/************************************************************* * * Copyright (c) 2018-2022 The MathJax Consortium * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * @fileoverview The AMS Parse methods. * * @author v.sorge@mathjax.org (Volker Sorge) */ import {StackItem} from '../StackItem.js'; import {ParseMethod} from '../Types.js'; import ParseUtil from '../ParseUtil.js'; import ParseMethods from '../ParseMethods.js'; import NodeUtil from '../NodeUtil.js'; import {TexConstant} from '../TexConstants.js'; import TexParser from '../TexParser.js'; import TexError from '../TexError.js'; import {Macro} from '../Symbol.js'; import {CommandMap} from '../SymbolMap.js'; import {ArrayItem} from '../base/BaseItems.js'; import {FlalignItem} from './AmsItems.js'; import BaseMethods from '../base/BaseMethods.js'; import {TEXCLASS} from '../../../core/MmlTree/MmlNode.js'; import {MmlMunderover} from '../../../core/MmlTree/MmlNodes/munderover.js'; import {MmlNode, AbstractMmlTokenNode} from '../../../core/MmlTree/MmlNode.js'; // Namespace export const AmsMethods: Record<string, ParseMethod> = {}; /** * Handle AMS array environments. * @param {TexParser} parser The calling parser. * @param {StackItem} begin The opening stackitem. * @param {boolean} numbered Environment numbered. * @param {boolean} taggable Environment taggable (e.g., align* is taggable, * split is not). * @param {string} align Column alignment. * @param {string} spacing Column spacing. * @param {string} style Display style indicator. */ AmsMethods.AmsEqnArray = function(parser: TexParser, begin: StackItem, numbered: boolean, taggable: boolean, align: string, spacing: string, style: string) { // @test Aligned, Gathered const args = parser.GetBrackets('\\begin{' + begin.getName() + '}'); const array = BaseMethods.EqnArray(parser, begin, numbered, taggable, align, spacing, style); return ParseUtil.setArrayAlign(array as ArrayItem, args); }; /** * Handle AMS alignat environments. * @param {TexParser} parser The calling parser. * @param {StackItem} begin The opening stackitem. * @param {boolean} numbered Environment numbered. * @param {boolean} taggable Environment taggable (e.g., align* is taggable, * split is not). */ AmsMethods.AlignAt = function(parser: TexParser, begin: StackItem, numbered: boolean, taggable: boolean) { const name = begin.getName(); let n, valign, align = '', spacing = []; if (!taggable) { // @test Alignedat valign = parser.GetBrackets('\\begin{' + name + '}'); } n = parser.GetArgument('\\begin{' + name + '}'); if (n.match(/[^0-9]/)) { // @test PositiveIntegerArg throw new TexError('PositiveIntegerArg', 'Argument to %1 must me a positive integer', '\\begin{' + name + '}'); } let count = parseInt(n, 10); while (count > 0) { align += 'rl'; spacing.push('0em 0em'); count--; } let spaceStr = spacing.join(' '); if (taggable) { // @test Alignat, Alignat Star return AmsMethods.EqnArray(parser, begin, numbered, taggable, align, spaceStr); } // @test Alignedat let array = AmsMethods.EqnArray(parser, begin, numbered, taggable, align, spaceStr); return ParseUtil.setArrayAlign(array as ArrayItem, valign); }; /** * Implements multline environment (mostly handled through STACKITEM below) * @param {TexParser} parser The calling parser. * @param {StackItem} begin The opening stackitem. * @param {boolean} numbered Environment numbered. */ AmsMethods.Multline = function (parser: TexParser, begin: StackItem, numbered: boolean) { // @test Shove*, Multline parser.Push(begin); ParseUtil.checkEqnEnv(parser); const item = parser.itemFactory.create('multline', numbered, parser.stack) as ArrayItem; item.arraydef = { displaystyle: true, rowspacing: '.5em', columnspacing: '100%', width: parser.options.ams['multlineWidth'], side: parser.options['tagSide'], minlabelspacing: parser.options['tagIndent'], framespacing: parser.options.ams['multlineIndent'] + ' 0', frame: '', // Use frame spacing with no actual frame 'data-width-includes-label': true // take label space out of 100% width }; return item; }; /** * Generate an align at environment. * @param {TexParser} parser The current TeX parser. * @param {StackItem} begin The begin stackitem. * @param {boolean} numbered Is this a numbered array. * @param {boolean} padded Is it padded. */ AmsMethods.XalignAt = function(parser: TexParser, begin: StackItem, numbered: boolean, padded: boolean) { let n = parser.GetArgument('\\begin{' + begin.getName() + '}'); if (n.match(/[^0-9]/)) { throw new TexError('PositiveIntegerArg', 'Argument to %1 must me a positive integer', '\\begin{' + begin.getName() + '}'); } const align = (padded ? 'crl' : 'rlc'); const width = (padded ? 'fit auto auto' : 'auto auto fit'); const item = AmsMethods.FlalignArray(parser, begin, numbered, padded, false, align, width, true) as FlalignItem; item.setProperty('xalignat', 2 * parseInt(n)); return item; }; /** * Generate an flalign environment. * @param {TexParser} parser The current TeX parser. * @param {StackItem} begin The begin stackitem. * @param {boolean} numbered Is this a numbered array. * @param {boolean} padded Is it padded. * @param {boolean} center Is it centered. * @param {string} align The horizontal alignment for columns * @param {string} width The column widths of the table * @param {boolean} zeroWidthLabel True if the label should be in llap/rlap */ AmsMethods.FlalignArray = function(parser: TexParser, begin: StackItem, numbered: boolean, padded: boolean, center: boolean, align: string, width: string, zeroWidthLabel: boolean = false) { parser.Push(begin); ParseUtil.checkEqnEnv(parser); align = align .split('') .join(' ') .replace(/r/g, 'right') .replace(/l/g, 'left') .replace(/c/g, 'center'); const item = parser.itemFactory.create( 'flalign', begin.getName(), numbered, padded, center, parser.stack) as FlalignItem; item.arraydef = { width: '100%', displaystyle: true, columnalign: align, columnspacing: '0em', columnwidth: width, rowspacing: '3pt', side: parser.options['tagSide'], minlabelspacing: (zeroWidthLabel ? '0' : parser.options['tagIndent']), 'data-width-includes-label': true, }; item.setProperty('zeroWidthLabel', zeroWidthLabel); return item; }; export const NEW_OPS = 'ams-declare-ops'; /** * Handle DeclareMathOperator. * @param {TexParser} parser The calling parser. * @param {string} name The macro name. */ AmsMethods.HandleDeclareOp = function (parser: TexParser, name: string) { let star = (parser.GetStar() ? '*' : ''); let cs = ParseUtil.trimSpaces(parser.GetArgument(name)); if (cs.charAt(0) === '\\') { cs = cs.substr(1); } let op = parser.GetArgument(name); (parser.configuration.handlers.retrieve(NEW_OPS) as CommandMap). add(cs, new Macro(cs, AmsMethods.Macro, [`\\operatorname${star}{${op}}`])); }; /** * Handle operatorname. * @param {TexParser} parser The calling parser. * @param {string} name The macro name. */ AmsMethods.HandleOperatorName = function(parser: TexParser, name: string) { // @test Operatorname const star = parser.GetStar(); // // Parse the argument using operator letters and grouping multiple letters. // let op = ParseUtil.trimSpaces(parser.GetArgument(name)); let mml = new TexParser(op, { ...parser.stack.env, font: TexConstant.Variant.NORMAL, multiLetterIdentifiers: /^[-*a-z]+/i as any, operatorLetters: true }, parser.configuration).mml(); // // If we get something other than a single mi, wrap in a TeXAtom. // if (!mml.isKind('mi')) { mml = parser.create('node', 'TeXAtom', [mml]); } // // Mark the limit properties and the TeX class. // NodeUtil.setProperties(mml, {movesupsub: star, movablelimits: true, texClass: TEXCLASS.OP}); // // Skip a following \limits macro if not a starred operator // if (!star) { const c = parser.GetNext(), i = parser.i; if (c === '\\' && ++parser.i && parser.GetCS() !