import { SyntaxReferenceError, SyntaxMatchError } from './error.js';
import * as names from '../utils/names.js';
import { cssWideKeywords } from './generic-const.js';
import { createGenericTypes } from './generic.js';
import * as units from './units.js';
import { parse, generate, walk } from '../definition-syntax/index.js';
import prepareTokens from './prepare-tokens.js';
import { buildMatchGraph } from './match-graph.js';
import { matchAsTree } from './match.js';
import * as trace from './trace.js';
import { matchFragments } from './search.js';
import { getStructureFromConfig } from './structure.js';

const cssWideKeywordsSyntax = buildMatchGraph(cssWideKeywords.join(' | '));

function dumpMapSyntax(map, compact, syntaxAsAst) {
    const result = {};

    for (const name in map) {
        if (map[name].syntax) {
            result[name] = syntaxAsAst
                ? map[name].syntax
                : generate(map[name].syntax, { compact });

    return result;

function dumpAtruleMapSyntax(map, compact, syntaxAsAst) {
    const result = {};

    for (const [name, atrule] of Object.entries(map)) {
        result[name] = {
            prelude: atrule.prelude && (
                    ? atrule.prelude.syntax
                    : generate(atrule.prelude.syntax, { compact })
            descriptors: atrule.descriptors && dumpMapSyntax(atrule.descriptors, compact, syntaxAsAst)

    return result;

function valueHasVar(tokens) {
    for (let i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
        if (tokens[i].value.toLowerCase() === 'var(') {
            return true;

    return false;

function buildMatchResult(matched, error, iterations) {
    return {

function matchSyntax(lexer, syntax, value, useCssWideKeywords) {
    const tokens = prepareTokens(value, lexer.syntax);
    let result;

    if (valueHasVar(tokens)) {
        return buildMatchResult(null, new Error('Matching for a tree with var() is not supported'));

    if (useCssWideKeywords) {
        result = matchAsTree(tokens, lexer.cssWideKeywordsSyntax, lexer);

    if (!useCssWideKeywords || !result.match) {
        result = matchAsTree(tokens, syntax.match, lexer);
        if (!result.match) {
            return buildMatchResult(
                new SyntaxMatchError(result.reason, syntax.syntax, value, result),

    return buildMatchResult(result.match, null, result.iterations);

export class Lexer {
    constructor(config, syntax, structure) {
        this.cssWideKeywordsSyntax = cssWideKeywordsSyntax;
        this.syntax = syntax;
        this.generic = false;
        this.units = { ...units };
        this.atrules = Object.create(null); = Object.create(null);
        this.types = Object.create(null);
        this.structure = structure || getStructureFromConfig(config);

        if (config) {
            if (config.units) {
                for (const group of Object.keys(units)) {
                    if (Array.isArray(config.units[group])) {
                        this.units[group] = config.units[group];

            if (config.types) {
                for (const name in config.types) {
                    this.addType_(name, config.types[name]);

            if (config.generic) {
                this.generic = true;
                for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(createGenericTypes(this.units))) {
                    this.addType_(name, value);

            if (config.atrules) {
                for (const name in config.atrules) {
                    this.addAtrule_(name, config.atrules[name]);

            if ( {
                for (const name in {

    checkStructure(ast) {
        function collectWarning(node, message) {
            warns.push({ node, message });

        const structure = this.structure;
        const warns = [];

        this.syntax.walk(ast, function(node) {
            if (structure.hasOwnProperty(node.type)) {
                structure[node.type].check(node, collectWarning);
            } else {
                collectWarning(node, 'Unknown node type `' + node.type + '`');

        return warns.length ? warns : false;

    createDescriptor(syntax, type, name, parent = null) {
        const ref = {
        const descriptor = {
            serializable: typeof syntax === 'string' || (syntax && typeof syntax.type === 'string'),
            syntax: null,
            match: null

        if (typeof syntax === 'function') {
            descriptor.match = buildMatchGraph(syntax, ref);
        } else {
            if (typeof syntax === 'string') {
                // lazy parsing on first access
                Object.defineProperty(descriptor, 'syntax', {
                    get() {
                        Object.defineProperty(descriptor, 'syntax', {
                            value: parse(syntax)

