import { visit } from 'unist-util-visit'; import fetch$3 from 'cross-fetch'; import { parseFragment } from 'parse5'; import { fromParse5 } from 'hast-util-from-parse5'; import { parse as parse$8, format as format$8 } from '@citation-js/name'; import require$$0 from 'child_process'; import path from 'path'; import Url from 'url'; import Stream from 'stream'; import http from 'http'; import punycode from 'punycode'; import https from 'https'; import zlib from 'zlib'; import { parse as parse$9, format as format$9 } from '@citation-js/date'; import CSL from 'citeproc'; import yaml from 'js-yaml'; function _wrapRegExp() { _wrapRegExp = function (e, r) { return new BabelRegExp(e, void 0, r); }; var e = RegExp.prototype, r = new WeakMap(); function BabelRegExp(e, t, p) { var o = new RegExp(e, t); return r.set(o, p || r.get(e)), _setPrototypeOf(o, BabelRegExp.prototype); } function buildGroups(e, t) { var p = r.get(t); return Object.keys(p).reduce(function (r, t) { var o = p[t]; if ("number" == typeof o) r[t] = e[o];else { for (var i = 0; void 0 === e[o[i]] && i + 1 < o.length;) i++; r[t] = e[o[i]]; } return r; }, Object.create(null)); } return _inherits(BabelRegExp, RegExp), BabelRegExp.prototype.exec = function (r) { var t =, r); if (t) { t.groups = buildGroups(t, this); var p = t.indices; p && (p.groups = buildGroups(p, this)); } return t; }, BabelRegExp.prototype[Symbol.replace] = function (t, p) { if ("string" == typeof p) { var o = r.get(this); return e[Symbol.replace].call(this, t, p.replace(/\$<([^>]+)>/g, function (e, r) { var t = o[r]; return "$" + (Array.isArray(t) ? t.join("$") : t); })); } if ("function" == typeof p) { var i = this; return e[Symbol.replace].call(this, t, function () { var e = arguments; return "object" != typeof e[e.length - 1] && (e = [], i)), p.apply(this, e); }); } return e[Symbol.replace].call(this, t, p); }, _wrapRegExp.apply(this, arguments); } function _extends() { _extends = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return _extends.apply(this, arguments); } function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); Object.defineProperty(subClass, "prototype", { writable: false }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); } function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); } // Regex adapted from /** * Citation detection: The first alternative matches "full" citations surrounded * by square brackets, whereas the second one matches in-text citations, * optionally with suffixes. * * * Group 1 matches regular "full" citations * * Group 2 matches in-text citations (not surrounded by brackets) * * Group 3 matches optional square-brackets suffixes to group 2 matches * * For more information, see * * @var {RegExp} */ const citationRE = /(?:\[((?:[\0-Z\\\^-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF])*@(?:[\0-Z\\\^-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF])+)\])|(?<=[\t-\r \xA0\u1680\u2000-\u200A\u2028\u2029\u202F\u205F\u3000\uFEFF]|^|(\x2D))(?:@((?:[0-9A-Z_a-z\xAA\xB5\xBA\xC0-\xD6\xD8-\xF6\xF8-\u02C1\u02C6-\u02D1\u02E0-\u02E4\u02EC\u02EE\u0370-\u0374\u0376\u0377\u037A-\u037D\u037F\u0386\u0388-\u038A\u038C\u038E-\u03A1\u03A3-\u03F5\u03F7-\u0481\u048A-\u052F\u0531-\u0556\u0559\u0560-\u0588\u05D0-\u05EA\u05EF-\u05F2\u0620-\u064A\u066E\u066F\u0671-\u06D3\u06D5\u06E5\u06E6\u06EE\u06EF\u06FA-\u06FC\u06FF\u0710\u0712-\u072F\u074D-\u07A5\u07B1\u07CA-\u07EA\u07F4\u07F5\u07FA\u0800-\u0815\u081A\u0824\u0828\u0840-\u0858\u0860-\u086A\u0870-\u0887\u0889-\u088E\u08A0-\u08C9\u0904-\u0939\u093D\u0950\u0958-\u0961\u0971-\u0980\u0985-\u098C\u098F\u0990\u0993-\u09A8\u09AA-\u09B0\u09B2\u09B6-\u09B9\u09BD\u09CE\u09DC\u09DD\u09DF-\u09E1\u09F0\u09F1\u09FC\u0A05-\u0A0A\u0A0F\u0A10\u0A13-\u0A28\u0A2A-\u0A30\u0A32\u0A33\u0A35\u0A36\u0A38\u0A39\u0A59-\u0A5C\u0A5E\u0A72-\u0A74\u0A85-\u0A8D\u0A8F-\u0A91\u0A93-\u0AA8\u0AAA-\u0AB0\u0AB2\u0AB3\u0AB5-\u0AB9\u0ABD\u0AD0\u0AE0\u0AE1\u0AF9\u0B05-\u0B0C\u0B0F\u0B10\u0B13-\u0B28\u0B2A-\u0B30\u0B32\u0B33\u0B35-\u0B39\u0B3D\u0B5C\u0B5D\u0B5F-\u0B61\u0B71\u0B83\u0B85-\u0B8A\u0B8E-\u0B90\u0B92-\u0B95\u0B99\u0B9A\u0B9C\u0B9E\u0B9F\u0BA3\u0BA4\u0BA8-\u0BAA\u0BAE-\u0BB9\u0BD0\u0C05-\u0C0C\u0C0E-\u0C10\u0C12-\u0C28\u0C2A-\u0C39\u0C3D\u0C58-\u0C5A\u0C5D\u0C60\u0C61\u0C80\u0C85-\u0C8C\u0C8E-\u0C90\u0C92-\u0CA8\u0CAA-\u0CB3\u0CB5-\u0CB9\u0CBD\u0CDD\u0CDE\u0CE0\u0CE1\u0CF1\u0CF2\u0D04-\u0D0C\u0D0E-\u0D10\u0D12-\u0D3A\u0D3D\u0D4E\u0D54-\u0D56\u0D5F-\u0D61\u0D7A-\u0D7F\u0D85-\u0D96\u0D9A-\u0DB1\u0DB3-\u0DBB\u0DBD\u0DC0-\u0DC6\u0E01-\u0E30\u0E32\u0E33\u0E40-\u0E46\u0E81\u0E82\u0E84\u0E86-\u0E8A\u0E8C-\u0EA3\u0EA5\u0EA7-\u0EB0\u0EB2\u0EB3\u0EBD\u0EC0-\u0EC4\u0EC6\u0EDC-\u0EDF\u0F00\u0F40-\u0F47\u0F49-\u0F6C\u0F88-\u0F8C\u1000-\u102A\u103F\u1050-\u1055\u105A-\u105D\u1061\u1065\u1066\u106E-\u1070\u1075-\u1081\u108E\u10A0-\u10C5\u10C7\u10CD\u10D0-\u10FA\u10FC-\u1248\u124A-\u124D\u1250-\u1256\u1258\u125A-\u125D\u1260-\u1288\u128A-\u128D\u1290-\u12B0\u12B2-\u12B5\u12B8-\u12BE\u12C0\u12C2-\u12C5\u12C8-\u12D6\u12D8-\u1310\u1312-\u1315\u1318-\u135A\u1380-\u138F\u13A0-\u13F5\u13F8-\u13FD\u1401-\u166C\u166F-\u167F\u1681-\u169A\u16A0-\u16EA\u16F1-\u16F8\u1700-\u1711\u171F-\u1731\u1740-\u1751\u1760-\u176C\u176E-\u1770\u1780-\u17B3\u17D7\u17DC\u1820-\u1878\u1880-\u1884\u1887-\u18A8\u18AA\u18B0-\u18F5\u1900-\u191E\u1950-\u196D\u1970-\u1974\u1980-\u19AB\u19B0-\u19C9\u1A00-\u1A16\u1A20-\u1A54\u1AA7\u1B05-\u1B33\u1B45-\u1B4C\u1B83-\u1BA0\u1BAE\u1BAF\u1BBA-\u1BE5\u1C00-\u1C23\u1C4D-\u1C4F\u1C5A-\u1C7D\u1C80-\u1C88\u1C90-\u1CBA\u1CBD-\u1CBF\u1CE9-\u1CEC\u1CEE-\u1CF3\u1CF5\u1CF6\u1CFA\u1D00-\u1DBF\u1E00-\u1F15\u1F18-\u1F1D\u1F20-\u1F45\u1F48-\u1F4D\u1F50-\u1F57\u1F59\u1F5B\u1F5D\u1F5F-\u1F7D\u1F80-\u1FB4\u1FB6-\u1FBC\u1FBE\u1FC2-\u1FC4\u1FC6-\u1FCC\u1FD0-\u1FD3\u1FD6-\u1FDB\u1FE0-\u1FEC\u1FF2-\u1FF4\u1FF6-\u1FFC\u2071\u207F\u2090-\u209C\u2102\u2107\u210A-\u2113\u2115\u2119-\u211D\u2124\u2126\u2128\u212A-\u212D\u212F-\u2139\u213C-\u213F\u2145-\u2149\u214E\u2183\u2184\u2C00-\u2CE4\u2CEB-\u2CEE\u2CF2\u2CF3\u2D00-\u2D25\u2D27\u2D2D\u2D30-\u2D67\u2D6F\u2D80-\u2D96\u2DA0-\u2DA6\u2DA8-\u2DAE\u2DB0-\u2DB6\u2DB8-\u2DBE\u2DC0-\u2DC6\u2DC8-\u2DCE\u2DD0-\u2DD6\u2DD8-\u2DDE\u2E2F\u3005\u3006\u3031-\u3035\u303B\u303C\u3041-\u3096\u309D-\u309F\u30A1-\u30FA\u30FC-\u30FF\u3105-\u312F\u3131-\u318E\u31A0-\u31BF\u31F0-\u31FF\u3400-\u4DBF\u4E00-\uA48C\uA4D0-\uA4FD\uA500-\uA60C\uA610-\uA61F\uA62A\uA62B\uA640-\uA66E\uA67F-\uA69D\uA6A0-\uA6E5\uA717-\uA71F\uA722-\uA788\uA78B-\uA7CA\uA7D0\uA7D1\uA7D3\uA7D5-\uA7D9\uA7F2-\uA801\uA803-\uA805\uA807-\uA80A\uA80C-\uA822\uA840-\uA873\uA882-\uA8B3\uA8F2-\uA8F7\uA8FB\uA8FD\uA8FE\uA90A-\uA925\uA930-\uA946\uA960-\uA97C\uA984-\uA9B2\uA9CF\uA9E0-\uA9E4\uA9E6-\uA9EF\uA9FA-\uA9FE\uAA00-\uAA28\uAA40-\uAA42\uAA44-\uAA4B\uAA60-\uAA76\uAA7A\uAA7E-\uAAAF\uAAB1\uAAB5\uAAB6\uAAB9-\uAABD\uAAC0\uAAC2\uAADB-\uAADD\uAAE0-\uAAEA\uAAF2-\uAAF4\uAB01-\uAB06\uAB09-\uAB0E\uAB11-\uAB16\uAB20-\uAB26\uAB28-\uAB2E\uAB30-\uAB5A\uAB5C-\uAB69\uAB70-\uABE2\uAC00-\uD7A3\uD7B0-\uD7C6\uD7CB-\uD7FB\uF900-\uFA6D\uFA70-\uFAD9\uFB00-\uFB06\uFB13-\uFB17\uFB1D\uFB1F-\uFB28\uFB2A-\uFB36\uFB38-\uFB3C\uFB3E\uFB40\uFB41\uFB43\uFB44\uFB46-\uFBB1\uFBD3-\uFD3D\uFD50-\uFD8F\uFD92-\uFDC7\uFDF0-\uFDFB\uFE70-\uFE74\uFE76-\uFEFC\uFF21-\uFF3A\uFF41-\uFF5A\uFF66-\uFFBE\uFFC2-\uFFC7\uFFCA-\uFFCF\uFFD2-\uFFD7\uFFDA-\uFFDC]|\uD800[\uDC00-\uDC0B\uDC0D-\uDC26\uDC28-\uDC3A\uDC3C\uDC3D\uDC3F-\uDC4D\uDC50-\uDC5D\uDC80-\uDCFA\uDE80-\uDE9C\uDEA0-\uDED0\uDF00-\uDF1F\uDF2D-\uDF40\uDF42-\uDF49\uDF50-\uDF75\uDF80-\uDF9D\uDFA0-\uDFC3\uDFC8-\uDFCF]|\uD801[\uDC00-\uDC9D\uDCB0-\uDCD3\uDCD8-\uDCFB\uDD00-\uDD27\uDD30-\uDD63\uDD70-\uDD7A\uDD7C-\uDD8A\uDD8C-\uDD92\uDD94\uDD95\uDD97-\uDDA1\uDDA3-\uDDB1\uDDB3-\uDDB9\uDDBB\uDDBC\uDE00-\uDF36\uDF40-\uDF55\uDF60-\uDF67\uDF80-\uDF85\uDF87-\uDFB0\uDFB2-\uDFBA]|\uD802[\uDC00-\uDC05\uDC08\uDC0A-\uDC35\uDC37\uDC38\uDC3C\uDC3F-\uDC55\uDC60-\uDC76\uDC80-\uDC9E\uDCE0-\uDCF2\uDCF4\uDCF5\uDD00-\uDD15\uDD20-\uDD39\uDD80-\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\xA0\u1680\u2000-\u200A\u2028\u2029\u202F\u205F\u3000\uFEFF]+\[((?:[\0-\t\x0B\f\x0E-\u2027\u202A-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF])*?)\])?)/; /** * I hate everything at this. This can match every single possible variation on * whatever the f*** you can possibly do within square brackets according to the * documentation. I opted for named groups for these because otherwise I have no * idea what I have been doing here. * * * Group prefix: Contains the prefix, ends with a dash if we should suppress the author * * Group citekey: Contains the actual citekey, can be surrounded in curly brackets * * Group explicitLocator: Contains an explicit locator statement. If given, we MUST ignore any form of locator in the suffix * * Group explicitLocatorInSuffix: Same as above, but not concatenated to the citekey * * Group suffix: Contains the suffix, but may start with a locator (if explicitLocator and explicitLocatorInSuffix are not given) * * @var {RegExp} */ const fullCitationRE = /*#__PURE__*/_wrapRegExp(/((?:[\0-\t\x0B\f\x0E-\u2027\u202A-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF])+)?(?:@((?:[0-9A-Z_a-z\xAA\xB5\xBA\xC0-\xD6\xD8-\xF6\xF8-\u02C1\u02C6-\u02D1\u02E0-\u02E4\u02EC\u02EE\u0370-\u0374\u0376\u0377\u037A-\u037D\u037F\u0386\u0388-\u038A\u038C\u038E-\u03A1\u03A3-\u03F5\u03F7-\u0481\u048A-\u052F\u0531-\u0556\u0559\u0560-\u0588\u05D0-\u05EA\u05EF-\u05F2\u0620-\u064A\u066E\u066F\u0671-\u06D3\u06D5\u06E5\u06E6\u06EE\u06EF\u06FA-\u06FC\u06FF\u0710\u0712-\u072F\u074D-\u07A5\u07B1\u07CA-\u07EA\u07F4\u07F5\u07FA\u0800-\u0815\u081A\u0824\u0828\u0840-\u0858\u0860-\u086A\u0870-\u0887\u0889-\u088E\u08A0-\u08C9\u0904-\u0939\u093D\u0950\u0958-\u0961\u0971-\u0980\u0985-\u098C\u098F\u0990\u0993-\u09A8\u09AA-\u09B0\u09B2\u09B6-\u09B9\u09BD\u09CE\u09DC\u09DD\u09DF-\u09E1\u09F0\u09F1\u09FC\u0A05-\u0A0A\u0A0F\u0A10\u0A13-\u0A28\u0A2A-\u0A30\u0A32\u0A33\u0A35\u0A36\u0A38\u0A39\u0A59-\u0A5C\u0A5E\u0A72-\u0A74\u0A85-\u0A8D\u0A8F-\u0A91\u0A93-\u0AA8\u0AAA-\u0AB0\u0AB2\u0AB3\u0AB5-\u0AB9\u0ABD\u0AD0\u0AE0\u0AE1\u0AF9\u0B05-\u0B0C\u0B0F\u0B10\u0B13-\u0B28\u0B2A-\u0B30\u0B32\u0B33\u0B35-\u0B39\u0B3D\u0B5C\u0B5D\u0B5F-\u0B61\u0B71\u0B83\u0B85-\u0B8A\u0B8E-\u0B90\u0B92-\u0B95\u0B99\u0B9A\u0B9C\u0B9E\u0B9F\u0BA3\u0BA4\u0BA8-\u0BAA\u0BAE-\u0BB9\u0BD0\u0C05-\u0C0C\u0C0E-\u0C10\u0C12-\u0C28\u0C2A-\u0C39\u0C3D\u0C58-\u0C5A\u0C5D\u0C60\u0C61\u0C80\u0C85-\u0C8C\u0C8E-\u0C90\u0C92-\u0CA8\u0CAA-\u0CB3\u0CB5-\u0CB9\u0CBD\u0CDD\u0CDE\u0CE0\u0CE1\u0CF1\u0CF2\u0D04-\u0D0C\u0D0E-\u0D10\u0D12-\u0D3A\u0D3D\u0D4E\u0D54-\u0D56\u0D5F-\u0D61\u0D7A-\u0D7F\u0D85-\u0D96\u0D9A-\u0DB1\u0DB3-\u0DBB\u0DBD\u0DC0-\u0DC6\u0E01-\u0E30\u0E32\u0E33\u0E40-\u0E46\u0E81\u0E82\u0E84\u0E86-\u0E8A\u0E8C-\u0EA3\u0EA5\u0EA7-\u0EB0\u0EB2\u0EB3\u0EBD\u0EC0-\u0EC4\u0EC6\u0EDC-\u0EDF\u0F00\u0F40-\u0F47\u0F49-\u0F6C\u0F88-\u0F8C\u1000-\u102A\u103F\u1050-\u1055\u105A-\u105D\u1061\u1065\u1066\u106E-\u1070\u1075-\u1081\u108E\u10A0-\u10C5\u10C7\u10CD\u10D0-\u10FA\u10FC-\u1248\u124A-\u124D\u1250-\u1256\u1258\u125A-\u125D\u1260-\u1288\u128A-\u128D\u1290-\u12B0\u12B2-\u12B5\u12B8-\u12BE\u12C0\u12C2-\u12C5\u12C8-\u12D6\u12D8-\u1310\u1312-\u1315\u1318-\u135A\u1380-\u138F\u13A0-\u13F5\u13F8-\u13FD\u1401-\u166C\u166F-\u167F\u1681-\u169A\u16A0-\u16EA\u16F1-\u16F8\u1700-\u1711\u171F-\u1731\u1740-\u1751\u1760-\u176C\u176E-\u1770\u1780-\u17B3\u17D7\u17DC\u1820-\u1878\u1880-\u1884\u1887-\u18A8\u18AA\u18B0-\u18F5\u1900-\u191E\u1950-\u196D\u1970-\u1974\u1980-\u19AB\u19B0-\u19C9\u1A00-\u1A16\u1A20-\u1A54\u1AA7\u1B05-\u1B33\u1B45-\u1B4C\u1B83-\u1BA0\u1BAE\u1BAF\u1BBA-\u1BE5\u1C00-\u1C23\u1C4D-\u1C4F\u1C5A-\u1C7D\u1C80-\u1C88\u1C90-\u1CBA\u1CBD-\u1CBF\u1CE9-\u1CEC\u1CEE-\u1CF3\u1CF5\u1CF6\u1CFA\u1D00-\u1DBF\u1E00-\u1F15\u1F18-\u1F1D\u1F20-\u1F45\u1F48-\u1F4D\u1F50-\u1F57\u1F59\u1F5B\u1F5D\u1F5F-\u1F7D\u1F80-\u1FB4\u1FB6-\u1FBC\u1FBE\u1FC2-\u1FC4\u1FC6-\u1FCC\u1FD0-\u1FD3\u1FD6-\u1FDB\u1FE0-\u1FEC\u1FF2-\u1FF4\u1FF6-\u1FFC\u2071\u207F\u2090-\u209C\u2102\u2107\u210A-\u2113\u2115\u2119-\u211D\u2124\u2126\u2128\u212A-\u212D\u212F-\u2139\u213C-\u213F\u2145-\u2149\u214E\u2183\u2184\u2C00-\u2CE4\u2CEB-\u2CEE\u2CF2\u2CF3\u2D00-\u2D25\u2D27\u2D2D\u2D30-\u2D67\u2D6F\u2D80-\u2D96\u2DA0-\u2DA6\u2DA8-\u2DAE\u2DB0-\u2DB6\u2DB8-\u2DBE\u2DC0-\u2DC6\u2DC8-\u2DCE\u2DD0-\u2DD6\u2DD8-\u2DDE\u2E2F\u3005\u3006\u3031-\u3035\u303B\u303C\u3041-\u3096\u309D-\u309F\u30A1-\u30FA\u30FC-\u30FF\u3105-\u312F\u3131-\u318E\u31A0-\u31BF\u31F0-\u31FF\u3400-\u4DBF\u4E00-\uA48C\uA4D0-\uA4FD\uA500-\uA60C\uA610-\uA61F\uA62A\uA62B\uA640-\uA66E\uA67F-\uA69D\uA6A0-\uA6E5\uA717-\uA71F\uA722-\uA788\uA78B-\uA7CA\uA7D0\uA7D1\uA7D3\uA7D5-\uA7D9\uA7F2-\uA801\uA803-\uA805\uA807-\uA80A\uA80C-\uA822\uA840-\uA873\uA882-\uA8B3\uA8F2-\uA8F7\uA8FB\uA8FD\uA8FE\uA90A-\uA925\uA930-\uA946\uA960-\uA97C\uA984-\uA9B2\uA9CF\uA9E0-\uA9E4\uA9E6-\uA9EF\uA9FA-\uA9FE\uAA00-\uAA28\uAA40-\uAA42\uAA44-\uAA4B\uAA60-\uAA76\uAA7A\uAA7E-\uAAAF\uAAB1\uAAB5\uAAB6\uAAB9-\uAABD\uAAC0\uAAC2\uAADB-\uAADD\uAAE0-\uAAEA\uAAF2-\uAAF4\uAB01-\uAB06\uAB09-\uAB0E\uAB11-\uAB16\uAB20-\uAB26\uAB28-\uAB2E\uAB30-\uAB5A\uAB5C-\uAB69\uAB70-\uABE2\uAC00-\uD7A3\uD7B0-\uD7C6\uD7CB-\uD7FB\uF900-\uFA6D\uFA70-\uFAD9\uFB00-\uFB06\uFB13-\uFB17\uFB1D\uFB1F-\uFB28\uFB2A-\uFB36\uFB38-\uFB3C\uFB3E\uFB40\uFB41\uFB43\uFB44\uFB46-\uFBB1\uFBD3-\uFD3D\uFD50-\uFD8F\uFD92-\uFDC7\uFDF0-\uFDFB\uFE70-\uFE74\uFE76-\uFEFC\uFF21-\uFF3A\uFF41-\uFF5A\uFF66-\uFFBE\uFFC2-\uFFC7\uFFCA-\uFFCF\uFFD2-\uFFD7\uFFDA-\uFFDC]|\uD800[\uDC00-\uDC0B\uDC0D-\uDC26\uDC28-\uDC3A\uDC3C\uDC3D\uDC3F-\uDC4D\uDC50-\uDC5D\uDC80-\uDCFA\uDE80-\uDE9C\uDEA0-\uDED0\uDF00-\uDF1F\uDF2D-\uDF40\uDF42-\uDF49\uDF50-\uDF75\uDF80-\uDF9D\uDFA0-\uDFC3\uDFC8-\uDFCF]|\uD801[\uDC00-\uDC9D\uDCB0-\uDCD3\uDCD8-\uDCFB\uDD00-\uDD27\uDD30-\uDD63\uDD70-\uDD7A\uDD7C-\uDD8A\uDD8C-\uDD92\uDD94\uDD95\uDD97-\uDDA1\uDDA3-\uDDB1\uDDB3-\uDDB9\uDDBB\uDDBC\uDE00-\uDF36\uDF40-\uDF55\uDF60-\uDF67\uDF80-\uDF85\uDF87-\uDFB0\uDFB2-\uDFBA]|\uD802[\uDC00-\uDC05\uDC08\uDC0A-\uDC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u0E01-\u0E30\u0E32\u0E33\u0E40-\u0E46\u0E81\u0E82\u0E84\u0E86-\u0E8A\u0E8C-\u0EA3\u0EA5\u0EA7-\u0EB0\u0EB2\u0EB3\u0EBD\u0EC0-\u0EC4\u0EC6\u0EDC-\u0EDF\u0F00\u0F40-\u0F47\u0F49-\u0F6C\u0F88-\u0F8C\u1000-\u102A\u103F\u1050-\u1055\u105A-\u105D\u1061\u1065\u1066\u106E-\u1070\u1075-\u1081\u108E\u10A0-\u10C5\u10C7\u10CD\u10D0-\u10FA\u10FC-\u1248\u124A-\u124D\u1250-\u1256\u1258\u125A-\u125D\u1260-\u1288\u128A-\u128D\u1290-\u12B0\u12B2-\u12B5\u12B8-\u12BE\u12C0\u12C2-\u12C5\u12C8-\u12D6\u12D8-\u1310\u1312-\u1315\u1318-\u135A\u1380-\u138F\u13A0-\u13F5\u13F8-\u13FD\u1401-\u166C\u166F-\u167F\u1681-\u169A\u16A0-\u16EA\u16F1-\u16F8\u1700-\u1711\u171F-\u1731\u1740-\u1751\u1760-\u176C\u176E-\u1770\u1780-\u17B3\u17D7\u17DC\u1820-\u1878\u1880-\u1884\u1887-\u18A8\u18AA\u18B0-\u18F5\u1900-\u191E\u1950-\u196D\u1970-\u1974\u1980-\u19AB\u19B0-\u19C9\u1A00-\u1A16\u1A20-\u1A54\u1AA7\u1B05-\u1B33\u1B45-\u1B4C\u1B83-\u1BA0\u1BAE\u1BAF\u1BBA-\u1BE5\u1C00-\u1C23\u1C4D-\u1C4F\u1C5A-\u1C7D\u1C80-\u1C88\u1C90-\u1CBA\u1CBD-\u1CBF\u1CE9-\u1CEC\u1CEE-\u1CF3\u1CF5\u1CF6\u1CFA\u1D00-\u1DBF\u1E00-\u1F15\u1F18-\u1F1D\u1F20-\u1F45\u1F48-\u1F4D\u1F50-\u1F57\u1F59\u1F5B\u1F5D\u1F5F-\u1F7D\u1F80-\u1FB4\u1FB6-\u1FBC\u1FBE\u1FC2-\u1FC4\u1FC6-\u1FCC\u1FD0-\u1FD3\u1FD6-\u1FDB\u1FE0-\u1FEC\u1FF2-\u1FF4\u1FF6-\u1FFC\u2071\u207F\u2090-\u209C\u2102\u2107\u210A-\u2113\u2115\u2119-\u211D\u2124\u2126\u2128\u212A-\u212D\u212F-\u2139\u213C-\u213F\u2145-\u2149\u214E\u2183\u2184\u2C00-\u2CE4\u2CEB-\u2CEE\u2CF2\u2CF3\u2D00-\u2D25\u2D27\u2D2D\u2D30-\u2D67\u2D6F\u2D80-\u2D96\u2DA0-\u2DA6\u2DA8-\u2DAE\u2DB0-\u2DB6\u2DB8-\u2DBE\u2DC0-\u2DC6\u2DC8-\u2DCE\u2DD0-\u2DD6\u2DD8-\u2DDE\u2E2F\u3005\u3006\u3031-\u3035\u303B\u303C\u3041-\u3096\u309D-\u309F\u30A1-\u30FA\u30FC-\u30FF\u3105-\u312F\u3131-\u318E\u31A0-\u31BF\u31F0-\u31FF\u3400-\u4DBF\u4E00-\uA48C\uA4D0-\uA4FD\uA500-\uA60C\uA610-\uA61F\uA62A\uA62B\uA640-\uA66E\uA67F-\uA69D\uA6A0-\uA6E5\uA717-\uA71F\uA722-\uA788\uA78B-\uA7CA\uA7D0\uA7D1\uA7D3\uA7D5-\uA7D9\uA7F2-\uA801\uA803-\uA805\uA807-\uA80A\uA80C-\uA822\uA840-\uA873\uA882-\uA8B3\uA8F2-\uA8F7\uA8FB\uA8FD\uA8FE\uA90A-\uA925\uA930-\uA946\uA960-\uA97C\uA984-\uA9B2\uA9CF\uA9E0-\uA9E4\uA9E6-\uA9EF\uA9FA-\uA9FE\uAA00-\uAA28\uAA40-\uAA42\uAA44-\uAA4B\uAA60-\uAA76\uAA7A\uAA7E-\uAAAF\uAAB1\uAAB5\uAAB6\uAAB9-\uAABD\uAAC0\uAAC2\uAADB-\uAADD\uAAE0-\uAAEA\uAAF2-\uAAF4\uAB01-\uAB06\uAB09-\uAB0E\uAB11-\uAB16\uAB20-\uAB26\uAB28-\uAB2E\uAB30-\uAB5A\uAB5C-\uAB69\uAB70-\uABE2\uAC00-\uD7A3\uD7B0-\uD7C6\uD7CB-\uD7FB\uF900-\uFA6D\uFA70-\uFAD9\uFB00-\uFB06\uFB13-\uFB17\uFB1D\uFB1F-\uFB28\uFB2A-\uFB36\uFB38-\uFB3C\uFB3E\uFB40\uFB41\uFB43\uFB44\uFB46-\uFBB1\uFBD3-\uFD3D\uFD50-\uFD8F\uFD92-\uFDC7\uFDF0-\uFDFB\uFE70-\uFE74\uFE76-\uFEFC\uFF21-\uFF3A\uFF41-\uFF5A\uFF66-\uFFBE\uFFC2-\uFFC7\uFFCA-\uFFCF\uFFD2-\uFFD7\uFFDA-\uFFDC]|\uD800[\uDC00-\uDC0B\uDC0D-\uDC26\uDC28-\uDC3A\uDC3C\uDC3D\uDC3F-\uDC4D\uDC50-\uDC5D\uDC80-\uDCFA\uDE80-\uDE9C\uDEA0-\uDED0\uDF00-\uDF1F\uDF2D-\uDF40\uDF42-\uDF49\uDF50-\uDF75\uDF80-\uDF9D\uDFA0-\uDFC3\uDFC8-\uDFCF]|\uD801[\uDC00-\uDC9D\uDCB0-\uDCD3\uDCD8-\uDCFB\uDD00-\uDD27\uDD30-\uDD63\uDD70-\uDD7A\uDD7C-\uDD8A\uDD8C-\uDD92\uDD94\uDD95\uDD97-\uDDA1\uDDA3-\uDDB1\uDDB3-\uDDB9\uDDBB\uDDBC\uDE00-\uDF36\uDF40-\uDF55\uDF60-\uDF67\uDF80-\uDF85\uDF87-\uDFB0\uDFB2-\uDFBA]|\uD802[\uDC00-\uDC05\uDC08\uDC0A-\uDC35\uDC37\uDC38\uDC3C\uDC3F-\uDC55\uDC60-\uDC76\uDC80-\uDC9E\uDCE0-\uDCF2\uDCF4\uDCF5\uDD00-\uDD15\uDD20-\uDD39\uDD80-\uDDB7\uDDBE\uDDBF\uDE00\uDE10-\uDE13\uDE15-\uDE17\uDE19-\uDE35\uDE60-\uDE7C\uDE80-\uDE9C\uDEC0-\uDEC7\uDEC9-\uDEE4\uDF00-\uDF35\uDF40-\uDF55\uDF60-\uDF72\uDF80-\uDF91]|\uD803[\uDC00-\uDC48\uDC80-\uDCB2\uDCC0-\uDCF2\uDD00-\uDD23\uDE80-\uDEA9\uDEB0\uDEB1\uDF00-\uDF1C\uDF27\uDF30-\uDF45\uDF70-\uDF81\uDFB0-\uDFC4\uDFE0-\uDFF6]|\uD804[\uDC03-\uDC37\uDC71\uDC72\uDC75\uDC83-\uDCAF\uDCD0-\uDCE8\uDD03-\uDD26\uDD44\uDD47\uDD50-\uDD72\uDD76\uDD83-\uDDB2\uDDC1-\uDDC4\uDDDA\uDDDC\uDE00-\uDE11\uDE13-\uDE2B\uDE3F\uDE40\uDE80-\uDE86\uDE88\uDE8A-\uDE8D\uDE8F-\uDE9D\uDE9F-\uDEA8\uDEB0-\uDEDE\uDF05-\uDF0C\uDF0F\uDF10\uDF13-\uDF28\uDF2A-\uDF30\uDF32\uDF33\uDF35-\uDF39\uDF3D\uDF50\uDF5D-\uDF61]|\uD805[\uDC00-\uDC34\uDC47-\uDC4A\uDC5F-\uDC61\uDC80-\uDCAF\uDCC4\uDCC5\uDCC7\uDD80-\uDDAE\uDDD8-\uDDDB\uDE00-\uDE2F\uDE44\uDE80-\uDEAA\uDEB8\uDF00-\uDF1A\uDF40-\uDF46]|\uD806[\uDC00-\uDC2B\uDCA0-\uDCDF\uDCFF-\uDD06\uDD09\uDD0C-\uDD13\uDD15\uDD16\uDD18-\uDD2F\uDD3F\uDD41\uDDA0-\uDDA7\uDDAA-\uDDD0\uDDE1\uDDE3\uDE00\uDE0B-\uDE32\uDE3A\uDE50\uDE5C-\uDE89\uDE9D\uDEB0-\uDEF8]|\uD807[\uDC00-\uDC08\uDC0A-\uDC2E\uDC40\uDC72-\uDC8F\uDD00-\uDD06\uDD08\uDD09\uDD0B-\uDD30\uDD46\uDD60-\uDD65\uDD67\uDD68\uDD6A-\uDD89\uDD98\uDEE0-\uDEF2\uDF02\uDF04-\uDF10\uDF12-\uDF33\uDFB0]|\uD808[\uDC00-\uDF99]|\uD809[\uDC80-\uDD43]|\uD80B[\uDF90-\uDFF0]|[\uD80C\uD81C-\uD820\uD822\uD840-\uD868\uD86A-\uD86C\uD86F-\uD872\uD874-\uD879\uD880-\uD883\uD885-\uD887][\uDC00-\uDFFF]|\uD80D[\uDC00-\uDC2F\uDC41-\uDC46]|\uD811[\uDC00-\uDE46]|\uD81A[\uDC00-\uDE38\uDE40-\uDE5E\uDE70-\uDEBE\uDED0-\uDEED\uDF00-\uDF2F\uDF40-\uDF43\uDF63-\uDF77\uDF7D-\uDF8F]|\uD81B[\uDE40-\uDE7F\uDF00-\uDF4A\uDF50\uDF93-\uDF9F\uDFE0\uDFE1\uDFE3]|\uD821[\uDC00-\uDFF7]|\uD823[\uDC00-\uDCD5\uDD00-\uDD08]|\uD82B[\uDFF0-\uDFF3\uDFF5-\uDFFB\uDFFD\uDFFE]|\uD82C[\uDC00-\uDD22\uDD32\uDD50-\uDD52\uDD55\uDD64-\uDD67\uDD70-\uDEFB]|\uD82F[\uDC00-\uDC6A\uDC70-\uDC7C\uDC80-\uDC88\uDC90-\uDC99]|\uD835[\uDC00-\uDC54\uDC56-\uDC9C\uDC9E\uDC9F\uDCA2\uDCA5\uDCA6\uDCA9-\uDCAC\uDCAE-\uDCB9\uDCBB\uDCBD-\uDCC3\uDCC5-\uDD05\uDD07-\uDD0A\uDD0D-\uDD14\uDD16-\uDD1C\uDD1E-\uDD39\uDD3B-\uDD3E\uDD40-\uDD44\uDD46\uDD4A-\uDD50\uDD52-\uDEA5\uDEA8-\uDEC0\uDEC2-\uDEDA\uDEDC-\uDEFA\uDEFC-\uDF14\uDF16-\uDF34\uDF36-\uDF4E\uDF50-\uDF6E\uDF70-\uDF88\uDF8A-\uDFA8\uDFAA-\uDFC2\uDFC4-\uDFCB]|\uD837[\uDF00-\uDF1E\uDF25-\uDF2A]|\uD838[\uDC30-\uDC6D\uDD00-\uDD2C\uDD37-\uDD3D\uDD4E\uDE90-\uDEAD\uDEC0-\uDEEB]|\uD839[\uDCD0-\uDCEB\uDFE0-\uDFE6\uDFE8-\uDFEB\uDFED\uDFEE\uDFF0-\uDFFE]|\uD83A[\uDC00-\uDCC4\uDD00-\uDD43\uDD4B]|\uD83B[\uDE00-\uDE03\uDE05-\uDE1F\uDE21\uDE22\uDE24\uDE27\uDE29-\uDE32\uDE34-\uDE37\uDE39\uDE3B\uDE42\uDE47\uDE49\uDE4B\uDE4D-\uDE4F\uDE51\uDE52\uDE54\uDE57\uDE59\uDE5B\uDE5D\uDE5F\uDE61\uDE62\uDE64\uDE67-\uDE6A\uDE6C-\uDE72\uDE74-\uDE77\uDE79-\uDE7C\uDE7E\uDE80-\uDE89\uDE8B-\uDE9B\uDEA1-\uDEA3\uDEA5-\uDEA9\uDEAB-\uDEBB]|\uD869[\uDC00-\uDEDF\uDF00-\uDFFF]|\uD86D[\uDC00-\uDF39\uDF40-\uDFFF]|\uD86E[\uDC00-\uDC1D\uDC20-\uDFFF]|\uD873[\uDC00-\uDEA1\uDEB0-\uDFFF]|\uD87A[\uDC00-\uDFE0\uDFF0-\uDFFF]|\uD87B[\uDC00-\uDE5D]|\uD87E[\uDC00-\uDE1D]|\uD884[\uDC00-\uDF4A\uDF50-\uDFFF]|\uD888[\uDC00-\uDFAF])|\{(?:[\0-\t\x0B\f\x0E-\u2027\u202A-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF])+\}))(?:\{((?:[\0-\t\x0B\f\x0E-\u2027\u202A-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF])*)\})?(?:,[\t-\r \xA0\u1680\u2000-\u200A\u2028\u2029\u202F\u205F\u3000\uFEFF]+(?:\{((?:[\0-\t\x0B\f\x0E-\u2027\u202A-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF])*)\})?((?:[\0-\t\x0B\f\x0E-\u2027\u202A-\uD7FF\uE000-\uFFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]|[\uD800-\uDBFF](?![\uDC00-\uDFFF])|(?:[^\uD800-\uDBFF]|^)[\uDC00-\uDFFF])*))?/, { prefix: 1, citekey: 2, explicitLocator: 3, explicitLocatorInSuffix: 4, suffix: 5 }); /** * This regular expression matches locator ranges, like the following: * * * 23-45, and further (here it matches up to, not including the comma) * * 45 * * 15423 * * 14235-12532 * * 12-34, 23, 56 * * 12, 23-14, 23 * * 12, 54, 12-23 * * 1, 1-4 * * 3 * * NEW NEW NEW: Now also matches Roman numerals as sometimes used in forewords! * * @var {RegExp} */ const locatorRE = /^(?:[\d, -]*\d|[ivxlcdm, -]*[ivxlcdm])/i; /** * The locatorLabels have been sourced from the Citr library. Basically it's just * a map with valid CSL locator labels and an array of possible natural labels * which a user might want to write (instead of the standardized labels). * * @var {{ [key: string]: string[] }}} */ const locatorLabels = { book: ['Buch', 'Bücher', 'B.', 'book', 'books', 'bk.', 'bks.', 'livre', 'livres', 'liv.'], chapter: ['Kapitel', 'Kap.', 'chapter', 'chapters', 'chap.', 'chaps', 'chapitre', 'chapitres'], column: ['Spalte', 'Spalten', 'Sp.', 'column', 'columns', 'col.', 'cols', 'colonne', 'colonnes'], figure: ['Abbildung', 'Abbildungen', 'Abb.', 'figure', 'figures', 'fig.', 'figs'], folio: ['Blatt', 'Blätter', 'Fol.', 'folio', 'folios', 'fol.', 'fols', 'fᵒ', 'fᵒˢ'], issue: ['Nummer', 'Nummern', 'Nr.', 'number', 'numbers', 'no.', 'nos.', 'numéro', 'numéros', 'nᵒ', 'nᵒˢ'], line: ['Zeile', 'Zeilen', 'Z', 'line', 'lines', 'l.', 'll.', 'ligne', 'lignes'], note: ['Note', 'Noten', 'N.', 'note', 'notes', 'n.', 'nn.'], opus: ['Opus', 'Opera', 'op.', 'opus', 'opera', 'opp.'], page: ['Seite', 'Seiten', 'S.', 'page', 'pages', 'p.', 'pp.'], paragraph: ['Absatz', 'Absätze', 'Abs.', '¶', '¶¶', 'paragraph', 'paragraphs', 'para.', 'paras', 'paragraphe', 'paragraphes', 'paragr.'], part: ['Teil', 'Teile', 'part', 'parts', 'pt.', 'pts', 'partie', 'parties', 'part.'], section: ['Abschnitt', 'Abschnitte', 'Abschn.', '§', '§§', 'section', 'sections', 'sec.', 'secs', 'sect.'], 'sub verbo': ['sub verbo', 'sub verbis', 's. v.', 's. vv.', 's.v.', 's.vv.'], verse: ['Vers', 'Verse', 'V.', 'verse', 'verses', 'v.', 'vv.', 'verset', 'versets'], volume: ['Band', 'Bände', 'Bd.', 'Bde.', 'volume', 'volumes', 'vol.', 'vols.'] }; /** * Parses a given citation string and return entries and isComposite flag required for cite-proc. * Adapted from * * @param {RegExpMatchArray} regexMatch Cite string in the form of '[@item]' or '@item' * @return {[CiteItem[], boolean]} [entries, isComposite] */ const parseCitation = regexMatch => { /** @type {CiteItem[]} */ let entries = []; let isComposite = false; const fullCitation = regexMatch[1]; const inTextSuppressAuthor = regexMatch[2]; const inTextCitation = regexMatch[3]; const optionalSuffix = regexMatch[4]; if (fullCitation !== undefined) { // Handle citations in the form of [@item1; @item2] for (const citationPart of fullCitation.split(';')) { const match = fullCitationRE.exec(citationPart.trim()); if (match === null) { continue; // Faulty citation } // Prefix is the portion before @ e.g. [see @item1] or an empty string // We explicitly cast groups since we have groups in our RegExp and as // such the groups object will be set. /** @type {CiteItem} */ const thisCitation = { id: match.groups.citekey.replace(/{(.+)}/, '$1'), prefix: undefined, locator: undefined, label: 'page', 'suppress-author': false, suffix: undefined }; // First, deal with the prefix. The speciality here is that it can // indicate if we should suppress the author. const rawPrefix = match.groups.prefix; if (rawPrefix !== undefined) { thisCitation['suppress-author'] = rawPrefix.trim().endsWith('-'); if (thisCitation['suppress-author']) { thisCitation.prefix = rawPrefix.substring(0, rawPrefix.trim().length - 1).trim(); } else { thisCitation.prefix = rawPrefix.trim(); } } // Second, deal with the suffix. This one can be much more tricky than // the prefix. We have three alternatives where the locator may be // present: If we have an explicitLocator or an explicitLocatorInSuffix, // we should extract the locator from there and leave the actual suffix // untouched. Only if those two alternatives are not present, then we // have a look at the rawSuffix and extract a (potential) locator. const explicitLocator = match.groups.explicitLocator; const explicitLocatorInSuffix = match.groups.explicitLocatorInSuffix; const rawSuffix = match.groups.suffix; let suffixToParse; let containsLocator = true; if (explicitLocator === undefined && explicitLocatorInSuffix === undefined) { // Potential locator in rawSuffix. Only in this case should we overwrite // the suffix (hence the same if-condition below) suffixToParse = rawSuffix; containsLocator = false; } else if (explicitLocatorInSuffix !== undefined || explicitLocator !== undefined) { suffixToParse = explicitLocator !== undefined ? explicitLocator : explicitLocatorInSuffix; thisCitation.suffix = rawSuffix == null ? void 0 : rawSuffix.trim(); } const { label, locator, suffix } = parseSuffix(suffixToParse, containsLocator); thisCitation.locator = locator; if (label !== undefined) { thisCitation.label = label; } if (explicitLocator === undefined && explicitLocatorInSuffix === undefined) { thisCitation.suffix = suffix; } else if (suffix !== undefined && thisCitation.locator !== undefined) { // If we're here, we should not change the suffix, but parseSuffix may // have put something into the suffix return. If we're here, that will // definitely be a part of the locator. thisCitation.locator += suffix; } entries.push(thisCitation); } } else { // We have an in-text citation, so we can take a shortcut isComposite = true; entries.push(_extends({ prefix: undefined, id: inTextCitation.replace(/{(.+)}/, '$1'), 'suppress-author': inTextSuppressAuthor !== undefined }, parseSuffix(optionalSuffix, false))); } return [entries, isComposite]; }; /** * This takes a suffix and extracts optional label and locator from this. Pass * true for the containsLocator property to indicate to this function that what * it got was not a regular suffix with an optional locator, but an explicit * locator so it knows it just needs to look for an optional label. * * @param {string} suffix The suffix to parse * @param {boolean} containsLocator If true, forces parseSuffix to return a locator * * @return {CiteItemSuffix} An object containing three optional properties locator, label, or suffix. */ function parseSuffix(suffix, containsLocator) { /** @type {CiteItemSuffix} */ const retValue = { locator: undefined, label: 'page', suffix: undefined }; if (suffix === undefined) { return retValue; } // Make sure the suffix does not start or end with spaces suffix = suffix.trim(); // If there is a label, the suffix must start with it for (const label in locatorLabels) { for (const natural of locatorLabels[label]) { if (suffix.toLowerCase().startsWith(natural.toLowerCase())) { retValue.label = label; if (containsLocator) { // The suffix actually is the full locator, we just had to extract // the label from it. There is no remaining suffix. retValue.locator = suffix.substr(natural.length).trim(); } else { // The caller indicated that this is a regular suffix, so we must also // extract the locator from what is left after label extraction. retValue.suffix = suffix.substr(natural.length).trim(); const match = locatorRE.exec(retValue.suffix); if (match !== null) { retValue.locator = match[0]; // Extract the full match retValue.suffix = retValue.suffix.substr(match[0].length).trim(); } } return retValue; // Early exit } } } // If we're here, there was no explicit label given, but the caller has indicated // that this suffix MUST contain a locator. This means that the whole suffix is // the locator. if (containsLocator) { retValue.locator = suffix; } else { // The caller has not indicated that the whole suffix is the locator, so it // can be at the beginning. We only accept simple page/number ranges here. // For everything, the user should please be more specific. const match = locatorRE.exec(suffix); if (match !== null) { retValue.locator = match[0]; // Full match is the locator retValue.suffix = suffix.substr(match[0].length).trim(); // The rest is the suffix. } } return retValue; } const readFile = async path => { if (isValidHttpUrl(path)) { return fetch$3(path).then(response => response.text()).then(data => data); } else { { return import('fs').then(fs => fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8')); } } }; /** * Check if valid URL * * * @param {string} str * @return {boolean} */ const isValidHttpUrl = str => { let url; try { url = new URL(str); } catch (_) { return false; } return url.protocol === 'http:' || url.protocol === 'https:'; }; /** * Get bibliography by merging options and vfile data * * @param {import('./generator.js').Options} options * @param {import('vfile').VFile} file */ const getBibliography = async (options, file) => { var _file$data; /** @type {string[]} */ let bibliography = []; if (options.bibliography) { bibliography = typeof options.bibliography === 'string' ? [options.bibliography] : options.bibliography; // @ts-ignore } else if (file != null && (_file$data = != null && (_file$data = _file$data.frontmatter) != null && _file$data.bibliography) { // @ts-ignore bibliography = typeof === 'string' ? [] :; // If local path, get absolute path for (let i = 0; i < bibliography.length; i++) { if (!isValidHttpUrl(bibliography[i])) { { bibliography[i] = await import('path').then(path => path.join(options.path || file.cwd, bibliography[i])); } } } } return bibliography; }; /** * Load CSL - supports predefined name from or http, file path (nodejs) * * @param {*} Cite cite object from citation-js * @param {string} format CSL name e.g. apa or file path to CSL file * @param {string} root optional root path */ const loadCSL = async (Cite, format, root = '') => { const config = Cite.plugins.config.get('@csl'); if (!Object.keys( { const cslName = `customCSL-${Math.random().toString(36).slice(2, 7)}`; let cslPath = ''; if (isValidHttpUrl(format)) cslPath = format;else { cslPath = await import('path').then(path => path.join(root, format)); } try { config.templates.add(cslName, await readFile(cslPath)); } catch (err) { throw new Error(`Input CSL option, ${format}, is invalid or is an unknown file.`); } return cslName; } else { return format; } }; /** * Load locale - supports predefined name from or http, file path (nodejs) * * @param {*} Cite cite object from citation-js * @param {string} format locale name * @param {string} root optional root path */ const loadLocale = async (Cite, format, root = '') => { const config = Cite.plugins.config.get('@csl'); if (!Object.keys( { let localePath = ''; if (isValidHttpUrl(format)) localePath = format;else { localePath = await import('path').then(path => path.join(root, format)); } try { const file = await readFile(localePath); const xmlLangRe = /xml:lang="(.+)"/; const localeName = file.match(xmlLangRe)[1]; config.locales.add(localeName, file); return localeName; } catch (err) { throw new Error(`Input locale option, ${format}, is invalid or is an unknown file.`); } } else { return format; } }; /** * Get citation format * * @param {*} citeproc citeproc * @returns string */ const getCitationFormat = citeproc => { const info = citeproc.cslXml.dataObj.children[0]; const node = info.children.find(x => x['attrs'] && x['attrs']['citation-format']); // citation-format takes 5 possible values // /** @type {'author-date' | 'author' | 'numeric' | 'note' | 'label'} */ const citationFormat = node['attrs']['citation-format']; return citationFormat; }; /** * Get registry objects that matches a list of relevantIds * If sorted is false, retrieve registry item in the order of the given relevantIds * * @param {*} citeproc citeproc * @param {string[]} relevantIds * @param {boolean} sorted * @return {*} registry objects that matches Ids, in the correct order */ const getSortedRelevantRegistryItems = (citeproc, relevantIds, sorted) => { const res = []; if (sorted) { // If sorted follow registry order for (const item of citeproc.registry.reflist) { if (relevantIds.includes( res.push(item); } } else { // Otherwise follow the relevantIds for (const id of relevantIds) { res.push(citeproc.registry.reflist.find(x => === id)); } } return res; }; /** * Split a string into two parts based on a given index position * * @param {string} str * @param {number} index * @return {string[]} */ const split = (str, index) => { return [str.slice(0, index), str.slice(index)]; }; /** * Check if two registry objects belong to the same author * Currently only checks on family name * * @param {*} item registry object * @param {*} item2 registry object * @return {boolean} */ const isSameAuthor = (item, item2) => { const authorList =; const authorList2 =; if (authorList.length !== authorList2.length) return false; for (let i = 0; i < authorList.length; i++) { if (authorList[i].family !== authorList2[i].family) return false; } return true; }; /** * Convert HTML to HAST node * * @param {string} html */ const htmlToHast = html => { const p5ast = parseFragment(html); // @ts-ignore return fromParse5(p5ast).children[0]; }; /** * @typedef {import('./types').CiteItem} CiteItem * @typedef {import('./types').Mode} Mode * @typedef {import('./types').Options} Options */ /** * Generate citation using citeproc * This accounts for prev citations and additional properties * * @param {*} citeproc * @param {Mode} mode * @param {CiteItem[]} entries * @param {string} citationIdRoot * @param {number} citationId * @param {any[]} citationPre * @param {Options} options * @param {boolean} isComposite * @param {import('./types').CitationFormat} citationFormat * @return {[string, string]} */ const genCitation = (citeproc, mode, entries, citationIdRoot, citationId, citationPre, options, isComposite, citationFormat) => { const { inlineClass, linkCitations } = options; const key = `${citationIdRoot}-${citationId}`; const c = citeproc.processCitationCluster({ citationID: key, citationItems: entries, properties: mode === 'in-text' ? { noteIndex: 0, mode: isComposite ? 'composite' : '' } : { noteIndex: citationId, mode: isComposite ? 'composite' : '' } }, citationPre.length > 0 ? citationPre : [], []); // c = [ { bibchange: true, citation_errors: [] }, [ [ 0, '(1)', 'CITATION-1' ] ]] const citationText = c[1].find(x => x[2] === key)[1]; const ids = `citation--${ =>'--')}--${citationId}`; if (mode === 'note') { // Use cite-fn-{id} to denote footnote from citation, will clean it up later to follow gfm "user-content" format return [citationText, htmlToHast(`${citationId}`)]; } else if (linkCitations && citationFormat === 'numeric') { // e.g. [1, 2] let i = 0; const refIds = =>; const output = citationText.replace(/\d+/g, function (d) { const url = `${d}`; i++; return url; }); return [citationText, htmlToHast(`${output}`)]; } else if (linkCitations && citationFormat === 'author-date') { // E.g. (see Nash, 1950, pp. 12–13, 1951); (Nash, 1950; Xie, 2016) if (entries.length === 1) { // Do not link bracket const output = isComposite ? `${citationText}` : `${citationText.slice(0, 1)}${citationText.slice(1, -1)}${citationText.slice(-1)}`; return [citationText, htmlToHast(`${output}`)]; } else { // Retrieve the items in the correct order and attach link each of them const refIds = =>; const results = getSortedRelevantRegistryItems(citeproc, refIds, citeproc.opt.sort_citations); const output = []; let str = citationText; for (const [i, item] of results.entries()) { // Need to compare author. If same just match on date. const id =; let citeMatch = item.ambig; // If author is the same as the previous, some styles like apa collapse the author if (i > 0 && isSameAuthor(results[i - 1], item) && str.indexOf(citeMatch) === -1) { // Just match on year citeMatch = item.ref.issued.year.toString(); } const startPos = str.indexOf(citeMatch); const [start, rest] = split(str, startPos); output.push(start); // Irrelevant parts const url = `${rest.substring(0, citeMatch.length)}`; output.push(url); str = rest.substr(citeMatch.length); } output.push(str); return [citationText, htmlToHast(`${output.join('')}`)]; } } else { return [citationText, htmlToHast(`${citationText}`)]; } }; /** * Generate bibliography in html and convert it to hast * * @param {*} citeproc */ const genBiblioNode = citeproc => { const [params, bibBody] = citeproc.makeBibliography(); const bibliography = '
\n' + bibBody.join('') + '
'; const biblioNode = htmlToHast(bibliography); // Add citekey id to each bibliography entry. biblioNode.children.filter(node => { var _node$properties; return (_node$properties = == null || (_node$properties = _node$properties.className) == null ? void 0 : _node$properties.includes('csl-entry'); }).forEach((node, i) => { const citekey = params.entry_ids[i][0].toLowerCase(); = || {}; = 'bib-' + citekey; }); return biblioNode; }; /** * @typedef {import('hast').Element} Element * @typedef {import('hast').ElementContent} ElementContent */ /** * Create new footnote section node based on footnoteArray mappings * * @param {{int: string}} citationDict * @param {{type: 'citation' | 'existing', oldId: string}[]} footnoteArray * @param {Element | undefined} footnoteSection * @return {Element} */ const genFootnoteSection = (citationDict, footnoteArray, footnoteSection) => { /** @type {Element} */ const list = { type: 'element', tagName: 'ol', properties: {}, children: [{ type: 'text', value: '\n' }] }; let oldFootnoteList; if (footnoteSection) { /** @type {Element} */ // @ts-ignore - for some reason, the type does not narrow even after filtering oldFootnoteList = footnoteSection.children.filter(n => n.type == "element").find(n => n.tagName === 'ol'); } for (const [idx, item] of footnoteArray.entries()) { const { type, oldId } = item; if (type === 'citation') { list.children.push({ type: 'element', tagName: 'li', properties: { id: `user-content-fn-${idx + 1}` }, children: [{ type: 'element', tagName: 'p', properties: {}, children: [htmlToHast(`${citationDict[oldId]}`), { type: 'element', tagName: 'a', properties: { href: `#user-content-fnref-${idx + 1}`, dataFootnoteBackref: true, className: ['data-footnote-backref'], ariaLabel: 'Back to content' }, children: [{ type: 'text', value: '↩' }] }] }, { type: 'text', value: '\n' }] }); } else if (type === 'existing') { // @ts-ignore const liNode = oldFootnoteList.children.find(n => n.tagName === 'li' && === `user-content-fn-${oldId}`); = `user-content-fn-${idx + 1}`; const aNode = liNode.children[1].children.find(n => n.tagName === 'a'); = `#user-content-fnref-${idx + 1}`; list.children.push(liNode); } } /** @type {Element} */ const newfootnoteSection = { type: 'element', tagName: 'section', properties: { dataFootnotes: true, className: ['footnotes'] }, children: [{ type: 'element', tagName: 'h2', properties: { className: ['sr-only'], id: 'footnote-label' }, children: [{ type: 'text', value: 'Footnotes' }] }, { type: 'text', value: '\n' }, list] }; return newfootnoteSection; }; const defaultCiteFormat = 'apa'; const permittedTags = ['div', 'p', 'span', 'li', 'td', 'th']; const idRoot = 'CITATION'; /** * Rehype plugin that formats citations in markdown documents and insert bibliography in html format * * [-@wadler1990] --> (1990) * [@hughes1989, sec 3.4] --> (Hughes 1989, sec 3.4) * [see @wadler1990; and @hughes1989, pp. 4] --> (see Wadler 1990 and Hughes 1989, pp. 4) * * @param {*} Cite cite object from citation-js configured with the required CSLs * @return {import('unified').Plugin<[Options?], Root>} */ const rehypeCitationGenerator = Cite => { return (options = {}) => { return async (tree, file) => { var _file$data, _options$inlineBibCla; /** @type {string[]} */ let bibtexFile = []; /** @type {string} */ // @ts-ignore const inputCiteformat = options.csl || (file == null || (_file$data = == null || (_file$data = _file$data.frontmatter) == null ? void 0 : _file$data.csl) || defaultCiteFormat; const inputLang = options.lang || 'en-US'; const config = Cite.plugins.config.get('@csl'); const citeFormat = await loadCSL(Cite, inputCiteformat, options.path); const lang = await loadLocale(Cite, inputLang, options.path); let bibliography = await getBibliography(options, file); if (bibliography.length === 0) { return; } for (let i = 0; i < bibliography.length; i++) { if (isValidHttpUrl(bibliography[i])) { const response = await fetch$3(bibliography[i]); bibtexFile.push(await response.text()); } else { { bibtexFile.push(await readFile(bibliography[i])); } } } const citations = new Cite(bibtexFile); const citationIds = =>; const citationPre = []; const citationDict = {}; let citationId = 1; const citeproc = config.engine(, citeFormat, lang, 'html'); /** @type {Mode} */ const mode = citeproc.opt.xclass; const citationFormat = getCitationFormat(citeproc); visit(tree, 'text', (node, idx, parent) => { const match = node.value.match(citationRE); if (!match || 'tagName' in parent && !permittedTags.includes(parent.tagName)) return; let citeStartIdx = match.index; let citeEndIdx = match.index + match[0].length; // If we have an in-text citation and we should suppress the author, the // match.index does NOT include the positive lookbehind, so we have to manually // shift "from" to one before. if (match[2] !== undefined) { citeStartIdx--; } const newChildren = []; // if preceding string if (citeStartIdx !== 0) { // create a new child node newChildren.push({ type: 'text', value: node.value.slice(0, citeStartIdx) }); } const [entries, isComposite] = parseCitation(match); // If id is not in citation file (e.g. route alias or js package), abort process for (const citeItem of entries) { if (!citationIds.includes( return; } const [citedText, citedTextNode] = genCitation(citeproc, mode, entries, idRoot, citationId, citationPre, options, isComposite, citationFormat); citationDict[citationId] = citedText; // Prepare citationPre and citationId for the next cite instance citationPre.push([`${idRoot}-${citationId}`, 0]); citationId = citationId + 1; newChildren.push(citedTextNode); // if trailing string if (citeEndIdx < node.value.length) { newChildren.push({ type: 'text', value: node.value.slice(citeEndIdx) }); } // insert into the parent // @ts-ignore parent.children = [...parent.children.slice(0, idx), ...newChildren, ...parent.children.slice(idx + 1)]; }); if (options.noCite) { citeproc.updateItems( => x.replace('@', ''))); } if (citeproc.registry.mylist.length >= 1 && (!options.suppressBibliography || ((_options$inlineBibCla = options.inlineBibClass) == null ? void 0 : _options$inlineBibCla.length) > 0)) { const biblioNode = genBiblioNode(citeproc); let bilioInserted = false; const biblioMap = {}; biblioNode.children.filter(node => { var _node$properties; return (_node$properties = == null || (_node$properties = _node$properties.className) == null ? void 0 : _node$properties.includes('csl-entry'); }).forEach(node => { const citekey ='-').slice(1).join('-'); biblioMap[citekey] = _extends({}, node); biblioMap[citekey].properties = { id: 'inlinebib-' + citekey }; }); // Insert it at ^ref, if not found insert it as the last element of the tree visit(tree, 'element', (node, idx, parent) => { var _options$inlineBibCla2, _node$properties2; // Add inline bibliography if (((_options$inlineBibCla2 = options.inlineBibClass) == null ? void 0 : _options$inlineBibCla2.length) > 0 && (_node$properties2 = != null && (_node$properties2 = _node$ != null && _node$properties2.toString().startsWith('citation-')) { // id is citation--nash1951--nash1950--1 const [, ...citekeys] ='--'); const citationID = citekeys.pop(); /** @type {Element} */ const inlineBibNode = { type: 'element', tagName: 'div', properties: { className: options.inlineBibClass, id: `inlineBib--${citekeys.join('--')}--${citationID}` }, children: => { const aBibNode = biblioMap[citekey]; = { class: 'inline-entry', id: `inline--${citekey}--${citationID}` }; return aBibNode; }) }; parent.children.push(inlineBibNode); } // Add bibliography if (!options.suppressBibliography && (node.tagName === 'p' || node.tagName === 'div') && node.children.length >= 1 && node.children[0].type === 'text' && node.children[0].value === '[^ref]') { parent.children[idx] = biblioNode; bilioInserted = true; } }); if (!options.suppressBibliography && !bilioInserted) { tree.children.push(biblioNode); } } let footnoteSection; visit(tree, 'element', (node, index, parent) => { if (node.tagName === 'section' && { footnoteSection = node; parent.children.splice(index, 1); } }); // Need to adjust footnote numbering based on existing ones already assigned // And insert them into the footnote section (if exists) // Footnote comes after bibliography if (mode === 'note' && Object.keys(citationDict).length > 0) { /** @type {{type: 'citation' | 'existing', oldId: string}[]} */ let fnArray = []; let index = 1; visit(tree, 'element', node => { if (node.tagName === 'sup' && node.children[0].type === 'element') { let nextNode = node.children[0]; if (nextNode.tagName === 'a') { /** @type {{href: string, id: string}} */ // @ts-ignore const { href, id } =; if (href.includes('fn') && id.includes('fnref')) { const oldId = href.split('-').pop(); fnArray.push({ type: href.includes('cite') ? 'citation' : 'existing', oldId }); // Update ref number = `#user-content-fn-${index}`; = `user-content-fnref-${index}`; // @ts-ignore nextNode.children[0].value = index.toString(); index += 1; } } } }); // @ts-ignore const newFootnoteSection = genFootnoteSection(citationDict, fnArray, footnoteSection); tree.children.push(newFootnoteSection); } else { if (footnoteSection) tree.children.push(footnoteSection); } }; }; }; // @ts-nocheck /** * @memberof module: @citation-js / core.Cite# * * @return {Number} The latest version of the object */ function currentVersion() { return this.log.length; } /** * Returns an image of the object in the version specified. * * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.Cite# * * @param {Number} [versnum=1] - The number of the version you want to retrieve. Illegal numbers: numbers under or equal to zero, floats, numbers above the current version of the object. * * @return {module:@citation-js/core.Cite} The version of the object with the version number passed. `undefined` if an illegal number is passed. */ function retrieveVersion(versnum = 1) { if (versnum <= 0 || versnum > this.currentVersion()) { return null; } else { const [data, options] = this.log[versnum - 1]; const image = new this.constructor(JSON.parse(data), JSON.parse(options)); image.log = this.log.slice(0, versnum); return image; } } /** * Returns the second to last saved image of the object. * * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.Cite# * * @param {Number} [number=1] - number of versions to go back. * * @return {module:@citation-js/core.Cite} The second to last version of the object. `undefined` if used on first version. */ function undo(number = 1) { return this.retrieveVersion(this.currentVersion() - number); } /** * Returns the last saved image of the object. * * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.Cite# * * @return {module:@citation-js/core.Cite} The last version of the object. `undefined` if used on first version. */ function retrieveLastVersion() { return this.retrieveVersion(this.currentVersion()); } /** * Save an image of the current version of the object. * * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.Cite# * * @return {module:@citation-js/core.Cite} The current version of the object. */ function save() { this.log.push([JSON.stringify(, JSON.stringify(this._options)]); return this; } var log = { __proto__: null, currentVersion: currentVersion, retrieveVersion: retrieveVersion, retrieveLastVersion: retrieveLastVersion, undo: undo, save: save }; // @ts-nocheck const formats$4 = ['real', 'string']; const types$1 = ['json', 'html', 'string', 'rtf']; const styles = ['csl', 'bibtex', 'bibtxt', 'citation-*', 'ris', 'ndjson']; const wrapperTypes = ['string', 'function']; /** * @access public * @method validateOutputOptions * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.Cite * * @deprecated * @param {module:@citation-js/core~OutputOptions} - options * * @return {Boolean} true (if valid) * @throws {TypeError} Options not an object * @throws {TypeError} Invalid options * @throws {Error} Invalid options combination * * @todo check registers if styles and langs are present */ /* istanbul ignore next: deprecated */ function validateOutputOptions(options) { if (typeof options !== 'object') { throw new TypeError('Options not an object!'); } const { format, type, style, lang, append, prepend } = options; if (format && !formats$4.includes(format)) { throw new TypeError(`Option format ("${format}") should be one of: ${formats$4}`); } else if (type && !types$1.includes(type)) { throw new TypeError(`Option type ("${type}") should be one of: ${types$1}`); } else if (style && !styles.includes(style) && !/^citation/.test(style)) { throw new TypeError(`Option style ("${style}") should be one of: ${styles}`); } else if (lang && typeof lang !== 'string') { throw new TypeError(`Option lang should be a string, but is a ${typeof lang}`); } else if (prepend && !wrapperTypes.includes(typeof prepend)) { throw new TypeError(`Option prepend should be a string or a function, but is a ${typeof prepend}`); } else if (append && !wrapperTypes.includes(typeof append)) { throw new TypeError(`Option append should be a string or a function, but is a ${typeof append}`); } if (/^citation/.test(style) && type === 'json') { throw new Error(`Combination type/style of json/citation-* is not valid: ${type}/${style}`); } return true; } /** * @access public * @method valdiateOptions * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.Cite * * @param {module:@citation-js/core~InputOptions} - options * * @return {Boolean} true (if valid) * @throws {TypeError} Options not an object * @throws {TypeError} Invalid options * * @todo check registers if type is present */ function validateOptions(options) { if (typeof options !== 'object') { throw new TypeError('Options should be an object'); } /* istanbul ignore if: deprecated */ if (options.output) { validateOutputOptions(options.output); } else if (options.maxChainLength && typeof options.maxChainLength !== 'number') { throw new TypeError('Option maxChainLength should be a number'); } else if (options.forceType && typeof options.forceType !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('Option forceType should be a string'); } else if (options.generateGraph != null && typeof options.generateGraph !== 'boolean') { throw new TypeError('Option generateGraph should be a boolean'); } else if (options.strict != null && typeof options.strict !== 'boolean') { throw new TypeError('Option strict should be a boolean'); } else if ( != null && typeof !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('Option target should be a boolean'); } return true; } /** * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.Cite# * * @constant {module:@citation-js/core~OutputOptions} defaultOptions - default output options */ const defaultOptions = { format: 'real', type: 'json', style: 'csl', lang: 'en-US' }; /** * Change the default options of a `Cite` object. * * @memberof Cite# * * @param {module:@citation-js/core~OutputOptions} options - The options for the output * @param {Boolean} [log=false] - Show this call in the log * * @return {module:@citation-js/core.Cite} The updated parent object */ function options(options, log) { validateOutputOptions(options); if (log) {; } Object.assign(this._options, options); return this; } var options$1 = { __proto__: null, options: options, defaultOptions: defaultOptions }; /** * Gets the constructor name, with a special case for `null` and `undefined` * * @access public * @method typeOf * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input.util * * @param {*} thing - input data or anything else * * @return {String} type */ function typeOf(thing) { switch (thing) { case undefined: return 'Undefined'; case null: return 'Null'; default: return; } } /** * @access public * @method dataTypeOf * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input.util * * @param {*} thing - input data or anything else * * @return {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~dataType} dataType */ function dataTypeOf(thing) { switch (typeof thing) { case 'string': return 'String'; case 'object': if (Array.isArray(thing)) { return 'Array'; } else if (typeOf(thing) === 'Object') { return 'SimpleObject'; } else if (typeOf(thing) !== 'Null') { return 'ComplexObject'; } // fall through when thing === null, return default value default: return 'Primitive'; } } var dataType = { __proto__: null, typeOf: typeOf, dataTypeOf: dataTypeOf }; /** * Apply a parse chain graph to an element * * @access protected * @method applyGraph * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input.util * * @param {module:@citation-js/core~CSL} entry * @param {Array} graph * * @return {module:@citation-js/core~CSL} entry */ function applyGraph(entry, graph) { if (entry._graph) { const index = graph.findIndex(({ type }) => type === '@else/list+object'); if (index !== -1) { graph.splice(index + 1, 0, ...entry._graph.slice(0, -1)); } } entry._graph = graph; return entry; } /** * Remove the parse chain graph from an element * * @access protected * @method removeGraph * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input.util * * @param {module:@citation-js/core~CSL} entry * * @return {module:@citation-js/core~CSL} entry */ function removeGraph(entry) { delete entry._graph; return entry; } var graph = { __proto__: null, applyGraph: applyGraph, removeGraph: removeGraph }; /** * @memberof module:@citation-js/core * @var {Object} logger * @property _output * @property {Console} _console * @property {Array} _log * @property {Array} _levels * @property {module:@citation-js/core~logLevel} level */ const logger = { _output(level, scope, msg) { this._log.push(scope, msg); if (this._levels.indexOf(level) < this._levels.indexOf(this.level)) { return; } this._console.log(scope, ...msg); }, _console: null, _log: [], /** * @typedef {String} module:@citation-js/core~logLevel */ _levels: ['http', 'debug', 'unmapped', 'info', 'warn', 'error', 'silent'], level: 'silent' }; for (const level of logger._levels) { logger[level] = (scope, ...msg) => logger._output(level, scope, msg); } if (typeof console.Console === 'function') { logger._console = new console.Console(process.stderr); } else { logger._console = console; } // @ts-nocheck // register const types = {}; const dataTypes = {}; // extensions not registered as such const unregExts = {}; /** * Hard-coded, for reasons * * @access private * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input * * @param {module:@citation-js/core~InputData} input * @param {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~dataType} dataType * @return {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~format} native format */ function parseNativeTypes(input, dataType) { switch (dataType) { case 'Array': if (input.length === 0 || input.every(entry => type(entry) === '@csl/object')) { return '@csl/list+object'; } else { return '@else/list+object'; } case 'SimpleObject': case 'ComplexObject': // might, of course, be something completely else, but this is how the parser works return '@csl/object'; default: return '@invalid'; } } /** * @access private * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input * * @param {Array} [typeList=[]] * @param {module:@citation-js/core~InputData} data * * @return {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~format} native format */ function matchType(typeList = [], data) { for (const type of typeList) { if (types[type].predicate(data)) { return matchType(types[type].extensions, data) || type; } } } /** * @access public * @method type * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input * * @param {module:@citation-js/core~InputData} input * * @return {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~format} type */ function type(input) { const dataType = dataTypeOf(input); // Empty array should be @csl/list+object too if (dataType === 'Array' && input.length === 0) { // Off-load to parseNativeTypes() to not repeat the name // '@csl/list+object' here as well, as it might change return parseNativeTypes(input, dataType); } const match = matchType(dataTypes[dataType], input); // If no matching formats found, test if native format, // else invalid input. return match || parseNativeTypes(input, dataType); } /** * @access public * @method addTypeParser * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input * * @param {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~format} format * @param {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input.util.TypeParser} typeParser */ function addTypeParser(format, { dataType, predicate, extends: extend }) { // 1. check if any subclass formats are waiting for this format let extensions = []; if (format in unregExts) { extensions = unregExts[format]; delete unregExts[format]; logger.debug('[core]', `Subclasses "${extensions}" finally registered to parent type "${format}"`); } // 2. create object with parser info const object = { predicate, extensions }; types[format] = object; // 3. determine which type lists the type should be added to if (extend) { // 3.1. if format is subclass, check if parent type is registered const parentTypeParser = types[extend]; if (parentTypeParser) { // 3.1.1. if it is, add the type parser parentTypeParser.extensions.push(format); } else { // 3.1.2. if it isn't, register type as waiting if (!unregExts[extend]) { unregExts[extend] = []; } unregExts[extend].push(format); logger.debug('[core]', `Subclass "${format}" is waiting on parent type "${extend}"`); } } else { // 3.2. else, add const typeList = dataTypes[dataType] || (dataTypes[dataType] = []); typeList.push(format); } } /** * @access public * @method hasTypeParser * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input * * @param {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~format} type * * @return {Boolean} type parser is registered */ function hasTypeParser(type) { return, type); } /** * @access public * @method removeTypeParser * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input * * @param {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~format} type */ function removeTypeParser(type) { delete types[type]; // Removing orphaned type refs const typeLists = [...Object.keys(dataTypes).map(key => dataTypes[key]), ...Object.keys(types).map(type => types[type].extensions).filter(list => list.length > 0)]; typeLists.forEach(typeList => { const index = typeList.indexOf(type); if (index > -1) { typeList.splice(index, 1); } }); } /** * @access public * @method listTypeParser * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input * * @return {Array} list of registered type parsers */ function listTypeParser() { return Object.keys(types); } /** * @access public * @method treeTypeParser * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input * * @return {Object} tree structure */ /* istanbul ignore next: debugging */ function treeTypeParser() { const attachNode = name => ({ name, children: types[name] }); return { name: 'Type tree', children: Object.keys(dataTypes).map(name => ({ name, children: dataTypes[name].map(attachNode) })) }; } /** * Validate and parse the format name * * @access public * @method typeMatcher * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input * @type {RegExp} */ const typeMatcher = /^(?:@(.+?))(?:\/(?:(.+?)\+)?(?:(.+)))?$/; // @ts-nocheck /** * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input.util * @param {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~typeParser} data */ class TypeParser { constructor(data) { /** * @access protected * @type {Array} */ this.validDataTypes = ['String', 'Array', 'SimpleObject', 'ComplexObject', 'Primitive']; = data; } // ========================================================================== // Validation // ========================================================================== /** * @access protected * @throws {RangeError} if dataType is not valid */ validateDataType() { const dataType =; if (dataType && !this.validDataTypes.includes(dataType)) { throw new RangeError(`dataType was ${dataType}; expected one of ${this.validDataTypes}`); } } /** * @access protected * @throws {TypeError} if predicate is not valid */ validateParseType() { const predicate =; if (predicate && !(predicate instanceof RegExp || typeof predicate === 'function')) { throw new TypeError(`predicate was ${typeof predicate}; expected RegExp or function`); } } /** * @access protected * @throws {TypeError} if predicate is not valid */ validateTokenList() { const tokenList =; if (tokenList && typeof tokenList !== 'object') { throw new TypeError(`tokenList was ${typeof tokenList}; expected object or RegExp`); } } /** * @access protected * @throws {TypeError} if propertyConstraint is not valid */ validatePropertyConstraint() { const propertyConstraint =; if (propertyConstraint && typeof propertyConstraint !== 'object') { throw new TypeError(`propertyConstraint was ${typeof propertyConstraint}; expected array or object`); } } /** * @access protected * @throws {TypeError} if elementConstraint is not valid */ validateElementConstraint() { const elementConstraint =; if (elementConstraint && typeof elementConstraint !== 'string') { throw new TypeError(`elementConstraint was ${typeof elementConstraint}; expected string`); } } /** * @access protected * @throws {TypeError} if extends is not valid */ validateExtends() { const extend =; if (extend && typeof extend !== 'string') { throw new TypeError(`extends was ${typeof extend}; expected string`); } } /** * @access public * @throws {TypeError|RangeError} if typeParser is not valid */ validate() { if ( === null || typeof !== 'object') { throw new TypeError(`typeParser was ${typeof}; expected object`); } this.validateDataType(); this.validateParseType(); this.validateTokenList(); this.validatePropertyConstraint(); this.validateElementConstraint(); this.validateExtends(); } // ========================================================================== // Simplification helpers // ========================================================================== /** * @access protected * @return {Array} */ parseTokenList() { let tokenList =; if (!tokenList) { return []; } else if (tokenList instanceof RegExp) { tokenList = { token: tokenList }; } const { token, split = /\s+/, trim = true, every = true } = tokenList; const trimInput = input => trim ? input.trim() : input; const testTokens = every ? 'every' : 'some'; const predicate = input => trimInput(input).split(split)[testTokens](part => token.test(part)); return [predicate]; } /** * @access protected * @return {Array} */ parsePropertyConstraint() { const constraints = [].concat( || []); return{ props, match, value }) => { props = [].concat(props); switch (match) { case 'any': // fall-through case 'some': return input => props.some(prop => prop in input && (!value || value(input[prop]))); case 'none': return input => !props.some(prop => prop in input && (!value || value(input[prop]))); case 'every': // fall-through default: return input => props.every(prop => prop in input && (!value || value(input[prop]))); } }); } /** * @access protected * @return {Array} */ parseElementConstraint() { const constraint =; return !constraint ? [] : [input => input.every(entry => type(entry) === constraint)]; } /** * @access protected * @return {Array} */ parsePredicate() { if ( instanceof RegExp) { return []; } else if ( { return []; } else { return []; } } /** * @access protected * @return {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~predicate} */ getCombinedPredicate() { const predicates = [...this.parsePredicate(), ...this.parseTokenList(), ...this.parsePropertyConstraint(), ...this.parseElementConstraint()]; if (predicates.length === 0) { return () => true; } else if (predicates.length === 1) { return predicates[0]; } else { return input => predicates.every(predicate => predicate(input)); } } /** * @access protected * @return {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~dataType} */ getDataType() { if ( { return; } else if ( instanceof RegExp) { return 'String'; } else if ( { return 'String'; } else if ( { return 'Array'; } else { return 'Primitive'; } } // ========================================================================== // Data simplification // ========================================================================== /** * @type {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~dataType} */ get dataType() { return this.getDataType(); } /** * @type {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~predicate} */ get predicate() { return this.getCombinedPredicate(); } /** * @type {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~format} */ get extends() { return; } } /** * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input.util * @param {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~dataParser|module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~asyncDataParser} parser * @param {Object} options * @param {Boolean} [options.async=false] */ class DataParser { constructor(parser, { async } = {}) { this.parser = parser; this.async = async; } // ========================================================================== // Validation // ========================================================================== /** * @throws {TypeError} if dataParser is not valid */ validate() { const parser = this.parser; if (typeof parser !== 'function') { throw new TypeError(`parser was ${typeof parser}; expected function`); } } } /** * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input.util * @param {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~format} format * @param {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~parsers} parsers */ class FormatParser { constructor(format, parsers = {}) { this.format = format; if (parsers.parseType) { this.typeParser = new TypeParser(parsers.parseType); } if (parsers.parse) { this.dataParser = new DataParser(parsers.parse, { async: false }); } if (parsers.parseAsync) { this.asyncDataParser = new DataParser(parsers.parseAsync, { async: true }); } } // ========================================================================== // Validation // ========================================================================== /** * @access protected * @throws {TypeError} if format is not valid */ validateFormat() { const format = this.format; if (!typeMatcher.test(format)) { throw new TypeError(`format name was "${format}"; didn't match expected pattern`); } } /** * @throws {TypeError} if formatParser is not valid */ validate() { this.validateFormat(); if (this.typeParser) { this.typeParser.validate(); } if (this.dataParser) { this.dataParser.validate(); } if (this.asyncDataParser) { this.asyncDataParser.validate(); } } } var parser = { __proto__: null, TypeParser: TypeParser, DataParser: DataParser, FormatParser: FormatParser }; const NAME = 1; const NAME_LIST = 2; const DATE = 3; const TYPE$3 = 4; /** * Data from * * - true if a valid type * - string if another type should be used * * @access private * @constant entryTypes * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input */ const entryTypes = { article: true, 'article-journal': true, 'article-magazine': true, 'article-newspaper': true, bill: true, book: true, broadcast: true, chapter: true, classic: true, collection: true, dataset: true, document: true, entry: true, 'entry-dictionary': true, 'entry-encyclopedia': true, event: true, figure: true, graphic: true, hearing: true, interview: true, legal_case: true, legislation: true, manuscript: true, map: true, motion_picture: true, musical_score: true, pamphlet: true, 'paper-conference': true, patent: true, performance: true, periodical: true, personal_communication: true, post: true, 'post-weblog': true, regulation: true, report: true, review: true, 'review-book': true, software: true, song: true, speech: true, standard: true, thesis: true, treaty: true, webpage: true, // From 'journal-article': 'article-journal', 'book-chapter': 'chapter', 'posted-content': 'manuscript', 'proceedings-article': 'paper-conference' }; /** * Object containing type info on CSL-JSON fields. * * * string: primitive value type * * array: list of primitive value types * * number: special type * * Data from * * @access private * @constant fieldTypes * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input */ const fieldTypes$2 = { author: NAME_LIST, chair: NAME_LIST, 'collection-editor': NAME_LIST, compiler: NAME_LIST, composer: NAME_LIST, 'container-author': NAME_LIST, contributor: NAME_LIST, curator: NAME_LIST, director: NAME_LIST, editor: NAME_LIST, 'editorial-director': NAME_LIST, 'executive-producer': NAME_LIST, guest: NAME_LIST, host: NAME_LIST, interviewer: NAME_LIST, illustrator: NAME_LIST, narrator: NAME_LIST, organizer: NAME_LIST, 'original-author': NAME_LIST, performer: NAME_LIST, producer: NAME_LIST, 'reviewed-author': NAME_LIST, recipient: NAME_LIST, 'script-writer': NAME_LIST, 'series-creator': NAME_LIST, translator: NAME_LIST, accessed: DATE, 'available-date': DATE, container: DATE, 'event-date': DATE, issued: DATE, 'original-date': DATE, submitted: DATE, type: TYPE$3, categories: 'object', // TODO Array custom: 'object', id: ['string', 'number'], language: 'string', journalAbbreviation: 'string', shortTitle: 'string', abstract: 'string', annote: 'string', archive: 'string', archive_collection: 'string', archive_location: 'string', 'archive-place': 'string', authority: 'string', 'call-number': 'string', 'chapter-number': 'string', 'citation-number': 'string', 'citation-key': 'string', 'citation-label': 'string', 'collection-number': 'string', 'collection-title': 'string', 'container-title': 'string', 'container-title-short': 'string', dimensions: 'string', division: 'string', DOI: 'string', edition: ['string', 'number'], event: 'string', // deprecated 'event-title': 'string', 'event-place': 'string', 'first-reference-note-number': 'string', genre: 'string', ISBN: 'string', ISSN: 'string', issue: ['string', 'number'], jurisdiction: 'string', keyword: 'string', locator: 'string', medium: 'string', note: 'string', number: ['string', 'number'], 'number-of-pages': 'string', 'number-of-volumes': ['string', 'number'], 'original-publisher': 'string', 'original-publisher-place': 'string', 'original-title': 'string', page: 'string', 'page-first': 'string', 'part-number': ['string', 'number'], 'part-title': 'string', PMCID: 'string', PMID: 'string', printing: 'string', publisher: 'string', 'publisher-place': 'string', references: 'string', 'reviewed-title': 'string', 'reviewed-genre': 'string', scale: 'string', section: 'string', source: 'string', status: 'string', supplement: ['string', 'number'], title: 'string', 'title-short': 'string', URL: 'string', version: 'string', volume: ['string', 'number'], 'volume-title': 'string', 'volume-title-short': 'string', 'year-suffix': 'string' }; /** * Correct a name. * * @access private * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input * * @param {*} name - name * @param {Boolean} bestGuessConversions - make some best guess conversions on type mismatch * * @return {Object} returns the (corrected) value if possible, otherwise undefined */ function correctName(name, bestGuessConversions) { if (typeof name === 'object' && name !== null && (name.literal || name.given || { return name; } else if (!bestGuessConversions) { return undefined; } else if (typeof name === 'string') { return parse$8(name); } } /** * Correct a name field. * * @access private * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input * * @param {*} nameList - name list * @param {Boolean} bestGuessConversions - make some best guess conversions on type mismatch * * @return {Array|undefined} returns the (corrected) value if possible, otherwise undefined */ function correctNameList(nameList, bestGuessConversions) { if (nameList instanceof Array) { const names = => correctName(name, bestGuessConversions)).filter(Boolean); return names.length ? names : undefined; } } /** * Correct date parts * * @access private * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input.util * * @param {Array} dateParts * @param {Boolean} bestGuessConversions - make some best guess conversions on type mismatch * * @return {Array|undefined} */ function correctDateParts(dateParts, bestGuessConversions) { if (dateParts.every(part => typeof part === 'number')) { return dateParts; } else if (!bestGuessConversions || dateParts.some(part => isNaN(parseInt(part)))) { return undefined; } else { return => parseInt(part)); } } /** * Correct a date field. * * @access private * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input.util * * @param {*} date - date * @param {Boolean} bestGuessConversions - make some best guess conversions on type mismatch * * @return {Array|undefined} returns the (corrected) value if possible, otherwise undefined */ function correctDate(date, bestGuessConversions) { const dp = 'date-parts'; if (typeof date !== 'object' || date === null) { return undefined; // "{'date-parts': [[2000, 1, 1], ...]}" } else if (date[dp] instanceof Array && date[dp].every(part => part instanceof Array)) { const range = date[dp].map(dateParts => correctDateParts(dateParts, bestGuessConversions)).filter(Boolean); return range.length ? _extends({}, date, { 'date-parts': range }) : undefined; // LEGACY support // "[{'date-parts': [2000, 1, 1]}, ...]" } else if (date instanceof Array && date.every(part => part[dp] instanceof Array)) { const range = => correctDateParts(dateParts[dp], bestGuessConversions)).filter(Boolean); return range.length ? { 'date-parts': range } : undefined; // LEGACY support // "{'date-parts': [2000, 1, 1]}" } else if (date[dp] instanceof Array) { const dateParts = correctDateParts(date[dp], bestGuessConversions); return dateParts && { 'date-parts': [dateParts] }; // No separate date-parts } else if ('literal' in date || 'raw' in date) { return date; } } /** * Correct a type field. * * @access private * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input.util * * @param {String|*} type - type * @param {Boolean} bestGuessConversions - make some best guess conversions on type mismatch * * @return {String|undefined} returns the (corrected) value if possible, otherwise undefined */ function correctType(type, bestGuessConversions) { // Also anything that can be converted to a string. Taking `language` as a field // with similar string constraints, as fields like `title` might take HTML into // account in the future. type = correctField('language', type, bestGuessConversions); if (entryTypes[type] === true) { return type; } else if (bestGuessConversions && type in entryTypes) { return entryTypes[type]; } else { return undefined; } } /** * Correct a field. * * @access private * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input.util * * @param {String} fieldName - field name * @param {*} value - value * @param {Boolean} bestGuessConversions - make some best guess conversions on type mismatch * * @return {*|undefined} returns the (corrected) value if possible, otherwise undefined */ function correctField(fieldName, value, bestGuessConversions) { const fieldType = [].concat(fieldTypes$2[fieldName]); switch (fieldTypes$2[fieldName]) { /* istanbul ignore next: no field has this */ case NAME: return correctName(value, bestGuessConversions); case NAME_LIST: return correctNameList(value, bestGuessConversions); case DATE: return correctDate(value, bestGuessConversions); case TYPE$3: return correctType(value, bestGuessConversions); } if (bestGuessConversions) { if (typeof value === 'string' && fieldType.includes('number') && !fieldType.includes('string') && !isNaN(+value)) { return parseFloat(value); } else if (typeof value === 'number' && fieldType.includes('string') && !fieldType.includes('number')) { return value.toString(); } else if (Array.isArray(value) && value.length) { return correctField(fieldName, value[0], bestGuessConversions); } } if (fieldType.includes(typeof value)) { return value; } } /** * Make CSL JSON conform to standards so that plugins don't have to typecheck all the time. * * @access protected * @method clean * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input.util * * @param {Array} data - Array of CSL * @param {Boolean} [bestGuessConversions=true] - make some best guess conversions on type mismatch * * @return {Array} Array of clean CSL */ function parseCsl(data, bestGuessConversions = true) { return (entry) { const clean = {}; for (const field in entry) { const correction = correctField(field, entry[field], bestGuessConversions); if (correction !== undefined) { clean[field] = correction; } } return clean; }); } var csl = { __proto__: null, clean: parseCsl }; /** * Upgrade CSL item from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 * * @method upgradeCsl * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.util * * @param {Object} item - Input object * * @return {Object} upgraded item */ function upgradeCsl(item) { if (Array.isArray(item)) { return; } item = _extends({}, item); if ('event' in item) { item['event-title'] = item.event; delete item.event; } if (item.type === 'book' && 'version' in item) { item.type = 'software'; } return item; } /** * Downgrade CSL item from 1.0.2 to 1.0.1 * * @method downgradeCsl * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.util * * @param {Object} item - Input object * * @return {Object} downgraded item */ function downgradeCsl(item) { if (Array.isArray(item)) { return; } item = _extends({}, item); if ('event-title' in item) { item.event = item['event-title']; delete item['event-title']; } if (item.type === 'software') { item.type = 'book'; } return item; } // @ts-nocheck /** * Duplicate objects to prevent Cite changing values outside of own scope * * @access protected * @method deepCopy * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.util * * @param {Object} obj - Input object * @param {Set} [seen] * * @return {Object} Duplicated object * @throws {TypeError} */ function deepCopy(value, seen = new Set()) { if (typeof value !== 'object' || value === null || value.constructor !== Object && value.constructor !== Array) { return value; } if (seen.has(value)) { throw new TypeError('Recursively copying circular structure'); } seen.add(value); let copy; if (value.constructor === Array) { copy = => deepCopy(value, seen)); } else { const object = {}; for (const key in value) { object[key] = deepCopy(value[key], seen); } copy = object; } seen.delete(value); return copy; } var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : {}; function createCommonjsModule(fn) { var module = { exports: {} }; return fn(module, module.exports), module.exports; } var conversions = {}; var lib$2 = conversions; function sign(x) { return x < 0 ? -1 : 1; } function evenRound(x) { // Round x to the nearest integer, choosing the even integer if it lies halfway between two. if (x % 1 === 0.5 && (x & 1) === 0) { // [even number].5; round down (i.e. floor) return Math.floor(x); } else { return Math.round(x); } } function createNumberConversion(bitLength, typeOpts) { if (!typeOpts.unsigned) { --bitLength; } const lowerBound = typeOpts.unsigned ? 0 : -Math.pow(2, bitLength); const upperBound = Math.pow(2, bitLength) - 1; const moduloVal = typeOpts.moduloBitLength ? Math.pow(2, typeOpts.moduloBitLength) : Math.pow(2, bitLength); const moduloBound = typeOpts.moduloBitLength ? Math.pow(2, typeOpts.moduloBitLength - 1) : Math.pow(2, bitLength - 1); return function (V, opts) { if (!opts) opts = {}; let x = +V; if (opts.enforceRange) { if (!Number.isFinite(x)) { throw new TypeError("Argument is not a finite number"); } x = sign(x) * Math.floor(Math.abs(x)); if (x < lowerBound || x > upperBound) { throw new TypeError("Argument is not in byte range"); } return x; } if (!isNaN(x) && opts.clamp) { x = evenRound(x); if (x < lowerBound) x = lowerBound; if (x > upperBound) x = upperBound; return x; } if (!Number.isFinite(x) || x === 0) { return 0; } x = sign(x) * Math.floor(Math.abs(x)); x = x % moduloVal; if (!typeOpts.unsigned && x >= moduloBound) { return x - moduloVal; } else if (typeOpts.unsigned) { if (x < 0) { x += moduloVal; } else if (x === -0) { // don't return negative zero return 0; } } return x; }; } conversions["void"] = function () { return undefined; }; conversions["boolean"] = function (val) { return !!val; }; conversions["byte"] = createNumberConversion(8, { unsigned: false }); conversions["octet"] = createNumberConversion(8, { unsigned: true }); conversions["short"] = createNumberConversion(16, { unsigned: false }); conversions["unsigned short"] = createNumberConversion(16, { unsigned: true }); conversions["long"] = createNumberConversion(32, { unsigned: false }); conversions["unsigned long"] = createNumberConversion(32, { unsigned: true }); conversions["long long"] = createNumberConversion(32, { unsigned: false, moduloBitLength: 64 }); conversions["unsigned long long"] = createNumberConversion(32, { unsigned: true, moduloBitLength: 64 }); conversions["double"] = function (V) { const x = +V; if (!Number.isFinite(x)) { throw new TypeError("Argument is not a finite floating-point value"); } return x; }; conversions["unrestricted double"] = function (V) { const x = +V; if (isNaN(x)) { throw new TypeError("Argument is NaN"); } return x; }; // not quite valid, but good enough for JS conversions["float"] = conversions["double"]; conversions["unrestricted float"] = conversions["unrestricted double"]; conversions["DOMString"] = function (V, opts) { if (!opts) opts = {}; if (opts.treatNullAsEmptyString && V === null) { return ""; } return String(V); }; conversions["ByteString"] = function (V, opts) { const x = String(V); let c = undefined; for (let i = 0; (c = x.codePointAt(i)) !== undefined; ++i) { if (c > 255) { throw new TypeError("Argument is not a valid bytestring"); } } return x; }; conversions["USVString"] = function (V) { const S = String(V); const n = S.length; const U = []; for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) { const c = S.charCodeAt(i); if (c < 0xD800 || c > 0xDFFF) { U.push(String.fromCodePoint(c)); } else if (0xDC00 <= c && c <= 0xDFFF) { U.push(String.fromCodePoint(0xFFFD)); } else { if (i === n - 1) { U.push(String.fromCodePoint(0xFFFD)); } else { const d = S.charCodeAt(i + 1); if (0xDC00 <= d && d <= 0xDFFF) { const a = c & 0x3FF; const b = d & 0x3FF; U.push(String.fromCodePoint((2 << 15) + (2 << 9) * a + b)); ++i; } else { U.push(String.fromCodePoint(0xFFFD)); } } } } return U.join(''); }; conversions["Date"] = function (V, opts) { if (!(V instanceof Date)) { throw new TypeError("Argument is not a Date object"); } if (isNaN(V)) { return undefined; } return V; }; conversions["RegExp"] = function (V, opts) { if (!