invalid.illegal.newline.python" } }, "name": "meta.fstring.python", "patterns": [{ "include": "#fstring-guts" }, { "include": "#fstring-illegal-multi-brace" }, { "include": "#fstring-multi-brace" }, { "include": "#fstring-multi-core" }] }, "fstring-fnorm-quoted-single-line": { "begin": `(\\b[fF])([bBuU])?((['"]))`, "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "string.interpolated.python string.quoted.single.python storage.type.string.python" }, "2": { "name": "invalid.illegal.prefix.python" }, "3": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.begin.python string.interpolated.python string.quoted.single.python" } }, "end": "(\\3)|((?<!\\\\)\\n)", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.end.python string.interpolated.python string.quoted.single.python" }, "2": { "name": "invalid.illegal.newline.python" } }, "name": "meta.fstring.python", "patterns": [{ "include": "#fstring-guts" }, { "include": "#fstring-illegal-single-brace" }, { "include": "#fstring-single-brace" }, { "include": "#fstring-single-core" }] }, "fstring-formatting": { "patterns": [{ "include": "#fstring-formatting-braces" }, { "include": "#fstring-formatting-singe-brace" }] }, "fstring-formatting-braces": { "patterns": [{ "captures": { "1": { "name": "constant.character.format.placeholder.other.python" }, "2": { "name": "invalid.illegal.brace.python" }, "3": { "name": "constant.character.format.placeholder.other.python" } }, "comment": "empty braces are illegal", "match": "({)(\\s*?)(})" }, { "match": "({{|}})", "name": "constant.character.escape.python" }] }, "fstring-formatting-singe-brace": { "match": "(}(?!}))", "name": "invalid.illegal.brace.python" }, "fstring-guts": { "patterns": [{ "include": "#escape-sequence-unicode" }, { "include": "#escape-sequence" }, { "include": "#string-line-continuation" }, { "include": "#fstring-formatting" }] }, "fstring-illegal-multi-brace": { "patterns": [{ "include": "#impossible" }] }, "fstring-illegal-single-brace": { "begin": "(\\{)(?=[^\\n}]*$\\n?)", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "constant.character.format.placeholder.other.python" } }, "comment": "it is illegal to have a multiline brace inside a single-line string", "end": "(\\})|(?=\\n)", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "constant.character.format.placeholder.other.python" } }, "patterns": [{ "include": "#fstring-terminator-single" }, { "include": "#f-expression" }] }, "fstring-multi-brace": { "begin": "(\\{)", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "constant.character.format.placeholder.other.python" } }, "comment": "value interpolation using { ... }", "end": "(?x)\n(\\})\n", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "constant.character.format.placeholder.other.python" } }, "patterns": [{ "include": "#fstring-terminator-multi" }, { "include": "#f-expression" }] }, "fstring-multi-core": { "match": `(?x) (.+?) ( (?# .* and .*? in multi-line match need special handling of newlines otherwise SublimeText and Atom will match slightly differently. The guard for newlines has to be separate from the lookahead because of special $ matching rule.) ($\\n?) | (?=[\\\\\\}\\{]|'''|""") ) (?# due to how multiline regexps are matched we need a special case for matching a newline character) | \\n `, "name": "string.interpolated.python string.quoted.multi.python" }, "fstring-normf-quoted-multi-line": { "begin": `(\\b[bBuU])([fF])('''|""")`, "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "invalid.illegal.prefix.python" }, "2": { "name": "string.interpolated.python string.quoted.multi.python storage.type.string.python" }, "3": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.begin.python string.quoted.multi.python" } }, "end": "(\\3)", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.end.python string.interpolated.python string.quoted.multi.python" }, "2": { "name": "invalid.illegal.newline.python" } }, "name": "meta.fstring.python", "patterns": [{ "include": "#fstring-guts" }, { "include": "#fstring-illegal-multi-brace" }, { "include": "#fstring-multi-brace" }, { "include": "#fstring-multi-core" }] }, "fstring-normf-quoted-single-line": { "begin": `(\\b[bBuU])([fF])((['"]))`, "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "invalid.illegal.prefix.python" }, "2": { "name": "string.interpolated.python string.quoted.single.python storage.type.string.python" }, "3": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.begin.python string.quoted.single.python" } }, "end": "(\\3)|((?<!\\\\)\\n)", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.end.python string.interpolated.python string.quoted.single.python" }, "2": { "name": "invalid.illegal.newline.python" } }, "name": "meta.fstring.python", "patterns": [{ "include": "#fstring-guts" }, { "include": "#fstring-illegal-single-brace" }, { "include": "#fstring-single-brace" }, { "include": "#fstring-single-core" }] }, "fstring-raw-guts": { "patterns": [{ "include": "#string-consume-escape" }, { "include": "#fstring-formatting" }] }, "fstring-raw-multi-core": { "match": `(?x) (.