 * @typedef {import('hast').Element} Element
 * @typedef {import('hast').Parents} Parents

import {whitespace} from 'hast-util-whitespace'
import {siblingAfter} from './util/siblings.js'
import {omission} from './omission.js'

export const closing = omission({
  caption: headOrColgroupOrCaption,
  colgroup: headOrColgroupOrCaption,
  head: headOrColgroupOrCaption,
  rp: rubyElement,
  rt: rubyElement,
  td: cells,
  th: cells,

 * Macro for `</head>`, `</colgroup>`, and `</caption>`.
 * @param {Element} _
 *   Element.
 * @param {number | undefined} index
 *   Index of element in parent.
 * @param {Parents | undefined} parent
 *   Parent of element.
 * @returns {boolean}
 *   Whether the closing tag can be omitted.
function headOrColgroupOrCaption(_, index, parent) {
  const next = siblingAfter(parent, index, true)
  return (
    !next ||
    (next.type !== 'comment' &&
      !(next.type === 'text' && whitespace(next.value.charAt(0))))

 * Whether to omit `</html>`.
 * @param {Element} _
 *   Element.
 * @param {number | undefined} index
 *   Index of element in parent.
 * @param {Parents | undefined} parent
 *   Parent of element.
 * @returns {boolean}
 *   Whether the closing tag can be omitted.
function html(_, index, parent) {
  const next = siblingAfter(parent, index)
  return !next || next.type !== 'comment'

 * Whether to omit `</body>`.
 * @param {Element} _
 *   Element.
 * @param {number | undefined} index
 *   Index of element in parent.
 * @param {Parents | undefined} parent
 *   Parent of element.
 * @returns {boolean}
 *   Whether the closing tag can be omitted.
function body(_, index, parent) {
  const next = siblingAfter(parent, index)
  return !next || next.type !== 'comment'

 * Whether to omit `</p>`.
 * @param {Element} _
 *   Element.
 * @param {number | undefined} index
 *   Index of element in parent.
 * @param {Parents | undefined} parent
 *   Parent of element.
 * @returns {boolean}
 *   Whether the closing tag can be omitted.
function p(_, index, parent) {
  const next = siblingAfter(parent, index)
  return next
    ? next.type === 'element' &&
        (next.tagName === 'address' ||
          next.tagName === 'article' ||
          next.tagName === 'aside' ||
          next.tagName === 'blockquote' ||
          next.tagName === 'details' ||
          next.tagName === 'div' ||
          next.tagName === 'dl' ||
          next.tagName === 'fieldset' ||
          next.tagName === 'figcaption' ||
          next.tagName === 'figure' ||
          next.tagName === 'footer' ||
          next.tagName === 'form' ||
          next.tagName === 'h1' ||
          next.tagName === 'h2' ||
          next.tagName === 'h3' ||
          next.tagName === 'h4' ||
          next.tagName === 'h5' ||
          next.tagName === 'h6' ||
          next.tagName === 'header' ||
          next.tagName === 'hgroup' ||
          next.tagName === 'hr' ||
          next.tagName === 'main' ||
          next.tagName === 'menu' ||
          next.tagName === 'nav' ||
          next.tagName === 'ol' ||
          next.tagName === 'p' ||
          next.tagName === 'pre' ||
          next.tagName === 'section' ||
          next.tagName === 'table' ||
          next.tagName === 'ul')
    : !parent ||
        // Confusing parent.
          parent.type === 'element' &&
          (parent.tagName === 'a' ||
            parent.tagName === 'audio' ||
            parent.tagName === 'del' ||
            parent.tagName === 'ins' ||
            parent.tagName === 'map' ||
            parent.tagName === 'noscript' ||
            parent.tagName === 'video')

 * Whether to omit `</li>`.
 * @param {Element} _
 *   Element.
 * @param {number | undefined} index
 *   Index of element in parent.
 * @param {Parents | undefined} parent
 *   Parent of element.
 * @returns {boolean}
 *   Whether the closing tag can be omitted.
function li(_, index, parent) {
  const next = siblingAfter(parent, index)
  return !next || (next.type === 'element' && next.tagName === 'li')

 * Whether to omit `</dt>`.
 * @param {Element} _
 *   Element.
 * @param {number | undefined} index
 *   Index of element in parent.
 * @param {Parents | undefined} parent
 *   Parent of element.
 * @returns {boolean}
 *   Whether the closing tag can be omitted.
function dt(_, index, parent) {
  const next = siblingAfter(parent, index)
  return Boolean(
    next &&
      next.type === 'element' &&
      (next.tagName === 'dt' || next.tagName === 'dd')

