var Dy = Object.defineProperty var Ry = (e, t, r) => t in e ? Dy(e, t, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: r }) : (e[t] = r) var Bp = (e, t, r) => (Ry(e, typeof t != 'symbol' ? t + '' : t, r), r) ;(function () { const t = document.createElement('link').relList if (t && t.supports && t.supports('modulepreload')) return for (const n of document.querySelectorAll('link[rel="modulepreload"]')) i(n) new MutationObserver((n) => { for (const s of n) if (s.type === 'childList') for (const a of s.addedNodes) a.tagName === 'LINK' && a.rel === 'modulepreload' && i(a) }).observe(document, { childList: !0, subtree: !0 }) function r(n) { const s = {} return ( n.integrity && (s.integrity = n.integrity), n.referrerPolicy && (s.referrerPolicy = n.referrerPolicy), n.crossOrigin === 'use-credentials' ? (s.credentials = 'include') : n.crossOrigin === 'anonymous' ? (s.credentials = 'omit') : (s.credentials = 'same-origin'), s ) } function i(n) { if (n.ep) return n.ep = !0 const s = r(n) fetch(n.href, s) } })() var mn = typeof globalThis < 'u' ? globalThis : typeof window < 'u' ? window : typeof global < 'u' ? global : typeof self < 'u' ? self : {} function ci(e) { return e && e.__esModule &&, 'default') ? e.default : e } var wd = { exports: {} }, qo = {}, Nd = { exports: {} }, Se = {} /** * @license React * react.production.min.js * * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ var Zs = Symbol.for('react.element'), Ly = Symbol.for('react.portal'), Py = Symbol.for('react.fragment'), By = Symbol.for('react.strict_mode'), Fy = Symbol.for('react.profiler'), My = Symbol.for('react.provider'), Uy = Symbol.for('react.context'), Hy = Symbol.for('react.forward_ref'), zy = Symbol.for('react.suspense'), jy = Symbol.for('react.memo'), qy = Symbol.for('react.lazy'), Fp = Symbol.iterator function $y(e) { return e === null || typeof e != 'object' ? null : ((e = (Fp && e[Fp]) || e['@@iterator']), typeof e == 'function' ? e : null) } var Od = { isMounted: function () { return !1 }, enqueueForceUpdate: function () {}, enqueueReplaceState: function () {}, enqueueSetState: function () {}, }, Id = Object.assign, Dd = {} function Pn(e, t, r) { ;(this.props = e), (this.context = t), (this.refs = Dd), (this.updater = r || Od) } Pn.prototype.isReactComponent = {} Pn.prototype.setState = function (e, t) { if (typeof e != 'object' && typeof e != 'function' && e != null) throw Error( 'setState(...): takes an object of state variables to update or a function which returns an object of state variables.' ) this.updater.enqueueSetState(this, e, t, 'setState') } Pn.prototype.forceUpdate = function (e) { this.updater.enqueueForceUpdate(this, e, 'forceUpdate') } function Rd() {} Rd.prototype = Pn.prototype function sf(e, t, r) { ;(this.props = e), (this.context = t), (this.refs = Dd), (this.updater = r || Od) } var af = (sf.prototype = new Rd()) af.constructor = sf Id(af, Pn.prototype) af.isPureReactComponent = !0 var Mp = Array.isArray, Ld = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, of = { current: null }, Pd = { key: !0, ref: !0, __self: !0, __source: !0 } function Bd(e, t, r) { var i, n = {}, s = null, a = null if (t != null) for (i in (t.ref !== void 0 && (a = t.ref), t.key !== void 0 && (s = '' + t.key), t)), i) && !Pd.hasOwnProperty(i) && (n[i] = t[i]) var o = arguments.length - 2 if (o === 1) n.children = r else if (1 < o) { for (var u = Array(o), c = 0; c < o; c++) u[c] = arguments[c + 2] n.children = u } if (e && e.defaultProps) for (i in ((o = e.defaultProps), o)) n[i] === void 0 && (n[i] = o[i]) return { $$typeof: Zs, type: e, key: s, ref: a, props: n, _owner: of.current } } function Vy(e, t) { return { $$typeof: Zs, type: e.type, key: t, ref: e.ref, props: e.props, _owner: e._owner } } function uf(e) { return typeof e == 'object' && e !== null && e.$$typeof === Zs } function Gy(e) { var t = { '=': '=0', ':': '=2' } return ( '$' + e.replace(/[=:]/g, function (r) { return t[r] }) ) } var Up = /\/+/g function Ou(e, t) { return typeof e == 'object' && e !== null && e.key != null ? Gy('' + e.key) : t.toString(36) } function qa(e, t, r, i, n) { var s = typeof e ;(s === 'undefined' || s === 'boolean') && (e = null) var a = !1 if (e === null) a = !0 else switch (s) { case 'string': case 'number': a = !0 break case 'object': switch (e.$$typeof) { case Zs: case Ly: a = !0 } } if (a) return ( (a = e), (n = n(a)), (e = i === '' ? '.' + Ou(a, 0) : i), Mp(n) ? ((r = ''), e != null && (r = e.replace(Up, '$&/') + '/'), qa(n, t, r, '', function (c) { return c })) : n != null && (uf(n) && (n = Vy( n, r + (!n.key || (a && a.key === n.key) ? '' : ('' + n.key).replace(Up, '$&/') + '/') + e )), t.push(n)), 1 ) if (((a = 0), (i = i === '' ? '.' : i + ':'), Mp(e))) for (var o = 0; o < e.length; o++) { s = e[o] var u = i + Ou(s, o) a += qa(s, t, r, u, n) } else if (((u = $y(e)), typeof u == 'function')) for (e =, o = 0; !(s =; ) (s = s.value), (u = i + Ou(s, o++)), (a += qa(s, t, r, u, n)) else if (s === 'object') throw ( ((t = String(e)), Error( 'Objects are not valid as a React child (found: ' + (t === '[object Object]' ? 'object with keys {' + Object.keys(e).join(', ') + '}' : t) + '). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead.' )) ) return a } function ga(e, t, r) { if (e == null) return e var i = [], n = 0 return ( qa(e, i, '', '', function (s) { return, s, n++) }), i ) } function Xy(e) { if (e._status === -1) { var t = e._result ;(t = t()), t.then( function (r) { ;(e._status === 0 || e._status === -1) && ((e._status = 1), (e._result = r)) }, function (r) { ;(e._status === 0 || e._status === -1) && ((e._status = 2), (e._result = r)) } ), e._status === -1 && ((e._status = 0), (e._result = t)) } if (e._status === 1) return e._result.default throw e._result } var _t = { current: null }, $a = { transition: null }, Yy = { ReactCurrentDispatcher: _t, ReactCurrentBatchConfig: $a, ReactCurrentOwner: of } Se.Children = { map: ga, forEach: function (e, t, r) { ga( e, function () { t.apply(this, arguments) }, r ) }, count: function (e) { var t = 0 return ( ga(e, function () { t++ }), t ) }, toArray: function (e) { return ( ga(e, function (t) { return t }) || [] ) }, only: function (e) { if (!uf(e)) throw Error('React.Children.only expected to receive a single React element child.') return e }, } Se.Component = Pn Se.Fragment = Py Se.Profiler = Fy Se.PureComponent = sf Se.StrictMode = By Se.Suspense = zy Se.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED = Yy Se.cloneElement = function (e, t, r) { if (e == null) throw Error( 'React.cloneElement(...): The argument must be a React element, but you passed ' + e + '.' ) var i = Id({}, e.props), n = e.key, s = e.ref, a = e._owner if (t != null) { if ( (t.ref !== void 0 && ((s = t.ref), (a = of.current)), t.key !== void 0 && (n = '' + t.key), e.type && e.type.defaultProps) ) var o = e.type.defaultProps for (u in t), u) && !Pd.hasOwnProperty(u) && (i[u] = t[u] === void 0 && o !== void 0 ? o[u] : t[u]) } var u = arguments.length - 2 if (u === 1) i.children = r else if (1 < u) { o = Array(u) for (var c = 0; c < u; c++) o[c] = arguments[c + 2] i.children = o } return { $$typeof: Zs, type: e.type, key: n, ref: s, props: i, _owner: a } } Se.createContext = function (e) { return ( (e = { $$typeof: Uy, _currentValue: e, _currentValue2: e, _threadCount: 0, Provider: null, Consumer: null, _defaultValue: null, _globalName: null, }), (e.Provider = { $$typeof: My, _context: e }), (e.Consumer = e) ) } Se.createElement = Bd Se.createFactory = function (e) { var t = Bd.bind(null, e) return (t.type = e), t } Se.createRef = function () { return { current: null } } Se.forwardRef = function (e) { return { $$typeof: Hy, render: e } } Se.isValidElement = uf Se.lazy = function (e) { return { $$typeof: qy, _payload: { _status: -1, _result: e }, _init: Xy } } Se.memo = function (e, t) { return { $$typeof: jy, type: e, compare: t === void 0 ? null : t } } Se.startTransition = function (e) { var t = $a.transition $a.transition = {} try { e() } finally { $a.transition = t } } Se.unstable_act = function () { throw Error('act(...) is not supported in production builds of React.') } Se.useCallback = function (e, t) { return _t.current.useCallback(e, t) } Se.useContext = function (e) { return _t.current.useContext(e) } Se.useDebugValue = function () {} Se.useDeferredValue = function (e) { return _t.current.useDeferredValue(e) } Se.useEffect = function (e, t) { return _t.current.useEffect(e, t) } Se.useId = function () { return _t.current.useId() } Se.useImperativeHandle = function (e, t, r) { return _t.current.useImperativeHandle(e, t, r) } Se.useInsertionEffect = function (e, t) { return _t.current.useInsertionEffect(e, t) } Se.useLayoutEffect = function (e, t) { return _t.current.useLayoutEffect(e, t) } Se.useMemo = function (e, t) { return _t.current.useMemo(e, t) } Se.useReducer = function (e, t, r) { return _t.current.useReducer(e, t, r) } Se.useRef = function (e) { return _t.current.useRef(e) } Se.useState = function (e) { return _t.current.useState(e) } Se.useSyncExternalStore = function (e, t, r) { return _t.current.useSyncExternalStore(e, t, r) } Se.useTransition = function () { return _t.current.useTransition() } Se.version = '18.2.0' Nd.exports = Se var Tn = Nd.exports const Wy = ci(Tn) /** * @license React * react-jsx-runtime.production.min.js * * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ var Qy = Tn, Ky = Symbol.for('react.element'), Jy = Symbol.for('react.fragment'), Zy = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, e_ = Qy.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED.ReactCurrentOwner, t_ = { key: !0, ref: !0, __self: !0, __source: !0 } function Fd(e, t, r) { var i, n = {}, s = null, a = null r !== void 0 && (s = '' + r), t.key !== void 0 && (s = '' + t.key), t.ref !== void 0 && (a = t.ref) for (i in t), i) && !t_.hasOwnProperty(i) && (n[i] = t[i]) if (e && e.defaultProps) for (i in ((t = e.defaultProps), t)) n[i] === void 0 && (n[i] = t[i]) return { $$typeof: Ky, type: e, key: s, ref: a, props: n, _owner: e_.current } } qo.Fragment = Jy qo.jsx = Fd qo.jsxs = Fd wd.exports = qo var $e = wd.exports, Md = { exports: {} }, Ut = {}, Ud = { exports: {} }, Hd = {} /** * @license React * scheduler.production.min.js * * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ ;(function (e) { function t(P, Y) { var w = P.length P.push(Y) e: for (; 0 < w; ) { var q = (w - 1) >>> 1, X = P[q] if (0 < n(X, Y)) (P[q] = Y), (P[w] = X), (w = q) else break e } } function r(P) { return P.length === 0 ? null : P[0] } function i(P) { if (P.length === 0) return null var Y = P[0], w = P.pop() if (w !