 * Escape all magic characters in a glob pattern.
 * If the {@link windowsPathsNoEscape | GlobOptions.windowsPathsNoEscape}
 * option is used, then characters are escaped by wrapping in `[]`, because
 * a magic character wrapped in a character class can only be satisfied by
 * that exact character.  In this mode, `\` is _not_ escaped, because it is
 * not interpreted as a magic character, but instead as a path separator.
export const escape = (s, { windowsPathsNoEscape = false, } = {}) => {
    // don't need to escape +@! because we escape the parens
    // that make those magic, and escaping ! as [!] isn't valid,
    // because [!]] is a valid glob class meaning not ']'.
    return windowsPathsNoEscape
        ? s.replace(/[?*()[\]]/g, '[$&]')
        : s.replace(/[?*()[\]\\]/g, '\\$&');
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