+?) ( (?# .* and .*? in multi-line match need special handling of newlines otherwise SublimeText and Atom will match slightly differently. The guard for newlines has to be separate from the lookahead because of special $ matching rule.) ($\\n?) | (?=[\\\\\\}\\{]|'''|""") ) (?# due to how multiline regexps are matched we need a special case for matching a newline character) | \\n `, "name": "string.interpolated.python string.quoted.raw.multi.python" }, "fstring-raw-quoted-multi-line": { "begin": `(\\b(?:[rR][fF]|[fF][rR]))('''|""")`, "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "string.interpolated.python string.quoted.raw.multi.python storage.type.string.python" }, "2": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.begin.python string.quoted.raw.multi.python" } }, "end": "(\\2)", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.end.python string.interpolated.python string.quoted.raw.multi.python" }, "2": { "name": "invalid.illegal.newline.python" } }, "name": "meta.fstring.python", "patterns": [{ "include": "#fstring-raw-guts" }, { "include": "#fstring-illegal-multi-brace" }, { "include": "#fstring-multi-brace" }, { "include": "#fstring-raw-multi-core" }] }, "fstring-raw-quoted-single-line": { "begin": `(\\b(?:[rR][fF]|[fF][rR]))((['"]))`, "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "string.interpolated.python string.quoted.raw.single.python storage.type.string.python" }, "2": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.begin.python string.quoted.raw.single.python" } }, "end": "(\\2)|((?<!\\\\)\\n)", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.end.python string.interpolated.python string.quoted.raw.single.python" }, "2": { "name": "invalid.illegal.newline.python" } }, "name": "meta.fstring.python", "patterns": [{ "include": "#fstring-raw-guts" }, { "include": "#fstring-illegal-single-brace" }, { "include": "#fstring-single-brace" }, { "include": "#fstring-raw-single-core" }] }, "fstring-raw-single-core": { "match": `(?x) (.+?) ( (?# .* and .*? in multi-line match need special handling of newlines otherwise SublimeText and Atom will match slightly differently. The guard for newlines has to be separate from the lookahead because of special $ matching rule.) ($\\n?) | (?=[\\\\\\}\\{]|(['"])|((?<!\\\\)\\n)) ) (?# due to how multiline regexps are matched we need a special case for matching a newline character) | \\n `, "name": "string.interpolated.python string.quoted.raw.single.python" }, "fstring-single-brace": { "begin": "(\\{)", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "constant.character.format.placeholder.other.python" } }, "comment": "value interpolation using { ... }", "end": "(?x)\n(\\})|(?=\\n)\n", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "constant.character.format.placeholder.other.python" } }, "patterns": [{ "include": "#fstring-terminator-single" }, { "include": "#f-expression" }] }, "fstring-single-core": { "match": `(?x) (.+?) ( (?# .* and .*? in multi-line match need special handling of newlines otherwise SublimeText and Atom will match slightly differently. The guard for newlines has to be separate from the lookahead because of special $ matching rule.) ($\\n?) | (?=[\\\\\\}\\{]|(['"])|((?<!\\\\)\\n)) ) (?# due to how multiline regexps are matched we need a special case for matching a newline character) | \\n `, "name": "string.interpolated.python string.quoted.single.python" }, "fstring-terminator-multi": { "patterns": [{ "match": "(=(![rsa])?)(?=})", "name": "storage.type.format.python" }, { "match": "(=?![rsa])(?=})", "name": "storage.type.format.python" }, { "captures": { "1": { "name": "storage.type.format.python" }, "2": { "name": "storage.type.format.python" } }, "match": "(?x)\n( (?: =?) (?: ![rsa])? )\n( : \\w? [<>=^]? [-+ ]? \\#?\n\\d* ,? (\\.\\d+)? [bcdeEfFgGnosxX%]? )(?=})\n" }, { "include": "#fstring-terminator-multi-tail" }] }, "fstring-terminator-multi-tail": { "begin": "((?:=?)(?:![rsa])?)(:)(?=.*?{)", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "storage.type.format.python" }, "2": { "name": "storage.type.format.python" } }, "end": "(?=})", "patterns": [{ "include": "#fstring-illegal-multi-brace" }, { "include": "#fstring-multi-brace" }, { "match": "([bcdeEfFgGnosxX%])(?=})", "name": "storage.type.format.python" }, { "match": "(\\.\\d+)", "name": "storage.type.format.python" }, { "match": "(,)", "name": "storage.type.format.python" }, { "match": "(\\d+)", "name": "storage.type.format.python" }, { "match": "(\\#)", "name": "storage.type.format.python" }, { "match": "([-+ ])", "name": "storage.type.format.python" }, { "match": "([<>=^])", "name": "storage.type.format.python" }, { "match": "(\\w)", "name": "storage.type.format.python" }] }, "fstring-terminator-single": { "patterns": [{ "match": "(=(![rsa])?)