(V instanceof RegExp)) { V = new RegExp(V); } return V; }; var utils = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { module.exports.mixin = function mixin(target, source) { const keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(source); for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { Object.defineProperty(target, keys[i], Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, keys[i])); } }; module.exports.wrapperSymbol = Symbol("wrapper"); module.exports.implSymbol = Symbol("impl"); module.exports.wrapperForImpl = function (impl) { return impl[module.exports.wrapperSymbol]; }; module.exports.implForWrapper = function (wrapper) { return wrapper[module.exports.implSymbol]; }; }); var mappingTable = [ [ [ 0, 44 ], "disallowed_STD3_valid" ], [ [ 45, 46 ], "valid" ], [ [ 47, 47 ], "disallowed_STD3_valid" ], [ [ 48, 57 ], "valid" ], [ [ 58, 64 ], "disallowed_STD3_valid" ], [ [ 65, 65 ], "mapped", [ 97 ] ], [ [ 66, 66 ], "mapped", [ 98 ] ], [ [ 67, 67 ], "mapped", [ 99 ] ], [ [ 68, 68 ], "mapped", [ 100 ] ], [ [ 69, 69 ], "mapped", [ 101 ] ], [ [ 70, 70 ], "mapped", [ 102 ] ], [ [ 71, 71 ], "mapped", [ 103 ] ], [ [ 72, 72 ], "mapped", [ 104 ] ], [ [ 73, 73 ], "mapped", [ 105 ] ], [ [ 74, 74 ], "mapped", [ 106 ] ], [ [ 75, 75 ], "mapped", [ 107 ] ], [ [ 76, 76 ], "mapped", [ 108 ] ], [ [ 77, 77 ], "mapped", [ 109 ] ], [ [ 78, 78 ], "mapped", [ 110 ] ], [ [ 79, 79 ], "mapped", [ 111 ] ], [ [ 80, 80 ], "mapped", [ 112 ] ], [ [ 81, 81 ], "mapped", [ 113 ] ], [ [ 82, 82 ], "mapped", [ 114 ] ], [ [ 83, 83 ], "mapped", [ 115 ] ], [ [ 84, 84 ], "mapped", [ 116 ] ], [ [ 85, 85 ], "mapped", [ 117 ] ], [ [ 86, 86 ], "mapped", [ 118 ] ], [ [ 87, 87 ], "mapped", [ 119 ] ], [ [ 88, 88 ], "mapped", [ 120 ] ], [ [ 89, 89 ], "mapped", [ 121 ] ], [ [ 90, 90 ], "mapped", [ 122 ] ], [ [ 91, 96 ], "disallowed_STD3_valid" ], [ [ 97, 122 ], "valid" ], [ [ 123, 127 ], "disallowed_STD3_valid" ], [ [ 128, 159 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 160, 160 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32 ] ], [ [ 161, 167 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 168, 168 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 776 ] ], [ [ 169, 169 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 170, 170 ], "mapped", [ 97 ] ], [ [ 171, 172 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 173, 173 ], "ignored" ], [ [ 174, 174 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 175, 175 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 772 ] ], [ [ 176, 177 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 178, 178 ], "mapped", [ 50 ] ], [ [ 179, 179 ], "mapped", [ 51 ] ], [ [ 180, 180 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 769 ] ], [ [ 181, 181 ], "mapped", [ 956 ] ], [ [ 182, 182 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 183, 183 ], "valid" ], [ [ 184, 184 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 807 ] ], [ [ 185, 185 ], "mapped", [ 49 ] ], [ [ 186, 186 ], "mapped", [ 111 ] ], [ [ 187, 187 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 188, 188 ], "mapped", [ 49, 8260, 52 ] ], [ [ 189, 189 ], "mapped", [ 49, 8260, 50 ] ], [ [ 190, 190 ], "mapped", [ 51, 8260, 52 ] ], [ [ 191, 191 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 192, 192 ], "mapped", [ 224 ] ], [ [ 193, 193 ], "mapped", [ 225 ] ], [ [ 194, 194 ], "mapped", [ 226 ] ], [ [ 195, 195 ], "mapped", [ 227 ] ], [ [ 196, 196 ], "mapped", [ 228 ] ], [ [ 197, 197 ], "mapped", [ 229 ] ], [ [ 198, 198 ], "mapped", [ 230 ] ], [ [ 199, 199 ], "mapped", [ 231 ] ], [ [ 200, 200 ], "mapped", [ 232 ] ], [ [ 201, 201 ], "mapped", [ 233 ] ], [ [ 202, 202 ], "mapped", [ 234 ] ], [ [ 203, 203 ], "mapped", [ 235 ] ], [ [ 204, 204 ], "mapped", [ 236 ] ], [ [ 205, 205 ], "mapped", [ 237 ] ], [ [ 206, 206 ], "mapped", [ 238 ] ], [ [ 207, 207 ], "mapped", [ 239 ] ], [ [ 208, 208 ], "mapped", [ 240 ] ], [ [ 209, 209 ], "mapped", [ 241 ] ], [ [ 210, 210 ], "mapped", [ 242 ] ], [ [ 211, 211 ], "mapped", [ 243 ] ], [ [ 212, 212 ], "mapped", [ 244 ] ], [ [ 213, 213 ], "mapped", [ 245 ] ], [ [ 214, 214 ], "mapped", [ 246 ] ], [ [ 215, 215 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 216, 216 ], "mapped", [ 248 ] ], [ [ 217, 217 ], "mapped", [ 249 ] ], [ [ 218, 218 ], "mapped", [ 250 ] ], [ [ 219, 219 ], "mapped", [ 251 ] ], [ [ 220, 220 ], "mapped", [ 252 ] ], [ [ 221, 221 ], "mapped", [ 253 ] ], [ [ 222, 222 ], "mapped", [ 254 ] ], [ [ 223, 223 ], "deviation", [ 115, 115 ] ], [ [ 224, 246 ], "valid" ], [ [ 247, 247 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 248, 255 ], "valid" ], [ [ 256, 256 ], "mapped", [ 257 ] ], [ [ 257, 257 ], "valid" ], [ [ 258, 258 ], "mapped", [ 259 ] ], [ [ 259, 259 ], "valid" ], [ [ 260, 260 ], "mapped", [ 261 ] ], [ [ 261, 261 ], "valid" ], [ [ 262, 262 ], "mapped", [ 263 ] ], [ [ 263, 263 ], "valid" ], [ [ 264, 264 ], "mapped", [ 265 ] ], [ [ 265, 265 ], "valid" ], [ [ 266, 266 ], "mapped", [ 267 ] ], [ [ 267, 267 ], "valid" ], [ [ 268, 268 ], "mapped", [ 269 ] ], [ [ 269, 269 ], "valid" ], [ [ 270, 270 ], "mapped", [ 271 ] ], [ [ 271, 271 ], "valid" ], [ [ 272, 272 ], "mapped", [ 273 ] ], [ [ 273, 273 ], "valid" ], [ [ 274, 274 ], "mapped", [ 275 ] ], [ [ 275, 275 ], "valid" ], [ [ 276, 276 ], "mapped", [ 277 ] ], [ [ 277, 277 ], "valid" ], [ [ 278, 278 ], "mapped", [ 279 ] ], [ [ 279, 279 ], "valid" ], [ [ 280, 280 ], "mapped", [ 281 ] ], [ [ 281, 281 ], "valid" ], [ [ 282, 282 ], "mapped", [ 283 ] ], [ [ 283, 283 ], "valid" ], [ [ 284, 284 ], "mapped", [ 285 ] ], [ [ 285, 285 ], "valid" ], [ [ 286, 286 ], "mapped", [ 287 ] ], [ [ 287, 287 ], "valid" ], [ [ 288, 288 ], "mapped", [ 289 ] ], [ [ 289, 289 ], "valid" ], [ [ 290, 290 ], "mapped", [ 291 ] ], [ [ 291, 291 ], "valid" ], [ [ 292, 292 ], "mapped", [ 293 ] ], [ [ 293, 293 ], "valid" ], [ [ 294, 294 ], "mapped", [ 295 ] ], [ [ 295, 295 ], "valid" ], [ [ 296, 296 ], "mapped", [ 297 ] ], [ [ 297, 297 ], "valid" ], [ [ 298, 298 ], "mapped", [ 299 ] ], [ [ 299, 299 ], "valid" ], [ [ 300, 300 ], "mapped", [ 301 ] ], [ [ 301, 301 ], "valid" ], [ [ 302, 302 ], "mapped", [ 303 ] ], [ [ 303, 303 ], "valid" ], [ [ 304, 304 ], "mapped", [ 105, 775 ] ], [ [ 305, 305 ], "valid" ], [ [ 306, 307 ], "mapped", [ 105, 106 ] ], [ [ 308, 308 ], "mapped", [ 309 ] ], [ [ 309, 309 ], "valid" ], [ [ 310, 310 ], "mapped", [ 311 ] ], [ [ 311, 312 ], "valid" ], [ [ 313, 313 ], "mapped", [ 314 ] ], [ [ 314, 314 ], "valid" ], [ [ 315, 315 ], "mapped", [ 316 ] ], [ [ 316, 316 ], "valid" ], [ [ 317, 317 ], "mapped", [ 318 ] ], [ [ 318, 318 ], "valid" ], [ [ 319, 320 ], "mapped", [ 108, 183 ] ], [ [ 321, 321 ], "mapped", [ 322 ] ], [ [ 322, 322 ], "valid" ], [ [ 323, 323 ], "mapped", [ 324 ] ], [ [ 324, 324 ], "valid" ], [ [ 325, 325 ], "mapped", [ 326 ] ], [ [ 326, 326 ], "valid" ], [ [ 327, 327 ], "mapped", [ 328 ] ], [ [ 328, 328 ], "valid" ], [ [ 329, 329 ], "mapped", [ 700, 110 ] ], [ [ 330, 330 ], "mapped", [ 331 ] ], [ [ 331, 331 ], "valid" ], [ [ 332, 332 ], "mapped", [ 333 ] ], [ [ 333, 333 ], "valid" ], [ [ 334, 334 ], "mapped", [ 335 ] ], [ [ 335, 335 ], "valid" ], [ [ 336, 336 ], "mapped", [ 337 ] ], [ [ 337, 337 ], "valid" ], [ [ 338, 338 ], "mapped", [ 339 ] ], [ [ 339, 339 ], "valid" ], [ [ 340, 340 ], "mapped", [ 341 ] ], [ [ 341, 341 ], "valid" ], [ [ 342, 342 ], "mapped", [ 343 ] ], [ [ 343, 343 ], "valid" ], [ [ 344, 344 ], "mapped", [ 345 ] ], [ [ 345, 345 ], "valid" ], [ [ 346, 346 ], "mapped", [ 347 ] ], [ [ 347, 347 ], "valid" ], [ [ 348, 348 ], "mapped", [ 349 ] ], [ [ 349, 349 ], "valid" ], [ [ 350, 350 ], "mapped", [ 351 ] ], [ [ 351, 351 ], "valid" ], [ [ 352, 352 ], "mapped", [ 353 ] ], [ [ 353, 353 ], "valid" ], [ [ 354, 354 ], "mapped", [ 355 ] ], [ [ 355, 355 ], "valid" ], [ [ 356, 356 ], "mapped", [ 357 ] ], [ [ 357, 357 ], "valid" ], [ [ 358, 358 ], "mapped", [ 359 ] ], [ [ 359, 359 ], "valid" ], [ [ 360, 360 ], "mapped", [ 361 ] ], [ [ 361, 361 ], "valid" ], [ [ 362, 362 ], "mapped", [ 363 ] ], [ [ 363, 363 ], "valid" ], [ [ 364, 364 ], "mapped", [ 365 ] ], [ [ 365, 365 ], "valid" ], [ [ 366, 366 ], "mapped", [ 367 ] ], [ [ 367, 367 ], "valid" ], [ [ 368, 368 ], "mapped", [ 369 ] ], [ [ 369, 369 ], "valid" ], [ [ 370, 370 ], "mapped", [ 371 ] ], [ [ 371, 371 ], "valid" ], [ [ 372, 372 ], "mapped", [ 373 ] ], [ [ 373, 373 ], "valid" ], [ [ 374, 374 ], "mapped", [ 375 ] ], [ [ 375, 375 ], "valid" ], [ [ 376, 376 ], "mapped", [ 255 ] ], [ [ 377, 377 ], "mapped", [ 378 ] ], [ [ 378, 378 ], "valid" ], [ [ 379, 379 ], "mapped", [ 380 ] ], [ [ 380, 380 ], "valid" ], [ [ 381, 381 ], "mapped", [ 382 ] ], [ [ 382, 382 ], "valid" ], [ [ 383, 383 ], "mapped", [ 115 ] ], [ [ 384, 384 ], "valid" ], [ [ 385, 385 ], "mapped", [ 595 ] ], [ [ 386, 386 ], "mapped", [ 387 ] ], [ [ 387, 387 ], "valid" ], [ [ 388, 388 ], "mapped", [ 389 ] ], [ [ 389, 389 ], "valid" ], [ [ 390, 390 ], "mapped", [ 596 ] ], [ [ 391, 391 ], "mapped", [ 392 ] ], [ [ 392, 392 ], "valid" ], [ [ 393, 393 ], "mapped", [ 598 ] ], [ [ 394, 394 ], "mapped", [ 599 ] ], [ [ 395, 395 ], "mapped", [ 396 ] ], [ [ 396, 397 ], "valid" ], [ [ 398, 398 ], "mapped", [ 477 ] ], [ [ 399, 399 ], "mapped", [ 601 ] ], [ [ 400, 400 ], "mapped", [ 603 ] ], [ [ 401, 401 ], "mapped", [ 402 ] ], [ [ 402, 402 ], "valid" ], [ [ 403, 403 ], "mapped", [ 608 ] ], [ [ 404, 404 ], "mapped", [ 611 ] ], [ [ 405, 405 ], "valid" ], [ [ 406, 406 ], "mapped", [ 617 ] ], [ [ 407, 407 ], "mapped", [ 616 ] ], [ [ 408, 408 ], "mapped", [ 409 ] ], [ [ 409, 411 ], "valid" ], [ [ 412, 412 ], "mapped", [ 623 ] ], [ [ 413, 413 ], "mapped", [ 626 ] ], [ [ 414, 414 ], "valid" ], [ [ 415, 415 ], "mapped", [ 629 ] ], [ [ 416, 416 ], "mapped", [ 417 ] ], [ [ 417, 417 ], "valid" ], [ [ 418, 418 ], "mapped", [ 419 ] ], [ [ 419, 419 ], "valid" ], [ [ 420, 420 ], "mapped", [ 421 ] ], [ [ 421, 421 ], "valid" ], [ [ 422, 422 ], "mapped", [ 640 ] ], [ [ 423, 423 ], "mapped", [ 424 ] ], [ [ 424, 424 ], "valid" ], [ [ 425, 425 ], "mapped", [ 643 ] ], [ [ 426, 427 ], "valid" ], [ [ 428, 428 ], "mapped", [ 429 ] ], [ [ 429, 429 ], "valid" ], [ [ 430, 430 ], "mapped", [ 648 ] ], [ [ 431, 431 ], "mapped", [ 432 ] ], [ [ 432, 432 ], "valid" ], [ [ 433, 433 ], "mapped", [ 650 ] ], [ [ 434, 434 ], "mapped", [ 651 ] ], [ [ 435, 435 ], "mapped", [ 436 ] ], [ [ 436, 436 ], "valid" ], [ [ 437, 437 ], "mapped", [ 438 ] ], [ [ 438, 438 ], "valid" ], [ [ 439, 439 ], "mapped", [ 658 ] ], [ [ 440, 440 ], "mapped", [ 441 ] ], [ [ 441, 443 ], "valid" ], [ [ 444, 444 ], "mapped", [ 445 ] ], [ [ 445, 451 ], "valid" ], [ [ 452, 454 ], "mapped", [ 100, 382 ] ], [ [ 455, 457 ], "mapped", [ 108, 106 ] ], [ [ 458, 460 ], "mapped", [ 110, 106 ] ], [ [ 461, 461 ], "mapped", [ 462 ] ], [ [ 462, 462 ], "valid" ], [ [ 463, 463 ], "mapped", [ 464 ] ], [ [ 464, 464 ], "valid" ], [ [ 465, 465 ], "mapped", [ 466 ] ], [ [ 466, 466 ], "valid" ], [ [ 467, 467 ], "mapped", [ 468 ] ], [ [ 468, 468 ], "valid" ], [ [ 469, 469 ], "mapped", [ 470 ] ], [ [ 470, 470 ], "valid" ], [ [ 471, 471 ], "mapped", [ 472 ] ], [ [ 472, 472 ], "valid" ], [ [ 473, 473 ], "mapped", [ 474 ] ], [ [ 474, 474 ], "valid" ], [ [ 475, 475 ], "mapped", [ 476 ] ], [ [ 476, 477 ], "valid" ], [ [ 478, 478 ], "mapped", [ 479 ] ], [ [ 479, 479 ], "valid" ], [ [ 480, 480 ], "mapped", [ 481 ] ], [ [ 481, 481 ], "valid" ], [ [ 482, 482 ], "mapped", [ 483 ] ], [ [ 483, 483 ], "valid" ], [ [ 484, 484 ], "mapped", [ 485 ] ], [ [ 485, 485 ], "valid" ], [ [ 486, 486 ], "mapped", [ 487 ] ], [ [ 487, 487 ], "valid" ], [ [ 488, 488 ], "mapped", [ 489 ] ], [ [ 489, 489 ], "valid" ], [ [ 490, 490 ], "mapped", [ 491 ] ], [ [ 491, 491 ], "valid" ], [ [ 492, 492 ], "mapped", [ 493 ] ], [ [ 493, 493 ], "valid" ], [ [ 494, 494 ], "mapped", [ 495 ] ], [ [ 495, 496 ], "valid" ], [ [ 497, 499 ], "mapped", [ 100, 122 ] ], [ [ 500, 500 ], "mapped", [ 501 ] ], [ [ 501, 501 ], "valid" ], [ [ 502, 502 ], "mapped", [ 405 ] ], [ [ 503, 503 ], "mapped", [ 447 ] ], [ [ 504, 504 ], "mapped", [ 505 ] ], [ [ 505, 505 ], "valid" ], [ [ 506, 506 ], "mapped", [ 507 ] ], [ [ 507, 507 ], "valid" ], [ [ 508, 508 ], "mapped", [ 509 ] ], [ [ 509, 509 ], "valid" ], [ [ 510, 510 ], "mapped", [ 511 ] ], [ [ 511, 511 ], "valid" ], [ [ 512, 512 ], "mapped", [ 513 ] ], [ [ 513, 513 ], "valid" ], [ [ 514, 514 ], "mapped", [ 515 ] ], [ [ 515, 515 ], "valid" ], [ [ 516, 516 ], "mapped", [ 517 ] ], [ [ 517, 517 ], "valid" ], [ [ 518, 518 ], "mapped", [ 519 ] ], [ [ 519, 519 ], "valid" ], [ [ 520, 520 ], "mapped", [ 521 ] ], [ [ 521, 521 ], "valid" ], [ [ 522, 522 ], "mapped", [ 523 ] ], [ [ 523, 523 ], "valid" ], [ [ 524, 524 ], "mapped", [ 525 ] ], [ [ 525, 525 ], "valid" ], [ [ 526, 526 ], "mapped", [ 527 ] ], [ [ 527, 527 ], "valid" ], [ [ 528, 528 ], "mapped", [ 529 ] ], [ [ 529, 529 ], "valid" ], [ [ 530, 530 ], "mapped", [ 531 ] ], [ [ 531, 531 ], "valid" ], [ [ 532, 532 ], "mapped", [ 533 ] ], [ [ 533, 533 ], "valid" ], [ [ 534, 534 ], "mapped", [ 535 ] ], [ [ 535, 535 ], "valid" ], [ [ 536, 536 ], "mapped", [ 537 ] ], [ [ 537, 537 ], "valid" ], [ [ 538, 538 ], "mapped", [ 539 ] ], [ [ 539, 539 ], "valid" ], [ [ 540, 540 ], "mapped", [ 541 ] ], [ [ 541, 541 ], "valid" ], [ [ 542, 542 ], "mapped", [ 543 ] ], [ [ 543, 543 ], "valid" ], [ [ 544, 544 ], "mapped", [ 414 ] ], [ [ 545, 545 ], "valid" ], [ [ 546, 546 ], "mapped", [ 547 ] ], [ [ 547, 547 ], "valid" ], [ [ 548, 548 ], "mapped", [ 549 ] ], [ [ 549, 549 ], "valid" ], [ [ 550, 550 ], "mapped", [ 551 ] ], [ [ 551, 551 ], "valid" ], [ [ 552, 552 ], "mapped", [ 553 ] ], [ [ 553, 553 ], "valid" ], [ [ 554, 554 ], "mapped", [ 555 ] ], [ [ 555, 555 ], "valid" ], [ [ 556, 556 ], "mapped", [ 557 ] ], [ [ 557, 557 ], "valid" ], [ [ 558, 558 ], "mapped", [ 559 ] ], [ [ 559, 559 ], "valid" ], [ [ 560, 560 ], "mapped", [ 561 ] ], [ [ 561, 561 ], "valid" ], [ [ 562, 562 ], "mapped", [ 563 ] ], [ [ 563, 563 ], "valid" ], [ [ 564, 566 ], "valid" ], [ [ 567, 569 ], "valid" ], [ [ 570, 570 ], "mapped", [ 11365 ] ], [ [ 571, 571 ], "mapped", [ 572 ] ], [ [ 572, 572 ], "valid" ], [ [ 573, 573 ], "mapped", [ 410 ] ], [ [ 574, 574 ], "mapped", [ 11366 ] ], [ [ 575, 576 ], "valid" ], [ [ 577, 577 ], "mapped", [ 578 ] ], [ [ 578, 578 ], "valid" ], [ [ 579, 579 ], "mapped", [ 384 ] ], [ [ 580, 580 ], "mapped", [ 649 ] ], [ [ 581, 581 ], "mapped", [ 652 ] ], [ [ 582, 582 ], "mapped", [ 583 ] ], [ [ 583, 583 ], "valid" ], [ [ 584, 584 ], "mapped", [ 585 ] ], [ [ 585, 585 ], "valid" ], [ [ 586, 586 ], "mapped", [ 587 ] ], [ [ 587, 587 ], "valid" ], [ [ 588, 588 ], "mapped", [ 589 ] ], [ [ 589, 589 ], "valid" ], [ [ 590, 590 ], "mapped", [ 591 ] ], [ [ 591, 591 ], "valid" ], [ [ 592, 680 ], "valid" ], [ [ 681, 685 ], "valid" ], [ [ 686, 687 ], "valid" ], [ [ 688, 688 ], "mapped", [ 104 ] ], [ [ 689, 689 ], "mapped", [ 614 ] ], [ [ 690, 690 ], "mapped", [ 106 ] ], [ [ 691, 691 ], "mapped", [ 114 ] ], [ [ 692, 692 ], "mapped", [ 633 ] ], [ [ 693, 693 ], "mapped", [ 635 ] ], [ [ 694, 694 ], "mapped", [ 641 ] ], [ [ 695, 695 ], "mapped", [ 119 ] ], [ [ 696, 696 ], "mapped", [ 121 ] ], [ [ 697, 705 ], "valid" ], [ [ 706, 709 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 710, 721 ], "valid" ], [ [ 722, 727 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 728, 728 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 774 ] ], [ [ 729, 729 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 775 ] ], [ [ 730, 730 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 778 ] ], [ [ 731, 731 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 808 ] ], [ [ 732, 732 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 771 ] ], [ [ 733, 733 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 779 ] ], [ [ 734, 734 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 735, 735 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 736, 736 ], "mapped", [ 611 ] ], [ [ 737, 737 ], "mapped", [ 108 ] ], [ [ 738, 738 ], "mapped", [ 115 ] ], [ [ 739, 739 ], "mapped", [ 120 ] ], [ [ 740, 740 ], "mapped", [ 661 ] ], [ [ 741, 745 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 746, 747 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 748, 748 ], "valid" ], [ [ 749, 749 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 750, 750 ], "valid" ], [ [ 751, 767 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 768, 831 ], "valid" ], [ [ 832, 832 ], "mapped", [ 768 ] ], [ [ 833, 833 ], "mapped", [ 769 ] ], [ [ 834, 834 ], "valid" ], [ [ 835, 835 ], "mapped", [ 787 ] ], [ [ 836, 836 ], "mapped", [ 776, 769 ] ], [ [ 837, 837 ], "mapped", [ 953 ] ], [ [ 838, 846 ], "valid" ], [ [ 847, 847 ], "ignored" ], [ [ 848, 855 ], "valid" ], [ [ 856, 860 ], "valid" ], [ [ 861, 863 ], "valid" ], [ [ 864, 865 ], "valid" ], [ [ 866, 866 ], "valid" ], [ [ 867, 879 ], "valid" ], [ [ 880, 880 ], "mapped", [ 881 ] ], [ [ 881, 881 ], "valid" ], [ [ 882, 882 ], "mapped", [ 883 ] ], [ [ 883, 883 ], "valid" ], [ [ 884, 884 ], "mapped", [ 697 ] ], [ [ 885, 885 ], "valid" ], [ [ 886, 886 ], "mapped", [ 887 ] ], [ [ 887, 887 ], "valid" ], [ [ 888, 889 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 890, 890 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 953 ] ], [ [ 891, 893 ], "valid" ], [ [ 894, 894 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 59 ] ], [ [ 895, 895 ], "mapped", [ 1011 ] ], [ [ 896, 899 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 900, 900 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 769 ] ], [ [ 901, 901 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 776, 769 ] ], [ [ 902, 902 ], "mapped", [ 940 ] ], [ [ 903, 903 ], "mapped", [ 183 ] ], [ [ 904, 904 ], "mapped", [ 941 ] ], [ [ 905, 905 ], "mapped", [ 942 ] ], [ [ 906, 906 ], "mapped", [ 943 ] ], [ [ 907, 907 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 908, 908 ], "mapped", [ 972 ] ], [ [ 909, 909 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 910, 910 ], "mapped", [ 973 ] ], [ [ 911, 911 ], "mapped", [ 974 ] ], [ [ 912, 912 ], "valid" ], [ [ 913, 913 ], "mapped", [ 945 ] ], [ [ 914, 914 ], "mapped", [ 946 ] ], [ [ 915, 915 ], "mapped", [ 947 ] ], [ [ 916, 916 ], "mapped", [ 948 ] ], [ [ 917, 917 ], "mapped", [ 949 ] ], [ [ 918, 918 ], "mapped", [ 950 ] ], [ [ 919, 919 ], "mapped", [ 951 ] ], [ [ 920, 920 ], "mapped", [ 952 ] ], [ [ 921, 921 ], "mapped", [ 953 ] ], [ [ 922, 922 ], "mapped", [ 954 ] ], [ [ 923, 923 ], "mapped", [ 955 ] ], [ [ 924, 924 ], "mapped", [ 956 ] ], [ [ 925, 925 ], "mapped", [ 957 ] ], [ [ 926, 926 ], "mapped", [ 958 ] ], [ [ 927, 927 ], "mapped", [ 959 ] ], [ [ 928, 928 ], "mapped", [ 960 ] ], [ [ 929, 929 ], "mapped", [ 961 ] ], [ [ 930, 930 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 931, 931 ], "mapped", [ 963 ] ], [ [ 932, 932 ], "mapped", [ 964 ] ], [ [ 933, 933 ], "mapped", [ 965 ] ], [ [ 934, 934 ], "mapped", [ 966 ] ], [ [ 935, 935 ], "mapped", [ 967 ] ], [ [ 936, 936 ], "mapped", [ 968 ] ], [ [ 937, 937 ], "mapped", [ 969 ] ], [ [ 938, 938 ], "mapped", [ 970 ] ], [ [ 939, 939 ], "mapped", [ 971 ] ], [ [ 940, 961 ], "valid" ], [ [ 962, 962 ], "deviation", [ 963 ] ], [ [ 963, 974 ], "valid" ], [ [ 975, 975 ], "mapped", [ 983 ] ], [ [ 976, 976 ], "mapped", [ 946 ] ], [ [ 977, 977 ], "mapped", [ 952 ] ], [ [ 978, 978 ], "mapped", [ 965 ] ], [ [ 979, 979 ], "mapped", [ 973 ] ], [ [ 980, 980 ], "mapped", [ 971 ] ], [ [ 981, 981 ], "mapped", [ 966 ] ], [ [ 982, 982 ], "mapped", [ 960 ] ], [ [ 983, 983 ], "valid" ], [ [ 984, 984 ], "mapped", [ 985 ] ], [ [ 985, 985 ], "valid" ], [ [ 986, 986 ], "mapped", [ 987 ] ], [ [ 987, 987 ], "valid" ], [ [ 988, 988 ], "mapped", [ 989 ] ], [ [ 989, 989 ], "valid" ], [ [ 990, 990 ], "mapped", [ 991 ] ], [ [ 991, 991 ], "valid" ], [ [ 992, 992 ], "mapped", [ 993 ] ], [ [ 993, 993 ], "valid" ], [ [ 994, 994 ], "mapped", [ 995 ] ], [ [ 995, 995 ], "valid" ], [ [ 996, 996 ], "mapped", [ 997 ] ], [ [ 997, 997 ], "valid" ], [ [ 998, 998 ], "mapped", [ 999 ] ], [ [ 999, 999 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1000, 1000 ], "mapped", [ 1001 ] ], [ [ 1001, 1001 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1002, 1002 ], "mapped", [ 1003 ] ], [ [ 1003, 1003 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1004, 1004 ], "mapped", [ 1005 ] ], [ [ 1005, 1005 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1006, 1006 ], "mapped", [ 1007 ] ], [ [ 1007, 1007 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1008, 1008 ], "mapped", [ 954 ] ], [ [ 1009, 1009 ], "mapped", [ 961 ] ], [ [ 1010, 1010 ], "mapped", [ 963 ] ], [ [ 1011, 1011 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1012, 1012 ], "mapped", [ 952 ] ], [ [ 1013, 1013 ], "mapped", [ 949 ] ], [ [ 1014, 1014 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 1015, 1015 ], "mapped", [ 1016 ] ], [ [ 1016, 1016 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1017, 1017 ], "mapped", [ 963 ] ], [ [ 1018, 1018 ], "mapped", [ 1019 ] ], [ [ 1019, 1019 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1020, 1020 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1021, 1021 ], "mapped", [ 891 ] ], [ [ 1022, 1022 ], "mapped", [ 892 ] ], [ [ 1023, 1023 ], "mapped", [ 893 ] ], [ [ 1024, 1024 ], "mapped", [ 1104 ] ], [ [ 1025, 1025 ], "mapped", [ 1105 ] ], [ [ 1026, 1026 ], "mapped", [ 1106 ] ], [ [ 1027, 1027 ], "mapped", [ 1107 ] ], [ [ 1028, 1028 ], "mapped", [ 1108 ] ], [ [ 1029, 1029 ], "mapped", [ 1109 ] ], [ [ 1030, 1030 ], "mapped", [ 1110 ] ], [ [ 1031, 1031 ], "mapped", [ 1111 ] ], [ [ 1032, 1032 ], "mapped", [ 1112 ] ], [ [ 1033, 1033 ], "mapped", [ 1113 ] ], [ [ 1034, 1034 ], "mapped", [ 1114 ] ], [ [ 1035, 1035 ], "mapped", [ 1115 ] ], [ [ 1036, 1036 ], "mapped", [ 1116 ] ], [ [ 1037, 1037 ], "mapped", [ 1117 ] ], [ [ 1038, 1038 ], "mapped", [ 1118 ] ], [ [ 1039, 1039 ], "mapped", [ 1119 ] ], [ [ 1040, 1040 ], "mapped", [ 1072 ] ], [ [ 1041, 1041 ], "mapped", [ 1073 ] ], [ [ 1042, 1042 ], "mapped", [ 1074 ] ], [ [ 1043, 1043 ], "mapped", [ 1075 ] ], [ [ 1044, 1044 ], "mapped", [ 1076 ] ], [ [ 1045, 1045 ], "mapped", [ 1077 ] ], [ [ 1046, 1046 ], "mapped", [ 1078 ] ], [ [ 1047, 1047 ], "mapped", [ 1079 ] ], [ [ 1048, 1048 ], "mapped", [ 1080 ] ], [ [ 1049, 1049 ], "mapped", [ 1081 ] ], [ [ 1050, 1050 ], "mapped", [ 1082 ] ], [ [ 1051, 1051 ], "mapped", [ 1083 ] ], [ [ 1052, 1052 ], "mapped", [ 1084 ] ], [ [ 1053, 1053 ], "mapped", [ 1085 ] ], [ [ 1054, 1054 ], "mapped", [ 1086 ] ], [ [ 1055, 1055 ], "mapped", [ 1087 ] ], [ [ 1056, 1056 ], "mapped", [ 1088 ] ], [ [ 1057, 1057 ], "mapped", [ 1089 ] ], [ [ 1058, 1058 ], "mapped", [ 1090 ] ], [ [ 1059, 1059 ], "mapped", [ 1091 ] ], [ [ 1060, 1060 ], "mapped", [ 1092 ] ], [ [ 1061, 1061 ], "mapped", [ 1093 ] ], [ [ 1062, 1062 ], "mapped", [ 1094 ] ], [ [ 1063, 1063 ], "mapped", [ 1095 ] ], [ [ 1064, 1064 ], "mapped", [ 1096 ] ], [ [ 1065, 1065 ], "mapped", [ 1097 ] ], [ [ 1066, 1066 ], "mapped", [ 1098 ] ], [ [ 1067, 1067 ], "mapped", [ 1099 ] ], [ [ 1068, 1068 ], "mapped", [ 1100 ] ], [ [ 1069, 1069 ], "mapped", [ 1101 ] ], [ [ 1070, 1070 ], "mapped", [ 1102 ] ], [ [ 1071, 1071 ], "mapped", [ 1103 ] ], [ [ 1072, 1103 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1104, 1104 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1105, 1116 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1117, 1117 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1118, 1119 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1120, 1120 ], "mapped", [ 1121 ] ], [ [ 1121, 1121 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1122, 1122 ], "mapped", [ 1123 ] ], [ [ 1123, 1123 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1124, 1124 ], "mapped", [ 1125 ] ], [ [ 1125, 1125 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1126, 1126 ], "mapped", [ 1127 ] ], [ [ 1127, 1127 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1128, 1128 ], "mapped", [ 1129 ] ], [ [ 1129, 1129 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1130, 1130 ], "mapped", [ 1131 ] ], [ [ 1131, 1131 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1132, 1132 ], "mapped", [ 1133 ] ], [ [ 1133, 1133 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1134, 1134 ], "mapped", [ 1135 ] ], [ [ 1135, 1135 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1136, 1136 ], "mapped", [ 1137 ] ], [ [ 1137, 1137 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1138, 1138 ], "mapped", [ 1139 ] ], [ [ 1139, 1139 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1140, 1140 ], "mapped", [ 1141 ] ], [ [ 1141, 1141 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1142, 1142 ], "mapped", [ 1143 ] ], [ [ 1143, 1143 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1144, 1144 ], "mapped", [ 1145 ] ], [ [ 1145, 1145 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1146, 1146 ], "mapped", [ 1147 ] ], [ [ 1147, 1147 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1148, 1148 ], "mapped", [ 1149 ] ], [ [ 1149, 1149 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1150, 1150 ], "mapped", [ 1151 ] ], [ [ 1151, 1151 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1152, 1152 ], "mapped", [ 1153 ] ], [ [ 1153, 1153 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1154, 1154 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 1155, 1158 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1159, 1159 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1160, 1161 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 1162, 1162 ], "mapped", [ 1163 ] ], [ [ 1163, 1163 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1164, 1164 ], "mapped", [ 1165 ] ], [ [ 1165, 1165 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1166, 1166 ], "mapped", [ 1167 ] ], [ [ 1167, 1167 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1168, 1168 ], "mapped", [ 1169 ] ], [ [ 1169, 1169 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1170, 1170 ], "mapped", [ 1171 ] ], [ [ 1171, 1171 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1172, 1172 ], "mapped", [ 1173 ] ], [ [ 1173, 1173 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1174, 1174 ], "mapped", [ 1175 ] ], [ [ 1175, 1175 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1176, 1176 ], "mapped", [ 1177 ] ], [ [ 1177, 1177 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1178, 1178 ], "mapped", [ 1179 ] ], [ [ 1179, 1179 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1180, 1180 ], "mapped", [ 1181 ] ], [ [ 1181, 1181 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1182, 1182 ], "mapped", [ 1183 ] ], [ [ 1183, 1183 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1184, 1184 ], "mapped", [ 1185 ] ], [ [ 1185, 1185 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1186, 1186 ], "mapped", [ 1187 ] ], [ [ 1187, 1187 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1188, 1188 ], "mapped", [ 1189 ] ], [ [ 1189, 1189 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1190, 1190 ], "mapped", [ 1191 ] ], [ [ 1191, 1191 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1192, 1192 ], "mapped", [ 1193 ] ], [ [ 1193, 1193 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1194, 1194 ], "mapped", [ 1195 ] ], [ [ 1195, 1195 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1196, 1196 ], "mapped", [ 1197 ] ], [ [ 1197, 1197 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1198, 1198 ], "mapped", [ 1199 ] ], [ [ 1199, 1199 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1200, 1200 ], "mapped", [ 1201 ] ], [ [ 1201, 1201 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1202, 1202 ], "mapped", [ 1203 ] ], [ [ 1203, 1203 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1204, 1204 ], "mapped", [ 1205 ] ], [ [ 1205, 1205 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1206, 1206 ], "mapped", [ 1207 ] ], [ [ 1207, 1207 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1208, 1208 ], "mapped", [ 1209 ] ], [ [ 1209, 1209 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1210, 1210 ], "mapped", [ 1211 ] ], [ [ 1211, 1211 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1212, 1212 ], "mapped", [ 1213 ] ], [ [ 1213, 1213 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1214, 1214 ], "mapped", [ 1215 ] ], [ [ 1215, 1215 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1216, 1216 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 1217, 1217 ], "mapped", [ 1218 ] ], [ [ 1218, 1218 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1219, 1219 ], "mapped", [ 1220 ] ], [ [ 1220, 1220 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1221, 1221 ], "mapped", [ 1222 ] ], [ [ 1222, 1222 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1223, 1223 ], "mapped", [ 1224 ] ], [ [ 1224, 1224 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1225, 1225 ], "mapped", [ 1226 ] ], [ [ 1226, 1226 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1227, 1227 ], "mapped", [ 1228 ] ], [ [ 1228, 1228 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1229, 1229 ], "mapped", [ 1230 ] ], [ [ 1230, 1230 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1231, 1231 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1232, 1232 ], "mapped", [ 1233 ] ], [ [ 1233, 1233 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1234, 1234 ], "mapped", [ 1235 ] ], [ [ 1235, 1235 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1236, 1236 ], "mapped", [ 1237 ] ], [ [ 1237, 1237 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1238, 1238 ], "mapped", [ 1239 ] ], [ [ 1239, 1239 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1240, 1240 ], "mapped", [ 1241 ] ], [ [ 1241, 1241 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1242, 1242 ], "mapped", [ 1243 ] ], [ [ 1243, 1243 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1244, 1244 ], "mapped", [ 1245 ] ], [ [ 1245, 1245 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1246, 1246 ], "mapped", [ 1247 ] ], [ [ 1247, 1247 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1248, 1248 ], "mapped", [ 1249 ] ], [ [ 1249, 1249 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1250, 1250 ], "mapped", [ 1251 ] ], [ [ 1251, 1251 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1252, 1252 ], "mapped", [ 1253 ] ], [ [ 1253, 1253 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1254, 1254 ], "mapped", [ 1255 ] ], [ [ 1255, 1255 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1256, 1256 ], "mapped", [ 1257 ] ], [ [ 1257, 1257 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1258, 1258 ], "mapped", [ 1259 ] ], [ [ 1259, 1259 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1260, 1260 ], "mapped", [ 1261 ] ], [ [ 1261, 1261 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1262, 1262 ], "mapped", [ 1263 ] ], [ [ 1263, 1263 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1264, 1264 ], "mapped", [ 1265 ] ], [ [ 1265, 1265 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1266, 1266 ], "mapped", [ 1267 ] ], [ [ 1267, 1267 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1268, 1268 ], "mapped", [ 1269 ] ], [ [ 1269, 1269 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1270, 1270 ], "mapped", [ 1271 ] ], [ [ 1271, 1271 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1272, 1272 ], "mapped", [ 1273 ] ], [ [ 1273, 1273 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1274, 1274 ], "mapped", [ 1275 ] ], [ [ 1275, 1275 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1276, 1276 ], "mapped", [ 1277 ] ], [ [ 1277, 1277 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1278, 1278 ], "mapped", [ 1279 ] ], [ [ 1279, 1279 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1280, 1280 ], "mapped", [ 1281 ] ], [ [ 1281, 1281 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1282, 1282 ], "mapped", [ 1283 ] ], [ [ 1283, 1283 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1284, 1284 ], "mapped", [ 1285 ] ], [ [ 1285, 1285 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1286, 1286 ], "mapped", [ 1287 ] ], [ [ 1287, 1287 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1288, 1288 ], "mapped", [ 1289 ] ], [ [ 1289, 1289 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1290, 1290 ], "mapped", [ 1291 ] ], [ [ 1291, 1291 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1292, 1292 ], "mapped", [ 1293 ] ], [ [ 1293, 1293 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1294, 1294 ], "mapped", [ 1295 ] ], [ [ 1295, 1295 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1296, 1296 ], "mapped", [ 1297 ] ], [ [ 1297, 1297 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1298, 1298 ], "mapped", [ 1299 ] ], [ [ 1299, 1299 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1300, 1300 ], "mapped", [ 1301 ] ], [ [ 1301, 1301 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1302, 1302 ], "mapped", [ 1303 ] ], [ [ 1303, 1303 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1304, 1304 ], "mapped", [ 1305 ] ], [ [ 1305, 1305 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1306, 1306 ], "mapped", [ 1307 ] ], [ [ 1307, 1307 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1308, 1308 ], "mapped", [ 1309 ] ], [ [ 1309, 1309 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1310, 1310 ], "mapped", [ 1311 ] ], [ [ 1311, 1311 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1312, 1312 ], "mapped", [ 1313 ] ], [ [ 1313, 1313 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1314, 1314 ], "mapped", [ 1315 ] ], [ [ 1315, 1315 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1316, 1316 ], "mapped", [ 1317 ] ], [ [ 1317, 1317 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1318, 1318 ], "mapped", [ 1319 ] ], [ [ 1319, 1319 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1320, 1320 ], "mapped", [ 1321 ] ], [ [ 1321, 1321 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1322, 1322 ], "mapped", [ 1323 ] ], [ [ 1323, 1323 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1324, 1324 ], "mapped", [ 1325 ] ], [ [ 1325, 1325 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1326, 1326 ], "mapped", [ 1327 ] ], [ [ 1327, 1327 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1328, 1328 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 1329, 1329 ], "mapped", [ 1377 ] ], [ [ 1330, 1330 ], "mapped", [ 1378 ] ], [ [ 1331, 1331 ], "mapped", [ 1379 ] ], [ [ 1332, 1332 ], "mapped", [ 1380 ] ], [ [ 1333, 1333 ], "mapped", [ 1381 ] ], [ [ 1334, 1334 ], "mapped", [ 1382 ] ], [ [ 1335, 1335 ], "mapped", [ 1383 ] ], [ [ 1336, 1336 ], "mapped", [ 1384 ] ], [ [ 1337, 1337 ], "mapped", [ 1385 ] ], [ [ 1338, 1338 ], "mapped", [ 1386 ] ], [ [ 1339, 1339 ], "mapped", [ 1387 ] ], [ [ 1340, 1340 ], "mapped", [ 1388 ] ], [ [ 1341, 1341 ], "mapped", [ 1389 ] ], [ [ 1342, 1342 ], "mapped", [ 1390 ] ], [ [ 1343, 1343 ], "mapped", [ 1391 ] ], [ [ 1344, 1344 ], "mapped", [ 1392 ] ], [ [ 1345, 1345 ], "mapped", [ 1393 ] ], [ [ 1346, 1346 ], "mapped", [ 1394 ] ], [ [ 1347, 1347 ], "mapped", [ 1395 ] ], [ [ 1348, 1348 ], "mapped", [ 1396 ] ], [ [ 1349, 1349 ], "mapped", [ 1397 ] ], [ [ 1350, 1350 ], "mapped", [ 1398 ] ], [ [ 1351, 1351 ], "mapped", [ 1399 ] ], [ [ 1352, 1352 ], "mapped", [ 1400 ] ], [ [ 1353, 1353 ], "mapped", [ 1401 ] ], [ [ 1354, 1354 ], "mapped", [ 1402 ] ], [ [ 1355, 1355 ], "mapped", [ 1403 ] ], [ [ 1356, 1356 ], "mapped", [ 1404 ] ], [ [ 1357, 1357 ], "mapped", [ 1405 ] ], [ [ 1358, 1358 ], "mapped", [ 1406 ] ], [ [ 1359, 1359 ], "mapped", [ 1407 ] ], [ [ 1360, 1360 ], "mapped", [ 1408 ] ], [ [ 1361, 1361 ], "mapped", [ 1409 ] ], [ [ 1362, 1362 ], "mapped", [ 1410 ] ], [ [ 1363, 1363 ], "mapped", [ 1411 ] ], [ [ 1364, 1364 ], "mapped", [ 1412 ] ], [ [ 1365, 1365 ], "mapped", [ 1413 ] ], [ [ 1366, 1366 ], "mapped", [ 1414 ] ], [ [ 1367, 1368 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 1369, 1369 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1370, 1375 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 1376, 1376 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 1377, 1414 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1415, 1415 ], "mapped", [ 1381, 1410 ] ], [ [ 1416, 1416 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 1417, 1417 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 1418, 1418 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 1419, 1420 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 1421, 1422 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 1423, 1423 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 1424, 1424 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 1425, 1441 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1442, 1442 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1443, 1455 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1456, 1465 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1466, 1466 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1467, 1469 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1470, 1470 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 1471, 1471 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1472, 1472 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 1473, 1474 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1475, 1475 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 1476, 1476 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1477, 1477 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1478, 1478 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 1479, 1479 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1480, 1487 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 1488, 1514 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1515, 1519 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 1520, 1524 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1525, 1535 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 1536, 1539 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 1540, 1540 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 1541, 1541 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 1542, 1546 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 1547, 1547 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 1548, 1548 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 1549, 1551 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 1552, 1557 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1558, 1562 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1563, 1563 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 1564, 1564 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 1565, 1565 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 1566, 1566 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 1567, 1567 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 1568, 1568 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1569, 1594 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1595, 1599 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1600, 1600 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 1601, 1618 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1619, 1621 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1622, 1624 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1625, 1630 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1631, 1631 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1632, 1641 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1642, 1645 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 1646, 1647 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1648, 1652 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1653, 1653 ], "mapped", [ 1575, 1652 ] ], [ [ 1654, 1654 ], "mapped", [ 1608, 1652 ] ], [ [ 1655, 1655 ], "mapped", [ 1735, 1652 ] ], [ [ 1656, 1656 ], "mapped", [ 1610, 1652 ] ], [ [ 1657, 1719 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1720, 1721 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1722, 1726 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1727, 1727 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1728, 1742 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1743, 1743 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1744, 1747 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1748, 1748 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 1749, 1756 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1757, 1757 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 1758, 1758 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 1759, 1768 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1769, 1769 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 1770, 1773 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1774, 1775 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1776, 1785 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1786, 1790 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1791, 1791 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1792, 1805 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 1806, 1806 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 1807, 1807 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 1808, 1836 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1837, 1839 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1840, 1866 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1867, 1868 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 1869, 1871 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1872, 1901 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1902, 1919 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1920, 1968 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1969, 1969 ], "valid" ], [ [ 1970, 1983 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 1984, 2037 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2038, 2042 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 2043, 2047 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2048, 2093 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2094, 2095 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2096, 2110 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 2111, 2111 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2112, 2139 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2140, 2141 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2142, 2142 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 2143, 2207 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2208, 2208 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2209, 2209 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2210, 2220 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2221, 2226 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2227, 2228 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2229, 2274 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2275, 2275 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2276, 2302 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2303, 2303 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2304, 2304 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2305, 2307 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2308, 2308 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2309, 2361 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2362, 2363 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2364, 2381 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2382, 2382 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2383, 2383 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2384, 2388 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2389, 2389 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2390, 2391 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2392, 2392 ], "mapped", [ 2325, 2364 ] ], [ [ 2393, 2393 ], "mapped", [ 2326, 2364 ] ], [ [ 2394, 2394 ], "mapped", [ 2327, 2364 ] ], [ [ 2395, 2395 ], "mapped", [ 2332, 2364 ] ], [ [ 2396, 2396 ], "mapped", [ 2337, 2364 ] ], [ [ 2397, 2397 ], "mapped", [ 2338, 2364 ] ], [ [ 2398, 2398 ], "mapped", [ 2347, 2364 ] ], [ [ 2399, 2399 ], "mapped", [ 2351, 2364 ] ], [ [ 2400, 2403 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2404, 2405 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 2406, 2415 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2416, 2416 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 2417, 2418 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2419, 2423 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2424, 2424 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2425, 2426 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2427, 2428 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2429, 2429 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2430, 2431 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2432, 2432 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2433, 2435 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2436, 2436 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2437, 2444 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2445, 2446 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2447, 2448 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2449, 2450 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2451, 2472 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2473, 2473 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2474, 2480 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2481, 2481 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2482, 2482 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2483, 2485 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2486, 2489 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2490, 2491 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2492, 2492 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2493, 2493 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2494, 2500 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2501, 2502 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2503, 2504 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2505, 2506 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2507, 2509 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2510, 2510 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2511, 2518 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2519, 2519 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2520, 2523 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2524, 2524 ], "mapped", [ 2465, 2492 ] ], [ [ 2525, 2525 ], "mapped", [ 2466, 2492 ] ], [ [ 2526, 2526 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2527, 2527 ], "mapped", [ 2479, 2492 ] ], [ [ 2528, 2531 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2532, 2533 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2534, 2545 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2546, 2554 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 2555, 2555 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 2556, 2560 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2561, 2561 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2562, 2562 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2563, 2563 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2564, 2564 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2565, 2570 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2571, 2574 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2575, 2576 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2577, 2578 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2579, 2600 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2601, 2601 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2602, 2608 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2609, 2609 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2610, 2610 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2611, 2611 ], "mapped", [ 2610, 2620 ] ], [ [ 2612, 2612 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2613, 2613 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2614, 2614 ], "mapped", [ 2616, 2620 ] ], [ [ 2615, 2615 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2616, 2617 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2618, 2619 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2620, 2620 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2621, 2621 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2622, 2626 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2627, 2630 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2631, 2632 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2633, 2634 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2635, 2637 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2638, 2640 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2641, 2641 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2642, 2648 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2649, 2649 ], "mapped", [ 2582, 2620 ] ], [ [ 2650, 2650 ], "mapped", [ 2583, 2620 ] ], [ [ 2651, 2651 ], "mapped", [ 2588, 2620 ] ], [ [ 2652, 2652 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2653, 2653 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2654, 2654 ], "mapped", [ 2603, 2620 ] ], [ [ 2655, 2661 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2662, 2676 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2677, 2677 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2678, 2688 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2689, 2691 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2692, 2692 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2693, 2699 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2700, 2700 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2701, 2701 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2702, 2702 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2703, 2705 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2706, 2706 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2707, 2728 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2729, 2729 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2730, 2736 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2737, 2737 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2738, 2739 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2740, 2740 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2741, 2745 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2746, 2747 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2748, 2757 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2758, 2758 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2759, 2761 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2762, 2762 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2763, 2765 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2766, 2767 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2768, 2768 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2769, 2783 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2784, 2784 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2785, 2787 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2788, 2789 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2790, 2799 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2800, 2800 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 2801, 2801 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 2802, 2808 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2809, 2809 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2810, 2816 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2817, 2819 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2820, 2820 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2821, 2828 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2829, 2830 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2831, 2832 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2833, 2834 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2835, 2856 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2857, 2857 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2858, 2864 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2865, 2865 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2866, 2867 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2868, 2868 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2869, 2869 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2870, 2873 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2874, 2875 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2876, 2883 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2884, 2884 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2885, 2886 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2887, 2888 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2889, 2890 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2891, 2893 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2894, 2901 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2902, 2903 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2904, 2907 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2908, 2908 ], "mapped", [ 2849, 2876 ] ], [ [ 2909, 2909 ], "mapped", [ 2850, 2876 ] ], [ [ 2910, 2910 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2911, 2913 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2914, 2915 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2916, 2917 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2918, 2927 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2928, 2928 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 2929, 2929 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2930, 2935 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 2936, 2945 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2946, 2947 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2948, 2948 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2949, 2954 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2955, 2957 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2958, 2960 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2961, 2961 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2962, 2965 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2966, 2968 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2969, 2970 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2971, 2971 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2972, 2972 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2973, 2973 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2974, 2975 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2976, 2978 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2979, 2980 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2981, 2983 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2984, 2986 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2987, 2989 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 2990, 2997 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2998, 2998 ], "valid" ], [ [ 2999, 3001 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3002, 3005 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3006, 3010 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3011, 3013 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3014, 3016 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3017, 3017 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3018, 3021 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3022, 3023 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3024, 3024 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3025, 3030 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3031, 3031 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3032, 3045 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3046, 3046 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3047, 3055 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3056, 3058 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 3059, 3066 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 3067, 3071 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3072, 3072 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3073, 3075 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3076, 3076 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3077, 3084 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3085, 3085 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3086, 3088 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3089, 3089 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3090, 3112 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3113, 3113 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3114, 3123 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3124, 3124 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3125, 3129 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3130, 3132 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3133, 3133 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3134, 3140 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3141, 3141 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3142, 3144 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3145, 3145 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3146, 3149 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3150, 3156 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3157, 3158 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3159, 3159 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3160, 3161 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3162, 3162 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3163, 3167 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3168, 3169 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3170, 3171 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3172, 3173 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3174, 3183 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3184, 3191 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3192, 3199 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 3200, 3200 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3201, 3201 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3202, 3203 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3204, 3204 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3205, 3212 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3213, 3213 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3214, 3216 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3217, 3217 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3218, 3240 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3241, 3241 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3242, 3251 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3252, 3252 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3253, 3257 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3258, 3259 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3260, 3261 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3262, 3268 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3269, 3269 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3270, 3272 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3273, 3273 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3274, 3277 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3278, 3284 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3285, 3286 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3287, 3293 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3294, 3294 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3295, 3295 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3296, 3297 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3298, 3299 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3300, 3301 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3302, 3311 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3312, 3312 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3313, 3314 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3315, 3328 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3329, 3329 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3330, 3331 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3332, 3332 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3333, 3340 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3341, 3341 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3342, 3344 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3345, 3345 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3346, 3368 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3369, 3369 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3370, 3385 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3386, 3386 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3387, 3388 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3389, 3389 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3390, 3395 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3396, 3396 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3397, 3397 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3398, 3400 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3401, 3401 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3402, 3405 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3406, 3406 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3407, 3414 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3415, 3415 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3416, 3422 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3423, 3423 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3424, 3425 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3426, 3427 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3428, 3429 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3430, 3439 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3440, 3445 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 3446, 3448 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3449, 3449 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 3450, 3455 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3456, 3457 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3458, 3459 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3460, 3460 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3461, 3478 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3479, 3481 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3482, 3505 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3506, 3506 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3507, 3515 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3516, 3516 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3517, 3517 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3518, 3519 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3520, 3526 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3527, 3529 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3530, 3530 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3531, 3534 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3535, 3540 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3541, 3541 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3542, 3542 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3543, 3543 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3544, 3551 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3552, 3557 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3558, 3567 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3568, 3569 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3570, 3571 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3572, 3572 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 3573, 3584 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3585, 3634 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3635, 3635 ], "mapped", [ 3661, 3634 ] ], [ [ 3636, 3642 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3643, 3646 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3647, 3647 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 3648, 3662 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3663, 3663 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 3664, 3673 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3674, 3675 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 3676, 3712 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3713, 3714 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3715, 3715 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3716, 3716 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3717, 3718 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3719, 3720 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3721, 3721 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3722, 3722 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3723, 3724 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3725, 3725 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3726, 3731 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3732, 3735 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3736, 3736 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3737, 3743 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3744, 3744 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3745, 3747 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3748, 3748 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3749, 3749 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3750, 3750 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3751, 3751 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3752, 3753 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3754, 3755 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3756, 3756 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3757, 3762 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3763, 3763 ], "mapped", [ 3789, 3762 ] ], [ [ 3764, 3769 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3770, 3770 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3771, 3773 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3774, 3775 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3776, 3780 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3781, 3781 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3782, 3782 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3783, 3783 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3784, 3789 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3790, 3791 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3792, 3801 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3802, 3803 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3804, 3804 ], "mapped", [ 3755, 3737 ] ], [ [ 3805, 3805 ], "mapped", [ 3755, 3745 ] ], [ [ 3806, 3807 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3808, 3839 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3840, 3840 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3841, 3850 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 3851, 3851 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3852, 3852 ], "mapped", [ 3851 ] ], [ [ 3853, 3863 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 3864, 3865 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3866, 3871 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 3872, 3881 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3882, 3892 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 3893, 3893 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3894, 3894 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 3895, 3895 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3896, 3896 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 3897, 3897 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3898, 3901 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 3902, 3906 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3907, 3907 ], "mapped", [ 3906, 4023 ] ], [ [ 3908, 3911 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3912, 3912 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3913, 3916 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3917, 3917 ], "mapped", [ 3916, 4023 ] ], [ [ 3918, 3921 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3922, 3922 ], "mapped", [ 3921, 4023 ] ], [ [ 3923, 3926 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3927, 3927 ], "mapped", [ 3926, 4023 ] ], [ [ 3928, 3931 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3932, 3932 ], "mapped", [ 3931, 4023 ] ], [ [ 3933, 3944 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3945, 3945 ], "mapped", [ 3904, 4021 ] ], [ [ 3946, 3946 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3947, 3948 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3949, 3952 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3953, 3954 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3955, 3955 ], "mapped", [ 3953, 3954 ] ], [ [ 3956, 3956 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3957, 3957 ], "mapped", [ 3953, 3956 ] ], [ [ 3958, 3958 ], "mapped", [ 4018, 3968 ] ], [ [ 3959, 3959 ], "mapped", [ 4018, 3953, 3968 ] ], [ [ 3960, 3960 ], "mapped", [ 4019, 3968 ] ], [ [ 3961, 3961 ], "mapped", [ 4019, 3953, 3968 ] ], [ [ 3962, 3968 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3969, 3969 ], "mapped", [ 3953, 3968 ] ], [ [ 3970, 3972 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3973, 3973 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 3974, 3979 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3980, 3983 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3984, 3986 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3987, 3987 ], "mapped", [ 3986, 4023 ] ], [ [ 3988, 3989 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3990, 3990 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3991, 3991 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3992, 3992 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 3993, 3996 ], "valid" ], [ [ 3997, 3997 ], "mapped", [ 3996, 4023 ] ], [ [ 3998, 4001 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4002, 4002 ], "mapped", [ 4001, 4023 ] ], [ [ 4003, 4006 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4007, 4007 ], "mapped", [ 4006, 4023 ] ], [ [ 4008, 4011 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4012, 4012 ], "mapped", [ 4011, 4023 ] ], [ [ 4013, 4013 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4014, 4016 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4017, 4023 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4024, 4024 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4025, 4025 ], "mapped", [ 3984, 4021 ] ], [ [ 4026, 4028 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4029, 4029 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 4030, 4037 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 4038, 4038 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4039, 4044 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 4045, 4045 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 4046, 4046 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 4047, 4047 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 4048, 4049 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 4050, 4052 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 4053, 4056 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 4057, 4058 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 4059, 4095 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 4096, 4129 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4130, 4130 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4131, 4135 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4136, 4136 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4137, 4138 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4139, 4139 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4140, 4146 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4147, 4149 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4150, 4153 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4154, 4159 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4160, 4169 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4170, 4175 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 4176, 4185 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4186, 4249 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4250, 4253 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4254, 4255 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 4256, 4293 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 4294, 4294 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 4295, 4295 ], "mapped", [ 11559 ] ], [ [ 4296, 4300 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 4301, 4301 ], "mapped", [ 11565 ] ], [ [ 4302, 4303 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 4304, 4342 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4343, 4344 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4345, 4346 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4347, 4347 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 4348, 4348 ], "mapped", [ 4316 ] ], [ [ 4349, 4351 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4352, 4441 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 4442, 4446 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 4447, 4448 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 4449, 4514 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 4515, 4519 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 4520, 4601 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 4602, 4607 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 4608, 4614 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4615, 4615 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4616, 4678 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4679, 4679 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4680, 4680 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4681, 4681 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 4682, 4685 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4686, 4687 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 4688, 4694 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4695, 4695 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 4696, 4696 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4697, 4697 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 4698, 4701 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4702, 4703 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 4704, 4742 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4743, 4743 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4744, 4744 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4745, 4745 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 4746, 4749 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4750, 4751 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 4752, 4782 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4783, 4783 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4784, 4784 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4785, 4785 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 4786, 4789 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4790, 4791 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 4792, 4798 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4799, 4799 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 4800, 4800 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4801, 4801 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 4802, 4805 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4806, 4807 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 4808, 4814 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4815, 4815 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4816, 4822 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4823, 4823 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 4824, 4846 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4847, 4847 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4848, 4878 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4879, 4879 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4880, 4880 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4881, 4881 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 4882, 4885 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4886, 4887 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 4888, 4894 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4895, 4895 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4896, 4934 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4935, 4935 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4936, 4954 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4955, 4956 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 4957, 4958 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4959, 4959 ], "valid" ], [ [ 4960, 4960 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 4961, 4988 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 4989, 4991 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 4992, 5007 ], "valid" ], [ [ 5008, 5017 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 5018, 5023 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 5024, 5108 ], "valid" ], [ [ 5109, 5109 ], "valid" ], [ [ 5110, 5111 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 5112, 5112 ], "mapped", [ 5104 ] ], [ [ 5113, 5113 ], "mapped", [ 5105 ] ], [ [ 5114, 5114 ], "mapped", [ 5106 ] ], [ [ 5115, 5115 ], "mapped", [ 5107 ] ], [ [ 5116, 5116 ], "mapped", [ 5108 ] ], [ [ 5117, 5117 ], "mapped", [ 5109 ] ], [ [ 5118, 5119 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 5120, 5120 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 5121, 5740 ], "valid" ], [ [ 5741, 5742 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 5743, 5750 ], "valid" ], [ [ 5751, 5759 ], "valid" ], [ [ 5760, 5760 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 5761, 5786 ], "valid" ], [ [ 5787, 5788 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 5789, 5791 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 5792, 5866 ], "valid" ], [ [ 5867, 5872 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 5873, 5880 ], "valid" ], [ [ 5881, 5887 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 5888, 5900 ], "valid" ], [ [ 5901, 5901 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 5902, 5908 ], "valid" ], [ [ 5909, 5919 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 5920, 5940 ], "valid" ], [ [ 5941, 5942 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 5943, 5951 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 5952, 5971 ], "valid" ], [ [ 5972, 5983 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 5984, 5996 ], "valid" ], [ [ 5997, 5997 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 5998, 6000 ], "valid" ], [ [ 6001, 6001 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 6002, 6003 ], "valid" ], [ [ 6004, 6015 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 6016, 6067 ], "valid" ], [ [ 6068, 6069 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 6070, 6099 ], "valid" ], [ [ 6100, 6102 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 6103, 6103 ], "valid" ], [ [ 6104, 6107 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 6108, 6108 ], "valid" ], [ [ 6109, 6109 ], "valid" ], [ [ 6110, 6111 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 6112, 6121 ], "valid" ], [ [ 6122, 6127 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 6128, 6137 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 6138, 6143 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 6144, 6149 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 6150, 6150 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 6151, 6154 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 6155, 6157 ], "ignored" ], [ [ 6158, 6158 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 6159, 6159 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 6160, 6169 ], "valid" ], [ [ 6170, 6175 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 6176, 6263 ], "valid" ], [ [ 6264, 6271 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 6272, 6313 ], "valid" ], [ [ 6314, 6314 ], "valid" ], [ [ 6315, 6319 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 6320, 6389 ], "valid" ], [ [ 6390, 6399 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 6400, 6428 ], "valid" ], [ [ 6429, 6430 ], "valid" ], [ [ 6431, 6431 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 6432, 6443 ], "valid" ], [ [ 6444, 6447 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 6448, 6459 ], "valid" ], [ [ 6460, 6463 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 6464, 6464 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 6465, 6467 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 6468, 6469 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 6470, 6509 ], "valid" ], [ [ 6510, 6511 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 6512, 6516 ], "valid" ], [ [ 6517, 6527 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 6528, 6569 ], "valid" ], [ [ 6570, 6571 ], "valid" ], [ [ 6572, 6575 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 6576, 6601 ], "valid" ], [ [ 6602, 6607 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 6608, 6617 ], "valid" ], [ [ 6618, 6618 ], "valid", [ ], "XV8" ], [ [ 6619, 6621 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 6622, 6623 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 6624, 6655 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 6656, 6683 ], "valid" ], [ [ 6684, 6685 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 6686, 6687 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 6688, 6750 ], "valid" ], [ [ 6751, 6751 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 6752, 6780 ], "valid" ], [ [ 6781, 6782 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 6783, 6793 ], "valid" ], [ [ 6794, 6799 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 6800, 6809 ], "valid" ], [ [ 6810, 6815 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 6816, 6822 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 6823, 6823 ], "valid" ], [ [ 6824, 6829 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 6830, 6831 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 6832, 6845 ], "valid" ], [ [ 6846, 6846 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 6847, 6911 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 6912, 6987 ], "valid" ], [ [ 6988, 6991 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 6992, 7001 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7002, 7018 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 7019, 7027 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7028, 7036 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 7037, 7039 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 7040, 7082 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7083, 7085 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7086, 7097 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7098, 7103 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7104, 7155 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7156, 7163 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 7164, 7167 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 7168, 7223 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7224, 7226 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 7227, 7231 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 7232, 7241 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7242, 7244 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 7245, 7293 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7294, 7295 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 7296, 7359 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 7360, 7367 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 7368, 7375 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 7376, 7378 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7379, 7379 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 7380, 7410 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7411, 7414 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7415, 7415 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 7416, 7417 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7418, 7423 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 7424, 7467 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7468, 7468 ], "mapped", [ 97 ] ], [ [ 7469, 7469 ], "mapped", [ 230 ] ], [ [ 7470, 7470 ], "mapped", [ 98 ] ], [ [ 7471, 7471 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7472, 7472 ], "mapped", [ 100 ] ], [ [ 7473, 7473 ], "mapped", [ 101 ] ], [ [ 7474, 7474 ], "mapped", [ 477 ] ], [ [ 7475, 7475 ], "mapped", [ 103 ] ], [ [ 7476, 7476 ], "mapped", [ 104 ] ], [ [ 7477, 7477 ], "mapped", [ 105 ] ], [ [ 7478, 7478 ], "mapped", [ 106 ] ], [ [ 7479, 7479 ], "mapped", [ 107 ] ], [ [ 7480, 7480 ], "mapped", [ 108 ] ], [ [ 7481, 7481 ], "mapped", [ 109 ] ], [ [ 7482, 7482 ], "mapped", [ 110 ] ], [ [ 7483, 7483 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7484, 7484 ], "mapped", [ 111 ] ], [ [ 7485, 7485 ], "mapped", [ 547 ] ], [ [ 7486, 7486 ], "mapped", [ 112 ] ], [ [ 7487, 7487 ], "mapped", [ 114 ] ], [ [ 7488, 7488 ], "mapped", [ 116 ] ], [ [ 7489, 7489 ], "mapped", [ 117 ] ], [ [ 7490, 7490 ], "mapped", [ 119 ] ], [ [ 7491, 7491 ], "mapped", [ 97 ] ], [ [ 7492, 7492 ], "mapped", [ 592 ] ], [ [ 7493, 7493 ], "mapped", [ 593 ] ], [ [ 7494, 7494 ], "mapped", [ 7426 ] ], [ [ 7495, 7495 ], "mapped", [ 98 ] ], [ [ 7496, 7496 ], "mapped", [ 100 ] ], [ [ 7497, 7497 ], "mapped", [ 101 ] ], [ [ 7498, 7498 ], "mapped", [ 601 ] ], [ [ 7499, 7499 ], "mapped", [ 603 ] ], [ [ 7500, 7500 ], "mapped", [ 604 ] ], [ [ 7501, 7501 ], "mapped", [ 103 ] ], [ [ 7502, 7502 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7503, 7503 ], "mapped", [ 107 ] ], [ [ 7504, 7504 ], "mapped", [ 109 ] ], [ [ 7505, 7505 ], "mapped", [ 331 ] ], [ [ 7506, 7506 ], "mapped", [ 111 ] ], [ [ 7507, 7507 ], "mapped", [ 596 ] ], [ [ 7508, 7508 ], "mapped", [ 7446 ] ], [ [ 7509, 7509 ], "mapped", [ 7447 ] ], [ [ 7510, 7510 ], "mapped", [ 112 ] ], [ [ 7511, 7511 ], "mapped", [ 116 ] ], [ [ 7512, 7512 ], "mapped", [ 117 ] ], [ [ 7513, 7513 ], "mapped", [ 7453 ] ], [ [ 7514, 7514 ], "mapped", [ 623 ] ], [ [ 7515, 7515 ], "mapped", [ 118 ] ], [ [ 7516, 7516 ], "mapped", [ 7461 ] ], [ [ 7517, 7517 ], "mapped", [ 946 ] ], [ [ 7518, 7518 ], "mapped", [ 947 ] ], [ [ 7519, 7519 ], "mapped", [ 948 ] ], [ [ 7520, 7520 ], "mapped", [ 966 ] ], [ [ 7521, 7521 ], "mapped", [ 967 ] ], [ [ 7522, 7522 ], "mapped", [ 105 ] ], [ [ 7523, 7523 ], "mapped", [ 114 ] ], [ [ 7524, 7524 ], "mapped", [ 117 ] ], [ [ 7525, 7525 ], "mapped", [ 118 ] ], [ [ 7526, 7526 ], "mapped", [ 946 ] ], [ [ 7527, 7527 ], "mapped", [ 947 ] ], [ [ 7528, 7528 ], "mapped", [ 961 ] ], [ [ 7529, 7529 ], "mapped", [ 966 ] ], [ [ 7530, 7530 ], "mapped", [ 967 ] ], [ [ 7531, 7531 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7532, 7543 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7544, 7544 ], "mapped", [ 1085 ] ], [ [ 7545, 7578 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7579, 7579 ], "mapped", [ 594 ] ], [ [ 7580, 7580 ], "mapped", [ 99 ] ], [ [ 7581, 7581 ], "mapped", [ 597 ] ], [ [ 7582, 7582 ], "mapped", [ 240 ] ], [ [ 7583, 7583 ], "mapped", [ 604 ] ], [ [ 7584, 7584 ], "mapped", [ 102 ] ], [ [ 7585, 7585 ], "mapped", [ 607 ] ], [ [ 7586, 7586 ], "mapped", [ 609 ] ], [ [ 7587, 7587 ], "mapped", [ 613 ] ], [ [ 7588, 7588 ], "mapped", [ 616 ] ], [ [ 7589, 7589 ], "mapped", [ 617 ] ], [ [ 7590, 7590 ], "mapped", [ 618 ] ], [ [ 7591, 7591 ], "mapped", [ 7547 ] ], [ [ 7592, 7592 ], "mapped", [ 669 ] ], [ [ 7593, 7593 ], "mapped", [ 621 ] ], [ [ 7594, 7594 ], "mapped", [ 7557 ] ], [ [ 7595, 7595 ], "mapped", [ 671 ] ], [ [ 7596, 7596 ], "mapped", [ 625 ] ], [ [ 7597, 7597 ], "mapped", [ 624 ] ], [ [ 7598, 7598 ], "mapped", [ 626 ] ], [ [ 7599, 7599 ], "mapped", [ 627 ] ], [ [ 7600, 7600 ], "mapped", [ 628 ] ], [ [ 7601, 7601 ], "mapped", [ 629 ] ], [ [ 7602, 7602 ], "mapped", [ 632 ] ], [ [ 7603, 7603 ], "mapped", [ 642 ] ], [ [ 7604, 7604 ], "mapped", [ 643 ] ], [ [ 7605, 7605 ], "mapped", [ 427 ] ], [ [ 7606, 7606 ], "mapped", [ 649 ] ], [ [ 7607, 7607 ], "mapped", [ 650 ] ], [ [ 7608, 7608 ], "mapped", [ 7452 ] ], [ [ 7609, 7609 ], "mapped", [ 651 ] ], [ [ 7610, 7610 ], "mapped", [ 652 ] ], [ [ 7611, 7611 ], "mapped", [ 122 ] ], [ [ 7612, 7612 ], "mapped", [ 656 ] ], [ [ 7613, 7613 ], "mapped", [ 657 ] ], [ [ 7614, 7614 ], "mapped", [ 658 ] ], [ [ 7615, 7615 ], "mapped", [ 952 ] ], [ [ 7616, 7619 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7620, 7626 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7627, 7654 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7655, 7669 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7670, 7675 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 7676, 7676 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7677, 7677 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7678, 7679 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7680, 7680 ], "mapped", [ 7681 ] ], [ [ 7681, 7681 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7682, 7682 ], "mapped", [ 7683 ] ], [ [ 7683, 7683 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7684, 7684 ], "mapped", [ 7685 ] ], [ [ 7685, 7685 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7686, 7686 ], "mapped", [ 7687 ] ], [ [ 7687, 7687 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7688, 7688 ], "mapped", [ 7689 ] ], [ [ 7689, 7689 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7690, 7690 ], "mapped", [ 7691 ] ], [ [ 7691, 7691 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7692, 7692 ], "mapped", [ 7693 ] ], [ [ 7693, 7693 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7694, 7694 ], "mapped", [ 7695 ] ], [ [ 7695, 7695 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7696, 7696 ], "mapped", [ 7697 ] ], [ [ 7697, 7697 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7698, 7698 ], "mapped", [ 7699 ] ], [ [ 7699, 7699 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7700, 7700 ], "mapped", [ 7701 ] ], [ [ 7701, 7701 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7702, 7702 ], "mapped", [ 7703 ] ], [ [ 7703, 7703 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7704, 7704 ], "mapped", [ 7705 ] ], [ [ 7705, 7705 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7706, 7706 ], "mapped", [ 7707 ] ], [ [ 7707, 7707 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7708, 7708 ], "mapped", [ 7709 ] ], [ [ 7709, 7709 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7710, 7710 ], "mapped", [ 7711 ] ], [ [ 7711, 7711 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7712, 7712 ], "mapped", [ 7713 ] ], [ [ 7713, 7713 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7714, 7714 ], "mapped", [ 7715 ] ], [ [ 7715, 7715 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7716, 7716 ], "mapped", [ 7717 ] ], [ [ 7717, 7717 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7718, 7718 ], "mapped", [ 7719 ] ], [ [ 7719, 7719 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7720, 7720 ], "mapped", [ 7721 ] ], [ [ 7721, 7721 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7722, 7722 ], "mapped", [ 7723 ] ], [ [ 7723, 7723 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7724, 7724 ], "mapped", [ 7725 ] ], [ [ 7725, 7725 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7726, 7726 ], "mapped", [ 7727 ] ], [ [ 7727, 7727 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7728, 7728 ], "mapped", [ 7729 ] ], [ [ 7729, 7729 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7730, 7730 ], "mapped", [ 7731 ] ], [ [ 7731, 7731 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7732, 7732 ], "mapped", [ 7733 ] ], [ [ 7733, 7733 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7734, 7734 ], "mapped", [ 7735 ] ], [ [ 7735, 7735 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7736, 7736 ], "mapped", [ 7737 ] ], [ [ 7737, 7737 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7738, 7738 ], "mapped", [ 7739 ] ], [ [ 7739, 7739 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7740, 7740 ], "mapped", [ 7741 ] ], [ [ 7741, 7741 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7742, 7742 ], "mapped", [ 7743 ] ], [ [ 7743, 7743 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7744, 7744 ], "mapped", [ 7745 ] ], [ [ 7745, 7745 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7746, 7746 ], "mapped", [ 7747 ] ], [ [ 7747, 7747 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7748, 7748 ], "mapped", [ 7749 ] ], [ [ 7749, 7749 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7750, 7750 ], "mapped", [ 7751 ] ], [ [ 7751, 7751 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7752, 7752 ], "mapped", [ 7753 ] ], [ [ 7753, 7753 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7754, 7754 ], "mapped", [ 7755 ] ], [ [ 7755, 7755 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7756, 7756 ], "mapped", [ 7757 ] ], [ [ 7757, 7757 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7758, 7758 ], "mapped", [ 7759 ] ], [ [ 7759, 7759 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7760, 7760 ], "mapped", [ 7761 ] ], [ [ 7761, 7761 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7762, 7762 ], "mapped", [ 7763 ] ], [ [ 7763, 7763 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7764, 7764 ], "mapped", [ 7765 ] ], [ [ 7765, 7765 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7766, 7766 ], "mapped", [ 7767 ] ], [ [ 7767, 7767 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7768, 7768 ], "mapped", [ 7769 ] ], [ [ 7769, 7769 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7770, 7770 ], "mapped", [ 7771 ] ], [ [ 7771, 7771 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7772, 7772 ], "mapped", [ 7773 ] ], [ [ 7773, 7773 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7774, 7774 ], "mapped", [ 7775 ] ], [ [ 7775, 7775 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7776, 7776 ], "mapped", [ 7777 ] ], [ [ 7777, 7777 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7778, 7778 ], "mapped", [ 7779 ] ], [ [ 7779, 7779 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7780, 7780 ], "mapped", [ 7781 ] ], [ [ 7781, 7781 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7782, 7782 ], "mapped", [ 7783 ] ], [ [ 7783, 7783 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7784, 7784 ], "mapped", [ 7785 ] ], [ [ 7785, 7785 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7786, 7786 ], "mapped", [ 7787 ] ], [ [ 7787, 7787 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7788, 7788 ], "mapped", [ 7789 ] ], [ [ 7789, 7789 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7790, 7790 ], "mapped", [ 7791 ] ], [ [ 7791, 7791 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7792, 7792 ], "mapped", [ 7793 ] ], [ [ 7793, 7793 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7794, 7794 ], "mapped", [ 7795 ] ], [ [ 7795, 7795 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7796, 7796 ], "mapped", [ 7797 ] ], [ [ 7797, 7797 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7798, 7798 ], "mapped", [ 7799 ] ], [ [ 7799, 7799 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7800, 7800 ], "mapped", [ 7801 ] ], [ [ 7801, 7801 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7802, 7802 ], "mapped", [ 7803 ] ], [ [ 7803, 7803 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7804, 7804 ], "mapped", [ 7805 ] ], [ [ 7805, 7805 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7806, 7806 ], "mapped", [ 7807 ] ], [ [ 7807, 7807 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7808, 7808 ], "mapped", [ 7809 ] ], [ [ 7809, 7809 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7810, 7810 ], "mapped", [ 7811 ] ], [ [ 7811, 7811 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7812, 7812 ], "mapped", [ 7813 ] ], [ [ 7813, 7813 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7814, 7814 ], "mapped", [ 7815 ] ], [ [ 7815, 7815 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7816, 7816 ], "mapped", [ 7817 ] ], [ [ 7817, 7817 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7818, 7818 ], "mapped", [ 7819 ] ], [ [ 7819, 7819 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7820, 7820 ], "mapped", [ 7821 ] ], [ [ 7821, 7821 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7822, 7822 ], "mapped", [ 7823 ] ], [ [ 7823, 7823 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7824, 7824 ], "mapped", [ 7825 ] ], [ [ 7825, 7825 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7826, 7826 ], "mapped", [ 7827 ] ], [ [ 7827, 7827 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7828, 7828 ], "mapped", [ 7829 ] ], [ [ 7829, 7833 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7834, 7834 ], "mapped", [ 97, 702 ] ], [ [ 7835, 7835 ], "mapped", [ 7777 ] ], [ [ 7836, 7837 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7838, 7838 ], "mapped", [ 115, 115 ] ], [ [ 7839, 7839 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7840, 7840 ], "mapped", [ 7841 ] ], [ [ 7841, 7841 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7842, 7842 ], "mapped", [ 7843 ] ], [ [ 7843, 7843 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7844, 7844 ], "mapped", [ 7845 ] ], [ [ 7845, 7845 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7846, 7846 ], "mapped", [ 7847 ] ], [ [ 7847, 7847 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7848, 7848 ], "mapped", [ 7849 ] ], [ [ 7849, 7849 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7850, 7850 ], "mapped", [ 7851 ] ], [ [ 7851, 7851 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7852, 7852 ], "mapped", [ 7853 ] ], [ [ 7853, 7853 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7854, 7854 ], "mapped", [ 7855 ] ], [ [ 7855, 7855 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7856, 7856 ], "mapped", [ 7857 ] ], [ [ 7857, 7857 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7858, 7858 ], "mapped", [ 7859 ] ], [ [ 7859, 7859 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7860, 7860 ], "mapped", [ 7861 ] ], [ [ 7861, 7861 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7862, 7862 ], "mapped", [ 7863 ] ], [ [ 7863, 7863 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7864, 7864 ], "mapped", [ 7865 ] ], [ [ 7865, 7865 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7866, 7866 ], "mapped", [ 7867 ] ], [ [ 7867, 7867 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7868, 7868 ], "mapped", [ 7869 ] ], [ [ 7869, 7869 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7870, 7870 ], "mapped", [ 7871 ] ], [ [ 7871, 7871 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7872, 7872 ], "mapped", [ 7873 ] ], [ [ 7873, 7873 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7874, 7874 ], "mapped", [ 7875 ] ], [ [ 7875, 7875 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7876, 7876 ], "mapped", [ 7877 ] ], [ [ 7877, 7877 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7878, 7878 ], "mapped", [ 7879 ] ], [ [ 7879, 7879 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7880, 7880 ], "mapped", [ 7881 ] ], [ [ 7881, 7881 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7882, 7882 ], "mapped", [ 7883 ] ], [ [ 7883, 7883 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7884, 7884 ], "mapped", [ 7885 ] ], [ [ 7885, 7885 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7886, 7886 ], "mapped", [ 7887 ] ], [ [ 7887, 7887 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7888, 7888 ], "mapped", [ 7889 ] ], [ [ 7889, 7889 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7890, 7890 ], "mapped", [ 7891 ] ], [ [ 7891, 7891 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7892, 7892 ], "mapped", [ 7893 ] ], [ [ 7893, 7893 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7894, 7894 ], "mapped", [ 7895 ] ], [ [ 7895, 7895 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7896, 7896 ], "mapped", [ 7897 ] ], [ [ 7897, 7897 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7898, 7898 ], "mapped", [ 7899 ] ], [ [ 7899, 7899 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7900, 7900 ], "mapped", [ 7901 ] ], [ [ 7901, 7901 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7902, 7902 ], "mapped", [ 7903 ] ], [ [ 7903, 7903 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7904, 7904 ], "mapped", [ 7905 ] ], [ [ 7905, 7905 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7906, 7906 ], "mapped", [ 7907 ] ], [ [ 7907, 7907 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7908, 7908 ], "mapped", [ 7909 ] ], [ [ 7909, 7909 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7910, 7910 ], "mapped", [ 7911 ] ], [ [ 7911, 7911 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7912, 7912 ], "mapped", [ 7913 ] ], [ [ 7913, 7913 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7914, 7914 ], "mapped", [ 7915 ] ], [ [ 7915, 7915 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7916, 7916 ], "mapped", [ 7917 ] ], [ [ 7917, 7917 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7918, 7918 ], "mapped", [ 7919 ] ], [ [ 7919, 7919 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7920, 7920 ], "mapped", [ 7921 ] ], [ [ 7921, 7921 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7922, 7922 ], "mapped", [ 7923 ] ], [ [ 7923, 7923 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7924, 7924 ], "mapped", [ 7925 ] ], [ [ 7925, 7925 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7926, 7926 ], "mapped", [ 7927 ] ], [ [ 7927, 7927 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7928, 7928 ], "mapped", [ 7929 ] ], [ [ 7929, 7929 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7930, 7930 ], "mapped", [ 7931 ] ], [ [ 7931, 7931 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7932, 7932 ], "mapped", [ 7933 ] ], [ [ 7933, 7933 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7934, 7934 ], "mapped", [ 7935 ] ], [ [ 7935, 7935 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7936, 7943 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7944, 7944 ], "mapped", [ 7936 ] ], [ [ 7945, 7945 ], "mapped", [ 7937 ] ], [ [ 7946, 7946 ], "mapped", [ 7938 ] ], [ [ 7947, 7947 ], "mapped", [ 7939 ] ], [ [ 7948, 7948 ], "mapped", [ 7940 ] ], [ [ 7949, 7949 ], "mapped", [ 7941 ] ], [ [ 7950, 7950 ], "mapped", [ 7942 ] ], [ [ 7951, 7951 ], "mapped", [ 7943 ] ], [ [ 7952, 7957 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7958, 7959 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 7960, 7960 ], "mapped", [ 7952 ] ], [ [ 7961, 7961 ], "mapped", [ 7953 ] ], [ [ 7962, 7962 ], "mapped", [ 7954 ] ], [ [ 7963, 7963 ], "mapped", [ 7955 ] ], [ [ 7964, 7964 ], "mapped", [ 7956 ] ], [ [ 7965, 7965 ], "mapped", [ 7957 ] ], [ [ 7966, 7967 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 7968, 7975 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7976, 7976 ], "mapped", [ 7968 ] ], [ [ 7977, 7977 ], "mapped", [ 7969 ] ], [ [ 7978, 7978 ], "mapped", [ 7970 ] ], [ [ 7979, 7979 ], "mapped", [ 7971 ] ], [ [ 7980, 7980 ], "mapped", [ 7972 ] ], [ [ 7981, 7981 ], "mapped", [ 7973 ] ], [ [ 7982, 7982 ], "mapped", [ 7974 ] ], [ [ 7983, 7983 ], "mapped", [ 7975 ] ], [ [ 7984, 7991 ], "valid" ], [ [ 7992, 7992 ], "mapped", [ 7984 ] ], [ [ 7993, 7993 ], "mapped", [ 7985 ] ], [ [ 7994, 7994 ], "mapped", [ 7986 ] ], [ [ 7995, 7995 ], "mapped", [ 7987 ] ], [ [ 7996, 7996 ], "mapped", [ 7988 ] ], [ [ 7997, 7997 ], "mapped", [ 7989 ] ], [ [ 7998, 7998 ], "mapped", [ 7990 ] ], [ [ 7999, 7999 ], "mapped", [ 7991 ] ], [ [ 8000, 8005 ], "valid" ], [ [ 8006, 8007 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 8008, 8008 ], "mapped", [ 8000 ] ], [ [ 8009, 8009 ], "mapped", [ 8001 ] ], [ [ 8010, 8010 ], "mapped", [ 8002 ] ], [ [ 8011, 8011 ], "mapped", [ 8003 ] ], [ [ 8012, 8012 ], "mapped", [ 8004 ] ], [ [ 8013, 8013 ], "mapped", [ 8005 ] ], [ [ 8014, 8015 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 8016, 8023 ], "valid" ], [ [ 8024, 8024 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 8025, 8025 ], "mapped", [ 8017 ] ], [ [ 8026, 8026 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 8027, 8027 ], "mapped", [ 8019 ] ], [ [ 8028, 8028 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 8029, 8029 ], "mapped", [ 8021 ] ], [ [ 8030, 8030 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 8031, 8031 ], "mapped", [ 8023 ] ], [ [ 8032, 8039 ], "valid" ], [ [ 8040, 8040 ], "mapped", [ 8032 ] ], [ [ 8041, 8041 ], "mapped", [ 8033 ] ], [ [ 8042, 8042 ], "mapped", [ 8034 ] ], [ [ 8043, 8043 ], "mapped", [ 8035 ] ], [ [ 8044, 8044 ], "mapped", [ 8036 ] ], [ [ 8045, 8045 ], "mapped", [ 8037 ] ], [ [ 8046, 8046 ], "mapped", [ 8038 ] ], [ [ 8047, 8047 ], "mapped", [ 8039 ] ], [ [ 8048, 8048 ], "valid" ], [ [ 8049, 8049 ], "mapped", [ 940 ] ], [ [ 8050, 8050 ], "valid" ], [ [ 8051, 8051 ], "mapped", [ 941 ] ], [ [ 8052, 8052 ], "valid" ], [ [ 8053, 8053 ], "mapped", [ 942 ] ], [ [ 8054, 8054 ], "valid" ], [ [ 8055, 8055 ], "mapped", [ 943 ] ], [ [ 8056, 8056 ], "valid" ], [ [ 8057, 8057 ], "mapped", [ 972 ] ], [ [ 8058, 8058 ], "valid" ], [ [ 8059, 8059 ], "mapped", [ 973 ] ], [ [ 8060, 8060 ], "valid" ], [ [ 8061, 8061 ], "mapped", [ 974 ] ], [ [ 8062, 8063 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 8064, 8064 ], "mapped", [ 7936, 953 ] ], [ [ 8065, 8065 ], "mapped", [ 7937, 953 ] ], [ [ 8066, 8066 ], "mapped", [ 7938, 953 ] ], [ [ 8067, 8067 ], "mapped", [ 7939, 953 ] ], [ [ 8068, 8068 ], "mapped", [ 7940, 953 ] ], [ [ 8069, 8069 ], "mapped", [ 7941, 953 ] ], [ [ 8070, 8070 ], "mapped", [ 7942, 953 ] ], [ [ 8071, 8071 ], "mapped", [ 7943, 953 ] ], [ [ 8072, 8072 ], "mapped", [ 7936, 953 ] ], [ [ 8073, 8073 ], "mapped", [ 7937, 953 ] ], [ [ 8074, 8074 ], "mapped", [ 7938, 953 ] ], [ [ 8075, 8075 ], "mapped", [ 7939, 953 ] ], [ [ 8076, 8076 ], "mapped", [ 7940, 953 ] ], [ [ 8077, 8077 ], "mapped", [ 7941, 953 ] ], [ [ 8078, 8078 ], "mapped", [ 7942, 953 ] ], [ [ 8079, 8079 ], "mapped", [ 7943, 953 ] ], [ [ 8080, 8080 ], "mapped", [ 7968, 953 ] ], [ [ 8081, 8081 ], "mapped", [ 7969, 953 ] ], [ [ 8082, 8082 ], "mapped", [ 7970, 953 ] ], [ [ 8083, 8083 ], "mapped", [ 7971, 953 ] ], [ [ 8084, 8084 ], "mapped", [ 7972, 953 ] ], [ [ 8085, 8085 ], "mapped", [ 7973, 953 ] ], [ [ 8086, 8086 ], "mapped", [ 7974, 953 ] ], [ [ 8087, 8087 ], "mapped", [ 7975, 953 ] ], [ [ 8088, 8088 ], "mapped", [ 7968, 953 ] ], [ [ 8089, 8089 ], "mapped", [ 7969, 953 ] ], [ [ 8090, 8090 ], "mapped", [ 7970, 953 ] ], [ [ 8091, 8091 ], "mapped", [ 7971, 953 ] ], [ [ 8092, 8092 ], "mapped", [ 7972, 953 ] ], [ [ 8093, 8093 ], "mapped", [ 7973, 953 ] ], [ [ 8094, 8094 ], "mapped", [ 7974, 953 ] ], [ [ 8095, 8095 ], "mapped", [ 7975, 953 ] ], [ [ 8096, 8096 ], "mapped", [ 8032, 953 ] ], [ [ 8097, 8097 ], "mapped", [ 8033, 953 ] ], [ [ 8098, 8098 ], "mapped", [ 8034, 953 ] ], [ [ 8099, 8099 ], "mapped", [ 8035, 953 ] ], [ [ 8100, 8100 ], "mapped", [ 8036, 953 ] ], [ [ 8101, 8101 ], "mapped", [ 8037, 953 ] ], [ [ 8102, 8102 ], "mapped", [ 8038, 953 ] ], [ [ 8103, 8103 ], "mapped", [ 8039, 953 ] ], [ [ 8104, 8104 ], "mapped", [ 8032, 953 ] ], [ [ 8105, 8105 ], "mapped", [ 8033, 953 ] ], [ [ 8106, 8106 ], "mapped", [ 8034, 953 ] ], [ [ 8107, 8107 ], "mapped", [ 8035, 953 ] ], [ [ 8108, 8108 ], "mapped", [ 8036, 953 ] ], [ [ 8109, 8109 ], "mapped", [ 8037, 953 ] ], [ [ 8110, 8110 ], "mapped", [ 8038, 953 ] ], [ [ 8111, 8111 ], "mapped", [ 8039, 953 ] ], [ [ 8112, 8113 ], "valid" ], [ [ 8114, 8114 ], "mapped", [ 8048, 953 ] ], [ [ 8115, 8115 ], "mapped", [ 945, 953 ] ], [ [ 8116, 8116 ], "mapped", [ 940, 953 ] ], [ [ 8117, 8117 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 8118, 8118 ], "valid" ], [ [ 8119, 8119 ], "mapped", [ 8118, 953 ] ], [ [ 8120, 8120 ], "mapped", [ 8112 ] ], [ [ 8121, 8121 ], "mapped", [ 8113 ] ], [ [ 8122, 8122 ], "mapped", [ 8048 ] ], [ [ 8123, 8123 ], "mapped", [ 940 ] ], [ [ 8124, 8124 ], "mapped", [ 945, 953 ] ], [ [ 8125, 8125 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 787 ] ], [ [ 8126, 8126 ], "mapped", [ 953 ] ], [ [ 8127, 8127 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 787 ] ], [ [ 8128, 8128 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 834 ] ], [ [ 8129, 8129 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 776, 834 ] ], [ [ 8130, 8130 ], "mapped", [ 8052, 953 ] ], [ [ 8131, 8131 ], "mapped", [ 951, 953 ] ], [ [ 8132, 8132 ], "mapped", [ 942, 953 ] ], [ [ 8133, 8133 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 8134, 8134 ], "valid" ], [ [ 8135, 8135 ], "mapped", [ 8134, 953 ] ], [ [ 8136, 8136 ], "mapped", [ 8050 ] ], [ [ 8137, 8137 ], "mapped", [ 941 ] ], [ [ 8138, 8138 ], "mapped", [ 8052 ] ], [ [ 8139, 8139 ], "mapped", [ 942 ] ], [ [ 8140, 8140 ], "mapped", [ 951, 953 ] ], [ [ 8141, 8141 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 787, 768 ] ], [ [ 8142, 8142 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 787, 769 ] ], [ [ 8143, 8143 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 787, 834 ] ], [ [ 8144, 8146 ], "valid" ], [ [ 8147, 8147 ], "mapped", [ 912 ] ], [ [ 8148, 8149 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 8150, 8151 ], "valid" ], [ [ 8152, 8152 ], "mapped", [ 8144 ] ], [ [ 8153, 8153 ], "mapped", [ 8145 ] ], [ [ 8154, 8154 ], "mapped", [ 8054 ] ], [ [ 8155, 8155 ], "mapped", [ 943 ] ], [ [ 8156, 8156 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 8157, 8157 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 788, 768 ] ], [ [ 8158, 8158 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 788, 769 ] ], [ [ 8159, 8159 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 788, 834 ] ], [ [ 8160, 8162 ], "valid" ], [ [ 8163, 8163 ], "mapped", [ 944 ] ], [ [ 8164, 8167 ], "valid" ], [ [ 8168, 8168 ], "mapped", [ 8160 ] ], [ [ 8169, 8169 ], "mapped", [ 8161 ] ], [ [ 8170, 8170 ], "mapped", [ 8058 ] ], [ [ 8171, 8171 ], "mapped", [ 973 ] ], [ [ 8172, 8172 ], "mapped", [ 8165 ] ], [ [ 8173, 8173 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 776, 768 ] ], [ [ 8174, 8174 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 776, 769 ] ], [ [ 8175, 8175 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 96 ] ], [ [ 8176, 8177 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 8178, 8178 ], "mapped", [ 8060, 953 ] ], [ [ 8179, 8179 ], "mapped", [ 969, 953 ] ], [ [ 8180, 8180 ], "mapped", [ 974, 953 ] ], [ [ 8181, 8181 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 8182, 8182 ], "valid" ], [ [ 8183, 8183 ], "mapped", [ 8182, 953 ] ], [ [ 8184, 8184 ], "mapped", [ 8056 ] ], [ [ 8185, 8185 ], "mapped", [ 972 ] ], [ [ 8186, 8186 ], "mapped", [ 8060 ] ], [ [ 8187, 8187 ], "mapped", [ 974 ] ], [ [ 8188, 8188 ], "mapped", [ 