== 'limits') { parser.i = i; } } // parser.Push(mml); }; /** * Handle sideset. * @param {TexParser} parser The calling parser. * @param {string} name The macro name. */ AmsMethods.SideSet = function (parser: TexParser, name: string) { // // Get the pre- and post-scripts, and any extra material from the arguments // const [preScripts, preRest] = splitSideSet(parser.ParseArg(name)); const [postScripts, postRest] = splitSideSet(parser.ParseArg(name)); const base = parser.ParseArg(name); let mml = base; // // If there are pre-scripts... // if (preScripts) { // // If there is other material... // if (preRest) { // // Replace the empty base of the prescripts with a phantom element of the // original base, with width 0 (but still of the correct height and depth). // so the scripts will be at the right heights. // preScripts.replaceChild( parser.create('node', 'mphantom', [ parser.create('node', 'mpadded', [ParseUtil.copyNode(base, parser)], {width: 0}) ]), NodeUtil.getChildAt(preScripts, 0) ); } else { // // If there is no extra meterial, make a mmultiscripts element // mml = parser.create('node', 'mmultiscripts', [base]); // // Add any postscripts // if (postScripts) { NodeUtil.appendChildren(mml, [ NodeUtil.getChildAt(postScripts, 1) || parser.create('node', 'none'), NodeUtil.getChildAt(postScripts, 2) || parser.create('node', 'none') ]); } // // Add the prescripts (left aligned) // NodeUtil.setProperty(mml, 'scriptalign', 'left'); NodeUtil.appendChildren(mml, [ parser.create('node', 'mprescripts'), NodeUtil.getChildAt(preScripts, 1) || parser.create('node', 'none'), NodeUtil.getChildAt(preScripts, 2) || parser.create('node', 'none') ]); } } // // If there are postscripts and we didn't make a mmultiscript element above... // if (postScripts && mml === base) { // // Replace the emtpy base with actual base, and use that as the mml // postScripts.replaceChild(base, NodeUtil.getChildAt(postScripts, 0)); mml = postScripts; } // // Put the needed pieces into a TeXAtom of class OP. // Note that the postScripts are in the mml element, // either as part of the mmultiscripts node, or the // msubsup with the base inserted into it. // const mrow = parser.create('node', 'TeXAtom', [], {texClass: TEXCLASS.OP, movesupsub: true, movablelimits: true}); if (preRest) { preScripts && mrow.appendChild(preScripts); mrow.appendChild(preRest); } mrow.appendChild(mml); postRest && mrow.appendChild(postRest); parser.Push(mrow); }; /** * Utility for breaking the \sideset scripts from any other material. * @param {MmlNode} mml The node to check. * @return {[MmlNode, MmlNode]} The msubsup with the scripts together with any extra nodes. */ function splitSideSet(mml: MmlNode): [MmlNode, MmlNode] { if (!mml || (mml.isInferred && mml.childNodes.length === 0)) return [null, null]; if (mml.isKind('msubsup') && checkSideSetBase(mml)) return [mml, null]; const child = NodeUtil.getChildAt(mml, 0); if (!(mml.isInferred && child && checkSideSetBase(child))) return [null, mml]; mml.childNodes.splice(0, 1); // remove first child return [child, mml]; } /** * Utility for checking if a \sideset argument has scripts with an empty base. * @param {MmlNode} mml The node to check. * @return {boolean} True if the base is not and empty mi element. */ function checkSideSetBase(mml: MmlNode): boolean { const base = mml.childNodes[0]; return base && base.isKind('mi') && (base as AbstractMmlTokenNode).getText() === ''; } /** * Handle extra letters in \operatorname (- and *), default