(?=})", "name": "storage.type.format.python" }, { "match": "(=?![rsa])(?=})", "name": "storage.type.format.python" }, { "captures": { "1": { "name": "storage.type.format.python" }, "2": { "name": "storage.type.format.python" } }, "match": "(?x)\n( (?: =?) (?: ![rsa])? )\n( : \\w? [<>=^]? [-+ ]? \\#?\n\\d* ,? (\\.\\d+)? [bcdeEfFgGnosxX%]? )(?=})\n" }, { "include": "#fstring-terminator-single-tail" }] }, "fstring-terminator-single-tail": { "begin": "((?:=?)(?:![rsa])?)(:)(?=.*?{)", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "storage.type.format.python" }, "2": { "name": "storage.type.format.python" } }, "end": "(?=})|(?=\\n)", "patterns": [{ "include": "#fstring-illegal-single-brace" }, { "include": "#fstring-single-brace" }, { "match": "([bcdeEfFgGnosxX%])(?=})", "name": "storage.type.format.python" }, { "match": "(\\.\\d+)", "name": "storage.type.format.python" }, { "match": "(,)", "name": "storage.type.format.python" }, { "match": "(\\d+)", "name": "storage.type.format.python" }, { "match": "(\\#)", "name": "storage.type.format.python" }, { "match": "([-+ ])", "name": "storage.type.format.python" }, { "match": "([<>=^])", "name": "storage.type.format.python" }, { "match": "(\\w)", "name": "storage.type.format.python" }] }, "function-arguments": { "begin": "(\\()", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.arguments.begin.python" } }, "contentName": "meta.function-call.arguments.python", "end": "(?=\\))(?!\\)\\s*\\()", "patterns": [{ "match": "(,)", "name": "punctuation.separator.arguments.python" }, { "captures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.operator.unpacking.arguments.python" } }, "match": "(?x)\n(?:(?<=[,(])|^) \\s* (\\*{1,2})\n" }, { "include": "#lambda-incomplete" }, { "include": "#illegal-names" }, { "captures": { "1": { "name": "variable.parameter.function-call.python" }, "2": { "name": "keyword.operator.assignment.python" } }, "match": "\\b([[:alpha:]_]\\w*)\\s*(=)(?!=)" }, { "match": "=(?!=)", "name": "keyword.operator.assignment.python" }, { "include": "#expression" }, { "captures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.arguments.end.python" }, "2": { "name": "punctuation.definition.arguments.begin.python" } }, "match": "\\s*(\\))\\s*(\\()" }] }, "function-call": { "begin": "(?x)\n\\b(?=\n([[:alpha:]_]\\w*) \\s* (\\()\n)\n", "comment": 'Regular function call of the type "name(args)"', "end": "(\\))", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.arguments.end.python" } }, "name": "meta.function-call.python", "patterns": [{ "include": "#special-variables" }, { "include": "#function-name" }, { "include": "#function-arguments" }] }, "function-declaration": { "begin": "(?x)\n\\s*\n(?:\\b(async) \\s+)? \\b(def|fn)\\s+\n(?=\n[[:alpha:]_][[:word:]]* \\s* [\\(\\[]\n)\n", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "storage.type.function.async.python" }, "2": { "name": "storage.type.function.python" } }, "end": `(:|(?=[#'"\\n]))`, "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.section.function.begin.python" } }, "name": "meta.function.python", "patterns": [{ "include": "#function-modifier" }, { "include": "#function-def-name" }, { "include": "#parameters" }, { "include": "#meta_parameters" }, { "include": "#line-continuation" }, { "include": "#return-annotation" }] }, "function-def-name": { "patterns": [{ "include": "#illegal-object-name" }, { "include": "#builtin-possible-callables" }, { "match": "(?x)\n\\b ([[:alpha:]_]\\w*) \\b\n", "name": "" }] }, "function-modifier": { "match": "(raises|capturing)", "name": "storage.modifier" }, "function-name": { "patterns": [{ "include": "#builtin-possible-callables" }, { "comment": "Some color schemas support meta.function-call.generic scope", "match": "(?x)\n\\b ([[:alpha:]_]\\w*) \\b\n", "name": "meta.function-call.generic.python" }] }, "generator": { "begin": "\\bfor\\b", "beginCaptures": { "0": { "name": "keyword.control.flow.python" } }, "comment": 'Match "for ... in" construct used in generators and for loops to\ncorrectly identify the "in" as a control flow keyword.\n', "end": "\\bin\\b", "endCaptures": { "0": { "name": "keyword.control.flow.python" } }, "patterns": [{ "include": "#expression" }] }, "illegal-names": { "captures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.control.flow.python" }, "2": { "name": "storage.type.function.python" }, "3": { "name": "keyword.control.import.python" } }, "match": "(?x)\n\\b(?:\n(\nand | assert | async | await | break | class | struct | trait | continue | del | elif | else | except | finally | for | from | global\n| if | in | is | (?<=\\.)lambda | lambda(?=\\s*[\\.