969, 953 ] ], [ [ 8189, 8189 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 769 ] ], [ [ 8190, 8190 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 788 ] ], [ [ 8191, 8191 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 8192, 8202 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32 ] ], [ [ 8203, 8203 ], "ignored" ], [ [ 8204, 8205 ], "deviation", [ ] ], [ [ 8206, 8207 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 8208, 8208 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8209, 8209 ], "mapped", [ 8208 ] ], [ [ 8210, 8214 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8215, 8215 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 819 ] ], [ [ 8216, 8227 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8228, 8230 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 8231, 8231 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8232, 8238 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 8239, 8239 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32 ] ], [ [ 8240, 8242 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8243, 8243 ], "mapped", [ 8242, 8242 ] ], [ [ 8244, 8244 ], "mapped", [ 8242, 8242, 8242 ] ], [ [ 8245, 8245 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8246, 8246 ], "mapped", [ 8245, 8245 ] ], [ [ 8247, 8247 ], "mapped", [ 8245, 8245, 8245 ] ], [ [ 8248, 8251 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8252, 8252 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 33, 33 ] ], [ [ 8253, 8253 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8254, 8254 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 773 ] ], [ [ 8255, 8262 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8263, 8263 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 63, 63 ] ], [ [ 8264, 8264 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 63, 33 ] ], [ [ 8265, 8265 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 33, 63 ] ], [ [ 8266, 8269 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8270, 8274 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8275, 8276 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8277, 8278 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8279, 8279 ], "mapped", [ 8242, 8242, 8242, 8242 ] ], [ [ 8280, 8286 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8287, 8287 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32 ] ], [ [ 8288, 8288 ], "ignored" ], [ [ 8289, 8291 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 8292, 8292 ], "ignored" ], [ [ 8293, 8293 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 8294, 8297 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 8298, 8303 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 8304, 8304 ], "mapped", [ 48 ] ], [ [ 8305, 8305 ], "mapped", [ 105 ] ], [ [ 8306, 8307 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 8308, 8308 ], "mapped", [ 52 ] ], [ [ 8309, 8309 ], "mapped", [ 53 ] ], [ [ 8310, 8310 ], "mapped", [ 54 ] ], [ [ 8311, 8311 ], "mapped", [ 55 ] ], [ [ 8312, 8312 ], "mapped", [ 56 ] ], [ [ 8313, 8313 ], "mapped", [ 57 ] ], [ [ 8314, 8314 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 43 ] ], [ [ 8315, 8315 ], "mapped", [ 8722 ] ], [ [ 8316, 8316 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 61 ] ], [ [ 8317, 8317 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40 ] ], [ [ 8318, 8318 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 41 ] ], [ [ 8319, 8319 ], "mapped", [ 110 ] ], [ [ 8320, 8320 ], "mapped", [ 48 ] ], [ [ 8321, 8321 ], "mapped", [ 49 ] ], [ [ 8322, 8322 ], "mapped", [ 50 ] ], [ [ 8323, 8323 ], "mapped", [ 51 ] ], [ [ 8324, 8324 ], "mapped", [ 52 ] ], [ [ 8325, 8325 ], "mapped", [ 53 ] ], [ [ 8326, 8326 ], "mapped", [ 54 ] ], [ [ 8327, 8327 ], "mapped", [ 55 ] ], [ [ 8328, 8328 ], "mapped", [ 56 ] ], [ [ 8329, 8329 ], "mapped", [ 57 ] ], [ [ 8330, 8330 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 43 ] ], [ [ 8331, 8331 ], "mapped", [ 8722 ] ], [ [ 8332, 8332 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 61 ] ], [ [ 8333, 8333 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40 ] ], [ [ 8334, 8334 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 41 ] ], [ [ 8335, 8335 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 8336, 8336 ], "mapped", [ 97 ] ], [ [ 8337, 8337 ], "mapped", [ 101 ] ], [ [ 8338, 8338 ], "mapped", [ 111 ] ], [ [ 8339, 8339 ], "mapped", [ 120 ] ], [ [ 8340, 8340 ], "mapped", [ 601 ] ], [ [ 8341, 8341 ], "mapped", [ 104 ] ], [ [ 8342, 8342 ], "mapped", [ 107 ] ], [ [ 8343, 8343 ], "mapped", [ 108 ] ], [ [ 8344, 8344 ], "mapped", [ 109 ] ], [ [ 8345, 8345 ], "mapped", [ 110 ] ], [ [ 8346, 8346 ], "mapped", [ 112 ] ], [ [ 8347, 8347 ], "mapped", [ 115 ] ], [ [ 8348, 8348 ], "mapped", [ 116 ] ], [ [ 8349, 8351 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 8352, 8359 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8360, 8360 ], "mapped", [ 114, 115 ] ], [ [ 8361, 8362 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8363, 8363 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8364, 8364 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8365, 8367 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8368, 8369 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8370, 8373 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8374, 8376 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8377, 8377 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8378, 8378 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8379, 8381 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8382, 8382 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8383, 8399 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 8400, 8417 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8418, 8419 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8420, 8426 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8427, 8427 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8428, 8431 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8432, 8432 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8433, 8447 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 8448, 8448 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 97, 47, 99 ] ], [ [ 8449, 8449 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 97, 47, 115 ] ], [ [ 8450, 8450 ], "mapped", [ 99 ] ], [ [ 8451, 8451 ], "mapped", [ 176, 99 ] ], [ [ 8452, 8452 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8453, 8453 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 99, 47, 111 ] ], [ [ 8454, 8454 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 99, 47, 117 ] ], [ [ 8455, 8455 ], "mapped", [ 603 ] ], [ [ 8456, 8456 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8457, 8457 ], "mapped", [ 176, 102 ] ], [ [ 8458, 8458 ], "mapped", [ 103 ] ], [ [ 8459, 8462 ], "mapped", [ 104 ] ], [ [ 8463, 8463 ], "mapped", [ 295 ] ], [ [ 8464, 8465 ], "mapped", [ 105 ] ], [ [ 8466, 8467 ], "mapped", [ 108 ] ], [ [ 8468, 8468 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8469, 8469 ], "mapped", [ 110 ] ], [ [ 8470, 8470 ], "mapped", [ 110, 111 ] ], [ [ 8471, 8472 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8473, 8473 ], "mapped", [ 112 ] ], [ [ 8474, 8474 ], "mapped", [ 113 ] ], [ [ 8475, 8477 ], "mapped", [ 114 ] ], [ [ 8478, 8479 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8480, 8480 ], "mapped", [ 115, 109 ] ], [ [ 8481, 8481 ], "mapped", [ 116, 101, 108 ] ], [ [ 8482, 8482 ], "mapped", [ 116, 109 ] ], [ [ 8483, 8483 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8484, 8484 ], "mapped", [ 122 ] ], [ [ 8485, 8485 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8486, 8486 ], "mapped", [ 969 ] ], [ [ 8487, 8487 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8488, 8488 ], "mapped", [ 122 ] ], [ [ 8489, 8489 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8490, 8490 ], "mapped", [ 107 ] ], [ [ 8491, 8491 ], "mapped", [ 229 ] ], [ [ 8492, 8492 ], "mapped", [ 98 ] ], [ [ 8493, 8493 ], "mapped", [ 99 ] ], [ [ 8494, 8494 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8495, 8496 ], "mapped", [ 101 ] ], [ [ 8497, 8497 ], "mapped", [ 102 ] ], [ [ 8498, 8498 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 8499, 8499 ], "mapped", [ 109 ] ], [ [ 8500, 8500 ], "mapped", [ 111 ] ], [ [ 8501, 8501 ], "mapped", [ 1488 ] ], [ [ 8502, 8502 ], "mapped", [ 1489 ] ], [ [ 8503, 8503 ], "mapped", [ 1490 ] ], [ [ 8504, 8504 ], "mapped", [ 1491 ] ], [ [ 8505, 8505 ], "mapped", [ 105 ] ], [ [ 8506, 8506 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8507, 8507 ], "mapped", [ 102, 97, 120 ] ], [ [ 8508, 8508 ], "mapped", [ 960 ] ], [ [ 8509, 8510 ], "mapped", [ 947 ] ], [ [ 8511, 8511 ], "mapped", [ 960 ] ], [ [ 8512, 8512 ], "mapped", [ 8721 ] ], [ [ 8513, 8516 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8517, 8518 ], "mapped", [ 100 ] ], [ [ 8519, 8519 ], "mapped", [ 101 ] ], [ [ 8520, 8520 ], "mapped", [ 105 ] ], [ [ 8521, 8521 ], "mapped", [ 106 ] ], [ [ 8522, 8523 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8524, 8524 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8525, 8525 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8526, 8526 ], "valid" ], [ [ 8527, 8527 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8528, 8528 ], "mapped", [ 49, 8260, 55 ] ], [ [ 8529, 8529 ], "mapped", [ 49, 8260, 57 ] ], [ [ 8530, 8530 ], "mapped", [ 49, 8260, 49, 48 ] ], [ [ 8531, 8531 ], "mapped", [ 49, 8260, 51 ] ], [ [ 8532, 8532 ], "mapped", [ 50, 8260, 51 ] ], [ [ 8533, 8533 ], "mapped", [ 49, 8260, 53 ] ], [ [ 8534, 8534 ], "mapped", [ 50, 8260, 53 ] ], [ [ 8535, 8535 ], "mapped", [ 51, 8260, 53 ] ], [ [ 8536, 8536 ], "mapped", [ 52, 8260, 53 ] ], [ [ 8537, 8537 ], "mapped", [ 49, 8260, 54 ] ], [ [ 8538, 8538 ], "mapped", [ 53, 8260, 54 ] ], [ [ 8539, 8539 ], "mapped", [ 49, 8260, 56 ] ], [ [ 8540, 8540 ], "mapped", [ 51, 8260, 56 ] ], [ [ 8541, 8541 ], "mapped", [ 53, 8260, 56 ] ], [ [ 8542, 8542 ], "mapped", [ 55, 8260, 56 ] ], [ [ 8543, 8543 ], "mapped", [ 49, 8260 ] ], [ [ 8544, 8544 ], "mapped", [ 105 ] ], [ [ 8545, 8545 ], "mapped", [ 105, 105 ] ], [ [ 8546, 8546 ], "mapped", [ 105, 105, 105 ] ], [ [ 8547, 8547 ], "mapped", [ 105, 118 ] ], [ [ 8548, 8548 ], "mapped", [ 118 ] ], [ [ 8549, 8549 ], "mapped", [ 118, 105 ] ], [ [ 8550, 8550 ], "mapped", [ 118, 105, 105 ] ], [ [ 8551, 8551 ], "mapped", [ 118, 105, 105, 105 ] ], [ [ 8552, 8552 ], "mapped", [ 105, 120 ] ], [ [ 8553, 8553 ], "mapped", [ 120 ] ], [ [ 8554, 8554 ], "mapped", [ 120, 105 ] ], [ [ 8555, 8555 ], "mapped", [ 120, 105, 105 ] ], [ [ 8556, 8556 ], "mapped", [ 108 ] ], [ [ 8557, 8557 ], "mapped", [ 99 ] ], [ [ 8558, 8558 ], "mapped", [ 100 ] ], [ [ 8559, 8559 ], "mapped", [ 109 ] ], [ [ 8560, 8560 ], "mapped", [ 105 ] ], [ [ 8561, 8561 ], "mapped", [ 105, 105 ] ], [ [ 8562, 8562 ], "mapped", [ 105, 105, 105 ] ], [ [ 8563, 8563 ], "mapped", [ 105, 118 ] ], [ [ 8564, 8564 ], "mapped", [ 118 ] ], [ [ 8565, 8565 ], "mapped", [ 118, 105 ] ], [ [ 8566, 8566 ], "mapped", [ 118, 105, 105 ] ], [ [ 8567, 8567 ], "mapped", [ 118, 105, 105, 105 ] ], [ [ 8568, 8568 ], "mapped", [ 105, 120 ] ], [ [ 8569, 8569 ], "mapped", [ 120 ] ], [ [ 8570, 8570 ], "mapped", [ 120, 105 ] ], [ [ 8571, 8571 ], "mapped", [ 120, 105, 105 ] ], [ [ 8572, 8572 ], "mapped", [ 108 ] ], [ [ 8573, 8573 ], "mapped", [ 99 ] ], [ [ 8574, 8574 ], "mapped", [ 100 ] ], [ [ 8575, 8575 ], "mapped", [ 109 ] ], [ [ 8576, 8578 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8579, 8579 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 8580, 8580 ], "valid" ], [ [ 8581, 8584 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8585, 8585 ], "mapped", [ 48, 8260, 51 ] ], [ [ 8586, 8587 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8588, 8591 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 8592, 8682 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8683, 8691 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8692, 8703 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8704, 8747 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8748, 8748 ], "mapped", [ 8747, 8747 ] ], [ [ 8749, 8749 ], "mapped", [ 8747, 8747, 8747 ] ], [ [ 8750, 8750 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8751, 8751 ], "mapped", [ 8750, 8750 ] ], [ [ 8752, 8752 ], "mapped", [ 8750, 8750, 8750 ] ], [ [ 8753, 8799 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8800, 8800 ], "disallowed_STD3_valid" ], [ [ 8801, 8813 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8814, 8815 ], "disallowed_STD3_valid" ], [ [ 8816, 8945 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8946, 8959 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8960, 8960 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8961, 8961 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 8962, 9000 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9001, 9001 ], "mapped", [ 12296 ] ], [ [ 9002, 9002 ], "mapped", [ 12297 ] ], [ [ 9003, 9082 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9083, 9083 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9084, 9084 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9085, 9114 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9115, 9166 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9167, 9168 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9169, 9179 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9180, 9191 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9192, 9192 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9193, 9203 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9204, 9210 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9211, 9215 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 9216, 9252 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9253, 9254 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9255, 9279 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 9280, 9290 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9291, 9311 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 9312, 9312 ], "mapped", [ 49 ] ], [ [ 9313, 9313 ], "mapped", [ 50 ] ], [ [ 9314, 9314 ], "mapped", [ 51 ] ], [ [ 9315, 9315 ], "mapped", [ 52 ] ], [ [ 9316, 9316 ], "mapped", [ 53 ] ], [ [ 9317, 9317 ], "mapped", [ 54 ] ], [ [ 9318, 9318 ], "mapped", [ 55 ] ], [ [ 9319, 9319 ], "mapped", [ 56 ] ], [ [ 9320, 9320 ], "mapped", [ 57 ] ], [ [ 9321, 9321 ], "mapped", [ 49, 48 ] ], [ [ 9322, 9322 ], "mapped", [ 49, 49 ] ], [ [ 9323, 9323 ], "mapped", [ 49, 50 ] ], [ [ 9324, 9324 ], "mapped", [ 49, 51 ] ], [ [ 9325, 9325 ], "mapped", [ 49, 52 ] ], [ [ 9326, 9326 ], "mapped", [ 49, 53 ] ], [ [ 9327, 9327 ], "mapped", [ 49, 54 ] ], [ [ 9328, 9328 ], "mapped", [ 49, 55 ] ], [ [ 9329, 9329 ], "mapped", [ 49, 56 ] ], [ [ 9330, 9330 ], "mapped", [ 49, 57 ] ], [ [ 9331, 9331 ], "mapped", [ 50, 48 ] ], [ [ 9332, 9332 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 49, 41 ] ], [ [ 9333, 9333 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 50, 41 ] ], [ [ 9334, 9334 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 51, 41 ] ], [ [ 9335, 9335 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 52, 41 ] ], [ [ 9336, 9336 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 53, 41 ] ], [ [ 9337, 9337 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 54, 41 ] ], [ [ 9338, 9338 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 55, 41 ] ], [ [ 9339, 9339 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 56, 41 ] ], [ [ 9340, 9340 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 57, 41 ] ], [ [ 9341, 9341 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 49, 48, 41 ] ], [ [ 9342, 9342 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 49, 49, 41 ] ], [ [ 9343, 9343 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 49, 50, 41 ] ], [ [ 9344, 9344 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 49, 51, 41 ] ], [ [ 9345, 9345 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 49, 52, 41 ] ], [ [ 9346, 9346 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 49, 53, 41 ] ], [ [ 9347, 9347 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 49, 54, 41 ] ], [ [ 9348, 9348 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 49, 55, 41 ] ], [ [ 9349, 9349 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 49, 56, 41 ] ], [ [ 9350, 9350 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 49, 57, 41 ] ], [ [ 9351, 9351 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 50, 48, 41 ] ], [ [ 9352, 9371 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 9372, 9372 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 97, 41 ] ], [ [ 9373, 9373 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 98, 41 ] ], [ [ 9374, 9374 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 99, 41 ] ], [ [ 9375, 9375 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 100, 41 ] ], [ [ 9376, 9376 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 101, 41 ] ], [ [ 9377, 9377 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 102, 41 ] ], [ [ 9378, 9378 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 103, 41 ] ], [ [ 9379, 9379 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 104, 41 ] ], [ [ 9380, 9380 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 105, 41 ] ], [ [ 9381, 9381 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 106, 41 ] ], [ [ 9382, 9382 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 107, 41 ] ], [ [ 9383, 9383 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 108, 41 ] ], [ [ 9384, 9384 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 109, 41 ] ], [ [ 9385, 9385 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 110, 41 ] ], [ [ 9386, 9386 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 111, 41 ] ], [ [ 9387, 9387 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 112, 41 ] ], [ [ 9388, 9388 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 113, 41 ] ], [ [ 9389, 9389 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 114, 41 ] ], [ [ 9390, 9390 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 115, 41 ] ], [ [ 9391, 9391 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 116, 41 ] ], [ [ 9392, 9392 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 117, 41 ] ], [ [ 9393, 9393 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 118, 41 ] ], [ [ 9394, 9394 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 119, 41 ] ], [ [ 9395, 9395 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 120, 41 ] ], [ [ 9396, 9396 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 121, 41 ] ], [ [ 9397, 9397 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 122, 41 ] ], [ [ 9398, 9398 ], "mapped", [ 97 ] ], [ [ 9399, 9399 ], "mapped", [ 98 ] ], [ [ 9400, 9400 ], "mapped", [ 99 ] ], [ [ 9401, 9401 ], "mapped", [ 100 ] ], [ [ 9402, 9402 ], "mapped", [ 101 ] ], [ [ 9403, 9403 ], "mapped", [ 102 ] ], [ [ 9404, 9404 ], "mapped", [ 103 ] ], [ [ 9405, 9405 ], "mapped", [ 104 ] ], [ [ 9406, 9406 ], "mapped", [ 105 ] ], [ [ 9407, 9407 ], "mapped", [ 106 ] ], [ [ 9408, 9408 ], "mapped", [ 107 ] ], [ [ 9409, 9409 ], "mapped", [ 108 ] ], [ [ 9410, 9410 ], "mapped", [ 109 ] ], [ [ 9411, 9411 ], "mapped", [ 110 ] ], [ [ 9412, 9412 ], "mapped", [ 111 ] ], [ [ 9413, 9413 ], "mapped", [ 112 ] ], [ [ 9414, 9414 ], "mapped", [ 113 ] ], [ [ 9415, 9415 ], "mapped", [ 114 ] ], [ [ 9416, 9416 ], "mapped", [ 115 ] ], [ [ 9417, 9417 ], "mapped", [ 116 ] ], [ [ 9418, 9418 ], "mapped", [ 117 ] ], [ [ 9419, 9419 ], "mapped", [ 118 ] ], [ [ 9420, 9420 ], "mapped", [ 119 ] ], [ [ 9421, 9421 ], "mapped", [ 120 ] ], [ [ 9422, 9422 ], "mapped", [ 121 ] ], [ [ 9423, 9423 ], "mapped", [ 122 ] ], [ [ 9424, 9424 ], "mapped", [ 97 ] ], [ [ 9425, 9425 ], "mapped", [ 98 ] ], [ [ 9426, 9426 ], "mapped", [ 99 ] ], [ [ 9427, 9427 ], "mapped", [ 100 ] ], [ [ 9428, 9428 ], "mapped", [ 101 ] ], [ [ 9429, 9429 ], "mapped", [ 102 ] ], [ [ 9430, 9430 ], "mapped", [ 103 ] ], [ [ 9431, 9431 ], "mapped", [ 104 ] ], [ [ 9432, 9432 ], "mapped", [ 105 ] ], [ [ 9433, 9433 ], "mapped", [ 106 ] ], [ [ 9434, 9434 ], "mapped", [ 107 ] ], [ [ 9435, 9435 ], "mapped", [ 108 ] ], [ [ 9436, 9436 ], "mapped", [ 109 ] ], [ [ 9437, 9437 ], "mapped", [ 110 ] ], [ [ 9438, 9438 ], "mapped", [ 111 ] ], [ [ 9439, 9439 ], "mapped", [ 112 ] ], [ [ 9440, 9440 ], "mapped", [ 113 ] ], [ [ 9441, 9441 ], "mapped", [ 114 ] ], [ [ 9442, 9442 ], "mapped", [ 115 ] ], [ [ 9443, 9443 ], "mapped", [ 116 ] ], [ [ 9444, 9444 ], "mapped", [ 117 ] ], [ [ 9445, 9445 ], "mapped", [ 118 ] ], [ [ 9446, 9446 ], "mapped", [ 119 ] ], [ [ 9447, 9447 ], "mapped", [ 120 ] ], [ [ 9448, 9448 ], "mapped", [ 121 ] ], [ [ 9449, 9449 ], "mapped", [ 122 ] ], [ [ 9450, 9450 ], "mapped", [ 48 ] ], [ [ 9451, 9470 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9471, 9471 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9472, 9621 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9622, 9631 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9632, 9711 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9712, 9719 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9720, 9727 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9728, 9747 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9748, 9749 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9750, 9751 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9752, 9752 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9753, 9753 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9754, 9839 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9840, 9841 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9842, 9853 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9854, 9855 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9856, 9865 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9866, 9873 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9874, 9884 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9885, 9885 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9886, 9887 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9888, 9889 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9890, 9905 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9906, 9906 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9907, 9916 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9917, 9919 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9920, 9923 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9924, 9933 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9934, 9934 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9935, 9953 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9954, 9954 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9955, 9955 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9956, 9959 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9960, 9983 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9984, 9984 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9985, 9988 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9989, 9989 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9990, 9993 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9994, 9995 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 9996, 10023 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 10024, 10024 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 10025, 10059 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 10060, 10060 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 10061, 10061 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 10062, 10062 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 10063, 10066 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 10067, 10069 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 10070, 10070 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 10071, 10071 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 10072, 10078 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 10079, 10080 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 10081, 10087 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 10088, 10101 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 10102, 10132 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 10133, 10135 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 10136, 10159 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 10160, 10160 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 10161, 10174 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 10175, 10175 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 10176, 10182 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 10183, 10186 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 10187, 10187 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 10188, 10188 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 10189, 10189 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 10190, 10191 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 10192, 10219 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 10220, 10223 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 10224, 10239 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 10240, 10495 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 10496, 10763 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 10764, 10764 ], "mapped", [ 8747, 8747, 8747, 8747 ] ], [ [ 10765, 10867 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 10868, 10868 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 58, 58, 61 ] ], [ [ 10869, 10869 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 61, 61 ] ], [ [ 10870, 10870 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 61, 61, 61 ] ], [ [ 10871, 10971 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 10972, 10972 ], "mapped", [ 10973, 824 ] ], [ [ 10973, 11007 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 11008, 11021 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 11022, 11027 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 11028, 11034 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 11035, 11039 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 11040, 11043 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 11044, 11084 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 11085, 11087 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 11088, 11092 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 11093, 11097 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 11098, 11123 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 11124, 11125 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 11126, 11157 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 11158, 11159 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 11160, 11193 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 11194, 11196 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 11197, 11208 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 11209, 11209 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 11210, 11217 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 11218, 11243 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 11244, 11247 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 11248, 11263 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 11264, 11264 ], "mapped", [ 11312 ] ], [ [ 11265, 11265 ], "mapped", [ 11313 ] ], [ [ 11266, 11266 ], "mapped", [ 11314 ] ], [ [ 11267, 11267 ], "mapped", [ 11315 ] ], [ [ 11268, 11268 ], "mapped", [ 11316 ] ], [ [ 11269, 11269 ], "mapped", [ 11317 ] ], [ [ 11270, 11270 ], "mapped", [ 11318 ] ], [ [ 11271, 11271 ], "mapped", [ 11319 ] ], [ [ 11272, 11272 ], "mapped", [ 11320 ] ], [ [ 11273, 11273 ], "mapped", [ 11321 ] ], [ [ 11274, 11274 ], "mapped", [ 11322 ] ], [ [ 11275, 11275 ], "mapped", [ 11323 ] ], [ [ 11276, 11276 ], "mapped", [ 11324 ] ], [ [ 11277, 11277 ], "mapped", [ 11325 ] ], [ [ 11278, 11278 ], "mapped", [ 11326 ] ], [ [ 11279, 11279 ], "mapped", [ 11327 ] ], [ [ 11280, 11280 ], "mapped", [ 11328 ] ], [ [ 11281, 11281 ], "mapped", [ 11329 ] ], [ [ 11282, 11282 ], "mapped", [ 11330 ] ], [ [ 11283, 11283 ], "mapped", [ 11331 ] ], [ [ 11284, 11284 ], "mapped", [ 11332 ] ], [ [ 11285, 11285 ], "mapped", [ 11333 ] ], [ [ 11286, 11286 ], "mapped", [ 11334 ] ], [ [ 11287, 11287 ], "mapped", [ 11335 ] ], [ [ 11288, 11288 ], "mapped", [ 11336 ] ], [ [ 11289, 11289 ], "mapped", [ 11337 ] ], [ [ 11290, 11290 ], "mapped", [ 11338 ] ], [ [ 11291, 11291 ], "mapped", [ 11339 ] ], [ [ 11292, 11292 ], "mapped", [ 11340 ] ], [ [ 11293, 11293 ], "mapped", [ 11341 ] ], [ [ 11294, 11294 ], "mapped", [ 11342 ] ], [ [ 11295, 11295 ], "mapped", [ 11343 ] ], [ [ 11296, 11296 ], "mapped", [ 11344 ] ], [ [ 11297, 11297 ], "mapped", [ 11345 ] ], [ [ 11298, 11298 ], "mapped", [ 11346 ] ], [ [ 11299, 11299 ], "mapped", [ 11347 ] ], [ [ 11300, 11300 ], "mapped", [ 11348 ] ], [ [ 11301, 11301 ], "mapped", [ 11349 ] ], [ [ 11302, 11302 ], "mapped", [ 11350 ] ], [ [ 11303, 11303 ], "mapped", [ 11351 ] ], [ [ 11304, 11304 ], "mapped", [ 11352 ] ], [ [ 11305, 11305 ], "mapped", [ 11353 ] ], [ [ 11306, 11306 ], "mapped", [ 11354 ] ], [ [ 11307, 11307 ], "mapped", [ 11355 ] ], [ [ 11308, 11308 ], "mapped", [ 11356 ] ], [ [ 11309, 11309 ], "mapped", [ 11357 ] ], [ [ 11310, 11310 ], "mapped", [ 11358 ] ], [ [ 11311, 11311 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 11312, 11358 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11359, 11359 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 11360, 11360 ], "mapped", [ 11361 ] ], [ [ 11361, 11361 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11362, 11362 ], "mapped", [ 619 ] ], [ [ 11363, 11363 ], "mapped", [ 7549 ] ], [ [ 11364, 11364 ], "mapped", [ 637 ] ], [ [ 11365, 11366 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11367, 11367 ], "mapped", [ 11368 ] ], [ [ 11368, 11368 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11369, 11369 ], "mapped", [ 11370 ] ], [ [ 11370, 11370 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11371, 11371 ], "mapped", [ 11372 ] ], [ [ 11372, 11372 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11373, 11373 ], "mapped", [ 593 ] ], [ [ 11374, 11374 ], "mapped", [ 625 ] ], [ [ 11375, 11375 ], "mapped", [ 592 ] ], [ [ 11376, 11376 ], "mapped", [ 594 ] ], [ [ 11377, 11377 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11378, 11378 ], "mapped", [ 11379 ] ], [ [ 11379, 11379 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11380, 11380 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11381, 11381 ], "mapped", [ 11382 ] ], [ [ 11382, 11383 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11384, 11387 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11388, 11388 ], "mapped", [ 106 ] ], [ [ 11389, 11389 ], "mapped", [ 118 ] ], [ [ 11390, 11390 ], "mapped", [ 575 ] ], [ [ 11391, 11391 ], "mapped", [ 576 ] ], [ [ 11392, 11392 ], "mapped", [ 11393 ] ], [ [ 11393, 11393 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11394, 11394 ], "mapped", [ 11395 ] ], [ [ 11395, 11395 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11396, 11396 ], "mapped", [ 11397 ] ], [ [ 11397, 11397 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11398, 11398 ], "mapped", [ 11399 ] ], [ [ 11399, 11399 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11400, 11400 ], "mapped", [ 11401 ] ], [ [ 11401, 11401 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11402, 11402 ], "mapped", [ 11403 ] ], [ [ 11403, 11403 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11404, 11404 ], "mapped", [ 11405 ] ], [ [ 11405, 11405 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11406, 11406 ], "mapped", [ 11407 ] ], [ [ 11407, 11407 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11408, 11408 ], "mapped", [ 11409 ] ], [ [ 11409, 11409 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11410, 11410 ], "mapped", [ 11411 ] ], [ [ 11411, 11411 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11412, 11412 ], "mapped", [ 11413 ] ], [ [ 11413, 11413 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11414, 11414 ], "mapped", [ 11415 ] ], [ [ 11415, 11415 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11416, 11416 ], "mapped", [ 11417 ] ], [ [ 11417, 11417 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11418, 11418 ], "mapped", [ 11419 ] ], [ [ 11419, 11419 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11420, 11420 ], "mapped", [ 11421 ] ], [ [ 11421, 11421 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11422, 11422 ], "mapped", [ 11423 ] ], [ [ 11423, 11423 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11424, 11424 ], "mapped", [ 11425 ] ], [ [ 11425, 11425 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11426, 11426 ], "mapped", [ 11427 ] ], [ [ 11427, 11427 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11428, 11428 ], "mapped", [ 11429 ] ], [ [ 11429, 11429 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11430, 11430 ], "mapped", [ 11431 ] ], [ [ 11431, 11431 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11432, 11432 ], "mapped", [ 11433 ] ], [ [ 11433, 11433 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11434, 11434 ], "mapped", [ 11435 ] ], [ [ 11435, 11435 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11436, 11436 ], "mapped", [ 11437 ] ], [ [ 11437, 11437 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11438, 11438 ], "mapped", [ 11439 ] ], [ [ 11439, 11439 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11440, 11440 ], "mapped", [ 11441 ] ], [ [ 11441, 11441 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11442, 11442 ], "mapped", [ 11443 ] ], [ [ 11443, 11443 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11444, 11444 ], "mapped", [ 11445 ] ], [ [ 11445, 11445 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11446, 11446 ], "mapped", [ 11447 ] ], [ [ 11447, 11447 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11448, 11448 ], "mapped", [ 11449 ] ], [ [ 11449, 11449 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11450, 11450 ], "mapped", [ 11451 ] ], [ [ 11451, 11451 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11452, 11452 ], "mapped", [ 11453 ] ], [ [ 11453, 11453 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11454, 11454 ], "mapped", [ 11455 ] ], [ [ 11455, 11455 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11456, 11456 ], "mapped", [ 11457 ] ], [ [ 11457, 11457 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11458, 11458 ], "mapped", [ 11459 ] ], [ [ 11459, 11459 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11460, 11460 ], "mapped", [ 11461 ] ], [ [ 11461, 11461 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11462, 11462 ], "mapped", [ 11463 ] ], [ [ 11463, 11463 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11464, 11464 ], "mapped", [ 11465 ] ], [ [ 11465, 11465 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11466, 11466 ], "mapped", [ 11467 ] ], [ [ 11467, 11467 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11468, 11468 ], "mapped", [ 11469 ] ], [ [ 11469, 11469 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11470, 11470 ], "mapped", [ 11471 ] ], [ [ 11471, 11471 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11472, 11472 ], "mapped", [ 11473 ] ], [ [ 11473, 11473 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11474, 11474 ], "mapped", [ 11475 ] ], [ [ 11475, 11475 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11476, 11476 ], "mapped", [ 11477 ] ], [ [ 11477, 11477 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11478, 11478 ], "mapped", [ 11479 ] ], [ [ 11479, 11479 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11480, 11480 ], "mapped", [ 11481 ] ], [ [ 11481, 11481 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11482, 11482 ], "mapped", [ 11483 ] ], [ [ 11483, 11483 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11484, 11484 ], "mapped", [ 11485 ] ], [ [ 11485, 11485 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11486, 11486 ], "mapped", [ 11487 ] ], [ [ 11487, 11487 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11488, 11488 ], "mapped", [ 11489 ] ], [ [ 11489, 11489 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11490, 11490 ], "mapped", [ 11491 ] ], [ [ 11491, 11492 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11493, 11498 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 11499, 11499 ], "mapped", [ 11500 ] ], [ [ 11500, 11500 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11501, 11501 ], "mapped", [ 11502 ] ], [ [ 11502, 11505 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11506, 11506 ], "mapped", [ 11507 ] ], [ [ 11507, 11507 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11508, 11512 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 11513, 11519 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 11520, 11557 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11558, 11558 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 11559, 11559 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11560, 11564 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 11565, 11565 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11566, 11567 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 11568, 11621 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11622, 11623 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11624, 11630 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 11631, 11631 ], "mapped", [ 11617 ] ], [ [ 11632, 11632 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 11633, 11646 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 11647, 11647 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11648, 11670 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11671, 11679 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 11680, 11686 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11687, 11687 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 11688, 11694 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11695, 11695 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 11696, 11702 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11703, 11703 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 11704, 11710 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11711, 11711 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 11712, 11718 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11719, 11719 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 11720, 11726 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11727, 11727 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 11728, 11734 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11735, 11735 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 11736, 11742 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11743, 11743 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 11744, 11775 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11776, 11799 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 11800, 11803 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 11804, 11805 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 11806, 11822 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 11823, 11823 ], "valid" ], [ [ 11824, 11824 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 11825, 11825 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 11826, 11835 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 11836, 11842 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 11843, 11903 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 11904, 11929 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 11930, 11930 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 11931, 11934 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 11935, 11935 ], "mapped", [ 27597 ] ], [ [ 11936, 12018 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 12019, 12019 ], "mapped", [ 40863 ] ], [ [ 12020, 12031 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 12032, 12032 ], "mapped", [ 19968 ] ], [ [ 12033, 12033 ], "mapped", [ 20008 ] ], [ [ 12034, 12034 ], "mapped", [ 20022 ] ], [ [ 12035, 12035 ], "mapped", [ 20031 ] ], [ [ 12036, 12036 ], "mapped", [ 20057 ] ], [ [ 12037, 12037 ], "mapped", [ 20101 ] ], [ [ 12038, 12038 ], "mapped", [ 20108 ] ], [ [ 12039, 12039 ], "mapped", [ 20128 ] ], [ [ 12040, 12040 ], "mapped", [ 20154 ] ], [ [ 12041, 12041 ], "mapped", [ 20799 ] ], [ [ 12042, 12042 ], "mapped", [ 20837 ] ], [ [ 12043, 12043 ], "mapped", [ 20843 ] ], [ [ 12044, 12044 ], "mapped", [ 20866 ] ], [ [ 12045, 12045 ], "mapped", [ 20886 ] ], [ [ 12046, 12046 ], "mapped", [ 20907 ] ], [ [ 12047, 12047 ], "mapped", [ 20960 ] ], [ [ 12048, 12048 ], "mapped", [ 20981 ] ], [ [ 12049, 12049 ], "mapped", [ 20992 ] ], [ [ 12050, 12050 ], "mapped", [ 21147 ] ], [ [ 12051, 12051 ], "mapped", [ 21241 ] ], [ [ 12052, 12052 ], "mapped", [ 21269 ] ], [ [ 12053, 12053 ], "mapped", [ 21274 ] ], [ [ 12054, 12054 ], "mapped", [ 21304 ] ], [ [ 12055, 12055 ], "mapped", [ 21313 ] ], [ [ 12056, 12056 ], "mapped", [ 21340 ] ], [ [ 12057, 12057 ], "mapped", [ 21353 ] ], [ [ 12058, 12058 ], "mapped", [ 21378 ] ], [ [ 12059, 12059 ], "mapped", [ 21430 ] ], [ [ 12060, 12060 ], "mapped", [ 21448 ] ], [ [ 12061, 12061 ], "mapped", [ 21475 ] ], [ [ 12062, 12062 ], "mapped", [ 22231 ] ], [ [ 12063, 12063 ], "mapped", [ 22303 ] ], [ [ 12064, 12064 ], "mapped", [ 22763 ] ], [ [ 12065, 12065 ], "mapped", [ 22786 ] ], [ [ 12066, 12066 ], "mapped", [ 22794 ] ], [ [ 12067, 12067 ], "mapped", [ 22805 ] ], [ [ 12068, 12068 ], "mapped", [ 22823 ] ], [ [ 12069, 12069 ], "mapped", [ 22899 ] ], [ [ 12070, 12070 ], "mapped", [ 23376 ] ], [ [ 12071, 12071 ], "mapped", [ 23424 ] ], [ [ 12072, 12072 ], "mapped", [ 23544 ] ], [ [ 12073, 12073 ], "mapped", [ 23567 ] ], [ [ 12074, 12074 ], "mapped", [ 23586 ] ], [ [ 12075, 12075 ], "mapped", [ 23608 ] ], [ [ 12076, 12076 ], "mapped", [ 23662 ] ], [ [ 12077, 12077 ], "mapped", [ 23665 ] ], [ [ 12078, 12078 ], "mapped", [ 24027 ] ], [ [ 12079, 12079 ], "mapped", [ 24037 ] ], [ [ 12080, 12080 ], "mapped", [ 24049 ] ], [ [ 12081, 12081 ], "mapped", [ 24062 ] ], [ [ 12082, 12082 ], "mapped", [ 24178 ] ], [ [ 12083, 12083 ], "mapped", [ 24186 ] ], [ [ 12084, 12084 ], "mapped", [ 24191 ] ], [ [ 12085, 12085 ], "mapped", [ 24308 ] ], [ [ 12086, 12086 ], "mapped", [ 24318 ] ], [ [ 12087, 12087 ], "mapped", [ 24331 ] ], [ [ 12088, 12088 ], "mapped", [ 24339 ] ], [ [ 12089, 12089 ], "mapped", [ 24400 ] ], [ [ 12090, 12090 ], "mapped", [ 24417 ] ], [ [ 12091, 12091 ], "mapped", [ 24435 ] ], [ [ 12092, 12092 ], "mapped", [ 24515 ] ], [ [ 12093, 12093 ], "mapped", [ 25096 ] ], [ [ 12094, 12094 ], "mapped", [ 25142 ] ], [ [ 12095, 12095 ], "mapped", [ 25163 ] ], [ [ 12096, 12096 ], "mapped", [ 25903 ] ], [ [ 12097, 12097 ], "mapped", [ 25908 ] ], [ [ 12098, 12098 ], "mapped", [ 25991 ] ], [ [ 12099, 12099 ], "mapped", [ 26007 ] ], [ [ 12100, 12100 ], "mapped", [ 26020 ] ], [ [ 12101, 12101 ], "mapped", [ 26041 ] ], [ [ 12102, 12102 ], "mapped", [ 26080 ] ], [ [ 12103, 12103 ], "mapped", [ 26085 ] ], [ [ 12104, 12104 ], "mapped", [ 26352 ] ], [ [ 12105, 12105 ], "mapped", [ 26376 ] ], [ [ 12106, 12106 ], "mapped", [ 26408 ] ], [ [ 12107, 12107 ], "mapped", [ 27424 ] ], [ [ 12108, 12108 ], "mapped", [ 27490 ] ], [ [ 12109, 12109 ], "mapped", [ 27513 ] ], [ [ 12110, 12110 ], "mapped", [ 27571 ] ], [ [ 12111, 12111 ], "mapped", [ 27595 ] ], [ [ 12112, 12112 ], "mapped", [ 27604 ] ], [ [ 12113, 12113 ], "mapped", [ 27611 ] ], [ [ 12114, 12114 ], "mapped", [ 27663 ] ], [ [ 12115, 12115 ], "mapped", [ 27668 ] ], [ [ 12116, 12116 ], "mapped", [ 27700 ] ], [ [ 12117, 12117 ], "mapped", [ 28779 ] ], [ [ 12118, 12118 ], "mapped", [ 29226 ] ], [ [ 12119, 12119 ], "mapped", [ 29238 ] ], [ [ 12120, 12120 ], "mapped", [ 29243 ] ], [ [ 12121, 12121 ], "mapped", [ 29247 ] ], [ [ 12122, 12122 ], "mapped", [ 29255 ] ], [ [ 12123, 12123 ], "mapped", [ 29273 ] ], [ [ 12124, 12124 ], "mapped", [ 29275 ] ], [ [ 12125, 12125 ], "mapped", [ 29356 ] ], [ [ 12126, 12126 ], "mapped", [ 29572 ] ], [ [ 12127, 12127 ], "mapped", [ 29577 ] ], [ [ 12128, 12128 ], "mapped", [ 29916 ] ], [ [ 12129, 12129 ], "mapped", [ 29926 ] ], [ [ 12130, 12130 ], "mapped", [ 29976 ] ], [ [ 12131, 12131 ], "mapped", [ 29983 ] ], [ [ 12132, 12132 ], "mapped", [ 29992 ] ], [ [ 12133, 12133 ], "mapped", [ 30000 ] ], [ [ 12134, 12134 ], "mapped", [ 30091 ] ], [ [ 12135, 12135 ], "mapped", [ 30098 ] ], [ [ 12136, 12136 ], "mapped", [ 30326 ] ], [ [ 12137, 12137 ], "mapped", [ 30333 ] ], [ [ 12138, 12138 ], "mapped", [ 30382 ] ], [ [ 12139, 12139 ], "mapped", [ 30399 ] ], [ [ 12140, 12140 ], "mapped", [ 30446 ] ], [ [ 12141, 12141 ], "mapped", [ 30683 ] ], [ [ 12142, 12142 ], "mapped", [ 30690 ] ], [ [ 12143, 12143 ], "mapped", [ 30707 ] ], [ [ 12144, 12144 ], "mapped", [ 31034 ] ], [ [ 12145, 12145 ], "mapped", [ 31160 ] ], [ [ 12146, 12146 ], "mapped", [ 31166 ] ], [ [ 12147, 12147 ], "mapped", [ 31348 ] ], [ [ 12148, 12148 ], "mapped", [ 31435 ] ], [ [ 12149, 12149 ], "mapped", [ 31481 ] ], [ [ 12150, 12150 ], "mapped", [ 31859 ] ], [ [ 12151, 12151 ], "mapped", [ 31992 ] ], [ [ 12152, 12152 ], "mapped", [ 32566 ] ], [ [ 12153, 12153 ], "mapped", [ 32593 ] ], [ [ 12154, 12154 ], "mapped", [ 32650 ] ], [ [ 12155, 12155 ], "mapped", [ 32701 ] ], [ [ 12156, 12156 ], "mapped", [ 32769 ] ], [ [ 12157, 12157 ], "mapped", [ 32780 ] ], [ [ 12158, 12158 ], "mapped", [ 32786 ] ], [ [ 12159, 12159 ], "mapped", [ 32819 ] ], [ [ 12160, 12160 ], "mapped", [ 32895 ] ], [ [ 12161, 12161 ], "mapped", [ 32905 ] ], [ [ 12162, 12162 ], "mapped", [ 33251 ] ], [ [ 12163, 12163 ], "mapped", [ 33258 ] ], [ [ 12164, 12164 ], "mapped", [ 33267 ] ], [ [ 12165, 12165 ], "mapped", [ 33276 ] ], [ [ 12166, 12166 ], "mapped", [ 33292 ] ], [ [ 12167, 12167 ], "mapped", [ 33307 ] ], [ [ 12168, 12168 ], "mapped", [ 33311 ] ], [ [ 12169, 12169 ], "mapped", [ 33390 ] ], [ [ 12170, 12170 ], "mapped", [ 33394 ] ], [ [ 12171, 12171 ], "mapped", [ 33400 ] ], [ [ 12172, 12172 ], "mapped", [ 34381 ] ], [ [ 12173, 12173 ], "mapped", [ 34411 ] ], [ [ 12174, 12174 ], "mapped", [ 34880 ] ], [ [ 12175, 12175 ], "mapped", [ 34892 ] ], [ [ 12176, 12176 ], "mapped", [ 34915 ] ], [ [ 12177, 12177 ], "mapped", [ 35198 ] ], [ [ 12178, 12178 ], "mapped", [ 35211 ] ], [ [ 12179, 12179 ], "mapped", [ 35282 ] ], [ [ 12180, 12180 ], "mapped", [ 35328 ] ], [ [ 12181, 12181 ], "mapped", [ 35895 ] ], [ [ 12182, 12182 ], "mapped", [ 35910 ] ], [ [ 12183, 12183 ], "mapped", [ 35925 ] ], [ [ 12184, 12184 ], "mapped", [ 35960 ] ], [ [ 12185, 12185 ], "mapped", [ 35997 ] ], [ [ 12186, 12186 ], "mapped", [ 36196 ] ], [ [ 12187, 12187 ], "mapped", [ 36208 ] ], [ [ 12188, 12188 ], "mapped", [ 36275 ] ], [ [ 12189, 12189 ], "mapped", [ 36523 ] ], [ [ 12190, 12190 ], "mapped", [ 36554 ] ], [ [ 12191, 12191 ], "mapped", [ 36763 ] ], [ [ 12192, 12192 ], "mapped", [ 36784 ] ], [ [ 12193, 12193 ], "mapped", [ 36789 ] ], [ [ 12194, 12194 ], "mapped", [ 37009 ] ], [ [ 12195, 12195 ], "mapped", [ 37193 ] ], [ [ 12196, 12196 ], "mapped", [ 37318 ] ], [ [ 12197, 12197 ], "mapped", [ 37324 ] ], [ [ 12198, 12198 ], "mapped", [ 37329 ] ], [ [ 12199, 12199 ], "mapped", [ 38263 ] ], [ [ 12200, 12200 ], "mapped", [ 38272 ] ], [ [ 12201, 12201 ], "mapped", [ 38428 ] ], [ [ 12202, 12202 ], "mapped", [ 38582 ] ], [ [ 12203, 12203 ], "mapped", [ 38585 ] ], [ [ 12204, 12204 ], "mapped", [ 38632 ] ], [ [ 12205, 12205 ], "mapped", [ 38737 ] ], [ [ 12206, 12206 ], "mapped", [ 38750 ] ], [ [ 12207, 12207 ], "mapped", [ 38754 ] ], [ [ 12208, 12208 ], "mapped", [ 38761 ] ], [ [ 12209, 12209 ], "mapped", [ 38859 ] ], [ [ 12210, 12210 ], "mapped", [ 38893 ] ], [ [ 12211, 12211 ], "mapped", [ 38899 ] ], [ [ 12212, 12212 ], "mapped", [ 38913 ] ], [ [ 12213, 12213 ], "mapped", [ 39080 ] ], [ [ 12214, 12214 ], "mapped", [ 39131 ] ], [ [ 12215, 12215 ], "mapped", [ 39135 ] ], [ [ 12216, 12216 ], "mapped", [ 39318 ] ], [ [ 12217, 12217 ], "mapped", [ 39321 ] ], [ [ 12218, 12218 ], "mapped", [ 39340 ] ], [ [ 12219, 12219 ], "mapped", [ 39592 ] ], [ [ 12220, 12220 ], "mapped", [ 39640 ] ], [ [ 12221, 12221 ], "mapped", [ 39647 ] ], [ [ 12222, 12222 ], "mapped", [ 39717 ] ], [ [ 12223, 12223 ], "mapped", [ 39727 ] ], [ [ 12224, 12224 ], "mapped", [ 39730 ] ], [ [ 12225, 12225 ], "mapped", [ 39740 ] ], [ [ 12226, 12226 ], "mapped", [ 39770 ] ], [ [ 12227, 12227 ], "mapped", [ 40165 ] ], [ [ 12228, 12228 ], "mapped", [ 40565 ] ], [ [ 12229, 12229 ], "mapped", [ 40575 ] ], [ [ 12230, 12230 ], "mapped", [ 40613 ] ], [ [ 12231, 12231 ], "mapped", [ 40635 ] ], [ [ 12232, 12232 ], "mapped", [ 40643 ] ], [ [ 12233, 12233 ], "mapped", [ 40653 ] ], [ [ 12234, 12234 ], "mapped", [ 40657 ] ], [ [ 12235, 12235 ], "mapped", [ 40697 ] ], [ [ 12236, 12236 ], "mapped", [ 40701 ] ], [ [ 12237, 12237 ], "mapped", [ 40718 ] ], [ [ 12238, 12238 ], "mapped", [ 40723 ] ], [ [ 12239, 12239 ], "mapped", [ 40736 ] ], [ [ 12240, 12240 ], "mapped", [ 40763 ] ], [ [ 12241, 12241 ], "mapped", [ 40778 ] ], [ [ 12242, 12242 ], "mapped", [ 40786 ] ], [ [ 12243, 12243 ], "mapped", [ 40845 ] ], [ [ 12244, 12244 ], "mapped", [ 40860 ] ], [ [ 12245, 12245 ], "mapped", [ 40864 ] ], [ [ 12246, 12271 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 12272, 12283 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 12284, 12287 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 12288, 12288 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32 ] ], [ [ 12289, 12289 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 12290, 12290 ], "mapped", [ 46 ] ], [ [ 12291, 12292 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 12293, 12295 ], "valid" ], [ [ 12296, 12329 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 12330, 12333 ], "valid" ], [ [ 12334, 12341 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 12342, 12342 ], "mapped", [ 12306 ] ], [ [ 12343, 12343 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 12344, 12344 ], "mapped", [ 21313 ] ], [ [ 12345, 12345 ], "mapped", [ 21316 ] ], [ [ 12346, 12346 ], "mapped", [ 21317 ] ], [ [ 12347, 12347 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 12348, 12348 ], "valid" ], [ [ 12349, 12349 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 12350, 12350 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 12351, 12351 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 12352, 12352 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 12353, 12436 ], "valid" ], [ [ 12437, 12438 ], "valid" ], [ [ 12439, 12440 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 12441, 12442 ], "valid" ], [ [ 12443, 12443 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 12441 ] ], [ [ 12444, 12444 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 12442 ] ], [ [ 12445, 12446 ], "valid" ], [ [ 12447, 12447 ], "mapped", [ 12424, 12426 ] ], [ [ 12448, 12448 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 12449, 12542 ], "valid" ], [ [ 12543, 12543 ], "mapped", [ 12467, 12488 ] ], [ [ 12544, 12548 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 12549, 12588 ], "valid" ], [ [ 12589, 12589 ], "valid" ], [ [ 12590, 12592 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 12593, 12593 ], "mapped", [ 4352 ] ], [ [ 12594, 12594 ], "mapped", [ 4353 ] ], [ [ 12595, 12595 ], "mapped", [ 4522 ] ], [ [ 12596, 12596 ], "mapped", [ 4354 ] ], [ [ 12597, 12597 ], "mapped", [ 4524 ] ], [ [ 12598, 12598 ], "mapped", [ 4525 ] ], [ [ 12599, 12599 ], "mapped", [ 4355 ] ], [ [ 12600, 12600 ], "mapped", [ 4356 ] ], [ [ 12601, 12601 ], "mapped", [ 4357 ] ], [ [ 12602, 12602 ], "mapped", [ 4528 ] ], [ [ 12603, 12603 ], "mapped", [ 4529 ] ], [ [ 12604, 12604 ], "mapped", [ 4530 ] ], [ [ 12605, 12605 ], "mapped", [ 4531 ] ], [ [ 12606, 12606 ], "mapped", [ 4532 ] ], [ [ 12607, 12607 ], "mapped", [ 4533 ] ], [ [ 12608, 12608 ], "mapped", [ 4378 ] ], [ [ 12609, 12609 ], "mapped", [ 4358 ] ], [ [ 12610, 12610 ], "mapped", [ 4359 ] ], [ [ 12611, 12611 ], "mapped", [ 4360 ] ], [ [ 12612, 12612 ], "mapped", [ 4385 ] ], [ [ 12613, 12613 ], "mapped", [ 4361 ] ], [ [ 12614, 12614 ], "mapped", [ 4362 ] ], [ [ 12615, 12615 ], "mapped", [ 4363 ] ], [ [ 12616, 12616 ], "mapped", [ 4364 ] ], [ [ 12617, 12617 ], "mapped", [ 4365 ] ], [ [ 12618, 12618 ], "mapped", [ 4366 ] ], [ [ 12619, 12619 ], "mapped", [ 4367 ] ], [ [ 12620, 12620 ], "mapped", [ 4368 ] ], [ [ 12621, 12621 ], "mapped", [ 4369 ] ], [ [ 12622, 12622 ], "mapped", [ 4370 ] ], [ [ 12623, 12623 ], "mapped", [ 4449 ] ], [ [ 12624, 12624 ], "mapped", [ 4450 ] ], [ [ 12625, 12625 ], "mapped", [ 4451 ] ], [ [ 12626, 12626 ], "mapped", [ 4452 ] ], [ [ 12627, 12627 ], "mapped", [ 4453 ] ], [ [ 12628, 12628 ], "mapped", [ 4454 ] ], [ [ 12629, 12629 ], "mapped", [ 4455 ] ], [ [ 12630, 12630 ], "mapped", [ 4456 ] ], [ [ 12631, 12631 ], "mapped", [ 4457 ] ], [ [ 12632, 12632 ], "mapped", [ 4458 ] ], [ [ 12633, 12633 ], "mapped", [ 4459 ] ], [ [ 12634, 12634 ], "mapped", [ 4460 ] ], [ [ 12635, 12635 ], "mapped", [ 4461 ] ], [ [ 12636, 12636 ], "mapped", [ 4462 ] ], [ [ 12637, 12637 ], "mapped", [ 4463 ] ], [ [ 12638, 12638 ], "mapped", [ 4464 ] ], [ [ 12639, 12639 ], "mapped", [ 4465 ] ], [ [ 12640, 12640 ], "mapped", [ 4466 ] ], [ [ 12641, 12641 ], "mapped", [ 4467 ] ], [ [ 12642, 12642 ], "mapped", [ 4468 ] ], [ [ 12643, 12643 ], "mapped", [ 4469 ] ], [ [ 12644, 12644 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 12645, 12645 ], "mapped", [ 4372 ] ], [ [ 12646, 12646 ], "mapped", [ 4373 ] ], [ [ 12647, 12647 ], "mapped", [ 4551 ] ], [ [ 12648, 12648 ], "mapped", [ 4552 ] ], [ [ 12649, 12649 ], "mapped", [ 4556 ] ], [ [ 12650, 12650 ], "mapped", [ 4558 ] ], [ [ 12651, 12651 ], "mapped", [ 4563 ] ], [ [ 12652, 12652 ], "mapped", [ 4567 ] ], [ [ 12653, 12653 ], "mapped", [ 4569 ] ], [ [ 12654, 12654 ], "mapped", [ 4380 ] ], [ [ 12655, 12655 ], "mapped", [ 4573 ] ], [ [ 12656, 12656 ], "mapped", [ 4575 ] ], [ [ 12657, 12657 ], "mapped", [ 4381 ] ], [ [ 12658, 12658 ], "mapped", [ 4382 ] ], [ [ 12659, 12659 ], "mapped", [ 4384 ] ], [ [ 12660, 12660 ], "mapped", [ 4386 ] ], [ [ 12661, 12661 ], "mapped", [ 4387 ] ], [ [ 12662, 12662 ], "mapped", [ 4391 ] ], [ [ 12663, 12663 ], "mapped", [ 4393 ] ], [ [ 12664, 12664 ], "mapped", [ 4395 ] ], [ [ 12665, 12665 ], "mapped", [ 4396 ] ], [ [ 12666, 12666 ], "mapped", [ 4397 ] ], [ [ 12667, 12667 ], "mapped", [ 4398 ] ], [ [ 12668, 12668 ], "mapped", [ 4399 ] ], [ [ 12669, 12669 ], "mapped", [ 4402 ] ], [ [ 12670, 12670 ], "mapped", [ 4406 ] ], [ [ 12671, 12671 ], "mapped", [ 4416 ] ], [ [ 12672, 12672 ], "mapped", [ 4423 ] ], [ [ 12673, 12673 ], "mapped", [ 4428 ] ], [ [ 12674, 12674 ], "mapped", [ 4593 ] ], [ [ 12675, 12675 ], "mapped", [ 4594 ] ], [ [ 12676, 12676 ], "mapped", [ 4439 ] ], [ [ 12677, 12677 ], "mapped", [ 4440 ] ], [ [ 12678, 12678 ], "mapped", [ 4441 ] ], [ [ 12679, 12679 ], "mapped", [ 4484 ] ], [ [ 12680, 12680 ], "mapped", [ 4485 ] ], [ [ 12681, 12681 ], "mapped", [ 4488 ] ], [ [ 12682, 12682 ], "mapped", [ 4497 ] ], [ [ 12683, 12683 ], "mapped", [ 4498 ] ], [ [ 12684, 12684 ], "mapped", [ 4500 ] ], [ [ 12685, 12685 ], "mapped", [ 4510 ] ], [ [ 12686, 12686 ], "mapped", [ 4513 ] ], [ [ 12687, 12687 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 12688, 12689 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 12690, 12690 ], "mapped", [ 19968 ] ], [ [ 12691, 12691 ], "mapped", [ 20108 ] ], [ [ 12692, 12692 ], "mapped", [ 19977 ] ], [ [ 12693, 12693 ], "mapped", [ 22235 ] ], [ [ 12694, 12694 ], "mapped", [ 19978 ] ], [ [ 12695, 12695 ], "mapped", [ 20013 ] ], [ [ 12696, 12696 ], "mapped", [ 19979 ] ], [ [ 12697, 12697 ], "mapped", [ 30002 ] ], [ [ 12698, 12698 ], "mapped", [ 20057 ] ], [ [ 12699, 12699 ], "mapped", [ 19993 ] ], [ [ 12700, 12700 ], "mapped", [ 19969 ] ], [ [ 12701, 12701 ], "mapped", [ 22825 ] ], [ [ 12702, 12702 ], "mapped", [ 22320 ] ], [ [ 12703, 12703 ], "mapped", [ 20154 ] ], [ [ 12704, 12727 ], "valid" ], [ [ 12728, 12730 ], "valid" ], [ [ 12731, 12735 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 12736, 12751 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 12752, 12771 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 12772, 12783 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 12784, 12799 ], "valid" ], [ [ 12800, 12800 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 4352, 41 ] ], [ [ 12801, 12801 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 4354, 41 ] ], [ [ 12802, 12802 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 4355, 41 ] ], [ [ 12803, 12803 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 4357, 41 ] ], [ [ 12804, 12804 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 4358, 41 ] ], [ [ 12805, 12805 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 4359, 41 ] ], [ [ 12806, 12806 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 4361, 41 ] ], [ [ 12807, 12807 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 4363, 41 ] ], [ [ 12808, 12808 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 4364, 41 ] ], [ [ 12809, 12809 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 4366, 41 ] ], [ [ 12810, 12810 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 4367, 41 ] ], [ [ 12811, 12811 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 4368, 41 ] ], [ [ 12812, 12812 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 4369, 41 ] ], [ [ 12813, 12813 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 4370, 41 ] ], [ [ 12814, 12814 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 44032, 41 ] ], [ [ 12815, 12815 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 45208, 41 ] ], [ [ 12816, 12816 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 45796, 41 ] ], [ [ 12817, 12817 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 46972, 41 ] ], [ [ 12818, 12818 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 47560, 41 ] ], [ [ 12819, 12819 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 48148, 41 ] ], [ [ 12820, 12820 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 49324, 41 ] ], [ [ 12821, 12821 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 50500, 41 ] ], [ [ 12822, 12822 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 51088, 41 ] ], [ [ 12823, 12823 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 52264, 41 ] ], [ [ 12824, 12824 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 52852, 41 ] ], [ [ 12825, 12825 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 53440, 41 ] ], [ [ 12826, 12826 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 54028, 41 ] ], [ [ 12827, 12827 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 54616, 41 ] ], [ [ 12828, 12828 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 51452, 41 ] ], [ [ 12829, 12829 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 50724, 51204, 41 ] ], [ [ 12830, 12830 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 50724, 54980, 41 ] ], [ [ 12831, 12831 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 12832, 12832 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 19968, 41 ] ], [ [ 12833, 12833 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 20108, 41 ] ], [ [ 12834, 12834 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 19977, 41 ] ], [ [ 12835, 12835 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 22235, 41 ] ], [ [ 12836, 12836 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 20116, 41 ] ], [ [ 12837, 12837 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 20845, 41 ] ], [ [ 12838, 12838 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 19971, 41 ] ], [ [ 12839, 12839 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 20843, 41 ] ], [ [ 12840, 12840 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 20061, 41 ] ], [ [ 12841, 12841 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 21313, 41 ] ], [ [ 12842, 12842 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 26376, 41 ] ], [ [ 12843, 12843 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 28779, 41 ] ], [ [ 12844, 12844 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 27700, 41 ] ], [ [ 12845, 12845 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 26408, 41 ] ], [ [ 12846, 12846 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 37329, 41 ] ], [ [ 12847, 12847 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 22303, 41 ] ], [ [ 12848, 12848 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 26085, 41 ] ], [ [ 12849, 12849 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 26666, 41 ] ], [ [ 12850, 12850 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 26377, 41 ] ], [ [ 12851, 12851 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 31038, 41 ] ], [ [ 12852, 12852 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 21517, 41 ] ], [ [ 12853, 12853 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 29305, 41 ] ], [ [ 12854, 12854 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 36001, 41 ] ], [ [ 12855, 12855 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 31069, 41 ] ], [ [ 12856, 12856 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 21172, 41 ] ], [ [ 12857, 12857 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 20195, 41 ] ], [ [ 12858, 12858 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 21628, 41 ] ], [ [ 12859, 12859 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 23398, 41 ] ], [ [ 12860, 12860 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 30435, 41 ] ], [ [ 12861, 12861 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 20225, 41 ] ], [ [ 12862, 12862 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 36039, 41 ] ], [ [ 12863, 12863 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 21332, 41 ] ], [ [ 12864, 12864 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 31085, 41 ] ], [ [ 12865, 12865 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 20241, 41 ] ], [ [ 12866, 12866 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 33258, 41 ] ], [ [ 12867, 12867 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 33267, 41 ] ], [ [ 12868, 12868 ], "mapped", [ 21839 ] ], [ [ 12869, 12869 ], "mapped", [ 24188 ] ], [ [ 12870, 12870 ], "mapped", [ 25991 ] ], [ [ 12871, 12871 ], "mapped", [ 31631 ] ], [ [ 12872, 12879 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 12880, 12880 ], "mapped", [ 112, 116, 101 ] ], [ [ 12881, 12881 ], "mapped", [ 50, 49 ] ], [ [ 12882, 12882 ], "mapped", [ 50, 50 ] ], [ [ 12883, 12883 ], "mapped", [ 50, 51 ] ], [ [ 12884, 12884 ], "mapped", [ 50, 52 ] ], [ [ 12885, 12885 ], "mapped", [ 50, 53 ] ], [ [ 12886, 12886 ], "mapped", [ 50, 54 ] ], [ [ 12887, 12887 ], "mapped", [ 50, 55 ] ], [ [ 12888, 12888 ], "mapped", [ 50, 56 ] ], [ [ 12889, 12889 ], "mapped", [ 50, 57 ] ], [ [ 12890, 12890 ], "mapped", [ 51, 48 ] ], [ [ 12891, 12891 ], "mapped", [ 51, 49 ] ], [ [ 12892, 12892 ], "mapped", [ 51, 50 ] ], [ [ 12893, 12893 ], "mapped", [ 51, 51 ] ], [ [ 12894, 12894 ], "mapped", [ 51, 52 ] ], [ [ 12895, 12895 ], "mapped", [ 51, 53 ] ], [ [ 12896, 12896 ], "mapped", [ 4352 ] ], [ [ 12897, 12897 ], "mapped", [ 4354 ] ], [ [ 12898, 12898 ], "mapped", [ 4355 ] ], [ [ 12899, 12899 ], "mapped", [ 4357 ] ], [ [ 12900, 12900 ], "mapped", [ 4358 ] ], [ [ 12901, 12901 ], "mapped", [ 4359 ] ], [ [ 12902, 12902 ], "mapped", [ 4361 ] ], [ [ 12903, 12903 ], "mapped", [ 4363 ] ], [ [ 12904, 12904 ], "mapped", [ 4364 ] ], [ [ 12905, 12905 ], "mapped", [ 4366 ] ], [ [ 12906, 12906 ], "mapped", [ 4367 ] ], [ [ 12907, 12907 ], "mapped", [ 4368 ] ], [ [ 12908, 12908 ], "mapped", [ 4369 ] ], [ [ 12909, 12909 ], "mapped", [ 4370 ] ], [ [ 12910, 12910 ], "mapped", [ 44032 ] ], [ [ 12911, 12911 ], "mapped", [ 45208 ] ], [ [ 12912, 12912 ], "mapped", [ 45796 ] ], [ [ 12913, 12913 ], "mapped", [ 46972 ] ], [ [ 12914, 12914 ], "mapped", [ 47560 ] ], [ [ 12915, 12915 ], "mapped", [ 48148 ] ], [ [ 12916, 12916 ], "mapped", [ 49324 ] ], [ [ 12917, 12917 ], "mapped", [ 50500 ] ], [ [ 12918, 12918 ], "mapped", [ 51088 ] ], [ [ 12919, 12919 ], "mapped", [ 52264 ] ], [ [ 12920, 12920 ], "mapped", [ 52852 ] ], [ [ 12921, 12921 ], "mapped", [ 53440 ] ], [ [ 12922, 12922 ], "mapped", [ 54028 ] ], [ [ 12923, 12923 ], "mapped", [ 54616 ] ], [ [ 12924, 12924 ], "mapped", [ 52280, 44256 ] ], [ [ 12925, 12925 ], "mapped", [ 51452, 51032 ] ], [ [ 12926, 12926 ], "mapped", [ 50864 ] ], [ [ 12927, 12927 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 12928, 12928 ], "mapped", [ 19968 ] ], [ [ 12929, 12929 ], "mapped", [ 20108 ] ], [ [ 12930, 12930 ], "mapped", [ 19977 ] ], [ [ 12931, 12931 ], "mapped", [ 22235 ] ], [ [ 12932, 12932 ], "mapped", [ 20116 ] ], [ [ 12933, 12933 ], "mapped", [ 20845 ] ], [ [ 12934, 12934 ], "mapped", [ 19971 ] ], [ [ 12935, 12935 ], "mapped", [ 20843 ] ], [ [ 12936, 12936 ], "mapped", [ 20061 ] ], [ [ 12937, 12937 ], "mapped", [ 21313 ] ], [ [ 12938, 12938 ], "mapped", [ 26376 ] ], [ [ 12939, 12939 ], "mapped", [ 28779 ] ], [ [ 12940, 12940 ], "mapped", [ 27700 ] ], [ [ 12941, 12941 ], "mapped", [ 26408 ] ], [ [ 12942, 12942 ], "mapped", [ 37329 ] ], [ [ 12943, 12943 ], "mapped", [ 22303 ] ], [ [ 12944, 12944 ], "mapped", [ 26085 ] ], [ [ 12945, 12945 ], "mapped", [ 26666 ] ], [ [ 12946, 12946 ], "mapped", [ 26377 ] ], [ [ 12947, 12947 ], "mapped", [ 31038 ] ], [ [ 12948, 12948 ], "mapped", [ 21517 ] ], [ [ 12949, 12949 ], "mapped", [ 29305 ] ], [ [ 12950, 12950 ], "mapped", [ 36001 ] ], [ [ 12951, 12951 ], "mapped", [ 31069 ] ], [ [ 12952, 12952 ], "mapped", [ 21172 ] ], [ [ 12953, 12953 ], "mapped", [ 31192 ] ], [ [ 12954, 12954 ], "mapped", [ 30007 ] ], [ [ 12955, 12955 ], "mapped", [ 22899 ] ], [ [ 12956, 12956 ], "mapped", [ 36969 ] ], [ [ 12957, 12957 ], "mapped", [ 20778 ] ], [ [ 12958, 12958 ], "mapped", [ 21360 ] ], [ [ 12959, 12959 ], "mapped", [ 27880 ] ], [ [ 12960, 12960 ], "mapped", [ 38917 ] ], [ [ 12961, 12961 ], "mapped", [ 20241 ] ], [ [ 12962, 12962 ], "mapped", [ 20889 ] ], [ [ 12963, 12963 ], "mapped", [ 27491 ] ], [ [ 12964, 12964 ], "mapped", [ 19978 ] ], [ [ 12965, 12965 ], "mapped", [ 20013 ] ], [ [ 12966, 12966 ], "mapped", [ 19979 ] ], [ [ 12967, 12967 ], "mapped", [ 24038 ] ], [ [ 12968, 12968 ], "mapped", [ 21491 ] ], [ [ 12969, 12969 ], "mapped", [ 21307 ] ], [ [ 12970, 12970 ], "mapped", [ 23447 ] ], [ [ 12971, 12971 ], "mapped", [ 23398 ] ], [ [ 12972, 12972 ], "mapped", [ 30435 ] ], [ [ 12973, 12973 ], "mapped", [ 20225 ] ], [ [ 12974, 12974 ], "mapped", [ 36039 ] ], [ [ 12975, 12975 ], "mapped", [ 21332 ] ], [ [ 12976, 12976 ], "mapped", [ 22812 ] ], [ [ 12977, 12977 ], "mapped", [ 51, 54 ] ], [ [ 12978, 12978 ], "mapped", [ 51, 55 ] ], [ [ 12979, 12979 ], "mapped", [ 51, 56 ] ], [ [ 12980, 12980 ], "mapped", [ 51, 57 ] ], [ [ 12981, 12981 ], "mapped", [ 52, 48 ] ], [ [ 12982, 12982 ], "mapped", [ 52, 49 ] ], [ [ 12983, 12983 ], "mapped", [ 52, 50 ] ], [ [ 12984, 12984 ], "mapped", [ 52, 51 ] ], [ [ 12985, 12985 ], "mapped", [ 52, 52 ] ], [ [ 12986, 12986 ], "mapped", [ 52, 53 ] ], [ [ 12987, 12987 ], "mapped", [ 52, 54 ] ], [ [ 12988, 12988 ], "mapped", [ 52, 55 ] ], [ [ 12989, 12989 ], "mapped", [ 52, 56 ] ], [ [ 12990, 12990 ], "mapped", [ 52, 57 ] ], [ [ 12991, 12991 ], "mapped", [ 53, 48 ] ], [ [ 12992, 12992 ], "mapped", [ 49, 26376 ] ], [ [ 12993, 12993 ], "mapped", [ 50, 26376 ] ], [ [ 12994, 12994 ], "mapped", [ 51, 26376 ] ], [ [ 12995, 12995 ], "mapped", [ 52, 26376 ] ], [ [ 12996, 12996 ], "mapped", [ 53, 26376 ] ], [ [ 12997, 12997 ], "mapped", [ 54, 26376 ] ], [ [ 12998, 12998 ], "mapped", [ 55, 26376 ] ], [ [ 12999, 12999 ], "mapped", [ 56, 26376 ] ], [ [ 13000, 13000 ], "mapped", [ 57, 26376 ] ], [ [ 13001, 13001 ], "mapped", [ 49, 48, 26376 ] ], [ [ 13002, 13002 ], "mapped", [ 49, 49, 26376 ] ], [ [ 13003, 13003 ], "mapped", [ 49, 50, 26376 ] ], [ [ 13004, 13004 ], "mapped", [ 104, 103 ] ], [ [ 13005, 13005 ], "mapped", [ 101, 114, 103 ] ], [ [ 13006, 13006 ], "mapped", [ 101, 118 ] ], [ [ 13007, 13007 ], "mapped", [ 108, 116, 100 ] ], [ [ 13008, 13008 ], "mapped", [ 12450 ] ], [ [ 13009, 13009 ], "mapped", [ 12452 ] ], [ [ 13010, 13010 ], "mapped", [ 12454 ] ], [ [ 13011, 13011 ], "mapped", [ 12456 ] ], [ [ 13012, 13012 ], "mapped", [ 12458 ] ], [ [ 13013, 13013 ], "mapped", [ 12459 ] ], [ [ 13014, 13014 ], "mapped", [ 12461 ] ], [ [ 13015, 13015 ], "mapped", [ 12463 ] ], [ [ 13016, 13016 ], "mapped", [ 12465 ] ], [ [ 13017, 13017 ], "mapped", [ 12467 ] ], [ [ 13018, 13018 ], "mapped", [ 12469 ] ], [ [ 13019, 13019 ], "mapped", [ 12471 ] ], [ [ 13020, 13020 ], "mapped", [ 12473 ] ], [ [ 13021, 13021 ], "mapped", [ 12475 ] ], [ [ 13022, 13022 ], "mapped", [ 12477 ] ], [ [ 13023, 13023 ], "mapped", [ 12479 ] ], [ [ 13024, 13024 ], "mapped", [ 12481 ] ], [ [ 13025, 13025 ], "mapped", [ 12484 ] ], [ [ 13026, 13026 ], "mapped", [ 12486 ] ], [ [ 13027, 13027 ], "mapped", [ 12488 ] ], [ [ 13028, 13028 ], "mapped", [ 12490 ] ], [ [ 13029, 13029 ], "mapped", [ 12491 ] ], [ [ 13030, 13030 ], "mapped", [ 12492 ] ], [ [ 13031, 13031 ], "mapped", [ 12493 ] ], [ [ 13032, 13032 ], "mapped", [ 12494 ] ], [ [ 13033, 13033 ], "mapped", [ 12495 ] ], [ [ 13034, 13034 ], "mapped", [ 12498 ] ], [ [ 13035, 13035 ], "mapped", [ 12501 ] ], [ [ 13036, 13036 ], "mapped", [ 12504 ] ], [ [ 13037, 13037 ], "mapped", [ 12507 ] ], [ [ 13038, 13038 ], "mapped", [ 12510 ] ], [ [ 13039, 13039 ], "mapped", [ 12511 ] ], [ [ 13040, 13040 ], "mapped", [ 12512 ] ], [ [ 13041, 13041 ], "mapped", [ 12513 ] ], [ [ 13042, 13042 ], "mapped", [ 12514 ] ], [ [ 13043, 13043 ], "mapped", [ 12516 ] ], [ [ 13044, 13044 ], "mapped", [ 12518 ] ], [ [ 13045, 13045 ], "mapped", [ 12520 ] ], [ [ 13046, 13046 ], "mapped", [ 12521 ] ], [ [ 13047, 13047 ], "mapped", [ 12522 ] ], [ [ 13048, 13048 ], "mapped", [ 12523 ] ], [ [ 13049, 13049 ], "mapped", [ 12524 ] ], [ [ 13050, 13050 ], "mapped", [ 12525 ] ], [ [ 13051, 13051 ], "mapped", [ 12527 ] ], [ [ 13052, 13052 ], "mapped", [ 12528 ] ], [ [ 13053, 13053 ], "mapped", [ 12529 ] ], [ [ 13054, 13054 ], "mapped", [ 12530 ] ], [ [ 13055, 13055 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 13056, 13056 ], "mapped", [ 12450, 12497, 12540, 12488 ] ], [ [ 13057, 13057 ], "mapped", [ 12450, 12523, 12501, 12449 ] ], [ [ 13058, 13058 ], "mapped", [ 12450, 12531, 12506, 12450 ] ], [ [ 13059, 13059 ], "mapped", [ 12450, 12540, 12523 ] ], [ [ 13060, 13060 ], "mapped", [ 12452, 12491, 12531, 12464 ] ], [ [ 13061, 13061 ], "mapped", [ 12452, 12531, 12481 ] ], [ [ 13062, 13062 ], "mapped", [ 12454, 12457, 12531 ] ], [ [ 13063, 13063 ], "mapped", [ 12456, 12473, 12463, 12540, 12489 ] ], [ [ 13064, 13064 ], "mapped", [ 12456, 12540, 12459, 12540 ] ], [ [ 13065, 13065 ], "mapped", [ 12458, 12531, 12473 ] ], [ [ 13066, 13066 ], "mapped", [ 12458, 12540, 12512 ] ], [ [ 13067, 13067 ], "mapped", [ 12459, 12452, 12522 ] ], [ [ 13068, 13068 ], "mapped", [ 12459, 12521, 12483, 12488 ] ], [ [ 13069, 13069 ], "mapped", [ 12459, 12525, 12522, 12540 ] ], [ [ 13070, 13070 ], "mapped", [ 12460, 12525, 12531 ] ], [ [ 13071, 13071 ], "mapped", [ 12460, 12531, 12510 ] ], [ [ 13072, 13072 ], "mapped", [ 12462, 12460 ] ], [ [ 13073, 13073 ], "mapped", [ 12462, 12491, 12540 ] ], [ [ 13074, 13074 ], "mapped", [ 12461, 12517, 12522, 12540 ] ], [ [ 13075, 13075 ], "mapped", [ 12462, 12523, 12480, 12540 ] ], [ [ 13076, 13076 ], "mapped", [ 12461, 12525 ] ], [ [ 13077, 13077 ], "mapped", [ 12461, 12525, 12464, 12521, 12512 ] ], [ [ 13078, 13078 ], "mapped", [ 12461, 12525, 12513, 12540, 12488, 12523 ] ], [ [ 13079, 13079 ], "mapped", [ 12461, 12525, 12527, 12483, 12488 ] ], [ [ 13080, 13080 ], "mapped", [ 12464, 12521, 12512 ] ], [ [ 13081, 13081 ], "mapped", [ 12464, 12521, 12512, 12488, 12531 ] ], [ [ 13082, 13082 ], "mapped", [ 12463, 12523, 12476, 12452, 12525 ] ], [ [ 13083, 13083 ], "mapped", [ 12463, 12525, 12540, 12493 ] ], [ [ 13084, 13084 ], "mapped", [ 12465, 12540, 12473 ] ], [ [ 13085, 13085 ], "mapped", [ 12467, 12523, 12490 ] ], [ [ 13086, 13086 ], "mapped", [ 12467, 12540, 12509 ] ], [ [ 13087, 13087 ], "mapped", [ 12469, 12452, 12463, 12523 ] ], [ [ 13088, 13088 ], "mapped", [ 12469, 12531, 12481, 12540, 12512 ] ], [ [ 13089, 13089 ], "mapped", [ 12471, 12522, 12531, 12464 ] ], [ [ 13090, 13090 ], "mapped", [ 12475, 12531, 12481 ] ], [ [ 13091, 13091 ], "mapped", [ 12475, 12531, 12488 ] ], [ [ 13092, 13092 ], "mapped", [ 12480, 12540, 12473 ] ], [ [ 13093, 13093 ], "mapped", [ 12487, 12471 ] ], [ [ 13094, 13094 ], "mapped", [ 12489, 12523 ] ], [ [ 13095, 13095 ], "mapped", [ 12488, 12531 ] ], [ [ 13096, 13096 ], "mapped", [ 12490, 12494 ] ], [ [ 13097, 13097 ], "mapped", [ 12494, 12483, 12488 ] ], [ [ 13098, 13098 ], "mapped", [ 12495, 12452, 12484 ] ], [ [ 13099, 13099 ], "mapped", [ 12497, 12540, 12475, 12531, 12488 ] ], [ [ 13100, 13100 ], "mapped", [ 12497, 12540, 12484 ] ], [ [ 13101, 13101 ], "mapped", [ 12496, 12540, 12524, 12523 ] ], [ [ 13102, 13102 ], "mapped", [ 12500, 12450, 12473, 12488, 12523 ] ], [ [ 13103, 13103 ], "mapped", [ 12500, 12463, 12523 ] ], [ [ 13104, 13104 ], "mapped", [ 12500, 12467 ] ], [ [ 13105, 13105 ], "mapped", [ 12499, 12523 ] ], [ [ 13106, 13106 ], "mapped", [ 12501, 12449, 12521, 12483, 12489 ] ], [ [ 13107, 13107 ], "mapped", [ 12501, 12451, 12540, 12488 ] ], [ [ 13108, 13108 ], "mapped", [ 12502, 12483, 12471, 12455, 12523 ] ], [ [ 13109, 13109 ], "mapped", [ 12501, 12521, 12531 ] ], [ [ 13110, 13110 ], "mapped", [ 12504, 12463, 12479, 12540, 12523 ] ], [ [ 13111, 13111 ], "mapped", [ 12506, 12477 ] ], [ [ 13112, 13112 ], "mapped", [ 12506, 12491, 12498 ] ], [ [ 13113, 13113 ], "mapped", [ 12504, 12523, 12484 ] ], [ [ 13114, 13114 ], "mapped", [ 12506, 12531, 12473 ] ], [ [ 13115, 13115 ], "mapped", [ 12506, 12540, 12472 ] ], [ [ 13116, 13116 ], "mapped", [ 12505, 12540, 12479 ] ], [ [ 13117, 13117 ], "mapped", [ 12509, 12452, 12531, 12488 ] ], [ [ 13118, 13118 ], "mapped", [ 12508, 12523, 12488 ] ], [ [ 13119, 13119 ], "mapped", [ 12507, 12531 ] ], [ [ 13120, 13120 ], "mapped", [ 12509, 12531, 12489 ] ], [ [ 13121, 13121 ], "mapped", [ 12507, 12540, 12523 ] ], [ [ 13122, 13122 ], "mapped", [ 12507, 12540, 12531 ] ], [ [ 13123, 13123 ], "mapped", [ 12510, 12452, 12463, 12525 ] ], [ [ 13124, 13124 ], "mapped", [ 12510, 12452, 12523 ] ], [ [ 13125, 13125 ], "mapped", [ 12510, 12483, 12495 ] ], [ [ 13126, 13126 ], "mapped", [ 12510, 12523, 12463 ] ], [ [ 13127, 13127 ], "mapped", [ 12510, 12531, 12471, 12519, 12531 ] ], [ [ 13128, 13128 ], "mapped", [ 12511, 12463, 12525, 12531 ] ], [ [ 13129, 13129 ], "mapped", [ 12511, 12522 ] ], [ [ 13130, 13130 ], "mapped", [ 12511, 12522, 12496, 12540, 12523 ] ], [ [ 13131, 13131 ], "mapped", [ 12513, 12460 ] ], [ [ 13132, 13132 ], "mapped", [ 12513, 12460, 12488, 12531 ] ], [ [ 13133, 13133 ], "mapped", [ 12513, 12540, 12488, 12523 ] ], [ [ 13134, 13134 ], "mapped", [ 12516, 12540, 12489 ] ], [ [ 13135, 13135 ], "mapped", [ 12516, 12540, 12523 ] ], [ [ 13136, 13136 ], "mapped", [ 12518, 12450, 12531 ] ], [ [ 13137, 13137 ], "mapped", [ 12522, 12483, 12488, 12523 ] ], [ [ 13138, 13138 ], "mapped", [ 12522, 12521 ] ], [ [ 13139, 13139 ], "mapped", [ 12523, 12500, 12540 ] ], [ [ 13140, 13140 ], "mapped", [ 12523, 12540, 12502, 12523 ] ], [ [ 13141, 13141 ], "mapped", [ 12524, 12512 ] ], [ [ 13142, 13142 ], "mapped", [ 12524, 12531, 12488, 12466, 12531 ] ], [ [ 13143, 13143 ], "mapped", [ 12527, 12483, 12488 ] ], [ [ 13144, 13144 ], "mapped", [ 48, 28857 ] ], [ [ 13145, 13145 ], "mapped", [ 49, 28857 ] ], [ [ 13146, 13146 ], "mapped", [ 50, 28857 ] ], [ [ 13147, 13147 ], "mapped", [ 51, 28857 ] ], [ [ 13148, 13148 ], "mapped", [ 52, 28857 ] ], [ [ 13149, 13149 ], "mapped", [ 53, 28857 ] ], [ [ 13150, 13150 ], "mapped", [ 54, 28857 ] ], [ [ 13151, 13151 ], "mapped", [ 55, 28857 ] ], [ [ 13152, 13152 ], "mapped", [ 56, 28857 ] ], [ [ 13153, 13153 ], "mapped", [ 57, 28857 ] ], [ [ 13154, 13154 ], "mapped", [ 49, 48, 28857 ] ], [ [ 13155, 13155 ], "mapped", [ 49, 49, 28857 ] ], [ [ 13156, 13156 ], "mapped", [ 49, 50, 28857 ] ], [ [ 13157, 13157 ], "mapped", [ 49, 51, 28857 ] ], [ [ 13158, 13158 ], "mapped", [ 49, 52, 28857 ] ], [ [ 13159, 13159 ], "mapped", [ 49, 53, 28857 ] ], [ [ 13160, 13160 ], "mapped", [ 49, 54, 28857 ] ], [ [ 13161, 13161 ], "mapped", [ 49, 55, 28857 ] ], [ [ 13162, 13162 ], "mapped", [ 49, 56, 28857 ] ], [ [ 13163, 13163 ], "mapped", [ 49, 57, 28857 ] ], [ [ 13164, 13164 ], "mapped", [ 50, 48, 28857 ] ], [ [ 13165, 13165 ], "mapped", [ 50, 49, 28857 ] ], [ [ 13166, 13166 ], "mapped", [ 50, 50, 28857 ] ], [ [ 13167, 13167 ], "mapped", [ 50, 51, 28857 ] ], [ [ 13168, 13168 ], "mapped", [ 50, 52, 28857 ] ], [ [ 13169, 13169 ], "mapped", [ 104, 112, 97 ] ], [ [ 13170, 13170 ], "mapped", [ 100, 97 ] ], [ [ 13171, 13171 ], "mapped", [ 97, 117 ] ], [ [ 13172, 13172 ], "mapped", [ 98, 97, 114 ] ], [ [ 13173, 13173 ], "mapped", [ 111, 118 ] ], [ [ 13174, 13174 ], "mapped", [ 112, 99 ] ], [ [ 13175, 13175 ], "mapped", [ 100, 109 ] ], [ [ 13176, 13176 ], "mapped", [ 100, 109, 50 ] ], [ [ 13177, 13177 ], "mapped", [ 100, 109, 51 ] ], [ [ 13178, 13178 ], "mapped", [ 105, 117 ] ], [ [ 13179, 13179 ], "mapped", [ 24179, 25104 ] ], [ [ 13180, 13180 ], "mapped", [ 26157, 21644 ] ], [ [ 13181, 13181 ], "mapped", [ 22823, 27491 ] ], [ [ 13182, 13182 ], "mapped", [ 26126, 27835 ] ], [ [ 13183, 13183 ], "mapped", [ 26666, 24335, 20250, 31038 ] ], [ [ 13184, 13184 ], "mapped", [ 112, 97 ] ], [ [ 13185, 13185 ], "mapped", [ 110, 97 ] ], [ [ 13186, 13186 ], "mapped", [ 956, 97 ] ], [ [ 13187, 13187 ], "mapped", [ 109, 97 ] ], [ [ 13188, 13188 ], "mapped", [ 107, 97 ] ], [ [ 13189, 13189 ], "mapped", [ 107, 98 ] ], [ [ 13190, 13190 ], "mapped", [ 109, 98 ] ], [ [ 13191, 13191 ], "mapped", [ 103, 98 ] ], [ [ 13192, 13192 ], "mapped", [ 99, 97, 108 ] ], [ [ 13193, 13193 ], "mapped", [ 107, 99, 97, 108 ] ], [ [ 13194, 13194 ], "mapped", [ 112, 102 ] ], [ [ 13195, 13195 ], "mapped", [ 110, 102 ] ], [ [ 13196, 13196 ], "mapped", [ 956, 102 ] ], [ [ 13197, 13197 ], "mapped", [ 956, 103 ] ], [ [ 13198, 13198 ], "mapped", [ 109, 103 ] ], [ [ 13199, 13199 ], "mapped", [ 107, 103 ] ], [ [ 13200, 13200 ], "mapped", [ 104, 122 ] ], [ [ 13201, 13201 ], "mapped", [ 107, 104, 122 ] ], [ [ 13202, 13202 ], "mapped", [ 109, 104, 122 ] ], [ [ 13203, 13203 ], "mapped", [ 103, 104, 122 ] ], [ [ 13204, 13204 ], "mapped", [ 116, 104, 122 ] ], [ [ 13205, 13205 ], "mapped", [ 956, 108 ] ], [ [ 13206, 13206 ], "mapped", [ 109, 108 ] ], [ [ 13207, 13207 ], "mapped", [ 100, 108 ] ], [ [ 13208, 13208 ], "mapped", [ 107, 108 ] ], [ [ 13209, 13209 ], "mapped", [ 102, 109 ] ], [ [ 13210, 13210 ], "mapped", [ 110, 109 ] ], [ [ 13211, 13211 ], "mapped", [ 956, 109 ] ], [ [ 13212, 13212 ], "mapped", [ 109, 109 ] ], [ [ 13213, 13213 ], "mapped", [ 99, 109 ] ], [ [ 13214, 13214 ], "mapped", [ 107, 109 ] ], [ [ 13215, 13215 ], "mapped", [ 109, 109, 50 ] ], [ [ 13216, 13216 ], "mapped", [ 99, 109, 50 ] ], [ [ 13217, 13217 ], "mapped", [ 109, 50 ] ], [ [ 13218, 13218 ], "mapped", [ 107, 109, 50 ] ], [ [ 13219, 13219 ], "mapped", [ 109, 109, 51 ] ], [ [ 13220, 13220 ], "mapped", [ 99, 109, 51 ] ], [ [ 13221, 13221 ], "mapped", [ 109, 51 ] ], [ [ 13222, 13222 ], "mapped", [ 107, 109, 51 ] ], [ [ 13223, 13223 ], "mapped", [ 109, 8725, 115 ] ], [ [ 13224, 13224 ], "mapped", [ 109, 8725, 115, 50 ] ], [ [ 13225, 13225 ], "mapped", [ 112, 97 ] ], [ [ 13226, 13226 ], "mapped", [ 107, 112, 97 ] ], [ [ 13227, 13227 ], "mapped", [ 109, 112, 97 ] ], [ [ 13228, 13228 ], "mapped", [ 103, 112, 97 ] ], [ [ 13229, 13229 ], "mapped", [ 114, 97, 100 ] ], [ [ 13230, 13230 ], "mapped", [ 114, 97, 100, 8725, 115 ] ], [ [ 13231, 13231 ], "mapped", [ 114, 97, 100, 8725, 115, 50 ] ], [ [ 13232, 13232 ], "mapped", [ 112, 115 ] ], [ [ 13233, 13233 ], "mapped", [ 110, 115 ] ], [ [ 13234, 13234 ], "mapped", [ 956, 115 ] ], [ [ 13235, 13235 ], "mapped", [ 109, 115 ] ], [ [ 13236, 13236 ], "mapped", [ 112, 118 ] ], [ [ 13237, 13237 ], "mapped", [ 110, 118 ] ], [ [ 13238, 13238 ], "mapped", [ 956, 118 ] ], [ [ 13239, 13239 ], "mapped", [ 109, 118 ] ], [ [ 13240, 13240 ], "mapped", [ 107, 118 ] ], [ [ 13241, 13241 ], "mapped", [ 109, 118 ] ], [ [ 13242, 13242 ], "mapped", [ 112, 119 ] ], [ [ 13243, 13243 ], "mapped", [ 110, 119 ] ], [ [ 13244, 13244 ], "mapped", [ 956, 119 ] ], [ [ 13245, 13245 ], "mapped", [ 109, 119 ] ], [ [ 13246, 13246 ], "mapped", [ 107, 119 ] ], [ [ 13247, 13247 ], "mapped", [ 109, 119 ] ], [ [ 13248, 13248 ], "mapped", [ 107, 969 ] ], [ [ 13249, 13249 ], "mapped", [ 109, 969 ] ], [ [ 13250, 13250 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 13251, 13251 ], "mapped", [ 98, 113 ] ], [ [ 13252, 13252 ], "mapped", [ 99, 99 ] ], [ [ 13253, 13253 ], "mapped", [ 99, 100 ] ], [ [ 13254, 13254 ], "mapped", [ 99, 8725, 107, 103 ] ], [ [ 13255, 13255 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 13256, 13256 ], "mapped", [ 100, 98 ] ], [ [ 13257, 13257 ], "mapped", [ 103, 121 ] ], [ [ 13258, 13258 ], "mapped", [ 104, 97 ] ], [ [ 13259, 13259 ], "mapped", [ 104, 112 ] ], [ [ 13260, 13260 ], "mapped", [ 105, 110 ] ], [ [ 13261, 13261 ], "mapped", [ 107, 107 ] ], [ [ 13262, 13262 ], "mapped", [ 107, 109 ] ], [ [ 13263, 13263 ], "mapped", [ 107, 116 ] ], [ [ 13264, 13264 ], "mapped", [ 108, 109 ] ], [ [ 13265, 13265 ], "mapped", [ 108, 110 ] ], [ [ 13266, 13266 ], "mapped", [ 108, 111, 103 ] ], [ [ 13267, 13267 ], "mapped", [ 108, 120 ] ], [ [ 13268, 13268 ], "mapped", [ 109, 98 ] ], [ [ 13269, 13269 ], "mapped", [ 109, 105, 108 ] ], [ [ 13270, 13270 ], "mapped", [ 109, 111, 108 ] ], [ [ 13271, 13271 ], "mapped", [ 112, 104 ] ], [ [ 13272, 13272 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 13273, 13273 ], "mapped", [ 112, 112, 109 ] ], [ [ 13274, 13274 ], "mapped", [ 112, 114 ] ], [ [ 13275, 13275 ], "mapped", [ 115, 114 ] ], [ [ 13276, 13276 ], "mapped", [ 115, 118 ] ], [ [ 13277, 13277 ], "mapped", [ 119, 98 ] ], [ [ 13278, 13278 ], "mapped", [ 118, 8725, 109 ] ], [ [ 13279, 13279 ], "mapped", [ 97, 8725, 109 ] ], [ [ 13280, 13280 ], "mapped", [ 49, 26085 ] ], [ [ 13281, 13281 ], "mapped", [ 50, 26085 ] ], [ [ 13282, 13282 ], "mapped", [ 51, 26085 ] ], [ [ 13283, 13283 ], "mapped", [ 52, 26085 ] ], [ [ 13284, 13284 ], "mapped", [ 53, 26085 ] ], [ [ 13285, 13285 ], "mapped", [ 54, 26085 ] ], [ [ 13286, 13286 ], "mapped", [ 55, 26085 ] ], [ [ 13287, 13287 ], "mapped", [ 56, 26085 ] ], [ [ 13288, 13288 ], "mapped", [ 57, 26085 ] ], [ [ 13289, 13289 ], "mapped", [ 49, 48, 26085 ] ], [ [ 13290, 13290 ], "mapped", [ 49, 49, 26085 ] ], [ [ 13291, 13291 ], "mapped", [ 49, 50, 26085 ] ], [ [ 13292, 13292 ], "mapped", [ 49, 51, 26085 ] ], [ [ 13293, 13293 ], "mapped", [ 49, 52, 26085 ] ], [ [ 13294, 13294 ], "mapped", [ 49, 53, 26085 ] ], [ [ 13295, 13295 ], "mapped", [ 49, 54, 26085 ] ], [ [ 13296, 13296 ], "mapped", [ 49, 55, 26085 ] ], [ [ 13297, 13297 ], "mapped", [ 49, 56, 26085 ] ], [ [ 13298, 13298 ], "mapped", [ 49, 57, 26085 ] ], [ [ 13299, 13299 ], "mapped", [ 50, 48, 26085 ] ], [ [ 13300, 13300 ], "mapped", [ 50, 49, 26085 ] ], [ [ 13301, 13301 ], "mapped", [ 50, 50, 26085 ] ], [ [ 13302, 13302 ], "mapped", [ 50, 51, 26085 ] ], [ [ 13303, 13303 ], "mapped", [ 50, 52, 26085 ] ], [ [ 13304, 13304 ], "mapped", [ 50, 53, 26085 ] ], [ [ 13305, 13305 ], "mapped", [ 50, 54, 26085 ] ], [ [ 13306, 13306 ], "mapped", [ 50, 55, 26085 ] ], [ [ 13307, 13307 ], "mapped", [ 50, 56, 26085 ] ], [ [ 13308, 13308 ], "mapped", [ 50, 57, 26085 ] ], [ [ 13309, 13309 ], "mapped", [ 51, 48, 26085 ] ], [ [ 13310, 13310 ], "mapped", [ 51, 49, 26085 ] ], [ [ 13311, 13311 ], "mapped", [ 103, 97, 108 ] ], [ [ 13312, 19893 ], "valid" ], [ [ 19894, 19903 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 19904, 19967 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 19968, 40869 ], "valid" ], [ [ 40870, 40891 ], "valid" ], [ [ 40892, 40899 ], "valid" ], [ [ 40900, 40907 ], "valid" ], [ [ 40908, 40908 ], "valid" ], [ [ 40909, 40917 ], "valid" ], [ [ 40918, 40959 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 40960, 42124 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42125, 42127 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 42128, 42145 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 42146, 42147 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 42148, 42163 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 42164, 42164 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 42165, 42176 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 42177, 42177 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 42178, 42180 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 42181, 42181 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 42182, 42182 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 42183, 42191 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 42192, 42237 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42238, 42239 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 42240, 42508 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42509, 42511 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 42512, 42539 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42540, 42559 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 42560, 42560 ], "mapped", [ 42561 ] ], [ [ 42561, 42561 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42562, 42562 ], "mapped", [ 42563 ] ], [ [ 42563, 42563 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42564, 42564 ], "mapped", [ 42565 ] ], [ [ 42565, 42565 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42566, 42566 ], "mapped", [ 42567 ] ], [ [ 42567, 42567 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42568, 42568 ], "mapped", [ 42569 ] ], [ [ 42569, 42569 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42570, 42570 ], "mapped", [ 42571 ] ], [ [ 42571, 42571 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42572, 42572 ], "mapped", [ 42573 ] ], [ [ 42573, 42573 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42574, 42574 ], "mapped", [ 42575 ] ], [ [ 42575, 42575 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42576, 42576 ], "mapped", [ 42577 ] ], [ [ 42577, 42577 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42578, 42578 ], "mapped", [ 42579 ] ], [ [ 42579, 42579 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42580, 42580 ], "mapped", [ 42581 ] ], [ [ 42581, 42581 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42582, 42582 ], "mapped", [ 42583 ] ], [ [ 42583, 42583 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42584, 42584 ], "mapped", [ 42585 ] ], [ [ 42585, 42585 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42586, 42586 ], "mapped", [ 42587 ] ], [ [ 42587, 42587 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42588, 42588 ], "mapped", [ 42589 ] ], [ [ 42589, 42589 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42590, 42590 ], "mapped", [ 42591 ] ], [ [ 42591, 42591 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42592, 42592 ], "mapped", [ 42593 ] ], [ [ 42593, 42593 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42594, 42594 ], "mapped", [ 42595 ] ], [ [ 42595, 42595 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42596, 42596 ], "mapped", [ 42597 ] ], [ [ 42597, 42597 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42598, 42598 ], "mapped", [ 42599 ] ], [ [ 42599, 42599 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42600, 42600 ], "mapped", [ 42601 ] ], [ [ 42601, 42601 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42602, 42602 ], "mapped", [ 42603 ] ], [ [ 42603, 42603 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42604, 42604 ], "mapped", [ 42605 ] ], [ [ 42605, 42607 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42608, 42611 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 42612, 42619 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42620, 42621 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42622, 42622 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 42623, 42623 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42624, 42624 ], "mapped", [ 42625 ] ], [ [ 42625, 42625 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42626, 42626 ], "mapped", [ 42627 ] ], [ [ 42627, 42627 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42628, 42628 ], "mapped", [ 42629 ] ], [ [ 42629, 42629 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42630, 42630 ], "mapped", [ 42631 ] ], [ [ 42631, 42631 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42632, 42632 ], "mapped", [ 42633 ] ], [ [ 42633, 42633 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42634, 42634 ], "mapped", [ 42635 ] ], [ [ 42635, 42635 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42636, 42636 ], "mapped", [ 42637 ] ], [ [ 42637, 42637 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42638, 42638 ], "mapped", [ 42639 ] ], [ [ 42639, 42639 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42640, 42640 ], "mapped", [ 42641 ] ], [ [ 42641, 42641 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42642, 42642 ], "mapped", [ 42643 ] ], [ [ 42643, 42643 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42644, 42644 ], "mapped", [ 42645 ] ], [ [ 42645, 42645 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42646, 42646 ], "mapped", [ 42647 ] ], [ [ 42647, 42647 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42648, 42648 ], "mapped", [ 42649 ] ], [ [ 42649, 42649 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42650, 42650 ], "mapped", [ 42651 ] ], [ [ 42651, 42651 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42652, 42652 ], "mapped", [ 1098 ] ], [ [ 42653, 42653 ], "mapped", [ 1100 ] ], [ [ 42654, 42654 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42655, 42655 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42656, 42725 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42726, 42735 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 42736, 42737 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42738, 42743 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 42744, 42751 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 42752, 42774 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 42775, 42778 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42779, 42783 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42784, 42785 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 42786, 42786 ], "mapped", [ 42787 ] ], [ [ 42787, 42787 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42788, 42788 ], "mapped", [ 42789 ] ], [ [ 42789, 42789 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42790, 42790 ], "mapped", [ 42791 ] ], [ [ 42791, 42791 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42792, 42792 ], "mapped", [ 42793 ] ], [ [ 42793, 42793 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42794, 42794 ], "mapped", [ 42795 ] ], [ [ 42795, 42795 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42796, 42796 ], "mapped", [ 42797 ] ], [ [ 42797, 42797 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42798, 42798 ], "mapped", [ 42799 ] ], [ [ 42799, 42801 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42802, 42802 ], "mapped", [ 42803 ] ], [ [ 42803, 42803 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42804, 42804 ], "mapped", [ 42805 ] ], [ [ 42805, 42805 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42806, 42806 ], "mapped", [ 42807 ] ], [ [ 42807, 42807 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42808, 42808 ], "mapped", [ 42809 ] ], [ [ 42809, 42809 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42810, 42810 ], "mapped", [ 42811 ] ], [ [ 42811, 42811 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42812, 42812 ], "mapped", [ 42813 ] ], [ [ 42813, 42813 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42814, 42814 ], "mapped", [ 42815 ] ], [ [ 42815, 42815 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42816, 42816 ], "mapped", [ 42817 ] ], [ [ 42817, 42817 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42818, 42818 ], "mapped", [ 42819 ] ], [ [ 42819, 42819 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42820, 42820 ], "mapped", [ 42821 ] ], [ [ 42821, 42821 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42822, 42822 ], "mapped", [ 42823 ] ], [ [ 42823, 42823 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42824, 42824 ], "mapped", [ 42825 ] ], [ [ 42825, 42825 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42826, 42826 ], "mapped", [ 42827 ] ], [ [ 42827, 42827 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42828, 42828 ], "mapped", [ 42829 ] ], [ [ 42829, 42829 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42830, 42830 ], "mapped", [ 42831 ] ], [ [ 42831, 42831 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42832, 42832 ], "mapped", [ 42833 ] ], [ [ 42833, 42833 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42834, 42834 ], "mapped", [ 42835 ] ], [ [ 42835, 42835 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42836, 42836 ], "mapped", [ 42837 ] ], [ [ 42837, 42837 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42838, 42838 ], "mapped", [ 42839 ] ], [ [ 42839, 42839 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42840, 42840 ], "mapped", [ 42841 ] ], [ [ 42841, 42841 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42842, 42842 ], "mapped", [ 42843 ] ], [ [ 42843, 42843 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42844, 42844 ], "mapped", [ 42845 ] ], [ [ 42845, 42845 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42846, 42846 ], "mapped", [ 42847 ] ], [ [ 42847, 42847 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42848, 42848 ], "mapped", [ 42849 ] ], [ [ 42849, 42849 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42850, 42850 ], "mapped", [ 42851 ] ], [ [ 42851, 42851 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42852, 42852 ], "mapped", [ 42853 ] ], [ [ 42853, 42853 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42854, 42854 ], "mapped", [ 42855 ] ], [ [ 42855, 42855 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42856, 42856 ], "mapped", [ 42857 ] ], [ [ 42857, 42857 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42858, 42858 ], "mapped", [ 42859 ] ], [ [ 42859, 42859 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42860, 42860 ], "mapped", [ 42861 ] ], [ [ 42861, 42861 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42862, 42862 ], "mapped", [ 42863 ] ], [ [ 42863, 42863 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42864, 42864 ], "mapped", [ 42863 ] ], [ [ 42865, 42872 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42873, 42873 ], "mapped", [ 42874 ] ], [ [ 42874, 42874 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42875, 42875 ], "mapped", [ 42876 ] ], [ [ 42876, 42876 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42877, 42877 ], "mapped", [ 7545 ] ], [ [ 42878, 42878 ], "mapped", [ 42879 ] ], [ [ 42879, 42879 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42880, 42880 ], "mapped", [ 42881 ] ], [ [ 42881, 42881 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42882, 42882 ], "mapped", [ 42883 ] ], [ [ 42883, 42883 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42884, 42884 ], "mapped", [ 42885 ] ], [ [ 42885, 42885 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42886, 42886 ], "mapped", [ 42887 ] ], [ [ 42887, 42888 ], "valid" ], [ [ 42889, 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43815, 43815 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 43816, 43822 ], "valid" ], [ [ 43823, 43823 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 43824, 43866 ], "valid" ], [ [ 43867, 43867 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 43868, 43868 ], "mapped", [ 42791 ] ], [ [ 43869, 43869 ], "mapped", [ 43831 ] ], [ [ 43870, 43870 ], "mapped", [ 619 ] ], [ [ 43871, 43871 ], "mapped", [ 43858 ] ], [ [ 43872, 43875 ], "valid" ], [ [ 43876, 43877 ], "valid" ], [ [ 43878, 43887 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 43888, 43888 ], "mapped", [ 5024 ] ], [ [ 43889, 43889 ], "mapped", [ 5025 ] ], [ [ 43890, 43890 ], "mapped", [ 5026 ] ], [ [ 43891, 43891 ], "mapped", [ 5027 ] ], [ [ 43892, 43892 ], "mapped", [ 5028 ] ], [ [ 43893, 43893 ], "mapped", [ 5029 ] ], [ [ 43894, 43894 ], "mapped", [ 5030 ] ], [ [ 43895, 43895 ], "mapped", [ 5031 ] ], [ [ 43896, 43896 ], "mapped", [ 5032 ] ], [ [ 43897, 43897 ], "mapped", [ 5033 ] ], [ [ 43898, 43898 ], "mapped", [ 5034 ] ], [ [ 43899, 43899 ], "mapped", [ 5035 ] ], [ [ 43900, 43900 ], "mapped", [ 5036 ] ], [ [ 43901, 43901 ], "mapped", [ 5037 ] ], [ [ 43902, 43902 ], "mapped", [ 5038 ] ], [ [ 43903, 43903 ], "mapped", [ 5039 ] ], [ [ 43904, 43904 ], "mapped", [ 5040 ] ], [ [ 43905, 43905 ], "mapped", [ 5041 ] ], [ [ 43906, 43906 ], "mapped", [ 5042 ] ], [ [ 43907, 43907 ], "mapped", [ 5043 ] ], [ [ 43908, 43908 ], "mapped", [ 5044 ] ], [ [ 43909, 43909 ], "mapped", [ 5045 ] ], [ [ 43910, 43910 ], "mapped", [ 5046 ] ], [ [ 43911, 43911 ], "mapped", [ 5047 ] ], [ [ 43912, 43912 ], "mapped", [ 5048 ] ], [ [ 43913, 43913 ], "mapped", [ 5049 ] ], [ [ 43914, 43914 ], "mapped", [ 5050 ] ], [ [ 43915, 43915 ], "mapped", [ 5051 ] ], [ [ 43916, 43916 ], "mapped", [ 5052 ] ], [ [ 43917, 43917 ], "mapped", [ 5053 ] ], [ [ 43918, 43918 ], "mapped", [ 5054 ] ], [ [ 43919, 43919 ], "mapped", [ 5055 ] ], [ [ 43920, 43920 ], "mapped", [ 5056 ] ], [ [ 43921, 43921 ], "mapped", [ 5057 ] ], [ [ 43922, 43922 ], "mapped", [ 5058 ] ], [ [ 43923, 43923 ], "mapped", [ 5059 ] ], [ [ 43924, 43924 ], "mapped", [ 5060 ] ], [ [ 43925, 43925 ], "mapped", [ 5061 ] ], [ [ 43926, 43926 ], "mapped", [ 5062 ] ], [ [ 43927, 43927 ], "mapped", [ 5063 ] ], [ [ 43928, 43928 ], "mapped", [ 5064 ] ], [ [ 43929, 43929 ], "mapped", [ 5065 ] ], [ [ 43930, 43930 ], "mapped", [ 5066 ] ], [ [ 43931, 43931 ], "mapped", [ 5067 ] ], [ [ 43932, 43932 ], "mapped", [ 5068 ] ], [ [ 43933, 43933 ], "mapped", [ 5069 ] ], [ [ 43934, 43934 ], "mapped", [ 5070 ] ], [ [ 43935, 43935 ], "mapped", [ 5071 ] ], [ [ 43936, 43936 ], "mapped", [ 5072 ] ], [ [ 43937, 43937 ], "mapped", [ 5073 ] ], [ [ 43938, 43938 ], "mapped", [ 5074 ] ], [ [ 43939, 43939 ], "mapped", [ 5075 ] ], [ [ 43940, 43940 ], "mapped", [ 5076 ] ], [ [ 43941, 43941 ], "mapped", [ 5077 ] ], [ [ 43942, 43942 ], "mapped", [ 5078 ] ], [ [ 43943, 43943 ], "mapped", [ 5079 ] ], [ [ 43944, 43944 ], "mapped", [ 5080 ] ], [ [ 43945, 43945 ], "mapped", [ 5081 ] ], [ [ 43946, 43946 ], "mapped", [ 5082 ] ], [ [ 43947, 43947 ], "mapped", [ 5083 ] ], [ [ 43948, 43948 ], "mapped", [ 5084 ] ], [ [ 43949, 43949 ], "mapped", [ 5085 ] ], [ [ 43950, 43950 ], "mapped", [ 5086 ] ], [ [ 43951, 43951 ], "mapped", [ 5087 ] ], [ [ 43952, 43952 ], "mapped", [ 5088 ] ], [ [ 43953, 43953 ], "mapped", [ 5089 ] ], [ [ 43954, 43954 ], "mapped", [ 5090 ] ], [ [ 43955, 43955 ], "mapped", [ 5091 ] ], [ [ 43956, 43956 ], "mapped", [ 5092 ] ], [ [ 43957, 43957 ], "mapped", [ 5093 ] ], [ [ 43958, 43958 ], "mapped", [ 5094 ] ], [ [ 43959, 43959 ], "mapped", [ 5095 ] ], [ [ 43960, 43960 ], "mapped", [ 5096 ] ], [ [ 43961, 43961 ], "mapped", [ 5097 ] ], [ [ 43962, 43962 ], "mapped", [ 5098 ] ], [ [ 43963, 43963 ], "mapped", [ 5099 ] ], [ [ 43964, 43964 ], "mapped", [ 5100 ] ], [ [ 43965, 43965 ], "mapped", [ 5101 ] ], [ [ 43966, 43966 ], "mapped", [ 5102 ] ], [ [ 43967, 43967 ], "mapped", [ 5103 ] ], [ [ 43968, 44010 ], "valid" ], [ [ 44011, 44011 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 44012, 44013 ], "valid" ], [ [ 44014, 44015 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 44016, 44025 ], "valid" ], [ [ 44026, 44031 ], 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[ [ 63761, 63761 ], "mapped", [ 34746 ] ], [ [ 63762, 63762 ], "mapped", [ 35064 ] ], [ [ 63763, 63763 ], "mapped", [ 37007 ] ], [ [ 63764, 63764 ], "mapped", [ 27138 ] ], [ [ 63765, 63765 ], "mapped", [ 27931 ] ], [ [ 63766, 63766 ], "mapped", [ 28889 ] ], [ [ 63767, 63767 ], "mapped", [ 29662 ] ], [ [ 63768, 63768 ], "mapped", [ 33853 ] ], [ [ 63769, 63769 ], "mapped", [ 37226 ] ], [ [ 63770, 63770 ], "mapped", [ 39409 ] ], [ [ 63771, 63771 ], "mapped", [ 20098 ] ], [ [ 63772, 63772 ], "mapped", [ 21365 ] ], [ [ 63773, 63773 ], "mapped", [ 27396 ] ], [ [ 63774, 63774 ], "mapped", [ 29211 ] ], [ [ 63775, 63775 ], "mapped", [ 34349 ] ], [ [ 63776, 63776 ], "mapped", [ 40478 ] ], [ [ 63777, 63777 ], "mapped", [ 23888 ] ], [ [ 63778, 63778 ], "mapped", [ 28651 ] ], [ [ 63779, 63779 ], "mapped", [ 34253 ] ], [ [ 63780, 63780 ], "mapped", [ 35172 ] ], [ [ 63781, 63781 ], "mapped", [ 25289 ] ], [ [ 63782, 63782 ], "mapped", [ 33240 ] ], [ [ 63783, 63783 ], "mapped", [ 34847 ] ], [ [ 63784, 63784 ], "mapped", [ 24266 ] ], [ [ 63785, 63785 ], "mapped", [ 26391 ] ], [ [ 63786, 63786 ], "mapped", [ 28010 ] ], [ [ 63787, 63787 ], "mapped", [ 29436 ] ], [ [ 63788, 63788 ], "mapped", [ 37070 ] ], [ [ 63789, 63789 ], "mapped", [ 20358 ] ], [ [ 63790, 63790 ], "mapped", [ 20919 ] ], [ [ 63791, 63791 ], "mapped", [ 21214 ] ], [ [ 63792, 63792 ], "mapped", [ 25796 ] ], [ [ 63793, 63793 ], "mapped", [ 27347 ] ], [ [ 63794, 63794 ], "mapped", [ 29200 ] ], [ [ 63795, 63795 ], "mapped", [ 30439 ] ], [ [ 63796, 63796 ], "mapped", [ 32769 ] ], [ [ 63797, 63797 ], "mapped", [ 34310 ] ], [ [ 63798, 63798 ], "mapped", [ 34396 ] ], [ [ 63799, 63799 ], "mapped", [ 36335 ] ], [ [ 63800, 63800 ], "mapped", [ 38706 ] ], [ [ 63801, 63801 ], "mapped", [ 39791 ] ], [ [ 63802, 63802 ], "mapped", [ 40442 ] ], [ [ 63803, 63803 ], "mapped", [ 30860 ] ], [ [ 63804, 63804 ], "mapped", [ 31103 ] ], [ [ 63805, 63805 ], "mapped", [ 32160 ] ], [ [ 63806, 63806 ], "mapped", [ 33737 ] ], [ [ 63807, 63807 ], "mapped", [ 37636 ] ], [ [ 63808, 63808 ], "mapped", [ 40575 ] ], [ [ 63809, 63809 ], "mapped", [ 35542 ] ], [ [ 63810, 63810 ], "mapped", [ 22751 ] ], [ [ 63811, 63811 ], "mapped", [ 24324 ] ], [ [ 63812, 63812 ], "mapped", [ 31840 ] ], [ [ 63813, 63813 ], "mapped", [ 32894 ] ], [ [ 63814, 63814 ], "mapped", [ 29282 ] ], [ [ 63815, 63815 ], "mapped", [ 30922 ] ], [ [ 63816, 63816 ], "mapped", [ 36034 ] ], [ [ 63817, 63817 ], "mapped", [ 38647 ] ], [ [ 63818, 63818 ], "mapped", [ 22744 ] ], [ [ 63819, 63819 ], "mapped", [ 23650 ] ], [ [ 63820, 63820 ], "mapped", [ 27155 ] ], [ [ 63821, 63821 ], "mapped", [ 28122 ] ], [ [ 63822, 63822 ], "mapped", [ 28431 ] ], [ [ 63823, 63823 ], "mapped", [ 32047 ] ], [ [ 63824, 63824 ], "mapped", [ 32311 ] ], [ [ 63825, 63825 ], "mapped", [ 38475 ] ], [ [ 63826, 63826 ], "mapped", [ 21202 ] ], [ [ 63827, 63827 ], "mapped", [ 32907 ] ], [ [ 63828, 63828 ], "mapped", [ 20956 ] ], [ [ 63829, 63829 ], "mapped", [ 20940 ] ], [ [ 63830, 63830 ], "mapped", [ 31260 ] ], [ [ 63831, 63831 ], "mapped", [ 32190 ] ], [ [ 63832, 63832 ], "mapped", [ 33777 ] ], [ [ 63833, 63833 ], "mapped", [ 38517 ] ], [ [ 63834, 63834 ], "mapped", [ 35712 ] ], [ [ 63835, 63835 ], "mapped", [ 25295 ] ], [ [ 63836, 63836 ], "mapped", [ 27138 ] ], [ [ 63837, 63837 ], "mapped", [ 35582 ] ], [ [ 63838, 63838 ], "mapped", [ 20025 ] ], [ [ 63839, 63839 ], "mapped", [ 23527 ] ], [ [ 63840, 63840 ], "mapped", [ 24594 ] ], [ [ 63841, 63841 ], "mapped", [ 29575 ] ], [ [ 63842, 63842 ], "mapped", [ 30064 ] ], [ [ 63843, 63843 ], "mapped", [ 21271 ] ], [ [ 63844, 63844 ], "mapped", [ 30971 ] ], [ [ 63845, 63845 ], "mapped", [ 20415 ] ], [ [ 63846, 63846 ], "mapped", [ 24489 ] ], [ [ 63847, 63847 ], "mapped", [ 19981 ] ], [ [ 63848, 63848 ], "mapped", [ 27852 ] ], [ [ 63849, 63849 ], "mapped", [ 25976 ] ], [ [ 63850, 63850 ], "mapped", [ 32034 ] ], [ [ 63851, 63851 ], "mapped", [ 21443 ] ], [ [ 63852, 63852 ], "mapped", [ 22622 ] ], [ [ 63853, 63853 ], "mapped", [ 30465 ] ], [ [ 63854, 63854 ], "mapped", [ 33865 ] ], [ [ 63855, 63855 ], "mapped", [ 35498 ] ], [ [ 63856, 63856 ], "mapped", [ 27578 ] ], [ [ 63857, 63857 ], "mapped", [ 36784 ] ], [ [ 63858, 63858 ], "mapped", [ 27784 ] ], [ [ 63859, 63859 ], "mapped", [ 25342 ] ], [ [ 63860, 63860 ], "mapped", [ 33509 ] ], [ [ 63861, 63861 ], "mapped", [ 25504 ] ], [ [ 63862, 63862 ], "mapped", [ 30053 ] ], [ [ 63863, 63863 ], "mapped", [ 20142 ] ], [ [ 63864, 63864 ], "mapped", [ 20841 ] ], [ [ 63865, 63865 ], "mapped", [ 20937 ] ], [ [ 63866, 63866 ], "mapped", [ 26753 ] ], [ [ 63867, 63867 ], "mapped", [ 31975 ] ], [ [ 63868, 63868 ], "mapped", [ 33391 ] ], [ [ 63869, 63869 ], "mapped", [ 35538 ] ], [ [ 63870, 63870 ], "mapped", [ 37327 ] ], [ [ 63871, 63871 ], "mapped", [ 21237 ] ], [ [ 63872, 63872 ], "mapped", [ 21570 ] ], [ [ 63873, 63873 ], "mapped", [ 22899 ] ], [ [ 63874, 63874 ], "mapped", [ 24300 ] ], [ [ 63875, 63875 ], "mapped", [ 26053 ] ], [ [ 63876, 63876 ], "mapped", [ 28670 ] ], [ [ 63877, 63877 ], "mapped", [ 31018 ] ], [ [ 63878, 63878 ], "mapped", [ 38317 ] ], [ [ 63879, 63879 ], "mapped", [ 39530 ] ], [ [ 63880, 63880 ], "mapped", [ 40599 ] ], [ [ 63881, 63881 ], "mapped", [ 40654 ] ], [ [ 63882, 63882 ], "mapped", [ 21147 ] ], [ [ 63883, 63883 ], "mapped", [ 26310 ] ], [ [ 63884, 63884 ], "mapped", [ 27511 ] ], [ [ 63885, 63885 ], "mapped", [ 36706 ] ], [ [ 63886, 63886 ], "mapped", [ 24180 ] ], [ [ 63887, 63887 ], "mapped", [ 24976 ] ], [ [ 63888, 63888 ], "mapped", [ 25088 ] ], [ [ 63889, 63889 ], "mapped", [ 25754 ] ], [ [ 63890, 63890 ], "mapped", [ 28451 ] ], [ [ 63891, 63891 ], "mapped", [ 29001 ] ], [ [ 63892, 63892 ], "mapped", [ 29833 ] ], [ [ 63893, 63893 ], "mapped", [ 31178 ] ], [ [ 63894, 63894 ], "mapped", [ 32244 ] ], [ [ 63895, 63895 ], "mapped", [ 32879 ] ], [ [ 63896, 63896 ], "mapped", [ 36646 ] ], [ [ 63897, 63897 ], "mapped", [ 34030 ] ], [ [ 63898, 63898 ], "mapped", [ 36899 ] ], [ [ 63899, 63899 ], "mapped", [ 37706 ] ], [ [ 63900, 63900 ], "mapped", [ 21015 ] ], [ [ 63901, 63901 ], "mapped", [ 21155 ] ], [ [ 63902, 63902 ], "mapped", [ 21693 ] ], [ [ 63903, 63903 ], "mapped", [ 28872 ] ], [ [ 63904, 63904 ], "mapped", [ 35010 ] ], [ [ 63905, 63905 ], "mapped", [ 35498 ] ], [ [ 63906, 63906 ], "mapped", [ 24265 ] ], [ [ 63907, 63907 ], "mapped", [ 24565 ] ], [ [ 63908, 63908 ], "mapped", [ 25467 ] ], [ [ 63909, 63909 ], "mapped", [ 27566 ] ], [ [ 63910, 63910 ], "mapped", [ 31806 ] ], [ [ 63911, 63911 ], "mapped", [ 29557 ] ], [ [ 63912, 63912 ], "mapped", [ 20196 ] ], [ [ 63913, 63913 ], "mapped", [ 22265 ] ], [ [ 63914, 63914 ], "mapped", [ 23527 ] ], [ [ 63915, 63915 ], "mapped", [ 23994 ] ], [ [ 63916, 63916 ], "mapped", [ 24604 ] ], [ [ 63917, 63917 ], "mapped", [ 29618 ] ], [ [ 63918, 63918 ], "mapped", [ 29801 ] ], [ [ 63919, 63919 ], "mapped", [ 32666 ] ], [ [ 63920, 63920 ], "mapped", [ 32838 ] ], [ [ 63921, 63921 ], "mapped", [ 37428 ] ], [ [ 63922, 63922 ], "mapped", [ 38646 ] ], [ [ 63923, 63923 ], "mapped", [ 38728 ] ], [ [ 63924, 63924 ], "mapped", [ 38936 ] ], [ [ 63925, 63925 ], "mapped", [ 20363 ] ], [ [ 63926, 63926 ], "mapped", [ 31150 ] ], [ [ 63927, 63927 ], "mapped", [ 37300 ] ], [ [ 63928, 63928 ], "mapped", [ 38584 ] ], [ [ 63929, 63929 ], "mapped", [ 24801 ] ], [ [ 63930, 63930 ], "mapped", [ 20102 ] ], [ [ 63931, 63931 ], "mapped", [ 20698 ] ], [ [ 63932, 63932 ], "mapped", [ 23534 ] ], [ [ 63933, 63933 ], "mapped", [ 23615 ] ], [ [ 63934, 63934 ], "mapped", [ 26009 ] ], [ [ 63935, 63935 ], "mapped", [ 27138 ] ], [ [ 63936, 63936 ], "mapped", [ 29134 ] ], [ [ 63937, 63937 ], "mapped", [ 30274 ] ], [ [ 63938, 63938 ], "mapped", [ 34044 ] ], [ [ 63939, 63939 ], "mapped", [ 36988 ] ], [ [ 63940, 63940 ], "mapped", [ 40845 ] ], [ [ 63941, 63941 ], "mapped", [ 26248 ] ], [ [ 63942, 63942 ], "mapped", [ 38446 ] ], [ [ 63943, 63943 ], "mapped", [ 21129 ] ], [ [ 63944, 63944 ], "mapped", [ 26491 ] ], [ [ 63945, 63945 ], "mapped", [ 26611 ] ], [ [ 63946, 63946 ], "mapped", [ 27969 ] ], [ [ 63947, 63947 ], "mapped", [ 28316 ] ], [ [ 63948, 63948 ], "mapped", [ 29705 ] ], [ [ 63949, 63949 ], "mapped", [ 30041 ] ], [ [ 63950, 63950 ], "mapped", [ 30827 ] ], [ [ 63951, 63951 ], "mapped", [ 32016 ] ], [ [ 63952, 63952 ], "mapped", [ 39006 ] ], [ [ 63953, 63953 ], "mapped", [ 20845 ] ], [ [ 63954, 63954 ], "mapped", [ 25134 ] ], [ [ 63955, 63955 ], "mapped", [ 38520 ] ], [ [ 63956, 63956 ], "mapped", [ 20523 ] ], [ [ 63957, 63957 ], "mapped", [ 23833 ] ], [ [ 63958, 63958 ], "mapped", [ 28138 ] ], [ [ 63959, 63959 ], "mapped", [ 36650 ] ], [ [ 63960, 63960 ], "mapped", [ 24459 ] ], [ [ 63961, 63961 ], "mapped", [ 24900 ] ], [ [ 63962, 63962 ], "mapped", [ 26647 ] ], [ [ 63963, 63963 ], "mapped", [ 29575 ] ], [ [ 63964, 63964 ], "mapped", [ 38534 ] ], [ [ 63965, 63965 ], "mapped", [ 21033 ] ], [ [ 63966, 63966 ], "mapped", [ 21519 ] ], [ [ 63967, 63967 ], "mapped", [ 23653 ] ], [ [ 63968, 63968 ], "mapped", [ 26131 ] ], [ [ 63969, 63969 ], "mapped", [ 26446 ] ], [ [ 63970, 63970 ], "mapped", [ 26792 ] ], [ [ 63971, 63971 ], "mapped", [ 27877 ] ], [ [ 63972, 63972 ], "mapped", [ 29702 ] ], [ [ 63973, 63973 ], "mapped", [ 30178 ] ], [ [ 63974, 63974 ], "mapped", [ 32633 ] ], [ [ 63975, 63975 ], "mapped", [ 35023 ] ], [ [ 63976, 63976 ], "mapped", [ 35041 ] ], [ [ 63977, 63977 ], "mapped", [ 37324 ] ], [ [ 63978, 63978 ], "mapped", [ 38626 ] ], [ [ 63979, 63979 ], "mapped", [ 21311 ] ], [ [ 63980, 63980 ], "mapped", [ 28346 ] ], [ [ 63981, 63981 ], "mapped", [ 21533 ] ], [ [ 63982, 63982 ], "mapped", [ 29136 ] ], [ [ 63983, 63983 ], "mapped", [ 29848 ] ], [ [ 63984, 63984 ], "mapped", [ 34298 ] ], [ [ 63985, 63985 ], "mapped", [ 38563 ] ], [ [ 63986, 63986 ], "mapped", [ 40023 ] ], [ [ 63987, 63987 ], "mapped", [ 40607 ] ], [ [ 63988, 63988 ], "mapped", [ 26519 ] ], [ [ 63989, 63989 ], "mapped", [ 28107 ] ], [ [ 63990, 63990 ], "mapped", [ 33256 ] ], [ [ 63991, 63991 ], "mapped", [ 31435 ] ], [ [ 63992, 63992 ], "mapped", [ 31520 ] ], [ [ 63993, 63993 ], "mapped", [ 31890 ] ], [ [ 63994, 63994 ], "mapped", [ 29376 ] ], [ [ 63995, 63995 ], "mapped", [ 28825 ] ], [ [ 63996, 63996 ], "mapped", [ 35672 ] ], [ [ 63997, 63997 ], "mapped", [ 20160 ] ], [ [ 63998, 63998 ], "mapped", [ 33590 ] ], [ [ 63999, 63999 ], "mapped", [ 21050 ] ], [ [ 64000, 64000 ], "mapped", [ 20999 ] ], [ [ 64001, 64001 ], "mapped", [ 24230 ] ], [ [ 64002, 64002 ], "mapped", [ 25299 ] ], [ [ 64003, 64003 ], "mapped", [ 31958 ] ], [ [ 64004, 64004 ], "mapped", [ 23429 ] ], [ [ 64005, 64005 ], "mapped", [ 27934 ] ], [ [ 64006, 64006 ], "mapped", [ 26292 ] ], [ [ 64007, 64007 ], "mapped", [ 36667 ] ], [ [ 64008, 64008 ], "mapped", [ 34892 ] ], [ [ 64009, 64009 ], "mapped", [ 38477 ] ], [ [ 64010, 64010 ], "mapped", [ 35211 ] ], [ [ 64011, 64011 ], "mapped", [ 24275 ] ], [ [ 64012, 64012 ], "mapped", [ 20800 ] ], [ [ 64013, 64013 ], "mapped", [ 21952 ] ], [ [ 64014, 64015 ], "valid" ], [ [ 64016, 64016 ], "mapped", [ 22618 ] ], [ [ 64017, 64017 ], "valid" ], [ [ 64018, 64018 ], "mapped", [ 26228 ] ], [ [ 64019, 64020 ], "valid" ], [ [ 64021, 64021 ], "mapped", [ 20958 ] ], [ [ 64022, 64022 ], "mapped", [ 29482 ] ], [ [ 64023, 64023 ], "mapped", [ 30410 ] ], [ [ 64024, 64024 ], "mapped", [ 31036 ] ], [ [ 64025, 64025 ], "mapped", [ 31070 ] ], [ [ 64026, 64026 ], "mapped", [ 31077 ] ], [ [ 64027, 64027 ], "mapped", [ 31119 ] ], [ [ 64028, 64028 ], "mapped", [ 38742 ] ], [ [ 64029, 64029 ], "mapped", [ 31934 ] ], [ [ 64030, 64030 ], "mapped", [ 32701 ] ], [ [ 64031, 64031 ], "valid" ], [ [ 64032, 64032 ], "mapped", [ 34322 ] ], [ [ 64033, 64033 ], "valid" ], [ [ 64034, 64034 ], "mapped", [ 35576 ] ], [ [ 64035, 64036 ], "valid" ], [ [ 64037, 64037 ], "mapped", [ 36920 ] ], [ [ 64038, 64038 ], "mapped", [ 37117 ] ], [ [ 64039, 64041 ], "valid" ], [ [ 64042, 64042 ], "mapped", [ 39151 ] ], [ [ 64043, 64043 ], "mapped", [ 39164 ] ], [ [ 64044, 64044 ], "mapped", [ 39208 ] ], [ [ 64045, 64045 ], "mapped", [ 40372 ] ], [ [ 64046, 64046 ], "mapped", [ 37086 ] ], [ [ 64047, 64047 ], "mapped", [ 38583 ] ], [ [ 64048, 64048 ], "mapped", [ 20398 ] ], [ [ 64049, 64049 ], "mapped", [ 20711 ] ], [ [ 64050, 64050 ], "mapped", [ 20813 ] ], [ [ 64051, 64051 ], "mapped", [ 21193 ] ], [ [ 64052, 64052 ], "mapped", [ 21220 ] ], [ [ 64053, 64053 ], "mapped", [ 21329 ] ], [ [ 64054, 64054 ], "mapped", [ 21917 ] ], [ [ 64055, 64055 ], "mapped", [ 22022 ] ], [ [ 64056, 64056 ], "mapped", [ 22120 ] ], [ [ 64057, 64057 ], "mapped", [ 22592 ] ], [ [ 64058, 64058 ], "mapped", [ 22696 ] ], [ [ 64059, 64059 ], "mapped", [ 23652 ] ], [ [ 64060, 64060 ], "mapped", [ 23662 ] ], [ [ 64061, 64061 ], "mapped", [ 24724 ] ], [ [ 64062, 64062 ], "mapped", [ 24936 ] ], [ [ 64063, 64063 ], "mapped", [ 24974 ] ], [ [ 64064, 64064 ], "mapped", [ 25074 ] ], [ [ 64065, 64065 ], "mapped", [ 25935 ] ], [ [ 64066, 64066 ], "mapped", [ 26082 ] ], [ [ 64067, 64067 ], "mapped", [ 26257 ] ], [ [ 64068, 64068 ], "mapped", [ 26757 ] ], [ [ 64069, 64069 ], "mapped", [ 28023 ] ], [ [ 64070, 64070 ], "mapped", [ 28186 ] ], [ [ 64071, 64071 ], "mapped", [ 28450 ] ], [ [ 64072, 64072 ], "mapped", [ 29038 ] ], [ [ 64073, 64073 ], "mapped", [ 29227 ] ], [ [ 64074, 64074 ], "mapped", [ 29730 ] ], [ [ 64075, 64075 ], "mapped", [ 30865 ] ], [ [ 64076, 64076 ], "mapped", [ 31038 ] ], [ [ 64077, 64077 ], "mapped", [ 31049 ] ], [ [ 64078, 64078 ], "mapped", [ 31048 ] ], [ [ 64079, 64079 ], "mapped", [ 31056 ] ], [ [ 64080, 64080 ], "mapped", [ 31062 ] ], [ [ 64081, 64081 ], "mapped", [ 31069 ] ], [ [ 64082, 64082 ], "mapped", [ 31117 ] ], [ [ 64083, 64083 ], "mapped", [ 31118 ] ], [ [ 64084, 64084 ], "mapped", [ 31296 ] ], [ [ 64085, 64085 ], "mapped", [ 31361 ] ], [ [ 64086, 64086 ], "mapped", [ 31680 ] ], [ [ 64087, 64087 ], "mapped", [ 32244 ] ], [ [ 64088, 64088 ], "mapped", [ 32265 ] ], [ [ 64089, 64089 ], "mapped", [ 32321 ] ], [ [ 64090, 64090 ], "mapped", [ 32626 ] ], [ [ 64091, 64091 ], "mapped", [ 32773 ] ], [ [ 64092, 64092 ], "mapped", [ 33261 ] ], [ [ 64093, 64094 ], "mapped", [ 33401 ] ], [ [ 64095, 64095 ], "mapped", [ 33879 ] ], [ [ 64096, 64096 ], "mapped", [ 35088 ] ], [ [ 64097, 64097 ], "mapped", [ 35222 ] ], [ [ 64098, 64098 ], "mapped", [ 35585 ] ], [ [ 64099, 64099 ], "mapped", [ 35641 ] ], [ [ 64100, 64100 ], "mapped", [ 36051 ] ], [ [ 64101, 64101 ], "mapped", [ 36104 ] ], [ [ 64102, 64102 ], "mapped", [ 36790 ] ], [ [ 64103, 64103 ], "mapped", [ 36920 ] ], [ [ 64104, 64104 ], "mapped", [ 38627 ] ], [ [ 64105, 64105 ], "mapped", [ 38911 ] ], [ [ 64106, 64106 ], "mapped", [ 38971 ] ], [ [ 64107, 64107 ], "mapped", [ 24693 ] ], [ [ 64108, 64108 ], "mapped", [ 148206 ] ], [ [ 64109, 64109 ], "mapped", [ 33304 ] ], [ [ 64110, 64111 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 64112, 64112 ], "mapped", [ 20006 ] ], [ [ 64113, 64113 ], "mapped", [ 20917 ] ], [ [ 64114, 64114 ], "mapped", [ 20840 ] ], [ [ 64115, 64115 ], "mapped", [ 20352 ] ], [ [ 64116, 64116 ], "mapped", [ 20805 ] ], [ [ 64117, 64117 ], "mapped", [ 20864 ] ], [ [ 64118, 64118 ], "mapped", [ 21191 ] ], [ [ 64119, 64119 ], "mapped", [ 21242 ] ], [ [ 64120, 64120 ], "mapped", [ 21917 ] ], [ [ 64121, 64121 ], "mapped", [ 21845 ] ], [ [ 64122, 64122 ], "mapped", [ 21913 ] ], [ [ 64123, 64123 ], "mapped", [ 21986 ] ], [ [ 64124, 64124 ], "mapped", [ 22618 ] ], [ [ 64125, 64125 ], "mapped", [ 22707 ] ], [ [ 64126, 64126 ], "mapped", [ 22852 ] ], [ [ 64127, 64127 ], "mapped", [ 22868 ] ], [ [ 64128, 64128 ], "mapped", [ 23138 ] ], [ [ 64129, 64129 ], "mapped", [ 23336 ] ], [ [ 64130, 64130 ], "mapped", [ 24274 ] ], [ [ 64131, 64131 ], "mapped", [ 24281 ] ], [ [ 64132, 64132 ], "mapped", [ 24425 ] ], [ [ 64133, 64133 ], "mapped", [ 24493 ] ], [ [ 64134, 64134 ], "mapped", [ 24792 ] ], [ [ 64135, 64135 ], "mapped", [ 24910 ] ], [ [ 64136, 64136 ], "mapped", [ 24840 ] ], [ [ 64137, 64137 ], "mapped", [ 24974 ] ], [ [ 64138, 64138 ], "mapped", [ 24928 ] ], [ [ 64139, 64139 ], "mapped", [ 25074 ] ], [ [ 64140, 64140 ], "mapped", [ 25140 ] ], [ [ 64141, 64141 ], "mapped", [ 25540 ] ], [ [ 64142, 64142 ], "mapped", [ 25628 ] ], [ [ 64143, 64143 ], "mapped", [ 25682 ] ], [ [ 64144, 64144 ], "mapped", [ 25942 ] ], [ [ 64145, 64145 ], "mapped", [ 26228 ] ], [ [ 64146, 64146 ], "mapped", [ 26391 ] ], [ [ 64147, 64147 ], "mapped", [ 26395 ] ], [ [ 64148, 64148 ], "mapped", [ 26454 ] ], [ [ 64149, 64149 ], "mapped", [ 27513 ] ], [ [ 64150, 64150 ], "mapped", [ 27578 ] ], [ [ 64151, 64151 ], "mapped", [ 27969 ] ], [ [ 64152, 64152 ], "mapped", [ 28379 ] ], [ [ 64153, 64153 ], "mapped", [ 28363 ] ], [ [ 64154, 64154 ], "mapped", [ 28450 ] ], [ [ 64155, 64155 ], "mapped", [ 28702 ] ], [ [ 64156, 64156 ], "mapped", [ 29038 ] ], [ [ 64157, 64157 ], "mapped", [ 30631 ] ], [ [ 64158, 64158 ], "mapped", [ 29237 ] ], [ [ 64159, 64159 ], "mapped", [ 29359 ] ], [ [ 64160, 64160 ], "mapped", [ 29482 ] ], [ [ 64161, 64161 ], "mapped", [ 29809 ] ], [ [ 64162, 64162 ], "mapped", [ 29958 ] ], [ [ 64163, 64163 ], "mapped", [ 30011 ] ], [ [ 64164, 64164 ], "mapped", [ 30237 ] ], [ [ 64165, 64165 ], "mapped", [ 30239 ] ], [ [ 64166, 64166 ], "mapped", [ 30410 ] ], [ [ 64167, 64167 ], "mapped", [ 30427 ] ], [ [ 64168, 64168 ], "mapped", [ 30452 ] ], [ [ 64169, 64169 ], "mapped", [ 30538 ] ], [ [ 64170, 64170 ], "mapped", [ 30528 ] ], [ [ 64171, 64171 ], "mapped", [ 30924 ] ], [ [ 64172, 64172 ], "mapped", [ 31409 ] ], [ [ 64173, 64173 ], "mapped", [ 31680 ] ], [ [ 64174, 64174 ], "mapped", [ 31867 ] ], [ [ 64175, 64175 ], "mapped", [ 32091 ] ], [ [ 64176, 64176 ], "mapped", [ 32244 ] ], [ [ 64177, 64177 ], "mapped", [ 32574 ] ], [ [ 64178, 64178 ], "mapped", [ 32773 ] ], [ [ 64179, 64179 ], "mapped", [ 33618 ] ], [ [ 64180, 64180 ], "mapped", [ 33775 ] ], [ [ 64181, 64181 ], "mapped", [ 34681 ] ], [ [ 64182, 64182 ], "mapped", [ 35137 ] ], [ [ 64183, 64183 ], "mapped", [ 35206 ] ], [ [ 64184, 64184 ], "mapped", [ 35222 ] ], [ [ 64185, 64185 ], "mapped", [ 35519 ] ], [ [ 64186, 64186 ], "mapped", [ 35576 ] ], [ [ 64187, 64187 ], "mapped", [ 35531 ] ], [ [ 64188, 64188 ], "mapped", [ 35585 ] ], [ [ 64189, 64189 ], "mapped", [ 35582 ] ], [ [ 64190, 64190 ], "mapped", [ 35565 ] ], [ [ 64191, 64191 ], "mapped", [ 35641 ] ], [ [ 64192, 64192 ], "mapped", [ 35722 ] ], [ [ 64193, 64193 ], "mapped", [ 36104 ] ], [ [ 64194, 64194 ], "mapped", [ 36664 ] ], [ [ 64195, 64195 ], "mapped", [ 36978 ] ], [ [ 64196, 64196 ], "mapped", [ 37273 ] ], [ [ 64197, 64197 ], "mapped", [ 37494 ] ], [ [ 64198, 64198 ], "mapped", [ 38524 ] ], [ [ 64199, 64199 ], "mapped", [ 38627 ] ], [ [ 64200, 64200 ], "mapped", [ 38742 ] ], [ [ 64201, 64201 ], "mapped", [ 38875 ] ], [ [ 64202, 64202 ], "mapped", [ 38911 ] ], [ [ 64203, 64203 ], "mapped", [ 38923 ] ], [ [ 64204, 64204 ], "mapped", [ 38971 ] ], [ [ 64205, 64205 ], "mapped", [ 39698 ] ], [ [ 64206, 64206 ], "mapped", [ 40860 ] ], [ [ 64207, 64207 ], "mapped", [ 141386 ] ], [ [ 64208, 64208 ], "mapped", [ 141380 ] ], [ [ 64209, 64209 ], "mapped", [ 144341 ] ], [ [ 64210, 64210 ], "mapped", [ 15261 ] ], [ [ 64211, 64211 ], "mapped", [ 16408 ] ], [ [ 64212, 64212 ], "mapped", [ 16441 ] ], [ [ 64213, 64213 ], "mapped", [ 152137 ] ], [ [ 64214, 64214 ], "mapped", [ 154832 ] ], [ [ 64215, 64215 ], "mapped", [ 163539 ] ], [ [ 64216, 64216 ], "mapped", [ 40771 ] ], [ [ 64217, 64217 ], "mapped", [ 40846 ] ], [ [ 64218, 64255 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 64256, 64256 ], "mapped", [ 102, 102 ] ], [ [ 64257, 64257 ], "mapped", [ 102, 105 ] ], [ [ 64258, 64258 ], "mapped", [ 102, 108 ] ], [ [ 64259, 64259 ], "mapped", [ 102, 102, 105 ] ], [ [ 64260, 64260 ], "mapped", [ 102, 102, 108 ] ], [ [ 64261, 64262 ], "mapped", [ 115, 116 ] ], [ [ 64263, 64274 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 64275, 64275 ], "mapped", [ 1396, 1398 ] ], [ [ 64276, 64276 ], "mapped", [ 1396, 1381 ] ], [ [ 64277, 64277 ], "mapped", [ 1396, 1387 ] ], [ [ 64278, 64278 ], "mapped", [ 1406, 1398 ] ], [ [ 64279, 64279 ], "mapped", [ 1396, 1389 ] ], [ [ 64280, 64284 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 64285, 64285 ], "mapped", [ 1497, 1460 ] ], [ [ 64286, 64286 ], "valid" ], [ [ 64287, 64287 ], "mapped", [ 1522, 1463 ] ], [ [ 64288, 64288 ], "mapped", [ 1506 ] ], [ [ 64289, 64289 ], "mapped", [ 1488 ] ], [ [ 64290, 64290 ], "mapped", [ 1491 ] ], [ [ 64291, 64291 ], "mapped", [ 1492 ] ], [ [ 64292, 64292 ], "mapped", [ 1499 ] ], [ [ 64293, 64293 ], "mapped", [ 1500 ] ], [ [ 64294, 64294 ], "mapped", [ 1501 ] ], [ [ 64295, 64295 ], "mapped", [ 1512 ] ], [ [ 64296, 64296 ], "mapped", [ 1514 ] ], [ [ 64297, 64297 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 43 ] ], [ [ 64298, 64298 ], "mapped", [ 1513, 1473 ] ], [ [ 64299, 64299 ], "mapped", [ 1513, 1474 ] ], [ [ 64300, 64300 ], "mapped", [ 1513, 1468, 1473 ] ], [ [ 64301, 64301 ], "mapped", [ 1513, 1468, 1474 ] ], [ [ 64302, 64302 ], "mapped", [ 1488, 1463 ] ], [ [ 64303, 64303 ], "mapped", [ 1488, 1464 ] ], [ [ 64304, 64304 ], "mapped", [ 1488, 1468 ] ], [ [ 64305, 64305 ], "mapped", [ 1489, 1468 ] ], [ [ 64306, 64306 ], "mapped", [ 1490, 1468 ] ], [ [ 64307, 64307 ], "mapped", [ 1491, 1468 ] ], [ [ 64308, 64308 ], "mapped", [ 1492, 1468 ] ], [ [ 64309, 64309 ], "mapped", [ 1493, 1468 ] ], [ [ 64310, 64310 ], "mapped", [ 1494, 1468 ] ], [ [ 64311, 64311 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 64312, 64312 ], "mapped", [ 1496, 1468 ] ], [ [ 64313, 64313 ], "mapped", [ 1497, 1468 ] ], [ [ 64314, 64314 ], "mapped", [ 1498, 1468 ] ], [ [ 64315, 64315 ], "mapped", [ 1499, 1468 ] ], [ [ 64316, 64316 ], "mapped", [ 1500, 1468 ] ], [ [ 64317, 64317 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 64318, 64318 ], "mapped", [ 1502, 1468 ] ], [ [ 64319, 64319 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 64320, 64320 ], "mapped", [ 1504, 1468 ] ], [ [ 64321, 64321 ], "mapped", [ 1505, 1468 ] ], [ [ 64322, 64322 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 64323, 64323 ], "mapped", [ 1507, 1468 ] ], [ [ 64324, 64324 ], "mapped", [ 1508, 1468 ] ], [ [ 64325, 64325 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 64326, 64326 ], "mapped", [ 1510, 1468 ] ], [ [ 64327, 64327 ], "mapped", [ 1511, 1468 ] ], [ [ 64328, 64328 ], "mapped", [ 1512, 1468 ] ], [ [ 64329, 64329 ], "mapped", [ 1513, 1468 ] ], [ [ 64330, 64330 ], "mapped", [ 1514, 1468 ] ], [ [ 64331, 64331 ], "mapped", [ 1493, 1465 ] ], [ [ 64332, 64332 ], "mapped", [ 1489, 1471 ] ], [ [ 64333, 64333 ], "mapped", [ 1499, 1471 ] ], [ [ 64334, 64334 ], "mapped", [ 1508, 1471 ] ], [ [ 64335, 64335 ], "mapped", [ 1488, 1500 ] ], [ [ 64336, 64337 ], "mapped", [ 1649 ] ], [ [ 64338, 64341 ], "mapped", [ 1659 ] ], [ [ 64342, 64345 ], "mapped", [ 1662 ] ], [ [ 64346, 64349 ], "mapped", [ 1664 ] ], [ [ 64350, 64353 ], "mapped", [ 1658 ] ], [ [ 64354, 64357 ], "mapped", [ 1663 ] ], [ [ 64358, 64361 ], "mapped", [ 1657 ] ], [ [ 64362, 64365 ], "mapped", [ 1700 ] ], [ [ 64366, 64369 ], "mapped", [ 1702 ] ], [ [ 64370, 64373 ], "mapped", [ 1668 ] ], [ [ 64374, 64377 ], "mapped", [ 1667 ] ], [ [ 64378, 64381 ], "mapped", [ 1670 ] ], [ [ 64382, 64385 ], "mapped", [ 1671 ] ], [ [ 64386, 64387 ], "mapped", [ 1677 ] ], [ [ 64388, 64389 ], "mapped", [ 1676 ] ], [ [ 64390, 64391 ], "mapped", [ 1678 ] ], [ [ 64392, 64393 ], "mapped", [ 1672 ] ], [ [ 64394, 64395 ], "mapped", [ 1688 ] ], [ [ 64396, 64397 ], "mapped", [ 1681 ] ], [ [ 64398, 64401 ], "mapped", [ 1705 ] ], [ [ 64402, 64405 ], "mapped", [ 1711 ] ], [ [ 64406, 64409 ], "mapped", [ 1715 ] ], [ [ 64410, 64413 ], "mapped", [ 1713 ] ], [ [ 64414, 64415 ], "mapped", [ 1722 ] ], [ [ 64416, 64419 ], "mapped", [ 1723 ] ], [ [ 64420, 64421 ], "mapped", [ 1728 ] ], [ [ 64422, 64425 ], "mapped", [ 1729 ] ], [ [ 64426, 64429 ], "mapped", [ 1726 ] ], [ [ 64430, 64431 ], "mapped", [ 1746 ] ], [ [ 64432, 64433 ], "mapped", [ 1747 ] ], [ [ 64434, 64449 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 64450, 64466 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 64467, 64470 ], "mapped", [ 1709 ] ], [ [ 64471, 64472 ], "mapped", [ 1735 ] ], [ [ 64473, 64474 ], "mapped", [ 1734 ] ], [ [ 64475, 64476 ], "mapped", [ 1736 ] ], [ [ 64477, 64477 ], "mapped", [ 1735, 1652 ] ], [ [ 64478, 64479 ], "mapped", [ 1739 ] ], [ [ 64480, 64481 ], "mapped", [ 1733 ] ], [ [ 64482, 64483 ], "mapped", [ 1737 ] ], [ [ 64484, 64487 ], "mapped", [ 1744 ] ], [ [ 64488, 64489 ], "mapped", [ 1609 ] ], [ [ 64490, 64491 ], "mapped", [ 1574, 1575 ] ], [ [ 64492, 64493 ], "mapped", [ 1574, 1749 ] ], [ [ 64494, 64495 ], "mapped", [ 1574, 1608 ] ], [ [ 64496, 64497 ], "mapped", [ 1574, 1735 ] ], [ [ 64498, 64499 ], "mapped", [ 1574, 1734 ] ], [ [ 64500, 64501 ], "mapped", [ 1574, 1736 ] ], [ [ 64502, 64504 ], "mapped", [ 1574, 1744 ] ], [ [ 64505, 64507 ], "mapped", [ 1574, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64508, 64511 ], "mapped", [ 1740 ] ], [ [ 64512, 64512 ], "mapped", [ 1574, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64513, 64513 ], "mapped", [ 1574, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64514, 64514 ], "mapped", [ 1574, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64515, 64515 ], "mapped", [ 1574, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64516, 64516 ], "mapped", [ 1574, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64517, 64517 ], "mapped", [ 1576, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64518, 64518 ], "mapped", [ 1576, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64519, 64519 ], "mapped", [ 1576, 1582 ] ], [ [ 64520, 64520 ], "mapped", [ 1576, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64521, 64521 ], "mapped", [ 1576, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64522, 64522 ], "mapped", [ 1576, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64523, 64523 ], "mapped", [ 1578, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64524, 64524 ], "mapped", [ 1578, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64525, 64525 ], "mapped", [ 1578, 1582 ] ], [ [ 64526, 64526 ], "mapped", [ 1578, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64527, 64527 ], "mapped", [ 1578, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64528, 64528 ], "mapped", [ 1578, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64529, 64529 ], "mapped", [ 1579, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64530, 64530 ], "mapped", [ 1579, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64531, 64531 ], "mapped", [ 1579, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64532, 64532 ], "mapped", [ 1579, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64533, 64533 ], "mapped", [ 1580, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64534, 64534 ], "mapped", [ 1580, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64535, 64535 ], "mapped", [ 1581, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64536, 64536 ], "mapped", [ 1581, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64537, 64537 ], "mapped", [ 1582, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64538, 64538 ], "mapped", [ 1582, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64539, 64539 ], "mapped", [ 1582, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64540, 64540 ], "mapped", [ 1587, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64541, 64541 ], "mapped", [ 1587, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64542, 64542 ], "mapped", [ 1587, 1582 ] ], [ [ 64543, 64543 ], "mapped", [ 1587, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64544, 64544 ], "mapped", [ 1589, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64545, 64545 ], "mapped", [ 1589, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64546, 64546 ], "mapped", [ 1590, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64547, 64547 ], "mapped", [ 1590, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64548, 64548 ], "mapped", [ 1590, 1582 ] ], [ [ 64549, 64549 ], "mapped", [ 1590, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64550, 64550 ], "mapped", [ 1591, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64551, 64551 ], "mapped", [ 1591, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64552, 64552 ], "mapped", [ 1592, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64553, 64553 ], "mapped", [ 1593, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64554, 64554 ], "mapped", [ 1593, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64555, 64555 ], "mapped", [ 1594, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64556, 64556 ], "mapped", [ 1594, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64557, 64557 ], "mapped", [ 1601, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64558, 64558 ], "mapped", [ 1601, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64559, 64559 ], "mapped", [ 1601, 1582 ] ], [ [ 64560, 64560 ], "mapped", [ 1601, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64561, 64561 ], "mapped", [ 1601, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64562, 64562 ], "mapped", [ 1601, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64563, 64563 ], "mapped", [ 1602, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64564, 64564 ], "mapped", [ 1602, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64565, 64565 ], "mapped", [ 1602, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64566, 64566 ], "mapped", [ 1602, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64567, 64567 ], "mapped", [ 1603, 1575 ] ], [ [ 64568, 64568 ], "mapped", [ 1603, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64569, 64569 ], "mapped", [ 1603, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64570, 64570 ], "mapped", [ 1603, 1582 ] ], [ [ 64571, 64571 ], "mapped", [ 1603, 1604 ] ], [ [ 64572, 64572 ], "mapped", [ 1603, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64573, 64573 ], "mapped", [ 1603, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64574, 64574 ], "mapped", [ 1603, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64575, 64575 ], "mapped", [ 1604, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64576, 64576 ], "mapped", [ 1604, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64577, 64577 ], "mapped", [ 1604, 1582 ] ], [ [ 64578, 64578 ], "mapped", [ 1604, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64579, 64579 ], "mapped", [ 1604, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64580, 64580 ], "mapped", [ 1604, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64581, 64581 ], "mapped", [ 1605, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64582, 64582 ], "mapped", [ 1605, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64583, 64583 ], "mapped", [ 1605, 1582 ] ], [ [ 64584, 64584 ], "mapped", [ 1605, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64585, 64585 ], "mapped", [ 1605, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64586, 64586 ], "mapped", [ 1605, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64587, 64587 ], "mapped", [ 1606, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64588, 64588 ], "mapped", [ 1606, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64589, 64589 ], "mapped", [ 1606, 1582 ] ], [ [ 64590, 64590 ], "mapped", [ 1606, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64591, 64591 ], "mapped", [ 1606, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64592, 64592 ], "mapped", [ 1606, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64593, 64593 ], "mapped", [ 1607, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64594, 64594 ], "mapped", [ 1607, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64595, 64595 ], "mapped", [ 1607, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64596, 64596 ], "mapped", [ 1607, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64597, 64597 ], "mapped", [ 1610, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64598, 64598 ], "mapped", [ 1610, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64599, 64599 ], "mapped", [ 1610, 1582 ] ], [ [ 64600, 64600 ], "mapped", [ 1610, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64601, 64601 ], "mapped", [ 1610, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64602, 64602 ], "mapped", [ 1610, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64603, 64603 ], "mapped", [ 1584, 1648 ] ], [ [ 64604, 64604 ], "mapped", [ 1585, 1648 ] ], [ [ 64605, 64605 ], "mapped", [ 1609, 1648 ] ], [ [ 64606, 64606 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 1612, 1617 ] ], [ [ 64607, 64607 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 1613, 1617 ] ], [ [ 64608, 64608 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 1614, 1617 ] ], [ [ 64609, 64609 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 1615, 1617 ] ], [ [ 64610, 64610 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 1616, 1617 ] ], [ [ 64611, 64611 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 1617, 1648 ] ], [ [ 64612, 64612 ], "mapped", [ 1574, 1585 ] ], [ [ 64613, 64613 ], "mapped", [ 1574, 1586 ] ], [ [ 64614, 64614 ], "mapped", [ 1574, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64615, 64615 ], "mapped", [ 1574, 1606 ] ], [ [ 64616, 64616 ], "mapped", [ 1574, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64617, 64617 ], "mapped", [ 1574, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64618, 64618 ], "mapped", [ 1576, 1585 ] ], [ [ 64619, 64619 ], "mapped", [ 1576, 1586 ] ], [ [ 64620, 64620 ], "mapped", [ 1576, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64621, 64621 ], "mapped", [ 1576, 1606 ] ], [ [ 64622, 64622 ], "mapped", [ 1576, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64623, 64623 ], "mapped", [ 1576, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64624, 64624 ], "mapped", [ 1578, 1585 ] ], [ [ 64625, 64625 ], "mapped", [ 1578, 1586 ] ], [ [ 64626, 64626 ], "mapped", [ 1578, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64627, 64627 ], "mapped", [ 1578, 1606 ] ], [ [ 64628, 64628 ], "mapped", [ 1578, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64629, 64629 ], "mapped", [ 1578, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64630, 64630 ], "mapped", [ 1579, 1585 ] ], [ [ 64631, 64631 ], "mapped", [ 1579, 1586 ] ], [ [ 64632, 64632 ], "mapped", [ 1579, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64633, 64633 ], "mapped", [ 1579, 1606 ] ], [ [ 64634, 64634 ], "mapped", [ 1579, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64635, 64635 ], "mapped", [ 1579, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64636, 64636 ], "mapped", [ 1601, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64637, 64637 ], "mapped", [ 1601, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64638, 64638 ], "mapped", [ 1602, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64639, 64639 ], "mapped", [ 1602, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64640, 64640 ], "mapped", [ 1603, 1575 ] ], [ [ 64641, 64641 ], "mapped", [ 1603, 1604 ] ], [ [ 64642, 64642 ], "mapped", [ 1603, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64643, 64643 ], "mapped", [ 1603, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64644, 64644 ], "mapped", [ 1603, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64645, 64645 ], "mapped", [ 1604, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64646, 64646 ], "mapped", [ 1604, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64647, 64647 ], "mapped", [ 1604, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64648, 64648 ], "mapped", [ 1605, 1575 ] ], [ [ 64649, 64649 ], "mapped", [ 1605, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64650, 64650 ], "mapped", [ 1606, 1585 ] ], [ [ 64651, 64651 ], "mapped", [ 1606, 1586 ] ], [ [ 64652, 64652 ], "mapped", [ 1606, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64653, 64653 ], "mapped", [ 1606, 1606 ] ], [ [ 64654, 64654 ], "mapped", [ 1606, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64655, 64655 ], "mapped", [ 1606, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64656, 64656 ], "mapped", [ 1609, 1648 ] ], [ [ 64657, 64657 ], "mapped", [ 1610, 1585 ] ], [ [ 64658, 64658 ], "mapped", [ 1610, 1586 ] ], [ [ 64659, 64659 ], "mapped", [ 1610, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64660, 64660 ], "mapped", [ 1610, 1606 ] ], [ [ 64661, 64661 ], "mapped", [ 1610, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64662, 64662 ], "mapped", [ 1610, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64663, 64663 ], "mapped", [ 1574, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64664, 64664 ], "mapped", [ 1574, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64665, 64665 ], "mapped", [ 1574, 1582 ] ], [ [ 64666, 64666 ], "mapped", [ 1574, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64667, 64667 ], "mapped", [ 1574, 1607 ] ], [ [ 64668, 64668 ], "mapped", [ 1576, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64669, 64669 ], "mapped", [ 1576, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64670, 64670 ], "mapped", [ 1576, 1582 ] ], [ [ 64671, 64671 ], "mapped", [ 1576, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64672, 64672 ], "mapped", [ 1576, 1607 ] ], [ [ 64673, 64673 ], "mapped", [ 1578, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64674, 64674 ], "mapped", [ 1578, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64675, 64675 ], "mapped", [ 1578, 1582 ] ], [ [ 64676, 64676 ], "mapped", [ 1578, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64677, 64677 ], "mapped", [ 1578, 1607 ] ], [ [ 64678, 64678 ], "mapped", [ 1579, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64679, 64679 ], "mapped", [ 1580, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64680, 64680 ], "mapped", [ 1580, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64681, 64681 ], "mapped", [ 1581, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64682, 64682 ], "mapped", [ 1581, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64683, 64683 ], "mapped", [ 1582, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64684, 64684 ], "mapped", [ 1582, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64685, 64685 ], "mapped", [ 1587, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64686, 64686 ], "mapped", [ 1587, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64687, 64687 ], "mapped", [ 1587, 1582 ] ], [ [ 64688, 64688 ], "mapped", [ 1587, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64689, 64689 ], "mapped", [ 1589, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64690, 64690 ], "mapped", [ 1589, 1582 ] ], [ [ 64691, 64691 ], "mapped", [ 1589, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64692, 64692 ], "mapped", [ 1590, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64693, 64693 ], "mapped", [ 1590, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64694, 64694 ], "mapped", [ 1590, 1582 ] ], [ [ 64695, 64695 ], "mapped", [ 1590, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64696, 64696 ], "mapped", [ 1591, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64697, 64697 ], "mapped", [ 1592, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64698, 64698 ], "mapped", [ 1593, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64699, 64699 ], "mapped", [ 1593, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64700, 64700 ], "mapped", [ 1594, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64701, 64701 ], "mapped", [ 1594, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64702, 64702 ], "mapped", [ 1601, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64703, 64703 ], "mapped", [ 1601, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64704, 64704 ], "mapped", [ 1601, 1582 ] ], [ [ 64705, 64705 ], "mapped", [ 1601, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64706, 64706 ], "mapped", [ 1602, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64707, 64707 ], "mapped", [ 1602, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64708, 64708 ], "mapped", [ 1603, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64709, 64709 ], "mapped", [ 1603, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64710, 64710 ], "mapped", [ 1603, 1582 ] ], [ [ 64711, 64711 ], "mapped", [ 1603, 1604 ] ], [ [ 64712, 64712 ], "mapped", [ 1603, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64713, 64713 ], "mapped", [ 1604, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64714, 64714 ], "mapped", [ 1604, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64715, 64715 ], "mapped", [ 1604, 1582 ] ], [ [ 64716, 64716 ], "mapped", [ 1604, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64717, 64717 ], "mapped", [ 1604, 1607 ] ], [ [ 64718, 64718 ], "mapped", [ 1605, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64719, 64719 ], "mapped", [ 1605, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64720, 64720 ], "mapped", [ 1605, 1582 ] ], [ [ 64721, 64721 ], "mapped", [ 1605, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64722, 64722 ], "mapped", [ 1606, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64723, 64723 ], "mapped", [ 1606, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64724, 64724 ], "mapped", [ 1606, 1582 ] ], [ [ 64725, 64725 ], "mapped", [ 1606, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64726, 64726 ], "mapped", [ 1606, 1607 ] ], [ [ 64727, 64727 ], "mapped", [ 1607, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64728, 64728 ], "mapped", [ 1607, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64729, 64729 ], "mapped", [ 1607, 1648 ] ], [ [ 64730, 64730 ], "mapped", [ 1610, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64731, 64731 ], "mapped", [ 1610, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64732, 64732 ], "mapped", [ 1610, 1582 ] ], [ [ 64733, 64733 ], "mapped", [ 1610, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64734, 64734 ], "mapped", [ 1610, 1607 ] ], [ [ 64735, 64735 ], "mapped", [ 1574, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64736, 64736 ], "mapped", [ 1574, 1607 ] ], [ [ 64737, 64737 ], "mapped", [ 1576, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64738, 64738 ], "mapped", [ 1576, 1607 ] ], [ [ 64739, 64739 ], "mapped", [ 1578, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64740, 64740 ], "mapped", [ 1578, 1607 ] ], [ [ 64741, 64741 ], "mapped", [ 1579, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64742, 64742 ], "mapped", [ 1579, 1607 ] ], [ [ 64743, 64743 ], "mapped", [ 1587, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64744, 64744 ], "mapped", [ 1587, 1607 ] ], [ [ 64745, 64745 ], "mapped", [ 1588, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64746, 64746 ], "mapped", [ 1588, 1607 ] ], [ [ 64747, 64747 ], "mapped", [ 1603, 1604 ] ], [ [ 64748, 64748 ], "mapped", [ 1603, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64749, 64749 ], "mapped", [ 1604, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64750, 64750 ], "mapped", [ 1606, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64751, 64751 ], "mapped", [ 1606, 1607 ] ], [ [ 64752, 64752 ], "mapped", [ 1610, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64753, 64753 ], "mapped", [ 1610, 1607 ] ], [ [ 64754, 64754 ], "mapped", [ 1600, 1614, 1617 ] ], [ [ 64755, 64755 ], "mapped", [ 1600, 1615, 1617 ] ], [ [ 64756, 64756 ], "mapped", [ 1600, 1616, 1617 ] ], [ [ 64757, 64757 ], "mapped", [ 1591, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64758, 64758 ], "mapped", [ 1591, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64759, 64759 ], "mapped", [ 1593, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64760, 64760 ], "mapped", [ 1593, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64761, 64761 ], "mapped", [ 1594, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64762, 64762 ], "mapped", [ 1594, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64763, 64763 ], "mapped", [ 1587, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64764, 64764 ], "mapped", [ 1587, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64765, 64765 ], "mapped", [ 1588, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64766, 64766 ], "mapped", [ 1588, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64767, 64767 ], "mapped", [ 1581, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64768, 64768 ], "mapped", [ 1581, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64769, 64769 ], "mapped", [ 1580, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64770, 64770 ], "mapped", [ 1580, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64771, 64771 ], "mapped", [ 1582, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64772, 64772 ], "mapped", [ 1582, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64773, 64773 ], "mapped", [ 1589, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64774, 64774 ], "mapped", [ 1589, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64775, 64775 ], "mapped", [ 1590, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64776, 64776 ], "mapped", [ 1590, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64777, 64777 ], "mapped", [ 1588, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64778, 64778 ], "mapped", [ 1588, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64779, 64779 ], "mapped", [ 1588, 1582 ] ], [ [ 64780, 64780 ], "mapped", [ 1588, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64781, 64781 ], "mapped", [ 1588, 1585 ] ], [ [ 64782, 64782 ], "mapped", [ 1587, 1585 ] ], [ [ 64783, 64783 ], "mapped", [ 1589, 1585 ] ], [ [ 64784, 64784 ], "mapped", [ 1590, 1585 ] ], [ [ 64785, 64785 ], "mapped", [ 1591, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64786, 64786 ], "mapped", [ 1591, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64787, 64787 ], "mapped", [ 1593, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64788, 64788 ], "mapped", [ 1593, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64789, 64789 ], "mapped", [ 1594, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64790, 64790 ], "mapped", [ 1594, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64791, 64791 ], "mapped", [ 1587, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64792, 64792 ], "mapped", [ 1587, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64793, 64793 ], "mapped", [ 1588, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64794, 64794 ], "mapped", [ 1588, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64795, 64795 ], "mapped", [ 1581, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64796, 64796 ], "mapped", [ 1581, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64797, 64797 ], "mapped", [ 1580, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64798, 64798 ], "mapped", [ 1580, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64799, 64799 ], "mapped", [ 1582, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64800, 64800 ], "mapped", [ 1582, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64801, 64801 ], "mapped", [ 1589, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64802, 64802 ], "mapped", [ 1589, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64803, 64803 ], "mapped", [ 1590, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64804, 64804 ], "mapped", [ 1590, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64805, 64805 ], "mapped", [ 1588, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64806, 64806 ], "mapped", [ 1588, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64807, 64807 ], "mapped", [ 1588, 1582 ] ], [ [ 64808, 64808 ], "mapped", [ 1588, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64809, 64809 ], "mapped", [ 1588, 1585 ] ], [ [ 64810, 64810 ], "mapped", [ 1587, 1585 ] ], [ [ 64811, 64811 ], "mapped", [ 1589, 1585 ] ], [ [ 64812, 64812 ], "mapped", [ 1590, 1585 ] ], [ [ 64813, 64813 ], "mapped", [ 1588, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64814, 64814 ], "mapped", [ 1588, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64815, 64815 ], "mapped", [ 1588, 1582 ] ], [ [ 64816, 64816 ], "mapped", [ 1588, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64817, 64817 ], "mapped", [ 1587, 1607 ] ], [ [ 64818, 64818 ], "mapped", [ 1588, 1607 ] ], [ [ 64819, 64819 ], "mapped", [ 1591, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64820, 64820 ], "mapped", [ 1587, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64821, 64821 ], "mapped", [ 1587, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64822, 64822 ], "mapped", [ 1587, 1582 ] ], [ [ 64823, 64823 ], "mapped", [ 1588, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64824, 64824 ], "mapped", [ 1588, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64825, 64825 ], "mapped", [ 1588, 1582 ] ], [ [ 64826, 64826 ], "mapped", [ 1591, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64827, 64827 ], "mapped", [ 1592, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64828, 64829 ], "mapped", [ 1575, 1611 ] ], [ [ 64830, 64831 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 64832, 64847 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 64848, 64848 ], "mapped", [ 1578, 1580, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64849, 64850 ], "mapped", [ 1578, 1581, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64851, 64851 ], "mapped", [ 1578, 1581, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64852, 64852 ], "mapped", [ 1578, 1582, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64853, 64853 ], "mapped", [ 1578, 1605, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64854, 64854 ], "mapped", [ 1578, 1605, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64855, 64855 ], "mapped", [ 1578, 1605, 1582 ] ], [ [ 64856, 64857 ], "mapped", [ 1580, 1605, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64858, 64858 ], "mapped", [ 1581, 1605, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64859, 64859 ], "mapped", [ 1581, 1605, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64860, 64860 ], "mapped", [ 1587, 1581, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64861, 64861 ], "mapped", [ 1587, 1580, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64862, 64862 ], "mapped", [ 1587, 1580, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64863, 64864 ], "mapped", [ 1587, 1605, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64865, 64865 ], "mapped", [ 1587, 1605, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64866, 64867 ], "mapped", [ 1587, 1605, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64868, 64869 ], "mapped", [ 1589, 1581, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64870, 64870 ], "mapped", [ 1589, 1605, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64871, 64872 ], "mapped", [ 1588, 1581, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64873, 64873 ], "mapped", [ 1588, 1580, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64874, 64875 ], "mapped", [ 1588, 1605, 1582 ] ], [ [ 64876, 64877 ], "mapped", [ 1588, 1605, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64878, 64878 ], "mapped", [ 1590, 1581, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64879, 64880 ], "mapped", [ 1590, 1582, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64881, 64882 ], "mapped", [ 1591, 1605, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64883, 64883 ], "mapped", [ 1591, 1605, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64884, 64884 ], "mapped", [ 1591, 1605, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64885, 64885 ], "mapped", [ 1593, 1580, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64886, 64887 ], "mapped", [ 1593, 1605, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64888, 64888 ], "mapped", [ 1593, 1605, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64889, 64889 ], "mapped", [ 1594, 1605, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64890, 64890 ], "mapped", [ 1594, 1605, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64891, 64891 ], "mapped", [ 1594, 1605, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64892, 64893 ], "mapped", [ 1601, 1582, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64894, 64894 ], "mapped", [ 1602, 1605, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64895, 64895 ], "mapped", [ 1602, 1605, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64896, 64896 ], "mapped", [ 1604, 1581, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64897, 64897 ], "mapped", [ 1604, 1581, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64898, 64898 ], "mapped", [ 1604, 1581, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64899, 64900 ], "mapped", [ 1604, 1580, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64901, 64902 ], "mapped", [ 1604, 1582, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64903, 64904 ], "mapped", [ 1604, 1605, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64905, 64905 ], "mapped", [ 1605, 1581, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64906, 64906 ], "mapped", [ 1605, 1581, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64907, 64907 ], "mapped", [ 1605, 1581, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64908, 64908 ], "mapped", [ 1605, 1580, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64909, 64909 ], "mapped", [ 1605, 1580, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64910, 64910 ], "mapped", [ 1605, 1582, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64911, 64911 ], "mapped", [ 1605, 1582, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64912, 64913 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 64914, 64914 ], "mapped", [ 1605, 1580, 1582 ] ], [ [ 64915, 64915 ], "mapped", [ 1607, 1605, 1580 ] ], [ [ 64916, 64916 ], "mapped", [ 1607, 1605, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64917, 64917 ], "mapped", [ 1606, 1581, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64918, 64918 ], "mapped", [ 1606, 1581, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64919, 64920 ], "mapped", [ 1606, 1580, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64921, 64921 ], "mapped", [ 1606, 1580, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64922, 64922 ], "mapped", [ 1606, 1605, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64923, 64923 ], "mapped", [ 1606, 1605, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64924, 64925 ], "mapped", [ 1610, 1605, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64926, 64926 ], "mapped", [ 1576, 1582, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64927, 64927 ], "mapped", [ 1578, 1580, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64928, 64928 ], "mapped", [ 1578, 1580, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64929, 64929 ], "mapped", [ 1578, 1582, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64930, 64930 ], "mapped", [ 1578, 1582, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64931, 64931 ], "mapped", [ 1578, 1605, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64932, 64932 ], "mapped", [ 1578, 1605, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64933, 64933 ], "mapped", [ 1580, 1605, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64934, 64934 ], "mapped", [ 1580, 1581, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64935, 64935 ], "mapped", [ 1580, 1605, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64936, 64936 ], "mapped", [ 1587, 1582, 1609 ] ], [ [ 64937, 64937 ], "mapped", [ 1589, 1581, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64938, 64938 ], "mapped", [ 1588, 1581, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64939, 64939 ], "mapped", [ 1590, 1581, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64940, 64940 ], "mapped", [ 1604, 1580, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64941, 64941 ], "mapped", [ 1604, 1605, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64942, 64942 ], "mapped", [ 1610, 1581, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64943, 64943 ], "mapped", [ 1610, 1580, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64944, 64944 ], "mapped", [ 1610, 1605, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64945, 64945 ], "mapped", [ 1605, 1605, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64946, 64946 ], "mapped", [ 1602, 1605, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64947, 64947 ], "mapped", [ 1606, 1581, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64948, 64948 ], "mapped", [ 1602, 1605, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64949, 64949 ], "mapped", [ 1604, 1581, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64950, 64950 ], "mapped", [ 1593, 1605, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64951, 64951 ], "mapped", [ 1603, 1605, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64952, 64952 ], "mapped", [ 1606, 1580, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64953, 64953 ], "mapped", [ 1605, 1582, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64954, 64954 ], "mapped", [ 1604, 1580, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64955, 64955 ], "mapped", [ 1603, 1605, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64956, 64956 ], "mapped", [ 1604, 1580, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64957, 64957 ], "mapped", [ 1606, 1580, 1581 ] ], [ [ 64958, 64958 ], "mapped", [ 1580, 1581, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64959, 64959 ], "mapped", [ 1581, 1580, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64960, 64960 ], "mapped", [ 1605, 1580, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64961, 64961 ], "mapped", [ 1601, 1605, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64962, 64962 ], "mapped", [ 1576, 1581, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64963, 64963 ], "mapped", [ 1603, 1605, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64964, 64964 ], "mapped", [ 1593, 1580, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64965, 64965 ], "mapped", [ 1589, 1605, 1605 ] ], [ [ 64966, 64966 ], "mapped", [ 1587, 1582, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64967, 64967 ], "mapped", [ 1606, 1580, 1610 ] ], [ [ 64968, 64975 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 64976, 65007 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 65008, 65008 ], "mapped", [ 1589, 1604, 1746 ] ], [ [ 65009, 65009 ], "mapped", [ 1602, 1604, 1746 ] ], [ [ 65010, 65010 ], "mapped", [ 1575, 1604, 1604, 1607 ] ], [ [ 65011, 65011 ], "mapped", [ 1575, 1603, 1576, 1585 ] ], [ [ 65012, 65012 ], "mapped", [ 1605, 1581, 1605, 1583 ] ], [ [ 65013, 65013 ], "mapped", [ 1589, 1604, 1593, 1605 ] ], [ [ 65014, 65014 ], "mapped", [ 1585, 1587, 1608, 1604 ] ], [ [ 65015, 65015 ], "mapped", [ 1593, 1604, 1610, 1607 ] ], [ [ 65016, 65016 ], "mapped", [ 1608, 1587, 1604, 1605 ] ], [ [ 65017, 65017 ], "mapped", [ 1589, 1604, 1609 ] ], [ [ 65018, 65018 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 1589, 1604, 1609, 32, 1575, 1604, 1604, 1607, 32, 1593, 1604, 1610, 1607, 32, 1608, 1587, 1604, 1605 ] ], [ [ 65019, 65019 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 1580, 1604, 32, 1580, 1604, 1575, 1604, 1607 ] ], [ [ 65020, 65020 ], "mapped", [ 1585, 1740, 1575, 1604 ] ], [ [ 65021, 65021 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 65022, 65023 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 65024, 65039 ], "ignored" ], [ [ 65040, 65040 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 44 ] ], [ [ 65041, 65041 ], "mapped", [ 12289 ] ], [ [ 65042, 65042 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 65043, 65043 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 58 ] ], [ [ 65044, 65044 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 59 ] ], [ [ 65045, 65045 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 33 ] ], [ [ 65046, 65046 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 63 ] ], [ [ 65047, 65047 ], "mapped", [ 12310 ] ], [ [ 65048, 65048 ], "mapped", [ 12311 ] ], [ [ 65049, 65049 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 65050, 65055 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 65056, 65059 ], "valid" ], [ [ 65060, 65062 ], "valid" ], [ [ 65063, 65069 ], "valid" ], [ [ 65070, 65071 ], "valid" ], [ [ 65072, 65072 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 65073, 65073 ], "mapped", [ 8212 ] ], [ [ 65074, 65074 ], "mapped", [ 8211 ] ], [ [ 65075, 65076 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 95 ] ], [ [ 65077, 65077 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40 ] ], [ [ 65078, 65078 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 41 ] ], [ [ 65079, 65079 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 123 ] ], [ [ 65080, 65080 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 125 ] ], [ [ 65081, 65081 ], "mapped", [ 12308 ] ], [ [ 65082, 65082 ], "mapped", [ 12309 ] ], [ [ 65083, 65083 ], "mapped", [ 12304 ] ], [ [ 65084, 65084 ], "mapped", [ 12305 ] ], [ [ 65085, 65085 ], "mapped", [ 12298 ] ], [ [ 65086, 65086 ], "mapped", [ 12299 ] ], [ [ 65087, 65087 ], "mapped", [ 12296 ] ], [ [ 65088, 65088 ], "mapped", [ 12297 ] ], [ [ 65089, 65089 ], "mapped", [ 12300 ] ], [ [ 65090, 65090 ], "mapped", [ 12301 ] ], [ [ 65091, 65091 ], "mapped", [ 12302 ] ], [ [ 65092, 65092 ], "mapped", [ 12303 ] ], [ [ 65093, 65094 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 65095, 65095 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 91 ] ], [ [ 65096, 65096 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 93 ] ], [ [ 65097, 65100 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 773 ] ], [ [ 65101, 65103 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 95 ] ], [ [ 65104, 65104 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 44 ] ], [ [ 65105, 65105 ], "mapped", [ 12289 ] ], [ [ 65106, 65106 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 65107, 65107 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 65108, 65108 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 59 ] ], [ [ 65109, 65109 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 58 ] ], [ [ 65110, 65110 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 63 ] ], [ [ 65111, 65111 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 33 ] ], [ [ 65112, 65112 ], "mapped", [ 8212 ] ], [ [ 65113, 65113 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40 ] ], [ [ 65114, 65114 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 41 ] ], [ [ 65115, 65115 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 123 ] ], [ [ 65116, 65116 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 125 ] ], [ [ 65117, 65117 ], "mapped", [ 12308 ] ], [ [ 65118, 65118 ], "mapped", [ 12309 ] ], [ [ 65119, 65119 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 35 ] ], [ [ 65120, 65120 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 38 ] ], [ [ 65121, 65121 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 42 ] ], [ [ 65122, 65122 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 43 ] ], [ [ 65123, 65123 ], "mapped", [ 45 ] ], [ [ 65124, 65124 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 60 ] ], [ [ 65125, 65125 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 62 ] ], [ [ 65126, 65126 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 61 ] ], [ [ 65127, 65127 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 65128, 65128 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 92 ] ], [ [ 65129, 65129 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 36 ] ], [ [ 65130, 65130 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 37 ] ], [ [ 65131, 65131 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 64 ] ], [ [ 65132, 65135 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 65136, 65136 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 1611 ] ], [ [ 65137, 65137 ], "mapped", [ 1600, 1611 ] ], [ [ 65138, 65138 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 1612 ] ], [ [ 65139, 65139 ], "valid" ], [ [ 65140, 65140 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 1613 ] ], [ [ 65141, 65141 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 65142, 65142 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 1614 ] ], [ [ 65143, 65143 ], "mapped", [ 1600, 1614 ] ], [ [ 65144, 65144 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 1615 ] ], [ [ 65145, 65145 ], "mapped", [ 1600, 1615 ] ], [ [ 65146, 65146 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 1616 ] ], [ [ 65147, 65147 ], "mapped", [ 1600, 1616 ] ], [ [ 65148, 65148 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 1617 ] ], [ [ 65149, 65149 ], "mapped", [ 1600, 1617 ] ], [ [ 65150, 65150 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 1618 ] ], [ [ 65151, 65151 ], "mapped", [ 1600, 1618 ] ], [ [ 65152, 65152 ], "mapped", [ 1569 ] ], [ [ 65153, 65154 ], "mapped", [ 1570 ] ], [ [ 65155, 65156 ], "mapped", [ 1571 ] ], [ [ 65157, 65158 ], "mapped", [ 1572 ] ], [ [ 65159, 65160 ], "mapped", [ 1573 ] ], [ [ 65161, 65164 ], "mapped", [ 1574 ] ], [ [ 65165, 65166 ], "mapped", [ 1575 ] ], [ [ 65167, 65170 ], "mapped", [ 1576 ] ], [ [ 65171, 65172 ], "mapped", [ 1577 ] ], [ [ 65173, 65176 ], "mapped", [ 1578 ] ], [ [ 65177, 65180 ], "mapped", [ 1579 ] ], [ [ 65181, 65184 ], "mapped", [ 1580 ] ], [ [ 65185, 65188 ], "mapped", [ 1581 ] ], [ [ 65189, 65192 ], "mapped", [ 1582 ] ], [ [ 65193, 65194 ], "mapped", [ 1583 ] ], [ [ 65195, 65196 ], "mapped", [ 1584 ] ], [ [ 65197, 65198 ], "mapped", [ 1585 ] ], [ [ 65199, 65200 ], "mapped", [ 1586 ] ], [ [ 65201, 65204 ], "mapped", [ 1587 ] ], [ [ 65205, 65208 ], "mapped", [ 1588 ] ], [ [ 65209, 65212 ], "mapped", [ 1589 ] ], [ [ 65213, 65216 ], "mapped", [ 1590 ] ], [ [ 65217, 65220 ], "mapped", [ 1591 ] ], [ [ 65221, 65224 ], "mapped", [ 1592 ] ], [ [ 65225, 65228 ], "mapped", [ 1593 ] ], [ [ 65229, 65232 ], "mapped", [ 1594 ] ], [ [ 65233, 65236 ], "mapped", [ 1601 ] ], [ [ 65237, 65240 ], "mapped", [ 1602 ] ], [ [ 65241, 65244 ], "mapped", [ 1603 ] ], [ [ 65245, 65248 ], "mapped", [ 1604 ] ], [ [ 65249, 65252 ], "mapped", [ 1605 ] ], [ [ 65253, 65256 ], "mapped", [ 1606 ] ], [ [ 65257, 65260 ], "mapped", [ 1607 ] ], [ [ 65261, 65262 ], "mapped", [ 1608 ] ], [ [ 65263, 65264 ], "mapped", [ 1609 ] ], [ [ 65265, 65268 ], "mapped", [ 1610 ] ], [ [ 65269, 65270 ], "mapped", [ 1604, 1570 ] ], [ [ 65271, 65272 ], "mapped", [ 1604, 1571 ] ], [ [ 65273, 65274 ], "mapped", [ 1604, 1573 ] ], [ [ 65275, 65276 ], "mapped", [ 1604, 1575 ] ], [ [ 65277, 65278 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 65279, 65279 ], "ignored" ], [ [ 65280, 65280 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 65281, 65281 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 33 ] ], [ [ 65282, 65282 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 34 ] ], [ [ 65283, 65283 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 35 ] ], [ [ 65284, 65284 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 36 ] ], [ [ 65285, 65285 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 37 ] ], [ [ 65286, 65286 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 38 ] ], [ [ 65287, 65287 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 39 ] ], [ [ 65288, 65288 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40 ] ], [ [ 65289, 65289 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 41 ] ], [ [ 65290, 65290 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 42 ] ], [ [ 65291, 65291 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 43 ] ], [ [ 65292, 65292 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 44 ] ], [ [ 65293, 65293 ], "mapped", [ 45 ] ], [ [ 65294, 65294 ], "mapped", [ 46 ] ], [ [ 65295, 65295 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 47 ] ], [ [ 65296, 65296 ], "mapped", [ 48 ] ], [ [ 65297, 65297 ], "mapped", [ 49 ] ], [ [ 65298, 65298 ], "mapped", [ 50 ] ], [ [ 65299, 65299 ], "mapped", [ 51 ] ], [ [ 65300, 65300 ], "mapped", [ 52 ] ], [ [ 65301, 65301 ], "mapped", [ 53 ] ], [ [ 65302, 65302 ], "mapped", [ 54 ] ], [ [ 65303, 65303 ], "mapped", [ 55 ] ], [ [ 65304, 65304 ], "mapped", [ 56 ] ], [ [ 65305, 65305 ], "mapped", [ 57 ] ], [ [ 65306, 65306 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 58 ] ], [ [ 65307, 65307 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 59 ] ], [ [ 65308, 65308 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 60 ] ], [ [ 65309, 65309 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 61 ] ], [ [ 65310, 65310 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 62 ] ], [ [ 65311, 65311 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 63 ] ], [ [ 65312, 65312 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 64 ] ], [ [ 65313, 65313 ], "mapped", [ 97 ] ], [ [ 65314, 65314 ], "mapped", [ 98 ] ], [ [ 65315, 65315 ], "mapped", [ 99 ] ], [ [ 65316, 65316 ], "mapped", [ 100 ] ], [ [ 65317, 65317 ], "mapped", [ 101 ] ], [ [ 65318, 65318 ], "mapped", [ 102 ] ], [ [ 65319, 65319 ], "mapped", [ 103 ] ], [ [ 65320, 65320 ], "mapped", [ 104 ] ], [ [ 65321, 65321 ], "mapped", [ 105 ] ], [ [ 65322, 65322 ], "mapped", [ 106 ] ], [ [ 65323, 65323 ], "mapped", [ 107 ] ], [ [ 65324, 65324 ], "mapped", [ 108 ] ], [ [ 65325, 65325 ], "mapped", [ 109 ] ], [ [ 65326, 65326 ], "mapped", [ 110 ] ], [ [ 65327, 65327 ], "mapped", [ 111 ] ], [ [ 65328, 65328 ], "mapped", [ 112 ] ], [ [ 65329, 65329 ], "mapped", [ 113 ] ], [ [ 65330, 65330 ], "mapped", [ 114 ] ], [ [ 65331, 65331 ], "mapped", [ 115 ] ], [ [ 65332, 65332 ], "mapped", [ 116 ] ], [ [ 65333, 65333 ], "mapped", [ 117 ] ], [ [ 65334, 65334 ], "mapped", [ 118 ] ], [ [ 65335, 65335 ], "mapped", [ 119 ] ], [ [ 65336, 65336 ], "mapped", [ 120 ] ], [ [ 65337, 65337 ], "mapped", [ 121 ] ], [ [ 65338, 65338 ], "mapped", [ 122 ] ], [ [ 65339, 65339 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 91 ] ], [ [ 65340, 65340 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 92 ] ], [ [ 65341, 65341 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 93 ] ], [ [ 65342, 65342 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 94 ] ], [ [ 65343, 65343 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 95 ] ], [ [ 65344, 65344 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 96 ] ], [ [ 65345, 65345 ], "mapped", [ 97 ] ], [ [ 65346, 65346 ], "mapped", [ 98 ] ], [ [ 65347, 65347 ], "mapped", [ 99 ] ], [ [ 65348, 65348 ], "mapped", [ 100 ] ], [ [ 65349, 65349 ], "mapped", [ 101 ] ], [ [ 65350, 65350 ], "mapped", [ 102 ] ], [ [ 65351, 65351 ], "mapped", [ 103 ] ], [ [ 65352, 65352 ], "mapped", [ 104 ] ], [ [ 65353, 65353 ], "mapped", [ 105 ] ], [ [ 65354, 65354 ], "mapped", [ 106 ] ], [ [ 65355, 65355 ], "mapped", [ 107 ] ], [ [ 65356, 65356 ], "mapped", [ 108 ] ], [ [ 65357, 65357 ], "mapped", [ 109 ] ], [ [ 65358, 65358 ], "mapped", [ 110 ] ], [ [ 65359, 65359 ], "mapped", [ 111 ] ], [ [ 65360, 65360 ], "mapped", [ 112 ] ], [ [ 65361, 65361 ], "mapped", [ 113 ] ], [ [ 65362, 65362 ], "mapped", [ 114 ] ], [ [ 65363, 65363 ], "mapped", [ 115 ] ], [ [ 65364, 65364 ], "mapped", [ 116 ] ], [ [ 65365, 65365 ], "mapped", [ 117 ] ], [ [ 65366, 65366 ], "mapped", [ 118 ] ], [ [ 65367, 65367 ], "mapped", [ 119 ] ], [ [ 65368, 65368 ], "mapped", [ 120 ] ], [ [ 65369, 65369 ], "mapped", [ 121 ] ], [ [ 65370, 65370 ], "mapped", [ 122 ] ], [ [ 65371, 65371 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 123 ] ], [ [ 65372, 65372 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 124 ] ], [ [ 65373, 65373 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 125 ] ], [ [ 65374, 65374 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 126 ] ], [ [ 65375, 65375 ], "mapped", [ 10629 ] ], [ [ 65376, 65376 ], "mapped", [ 10630 ] ], [ [ 65377, 65377 ], "mapped", [ 46 ] ], [ [ 65378, 65378 ], "mapped", [ 12300 ] ], [ [ 65379, 65379 ], "mapped", [ 12301 ] ], [ [ 65380, 65380 ], "mapped", [ 12289 ] ], [ [ 65381, 65381 ], "mapped", [ 12539 ] ], [ [ 65382, 65382 ], "mapped", [ 12530 ] ], [ [ 65383, 65383 ], "mapped", [ 12449 ] ], [ [ 65384, 65384 ], "mapped", [ 12451 ] ], [ [ 65385, 65385 ], "mapped", [ 12453 ] ], [ [ 65386, 65386 ], "mapped", [ 12455 ] ], [ [ 65387, 65387 ], "mapped", [ 12457 ] ], [ [ 65388, 65388 ], "mapped", [ 12515 ] ], [ [ 65389, 65389 ], "mapped", [ 12517 ] ], [ [ 65390, 65390 ], "mapped", [ 12519 ] ], [ [ 65391, 65391 ], "mapped", [ 12483 ] ], [ [ 65392, 65392 ], "mapped", [ 12540 ] ], [ [ 65393, 65393 ], "mapped", [ 12450 ] ], [ [ 65394, 65394 ], "mapped", [ 12452 ] ], [ [ 65395, 65395 ], "mapped", [ 12454 ] ], [ [ 65396, 65396 ], "mapped", [ 12456 ] ], [ [ 65397, 65397 ], "mapped", [ 12458 ] ], [ [ 65398, 65398 ], "mapped", [ 12459 ] ], [ [ 65399, 65399 ], "mapped", [ 12461 ] ], [ [ 65400, 65400 ], "mapped", [ 12463 ] ], [ [ 65401, 65401 ], "mapped", [ 12465 ] ], [ [ 65402, 65402 ], "mapped", [ 12467 ] ], [ [ 65403, 65403 ], "mapped", [ 12469 ] ], [ [ 65404, 65404 ], "mapped", [ 12471 ] ], [ [ 65405, 65405 ], "mapped", [ 12473 ] ], [ [ 65406, 65406 ], "mapped", [ 12475 ] ], [ [ 65407, 65407 ], "mapped", [ 12477 ] ], [ [ 65408, 65408 ], "mapped", [ 12479 ] ], [ [ 65409, 65409 ], "mapped", [ 12481 ] ], [ [ 65410, 65410 ], "mapped", [ 12484 ] ], [ [ 65411, 65411 ], "mapped", [ 12486 ] ], [ [ 65412, 65412 ], "mapped", [ 12488 ] ], [ [ 65413, 65413 ], "mapped", [ 12490 ] ], [ [ 65414, 65414 ], "mapped", [ 12491 ] ], [ [ 65415, 65415 ], "mapped", [ 12492 ] ], [ [ 65416, 65416 ], "mapped", [ 12493 ] ], [ [ 65417, 65417 ], "mapped", [ 12494 ] ], [ [ 65418, 65418 ], "mapped", [ 12495 ] ], [ [ 65419, 65419 ], "mapped", [ 12498 ] ], [ [ 65420, 65420 ], "mapped", [ 12501 ] ], [ [ 65421, 65421 ], "mapped", [ 12504 ] ], [ [ 65422, 65422 ], "mapped", [ 12507 ] ], [ [ 65423, 65423 ], "mapped", [ 12510 ] ], [ [ 65424, 65424 ], "mapped", [ 12511 ] ], [ [ 65425, 65425 ], "mapped", [ 12512 ] ], [ [ 65426, 65426 ], "mapped", [ 12513 ] ], [ [ 65427, 65427 ], "mapped", [ 12514 ] ], [ [ 65428, 65428 ], "mapped", [ 12516 ] ], [ [ 65429, 65429 ], "mapped", [ 12518 ] ], [ [ 65430, 65430 ], "mapped", [ 12520 ] ], [ [ 65431, 65431 ], "mapped", [ 12521 ] ], [ [ 65432, 65432 ], "mapped", [ 12522 ] ], [ [ 65433, 65433 ], "mapped", [ 12523 ] ], [ [ 65434, 65434 ], "mapped", [ 12524 ] ], [ [ 65435, 65435 ], "mapped", [ 12525 ] ], [ [ 65436, 65436 ], "mapped", [ 12527 ] ], [ [ 65437, 65437 ], "mapped", [ 12531 ] ], [ [ 65438, 65438 ], "mapped", [ 12441 ] ], [ [ 65439, 65439 ], "mapped", [ 12442 ] ], [ [ 65440, 65440 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 65441, 65441 ], "mapped", [ 4352 ] ], [ [ 65442, 65442 ], "mapped", [ 4353 ] ], [ [ 65443, 65443 ], "mapped", [ 4522 ] ], [ [ 65444, 65444 ], "mapped", [ 4354 ] ], [ [ 65445, 65445 ], "mapped", [ 4524 ] ], [ [ 65446, 65446 ], "mapped", [ 4525 ] ], [ [ 65447, 65447 ], "mapped", [ 4355 ] ], [ [ 65448, 65448 ], "mapped", [ 4356 ] ], [ [ 65449, 65449 ], "mapped", [ 4357 ] ], [ [ 65450, 65450 ], "mapped", [ 4528 ] ], [ [ 65451, 65451 ], "mapped", [ 4529 ] ], [ [ 65452, 65452 ], "mapped", [ 4530 ] ], [ [ 65453, 65453 ], "mapped", [ 4531 ] ], [ [ 65454, 65454 ], "mapped", [ 4532 ] ], [ [ 65455, 65455 ], "mapped", [ 4533 ] ], [ [ 65456, 65456 ], "mapped", [ 4378 ] ], [ [ 65457, 65457 ], "mapped", [ 4358 ] ], [ [ 65458, 65458 ], "mapped", [ 4359 ] ], [ [ 65459, 65459 ], "mapped", [ 4360 ] ], [ [ 65460, 65460 ], "mapped", [ 4385 ] ], [ [ 65461, 65461 ], "mapped", [ 4361 ] ], [ [ 65462, 65462 ], "mapped", [ 4362 ] ], [ [ 65463, 65463 ], "mapped", [ 4363 ] ], [ [ 65464, 65464 ], "mapped", [ 4364 ] ], [ [ 65465, 65465 ], "mapped", [ 4365 ] ], [ [ 65466, 65466 ], "mapped", [ 4366 ] ], [ [ 65467, 65467 ], "mapped", [ 4367 ] ], [ [ 65468, 65468 ], "mapped", [ 4368 ] ], [ [ 65469, 65469 ], "mapped", [ 4369 ] ], [ [ 65470, 65470 ], "mapped", [ 4370 ] ], [ [ 65471, 65473 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 65474, 65474 ], "mapped", [ 4449 ] ], [ [ 65475, 65475 ], "mapped", [ 4450 ] ], [ [ 65476, 65476 ], "mapped", [ 4451 ] ], [ [ 65477, 65477 ], "mapped", [ 4452 ] ], [ [ 65478, 65478 ], "mapped", [ 4453 ] ], [ [ 65479, 65479 ], "mapped", [ 4454 ] ], [ [ 65480, 65481 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 65482, 65482 ], "mapped", [ 4455 ] ], [ [ 65483, 65483 ], "mapped", [ 4456 ] ], [ [ 65484, 65484 ], "mapped", [ 4457 ] ], [ [ 65485, 65485 ], "mapped", [ 4458 ] ], [ [ 65486, 65486 ], "mapped", [ 4459 ] ], [ [ 65487, 65487 ], "mapped", [ 4460 ] ], [ [ 65488, 65489 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 65490, 65490 ], "mapped", [ 4461 ] ], [ [ 65491, 65491 ], "mapped", [ 4462 ] ], [ [ 65492, 65492 ], "mapped", [ 4463 ] ], [ [ 65493, 65493 ], "mapped", [ 4464 ] ], [ [ 65494, 65494 ], "mapped", [ 4465 ] ], [ [ 65495, 65495 ], "mapped", [ 4466 ] ], [ [ 65496, 65497 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 65498, 65498 ], "mapped", [ 4467 ] ], [ [ 65499, 65499 ], "mapped", [ 4468 ] ], [ [ 65500, 65500 ], "mapped", [ 4469 ] ], [ [ 65501, 65503 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 65504, 65504 ], "mapped", [ 162 ] ], [ [ 65505, 65505 ], "mapped", [ 163 ] ], [ [ 65506, 65506 ], "mapped", [ 172 ] ], [ [ 65507, 65507 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 32, 772 ] ], [ [ 65508, 65508 ], "mapped", [ 166 ] ], [ [ 65509, 65509 ], "mapped", [ 165 ] ], [ [ 65510, 65510 ], "mapped", [ 8361 ] ], [ [ 65511, 65511 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 65512, 65512 ], "mapped", [ 9474 ] ], [ [ 65513, 65513 ], "mapped", [ 8592 ] ], [ [ 65514, 65514 ], "mapped", [ 8593 ] ], [ [ 65515, 65515 ], "mapped", [ 8594 ] ], [ [ 65516, 65516 ], "mapped", [ 8595 ] ], [ [ 65517, 65517 ], "mapped", [ 9632 ] ], [ [ 65518, 65518 ], "mapped", [ 9675 ] ], [ [ 65519, 65528 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 65529, 65531 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 65532, 65532 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 65533, 65533 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 65534, 65535 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 65536, 65547 ], "valid" ], [ [ 65548, 65548 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 65549, 65574 ], "valid" ], [ [ 65575, 65575 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 65576, 65594 ], "valid" ], [ [ 65595, 65595 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 65596, 65597 ], "valid" ], [ [ 65598, 65598 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 65599, 65613 ], "valid" ], [ [ 65614, 65615 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 65616, 65629 ], "valid" ], [ [ 65630, 65663 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 65664, 65786 ], "valid" ], [ [ 65787, 65791 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 65792, 65794 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 65795, 65798 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 65799, 65843 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 65844, 65846 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 65847, 65855 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 65856, 65930 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 65931, 65932 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 65933, 65935 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 65936, 65947 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 65948, 65951 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 65952, 65952 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 65953, 65999 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 66000, 66044 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 66045, 66045 ], "valid" ], [ [ 66046, 66175 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 66176, 66204 ], "valid" ], [ [ 66205, 66207 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 66208, 66256 ], "valid" ], [ [ 66257, 66271 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 66272, 66272 ], "valid" ], [ [ 66273, 66299 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 66300, 66303 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 66304, 66334 ], "valid" ], [ [ 66335, 66335 ], "valid" ], [ [ 66336, 66339 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 66340, 66351 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 66352, 66368 ], "valid" ], [ [ 66369, 66369 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 66370, 66377 ], "valid" ], [ [ 66378, 66378 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 66379, 66383 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 66384, 66426 ], "valid" ], [ [ 66427, 66431 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 66432, 66461 ], "valid" ], [ [ 66462, 66462 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 66463, 66463 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 66464, 66499 ], "valid" ], [ [ 66500, 66503 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 66504, 66511 ], "valid" ], [ [ 66512, 66517 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 66518, 66559 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 66560, 66560 ], "mapped", [ 66600 ] ], [ [ 66561, 66561 ], "mapped", [ 66601 ] ], [ [ 66562, 66562 ], "mapped", [ 66602 ] ], [ [ 66563, 66563 ], "mapped", [ 66603 ] ], [ [ 66564, 66564 ], "mapped", [ 66604 ] ], [ [ 66565, 66565 ], "mapped", [ 66605 ] ], [ [ 66566, 66566 ], "mapped", [ 66606 ] ], [ [ 66567, 66567 ], "mapped", [ 66607 ] ], [ [ 66568, 66568 ], "mapped", [ 66608 ] ], [ [ 66569, 66569 ], "mapped", [ 66609 ] ], [ [ 66570, 66570 ], "mapped", [ 66610 ] ], [ [ 66571, 66571 ], "mapped", [ 66611 ] ], [ [ 66572, 66572 ], "mapped", [ 66612 ] ], [ [ 66573, 66573 ], "mapped", [ 66613 ] ], [ [ 66574, 66574 ], "mapped", [ 66614 ] ], [ [ 66575, 66575 ], "mapped", [ 66615 ] ], [ [ 66576, 66576 ], "mapped", [ 66616 ] ], [ [ 66577, 66577 ], "mapped", [ 66617 ] ], [ [ 66578, 66578 ], "mapped", [ 66618 ] ], [ [ 66579, 66579 ], "mapped", [ 66619 ] ], [ [ 66580, 66580 ], "mapped", [ 66620 ] ], [ [ 66581, 66581 ], "mapped", [ 66621 ] ], [ [ 66582, 66582 ], "mapped", [ 66622 ] ], [ [ 66583, 66583 ], "mapped", [ 66623 ] ], [ [ 66584, 66584 ], "mapped", [ 66624 ] ], [ [ 66585, 66585 ], "mapped", [ 66625 ] ], [ [ 66586, 66586 ], "mapped", [ 66626 ] ], [ [ 66587, 66587 ], "mapped", [ 66627 ] ], [ [ 66588, 66588 ], "mapped", [ 66628 ] ], [ [ 66589, 66589 ], "mapped", [ 66629 ] ], [ [ 66590, 66590 ], "mapped", [ 66630 ] ], [ [ 66591, 66591 ], "mapped", [ 66631 ] ], [ [ 66592, 66592 ], "mapped", [ 66632 ] ], [ [ 66593, 66593 ], "mapped", [ 66633 ] ], [ [ 66594, 66594 ], "mapped", [ 66634 ] ], [ [ 66595, 66595 ], "mapped", [ 66635 ] ], [ [ 66596, 66596 ], "mapped", [ 66636 ] ], [ [ 66597, 66597 ], "mapped", [ 66637 ] ], [ [ 66598, 66598 ], "mapped", [ 66638 ] ], [ [ 66599, 66599 ], "mapped", [ 66639 ] ], [ [ 66600, 66637 ], "valid" ], [ [ 66638, 66717 ], "valid" ], [ [ 66718, 66719 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 66720, 66729 ], "valid" ], [ [ 66730, 66815 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 66816, 66855 ], "valid" ], [ [ 66856, 66863 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 66864, 66915 ], "valid" ], [ [ 66916, 66926 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 66927, 66927 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 66928, 67071 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 67072, 67382 ], "valid" ], [ [ 67383, 67391 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 67392, 67413 ], "valid" ], [ [ 67414, 67423 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 67424, 67431 ], "valid" ], [ [ 67432, 67583 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 67584, 67589 ], "valid" ], [ [ 67590, 67591 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 67592, 67592 ], "valid" ], [ [ 67593, 67593 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 67594, 67637 ], "valid" ], [ [ 67638, 67638 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 67639, 67640 ], "valid" ], [ [ 67641, 67643 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 67644, 67644 ], "valid" ], [ [ 67645, 67646 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 67647, 67647 ], "valid" ], [ [ 67648, 67669 ], "valid" ], [ [ 67670, 67670 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 67671, 67679 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 67680, 67702 ], "valid" ], [ [ 67703, 67711 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 67712, 67742 ], "valid" ], [ [ 67743, 67750 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 67751, 67759 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 67760, 67807 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 67808, 67826 ], "valid" ], [ [ 67827, 67827 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 67828, 67829 ], "valid" ], [ [ 67830, 67834 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 67835, 67839 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 67840, 67861 ], "valid" ], [ [ 67862, 67865 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 67866, 67867 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 67868, 67870 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 67871, 67871 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 67872, 67897 ], "valid" ], [ [ 67898, 67902 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 67903, 67903 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 67904, 67967 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 67968, 68023 ], "valid" ], [ [ 68024, 68027 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 68028, 68029 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 68030, 68031 ], "valid" ], [ [ 68032, 68047 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 68048, 68049 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 68050, 68095 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 68096, 68099 ], "valid" ], [ [ 68100, 68100 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 68101, 68102 ], "valid" ], [ [ 68103, 68107 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 68108, 68115 ], "valid" ], [ [ 68116, 68116 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 68117, 68119 ], "valid" ], [ [ 68120, 68120 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 68121, 68147 ], "valid" ], [ [ 68148, 68151 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 68152, 68154 ], "valid" ], [ [ 68155, 68158 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 68159, 68159 ], "valid" ], [ [ 68160, 68167 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 68168, 68175 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 68176, 68184 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 68185, 68191 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 68192, 68220 ], "valid" ], [ [ 68221, 68223 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 68224, 68252 ], "valid" ], [ [ 68253, 68255 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 68256, 68287 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 68288, 68295 ], "valid" ], [ [ 68296, 68296 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 68297, 68326 ], "valid" ], [ [ 68327, 68330 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 68331, 68342 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 68343, 68351 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 68352, 68405 ], "valid" ], [ [ 68406, 68408 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 68409, 68415 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 68416, 68437 ], "valid" ], [ [ 68438, 68439 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 68440, 68447 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 68448, 68466 ], "valid" ], [ [ 68467, 68471 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 68472, 68479 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 68480, 68497 ], "valid" ], [ [ 68498, 68504 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 68505, 68508 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 68509, 68520 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 68521, 68527 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 68528, 68607 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 68608, 68680 ], "valid" ], [ [ 68681, 68735 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 68736, 68736 ], "mapped", [ 68800 ] ], [ [ 68737, 68737 ], "mapped", [ 68801 ] ], [ [ 68738, 68738 ], "mapped", [ 68802 ] ], [ [ 68739, 68739 ], "mapped", [ 68803 ] ], [ [ 68740, 68740 ], "mapped", [ 68804 ] ], [ [ 68741, 68741 ], "mapped", [ 68805 ] ], [ [ 68742, 68742 ], "mapped", [ 68806 ] ], [ [ 68743, 68743 ], "mapped", [ 68807 ] ], [ [ 68744, 68744 ], "mapped", [ 68808 ] ], [ [ 68745, 68745 ], "mapped", [ 68809 ] ], [ [ 68746, 68746 ], "mapped", [ 68810 ] ], [ [ 68747, 68747 ], "mapped", [ 68811 ] ], [ [ 68748, 68748 ], "mapped", [ 68812 ] ], [ [ 68749, 68749 ], "mapped", [ 68813 ] ], [ [ 68750, 68750 ], "mapped", [ 68814 ] ], [ [ 68751, 68751 ], "mapped", [ 68815 ] ], [ [ 68752, 68752 ], "mapped", [ 68816 ] ], [ [ 68753, 68753 ], "mapped", [ 68817 ] ], [ [ 68754, 68754 ], "mapped", [ 68818 ] ], [ [ 68755, 68755 ], "mapped", [ 68819 ] ], [ [ 68756, 68756 ], "mapped", [ 68820 ] ], [ [ 68757, 68757 ], "mapped", [ 68821 ] ], [ [ 68758, 68758 ], "mapped", [ 68822 ] ], [ [ 68759, 68759 ], "mapped", [ 68823 ] ], [ [ 68760, 68760 ], "mapped", [ 68824 ] ], [ [ 68761, 68761 ], "mapped", [ 68825 ] ], [ [ 68762, 68762 ], "mapped", [ 68826 ] ], [ [ 68763, 68763 ], "mapped", [ 68827 ] ], [ [ 68764, 68764 ], "mapped", [ 68828 ] ], [ [ 68765, 68765 ], "mapped", [ 68829 ] ], [ [ 68766, 68766 ], "mapped", [ 68830 ] ], [ [ 68767, 68767 ], "mapped", [ 68831 ] ], [ [ 68768, 68768 ], "mapped", [ 68832 ] ], [ [ 68769, 68769 ], "mapped", [ 68833 ] ], [ [ 68770, 68770 ], "mapped", [ 68834 ] ], [ [ 68771, 68771 ], "mapped", [ 68835 ] ], [ [ 68772, 68772 ], "mapped", [ 68836 ] ], [ [ 68773, 68773 ], "mapped", [ 68837 ] ], [ [ 68774, 68774 ], "mapped", [ 68838 ] ], [ [ 68775, 68775 ], "mapped", [ 68839 ] ], [ [ 68776, 68776 ], "mapped", [ 68840 ] ], [ [ 68777, 68777 ], "mapped", [ 68841 ] ], [ [ 68778, 68778 ], "mapped", [ 68842 ] ], [ [ 68779, 68779 ], "mapped", [ 68843 ] ], [ [ 68780, 68780 ], "mapped", [ 68844 ] ], [ [ 68781, 68781 ], "mapped", [ 68845 ] ], [ [ 68782, 68782 ], "mapped", [ 68846 ] ], [ [ 68783, 68783 ], "mapped", [ 68847 ] ], [ [ 68784, 68784 ], "mapped", [ 68848 ] ], [ [ 68785, 68785 ], "mapped", [ 68849 ] ], [ [ 68786, 68786 ], "mapped", [ 68850 ] ], [ [ 68787, 68799 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 68800, 68850 ], "valid" ], [ [ 68851, 68857 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 68858, 68863 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 68864, 69215 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 69216, 69246 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 69247, 69631 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 69632, 69702 ], "valid" ], [ [ 69703, 69709 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 69710, 69713 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 69714, 69733 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 69734, 69743 ], "valid" ], [ [ 69744, 69758 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 69759, 69759 ], "valid" ], [ [ 69760, 69818 ], "valid" ], [ [ 69819, 69820 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 69821, 69821 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 69822, 69825 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 69826, 69839 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 69840, 69864 ], "valid" ], [ [ 69865, 69871 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 69872, 69881 ], "valid" ], [ [ 69882, 69887 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 69888, 69940 ], "valid" ], [ [ 69941, 69941 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 69942, 69951 ], "valid" ], [ [ 69952, 69955 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 69956, 69967 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 69968, 70003 ], "valid" ], [ [ 70004, 70005 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 70006, 70006 ], "valid" ], [ [ 70007, 70015 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 70016, 70084 ], "valid" ], [ [ 70085, 70088 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 70089, 70089 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 70090, 70092 ], "valid" ], [ [ 70093, 70093 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 70094, 70095 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 70096, 70105 ], "valid" ], [ [ 70106, 70106 ], "valid" ], [ [ 70107, 70107 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 70108, 70108 ], "valid" ], [ [ 70109, 70111 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 70112, 70112 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 70113, 70132 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 70133, 70143 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 70144, 70161 ], "valid" ], [ [ 70162, 70162 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 70163, 70199 ], "valid" ], [ [ 70200, 70205 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 70206, 70271 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 70272, 70278 ], "valid" ], [ [ 70279, 70279 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 70280, 70280 ], "valid" ], [ [ 70281, 70281 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 70282, 70285 ], "valid" ], [ [ 70286, 70286 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 70287, 70301 ], "valid" ], [ [ 70302, 70302 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 70303, 70312 ], "valid" ], [ [ 70313, 70313 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 70314, 70319 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 70320, 70378 ], "valid" ], [ [ 70379, 70383 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 70384, 70393 ], "valid" ], [ [ 70394, 70399 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 70400, 70400 ], "valid" ], [ [ 70401, 70403 ], "valid" ], [ [ 70404, 70404 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 70405, 70412 ], "valid" ], [ [ 70413, 70414 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 70415, 70416 ], "valid" ], [ [ 70417, 70418 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 70419, 70440 ], "valid" ], [ [ 70441, 70441 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 70442, 70448 ], "valid" ], [ [ 70449, 70449 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 70450, 70451 ], "valid" ], [ [ 70452, 70452 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 70453, 70457 ], "valid" ], [ [ 70458, 70459 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 70460, 70468 ], "valid" ], [ [ 70469, 70470 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 70471, 70472 ], "valid" ], [ [ 70473, 70474 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 70475, 70477 ], "valid" ], [ [ 70478, 70479 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 70480, 70480 ], "valid" ], [ [ 70481, 70486 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 70487, 70487 ], "valid" ], [ [ 70488, 70492 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 70493, 70499 ], "valid" ], [ [ 70500, 70501 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 70502, 70508 ], "valid" ], [ [ 70509, 70511 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 70512, 70516 ], "valid" ], [ [ 70517, 70783 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 70784, 70853 ], "valid" ], [ [ 70854, 70854 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 70855, 70855 ], "valid" ], [ [ 70856, 70863 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 70864, 70873 ], "valid" ], [ [ 70874, 71039 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 71040, 71093 ], "valid" ], [ [ 71094, 71095 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 71096, 71104 ], "valid" ], [ [ 71105, 71113 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 71114, 71127 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 71128, 71133 ], "valid" ], [ [ 71134, 71167 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 71168, 71232 ], "valid" ], [ [ 71233, 71235 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 71236, 71236 ], "valid" ], [ [ 71237, 71247 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 71248, 71257 ], "valid" ], [ [ 71258, 71295 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 71296, 71351 ], "valid" ], [ [ 71352, 71359 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 71360, 71369 ], "valid" ], [ [ 71370, 71423 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 71424, 71449 ], "valid" ], [ [ 71450, 71452 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 71453, 71467 ], "valid" ], [ [ 71468, 71471 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 71472, 71481 ], "valid" ], [ [ 71482, 71487 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 71488, 71839 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 71840, 71840 ], "mapped", [ 71872 ] ], [ [ 71841, 71841 ], "mapped", [ 71873 ] ], [ [ 71842, 71842 ], "mapped", [ 71874 ] ], [ [ 71843, 71843 ], "mapped", [ 71875 ] ], [ [ 71844, 71844 ], "mapped", [ 71876 ] ], [ [ 71845, 71845 ], "mapped", [ 71877 ] ], [ [ 71846, 71846 ], "mapped", [ 71878 ] ], [ [ 71847, 71847 ], "mapped", [ 71879 ] ], [ [ 71848, 71848 ], "mapped", [ 71880 ] ], [ [ 71849, 71849 ], "mapped", [ 71881 ] ], [ [ 71850, 71850 ], "mapped", [ 71882 ] ], [ [ 71851, 71851 ], "mapped", [ 71883 ] ], [ [ 71852, 71852 ], "mapped", [ 71884 ] ], [ [ 71853, 71853 ], "mapped", [ 71885 ] ], [ [ 71854, 71854 ], "mapped", [ 71886 ] ], [ [ 71855, 71855 ], "mapped", [ 71887 ] ], [ [ 71856, 71856 ], "mapped", [ 71888 ] ], [ [ 71857, 71857 ], "mapped", [ 71889 ] ], [ [ 71858, 71858 ], "mapped", [ 71890 ] ], [ [ 71859, 71859 ], "mapped", [ 71891 ] ], [ [ 71860, 71860 ], "mapped", [ 71892 ] ], [ [ 71861, 71861 ], "mapped", [ 71893 ] ], [ [ 71862, 71862 ], "mapped", [ 71894 ] ], [ [ 71863, 71863 ], "mapped", [ 71895 ] ], [ [ 71864, 71864 ], "mapped", [ 71896 ] ], [ [ 71865, 71865 ], "mapped", [ 71897 ] ], [ [ 71866, 71866 ], "mapped", [ 71898 ] ], [ [ 71867, 71867 ], "mapped", [ 71899 ] ], [ [ 71868, 71868 ], "mapped", [ 71900 ] ], [ [ 71869, 71869 ], "mapped", [ 71901 ] ], [ [ 71870, 71870 ], "mapped", [ 71902 ] ], [ [ 71871, 71871 ], "mapped", [ 71903 ] ], [ [ 71872, 71913 ], "valid" ], [ [ 71914, 71922 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 71923, 71934 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 71935, 71935 ], "valid" ], [ [ 71936, 72383 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 72384, 72440 ], "valid" ], [ [ 72441, 73727 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 73728, 74606 ], "valid" ], [ [ 74607, 74648 ], "valid" ], [ [ 74649, 74649 ], "valid" ], [ [ 74650, 74751 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 74752, 74850 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 74851, 74862 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 74863, 74863 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 74864, 74867 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 74868, 74868 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 74869, 74879 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 74880, 75075 ], "valid" ], [ [ 75076, 77823 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 77824, 78894 ], "valid" ], [ [ 78895, 82943 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 82944, 83526 ], "valid" ], [ [ 83527, 92159 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 92160, 92728 ], "valid" ], [ [ 92729, 92735 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 92736, 92766 ], "valid" ], [ [ 92767, 92767 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 92768, 92777 ], "valid" ], [ [ 92778, 92781 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 92782, 92783 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 92784, 92879 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 92880, 92909 ], "valid" ], [ [ 92910, 92911 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 92912, 92916 ], "valid" ], [ [ 92917, 92917 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 92918, 92927 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 92928, 92982 ], "valid" ], [ [ 92983, 92991 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 92992, 92995 ], "valid" ], [ [ 92996, 92997 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 92998, 93007 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 93008, 93017 ], "valid" ], [ [ 93018, 93018 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 93019, 93025 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 93026, 93026 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 93027, 93047 ], "valid" ], [ [ 93048, 93052 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 93053, 93071 ], "valid" ], [ [ 93072, 93951 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 93952, 94020 ], "valid" ], [ [ 94021, 94031 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 94032, 94078 ], "valid" ], [ [ 94079, 94094 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 94095, 94111 ], "valid" ], [ [ 94112, 110591 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 110592, 110593 ], "valid" ], [ [ 110594, 113663 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 113664, 113770 ], "valid" ], [ [ 113771, 113775 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 113776, 113788 ], "valid" ], [ [ 113789, 113791 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 113792, 113800 ], "valid" ], [ [ 113801, 113807 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 113808, 113817 ], "valid" ], [ [ 113818, 113819 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 113820, 113820 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 113821, 113822 ], "valid" ], [ [ 113823, 113823 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 113824, 113827 ], "ignored" ], [ [ 113828, 118783 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 118784, 119029 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 119030, 119039 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 119040, 119078 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 119079, 119080 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 119081, 119081 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 119082, 119133 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 119134, 119134 ], "mapped", [ 119127, 119141 ] ], [ [ 119135, 119135 ], "mapped", [ 119128, 119141 ] ], [ [ 119136, 119136 ], "mapped", [ 119128, 119141, 119150 ] ], [ [ 119137, 119137 ], "mapped", [ 119128, 119141, 119151 ] ], [ [ 119138, 119138 ], "mapped", [ 119128, 119141, 119152 ] ], [ [ 119139, 119139 ], "mapped", [ 119128, 119141, 119153 ] ], [ [ 119140, 119140 ], "mapped", [ 119128, 119141, 119154 ] ], [ [ 119141, 119154 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 119155, 119162 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 119163, 119226 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 119227, 119227 ], "mapped", [ 119225, 119141 ] ], [ [ 119228, 119228 ], "mapped", [ 119226, 119141 ] ], [ [ 119229, 119229 ], "mapped", [ 119225, 119141, 119150 ] ], [ [ 119230, 119230 ], "mapped", [ 119226, 119141, 119150 ] ], [ [ 119231, 119231 ], "mapped", [ 119225, 119141, 119151 ] ], [ [ 119232, 119232 ], "mapped", [ 119226, 119141, 119151 ] ], [ [ 119233, 119261 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 119262, 119272 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 119273, 119295 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 119296, 119365 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 119366, 119551 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 119552, 119638 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 119639, 119647 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 119648, 119665 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 119666, 119807 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 119808, 119808 ], "mapped", [ 97 ] ], [ [ 119809, 119809 ], "mapped", [ 98 ] ], [ [ 119810, 119810 ], "mapped", [ 99 ] ], [ [ 119811, 119811 ], "mapped", [ 100 ] ], [ [ 119812, 119812 ], "mapped", [ 101 ] ], [ [ 119813, 119813 ], "mapped", [ 102 ] ], [ [ 119814, 119814 ], "mapped", [ 103 ] ], [ [ 119815, 119815 ], "mapped", [ 104 ] ], [ [ 119816, 119816 ], "mapped", [ 105 ] ], [ [ 119817, 119817 ], "mapped", [ 106 ] ], [ [ 119818, 119818 ], "mapped", [ 107 ] ], [ [ 119819, 119819 ], "mapped", [ 108 ] ], [ [ 119820, 119820 ], "mapped", [ 109 ] ], [ [ 119821, 119821 ], "mapped", [ 110 ] ], [ [ 119822, 119822 ], "mapped", [ 111 ] ], [ [ 119823, 119823 ], "mapped", [ 112 ] ], [ [ 119824, 119824 ], "mapped", [ 113 ] ], [ [ 119825, 119825 ], "mapped", [ 114 ] ], [ [ 119826, 119826 ], "mapped", [ 115 ] ], [ [ 119827, 119827 ], "mapped", [ 116 ] ], [ [ 119828, 119828 ], "mapped", [ 117 ] ], [ [ 119829, 119829 ], "mapped", [ 118 ] ], [ [ 119830, 119830 ], "mapped", [ 119 ] ], [ [ 119831, 119831 ], "mapped", [ 120 ] ], [ [ 119832, 119832 ], "mapped", [ 121 ] ], [ [ 119833, 119833 ], "mapped", [ 122 ] ], [ [ 119834, 119834 ], "mapped", [ 97 ] ], [ [ 119835, 119835 ], "mapped", [ 98 ] ], [ [ 119836, 119836 ], "mapped", [ 99 ] ], [ [ 119837, 119837 ], "mapped", [ 100 ] ], [ [ 119838, 119838 ], "mapped", [ 101 ] ], [ [ 119839, 119839 ], "mapped", [ 102 ] ], [ [ 119840, 119840 ], "mapped", [ 103 ] ], [ [ 119841, 119841 ], "mapped", [ 104 ] ], [ [ 119842, 119842 ], "mapped", [ 105 ] ], [ [ 119843, 119843 ], "mapped", [ 106 ] ], [ [ 119844, 119844 ], "mapped", [ 107 ] ], [ [ 119845, 119845 ], "mapped", [ 108 ] ], [ [ 119846, 119846 ], "mapped", [ 109 ] ], [ [ 119847, 119847 ], "mapped", [ 110 ] ], [ [ 119848, 119848 ], "mapped", [ 111 ] ], [ [ 119849, 119849 ], "mapped", [ 112 ] ], [ [ 119850, 119850 ], "mapped", [ 113 ] ], [ [ 119851, 119851 ], "mapped", [ 114 ] ], [ [ 119852, 119852 ], "mapped", [ 115 ] ], [ [ 119853, 119853 ], "mapped", [ 116 ] ], [ [ 119854, 119854 ], "mapped", [ 117 ] ], [ [ 119855, 119855 ], "mapped", [ 118 ] ], [ [ 119856, 119856 ], "mapped", [ 119 ] ], [ [ 119857, 119857 ], "mapped", [ 120 ] ], [ [ 119858, 119858 ], "mapped", [ 121 ] ], [ [ 119859, 119859 ], "mapped", [ 122 ] ], [ [ 119860, 119860 ], "mapped", [ 97 ] ], [ [ 119861, 119861 ], "mapped", [ 98 ] ], [ [ 119862, 119862 ], "mapped", [ 99 ] ], [ [ 119863, 119863 ], "mapped", [ 100 ] ], [ [ 119864, 119864 ], "mapped", [ 101 ] ], [ [ 119865, 119865 ], "mapped", [ 102 ] ], [ [ 119866, 119866 ], "mapped", [ 103 ] ], [ [ 119867, 119867 ], "mapped", [ 104 ] ], [ [ 119868, 119868 ], "mapped", [ 105 ] ], [ [ 119869, 119869 ], "mapped", [ 106 ] ], [ [ 119870, 119870 ], "mapped", [ 107 ] ], [ [ 119871, 119871 ], "mapped", [ 108 ] ], [ [ 119872, 119872 ], "mapped", [ 109 ] ], [ [ 119873, 119873 ], "mapped", [ 110 ] ], [ [ 119874, 119874 ], "mapped", [ 111 ] ], [ [ 119875, 119875 ], "mapped", [ 112 ] ], [ [ 119876, 119876 ], "mapped", [ 113 ] ], [ [ 119877, 119877 ], "mapped", [ 114 ] ], [ [ 119878, 119878 ], "mapped", [ 115 ] ], [ [ 119879, 119879 ], "mapped", [ 116 ] ], [ [ 119880, 119880 ], "mapped", [ 117 ] ], [ [ 119881, 119881 ], "mapped", [ 118 ] ], [ [ 119882, 119882 ], "mapped", [ 119 ] ], [ [ 119883, 119883 ], "mapped", [ 120 ] ], [ [ 119884, 119884 ], "mapped", [ 121 ] ], [ [ 119885, 119885 ], "mapped", [ 122 ] ], [ [ 119886, 119886 ], "mapped", [ 97 ] ], [ [ 119887, 119887 ], "mapped", [ 98 ] ], [ [ 119888, 119888 ], "mapped", [ 99 ] ], [ [ 119889, 119889 ], "mapped", [ 100 ] ], [ [ 119890, 119890 ], "mapped", [ 101 ] ], [ [ 119891, 119891 ], "mapped", [ 102 ] ], [ [ 119892, 119892 ], "mapped", [ 103 ] ], [ [ 119893, 119893 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 119894, 119894 ], "mapped", [ 105 ] ], [ [ 119895, 119895 ], "mapped", [ 106 ] ], [ [ 119896, 119896 ], "mapped", [ 107 ] ], [ [ 119897, 119897 ], "mapped", [ 108 ] ], [ [ 119898, 119898 ], "mapped", [ 109 ] ], [ [ 119899, 119899 ], "mapped", [ 110 ] ], [ [ 119900, 119900 ], "mapped", [ 111 ] ], [ [ 119901, 119901 ], "mapped", [ 112 ] ], [ [ 119902, 119902 ], "mapped", [ 113 ] ], [ [ 119903, 119903 ], "mapped", [ 114 ] ], [ [ 119904, 119904 ], "mapped", [ 115 ] ], [ [ 119905, 119905 ], "mapped", [ 116 ] ], [ [ 119906, 119906 ], "mapped", [ 117 ] ], [ [ 119907, 119907 ], "mapped", [ 118 ] ], [ [ 119908, 119908 ], "mapped", [ 119 ] ], [ [ 119909, 119909 ], "mapped", [ 120 ] ], [ [ 119910, 119910 ], "mapped", [ 121 ] ], [ [ 119911, 119911 ], "mapped", [ 122 ] ], [ [ 119912, 119912 ], "mapped", [ 97 ] ], [ [ 119913, 119913 ], "mapped", [ 98 ] ], [ [ 119914, 119914 ], "mapped", [ 99 ] ], [ [ 119915, 119915 ], "mapped", [ 100 ] ], [ [ 119916, 119916 ], "mapped", [ 101 ] ], [ [ 119917, 119917 ], "mapped", [ 102 ] ], [ [ 119918, 119918 ], "mapped", [ 103 ] ], [ [ 119919, 119919 ], "mapped", [ 104 ] ], [ [ 119920, 119920 ], "mapped", [ 105 ] ], [ [ 119921, 119921 ], "mapped", [ 106 ] ], [ [ 119922, 119922 ], "mapped", [ 107 ] ], [ [ 119923, 119923 ], "mapped", [ 108 ] ], [ [ 119924, 119924 ], "mapped", [ 109 ] ], [ [ 119925, 119925 ], "mapped", [ 110 ] ], [ [ 119926, 119926 ], "mapped", [ 111 ] ], [ [ 119927, 119927 ], "mapped", [ 112 ] ], [ [ 119928, 119928 ], "mapped", [ 113 ] ], [ [ 119929, 119929 ], "mapped", [ 114 ] ], [ [ 119930, 119930 ], "mapped", [ 115 ] ], [ [ 119931, 119931 ], "mapped", [ 116 ] ], [ [ 119932, 119932 ], "mapped", [ 117 ] ], [ [ 119933, 119933 ], "mapped", [ 118 ] ], [ [ 119934, 119934 ], "mapped", [ 119 ] ], [ [ 119935, 119935 ], "mapped", [ 120 ] ], [ [ 119936, 119936 ], "mapped", [ 121 ] ], [ [ 119937, 119937 ], "mapped", [ 122 ] ], [ [ 119938, 119938 ], "mapped", [ 97 ] ], [ [ 119939, 119939 ], "mapped", [ 98 ] ], [ [ 119940, 119940 ], "mapped", [ 99 ] ], [ [ 119941, 119941 ], "mapped", [ 100 ] ], [ [ 119942, 119942 ], "mapped", [ 101 ] ], [ [ 119943, 119943 ], "mapped", [ 102 ] ], [ [ 119944, 119944 ], "mapped", [ 103 ] ], [ [ 119945, 119945 ], "mapped", [ 104 ] ], [ [ 119946, 119946 ], "mapped", [ 105 ] ], [ [ 119947, 119947 ], "mapped", [ 106 ] ], [ [ 119948, 119948 ], "mapped", [ 107 ] ], [ [ 119949, 119949 ], "mapped", [ 108 ] ], [ [ 119950, 119950 ], "mapped", [ 109 ] ], [ [ 119951, 119951 ], "mapped", [ 110 ] ], [ [ 119952, 119952 ], "mapped", [ 111 ] ], [ [ 119953, 119953 ], "mapped", [ 112 ] ], [ [ 119954, 119954 ], "mapped", [ 113 ] ], [ [ 119955, 119955 ], "mapped", [ 114 ] ], [ [ 119956, 119956 ], "mapped", [ 115 ] ], [ [ 119957, 119957 ], "mapped", [ 116 ] ], [ [ 119958, 119958 ], "mapped", [ 117 ] ], [ [ 119959, 119959 ], "mapped", [ 118 ] ], [ [ 119960, 119960 ], "mapped", [ 119 ] ], [ [ 119961, 119961 ], "mapped", [ 120 ] ], [ [ 119962, 119962 ], "mapped", [ 121 ] ], [ [ 119963, 119963 ], "mapped", [ 122 ] ], [ [ 119964, 119964 ], "mapped", [ 97 ] ], [ [ 119965, 119965 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 119966, 119966 ], "mapped", [ 99 ] ], [ [ 119967, 119967 ], "mapped", [ 100 ] ], [ [ 119968, 119969 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 119970, 119970 ], "mapped", [ 103 ] ], [ [ 119971, 119972 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 119973, 119973 ], "mapped", [ 106 ] ], [ [ 119974, 119974 ], "mapped", [ 107 ] ], [ [ 119975, 119976 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 119977, 119977 ], "mapped", [ 110 ] ], [ [ 119978, 119978 ], "mapped", [ 111 ] ], [ [ 119979, 119979 ], "mapped", [ 112 ] ], [ [ 119980, 119980 ], "mapped", [ 113 ] ], [ [ 119981, 119981 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 119982, 119982 ], "mapped", [ 115 ] ], [ [ 119983, 119983 ], "mapped", [ 116 ] ], [ [ 119984, 119984 ], "mapped", [ 117 ] ], [ [ 119985, 119985 ], "mapped", [ 118 ] ], [ [ 119986, 119986 ], "mapped", [ 119 ] ], [ [ 119987, 119987 ], "mapped", [ 120 ] ], [ [ 119988, 119988 ], "mapped", [ 121 ] ], [ [ 119989, 119989 ], "mapped", [ 122 ] ], [ [ 119990, 119990 ], "mapped", [ 97 ] ], [ [ 119991, 119991 ], "mapped", [ 98 ] ], [ [ 119992, 119992 ], "mapped", [ 99 ] ], [ [ 119993, 119993 ], "mapped", [ 100 ] ], [ [ 119994, 119994 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 119995, 119995 ], "mapped", [ 102 ] ], [ [ 119996, 119996 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 119997, 119997 ], "mapped", [ 104 ] ], [ [ 119998, 119998 ], "mapped", [ 105 ] ], [ [ 119999, 119999 ], "mapped", [ 106 ] ], [ [ 120000, 120000 ], "mapped", [ 107 ] ], [ [ 120001, 120001 ], "mapped", [ 108 ] ], [ [ 120002, 120002 ], "mapped", [ 109 ] ], [ [ 120003, 120003 ], "mapped", [ 110 ] ], [ [ 120004, 120004 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 120005, 120005 ], "mapped", [ 112 ] ], [ [ 120006, 120006 ], "mapped", [ 113 ] ], [ [ 120007, 120007 ], "mapped", [ 114 ] ], [ [ 120008, 120008 ], "mapped", [ 115 ] ], [ [ 120009, 120009 ], "mapped", [ 116 ] ], [ [ 120010, 120010 ], "mapped", [ 117 ] ], [ [ 120011, 120011 ], "mapped", [ 118 ] ], [ [ 120012, 120012 ], "mapped", [ 119 ] ], [ [ 120013, 120013 ], "mapped", [ 120 ] ], [ [ 120014, 120014 ], "mapped", [ 121 ] ], [ [ 120015, 120015 ], "mapped", [ 122 ] ], [ [ 120016, 120016 ], "mapped", [ 97 ] ], [ [ 120017, 120017 ], "mapped", [ 98 ] ], [ [ 120018, 120018 ], "mapped", [ 99 ] ], [ [ 120019, 120019 ], "mapped", [ 100 ] ], [ [ 120020, 120020 ], "mapped", [ 101 ] ], [ [ 120021, 120021 ], "mapped", [ 102 ] ], [ [ 120022, 120022 ], "mapped", [ 103 ] ], [ [ 120023, 120023 ], "mapped", [ 104 ] ], [ [ 120024, 120024 ], "mapped", [ 105 ] ], [ [ 120025, 120025 ], "mapped", [ 106 ] ], [ [ 120026, 120026 ], "mapped", [ 107 ] ], [ [ 120027, 120027 ], "mapped", [ 108 ] ], [ [ 120028, 120028 ], "mapped", [ 109 ] ], [ [ 120029, 120029 ], "mapped", [ 110 ] ], [ [ 120030, 120030 ], "mapped", [ 111 ] ], [ [ 120031, 120031 ], "mapped", [ 112 ] ], [ [ 120032, 120032 ], "mapped", [ 113 ] ], [ [ 120033, 120033 ], "mapped", [ 114 ] ], [ [ 120034, 120034 ], "mapped", [ 115 ] ], [ [ 120035, 120035 ], "mapped", [ 116 ] ], [ [ 120036, 120036 ], "mapped", [ 117 ] ], [ [ 120037, 120037 ], "mapped", [ 118 ] ], [ [ 120038, 120038 ], "mapped", [ 119 ] ], [ [ 120039, 120039 ], "mapped", [ 120 ] ], [ [ 120040, 120040 ], "mapped", [ 121 ] ], [ [ 120041, 120041 ], "mapped", [ 122 ] ], [ [ 120042, 120042 ], "mapped", [ 97 ] ], [ [ 120043, 120043 ], "mapped", [ 98 ] ], [ [ 120044, 120044 ], "mapped", [ 99 ] ], [ [ 120045, 120045 ], "mapped", [ 100 ] ], [ [ 120046, 120046 ], "mapped", [ 101 ] ], [ [ 120047, 120047 ], "mapped", [ 102 ] ], [ [ 120048, 120048 ], "mapped", [ 103 ] ], [ [ 120049, 120049 ], "mapped", [ 104 ] ], [ [ 120050, 120050 ], "mapped", [ 105 ] ], [ [ 120051, 120051 ], "mapped", [ 106 ] ], [ [ 120052, 120052 ], "mapped", [ 107 ] ], [ [ 120053, 120053 ], "mapped", [ 108 ] ], [ [ 120054, 120054 ], "mapped", [ 109 ] ], [ [ 120055, 120055 ], "mapped", [ 110 ] ], [ [ 120056, 120056 ], "mapped", [ 111 ] ], [ [ 120057, 120057 ], "mapped", [ 112 ] ], [ [ 120058, 120058 ], "mapped", [ 113 ] ], [ [ 120059, 120059 ], "mapped", [ 114 ] ], [ [ 120060, 120060 ], "mapped", [ 115 ] ], [ [ 120061, 120061 ], "mapped", [ 116 ] ], [ [ 120062, 120062 ], "mapped", [ 117 ] ], [ [ 120063, 120063 ], "mapped", [ 118 ] ], [ [ 120064, 120064 ], "mapped", [ 119 ] ], [ [ 120065, 120065 ], "mapped", [ 120 ] ], [ [ 120066, 120066 ], "mapped", [ 121 ] ], [ [ 120067, 120067 ], "mapped", [ 122 ] ], [ [ 120068, 120068 ], "mapped", [ 97 ] ], [ [ 120069, 120069 ], "mapped", [ 98 ] ], [ [ 120070, 120070 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 120071, 120071 ], "mapped", [ 100 ] ], [ [ 120072, 120072 ], "mapped", [ 101 ] ], [ [ 120073, 120073 ], "mapped", [ 102 ] ], [ [ 120074, 120074 ], "mapped", [ 103 ] ], [ [ 120075, 120076 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 120077, 120077 ], "mapped", [ 106 ] ], [ [ 120078, 120078 ], "mapped", [ 107 ] ], [ [ 120079, 120079 ], "mapped", [ 108 ] ], [ [ 120080, 120080 ], "mapped", [ 109 ] ], [ [ 120081, 120081 ], "mapped", [ 110 ] ], [ [ 120082, 120082 ], "mapped", [ 111 ] ], [ [ 120083, 120083 ], "mapped", [ 112 ] ], [ [ 120084, 120084 ], "mapped", [ 113 ] ], [ [ 120085, 120085 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 120086, 120086 ], "mapped", [ 115 ] ], [ [ 120087, 120087 ], "mapped", [ 116 ] ], [ [ 120088, 120088 ], "mapped", [ 117 ] ], [ [ 120089, 120089 ], "mapped", [ 118 ] ], [ [ 120090, 120090 ], "mapped", [ 119 ] ], [ [ 120091, 120091 ], "mapped", [ 120 ] ], [ [ 120092, 120092 ], "mapped", [ 121 ] ], [ [ 120093, 120093 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 120094, 120094 ], "mapped", [ 97 ] ], [ [ 120095, 120095 ], "mapped", [ 98 ] ], [ [ 120096, 120096 ], "mapped", [ 99 ] ], [ [ 120097, 120097 ], "mapped", [ 100 ] ], [ [ 120098, 120098 ], "mapped", [ 101 ] ], [ [ 120099, 120099 ], "mapped", [ 102 ] ], [ [ 120100, 120100 ], "mapped", [ 103 ] ], [ [ 120101, 120101 ], "mapped", [ 104 ] ], [ [ 120102, 120102 ], "mapped", [ 105 ] ], [ [ 120103, 120103 ], "mapped", [ 106 ] ], [ [ 120104, 120104 ], "mapped", [ 107 ] ], [ [ 120105, 120105 ], "mapped", [ 108 ] ], [ [ 120106, 120106 ], "mapped", [ 109 ] ], [ [ 120107, 120107 ], "mapped", [ 110 ] ], [ [ 120108, 120108 ], "mapped", [ 111 ] ], [ [ 120109, 120109 ], "mapped", [ 112 ] ], [ [ 120110, 120110 ], "mapped", [ 113 ] ], [ [ 120111, 120111 ], "mapped", [ 114 ] ], [ [ 120112, 120112 ], "mapped", [ 115 ] ], [ [ 120113, 120113 ], "mapped", [ 116 ] ], [ [ 120114, 120114 ], "mapped", [ 117 ] ], [ [ 120115, 120115 ], "mapped", [ 118 ] ], [ [ 120116, 120116 ], "mapped", [ 119 ] ], [ [ 120117, 120117 ], "mapped", [ 120 ] ], [ [ 120118, 120118 ], "mapped", [ 121 ] ], [ [ 120119, 120119 ], "mapped", [ 122 ] ], [ [ 120120, 120120 ], "mapped", [ 97 ] ], [ [ 120121, 120121 ], "mapped", [ 98 ] ], [ [ 120122, 120122 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 120123, 120123 ], "mapped", [ 100 ] ], [ [ 120124, 120124 ], "mapped", [ 101 ] ], [ [ 120125, 120125 ], "mapped", [ 102 ] ], [ [ 120126, 120126 ], "mapped", [ 103 ] ], [ [ 120127, 120127 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 120128, 120128 ], "mapped", [ 105 ] ], [ [ 120129, 120129 ], "mapped", [ 106 ] ], [ [ 120130, 120130 ], "mapped", [ 107 ] ], [ [ 120131, 120131 ], "mapped", [ 108 ] ], [ [ 120132, 120132 ], "mapped", [ 109 ] ], [ [ 120133, 120133 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 120134, 120134 ], "mapped", [ 111 ] ], [ [ 120135, 120137 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 120138, 120138 ], "mapped", [ 115 ] ], [ [ 120139, 120139 ], "mapped", [ 116 ] ], [ [ 120140, 120140 ], "mapped", [ 117 ] ], [ [ 120141, 120141 ], "mapped", [ 118 ] ], [ [ 120142, 120142 ], "mapped", [ 119 ] ], [ [ 120143, 120143 ], "mapped", [ 120 ] ], [ [ 120144, 120144 ], "mapped", [ 121 ] ], [ [ 120145, 120145 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 120146, 120146 ], "mapped", [ 97 ] ], [ [ 120147, 120147 ], "mapped", [ 98 ] ], [ [ 120148, 120148 ], "mapped", [ 99 ] ], [ [ 120149, 120149 ], "mapped", [ 100 ] ], [ [ 120150, 120150 ], "mapped", [ 101 ] ], [ [ 120151, 120151 ], "mapped", [ 102 ] ], [ [ 120152, 120152 ], "mapped", [ 103 ] ], [ [ 120153, 120153 ], "mapped", [ 104 ] ], [ [ 120154, 120154 ], "mapped", [ 105 ] ], [ [ 120155, 120155 ], "mapped", [ 106 ] ], [ [ 120156, 120156 ], "mapped", [ 107 ] ], [ [ 120157, 120157 ], "mapped", [ 108 ] ], [ [ 120158, 120158 ], "mapped", [ 109 ] ], [ [ 120159, 120159 ], "mapped", [ 110 ] ], [ [ 120160, 120160 ], "mapped", [ 111 ] ], [ [ 120161, 120161 ], "mapped", [ 112 ] ], [ [ 120162, 120162 ], "mapped", [ 113 ] ], [ [ 120163, 120163 ], "mapped", [ 114 ] ], [ [ 120164, 120164 ], "mapped", [ 115 ] ], [ [ 120165, 120165 ], "mapped", [ 116 ] ], [ [ 120166, 120166 ], "mapped", [ 117 ] ], [ [ 120167, 120167 ], "mapped", [ 118 ] ], [ [ 120168, 120168 ], "mapped", [ 119 ] ], [ [ 120169, 120169 ], "mapped", [ 120 ] ], [ [ 120170, 120170 ], "mapped", [ 121 ] ], [ [ 120171, 120171 ], "mapped", [ 122 ] ], [ [ 120172, 120172 ], "mapped", [ 97 ] ], [ [ 120173, 120173 ], "mapped", [ 98 ] ], [ [ 120174, 120174 ], "mapped", [ 99 ] ], [ [ 120175, 120175 ], "mapped", [ 100 ] ], [ [ 120176, 120176 ], "mapped", [ 101 ] ], [ [ 120177, 120177 ], "mapped", [ 102 ] ], [ [ 120178, 120178 ], "mapped", [ 103 ] ], [ [ 120179, 120179 ], "mapped", [ 104 ] ], [ [ 120180, 120180 ], "mapped", [ 105 ] ], [ [ 120181, 120181 ], "mapped", [ 106 ] ], [ [ 120182, 120182 ], "mapped", [ 107 ] ], [ [ 120183, 120183 ], "mapped", [ 108 ] ], [ [ 120184, 120184 ], "mapped", [ 109 ] ], [ [ 120185, 120185 ], "mapped", [ 110 ] ], [ [ 120186, 120186 ], "mapped", [ 111 ] ], [ [ 120187, 120187 ], "mapped", [ 112 ] ], [ [ 120188, 120188 ], "mapped", [ 113 ] ], [ [ 120189, 120189 ], "mapped", [ 114 ] ], [ [ 120190, 120190 ], "mapped", [ 115 ] ], [ [ 120191, 120191 ], "mapped", [ 116 ] ], [ [ 120192, 120192 ], "mapped", [ 117 ] ], [ [ 120193, 120193 ], "mapped", [ 118 ] ], [ [ 120194, 120194 ], "mapped", [ 119 ] ], [ [ 120195, 120195 ], "mapped", [ 120 ] ], [ [ 120196, 120196 ], "mapped", [ 121 ] ], [ [ 120197, 120197 ], "mapped", [ 122 ] ], [ [ 120198, 120198 ], "mapped", [ 97 ] ], [ [ 120199, 120199 ], "mapped", [ 98 ] ], [ [ 120200, 120200 ], "mapped", [ 99 ] ], [ [ 120201, 120201 ], "mapped", [ 100 ] ], [ [ 120202, 120202 ], "mapped", [ 101 ] ], [ [ 120203, 120203 ], "mapped", [ 102 ] ], [ [ 120204, 120204 ], "mapped", [ 103 ] ], [ [ 120205, 120205 ], "mapped", [ 104 ] ], [ [ 120206, 120206 ], "mapped", [ 105 ] ], [ [ 120207, 120207 ], "mapped", [ 106 ] ], [ [ 120208, 120208 ], "mapped", [ 107 ] ], [ [ 120209, 120209 ], "mapped", [ 108 ] ], [ [ 120210, 120210 ], "mapped", [ 109 ] ], [ [ 120211, 120211 ], "mapped", [ 110 ] ], [ [ 120212, 120212 ], "mapped", [ 111 ] ], [ [ 120213, 120213 ], "mapped", [ 112 ] ], [ [ 120214, 120214 ], "mapped", [ 113 ] ], [ [ 120215, 120215 ], "mapped", [ 114 ] ], [ [ 120216, 120216 ], "mapped", [ 115 ] ], [ [ 120217, 120217 ], "mapped", [ 116 ] ], [ [ 120218, 120218 ], "mapped", [ 117 ] ], [ [ 120219, 120219 ], "mapped", [ 118 ] ], [ [ 120220, 120220 ], "mapped", [ 119 ] ], [ [ 120221, 120221 ], "mapped", [ 120 ] ], [ [ 120222, 120222 ], "mapped", [ 121 ] ], [ [ 120223, 120223 ], "mapped", [ 122 ] ], [ [ 120224, 120224 ], "mapped", [ 97 ] ], [ [ 120225, 120225 ], "mapped", [ 98 ] ], [ [ 120226, 120226 ], "mapped", [ 99 ] ], [ [ 120227, 120227 ], "mapped", [ 100 ] ], [ [ 120228, 120228 ], "mapped", [ 101 ] ], [ [ 120229, 120229 ], "mapped", [ 102 ] ], [ [ 120230, 120230 ], "mapped", [ 103 ] ], [ [ 120231, 120231 ], "mapped", [ 104 ] ], [ [ 120232, 120232 ], "mapped", [ 105 ] ], [ [ 120233, 120233 ], "mapped", [ 106 ] ], [ [ 120234, 120234 ], "mapped", [ 107 ] ], [ [ 120235, 120235 ], "mapped", [ 108 ] ], [ [ 120236, 120236 ], "mapped", [ 109 ] ], [ [ 120237, 120237 ], "mapped", [ 110 ] ], [ [ 120238, 120238 ], "mapped", [ 111 ] ], [ [ 120239, 120239 ], "mapped", [ 112 ] ], [ [ 120240, 120240 ], "mapped", [ 113 ] ], [ [ 120241, 120241 ], "mapped", [ 114 ] ], [ [ 120242, 120242 ], "mapped", [ 115 ] ], [ [ 120243, 120243 ], "mapped", [ 116 ] ], [ [ 120244, 120244 ], "mapped", [ 117 ] ], [ [ 120245, 120245 ], "mapped", [ 118 ] ], [ [ 120246, 120246 ], "mapped", [ 119 ] ], [ [ 120247, 120247 ], "mapped", [ 120 ] ], [ [ 120248, 120248 ], "mapped", [ 121 ] ], [ [ 120249, 120249 ], "mapped", [ 122 ] ], [ [ 120250, 120250 ], "mapped", [ 97 ] ], [ [ 120251, 120251 ], "mapped", [ 98 ] ], [ [ 120252, 120252 ], "mapped", [ 99 ] ], [ [ 120253, 120253 ], "mapped", [ 100 ] ], [ [ 120254, 120254 ], "mapped", [ 101 ] ], [ [ 120255, 120255 ], "mapped", [ 102 ] ], [ [ 120256, 120256 ], "mapped", [ 103 ] ], [ [ 120257, 120257 ], "mapped", [ 104 ] ], [ [ 120258, 120258 ], "mapped", [ 105 ] ], [ [ 120259, 120259 ], "mapped", [ 106 ] ], [ [ 120260, 120260 ], "mapped", [ 107 ] ], [ [ 120261, 120261 ], "mapped", [ 108 ] ], [ [ 120262, 120262 ], "mapped", [ 109 ] ], [ [ 120263, 120263 ], "mapped", [ 110 ] ], [ [ 120264, 120264 ], "mapped", [ 111 ] ], [ [ 120265, 120265 ], "mapped", [ 112 ] ], [ [ 120266, 120266 ], "mapped", [ 113 ] ], [ [ 120267, 120267 ], "mapped", [ 114 ] ], [ [ 120268, 120268 ], "mapped", [ 115 ] ], [ [ 120269, 120269 ], "mapped", [ 116 ] ], [ [ 120270, 120270 ], "mapped", [ 117 ] ], [ [ 120271, 120271 ], "mapped", [ 118 ] ], [ [ 120272, 120272 ], "mapped", [ 119 ] ], [ [ 120273, 120273 ], "mapped", [ 120 ] ], [ [ 120274, 120274 ], "mapped", [ 121 ] ], [ [ 120275, 120275 ], "mapped", [ 122 ] ], [ [ 120276, 120276 ], "mapped", [ 97 ] ], [ [ 120277, 120277 ], "mapped", [ 98 ] ], [ [ 120278, 120278 ], "mapped", [ 99 ] ], [ [ 120279, 120279 ], "mapped", [ 100 ] ], [ [ 120280, 120280 ], "mapped", [ 101 ] ], [ [ 120281, 120281 ], "mapped", [ 102 ] ], [ [ 120282, 120282 ], "mapped", [ 103 ] ], [ [ 120283, 120283 ], "mapped", [ 104 ] ], [ [ 120284, 120284 ], "mapped", [ 105 ] ], [ [ 120285, 120285 ], "mapped", [ 106 ] ], [ [ 120286, 120286 ], "mapped", [ 107 ] ], [ [ 120287, 120287 ], "mapped", [ 108 ] ], [ [ 120288, 120288 ], "mapped", [ 109 ] ], [ [ 120289, 120289 ], "mapped", [ 110 ] ], [ [ 120290, 120290 ], "mapped", [ 111 ] ], [ [ 120291, 120291 ], "mapped", [ 112 ] ], [ [ 120292, 120292 ], "mapped", [ 113 ] ], [ [ 120293, 120293 ], "mapped", [ 114 ] ], [ [ 120294, 120294 ], "mapped", [ 115 ] ], [ [ 120295, 120295 ], "mapped", [ 116 ] ], [ [ 120296, 120296 ], "mapped", [ 117 ] ], [ [ 120297, 120297 ], "mapped", [ 118 ] ], [ [ 120298, 120298 ], "mapped", [ 119 ] ], [ [ 120299, 120299 ], "mapped", [ 120 ] ], [ [ 120300, 120300 ], "mapped", [ 121 ] ], [ [ 120301, 120301 ], "mapped", [ 122 ] ], [ [ 120302, 120302 ], "mapped", [ 97 ] ], [ [ 120303, 120303 ], "mapped", [ 98 ] ], [ [ 120304, 120304 ], "mapped", [ 99 ] ], [ [ 120305, 120305 ], "mapped", [ 100 ] ], [ [ 120306, 120306 ], "mapped", [ 101 ] ], [ [ 120307, 120307 ], "mapped", [ 102 ] ], [ [ 120308, 120308 ], "mapped", [ 103 ] ], [ [ 120309, 120309 ], "mapped", [ 104 ] ], [ [ 120310, 120310 ], "mapped", [ 105 ] ], [ [ 120311, 120311 ], "mapped", [ 106 ] ], [ [ 120312, 120312 ], "mapped", [ 107 ] ], [ [ 120313, 120313 ], "mapped", [ 108 ] ], [ [ 120314, 120314 ], "mapped", [ 109 ] ], [ [ 120315, 120315 ], "mapped", [ 110 ] ], [ [ 120316, 120316 ], "mapped", [ 111 ] ], [ [ 120317, 120317 ], "mapped", [ 112 ] ], [ [ 120318, 120318 ], "mapped", [ 113 ] ], [ [ 120319, 120319 ], "mapped", [ 114 ] ], [ [ 120320, 120320 ], "mapped", [ 115 ] ], [ [ 120321, 120321 ], "mapped", [ 116 ] ], [ [ 120322, 120322 ], "mapped", [ 117 ] ], [ [ 120323, 120323 ], "mapped", [ 118 ] ], [ [ 120324, 120324 ], "mapped", [ 119 ] ], [ [ 120325, 120325 ], "mapped", [ 120 ] ], [ [ 120326, 120326 ], "mapped", [ 121 ] ], [ [ 120327, 120327 ], "mapped", [ 122 ] ], [ [ 120328, 120328 ], "mapped", [ 97 ] ], [ [ 120329, 120329 ], "mapped", [ 98 ] ], [ [ 120330, 120330 ], "mapped", [ 99 ] ], [ [ 120331, 120331 ], "mapped", [ 100 ] ], [ [ 120332, 120332 ], "mapped", [ 101 ] ], [ [ 120333, 120333 ], "mapped", [ 102 ] ], [ [ 120334, 120334 ], "mapped", [ 103 ] ], [ [ 120335, 120335 ], "mapped", [ 104 ] ], [ [ 120336, 120336 ], "mapped", [ 105 ] ], [ [ 120337, 120337 ], "mapped", [ 106 ] ], [ [ 120338, 120338 ], "mapped", [ 107 ] ], [ [ 120339, 120339 ], "mapped", [ 108 ] ], [ [ 120340, 120340 ], "mapped", [ 109 ] ], [ [ 120341, 120341 ], "mapped", [ 110 ] ], [ [ 120342, 120342 ], "mapped", [ 111 ] ], [ [ 120343, 120343 ], "mapped", [ 112 ] ], [ [ 120344, 120344 ], "mapped", [ 113 ] ], [ [ 120345, 120345 ], "mapped", [ 114 ] ], [ [ 120346, 120346 ], "mapped", [ 115 ] ], [ [ 120347, 120347 ], "mapped", [ 116 ] ], [ [ 120348, 120348 ], "mapped", [ 117 ] ], [ [ 120349, 120349 ], "mapped", [ 118 ] ], [ [ 120350, 120350 ], "mapped", [ 119 ] ], [ [ 120351, 120351 ], "mapped", [ 120 ] ], [ [ 120352, 120352 ], "mapped", [ 121 ] ], [ [ 120353, 120353 ], "mapped", [ 122 ] ], [ [ 120354, 120354 ], "mapped", [ 97 ] ], [ [ 120355, 120355 ], "mapped", [ 98 ] ], [ [ 120356, 120356 ], "mapped", [ 99 ] ], [ [ 120357, 120357 ], "mapped", [ 100 ] ], [ [ 120358, 120358 ], "mapped", [ 101 ] ], [ [ 120359, 120359 ], "mapped", [ 102 ] ], [ [ 120360, 120360 ], "mapped", [ 103 ] ], [ [ 120361, 120361 ], "mapped", [ 104 ] ], [ [ 120362, 120362 ], "mapped", [ 105 ] ], [ [ 120363, 120363 ], "mapped", [ 106 ] ], [ [ 120364, 120364 ], "mapped", [ 107 ] ], [ [ 120365, 120365 ], "mapped", [ 108 ] ], [ [ 120366, 120366 ], "mapped", [ 109 ] ], [ [ 120367, 120367 ], "mapped", [ 110 ] ], [ [ 120368, 120368 ], "mapped", [ 111 ] ], [ [ 120369, 120369 ], "mapped", [ 112 ] ], [ [ 120370, 120370 ], "mapped", [ 113 ] ], [ [ 120371, 120371 ], "mapped", [ 114 ] ], [ [ 120372, 120372 ], "mapped", [ 115 ] ], [ [ 120373, 120373 ], "mapped", [ 116 ] ], [ [ 120374, 120374 ], "mapped", [ 117 ] ], [ [ 120375, 120375 ], "mapped", [ 118 ] ], [ [ 120376, 120376 ], "mapped", [ 119 ] ], [ [ 120377, 120377 ], "mapped", [ 120 ] ], [ [ 120378, 120378 ], "mapped", [ 121 ] ], [ [ 120379, 120379 ], "mapped", [ 122 ] ], [ [ 120380, 120380 ], "mapped", [ 97 ] ], [ [ 120381, 120381 ], "mapped", [ 98 ] ], [ [ 120382, 120382 ], "mapped", [ 99 ] ], [ [ 120383, 120383 ], "mapped", [ 100 ] ], [ [ 120384, 120384 ], "mapped", [ 101 ] ], [ [ 120385, 120385 ], "mapped", [ 102 ] ], [ [ 120386, 120386 ], "mapped", [ 103 ] ], [ [ 120387, 120387 ], "mapped", [ 104 ] ], [ [ 120388, 120388 ], "mapped", [ 105 ] ], [ [ 120389, 120389 ], "mapped", [ 106 ] ], [ [ 120390, 120390 ], "mapped", [ 107 ] ], [ [ 120391, 120391 ], "mapped", [ 108 ] ], [ [ 120392, 120392 ], "mapped", [ 109 ] ], [ [ 120393, 120393 ], "mapped", [ 110 ] ], [ [ 120394, 120394 ], "mapped", [ 111 ] ], [ [ 120395, 120395 ], "mapped", [ 112 ] ], [ [ 120396, 120396 ], "mapped", [ 113 ] ], [ [ 120397, 120397 ], "mapped", [ 114 ] ], [ [ 120398, 120398 ], "mapped", [ 115 ] ], [ [ 120399, 120399 ], "mapped", [ 116 ] ], [ [ 120400, 120400 ], "mapped", [ 117 ] ], [ [ 120401, 120401 ], "mapped", [ 118 ] ], [ [ 120402, 120402 ], "mapped", [ 119 ] ], [ [ 120403, 120403 ], "mapped", [ 120 ] ], [ [ 120404, 120404 ], "mapped", [ 121 ] ], [ [ 120405, 120405 ], "mapped", [ 122 ] ], [ [ 120406, 120406 ], "mapped", [ 97 ] ], [ [ 120407, 120407 ], "mapped", [ 98 ] ], [ [ 120408, 120408 ], "mapped", [ 99 ] ], [ [ 120409, 120409 ], "mapped", [ 100 ] ], [ [ 120410, 120410 ], "mapped", [ 101 ] ], [ [ 120411, 120411 ], "mapped", [ 102 ] ], [ [ 120412, 120412 ], "mapped", [ 103 ] ], [ [ 120413, 120413 ], "mapped", [ 104 ] ], [ [ 120414, 120414 ], "mapped", [ 105 ] ], [ [ 120415, 120415 ], "mapped", [ 106 ] ], [ [ 120416, 120416 ], "mapped", [ 107 ] ], [ [ 120417, 120417 ], "mapped", [ 108 ] ], [ [ 120418, 120418 ], "mapped", [ 109 ] ], [ [ 120419, 120419 ], "mapped", [ 110 ] ], [ [ 120420, 120420 ], "mapped", [ 111 ] ], [ [ 120421, 120421 ], "mapped", [ 112 ] ], [ [ 120422, 120422 ], "mapped", [ 113 ] ], [ [ 120423, 120423 ], "mapped", [ 114 ] ], [ [ 120424, 120424 ], "mapped", [ 115 ] ], [ [ 120425, 120425 ], "mapped", [ 116 ] ], [ [ 120426, 120426 ], "mapped", [ 117 ] ], [ [ 120427, 120427 ], "mapped", [ 118 ] ], [ [ 120428, 120428 ], "mapped", [ 119 ] ], [ [ 120429, 120429 ], "mapped", [ 120 ] ], [ [ 120430, 120430 ], "mapped", [ 121 ] ], [ [ 120431, 120431 ], "mapped", [ 122 ] ], [ [ 120432, 120432 ], "mapped", [ 97 ] ], [ [ 120433, 120433 ], "mapped", [ 98 ] ], [ [ 120434, 120434 ], "mapped", [ 99 ] ], [ [ 120435, 120435 ], "mapped", [ 100 ] ], [ [ 120436, 120436 ], "mapped", [ 101 ] ], [ [ 120437, 120437 ], "mapped", [ 102 ] ], [ [ 120438, 120438 ], "mapped", [ 103 ] ], [ [ 120439, 120439 ], "mapped", [ 104 ] ], [ [ 120440, 120440 ], "mapped", [ 105 ] ], [ [ 120441, 120441 ], "mapped", [ 106 ] ], [ [ 120442, 120442 ], "mapped", [ 107 ] ], [ [ 120443, 120443 ], "mapped", [ 108 ] ], [ [ 120444, 120444 ], "mapped", [ 109 ] ], [ [ 120445, 120445 ], "mapped", [ 110 ] ], [ [ 120446, 120446 ], "mapped", [ 111 ] ], [ [ 120447, 120447 ], "mapped", [ 112 ] ], [ [ 120448, 120448 ], "mapped", [ 113 ] ], [ [ 120449, 120449 ], "mapped", [ 114 ] ], [ [ 120450, 120450 ], "mapped", [ 115 ] ], [ [ 120451, 120451 ], "mapped", [ 116 ] ], [ [ 120452, 120452 ], "mapped", [ 117 ] ], [ [ 120453, 120453 ], "mapped", [ 118 ] ], [ [ 120454, 120454 ], "mapped", [ 119 ] ], [ [ 120455, 120455 ], "mapped", [ 120 ] ], [ [ 120456, 120456 ], "mapped", [ 121 ] ], [ [ 120457, 120457 ], "mapped", [ 122 ] ], [ [ 120458, 120458 ], "mapped", [ 97 ] ], [ [ 120459, 120459 ], "mapped", [ 98 ] ], [ [ 120460, 120460 ], "mapped", [ 99 ] ], [ [ 120461, 120461 ], "mapped", [ 100 ] ], [ [ 120462, 120462 ], "mapped", [ 101 ] ], [ [ 120463, 120463 ], "mapped", [ 102 ] ], [ [ 120464, 120464 ], "mapped", [ 103 ] ], [ [ 120465, 120465 ], "mapped", [ 104 ] ], [ [ 120466, 120466 ], "mapped", [ 105 ] ], [ [ 120467, 120467 ], "mapped", [ 106 ] ], [ [ 120468, 120468 ], "mapped", [ 107 ] ], [ [ 120469, 120469 ], "mapped", [ 108 ] ], [ [ 120470, 120470 ], "mapped", [ 109 ] ], [ [ 120471, 120471 ], "mapped", [ 110 ] ], [ [ 120472, 120472 ], "mapped", [ 111 ] ], [ [ 120473, 120473 ], "mapped", [ 112 ] ], [ [ 120474, 120474 ], "mapped", [ 113 ] ], [ [ 120475, 120475 ], "mapped", [ 114 ] ], [ [ 120476, 120476 ], "mapped", [ 115 ] ], [ [ 120477, 120477 ], "mapped", [ 116 ] ], [ [ 120478, 120478 ], "mapped", [ 117 ] ], [ [ 120479, 120479 ], "mapped", [ 118 ] ], [ [ 120480, 120480 ], "mapped", [ 119 ] ], [ [ 120481, 120481 ], "mapped", [ 120 ] ], [ [ 120482, 120482 ], "mapped", [ 121 ] ], [ [ 120483, 120483 ], "mapped", [ 122 ] ], [ [ 120484, 120484 ], "mapped", [ 305 ] ], [ [ 120485, 120485 ], "mapped", [ 567 ] ], [ [ 120486, 120487 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 120488, 120488 ], "mapped", [ 945 ] ], [ [ 120489, 120489 ], "mapped", [ 946 ] ], [ [ 120490, 120490 ], "mapped", [ 947 ] ], [ [ 120491, 120491 ], "mapped", [ 948 ] ], [ [ 120492, 120492 ], "mapped", [ 949 ] ], [ [ 120493, 120493 ], "mapped", [ 950 ] ], [ [ 120494, 120494 ], "mapped", [ 951 ] ], [ [ 120495, 120495 ], "mapped", [ 952 ] ], [ [ 120496, 120496 ], "mapped", [ 953 ] ], [ [ 120497, 120497 ], "mapped", [ 954 ] ], [ [ 120498, 120498 ], "mapped", [ 955 ] ], [ [ 120499, 120499 ], "mapped", [ 956 ] ], [ [ 120500, 120500 ], "mapped", [ 957 ] ], [ [ 120501, 120501 ], "mapped", [ 958 ] ], [ [ 120502, 120502 ], "mapped", [ 959 ] ], [ [ 120503, 120503 ], "mapped", [ 960 ] ], [ [ 120504, 120504 ], "mapped", [ 961 ] ], [ [ 120505, 120505 ], "mapped", [ 952 ] ], [ [ 120506, 120506 ], "mapped", [ 963 ] ], [ [ 120507, 120507 ], "mapped", [ 964 ] ], [ [ 120508, 120508 ], "mapped", [ 965 ] ], [ [ 120509, 120509 ], "mapped", [ 966 ] ], [ [ 120510, 120510 ], "mapped", [ 967 ] ], [ [ 120511, 120511 ], "mapped", [ 968 ] ], [ [ 120512, 120512 ], "mapped", [ 969 ] ], [ [ 120513, 120513 ], "mapped", [ 8711 ] ], [ [ 120514, 120514 ], "mapped", [ 945 ] ], [ [ 120515, 120515 ], "mapped", [ 946 ] ], [ [ 120516, 120516 ], "mapped", [ 947 ] ], [ [ 120517, 120517 ], "mapped", [ 948 ] ], [ [ 120518, 120518 ], "mapped", [ 949 ] ], [ [ 120519, 120519 ], "mapped", [ 950 ] ], [ [ 120520, 120520 ], "mapped", [ 951 ] ], [ [ 120521, 120521 ], "mapped", [ 952 ] ], [ [ 120522, 120522 ], "mapped", [ 953 ] ], [ [ 120523, 120523 ], "mapped", [ 954 ] ], [ [ 120524, 120524 ], "mapped", [ 955 ] ], [ [ 120525, 120525 ], "mapped", [ 956 ] ], [ [ 120526, 120526 ], "mapped", [ 957 ] ], [ [ 120527, 120527 ], "mapped", [ 958 ] ], [ [ 120528, 120528 ], "mapped", [ 959 ] ], [ [ 120529, 120529 ], "mapped", [ 960 ] ], [ [ 120530, 120530 ], "mapped", [ 961 ] ], [ [ 120531, 120532 ], "mapped", [ 963 ] ], [ [ 120533, 120533 ], "mapped", [ 964 ] ], [ [ 120534, 120534 ], "mapped", [ 965 ] ], [ [ 120535, 120535 ], "mapped", [ 966 ] ], [ [ 120536, 120536 ], "mapped", [ 967 ] ], [ [ 120537, 120537 ], "mapped", [ 968 ] ], [ [ 120538, 120538 ], "mapped", [ 969 ] ], [ [ 120539, 120539 ], "mapped", [ 8706 ] ], [ [ 120540, 120540 ], "mapped", [ 949 ] ], [ [ 120541, 120541 ], "mapped", [ 952 ] ], [ [ 120542, 120542 ], "mapped", [ 954 ] ], [ [ 120543, 120543 ], "mapped", [ 966 ] ], [ [ 120544, 120544 ], "mapped", [ 961 ] ], [ [ 120545, 120545 ], "mapped", [ 960 ] ], [ [ 120546, 120546 ], "mapped", [ 945 ] ], [ [ 120547, 120547 ], "mapped", [ 946 ] ], [ [ 120548, 120548 ], "mapped", [ 947 ] ], [ [ 120549, 120549 ], "mapped", [ 948 ] ], [ [ 120550, 120550 ], "mapped", [ 949 ] ], [ [ 120551, 120551 ], "mapped", [ 950 ] ], [ [ 120552, 120552 ], "mapped", [ 951 ] ], [ [ 120553, 120553 ], "mapped", [ 952 ] ], [ [ 120554, 120554 ], "mapped", [ 953 ] ], [ [ 120555, 120555 ], "mapped", [ 954 ] ], [ [ 120556, 120556 ], "mapped", [ 955 ] ], [ [ 120557, 120557 ], "mapped", [ 956 ] ], [ [ 120558, 120558 ], "mapped", [ 957 ] ], [ [ 120559, 120559 ], "mapped", [ 958 ] ], [ [ 120560, 120560 ], "mapped", [ 959 ] ], [ [ 120561, 120561 ], "mapped", [ 960 ] ], [ [ 120562, 120562 ], "mapped", [ 961 ] ], [ [ 120563, 120563 ], "mapped", [ 952 ] ], [ [ 120564, 120564 ], "mapped", [ 963 ] ], [ [ 120565, 120565 ], "mapped", [ 964 ] ], [ [ 120566, 120566 ], "mapped", [ 965 ] ], [ [ 120567, 120567 ], "mapped", [ 966 ] ], [ [ 120568, 120568 ], "mapped", [ 967 ] ], [ [ 120569, 120569 ], "mapped", [ 968 ] ], [ [ 120570, 120570 ], "mapped", [ 969 ] ], [ [ 120571, 120571 ], "mapped", [ 8711 ] ], [ [ 120572, 120572 ], "mapped", [ 945 ] ], [ [ 120573, 120573 ], "mapped", [ 946 ] ], [ [ 120574, 120574 ], "mapped", [ 947 ] ], [ [ 120575, 120575 ], "mapped", [ 948 ] ], [ [ 120576, 120576 ], "mapped", [ 949 ] ], [ [ 120577, 120577 ], "mapped", [ 950 ] ], [ [ 120578, 120578 ], "mapped", [ 951 ] ], [ [ 120579, 120579 ], "mapped", [ 952 ] ], [ [ 120580, 120580 ], "mapped", [ 953 ] ], [ [ 120581, 120581 ], "mapped", [ 954 ] ], [ [ 120582, 120582 ], "mapped", [ 955 ] ], [ [ 120583, 120583 ], "mapped", [ 956 ] ], [ [ 120584, 120584 ], "mapped", [ 957 ] ], [ [ 120585, 120585 ], "mapped", [ 958 ] ], [ [ 120586, 120586 ], "mapped", [ 959 ] ], [ [ 120587, 120587 ], "mapped", [ 960 ] ], [ [ 120588, 120588 ], "mapped", [ 961 ] ], [ [ 120589, 120590 ], "mapped", [ 963 ] ], [ [ 120591, 120591 ], "mapped", [ 964 ] ], [ [ 120592, 120592 ], "mapped", [ 965 ] ], [ [ 120593, 120593 ], "mapped", [ 966 ] ], [ [ 120594, 120594 ], "mapped", [ 967 ] ], [ [ 120595, 120595 ], "mapped", [ 968 ] ], [ [ 120596, 120596 ], "mapped", [ 969 ] ], [ [ 120597, 120597 ], "mapped", [ 8706 ] ], [ [ 120598, 120598 ], "mapped", [ 949 ] ], [ [ 120599, 120599 ], "mapped", [ 952 ] ], [ [ 120600, 120600 ], "mapped", [ 954 ] ], [ [ 120601, 120601 ], "mapped", [ 966 ] ], [ [ 120602, 120602 ], "mapped", [ 961 ] ], [ [ 120603, 120603 ], "mapped", [ 960 ] ], [ [ 120604, 120604 ], "mapped", [ 945 ] ], [ [ 120605, 120605 ], "mapped", [ 946 ] ], [ [ 120606, 120606 ], "mapped", [ 947 ] ], [ [ 120607, 120607 ], "mapped", [ 948 ] ], [ [ 120608, 120608 ], "mapped", [ 949 ] ], [ [ 120609, 120609 ], "mapped", [ 950 ] ], [ [ 120610, 120610 ], "mapped", [ 951 ] ], [ [ 120611, 120611 ], "mapped", [ 952 ] ], [ [ 120612, 120612 ], "mapped", [ 953 ] ], [ [ 120613, 120613 ], "mapped", [ 954 ] ], [ [ 120614, 120614 ], "mapped", [ 955 ] ], [ [ 120615, 120615 ], "mapped", [ 956 ] ], [ [ 120616, 120616 ], "mapped", [ 957 ] ], [ [ 120617, 120617 ], "mapped", [ 958 ] ], [ [ 120618, 120618 ], "mapped", [ 959 ] ], [ [ 120619, 120619 ], "mapped", [ 960 ] ], [ [ 120620, 120620 ], "mapped", [ 961 ] ], [ [ 120621, 120621 ], "mapped", [ 952 ] ], [ [ 120622, 120622 ], "mapped", [ 963 ] ], [ [ 120623, 120623 ], "mapped", [ 964 ] ], [ [ 120624, 120624 ], "mapped", [ 965 ] ], [ [ 120625, 120625 ], "mapped", [ 966 ] ], [ [ 120626, 120626 ], "mapped", [ 967 ] ], [ [ 120627, 120627 ], "mapped", [ 968 ] ], [ [ 120628, 120628 ], "mapped", [ 969 ] ], [ [ 120629, 120629 ], "mapped", [ 8711 ] ], [ [ 120630, 120630 ], "mapped", [ 945 ] ], [ [ 120631, 120631 ], "mapped", [ 946 ] ], [ [ 120632, 120632 ], "mapped", [ 947 ] ], [ [ 120633, 120633 ], "mapped", [ 948 ] ], [ [ 120634, 120634 ], "mapped", [ 949 ] ], [ [ 120635, 120635 ], "mapped", [ 950 ] ], [ [ 120636, 120636 ], "mapped", [ 951 ] ], [ [ 120637, 120637 ], "mapped", [ 952 ] ], [ [ 120638, 120638 ], "mapped", [ 953 ] ], [ [ 120639, 120639 ], "mapped", [ 954 ] ], [ [ 120640, 120640 ], "mapped", [ 955 ] ], [ [ 120641, 120641 ], "mapped", [ 956 ] ], [ [ 120642, 120642 ], "mapped", [ 957 ] ], [ [ 120643, 120643 ], "mapped", [ 958 ] ], [ [ 120644, 120644 ], "mapped", [ 959 ] ], [ [ 120645, 120645 ], "mapped", [ 960 ] ], [ [ 120646, 120646 ], "mapped", [ 961 ] ], [ [ 120647, 120648 ], "mapped", [ 963 ] ], [ [ 120649, 120649 ], "mapped", [ 964 ] ], [ [ 120650, 120650 ], "mapped", [ 965 ] ], [ [ 120651, 120651 ], "mapped", [ 966 ] ], [ [ 120652, 120652 ], "mapped", [ 967 ] ], [ [ 120653, 120653 ], "mapped", [ 968 ] ], [ [ 120654, 120654 ], "mapped", [ 969 ] ], [ [ 120655, 120655 ], "mapped", [ 8706 ] ], [ [ 120656, 120656 ], "mapped", [ 949 ] ], [ [ 120657, 120657 ], "mapped", [ 952 ] ], [ [ 120658, 120658 ], "mapped", [ 954 ] ], [ [ 120659, 120659 ], "mapped", [ 966 ] ], [ [ 120660, 120660 ], "mapped", [ 961 ] ], [ [ 120661, 120661 ], "mapped", [ 960 ] ], [ [ 120662, 120662 ], "mapped", [ 945 ] ], [ [ 120663, 120663 ], "mapped", [ 946 ] ], [ [ 120664, 120664 ], "mapped", [ 947 ] ], [ [ 120665, 120665 ], "mapped", [ 948 ] ], [ [ 120666, 120666 ], "mapped", [ 949 ] ], [ [ 120667, 120667 ], "mapped", [ 950 ] ], [ [ 120668, 120668 ], "mapped", [ 951 ] ], [ [ 120669, 120669 ], "mapped", [ 952 ] ], [ [ 120670, 120670 ], "mapped", [ 953 ] ], [ [ 120671, 120671 ], "mapped", [ 954 ] ], [ [ 120672, 120672 ], "mapped", [ 955 ] ], [ [ 120673, 120673 ], "mapped", [ 956 ] ], [ [ 120674, 120674 ], "mapped", [ 957 ] ], [ [ 120675, 120675 ], "mapped", [ 958 ] ], [ [ 120676, 120676 ], "mapped", [ 959 ] ], [ [ 120677, 120677 ], "mapped", [ 960 ] ], [ [ 120678, 120678 ], "mapped", [ 961 ] ], [ [ 120679, 120679 ], "mapped", [ 952 ] ], [ [ 120680, 120680 ], "mapped", [ 963 ] ], [ [ 120681, 120681 ], "mapped", [ 964 ] ], [ [ 120682, 120682 ], "mapped", [ 965 ] ], [ [ 120683, 120683 ], "mapped", [ 966 ] ], [ [ 120684, 120684 ], "mapped", [ 967 ] ], [ [ 120685, 120685 ], "mapped", [ 968 ] ], [ [ 120686, 120686 ], "mapped", [ 969 ] ], [ [ 120687, 120687 ], "mapped", [ 8711 ] ], [ [ 120688, 120688 ], "mapped", [ 945 ] ], [ [ 120689, 120689 ], "mapped", [ 946 ] ], [ [ 120690, 120690 ], "mapped", [ 947 ] ], [ [ 120691, 120691 ], "mapped", [ 948 ] ], [ [ 120692, 120692 ], "mapped", [ 949 ] ], [ [ 120693, 120693 ], "mapped", [ 950 ] ], [ [ 120694, 120694 ], "mapped", [ 951 ] ], [ [ 120695, 120695 ], "mapped", [ 952 ] ], [ [ 120696, 120696 ], "mapped", [ 953 ] ], [ [ 120697, 120697 ], "mapped", [ 954 ] ], [ [ 120698, 120698 ], "mapped", [ 955 ] ], [ [ 120699, 120699 ], "mapped", [ 956 ] ], [ [ 120700, 120700 ], "mapped", [ 957 ] ], [ [ 120701, 120701 ], "mapped", [ 958 ] ], [ [ 120702, 120702 ], "mapped", [ 959 ] ], [ [ 120703, 120703 ], "mapped", [ 960 ] ], [ [ 120704, 120704 ], "mapped", [ 961 ] ], [ [ 120705, 120706 ], "mapped", [ 963 ] ], [ [ 120707, 120707 ], "mapped", [ 964 ] ], [ [ 120708, 120708 ], "mapped", [ 965 ] ], [ [ 120709, 120709 ], "mapped", [ 966 ] ], [ [ 120710, 120710 ], "mapped", [ 967 ] ], [ [ 120711, 120711 ], "mapped", [ 968 ] ], [ [ 120712, 120712 ], "mapped", [ 969 ] ], [ [ 120713, 120713 ], "mapped", [ 8706 ] ], [ [ 120714, 120714 ], "mapped", [ 949 ] ], [ [ 120715, 120715 ], "mapped", [ 952 ] ], [ [ 120716, 120716 ], "mapped", [ 954 ] ], [ [ 120717, 120717 ], "mapped", [ 966 ] ], [ [ 120718, 120718 ], "mapped", [ 961 ] ], [ [ 120719, 120719 ], "mapped", [ 960 ] ], [ [ 120720, 120720 ], "mapped", [ 945 ] ], [ [ 120721, 120721 ], "mapped", [ 946 ] ], [ [ 120722, 120722 ], "mapped", [ 947 ] ], [ [ 120723, 120723 ], "mapped", [ 948 ] ], [ [ 120724, 120724 ], "mapped", [ 949 ] ], [ [ 120725, 120725 ], "mapped", [ 950 ] ], [ [ 120726, 120726 ], "mapped", [ 951 ] ], [ [ 120727, 120727 ], "mapped", [ 952 ] ], [ [ 120728, 120728 ], "mapped", [ 953 ] ], [ [ 120729, 120729 ], "mapped", [ 954 ] ], [ [ 120730, 120730 ], "mapped", [ 955 ] ], [ [ 120731, 120731 ], "mapped", [ 956 ] ], [ [ 120732, 120732 ], "mapped", [ 957 ] ], [ [ 120733, 120733 ], "mapped", [ 958 ] ], [ [ 120734, 120734 ], "mapped", [ 959 ] ], [ [ 120735, 120735 ], "mapped", [ 960 ] ], [ [ 120736, 120736 ], "mapped", [ 961 ] ], [ [ 120737, 120737 ], "mapped", [ 952 ] ], [ [ 120738, 120738 ], "mapped", [ 963 ] ], [ [ 120739, 120739 ], "mapped", [ 964 ] ], [ [ 120740, 120740 ], "mapped", [ 965 ] ], [ [ 120741, 120741 ], "mapped", [ 966 ] ], [ [ 120742, 120742 ], "mapped", [ 967 ] ], [ [ 120743, 120743 ], "mapped", [ 968 ] ], [ [ 120744, 120744 ], "mapped", [ 969 ] ], [ [ 120745, 120745 ], "mapped", [ 8711 ] ], [ [ 120746, 120746 ], "mapped", [ 945 ] ], [ [ 120747, 120747 ], "mapped", [ 946 ] ], [ [ 120748, 120748 ], "mapped", [ 947 ] ], [ [ 120749, 120749 ], "mapped", [ 948 ] ], [ [ 120750, 120750 ], "mapped", [ 949 ] ], [ [ 120751, 120751 ], "mapped", [ 950 ] ], [ [ 120752, 120752 ], "mapped", [ 951 ] ], [ [ 120753, 120753 ], "mapped", [ 952 ] ], [ [ 120754, 120754 ], "mapped", [ 953 ] ], [ [ 120755, 120755 ], "mapped", [ 954 ] ], [ [ 120756, 120756 ], "mapped", [ 955 ] ], [ [ 120757, 120757 ], "mapped", [ 956 ] ], [ [ 120758, 120758 ], "mapped", [ 957 ] ], [ [ 120759, 120759 ], "mapped", [ 958 ] ], [ [ 120760, 120760 ], "mapped", [ 959 ] ], [ [ 120761, 120761 ], "mapped", [ 960 ] ], [ [ 120762, 120762 ], "mapped", [ 961 ] ], [ [ 120763, 120764 ], "mapped", [ 963 ] ], [ [ 120765, 120765 ], "mapped", [ 964 ] ], [ [ 120766, 120766 ], "mapped", [ 965 ] ], [ [ 120767, 120767 ], "mapped", [ 966 ] ], [ [ 120768, 120768 ], "mapped", [ 967 ] ], [ [ 120769, 120769 ], "mapped", [ 968 ] ], [ [ 120770, 120770 ], "mapped", [ 969 ] ], [ [ 120771, 120771 ], "mapped", [ 8706 ] ], [ [ 120772, 120772 ], "mapped", [ 949 ] ], [ [ 120773, 120773 ], "mapped", [ 952 ] ], [ [ 120774, 120774 ], "mapped", [ 954 ] ], [ [ 120775, 120775 ], "mapped", [ 966 ] ], [ [ 120776, 120776 ], "mapped", [ 961 ] ], [ [ 120777, 120777 ], "mapped", [ 960 ] ], [ [ 120778, 120779 ], "mapped", [ 989 ] ], [ [ 120780, 120781 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 120782, 120782 ], "mapped", [ 48 ] ], [ [ 120783, 120783 ], "mapped", [ 49 ] ], [ [ 120784, 120784 ], "mapped", [ 50 ] ], [ [ 120785, 120785 ], "mapped", [ 51 ] ], [ [ 120786, 120786 ], "mapped", [ 52 ] ], [ [ 120787, 120787 ], "mapped", [ 53 ] ], [ [ 120788, 120788 ], "mapped", [ 54 ] ], [ [ 120789, 120789 ], "mapped", [ 55 ] ], [ [ 120790, 120790 ], "mapped", [ 56 ] ], [ [ 120791, 120791 ], "mapped", [ 57 ] ], [ [ 120792, 120792 ], "mapped", [ 48 ] ], [ [ 120793, 120793 ], "mapped", [ 49 ] ], [ [ 120794, 120794 ], "mapped", [ 50 ] ], [ [ 120795, 120795 ], "mapped", [ 51 ] ], [ [ 120796, 120796 ], "mapped", [ 52 ] ], [ [ 120797, 120797 ], "mapped", [ 53 ] ], [ [ 120798, 120798 ], "mapped", [ 54 ] ], [ [ 120799, 120799 ], "mapped", [ 55 ] ], [ [ 120800, 120800 ], "mapped", [ 56 ] ], [ [ 120801, 120801 ], "mapped", [ 57 ] ], [ [ 120802, 120802 ], "mapped", [ 48 ] ], [ [ 120803, 120803 ], "mapped", [ 49 ] ], [ [ 120804, 120804 ], "mapped", [ 50 ] ], [ [ 120805, 120805 ], "mapped", [ 51 ] ], [ [ 120806, 120806 ], "mapped", [ 52 ] ], [ [ 120807, 120807 ], "mapped", [ 53 ] ], [ [ 120808, 120808 ], "mapped", [ 54 ] ], [ [ 120809, 120809 ], "mapped", [ 55 ] ], [ [ 120810, 120810 ], "mapped", [ 56 ] ], [ [ 120811, 120811 ], "mapped", [ 57 ] ], [ [ 120812, 120812 ], "mapped", [ 48 ] ], [ [ 120813, 120813 ], "mapped", [ 49 ] ], [ [ 120814, 120814 ], "mapped", [ 50 ] ], [ [ 120815, 120815 ], "mapped", [ 51 ] ], [ [ 120816, 120816 ], "mapped", [ 52 ] ], [ [ 120817, 120817 ], "mapped", [ 53 ] ], [ [ 120818, 120818 ], "mapped", [ 54 ] ], [ [ 120819, 120819 ], "mapped", [ 55 ] ], [ [ 120820, 120820 ], "mapped", [ 56 ] ], [ [ 120821, 120821 ], "mapped", [ 57 ] ], [ [ 120822, 120822 ], "mapped", [ 48 ] ], [ [ 120823, 120823 ], "mapped", [ 49 ] ], [ [ 120824, 120824 ], "mapped", [ 50 ] ], [ [ 120825, 120825 ], "mapped", [ 51 ] ], [ [ 120826, 120826 ], "mapped", [ 52 ] ], [ [ 120827, 120827 ], "mapped", [ 53 ] ], [ [ 120828, 120828 ], "mapped", [ 54 ] ], [ [ 120829, 120829 ], "mapped", [ 55 ] ], [ [ 120830, 120830 ], "mapped", [ 56 ] ], [ [ 120831, 120831 ], "mapped", [ 57 ] ], [ [ 120832, 121343 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 121344, 121398 ], "valid" ], [ [ 121399, 121402 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 121403, 121452 ], "valid" ], [ [ 121453, 121460 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 121461, 121461 ], "valid" ], [ [ 121462, 121475 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 121476, 121476 ], "valid" ], [ [ 121477, 121483 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 121484, 121498 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 121499, 121503 ], "valid" ], [ [ 121504, 121504 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 121505, 121519 ], "valid" ], [ [ 121520, 124927 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 124928, 125124 ], "valid" ], [ [ 125125, 125126 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 125127, 125135 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 125136, 125142 ], "valid" ], [ [ 125143, 126463 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 126464, 126464 ], "mapped", [ 1575 ] ], [ [ 126465, 126465 ], "mapped", [ 1576 ] ], [ [ 126466, 126466 ], "mapped", [ 1580 ] ], [ [ 126467, 126467 ], "mapped", [ 1583 ] ], [ [ 126468, 126468 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 126469, 126469 ], "mapped", [ 1608 ] ], [ [ 126470, 126470 ], "mapped", [ 1586 ] ], [ [ 126471, 126471 ], "mapped", [ 1581 ] ], [ [ 126472, 126472 ], "mapped", [ 1591 ] ], [ [ 126473, 126473 ], "mapped", [ 1610 ] ], [ [ 126474, 126474 ], "mapped", [ 1603 ] ], [ [ 126475, 126475 ], "mapped", [ 1604 ] ], [ [ 126476, 126476 ], "mapped", [ 1605 ] ], [ [ 126477, 126477 ], "mapped", [ 1606 ] ], [ [ 126478, 126478 ], "mapped", [ 1587 ] ], [ [ 126479, 126479 ], "mapped", [ 1593 ] ], [ [ 126480, 126480 ], "mapped", [ 1601 ] ], [ [ 126481, 126481 ], "mapped", [ 1589 ] ], [ [ 126482, 126482 ], "mapped", [ 1602 ] ], [ [ 126483, 126483 ], "mapped", [ 1585 ] ], [ [ 126484, 126484 ], "mapped", [ 1588 ] ], [ [ 126485, 126485 ], "mapped", [ 1578 ] ], [ [ 126486, 126486 ], "mapped", [ 1579 ] ], [ [ 126487, 126487 ], "mapped", [ 1582 ] ], [ [ 126488, 126488 ], "mapped", [ 1584 ] ], [ [ 126489, 126489 ], "mapped", [ 1590 ] ], [ [ 126490, 126490 ], "mapped", [ 1592 ] ], [ [ 126491, 126491 ], "mapped", [ 1594 ] ], [ [ 126492, 126492 ], "mapped", [ 1646 ] ], [ [ 126493, 126493 ], "mapped", [ 1722 ] ], [ [ 126494, 126494 ], "mapped", [ 1697 ] ], [ [ 126495, 126495 ], "mapped", [ 1647 ] ], [ [ 126496, 126496 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 126497, 126497 ], "mapped", [ 1576 ] ], [ [ 126498, 126498 ], "mapped", [ 1580 ] ], [ [ 126499, 126499 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 126500, 126500 ], "mapped", [ 1607 ] ], [ [ 126501, 126502 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 126503, 126503 ], "mapped", [ 1581 ] ], [ [ 126504, 126504 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 126505, 126505 ], "mapped", [ 1610 ] ], [ [ 126506, 126506 ], "mapped", [ 1603 ] ], [ [ 126507, 126507 ], "mapped", [ 1604 ] ], [ [ 126508, 126508 ], "mapped", [ 1605 ] ], [ [ 126509, 126509 ], "mapped", [ 1606 ] ], [ [ 126510, 126510 ], "mapped", [ 1587 ] ], [ [ 126511, 126511 ], "mapped", [ 1593 ] ], [ [ 126512, 126512 ], "mapped", [ 1601 ] ], [ [ 126513, 126513 ], "mapped", [ 1589 ] ], [ [ 126514, 126514 ], "mapped", [ 1602 ] ], [ [ 126515, 126515 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 126516, 126516 ], "mapped", [ 1588 ] ], [ [ 126517, 126517 ], "mapped", [ 1578 ] ], [ [ 126518, 126518 ], "mapped", [ 1579 ] ], [ [ 126519, 126519 ], "mapped", [ 1582 ] ], [ [ 126520, 126520 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 126521, 126521 ], "mapped", [ 1590 ] ], [ [ 126522, 126522 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 126523, 126523 ], "mapped", [ 1594 ] ], [ [ 126524, 126529 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 126530, 126530 ], "mapped", [ 1580 ] ], [ [ 126531, 126534 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 126535, 126535 ], "mapped", [ 1581 ] ], [ [ 126536, 126536 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 126537, 126537 ], "mapped", [ 1610 ] ], [ [ 126538, 126538 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 126539, 126539 ], "mapped", [ 1604 ] ], [ [ 126540, 126540 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 126541, 126541 ], "mapped", [ 1606 ] ], [ [ 126542, 126542 ], "mapped", [ 1587 ] ], [ [ 126543, 126543 ], "mapped", [ 1593 ] ], [ [ 126544, 126544 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 126545, 126545 ], "mapped", [ 1589 ] ], [ [ 126546, 126546 ], "mapped", [ 1602 ] ], [ [ 126547, 126547 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 126548, 126548 ], "mapped", [ 1588 ] ], [ [ 126549, 126550 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 126551, 126551 ], "mapped", [ 1582 ] ], [ [ 126552, 126552 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 126553, 126553 ], "mapped", [ 1590 ] ], [ [ 126554, 126554 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 126555, 126555 ], "mapped", [ 1594 ] ], [ [ 126556, 126556 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 126557, 126557 ], "mapped", [ 1722 ] ], [ [ 126558, 126558 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 126559, 126559 ], "mapped", [ 1647 ] ], [ [ 126560, 126560 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 126561, 126561 ], "mapped", [ 1576 ] ], [ [ 126562, 126562 ], "mapped", [ 1580 ] ], [ [ 126563, 126563 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 126564, 126564 ], "mapped", [ 1607 ] ], [ [ 126565, 126566 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 126567, 126567 ], "mapped", [ 1581 ] ], [ [ 126568, 126568 ], "mapped", [ 1591 ] ], [ [ 126569, 126569 ], "mapped", [ 1610 ] ], [ [ 126570, 126570 ], "mapped", [ 1603 ] ], [ [ 126571, 126571 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 126572, 126572 ], "mapped", [ 1605 ] ], [ [ 126573, 126573 ], "mapped", [ 1606 ] ], [ [ 126574, 126574 ], "mapped", [ 1587 ] ], [ [ 126575, 126575 ], "mapped", [ 1593 ] ], [ [ 126576, 126576 ], "mapped", [ 1601 ] ], [ [ 126577, 126577 ], "mapped", [ 1589 ] ], [ [ 126578, 126578 ], "mapped", [ 1602 ] ], [ [ 126579, 126579 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 126580, 126580 ], "mapped", [ 1588 ] ], [ [ 126581, 126581 ], "mapped", [ 1578 ] ], [ [ 126582, 126582 ], "mapped", [ 1579 ] ], [ [ 126583, 126583 ], "mapped", [ 1582 ] ], [ [ 126584, 126584 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 126585, 126585 ], "mapped", [ 1590 ] ], [ [ 126586, 126586 ], "mapped", [ 1592 ] ], [ [ 126587, 126587 ], "mapped", [ 1594 ] ], [ [ 126588, 126588 ], "mapped", [ 1646 ] ], [ [ 126589, 126589 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 126590, 126590 ], "mapped", [ 1697 ] ], [ [ 126591, 126591 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 126592, 126592 ], "mapped", [ 1575 ] ], [ [ 126593, 126593 ], "mapped", [ 1576 ] ], [ [ 126594, 126594 ], "mapped", [ 1580 ] ], [ [ 126595, 126595 ], "mapped", [ 1583 ] ], [ [ 126596, 126596 ], "mapped", [ 1607 ] ], [ [ 126597, 126597 ], "mapped", [ 1608 ] ], [ [ 126598, 126598 ], "mapped", [ 1586 ] ], [ [ 126599, 126599 ], "mapped", [ 1581 ] ], [ [ 126600, 126600 ], "mapped", [ 1591 ] ], [ [ 126601, 126601 ], "mapped", [ 1610 ] ], [ [ 126602, 126602 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 126603, 126603 ], "mapped", [ 1604 ] ], [ [ 126604, 126604 ], "mapped", [ 1605 ] ], [ [ 126605, 126605 ], "mapped", [ 1606 ] ], [ [ 126606, 126606 ], "mapped", [ 1587 ] ], [ [ 126607, 126607 ], "mapped", [ 1593 ] ], [ [ 126608, 126608 ], "mapped", [ 1601 ] ], [ [ 126609, 126609 ], "mapped", [ 1589 ] ], [ [ 126610, 126610 ], "mapped", [ 1602 ] ], [ [ 126611, 126611 ], "mapped", [ 1585 ] ], [ [ 126612, 126612 ], "mapped", [ 1588 ] ], [ [ 126613, 126613 ], "mapped", [ 1578 ] ], [ [ 126614, 126614 ], "mapped", [ 1579 ] ], [ [ 126615, 126615 ], "mapped", [ 1582 ] ], [ [ 126616, 126616 ], "mapped", [ 1584 ] ], [ [ 126617, 126617 ], "mapped", [ 1590 ] ], [ [ 126618, 126618 ], "mapped", [ 1592 ] ], [ [ 126619, 126619 ], "mapped", [ 1594 ] ], [ [ 126620, 126624 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 126625, 126625 ], "mapped", [ 1576 ] ], [ [ 126626, 126626 ], "mapped", [ 1580 ] ], [ [ 126627, 126627 ], "mapped", [ 1583 ] ], [ [ 126628, 126628 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 126629, 126629 ], "mapped", [ 1608 ] ], [ [ 126630, 126630 ], "mapped", [ 1586 ] ], [ [ 126631, 126631 ], "mapped", [ 1581 ] ], [ [ 126632, 126632 ], "mapped", [ 1591 ] ], [ [ 126633, 126633 ], "mapped", [ 1610 ] ], [ [ 126634, 126634 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 126635, 126635 ], "mapped", [ 1604 ] ], [ [ 126636, 126636 ], "mapped", [ 1605 ] ], [ [ 126637, 126637 ], "mapped", [ 1606 ] ], [ [ 126638, 126638 ], "mapped", [ 1587 ] ], [ [ 126639, 126639 ], "mapped", [ 1593 ] ], [ [ 126640, 126640 ], "mapped", [ 1601 ] ], [ [ 126641, 126641 ], "mapped", [ 1589 ] ], [ [ 126642, 126642 ], "mapped", [ 1602 ] ], [ [ 126643, 126643 ], "mapped", [ 1585 ] ], [ [ 126644, 126644 ], "mapped", [ 1588 ] ], [ [ 126645, 126645 ], "mapped", [ 1578 ] ], [ [ 126646, 126646 ], "mapped", [ 1579 ] ], [ [ 126647, 126647 ], "mapped", [ 1582 ] ], [ [ 126648, 126648 ], "mapped", [ 1584 ] ], [ [ 126649, 126649 ], "mapped", [ 1590 ] ], [ [ 126650, 126650 ], "mapped", [ 1592 ] ], [ [ 126651, 126651 ], "mapped", [ 1594 ] ], [ [ 126652, 126703 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 126704, 126705 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 126706, 126975 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 126976, 127019 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 127020, 127023 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 127024, 127123 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 127124, 127135 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 127136, 127150 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 127151, 127152 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 127153, 127166 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 127167, 127167 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 127168, 127168 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 127169, 127183 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 127184, 127184 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 127185, 127199 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 127200, 127221 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 127222, 127231 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 127232, 127232 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 127233, 127233 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 48, 44 ] ], [ [ 127234, 127234 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 49, 44 ] ], [ [ 127235, 127235 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 50, 44 ] ], [ [ 127236, 127236 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 51, 44 ] ], [ [ 127237, 127237 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 52, 44 ] ], [ [ 127238, 127238 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 53, 44 ] ], [ [ 127239, 127239 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 54, 44 ] ], [ [ 127240, 127240 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 55, 44 ] ], [ [ 127241, 127241 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 56, 44 ] ], [ [ 127242, 127242 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 57, 44 ] ], [ [ 127243, 127244 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 127245, 127247 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 127248, 127248 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 97, 41 ] ], [ [ 127249, 127249 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 98, 41 ] ], [ [ 127250, 127250 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 99, 41 ] ], [ [ 127251, 127251 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 100, 41 ] ], [ [ 127252, 127252 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 101, 41 ] ], [ [ 127253, 127253 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 102, 41 ] ], [ [ 127254, 127254 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 103, 41 ] ], [ [ 127255, 127255 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 104, 41 ] ], [ [ 127256, 127256 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 105, 41 ] ], [ [ 127257, 127257 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 106, 41 ] ], [ [ 127258, 127258 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 107, 41 ] ], [ [ 127259, 127259 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 108, 41 ] ], [ [ 127260, 127260 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 109, 41 ] ], [ [ 127261, 127261 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 110, 41 ] ], [ [ 127262, 127262 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 111, 41 ] ], [ [ 127263, 127263 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 112, 41 ] ], [ [ 127264, 127264 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 113, 41 ] ], [ [ 127265, 127265 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 114, 41 ] ], [ [ 127266, 127266 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 115, 41 ] ], [ [ 127267, 127267 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 116, 41 ] ], [ [ 127268, 127268 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 117, 41 ] ], [ [ 127269, 127269 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 118, 41 ] ], [ [ 127270, 127270 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 119, 41 ] ], [ [ 127271, 127271 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 120, 41 ] ], [ [ 127272, 127272 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 121, 41 ] ], [ [ 127273, 127273 ], "disallowed_STD3_mapped", [ 40, 122, 41 ] ], [ [ 127274, 127274 ], "mapped", [ 12308, 115, 12309 ] ], [ [ 127275, 127275 ], "mapped", [ 99 ] ], [ [ 127276, 127276 ], "mapped", [ 114 ] ], [ [ 127277, 127277 ], "mapped", [ 99, 100 ] ], [ [ 127278, 127278 ], "mapped", [ 119, 122 ] ], [ [ 127279, 127279 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 127280, 127280 ], "mapped", [ 97 ] ], [ [ 127281, 127281 ], "mapped", [ 98 ] ], [ [ 127282, 127282 ], "mapped", [ 99 ] ], [ [ 127283, 127283 ], "mapped", [ 100 ] ], [ [ 127284, 127284 ], "mapped", [ 101 ] ], [ [ 127285, 127285 ], "mapped", [ 102 ] ], [ [ 127286, 127286 ], "mapped", [ 103 ] ], [ [ 127287, 127287 ], "mapped", [ 104 ] ], [ [ 127288, 127288 ], "mapped", [ 105 ] ], [ [ 127289, 127289 ], "mapped", [ 106 ] ], [ [ 127290, 127290 ], "mapped", [ 107 ] ], [ [ 127291, 127291 ], "mapped", [ 108 ] ], [ [ 127292, 127292 ], "mapped", [ 109 ] ], [ [ 127293, 127293 ], "mapped", [ 110 ] ], [ [ 127294, 127294 ], "mapped", [ 111 ] ], [ [ 127295, 127295 ], "mapped", [ 112 ] ], [ [ 127296, 127296 ], "mapped", [ 113 ] ], [ [ 127297, 127297 ], "mapped", [ 114 ] ], [ [ 127298, 127298 ], "mapped", [ 115 ] ], [ [ 127299, 127299 ], "mapped", [ 116 ] ], [ [ 127300, 127300 ], "mapped", [ 117 ] ], [ [ 127301, 127301 ], "mapped", [ 118 ] ], [ [ 127302, 127302 ], "mapped", [ 119 ] ], [ [ 127303, 127303 ], "mapped", [ 120 ] ], [ [ 127304, 127304 ], "mapped", [ 121 ] ], [ [ 127305, 127305 ], "mapped", [ 122 ] ], [ [ 127306, 127306 ], "mapped", [ 104, 118 ] ], [ [ 127307, 127307 ], "mapped", [ 109, 118 ] ], [ [ 127308, 127308 ], "mapped", [ 115, 100 ] ], [ [ 127309, 127309 ], "mapped", [ 115, 115 ] ], [ [ 127310, 127310 ], "mapped", [ 112, 112, 118 ] ], [ [ 127311, 127311 ], "mapped", [ 119, 99 ] ], [ [ 127312, 127318 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 127319, 127319 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 127320, 127326 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 127327, 127327 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 127328, 127337 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 127338, 127338 ], "mapped", [ 109, 99 ] ], [ [ 127339, 127339 ], "mapped", [ 109, 100 ] ], [ [ 127340, 127343 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 127344, 127352 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 127353, 127353 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 127354, 127354 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 127355, 127356 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 127357, 127358 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 127359, 127359 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 127360, 127369 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 127370, 127373 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 127374, 127375 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 127376, 127376 ], "mapped", [ 100, 106 ] ], [ [ 127377, 127386 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 127387, 127461 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 127462, 127487 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 127488, 127488 ], "mapped", [ 12411, 12363 ] ], [ [ 127489, 127489 ], "mapped", [ 12467, 12467 ] ], [ [ 127490, 127490 ], "mapped", [ 12469 ] ], [ [ 127491, 127503 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 127504, 127504 ], "mapped", [ 25163 ] ], [ [ 127505, 127505 ], "mapped", [ 23383 ] ], [ [ 127506, 127506 ], "mapped", [ 21452 ] ], [ [ 127507, 127507 ], "mapped", [ 12487 ] ], [ [ 127508, 127508 ], "mapped", [ 20108 ] ], [ [ 127509, 127509 ], "mapped", [ 22810 ] ], [ [ 127510, 127510 ], "mapped", [ 35299 ] ], [ [ 127511, 127511 ], "mapped", [ 22825 ] ], [ [ 127512, 127512 ], "mapped", [ 20132 ] ], [ [ 127513, 127513 ], "mapped", [ 26144 ] ], [ [ 127514, 127514 ], "mapped", [ 28961 ] ], [ [ 127515, 127515 ], "mapped", [ 26009 ] ], [ [ 127516, 127516 ], "mapped", [ 21069 ] ], [ [ 127517, 127517 ], "mapped", [ 24460 ] ], [ [ 127518, 127518 ], "mapped", [ 20877 ] ], [ [ 127519, 127519 ], "mapped", [ 26032 ] ], [ [ 127520, 127520 ], "mapped", [ 21021 ] ], [ [ 127521, 127521 ], "mapped", [ 32066 ] ], [ [ 127522, 127522 ], "mapped", [ 29983 ] ], [ [ 127523, 127523 ], "mapped", [ 36009 ] ], [ [ 127524, 127524 ], "mapped", [ 22768 ] ], [ [ 127525, 127525 ], "mapped", [ 21561 ] ], [ [ 127526, 127526 ], "mapped", [ 28436 ] ], [ [ 127527, 127527 ], "mapped", [ 25237 ] ], [ [ 127528, 127528 ], "mapped", [ 25429 ] ], [ [ 127529, 127529 ], "mapped", [ 19968 ] ], [ [ 127530, 127530 ], "mapped", [ 19977 ] ], [ [ 127531, 127531 ], "mapped", [ 36938 ] ], [ [ 127532, 127532 ], "mapped", [ 24038 ] ], [ [ 127533, 127533 ], "mapped", [ 20013 ] ], [ [ 127534, 127534 ], "mapped", [ 21491 ] ], [ [ 127535, 127535 ], "mapped", [ 25351 ] ], [ [ 127536, 127536 ], "mapped", [ 36208 ] ], [ [ 127537, 127537 ], "mapped", [ 25171 ] ], [ [ 127538, 127538 ], "mapped", [ 31105 ] ], [ [ 127539, 127539 ], "mapped", [ 31354 ] ], [ [ 127540, 127540 ], "mapped", [ 21512 ] ], [ [ 127541, 127541 ], "mapped", [ 28288 ] ], [ [ 127542, 127542 ], "mapped", [ 26377 ] ], [ [ 127543, 127543 ], "mapped", [ 26376 ] ], [ [ 127544, 127544 ], "mapped", [ 30003 ] ], [ [ 127545, 127545 ], "mapped", [ 21106 ] ], [ [ 127546, 127546 ], "mapped", [ 21942 ] ], [ [ 127547, 127551 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 127552, 127552 ], "mapped", [ 12308, 26412, 12309 ] ], [ [ 127553, 127553 ], "mapped", [ 12308, 19977, 12309 ] ], [ [ 127554, 127554 ], "mapped", [ 12308, 20108, 12309 ] ], [ [ 127555, 127555 ], "mapped", [ 12308, 23433, 12309 ] ], [ [ 127556, 127556 ], "mapped", [ 12308, 28857, 12309 ] ], [ [ 127557, 127557 ], "mapped", [ 12308, 25171, 12309 ] ], [ [ 127558, 127558 ], "mapped", [ 12308, 30423, 12309 ] ], [ [ 127559, 127559 ], "mapped", [ 12308, 21213, 12309 ] ], [ [ 127560, 127560 ], "mapped", [ 12308, 25943, 12309 ] ], [ [ 127561, 127567 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 127568, 127568 ], "mapped", [ 24471 ] ], [ [ 127569, 127569 ], "mapped", [ 21487 ] ], [ [ 127570, 127743 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 127744, 127776 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 127777, 127788 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 127789, 127791 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 127792, 127797 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 127798, 127798 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 127799, 127868 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 127869, 127869 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 127870, 127871 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 127872, 127891 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 127892, 127903 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 127904, 127940 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 127941, 127941 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 127942, 127946 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 127947, 127950 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 127951, 127955 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 127956, 127967 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 127968, 127984 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 127985, 127991 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 127992, 127999 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128000, 128062 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128063, 128063 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128064, 128064 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128065, 128065 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128066, 128247 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128248, 128248 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128249, 128252 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128253, 128254 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128255, 128255 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128256, 128317 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128318, 128319 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128320, 128323 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128324, 128330 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128331, 128335 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128336, 128359 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128360, 128377 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128378, 128378 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 128379, 128419 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128420, 128420 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 128421, 128506 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128507, 128511 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128512, 128512 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128513, 128528 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128529, 128529 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128530, 128532 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128533, 128533 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128534, 128534 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128535, 128535 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128536, 128536 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128537, 128537 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128538, 128538 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128539, 128539 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128540, 128542 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128543, 128543 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128544, 128549 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128550, 128551 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128552, 128555 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128556, 128556 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128557, 128557 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128558, 128559 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128560, 128563 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128564, 128564 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128565, 128576 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128577, 128578 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128579, 128580 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128581, 128591 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128592, 128639 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128640, 128709 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128710, 128719 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128720, 128720 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128721, 128735 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 128736, 128748 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128749, 128751 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 128752, 128755 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128756, 128767 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 128768, 128883 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128884, 128895 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 128896, 128980 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 128981, 129023 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 129024, 129035 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 129036, 129039 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 129040, 129095 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 129096, 129103 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 129104, 129113 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 129114, 129119 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 129120, 129159 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 129160, 129167 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 129168, 129197 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 129198, 129295 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 129296, 129304 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 129305, 129407 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 129408, 129412 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 129413, 129471 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 129472, 129472 ], "valid", [ ], "NV8" ], [ [ 129473, 131069 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 131070, 131071 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 131072, 173782 ], "valid" ], [ [ 173783, 173823 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 173824, 177972 ], "valid" ], [ [ 177973, 177983 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 177984, 178205 ], "valid" ], [ [ 178206, 178207 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 178208, 183969 ], "valid" ], [ [ 183970, 194559 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 194560, 194560 ], "mapped", [ 20029 ] ], [ [ 194561, 194561 ], "mapped", [ 20024 ] ], [ [ 194562, 194562 ], "mapped", [ 20033 ] ], [ [ 194563, 194563 ], "mapped", [ 131362 ] ], [ [ 194564, 194564 ], "mapped", [ 20320 ] ], [ [ 194565, 194565 ], "mapped", [ 20398 ] ], [ [ 194566, 194566 ], "mapped", [ 20411 ] ], [ [ 194567, 194567 ], "mapped", [ 20482 ] ], [ [ 194568, 194568 ], "mapped", [ 20602 ] ], [ [ 194569, 194569 ], "mapped", [ 20633 ] ], [ [ 194570, 194570 ], "mapped", [ 20711 ] ], [ [ 194571, 194571 ], "mapped", [ 20687 ] ], [ [ 194572, 194572 ], "mapped", [ 13470 ] ], [ [ 194573, 194573 ], "mapped", [ 132666 ] ], [ [ 194574, 194574 ], "mapped", [ 20813 ] ], [ [ 194575, 194575 ], "mapped", [ 20820 ] ], [ [ 194576, 194576 ], "mapped", [ 20836 ] ], [ [ 194577, 194577 ], "mapped", [ 20855 ] ], [ [ 194578, 194578 ], "mapped", [ 132380 ] ], [ [ 194579, 194579 ], "mapped", [ 13497 ] ], [ [ 194580, 194580 ], "mapped", [ 20839 ] ], [ [ 194581, 194581 ], "mapped", [ 20877 ] ], [ [ 194582, 194582 ], "mapped", [ 132427 ] ], [ [ 194583, 194583 ], "mapped", [ 20887 ] ], [ [ 194584, 194584 ], "mapped", [ 20900 ] ], [ [ 194585, 194585 ], "mapped", [ 20172 ] ], [ [ 194586, 194586 ], "mapped", [ 20908 ] ], [ [ 194587, 194587 ], "mapped", [ 20917 ] ], [ [ 194588, 194588 ], "mapped", [ 168415 ] ], [ [ 194589, 194589 ], "mapped", [ 20981 ] ], [ [ 194590, 194590 ], "mapped", [ 20995 ] ], [ [ 194591, 194591 ], "mapped", [ 13535 ] ], [ [ 194592, 194592 ], "mapped", [ 21051 ] ], [ [ 194593, 194593 ], "mapped", [ 21062 ] ], [ [ 194594, 194594 ], "mapped", [ 21106 ] ], [ [ 194595, 194595 ], "mapped", [ 21111 ] ], [ [ 194596, 194596 ], "mapped", [ 13589 ] ], [ [ 194597, 194597 ], "mapped", [ 21191 ] ], [ [ 194598, 194598 ], "mapped", [ 21193 ] ], [ [ 194599, 194599 ], "mapped", [ 21220 ] ], [ [ 194600, 194600 ], "mapped", [ 21242 ] ], [ [ 194601, 194601 ], "mapped", [ 21253 ] ], [ [ 194602, 194602 ], "mapped", [ 21254 ] ], [ [ 194603, 194603 ], "mapped", [ 21271 ] ], [ [ 194604, 194604 ], "mapped", [ 21321 ] ], [ [ 194605, 194605 ], "mapped", [ 21329 ] ], [ [ 194606, 194606 ], "mapped", [ 21338 ] ], [ [ 194607, 194607 ], "mapped", [ 21363 ] ], [ [ 194608, 194608 ], "mapped", [ 21373 ] ], [ [ 194609, 194611 ], "mapped", [ 21375 ] ], [ [ 194612, 194612 ], "mapped", [ 133676 ] ], [ [ 194613, 194613 ], "mapped", [ 28784 ] ], [ [ 194614, 194614 ], "mapped", [ 21450 ] ], [ [ 194615, 194615 ], "mapped", [ 21471 ] ], [ [ 194616, 194616 ], "mapped", [ 133987 ] ], [ [ 194617, 194617 ], "mapped", [ 21483 ] ], [ [ 194618, 194618 ], "mapped", [ 21489 ] ], [ [ 194619, 194619 ], "mapped", [ 21510 ] ], [ [ 194620, 194620 ], "mapped", [ 21662 ] ], [ [ 194621, 194621 ], "mapped", [ 21560 ] ], [ [ 194622, 194622 ], "mapped", [ 21576 ] ], [ [ 194623, 194623 ], "mapped", [ 21608 ] ], [ [ 194624, 194624 ], "mapped", [ 21666 ] ], [ [ 194625, 194625 ], "mapped", [ 21750 ] ], [ [ 194626, 194626 ], "mapped", [ 21776 ] ], [ [ 194627, 194627 ], "mapped", [ 21843 ] ], [ [ 194628, 194628 ], "mapped", [ 21859 ] ], [ [ 194629, 194630 ], "mapped", [ 21892 ] ], [ [ 194631, 194631 ], "mapped", [ 21913 ] ], [ [ 194632, 194632 ], "mapped", [ 21931 ] ], [ [ 194633, 194633 ], "mapped", [ 21939 ] ], [ [ 194634, 194634 ], "mapped", [ 21954 ] ], [ [ 194635, 194635 ], "mapped", [ 22294 ] ], [ [ 194636, 194636 ], "mapped", [ 22022 ] ], [ [ 194637, 194637 ], "mapped", [ 22295 ] ], [ [ 194638, 194638 ], "mapped", [ 22097 ] ], [ [ 194639, 194639 ], "mapped", [ 22132 ] ], [ [ 194640, 194640 ], "mapped", [ 20999 ] ], [ [ 194641, 194641 ], "mapped", [ 22766 ] ], [ [ 194642, 194642 ], "mapped", [ 22478 ] ], [ [ 194643, 194643 ], "mapped", [ 22516 ] ], [ [ 194644, 194644 ], "mapped", [ 22541 ] ], [ [ 194645, 194645 ], "mapped", [ 22411 ] ], [ [ 194646, 194646 ], "mapped", [ 22578 ] ], [ [ 194647, 194647 ], "mapped", [ 22577 ] ], [ [ 194648, 194648 ], "mapped", [ 22700 ] ], [ [ 194649, 194649 ], "mapped", [ 136420 ] ], [ [ 194650, 194650 ], "mapped", [ 22770 ] ], [ [ 194651, 194651 ], "mapped", [ 22775 ] ], [ [ 194652, 194652 ], "mapped", [ 22790 ] ], [ [ 194653, 194653 ], "mapped", [ 22810 ] ], [ [ 194654, 194654 ], "mapped", [ 22818 ] ], [ [ 194655, 194655 ], "mapped", [ 22882 ] ], [ [ 194656, 194656 ], "mapped", [ 136872 ] ], [ [ 194657, 194657 ], "mapped", [ 136938 ] ], [ [ 194658, 194658 ], "mapped", [ 23020 ] ], [ [ 194659, 194659 ], "mapped", [ 23067 ] ], [ [ 194660, 194660 ], "mapped", [ 23079 ] ], [ [ 194661, 194661 ], "mapped", [ 23000 ] ], [ [ 194662, 194662 ], "mapped", [ 23142 ] ], [ [ 194663, 194663 ], "mapped", [ 14062 ] ], [ [ 194664, 194664 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 194665, 194665 ], "mapped", [ 23304 ] ], [ [ 194666, 194667 ], "mapped", [ 23358 ] ], [ [ 194668, 194668 ], "mapped", [ 137672 ] ], [ [ 194669, 194669 ], "mapped", [ 23491 ] ], [ [ 194670, 194670 ], "mapped", [ 23512 ] ], [ [ 194671, 194671 ], "mapped", [ 23527 ] ], [ [ 194672, 194672 ], "mapped", [ 23539 ] ], [ [ 194673, 194673 ], "mapped", [ 138008 ] ], [ [ 194674, 194674 ], "mapped", [ 23551 ] ], [ [ 194675, 194675 ], "mapped", [ 23558 ] ], [ [ 194676, 194676 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 194677, 194677 ], "mapped", [ 23586 ] ], [ [ 194678, 194678 ], "mapped", [ 14209 ] ], [ [ 194679, 194679 ], "mapped", [ 23648 ] ], [ [ 194680, 194680 ], "mapped", [ 23662 ] ], [ [ 194681, 194681 ], "mapped", [ 23744 ] ], [ [ 194682, 194682 ], "mapped", [ 23693 ] ], [ [ 194683, 194683 ], "mapped", [ 138724 ] ], [ [ 194684, 194684 ], "mapped", [ 23875 ] ], [ [ 194685, 194685 ], "mapped", [ 138726 ] ], [ [ 194686, 194686 ], "mapped", [ 23918 ] ], [ [ 194687, 194687 ], "mapped", [ 23915 ] ], [ [ 194688, 194688 ], "mapped", [ 23932 ] ], [ [ 194689, 194689 ], "mapped", [ 24033 ] ], [ [ 194690, 194690 ], "mapped", [ 24034 ] ], [ [ 194691, 194691 ], "mapped", [ 14383 ] ], [ [ 194692, 194692 ], "mapped", [ 24061 ] ], [ [ 194693, 194693 ], "mapped", [ 24104 ] ], [ [ 194694, 194694 ], "mapped", [ 24125 ] ], [ [ 194695, 194695 ], "mapped", [ 24169 ] ], [ [ 194696, 194696 ], "mapped", [ 14434 ] ], [ [ 194697, 194697 ], "mapped", [ 139651 ] ], [ [ 194698, 194698 ], "mapped", [ 14460 ] ], [ [ 194699, 194699 ], "mapped", [ 24240 ] ], [ [ 194700, 194700 ], "mapped", [ 24243 ] ], [ [ 194701, 194701 ], "mapped", [ 24246 ] ], [ [ 194702, 194702 ], "mapped", [ 24266 ] ], [ [ 194703, 194703 ], "mapped", [ 172946 ] ], [ [ 194704, 194704 ], "mapped", [ 24318 ] ], [ [ 194705, 194706 ], "mapped", [ 140081 ] ], [ [ 194707, 194707 ], "mapped", [ 33281 ] ], [ [ 194708, 194709 ], "mapped", [ 24354 ] ], [ [ 194710, 194710 ], "mapped", [ 14535 ] ], [ [ 194711, 194711 ], "mapped", [ 144056 ] ], [ [ 194712, 194712 ], "mapped", [ 156122 ] ], [ [ 194713, 194713 ], "mapped", [ 24418 ] ], [ [ 194714, 194714 ], "mapped", [ 24427 ] ], [ [ 194715, 194715 ], "mapped", [ 14563 ] ], [ [ 194716, 194716 ], "mapped", [ 24474 ] ], [ [ 194717, 194717 ], "mapped", [ 24525 ] ], [ [ 194718, 194718 ], "mapped", [ 24535 ] ], [ [ 194719, 194719 ], "mapped", [ 24569 ] ], [ [ 194720, 194720 ], "mapped", [ 24705 ] ], [ [ 194721, 194721 ], "mapped", [ 14650 ] ], [ [ 194722, 194722 ], "mapped", [ 14620 ] ], [ [ 194723, 194723 ], "mapped", [ 24724 ] ], [ [ 194724, 194724 ], "mapped", [ 141012 ] ], [ [ 194725, 194725 ], "mapped", [ 24775 ] ], [ [ 194726, 194726 ], "mapped", [ 24904 ] ], [ [ 194727, 194727 ], "mapped", [ 24908 ] ], [ [ 194728, 194728 ], "mapped", [ 24910 ] ], [ [ 194729, 194729 ], "mapped", [ 24908 ] ], [ [ 194730, 194730 ], "mapped", [ 24954 ] ], [ [ 194731, 194731 ], "mapped", [ 24974 ] ], [ [ 194732, 194732 ], "mapped", [ 25010 ] ], [ [ 194733, 194733 ], "mapped", [ 24996 ] ], [ [ 194734, 194734 ], "mapped", [ 25007 ] ], [ [ 194735, 194735 ], "mapped", [ 25054 ] ], [ [ 194736, 194736 ], "mapped", [ 25074 ] ], [ [ 194737, 194737 ], "mapped", [ 25078 ] ], [ [ 194738, 194738 ], "mapped", [ 25104 ] ], [ [ 194739, 194739 ], "mapped", [ 25115 ] ], [ [ 194740, 194740 ], "mapped", [ 25181 ] ], [ [ 194741, 194741 ], "mapped", [ 25265 ] ], [ [ 194742, 194742 ], "mapped", [ 25300 ] ], [ [ 194743, 194743 ], "mapped", [ 25424 ] ], [ [ 194744, 194744 ], "mapped", [ 142092 ] ], [ [ 194745, 194745 ], "mapped", [ 25405 ] ], [ [ 194746, 194746 ], "mapped", [ 25340 ] ], [ [ 194747, 194747 ], "mapped", [ 25448 ] ], [ [ 194748, 194748 ], "mapped", [ 25475 ] ], [ [ 194749, 194749 ], "mapped", [ 25572 ] ], [ [ 194750, 194750 ], "mapped", [ 142321 ] ], [ [ 194751, 194751 ], "mapped", [ 25634 ] ], [ [ 194752, 194752 ], "mapped", [ 25541 ] ], [ [ 194753, 194753 ], "mapped", [ 25513 ] ], [ [ 194754, 194754 ], "mapped", [ 14894 ] ], [ [ 194755, 194755 ], "mapped", [ 25705 ] ], [ [ 194756, 194756 ], "mapped", [ 25726 ] ], [ [ 194757, 194757 ], "mapped", [ 25757 ] ], [ [ 194758, 194758 ], "mapped", [ 25719 ] ], [ [ 194759, 194759 ], "mapped", [ 14956 ] ], [ [ 194760, 194760 ], "mapped", [ 25935 ] ], [ [ 194761, 194761 ], "mapped", [ 25964 ] ], [ [ 194762, 194762 ], "mapped", [ 143370 ] ], [ [ 194763, 194763 ], "mapped", [ 26083 ] ], [ [ 194764, 194764 ], "mapped", [ 26360 ] ], [ [ 194765, 194765 ], "mapped", [ 26185 ] ], [ [ 194766, 194766 ], "mapped", [ 15129 ] ], [ [ 194767, 194767 ], "mapped", [ 26257 ] ], [ [ 194768, 194768 ], "mapped", [ 15112 ] ], [ [ 194769, 194769 ], "mapped", [ 15076 ] ], [ [ 194770, 194770 ], "mapped", [ 20882 ] ], [ [ 194771, 194771 ], "mapped", [ 20885 ] ], [ [ 194772, 194772 ], "mapped", [ 26368 ] ], [ [ 194773, 194773 ], "mapped", [ 26268 ] ], [ [ 194774, 194774 ], "mapped", [ 32941 ] ], [ [ 194775, 194775 ], "mapped", [ 17369 ] ], [ [ 194776, 194776 ], "mapped", [ 26391 ] ], [ [ 194777, 194777 ], "mapped", [ 26395 ] ], [ [ 194778, 194778 ], "mapped", [ 26401 ] ], [ [ 194779, 194779 ], "mapped", [ 26462 ] ], [ [ 194780, 194780 ], "mapped", [ 26451 ] ], [ [ 194781, 194781 ], "mapped", [ 144323 ] ], [ [ 194782, 194782 ], "mapped", [ 15177 ] ], [ [ 194783, 194783 ], "mapped", [ 26618 ] ], [ [ 194784, 194784 ], "mapped", [ 26501 ] ], [ [ 194785, 194785 ], "mapped", [ 26706 ] ], [ [ 194786, 194786 ], "mapped", [ 26757 ] ], [ [ 194787, 194787 ], "mapped", [ 144493 ] ], [ [ 194788, 194788 ], "mapped", [ 26766 ] ], [ [ 194789, 194789 ], "mapped", [ 26655 ] ], [ [ 194790, 194790 ], "mapped", [ 26900 ] ], [ [ 194791, 194791 ], "mapped", [ 15261 ] ], [ [ 194792, 194792 ], "mapped", [ 26946 ] ], [ [ 194793, 194793 ], "mapped", [ 27043 ] ], [ [ 194794, 194794 ], "mapped", [ 27114 ] ], [ [ 194795, 194795 ], "mapped", [ 27304 ] ], [ [ 194796, 194796 ], "mapped", [ 145059 ] ], [ [ 194797, 194797 ], "mapped", [ 27355 ] ], [ [ 194798, 194798 ], "mapped", [ 15384 ] ], [ [ 194799, 194799 ], "mapped", [ 27425 ] ], [ [ 194800, 194800 ], "mapped", [ 145575 ] ], [ [ 194801, 194801 ], "mapped", [ 27476 ] ], [ [ 194802, 194802 ], "mapped", [ 15438 ] ], [ [ 194803, 194803 ], "mapped", [ 27506 ] ], [ [ 194804, 194804 ], "mapped", [ 27551 ] ], [ [ 194805, 194805 ], "mapped", [ 27578 ] ], [ [ 194806, 194806 ], "mapped", [ 27579 ] ], [ [ 194807, 194807 ], "mapped", [ 146061 ] ], [ [ 194808, 194808 ], "mapped", [ 138507 ] ], [ [ 194809, 194809 ], "mapped", [ 146170 ] ], [ [ 194810, 194810 ], "mapped", [ 27726 ] ], [ [ 194811, 194811 ], "mapped", [ 146620 ] ], [ [ 194812, 194812 ], "mapped", [ 27839 ] ], [ [ 194813, 194813 ], "mapped", [ 27853 ] ], [ [ 194814, 194814 ], "mapped", [ 27751 ] ], [ [ 194815, 194815 ], "mapped", [ 27926 ] ], [ [ 194816, 194816 ], "mapped", [ 27966 ] ], [ [ 194817, 194817 ], "mapped", [ 28023 ] ], [ [ 194818, 194818 ], "mapped", [ 27969 ] ], [ [ 194819, 194819 ], "mapped", [ 28009 ] ], [ [ 194820, 194820 ], "mapped", [ 28024 ] ], [ [ 194821, 194821 ], "mapped", [ 28037 ] ], [ [ 194822, 194822 ], "mapped", [ 146718 ] ], [ [ 194823, 194823 ], "mapped", [ 27956 ] ], [ [ 194824, 194824 ], "mapped", [ 28207 ] ], [ [ 194825, 194825 ], "mapped", [ 28270 ] ], [ [ 194826, 194826 ], "mapped", [ 15667 ] ], [ [ 194827, 194827 ], "mapped", [ 28363 ] ], [ [ 194828, 194828 ], "mapped", [ 28359 ] ], [ [ 194829, 194829 ], "mapped", [ 147153 ] ], [ [ 194830, 194830 ], "mapped", [ 28153 ] ], [ [ 194831, 194831 ], "mapped", [ 28526 ] ], [ [ 194832, 194832 ], "mapped", [ 147294 ] ], [ [ 194833, 194833 ], "mapped", [ 147342 ] ], [ [ 194834, 194834 ], "mapped", [ 28614 ] ], [ [ 194835, 194835 ], "mapped", [ 28729 ] ], [ [ 194836, 194836 ], "mapped", [ 28702 ] ], [ [ 194837, 194837 ], "mapped", [ 28699 ] ], [ [ 194838, 194838 ], "mapped", [ 15766 ] ], [ [ 194839, 194839 ], "mapped", [ 28746 ] ], [ [ 194840, 194840 ], "mapped", [ 28797 ] ], [ [ 194841, 194841 ], "mapped", [ 28791 ] ], [ [ 194842, 194842 ], "mapped", [ 28845 ] ], [ [ 194843, 194843 ], "mapped", [ 132389 ] ], [ [ 194844, 194844 ], "mapped", [ 28997 ] ], [ [ 194845, 194845 ], "mapped", [ 148067 ] ], [ [ 194846, 194846 ], "mapped", [ 29084 ] ], [ [ 194847, 194847 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 194848, 194848 ], "mapped", [ 29224 ] ], [ [ 194849, 194849 ], "mapped", [ 29237 ] ], [ [ 194850, 194850 ], "mapped", [ 29264 ] ], [ [ 194851, 194851 ], "mapped", [ 149000 ] ], [ [ 194852, 194852 ], "mapped", [ 29312 ] ], [ [ 194853, 194853 ], "mapped", [ 29333 ] ], [ [ 194854, 194854 ], "mapped", [ 149301 ] ], [ [ 194855, 194855 ], "mapped", [ 149524 ] ], [ [ 194856, 194856 ], "mapped", [ 29562 ] ], [ [ 194857, 194857 ], "mapped", [ 29579 ] ], [ [ 194858, 194858 ], "mapped", [ 16044 ] ], [ [ 194859, 194859 ], "mapped", [ 29605 ] ], [ [ 194860, 194861 ], "mapped", [ 16056 ] ], [ [ 194862, 194862 ], "mapped", [ 29767 ] ], [ [ 194863, 194863 ], "mapped", [ 29788 ] ], [ [ 194864, 194864 ], "mapped", [ 29809 ] ], [ [ 194865, 194865 ], "mapped", [ 29829 ] ], [ [ 194866, 194866 ], "mapped", [ 29898 ] ], [ [ 194867, 194867 ], "mapped", [ 16155 ] ], [ [ 194868, 194868 ], "mapped", [ 29988 ] ], [ [ 194869, 194869 ], "mapped", [ 150582 ] ], [ [ 194870, 194870 ], "mapped", [ 30014 ] ], [ [ 194871, 194871 ], "mapped", [ 150674 ] ], [ [ 194872, 194872 ], "mapped", [ 30064 ] ], [ [ 194873, 194873 ], "mapped", [ 139679 ] ], [ [ 194874, 194874 ], "mapped", [ 30224 ] ], [ [ 194875, 194875 ], "mapped", [ 151457 ] ], [ [ 194876, 194876 ], "mapped", [ 151480 ] ], [ [ 194877, 194877 ], "mapped", [ 151620 ] ], [ [ 194878, 194878 ], "mapped", [ 16380 ] ], [ [ 194879, 194879 ], "mapped", [ 16392 ] ], [ [ 194880, 194880 ], "mapped", [ 30452 ] ], [ [ 194881, 194881 ], "mapped", [ 151795 ] ], [ [ 194882, 194882 ], "mapped", [ 151794 ] ], [ [ 194883, 194883 ], "mapped", [ 151833 ] ], [ [ 194884, 194884 ], "mapped", [ 151859 ] ], [ [ 194885, 194885 ], "mapped", [ 30494 ] ], [ [ 194886, 194887 ], "mapped", [ 30495 ] ], [ [ 194888, 194888 ], "mapped", [ 30538 ] ], [ [ 194889, 194889 ], "mapped", [ 16441 ] ], [ [ 194890, 194890 ], "mapped", [ 30603 ] ], [ [ 194891, 194891 ], "mapped", [ 16454 ] ], [ [ 194892, 194892 ], "mapped", [ 16534 ] ], [ [ 194893, 194893 ], "mapped", [ 152605 ] ], [ [ 194894, 194894 ], "mapped", [ 30798 ] ], [ [ 194895, 194895 ], "mapped", [ 30860 ] ], [ [ 194896, 194896 ], "mapped", [ 30924 ] ], [ [ 194897, 194897 ], "mapped", [ 16611 ] ], [ [ 194898, 194898 ], "mapped", [ 153126 ] ], [ [ 194899, 194899 ], "mapped", [ 31062 ] ], [ [ 194900, 194900 ], "mapped", [ 153242 ] ], [ [ 194901, 194901 ], "mapped", [ 153285 ] ], [ [ 194902, 194902 ], "mapped", [ 31119 ] ], [ [ 194903, 194903 ], "mapped", [ 31211 ] ], [ [ 194904, 194904 ], "mapped", [ 16687 ] ], [ [ 194905, 194905 ], "mapped", [ 31296 ] ], [ [ 194906, 194906 ], "mapped", [ 31306 ] ], [ [ 194907, 194907 ], "mapped", [ 31311 ] ], [ [ 194908, 194908 ], "mapped", [ 153980 ] ], [ [ 194909, 194910 ], "mapped", [ 154279 ] ], [ [ 194911, 194911 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 194912, 194912 ], "mapped", [ 16898 ] ], [ [ 194913, 194913 ], "mapped", [ 154539 ] ], [ [ 194914, 194914 ], "mapped", [ 31686 ] ], [ [ 194915, 194915 ], "mapped", [ 31689 ] ], [ [ 194916, 194916 ], "mapped", [ 16935 ] ], [ [ 194917, 194917 ], "mapped", [ 154752 ] ], [ [ 194918, 194918 ], "mapped", [ 31954 ] ], [ [ 194919, 194919 ], "mapped", [ 17056 ] ], [ [ 194920, 194920 ], "mapped", [ 31976 ] ], [ [ 194921, 194921 ], "mapped", [ 31971 ] ], [ [ 194922, 194922 ], "mapped", [ 32000 ] ], [ [ 194923, 194923 ], "mapped", [ 155526 ] ], [ [ 194924, 194924 ], "mapped", [ 32099 ] ], [ [ 194925, 194925 ], "mapped", [ 17153 ] ], [ [ 194926, 194926 ], "mapped", [ 32199 ] ], [ [ 194927, 194927 ], "mapped", [ 32258 ] ], [ [ 194928, 194928 ], "mapped", [ 32325 ] ], [ [ 194929, 194929 ], "mapped", [ 17204 ] ], [ [ 194930, 194930 ], "mapped", [ 156200 ] ], [ [ 194931, 194931 ], "mapped", [ 156231 ] ], [ [ 194932, 194932 ], "mapped", [ 17241 ] ], [ [ 194933, 194933 ], "mapped", [ 156377 ] ], [ [ 194934, 194934 ], "mapped", [ 32634 ] ], [ [ 194935, 194935 ], "mapped", [ 156478 ] ], [ [ 194936, 194936 ], "mapped", [ 32661 ] ], [ [ 194937, 194937 ], "mapped", [ 32762 ] ], [ [ 194938, 194938 ], "mapped", [ 32773 ] ], [ [ 194939, 194939 ], "mapped", [ 156890 ] ], [ [ 194940, 194940 ], "mapped", [ 156963 ] ], [ [ 194941, 194941 ], "mapped", [ 32864 ] ], [ [ 194942, 194942 ], "mapped", [ 157096 ] ], [ [ 194943, 194943 ], "mapped", [ 32880 ] ], [ [ 194944, 194944 ], "mapped", [ 144223 ] ], [ [ 194945, 194945 ], "mapped", [ 17365 ] ], [ [ 194946, 194946 ], "mapped", [ 32946 ] ], [ [ 194947, 194947 ], "mapped", [ 33027 ] ], [ [ 194948, 194948 ], "mapped", [ 17419 ] ], [ [ 194949, 194949 ], "mapped", [ 33086 ] ], [ [ 194950, 194950 ], "mapped", [ 23221 ] ], [ [ 194951, 194951 ], "mapped", [ 157607 ] ], [ [ 194952, 194952 ], "mapped", [ 157621 ] ], [ [ 194953, 194953 ], "mapped", [ 144275 ] ], [ [ 194954, 194954 ], "mapped", [ 144284 ] ], [ [ 194955, 194955 ], "mapped", [ 33281 ] ], [ [ 194956, 194956 ], "mapped", [ 33284 ] ], [ [ 194957, 194957 ], "mapped", [ 36766 ] ], [ [ 194958, 194958 ], "mapped", [ 17515 ] ], [ [ 194959, 194959 ], "mapped", [ 33425 ] ], [ [ 194960, 194960 ], "mapped", [ 33419 ] ], [ [ 194961, 194961 ], "mapped", [ 33437 ] ], [ [ 194962, 194962 ], "mapped", [ 21171 ] ], [ [ 194963, 194963 ], "mapped", [ 33457 ] ], [ [ 194964, 194964 ], "mapped", [ 33459 ] ], [ [ 194965, 194965 ], "mapped", [ 33469 ] ], [ [ 194966, 194966 ], "mapped", [ 33510 ] ], [ [ 194967, 194967 ], "mapped", [ 158524 ] ], [ [ 194968, 194968 ], "mapped", [ 33509 ] ], [ [ 194969, 194969 ], "mapped", [ 33565 ] ], [ [ 194970, 194970 ], "mapped", [ 33635 ] ], [ [ 194971, 194971 ], "mapped", [ 33709 ] ], [ [ 194972, 194972 ], "mapped", [ 33571 ] ], [ [ 194973, 194973 ], "mapped", [ 33725 ] ], [ [ 194974, 194974 ], "mapped", [ 33767 ] ], [ [ 194975, 194975 ], "mapped", [ 33879 ] ], [ [ 194976, 194976 ], "mapped", [ 33619 ] ], [ [ 194977, 194977 ], "mapped", [ 33738 ] ], [ [ 194978, 194978 ], "mapped", [ 33740 ] ], [ [ 194979, 194979 ], "mapped", [ 33756 ] ], [ [ 194980, 194980 ], "mapped", [ 158774 ] ], [ [ 194981, 194981 ], "mapped", [ 159083 ] ], [ [ 194982, 194982 ], "mapped", [ 158933 ] ], [ [ 194983, 194983 ], "mapped", [ 17707 ] ], [ [ 194984, 194984 ], "mapped", [ 34033 ] ], [ [ 194985, 194985 ], "mapped", [ 34035 ] ], [ [ 194986, 194986 ], "mapped", [ 34070 ] ], [ [ 194987, 194987 ], "mapped", [ 160714 ] ], [ [ 194988, 194988 ], "mapped", [ 34148 ] ], [ [ 194989, 194989 ], "mapped", [ 159532 ] ], [ [ 194990, 194990 ], "mapped", [ 17757 ] ], [ [ 194991, 194991 ], "mapped", [ 17761 ] ], [ [ 194992, 194992 ], "mapped", [ 159665 ] ], [ [ 194993, 194993 ], "mapped", [ 159954 ] ], [ [ 194994, 194994 ], "mapped", [ 17771 ] ], [ [ 194995, 194995 ], "mapped", [ 34384 ] ], [ [ 194996, 194996 ], "mapped", [ 34396 ] ], [ [ 194997, 194997 ], "mapped", [ 34407 ] ], [ [ 194998, 194998 ], "mapped", [ 34409 ] ], [ [ 194999, 194999 ], "mapped", [ 34473 ] ], [ [ 195000, 195000 ], "mapped", [ 34440 ] ], [ [ 195001, 195001 ], "mapped", [ 34574 ] ], [ [ 195002, 195002 ], "mapped", [ 34530 ] ], [ [ 195003, 195003 ], "mapped", [ 34681 ] ], [ [ 195004, 195004 ], "mapped", [ 34600 ] ], [ [ 195005, 195005 ], "mapped", [ 34667 ] ], [ [ 195006, 195006 ], "mapped", [ 34694 ] ], [ [ 195007, 195007 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 195008, 195008 ], "mapped", [ 34785 ] ], [ [ 195009, 195009 ], "mapped", [ 34817 ] ], [ [ 195010, 195010 ], "mapped", [ 17913 ] ], [ [ 195011, 195011 ], "mapped", [ 34912 ] ], [ [ 195012, 195012 ], "mapped", [ 34915 ] ], [ [ 195013, 195013 ], "mapped", [ 161383 ] ], [ [ 195014, 195014 ], "mapped", [ 35031 ] ], [ [ 195015, 195015 ], "mapped", [ 35038 ] ], [ [ 195016, 195016 ], "mapped", [ 17973 ] ], [ [ 195017, 195017 ], "mapped", [ 35066 ] ], [ [ 195018, 195018 ], "mapped", [ 13499 ] ], [ [ 195019, 195019 ], "mapped", [ 161966 ] ], [ [ 195020, 195020 ], "mapped", [ 162150 ] ], [ [ 195021, 195021 ], "mapped", [ 18110 ] ], [ [ 195022, 195022 ], "mapped", [ 18119 ] ], [ [ 195023, 195023 ], "mapped", [ 35488 ] ], [ [ 195024, 195024 ], "mapped", [ 35565 ] ], [ [ 195025, 195025 ], "mapped", [ 35722 ] ], [ [ 195026, 195026 ], "mapped", [ 35925 ] ], [ [ 195027, 195027 ], "mapped", [ 162984 ] ], [ [ 195028, 195028 ], "mapped", [ 36011 ] ], [ [ 195029, 195029 ], "mapped", [ 36033 ] ], [ [ 195030, 195030 ], "mapped", [ 36123 ] ], [ [ 195031, 195031 ], "mapped", [ 36215 ] ], [ [ 195032, 195032 ], "mapped", [ 163631 ] ], [ [ 195033, 195033 ], "mapped", [ 133124 ] ], [ [ 195034, 195034 ], "mapped", [ 36299 ] ], [ [ 195035, 195035 ], "mapped", [ 36284 ] ], [ [ 195036, 195036 ], "mapped", [ 36336 ] ], [ [ 195037, 195037 ], "mapped", [ 133342 ] ], [ [ 195038, 195038 ], "mapped", [ 36564 ] ], [ [ 195039, 195039 ], "mapped", [ 36664 ] ], [ [ 195040, 195040 ], "mapped", [ 165330 ] ], [ [ 195041, 195041 ], "mapped", [ 165357 ] ], [ [ 195042, 195042 ], "mapped", [ 37012 ] ], [ [ 195043, 195043 ], "mapped", [ 37105 ] ], [ [ 195044, 195044 ], "mapped", [ 37137 ] ], [ [ 195045, 195045 ], "mapped", [ 165678 ] ], [ [ 195046, 195046 ], "mapped", [ 37147 ] ], [ [ 195047, 195047 ], "mapped", [ 37432 ] ], [ [ 195048, 195048 ], "mapped", [ 37591 ] ], [ [ 195049, 195049 ], "mapped", [ 37592 ] ], [ [ 195050, 195050 ], "mapped", [ 37500 ] ], [ [ 195051, 195051 ], "mapped", [ 37881 ] ], [ [ 195052, 195052 ], "mapped", [ 37909 ] ], [ [ 195053, 195053 ], "mapped", [ 166906 ] ], [ [ 195054, 195054 ], "mapped", [ 38283 ] ], [ [ 195055, 195055 ], "mapped", [ 18837 ] ], [ [ 195056, 195056 ], "mapped", [ 38327 ] ], [ [ 195057, 195057 ], "mapped", [ 167287 ] ], [ [ 195058, 195058 ], "mapped", [ 18918 ] ], [ [ 195059, 195059 ], "mapped", [ 38595 ] ], [ [ 195060, 195060 ], "mapped", [ 23986 ] ], [ [ 195061, 195061 ], "mapped", [ 38691 ] ], [ [ 195062, 195062 ], "mapped", [ 168261 ] ], [ [ 195063, 195063 ], "mapped", [ 168474 ] ], [ [ 195064, 195064 ], "mapped", [ 19054 ] ], [ [ 195065, 195065 ], "mapped", [ 19062 ] ], [ [ 195066, 195066 ], "mapped", [ 38880 ] ], [ [ 195067, 195067 ], "mapped", [ 168970 ] ], [ [ 195068, 195068 ], "mapped", [ 19122 ] ], [ [ 195069, 195069 ], "mapped", [ 169110 ] ], [ [ 195070, 195071 ], "mapped", [ 38923 ] ], [ [ 195072, 195072 ], "mapped", [ 38953 ] ], [ [ 195073, 195073 ], "mapped", [ 169398 ] ], [ [ 195074, 195074 ], "mapped", [ 39138 ] ], [ [ 195075, 195075 ], "mapped", [ 19251 ] ], [ [ 195076, 195076 ], "mapped", [ 39209 ] ], [ [ 195077, 195077 ], "mapped", [ 39335 ] ], [ [ 195078, 195078 ], "mapped", [ 39362 ] ], [ [ 195079, 195079 ], "mapped", [ 39422 ] ], [ [ 195080, 195080 ], "mapped", [ 19406 ] ], [ [ 195081, 195081 ], "mapped", [ 170800 ] ], [ [ 195082, 195082 ], "mapped", [ 39698 ] ], [ [ 195083, 195083 ], "mapped", [ 40000 ] ], [ [ 195084, 195084 ], "mapped", [ 40189 ] ], [ [ 195085, 195085 ], "mapped", [ 19662 ] ], [ [ 195086, 195086 ], "mapped", [ 19693 ] ], [ [ 195087, 195087 ], "mapped", [ 40295 ] ], [ [ 195088, 195088 ], "mapped", [ 172238 ] ], [ [ 195089, 195089 ], "mapped", [ 19704 ] ], [ [ 195090, 195090 ], "mapped", [ 172293 ] ], [ [ 195091, 195091 ], "mapped", [ 172558 ] ], [ [ 195092, 195092 ], "mapped", [ 172689 ] ], [ [ 195093, 195093 ], "mapped", [ 40635 ] ], [ [ 195094, 195094 ], "mapped", [ 19798 ] ], [ [ 195095, 195095 ], "mapped", [ 40697 ] ], [ [ 195096, 195096 ], "mapped", [ 40702 ] ], [ [ 195097, 195097 ], "mapped", [ 40709 ] ], [ [ 195098, 195098 ], "mapped", [ 40719 ] ], [ [ 195099, 195099 ], "mapped", [ 40726 ] ], [ [ 195100, 195100 ], "mapped", [ 40763 ] ], [ [ 195101, 195101 ], "mapped", [ 173568 ] ], [ [ 195102, 196605 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 196606, 196607 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 196608, 262141 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 262142, 262143 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 262144, 327677 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 327678, 327679 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 327680, 393213 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 393214, 393215 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 393216, 458749 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 458750, 458751 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 458752, 524285 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 524286, 524287 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 524288, 589821 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 589822, 589823 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 589824, 655357 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 655358, 655359 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 655360, 720893 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 720894, 720895 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 720896, 786429 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 786430, 786431 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 786432, 851965 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 851966, 851967 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 851968, 917501 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 917502, 917503 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 917504, 917504 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 917505, 917505 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 917506, 917535 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 917536, 917631 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 917632, 917759 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 917760, 917999 ], "ignored" ], [ [ 918000, 983037 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 983038, 983039 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 983040, 1048573 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 1048574, 1048575 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 1048576, 1114109 ], "disallowed" ], [ [ 1114110, 1114111 ], "disallowed" ] ]; var PROCESSING_OPTIONS = { TRANSITIONAL: 0, NONTRANSITIONAL: 1 }; function normalize(str) { // fix bug in v8 return str.split('\u0000').map(function (s) { return s.normalize('NFC'); }).join('\u0000'); } function findStatus(val) { var start = 0; var end = mappingTable.length - 1; while (start <= end) { var mid = Math.floor((start + end) / 2); var target = mappingTable[mid]; if (target[0][0] <= val && target[0][1] >= val) { return target; } else if (target[0][0] > val) { end = mid - 1; } else { start = mid + 1; } } return null; } var regexAstralSymbols = /[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g; function countSymbols(string) { return string // replace every surrogate pair with a BMP symbol .replace(regexAstralSymbols, '_') // then get the length .length; } function mapChars(domain_name, useSTD3, processing_option) { var hasError = false; var processed = ""; var len = countSymbols(domain_name); for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { var codePoint = domain_name.codePointAt(i); var status = findStatus(codePoint); switch (status[1]) { case "disallowed": hasError = true; processed += String.fromCodePoint(codePoint); break; case "ignored": break; case "mapped": processed += String.fromCodePoint.apply(String, status[2]); break; case "deviation": if (processing_option === PROCESSING_OPTIONS.TRANSITIONAL) { processed += String.fromCodePoint.apply(String, status[2]); } else { processed += String.fromCodePoint(codePoint); } break; case "valid": processed += String.fromCodePoint(codePoint); break; case "disallowed_STD3_mapped": if (useSTD3) { hasError = true; processed += String.fromCodePoint(codePoint); } else { processed += String.fromCodePoint.apply(String, status[2]); } break; case "disallowed_STD3_valid": if (useSTD3) { hasError = true; } processed += String.fromCodePoint(codePoint); break; } } return { string: processed, error: hasError }; } var combiningMarksRegex = /[\u0300-\u036F\u0483-\u0489\u0591-\u05BD\u05BF\u05C1\u05C2\u05C4\u05C5\u05C7\u0610-\u061A\u064B-\u065F\u0670\u06D6-\u06DC\u06DF-\u06E4\u06E7\u06E8\u06EA-\u06ED\u0711\u0730-\u074A\u07A6-\u07B0\u07EB-\u07F3\u0816-\u0819\u081B-\u0823\u0825-\u0827\u0829-\u082D\u0859-\u085B\u08E4-\u0903\u093A-\u093C\u093E-\u094F\u0951-\u0957\u0962\u0963\u0981-\u0983\u09BC\u09BE-\u09C4\u09C7\u09C8\u09CB-\u09CD\u09D7\u09E2\u09E3\u0A01-\u0A03\u0A3C\u0A3E-\u0A42\u0A47\u0A48\u0A4B-\u0A4D\u0A51\u0A70\u0A71\u0A75\u0A81-\u0A83\u0ABC\u0ABE-\u0AC5\u0AC7-\u0AC9\u0ACB-\u0ACD\u0AE2\u0AE3\u0B01-\u0B03\u0B3C\u0B3E-\u0B44\u0B47\u0B48\u0B4B-\u0B4D\u0B56\u0B57\u0B62\u0B63\u0B82\u0BBE-\u0BC2\u0BC6-\u0BC8\u0BCA-\u0BCD\u0BD7\u0C00-\u0C03\u0C3E-\u0C44\u0C46-\u0C48\u0C4A-\u0C4D\u0C55\u0C56\u0C62\u0C63\u0C81-\u0C83\u0CBC\u0CBE-\u0CC4\u0CC6-\u0CC8\u0CCA-\u0CCD\u0CD5\u0CD6\u0CE2\u0CE3\u0D01-\u0D03\u0D3E-\u0D44\u0D46-\u0D48\u0D4A-\u0D4D\u0D57\u0D62\u0D63\u0D82\u0D83\u0DCA\u0DCF-\u0DD4\u0DD6\u0DD8-\u0DDF\u0DF2\u0DF3\u0E31\u0E34-\u0E3A\u0E47-\u0E4E\u0EB1\u0EB4-\u0EB9\u0EBB\u0EBC\u0EC8-\u0ECD\u0F18\u0F19\u0F35\u0F37\u0F39\u0F3E\u0F3F\u0F71-\u0F84\u0F86\u0F87\u0F8D-\u0F97\u0F99-\u0FBC\u0FC6\u102B-\u103E\u1056-\u1059\u105E-\u1060\u1062-\u1064\u1067-\u106D\u1071-\u1074\u1082-\u108D\u108F\u109A-\u109D\u135D-\u135F\u1712-\u1714\u1732-\u1734\u1752\u1753\u1772\u1773\u17B4-\u17D3\u17DD\u180B-\u180D\u18A9\u1920-\u192B\u1930-\u193B\u19B0-\u19C0\u19C8\u19C9\u1A17-\u1A1B\u1A55-\u1A5E\u1A60-\u1A7C\u1A7F\u1AB0-\u1ABE\u1B00-\u1B04\u1B34-\u1B44\u1B6B-\u1B73\u1B80-\u1B82\u1BA1-\u1BAD\u1BE6-\u1BF3\u1C24-\u1C37\u1CD0-\u1CD2\u1CD4-\u1CE8\u1CED\u1CF2-\u1CF4\u1CF8\u1CF9\u1DC0-\u1DF5\u1DFC-\u1DFF\u20D0-\u20F0\u2CEF-\u2CF1\u2D7F\u2DE0-\u2DFF\u302A-\u302F\u3099\u309A\uA66F-\uA672\uA674-\uA67D\uA69F\uA6F0\uA6F1\uA802\uA806\uA80B\uA823-\uA827\uA880\uA881\uA8B4-\uA8C4\uA8E0-\uA8F1\uA926-\uA92D\uA947-\uA953\uA980-\uA983\uA9B3-\uA9C0\uA9E5\uAA29-\uAA36\uAA43\uAA4C\uAA4D\uAA7B-\uAA7D\uAAB0\uAAB2-\uAAB4\uAAB7\uAAB8\uAABE\uAABF\uAAC1\uAAEB-\uAAEF\uAAF5\uAAF6\uABE3-\uABEA\uABEC\uABED\uFB1E\uFE00-\uFE0F\uFE20-\uFE2D]|\uD800[\uDDFD\uDEE0\uDF76-\uDF7A]|\uD802[\uDE01-\uDE03\uDE05\uDE06\uDE0C-\uDE0F\uDE38-\uDE3A\uDE3F\uDEE5\uDEE6]|\uD804[\uDC00-\uDC02\uDC38-\uDC46\uDC7F-\uDC82\uDCB0-\uDCBA\uDD00-\uDD02\uDD27-\uDD34\uDD73\uDD80-\uDD82\uDDB3-\uDDC0\uDE2C-\uDE37\uDEDF-\uDEEA\uDF01-\uDF03\uDF3C\uDF3E-\uDF44\uDF47\uDF48\uDF4B-\uDF4D\uDF57\uDF62\uDF63\uDF66-\uDF6C\uDF70-\uDF74]|\uD805[\uDCB0-\uDCC3\uDDAF-\uDDB5\uDDB8-\uDDC0\uDE30-\uDE40\uDEAB-\uDEB7]|\uD81A[\uDEF0-\uDEF4\uDF30-\uDF36]|\uD81B[\uDF51-\uDF7E\uDF8F-\uDF92]|\uD82F[\uDC9D\uDC9E]|\uD834[\uDD65-\uDD69\uDD6D-\uDD72\uDD7B-\uDD82\uDD85-\uDD8B\uDDAA-\uDDAD\uDE42-\uDE44]|\uD83A[\uDCD0-\uDCD6]|\uDB40[\uDD00-\uDDEF]/; function validateLabel(label, processing_option) { if (label.substr(0, 4) === "xn--") { label = punycode.toUnicode(label); } var error = false; if (normalize(label) !