 * Whether to omit `</dd>`.
 * @param {Element} _
 *   Element.
 * @param {number | undefined} index
 *   Index of element in parent.
 * @param {Parents | undefined} parent
 *   Parent of element.
 * @returns {boolean}
 *   Whether the closing tag can be omitted.
function dd(_, index, parent) {
  const next = siblingAfter(parent, index)
  return (
    !next ||
    (next.type === 'element' &&
      (next.tagName === 'dt' || next.tagName === 'dd'))

 * Whether to omit `</rt>` or `</rp>`.
 * @param {Element} _
 *   Element.
 * @param {number | undefined} index
 *   Index of element in parent.
 * @param {Parents | undefined} parent
 *   Parent of element.
 * @returns {boolean}
 *   Whether the closing tag can be omitted.
function rubyElement(_, index, parent) {
  const next = siblingAfter(parent, index)
  return (
    !next ||
    (next.type === 'element' &&
      (next.tagName === 'rp' || next.tagName === 'rt'))

 * Whether to omit `</optgroup>`.
 * @param {Element} _
 *   Element.
 * @param {number | undefined} index
 *   Index of element in parent.
 * @param {Parents | undefined} parent
 *   Parent of element.
 * @returns {boolean}
 *   Whether the closing tag can be omitted.
function optgroup(_, index, parent) {
  const next = siblingAfter(parent, index)
  return !next || (next.type === 'element' && next.tagName === 'optgroup')

 * Whether to omit `</option>`.
 * @param {Element} _
 *   Element.
 * @param {number | undefined} index
 *   Index of element in parent.
 * @param {Parents | undefined} parent
 *   Parent of element.
 * @returns {boolean}
 *   Whether the closing tag can be omitted.
function option(_, index, parent) {
  const next = siblingAfter(parent, index)
  return (
    !next ||
    (next.type === 'element' &&
      (next.tagName === 'option' || next.tagName === 'optgroup'))

 * Whether to omit `</thead>`.
 * @param {Element} _
 *   Element.
 * @param {number | undefined} index
 *   Index of element in parent.
 * @param {Parents | undefined} parent
 *   Parent of element.
 * @returns {boolean}
 *   Whether the closing tag can be omitted.
function thead(_, index, parent) {
  const next = siblingAfter(parent, index)
  return Boolean(
    next &&
      next.type === 'element' &&
      (next.tagName === 'tbody' || next.tagName === 'tfoot')

 * Whether to omit `</tbody>`.
 * @param {Element} _
 *   Element.
 * @param {number | undefined} index
 *   Index of element in parent.
 * @param {Parents | undefined} parent
 *   Parent of element.
 * @returns {boolean}
 *   Whether the closing tag can be omitted.
function tbody(_, index, parent) {
  const next = siblingAfter(parent, index)
  return (
    !next ||
    (next.type === 'element' &&
      (next.tagName === 'tbody' || next.tagName === 'tfoot'))

 * Whether to omit `</tfoot>`.
 * @param {Element} _
 *   Element.
 * @param {number | undefined} index
 *   Index of element in parent.
 * @param {Parents | undefined} parent
 *   Parent of element.
 * @returns {boolean}
 *   Whether the closing tag can be omitted.
function tfoot(_, index, parent) {
  return !siblingAfter(parent, index)

 * Whether to omit `</tr>`.
 * @param {Element} _
 *   Element.
 * @param {number | undefined} index
 *   Index of element in parent.
 * @param {Parents | undefined} parent
 *   Parent of element.
 * @returns {boolean}
 *   Whether the closing tag can be omitted.
function tr(_, index, parent) {
  const next = siblingAfter(parent, index)
  return !next || (next.type === 'element' && next.tagName === 'tr')

 * Whether to omit `</td>` or `</th>`.
 * @param {Element} _
 *   Element.
 * @param {number | undefined} index
 *   Index of element in parent.
 * @param {Parents | undefined} parent
 *   Parent of element.
 * @returns {boolean}
 *   Whether the closing tag can be omitted.
function cells(_, index, parent) {
  const next = siblingAfter(parent, index)
  return (
    !next ||
    (next.type === 'element' &&
      (next.tagName === 'td' || next.tagName === 'th'))