=])\n| nonlocal | not | or | pass | raise | return | try | while | with\n| yield\n) | (def | fn | capturing | raises) | (\nas | import\n)\n)\\b\n" }, "illegal-object-name": { "comment": `It's illegal to name class or function "True"`, "match": "\\b(True|False|None)\\b", "name": "" }, "illegal-operator": { "patterns": [{ "match": "&&|\\|\\||--|\\+\\+", "name": "invalid.illegal.operator.python" }, { "match": "[?$]", "name": "invalid.illegal.operator.python" }, { "comment": "We don't want `!` to flash when we're typing `!=`", "match": "!\\b", "name": "invalid.illegal.operator.python" }] }, "import": { "comment": "Import statements used to correctly mark `from`, `import`, and `as`\n", "patterns": [{ "begin": "\\b(?<!\\.)(from)\\b(?=.+import)", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.control.import.python" } }, "end": "$|(?=import)", "patterns": [{ "match": "\\.+", "name": "punctuation.separator.period.python" }, { "include": "#expression" }] }, { "begin": "\\b(?<!\\.)(import)\\b", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.control.import.python" } }, "end": "$", "patterns": [{ "match": "\\b(?<!\\.)as\\b", "name": "keyword.control.import.python" }, { "include": "#expression" }] }] }, "impossible": { "comment": "This is a special rule that should be used where no match is desired. It is not a good idea to match something like '1{0}' because in some cases that can result in infinite loops in token generation. So the rule instead matches and impossible expression to allow a match to fail and move to the next token.", "match": "$.^" }, "inheritance-identifier": { "captures": { "1": { "name": "entity.other.inherited-class.python" } }, "match": "(?x)\n\\b ([[:alpha:]_]\\w*) \\b\n" }, "inheritance-name": { "patterns": [{ "include": "#lambda-incomplete" }, { "include": "#builtin-possible-callables" }, { "include": "#inheritance-identifier" }] }, "item-access": { "patterns": [{ "begin": "(?x)\n\\b(?=\n[[:alpha:]_]\\w* \\s* \\[\n)\n", "end": "(\\])", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.arguments.end.python" } }, "name": "meta.item-access.python", "patterns": [{ "include": "#item-name" }, { "include": "#item-index" }, { "include": "#expression" }] }] }, "item-index": { "begin": "(\\[)", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.arguments.begin.python" } }, "contentName": "meta.item-access.arguments.python", "end": "(?=\\])", "patterns": [{ "match": ":", "name": "punctuation.separator.slice.python" }, { "include": "#expression" }] }, "item-name": { "patterns": [{ "include": "#special-variables" }, { "include": "#builtin-functions" }, { "include": "#special-names" }, { "match": "(?x)\n\\b ([[:alpha:]_]\\w*) \\b\n", "name": "meta.indexed-name.python" }] }, "lambda": { "patterns": [{ "captures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.control.flow.python" } }, "match": "((?<=\\.)lambda|lambda(?=\\s*[\\.=]))" }, { "captures": { "1": { "name": "storage.type.function.lambda.python" } }, "match": "\\b(lambda)\\s*?(?=[,\\n]|$)" }, { "begin": "(?x)\n\\b (lambda) \\b\n", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "storage.type.function.lambda.python" } }, "contentName": "meta.function.lambda.parameters.python", "end": "(:)|(\\n)", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.section.function.lambda.begin.python" } }, "name": "meta.lambda-function.python", "patterns": [{ "match": "\\b(owned|borrowed|inout)\\b", "name": "storage.modifier" }, { "match": "/", "name": "keyword.operator.positional.parameter.python" }, { "match": "(\\*\\*|\\*)", "name": "keyword.operator.unpacking.parameter.python" }, { "include": "#lambda-nested-incomplete" }, { "include": "#illegal-names" }, { "captures": { "1": { "name": "variable.parameter.function.language.python" }, "2": { "name": "punctuation.separator.parameters.python" } }, "match": "([[:alpha:]_]\\w*)\\s*(?:(,)|(?=:|$))" }, { "include": "#comments" }, { "include": "#backticks" }, { "include": "#lambda-parameter-with-default" }, { "include": "#line-continuation" }, { "include": "#illegal-operator" }] }] }, "lambda-incomplete": { "match": "\\blambda(?=\\s*[,)])", "name": "storage.type.function.lambda.python" }, "lambda-nested-incomplete": { "match": "\\blambda(?=\\s*[:,)])", "name": "storage.type.function.lambda.python" }, "lambda-parameter-with-default": { "begin": "(?x)\n\\b\n([[:alpha:]_]\\w*) \\s* (=)\n", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "variable.parameter.function.language.python" }, "2": { "name": "keyword.operator.python" } }, "end": "(,)|(?=:|$)", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.separator.parameters.python" } }, "patterns": [{ "include": "#expression" }] }, "line-continuation": { "patterns": [{ "captures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.separator.continuation.line.python" }, "2": { "name": "invalid.illegal.line.continuation.python" } }, "match": "(\\\\)\\s*(\\S.*$\\n?)" }, { "begin": "(\\\\)\\s*$\\n?", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.separator.continuation.line.python" } }, "end": `(?x) (?