export function fromMarkdown(
  value: Value,
  encoding?: Encoding | null | undefined,
  options?: Options | null | undefined
): Root
export function fromMarkdown(
  value: Value,
  options?: Options | null | undefined
): Root
export type Break = import('mdast').Break
export type Blockquote = import('mdast').Blockquote
export type Code = import('mdast').Code
export type Definition = import('mdast').Definition
export type Emphasis = import('mdast').Emphasis
export type Heading = import('mdast').Heading
export type Html = import('mdast').Html
export type Image = import('mdast').Image
export type InlineCode = import('mdast').InlineCode
export type Link = import('mdast').Link
export type List = import('mdast').List
export type ListItem = import('mdast').ListItem
export type Nodes = import('mdast').Nodes
export type Paragraph = import('mdast').Paragraph
export type Parent = import('mdast').Parent
export type PhrasingContent = import('mdast').PhrasingContent
export type ReferenceType = import('mdast').ReferenceType
export type Root = import('mdast').Root
export type Strong = import('mdast').Strong
export type Text = import('mdast').Text
export type ThematicBreak = import('mdast').ThematicBreak
export type Encoding = import('micromark-util-types').Encoding
export type Event = import('micromark-util-types').Event
export type ParseOptions = import('micromark-util-types').ParseOptions
export type Token = import('micromark-util-types').Token
export type TokenizeContext = import('micromark-util-types').TokenizeContext
export type Value = import('micromark-util-types').Value
export type Point = import('unist').Point
export type CompileData = import('../index.js').CompileData
export type Fragment = Omit<Parent, 'children' | 'type'> & {
  type: 'fragment'
  children: Array<PhrasingContent>
 * Extra transform, to change the AST afterwards.
export type Transform = (tree: Root) => Root | null | undefined | void
 * Handle a token.
export type Handle = (this: CompileContext, token: Token) => undefined | void
 * Token types mapping to handles
export type Handles = Record<string, Handle>
 * Handle the case where the `right` token is open, but it is closed (by the
 * `left` token) or because we reached the end of the document.
export type OnEnterError = (
  this: Omit<CompileContext, 'sliceSerialize'>,
  left: Token | undefined,
  right: Token
) => undefined
 * Handle the case where the `right` token is open but it is closed by
 * exiting the `left` token.
export type OnExitError = (
  this: Omit<CompileContext, 'sliceSerialize'>,
  left: Token,
  right: Token
) => undefined
 * Open token on the stack, with an optional error handler for when
 * that token isn’t closed properly.
export type TokenTuple = [Token, OnEnterError | undefined]
 * Configuration.
 * We have our defaults, but extensions will add more.
export type Config = {
   *   Token types where line endings are used.
  canContainEols: Array<string>
   *   Opening handles.
  enter: Handles
   *   Closing handles.
  exit: Handles
   *   Tree transforms.
  transforms: Array<Transform>
 * Change how markdown tokens from micromark are turned into mdast.
export type Extension = Partial<Config>
 * mdast compiler context.
export type CompileContext = {
   *   Stack of nodes.
  stack: Array<Fragment | Nodes>
   *   Stack of tokens.
  tokenStack: Array<TokenTuple>
   *   Capture some of the output data.
  buffer: (this: CompileContext) => undefined
   *   Stop capturing and access the output data.
  resume: (this: CompileContext) => string
   *   Enter a node.
  enter: (
    this: CompileContext,
    node: Nodes,
    token: Token,
    onError?: OnEnterError
  ) => undefined
   *   Exit a node.
  exit: (this: CompileContext, token: Token, onError?: OnExitError) => undefined
   *   Get the string value of a token.
  sliceSerialize: TokenizeContext['sliceSerialize']
   *   Configuration.
  config: Config
   *   Info passed around; key/value store.
  data: CompileData
 * Configuration for how to build mdast.
export type FromMarkdownOptions = {
   * Extensions for this utility to change how tokens are turned into a tree.
  mdastExtensions?: Array<Extension | Array<Extension>> | null | undefined
 * Configuration.
export type Options = ParseOptions & FromMarkdownOptions