== Y) { P[0] = w e: for (var q = 0, X = P.length, I = X >>> 1; q < I; ) { var re = 2 * (q + 1) - 1, ie = P[re], Z = re + 1, oe = P[Z] if (0 > n(ie, w)) Z < X && 0 > n(oe, ie) ? ((P[q] = oe), (P[Z] = w), (q = Z)) : ((P[q] = ie), (P[re] = w), (q = re)) else if (Z < X && 0 > n(oe, w)) (P[q] = oe), (P[Z] = w), (q = Z) else break e } } return Y } function n(P, Y) { var w = P.sortIndex - Y.sortIndex return w !== 0 ? w : - } if (typeof performance == 'object' && typeof == 'function') { var s = performance e.unstable_now = function () { return } } else { var a = Date, o = e.unstable_now = function () { return - o } } var u = [], c = [], f = 1, h = null, p = 3, m = !1, v = !1, b = !1, S = typeof setTimeout == 'function' ? setTimeout : null, g = typeof clearTimeout == 'function' ? clearTimeout : null, _ = typeof setImmediate < 'u' ? setImmediate : null typeof navigator < 'u' && navigator.scheduling !== void 0 && navigator.scheduling.isInputPending !== void 0 && navigator.scheduling.isInputPending.bind(navigator.scheduling) function y(P) { for (var Y = r(c); Y !== null; ) { if (Y.callback === null) i(c) else if (Y.startTime <= P) i(c), (Y.sortIndex = Y.expirationTime), t(u, Y) else break Y = r(c) } } function x(P) { if (((b = !1), y(P), !v)) if (r(u) !== null) (v = !0), $(D) else { var Y = r(c) Y !== null && L(x, Y.startTime - P) } } function D(P, Y) { ;(v = !1), b && ((b = !1), g(T), (T = -1)), (m = !0) var w = p try { for (y(Y), h = r(u); h !== null && (!(h.expirationTime > Y) || (P && !N())); ) { var q = h.callback if (typeof q == 'function') { ;(h.callback = null), (p = h.priorityLevel) var X = q(h.expirationTime <= Y) ;(Y = e.unstable_now()), typeof X == 'function' ? (h.callback = X) : h === r(u) && i(u), y(Y) } else i(u) h = r(u) } if (h !== null) var I = !0 else { var re = r(c) re !== null && L(x, re.startTime - Y), (I = !1) } return I } finally { ;(h = null), (p = w), (m = !1) } } var C = !1, H = null, T = -1, k = 5, O = -1 function N() { return !(e.unstable_now() - O < k) } function M() { if (H !== null) { var P = e.unstable_now() O = P var Y = !0 try { Y = H(!0, P) } finally { Y ? V() : ((C = !1), (H = null)) } } else C = !1 } var V if (typeof _ == 'function') V = function () { _(M) } else if (typeof MessageChannel < 'u') { var j = new MessageChannel(), R = j.port2 ;(j.port1.onmessage = M), (V = function () { R.postMessage(null) }) } else V = function () { S(M, 0) } function $(P) { ;(H = P), C || ((C = !0), V()) } function L(P, Y) { T = S(function () { P(e.unstable_now()) }, Y) } ;(e.unstable_IdlePriority = 5), (e.unstable_ImmediatePriority = 1), (e.unstable_LowPriority = 4), (e.unstable_NormalPriority = 3), (e.unstable_Profiling = null), (e.unstable_UserBlockingPriority = 2), (e.unstable_cancelCallback = function (P) { P.callback = null }), (e.unstable_continueExecution = function () { v || m || ((v = !0), $(D)) }), (e.unstable_forceFrameRate = function (P) { 0 > P || 125 < P ? console.error( 'forceFrameRate takes a positive int between 0 and 125, forcing frame rates higher than 125 fps is not supported' ) : (k = 0 < P ? Math.floor(1e3 / P) : 5) }), (e.unstable_getCurrentPriorityLevel = function () { return p }), (e.unstable_getFirstCallbackNode = function () { return r(u) }), (e.unstable_next = function (P) { switch (p) { case 1: case 2: case 3: var Y = 3 break default: Y = p } var w = p p = Y try { return P() } finally { p = w } }), (e.unstable_pauseExecution = function () {}), (e.unstable_requestPaint = function () {}), (e.unstable_runWithPriority = function (P, Y) { switch (P) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: break default: P = 3 } var w = p p = P try { return Y() } finally { p = w } }), (e.unstable_scheduleCallback = function (P, Y, w) { var q = e.unstable_now() switch ( (typeof w == 'object' && w !== null ? ((w = w.delay), (w = typeof w == 'number' && 0 < w ? q + w : q)) : (w = q), P) ) { case 1: var X = -1 break case 2: X = 250 break case 5: X = 1073741823 break case 4: X = 1e4 break default: X = 5e3 } return ( (X = w + X), (P = { id: f++, callback: Y, priorityLevel: P, startTime: w, expirationTime: X, sortIndex: -1, }), w > q ? ((P.sortIndex = w), t(c, P), r(u) === null && P === r(c) && (b ? (g(T), (T = -1)) : (b = !0), L(x, w - q))) : ((P.sortIndex = X), t(u, P), v || m || ((v = !0), $(D))), P ) }), (e.unstable_shouldYield = N), (e.unstable_wrapCallback = function (P) { var Y = p return function () { var w = p p = Y try { return P.apply(this, arguments) } finally { p = w } } }) })(Hd) Ud.exports = Hd var r_ = Ud.exports /** * @license React * react-dom.production.min.js * * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ var zd = Tn, Mt = r_ function ue(e) { for ( var t = '' + e, r = 1; r < arguments.length; r++ ) t += '&args[]=' + encodeURIComponent(arguments[r]) return ( 'Minified React error #' + e + '; visit ' + t + ' for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.' ) } var jd = new Set(), As = {} function Hi(e, t) { An(e, t), An(e + 'Capture', t) } function An(e, t) { for (As[e] = t, e = 0; e < t.length; e++) jd.add(t[e]) } var Or = !