=^\\s*$) | (?! (\\s* [rR]? (\\'\\'\\'|\\"\\"\\"|\\'|\\")) | (\\G $) (?# '\\G' is necessary for ST) ) `, "patterns": [{ "include": "#regexp" }, { "include": "#string" }] }] }, "list": { "begin": "\\[", "beginCaptures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.list.begin.python" } }, "end": "\\]", "endCaptures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.definition.list.end.python" } }, "patterns": [{ "include": "#expression" }] }, "literal": { "patterns": [{ "match": "\\b(True|False|None|NotImplemented|Ellipsis)\\b", "name": "constant.language.python" }, { "include": "#number" }] }, "loose-default": { "begin": "(=)", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.operator.python" } }, "end": "(,)|(?=\\))", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.separator.parameters.python" } }, "patterns": [{ "include": "#expression" }] }, "magic-function-names": { "captures": { "1": { "name": "support.function.magic.python" } }, "comment": "these methods have magic interpretation by python and are generally called\nindirectly through syntactic constructs\n", "match": "(?x)\n\\b(\n__(?:\nabs | add | aenter | aexit | aiter | and | anext\n| await | bool | call | ceil | class_getitem\n| cmp | coerce | complex | contains | copy\n| deepcopy | del | delattr | delete | delitem\n| delslice | dir | div | divmod | enter | eq\n| exit | float | floor | floordiv | format | ge\n| get | getattr | getattribute | getinitargs\n| getitem | getnewargs | getslice | getstate | gt\n| hash | hex | iadd | iand | idiv | ifloordiv |\n| ilshift | imod | imul | index | init\n| instancecheck | int | invert | ior | ipow\n| irshift | isub | iter | itruediv | ixor | le\n| len | long | lshift | lt | missing | mod | mul\n| ne | neg | new | next | nonzero | oct | or | pos\n| pow | radd | rand | rdiv | rdivmod | reduce\n| reduce_ex | repr | reversed | rfloordiv |\n| rlshift | rmod | rmul | ror | round | rpow\n| rrshift | rshift | rsub | rtruediv | rxor | set\n| setattr | setitem | set_name | setslice\n| setstate | sizeof | str | sub | subclasscheck\n| truediv | trunc | unicode | xor | matmul\n| rmatmul | imatmul | init_subclass | set_name\n| fspath | bytes | prepare | length_hint\n)__\n)\\b\n" }, "magic-names": { "patterns": [{ "include": "#magic-function-names" }, { "include": "#magic-variable-names" }] }, "magic-variable-names": { "captures": { "1": { "name": "support.variable.magic.python" } }, "comment": "magic variables which a class/module may have.", "match": "(?x)\n\\b(\n__(?:\nall | annotations | bases | builtins | class\n| struct\n| trait\n| closure | code | debug | defaults | dict | doc | file | func\n| globals | kwdefaults | match_args | members | metaclass | methods\n| module | mro | mro_entries | name | qualname | post_init | self\n| signature | slots | subclasses | version | weakref | wrapped\n| classcell | spec | path | package | future | traceback\n)__\n)\\b\n" }, "member-access": { "begin": "(\\.)\\s*(?!\\.)", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.separator.period.python" } }, "end": "(?x)\n\n\n(?<=\\S)(?=\\W) |\n\n\n(^|(?<=\\s))(?=[^\\\\\\w\\s]) |\n$\n", "name": "meta.member.access.python", "patterns": [{ "include": "#function-call" }, { "include": "#member-access-base" }, { "include": "#member-access-attribute" }] }, "member-access-attribute": { "comment": "Highlight attribute access in otherwise non-specialized cases.", "match": "(?x)\n\\b ([[:alpha:]_]\\w*) \\b\n", "name": "meta.attribute.python" }, "member-access-base": { "patterns": [{ "include": "#magic-names" }, { "include": "#illegal-names" }, { "include": "#illegal-object-name" }, { "include": "#special-names" }, { "include": "#line-continuation" }, { "include": "#item-access" }] }, "member-access-class": { "begin": "(\\.)\\s*(?!\\.)", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.separator.period.python" } }, "end": "(?<=\\S)(?=\\W)|$", "name": "meta.member.access.python", "patterns": [{ "include": "#call-wrapper-inheritance" }, { "include": "#member-access-base" }, { "include": "#inheritance-identifier" }] }, "meta_parameters": { "begin": "(\\[)", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.parameters.begin.python" } }, "end": "(\\])", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.parameters.end.python" } }, "name": "meta.function.parameters.python", "patterns": [{ "begin": "(?x)\n\\b\n([[:alpha:]_]\\w*) \\s* (:)\n", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "variable.parameter.function.language.python" }, "2": { "name": "punctuation.separator.annotation.python" } }, "end": "(,)|(?