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 * @fileoverview  Implements the CssStyles class for handling stylesheets
 * @author dpvc@mathjax.org (Davide Cervone)

 * The data for a selector
export type StyleData = {
  [property: string]: string | number;

 * A list of selectors and their data (basically a stylesheet)
export type StyleList = {
  [selector: string]: StyleData;

 * The CssStyles class (for managing a collection of CSS style definitions)

export class CssStyles {
   * The styles as they currently stand
  protected styles: StyleList = {};

   * @return {string}  The styles as a CSS string
  get cssText(): string {
    return this.getStyleString();

   * @param {StyleList} styles  The initial styles to use, if any
   * @constructor
  constructor(styles: StyleList = null) {

   * @param {StyleList} styles  The styles to combine with the existing ones
  public addStyles(styles: StyleList) {
    if (!styles) return;
    for (const style of Object.keys(styles)) {
      if (!this.styles[style]) {
        this.styles[style] = {};
      Object.assign(this.styles[style], styles[style]);

   * @param {string[]} selectors  The selectors for the styles to remove
  public removeStyles(...selectors: string[]) {
    for (const selector of selectors) {
      delete this.styles[selector];

   * Clear all the styles
  public clear() {
    this.styles = {};

   * @return {string} The CSS string for the style list
  public getStyleString(): string {
    return this.getStyleRules().join('\n\n');

   * @return {string[]}  An array of rule strings for the style list
  public getStyleRules(): string[] {
    const selectors = Object.keys(this.styles);
    const defs: string[] = new Array(selectors.length);
    let i = 0;
    for (const selector of selectors) {
      defs[i++] = selector + ' {\n' + this.getStyleDefString(this.styles[selector]) + '\n}';
    return defs;

   * @param {StyleData} styles  The style data to be stringified
   * @return {string}           The CSS string for the given data
  public getStyleDefString(styles: StyleData): string {
    const properties = Object.keys(styles);
    const values: string[] = new Array(properties.length);
    let i = 0;
    for (const property of properties) {
      values[i++] = '  ' + property + ': ' + styles[property] + ';';
    return values.join('\n');