to normal otherwise. * @param {TexParser} parser The calling parser. * @param {string} c The letter being checked */ AmsMethods.operatorLetter = function (parser: TexParser, c: string) { return parser.stack.env.operatorLetters ? ParseMethods.variable(parser, c) : false; }; /** * Handle multi integral signs. * @param {TexParser} parser The calling parser. * @param {string} name The macro name. * @param {string} integral The actual integral sign. */ AmsMethods.MultiIntegral = function(parser: TexParser, name: string, integral: string) { let next = parser.GetNext(); if (next === '\\') { // @test MultiInt with Command let i = parser.i; next = parser.GetArgument(name); parser.i = i; if (next === '\\limits') { if (name === '\\idotsint') { // @test MultiInt with Limits integral = '\\!\\!\\mathop{\\,\\,' + integral + '}'; } else { // Question: This is not used anymore? integral = '\\!\\!\\!\\mathop{\\,\\,\\,' + integral + '}'; } } } // @test MultiInt, MultiInt in Context parser.string = integral + ' ' + parser.string.slice(parser.i); parser.i = 0; }; /** * Handle stretchable arrows. * @param {TexParser} parser The calling parser. * @param {string} name The macro name. * @param {number} chr The arrow character in hex code. * @param {number} l Left width. * @param {number} r Right width. */ AmsMethods.xArrow = function(parser: TexParser, name: string, chr: number, l: number, r: number) { let def = {width: '+' + ParseUtil.Em((l + r) / 18), lspace: ParseUtil.Em(l / 18)}; let bot = parser.GetBrackets(name); let first = parser.ParseArg(name); let dstrut = parser.create('node', 'mspace', [], {depth: '.25em'}); let arrow = parser.create('token', 'mo', {stretchy: true, texClass: TEXCLASS.REL}, String.fromCodePoint(chr)); arrow = parser.create('node', 'mstyle', [arrow], {scriptlevel: 0}); let mml = parser.create('node', 'munderover', [arrow]) as MmlMunderover; let mpadded = parser.create('node', 'mpadded', [first, dstrut], def); NodeUtil.setAttribute(mpadded, 'voffset', '-.2em'); NodeUtil.setAttribute(mpadded, 'height', '-.2em'); NodeUtil.setChild(mml, mml.over, mpadded); if (bot) { // @test Above Below Left Arrow, Above Below Right Arrow let bottom = new TexParser(bot, parser.stack.env, parser.configuration).mml(); let bstrut = parser.create('node', 'mspace', [], {height: '.75em'}); mpadded = parser.create('node', 'mpadded', [bottom, bstrut], def); NodeUtil.setAttribute(mpadded, 'voffset', '.15em'); NodeUtil.setAttribute(mpadded, 'depth', '-.15em'); NodeUtil.setChild(mml, mml.under, mpadded); } // @test Above Left Arrow, Above Right Arrow, Above Left Arrow in Context, // Above Right Arrow in Context NodeUtil.setProperty(mml, 'subsupOK', true); parser.Push(mml); }; /** * Record presence of \shoveleft and \shoveright * @param {TexParser} parser The calling parser. * @param {string} name The macro name. * @param {string} shove The shove value. */ AmsMethods.HandleShove = function(parser: TexParser, _name: string, shove: string) { let top = parser.stack.Top(); // @test Shove (Left|Right) (Top|Middle|Bottom) if (top.kind !== 'multline') { // @test Shove Error Environment throw new TexError('CommandOnlyAllowedInEnv', '%1 only allowed in %2 environment', parser.currentCS, 'multline'); } if (top.Size()) { // @test Shove Error (Top|Middle|Bottom) throw new TexError('CommandAtTheBeginingOfLine', '%1 must come at the beginning of the line', parser.currentCS); } top.setProperty('shove', shove); }; /** * Handle \cfrac * @param {TexParser} parser The calling parser. * @param {string} name The macro name. */ AmsMethods.CFrac = function(parser: TexParser, name: string) { let lr = ParseUtil.trimSpaces(parser.GetBrackets(name, '')); let num = parser.GetArgument(name); let den = parser.GetArgument(name); let