function ownKeys(e, r) { var t = Object.keys(e); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var o = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); r && (o = o.filter(function (r) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, r).enumerable; })), t.push.apply(t, o); } return t; } function _objectSpread(e) { for (var r = 1; r < arguments.length; r++) { var t = null != arguments[r] ? arguments[r] : {}; r % 2 ? ownKeys(Object(t), !0).forEach(function (r) { _defineProperty(e, r, t[r]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(t)) : ownKeys(Object(t)).forEach(function (r) { Object.defineProperty(e, r, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, r)); }); } return e; } function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { key = _toPropertyKey(key); if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; } function _toPropertyKey(t) { var i = _toPrimitive(t, "string"); return "symbol" == typeof i ? i : String(i); } function _toPrimitive(t, r) { if ("object" != typeof t || !t) return t; var e = t[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (void 0 !== e) { var i =, r || "default"); if ("object" != typeof i) return i; throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value."); } return ("string" === r ? String : Number)(t); } import { util } from '@citation-js/core'; import moo from 'moo'; import config from '../config.js'; import * as constants from './constants.js'; import { orderNamePieces, formatNameParts, getStringCase } from './name.js'; const text = { commandBegin: { match: '\\begin', push: 'environment' }, command: { match: /\\(?:[a-zA-Z]+|.) */, value: s => s.slice(1).trim() }, lbrace: { match: '{', push: 'bracedLiteral' }, mathShift: { match: '$', push: 'mathLiteral' }, whitespace: { match: /[\s]+|~/, lineBreaks: true, value(token) { return token === '~' ? '\xa0' : ' '; } } }; const lexer = moo.states({ stringLiteral: _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, text), {}, { text: /[^{$}\s~\\]+/ }), namesLiteral: _objectSpread(_objectSpread({ and: /\s+[aA][nN][dD]\s+/, comma: ',', hyphen: '-', equals: '=' }, text), {}, { text: /[^{$}\s~\\,=-]+/ }), listLiteral: _objectSpread(_objectSpread({ and: /\s+and\s+/ }, text), {}, { text: /[^{$}\s~\\]+/ }), separatedLiteral: _objectSpread(_objectSpread({ comma: ',' }, text), {}, { text: /[^{$}\s~\\,]+/ }), annotation: _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, text), {}, { colon: ':', equals: '=', comma: ',', semicolon: ';', quote: '"', itemCount: /\d+/, text: /[^{$}\s~\\":;,=]+/ }), bracedLiteral: _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, text), {}, { rbrace: { match: '}', pop: true }, text: /[^{$}\s~\\]+/ }), mathLiteral: _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, text), {}, { mathShift: { match: '$', pop: true }, script: /[\^_]/, text: /[^{$}\s~\\^_]+/ }), environment: _objectSpread(_objectSpread({ commandEnd: { match: '\\end', pop: true } }, text), {}, { text: /[^{$}\s~\\]+/ }) }); function flattenConsString(string) { string[0]; return string; } function applyFormatting(text, format) { if (format in constants.formatting) { return text && constants.formatting[format].join(text); } else { return text; } } export const valueGrammar = new util.Grammar({ String() { let output = ''; while (!this.matchEndOfFile()) { output += this.consumeRule('Text'); } return flattenConsString(output); }, StringNames() { const list = []; while (true) { this.consumeToken('whitespace', true); list.push(this.consumeRule('Name')); this.consumeToken('whitespace', true); if (this.matchEndOfFile()) { return list; } else { this.consumeToken('and'); } } }, Name() { const pieces = []; while (true) { pieces.push(this.consumeRule('NamePiece')); if (this.matchEndOfFile() || this.matchToken('and')) { return orderNamePieces(pieces); } else { this.consumeToken('comma'); this.consumeToken('whitespace', true); } } }, NamePiece() { const parts = []; while (true) { const part = this.consumeRule('NameToken'); if (part.label) { part.label = formatNameParts([, { value: part.label }]); return [part]; } parts.push(part); if (this.matchEndOfFile() || this.matchToken('and') || this.matchToken('comma')) { return parts; } else { while (this.matchToken('hyphen') || this.matchToken('whitespace')) { this.consumeToken(); } } } }, NameToken() { let upperCase = null; let value = ''; while (true) { if (upperCase === null && this.matchToken('text')) { const text = this.consumeToken().value; value += text; upperCase = getStringCase(text); } else if (this.matchEndOfFile() || this.matchToken('and') || this.matchToken('comma') || this.matchToken('whitespace')) { return { value, upperCase }; } else if (this.matchToken('hyphen')) { return { value, upperCase, hyphenated: true }; } else if (this.matchToken('equals')) { this.consumeToken('equals'); const text = this.consumeRule('NamePiece'); if (text[0].label) { value += '=' + text[0].label; } return { value: formatNameParts(text), label: value }; } else { value += this.consumeRule('Text'); } } }, StringList() { const list = []; while (!this.matchEndOfFile()) { let output = ''; while (!this.matchEndOfFile() && !this.matchToken('and')) { output += this.consumeRule('Text'); } list.push(flattenConsString(output)); this.consumeToken('and', true); } return list.length === 1 ? list[0] : list; }, StringSeparated() { const list = []; while (!this.matchEndOfFile()) { let output = ''; while (!this.matchEndOfFile() && !this.matchToken('comma')) { output += this.consumeRule('Text'); } list.push(output.trim()); this.consumeToken('comma', true); this.consumeToken('whitespace', true); } return list; }, StringVerbatim() { let output = ''; while (!this.matchEndOfFile()) { output += this.consumeToken().text; } return flattenConsString(output); }, StringUri() { const uri = this.consumeRule('StringVerbatim'); try { if (decodeURI(uri) === uri) { return encodeURI(uri); } else { return uri; } } catch (e) { return encodeURI(uri); } }, StringTitleCase() { this.state.sentenceCase = true; let output = ''; while (!this.matchEndOfFile()) { output += this.consumeRule('Text'); } return flattenConsString(output); }, Annotations() { const annotations = {}; while (true) { const { scope, item, part, value } = this.consumeRule('Annotation'); if (scope === 'part') { if (!annotations.part) { annotations.part = []; } if (!annotations.part[item]) { annotations.part[item] = {}; } annotations.part[item][part] = value; } else if (scope === 'item') { if (!annotations.item) { annotations.item = []; } annotations.item[item] = value; } else { annotations.field = value; } if (this.matchEndOfFile()) { break; } else { this.consumeToken('semicolon'); this.consumeRule('_'); } } return annotations; }, Annotation() { const annotation = {}; if (this.matchToken('itemCount')) { annotation.item = parseInt(this.consumeToken('itemCount')) - 1; if (this.matchToken('colon')) { this.consumeToken('colon'); annotation.part = this.consumeToken('text'); annotation.scope = 'part'; } else { annotation.scope = 'item'; } } else { annotation.scope = 'field'; } this.consumeToken('equals'); this.consumeRule('_'); if (this.matchToken('quote')) { this.consumeToken('quote'); let literal = ''; while (!this.matchToken('quote')) { if (this.matchToken('itemCount') || this.matchToken('colon') || this.matchToken('comma') || this.matchToken('semicolon') || this.matchToken('equals')) { literal += this.token.value; this.token =; } else { literal += this.consumeRule('Text'); } } this.consumeToken('quote'); annotation.value = flattenConsString(literal); this.consumeRule('_'); } else { annotation.value = []; let output = ''; while (true) { output += this.consumeRule('Text'); if (this.matchToken('comma')) { this.consumeToken('comma'); this.consumeRule('_'); annotation.value.push(flattenConsString(output)); output = ''; } else if (this.matchEndOfFile() || this.matchToken('semicolon')) { annotation.value.push(flattenConsString(output)); break; } } } return annotation; }, BracketString() { var _this$state; let output = ''; this.consumeToken('lbrace'); const sentenceCase = this.state.sentenceCase; this.state.sentenceCase = sentenceCase && this.matchToken('command'); (_this$state = this.state).partlyLowercase && (_this$state.partlyLowercase = this.state.sentenceCase); while (!this.matchToken('rbrace')) { output += this.consumeRule('Text'); } const topLevel = sentenceCase && !this.state.sentenceCase; const protectCase = topLevel && this.state.partlyLowercase; this.state.sentenceCase = sentenceCase; this.consumeToken('rbrace'); return protectCase ? applyFormatting(output, 'nocase') : output; }, MathString() { let output = ''; this.consumeToken('mathShift'); while (!this.matchToken('mathShift')) { if (this.matchToken('script')) { const script = this.consumeToken('script').value; const text = this.consumeRule('Text').split(''); if (text.every(char => char in constants.mathScripts[script])) { output += => constants.mathScripts[script][char]).join(''); } else { const formatName = constants.mathScriptFormatting[script]; output += constants.formatting[formatName].join(text.join('')); } continue; } if (this.matchToken('command')) { const command = this.token.value; if (command in constants.mathScriptFormatting) { this.consumeToken('command'); const text = this.consumeRule('BracketString'); output += applyFormatting(text, constants.mathScriptFormatting[command]); continue; } } output += this.consumeRule('Text'); } this.consumeToken('mathShift'); return