( typeof window > 'u' || typeof window.document > 'u' || typeof window.document.createElement > 'u' ), Dl = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, i_ = /^[:A-Z_a-z\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD][:A-Z_a-z\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD\-.0-9\u00B7\u0300-\u036F\u203F-\u2040]*$/, Hp = {}, zp = {} function n_(e) { return, e) ? !0 :, e) ? !1 : i_.test(e) ? (zp[e] = !0) : ((Hp[e] = !0), !1) } function s_(e, t, r, i) { if (r !== null && r.type === 0) return !1 switch (typeof t) { case 'function': case 'symbol': return !0 case 'boolean': return i ? !1 : r !== null ? !r.acceptsBooleans : ((e = e.toLowerCase().slice(0, 5)), e !== 'data-' && e !== 'aria-') default: return !1 } } function a_(e, t, r, i) { if (t === null || typeof t > 'u' || s_(e, t, r, i)) return !0 if (i) return !1 if (r !== null) switch (r.type) { case 3: return !t case 4: return t === !1 case 5: return isNaN(t) case 6: return isNaN(t) || 1 > t } return !1 } function vt(e, t, r, i, n, s, a) { ;(this.acceptsBooleans = t === 2 || t === 3 || t === 4), (this.attributeName = i), (this.attributeNamespace = n), (this.mustUseProperty = r), (this.propertyName = e), (this.type = t), (this.sanitizeURL = s), (this.removeEmptyString = a) } var ut = {} 'children dangerouslySetInnerHTML defaultValue defaultChecked innerHTML suppressContentEditableWarning suppressHydrationWarning style' .split(' ') .forEach(function (e) { ut[e] = new vt(e, 0, !1, e, null, !1, !1) }) ;[ ['acceptCharset', 'accept-charset'], ['className', 'class'], ['htmlFor', 'for'], ['httpEquiv', 'http-equiv'], ].forEach(function (e) { var t = e[0] ut[t] = new vt(t, 1, !1, e[1], null, !1, !1) }) ;['contentEditable', 'draggable', 'spellCheck', 'value'].forEach(function (e) { ut[e] = new vt(e, 2, !1, e.toLowerCase(), null, !1, !1) }) ;['autoReverse', 'externalResourcesRequired', 'focusable', 'preserveAlpha'].forEach(function (e) { ut[e] = new vt(e, 2, !1, e, null, !1, !1) }) 'allowFullScreen async autoFocus autoPlay controls default defer disabled disablePictureInPicture disableRemotePlayback formNoValidate hidden loop noModule noValidate open playsInline readOnly required reversed scoped seamless itemScope' .split(' ') .forEach(function (e) { ut[e] = new vt(e, 3, !1, e.toLowerCase(), null, !1, !1) }) ;['checked', 'multiple', 'muted', 'selected'].forEach(function (e) { ut[e] = new vt(e, 3, !0, e, null, !1, !1) }) ;['capture', 'download'].forEach(function (e) { ut[e] = new vt(e, 4, !1, e, null, !1, !1) }) ;['cols', 'rows', 'size', 'span'].forEach(function (e) { ut[e] = new vt(e, 6, !1, e, null, !1, !1) }) ;['rowSpan', 'start'].forEach(function (e) { ut[e] = new vt(e, 5, !1, e.toLowerCase(), null, !1, !1) }) var lf = /[\-:]([a-z])/g function cf(e) { return e[1].toUpperCase() } 'accent-height alignment-baseline arabic-form baseline-shift cap-height clip-path clip-rule color-interpolation color-interpolation-filters color-profile color-rendering dominant-baseline enable-background fill-opacity fill-rule flood-color flood-opacity font-family font-size font-size-adjust font-stretch font-style font-variant font-weight glyph-name glyph-orientation-horizontal glyph-orientation-vertical horiz-adv-x horiz-origin-x image-rendering letter-spacing lighting-color marker-end marker-mid marker-start overline-position overline-thickness paint-order panose-1 pointer-events rendering-intent shape-rendering stop-color stop-opacity strikethrough-position strikethrough-thickness stroke-dasharray stroke-dashoffset stroke-linecap stroke-linejoin stroke-miterlimit stroke-opacity stroke-width text-anchor text-decoration text-rendering underline-position underline-thickness unicode-bidi unicode-range units-per-em v-alphabetic v-hanging v-ideographic v-mathematical vector-effect vert-adv-y vert-origin-x vert-origin-y word-spacing writing-mode xmlns:xlink x-height' .split(' ') .forEach(function (e) { var t = e.replace(lf, cf) ut[t] = new vt(t, 1, !1, e, null, !1, !1) }) 'xlink:actuate xlink:arcrole xlink:role xlink:show xlink:title xlink:type' .split(' ') .forEach(function (e) { var t = e.replace(lf, cf) ut[t] = new vt(t, 1, !1, e, '', !1, !1) }) ;['xml:base', 'xml:lang', 'xml:space'].forEach(function (e) { var t = e.replace(lf, cf) ut[t] = new vt(t, 1, !1, e, '', !1, !1) }) ;['tabIndex', 'crossOrigin'].forEach(function (e) { ut[e] = new vt(e, 1, !1, e.toLowerCase(), null, !1, !1) }) ut.xlinkHref = new vt('xlinkHref', 1, !1, 'xlink:href', '', !0, !1) ;['src', 'href', 'action', 'formAction'].forEach(function (e) { ut[e] = new vt(e, 1, !1, e.toLowerCase(), null, !0, !0) }) function ff(e, t, r, i) { var n = ut.hasOwnProperty(t) ? ut[t] : null ;(n !== null ? n.type !== 0 : i || !(2 < t.length) || (t[0] !== 'o' && t[0] !== 'O') || (t[1] !== 'n' && t[1] !== 'N')) && (a_(t, r, n, i) && (r = null), i || n === null ? n_(t) && (r === null ? e.removeAttribute(t) : e.setAttribute(t, '' + r)) : n.mustUseProperty ? (e[n.propertyName] = r === null ? (n.type === 3 ? !1 : '') : r) : ((t = n.attributeName), (i = n.attributeNamespace), r === null ? e.removeAttribute(t) : ((n = n.type), (r = n === 3 || (n === 4 && r === !0) ? '' : '' + r), i ? e.setAttributeNS(i, t, r) : e.setAttribute(t, r)))) } var Br = zd.