=\\])", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.separator.parameters.python" } }, "patterns": [{ "include": "#expression" }] }, { "include": "#comments" }] }, "number": { "name": "constant.numeric.python", "patterns": [{ "include": "#number-float" }, { "include": "#number-dec" }, { "include": "#number-hex" }, { "include": "#number-oct" }, { "include": "#number-bin" }, { "include": "#number-long" }, { "match": "\\b[0-9]+\\w+", "name": "" }] }, "number-bin": { "captures": { "1": { "name": "storage.type.number.python" } }, "match": "(?x)\n(?<![\\w\\.])\n(0[bB]) (_?[01])+\n\\b\n", "name": "constant.numeric.bin.python" }, "number-dec": { "captures": { "1": { "name": "storage.type.imaginary.number.python" }, "2": { "name": "invalid.illegal.dec.python" } }, "match": "(?x)\n(?<![\\w\\.])(?:\n[1-9](?: _?[0-9] )*\n|\n0+\n|\n[0-9](?: _?[0-9] )* ([jJ])\n|\n0 ([0-9]+)(?![eE\\.])\n)\\b\n", "name": "constant.numeric.dec.python" }, "number-float": { "captures": { "1": { "name": "storage.type.imaginary.number.python" } }, "match": "(?x)\n(?<! \\w)(?:\n(?:\n\\.[0-9](?: _?[0-9] )*\n|\n[0-9](?: _?[0-9] )* \\. [0-9](?: _?[0-9] )*\n|\n[0-9](?: _?[0-9] )* \\.\n) (?: [eE][+-]?[0-9](?: _?[0-9] )* )?\n|\n[0-9](?: _?[0-9] )* (?: [eE][+-]?[0-9](?: _?[0-9] )* )\n)([jJ])?\\b\n", "name": "constant.numeric.float.python" }, "number-hex": { "captures": { "1": { "name": "storage.type.number.python" } }, "match": "(?x)\n(?<![\\w\\.])\n(0[xX]) (_?[0-9a-fA-F])+\n\\b\n", "name": "constant.numeric.hex.python" }, "number-long": { "captures": { "2": { "name": "storage.type.number.python" } }, "comment": "this is to support python2 syntax for long ints", "match": "(?x)\n(?<![\\w\\.])\n([1-9][0-9]* | 0) ([lL])\n\\b\n", "name": "constant.numeric.bin.python" }, "number-oct": { "captures": { "1": { "name": "storage.type.number.python" } }, "match": "(?x)\n(?<![\\w\\.])\n(0[oO]) (_?[0-7])+\n\\b\n", "name": "constant.numeric.oct.python" }, "odd-function-call": { "begin": "(?x)\n(?<= \\] | \\) ) \\s*\n(?=\\()\n", "comment": 'A bit obscured function call where there may have been an\narbitrary number of other operations to get the function.\nE.g. "arr[idx](args)"\n', "end": "(\\))", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.arguments.end.python" } }, "patterns": [{ "include": "#function-arguments" }] }, "operator": { "captures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.operator.logical.python" }, "2": { "name": "keyword.control.flow.python" }, "3": { "name": "keyword.operator.bitwise.python" }, "4": { "name": "keyword.operator.arithmetic.python" }, "5": { "name": "keyword.operator.comparison.python" }, "6": { "name": "keyword.operator.assignment.python" } }, "match": "(?x)\n\\b(?<!\\.)\n(?:\n(and | or | not | in | is) (?# 1)\n|\n(for | if | else | await | (?:yield(?:\\s+from)?)) (?# 2)\n)\n(?!\\s*:)\\b\n\n| (<< | >> | & | \\| | \\^ | ~) (?# 3)\n\n| (\\*\\* | \\* | \\+ | - | % | // | / | @) (?# 4)\n\n| (!= | == | >= | <= | < | >) (?# 5)\n\n| (:=) (?# 6)\n" }, "parameter-special": { "captures": { "1": { "name": "variable.parameter.function.language.python" }, "2": { "name": "variable.parameter.function.language.special.self.python" }, "3": { "name": "variable.parameter.function.language.special.cls.python" }, "4": { "name": "punctuation.separator.parameters.python" } }, "match": "(?x)\n\\b ((self)|(cls)) \\b \\s*(?:(,)|(?=\\)))\n" }, "parameters": { "begin": "(\\()", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.parameters.begin.python" } }, "end": "(\\))", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.parameters.end.python" } }, "name": "meta.function.parameters.python", "patterns": [{ "match": "\\b(owned|borrowed|inout)\\b", "name": "storage.modifier" }, { "match": "/", "name": "keyword.operator.positional.parameter.python" }, { "match": "(\\*\\*|\\*)", "name": "keyword.operator.unpacking.parameter.python" }, { "include": "#lambda-incomplete" }, { "include": "#illegal-names" }, { "include": "#illegal-object-name" }, { "include": "#parameter-special" }, { "captures": { "1": { "name": "variable.parameter.function.language.python" }, "2": { "name": "punctuation.separator.parameters.python" } }, "match": "(?x)\n([[:alpha:]_]\\w*)\n\\s* (?: (,) | (?=[)#\\n=]))\n" }, { "include": "#comments" }, { "include": "#loose-default" }, { "include": "#annotated-parameter" }] }, "punctuation": { "patterns": [{ "match": ":", "name": "punctuation.separator.colon.python" }, { "match": ",", "name": "punctuation.separator.element.python" }] }, "regexp": { "patterns": [{ "include": "#regexp-single-three-line" }, { "include": "#regexp-double-three-line" }, { "include": "#regexp-single-one-line" }, { "include": "#regexp-double-one-line" }] }, "regexp-backreference": { "captures": { "1": { "name": "support.other.parenthesis.regexp punctuation.parenthesis.backreference.named.begin.regexp" }, "2": { "name": "" }, "3": { "name": "support.other.parenthesis.regexp punctuation.parenthesis.backreference.named.end.regexp" } }, "match": "(?x)\n(\\() (\\?P= \\w+(?:\\s+[[:alnum:]]+)?) (\\))\n", "name": "meta.backreference.named.regexp" }, "regexp-backreference-number": { "captures": { "1": { "name": "" } }, "match": "(\\\\[1-9]\\d?)", "name": "meta.backreference.regexp" }, "regexp-base-common": { "patterns": [{ "match": "\\.", "name": "support.other.match.any.regexp" }, { "match": "\\^", "name": "support.other.match.begin.regexp" }, { "match": "\\$", "name": "support.other.match.end.regexp" }, { "match": "[+*?]