                        return descriptor.syntax;
            } else {
                descriptor.syntax = syntax;

            // lazy graph build on first access
            Object.defineProperty(descriptor, 'match', {
                get() {
                    Object.defineProperty(descriptor, 'match', {
                        value: buildMatchGraph(descriptor.syntax, ref)

                    return descriptor.match;

        return descriptor;
    addAtrule_(name, syntax) {
        if (!syntax) {

        this.atrules[name] = {
            type: 'Atrule',
            name: name,
            prelude: syntax.prelude ? this.createDescriptor(syntax.prelude, 'AtrulePrelude', name) : null,
            descriptors: syntax.descriptors
                ? Object.keys(syntax.descriptors).reduce(
                    (map, descName) => {
                        map[descName] = this.createDescriptor(syntax.descriptors[descName], 'AtruleDescriptor', descName, name);
                        return map;
                : null
    addProperty_(name, syntax) {
        if (!syntax) {
        }[name] = this.createDescriptor(syntax, 'Property', name);
    addType_(name, syntax) {
        if (!syntax) {

        this.types[name] = this.createDescriptor(syntax, 'Type', name);

    checkAtruleName(atruleName) {
        if (!this.getAtrule(atruleName)) {
            return new SyntaxReferenceError('Unknown at-rule', '@' + atruleName);
    checkAtrulePrelude(atruleName, prelude) {
        const error = this.checkAtruleName(atruleName);

        if (error) {
            return error;

        const atrule = this.getAtrule(atruleName);

        if (!atrule.prelude && prelude) {
            return new SyntaxError('At-rule `@' + atruleName + '` should not contain a prelude');

        if (atrule.prelude && !prelude) {
            if (!matchSyntax(this, atrule.prelude, '', false).matched) {
                return new SyntaxError('At-rule `@' + atruleName + '` should contain a prelude');
    checkAtruleDescriptorName(atruleName, descriptorName) {
        const error = this.checkAtruleName(atruleName);

        if (error) {
            return error;

        const atrule = this.getAtrule(atruleName);
        const descriptor = names.keyword(descriptorName);

        if (!atrule.descriptors) {
            return new SyntaxError('At-rule `@' + atruleName + '` has no known descriptors');

        if (!atrule.descriptors[] &&
            !atrule.descriptors[descriptor.basename]) {
            return new SyntaxReferenceError('Unknown at-rule descriptor', descriptorName);
    checkPropertyName(propertyName) {
        if (!this.getProperty(propertyName)) {
            return new SyntaxReferenceError('Unknown property', propertyName);

    matchAtrulePrelude(atruleName, prelude) {
        const error = this.checkAtrulePrelude(atruleName, prelude);

        if (error) {
            return buildMatchResult(null, error);

        const atrule = this.getAtrule(atruleName);

        if (!atrule.prelude) {
            return buildMatchResult(null, null);

        return matchSyntax(this, atrule.prelude, prelude || '', false);
    matchAtruleDescriptor(atruleName, descriptorName, value) {
        const error = this.checkAtruleDescriptorName(atruleName, descriptorName);

        if (error) {
            return buildMatchResult(null, error);

        const atrule = this.getAtrule(atruleName);
        const descriptor = names.keyword(descriptorName);

        return matchSyntax(this, atrule.descriptors[] || atrule.descriptors[descriptor.basename], value, false);
    matchDeclaration(node) {
        if (node.type !== 'Declaration') {
            return buildMatchResult(null, new Error('Not a Declaration node'));

        return this.matchProperty(, node.value);
    matchProperty(propertyName, value) {
        // don't match syntax for a custom property at the moment
        if ( {
            return buildMatchResult(null, new Error('Lexer matching doesn\'t applicable for custom properties'));