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED, ba = Symbol.for('react.element'), Ji = Symbol.for('react.portal'), Zi = Symbol.for('react.fragment'), pf = Symbol.for('react.strict_mode'), Rl = Symbol.for('react.profiler'), qd = Symbol.for('react.provider'), $d = Symbol.for('react.context'), hf = Symbol.for('react.forward_ref'), Ll = Symbol.for('react.suspense'), Pl = Symbol.for('react.suspense_list'), mf = Symbol.for('react.memo'), $r = Symbol.for('react.lazy'), Vd = Symbol.for('react.offscreen'), jp = Symbol.iterator function zn(e) { return e === null || typeof e != 'object' ? null : ((e = (jp && e[jp]) || e['@@iterator']), typeof e == 'function' ? e : null) } var Xe = Object.assign, Iu function rs(e) { if (Iu === void 0) try { throw Error() } catch (r) { var t = r.stack.trim().match(/\n( *(at )?)/) Iu = (t && t[1]) || '' } return ( ` ` + Iu + e ) } var Du = !1 function Ru(e, t) { if (!e || Du) return '' Du = !0 var r = Error.prepareStackTrace Error.prepareStackTrace = void 0 try { if (t) if ( ((t = function () { throw Error() }), Object.defineProperty(t.prototype, 'props', { set: function () { throw Error() }, }), typeof Reflect == 'object' && Reflect.construct) ) { try { Reflect.construct(t, []) } catch (c) { var i = c } Reflect.construct(e, [], t) } else { try { } catch (c) { i = c } } else { try { throw Error() } catch (c) { i = c } e() } } catch (c) { if (c && i && typeof c.stack == 'string') { for ( var n = c.stack.split(` `), s = i.stack.split(` `), a = n.length - 1, o = s.length - 1; 1 <= a && 0 <= o && n[a] !== s[o]; ) o-- for (; 1 <= a && 0 <= o; a--, o--) if (n[a] !== s[o]) { if (a !== 1 || o !== 1) do if ((a--, o--, 0 > o || n[a] !== s[o])) { var u = ` ` + n[a].replace(' at new ', ' at ') return ( e.displayName && u.includes('') && (u = u.replace('', e.displayName)), u ) } while (1 <= a && 0 <= o) break } } } finally { ;(Du = !1), (Error.prepareStackTrace = r) } return (e = e ? e.displayName || : '') ? rs(e) : '' } function o_(e) { switch (e.tag) { case 5: return rs(e.type) case 16: return rs('Lazy') case 13: return rs('Suspense') case 19: return rs('SuspenseList') case 0: case 2: case 15: return (e = Ru(e.type, !1)), e case 11: return (e = Ru(e.type.render, !1)), e case 1: return (e = Ru(e.type, !0)), e default: return '' } } function Bl(e) { if (e == null) return null if (typeof e == 'function') return e.displayName || || null if (typeof e == 'string') return e switch (e) { case Zi: return 'Fragment' case Ji: return 'Portal' case Rl: return 'Profiler' case pf: return 'StrictMode' case Ll: return 'Suspense' case Pl: return 'SuspenseList' } if (typeof e == 'object') switch (e.$$typeof) { case $d: return (e.displayName || 'Context') + '.Consumer' case qd: return (e._context.displayName || 'Context') + '.Provider' case hf: var t = e.render return ( (e = e.displayName), e || ((e = t.displayName || || ''), (e = e !== '' ? 'ForwardRef(' + e + ')' : 'ForwardRef')), e ) case mf: return (t = e.displayName || null), t !== null ? t : Bl(e.type) || 'Memo' case $r: ;(t = e._payload), (e = e._init) try { return Bl(e(t)) } catch {} } return null } function u_(e) { var t = e.type switch (e.tag) { case 24: return 'Cache' case 9: return (t.displayName || 'Context') + '.Consumer' case 10: return (t._context.displayName || 'Context') + '.Provider' case 18: return 'DehydratedFragment' case 11: return ( (e = t.render), (e = e.displayName || || ''), t.displayName || (e !== '' ? 'ForwardRef(' + e + ')' : 'ForwardRef') ) case 7: return 'Fragment' case 5: return t case 4: return 'Portal' case 3: return 'Root' case 6: return 'Text' case 16: return Bl(t) case 8: return t === pf ? 'StrictMode' : 'Mode' case 22: return 'Offscreen' case 12: return 'Profiler' case 21: return 'Scope' case 13: return 'Suspense' case 19: return 'SuspenseList' case 25: return 'TracingMarker' case 1: case 0: case 17: case 2: case 14: case 15: if (typeof t == 'function') return t.displayName || || null if (typeof t == 'string') return t } return null } function oi(e) { switch (typeof e) { case 'boolean': case 'number': case 'string': case 'undefined': return e case 'object': return e default: return '' } } function Gd(e) { var t = e.type return (e = e.nodeName) && e.toLowerCase() === 'input' && (t === 'checkbox' || t === 'radio') } function l_(e) { var t = Gd(e) ? 'checked' : 'value', r = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e.constructor.prototype, t), i = '' + e[t] if ( !e.hasOwnProperty(t) && typeof r < 'u' && typeof r.get == 'function' && typeof r.set == 'function' ) { var n = r.get, s = r.set return ( Object.defineProperty(e, t, { configurable: !0, get: function () { return }, set: function (a) { ;(i = '' + a),, a) }, }), Object.defineProperty(e, t, { enumerable: r.enumerable }), { getValue: function () { return i }, setValue: function (a) { i = '' + a }, stopTracking: function () { ;(e._valueTracker = null), delete e[t] }, } ) } } function ya(e) { e._valueTracker || (e._valueTracker = l_(e)) } function Xd(e) { if (!e) return !1 var t = e._valueTracker if (!t) return !0 var r = t.getValue(), i = '' return ( e && (i = Gd(e) ? (e.checked ? 'true' : 'false') : e.value), (e = i), e !