\\??", "name": "keyword.operator.quantifier.regexp" }, { "match": "\\|", "name": "keyword.operator.disjunction.regexp" }, { "include": "#regexp-escape-sequence" }] }, "regexp-base-expression": { "patterns": [{ "include": "#regexp-quantifier" }, { "include": "#regexp-base-common" }] }, "regexp-charecter-set-escapes": { "patterns": [{ "match": "\\\\[abfnrtv\\\\]", "name": "constant.character.escape.regexp" }, { "include": "#regexp-escape-special" }, { "match": "\\\\([0-7]{1,3})", "name": "constant.character.escape.regexp" }, { "include": "#regexp-escape-character" }, { "include": "#regexp-escape-unicode" }, { "include": "#regexp-escape-catchall" }] }, "regexp-double-one-line": { "begin": '\\b(([uU]r)|([bB]r)|(r[bB]?))(")', "beginCaptures": { "2": { "name": "invalid.deprecated.prefix.python" }, "3": { "name": "storage.type.string.python" }, "4": { "name": "storage.type.string.python" }, "5": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.begin.python" } }, "end": '(")|(?<!\\\\)(\\n)', "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.end.python" }, "2": { "name": "invalid.illegal.newline.python" } }, "name": "string.regexp.quoted.single.python", "patterns": [{ "include": "#double-one-regexp-expression" }] }, "regexp-double-three-line": { "begin": '\\b(([uU]r)|([bB]r)|(r[bB]?))(""")', "beginCaptures": { "2": { "name": "invalid.deprecated.prefix.python" }, "3": { "name": "storage.type.string.python" }, "4": { "name": "storage.type.string.python" }, "5": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.begin.python" } }, "end": '(""")', "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.end.python" }, "2": { "name": "invalid.illegal.newline.python" } }, "name": "string.regexp.quoted.multi.python", "patterns": [{ "include": "#double-three-regexp-expression" }] }, "regexp-escape-catchall": { "match": "\\\\(.|\\n)", "name": "constant.character.escape.regexp" }, "regexp-escape-character": { "match": "(?x)\n\\\\ (\nx[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}\n| 0[0-7]{1,2}\n| [0-7]{3}\n)\n", "name": "constant.character.escape.regexp" }, "regexp-escape-sequence": { "patterns": [{ "include": "#regexp-escape-special" }, { "include": "#regexp-escape-character" }, { "include": "#regexp-escape-unicode" }, { "include": "#regexp-backreference-number" }, { "include": "#regexp-escape-catchall" }] }, "regexp-escape-special": { "match": "\\\\([AbBdDsSwWZ])", "name": "support.other.escape.special.regexp" }, "regexp-escape-unicode": { "match": "(?x)\n\\\\ (\nu[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}\n| U[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}\n)\n", "name": "constant.character.unicode.regexp" }, "regexp-flags": { "match": "\\(\\?[aiLmsux]+\\)", "name": "storage.modifier.flag.regexp" }, "regexp-quantifier": { "match": "(?x)\n\\{(\n\\d+ | \\d+,(\\d+)? | ,\\d+\n)\\}\n", "name": "keyword.operator.quantifier.regexp" }, "regexp-single-one-line": { "begin": "\\b(([uU]r)|([bB]r)|(r[bB]?))(\\')", "beginCaptures": { "2": { "name": "invalid.deprecated.prefix.python" }, "3": { "name": "storage.type.string.python" }, "4": { "name": "storage.type.string.python" }, "5": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.begin.python" } }, "end": "(\\')|(?<!\\\\)(\\n)", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.end.python" }, "2": { "name": "invalid.illegal.newline.python" } }, "name": "string.regexp.quoted.single.python", "patterns": [{ "include": "#single-one-regexp-expression" }] }, "regexp-single-three-line": { "begin": "\\b(([uU]r)|([bB]r)|(r[bB]?))(\\'\\'\\')", "beginCaptures": { "2": { "name": "invalid.deprecated.prefix.python" }, "3": 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"#single-three-regexp-expression" }, { "include": "#comments-string-single-three" }] }, "single-three-regexp-lookbehind": { "begin": "(\\()\\?<=", "beginCaptures": { "0": { "name": "keyword.operator.lookbehind.regexp" }, "1": { "name": "punctuation.parenthesis.lookbehind.begin.regexp" } }, "end": "(\\)|(?=\\'\\'\\'))", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.operator.lookbehind.regexp punctuation.parenthesis.lookbehind.end.regexp" }, "2": { "name": "invalid.illegal.newline.python" } }, "patterns": [{ "include": "#single-three-regexp-expression" }, { "include": "#comments-string-single-three" }] }, "single-three-regexp-lookbehind-negative": { "begin": "(\\()\\?<!", "beginCaptures": { "0": { "name": "keyword.operator.lookbehind.negative.regexp" }, "1": { "name": "punctuation.parenthesis.lookbehind.begin.regexp" } }, "end": "(\\)|(?