== label || label[3] === "-" && label[4] === "-" || label[0] === "-" || label[label.length - 1] === "-" || label.indexOf(".") !== -1 || === 0) { error = true; } var len = countSymbols(label); for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { var status = findStatus(label.codePointAt(i)); if (processing === PROCESSING_OPTIONS.TRANSITIONAL && status[1] !== "valid" || processing === PROCESSING_OPTIONS.NONTRANSITIONAL && status[1] !== "valid" && status[1] !== "deviation") { error = true; break; } } return { label: label, error: error }; } function processing(domain_name, useSTD3, processing_option) { var result = mapChars(domain_name, useSTD3, processing_option); result.string = normalize(result.string); var labels = result.string.split("."); for (var i = 0; i < labels.length; ++i) { try { var validation = validateLabel(labels[i]); labels[i] = validation.label; result.error = result.error || validation.error; } catch (e) { result.error = true; } } return { string: labels.join("."), error: result.error }; } var toASCII = function (domain_name, useSTD3, processing_option, verifyDnsLength) { var result = processing(domain_name, useSTD3, processing_option); var labels = result.string.split("."); labels = (l) { try { return punycode.toASCII(l); } catch (e) { result.error = true; return l; } }); if (verifyDnsLength) { var total = labels.slice(0, labels.length - 1).join(".").length; if (total.length > 253 || total.length === 0) { result.error = true; } for (var i = 0; i < labels.length; ++i) { if (labels.length > 63 || labels.length === 0) { result.error = true; break; } } } if (result.error) return null; return labels.join("."); }; var toUnicode = function (domain_name, useSTD3) { var result = processing(domain_name, useSTD3, PROCESSING_OPTIONS.NONTRANSITIONAL); return { domain: result.string, error: result.error }; }; var PROCESSING_OPTIONS_1 = PROCESSING_OPTIONS; var tr46 = { toASCII: toASCII, toUnicode: toUnicode, PROCESSING_OPTIONS: PROCESSING_OPTIONS_1 }; var urlStateMachine = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { const specialSchemes = { ftp: 21, file: null, gopher: 70, http: 80, https: 443, ws: 80, wss: 443 }; const failure = Symbol("failure"); function countSymbols(str) { return punycode.ucs2.decode(str).length; } function at(input, idx) { const c = input[idx]; return isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); } function isASCIIDigit(c) { return c >= 0x30 && c <= 0x39; } function isASCIIAlpha(c) { return c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x5A || c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x7A; } function isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) { return isASCIIAlpha(c) || isASCIIDigit(c); } function isASCIIHex(c) { return isASCIIDigit(c) || c >= 0x41 && c <= 0x46 || c >= 0x61 && c <= 0x66; } function isSingleDot(buffer) { return buffer === "." || buffer.toLowerCase() === "%2e"; } function isDoubleDot(buffer) { buffer = buffer.toLowerCase(); return buffer === ".." || buffer === "%2e." || buffer === ".%2e" || buffer === "%2e%2e"; } function isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(cp1, cp2) { return isASCIIAlpha(cp1) && (cp2 === 58 || cp2 === 124); } function isWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && (string[1] === ":" || string[1] === "|"); } function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(string) { return string.length === 2 && isASCIIAlpha(string.codePointAt(0)) && string[1] === ":"; } function containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(string) { return\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|%|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; } function containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(string) { return\u0000|\u0009|\u000A|\u000D|\u0020|#|\/|:|\?|@|\[|\\|\]/) !== -1; } function isSpecialScheme(scheme) { return specialSchemes[scheme] !== undefined; } function isSpecial(url) { return isSpecialScheme(url.scheme); } function defaultPort(scheme) { return specialSchemes[scheme]; } function percentEncode(c) { let hex = c.toString(16).toUpperCase(); if (hex.length === 1) { hex = "0" + hex; } return "%" + hex; } function utf8PercentEncode(c) { const buf = new Buffer(c); let str = ""; for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; ++i) { str += percentEncode(buf[i]); } return str; } function utf8PercentDecode(str) { const input = new Buffer(str); const output = []; for (let i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) { if (input[i] !== 37) { output.push(input[i]); } else if (input[i] === 37 && isASCIIHex(input[i + 1]) && isASCIIHex(input[i + 2])) { output.push(parseInt(input.slice(i + 1, i + 3).toString(), 16)); i += 2; } else { output.push(input[i]); } } return new Buffer(output).toString(); } function isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) { return c <= 0x1F || c > 0x7E; } const extraPathPercentEncodeSet = new Set([32, 34, 35, 60, 62, 63, 96, 123, 125]); function isPathPercentEncode(c) { return isC0ControlPercentEncode(c) || extraPathPercentEncodeSet.has(c); } const extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet = new Set([47, 58, 59, 61, 64, 91, 92, 93, 94, 124]); function isUserinfoPercentEncode(c) { return isPathPercentEncode(c) || extraUserinfoPercentEncodeSet.has(c); } function percentEncodeChar(c, encodeSetPredicate) { const cStr = String.fromCodePoint(c); if (encodeSetPredicate(c)) { return utf8PercentEncode(cStr); } return cStr; } function parseIPv4Number(input) { let R = 10; if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0" && input.charAt(1).toLowerCase() === "x") { input = input.substring(2); R = 16; } else if (input.length >= 2 && input.charAt(0) === "0") { input = input.substring(1); R = 8; } if (input === "") { return 0; } const regex = R === 10 ? /[^0-9]/ : R === 16 ? /[^0-9A-Fa-f]/ : /[^0-7]/; if (regex.test(input)) { return failure; } return parseInt(input, R); } function parseIPv4(input) { const parts = input.split("."); if (parts[parts.length - 1] === "") { if (parts.length > 1) { parts.pop(); } } if (parts.length > 4) { return input; } const numbers = []; for (const part of parts) { if (part === "") { return input; } const n = parseIPv4Number(part); if (n === failure) { return input; } numbers.push(n); } for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length - 1; ++i) { if (numbers[i] > 255) { return failure; } } if (numbers[numbers.length - 1] >= Math.pow(256, 5 - numbers.length)) { return failure; } let ipv4 = numbers.pop(); let counter = 0; for (const n of numbers) { ipv4 += n * Math.pow(256, 3 - counter); ++counter; } return ipv4; } function serializeIPv4(address) { let output = ""; let n = address; for (let i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) { output = String(n % 256) + output; if (i !== 4) { output = "." + output; } n = Math.floor(n / 256); } return output; } function parseIPv6(input) { const address = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; let pieceIndex = 0; let compress = null; let pointer = 0; input = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); if (input[pointer] === 58) { if (input[pointer + 1] !== 58) { return failure; } pointer += 2; ++pieceIndex; compress = pieceIndex; } while (pointer < input.length) { if (pieceIndex === 8) { return failure; } if (input[pointer] === 58) { if (compress !== null) { return failure; } ++pointer; ++pieceIndex; compress = pieceIndex; continue; } let value = 0; let length = 0; while (length < 4 && isASCIIHex(input[pointer])) { value = value * 0x10 + parseInt(at(input, pointer), 16); ++pointer; ++length; } if (input[pointer] === 46) { if (length === 0) { return failure; } pointer -= length; if (pieceIndex > 6) { return failure; } let numbersSeen = 0; while (input[pointer] !== undefined) { let ipv4Piece = null; if (numbersSeen > 0) { if (input[pointer] === 46 && numbersSeen < 4) { ++pointer; } else { return failure; } } if (!isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { return failure; } while (isASCIIDigit(input[pointer])) { const number = parseInt(at(input, pointer)); if (ipv4Piece === null) { ipv4Piece = number; } else if (ipv4Piece === 0) { return failure; } else { ipv4Piece = ipv4Piece * 10 + number; } if (ipv4Piece > 255) { return failure; } ++pointer; } address[pieceIndex] = address[pieceIndex] * 0x100 + ipv4Piece; ++numbersSeen; if (numbersSeen === 2 || numbersSeen === 4) { ++pieceIndex; } } if (numbersSeen !== 4) { return failure; } break; } else if (input[pointer] === 58) { ++pointer; if (input[pointer] === undefined) { return failure; } } else if (input[pointer] !== undefined) { return failure; } address[pieceIndex] = value; ++pieceIndex; } if (compress !== null) { let swaps = pieceIndex - compress; pieceIndex = 7; while (pieceIndex !== 0 && swaps > 0) { const temp = address[compress + swaps - 1]; address[compress + swaps - 1] = address[pieceIndex]; address[pieceIndex] = temp; --pieceIndex; --swaps; } } else if (compress === null && pieceIndex !== 8) { return failure; } return address; } function serializeIPv6(address) { let output = ""; const seqResult = findLongestZeroSequence(address); const compress = seqResult.idx; let ignore0 = false; for (let pieceIndex = 0; pieceIndex <= 7; ++pieceIndex) { if (ignore0 && address[pieceIndex] === 0) { continue; } else if (ignore0) { ignore0 = false; } if (compress === pieceIndex) { const separator = pieceIndex === 0 ? "::" : ":"; output += separator; ignore0 = true; continue; } output += address[pieceIndex].toString(16); if (pieceIndex !== 7) { output += ":"; } } return output; } function parseHost(input, isSpecialArg) { if (input[0] === "[") { if (input[input.length - 1] !== "]") { return failure; } return parseIPv6(input.substring(1, input.length - 1)); } if (!isSpecialArg) { return parseOpaqueHost(input); } const domain = utf8PercentDecode(input); const asciiDomain = tr46.toASCII(domain, false, tr46.PROCESSING_OPTIONS.NONTRANSITIONAL, false); if (asciiDomain === null) { return failure; } if (containsForbiddenHostCodePoint(asciiDomain)) { return failure; } const ipv4Host = parseIPv4(asciiDomain); if (typeof ipv4Host === "number" || ipv4Host === failure) { return ipv4Host; } return asciiDomain; } function parseOpaqueHost(input) { if (containsForbiddenHostCodePointExcludingPercent(input)) { return failure; } let output = ""; const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(input); for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { output += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isC0ControlPercentEncode); } return output; } function findLongestZeroSequence(arr) { let maxIdx = null; let maxLen = 1; // only find elements > 1 let currStart = null; let currLen = 0; for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) { if (arr[i] !== 0) { if (currLen > maxLen) { maxIdx = currStart; maxLen = currLen; } currStart = null; currLen = 0; } else { if (currStart === null) { currStart = i; } ++currLen; } } // if trailing zeros if (currLen > maxLen) { maxIdx = currStart; maxLen = currLen; } return { idx: maxIdx, len: maxLen }; } function serializeHost(host) { if (typeof host === "number") { return serializeIPv4(host); } // IPv6 serializer if (host instanceof Array) { return "[" + serializeIPv6(host) + "]"; } return host; } function trimControlChars(url) { return url.replace(/^[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+|[\u0000-\u001F\u0020]+$/g, ""); } function trimTabAndNewline(url) { return url.replace(/\u0009|\u000A|\u000D/g, ""); } function shortenPath(url) { const path = url.path; if (path.length === 0) { return; } if (url.scheme === "file" && path.length === 1 && isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(path[0])) { return; } path.pop(); } function includesCredentials(url) { return url.username !== "" || url.password !== ""; } function cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(url) { return === null || === "" || url.cannotBeABaseURL || url.scheme === "file"; } function isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetter(string) { return /^[A-Za-z]:$/.test(string); } function URLStateMachine(input, base, encodingOverride, url, stateOverride) { this.pointer = 0; this.input = input; this.base = base || null; this.encodingOverride = encodingOverride || "utf-8"; this.stateOverride = stateOverride; this.url = url; this.failure = false; this.parseError = false; if (!this.url) { this.url = { scheme: "", username: "", password: "", host: null, port: null, path: [], query: null, fragment: null, cannotBeABaseURL: false }; const res = trimControlChars(this.input); if (res !== this.input) { this.parseError = true; } this.input = res; } const res = trimTabAndNewline(this.input); if (res !== this.input) { this.parseError = true; } this.input = res; this.state = stateOverride || "scheme start"; this.buffer = ""; this.atFlag = false; this.arrFlag = false; this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = false; this.input = punycode.ucs2.decode(this.input); for (; this.pointer <= this.input.length; ++this.pointer) { const c = this.input[this.pointer]; const cStr = isNaN(c) ? undefined : String.fromCodePoint(c); // exec state machine const ret = this["parse " + this.state](c, cStr); if (!ret) { break; // terminate algorithm } else if (ret === failure) { this.failure = true; break; } } } URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme start"] = function parseSchemeStart(c, cStr) { if (isASCIIAlpha(c)) { this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); this.state = "scheme"; } else if (!this.stateOverride) { this.state = "no scheme"; --this.pointer; } else { this.parseError = true; return failure; } return true; }; URLStateMachine.prototype["parse scheme"] = function parseScheme(c, cStr) { if (isASCIIAlphanumeric(c) || c === 43 || c === 45 || c === 46) { this.buffer += cStr.toLowerCase(); } else if (c === 58) { if (this.stateOverride) { if (isSpecial(this.url) && !isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { return false; } if (!isSpecial(this.url) && isSpecialScheme(this.buffer)) { return false; } if ((includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null) && this.buffer === "file") { return false; } if (this.url.scheme === "file" && ( === "" || === null)) { return false; } } this.url.scheme = this.buffer; this.buffer = ""; if (this.stateOverride) { return false; } if (this.url.scheme === "file") { if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] !== 47 || this.input[this.pointer + 2] !== 47) { this.parseError = true; } this.state = "file"; } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === this.url.scheme) { this.state = "special relative or authority"; } else if (isSpecial(this.url)) { this.state = "special authority slashes"; } else if (this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { this.state = "path or authority"; ++this.pointer; } else { this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; this.url.path.push(""); this.state = "cannot-be-a-base-URL path"; } } else if (!this.stateOverride) { this.buffer = ""; this.state = "no scheme"; this.pointer = -1; } else { this.parseError = true; return failure; } return true; }; URLStateMachine.prototype["parse no scheme"] = function parseNoScheme(c) { if (this.base === null || this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c !== 35) { return failure; } else if (this.base.cannotBeABaseURL && c === 35) { this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); this.url.query = this.base.query; this.url.fragment = ""; this.url.cannotBeABaseURL = true; this.state = "fragment"; } else if (this.base.scheme === "file") { this.state = "file"; --this.pointer; } else { this.state = "relative"; --this.pointer; } return true; }; URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special relative or authority"] = function parseSpecialRelativeOrAuthority(c) { if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; ++this.pointer; } else { this.parseError = true; this.state = "relative"; --this.pointer; } return true; }; URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path or authority"] = function parsePathOrAuthority(c) { if (c === 47) { this.state = "authority"; } else { this.state = "path"; --this.pointer; } return true; }; URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative"] = function parseRelative(c) { this.url.scheme = this.base.scheme; if (isNaN(c)) { this.url.username = this.base.username; this.url.password = this.base.password; =; this.url.port = this.base.port; this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); this.url.query = this.base.query; } else if (c === 47) { this.state = "relative slash"; } else if (c === 63) { this.url.username = this.base.username; this.url.password = this.base.password; =; this.url.port = this.base.port; this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); this.url.query = ""; this.state = "query"; } else if (c === 35) { this.url.username = this.base.username; this.url.password = this.base.password; =; this.url.port = this.base.port; this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); this.url.query = this.base.query; this.url.fragment = ""; this.state = "fragment"; } else if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { this.parseError = true; this.state = "relative slash"; } else { this.url.username = this.base.username; this.url.password = this.base.password; =; this.url.port = this.base.port; this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(0, this.base.path.length - 1); this.state = "path"; --this.pointer; } return true; }; URLStateMachine.prototype["parse relative slash"] = function parseRelativeSlash(c) { if (isSpecial(this.url) && (c === 47 || c === 92)) { if (c === 92) { this.parseError = true; } this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; } else if (c === 47) { this.state = "authority"; } else { this.url.username = this.base.username; this.url.password = this.base.password; =; this.url.port = this.base.port; this.state = "path"; --this.pointer; } return true; }; URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthoritySlashes(c) { if (c === 47 && this.input[this.pointer + 1] === 47) { this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; ++this.pointer; } else { this.parseError = true; this.state = "special authority ignore slashes"; --this.pointer; } return true; }; URLStateMachine.prototype["parse special authority ignore slashes"] = function parseSpecialAuthorityIgnoreSlashes(c) { if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { this.state = "authority"; --this.pointer; } else { this.parseError = true; } return true; }; URLStateMachine.prototype["parse authority"] = function parseAuthority(c, cStr) { if (c === 64) { this.parseError = true; if (this.atFlag) { this.buffer = "%40" + this.buffer; } this.atFlag = true; // careful, this is based on buffer and has its own pointer (this.pointer != pointer) and inner chars const len = countSymbols(this.buffer); for (let pointer = 0; pointer < len; ++pointer) { const codePoint = this.buffer.codePointAt(pointer); if (codePoint === 58 && !this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { this.passwordTokenSeenFlag = true; continue; } const encodedCodePoints = percentEncodeChar(codePoint, isUserinfoPercentEncode); if (this.passwordTokenSeenFlag) { this.url.password += encodedCodePoints; } else { this.url.username += encodedCodePoints; } } this.buffer = ""; } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { if (this.atFlag && this.buffer === "") { this.parseError = true; return failure; } this.pointer -= countSymbols(this.buffer) + 1; this.buffer = ""; this.state = "host"; } else { this.buffer += cStr; } return true; }; URLStateMachine.prototype["parse hostname"] = URLStateMachine.prototype["parse host"] = function parseHostName(c, cStr) { if (this.stateOverride && this.url.scheme === "file") { --this.pointer; this.state = "file host"; } else if (c === 58 && !this.arrFlag) { if (this.buffer === "") { this.parseError = true; return failure; } const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); if (host === failure) { return failure; } = host; this.buffer = ""; this.state = "port"; if (this.stateOverride === "hostname") { return false; } } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { --this.pointer; if (isSpecial(this.url) && this.buffer === "") { this.parseError = true; return failure; } else if (this.stateOverride && this.buffer === "" && (includesCredentials(this.url) || this.url.port !== null)) { this.parseError = true; return false; } const host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); if (host === failure) { return failure; } = host; this.buffer = ""; this.state = "path start"; if (this.stateOverride) { return false; } } else { if (c === 91) { this.arrFlag = true; } else if (c === 93) { this.arrFlag = false; } this.buffer += cStr; } return true; }; URLStateMachine.prototype["parse port"] = function parsePort(c, cStr) { if (isASCIIDigit(c)) { this.buffer += cStr; } else if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 63 || c === 35 || isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92 || this.stateOverride) { if (this.buffer !== "") { const port = parseInt(this.buffer); if (port > Math.pow(2, 16) - 1) { this.parseError = true; return failure; } this.url.port = port === defaultPort(this.url.scheme) ? null : port; this.buffer = ""; } if (this.stateOverride) { return false; } this.state = "path start"; --this.pointer; } else { this.parseError = true; return failure; } return true; }; const fileOtherwiseCodePoints = new Set([47, 92, 63, 35]); URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file"] = function parseFile(c) { this.url.scheme = "file"; if (c === 47 || c === 92) { if (c === 92) { this.parseError = true; } this.state = "file slash"; } else if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { if (isNaN(c)) { =; this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); this.url.query = this.base.query; } else if (c === 63) { =; this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); this.url.query = ""; this.state = "query"; } else if (c === 35) { =; this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); this.url.query = this.base.query; this.url.fragment = ""; this.state = "fragment"; } else { if (this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 === 0 || // remaining consists of 0 code points !isWindowsDriveLetterCodePoints(c, this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || this.input.length - this.pointer - 1 >= 2 && // remaining has at least 2 code points !fileOtherwiseCodePoints.has(this.input[this.pointer + 2])) { =; this.url.path = this.base.path.slice(); shortenPath(this.url); } else { this.parseError = true; } this.state = "path"; --this.pointer; } } else { this.state = "path"; --this.pointer; } return true; }; URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file slash"] = function parseFileSlash(c) { if (c === 47 || c === 92) { if (c === 92) { this.parseError = true; } this.state = "file host"; } else { if (this.base !== null && this.base.scheme === "file") { if (isNormalizedWindowsDriveLetterString(this.base.path[0])) { this.url.path.push(this.base.path[0]); } else { =; } } this.state = "path"; --this.pointer; } return true; }; URLStateMachine.prototype["parse file host"] = function parseFileHost(c, cStr) { if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || c === 92 || c === 63 || c === 35) { --this.pointer; if (!this.stateOverride && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { this.parseError = true; this.state = "path"; } else if (this.buffer === "") { = ""; if (this.stateOverride) { return false; } this.state = "path start"; } else { let host = parseHost(this.buffer, isSpecial(this.url)); if (host === failure) { return failure; } if (host === "localhost") { host = ""; } = host; if (this.stateOverride) { return false; } this.buffer = ""; this.state = "path start"; } } else { this.buffer += cStr; } return true; }; URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path start"] = function parsePathStart(c) { if (isSpecial(this.url)) { if (c === 92) { this.parseError = true; } this.state = "path"; if (c !== 47 && c !== 92) { --this.pointer; } } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 63) { this.url.query = ""; this.state = "query"; } else if (!this.stateOverride && c === 35) { this.url.fragment = ""; this.state = "fragment"; } else if (c !== undefined) { this.state = "path"; if (c !== 47) { --this.pointer; } } return true; }; URLStateMachine.prototype["parse path"] = function parsePath(c) { if (isNaN(c) || c === 47 || isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92 || !this.stateOverride && (c === 63 || c === 35)) { if (isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92) { this.parseError = true; } if (isDoubleDot(this.buffer)) { shortenPath(this.url); if (c !== 47 && !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { this.url.path.push(""); } } else if (isSingleDot(this.buffer) && c !== 47 && !(isSpecial(this.url) && c === 92)) { this.url.path.push(""); } else if (!isSingleDot(this.buffer)) { if (this.url.scheme === "file" && this.url.path.length === 0 && isWindowsDriveLetterString(this.buffer)) { if ( !== "" && !== null) { this.parseError = true; = ""; } this.buffer = this.buffer[0] + ":"; } this.url.path.push(this.buffer); } this.buffer = ""; if (this.url.scheme === "file" && (c === undefined || c === 63 || c === 35)) { while (this.url.path.length > 1 && this.url.path[0] === "") { this.parseError = true; this.url.path.shift(); } } if (c === 63) { this.url.query = ""; this.state = "query"; } if (c === 35) { this.url.fragment = ""; this.state = "fragment"; } } else { // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. if (c === 37 && (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { this.parseError = true; } this.buffer += percentEncodeChar(c, isPathPercentEncode); } return true; }; URLStateMachine.prototype["parse cannot-be-a-base-URL path"] = function parseCannotBeABaseURLPath(c) { if (c === 63) { this.url.query = ""; this.state = "query"; } else if (c === 35) { this.url.fragment = ""; this.state = "fragment"; } else { // TODO: Add: not a URL code point if (!isNaN(c) && c !== 37) { this.parseError = true; } if (c === 37 && (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { this.parseError = true; } if (!isNaN(c)) { this.url.path[0] = this.url.path[0] + percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); } } return true; }; URLStateMachine.prototype["parse query"] = function parseQuery(c, cStr) { if (isNaN(c) || !this.stateOverride && c === 35) { if (!isSpecial(this.url) || this.url.scheme === "ws" || this.url.scheme === "wss") { this.encodingOverride = "utf-8"; } const buffer = new Buffer(this.buffer); // TODO: Use encoding override instead for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length; ++i) { if (buffer[i] < 0x21 || buffer[i] > 0x7E || buffer[i] === 0x22 || buffer[i] === 0x23 || buffer[i] === 0x3C || buffer[i] === 0x3E) { this.url.query += percentEncode(buffer[i]); } else { this.url.query += String.fromCodePoint(buffer[i]); } } this.buffer = ""; if (c === 35) { this.url.fragment = ""; this.state = "fragment"; } } else { // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. if (c === 37 && (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { this.parseError = true; } this.buffer += cStr; } return true; }; URLStateMachine.prototype["parse fragment"] = function parseFragment(c) { if (isNaN(c)) ; else if (c === 0x0) { this.parseError = true; } else { // TODO: If c is not a URL code point and not "%", parse error. if (c === 37 && (!isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 1]) || !isASCIIHex(this.input[this.pointer + 2]))) { this.parseError = true; } this.url.fragment += percentEncodeChar(c, isC0ControlPercentEncode); } return true; }; function serializeURL(url, excludeFragment) { let output = url.scheme + ":"; if ( !== null) { output += "//"; if (url.username !== "" || url.password !== "") { output += url.username; if (url.password !== "") { output += ":" + url.password; } output += "@"; } output += serializeHost(; if (url.port !== null) { output += ":" + url.port; } } else if ( === null && url.scheme === "file") { output += "//"; } if (url.cannotBeABaseURL) { output += url.path[0]; } else { for (const string of url.path) { output += "/" + string; } } if (url.query !== null) { output += "?" + url.query; } if (!excludeFragment && url.fragment !== null) { output += "#" + url.fragment; } return output; } function serializeOrigin(tuple) { let result = tuple.scheme + "://"; result += serializeHost(; if (tuple.port !== null) { result += ":" + tuple.port; } return result; } module.exports.serializeURL = serializeURL; module.exports.serializeURLOrigin = function (url) { // switch (url.scheme) { case "blob": try { return module.exports.serializeURLOrigin(module.exports.parseURL(url.path[0])); } catch (e) { // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" return "null"; } case "ftp": case "gopher": case "http": case "https": case "ws": case "wss": return serializeOrigin({ scheme: url.scheme, host:, port: url.port }); case "file": // spec says "exercise to the reader", chrome says "file://" return "file://"; default: // serializing an opaque origin returns "null" return "null"; } }; module.exports.basicURLParse = function (input, options) { if (options === undefined) { options = {}; } const usm = new URLStateMachine(input, options.baseURL, options.encodingOverride, options.url, options.stateOverride); if (usm.failure) { return "failure"; } return usm.url; }; module.exports.setTheUsername = function (url, username) { url.username = ""; const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(username); for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { url.username += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); } }; module.exports.setThePassword = function (url, password) { url.password = ""; const decoded = punycode.ucs2.decode(password); for (let i = 0; i < decoded.length; ++i) { url.password += percentEncodeChar(decoded[i], isUserinfoPercentEncode); } }; module.exports.serializeHost = serializeHost; module.exports.cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort = cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort; module.exports.serializeInteger = function (integer) { return String(integer); }; module.exports.parseURL = function (input, options) { if (options === undefined) { options = {}; } // We don't handle blobs, so this just delegates: return module.exports.basicURLParse(input, { baseURL: options.baseURL, encodingOverride: options.encodingOverride }); }; }); var implementation = class URLImpl { constructor(constructorArgs) { const url = constructorArgs[0]; const base = constructorArgs[1]; let parsedBase = null; if (base !== undefined) { parsedBase = urlStateMachine.basicURLParse(base); if (parsedBase === "failure") { throw new TypeError("Invalid base URL"); } } const parsedURL = urlStateMachine.basicURLParse(url, { baseURL: parsedBase }); if (parsedURL === "failure") { throw new TypeError("Invalid URL"); } this._url = parsedURL; // TODO: query stuff } get href() { return urlStateMachine.serializeURL(this._url); } set href(v) { const parsedURL = urlStateMachine.basicURLParse(v); if (parsedURL === "failure") { throw new TypeError("Invalid URL"); } this._url = parsedURL; } get origin() { return urlStateMachine.serializeURLOrigin(this._url); } get protocol() { return this._url.scheme + ":"; } set protocol(v) { urlStateMachine.basicURLParse(v + ":", { url: this._url, stateOverride: "scheme start" }); } get username() { return this._url.username; } set username(v) { if (urlStateMachine.cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(this._url)) { return; } urlStateMachine.setTheUsername(this._url, v); } get password() { return this._url.password; } set password(v) { if (urlStateMachine.cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(this._url)) { return; } urlStateMachine.setThePassword(this._url, v); } get host() { const url = this._url; if ( === null) { return ""; } if (url.port === null) { return urlStateMachine.serializeHost(; } return urlStateMachine.serializeHost( + ":" + urlStateMachine.serializeInteger(url.port); } set host(v) { if (this._url.cannotBeABaseURL) { return; } urlStateMachine.basicURLParse(v, { url: this._url, stateOverride: "host" }); } get hostname() { if ( === null) { return ""; } return urlStateMachine.serializeHost(; } set hostname(v) { if (this._url.cannotBeABaseURL) { return; } urlStateMachine.basicURLParse(v, { url: this._url, stateOverride: "hostname" }); } get port() { if (this._url.port === null) { return ""; } return urlStateMachine.serializeInteger(this._url.port); } set port(v) { if (urlStateMachine.cannotHaveAUsernamePasswordPort(this._url)) { return; } if (v === "") { this._url.port = null; } else { urlStateMachine.basicURLParse(v, { url: this._url, stateOverride: "port" }); } } get pathname() { if (this._url.cannotBeABaseURL) { return this._url.path[0]; } if (this._url.path.length === 0) { return ""; } return "/" + this._url.path.join("/"); } set pathname(v) { if (this._url.cannotBeABaseURL) { return; } this._url.path = []; urlStateMachine.basicURLParse(v, { url: this._url, stateOverride: "path start" }); } get search() { if (this._url.query === null || this._url.query === "") { return ""; } return "?" + this._url.query; } set search(v) { // TODO: query stuff const url = this._url; if (v === "") { url.query = null; return; } const input = v[0] === "?" ? v.substring(1) : v; url.query = ""; urlStateMachine.basicURLParse(input, { url, stateOverride: "query" }); } get hash() { if (this._url.fragment === null || this._url.fragment === "") { return ""; } return "#" + this._url.fragment; } set hash(v) { if (v === "") { this._url.fragment = null; return; } const input = v[0] === "#" ? v.substring(1) : v; this._url.fragment = ""; urlStateMachine.basicURLParse(input, { url: this._url, stateOverride: "fragment" }); } toJSON() { return this.href; } }; var URLImpl_1 = { implementation: implementation }; var URL_1 = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { const impl = utils.implSymbol; function URL(url) { if (!this || this[impl] || !(this instanceof URL)) { throw new TypeError("Failed to construct 'URL': Please use the 'new' operator, this DOM object constructor cannot be called as a function."); } if (arguments.length < 1) { throw new TypeError("Failed to construct 'URL': 1 argument required, but only " + arguments.length + " present."); } const args = []; for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length && i < 2; ++i) { args[i] = arguments[i]; } args[0] = lib$2["USVString"](args[0]); if (args[1] !== undefined) { args[1] = lib$2["USVString"](args[1]); } module.exports.setup(this, args); } URL.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON() { if (!this || ! { throw new TypeError("Illegal invocation"); } const args = []; for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length && i < 0; ++i) { args[i] = arguments[i]; } return this[impl].toJSON.apply(this[impl], args); }; Object.defineProperty(URL.prototype, "href", { get() { return this[impl].href; }, set(V) { V = lib$2["USVString"](V); this[impl].href = V; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); URL.prototype.toString = function () { if (!this || ! { throw new TypeError("Illegal invocation"); } return this.href; }; Object.defineProperty(URL.prototype, "origin", { get() { return this[impl].origin; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(URL.prototype, "protocol", { get() { return this[impl].protocol; }, set(V) { V = lib$2["USVString"](V); this[impl].protocol = V; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(URL.prototype, "username", { get() { return this[impl].username; }, set(V) { V = lib$2["USVString"](V); this[impl].username = V; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(URL.prototype, "password", { get() { return this[impl].password; }, set(V) { V = lib$2["USVString"](V); this[impl].password = V; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(URL.prototype, "host", { get() { return this[impl].host; }, set(V) { V = lib$2["USVString"](V); this[impl].host = V; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(URL.prototype, "hostname", { get() { return this[impl].hostname; }, set(V) { V = lib$2["USVString"](V); this[impl].hostname = V; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(URL.prototype, "port", { get() { return this[impl].port; }, set(V) { V = lib$2["USVString"](V); this[impl].port = V; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(URL.prototype, "pathname", { get() { return this[impl].pathname; }, set(V) { V = lib$2["USVString"](V); this[impl].pathname = V; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(URL.prototype, "search", { get() { return this[impl].search; }, set(V) { V = lib$2["USVString"](V); this[impl].search = V; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(URL.prototype, "hash", { get() { return this[impl].hash; }, set(V) { V = lib$2["USVString"](V); this[impl].hash = V; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); module.exports = { is(obj) { return !!obj && obj[impl] instanceof URLImpl_1.implementation; }, create(constructorArgs, privateData) { let obj = Object.create(URL.prototype); this.setup(obj, constructorArgs, privateData); return obj; }, setup(obj, constructorArgs, privateData) { if (!privateData) privateData = {}; privateData.wrapper = obj; obj[impl] = new URLImpl_1.implementation(constructorArgs, privateData); obj[impl][utils.wrapperSymbol] = obj; }, interface: URL, expose: { Window: { URL: URL }, Worker: { URL: URL } } }; }); var URL$4 = URL_1.interface; var serializeURL = urlStateMachine.serializeURL; var serializeURLOrigin = urlStateMachine.serializeURLOrigin; var basicURLParse = urlStateMachine.basicURLParse; var setTheUsername = urlStateMachine.setTheUsername; var setThePassword = urlStateMachine.setThePassword; var serializeHost = urlStateMachine.serializeHost; var serializeInteger = urlStateMachine.serializeInteger; var parseURL$2 = urlStateMachine.parseURL; var publicApi = { URL: URL$4, serializeURL: serializeURL, serializeURLOrigin: serializeURLOrigin, basicURLParse: basicURLParse, setTheUsername: setTheUsername, setThePassword: setThePassword, serializeHost: serializeHost, serializeInteger: serializeInteger, parseURL: parseURL$2 }; // Based on // fix for "Readable" isn't a named export issue const Readable$1 = Stream.Readable; const BUFFER$1 = Symbol('buffer'); const TYPE$2 = Symbol('type'); class Blob$1 { constructor() { this[TYPE$2] = ''; const blobParts = arguments[0]; const options = arguments[1]; const buffers = []; if (blobParts) { const a = blobParts; const length = Number(a.length); for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { const element = a[i]; let buffer; if (element instanceof Buffer) { buffer = element; } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(element)) { buffer = Buffer.from(element.buffer, element.byteOffset, element.byteLength); } else if (element instanceof ArrayBuffer) { buffer = Buffer.from(element); } else if (element instanceof Blob$1) { buffer = element[BUFFER$1]; } else { buffer = Buffer.from(typeof element === 'string' ? element : String(element)); } buffers.push(buffer); } } this[BUFFER$1] = Buffer.concat(buffers); let type = options && options.type !== undefined && String(options.type).toLowerCase(); if (type && !/[^\u0020-\u007E]/.test(type)) { this[TYPE$2] = type; } } get size() { return this[BUFFER$1].length; } get type() { return this[TYPE$2]; } text() { return Promise.resolve(this[BUFFER$1].toString()); } arrayBuffer() { const buf = this[BUFFER$1]; const ab = buf.buffer.slice(buf.byteOffset, buf.byteOffset + buf.byteLength); return Promise.resolve(ab); } stream() { const readable = new Readable$1(); readable._read = function () {}; readable.push(this[BUFFER$1]); readable.push(null); return readable; } toString() { return '[object Blob]'; } slice() { const size = this.size; const start = arguments[0]; const end = arguments[1]; let relativeStart, relativeEnd; if (start === undefined) { relativeStart = 0; } else if (start < 0) { relativeStart = Math.max(size + start, 0); } else { relativeStart = Math.min(start, size); } if (end === undefined) { relativeEnd = size; } else if (end < 0) { relativeEnd = Math.max(size + end, 0); } else { relativeEnd = Math.min(end, size); } const span = Math.max(relativeEnd - relativeStart, 0); const buffer = this[BUFFER$1]; const slicedBuffer = buffer.slice(relativeStart, relativeStart + span); const blob = new Blob$1([], { type: arguments[2] }); blob[BUFFER$1] = slicedBuffer; return blob; } } Object.defineProperties(Blob$1.prototype, { size: { enumerable: true }, type: { enumerable: true }, slice: { enumerable: true } }); Object.defineProperty(Blob$1.prototype, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Blob', writable: false, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); /** * fetch-error.js * * FetchError interface for operational errors */ /** * Create FetchError instance * * @param String message Error message for human * @param String type Error type for machine * @param String systemError For Node.js system error * @return FetchError */ function FetchError$1(message, type, systemError) {, message); this.message = message; this.type = type; // when err.type is `system`, err.code contains system error code if (systemError) { this.code = this.errno = systemError.code; } // hide custom error implementation details from end-users Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor); } FetchError$1.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype); FetchError$1.prototype.constructor = FetchError$1; FetchError$ = 'FetchError'; let convert$1; try { convert$1 = require('encoding').convert; } catch (e) {} const INTERNALS$3 = Symbol('Body internals'); // fix an issue where "PassThrough" isn't a named export for node <10 const PassThrough$2 = Stream.PassThrough; /** * Body mixin * * Ref: * * @param Stream body Readable stream * @param Object opts Response options * @return Void */ function Body$2(body) { var _this = this; var _ref = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}, _ref$size = _ref.size; let size = _ref$size === undefined ? 0 : _ref$size; var _ref$timeout = _ref.timeout; let timeout = _ref$timeout === undefined ? 0 : _ref$timeout; if (body == null) { // body is undefined or null body = null; } else if (isURLSearchParams$1(body)) { // body is a URLSearchParams body = Buffer.from(body.toString()); } else if (isBlob$1(body)) ;else if (Buffer.isBuffer(body)) ;else if ( === '[object ArrayBuffer]') { // body is ArrayBuffer body = Buffer.from(body); } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(body)) { // body is ArrayBufferView body = Buffer.from(body.buffer, body.byteOffset, body.byteLength); } else if (body instanceof Stream) ;else { // none of the above // coerce to string then buffer body = Buffer.from(String(body)); } this[INTERNALS$3] = { body, disturbed: false, error: null }; this.size = size; this.timeout = timeout; if (body instanceof Stream) { body.on('error', function (err) { const error = === 'AbortError' ? err : new FetchError$1(`Invalid response body while trying to fetch ${_this.url}: ${err.message}`, 'system', err); _this[INTERNALS$3].error = error; }); } } Body$2.prototype = { get body() { return this[INTERNALS$3].body; }, get bodyUsed() { return this[INTERNALS$3].disturbed; }, /** * Decode response as ArrayBuffer * * @return Promise */ arrayBuffer() { return consumeBody$ (buf) { return buf.buffer.slice(buf.byteOffset, buf.byteOffset + buf.byteLength); }); }, /** * Return raw response as Blob * * @return Promise */ blob() { let ct = this.headers && this.headers.get('content-type') || ''; return consumeBody$ (buf) { return Object.assign( // Prevent copying new Blob$1([], { type: ct.toLowerCase() }), { [BUFFER$1]: buf }); }); }, /** * Decode response as json * * @return Promise */ json() { var _this2 = this; return consumeBody$ (buffer) { try { return JSON.parse(buffer.toString()); } catch (err) { return Body$2.Promise.reject(new FetchError$1(`invalid json response body at ${_this2.url} reason: ${err.message}`, 'invalid-json')); } }); }, /** * Decode response as text * * @return Promise */ text() { return consumeBody$ (buffer) { return buffer.toString(); }); }, /** * Decode response as buffer (non-spec api) * * @return Promise */ buffer() { return consumeBody$; }, /** * Decode response as text, while automatically detecting the encoding and * trying to decode to UTF-8 (non-spec api) * * @return Promise */ textConverted() { var _this3 = this; return consumeBody$ (buffer) { return convertBody$1(buffer, _this3.headers); }); } }; // In browsers, all properties are enumerable. Object.defineProperties(Body$2.prototype, { body: { enumerable: true }, bodyUsed: { enumerable: true }, arrayBuffer: { enumerable: true }, blob: { enumerable: true }, json: { enumerable: true }, text: { enumerable: true } }); Body$2.mixIn = function (proto) { for (const name of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Body$2.prototype)) { // istanbul ignore else: future proof if (!(name in proto)) { const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Body$2.prototype, name); Object.defineProperty(proto, name, desc); } } }; /** * Consume and convert an entire Body to a Buffer. * * Ref: * * @return Promise */ function consumeBody$2() { var _this4 = this; if (this[INTERNALS$3].disturbed) { return Body$2.Promise.reject(new TypeError(`body used already for: ${this.url}`)); } this[INTERNALS$3].disturbed = true; if (this[INTERNALS$3].error) { return Body$2.Promise.reject(this[INTERNALS$3].error); } let body = this.body; // body is null if (body === null) { return Body$2.Promise.resolve(Buffer.alloc(0)); } // body is blob if (isBlob$1(body)) { body =; } // body is buffer if (Buffer.isBuffer(body)) { return Body$2.Promise.resolve(body); } // istanbul ignore if: should never happen if (!(body instanceof Stream)) { return Body$2.Promise.resolve(Buffer.alloc(0)); } // body is stream // get ready to actually consume the body let accum = []; let accumBytes = 0; let abort = false; return new Body$2.Promise(function (resolve, reject) { let resTimeout; // allow timeout on slow response body if (_this4.timeout) { resTimeout = setTimeout(function () { abort = true; reject(new FetchError$1(`Response timeout while trying to fetch ${_this4.url} (over ${_this4.timeout}ms)`, 'body-timeout')); }, _this4.timeout); } // handle stream errors body.on('error', function (err) { if ( === 'AbortError') { // if the request was aborted, reject with this Error abort = true; reject(err); } else { // other errors, such as incorrect content-encoding reject(new FetchError$1(`Invalid response body while trying to fetch ${_this4.url}: ${err.message}`, 'system', err)); } }); body.on('data', function (chunk) { if (abort || chunk === null) { return; } if (_this4.size && accumBytes + chunk.length > _this4.size) { abort = true; reject(new FetchError$1(`content size at ${_this4.url} over limit: ${_this4.size}`, 'max-size')); return; } accumBytes += chunk.length; accum.push(chunk); }); body.on('end', function () { if (abort) { return; } clearTimeout(resTimeout); try { resolve(Buffer.concat(accum, accumBytes)); } catch (err) { // handle streams that have accumulated too much data (issue #414) reject(new FetchError$1(`Could not create Buffer from response body for ${_this4.url}: ${err.message}`, 'system', err)); } }); }); } /** * Detect buffer encoding and convert to target encoding * ref: * * @param Buffer buffer Incoming buffer * @param String encoding Target encoding * @return String */ function convertBody$1(buffer, headers) { if (typeof convert$1 !== 'function') { throw new Error('The package `encoding` must be installed to use the textConverted() function'); } const ct = headers.get('content-type'); let charset = 'utf-8'; let res, str; // header if (ct) { res = /charset=([^;]*)/i.exec(ct); } // no charset in content type, peek at response body for at most 1024 bytes str = buffer.slice(0, 1024).toString(); // html5 if (!res && str) { res = / 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : undefined; this[MAP$1] = Object.create(null); if (init instanceof Headers$1) { const rawHeaders = init.raw(); const headerNames = Object.keys(rawHeaders); for (const headerName of headerNames) { for (const value of rawHeaders[headerName]) { this.append(headerName, value); } } return; } // We don't worry about converting prop to ByteString here as append() // will handle it. if (init == null) ;else if (typeof init === 'object') { const method = init[Symbol.iterator]; if (method != null) { if (typeof method !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('Header pairs must be iterable'); } // sequence> // Note: per spec we have to first exhaust the lists then process them const pairs = []; for (const pair of init) { if (typeof pair !== 'object' || typeof pair[Symbol.iterator] !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('Each header pair must be iterable'); } pairs.push(Array.from(pair)); } for (const pair of pairs) { if (pair.length !== 2) { throw new TypeError('Each header pair must be a name/value tuple'); } this.append(pair[0], pair[1]); } } else { // record for (const key of Object.keys(init)) { const value = init[key]; this.append(key, value); } } } else { throw new TypeError('Provided initializer must be an object'); } } /** * Return combined header value given name * * @param String name Header name * @return Mixed */ get(name) { name = `${name}`; validateName$1(name); const key = find$1(this[MAP$1], name); if (key === undefined) { return null; } return this[MAP$1][key].join(', '); } /** * Iterate over all headers * * @param Function callback Executed for each item with parameters (value, name, thisArg) * @param Boolean thisArg `this` context for callback function * @return Void */ forEach(callback) { let thisArg = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : undefined; let pairs = getHeaders$1(this); let i = 0; while (i < pairs.length) { var _pairs$i = pairs[i]; const name = _pairs$i[0], value = _pairs$i[1];, value, name, this); pairs = getHeaders$1(this); i++; } } /** * Overwrite header values given name * * @param String name Header name * @param String value Header value * @return Void */ set(name, value) { name = `${name}`; value = `${value}`; validateName$1(name); validateValue$1(value); const key = find$1(this[MAP$1], name); this[MAP$1][key !== undefined ? key : name] = [value]; } /** * Append a value onto existing header * * @param String name Header name * @param String value Header value * @return Void */ append(name, value) { name = `${name}`; value = `${value}`; validateName$1(name); validateValue$1(value); const key = find$1(this[MAP$1], name); if (key !== undefined) { this[MAP$1][key].push(value); } else { this[MAP$1][name] = [value]; } } /** * Check for header name existence * * @param String name Header name * @return Boolean */ has(name) { name = `${name}`; validateName$1(name); return find$1(this[MAP$1], name) !== undefined; } /** * Delete all header values given name * * @param String name Header name * @return Void */ delete(name) { name = `${name}`; validateName$1(name); const key = find$1(this[MAP$1], name); if (key !== undefined) { delete this[MAP$1][key]; } } /** * Return raw headers (non-spec api) * * @return Object */ raw() { return this[MAP$1]; } /** * Get an iterator on keys. * * @return Iterator */ keys() { return createHeadersIterator$1(this, 'key'); } /** * Get an iterator on values. * * @return Iterator */ values() { return createHeadersIterator$1(this, 'value'); } /** * Get an iterator on entries. * * This is the default iterator of the Headers object. * * @return Iterator */ [Symbol.iterator]() { return createHeadersIterator$1(this, 'key+value'); } } Headers$1.prototype.entries = Headers$1.prototype[Symbol.iterator]; Object.defineProperty(Headers$1.prototype, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Headers', writable: false, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperties(Headers$1.prototype, { get: { enumerable: true }, forEach: { enumerable: true }, set: { enumerable: true }, append: { enumerable: true }, has: { enumerable: true }, delete: { enumerable: true }, keys: { enumerable: true }, values: { enumerable: true }, entries: { enumerable: true } }); function getHeaders$1(headers) { let kind = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 'key+value'; const keys = Object.keys(headers[MAP$1]).sort(); return === 'key' ? function (k) { return k.toLowerCase(); } : kind === 'value' ? function (k) { return headers[MAP$1][k].join(', '); } : function (k) { return [k.toLowerCase(), headers[MAP$1][k].join(', ')]; }); } const INTERNAL$1 = Symbol('internal'); function createHeadersIterator$1(target, kind) { const iterator = Object.create(HeadersIteratorPrototype$1); iterator[INTERNAL$1] = { target, kind, index: 0 }; return iterator; } const HeadersIteratorPrototype$1 = Object.setPrototypeOf({ next() { // istanbul ignore if if (!this || Object.getPrototypeOf(this) !== HeadersIteratorPrototype$1) { throw new TypeError('Value of `this` is not a HeadersIterator'); } var _INTERNAL = this[INTERNAL$1]; const target =, kind = _INTERNAL.kind, index = _INTERNAL.index; const values = getHeaders$1(target, kind); const len = values.length; if (index >= len) { return { value: undefined, done: true }; } this[INTERNAL$1].index = index + 1; return { value: values[index], done: false }; } }, Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.getPrototypeOf([][Symbol.iterator]()))); Object.defineProperty(HeadersIteratorPrototype$1, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'HeadersIterator', writable: false, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); /** * Export the Headers object in a form that Node.js can consume. * * @param Headers headers * @return Object */ function exportNodeCompatibleHeaders$1(headers) { const obj = Object.assign({ __proto__: null }, headers[MAP$1]); // http.request() only supports string as Host header. This hack makes // specifying custom Host header possible. const hostHeaderKey = find$1(headers[MAP$1], 'Host'); if (hostHeaderKey !== undefined) { obj[hostHeaderKey] = obj[hostHeaderKey][0]; } return obj; } /** * Create a Headers object from an object of headers, ignoring those that do * not conform to HTTP grammar productions. * * @param Object obj Object of headers * @return Headers */ function createHeadersLenient$1(obj) { const headers = new Headers$1(); for (const name of Object.keys(obj)) { if (invalidTokenRegex$1.test(name)) { continue; } if (Array.isArray(obj[name])) { for (const val of obj[name]) { if (invalidHeaderCharRegex$1.test(val)) { continue; } if (headers[MAP$1][name] === undefined) { headers[MAP$1][name] = [val]; } else { headers[MAP$1][name].push(val); } } } else if (!invalidHeaderCharRegex$1.test(obj[name])) { headers[MAP$1][name] = [obj[name]]; } } return headers; } const INTERNALS$1$1 = Symbol('Response internals'); // fix an issue where "STATUS_CODES" aren't a named export for node <10 const STATUS_CODES$1 = http.STATUS_CODES; /** * Response class * * @param Stream body Readable stream * @param Object opts Response options * @return Void */ class Response$1 { constructor() { let body = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : null; let opts = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; Body$, body, opts); const status = opts.status || 200; const headers = new Headers$1(opts.headers); if (body != null && !headers.has('Content-Type')) { const contentType = extractContentType$2(body); if (contentType) { headers.append('Content-Type', contentType); } } this[INTERNALS$1$1] = { url: opts.url, status, statusText: opts.statusText || STATUS_CODES$1[status], headers, counter: opts.counter }; } get url() { return this[INTERNALS$1$1].url || ''; } get status() { return this[INTERNALS$1$1].status; } /** * Convenience property representing if the request ended normally */ get ok() { return this[INTERNALS$1$1].status >= 200 && this[INTERNALS$1$1].status < 300; } get redirected() { return this[INTERNALS$1$1].counter > 0; } get statusText() { return this[INTERNALS$1$1].statusText; } get headers() { return this[INTERNALS$1$1].headers; } /** * Clone this response * * @return Response */ clone() { return new Response$1(clone$2(this), { url: this.url, status: this.status, statusText: this.statusText, headers: this.headers, ok: this.ok, redirected: this.redirected }); } } Body$2.mixIn(Response$1.prototype); Object.defineProperties(Response$1.prototype, { url: { enumerable: true }, status: { enumerable: true }, ok: { enumerable: true }, redirected: { enumerable: true }, statusText: { enumerable: true }, headers: { enumerable: true }, clone: { enumerable: true } }); Object.defineProperty(Response$1.prototype, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Response', writable: false, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); const INTERNALS$2$1 = Symbol('Request internals'); const URL$3 = Url.URL || publicApi.URL; // fix an issue where "format", "parse" aren't a named export for node <10 const parse_url$1 = Url.parse; const format_url$1 = Url.format; /** * Wrapper around `new URL` to handle arbitrary URLs * * @param {string} urlStr * @return {void} */ function parseURL$1(urlStr) { /* Check whether the URL is absolute or not Scheme: Absolute URL: */ if (/^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\d+\-.]*:/.exec(urlStr)) { urlStr = new URL$3(urlStr).toString(); } // Fallback to old implementation for arbitrary URLs return parse_url$1(urlStr); } const streamDestructionSupported$1 = ('destroy' in Stream.Readable.prototype); /** * Check if a value is an instance of Request. * * @param Mixed input * @return Boolean */ function isRequest$1(input) { return typeof input === 'object' && typeof input[INTERNALS$2$1] === 'object'; } function isAbortSignal$1(signal) { const proto = signal && typeof signal === 'object' && Object.getPrototypeOf(signal); return !!(proto && === 'AbortSignal'); } /** * Request class * * @param Mixed input Url or Request instance * @param Object init Custom options * @return Void */ class Request$1 { constructor(input) { let init = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; let parsedURL; // normalize input if (!isRequest$1(input)) { if (input && input.href) { // in order to support Node.js' Url objects; though WHATWG's URL objects // will fall into this branch also (since their `toString()` will return // `href` property anyway) parsedURL = parseURL$1(input.href); } else { // coerce input to a string before attempting to parse parsedURL = parseURL$1(`${input}`); } input = {}; } else { parsedURL = parseURL$1(input.url); } let method = init.method || input.method || 'GET'; method = method.toUpperCase(); if ((init.body != null || isRequest$1(input) && input.body !== null) && (method === 'GET' || method === 'HEAD')) { throw new TypeError('Request with GET/HEAD method cannot have body'); } let inputBody = init.body != null ? init.body : isRequest$1(input) && input.body !== null ? clone$2(input) : null; Body$, inputBody, { timeout: init.timeout || input.timeout || 0, size: init.size || input.size || 0 }); const headers = new Headers$1(init.headers || input.headers || {}); if (inputBody != null && !headers.has('Content-Type')) { const contentType = extractContentType$2(inputBody); if (contentType) { headers.append('Content-Type', contentType); } } let signal = isRequest$1(input) ? input.signal : null; if ('signal' in init) signal = init.signal; if (signal != null && !isAbortSignal$1(signal)) { throw new TypeError('Expected signal to be an instanceof AbortSignal'); } this[INTERNALS$2$1] = { method, redirect: init.redirect || input.redirect || 'follow', headers, parsedURL, signal }; // node-fetch-only options this.follow = init.follow !== undefined ? init.follow : input.follow !== undefined ? input.follow : 20; this.compress = init.compress !== undefined ? init.compress : input.compress !== undefined ? input.compress : true; this.counter = init.counter || input.counter || 0; this.agent = init.agent || input.agent; } get method() { return this[INTERNALS$2$1].method; } get url() { return format_url$1(this[INTERNALS$2$1].parsedURL); } get headers() { return this[INTERNALS$2$1].headers; } get redirect() { return this[INTERNALS$2$1].redirect; } get signal() { return this[INTERNALS$2$1].signal; } /** * Clone this request * * @return Request */ clone() { return new Request$1(this); } } Body$2.mixIn(Request$1.prototype); Object.defineProperty(Request$1.prototype, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Request', writable: false, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperties(Request$1.prototype, { method: { enumerable: true }, url: { enumerable: true }, headers: { enumerable: true }, redirect: { enumerable: true }, clone: { enumerable: true }, signal: { enumerable: true } }); /** * Convert a Request to Node.js http request options. * * @param Request A Request instance * @return Object The options object to be passed to http.request */ function getNodeRequestOptions$1(request) { const parsedURL = request[INTERNALS$2$1].parsedURL; const headers = new Headers$1(request[INTERNALS$2$1].headers); // fetch step 1.3 if (!headers.has('Accept')) { headers.set('Accept', '*/*'); } // Basic fetch if (!parsedURL.protocol || !parsedURL.hostname) { throw new TypeError('Only absolute URLs are supported'); } if (!/^https?:$/.test(parsedURL.protocol)) { throw new TypeError('Only HTTP(S) protocols are supported'); } if (request.signal && request.body instanceof Stream.Readable && !streamDestructionSupported$1) { throw new Error('Cancellation of streamed requests with AbortSignal is not supported in node < 8'); } // HTTP-network-or-cache fetch steps 2.4-2.7 let contentLengthValue = null; if (request.body == null && /^(POST|PUT)$/i.test(request.method)) { contentLengthValue = '0'; } if (request.body != null) { const totalBytes = getTotalBytes$1(request); if (typeof totalBytes === 'number') { contentLengthValue = String(totalBytes); } } if (contentLengthValue) { headers.set('Content-Length', contentLengthValue); } // HTTP-network-or-cache fetch step 2.11 if (!headers.has('User-Agent')) { headers.set('User-Agent', 'node-fetch/1.0 (+'); } // HTTP-network-or-cache fetch step 2.15 if (request.compress && !headers.has('Accept-Encoding')) { headers.set('Accept-Encoding', 'gzip,deflate'); } let agent = request.agent; if (typeof agent === 'function') { agent = agent(parsedURL); } // HTTP-network fetch step 4.2 // chunked encoding is handled by Node.js return Object.assign({}, parsedURL, { method: request.method, headers: exportNodeCompatibleHeaders$1(headers), agent }); } /** * abort-error.js * * AbortError interface for cancelled requests */ /** * Create AbortError instance * * @param String message Error message for human * @return AbortError */ function AbortError$1(message) {, message); this.type = 'aborted'; this.message = message; // hide custom error implementation details from end-users Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor); } AbortError$1.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype); AbortError$1.prototype.constructor = AbortError$1; AbortError$ = 'AbortError'; const URL$1$2 = Url.URL || publicApi.URL; // fix an issue where "PassThrough", "resolve" aren't a named export for node <10 const PassThrough$1$1 = Stream.PassThrough; const isDomainOrSubdomain$1 = function isDomainOrSubdomain(destination, original) { const orig = new URL$1$2(original).hostname; const dest = new URL$1$2(destination).hostname; return orig === dest || orig[orig.length - dest.length - 1] === '.' && orig.endsWith(dest); }; /** * isSameProtocol reports whether the two provided URLs use the same protocol. * * Both domains must already be in canonical form. * @param {string|URL} original * @param {string|URL} destination */ const isSameProtocol$1 = function isSameProtocol(destination, original) { const orig = new URL$1$2(original).protocol; const dest = new URL$1$2(destination).protocol; return orig === dest; }; /** * Fetch function * * @param Mixed url Absolute url or Request instance * @param Object opts Fetch options * @return Promise */ function fetch$2(url, opts) { // allow custom promise if (!fetch$2.Promise) { throw new Error('native promise missing, set fetch.Promise to your favorite alternative'); } Body$2.Promise = fetch$2.Promise; // wrap http.request into fetch return new fetch$2.Promise(function (resolve, reject) { // build request object const request = new Request$1(url, opts); const options = getNodeRequestOptions$1(request); const send = (options.protocol === 'https:' ? https : http).request; const signal = request.signal; let response = null; const abort = function abort() { let error = new AbortError$1('The user aborted a request.'); reject(error); if (request.body && request.body instanceof Stream.Readable) { destroyStream$1(request.body, error); } if (!response || !response.body) return; response.body.emit('error', error); }; if (signal && signal.aborted) { abort(); return; } const abortAndFinalize = function abortAndFinalize() { abort(); finalize(); }; // send request const req = send(options); let reqTimeout; if (signal) { signal.addEventListener('abort', abortAndFinalize); } function finalize() { req.abort(); if (signal) signal.removeEventListener('abort', abortAndFinalize); clearTimeout(reqTimeout); } if (request.timeout) { req.once('socket', function (socket) { reqTimeout = setTimeout(function () { reject(new FetchError$1(`network timeout at: ${request.url}`, 'request-timeout')); finalize(); }, request.timeout); }); } req.on('error', function (err) { reject(new FetchError$1(`request to ${request.url} failed, reason: ${err.message}`, 'system', err)); if (response && response.body) { destroyStream$1(response.body, err); } finalize(); }); fixResponseChunkedTransferBadEnding$1(req, function (err) { if (signal && signal.aborted) { return; } if (response && response.body) { destroyStream$1(response.body, err); } }); /* c8 ignore next 18 */ if (parseInt(process.version.substring(1)) < 14) { // Before Node.js 14, pipeline() does not fully support async iterators and does not always // properly handle when the socket close/end events are out of order. req.on('socket', function (s) { s.addListener('close', function (hadError) { // if a data listener is still present we didn't end cleanly const hasDataListener = s.listenerCount('data') > 0; // if end happened before close but the socket didn't emit an error, do it now if (response && hasDataListener && !hadError && !(signal && signal.aborted)) { const err = new Error('Premature close'); err.code = 'ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE'; response.body.emit('error', err); } }); }); } req.on('response', function (res) { clearTimeout(reqTimeout); const headers = createHeadersLenient$1(res.headers); // HTTP fetch step 5 if (fetch$2.isRedirect(res.statusCode)) { // HTTP fetch step 5.2 const location = headers.get('Location'); // HTTP fetch step 5.3 let locationURL = null; try { locationURL = location === null ? null : new URL$1$2(location, request.url).toString(); } catch (err) { // error here can only be invalid URL in Location: header // do not throw when options.redirect == manual // let the user extract the errorneous redirect URL if (request.redirect !== 'manual') { reject(new FetchError$1(`uri requested responds with an invalid redirect URL: ${location}`, 'invalid-redirect')); finalize(); return; } } // HTTP fetch step 5.5 switch (request.redirect) { case 'error': reject(new FetchError$1(`uri requested responds with a redirect, redirect mode is set to error: ${request.url}`, 'no-redirect')); finalize(); return; case 'manual': // node-fetch-specific step: make manual redirect a bit easier to use by setting the Location header value to the resolved URL. if (locationURL !== null) { // handle corrupted header try { headers.set('Location', locationURL); } catch (err) { // istanbul ignore next: nodejs server prevent invalid response headers, we can't test this through normal request reject(err); } } break; case 'follow': // HTTP-redirect fetch step 2 if (locationURL === null) { break; } // HTTP-redirect fetch step 5 if (request.counter >= request.follow) { reject(new FetchError$1(`maximum redirect reached at: ${request.url}`, 'max-redirect')); finalize(); return; } // HTTP-redirect fetch step 6 (counter increment) // Create a new Request object. const requestOpts = { headers: new Headers$1(request.headers), follow: request.follow, counter: request.counter + 1, agent: request.agent, compress: request.compress, method: request.method, body: request.body, signal: request.signal, timeout: request.timeout, size: request.size }; if (!isDomainOrSubdomain$1(request.url, locationURL) || !isSameProtocol$1(request.url, locationURL)) { for (const name of ['authorization', 'www-authenticate', 'cookie', 'cookie2']) { requestOpts.headers.delete(name); } } // HTTP-redirect fetch step 9 if (res.statusCode !== 303 && request.body && getTotalBytes$1(request) === null) { reject(new FetchError$1('Cannot follow redirect with body being a readable stream', 'unsupported-redirect')); finalize(); return; } // HTTP-redirect fetch step 11 if (res.statusCode === 303 || (res.statusCode === 301 || res.statusCode === 302) && request.method === 'POST') { requestOpts.method = 'GET'; requestOpts.body = undefined; requestOpts.headers.delete('content-length'); } // HTTP-redirect fetch step 15 resolve(fetch$2(new Request$1(locationURL, requestOpts))); finalize(); return; } } // prepare response res.once('end', function () { if (signal) signal.removeEventListener('abort', abortAndFinalize); }); let body = res.pipe(new PassThrough$1$1()); const response_options = { url: request.url, status: res.statusCode, statusText: res.statusMessage, headers: headers, size: request.size, timeout: request.timeout, counter: request.counter }; // HTTP-network fetch step const codings = headers.get('Content-Encoding'); // HTTP-network fetch step handle content codings // in following scenarios we ignore compression support // 1. compression support is disabled // 2. HEAD request // 3. no Content-Encoding header // 4. no content response (204) // 5. content not modified response (304) if (!request.compress || request.method === 'HEAD' || codings === null || res.statusCode === 204 || res.statusCode === 304) { response = new Response$1(body, response_options); resolve(response); return; } // For Node v6+ // Be less strict when decoding compressed responses, since sometimes // servers send slightly invalid responses that are still accepted // by common browsers. // Always using Z_SYNC_FLUSH is what cURL does. const zlibOptions = { flush: zlib.Z_SYNC_FLUSH, finishFlush: zlib.Z_SYNC_FLUSH }; // for gzip if (codings == 'gzip' || codings == 'x-gzip') { body = body.pipe(zlib.createGunzip(zlibOptions)); response = new Response$1(body, response_options); resolve(response); return; } // for deflate if (codings == 'deflate' || codings == 'x-deflate') { // handle the infamous raw deflate response from old servers // a hack for old IIS and Apache servers const raw = res.pipe(new PassThrough$1$1()); raw.once('data', function (chunk) { // see if ((chunk[0] & 0x0F) === 0x08) { body = body.pipe(zlib.createInflate()); } else { body = body.pipe(zlib.createInflateRaw()); } response = new Response$1(body, response_options); resolve(response); }); raw.on('end', function () { // some old IIS servers return zero-length OK deflate responses, so 'data' is never emitted. if (!response) { response = new Response$1(body, response_options); resolve(response); } }); return; } // for br if (codings == 'br' && typeof zlib.createBrotliDecompress === 'function') { body = body.pipe(zlib.createBrotliDecompress()); response = new Response$1(body, response_options); resolve(response); return; } // otherwise, use response as-is response = new Response$1(body, response_options); resolve(response); }); writeToStream$1(req, request); }); } function fixResponseChunkedTransferBadEnding$1(request, errorCallback) { let socket; request.on('socket', function (s) { socket = s; }); request.on('response', function (response) { const headers = response.headers; if (headers['transfer-encoding'] === 'chunked' && !headers['content-length']) { response.once('close', function (hadError) { // tests for socket presence, as in some situations the // the 'socket' event is not triggered for the request // (happens in deno), avoids `TypeError` // if a data listener is still present we didn't end cleanly const hasDataListener = socket && socket.listenerCount('data') > 0; if (hasDataListener && !hadError) { const err = new Error('Premature close'); err.code = 'ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE'; errorCallback(err); } }); } }); } function destroyStream$1(stream, err) { if (stream.destroy) { stream.destroy(err); } else { // node < 8 stream.emit('error', err); stream.end(); } } /** * Redirect code matching * * @param Number code Status code * @return Boolean */ fetch$2.isRedirect = function (code) { return code === 301 || code === 302 || code === 303 || code === 307 || code === 308; }; // expose Promise fetch$2.Promise = global.Promise; var lib$1 = { __proto__: null, 'default': fetch$2, Headers: Headers$1, Request: Request$1, Response: Response$1, FetchError: FetchError$1, AbortError: AbortError$1 }; function serializeHeaders(headers) { return headers.raw(); } function deserializeHeaders(fetch, old = {}) { const headers = new fetch.Headers(); for (const name in old) { for (const value of old[name]) { headers.append(name, value); } } return headers; } function serializeRequest(request) { return [request.url, { method: request.method, headers: request.headers, body: request.body, mode: request.mode, credentials: request.credentials, cache: request.cache, redirect: request.redirect, referrer: request.referrer, referrerPolicy: request.referrerPolicy, integrity: request.integrity, keepalive: request.keepalive, // signal: request.signal, // node-fetch props follow: request.follow, timeout: request.timeout, compress: request.compress, size: request.size // agent: request.agent }]; } function deserializeRequest(fetch, resource, init) { return new fetch.Request(resource, { ...init, body: init.body ? Buffer.from(init.body, 'base64') : undefined, headers: deserializeHeaders(fetch, init.headers) }); } function serializeResponse(response) { return { url: response.url, headers: response.headers.raw(), status: response.status, statusText: response.statusText, counter: response.redirected ? 1 : 0 // could be more than one, but no way of telling }; } function deserializeResponse(fetch, body, init, bodyError) { const buffer = Buffer.from(body, 'base64'); return new fetch.Response(body ? createStream(buffer) : createStream(null), { ...init, headers: deserializeHeaders(fetch, init.headers) }, { buffer, bodyError }); } const errors = { TypeError }; function serializeError({ constructor, message, type, code }) { return [, [message, type, { code }]]; } function deserializeError(fetch, name, init) { if (name in errors) { return new errors[name](...init); } else { return new fetch.FetchError(...init); } } function parseBodyType(body) { if (body == null) { return 'Null'; } else if ( === 'URLSearchParams') { return 'URLSearchParams'; } else if (Buffer.isBuffer(body)) { return 'Buffer'; } else if ( === '[object ArrayBuffer]') { return 'ArrayBuffer'; } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(body)) { return 'ArrayBufferView'; } else if (body instanceof Stream) { return 'Stream'; } else { return 'String'; } } function parseBody(body, type = parseBodyType(body)) { switch (type) { case 'Null': return null; case 'URLSearchParams': return Buffer.from(body.toString()); case 'Buffer': return body; case 'ArrayBuffer': return Buffer.from(body); case 'ArrayBufferView': return Buffer.from(body.buffer, body.byteOffset, body.byteLength); case 'String': return Buffer.from(String(body)); default: throw new TypeError(`sync-fetch does not support bodies of type: ${type}`); } } function createStream(buffer) { return new Stream.Transform({ read() { this.push(buffer); this.push(null); } }); } var shared = { serializeHeaders, deserializeHeaders, serializeRequest, deserializeRequest, serializeResponse, deserializeResponse, serializeError, deserializeError, parseBodyType, parseBody, createStream }; const exec = require$$0.execFileSync; const { URL: URL$2 } = Url; function fetch$1(resource, init) { const request = []; if (resource instanceof fetch$1.Request) { request.push(...shared.serializeRequest(resource)); } else if (resource instanceof URL$2) { request.push(resource.href, {}); } else { request.push(resource, {}); } Object.assign(request[1], init); request[1].headers = new lib$1.Headers(request[1].headers); if (request[1].body) { const contentType = extractContentType$1(request); if (contentType && !request[1].headers.get('content-type')) { request[1].headers.append('content-type', contentType); } request[1].body = shared.parseBody(init.body).toString('base64'); } request[1].headers = shared.serializeHeaders(request[1].headers); // TODO credentials const response = JSON.parse(sendMessage(request)); if ('headers' in response[1]) { return shared.deserializeResponse(fetch$1, ...response); } else { throw shared.deserializeError(fetch$1, ...response); } } function sendMessage(message) { return exec(process.execPath, [path.join(__dirname, 'worker.js')], { windowsHide: true, maxBuffer: Infinity, input: JSON.stringify(message), shell: false }).toString(); } function extractContentType$1(input) { const request = new lib$1.Request(...input); return request.headers.get('content-type') || undefined; } const _body = Symbol('bodyBuffer'); const _bodyError = Symbol('bodyError'); class SyncRequest extends lib$1.Request { constructor(resource, init = {}) { const buffer = shared.parseBody(init.body); super(resource, init); defineBuffer(this, buffer); } clone() { checkBody(this); return new SyncRequest(...shared.serializeRequest(this)); } } class SyncResponse extends lib$1.Response { constructor(body, init, options = {}) { const { buffer = shared.parseBody(body), bodyError } = options; super(body, init); defineBuffer(this, buffer); if (bodyError) defineBodyError(this, bodyError); } clone() { checkBody(this); const buffer = Buffer.from(this[_body]); return new SyncResponse(shared.createStream(buffer), shared.serializeResponse(this), { buffer, bodyError: this[_bodyError] }); } } class Body$1 { static mixin(proto) { for (const name of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Body$1.prototype)) { if (name === 'constructor') { continue; } const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Body$1.prototype, name); Object.defineProperty(proto, name, { ...desc, enumerable: true }); } } arrayBuffer() { checkBody(this); const buf = consumeBody$1(this); return buf.buffer.slice(buf.byteOffset, buf.byteOffset + buf.byteLength); } text() { checkBody(this); return consumeBody$1(this).toString(); } json() { checkBody(this); try { return JSON.parse(consumeBody$1(this).toString()); } catch (err) { throw new fetch$1.FetchError(`invalid json response body at ${this.url} reason: ${err.message}`, 'invalid-json'); } } buffer() { checkBody(this); return Buffer.from(consumeBody$1(this)); } textConverted() { throw new fetch$1.FetchError('textConverted not implemented'); } } function _super(self, method) { return Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.getPrototypeOf(self))[method].bind(self); } function checkBody(body) { if (body[_bodyError]) { throw body[_bodyError]; } if (body.bodyUsed) { throw new TypeError(`body used already for: ${body.url}`); } } function consumeBody$1(body) { _super(body, 'buffer')().catch(error => console.error(error)); return body[_body] || Buffer.alloc(0); } function defineBuffer(body, buffer) { Object.defineProperty(body, _body, { value: buffer, enumerable: false }); } function defineBodyError(body, error) { Object.defineProperty(body, _bodyError, { value: shared.deserializeError(fetch$1, ...error), enumerable: false }); } Body$1.mixin(SyncRequest.prototype); Body$1.mixin(SyncResponse.prototype); Object.defineProperties(SyncRequest.prototype, { clone: { enumerable: true } }); Object.defineProperties(SyncResponse.prototype, { clone: { enumerable: true } }); fetch$1.Headers = lib$1.Headers; fetch$1.FetchError = lib$1.FetchError; fetch$1.Request = SyncRequest; fetch$1.Response = SyncResponse; // Based on // fix for "Readable" isn't a named export issue const Readable = Stream.Readable; const BUFFER = Symbol('buffer'); const TYPE$1 = Symbol('type'); class Blob { constructor() { this[TYPE$1] = ''; const blobParts = arguments[0]; const options = arguments[1]; const buffers = []; if (blobParts) { const a = blobParts; const length = Number(a.length); for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { const element = a[i]; let buffer; if (element instanceof Buffer) { buffer = element; } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(element)) { buffer = Buffer.from(element.buffer, element.byteOffset, element.byteLength); } else if (element instanceof ArrayBuffer) { buffer = Buffer.from(element); } else if (element instanceof Blob) { buffer = element[BUFFER]; } else { buffer = Buffer.from(typeof element === 'string' ? element : String(element)); } buffers.push(buffer); } } this[BUFFER] = Buffer.concat(buffers); let type = options && options.type !== undefined && String(options.type).toLowerCase(); if (type && !/[^\u0020-\u007E]/.test(type)) { this[TYPE$1] = type; } } get size() { return this[BUFFER].length; } get type() { return this[TYPE$1]; } text() { return Promise.resolve(this[BUFFER].toString()); } arrayBuffer() { const buf = this[BUFFER]; const ab = buf.buffer.slice(buf.byteOffset, buf.byteOffset + buf.byteLength); return Promise.resolve(ab); } stream() { const readable = new Readable(); readable._read = function () {}; readable.push(this[BUFFER]); readable.push(null); return readable; } toString() { return '[object Blob]'; } slice() { const size = this.size; const start = arguments[0]; const end = arguments[1]; let relativeStart, relativeEnd; if (start === undefined) { relativeStart = 0; } else if (start < 0) { relativeStart = Math.max(size + start, 0); } else { relativeStart = Math.min(start, size); } if (end === undefined) { relativeEnd = size; } else if (end < 0) { relativeEnd = Math.max(size + end, 0); } else { relativeEnd = Math.min(end, size); } const span = Math.max(relativeEnd - relativeStart, 0); const buffer = this[BUFFER]; const slicedBuffer = buffer.slice(relativeStart, relativeStart + span); const blob = new Blob([], { type: arguments[2] }); blob[BUFFER] = slicedBuffer; return blob; } } Object.defineProperties(Blob.prototype, { size: { enumerable: true }, type: { enumerable: true }, slice: { enumerable: true } }); Object.defineProperty(Blob.prototype, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Blob', writable: false, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); /** * fetch-error.js * * FetchError interface for operational errors */ /** * Create FetchError instance * * @param String message Error message for human * @param String type Error type for machine * @param String systemError For Node.js system error * @return FetchError */ function FetchError(message, type, systemError) {, message); this.message = message; this.type = type; // when err.type is `system`, err.code contains system error code if (systemError) { this.code = this.errno = systemError.code; } // hide custom error implementation details from end-users Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor); } FetchError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype); FetchError.prototype.constructor = FetchError; = 'FetchError'; let convert; try { convert = require('encoding').convert; } catch (e) {} const INTERNALS = Symbol('Body internals'); // fix an issue where "PassThrough" isn't a named export for node <10 const PassThrough = Stream.PassThrough; /** * Body mixin * * Ref: * * @param Stream body Readable stream * @param Object opts Response options * @return Void */ function Body(body) { var _this = this; var _ref = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}, _ref$size = _ref.size; let size = _ref$size === undefined ? 0 : _ref$size; var _ref$timeout = _ref.timeout; let timeout = _ref$timeout === undefined ? 