== r ? (t.setValue(e), !0) : !1 ) } function uo(e) { if (((e = e || (typeof document < 'u' ? document : void 0)), typeof e > 'u')) return null try { return e.activeElement || e.body } catch { return e.body } } function Fl(e, t) { var r = t.checked return Xe({}, t, { defaultChecked: void 0, defaultValue: void 0, value: void 0, checked: r ?? e._wrapperState.initialChecked, }) } function qp(e, t) { var r = t.defaultValue == null ? '' : t.defaultValue, i = t.checked != null ? t.checked : t.defaultChecked ;(r = oi(t.value != null ? t.value : r)), (e._wrapperState = { initialChecked: i, initialValue: r, controlled: t.type === 'checkbox' || t.type === 'radio' ? t.checked != null : t.value != null, }) } function Yd(e, t) { ;(t = t.checked), t != null && ff(e, 'checked', t, !1) } function Ml(e, t) { Yd(e, t) var r = oi(t.value), i = t.type if (r != null) i === 'number' ? ((r === 0 && e.value === '') || e.value != r) && (e.value = '' + r) : e.value !== '' + r && (e.value = '' + r) else if (i === 'submit' || i === 'reset') { e.removeAttribute('value') return } t.hasOwnProperty('value') ? Ul(e, t.type, r) : t.hasOwnProperty('defaultValue') && Ul(e, t.type, oi(t.defaultValue)), t.checked == null && t.defaultChecked != null && (e.defaultChecked = !!t.defaultChecked) } function $p(e, t, r) { if (t.hasOwnProperty('value') || t.hasOwnProperty('defaultValue')) { var i = t.type if (!((i !== 'submit' && i !== 'reset') || (t.value !== void 0 && t.value !== null))) return ;(t = '' + e._wrapperState.initialValue), r || t === e.value || (e.value = t), (e.defaultValue = t) } ;(r =, r !== '' && ( = ''), (e.defaultChecked = !!e._wrapperState.initialChecked), r !== '' && ( = r) } function Ul(e, t, r) { ;(t !== 'number' || uo(e.ownerDocument) !== e) && (r == null ? (e.defaultValue = '' + e._wrapperState.initialValue) : e.defaultValue !== '' + r && (e.defaultValue = '' + r)) } var is = Array.isArray function dn(e, t, r, i) { if (((e = e.options), t)) { t = {} for (var n = 0; n < r.length; n++) t['$' + r[n]] = !0 for (r = 0; r < e.length; r++) (n = t.hasOwnProperty('$' + e[r].value)), e[r].selected !== n && (e[r].selected = n), n && i && (e[r].defaultSelected = !0) } else { for (r = '' + oi(r), t = null, n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { if (e[n].value === r) { ;(e[n].selected = !0), i && (e[n].defaultSelected = !0) return } t !== null || e[n].disabled || (t = e[n]) } t !== null && (t.selected = !0) } } function Hl(e, t) { if (t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML != null) throw Error(ue(91)) return Xe({}, t, { value: void 0, defaultValue: void 0, children: '' + e._wrapperState.initialValue, }) } function Vp(e, t) { var r = t.value if (r == null) { if (((r = t.children), (t = t.defaultValue), r != null)) { if (t != null) throw Error(ue(92)) if (is(r)) { if (1 < r.length) throw Error(ue(93)) r = r[0] } t = r } t == null && (t = ''), (r = t) } e._wrapperState = { initialValue: oi(r) } } function Wd(e, t) { var r = oi(t.value), i = oi(t.defaultValue) r != null && ((r = '' + r), r !== e.value && (e.value = r), t.defaultValue == null && e.defaultValue !== r && (e.defaultValue = r)), i != null && (e.defaultValue = '' + i) } function Gp(e) { var t = e.textContent t === e._wrapperState.initialValue && t !== '' && t !== null && (e.value = t) } function Qd(e) { switch (e) { case 'svg': return '' case 'math': return '' default: return '' } } function zl(e, t) { return e == null || e === '' ? Qd(t) : e === '' && t === 'foreignObject' ? '' : e } var _a, Kd = (function (e) { return typeof MSApp < 'u' && MSApp.execUnsafeLocalFunction ? function (t, r, i, n) { MSApp.execUnsafeLocalFunction(function () { return e(t, r, i, n) }) } : e })(function (e, t) { if (e.namespaceURI !== '' || 'innerHTML' in e) e.innerHTML = t else { for ( _a = _a || document.createElement('div'), _a.innerHTML = '' + t.valueOf().toString() + '', t = _a.firstChild; e.firstChild; ) e.removeChild(e.firstChild) for (; t.firstChild; ) e.appendChild(t.firstChild) } }) function Ss(e, t) { if (t) { var r = e.firstChild if (r && r === e.lastChild && r.nodeType === 3) { r.nodeValue = t return } } e.textContent = t } var os = { animationIterationCount: !0, aspectRatio: !0, borderImageOutset: !0, borderImageSlice: !0, borderImageWidth: !0, boxFlex: !0, boxFlexGroup: !0, boxOrdinalGroup: !0, columnCount: !0, columns: !0, flex: !0, flexGrow: !0, flexPositive: !0, flexShrink: !0, flexNegative: !0, flexOrder: !0, gridArea: !0, gridRow: !0, gridRowEnd: !0, gridRowSpan: !0, gridRowStart: !0, gridColumn: !0, gridColumnEnd: !0, gridColumnSpan: !0, gridColumnStart: !0, fontWeight: !0, lineClamp: !0, lineHeight: !0, opacity: !0, order: !0, orphans: !0, tabSize: !0, widows: !0, zIndex: !0, zoom: !0, fillOpacity: !0, floodOpacity: !0, stopOpacity: !0, strokeDasharray: !0, strokeDashoffset: !0, strokeMiterlimit: !0, strokeOpacity: !0, strokeWidth: !0, }, c_ = ['Webkit', 'ms', 'Moz', 'O'] Object.keys(os).forEach(function (e) { c_.forEach(function (t) { ;(t = t + e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.substring(1)), (os[t] = os[e]) }) }) function Jd(e, t, r) { return t == null || typeof t == 'boolean' || t === '' ? '' : r || typeof t != 'number' || t === 0 || (os.hasOwnProperty(e) && os[e]) ? ('' + t).trim() : t + 'px' } function Zd(e, t) { e = for (var r in t) if (t.hasOwnProperty(r)) { var i = r.indexOf('--') === 0, n = Jd(r, t[r], i) r === 'float' && (r = 'cssFloat'), i ? e.setProperty(r, n) : (e[r] = n) } } var f_ = Xe( { menuitem: !0 }, { area: !0, base: !0, br: !0, col: !0, embed: !0, hr: !0, img: !0, input: !0, keygen: !0, link: !0, meta: !0, param: !0, source: !0, track: !0, wbr: !0, } ) function jl(e, t) { if (t) { if (f_[e] && (t.children != null || t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML != null)) throw Error(ue(137, e)) if (t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML != null) { if (t.children != null) throw Error(ue(60)) if (typeof t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML != 'object' || !