=\\'\\'\\'))", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.operator.lookbehind.negative.regexp punctuation.parenthesis.lookbehind.end.regexp" }, "2": { "name": 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"variable.language.special.cls.python" } }, "match": "(?x)\n\\b (?<!\\.) (?:\n(self) | (cls)\n)\\b\n" }, "statement": { "patterns": [{ "include": "#import" }, { "include": "#class-declaration" }, { "include": "#function-declaration" }, { "include": "#generator" }, { "include": "#statement-keyword" }, { "include": "#assignment-operator" }, { "include": "#decorator" }, { "include": "#semicolon" }] }, "statement-keyword": { "patterns": [{ "match": "\\b((async\\s+)?\\s*(def|fn))\\b", "name": "storage.type.function.python" }, { "comment": "if `as` is eventually followed by `:` or line continuation\nit's probably control flow like:\n with foo as bar, \\\n Foo as Bar:\n try:\n do_stuff()\n except Exception as e:\n pass\n", "match": "\\b(?<!\\.)as\\b(?=.*[:\\\\])", "name": "keyword.control.flow.python" }, { "comment": "other legal use of `as` is in an import", "match": "\\b(?<!\\.)as\\b", "name": "keyword.control.import.python" }, { "match": "(?x)\n\\b(?<!\\.)(\nasync | continue | del | assert | break | finally | for\n| from | elif | else | if | except | pass | raise\n| return | try | while | with\n)\\b\n", "name": "keyword.control.flow.python" }, { "match": "(?x)\n\\b(?<!\\.)(\nglobal | nonlocal\n)\\b\n", "name": "storage.modifier.declaration.python" }, { "match": "\\b(?<!\\.)(class|struct|trait)\\b", "name": "storage.type.class.python" }, { "captures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.control.flow.python" } }, "match": `(?x) ^\\s*( case | match )(?=\\s*([-+\\w\\d(\\[{'":#]|$))\\b ` }, { "captures": { "1": { "name": "storage.modifier.declaration.python" }, "2": { "name": "variable.other.python" } }, "match": "\\b(var|let|alias) \\s*([[:alpha:]_]\\w*)\\b" }] }, "string": { "patterns": [{ "include": "#string-quoted-multi-line" }, { "include": "#string-quoted-single-line" }, { "include": "#string-bin-quoted-multi-line" }, { "include": "#string-bin-quoted-single-line" }, { "include": "#string-raw-quoted-multi-line" }, { "include": "#string-raw-quoted-single-line" }, { "include": "#string-raw-bin-quoted-multi-line" }, { "include": "#string-raw-bin-quoted-single-line" }, { "include": "#fstring-fnorm-quoted-multi-line" }, { "include": "#fstring-fnorm-quoted-single-line" }, { "include": "#fstring-normf-quoted-multi-line" }, { "include": "#fstring-normf-quoted-single-line" }, { "include": "#fstring-raw-quoted-multi-line" }, { "include": "#fstring-raw-quoted-single-line" }] }, "string-bin-quoted-multi-line": { "begin": `(\\b[bB])('''|""")`, "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "storage.type.string.python" }, "2": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.begin.python" } }, "end": "(\\2)", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.end.python" }, "2": { "name": "invalid.illegal.newline.python" } }, "name": "string.quoted.binary.multi.python", "patterns": [{ "include": "#string-entity" }] }, "string-bin-quoted-single-line": { "begin": `(\\b[bB])((['"]))`, "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "storage.type.string.python" }, "2": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.begin.python" } }, "end": "(\\2)|((?<!\\\\)\\n)", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.end.python" }, "2": { "name": "invalid.illegal.newline.python" } }, "name": "string.quoted.binary.single.python", "patterns": [{ "include": "#string-entity" }] }, "string-brace-formatting": { "patterns": [{ "captures": { "1": { "name": "constant.character.format.placeholder.other.python" }, "3": { "name": "storage.type.format.python" }, "4": { "name": "storage.type.format.python" } }, "match": `(?x) ( {{ | }} | (?: { \\w* (\\.[[:alpha:]_]\\w* | \\[[^\\]'"]+\\])* (![rsa])? 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(\\.(\\d+|\\*))?\n([hlL])?\n[diouxXeEfFgGcrsab%]\n)\n", "name": "meta.format.percent.python" }, "string-line-continuation": { "match": "\\\\$", "name": "constant.language.python" }, "string-mojo-code-block": { "begin": "^(\\s*\\`{3,})(mojo)$", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "string.quoted.single.python" }, "2": { "name": "string.quoted.single.python" } }, "contentName": "source.mojo", "end": "^(\\1)$", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "string.quoted.single.python" } }, "name": "meta.embedded.block.mojo", "patterns": [{ "include": "source.mojo" }] }, "string-multi-bad-brace1-formatting-raw": { "begin": `(?x) (?= \\{% ( .*? (?!'''|""") ) %\\} ) `, "comment": "template using {% ... %}", "end": `(?='''|""")`, "patterns": [{ "include": "#string-consume-escape" }] }, "string-multi-bad-brace1-formatting-unicode": { "begin": `(?x) (?= \\{% ( .*? 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