lrMap: {[key: string]: string} = { l: TexConstant.Align.LEFT, r: TexConstant.Align.RIGHT, '': ''}; let numNode = new TexParser('\\strut\\textstyle{' + num + '}', parser.stack.env, parser.configuration).mml(); let denNode = new TexParser('\\strut\\textstyle{' + den + '}', parser.stack.env, parser.configuration).mml(); let frac = parser.create('node', 'mfrac', [numNode, denNode]); lr = lrMap[lr]; if (lr == null) { // @test Center Fraction Error throw new TexError('IllegalAlign', 'Illegal alignment specified in %1', parser.currentCS); } if (lr) { // @test Right Fraction, Left Fraction NodeUtil.setProperties(frac, {numalign: lr, denomalign: lr}); } // @test Center Fraction parser.Push(frac); }; /** * Implement AMS generalized fraction. * @param {TexParser} parser The calling parser. * @param {string} name The macro name. * @param {string} left Left delimiter. * @param {string} right Right delimiter. * @param {string} thick Line thickness. * @param {string} style Math style. */ AmsMethods.Genfrac = function(parser: TexParser, name: string, left: string, right: string, thick: string, style: string) { if (left == null) { // @test Genfrac left = parser.GetDelimiterArg(name); } if (right == null) { // @test Genfrac right = parser.GetDelimiterArg(name); } if (thick == null) { // @test Genfrac thick = parser.GetArgument(name); } if (style == null) { // @test Genfrac style = ParseUtil.trimSpaces(parser.GetArgument(name)); } let num = parser.ParseArg(name); let den = parser.ParseArg(name); let frac = parser.create('node', 'mfrac', [num, den]); if (thick !== '') { // @test Normal Binomial, Text Binomial, Display Binomial NodeUtil.setAttribute(frac, 'linethickness', thick); } if (left || right) { // @test Normal Binomial, Text Binomial, Display Binomial NodeUtil.setProperty(frac, 'withDelims', true); frac = ParseUtil.fixedFence(parser.configuration, left, frac, right); } if (style !== '') { let styleDigit = parseInt(style, 10); let styleAlpha = ['D', 'T', 'S', 'SS'][styleDigit]; if (styleAlpha == null) { // @test Genfrac Error throw new TexError('BadMathStyleFor', 'Bad math style for %1', parser.currentCS); } frac = parser.create('node', 'mstyle', [frac]); if (styleAlpha === 'D') { // @test Display Fraction, Display Sub Fraction, Display Binomial, // Display Sub Binomial NodeUtil.setProperties(frac, {displaystyle: true, scriptlevel: 0}); } else { // @test Text Fraction, Text Sub Fraction, Text Binomial, // Text Sub Binomial NodeUtil.setProperties(frac, {displaystyle: false, scriptlevel: styleDigit - 1}); } } // @test Text Fraction, Normal Sub Binomial, Normal Binomial parser.Push(frac); }; /** * Add the tag to the environment (to be added to the table row later). * @param {TexParser} parser The calling parser. * @param {string} name The macro name. */ AmsMethods.HandleTag = function(parser: TexParser, name: string) { if (!parser.tags.currentTag.taggable && parser.tags.env) { // @test Illegal Tag Error throw new TexError('CommandNotAllowedInEnv', '%1 not allowed in %2 environment', parser.currentCS, parser.tags.env); } if (parser.tags.currentTag.tag) { // @test Double Tag Error throw new TexError('MultipleCommand', 'Multiple %1', parser.currentCS); } let star = parser.GetStar(); let tagId = ParseUtil.trimSpaces(parser.GetArgument(name)); parser.tags.tag(tagId, star); }; AmsMethods.HandleNoTag = BaseMethods.HandleNoTag; AmsMethods.HandleRef = BaseMethods.HandleRef; AmsMethods.Macro = BaseMethods.Macro; AmsMethods.Accent = BaseMethods.Accent; AmsMethods.Tilde = BaseMethods.Tilde; AmsMethods.Array = BaseMethods.Array; AmsMethods.Spacer = BaseMethods.Spacer; AmsMethods.NamedOp = BaseMethods.NamedOp; AmsMethods.EqnArray = BaseMethods.EqnArray; AmsMethods.Equation = BaseMethods.Equation;