('__html' in t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML)) throw Error(ue(61)) } if ( != null && typeof != 'object') throw Error(ue(62)) } } function ql(e, t) { if (e.indexOf('-') === -1) return typeof == 'string' switch (e) { case 'annotation-xml': case 'color-profile': case 'font-face': case 'font-face-src': case 'font-face-uri': case 'font-face-format': case 'font-face-name': case 'missing-glyph': return !1 default: return !0 } } var $l = null function df(e) { return ( (e = || e.srcElement || window), e.correspondingUseElement && (e = e.correspondingUseElement), e.nodeType === 3 ? e.parentNode : e ) } var Vl = null, gn = null, bn = null function Xp(e) { if ((e = ra(e))) { if (typeof Vl != 'function') throw Error(ue(280)) var t = e.stateNode t && ((t = Yo(t)), Vl(e.stateNode, e.type, t)) } } function e0(e) { gn ? (bn ? bn.push(e) : (bn = [e])) : (gn = e) } function t0() { if (gn) { var e = gn, t = bn if (((bn = gn = null), Xp(e), t)) for (e = 0; e < t.length; e++) Xp(t[e]) } } function r0(e, t) { return e(t) } function i0() {} var Lu = !1 function n0(e, t, r) { if (Lu) return e(t, r) Lu = !0 try { return r0(e, t, r) } finally { ;(Lu = !1), (gn !== null || bn !== null) && (i0(), t0()) } } function Cs(e, t) { var r = e.stateNode if (r === null) return null var i = Yo(r) if (i === null) return null r = i[t] e: switch (t) { case 'onClick': case 'onClickCapture': case 'onDoubleClick': case 'onDoubleClickCapture': case 'onMouseDown': case 'onMouseDownCapture': case 'onMouseMove': case 'onMouseMoveCapture': case 'onMouseUp': case 'onMouseUpCapture': case 'onMouseEnter': ;(i = !i.disabled) || ((e = e.type), (i = !(e === 'button' || e === 'input' || e === 'select' || e === 'textarea'))), (e = !i) break e default: e = !1 } if (e) return null if (r && typeof r != 'function') throw Error(ue(231, t, typeof r)) return r } var Gl = !1 if (Or) try { var jn = {} Object.defineProperty(jn, 'passive', { get: function () { Gl = !0 }, }), window.addEventListener('test', jn, jn), window.removeEventListener('test', jn, jn) } catch { Gl = !1 } function p_(e, t, r, i, n, s, a, o, u) { var c =, 3) try { t.apply(r, c) } catch (f) { this.onError(f) } } var us = !1, lo = null, co = !1, Xl = null, h_ = { onError: function (e) { ;(us = !0), (lo = e) }, } function m_(e, t, r, i, n, s, a, o, u) { ;(us = !1), (lo = null), p_.apply(h_, arguments) } function d_(e, t, r, i, n, s, a, o, u) { if ((m_.apply(this, arguments), us)) { if (us) { var c = lo ;(us = !1), (lo = null) } else throw Error(ue(198)) co || ((co = !0), (Xl = c)) } } function zi(e) { var t = e, r = e if (e.alternate) for (; t.return; ) t = t.return else { e = t do (t = e), t.flags & 4098 && (r = t.return), (e = t.return) while (e) } return t.tag === 3 ? r : null } function s0(e) { if (e.tag === 13) { var t = e.memoizedState if ((t === null && ((e = e.alternate), e !== null && (t = e.memoizedState)), t !== null)) return t.dehydrated } return null } function Yp(e) { if (zi(e) !== e) throw Error(ue(188)) } function g_(e) { var t = e.alternate if (!t) { if (((t = zi(e)), t === null)) throw Error(ue(188)) return t !== e ? null : e } for (var r = e, i = t; ; ) { var n = r.return if (n === null) break var s = n.alternate if (s === null) { if (((i = n.return), i !== null)) { r = i continue } break } if (n.child === s.child) { for (s = n.child; s; ) { if (s === r) return Yp(n), e if (s === i) return Yp(n), t s = s.sibling } throw Error(ue(188)) } if (r.return !== i.return) (r = n), (i = s) else { for (var a = !1, o = n.child; o; ) { if (o === r) { ;(a = !0), (r = n), (i = s) break } if (o === i) { ;(a = !0), (i = n), (r = s) break } o = o.sibling } if (!a) { for (o = s.child; o; ) { if (o === r) { ;(a = !0), (r = s), (i = n) break } if (o === i) { ;(a = !0), (i = s), (r = n) break } o = o.sibling } if (!a) throw Error(ue(189)) } } if (r.alternate !== i) throw Error(ue(190)) } if (r.tag !== 3) throw Error(ue(188)) return r.stateNode.current === r ? e : t } function a0(e) { return (e = g_(e)), e !== null ? o0(e) : null } function o0(e) { if (e.tag === 5 || e.tag === 6) return e for (e = e.child; e !== null; ) { var t = o0(e) if (t !== null) return t e = e.sibling } return null } var u0 = Mt.unstable_scheduleCallback, Wp = Mt.unstable_cancelCallback, b_ = Mt.unstable_shouldYield, y_ = Mt.unstable_requestPaint, We = Mt.unstable_now, __ = Mt.unstable_getCurrentPriorityLevel, gf = Mt.unstable_ImmediatePriority, l0 = Mt.unstable_UserBlockingPriority, fo = Mt.unstable_NormalPriority, v_ = Mt.unstable_LowPriority, c0 = Mt.unstable_IdlePriority, $o = null, br = null function E_(e) { if (br && typeof br.onCommitFiberRoot == 'function') try { br.onCommitFiberRoot($o, e, void 0, (e.current.flags & 128) === 128) } catch {} } var ir = Math.clz32 ? Math.clz32 : A_, x_ = Math.log, T_ = Math.LN2 function A_(e) { return (e >>>= 0), e === 0 ? 