0 : _ref$timeout; if (body == null) { // body is undefined or null body = null; } else if (isURLSearchParams(body)) { // body is a URLSearchParams body = Buffer.from(body.toString()); } else if (isBlob(body)) ;else if (Buffer.isBuffer(body)) ;else if ( === '[object ArrayBuffer]') { // body is ArrayBuffer body = Buffer.from(body); } else if (ArrayBuffer.isView(body)) { // body is ArrayBufferView body = Buffer.from(body.buffer, body.byteOffset, body.byteLength); } else if (body instanceof Stream) ;else { // none of the above // coerce to string then buffer body = Buffer.from(String(body)); } this[INTERNALS] = { body, disturbed: false, error: null }; this.size = size; this.timeout = timeout; if (body instanceof Stream) { body.on('error', function (err) { const error = === 'AbortError' ? err : new FetchError(`Invalid response body while trying to fetch ${_this.url}: ${err.message}`, 'system', err); _this[INTERNALS].error = error; }); } } Body.prototype = { get body() { return this[INTERNALS].body; }, get bodyUsed() { return this[INTERNALS].disturbed; }, /** * Decode response as ArrayBuffer * * @return Promise */ arrayBuffer() { return (buf) { return buf.buffer.slice(buf.byteOffset, buf.byteOffset + buf.byteLength); }); }, /** * Return raw response as Blob * * @return Promise */ blob() { let ct = this.headers && this.headers.get('content-type') || ''; return (buf) { return Object.assign( // Prevent copying new Blob([], { type: ct.toLowerCase() }), { [BUFFER]: buf }); }); }, /** * Decode response as json * * @return Promise */ json() { var _this2 = this; return (buffer) { try { return JSON.parse(buffer.toString()); } catch (err) { return Body.Promise.reject(new FetchError(`invalid json response body at ${_this2.url} reason: ${err.message}`, 'invalid-json')); } }); }, /** * Decode response as text * * @return Promise */ text() { return (buffer) { return buffer.toString(); }); }, /** * Decode response as buffer (non-spec api) * * @return Promise */ buffer() { return; }, /** * Decode response as text, while automatically detecting the encoding and * trying to decode to UTF-8 (non-spec api) * * @return Promise */ textConverted() { var _this3 = this; return (buffer) { return convertBody(buffer, _this3.headers); }); } }; // In browsers, all properties are enumerable. Object.defineProperties(Body.prototype, { body: { enumerable: true }, bodyUsed: { enumerable: true }, arrayBuffer: { enumerable: true }, blob: { enumerable: true }, json: { enumerable: true }, text: { enumerable: true } }); Body.mixIn = function (proto) { for (const name of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Body.prototype)) { // istanbul ignore else: future proof if (!(name in proto)) { const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Body.prototype, name); Object.defineProperty(proto, name, desc); } } }; /** * Consume and convert an entire Body to a Buffer. * * Ref: * * @return Promise */ function consumeBody() { var _this4 = this; if (this[INTERNALS].disturbed) { return Body.Promise.reject(new TypeError(`body used already for: ${this.url}`)); } this[INTERNALS].disturbed = true; if (this[INTERNALS].error) { return Body.Promise.reject(this[INTERNALS].error); } let body = this.body; // body is null if (body === null) { return Body.Promise.resolve(Buffer.alloc(0)); } // body is blob if (isBlob(body)) { body =; } // body is buffer if (Buffer.isBuffer(body)) { return Body.Promise.resolve(body); } // istanbul ignore if: should never happen if (!(body instanceof Stream)) { return Body.Promise.resolve(Buffer.alloc(0)); } // body is stream // get ready to actually consume the body let accum = []; let accumBytes = 0; let abort = false; return new Body.Promise(function (resolve, reject) { let resTimeout; // allow timeout on slow response body if (_this4.timeout) { resTimeout = setTimeout(function () { abort = true; reject(new FetchError(`Response timeout while trying to fetch ${_this4.url} (over ${_this4.timeout}ms)`, 'body-timeout')); }, _this4.timeout); } // handle stream errors body.on('error', function (err) { if ( === 'AbortError') { // if the request was aborted, reject with this Error abort = true; reject(err); } else { // other errors, such as incorrect content-encoding reject(new FetchError(`Invalid response body while trying to fetch ${_this4.url}: ${err.message}`, 'system', err)); } }); body.on('data', function (chunk) { if (abort || chunk === null) { return; } if (_this4.size && accumBytes + chunk.length > _this4.size) { abort = true; reject(new FetchError(`content size at ${_this4.url} over limit: ${_this4.size}`, 'max-size')); return; } accumBytes += chunk.length; accum.push(chunk); }); body.on('end', function () { if (abort) { return; } clearTimeout(resTimeout); try { resolve(Buffer.concat(accum, accumBytes)); } catch (err) { // handle streams that have accumulated too much data (issue #414) reject(new FetchError(`Could not create Buffer from response body for ${_this4.url}: ${err.message}`, 'system', err)); } }); }); } /** * Detect buffer encoding and convert to target encoding * ref: * * @param Buffer buffer Incoming buffer * @param String encoding Target encoding * @return String */ function convertBody(buffer, headers) { if (typeof convert !== 'function') { throw new Error('The package `encoding` must be installed to use the textConverted() function'); } const ct = headers.get('content-type'); let charset = 'utf-8'; let res, str; // header if (ct) { res = /charset=([^;]*)/i.exec(ct); } // no charset in content type, peek at response body for at most 1024 bytes str = buffer.slice(0, 1024).toString(); // html5 if (!res && str) { res = / 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : undefined; this[MAP] = Object.create(null); if (init instanceof Headers) { const rawHeaders = init.raw(); const headerNames = Object.keys(rawHeaders); for (const headerName of headerNames) { for (const value of rawHeaders[headerName]) { this.append(headerName, value); } } return; } // We don't worry about converting prop to ByteString here as append() // will handle it. if (init == null) ;else if (typeof init === 'object') { const method = init[Symbol.iterator]; if (method != null) { if (typeof method !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('Header pairs must be iterable'); } // sequence> // Note: per spec we have to first exhaust the lists then process them const pairs = []; for (const pair of init) { if (typeof pair !== 'object' || typeof pair[Symbol.iterator] !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('Each header pair must be iterable'); } pairs.push(Array.from(pair)); } for (const pair of pairs) { if (pair.length !== 2) { throw new TypeError('Each header pair must be a name/value tuple'); } this.append(pair[0], pair[1]); } } else { // record for (const key of Object.keys(init)) { const value = init[key]; this.append(key, value); } } } else { throw new TypeError('Provided initializer must be an object'); } } /** * Return combined header value given name * * @param String name Header name * @return Mixed */ get(name) { name = `${name}`; validateName(name); const key = find(this[MAP], name); if (key === undefined) { return null; } return this[MAP][key].join(', '); } /** * Iterate over all headers * * @param Function callback Executed for each item with parameters (value, name, thisArg) * @param Boolean thisArg `this` context for callback function * @return Void */ forEach(callback) { let thisArg = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : undefined; let pairs = getHeaders(this); let i = 0; while (i < pairs.length) { var _pairs$i = pairs[i]; const name = _pairs$i[0], value = _pairs$i[1];, value, name, this); pairs = getHeaders(this); i++; } } /** * Overwrite header values given name * * @param String name Header name * @param String value Header value * @return Void */ set(name, value) { name = `${name}`; value = `${value}`; validateName(name); validateValue(value); const key = find(this[MAP], name); this[MAP][key !== undefined ? key : name] = [value]; } /** * Append a value onto existing header * * @param String name Header name * @param String value Header value * @return Void */ append(name, value) { name = `${name}`; value = `${value}`; validateName(name); validateValue(value); const key = find(this[MAP], name); if (key !== undefined) { this[MAP][key].push(value); } else { this[MAP][name] = [value]; } } /** * Check for header name existence * * @param String name Header name * @return Boolean */ has(name) { name = `${name}`; validateName(name); return find(this[MAP], name) !== undefined; } /** * Delete all header values given name * * @param String name Header name * @return Void */ delete(name) { name = `${name}`; validateName(name); const key = find(this[MAP], name); if (key !== undefined) { delete this[MAP][key]; } } /** * Return raw headers (non-spec api) * * @return Object */ raw() { return this[MAP]; } /** * Get an iterator on keys. * * @return Iterator */ keys() { return createHeadersIterator(this, 'key'); } /** * Get an iterator on values. * * @return Iterator */ values() { return createHeadersIterator(this, 'value'); } /** * Get an iterator on entries. * * This is the default iterator of the Headers object. * * @return Iterator */ [Symbol.iterator]() { return createHeadersIterator(this, 'key+value'); } } Headers.prototype.entries = Headers.prototype[Symbol.iterator]; Object.defineProperty(Headers.prototype, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Headers', writable: false, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperties(Headers.prototype, { get: { enumerable: true }, forEach: { enumerable: true }, set: { enumerable: true }, append: { enumerable: true }, has: { enumerable: true }, delete: { enumerable: true }, keys: { enumerable: true }, values: { enumerable: true }, entries: { enumerable: true } }); function getHeaders(headers) { let kind = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 'key+value'; const keys = Object.keys(headers[MAP]).sort(); return === 'key' ? function (k) { return k.toLowerCase(); } : kind === 'value' ? function (k) { return headers[MAP][k].join(', '); } : function (k) { return [k.toLowerCase(), headers[MAP][k].join(', ')]; }); } const INTERNAL = Symbol('internal'); function createHeadersIterator(target, kind) { const iterator = Object.create(HeadersIteratorPrototype); iterator[INTERNAL] = { target, kind, index: 0 }; return iterator; } const HeadersIteratorPrototype = Object.setPrototypeOf({ next() { // istanbul ignore if if (!this || Object.getPrototypeOf(this) !== HeadersIteratorPrototype) { throw new TypeError('Value of `this` is not a HeadersIterator'); } var _INTERNAL = this[INTERNAL]; const target =, kind = _INTERNAL.kind, index = _INTERNAL.index; const values = getHeaders(target, kind); const len = values.length; if (index >= len) { return { value: undefined, done: true }; } this[INTERNAL].index = index + 1; return { value: values[index], done: false }; } }, Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.getPrototypeOf([][Symbol.iterator]()))); Object.defineProperty(HeadersIteratorPrototype, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'HeadersIterator', writable: false, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); /** * Export the Headers object in a form that Node.js can consume. * * @param Headers headers * @return Object */ function exportNodeCompatibleHeaders(headers) { const obj = Object.assign({ __proto__: null }, headers[MAP]); // http.request() only supports string as Host header. This hack makes // specifying custom Host header possible. const hostHeaderKey = find(headers[MAP], 'Host'); if (hostHeaderKey !== undefined) { obj[hostHeaderKey] = obj[hostHeaderKey][0]; } return obj; } /** * Create a Headers object from an object of headers, ignoring those that do * not conform to HTTP grammar productions. * * @param Object obj Object of headers * @return Headers */ function createHeadersLenient(obj) { const headers = new Headers(); for (const name of Object.keys(obj)) { if (invalidTokenRegex.test(name)) { continue; } if (Array.isArray(obj[name])) { for (const val of obj[name]) { if (invalidHeaderCharRegex.test(val)) { continue; } if (headers[MAP][name] === undefined) { headers[MAP][name] = [val]; } else { headers[MAP][name].push(val); } } } else if (!invalidHeaderCharRegex.test(obj[name])) { headers[MAP][name] = [obj[name]]; } } return headers; } const INTERNALS$1 = Symbol('Response internals'); // fix an issue where "STATUS_CODES" aren't a named export for node <10 const STATUS_CODES = http.STATUS_CODES; /** * Response class * * @param Stream body Readable stream * @param Object opts Response options * @return Void */ class Response { constructor() { let body = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : null; let opts = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};, body, opts); const status = opts.status || 200; const headers = new Headers(opts.headers); if (body != null && !headers.has('Content-Type')) { const contentType = extractContentType(body); if (contentType) { headers.append('Content-Type', contentType); } } this[INTERNALS$1] = { url: opts.url, status, statusText: opts.statusText || STATUS_CODES[status], headers, counter: opts.counter }; } get url() { return this[INTERNALS$1].url || ''; } get status() { return this[INTERNALS$1].status; } /** * Convenience property representing if the request ended normally */ get ok() { return this[INTERNALS$1].status >= 200 && this[INTERNALS$1].status < 300; } get redirected() { return this[INTERNALS$1].counter > 0; } get statusText() { return this[INTERNALS$1].statusText; } get headers() { return this[INTERNALS$1].headers; } /** * Clone this response * * @return Response */ clone() { return new Response(clone$1(this), { url: this.url, status: this.status, statusText: this.statusText, headers: this.headers, ok: this.ok, redirected: this.redirected }); } } Body.mixIn(Response.prototype); Object.defineProperties(Response.prototype, { url: { enumerable: true }, status: { enumerable: true }, ok: { enumerable: true }, redirected: { enumerable: true }, statusText: { enumerable: true }, headers: { enumerable: true }, clone: { enumerable: true } }); Object.defineProperty(Response.prototype, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Response', writable: false, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); const INTERNALS$2 = Symbol('Request internals'); const URL$1 = Url.URL || publicApi.URL; // fix an issue where "format", "parse" aren't a named export for node <10 const parse_url = Url.parse; const format_url = Url.format; /** * Wrapper around `new URL` to handle arbitrary URLs * * @param {string} urlStr * @return {void} */ function parseURL(urlStr) { /* Check whether the URL is absolute or not Scheme: Absolute URL: */ if (/^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\d+\-.]*:/.exec(urlStr)) { urlStr = new URL$1(urlStr).toString(); } // Fallback to old implementation for arbitrary URLs return parse_url(urlStr); } const streamDestructionSupported = ('destroy' in Stream.Readable.prototype); /** * Check if a value is an instance of Request. * * @param Mixed input * @return Boolean */ function isRequest(input) { return typeof input === 'object' && typeof input[INTERNALS$2] === 'object'; } function isAbortSignal(signal) { const proto = signal && typeof signal === 'object' && Object.getPrototypeOf(signal); return !!(proto && === 'AbortSignal'); } /** * Request class * * @param Mixed input Url or Request instance * @param Object init Custom options * @return Void */ class Request { constructor(input) { let init = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {}; let parsedURL; // normalize input if (!isRequest(input)) { if (input && input.href) { // in order to support Node.js' Url objects; though WHATWG's URL objects // will fall into this branch also (since their `toString()` will return // `href` property anyway) parsedURL = parseURL(input.href); } else { // coerce input to a string before attempting to parse parsedURL = parseURL(`${input}`); } input = {}; } else { parsedURL = parseURL(input.url); } let method = init.method || input.method || 'GET'; method = method.toUpperCase(); if ((init.body != null || isRequest(input) && input.body !== null) && (method === 'GET' || method === 'HEAD')) { throw new TypeError('Request with GET/HEAD method cannot have body'); } let inputBody = init.body != null ? init.body : isRequest(input) && input.body !== null ? clone$1(input) : null;, inputBody, { timeout: init.timeout || input.timeout || 0, size: init.size || input.size || 0 }); const headers = new Headers(init.headers || input.headers || {}); if (inputBody != null && !headers.has('Content-Type')) { const contentType = extractContentType(inputBody); if (contentType) { headers.append('Content-Type', contentType); } } let signal = isRequest(input) ? input.signal : null; if ('signal' in init) signal = init.signal; if (signal != null && !isAbortSignal(signal)) { throw new TypeError('Expected signal to be an instanceof AbortSignal'); } this[INTERNALS$2] = { method, redirect: init.redirect || input.redirect || 'follow', headers, parsedURL, signal }; // node-fetch-only options this.follow = init.follow !== undefined ? init.follow : input.follow !== undefined ? input.follow : 20; this.compress = init.compress !== undefined ? init.compress : input.compress !== undefined ? input.compress : true; this.counter = init.counter || input.counter || 0; this.agent = init.agent || input.agent; } get method() { return this[INTERNALS$2].method; } get url() { return format_url(this[INTERNALS$2].parsedURL); } get headers() { return this[INTERNALS$2].headers; } get redirect() { return this[INTERNALS$2].redirect; } get signal() { return this[INTERNALS$2].signal; } /** * Clone this request * * @return Request */ clone() { return new Request(this); } } Body.mixIn(Request.prototype); Object.defineProperty(Request.prototype, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Request', writable: false, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperties(Request.prototype, { method: { enumerable: true }, url: { enumerable: true }, headers: { enumerable: true }, redirect: { enumerable: true }, clone: { enumerable: true }, signal: { enumerable: true } }); /** * Convert a Request to Node.js http request options. * * @param Request A Request instance * @return Object The options object to be passed to http.request */ function getNodeRequestOptions(request) { const parsedURL = request[INTERNALS$2].parsedURL; const headers = new Headers(request[INTERNALS$2].headers); // fetch step 1.3 if (!headers.has('Accept')) { headers.set('Accept', '*/*'); } // Basic fetch if (!parsedURL.protocol || !parsedURL.hostname) { throw new TypeError('Only absolute URLs are supported'); } if (!/^https?:$/.test(parsedURL.protocol)) { throw new TypeError('Only HTTP(S) protocols are supported'); } if (request.signal && request.body instanceof Stream.Readable && !streamDestructionSupported) { throw new Error('Cancellation of streamed requests with AbortSignal is not supported in node < 8'); } // HTTP-network-or-cache fetch steps 2.4-2.7 let contentLengthValue = null; if (request.body == null && /^(POST|PUT)$/i.test(request.method)) { contentLengthValue = '0'; } if (request.body != null) { const totalBytes = getTotalBytes(request); if (typeof totalBytes === 'number') { contentLengthValue = String(totalBytes); } } if (contentLengthValue) { headers.set('Content-Length', contentLengthValue); } // HTTP-network-or-cache fetch step 2.11 if (!headers.has('User-Agent')) { headers.set('User-Agent', 'node-fetch/1.0 (+'); } // HTTP-network-or-cache fetch step 2.15 if (request.compress && !headers.has('Accept-Encoding')) { headers.set('Accept-Encoding', 'gzip,deflate'); } let agent = request.agent; if (typeof agent === 'function') { agent = agent(parsedURL); } // HTTP-network fetch step 4.2 // chunked encoding is handled by Node.js return Object.assign({}, parsedURL, { method: request.method, headers: exportNodeCompatibleHeaders(headers), agent }); } /** * abort-error.js * * AbortError interface for cancelled requests */ /** * Create AbortError instance * * @param String message Error message for human * @return AbortError */ function AbortError(message) {, message); this.type = 'aborted'; this.message = message; // hide custom error implementation details from end-users Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor); } AbortError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype); AbortError.prototype.constructor = AbortError; = 'AbortError'; const URL$1$1 = Url.URL || publicApi.URL; // fix an issue where "PassThrough", "resolve" aren't a named export for node <10 const PassThrough$1 = Stream.PassThrough; const isDomainOrSubdomain = function isDomainOrSubdomain(destination, original) { const orig = new URL$1$1(original).hostname; const dest = new URL$1$1(destination).hostname; return orig === dest || orig[orig.length - dest.length - 1] === '.' && orig.endsWith(dest); }; /** * isSameProtocol reports whether the two provided URLs use the same protocol. * * Both domains must already be in canonical form. * @param {string|URL} original * @param {string|URL} destination */ const isSameProtocol = function isSameProtocol(destination, original) { const orig = new URL$1$1(original).protocol; const dest = new URL$1$1(destination).protocol; return orig === dest; }; /** * Fetch function * * @param Mixed url Absolute url or Request instance * @param Object opts Fetch options * @return Promise */ function fetch(url, opts) { // allow custom promise if (!fetch.Promise) { throw new Error('native promise missing, set fetch.Promise to your favorite alternative'); } Body.Promise = fetch.Promise; // wrap http.request into fetch return new fetch.Promise(function (resolve, reject) { // build request object const request = new Request(url, opts); const options = getNodeRequestOptions(request); const send = (options.protocol === 'https:' ? https : http).request; const signal = request.signal; let response = null; const abort = function abort() { let error = new AbortError('The user aborted a request.'); reject(error); if (request.body && request.body instanceof Stream.Readable) { destroyStream(request.body, error); } if (!response || !response.body) return; response.body.emit('error', error); }; if (signal && signal.aborted) { abort(); return; } const abortAndFinalize = function abortAndFinalize() { abort(); finalize(); }; // send request const req = send(options); let reqTimeout; if (signal) { signal.addEventListener('abort', abortAndFinalize); } function finalize() { req.abort(); if (signal) signal.removeEventListener('abort', abortAndFinalize); clearTimeout(reqTimeout); } if (request.timeout) { req.once('socket', function (socket) { reqTimeout = setTimeout(function () { reject(new FetchError(`network timeout at: ${request.url}`, 'request-timeout')); finalize(); }, request.timeout); }); } req.on('error', function (err) { reject(new FetchError(`request to ${request.url} failed, reason: ${err.message}`, 'system', err)); if (response && response.body) { destroyStream(response.body, err); } finalize(); }); fixResponseChunkedTransferBadEnding(req, function (err) { if (signal && signal.aborted) { return; } if (response && response.body) { destroyStream(response.body, err); } }); /* c8 ignore next 18 */ if (parseInt(process.version.substring(1)) < 14) { // Before Node.js 14, pipeline() does not fully support async iterators and does not always // properly handle when the socket close/end events are out of order. req.on('socket', function (s) { s.addListener('close', function (hadError) { // if a data listener is still present we didn't end cleanly const hasDataListener = s.listenerCount('data') > 0; // if end happened before close but the socket didn't emit an error, do it now if (response && hasDataListener && !hadError && !(signal && signal.aborted)) { const err = new Error('Premature close'); err.code = 'ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE'; response.body.emit('error', err); } }); }); } req.on('response', function (res) { clearTimeout(reqTimeout); const headers = createHeadersLenient(res.headers); // HTTP fetch step 5 if (fetch.isRedirect(res.statusCode)) { // HTTP fetch step 5.2 const location = headers.get('Location'); // HTTP fetch step 5.3 let locationURL = null; try { locationURL = location === null ? null : new URL$1$1(location, request.url).toString(); } catch (err) { // error here can only be invalid URL in Location: header // do not throw when options.redirect == manual // let the user extract the errorneous redirect URL if (request.redirect !== 'manual') { reject(new FetchError(`uri requested responds with an invalid redirect URL: ${location}`, 'invalid-redirect')); finalize(); return; } } // HTTP fetch step 5.5 switch (request.redirect) { case 'error': reject(new FetchError(`uri requested responds with a redirect, redirect mode is set to error: ${request.url}`, 'no-redirect')); finalize(); return; case 'manual': // node-fetch-specific step: make manual redirect a bit easier to use by setting the Location header value to the resolved URL. if (locationURL !== null) { // handle corrupted header try { headers.set('Location', locationURL); } catch (err) { // istanbul ignore next: nodejs server prevent invalid response headers, we can't test this through normal request reject(err); } } break; case 'follow': // HTTP-redirect fetch step 2 if (locationURL === null) { break; } // HTTP-redirect fetch step 5 if (request.counter >= request.follow) { reject(new FetchError(`maximum redirect reached at: ${request.url}`, 'max-redirect')); finalize(); return; } // HTTP-redirect fetch step 6 (counter increment) // Create a new Request object. const requestOpts = { headers: new Headers(request.headers), follow: request.follow, counter: request.counter + 1, agent: request.agent, compress: request.compress, method: request.method, body: request.body, signal: request.signal, timeout: request.timeout, size: request.size }; if (!isDomainOrSubdomain(request.url, locationURL) || !isSameProtocol(request.url, locationURL)) { for (const name of ['authorization', 'www-authenticate', 'cookie', 'cookie2']) { requestOpts.headers.delete(name); } } // HTTP-redirect fetch step 9 if (res.statusCode !== 303 && request.body && getTotalBytes(request) === null) { reject(new FetchError('Cannot follow redirect with body being a readable stream', 'unsupported-redirect')); finalize(); return; } // HTTP-redirect fetch step 11 if (res.statusCode === 303 || (res.statusCode === 301 || res.statusCode === 302) && request.method === 'POST') { requestOpts.method = 'GET'; requestOpts.body = undefined; requestOpts.headers.delete('content-length'); } // HTTP-redirect fetch step 15 resolve(fetch(new Request(locationURL, requestOpts))); finalize(); return; } } // prepare response res.once('end', function () { if (signal) signal.removeEventListener('abort', abortAndFinalize); }); let body = res.pipe(new PassThrough$1()); const response_options = { url: request.url, status: res.statusCode, statusText: res.statusMessage, headers: headers, size: request.size, timeout: request.timeout, counter: request.counter }; // HTTP-network fetch step const codings = headers.get('Content-Encoding'); // HTTP-network fetch step handle content codings // in following scenarios we ignore compression support // 1. compression support is disabled // 2. HEAD request // 3. no Content-Encoding header // 4. no content response (204) // 5. content not modified response (304) if (!request.compress || request.method === 'HEAD' || codings === null || res.statusCode === 204 || res.statusCode === 304) { response = new Response(body, response_options); resolve(response); return; } // For Node v6+ // Be less strict when decoding compressed responses, since sometimes // servers send slightly invalid responses that are still accepted // by common browsers. // Always using Z_SYNC_FLUSH is what cURL does. const zlibOptions = { flush: zlib.Z_SYNC_FLUSH, finishFlush: zlib.Z_SYNC_FLUSH }; // for gzip if (codings == 'gzip' || codings == 'x-gzip') { body = body.pipe(zlib.createGunzip(zlibOptions)); response = new Response(body, response_options); resolve(response); return; } // for deflate if (codings == 'deflate' || codings == 'x-deflate') { // handle the infamous raw deflate response from old servers // a hack for old IIS and Apache servers const raw = res.pipe(new PassThrough$1()); raw.once('data', function (chunk) { // see if ((chunk[0] & 0x0F) === 0x08) { body = body.pipe(zlib.createInflate()); } else { body = body.pipe(zlib.createInflateRaw()); } response = new Response(body, response_options); resolve(response); }); raw.on('end', function () { // some old IIS servers return zero-length OK deflate responses, so 'data' is never emitted. if (!response) { response = new Response(body, response_options); resolve(response); } }); return; } // for br if (codings == 'br' && typeof zlib.createBrotliDecompress === 'function') { body = body.pipe(zlib.createBrotliDecompress()); response = new Response(body, response_options); resolve(response); return; } // otherwise, use response as-is response = new Response(body, response_options); resolve(response); }); writeToStream(req, request); }); } function fixResponseChunkedTransferBadEnding(request, errorCallback) { let socket; request.on('socket', function (s) { socket = s; }); request.on('response', function (response) { const headers = response.headers; if (headers['transfer-encoding'] === 'chunked' && !headers['content-length']) { response.once('close', function (hadError) { // tests for socket presence, as in some situations the // the 'socket' event is not triggered for the request // (happens in deno), avoids `TypeError` // if a data listener is still present we didn't end cleanly const hasDataListener = socket && socket.listenerCount('data') > 0; if (hasDataListener && !hadError) { const err = new Error('Premature close'); err.code = 'ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE'; errorCallback(err); } }); } }); } function destroyStream(stream, err) { if (stream.destroy) { stream.destroy(err); } else { // node < 8 stream.emit('error', err); stream.end(); } } /** * Redirect code matching * * @param Number code Status code * @return Boolean */ fetch.isRedirect = function (code) { return code === 301 || code === 302 || code === 303 || code === 307 || code === 308; }; // expose Promise fetch.Promise = global.Promise; var lib = { __proto__: null, 'default': fetch, Headers: Headers, Request: Request, Response: Response, FetchError: FetchError }; function wrapFetchForNode(fetch) { // Support schemaless URIs on the server for parity with the browser. // return function (u, options) { if (typeof u === 'string' && u.slice(0, 2) === '//') { return fetch('https:' + u, options); } return fetch(u, options); }; } var fetchNode = function (context) { // Support webpack module import weirdness. var fetchFn = lib.default ? lib.default : lib; // This modifies the global `node-fetch` object, which isn't great, since // different callers to `fetch-ponyfill` which pass a different Promise // implementation would each expect to have their implementation used. But, // given the way `node-fetch` is implemented, this is the only way to make // it work at all. if (context && context.Promise) { fetchFn.Promise = context.Promise; } return { fetch: wrapFetchForNode(fetchFn), Headers: lib.Headers, Request: lib.Request, Response: lib.Response }; }; //@ts-nocheck // import pkg from '../../package.json'; fetchNode(); /** * Generate ID * * @access protected * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.util * * @param {Array} list - old ID list * @param {String} prefix - ID prefix * * @return {String} CSL ID */ function fetchId(list, prefix) { let id; while (id === undefined || list.includes(id)) { id = `${prefix}${Math.random().toString().slice(2)}`; } return id; } // @ts-nocheck /** * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.util * @param {Object} [data={}] - initial values */ class Register { constructor(data = {}) { = data; } /** * @param {String} key * @param {*} value * @return {Register} this */ set(key, value) {[key] = value; return this; } /** * @param {String} key * @param {*} value * @return {Register} this */ add(...args) { return this.set(...args); } /** * @param {String} key * @return {Register} this */ delete(key) { delete[key]; return this; } /** * @param {String} key * @return {Register} this */ remove(...args) { return this.delete(...args); } /** * @param {String} key * @return {*} value */ get(key) { return[key]; } /** * @param {String} key * @return {Boolean} register has key */ has(key) { return, key); } /** * @return {Array} list of keys */ list() { return Object.keys(; } } // @ts-nocheck /** * @typedef module:@citation-js/core.util.Grammar~ruleName * @type {String} */ /** * @callback module:@citation-js/core.util.Grammar~rule * @this module:@citation-js/core.util.Grammar */ /** * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.util * * @param {Object} rules * @param {Object} state */ class Grammar { constructor(rules, state) { this.rules = rules; this.defaultState = state; this.mainRule = Object.keys(rules)[0]; this.log = []; } /** * @param iterator - lexer supporting formatError() and next() * @param [mainRule] - defaults to the first rule * @return result of the main rule */ parse(iterator, mainRule) { this.lexer = iterator; this.token =; this.state = deepCopy(this.defaultState); this.log = []; return this.consumeRule(mainRule || this.mainRule); } /** * @return {Boolean} true if there are no more tokens */ matchEndOfFile() { return !this.token; } /** * @param {String} type - a token type * @return {Boolean} true if the current token has the given type */ matchToken(type) { return this.token && type === this.token.type; } /** * @param {String} [type] - a token type * @param {Boolean} [optional=false] - false if it should throw an error if the type does not match * @return {Object} token information * @throws {SyntaxError} detailed syntax error if the current token is not the expected type or if there are no tokens left */ consumeToken(type, optional) { const token = this.token; if (!type || token && token.type === type) { this.token =; return token; } else if (optional) { return undefined; } else { const got = token ? `"${token.type}"` : 'EOF'; const error = new SyntaxError(this.lexer.formatError(token, `expected "${type}", got ${got}`)); error.message += ` (${this.log.join('->')})`; throw error; } } /** * @param {String} rule - a rule name * @return whatever the rule function returns */ consumeRule(rule) { this.log.push(rule); const result = this.rules[rule].call(this); this.log.pop(); return result; } } // @ts-nocheck /** * Mapping unit. * * @typedef {Object} module:@citation-js/core.util.Translator~statement * @property {String|Array} [source] - properties to source value from * @property {String|Array} [target] - properties the value should go to * @property {Object} [convert] - convert serialized or nested values * @property {module:@citation-js/core.util.Translator~convertProp} [convert.toTarget] - function to convert source prop to target * @property {module:@citation-js/core.util.Translator~convertProp} [convert.toSource] - function to convert target prop to source * @property {Object} [when] - conditions as to when this statement should apply * @property {module:@citation-js/core.util.Translator~condition} [when.source] * @property {module:@citation-js/core.util.Translator~condition} [] */ /** * In the case of toTarget, source is input and target is output. In the case of * toSource, source is output and target is input. * * @callback module:@citation-js/core.util.Translator~convertProp * @param {...*} input - input values * @return {Array|*} If output is an array and multiple output properties are * specified, the output is divided over those properties. */ /** * A top-level Boolean enables or disables a mapping unit in a given direction. * Otherwise, individual properties are checked with an object specifying the * property name and one of four things: * * - A boolean, checking for presence of the property * - An array of values for checking whether the property value is in them * - A value that should match with the property value * - A predicate function taking in the value and returning a boolean * * All conditions have to be fulfilled for the mapping unit to be enabled. * * @typedef {Boolean|Object|module:@citation-js/core.util.Translator~conditionPropPredicate|*>} module:@citation-js/core.util.Translator~condition */ /** * Return, based on a property, whether a mapping should apply. * * @callback module:@citation-js/core.util.Translator~conditionPropPredicate * @param {*} input - input value * @return {Boolean} */ /** * Return, whether a mapping should apply. * * @callback module:@citation-js/core.util.Translator~conditionPredicate * @param {Object} input - input * @return {Boolean} */ /** * @access private * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.util.Translator * @param {module:@citation-js/core.util.Translator~condition} condition * @return {module:@citation-js/core.util.Translator~conditionPredicate} */ function createConditionEval(condition) { return function conditionEval(input) { if (typeof condition === 'boolean') { return condition; } return Object.keys(condition).every(prop => { const value = condition[prop]; if (value === true) { return prop in input; } else if (value === false) { return !(prop in input); } else if (typeof value === 'function') { return value(input[prop]); } else if (Array.isArray(value)) { return value.includes(input[prop]); } else { return input[prop] === value; } }); }; } /** * @access private * @typedef {Object} module:@citation-js/core.util.Translator~normalizedStatement * @property {Array} inputProp * @property {Array} outputProp * @property {module:@citation-js/core.util.Translator~convertProp} convert * @property {module:@citation-js/core.util.Translator~conditionPredicate} condition */ /** * @access private * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.util.Translator * @param {module:@citation-js/core.util.Translator~statement} prop * @param {Boolean} toSource * @return {module:@citation-js/core.util.Translator~normalizedStatement} normalized one-directional object */ function parsePropStatement(prop, toSource) { let inputProp; let outputProp; let convert; let condition; if (typeof prop === 'string') { inputProp = outputProp = prop; } else if (prop) { inputProp = toSource ? : prop.source; outputProp = toSource ? prop.source :; if (prop.convert) { convert = toSource ? prop.convert.toSource : prop.convert.toTarget; } if (prop.when) { condition = toSource ? : prop.when.source; if (condition != null) { condition = createConditionEval(condition); } } } else { return null; } inputProp = [].concat(inputProp).filter(Boolean); outputProp = [].concat(outputProp).filter(Boolean); return { inputProp, outputProp, convert, condition }; } /** * Return, whether a mapping should apply. * * @callback module:@citation-js/core.util.Translator~convert * @param {Object} input - input * @return {Object} output */ /** * @access private * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.util.Translator * @param {Array} props * @param {Boolean} toSource * @return {module:@citation-js/core.util.Translator~convert} converter */ function createConverter(props, toSource) { toSource = toSource === Translator.CONVERT_TO_SOURCE; props = => parsePropStatement(prop, toSource)).filter(Boolean); return function converter(input) { const output = {}; for (const { inputProp, outputProp, convert, condition } of props) { // Skip when no output will be assigned if (outputProp.length === 0) { continue; // Skip when requested by the requirements of the prop converter } else if (condition && !condition(input)) { continue; // Skip when none of the required props are in the input data // NOTE: if no input is required, do not skip } else if (inputProp.length !== 0 && inputProp.every(prop => !(prop in input))) { continue; } let outputData = => input[prop]); if (convert) { try { const converted = convert.apply(input, outputData); outputData = outputProp.length === 1 ? [converted] : converted; } catch (cause) { throw new Error(`Failed to convert ${inputProp} to ${outputProp}`, { cause }); } } outputProp.forEach((prop, index) => { const value = outputData[index]; if (value !== undefined) { output[prop] = value; } }); } return output; }; } /** * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.util * * @param {Array} props * * @todo proper merging (?) * @todo 'else' conditions */ class Translator { constructor(props) { /** * @type {module:@citation-js/core.util.Translator~convert} */ this.convertToSource = createConverter(props, Translator.CONVERT_TO_SOURCE); /** * @type {module:@citation-js/core.util.Translator~convert} */ this.convertToTarget = createConverter(props, Translator.CONVERT_TO_TARGET); } } /** * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.util.Translator * @property {Symbol} CONVERT_TO_SOURCE */ Translator.CONVERT_TO_SOURCE = Symbol('convert to source'); /** * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.util.Translator * @property {Symbol} CONVERT_TO_TARGET */ Translator.CONVERT_TO_TARGET = Symbol('convert to target'); // @ts-nocheck /** * @access private * @param {Array} graph * @return {String} */ function prepareParseGraph(graph) { return graph // collapse continuous iterations of the same type .reduce((array, next) => { const last = array[array.length - 1]; if (last && last.type === next.type) { last.count = last.count + 1 || 2; } else { array.push(next); } return array; }, []) // presentation .map(element => (element.count > 1 ? element.count + 'x ' : '') + element.type).join(' -> '); } /** * @access private * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input * @constructor ChainParser * * @param {module:@citation-js/core~InputData} input * @param {module:@citation-js/core~InputOptions} options */ class ChainParser { constructor(input, options = {}) { this.options = Object.assign({ generateGraph: true, forceType: type(input), maxChainLength: 10, strict: true, target: '@csl/list+object' }, options); this.type = this.options.forceType; = typeof input === 'object' ? deepCopy(input) : input; this.graph = [{ type: this.type, data: input }]; this.iteration = 0; } /** * After a round of data parsing, update type information and check targets. * * @access public * @return {Boolean} Whether this is the last iteration or not */ iterate() { if (this.iteration !== 0) { const typeInfo = get$4(this.type); if (typeInfo && typeInfo.outputs) { this.type = typeInfo.outputs; } else { this.type = type(; } this.graph.push({ type: this.type }); } if (this.error || this.type === { return false; } else if (this.iteration >= this.options.maxChainLength) { this.error = new RangeError(`Max. number of parsing iterations reached (${prepareParseGraph(this.graph)})`); return false; } else { this.iteration++; return true; } } /** * Finish the iteration and return parsed data. * * @access public * @return Array */ end() { if (this.error) { logger.error('[core]', this.error.message); if (this.options.strict !== false) { throw this.error; } else { return []; } } else if ( === '@csl/list+object') { return upgradeCsl( ? entry => applyGraph(entry, this.graph) : removeGraph); } else { return; } } } /** * Parse input until success. * * @access protected * @method chain * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input * * @param {module:@citation-js/core~InputData} input - input data * @param {module:@citation-js/core~InputOptions} [options] - options * * @return {Array} The parsed input */ const chain = (...args) => { const chain = new ChainParser(...args); while (chain.iterate()) { try { = data(, chain.type); } catch (e) { chain.error = e; } } return chain.end(); }; /** * Parse input once. * * @access protected * @method chainLink * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input * * @param {module:@citation-js/core~InputData} input - input data * * @return {module:@citation-js/core~InputData} The parsed input */ const chainLink = input => { const type$1 = type(input); const output = type$1.match(/array|object/) ? deepCopy(input) : input; return data(output, type$1); }; /** * Parse input until success. (async) * * @access protected * @method chainAsync * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input * * @param {module:@citation-js/core~InputData} input - input data * @param {module:@citation-js/core~InputOptions} [options] - options * * @return {Promise>} The parsed input */ const chainAsync = async (...args) => { const chain = new ChainParser(...args); while (chain.iterate()) { = await dataAsync(, chain.type).catch(e => { chain.error = e; }); } return chain.end(); }; /** * Parse input once. (async) * * @access protected * @method chainLinkAsync * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input * * @param {module:@citation-js/core~InputData} input - The input data * * @return {Promise} The parsed input */ const chainLinkAsync = async input => { const type$1 = type(input); const output = type$1.match(/array|object/) ? deepCopy(input) : input; return dataAsync(output, type$1); }; // @ts-nocheck /** * @access private * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input * * @typedef {Object} parsers */ const parsers = {}; /** * @access private * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input * * @typedef {Object} asyncParsers */ const asyncParsers = {}; /** * @access private * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input * * @typedef {Object} nativeParsers */ const nativeParsers = { '@csl/object': input => [input], '@csl/list+object': input => input, '@else/list+object': input =>, '@invalid': () => { throw new Error('This format is not supported or recognized'); } }; /** * @access private * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input * * @typedef {Object} nativeAsyncParsers */ const nativeAsyncParsers = { '@else/list+object': async input => (await Promise.all( }; /** * @access public * @method data * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input * * @param {module:@citation-js/core~InputData} input - input data * @param {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~format} type - input type * * @return {*} parsed data * @return {Null} if no parser available */ function data(input, type) { if (typeof parsers[type] === 'function') { return parsers[type](input); } else { throw new Error('This format is not supported or recognized'); // throw new TypeError(`No synchronous parser found for ${type}`) } } /** * @access public * @method dataAsync * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input * * @param {module:@citation-js/core~InputData} input - input data * @param {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~format} type - input type * * @return {Promise} parsed data * @return {Promise} if no parser available */ async function dataAsync(input, type) { if (typeof asyncParsers[type] === 'function') { return asyncParsers[type](input); } else if (typeof nativeAsyncParsers[type] === 'function') { return nativeAsyncParsers[type](input); } else if (hasDataParser(type, false)) { return data(input, type); } else { throw new TypeError(`No parser found for ${type}`); } } /** * @access protected * @method addDataParser * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input * * @param {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~format} format * @param {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~parse|module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~parseAsync} parser * @param {Object} [options={}] * @param {Boolean} [options.async=false] */ function addDataParser(format, { parser, async }) { if (async) { asyncParsers[format] = parser; } else { parsers[format] = parser; } } /** * @access public * @method hasDataParser * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input * * @param {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~format} type * @param {Boolean} [async=false] - check only for async, or only sync * * @return {Boolean} parser exists */ function hasDataParser(type, async) { return async ? asyncParsers[type] || nativeAsyncParsers[type] : parsers[type] || nativeParsers[type]; } /** * @access public * @method removeDataParser * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input * * @param {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~format} type * @param {Boolean} [async=false] */ function removeDataParser(type, async) { delete (async ? asyncParsers : parsers)[type]; } /** * @access public * @method listDataParser * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input * * @param {Boolean} [async=false] */ function listDataParser(async) { return Object.keys(async ? asyncParsers : parsers); } // @ts-nocheck /** * @access private * @type {Object} */ const formats$3 = {}; /** * See the relevant tutorial: {@tutorial input_plugins} * * @access public * @method add * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input * * @param {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~format} format - input format name * @param {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~parsers} parsers - parsers * * @tutorial input_plugins */ function add$5(format, parsers) { const formatParser = new FormatParser(format, parsers); formatParser.validate(); const index = formats$3[format] || (formats$3[format] = {}); if (formatParser.typeParser) { addTypeParser(format, formatParser.typeParser); index.type = true; } if (formatParser.dataParser) { addDataParser(format, formatParser.dataParser); = true; } if (formatParser.asyncDataParser) { addDataParser(format, formatParser.asyncDataParser); index.asyncData = true; } if (parsers.outputs) { index.outputs = parsers.outputs; } } /** * @access public * @method get * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input * * @param {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~format} format - input format name * @returns {Object} index */ function get$4(format) { return formats$3[format]; } /** * @access public * @method remove * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input * * @param {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~format} format - input format name */ function remove$4(format) { const index = formats$3[format]; if (!index) { return; } if (index.type) { removeTypeParser(format); } if ( { removeDataParser(format); } if (index.asyncData) { removeDataParser(format, true); } delete formats$3[format]; } /** * @access public * @method has * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input * @param {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~format} format - input format name * @returns {Boolean} input format is registered */ function has$4(format) { return format in formats$3; } /** * @access public * @method list * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input * @returns {Array} input format is registered */ function list$4() { return Object.keys(formats$3); } /** * @namespace input * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins */ /** * @namespace util * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input */ const util = Object.assign({}, dataType, graph, parser, csl); var input = { __proto__: null, util: util, add: add$5, get: get$4, remove: remove$4, has: has$4, list: list$4, chain: chain, chainLink: chainLink, chainAsync: chainAsync, chainLinkAsync: chainLinkAsync, type: type, addTypeParser: addTypeParser, hasTypeParser: hasTypeParser, removeTypeParser: removeTypeParser, listTypeParser: listTypeParser, treeTypeParser: treeTypeParser, typeMatcher: typeMatcher, data: data, dataAsync: dataAsync, addDataParser: addDataParser, hasDataParser: hasDataParser, removeDataParser: removeDataParser, listDataParser: listDataParser }; // @ts-nocheck /** * Add an object to the array of objects * * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.Cite# * * @param {module:@citation-js/core~InputData} data - The data to add to your object * @param {module:@citation-js/core~InputOptions} [options] - Options * @param {Boolean} [log=false] - Show this call in the log * * @return {module:@citation-js/core.Cite} The updated parent object */ function add$4(data, options = {}, log = false) { if (options === true || log === true) {; }, options)); => !, 'id')).forEach(entry => { = fetchId(this.getIds(), 'temp_id_'); }); return this; } /** * Add an object to the array of objects * * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.Cite# * * @param {module:@citation-js/core~InputData} data - The data to add to your object * @param {module:@citation-js/core~InputOptions} [options] - Options * @param {Boolean} [log=false] - Show this call in the log * * @return {Promise} The updated parent object */ async function addAsync(data, options = {}, log = false) { if (options === true || log === true) {; } chainAsync(data, options))); => !, 'id')).forEach(entry => { = fetchId(this.getIds(), 'temp_id_'); }); return this; } /** * Recreate a `Cite` object with almost any kind of data, and manipulate it with its default methods. * * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.Cite# * * @param {module:@citation-js/core~InputData} data - Replacement data * @param {module:@citation-js/core~InputOptions} [options] - Options * @param {Boolean} [log=false] - Show this call in the log * * @return {module:@citation-js/core.Cite} The updated parent object */ function set(data, options = {}, log = false) { if (options === true || log === true) {; } = []; return typeof options !== 'boolean' ? this.add(data, options) : this.add(data); } /** * Recreate a `Cite` object with almost any kind of data, and manipulate it with its default methods. * * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.Cite# * * @param {module:@citation-js/core~InputData} data - Replacement data * @param {module:@citation-js/core~InputOptions} [options] - Options * @param {Boolean} [log=false] - Show this call in the log * * @return {Promise} The updated parent object */ async function setAsync(data, options = {}, log = false) { if (options === true || log === true) {; } = []; return typeof options !== 'boolean' ? this.addAsync(data, options) : this.addAsync(data); } /** * Reset a `Cite` object. * * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.Cite# * * @param {Boolean} [log=false] - Show this call in the log * * @return {module:@citation-js/core.Cite} The updated, empty parent object (except the log, the log lives) */ function reset(log) { if (log) {; } = []; this._options = {}; return this; } var set$1 = { __proto__: null, add: add$4, addAsync: addAsync, set: set, setAsync: setAsync, reset: reset }; // @ts-nocheck /** * @module output/label */ /** * Get a label from CSL data * * @access protected * @method getLabel * @todo flavors/formats * * @param {CSL} entry - Input CSL * * @return {String} The label */ function getLabel(entry) { if ('citation-label' in entry) { return entry['citation-label']; } let res = ''; if ( { res +=[0].family ||[0].literal; } if (entry.issued && entry.issued['date-parts'] && entry.issued['date-parts'][0]) { res += entry.issued['date-parts'][0][0]; } if (entry['year-suffix']) { res += entry['year-suffix']; } else if (entry.title) { res += entry.title.replace(/<\/?.*?>/g, '').match(/^(?:(?:the|a|an)\s+)?(\S+)/i)[1]; } return res; } var label = { label(data) { return data.reduce((object, entry) => { object[] = getLabel(entry); return object; }, {}); } }; /** * @callback module:@citation-js/core.Cite#sort~sort * @param {module:@citation-js/core~CSL} a - element a * @param {module:@citation-js/core~CSL} b - element b * @return {Number} positive for a > b, negative for b > a, zero for a = b */ /** * Get value for comparing * * @access private * @method getComparisonValue * * @param {module:@citation-js/core~CSL} obj - obj * @param {String} prop - The prop in question * @param {Boolean} label - Prop is label * * @return {String|Number} something to compare */ function getComparisonValue(obj, prop, label = prop === 'label') { let value = label ? getLabel(obj) : obj[prop]; switch (prop) { case 'author': case 'editor': return => name.literal || || format$8(name)); case 'accessed': case 'issued': return value['date-parts'][0]; case 'page': return value.split('-').map(num => parseInt(num)); case 'edition': case 'issue': case 'volume': value = parseInt(value); return !isNaN(value) ? value : -Infinity; default: return value || -Infinity; } } /** * Compares props * * @access private * @method compareProp * * @param {module:@citation-js/core~CSL} entryA * @param {module:@citation-js/core~CSL} entryB * @param {String} prop - The prop in question. Prepend ! to sort the other way around. * @param {Boolean} flip - Override flip * * @return {Number} positive for a > b, negative for b > a, zero for a = b (flips if prop has !) */ function compareProp(entryA, entryB, prop, flip = /^!/.test(prop)) { prop = prop.replace(/^!/, ''); const a = getComparisonValue(entryA, prop); const b = getComparisonValue(entryB, prop); return (flip ? -1 : 1) * (a > b ? 1 : a < b ? -1 : 0); } /** * Generates a sorting callback based on props. * * @access private * @method getSortCallback * * @param {...String} props - How to sort * * @return {module:@citation-js/core.Cite#sort~sort} sorting callback */ function getSortCallback(...props) { return (a, b) => { const keys = props.slice(); let output = 0; while (!output && keys.length) { output = compareProp(a, b, keys.shift()); } return output; }; } /** * Sort the dataset * * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.Cite# * * @param {module:@citation-js/core.Cite#sort~sort|Array} [method=[]] - How to sort * @param {Boolean} [log=false] - Show this call in the log * * @return {module:@citation-js/core.Cite} The updated parent object */ function sort(method = [], log) { if (log) {; } method === 'function' ? method : getSortCallback(...method, 'label')); return this; } var sort$1 = { __proto__: null, sort: sort }; // @ts-nocheck /** * @callback module:@citation-js/core.plugins.output~formatter * @param {Array} data * @return {String} output */ /** * @typedef module:@citation-js/core.plugins.output~formatterName * @type String */ /** * Validate input arguments * * @access private * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.output * * @param {String} name - output format name * @param {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.output~formatter} formatter - outputting function * @throws {TypeError} Invalid output format name * @throws {TypeError} Invalid formatter */ function validate$2(name, formatter) { if (typeof name !== 'string') { throw new TypeError(`Invalid output format name, expected string, got ${typeof name}`); } else if (typeof formatter !== 'function') { throw new TypeError(`Invalid formatter, expected function, got ${typeof formatter}`); } } /** * @access public * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.output * @constant register * * @type module:@citation-js/core.util.Register */ const register$1 = new Register(); /** * Add output plugin. * * @access public * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.output * @method add * * @param {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.output~formatterName} name - output format name * @param {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.output~formatter} formatter - outputting function * @throws {TypeError} validation errors */ function add$3(name, formatter) { validate$2(name, formatter); register$1.set(name, formatter); } /** * Remove output plugin. * * @access public * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.output * @method remove * * @param {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.output~formatterName} name - output format name */ function remove$3(name) { register$1.remove(name); } /** * Check if output plugin exists. * * @access public * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.output * @method has * * @param {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.output~formatterName} name - output format name * @return {Boolean} register has plugin */ function has$3(name) { return register$1.has(name); } /** * List output plugins. * * @access public * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.output * @method list * * @return {Array} list of plugins */ function list$3() { return register$1.list(); } /** * Call output plugin * * @access public * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.output * @method format * * @param {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.output~formatterName} name - output format name * @param {Array} data - all entries * @param {...*} options - output options */ function format$7(name, data, ...options) { if (!register$1.has(name)) { throw new Error(`Output format "${name}" unavailable`); } return register$1.get(name)(data, ...options); } var output$2 = { __proto__: null, register: register$1, add: add$3, remove: remove$3, has: has$3, list: list$3, format: format$7 }; // @ts-nocheck /** * Get a list of the data entry IDs, in the order of that list * * @access public * @method getIds * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.Cite# * * @return {Array} List of IDs */ function getIds() { return =>; } /** * Get formatted data from your object. * * @access public * @method format * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.Cite# * * @param {String} format - format module name * @param {...*} options - module options (see relevant documentation) * * @return {String|Array} formatted data */ function format$6(format, ...options) { return format$7(format, parseCsl(, ...options); } /** * Get formatted data from your object. * * @access public * @method get * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.Cite# * @tutorial output * @deprecated use {@link module:@citation-js/core.Cite#format} * * @param {module:@citation-js/core~OutputOptions} [options={}] - Output options * * @return {String|Array} The formatted data */ /* istanbul ignore next: deprecated */ function get$2(options = {}) { validateOutputOptions(options); const parsedOptions = Object.assign({}, this.defaultOptions, this._options.output, options); const { type, style } = parsedOptions; const [styleType, styleFormat] = style.split('-'); const newStyle = styleType === 'citation' ? 'bibliography' : styleType === 'csl' ? 'data' : styleType; const newType = type === 'string' ? 'text' : type === 'json' ? 'object' : type; let formatOptions; switch (newStyle) { case 'bibliography': { const { lang, append, prepend } = parsedOptions; formatOptions = { template: styleFormat, lang, format: newType, append, prepend }; break; } case 'data': case 'bibtex': case 'bibtxt': case 'ndjson': case 'ris': formatOptions = { type: newType }; break; default: throw new Error(`Invalid style "${newStyle}"`); } const result = this.format(newStyle, Object.assign(formatOptions, options._newOptions)); const { format } = parsedOptions; if (format === 'real' && newType === 'html' && typeof document !== 'undefined' && typeof document.createElement === 'function') { const tmp = document.createElement('div'); tmp.innerHTML = result; return tmp.firstChild; } else if (format === 'string' && typeof result === 'object') { return JSON.stringify(result); } else { return result; } } var get$3 = { __proto__: null, getIds: getIds, format: format$6, get: get$2 }; // @ts-nocheck /** * @callback module:@citation-js/core.Cite~asyncCallback * @param {Cite} data - Cite object */ /** * @access public * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.Cite * * @param {module:@citation-js/core~InputData} data - input data * @param {module:@citation-js/core~InputOptions} [options={}] - cite options * @param {module:@citation-js/core.Cite~asyncCallback} [callback] - if not given, function returns promise. * * @return {Promise} if callback is omitted, returns a promise */ function async(data, options, callback) { if (typeof options === 'function' && !callback) { callback = options; options = undefined; } const promise = new this().setAsync(data, options); if (typeof callback === 'function') { promise.then(callback); return undefined; } else { return promise; } } var staticMethods = { __proto__: null, async: async, validateOutputOptions: validateOutputOptions, validateOptions: validateOptions }; //@ts-nocheck /** * Create a `Cite` object with almost any kind of data, and manipulate it with its default methods. * * @access public * @constructor Cite * @memberof module:@citation-js/core * * @param {module:@citation-js/core~InputData} data - Input data * @param {module:@citation-js/core~InputOptions} [options={}] - Input options */ function Cite$1(data, options = {}) { // Making it Scope-Safe if (!(this instanceof Cite$1)) { return new Cite$1(data, options); } /** * The default options for the output. See [input options](../ * * @access protected * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.Cite# * * @var {module:@citation-js/core~InputOptions} _options */ this._options = options; /** * The saved-images-log * * @access protected * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.Cite# * * @var {Array>} log */ this.log = []; /** * The parsed data * * @access protected * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.Cite# * * @var {Array} data */ = []; // Modified citation-js to accept an array of objects // Use add instead of set to retain previous data data.forEach(d => { this.add(d, options); }); // this.set(data, options) this.options(options); return this; } Object.assign(Cite$1.prototype, log, options$1, set$1, sort$1, get$3); Cite$1.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function* () { yield*; }; Object.assign(Cite$1, staticMethods); // @ts-nocheck /** * @typedef module:@citation-js/core.plugins.dict~dictName * @type String */ /** * @typedef module:@citation-js/core.plugins.dict~dict * @type Object */ /** * @typedef module:@citation-js/core.plugins.dict~entryName * @type String */ /** * @typedef module:@citation-js/core.plugins.dict~dictEntry * @type Array */ /** * Validate input arguments * * @access private * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.dict * * @param {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.dict~dictName} name - output format name * @param {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.dict~dict} formatter - outputting function * @throws {TypeError} Invalid output format name * @throws {TypeError} Invalid formatter */ function validate$1(name, dict) { if (typeof name !== 'string') { throw new TypeError(`Invalid dict name, expected string, got ${typeof name}`); } else if (typeof dict !== 'object') { throw new TypeError(`Invalid dict, expected object, got ${typeof dict}`); } for (const entryName in dict) { const entry = dict[entryName]; if (!Array.isArray(entry) || entry.some(part => typeof part !== 'string')) { throw new TypeError(`Invalid dict entry "${entryName}", expected array of strings`); } } } /** * @access public * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.dict * @constant register * * @type module:@citation-js/core.util.Register */ const register = new Register({ html: { bibliographyContainer: ['
', '
'], entry: ['
', '
'], list: ['
    ', '
'], listItem: ['
  • ', '
  • '] }, text: { bibliographyContainer: ['', '\n'], entry: ['', '\n'], list: ['\n', ''], listItem: ['\t', '\n'] } }); /** * Add dictionary to register. Can be used by output plugins. * * @todo docs * * @access public * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.dict * @method add * * @param {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.dict~dictName} name - dictionary name * @param {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.dict~dict} dict - dictionary data * @throws {TypeError} argument validation error */ function add$2(name, dict) { validate$1(name, dict); register.set(name, dict); } /** * Remove dictionary. * * @access public * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.dict * @method remove * * @param {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.dict~dictName} name - output format name */ function remove$2(name) { register.remove(name); } /** * Check if dictionary plugin exists. * * @access public * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.dict * @method has * * @param {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.dict~dictName} name - output format name * @return {Boolean} register has plugin */ function has$2(name) { return register.has(name); } /** * List dictionary plugins. * * @access public * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.dict * @method list * * @return {Array} list of plugins */ function list$2() { return register.list(); } /** * Get dictionary data. * * @access public * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.dict * @method get * * @param {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.dict~dictName} name - output format name * @return {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.dict~dict} dictionary data */ function get$1(name) { if (!register.has(name)) { throw new Error(`Dict "${name}" unavailable`); } return register.get(name); } /** * Object containing HTML strings for building JSON and BibTeX. Made to match citeproc, for compatibility. * * @access protected * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.dict * @deprecated use the new formatting dicts: {@link module:@citation-js/core.plugins.dict} */ const htmlDict = { wr_start: '
    ', wr_end: '
    ', en_start: '
    ', en_end: '
    ', ul_start: '
      ', ul_end: '
    ', li_start: '
  • ', li_end: '
  • ' }; /** * Object containing text strings for building JSON and BibTeX. Made to match citeproc, for compatibility. * * @access protected * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.dict * @deprecated use the new formatting dicts: {@link module:@citation-js/core.plugins.dict} */ const textDict = { wr_start: '', wr_end: '\n', en_start: '', en_end: '\n', ul_start: '\n', ul_end: '', li_start: '\t', li_end: '\n' }; var dict = { __proto__: null, register: register, add: add$2, remove: remove$2, has: has$2, list: list$2, get: get$1, htmlDict: htmlDict, textDict: textDict }; // @ts-nocheck /** * @namespace config * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins */ const configs = {}; /** * @access public * @method add * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.config * @param {module:@citation-js/core.plugins~pluginRef} ref - plugin reference/name * @param {Object} config */ function add$1(ref, config) { configs[ref] = config; } /** * @access public * @method get * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.config * @param {module:@citation-js/core.plugins~pluginRef} ref - plugin reference/name * @return {Object} config */ function get(ref) { return configs[ref]; } /** * @access public * @method has * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.config * @param {module:@citation-js/core.plugins~pluginRef} ref - plugin reference/name * @return {Boolean} */ function has$1(ref) { return, ref); } /** * @access public * @method remove * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.config * @param {module:@citation-js/core.plugins~pluginRef} ref - plugin reference/name */ function remove$1(ref) { delete configs[ref]; } /** * @access public * @method list * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins.config * @return {Array} list of available plugin configs */ function list$1() { return Object.keys(configs); } var config$2 = { __proto__: null, add: add$1, get: get, has: has$1, remove: remove$1, list: list$1 }; // @ts-nocheck const registers = { input, output: output$2, dict, config: config$2 }; const indices = {}; /** * @access public * @method add * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins * @param {module:@citation-js/core.plugins~pluginRef} ref - plugin reference/name * @param {module:@citation-js/core.plugins~plugins} [plugins={}] */ function add(ref, plugins = {}) { const mainIndex = indices[ref] = {}; for (const type in plugins) { if (type === 'config') { mainIndex.config = { [ref]: plugins.config }; registers.config.add(ref, plugins.config); continue; } const typeIndex = mainIndex[type] = {}; const typePlugins = plugins[type]; for (const name in typePlugins) { const typePlugin = typePlugins[name]; typeIndex[name] = true; registers[type].add(name, typePlugin); } } } /** * @access public * @method remove * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins * @param {module:@citation-js/core.plugins~pluginRef} ref - plugin reference/name */ function remove(ref) { const mainIndex = indices[ref]; for (const type in mainIndex) { const typeIndex = mainIndex[type]; for (const name in typeIndex) { registers[type].remove(name); } } delete indices[ref]; } /** * @access public * @method has * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins * @param {module:@citation-js/core.plugins~pluginRef} ref - plugin reference/name * @returns {Boolean} plugin is registered */ function has(ref) { return ref in indices; } /** * @access public * @method list * @memberof module:@citation-js/core.plugins * @returns {Array} list of registered plugins */ function list() { return Object.keys(indices); } var plugins = { __proto__: null, add: add, remove: remove, has: has, list: list, input: input, output: output$2, dict: dict, config: config$2 }; function parse$7() { return []; } // @ts-nocheck /** * * @access private * @constant substituters * @default */ const substituters = [[/((?:\[|:|,)\s*)'((?:\\'|[^'])*?[^\\])?'(?=\s*(?:\]|}|,))/g, '$1"$2"'], [/((?:(?:"|]|}|\/[gmiuys]|\.|(?:\d|\.|-)*\d)\s*,|{)\s*)(?:"([^":\n]+?)"|'([^":\n]+?)'|([^":\n]+?))(\s*):/g, '$1"$2$3$4"$5:']]; /** * Parse (in)valid JSON * * @access protected * @method parseJSON * * @param {String} str - The input string * * @return {Object|Array|Array} The parsed object */ function parseJSON(str) { if (typeof str !== 'string') { return JSON.parse(str); } try { return JSON.parse(str); } catch (e) { logger.debug('[plugin-common]', 'Invalid JSON, switching to experimental parser'); substituters.forEach(([regex, subst]) => { str = str.replace(regex, subst); }); return JSON.parse(str); } } function parse$6(input) { return input.val() || input.text() || input.html(); } function parse$5(input) { return input.value || input.textContent; } // @ts-nocheck const ref$2 = '@else'; const formats$2 = { '@empty/text': { parse: parse$7, parseType: { dataType: 'String', predicate: input => input === '' } }, '@empty/whitespace+text': { parse: parse$7, parseType: { dataType: 'String', predicate: /^\s+$/ } }, '@empty': { parse: parse$7, parseType: { dataType: 'Primitive', predicate: input => input == null } }, '@else/json': { parse: parseJSON, parseType: { dataType: 'String', predicate: /^\s*(\{[\S\s]*\}|\[[\S\s]*\])\s*$/ } }, '@else/url': { parseType: { dataType: 'String', predicate: /^https?:\/\/(([\w-]+\.)*[\w-]+)(:\d+)?(\/[^?/]*)*(\?[^#]*)?(#.*)?$/i } }, '@else/jquery': { parse: parse$6, parseType: { dataType: 'ComplexObject', /* istanbul ignore next: not testable in Node */ predicate(input) { return typeof jQuery !== 'undefined' && input instanceof jQuery; } } }, '@else/html': { parse: parse$5, parseType: { dataType: 'ComplexObject', /* istanbul ignore next: not testable in Node */ predicate(input) { return typeof HTMLElement !== 'undefined' && input instanceof HTMLElement; } } } }; // @ts-nocheck /** * Append commas to every item but the last. Should unfortunately, probably be a utility. * * @access private * * @param {String} item * @param {Number} index * @param {Array} array * * @return {String} modified item */ function appendCommas(string, index, array) { return string + (index < array.length - 1 ? ',' : ''); } /** * Convert a JSON array or object to HTML. * * @access private * * @param {Object|Array} src - The data * @param {Cite.get.dict~dict} dict - Dictionary * * @return {String} string form */ function getJsonObject(src, dict) { const isArray = Array.isArray(src); let entries; if (isArray) { entries = => getJsonValue(entry, dict)); } else { entries = Object.keys(src) // remove values that cannot be stringified, as is custom .filter(prop => JSON.stringify(src[prop])).map(prop => `"${prop}": ${getJsonValue(src[prop], dict)}`); } entries = => dict.listItem.join(entry)); entries = dict.list.join(entries.join('')); return isArray ? `[${entries}]` : `{${entries}}`; } /** * Convert JSON to HTML. * * @access private * * @param {*} src - The data * @param {Cite.get.dict~dict} dict - Dictionary * * @return {String} string form */ function getJsonValue(src, dict) { if (typeof src === 'object' && src !== null) { if (src.length === 0) { return '[]'; } else if (Object.keys(src).length === 0) { return '{}'; } else { return getJsonObject(src, dict); } } else { return JSON.stringify(src); } } /** * Get a JSON string from CSL * * @access protected * @method getJson * * @param {Array} src - Input CSL * @param {Cite.get.dict~dict} dict - Dictionary * * @return {String} JSON string */ function getJson(src, dict) { let entries = => getJsonObject(entry, dict)); entries = => dict.entry.join(entry)); entries = entries.join(''); return dict.bibliographyContainer.join(`[${entries}]`); } var json = { data(data, { type, format = type || 'text', version = '1.0.2' } = {}) { if (version < '1.0.2') { data = downgradeCsl(data); } if (format === 'object') { return deepCopy(data); } else if (format === 'text') { return JSON.stringify(data, null, 2); } else { logger.warn('[core]', 'This feature (JSON output with special formatting) is unstable. See'); return getJson(data, get$1(format)); } }, ndjson(data, { version = '1.0.2' } = {}) { if (version < '1.0.2') { data = downgradeCsl(data); } return => JSON.stringify(entry)).join('\n'); } }; var output$1 = Object.assign({}, json, label); add(ref$2, { input: formats$2, output: output$1 }); // @ts-nocheck function nameProps(person) { const { firstname, lastname, firstName: given = firstname, lastName: family = lastname } = person; if (given && family) { return { given, family }; } else if ( { return parse$8(; } } const identifiers = ['PMID', 'PMCID', 'DOI', 'ISBN' // 'URL' is actually the URL of the record collection, if I understand it correctly, // and not of the record. Otherwise, it should be included. ]; const journalIdentifiers = ['ISSN']; function idProps(input, identifiers) { const output = {}; for (const prop in input) { const upperCaseProp = prop.toUpperCase(); if (identifiers.includes(upperCaseProp)) { output[upperCaseProp] = input[prop]; } } if (input.identifier) { for (let { id, type = '' } of input.identifier) { type = type.toUpperCase(); if (identifiers.includes(type)) { output[type] = id; } } } return output; } // copied from BibTeX, as BibJSON is based on BibTeX const typeMap = { article: 'article', book: 'book', booklet: 'book', proceedings: 'book', mastersthesis: 'thesis', inbook: 'chapter', incollection: 'chapter', conference: 'paper-conference', inproceedings: 'paper-conference', manual: 'report', misc: 'document', online: 'website', patent: 'patent', phdthesis: 'thesis', techreport: 'report', unpublished: 'manuscript' }; function quickscrapeSpecificProps() { return { type: 'article-journal' }; } function generalProps(input) { const output = { type: typeMap[input.type] || 'document', title: input.title }; if ( { =; } if (input.editor) { output.editor =; } if (input.reviewer) { if ( { output['reviewed-author'] =; } =; } /* istanbul ignore next: no examples found */ if (Array.isArray(input.keywords)) { output.keyword = input.keywords.join(); } else if (input.keywords) { output.keyword = input.keywords; } if (input.publisher) { output.publisher = || input.publisher; } if ( && { output.issued = parse$9(; } else if (input.year) { output.issued = { 'date-parts': [[+input.year]] }; } if ( && { output.submitted = parse$9(; } if (input.journal) { const journal = input.journal; if ( { output['container-title'] =; } if (journal.volume) { output.volume = journal.volume; } if (journal.issue) { output.issue = journal.issue; } Object.assign(output, idProps(journal, journalIdentifiers)); if (journal.firstpage) { output['page-first'] = journal.firstpage; } /* istanbul ignore else: no examples found */ if (journal.pages) { = journal.pages.replace('--', '-'); } else if (journal.firstpage && journal.lastpage) { = journal.firstpage + '-' + journal.lastpage; } } if ( && typeof[0] === 'object') { output.URL =[0].url; } Object.assign(output, idProps(input, identifiers)); if (input.cid) { = input.cid; } else if (output.DOI) { = output.DOI; } return output; } /** * Parse ContentMine quickscrape data * * @access protected * @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-bibjson.parsers.json * @param {Object} data - The input data * @return {Array} The formatted input data */ const parseContentMine = function parseContentMine(data) { return Object.assign(generalProps(data), quickscrapeSpecificProps()); }; /** * Parse BibJSON data * * @access protected * @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-bibjson.parsers.json * @param {Object} data - The input data * @return {Array} The formatted input data */ const parseBibJson = function parseBibJson(data) { return generalProps(data); }; /** * ## Formats * * ### BibJSON * * This plugin adds input support for the [BibJSON format](, with three variants: * * * collections, where the records are extracted and parsed * * records, which are parsed * * records of the [quickscrape]( variant, which are parsed * * @module module:@citation-js/plugin-bibjson */ const scraperLinks = ['fulltext_html', 'fulltext_xml', 'fulltext_pdf']; const authorNameFields = ['name', 'lastname', 'lastName', 'firstname', 'firstName']; /** * @constant {module:@citation-js/core.plugins~pluginRef} ref * @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-bibjson * @default '@bibjson' */ const ref$1 = '@bibjson'; /** * @namespace formats * @type module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~format,module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~parsers * @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-bibjson */ const formats$1 = { /** * Object with quickscrape-style BibJSON. * * @type module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~parsers * @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-bibjson.formats * @property {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~dataParser} parse * @property {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~typeParser} parseType */ '@bibjson/quickscrape+record+object': { parse: parseContentMine, parseType: { propertyConstraint: { props: 'link', value(links) { return scraperLinks.some(link => links.find(({ type }) => type === link)); } }, extends: '@bibjson/record+object' } }, /** * Object with BibJSON. * * @type module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~parsers * @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-bibjson.formats * @property {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~dataParser} parse * @property {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~typeParser} parseType */ '@bibjson/record+object': { parse: parseBibJson, parseType: { dataType: 'SimpleObject', propertyConstraint: [{ props: 'title' }, { props: ['author', 'editor'], match: 'some', value(authors) { return Array.isArray(authors) && authors[0] && authorNameFields.some(field => field in authors[0]); } }] } }, /** * Array of {@link module:@citation-js/plugin-bibjson.formats."@bibjson/record+object"|BibJSON objects}. * * @type module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~parsers * @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-bibjson.formats * @property {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~dataParser} parse * @property {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~typeParser} parseType */ '@bibjson/collection+object': { parse(collection) { return collection.records; }, parseType: { dataType: 'SimpleObject', propertyConstraint: [{ props: 'metadata', value(metadata) { return 'collection' in metadata; } }, { props: 'records', value(records) { return Array.isArray(records); } }] } } }; add(ref$1, { input: formats$1 }); var moo = createCommonjsModule(function (module) { (function (root, factory) { if (module.exports) { module.exports = factory(); } else { root.moo = factory(); } })(commonjsGlobal, function () { var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var toString = Object.prototype.toString; var hasSticky = typeof new RegExp().sticky === 'boolean'; /***************************************************************************/ function isRegExp(o) { return o && === '[object RegExp]'; } function isObject(o) { return o && typeof o === 'object' && !isRegExp(o) && !Array.isArray(o); } function reEscape(s) { return s.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&'); } function reGroups(s) { var re = new RegExp('|' + s); return re.exec('').length - 1; } function reCapture(s) { return '(' + s + ')'; } function reUnion(regexps) { if (!regexps.length) return '(?!)'; var source = (s) { return "(?:" + s + ")"; }).join('|'); return "(?:" + source + ")"; } function regexpOrLiteral(obj) { if (typeof obj === 'string') { return '(?:' + reEscape(obj) + ')'; } else if (isRegExp(obj)) { // TODO: consider /u support if (obj.ignoreCase) throw new Error('RegExp /i flag not allowed'); if ( throw new Error('RegExp /g flag is implied'); if (obj.sticky) throw new Error('RegExp /y flag is implied'); if (obj.multiline) throw new Error('RegExp /m flag is implied'); return obj.source; } else { throw new Error('Not a pattern: ' + obj); } } function pad(s, length) { if (s.length > length) { return s; } return Array(length - s.length + 1).join(" ") + s; } function lastNLines(string, numLines) { var position = string.length; var lineBreaks = 0; while (true) { var idx = string.lastIndexOf("\n", position - 1); if (idx === -1) { break; } else { lineBreaks++; } position = idx; if (lineBreaks === numLines) { break; } if (position === 0) { break; } } var startPosition = lineBreaks < numLines ? 0 : position + 1; return string.substring(startPosition).split("\n"); } function objectToRules(object) { var keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(object); var result = []; for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { var key = keys[i]; var thing = object[key]; var rules = [].concat(thing); if (key === 'include') { for (var j = 0; j < rules.length; j++) { result.push({ include: rules[j] }); } continue; } var match = []; rules.forEach(function (rule) { if (isObject(rule)) { if (match.length) result.push(ruleOptions(key, match)); result.push(ruleOptions(key, rule)); match = []; } else { match.push(rule); } }); if (match.length) result.push(ruleOptions(key, match)); } return result; } function arrayToRules(array) { var result = []; for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { var obj = array[i]; if (obj.include) { var include = [].concat(obj.include); for (var j = 0; j < include.length; j++) { result.push({ include: include[j] }); } continue; } if (!obj.type) { throw new Error('Rule has no type: ' + JSON.stringify(obj)); } result.push(ruleOptions(obj.type, obj)); } return result; } function ruleOptions(type, obj) { if (!isObject(obj)) { obj = { match: obj }; } if (obj.include) { throw new Error('Matching rules cannot also include states'); } // nb. error and fallback imply lineBreaks var options = { defaultType: type, lineBreaks: !!obj.error || !!obj.fallback, pop: false, next: null, push: null, error: false, fallback: false, value: null, type: null, shouldThrow: false }; // Avoid Object.assign(), so we support IE9+ for (var key in obj) { if (, key)) { options[key] = obj[key]; } } // type transform cannot be a string if (typeof options.type === 'string' && type !== options.type) { throw new Error("Type transform cannot be a string (type '" + options.type + "' for token '" + type + "')"); } // convert to array var match = options.match; options.match = Array.isArray(match) ? match : match ? [match] : []; options.match.sort(function (a, b) { return isRegExp(a) && isRegExp(b) ? 0 : isRegExp(b) ? -1 : isRegExp(a) ? +1 : b.length - a.length; }); return options; } function toRules(spec) { return Array.isArray(spec) ? arrayToRules(spec) : objectToRules(spec); } var defaultErrorRule = ruleOptions('error', { lineBreaks: true, shouldThrow: true }); function compileRules(rules, hasStates) { var errorRule = null; var fast = Object.create(null); var fastAllowed = true; var unicodeFlag = null; var groups = []; var parts = []; // If there is a fallback rule, then disable fast matching for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) { if (rules[i].fallback) { fastAllowed = false; } } for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) { var options = rules[i]; if (options.include) { // all valid inclusions are removed by states() preprocessor throw new Error('Inheritance is not allowed in stateless lexers'); } if (options.error || options.fallback) { // errorRule can only be set once if (errorRule) { if (!options.fallback === !errorRule.fallback) { throw new Error("Multiple " + (options.fallback ? "fallback" : "error") + " rules not allowed (for token '" + options.defaultType + "')"); } else { throw new Error("fallback and error are mutually exclusive (for token '" + options.defaultType + "')"); } } errorRule = options; } var match = options.match.slice(); if (fastAllowed) { while (match.length && typeof match[0] === 'string' && match[0].length === 1) { var word = match.shift(); fast[word.charCodeAt(0)] = options; } } // Warn about inappropriate state-switching options if (options.pop || options.push || { if (!hasStates) { throw new Error("State-switching options are not allowed in stateless lexers (for token '" + options.defaultType + "')"); } if (options.fallback) { throw new Error("State-switching options are not allowed on fallback tokens (for token '" + options.defaultType + "')"); } } // Only rules with a .match are included in the RegExp if (match.length === 0) { continue; } fastAllowed = false; groups.push(options); // Check unicode flag is used everywhere or nowhere for (var j = 0; j < match.length; j++) { var obj = match[j]; if (!isRegExp(obj)) { continue; } if (unicodeFlag === null) { unicodeFlag = obj.unicode; } else if (unicodeFlag !== obj.unicode && options.fallback === false) { throw new Error('If one rule is /u then all must be'); } } // convert to RegExp var pat = reUnion(; // validate var regexp = new RegExp(pat); if (regexp.test("")) { throw new Error("RegExp matches empty string: " + regexp); } var groupCount = reGroups(pat); if (groupCount > 0) { throw new Error("RegExp has capture groups: " + regexp + "\nUse (?: … ) instead"); } // try and detect rules matching newlines if (!options.lineBreaks && regexp.test('\n')) { throw new Error('Rule should declare lineBreaks: ' + regexp); } // store regex parts.push(reCapture(pat)); } // If there's no fallback rule, use the sticky flag so we only look for // matches at the current index. // // If we don't support the sticky flag, then fake it using an irrefutable // match (i.e. an empty pattern). var fallbackRule = errorRule && errorRule.fallback; var flags = hasSticky && !fallbackRule ? 'ym' : 'gm'; var suffix = hasSticky || fallbackRule ? '' : '|'; if (unicodeFlag === true) flags += "u"; var combined = new RegExp(reUnion(parts) + suffix, flags); return { regexp: combined, groups: groups, fast: fast, error: errorRule || defaultErrorRule }; } function compile(rules) { var result = compileRules(toRules(rules)); return new Lexer({ start: result }, 'start'); } function checkStateGroup(g, name, map) { var state = g && (g.push ||; if (state && !map[state]) { throw new Error("Missing state '" + state + "' (in token '" + g.defaultType + "' of state '" + name + "')"); } if (g && g.pop && +g.pop !== 1) { throw new Error("pop must be 1 (in token '" + g.defaultType + "' of state '" + name + "')"); } } function compileStates(states, start) { var all = states.$all ? toRules(states.$all) : []; delete states.$all; var keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(states); if (!start) start = keys[0]; var ruleMap = Object.create(null); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { var key = keys[i]; ruleMap[key] = toRules(states[key]).concat(all); } for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { var key = keys[i]; var rules = ruleMap[key]; var included = Object.create(null); for (var j = 0; j < rules.length; j++) { var rule = rules[j]; if (!rule.include) continue; var splice = [j, 1]; if (rule.include !== key && !included[rule.include]) { included[rule.include] = true; var newRules = ruleMap[rule.include]; if (!newRules) { throw new Error("Cannot include nonexistent state '" + rule.include + "' (in state '" + key + "')"); } for (var k = 0; k < newRules.length; k++) { var newRule = newRules[k]; if (rules.indexOf(newRule) !== -1) continue; splice.push(newRule); } } rules.splice.apply(rules, splice); j--; } } var map = Object.create(null); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { var key = keys[i]; map[key] = compileRules(ruleMap[key], true); } for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { var name = keys[i]; var state = map[name]; var groups = state.groups; for (var j = 0; j < groups.length; j++) { checkStateGroup(groups[j], name, map); } var fastKeys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(; for (var j = 0; j < fastKeys.length; j++) { checkStateGroup([fastKeys[j]], name, map); } } return new Lexer(map, start); } function keywordTransform(map) { // Use a JavaScript Map to map keywords to their corresponding token type // unless Map is unsupported, then fall back to using an Object: var isMap = typeof Map !== 'undefined'; var reverseMap = isMap ? new Map() : Object.create(null); var types = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(map); for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { var tokenType = types[i]; var item = map[tokenType]; var keywordList = Array.isArray(item) ? item : [item]; keywordList.forEach(function (keyword) { if (typeof keyword !== 'string') { throw new Error("keyword must be string (in keyword '" + tokenType + "')"); } if (isMap) { reverseMap.set(keyword, tokenType); } else { reverseMap[keyword] = tokenType; } }); } return function (k) { return isMap ? reverseMap.get(k) : reverseMap[k]; }; } /***************************************************************************/ var Lexer = function (states, state) { this.startState = state; this.states = states; this.buffer = ''; this.stack = []; this.reset(); }; Lexer.prototype.reset = function (data, info) { this.buffer = data || ''; this.index = 0; this.line = info ? info.line : 1; this.col = info ? info.col : 1; this.queuedToken = info ? info.queuedToken : null; this.queuedText = info ? info.queuedText : ""; this.queuedThrow = info ? info.queuedThrow : null; this.setState(info ? info.state : this.startState); this.stack = info && info.stack ? info.stack.slice() : []; return this; }; = function () { return { line: this.line, col: this.col, state: this.state, stack: this.stack.slice(), queuedToken: this.queuedToken, queuedText: this.queuedText, queuedThrow: this.queuedThrow }; }; Lexer.prototype.setState = function (state) { if (!state || this.state === state) return; this.state = state; var info = this.states[state]; this.groups = info.groups; this.error = info.error; = info.regexp; =; }; Lexer.prototype.popState = function () { this.setState(this.stack.pop()); }; Lexer.prototype.pushState = function (state) { this.stack.push(this.state); this.setState(state); }; var eat = hasSticky ? function (re, buffer) { // assume re is /y return re.exec(buffer); } : function (re, buffer) { // assume re is /g var match = re.exec(buffer); // will always match, since we used the |(?:) trick if (match[0].length === 0) { return null; } return match; }; Lexer.prototype._getGroup = function (match) { var groupCount = this.groups.length; for (var i = 0; i < groupCount; i++) { if (match[i + 1] !== undefined) { return this.groups[i]; } } throw new Error('Cannot find token type for matched text'); }; function tokenToString() { return this.value; } = function () { var index = this.index; // If a fallback token matched, we don't need to re-run the RegExp if (this.queuedGroup) { var token = this._token(this.queuedGroup, this.queuedText, index); this.queuedGroup = null; this.queuedText = ""; return token; } var buffer = this.buffer; if (index === buffer.length) { return; // EOF } // Fast matching for single characters var group =[buffer.charCodeAt(index)]; if (group) { return this._token(group, buffer.charAt(index), index); } // Execute RegExp var re =; re.lastIndex = index; var match = eat(re, buffer); // Error tokens match the remaining buffer var error = this.error; if (match == null) { return this._token(error, buffer.slice(index, buffer.length), index); } var group = this._getGroup(match); var text = match[0]; if (error.fallback && match.index !