        const error = this.checkPropertyName(propertyName);

        if (error) {
            return buildMatchResult(null, error);

        return matchSyntax(this, this.getProperty(propertyName), value, true);
    matchType(typeName, value) {
        const typeSyntax = this.getType(typeName);

        if (!typeSyntax) {
            return buildMatchResult(null, new SyntaxReferenceError('Unknown type', typeName));

        return matchSyntax(this, typeSyntax, value, false);
    match(syntax, value) {
        if (typeof syntax !== 'string' && (!syntax || !syntax.type)) {
            return buildMatchResult(null, new SyntaxReferenceError('Bad syntax'));

        if (typeof syntax === 'string' || !syntax.match) {
            syntax = this.createDescriptor(syntax, 'Type', 'anonymous');

        return matchSyntax(this, syntax, value, false);

    findValueFragments(propertyName, value, type, name) {
        return matchFragments(this, value, this.matchProperty(propertyName, value), type, name);
    findDeclarationValueFragments(declaration, type, name) {
        return matchFragments(this, declaration.value, this.matchDeclaration(declaration), type, name);
    findAllFragments(ast, type, name) {
        const result = [];

        this.syntax.walk(ast, {
            visit: 'Declaration',
            enter: (declaration) => {
                result.push.apply(result, this.findDeclarationValueFragments(declaration, type, name));

        return result;

    getAtrule(atruleName, fallbackBasename = true) {
        const atrule = names.keyword(atruleName);
        const atruleEntry = atrule.vendor && fallbackBasename
            ? this.atrules[] || this.atrules[atrule.basename]
            : this.atrules[];

        return atruleEntry || null;
    getAtrulePrelude(atruleName, fallbackBasename = true) {
        const atrule = this.getAtrule(atruleName, fallbackBasename);

        return atrule && atrule.prelude || null;
    getAtruleDescriptor(atruleName, name) {
        return this.atrules.hasOwnProperty(atruleName) && this.atrules.declarators
            ? this.atrules[atruleName].declarators[name] || null
            : null;
    getProperty(propertyName, fallbackBasename = true) {
        const property =;
        const propertyEntry = property.vendor && fallbackBasename
            ?[] ||[property.basename]

        return propertyEntry || null;
    getType(name) {
        return, name) ? this.types[name] : null;

    validate() {
        function validate(syntax, name, broken, descriptor) {
            if (broken.has(name)) {
                return broken.get(name);

            broken.set(name, false);
            if (descriptor.syntax !== null) {
                walk(descriptor.syntax, function(node) {
                    if (node.type !== 'Type' && node.type !== 'Property') {

                    const map = node.type === 'Type' ? syntax.types :;
                    const brokenMap = node.type === 'Type' ? brokenTypes : brokenProperties;

                    if (!, || validate(syntax,, brokenMap, map[])) {
                        broken.set(name, true);
                }, this);

        let brokenTypes = new Map();
        let brokenProperties = new Map();

        for (const key in this.types) {
            validate(this, key, brokenTypes, this.types[key]);

        for (const key in {
            validate(this, key, brokenProperties,[key]);

        brokenTypes = [...brokenTypes.keys()].filter(name => brokenTypes.get(name));
        brokenProperties = [...brokenProperties.keys()].filter(name => brokenProperties.get(name));

        if (brokenTypes.length || brokenProperties.length) {
            return {
                types: brokenTypes,
                properties: brokenProperties

        return null;
    dump(syntaxAsAst, pretty) {
        return {
            generic: this.generic,
            units: this.units,
            types: dumpMapSyntax(this.types, !pretty, syntaxAsAst),
            properties: dumpMapSyntax(, !pretty, syntaxAsAst),
            atrules: dumpAtruleMapSyntax(this.atrules, !pretty, syntaxAsAst)
    toString() {
        return JSON.stringify(this.dump());