output; }, Text() { if (this.matchToken('lbrace')) { return this.consumeRule('BracketString'); } else if (this.matchToken('mathShift')) { return this.consumeRule('MathString'); } else if (this.matchToken('whitespace')) { return this.consumeToken('whitespace').value; } else if (this.matchToken('commandBegin')) { return this.consumeRule('EnclosedEnv'); } else if (this.matchToken('command')) { return this.consumeRule('Command'); } const text = this.consumeToken('text').value.replace(constants.ligaturePattern, ligature => constants.ligatures[ligature]); const afterPunctuation = this.state.afterPunctuation; this.state.afterPunctuation = /[?!.:]$/.test(text); if (!this.state.sentenceCase) { var _this$state2; (_this$state2 = this.state).partlyLowercase || (_this$state2.partlyLowercase = text === text.toLowerCase() && text !== text.toUpperCase()); return text; } const [first, ...otherCharacters] = text; const rest = otherCharacters.join(''); const restLowerCase = rest.toLowerCase(); if (rest !== restLowerCase) { return text; } if (!afterPunctuation) { return text.toLowerCase(); } return first + restLowerCase; }, Command() { const commandToken = this.consumeToken('command'); const command = commandToken.value; if (command in constants.formattingEnvs) { const text = this.consumeRule('Env'); const format = constants.formattingEnvs[command]; return applyFormatting(text, format); } else if (command in constants.formattingCommands) { const text = this.consumeRule('BracketString'); const format = constants.formattingCommands[command]; return applyFormatting(text, format); } else if (command in constants.commands) { return constants.commands[command]; } else if (command in constants.mathCommands) { return constants.mathCommands[command]; } else if (command in constants.diacritics && !this.matchEndOfFile()) { const text = this.consumeRule('Text'); const diacritic = text[0] + constants.diacritics[command]; return diacritic.normalize('NFC') + text.slice(1); } else if (command in constants.argumentCommands) { const func = constants.argumentCommands[command]; const args = []; let arity = func.length; while (arity-- > 0) { this.consumeToken('whitespace', true); args.push(this.consumeRule('BracketString')); } return func(...args); } else if (/^[&%$#_{}]$/.test(command)) { return commandToken.text.slice(1); } else { return commandToken.text; } }, Env() { let output = ''; while (!this.matchEndOfFile() && !this.matchToken('rbrace')) { output += this.consumeRule('Text'); } return output; }, EnclosedEnv() { this.consumeToken('commandBegin'); const beginEnv = this.consumeRule('BracketString'); let output = ''; while (!this.matchToken('commandEnd')) { output += this.consumeRule('Text'); } const end = this.consumeToken('commandEnd'); const endEnv = this.consumeRule('BracketString'); if (beginEnv !== endEnv) { throw new SyntaxError(this.lexer.formatError(end, `environment started with "${beginEnv}", ended with "${endEnv}"`)); } return applyFormatting(output, constants.formattingEnvs[beginEnv]); }, _() { while (this.matchToken('whitespace')) { this.consumeToken('whitespace'); } } }, { sentenceCase: false, partlyLowercase: false, afterPunctuation: true }); function singleLanguageIsEnglish(language) { return constants.sentenceCaseLanguages.includes(language.toLowerCase()); } function isEnglish(languages) { if (Array.isArray(languages)) { return languages.every(singleLanguageIsEnglish); } return singleLanguageIsEnglish(languages); } function getMainRule(fieldType, languages) { if (fieldType[1] === 'name') { return fieldType[0] === 'list' ? 'StringNames' : 'Name'; } if (fieldType[1] === 'title') { const option = config.parse.sentenceCase; if (option === 'always' || option === 'english' && isEnglish(languages)) { return 'StringTitleCase'; } else { return 'String'; } } switch (fieldType[0] === 'field' ? fieldType[1] : fieldType[0]) { case 'list': return 'StringList'; case 'separated': return 'StringSeparated'; case 'verbatim': return 'StringVerbatim'; case 'uri': return 'StringUri'; case 'title': case 'literal': default: return 'String'; } } function getLexerState(fieldType) { if (fieldType[1] === 'name') { return 'namesLiteral'; } switch (fieldType[0]) { case 'list': return 'listLiteral'; case 'separated': return 'separatedLiteral'; case 'field': default: return 'stringLiteral'; } } export function parse(text, field, languages = []) { const fieldType = constants.fieldTypes[field] || []; return valueGrammar.parse(lexer.reset(text, { state: getLexerState(fieldType), line: 0, col: 0 }), getMainRule(fieldType, languages)); } export function parseAnnotation(text) { return valueGrammar.parse(lexer.reset(text, { state: 'annotation', line: 0, col: 0 }), 'Annotations'); }