== index) { this.queuedGroup = group; this.queuedText = text; // Fallback tokens contain the unmatched portion of the buffer return this._token(error, buffer.slice(index, match.index), index); } return this._token(group, text, index); }; Lexer.prototype._token = function (group, text, offset) { // count line breaks var lineBreaks = 0; if (group.lineBreaks) { var matchNL = /\n/g; var nl = 1; if (text === '\n') { lineBreaks = 1; } else { while (matchNL.exec(text)) { lineBreaks++; nl = matchNL.lastIndex; } } } var token = { type: typeof group.type === 'function' && group.type(text) || group.defaultType, value: typeof group.value === 'function' ? group.value(text) : text, text: text, toString: tokenToString, offset: offset, lineBreaks: lineBreaks, line: this.line, col: this.col }; // nb. adding more props to token object will make V8 sad! var size = text.length; this.index += size; this.line += lineBreaks; if (lineBreaks !== 0) { this.col = size - nl + 1; } else { this.col += size; } // throw, if no rule with {error: true} if (group.shouldThrow) { var err = new Error(this.formatError(token, "invalid syntax")); throw err; } if (group.pop) this.popState();else if (group.push) this.pushState(group.push);else if ( this.setState(; return token; }; if (typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.iterator) { var LexerIterator = function (lexer) { this.lexer = lexer; }; = function () { var token =; return { value: token, done: !token }; }; LexerIterator.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this; }; Lexer.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return new LexerIterator(this); }; } Lexer.prototype.formatError = function (token, message) { if (token == null) { // An undefined token indicates EOF var text = this.buffer.slice(this.index); var token = { text: text, offset: this.index, lineBreaks: text.indexOf('\n') === -1 ? 0 : 1, line: this.line, col: this.col }; } var numLinesAround = 2; var firstDisplayedLine = Math.max(token.line - numLinesAround, 1); var lastDisplayedLine = token.line + numLinesAround; var lastLineDigits = String(lastDisplayedLine).length; var displayedLines = lastNLines(this.buffer, this.line - token.line + numLinesAround + 1).slice(0, 5); var errorLines = []; errorLines.push(message + " at line " + token.line + " col " + token.col + ":"); errorLines.push(""); for (var i = 0; i < displayedLines.length; i++) { var line = displayedLines[i]; var lineNo = firstDisplayedLine + i; errorLines.push(pad(String(lineNo), lastLineDigits) + " " + line); if (lineNo === token.line) { errorLines.push(pad("", lastLineDigits + token.col + 1) + "^"); } } return errorLines.join("\n"); }; Lexer.prototype.clone = function () { return new Lexer(this.states, this.state); }; Lexer.prototype.has = function (tokenType) { return true; }; return { compile: compile, states: compileStates, error: Object.freeze({ error: true }), fallback: Object.freeze({ fallback: true }), keywords: keywordTransform }; }); }); const required$1 = { biblatex: { article: ['author', 'title', 'journaltitle', ['year', 'date']], book: ['author', 'title', ['year', 'date']], mvbook: ['author', 'title', ['year', 'date']], inbook: ['author', 'title', 'booktitle', ['year', 'date']], booklet: [['author', 'editor'], 'title', ['year', 'date']], collection: ['editor', 'title', ['year', 'date']], mvcollection: ['editor', 'title', ['year', 'date']], incollection: ['author', 'title', 'booktitle', ['year', 'date']], dataset: [['author', 'editor'], 'title', ['year', 'date']], online: [['author', 'editor'], 'title', ['year', 'date'], ['doi', 'eprint', 'url']], patent: ['author', 'title', 'number', ['year', 'date']], periodical: ['editor', 'title', ['year', 'date']], proceedings: ['title', ['year', 'date']], mvproceedings: ['title', ['year', 'date']], inproceedings: ['author', 'title', 'booktitle', ['year', 'date']], report: ['author', 'title', 'type', 'institution', ['year', 'date']], thesis: ['author', 'title', 'type', 'institution', ['year', 'date']], unpublished: ['author', 'title', ['year', 'date']], conference: ['author', 'title', 'booktitle', ['year', 'date']], electronic: [['author', 'editor'], 'title', ['year', 'date'], ['doi', 'eprint', 'url']], mastersthesis: ['author', 'title', 'institution', ['year', 'date']], phdthesis: ['author', 'title', 'institution', ['year', 'date']], techreport: ['author', 'title', 'institution', ['year', 'date']], www: [['author', 'editor'], 'title', ['year', 'date'], ['doi', 'eprint', 'url']] }, bibtex: { article: ['author', 'title', 'journal', 'year'], book: [['author', 'editor'], 'title', 'publisher', 'year'], booklet: ['title'], inbook: [['author', 'editor'], 'title', ['chapter', 'pages'], 'publisher', 'year'], incollection: ['author', 'title', 'booktitle', 'publisher', 'year'], inproceedings: ['author', 'title', 'booktitle', 'year'], mastersthesis: ['author', 'title', 'school', 'year'], phdthesis: ['author', 'title', 'school', 'year'], proceedings: ['title', 'year'], techreport: ['author', 'title', 'institution', 'year'], unpublished: ['author', 'title', 'note'] } }; 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const unicode$2 = { diacritics: { '`': '̀', "'": '́', '^': '̂', '~': '̃', '=': '̄', u: '̆', '.': '̇', '"': '̈', r: '̊', H: '̋', v: '̌', b: '̲', d: '̣', c: '̧', k: '̨', t: '͡', textcommabelow: '̦' }, commands: { textquotesingle: "'", textasciigrave: '`', textquotedbl: '"', textdollar: '$', textless: '<', textgreater: '>', textbackslash: '\\', textasciicircum: '^', textunderscore: '_', textbraceleft: '{', textbar: '|', textbraceright: '}', textasciitilde: '~', textexclamdown: '¡', textcent: '¢', textsterling: '£', textcurrency: '¤', textyen: '¥', textbrokenbar: '¦', textsection: '§', textasciidieresis: '¨', textcopyright: '©', textordfeminine: 'ª', guillemetleft: '«', guillemotleft: '«', textlnot: '¬', textregistered: '®', textasciimacron: '¯', textdegree: '°', textpm: '±', texttwosuperior: '²', textthreesuperior: '³', textasciiacute: '´', textmu: 'µ', textparagraph: '¶', textperiodcentered: '·', textonesuperior: '¹', textordmasculine: 'º', guillemetright: '»', guillemotright: '»', textonequarter: '¼', textonehalf: '½', textthreequarters: '¾', textquestiondown: '¿', AE: 'Æ', DH: 'Ð', texttimes: '×', O: 'Ø', TH: 'Þ', ss: 'ß', ae: 'æ', dh: 'ð', textdiv: '÷', o: 'ø', th: 'þ', DJ: 'Đ', dj: 'đ', i: 'ı', IJ: 'IJ', ij: 'ij', L: 'Ł', l: 'ł', NG: 'Ŋ', ng: 'ŋ', OE: 'Œ', oe: 'œ', textflorin: 'ƒ', j: 'ȷ', textasciicaron: 'ˇ', textasciibreve: '˘', textacutedbl: '˝', textgravedbl: '˵', texttildelow: '˷', textbaht: '฿', SS: 'ẞ', textcompwordmark: '‌', textendash: '–', textemdash: '—', textbardbl: '‖', textquoteleft: '‘', textquoteright: '’', quotesinglbase: '‚', textquotedblleft: '“', textquotedblright: '”', quotedblbase: '„', textdagger: '†', textdaggerdbl: '‡', textbullet: '•', textellipsis: '…', textperthousand: '‰', textpertenthousand: '‱', guilsinglleft: '‹', guilsinglright: '›', textreferencemark: '※', textinterrobang: '‽', textfractionsolidus: '⁄', textlquill: '⁅', textrquill: '⁆', textdiscount: '⁒', textcolonmonetary: '₡', textlira: '₤', textnaira: '₦', textwon: '₩', textdong: '₫', texteuro: '€', textpeso: '₱', textcelsius: '℃', textnumero: '№', textcircledP: '℗', textrecipe: '℞', textservicemark: '℠', texttrademark: '™', textohm: 'Ω', textmho: '℧', textestimated: '℮', textleftarrow: '←', textuparrow: '↑', textrightarrow: '→', textdownarrow: '↓', textminus: '−', Hwithstroke: 'Ħ', hwithstroke: 'ħ', textasteriskcentered: '∗', textsurd: '√', textlangle: '〈', textrangle: '〉', textblank: '␢', textvisiblespace: '␣', textopenbullet: '◦', textbigcircle: '◯', textmusicalnote: '♪', textmarried: '⚭', textdivorced: '⚮', textinterrobangdown: '⸘', textcommabelow: null, copyright: '©', Gamma: 'Γ', Delta: 'Δ', Theta: 'Θ', Lambda: 'Λ', Xi: 'Ξ', Pi: 'Π', Sigma: 'Σ', Phi: 'Φ', Psi: 'Ψ', Omega: 'Ω', alpha: 'α', beta: 'β', gamma: 'γ', delta: 'δ', varepsilon: 'ε', zeta: 'ζ', eta: 'η', theta: 'θ', iota: 'ι', kappa: 'κ', lambda: 'λ', mu: 'μ', nu: 'ν', xi: 'ξ', pi: 'π', rho: 'ρ', varsigma: 'ς', sigma: 'σ', tau: 'τ', upsilon: 'υ', varphi: 'φ', chi: 'χ', psi: 'ψ', omega: 'ω', vartheta: 'ϑ', Upsilon: 'ϒ', phi: 'ϕ', varpi: 'ϖ', varrho: 'ϱ', epsilon: 'ϵ' } }; const required = required$1; const fieldTypes = fieldTypes$1; const diacritics = unicode$2.diacritics; const commands = unicode$2.commands; // Adapted from astrocite-bibtex (accessed 2018-02-22) // const defaultStrings = { jan: '01', feb: '02', mar: '03', apr: '04', may: '05', jun: '06', jul: '07', aug: '08', sep: '09', oct: '10', nov: '11', dec: '12', acmcs: 'ACM Computing Surveys', acta: 'Acta Informatica', cacm: 'Communications of the ACM', ibmjrd: 'IBM Journal of Research and Development', ibmsj: 'IBM Systems Journal', ieeese: 'IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering', ieeetc: 'IEEE Transactions on Computers', ieeetcad: 'IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits', ipl: 'Information Processing Letters', jacm: 'Journal of the ACM', jcss: 'Journal of Computer and System Sciences', scp: 'Science of Computer Programming', sicomp: 'SIAM Journal on Computing', tocs: 'ACM Transactions on Computer Systems', tods: 'ACM Transactions on Database Systems', tog: 'ACM Transactions on Graphics', toms: 'ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software', toois: 'ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems', toplas: 'ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems', tcs: 'Theoretical Computer Science' }; const formattingEnvs = { it: 'italics', itshape: 'italics', sl: 'italics', slshape: 'italics', em: 'italics', bf: 'bold', bfseries: 'bold', sc: 'smallcaps', scshape: 'smallcaps', // Font selection rm: undefined, sf: undefined, tt: undefined }; const formattingCommands = { textit: 'italics', textsl: 'italics', emph: 'italics', mkbibitalic: 'italics', mkbibemph: 'italics', textbf: 'bold', strong: 'bold', mkbibbold: 'bold', textsc: 'smallcaps', textsuperscript: 'superscript', textsubscript: 'subscript', enquote: 'quotes', mkbibquote: 'quotes', // Font selection textmd: undefined, textrm: undefined, textsf: undefined, texttt: undefined, textup: undefined }; const formatting = { italics: ['', ''], bold: ['', ''], superscript: ['', ''], subscript: ['', ''], smallcaps: ['', ''], nocase: ['', ''], quotes: ['\u201C', '\u201D'] }; // Partly adapted from retorquere/bibtex-parser (2020-11-16) // const argumentCommands = { ElsevierGlyph(glyph) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(glyph, 16)); }, href(url, text) { return url; }, url(url) { return url; } }; const ligaturePattern = /---?|''|``|~/g; const ligatures = { '--': '\u2013', '---': '\u2014', '``': '\u201C', "''": '\u201D', '~': '\u00A0' }; const mathScriptFormatting = { '^': 'superscript', sp: 'superscript', _: 'subscript', sb: 'subscript', mathrm: undefined }; /* eslint-disable quote-props */ const mathScripts = { '^': { 0: '\u2070', 1: '\u00B9', 2: '\u00B2', 3: '\u00B3', 4: '\u2074', 5: '\u2075', 6: '\u2076', 7: '\u2077', 8: '\u2078', 9: '\u2079', '+': '\u207A', '-': '\u207B', '=': '\u207C', '(': '\u207D', ')': '\u207E', i: '\u2071', n: '\u207F' }, _: { 0: '\u2080', 1: '\u2081', 2: '\u2082', 3: '\u2083', 4: '\u2084', 5: '\u2085', 6: '\u2086', 7: '\u2087', 8: '\u2088', 9: '\u2089', '+': '\u208A', '-': '\u208B', '=': '\u208C', '(': '\u208D', ')': '\u208E', a: '\u2090', e: '\u2091', o: '\u2092', x: '\u2093', '\u0259': '\u2094', h: '\u2095', k: '\u2096', l: '\u2097', m: '\u2098', n: '\u2099', s: '\u209A', p: '\u209B', t: '\u209C' } }; /* eslint-enable quote-props */ // Adapted from retorquere/bibtex-parser (2020-10-15) // const sentenceCaseLanguages = ['american', 'british', 'canadian', 'english', 'australian', 'newzealand', 'usenglish', 'ukenglish', 'en', 'eng', 'en-au', 'en-bz', 'en-ca', 'en-cb', 'en-gb', 'en-ie', 'en-jm', 'en-nz', 'en-ph', 'en-tt', 'en-us', 'en-za', 'en-zw', 'anglais']; var constants = { __proto__: null, required: required, fieldTypes: fieldTypes, diacritics: diacritics, commands: commands, defaultStrings: defaultStrings, formattingEnvs: formattingEnvs, formattingCommands: formattingCommands, formatting: formatting, argumentCommands: argumentCommands, ligaturePattern: ligaturePattern, ligatures: ligatures, mathScriptFormatting: mathScriptFormatting, mathScripts: mathScripts, sentenceCaseLanguages: sentenceCaseLanguages }; const identifier = /[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_:-]*/; const whitespace = { comment: /%.*/, whitespace: { match: /\s+/, lineBreaks: true } }; const lexer$1 = moo.states({ main: { junk: { match: /@[cC][oO][mM][mM][eE][nN][tT].+|[^@]+/, lineBreaks: true }, at: { match: '@', push: 'entry' } }, entry: _extends({}, whitespace, { otherEntryType: { match: /[sS][tT][rR][iI][nN][gG]|[pP][rR][eE][aA][mM][bB][lL][eE]/, next: 'otherEntryContents' }, dataEntryType: { match: identifier, next: 'dataEntryContents' } }), otherEntryContents: _extends({}, whitespace, { lbrace: { match: /[{(]/, next: 'fields' } }), dataEntryContents: _extends({}, whitespace, { lbrace: { match: /[{(]/, next: 'dataEntryContents' }, label: /[^,\s]+/, comma: { match: ',', next: 'fields' } }), fields: _extends({}, whitespace, { identifier, number: /-?\d+/, hash: '#', equals: '=', comma: ',', quote: { match: '"', push: 'quotedLiteral' }, lbrace: { match: '{', push: 'bracedLiteral' }, rbrace: { match: /[})]/, pop: true } }), quotedLiteral: { lbrace: { match: '{', push: 'bracedLiteral' }, quote: { match: '"', pop: true }, text: { match: /(?:\\[\\{]|[^{"])+/, lineBreaks: true } }, bracedLiteral: { lbrace: { match: '{', push: 'bracedLiteral' }, rbrace: { match: '}', pop: true }, text: { match: /(?:\\[\\{}]|[^{}])+/, lineBreaks: true } } }); const delimiters = { '(': ')', '{': '}' }; const bibtexGrammar = new Grammar({ Main() { const entries = []; while (true) { while (this.matchToken('junk')) { this.consumeToken('junk'); } if (this.matchEndOfFile()) { break; } entries.push(this.consumeRule('Entry')); } return entries.filter(Boolean); }, _() { let oldToken; while (oldToken !== this.token) { oldToken = this.token; this.consumeToken('whitespace', true); this.consumeToken('comment', true); } }, Entry() { this.consumeToken('at'); this.consumeRule('_'); const type = (this.matchToken('otherEntryType') ? this.consumeToken('otherEntryType') : this.consumeToken('dataEntryType')).value.toLowerCase(); this.consumeRule('_'); const openBrace = this.consumeToken('lbrace').value; this.consumeRule('_'); let result; if (type === 'string') { const [key, value] = this.consumeRule('Field'); this.state.strings[key] = value; } else if (type === 'preamble') { this.consumeRule('Expression'); } else { const label = this.consumeToken('label').value; this.consumeRule('_'); this.consumeToken('comma'); this.consumeRule('_'); const properties = this.consumeRule('EntryBody'); result = { type, label, properties }; } this.consumeRule('_'); const closeBrace = this.consumeToken('rbrace').value; if (closeBrace !== delimiters[openBrace]) { logger.warn('[plugin-bibtex]', `entry started with "${openBrace}", but ends with "${closeBrace}"`); } return result; }, EntryBody() { const properties = {}; while (this.matchToken('identifier')) { const [field, value] = this.consumeRule('Field'); properties[field] = value; this.consumeRule('_'); if (this.consumeToken('comma', true)) { this.consumeRule('_'); } else { break; } } return properties; }, Field() { const field = this.consumeToken('identifier').value.toLowerCase(); this.consumeRule('_'); this.consumeToken('equals'); this.consumeRule('_'); const value = this.consumeRule('Expression'); return [field, value]; }, Expression() { let output = this.consumeRule('ExpressionPart'); this.consumeRule('_'); while (this.matchToken('hash')) { this.consumeToken('hash'); this.consumeRule('_'); output += this.consumeRule('ExpressionPart').toString(); this.consumeRule('_'); } return output; }, ExpressionPart() { if (this.matchToken('identifier')) { return this.state.strings[this.consumeToken('identifier').value.toLowerCase()] || ''; } else if (this.matchToken('number')) { return parseInt(this.consumeToken('number')); } else if (this.matchToken('quote')) { return this.consumeRule('QuoteString'); } else { return this.consumeRule('BracketString'); } }, QuoteString() { let output = ''; this.consumeToken('quote'); while (!this.matchToken('quote')) { output += this.consumeRule('Text'); } this.consumeToken('quote'); return output; }, BracketString() { let output = ''; this.consumeToken('lbrace'); while (!this.matchToken('rbrace')) { output += this.consumeRule('Text'); } this.consumeToken('rbrace'); return output; }, Text() { if (this.matchToken('lbrace')) { return `{${this.consumeRule('BracketString')}}`; } else { return this.consumeToken('text').value; } } }, { strings: defaultStrings }); function parse$4(text) { return bibtexGrammar.parse(lexer$1.reset(text)); } /** * @access private * @constant bibTxtRegex * @default */ const bibTxtRegex = { splitEntries: /\n\s*(?=\[)/g, parseEntry: /^\[(.+?)\]\s*(?:\n([\s\S]+))?$/, splitPairs: /((?=.)\s)*\n\s*/g, splitPair: /:(.*)/ }; /** * Parse single Bib.TXT entry * * @access private * @method parseBibTxtEntry * * @param {String} entry - The input data * * @return {Object} Array of BibTeX-JSON */ const parseBibTxtEntry = entry => { const [, label, pairs] = entry.match(bibTxtRegex.parseEntry) || []; if (!label || !pairs) { return {}; } else { const out = { type: 'book', label, properties: {} }; pairs.trim().split(bibTxtRegex.splitPairs).filter(v => v).forEach(pair => { let [key, value] = pair.split(bibTxtRegex.splitPair); /* istanbul ignore else */ if (value) { key = key.trim(); value = value.trim(); if (key === 'type') { out.type = value; } else {[key] = value; } } }); return out; } }; /** * Parse Bib.TXT data * * @access private * @method parseBibTxt * * @param {String} src - The input data * * @return {Array} Array of BibTeX-JSON */ const parseBibTxt = src => src.trim().split(bibTxtRegex.splitEntries).map(parseBibTxtEntry); const biblatexTypes = { source: { article: 'article-journal', book: 'book', mvbook: 'book', inbook: 'chapter', bookinbook: 'book', booklet: 'book', collection: 'book', mvcollection: 'book', incollection: 'chapter', dataset: 'dataset', online: 'webpage', patent: 'patent', periodical: 'article-journal', proceedings: 'book', mvproceedings: 'book', inproceedings: 'paper-conference', reference: 'book', mvreference: 'book', inreference: 'entry', report: 'report', software: 'book', thesis: 'thesis', unpublished: 'manuscript', artwork: 'graphic', audio: 'song', image: 'figure', jurisdiction: 'legal_case', legislation: 'legislation', legal: 'treaty', letter: 'personal_communication', movie: 'motion_picture', music: 'musical_score', review: 'review', video: 'motion_picture', conference: 'paper-conference', electronic: 'webpage', mastersthesis: 'thesis', phdthesis: 'thesis', techreport: 'report', www: 'webpage' }, target: { article: 'article', 'article-journal': 'article', 'article-magazine': 'article', 'article-newspaper': 'article', bill: 'legislation', book: 'book', broadcast: 'audio', chapter: 'inbook', dataset: 'dataset', entry: 'inreference', 'entry-dictionary': 'inreference', 'entry-encyclopedia': 'inreference', figure: 'artwork', graphic: 'artwork', interview: 'audio', legal_case: 'jurisdiction', legislation: 'legislation', manuscript: 'unpublished', motion_picture: 'movie', musical_score: 'music', 'paper-conference': 'inproceedings', patent: 'patent', personal_communication: 'letter', post: 'online', 'post-weblog': 'online', report: 'report', review: 'review', 'review-book': 'review', song: 'music', speech: 'audio', thesis: 'thesis', treaty: 'legal', webpage: 'online' } }; const bibtexTypes = { source: { article: 'article-journal', book: 'book', booklet: 'book', conference: 'paper-conference', inbook: 'chapter', incollection: 'chapter', inproceedings: 'paper-conference', mastersthesis: 'thesis', phdthesis: 'thesis', proceedings: 'book', techreport: 'report', unpublished: 'manuscript' }, target: { article: 'article', 'article-journal': 'article', 'article-magazine': 'article', 'article-newspaper': 'article', book: 'book', chapter: 'inbook', manuscript: 'unpublished', 'paper-conference': 'inproceedings', report: 'techreport', review: 'article', 'review-book': 'article' } }; var config$1 = { constants, types: { biblatex: biblatexTypes, bibtex: bibtexTypes }, parse: { biblatex: true, strict: false, sentenceCase: 'never' }, format: { useIdAsLabel: false } }; //@ts-nocheck const stopWords = new Set(['the', 'a', 'an']); const unsafeChars = /(?:<\/?.*?>|[\u0020-\u002F\u003A-\u0040\u005B-\u005E\u0060\u007B-\u007F])+/g; const unicode$1 = /[^\u0020-\u007F]+/g; function firstWord(text) { if (!text) { return ''; } else { return text.normalize('NFKD').replace(unicode$1, '').split(unsafeChars).find(word => word.length && !stopWords.has(word.toLowerCase())); } } const name = new Translator([{ source: 'given', target: 'given' }, { source: 'family', target: 'family' }, { source: 'suffix', target: 'suffix' }, { source: 'prefix', target: 'non-dropping-particle' }, { source: 'family', target: 'literal', when: { source: false, target: { family: false, given: false } } }]); const months = ['jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'jun', 'jul', 'aug', 'sep', 'oct', 'nov', 'dec']; const TYPE = 'BibTeX type'; const LABEL = 'BibTeX label'; const MONTHS = { jan: 1, feb: 2, mar: 3, apr: 4, may: 5, jun: 6, jul: 7, aug: 8, sep: 9, oct: 10, nov: 11, dec: 12, january: 1, february: 2, march: 3, april: 4, may: 5, june: 6, july: 7, august: 8, september: 9, october: 10, november: 11, december: 12 }; const TYPE_KEYS = { bathesis: "Bachelor's thesis", mathesis: "Master's thesis", phdthesis: 'PhD thesis', candthesis: 'Candidate thesis', techreport: 'technical report', resreport: 'research report', software: 'computer software', datacd: 'data cd', audiocd: 'audio cd', patent: 'patent', patentde: 'German patent', patenteu: 'European patent', patentfr: 'French patent', patentuk: 'British patent', patentus: 'U.S. patent', patreq: 'patent request', patreqde: 'German patent request', patreqeu: 'European patent request', patreqfr: 'French patent request', patrequk: 'British patent request', patrequs: 'U.S. patent request' }; const STANDARD_NUMBERS_PATTERN = /(^(?:ISAN )?(?:[0-9a-f]{4}-){4}[0-9a-z](?:-(?:[0-9a-f]{4}-){2}[0-9a-z])?$)|(^(?:979-?0-?|M-?)(?:\d{9}|(?=[\d-]{11}$)\d+-\d+-\d)$)|(^ISRN .{1,36}$)|(^(?:ISWC )?T-?\d{9}-?\d$)/i; function parseDate(date) { const parts = date.split('T')[0].replace(/[?~%]$/, '').split('-'); const year = +parts[0].replace(/^Y(?=-?\d{4}\d+)/, '').replace(/X/g, '0'); const month = +parts[1]; const day = +parts[2]; if (!month || month > 20) { return [year]; } else if (!day) { return [year, month]; } else { return [year, month, day]; } } function parseMonth(value) { if (value == null) { return []; } if (+value) { return [parseInt(value, 10)]; } value = value.trim().toLowerCase(); if (value in MONTHS) { return [MONTHS[value]]; } const parts = value.split(/\s+/); let month; let day; if (parts[0] in MONTHS) { month = MONTHS[parts[0]]; day = parseInt(parts[1]); } else if (parts[1] in MONTHS) { month = MONTHS[parts[1]]; day = parseInt(parts[0]); } return day ? [month, day] : month ? [month] : []; } function formatLabel(author, issued, suffix, title) { let label = ''; if (author && author[0]) { label += firstWord(author[0].family || author[0].literal); } if (issued && issued['date-parts'] && issued['date-parts'][0]) { label += issued['date-parts'][0][0]; } if (suffix) { label += suffix; } else if (title) { label += firstWord(title); } return label; } const Converters = { PICK: { toTarget(...args) { return args.find(Boolean); }, toSource(value) { return [value]; } }, DATE: { toTarget(date) { const parts = date.split('/').map(part => part && part !== '..' ? parseDate(part) : undefined); return isNaN(parts[0][0]) ? { literal: date } : { 'date-parts': parts }; }, toSource(date) { if ('date-parts' in date) { return date['date-parts'].map(datePart => => datePart.toString().padStart(2, '0')).join('-')).join('/'); } } }, YEAR_MONTH: { toTarget(year, month, day) { if (isNaN(+year)) { return { literal: year }; } else if (!isNaN(+day) && !isNaN(+month)) { return { 'date-parts': [[+year, +month, +day]] }; } else { return { 'date-parts': [[+year, ...parseMonth(month)]] }; } }, toSource(date) { if ('date-parts' in date) { const [year, month, day] = date['date-parts'][0]; return [year.toString(), month ? day ? `${months[month - 1]} ${day}` : month : undefined]; } } }, EPRINT: { toTarget(id, type) { if (type === 'pubmed') { return id; } }, toSource(id) { return [id, 'pubmed']; } }, HOW_PUBLISHED: { toTarget(howPublished) { if (howPublished.startsWith('http')) { return howPublished; } } }, KEYWORDS: { toTarget(list) { return list.join(','); }, toSource(list) { return list.split(','); } }, LABEL: { toTarget(label) { return [label, label]; }, toSource(id, label, author, issued, suffix, title) { let safeId; if (id === null) { safeId = 'null'; } else if (id === undefined) { safeId = 'undefined'; } else { safeId = id.toString().replace(unsafeChars, ''); } if (config$1.format.useIdAsLabel) { return safeId; } if (label && !unsafeChars.test(label)) { return label; } else { return formatLabel(author, issued, suffix, title) || safeId; } } }, NAMES: { toTarget(list) { return; }, toSource(list) { return; } }, STANDARD_NUMBERS: { toTarget(...args) { return args.find(Boolean); }, toSource(number) { const match = number.toString().match(STANDARD_NUMBERS_PATTERN); return match ? match.slice(1, 5) : []; } }, STATUS: { toSource(state) { if (/^(inpreparation|submitted|forthcoming|inpress|prepublished)$/i.test(state)) { return state; } } }, TITLE: { toTarget(title, subtitle, addon) { if (subtitle) { title += ': ' + subtitle; } return title; }, toSource(title) { return [title]; } } }; const nonSpec = [{ source: 'note', target: 'accessed', when: { source: false, target: { note: false, addendum: false } }, convert: { toSource(accessed) { return `[Online; accessed ${format$9(accessed)}]`; } } }, { source: 'numpages', target: 'number-of-pages', when: { source: { pagetotal: false }, target: false } }, { source: 'pmid', target: 'PMID', when: { source: { eprinttype(type) { return type !== 'pmid'; }, archiveprefix(type) { return type !== 'pmid'; } }, target: false } }, { source: 'pmcid', target: 'PMCID', when: { target: false } }, { source: 's2id', target: 'custom', convert: { toTarget(S2ID) { return { S2ID }; }, toSource({ S2ID }) { return S2ID; } } }]; const aliases = [{ source: 'annote', target: 'annote', when: { source: { annotation: false }, target: false } }, { source: 'address', target: 'publisher-place', convert: Converters.PICK, when: { source: { location: false }, target: false } }, { source: ['eprint', 'archiveprefix'], target: 'PMID', convert: Converters.EPRINT, when: { source: { eprinttype: false }, target: false } }, { source: 'journal', target: 'container-title', when: { source: { maintitle: false, booktitle: false, journaltitle: false }, target: false } }, { source: 'school', target: 'publisher', convert: Converters.PICK, when: { source: { institution: false, organization: false, publisher: false }, target: false } }]; var biblatex = new Translator([...aliases, ...nonSpec, { source: 'abstract', target: 'abstract' }, { source: 'urldate', target: 'accessed', convert: Converters.DATE }, { source: 'annotation', target: 'annote' }, { source: 'author', target: 'author', convert: Converters.NAMES }, { source: 'library', target: 'call-number' }, { source: 'chapter', target: 'chapter-number' }, { source: 'bookauthor', target: 'container-author', convert: Converters.NAMES }, // Regarding maintitle, booktitle & journaltitle: // When importing, maintitle is preferred, since it represents the // larger container. When exporting, booktitle is preferred since // it is more common, unless number-of-volumes is present indicating a // multi-volume book. // journaltitle is only used for articles. { source: ['maintitle', 'mainsubtitle', 'maintitleaddon'], target: 'container-title', when: { source: true, target: { 'number-of-volumes': true } }, convert: Converters.TITLE }, { source: ['booktitle', 'booksubtitle', 'booktitleaddon'], target: 'container-title', when: { source: { maintitle: false }, target: { 'number-of-volumes': false, type(type) { return !type || !type.startsWith('article'); } } }, convert: Converters.TITLE }, { source: ['journaltitle', 'journalsubtitle', 'journaltitleaddon'], target: 'container-title', when: { source: { [TYPE]: 'article' }, target: { type: ['article', 'article-newspaper', 'article-journal', 'article-magazine'] } }, convert: Converters.TITLE }, { source: 'shortjournal', target: 'container-title-short', when: { source: { [TYPE]: 'article' }, target: { type: ['article', 'article-newspaper', 'article-journal', 'article-magazine'] } } }, { source: 'shortjournal', target: 'journalAbbreviation', when: { source: false, target: { 'container-title-short': false } } }, { source: 'number', target: 'collection-number', when: { source: { [TYPE]: ['book', 'mvbook', 'inbook', 'bookinbook', 'suppbook', 'collection', 'mvcollection', 'incollection', 'suppcollection', 'manual', 'suppperiodical', 'proceedings', 'mvproceedings', 'refererence'] }, target: { type: ['bill', 'book', 'broadcast', 'chapter', 'dataset', 'entry', 'entry-dictionary', 'entry-encyclopedia', 'figure', 'graphic', 'interview', 'legislation', 'legal_case', 'manuscript', 'map', 'motion_picture', 'musical_score', 'pamphlet', 'post', 'post-weblog', 'personal_communication', 'review', 'review-book', 'song', 'speech', 'thesis', 'treaty', 'webpage'] } } }, { source: 'series', target: 'collection-title' }, { source: 'shortseries', target: 'collection-title-short' }, { source: 'doi', target: 'DOI' }, { source: 'edition', target: 'edition' }, { source: 'editor', target: 'editor', convert: Converters.NAMES }, { source: [TYPE, 'entrysubtype', 'type'], target: ['type', 'genre'], convert: { toTarget(type, subtype, typeKey) { if (!typeKey) { if (type === 'mastersthesis') { typeKey = 'mathesis'; } if (type === 'phdthesis') { typeKey = 'phdthesis'; } if (type === 'techreport') { typeKey = 'techreport'; } } return [biblatexTypes.source[type] || 'document', typeKey || subtype]; }, toSource(type, genre) { const sourceType =[type] || 'misc'; return genre in TYPE_KEYS ? [sourceType, undefined, genre] : [sourceType, genre]; } } }, { source: TYPE, when: { target: { type: false } }, convert: { toSource() { return 'misc'; } } }, { source: 'eventdate', target: 'event-date', convert: Converters.DATE }, { source: 'venue', target: 'event-place' }, { source: ['eventtitle', 'eventtitleaddon'], target: 'event-title', convert: Converters.EVENT_TITLE }, { source: ['eventtitle', 'eventtitleaddon'], target: 'event', convert: Converters.EVENT_TITLE, when: { source: false, target: { 'event-title': false } } }, { source: LABEL, target: ['id', 'citation-key', 'author', 'issued', 'year-suffix', 'title'], convert: Converters.LABEL }, { source: 'isbn', target: 'ISBN' }, { source: 'issn', target: 'ISSN' }, { source: 'issue', target: 'issue', when: { source: { number: false, [TYPE]: ['article', 'periodical'] }, target: { issue(issue) { return typeof issue === 'string' && !issue.match(/\d+/); }, type: ['article', 'article-journal', 'article-newspaper', 'article-magazine', 'periodical'] } } }, { source: 'number', target: 'issue', when: { source: { [TYPE]: ['article', 'periodical', 'inproceedings'] }, target: { issue(issue) { return issue && (typeof issue === 'number' || issue.match(/\d+/)); }, type: ['article', 'article-journal', 'article-newspaper', 'article-magazine', 'paper-conference', 'periodical'] } } }, { source: 'date', target: 'issued', convert: Converters.DATE }, { source: ['year', 'month', 'day'], target: 'issued', convert: Converters.YEAR_MONTH, when: { source: { date: false }, target: false } }, { source: 'location', target: 'jurisdiction', when: { source: { type: 'patent' }, target: { type: 'patent' } } }, { source: 'keywords', target: 'keyword', convert: Converters.KEYWORDS }, { source: 'language', target: 'language', convert: Converters.PICK }, { source: 'langid', target: 'language', when: { source: { language: false }, target: false } }, { source: 'note', target: 'note' }, { source: 'addendum', target: 'note', when: { source: { note: false }, target: false } }, { source: 'eid', target: 'number', when: { target: { type: ['article-journal'] } } }, { source: ['isan', 'ismn', 'isrn', 'iswc'], target: 'number', convert: Converters.STANDARD_NUMBERS, when: { source: { [TYPE](type) { return type !== 'patent'; } }, target: { type(type) { return type !== 'patent'; } } } }, { source: 'number', target: 'number', when: { source: { [TYPE]: ['patent', 'report', 'techreport', 'legislation'] }, target: { type: ['patent', 'report', 'legislation'] } } }, { source: 'origdate', target: 'original-date', convert: Converters.DATE }, { source: 'origlocation', target: 'original-publisher-place', convert: Converters.PICK }, { source: 'origpublisher', target: 'original-publisher', convert: Converters.PICK }, { source: 'origtitle', target: 'original-title' }, { source: 'pages', target: 'page', when: { source: { bookpagination: [undefined, 'page'] } }, convert: Converters.PAGES }, { source: 'pagetotal', target: 'number-of-pages' }, { source: 'part', target: 'part-number' }, { source: ['eprint', 'eprinttype'], target: 'PMID', convert: Converters.EPRINT }, { source: 'location', target: 'publisher-place', convert: Converters.PICK }, { source: 'publisher', target: 'publisher', convert: Converters.PICK, when: { source: true, target: { // All except: // - thesis, report: institution // - webpage: organization type: ['article', 'article-journal', 'article-magazine', 'article-newspaper', 'bill', 'book', 'broadcast', 'chapter', 'classic', 'collection', 'dataset', 'document', 'entry', 'entry-dictionary', 'entry-encyclopedia', 'event', 'figure', 'graphic', 'hearing', 'interview', 'legal_case', 'legislation', 'manuscript', 'map', 'motion_picture', 'musical_score', 'pamphlet', 'paper-conference', 'patent', 'performance', 'periodical', 'personal_communication', 'post', 'post-weblog', 'regulation', 'review', 'review-book', 'software', 'song', 'speech', 'standard', 'treaty'] } } }, { source: 'organization', target: 'publisher', convert: Converters.PICK, when: { source: { publisher: false }, target: { type: 'webpage' // TODO paper-conference? } } }, { source: 'institution', target: 'publisher', convert: Converters.PICK, when: { source: { publisher: false, organization: false }, target: { type: ['report', 'thesis'] } } }, { source: 'howpublished', target: 'publisher', convert: Converters.PICK, when: { source: { howpublished(howPublished) { return howPublished && !howPublished.startsWith('http'); }, publisher: false, organization: false, institution: false }, target: { type: 'manuscript' } } }, { source: ['pages', 'bookpagination'], target: 'section', when: { source: { bookpagination: 'section' }, target: { page: false } }, convert: { toTarget(section) { return section; }, toSource(section) { return [section, 'section']; } } }, { source: 'pubstate', target: 'status', convert: Converters.STATUS }, { source: 'shorttitle', target: 'title-short' }, { source: 'shorttitle', target: 'shortTitle', when: { source: false, target: { 'title-short': false } } }, { source: ['title', 'subtitle', 'titleaddon'], target: 'title', convert: Converters.TITLE }, { source: 'translator', target: 'translator', convert: Converters.NAMES }, { source: 'url', target: 'URL' }, { source: 'howpublished', target: 'URL', convert: Converters.HOW_PUBLISHED, when: { source: { url: false }, target: false } }, { source: 'version', target: 'version' }, { source: 'volume', target: 'volume' }, { source: 'volumes', target: 'number-of-volumes' }, { source: ['issuetitle', 'issuesubtitle', 'issuetitleaddon'], target: 'volume-title', convert: Converters.TITLE }]); var bibtex = new Translator([{ source: 'note', target: 'accessed', when: { source: false, target: { note: false } }, convert: { toSource(accessed) { return `[Online; accessed ${format$9(accessed)}]`; } } }, { source: 'annote', target: 'annote' }, { source: 'address', target: 'publisher-place', convert: Converters.PICK }, { source: 'author', target: 'author', convert: Converters.NAMES }, { source: 'chapter', target: 'chapter-number' }, { source: 'number', target: 'collection-number', when: { source: { [TYPE]: ['book', 'mvbook', 'inbook', 'collection', 'mvcollection', 'incollection', 'suppcollection', 'manual', 'suppperiodical', 'proceedings', 'mvproceedings', 'refererence'] }, target: { type: ['bill', 'book', 'broadcast', 'chapter', 'dataset', 'entry', 'entry-dictionary', 'entry-encyclopedia', 'figure', 'graphic', 'interview', 'legislation', 'legal_case', 'manuscript', 'map', 'motion_picture', 'musical_score', 'pamphlet', 'post', 'post-weblog', 'personal_communication', 'review', 'review-book', 'song', 'speech', 'thesis', 'treaty', 'webpage'] } } }, { source: 'series', target: 'collection-title' }, { source: 'booktitle', target: 'container-title', when: { target: { type: ['chapter', 'paper-conference'] } } }, { source: 'journal', target: 'container-title', when: { source: { [TYPE]: 'article' }, target: { type: ['article', 'article-newspaper', 'article-journal', 'article-magazine'] } } }, { source: 'edition', target: 'edition' }, { source: 'editor', target: 'editor', convert: Converters.NAMES }, { source: LABEL, target: ['id', 'citation-key', 'author', 'issued', 'year-suffix', 'title'], convert: Converters.LABEL }, { source: 'number', target: 'issue', when: { source: { [TYPE]: ['article', 'periodical', 'inproceedings'] }, target: { issue(issue) { return typeof issue === 'number' || typeof issue === 'string' && issue.match(/\d+/); }, type: ['article', 'article-journal', 'article-newspaper', 'article-magazine', 'paper-conference', 'periodical'] } } }, { source: ['year', 'month', 'day'], target: 'issued', convert: Converters.YEAR_MONTH }, { source: 'note', target: 'note' }, { source: 'number', target: 'number', when: { source: { [TYPE]: ['patent', 'report', 'techreport'] }, target: { type: ['patent', 'report'] } } }, { source: 'pages', target: 'page', convert: Converters.PAGES }, { source: 'publisher', target: 'publisher', convert: Converters.PICK, when: { target: { // All except manuscript, paper-conference, techreport and thesis type: ['article', 'article-journal', 'article-magazine', 'article-newspaper', 'bill', 'book', 'broadcast', 'chapter', 'classic', 'collection', 'dataset', 'document', 'entry', 'entry-dictionary', 'entry-encyclopedia', 'event', 'figure', 'graphic', 'hearing', 'interview', 'legal_case', 'legislation', 'map', 'motion_picture', 'musical_score', 'pamphlet', 'patent', 'performance', 'periodical', 'personal_communication', 'post', 'post-weblog', 'regulation', 'review', 'review-book', 'software', 'song', 'speech', 'standard', 'treaty', 'webpage'] } } }, { source: 'organization', target: 'publisher', convert: Converters.PICK, when: { source: { publisher: false }, target: { type: 'paper-conference' } } }, { source: 'institution', target: 'publisher', convert: Converters.PICK, when: { source: { publisher: false, organization: false }, target: { type: 'report' } } }, { source: 'school', target: 'publisher', convert: Converters.PICK, when: { source: { institution: false, organization: false, publisher: false }, target: { type: 'thesis' } } }, { source: 'howpublished', target: 'publisher', convert: Converters.PICK, when: { source: { howpublished(howPublished) { return howPublished && !howPublished.startsWith('http'); }, publisher: false, organization: false, institution: false, school: false }, target: { type: 'manuscript' } } }, { source: 'title', target: 'title' }, { source: [TYPE, 'type'], target: ['type', 'genre'], convert: { toTarget(sourceType, subType) { /* istanbul ignore next */ const type = bibtexTypes.source[sourceType] || 'document'; if (subType) { return [type, subType]; } else if (sourceType === 'mastersthesis') { return [type, "Master's thesis"]; } else if (sourceType === 'phdthesis') { return [type, 'PhD thesis']; } else { return [type]; } }, toSource(targetType, genre) { const type =[targetType] || 'misc'; if (/^(master'?s|diploma) thesis$/i.test(genre)) { return ['mastersthesis']; } else if (/^(phd|doctoral) thesis$/i.test(genre)) { return ['phdthesis']; } else { return [type, genre]; } } } }, { source: TYPE, when: { target: { type: false } }, convert: { toSource() { return 'misc'; } } }, { source: 'howpublished', target: 'URL', convert: Converters.HOW_PUBLISHED, when: { target: { publisher: false } } }, { source: 'volume', target: 'volume' }]); function _objectWithoutProperties(source, excluded) { if (source == null) return {}; var target = _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded); var key, i; if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var sourceSymbolKeys = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(source); for (i = 0; i < sourceSymbolKeys.length; i++) { key = sourceSymbolKeys[i]; if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue; if (!, key)) continue; target[key] = source[key]; } } return target; } function _objectWithoutPropertiesLoose(source, excluded) { if (source == null) return {}; var target = {}; var sourceKeys = Object.keys(source); var key, i; for (i = 0; i < sourceKeys.length; i++) { key = sourceKeys[i]; if (excluded.indexOf(key) >= 0) continue; target[key] = source[key]; } return target; } function _toPropertyKey(arg) { var key = _toPrimitive(arg, 'string'); return typeof key === 'symbol' ? key : String(key); } function _toPrimitive(input, hint) { if (typeof input !== 'object' || input === null) return input; var prim = input[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (prim !== undefined) { var res =, hint || 'default'); if (typeof res !== 'object') return res; throw new TypeError('@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.'); } return (hint === 'string' ? String : Number)(input); } function ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = Object.keys(object); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object); if (enumerableOnly) { symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; }); } keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; } function _objectSpread(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {}; if (i % 2) { ownKeys(Object(source), true).forEach(function (key) { _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }); } else if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors) { Object.defineProperties(target, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)); } else { ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { Object.defineProperty(target, key, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } } return target; } function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { Object.defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; } function crossref(entry, registry) { if (entry.crossref in registry) { const parent = registry[entry.crossref].properties; if (parent === entry) { return entry; } return Object.assign({}, crossref(parent, registry), entry); } return entry; } function _parse(input, spec) { const registry = {}; for (const entry of input) { registry[entry.label] = entry; } return{ type, label, properties }) => spec.convertToTarget(_objectSpread({ [TYPE]: type, [LABEL]: label }, crossref(properties, registry)))); } function _format(input, spec) { return => { const _spec$convertToSource = spec.convertToSource(entry), { [TYPE]: type, [LABEL]: label } = _spec$convertToSource, properties = _objectWithoutProperties(_spec$convertToSource, [TYPE, LABEL].map(_toPropertyKey)); return { type, label, properties }; }); } function parseBibtex$1(input) { return _parse(input, bibtex); } function formatBibtex$1(input) { return _format(input, bibtex); } function parse$3(input) { return _parse(input, biblatex); } function format$5(input) { return _format(input, biblatex); } // @ts-nocheck /** * @access private * @param {String} * @returns {Boolean|null} true if uppercase, false if lowercase, null if neither */ function getStringCase(string) { const a = string.toUpperCase(); const b = string.toLowerCase(); for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i++) { if (a[i] !== b[i]) { return a[i] === string[i]; } } return null; } /** * @access private * @param {Array} parts * @return {String|undefined} */ function formatNameParts(parts) { if (parts.length === 0) { return undefined; } let piece = ''; while (parts.length > 1) { const { value, hyphenated } = parts.shift(); piece += value + (hyphenated ? '-' : ' '); } const output = piece + parts[0].value; return output[0] && output; } /** * @access private * @param {Array} parts * @param {Boolean} [orderGiven=true] - also consider the given name * @return {Array} */ function orderNameParts(parts, /* istanbul ignore next */orderGiven = true) { const given = []; const undecided = []; if (orderGiven) { while (parts.length > 1 && parts[0].upperCase !== false) { given.push(...undecided); undecided.length = 0; while (parts.length > 1 && parts[0].upperCase !== false && !parts[0].hyphenated) { given.push(parts.shift()); } while (parts.length > 0 && parts[0].upperCase !== false && parts[0].hyphenated) { undecided.push(parts.shift()); } } } const prefix = []; const family = []; while (parts.length > 1) { prefix.push(; family.length = 0; while (parts.length > 1 && parts[0].upperCase === false) { prefix.push(parts.shift()); } while (parts.length > 0 && parts[0].upperCase !== false) { family.push(parts.shift()); } } if (undecided.length) { family.unshift(...undecided); } if (parts.length) { family.push(parts[0]); } return [formatNameParts(given), formatNameParts(prefix), formatNameParts(family)]; } /** * @access private * @param {Array>} pieces * @return {Object} */ function orderNamePieces(pieces) { if (pieces[0][0].label) { const _name = {}; for (const [{ value, label }] of pieces) { _name[label] = value; } return _name; } const name = {}; const [given, prefix, family] = orderNameParts(pieces[0], pieces.length === 1); if (family) { = family; } if (prefix) { name.prefix = prefix; } if (pieces.length === 3) { name.given = formatNameParts(pieces[2]); name.suffix = formatNameParts(pieces[1]); } else if (pieces.length === 2) { name.given = formatNameParts(pieces[1]); } else if (given) { name.given = given; } return name; } const text = { command: { match: /\\(?:[a-zA-Z]+|.) */, type: moo.keywords({ commandBegin: '\\begin', commandEnd: '\\end' }), value: s => s.slice(1).trim() }, lbrace: { match: '{', push: 'bracedLiteral' }, mathShift: { match: '$', push: 'mathLiteral' }, whitespace: { match: /[\s]+|~/, lineBreaks: true, // \xa0 = Non-breakable space value(token) { return token === '~' ? '\xa0' : ' '; } } }; const lexer = moo.states({ stringLiteral: _extends({}, text, { text: /[^{$}\s~\\]+/ }), namesLiteral: _extends({ and: /\s+[aA][nN][dD]\s+/, comma: ',', hyphen: '-', equals: '=' }, text, { text: /[^{$}\s~\\,=-]+/ }), listLiteral: _extends({ and: /\s+and\s+/ }, text, { text: /[^{$}\s~\\]+/ }), separatedLiteral: _extends({ comma: ',' }, text, { text: /[^{$}\s~\\,]+/ }), bracedLiteral: _extends({}, text, { rbrace: { match: '}', pop: true }, text: /[^{$}\s~\\]+/ }), mathLiteral: _extends({}, text, { mathShift: { match: '$', pop: true }, script: /[\^_]/, text: /[^{$}\s~\\^_]+/ }) }); function flattenConsString(string) { return string; } function applyFormatting(text, format) { if (format in formatting) { return text && formatting[format].join(text); } else { return text; } } const valueGrammar = new Grammar({ String() { let output = ''; while (!this.matchEndOfFile()) { output += this.consumeRule('Text'); } return flattenConsString(output); }, StringNames() { const list = []; while (true) { this.consumeToken('whitespace', true); list.push(this.consumeRule('Name')); this.consumeToken('whitespace', true); if (this.matchEndOfFile()) { return list; } else { this.consumeToken('and'); } } }, Name() { const pieces = []; while (true) { pieces.push(this.consumeRule('NamePiece')); if (this.matchEndOfFile() || this.matchToken('and')) { return orderNamePieces(pieces); } else { this.consumeToken('comma'); this.consumeToken('whitespace', true); } } }, NamePiece() { const parts = []; while (true) { const part = this.consumeRule('NameToken'); if (part.label) { part.label = formatNameParts([, { value: part.label }]); return [part]; } parts.push(part); if (this.matchEndOfFile() || this.matchToken('and') || this.matchToken('comma')) { return parts; } else { while (this.matchToken('hyphen') || this.matchToken('whitespace')) { this.consumeToken(); } } } }, NameToken() { let upperCase = null; let value = ''; while (true) { // If needed, test regular text for case if (upperCase === null && this.matchToken('text')) { const text = this.consumeToken().value; value += text; upperCase = getStringCase(text); // If end of name part, return up } else if (this.matchEndOfFile() || this.matchToken('and') || this.matchToken('comma') || this.matchToken('whitespace')) { return { value, upperCase }; // Same for hyphen, but note it is hyphenated } else if (this.matchToken('hyphen')) { return { value, upperCase, hyphenated: true }; // If equals we are in BibLaTeX extended mode // 'family=Last, given=First, prefix=von' } else if (this.matchToken('equals')) { this.consumeToken('equals'); const text = this.consumeRule('NamePiece'); if (text[0].label) { value += '=' + text[0].label; } return { value: formatNameParts(text), label: value }; // Else consume other text } else { value += this.consumeRule('Text'); } } }, StringList() { const list = []; while (!this.matchEndOfFile()) { let output = ''; while (!this.matchEndOfFile() && !this.matchToken('and')) { output += this.consumeRule('Text'); } list.push(flattenConsString(output)); this.consumeToken('and', true); } return list.length === 1 ? list[0] : list; }, StringSeparated() { const list = []; while (!this.matchEndOfFile()) { let output = ''; while (!this.matchEndOfFile() && !this.matchToken('comma')) { output += this.consumeRule('Text'); } list.push(output.trim()); this.consumeToken('comma', true); this.consumeToken('whitespace', true); } return list; }, StringVerbatim() { let output = ''; while (!this.matchEndOfFile()) { output += this.consumeToken().text; } return flattenConsString(output); }, StringUri() { const uri = this.consumeRule('StringVerbatim'); try { if (decodeURI(uri) === uri) { return encodeURI(uri); } else { return uri; } } catch (e) { // malformed URI return encodeURI(uri); } }, StringTitleCase() { this.state.sentenceCase = true; let output = ''; while (!this.matchEndOfFile()) { output += this.consumeRule('Text'); } return flattenConsString(output); }, BracketString() { var _this$state; let output = ''; this.consumeToken('lbrace'); const sentenceCase = this.state.sentenceCase; // If the bracket string starts with a command the sentence case behavior // is maintained within the brackets. this.state.sentenceCase = sentenceCase && this.matchToken('command'); (_this$state = this.state).partlyLowercase && (_this$state.partlyLowercase = this.state.sentenceCase); while (!this.matchToken('rbrace')) { output += this.consumeRule('Text'); } // topLevel meaning that the bracket string is not top level but a direct // child of the top level value. const topLevel = sentenceCase && !this.state.sentenceCase; // Protect the case of the bracket string if it is a direct child of the top // level, and the string is partly lowercase. const protectCase = topLevel && this.state.partlyLowercase; // Restore the sentence case of the outside of the brackets. this.state.sentenceCase = sentenceCase; this.consumeToken('rbrace'); return protectCase ? applyFormatting(output, 'nocase') : output; }, MathString() { let output = ''; this.consumeToken('mathShift'); while (!this.matchToken('mathShift')) { if (this.matchToken('script')) { const script = this.consumeToken('script').value; const text = this.consumeRule('Text').split(''); if (text.every(char => char in mathScripts[script])) { output += => mathScripts[script][char]).join(''); } else { const formatName = mathScriptFormatting[script]; output += formatting[formatName].join(text.join('')); } continue; } if (this.matchToken('command')) { const command = this.token.value; if (command in mathScriptFormatting) { this.consumeToken('command'); const text = this.consumeRule('BracketString'); output += applyFormatting(text, mathScriptFormatting[command]); continue; } } output += this.consumeRule('Text'); } this.consumeToken('mathShift'); return output; }, Text() { /* eslint-disable padded-blocks */ if (this.matchToken('lbrace')) { return this.consumeRule('BracketString'); } else if (this.matchToken('mathShift')) { return this.consumeRule('MathString'); } else if (this.matchToken('whitespace')) { return this.consumeToken('whitespace').value; } else if (this.matchToken('commandBegin')) { return this.consumeRule('EnclosedEnv'); } else if (this.matchToken('command')) { return this.consumeRule('Command'); } /* eslint-enable padded-blocks */ const text = this.consumeToken('text').value.replace(ligaturePattern, ligature => ligatures[ligature]); const afterPunctuation = this.state.afterPunctuation; this.state.afterPunctuation = /[?!.:]$/.test(text); // If the text fragment is not topLevel and has a case, check whether lowercase if (!this.state.sentenceCase) { var _this$state2; (_this$state2 = this.state).partlyLowercase || (_this$state2.partlyLowercase = text === text.toLowerCase() && text !== text.toUpperCase()); return text; } // Unicode-safe splitting (as in, accounting for surrogate pairs) const [first, ...otherCharacters] = text; const rest = otherCharacters.join(''); const restLowerCase = rest.toLowerCase(); // Word case should be preserved for proper nouns (e.g. those with capital // letters in other places than the first letter). if (rest !== restLowerCase) { return text; } if (!afterPunctuation) { return text.toLowerCase(); } return first + restLowerCase; // return first.toUpperCase() + restLowerCase }, Command() { const commandToken = this.consumeToken('command'); const command = commandToken.value; // formatting envs if (command in formattingEnvs) { const text = this.consumeRule('Env'); const format = formattingEnvs[command]; return applyFormatting(text, format); // formatting commands } else if (command in formattingCommands) { const text = this.consumeRule('BracketString'); const format = formattingCommands[command]; return applyFormatting(text, format); // commands } else if (command in commands) { return commands[command]; // diacritics } else if (command in diacritics && !this.matchEndOfFile()) { const text = this.consumeRule('Text'); const diacritic = text[0] + diacritics[command]; return diacritic.normalize('NFC') + text.slice(1); // argument commands } else if (command in argumentCommands) { const func = argumentCommands[command]; const args = []; let arity = func.length; while (arity-- > 0) { this.consumeToken('whitespace', true); args.push(this.consumeRule('BracketString')); } return func(...args); // escapes } else if (/^[&%$#_{}]$/.test(command)) { return commandToken.text.slice(1); // unknown commands } else { return commandToken.text; } }, Env() { let output = ''; while (!this.matchEndOfFile() && !this.matchToken('rbrace')) { output += this.consumeRule('Text'); } return output; }, EnclosedEnv() { this.consumeToken('commandBegin'); const beginEnv = this.consumeRule('BracketString'); let output = ''; while (!this.matchToken('commandEnd')) { output += this.consumeRule('Text'); } const end = this.consumeToken('commandEnd'); const endEnv = this.consumeRule('BracketString'); if (beginEnv !== endEnv) { throw new SyntaxError(this.lexer.formatError(end, `environment started with "${beginEnv}", ended with "${endEnv}"`)); } return applyFormatting(output, formattingEnvs[beginEnv]); } }, { sentenceCase: false, partlyLowercase: false, afterPunctuation: true }); function singleLanguageIsEnglish(language) { return sentenceCaseLanguages.includes(language.toLowerCase()); } function isEnglish(languages) { if (Array.isArray(languages)) { return languages.every(singleLanguageIsEnglish); } return singleLanguageIsEnglish(languages); } function getMainRule(fieldType, languages) { if (fieldType[1] === 'name') { /* istanbul ignore next: does not exist */ return fieldType[0] === 'list' ? 'StringNames' : 'Name'; } if (fieldType[1] === 'title') { const option = config$1.parse.sentenceCase; if (option === 'always' || option === 'english' && isEnglish(languages)) { return 'StringTitleCase'; } else { return 'String'; } } switch (fieldType[0] === 'field' ? fieldType[1] : fieldType[0]) { case 'list': return 'StringList'; case 'separated': return 'StringSeparated'; case 'verbatim': return 'StringVerbatim'; case 'uri': return 'StringUri'; case 'title': case 'literal': default: return 'String'; } } function getLexerState(fieldType) { if (fieldType[1] === 'name') { return 'namesLiteral'; } switch (fieldType[0]) { case 'list': return 'listLiteral'; case 'separated': return 'separatedLiteral'; case 'field': default: return 'stringLiteral'; } } function parse$2(text, field, languages = []) { const fieldType = fieldTypes[field] || []; return valueGrammar.parse(lexer.reset(text, { state: getLexerState(fieldType), line: 0, col: 0 }), getMainRule(fieldType, languages)); } function validate(entries, requirements) { const problems = []; for (const { type, label, properties } of entries) { if (type in requirements) { const missing = []; for (const field of requirements[type]) { if (Array.isArray(field) && !field.some(field => field in properties)) { missing.push(field.join('/')); } else if (typeof field === 'string' && !(field in properties)) { missing.push(field); } } if (missing.length) { problems.push([label, `missing fields: ${missing.join(', ')}`]); } } else { problems.push([label, `invalid type: "${type}"`]); } } if (problems.length) { throw new RangeError(['Invalid entries:'].concat([label, problem]) => ` - ${label} has ${problem}`)).join('\n')); } } function parseEntryValues(entry) { const output = {}; if ('language' in { output.language = parse$2(, 'language'); } for (const property in { const value =[property]; if (value === '') { continue; } output[property] = parse$2(value + '', property, output.language); } return _extends({}, entry, { properties: output }); } function parse$1(entries) { if (config$1.parse.strict) { validate(entries, required.biblatex); } return parse$3(; } function parseBibtex(entries) { if (config$1.parse.strict) { validate(entries, required.bibtex); } return parseBibtex$1(; } /** * @constant {module:@citation-js/core.plugins~pluginRef} ref * @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-bibtex * @default '@bibtex' */ const ref = '@bibtex'; /** * @namespace formats * @type module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~format,module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~parsers * @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-bibtex */ const formats = { /** * BibLaTeX file. * * @type module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~parsers * @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-bibtex.formats * @property {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~dataParser} parse * @property {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~typeParser} parseType */ '@biblatex/text': { parse: parse$4, parseType: { dataType: 'String', predicate: /@\s{0,5}[A-Za-z]{1,13}\s{0,5}\{\s{0,5}[^@{}"=,\\\s]{0,100}\s{0,5},[\s\S]*\}/ } }, /** * BibLaTeX object. * * ```js * { * type: '...', * label: '...', * properties: {...} * } * ``` * * @type module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~parsers * @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-bibtex.formats * @property {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~dataParser} parse * @property {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~typeParser} parseType */ '@biblatex/entry+object': { parse(input) { return parse$1([input]); }, parseType: { dataType: 'SimpleObject', propertyConstraint: { props: ['type', 'label', 'properties'] } } }, /** * Array of {@link module:@citation-js/plugin-bibtex.formats."@biblatex/entries+list"|BibLaTeX objects}. * * @type module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~parsers * @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-bibtex.formats * @property {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~dataParser} parse * @property {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~typeParser} parseType */ '@biblatex/entries+list': { parse: parse$1, parseType: { elementConstraint: '@biblatex/entry+object' } }, /** * BibTeX file. * * @type module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~parsers * @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-bibtex.formats * @property {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~dataParser} parse * @property {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~format} outputs */ '@bibtex/text': { parse: parse$4, outputs: '@bibtex/entries+list' }, /** * BibTeX object. * * ```js * { * type: '...', * label: '...', * properties: {...} * } * ``` * * @type module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~parsers * @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-bibtex.formats * @property {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~dataParser} parse */ '@bibtex/entry+object': { parse(input) { return parseBibtex([input]); } }, /** * Array of {@link module:@citation-js/plugin-bibtex.formats."@bibtex/entries+list"|BibTeX objects}. * * @type module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~parsers * @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-bibtex.formats * @property {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~dataParser} parse */ '@bibtex/entries+list': { parse: parseBibtex }, /** * Bib.TXT file. * * @type module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~parsers * @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-bibtex.formats * @property {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~dataParser} parse * @property {module:@citation-js/core.plugins.input~typeParser} parseType */ '@bibtxt/text': { parse: parseBibTxt, parseType: { dataType: 'String', predicate: /^\s*(\[(?!\s*[{[]).*?\]\s*(\n\s*[^[]((?!:)\S)+\s*:\s*.+?\s*)*\s*)+$/ } } }; //@ts-nocheck const unicode = {}; for (const command in commands) { unicode[commands[command]] = command; } for (const diacritic in diacritics) { unicode[diacritics[diacritic]] = diacritic; } for (const ligature in ligatures) { unicode[ligatures[ligature]] = ligature; } const UNSAFE_UNICODE = /[^a-zA-Z0-9\s!"#%&'()*+,\-./:;=?@[\]{}\u0300-\u0308\u030a-\u030c\u0332\u0323\u0327\u0328\u0361\u0326]/g; const DIACRITIC_PATTERN = /.[\u0300-\u0308\u030a-\u030c\u0332\u0323\u0327\u0328\u0361\u0326]+/g; const listDelimiters = { separated: ',', list: ' and ' }; const richTextMappings = { i: '\\textit{', b: '\\textbf{', sc: '\\textsc{', sup: '\\textsuperscript{', sub: '\\textsubscript{', 'span style="font-variant:small-caps;"': '\\textsc{', 'span class="nocase"': '{' }; function escapeValue(value) { return value.normalize('NFKD').replace(UNSAFE_UNICODE, char => char in unicode ? unicode[char] in ligatures ? unicode[char] : `\\${unicode[char]}{}` : '').replace(DIACRITIC_PATTERN, match => Array.from(match).reduce((subject, diacritic) => `{\\${unicode[diacritic]} ${subject}}`)); } function formatRichText(value) { const closingTags = []; let tokens = value.split(/<(\/?(?:i|b|sc|sup|sub|span)|span .*?)>/g); tokens =, index) => { if (index % 2 === 0) { return escapeValue(token); } else if (token in richTextMappings) { closingTags.push('/' + token.split(' ')[0]); return richTextMappings[token]; } else if (token === closingTags[closingTags.length - 1]) { closingTags.pop(); return '}'; } else { return ''; } }); return tokens.join(''); } function formatName(name) { if ( && !name.prefix && !name.given & !name.suffix) { return ? : `{${}}`; } const parts = ['']; if (name.prefix && { parts[0] += name.prefix + ' '; } if ( { parts[0] +=; } if (name.suffix) { parts.push(name.suffix); parts.push(name.given || ''); } else { parts.push(name.given); } return escapeValue(parts.join(', ').trim()); } function formatTitle(title) { return formatRichText(title).split(/(:\s*)/).map((part, i) => i % 2 ? part : part.replace(/(?!^)\b[a-z]*[A-Z].*?\b/g, '{$&}')).join(''); } function formatSingleValue(value, valueType) { switch (valueType) { case 'title': return formatTitle(value); case 'literal': return formatRichText(value.toString()); case 'name': return formatName(value); case 'verbatim': case 'uri': return value.toString(); default: return escapeValue(value.toString()); } } function formatList(values, valueType, listType) { const delimiter = listDelimiters[listType]; return => { const formatted = formatSingleValue(value, valueType); return formatted.includes(delimiter) ? `{${formatted}}` : formatted; }).join(delimiter); } function format$4(field, value) { if (!(field in fieldTypes)) { return formatSingleValue(value, 'verbatim'); } const [listType, valueType] = fieldTypes[field]; if (listType in listDelimiters) { return formatList(value, valueType, listType); } else { return formatSingleValue(value, valueType); } } function formatEntryValues({ type, label, properties }) { const output = {}; for (const property in properties) { const value = properties[property]; output[property] = format$4(property, value); } return { type, label, properties: output }; } function format$3(entries) { return format$5(entries).map(formatEntryValues); } function formatBibtex(entries) { return formatBibtex$1(entries).map(formatEntryValues); } function formatEntry$1({ type, label, properties }, dict) { const fields = Object.entries(properties).map(([field, value]) => dict.listItem.join(`${field} = {${value}},`)); return dict.entry.join(`@${type}{${label},${dict.list.join(fields.join(''))}}`); } function format$2(src, dict) { const entries = => formatEntry$1(entry, dict)).join(''); return dict.bibliographyContainer.join(entries); } function formatEntry({ type, label, properties }, dict) { const fields = Object.entries(properties).concat([['type', type]]).map(([field, value]) => dict.listItem.join(`${field}: ${value}`)); return dict.entry.join(`[${label}]${dict.list.join(fields.join(''))}`); } function format$1(src, dict) { const entries = => formatEntry(entry, dict)).join('\n'); return dict.bibliographyContainer.join(entries); } const factory = function factory(mapper, formatter) { return function (data, opts = {}) { const { type, format = type || 'text' } = opts; data = mapper(data); if (format === 'object') { return data; } else if (has$2(format)) { return formatter(data, get$1(format), opts); } else { throw new RangeError(`Output dictionary "${format}" not available`); } }; }; var output = { bibtex: factory(formatBibtex, format$2), biblatex: factory(format$3, format$2), bibtxt: factory(formatBibtex, format$1) }; add(ref, { input: formats, output, config: config$1 }); const defaultLocales = { 'en-US': `Andrew DunningSebastian KarcherRintze M. ZelleDenis MeierBrenton M. WiernikThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License2015-10-10T23:31:02+00:00advance online publicationalbumaudio recordingfilmhenceforthloc. publishern.p.onop. cit.original work publishedpersonal communicationpodcastpodcast episodepreprintradio broadcastradio seriesradio series episodespecial issuespecial sectiontelevision broadcasttelevision seriestelevision series episodevideoworking paperaccessedandand othersanonymousanon.atavailable al.forthcomingfromibid.inin pressinternetinterviewletterno daten.d.onlinepresented at thereferencereferencesref.refs.retrievedscaleversionpreprintjournal articlemagazine articlenewspaper articlebillbookbroadcastbook chapterclassiccollectiondatasetdocumententrydictionary entryencyclopedia entryeventgraphichearinginterviewlegal caselegislationmanuscriptmapvideo recordingmusical scorepamphletconference paperpatentperformanceperiodicalpersonal communicationpostblog postregulationreportreviewbook reviewsoftwareaudio recordingpresentationstandardthesistreatywebpagejournal art.mag. art.newspaper art.bk.bk. chap.doc.graph.interv.MSvideo rec.rep.rev.bk. rec.ADBCBCECE:,;thstndrdthththfirstsecondthirdfourthfifthsixthseventheighthninthtenthactactsappendixappendicesarticlearticlescanoncanonslocationlocationsequationequationsrulerulesscenescenestabletablestitletitlesbookbookschapterchapterscolumncolumnsfigurefiguresfoliofoliosnumbernumberslinelinesnotenotesopusoperapagepagespagepagesparagraphparagraphspartpartssectionsectionssub verbosub¶¶§§§chairchairscompilercompilerscontributorcontributorscuratorcuratorsexecutive producerexecutive producersguestguestshosthostsnarratornarratorsorganizerorganizersperformerperformersproducerproducerswriterwritersseries creatorseries creatorsdirectordirectorseditoreditorseditoreditorsillustratorillustratorstranslatortranslatorseditor & translatoreditors & translatorscomp.comps.contrib.contribs.cur.curs.exec. prod.exec. & tran.eds. & trans.chaired bycompiled bywithcurated byexecutive produced bywith guesthosted bynarrated byorganized byperformed byproduced bywritten bycreated bybydirected byedited byedited byillustrated byinterview bytobytranslated byedited & translated bycomp. byw.cur. byexec. prod. byw. guesthosted bynarr. byorg. byperf. byprod. bywrit. bycre. bydir. byed. byed. byillus. bytrans. byed. & trans. byJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberJan.Feb.Mar.Apr.MayJun.Jul.Aug.Sep.Oct.Nov.Dec.SpringSummerAutumnWinter` }; const locales = new Register(defaultLocales); const defaultTemplates = { apa: `` }; const templates = new Register(defaultTemplates); // @ts-nocheck // BEGIN add sys function const proxied = Symbol.for('proxied'); const getWrapperProxy = function getWrapperProxy(original) { const proxy = function proxy(state, entry) { if (state.sys.wrapBibliographyEntry) { const [prefix, postfix] = state.sys.wrapBibliographyEntry(this.system_id); entry = [prefix, entry, postfix].join(''); } return, state, entry); }; proxy[proxied] = true; return proxy; }; for (const format in CSL.Output.Formats) { const original = CSL.Output.Formats[format]['@bibliography/entry']; /* istanbul ignore if: currently unreachable */ if (!original || original[proxied]) { continue; } CSL.Output.Formats[format]['@bibliography/entry'] = getWrapperProxy(original); } // END /** * @access private * @param {String} locale - locale code * @return {String} locale XML */ function retrieveLocale(locale) { if (locales.has(locale)) { return locales.get(locale); } const unnormalised = locale.replace('-', '_'); if (locales.has(unnormalised)) { return locales.get(unnormalised); } // Should only occur when a cs:style default-locale is unknown return {}; } /** * Object containing CSL Engines * * @access private * @constant */ const engines = {}; /** * Retrieve CSL parsing engine * * @access private * * @param {String} style - CSL style id * @param {String} lang - Language code * @param {String} template - CSL XML template * @param {module:output/csl~retrieveItem} retrieveItem - Code to retreive item * @param {module:output/csl~retrieveLocale} retrieveLocale - Code to retreive locale * * @return {Object} CSL Engine */ const fetchEngine = function fetchEngine(style, locale, styleXml, retrieveItem, retrieveLocale) { const engineHash = `${style}|${locale}`; let engine; if (engines[engineHash] instanceof CSL.Engine) { engine = engines[engineHash]; engine.sys.retrieveItem = retrieveItem; engine.sys.wrapBibliographyEntry = undefined; engine.updateItems([]); } else { engine = engines[engineHash] = new CSL.Engine({ retrieveLocale, retrieveItem }, styleXml, locale, true); } return engine; }; /** * Prepare CSL parsing engine * * @access private * * @param {Array} data * @param {String} templateName * @param {String} language * @param {String} format * * @return {Object} CSL Engine */ const prepareEngine = function prepareEngine(data, style, locale, format) { if (!CSL.Output.Formats[format] || !CSL.Output.Formats[format]['@bibliography/entry']) { throw new TypeError(`Cannot find format '${format}'`); } const items = data.reduce((store, entry) => { store[] = entry; return store; }, {}); const template = templates.get(templates.has(style) ? style : 'apa'); locale = locales.has(locale) ? locale : undefined; const callback = function callback(key) { if (, key)) { return items[key]; } else { throw new Error(`Cannot find entry with id '${key}'`); } }; const engine = fetchEngine(style, locale, template, callback, retrieveLocale); engine.setOutputFormat(format); return engine; }; /** * Add data-* attribute to a HTML string * * @access private * * @param {String} string - HTML string * @param {String} name - attribute name * @param {String} value - attribute value * * @return {String} HTML string with attribute */ const getAttributedEntry = (string, name, value) => string.replace(/^\s*<[a-z]+/i, `$& data-${name}="${value}"`); /** * Add CSL identifiers to entry * * @access private * * @param {String} value - HTML string * @param {String} id - ID * * @return {String} HTML string with CSL ID */ const getPrefixedEntry = (value, id) => getAttributedEntry(value, 'csl-entry-id', id); // @ts-nocheck /** * Get a rendered affix * * @access private * * @param {CSL} source - source element * @param {String|Cite~wrapper} affix * * @return {String} Rendered affixs */ const getAffix = (source, affix) => typeof affix === 'function' ? affix(source) : affix || ''; /** * This plugin adds the output format `bibliography`, and accepts the following specific options: * * * `prepend` (`String`, `Function`): prepend static or dynamic text to each entry * * `append` (`String`, `Function`): append static or dynamic text to each entry * * `nosort` (`Boolean`, default: `false`): do not sort according to the style-defined rules * * `asEntryArray` (`Boolean`, default: `false`): return an array of entries consisting of an id and the output for that individual entry * * Here's an example for `prepend` and `append`: * * ```js * let cite = new Cite({ id: 'a', title: 'Item A' }) * * cite.format('bibliography', { append: ' [foobar]' }) * // 'Item A. (n.d.). [foobar]\n' * * cite.format('bibliography', { prepend (entry) { return `${}: ` } }) * // 'a: Item A. (n.d.).\n' * ``` * * And here's another example, possibly more realistic: * * ```js * let cite = new Cite('Q30000000') * * let date = (new Date()).toLocaleDateString() * * cite.format('bibliography', { * format: 'html', * template: 'apa', * prepend (entry) { * return `[${}]: ` * }, * append: ` [Retrieved on ${date}]` * }) * * // `
    * //
    * // [Q30000000]: Miccadei, S., De Leo, R., Zammarchi, E., Natali, P. G., & Civitareale, D. (2002). The Synergistic Activity of Thyroid Transcription Factor 1 and Pax 8 Relies on the Promoter/Enhancer Interplay. Molecular Endocrinology, 16(4), 837–846. [Retrieved on 2018-7-10] * //
    * //
    ` * ``` * * This prepends `[$ID]: ` to each entry, where `$ID` is the ID of that entry, and appends ` [Retrieved on $DATE]`, where `$DATE` is today (constant for all entries). * * Here's an example for `asEntryArray`: * * ```js * const cite = new Cite([ * { id: 'a', title: 'Item A', issued: { literal: 2021 } }, * { id: 'b', title: 'Item B', issued: { literal: 2021 } } * ]) * * cite.format('bibliography', { asEntryArray: true }) * // [ * // [ * // "a" * // "Item A. (2021).\n" * // ], * // [ * // "b" * // "Item B. (2021).\n" * // ] * // ] * ``` * * @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-csl.output * @implements module:@citation-js/core.plugins.output~formatter * @method bibliography * * @param {Array} data * @param {Object} [options={}] * @param {String} [options.template='apa'] * @param {String} [options.lang] * @param {String} [options.format='text'] * @param {Booolean} [options.asEntryArray=false] * @param {Booolean} [options.nosort=false] * @param {String|Array} [options.entry] * @param {Cite~wrapper} [options.prepend] * @param {Cite~wrapper} [options.append] * * @return {String} output */ function bibliography(data, options = {}) { const { template = 'apa', lang, format = 'text', nosort = false } = options; const ids = options.entry ? [].concat(options.entry) :{ id }) => id); data = downgradeCsl(data); const citeproc = prepareEngine(data, template, lang, format); const sortedIds = citeproc.updateItems(ids, nosort); if (options.append || options.prepend) { const items = data.reduce((items, entry) => { items[] = entry; return items; }, {}); citeproc.sys.wrapBibliographyEntry = function (id) { const entry = items[id]; return [getAffix(entry, options.prepend), getAffix(entry, options.append)]; }; } const bibliography = citeproc.makeBibliography(); const [{ bibstart, bibend }, bibBody] = bibliography; const entries =, index) => getPrefixedEntry(element, sortedIds[index])); if (options.asEntryArray) { return, index) => [sortedIds[index], element]); } return bibstart + entries.join('') + bibend; } // @ts-nocheck /** * * * @typedef {Object} module:@citation-js/plugin-csl.output~CiteItem * @property {String} id */ /** * * * @typedef {Object} module:@citation-js/plugin-csl.output~Citation * @property {Array} citationItems * @property {Object} properties * @property {Number} properties.noteIndex */ /** * @access private * @param {String|module:@citation-js/plugin-csl.output~CiteItem} citeItem * @return {module:@citation-js/plugin-csl.output~CiteItem} citeItem */ function prepareCiteItem(citeItem) { return typeof citeItem === 'object' ? citeItem : { id: citeItem }; } /** * @access private * @param {String|Array|Array|module:@citation-js/plugin-csl.output~CiteItem|module:@citation-js/plugin-csl.output~Citation} citation * @return {module:@citation-js/plugin-csl.output~Citation} citation */ function prepareCitation(citation) { if (citation.citationItems) { return citation; } return { citationItems: [].concat(citation).map(prepareCiteItem), properties: { noteIndex: 0 } }; } /** * @access private * @param {Array|Array|Array} [context=[]] * @return {Array} citations */ function prepareCitations(context) { if (!context) { return []; } return; } /** * Here's an example for `entry`: * * ```js * let cite = new Cite([ * { id: 'a', title: 'Item A', issued: { 'date-parts': [[2016]] } }, * { id: 'b', title: 'Item B', issued: { 'date-parts': [[2017]] } }, * { id: 'c', title: 'Item C', issued: { 'date-parts': [[2018]] } } * ]) * * cite.format('citation') * // '(“Item A,” 2016; “Item B,” 2017; “Item C,” 2018)' * * cite.format('citation', { entry: ['a', 'b'] }) * // '(“Item A,” 2016; “Item B,” 2017)' * * cite.format('citation', { entry: 'a' }) * // '(“Item A,” 2016)' * * cite.format('citation', { entry: [{ id: 'a', label: 'page', locator: 123 }] }) * // '(“Item A,” 2016, p. 123)' * ``` * * @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-csl.output * @implements module:@citation-js/core.plugins.output~formatter * @method citation * * @param {Array} data * @param {Object} [options={}] * @param {String} [options.template='apa'] * @param {String} [options.lang] * @param {String} [options.format='text'] * @param {module:@citation-js/plugin-csl.output~Entries} [options.entry] - list of ids or cite-items of entries to include in the citation (defaults to all) * @param {Array} [options.citationsPre=[]] * @param {Array} [options.citationsPost=[]] * * @return {String} output */ function citation(data, options = {}) { const { template = 'apa', lang, format = 'text' } = options; const ids ={ id }) => id); const entries = options.entry ? options.entry : ids; data = downgradeCsl(data); const citeproc = prepareEngine(data, template, lang, format); const before = prepareCitations(options.citationsPre); const citation = prepareCitation(entries); const after = prepareCitations(options.citationsPost); const output = citeproc.rebuildProcessorState([...before, citation, ...after], format, []); return output[before.length][2]; } // @ts-nocheck add('@csl', { /** * @namespace output * @type Object * @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-csl */ output: { bibliography, citation }, /** * @namespace config * @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-csl */ config: { /** * The configuration object also exposes an internal method to prepare a Citeproc engine with given data and configuration: * * ```js * let config = plugins.config.get('@csl') * * let citeproc = plugins.engine( * [{ ... }], // data * 'apa', // style * 'en-US', // locale * 'html' // format * ) * * let sortedIds = citeproc.updateItems( * [...] // data ids * ) * let makeBibliography = citeproc.makeBibliography() * ``` * * @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-csl.config * @method engine * @param {module:@citation-js/core~CSL} data * @param {String} style * @param {String} locale * @param {String} format */ engine: prepareEngine, /** * Different [CSL Locales]( can be registered like this: * * ```js * let language = 'en-GB' * let locale = '...' // The actual XML file * * let config = plugins.config.get('@csl') * config.locales.add(language, locale) * * let example = new Cite(...) * example.format('bibliography', { * format: 'html', * template: 'apa', * lang: language * }) * ``` * * @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-csl.config * @var {module:@citation-js/core.util.Register} locales */ locales, /** * Different [CSL Templates]( can be registered like this: * * ```js * let templateName = 'custom' * let template = '' // The actual XML file * * let config = plugins.config.get('@csl') * config.templates.add(templateName, template) * * let example = new Cite(...) * example.format('bibliography', { * format: 'html', * template: templateName, * lang: 'en-US' * }) * ``` * * @memberof module:@citation-js/plugin-csl.config * @var {module:@citation-js/core.util.Register} templates */ templates } }); // See const timestampTag = ',2002:timestamp'; const timestamp = yaml.DEFAULT_SCHEMA.compiledTypeMap.scalar[timestampTag]; const date = new yaml.Type(timestampTag, { kind: 'scalar', resolve: timestamp.resolve, construct: timestamp.construct, instanceOf: Date, represent(object) { return object.toISOString().split('T')[0]; } }); const CFF_SCHEMA = yaml.DEFAULT_SCHEMA.extend({ implicit: [date], explicit: [] }); add('@else', { input: { '@else/yaml': { parseType: { dataType: 'String', tokenList: { split: /\n(\s{2})*(-\s)?/, token: /^[\w-]*: /, every: false } }, parse(file) { return yaml.load(file, { json: true }); } } }, output: { yaml(data) { return yaml.dump(data, { schema: CFF_SCHEMA }); } } }); /** * Format: Citation File Format (CFF) version 1.2.0 * Spec: */ const TYPES_TO_TARGET = { art: 'graphic', article: 'article-journal', // more likely audiovisual: 'motion_picture', bill: 'bill', blog: 'post-weblog', book: 'book', catalogue: 'collection', conference: 'event', 'conference-paper': 'paper-conference', data: 'dataset', database: 'dataset', dictionary: 'entry-dictionary', 'edited-work': 'document', // unmapped encyclopedia: 'entry-encyclopedia', 'film-broadcast': 'broadcast', generic: 'document', 'government-document': 'regulation', grant: 'document', // unmapped hearing: 'hearing', 'historical-work': 'classic', 'legal-case': 'legal_case', 'legal-rule': 'legislation', 'magazine-article': 'article-magazine', manual: 'report', // substitute presented in the CSL specification map: 'map', multimedia: 'motion_picture', music: 'musical_score', 'newspaper-article': 'article-newspaper', pamphlet: 'pamphlet', patent: 'patent', 'personal-communication': 'personal_communication', proceedings: 'book', // substitute presented in the CSL specification report: 'report', serial: 'periodical', slides: 'speech', software: 'software', 'software-code': 'software', 'software-container': 'software', 'software-executable': 'software', 'software-virtual-machine': 'software', 'sound-recording': 'song', standard: 'standard', statute: 'legislation', thesis: 'thesis', unpublished: 'article', video: 'motion_picture', website: 'webpage' }; const TYPES_TO_SOURCE = { article: 'article', 'article-journal': 'article', 'article-magazine': 'magazine-article', 'article-newspaper': 'newspaper-article', bill: 'bill', book: 'book', broadcast: 'film-broadcast', chapter: 'generic', // unmapped classic: 'historical-work', collection: 'catalogue', dataset: 'data', document: 'generic', entry: 'generic', // unmapped 'entry-dictionary': 'dictionary', 'entry-encyclopedia': 'encyclopedia', event: 'conference', figure: 'generic', // unmapped graphic: 'art', hearing: 'hearing', interview: 'sound-recording', legal_case: 'legal-case', legislation: 'statute', manuscript: 'historical-work', map: 'map', motion_picture: 'film-broadcast', musical_score: 'music', pamphlet: 'pamphlet', 'paper-conference': 'conference-paper', patent: 'patent', performance: 'generic', // unmapped periodical: 'serial', personal_communication: 'personal-communication', post: 'serial', 'post-weblog': 'blog', regulation: 'government-document', report: 'report', review: 'generic', // unmapped 'review-book': 'generic', // unmapped software: 'software', song: 'sound-recording', speech: 'slides', standard: 'standard', thesis: 'thesis', treaty: 'generic', webpage: 'website' }; const ENTITY_PROPS = [{ source: 'family-names', target: 'family' }, { source: 'given-names', target: 'given' }, { source: 'name-particle', target: 'non-dropping-particle' }, { source: 'name-suffix', target: 'suffix' }, { source: 'name', target: 'literal' }, { source: 'orcid', target: '_orcid' }]; const entity = new Translator(ENTITY_PROPS); const PROP_CONVERTERS = { names: { toTarget(names) { return; }, toSource(names) { return; } }, publisher: { toTarget({ name, city, region, country }) { const place = [city, region, country].filter(Boolean).join(', '); return [name, place || undefined]; }, toSource(name, place) { const entity = { name }; if (place) { // Parse the following: // - Country // - City, Country // - City, Region, Country const parts = place.split(', '); = parts.pop(); if (parts.length === 2) { entity.region = parts.pop(); } if (parts.length === 1) { = parts.pop(); } } return entity; } }, date: { toTarget(date) { if (date instanceof Date) { return parse$9(date.toISOString()); } else { return parse$9(new Date(date).toISOString()); } }, toSource(date) { if (date.raw) { return date.raw; } const [year, month, day] = date['date-parts'][0]; if (day) { return new Date(Date.UTC(year, month - 1, day)); } else if (month) { return new Date(Date.UTC(year, month - 1)); } else { return new Date(Date.UTC(year)); } } } }; const SHARED_PROPS = ['abstract', { source: 'authors', target: 'author', convert: PROP_CONVERTERS.names }, // TODO cff: commit // TODO cff: contact { source: 'date-released', target: 'issued', when: { target: { type: 'software' } }, convert: }, { source: 'doi', target: 'DOI' }, { source: 'identifiers', target: ['DOI', 'ISBN', 'ISSN', 'PMCID', 'PMID', 'URL'], convert: { toTarget(identifiers) { const newIdentifiers = Array(6).fill(undefined); for (const { type, value } of identifiers) { if (!this.doi && type === 'doi') { newIdentifiers[0] = value; } if (!this.url && type === 'url') { newIdentifiers[5] = value; } if (type === 'other' && value.startsWith('urn:isbn:')) { newIdentifiers[1] = value.slice(9); } if (type === 'other' && value.startsWith('urn:issn:')) { newIdentifiers[2] = value.slice(9); } if (type === 'other' && value.startsWith('pmcid:')) { newIdentifiers[3] = value.slice(6); } if (type === 'other' && value.startsWith('pmid:')) { newIdentifiers[4] = value.slice(5); } } return newIdentifiers; }, toSource(doi, isbn, issn, pmcid, pmid, url) { return [doi && { type: 'doi', value: doi }, url && { type: 'url', value: url }, isbn && { type: 'other', value: `urn:isbn:${isbn}` }, issn && { type: 'other', value: `urn:issn:${issn}` }, pmcid && { type: 'other', value: `pmcid:${pmcid}` }, pmid && { type: 'other', value: `pmid:${pmid}` }].filter(Boolean); } } }, { source: 'keywords', target: 'keyword', convert: { toTarget(keywords) { return keywords.join(','); }, toSource(keywords) { return keywords.split(/,\s*/g); } } }, // TODO cff: license // TODO cff: license-url // TODO cff: message * // TODO cff: repository // TODO cff: repository-code // TODO cff: repository-artifact { source: 'title', target: 'title', when: { source: { term: false, entry: false }, target: { type(type) { return !['entry', 'entry-dictionary', 'entry-encyclopedia'].includes(type); } } } }, { source: 'title', target: 'container-title', when: { source: { entry: true, journal: false }, target: { type: ['entry'] } } }, { source: 'title', target: 'container-title', when: { source: { term: true, journal: false }, target: { type: ['entry-dictionary', 'entry-encyclopedia'] } } }, { source: 'url', target: 'URL' }, 'version']; const MAIN_PROPS = [ // TYPES { source: 'type', target: 'type', convert: { toSource(type) { return type === 'dataset' ? 'dataset' : 'software'; }, toTarget(type) { return type === 'dataset' ? 'dataset' : 'software'; } } }, // Include main mappings ...SHARED_PROPS]; const REF_PROPS = [ // Include main mappings ...SHARED_PROPS, // ABBREVIATION { source: 'abbreviation', target: 'title-short' }, { source: 'abbreviation', target: 'shortTitle' }, // COLLECTIONS // TODO cff: collection-doi // TODO cff: collection-type 'collection-title', // COMMUNICATION { source: 'recipients', target: 'recipient', convert: PROP_CONVERTERS.names }, { source: 'senders', target: 'authors', convert: PROP_CONVERTERS.names }, // CONFERENCE { source: 'conference', target: ['event-title', 'event-date', 'event-place', 'event'], convert: { toSource(name, date, place, nameFallback) { const entity = { name: name || nameFallback }; if (place) { entity.location = place; } if (date) { entity['date-start'] =; if (date['date-parts'] && date['date-parts'].length === 2) { entity['date-end'] ={ 'date-parts': [date['date-parts'][1]] }); } } return entity; }, toTarget(event) { return [, parse$9(event['date-start'].toISOString(), event['date-end'].toISOString()), event.location]; } } }, // COPYRIGHT // TODO cff: contact // TODO cff: copyright // DATABASE { source: 'database', target: 'source' }, // TODO cff: database-provider NOTE entity // DATE { source: 'date-accessed', target: 'accessed', convert: }, { source: 'date-downloaded', target: 'accessed', convert:, when: { source: { 'date-accessed': false }, target: false } }, { source: 'date-published', target: 'issued', convert:, when: { source: { 'date-released': false }, target() { return this.type !== 'book' || !this.version; } } }, { source: ['year', 'month'], target: 'issued', when: { source: { 'date-published': false, 'date-released': false, year: true } }, convert: { toTarget(year, month) { const date = month ? [year, month] : [year]; return { 'date-parts': [date] }; }, toSource(issued) { const [year, month] = issued['date-parts'][0]; return [year, month]; } } }, { source: 'year-original', target: 'original-date', convert: { toTarget(year) { return { 'date-parts': [[year]] }; }, toSource(date) { return date['date-parts'][0][0]; } } }, // EDITION 'edition', // EDITORS { source: 'editors', target: 'editor', convert: PROP_CONVERTERS.names }, { source: 'editors-series', target: 'collection-editor', convert: PROP_CONVERTERS.names }, // ENTRY { source: 'entry', target: 'title', when: { source: { term: false }, target: { type: 'entry' } } }, { source: 'term', target: 'title', when: { target: { type: ['entry-dictionary', 'entry-encyclopedia'] } } }, // FORMAT { source: 'format', target: 'dimensions' }, 'medium', // GENRE { source: 'data-type', target: 'genre', when: { target: { type(type) { return type !== 'thesis'; } } } }, { source: 'thesis-type', target: 'genre', when: { source: { 'data-type': false }, target: { type: 'thesis' } } }, // IDENTIFIERS { source: 'isbn', target: 'ISBN' }, { source: 'issn', target: 'ISSN' }, // TODO cff: nihmsid { source: 'pmcid', target: 'PMCID' }, // ISSUE 'issue', // JOURNAL { source: 'journal', target: 'container-title' }, { source: 'volume-title', target: 'volume-title' }, { source: 'issue-title', target: 'volume-title', when: { source: { 'volume-title': false }, target: false } }, // TODO cff: issue-date // LANGUAGE { source: 'languages', target: 'language', when: { target: true, // NOTE: possible values not as strict in csl, so test (crudely) if the value is ok first source: { language(code) { return /[a-z]{2,3}/.test(code); } } }, convert: { // NOTE: CSL can only hold one language toSource(language) { return [language]; }, toTarget(languages) { return languages[0]; } } }, // LOCATION { source: 'location', target: ['archive', 'archive-place'], convert: PROP_CONVERTERS.publisher }, // LOCATION (CODE) // TODO cff: filename // TODO cff: loc-start // TODO cff: loc-end // NOTES { source: 'notes', target: 'note', when: { source: { scope: false } } }, { source: 'scope', target: 'note', when: { target: false } }, // NUMBER 'number', // PATENT { source: 'patent-states', target: 'jurisdiction', // NOTE: CSL jurisdiction can contain more than just US states when: { target: false }, convert: { toTarget(states) { return states.join(', '); } } }, // PUBLISHER { source: ['institution', 'department'], target: ['publisher', 'publisher-place'], when: { source: { publisher: false }, target: { type: 'thesis' } }, convert: { toTarget(institution, department) { const [name, place] = PROP_CONVERTERS.publisher.toTarget(institution); return [department ? `${department}, ${name}` : name, place]; }, toSource(name, place) { return [PROP_CONVERTERS.publisher.toSource(name, place)]; } } }, { source: 'publisher', target: ['publisher', 'publisher-place'], when: { target: { type(type) { return type !== 'thesis'; } } }, convert: PROP_CONVERTERS.publisher }, // SECTION 'section', // STATUS { source: 'status', target: 'status', when: { source: true, // NOTE: possible values not as strict in csl, so test if the value is ok first target: { status: ['in-preparation', 'abstract', 'submitted', 'in-press', 'advance-online', 'preprint'] } } }, // PAGES { source: 'start', target: 'page-first', when: { target: { page: false } } }, { source: ['start', 'end'], target: 'page', convert: { toTarget(start, end) { return end ? `${start}-${end}` : start; }, toSource(page) { const [start, end] = page.split('-'); return end ? [start, end] : [start]; } } }, { source: 'pages', target: 'number-of-pages' }, // TRANSLATORS { source: 'translators', target: 'translator', convert: PROP_CONVERTERS.names }, // TYPES { source: 'type', target: 'type', convert: { toTarget(type) { return TYPES_TO_TARGET[type] || 'document'; }, toSource(type) { if (type === 'book' && this['event-title']) { return 'proceedings'; } return TYPES_TO_SOURCE[type] || 'generic'; } } }, // VOLUMES 'volume', { source: 'number-volumes', target: 'number-of-volumes' }]; const mainTranslator = new Translator(MAIN_PROPS); const refTranslator = new Translator(REF_PROPS); const CFF_VERSION = '1.2.0'; /** Add doi or url as unique id if available to make citation easy */ function addId(entry) { if ('DOI' in entry) { = entry.DOI; } else if ('URL' in entry) { = entry.URL.replace('http://', '').replace('https://', ''); } } function parse(input) { const main = mainTranslator.convertToTarget(input); if (input['cff-version'] <= '1.1.0') { main.type =; } main._cff_mainReference = true; addId(main); const output = [main]; if (input['preferred-citation']) { const preferredCitation = refTranslator.convertToTarget(input['preferred-citation']); addId(preferredCitation); output.push(preferredCitation); } if (Array.isArray(input.references)) { output.push(; } return output; } function format(input, options = {}) { input = input.slice(); const { main, preferred, cffVersion = CFF_VERSION, message = 'Please cite the following works when using this software.' } = options; let preferredCitation; const preferredIndex = input.findIndex(entry => preferred && === preferred); if (cffVersion >= '1.2.0' && preferredIndex > -1) { preferredCitation = refTranslator.convertToSource(...input.splice(preferredIndex, 1)); } let mainIndex = input.findIndex(entry => main ? === main : entry._cff_mainReference); mainIndex = mainIndex > -1 ? mainIndex : 0; const mainRef = input[mainIndex] ? mainTranslator.convertToSource(...input.splice(mainIndex, 1)) : {}; if (mainRef && cffVersion < '1.2.0') { delete mainRef.type; } const cff = _extends({ 'cff-version': cffVersion, message }, mainRef); if (preferredCitation) { cff['preferred-citation'] = preferredCitation; } if (input.length) { cff.references =; } return cff; } add('@cff', { input: { '@cff/object': { parseType: { dataType: 'SimpleObject', propertyConstraint: { props: 'cff-version' } }, parse } }, output: { cff(data, options = {}) { const output = format(data, options); if (options.type === 'object') { return output; } else { return format$7('yaml', output); } } } }); function clone(obj) { const copy = {}; for (const key in obj) { copy[key] = typeof obj[key] === 'object' ? clone(obj[key]) : obj[key]; } return copy; } function Cite(data, opts) { if (!(this instanceof Cite)) { return new Cite(data, opts); } const self = new Cite$1(data, opts); this._options = self._options; this.log = self.log; =; } Cite.plugins = clone(plugins); var mla = ``; var chicago = ``; var harvard1 = ``; var vancouver = ``; const config = Cite.plugins.config.get('@csl'); // Citation.js comes with apa config.templates.add('vancouver', vancouver); config.templates.add('harvard1', harvard1); config.templates.add('mla', mla); config.templates.add('chicago', chicago); const rehypeCitation = rehypeCitationGenerator(Cite); export { Cite, rehypeCitation as default, rehypeCitationGenerator }; //#