32 : (31 - ((x_(e) / T_) | 0)) | 0 } var va = 64, Ea = 4194304 function ns(e) { switch (e & -e) { case 1: return 1 case 2: return 2 case 4: return 4 case 8: return 8 case 16: return 16 case 32: return 32 case 64: case 128: case 256: case 512: case 1024: case 2048: case 4096: case 8192: case 16384: case 32768: case 65536: case 131072: case 262144: case 524288: case 1048576: case 2097152: return e & 4194240 case 4194304: case 8388608: case 16777216: case 33554432: case 67108864: return e & 130023424 case 134217728: return 134217728 case 268435456: return 268435456 case 536870912: return 536870912 case 1073741824: return 1073741824 default: return e } } function po(e, t) { var r = e.pendingLanes if (r === 0) return 0 var i = 0, n = e.suspendedLanes, s = e.pingedLanes, a = r & 268435455 if (a !== 0) { var o = a & ~n o !== 0 ? (i = ns(o)) : ((s &= a), s !== 0 && (i = ns(s))) } else (a = r & ~n), a !== 0 ? (i = ns(a)) : s !== 0 && (i = ns(s)) if (i === 0) return 0 if ( t !== 0 && t !== i && !(t & n) && ((n = i & -i), (s = t & -t), n >= s || (n === 16 && (s & 4194240) !== 0)) ) return t if ((i & 4 && (i |= r & 16), (t = e.entangledLanes), t !== 0)) for (e = e.entanglements, t &= i; 0 < t; ) (r = 31 - ir(t)), (n = 1 << r), (i |= e[r]), (t &= ~n) return i } function S_(e, t) { switch (e) { case 1: case 2: case 4: return t + 250 case 8: case 16: case 32: case 64: case 128: case 256: case 512: case 1024: case 2048: case 4096: case 8192: case 16384: case 32768: case 65536: case 131072: case 262144: case 524288: case 1048576: case 2097152: return t + 5e3 case 4194304: case 8388608: case 16777216: case 33554432: case 67108864: return -1 case 134217728: case 268435456: case 536870912: case 1073741824: return -1 default: return -1 } } function C_(e, t) { for ( var r = e.suspendedLanes, i = e.pingedLanes, n = e.expirationTimes, s = e.pendingLanes; 0 < s; ) { var a = 31 - ir(s), o = 1 << a, u = n[a] u === -1 ? (!(o & r) || o & i) && (n[a] = S_(o, t)) : u <= t && (e.expiredLanes |= o), (s &= ~o) } } function Yl(e) { return (e = e.pendingLanes & -1073741825), e !== 0 ? e : e & 1073741824 ? 1073741824 : 0 } function f0() { var e = va return (va <<= 1), !(va & 4194240) && (va = 64), e } function Pu(e) { for (var t = [], r = 0; 31 > r; r++) t.push(e) return t } function ea(e, t, r) { ;(e.pendingLanes |= t), t !== 536870912 && ((e.suspendedLanes = 0), (e.pingedLanes = 0)), (e = e.eventTimes), (t = 31 - ir(t)), (e[t] = r) } function k_(e, t) { var r = e.pendingLanes & ~t ;(e.pendingLanes = t), (e.suspendedLanes = 0), (e.pingedLanes = 0), (e.expiredLanes &= t), (e.mutableReadLanes &= t), (e.entangledLanes &= t), (t = e.entanglements) var i = e.eventTimes for (e = e.expirationTimes; 0 < r; ) { var n = 31 - ir(r), s = 1 << n ;(t[n] = 0), (i[n] = -1), (e[n] = -1), (r &= ~s) } } function bf(e, t) { var r = (e.entangledLanes |= t) for (e = e.entanglements; r; ) { var i = 31 - ir(r), n = 1 << i ;(n & t) | (e[i] & t) && (e[i] |= t), (r &= ~n) } } var Re = 0 function p0(e) { return (e &= -e), 1 < e ? (4 < e ? (e & 268435455 ? 16 : 536870912) : 4) : 1 } var h0, yf, m0, d0, g0, Wl = !1, xa = [], Kr = null, Jr = null, Zr = null, ks = new Map(), ws = new Map(), Gr = [], w_ = 'mousedown mouseup touchcancel touchend touchstart auxclick dblclick pointercancel pointerdown pointerup dragend dragstart drop compositionend compositionstart keydown keypress keyup input textInput copy cut paste click change contextmenu reset submit'.split( ' ' ) function Qp(e, t) { switch (e) { case 'focusin': case 'focusout': Kr = null break case 'dragenter': case 'dragleave': Jr = null break case 'mouseover': case 'mouseout': Zr = null break case 'pointerover': case 'pointerout': ks.delete(t.pointerId) break case 'gotpointercapture': case 'lostpointercapture': ws.delete(t.pointerId) } } function qn(e, t, r, i, n, s) { return e === null || e.nativeEvent !== s ? ((e = { blockedOn: t, domEventName: r, eventSystemFlags: i, nativeEvent: s, targetContainers: [n], }), t !== null && ((t = ra(t)), t !== null && yf(t)), e) : ((e.eventSystemFlags |= i), (t = e.targetContainers), n !== null && t.indexOf(n) === -1 && t.push(n), e) } function N_(e, t, r, i, n) { switch (t) { case 'focusin': return (Kr = qn(Kr, e, t, r, i, n)), !0 case 'dragenter': return (Jr = qn(Jr, e, t, r, i, n)), !0 case 'mouseover': return (Zr = qn(Zr, e, t, r, i, n)), !0 case 'pointerover': var s = n.pointerId return ks.set(s, qn(ks.get(s) || null, e, t, r, i, n)), !0 case 'gotpointercapture': return (s = n.pointerId), ws.set(s, qn(ws.get(s) || null, e, t, r, i, n)), !0 } return !1 } function b0(e) { var t = Ei( if (t !== null) { var r = zi(t) if (r !== null) { if (((t = r.tag), t === 13)) { if (((t = s0(r)), t !== null)) { ;(e.blockedOn = t), g0(e.priority, function () { m0(r) }) return } } else if (t === 3 && r.stateNode.current.memoizedState.isDehydrated) { e.blockedOn = r.tag === 3 ? r.stateNode.containerInfo : null return } } } e.blockedOn = null } function Va(e) { if (e.blockedOn !== null) return !1 for (var t = e.targetContainers; 0 < t.length; ) { var r = Ql(e.domEventName, e.eventSystemFlags, t[0], e.nativeEvent) if (r === null) { r = e.nativeEvent var i = new r.constructor(r.type, r) ;($l = i),, ($l = null) } else return (t = ra(r)), t !== null && yf(t), (e.blockedOn = r), !1 t.shift() } return !0 } function Kp(e, t, r) { Va(e) && r.delete(t) } function O_() { ;(Wl = !1), Kr !== null && Va(Kr) && (Kr = null), Jr !== null && Va(Jr) && (Jr = null), Zr !== null && Va(Zr) && (Zr = null), ks.forEach(Kp), ws.forEach(Kp) } function $n(e, t) { e.blockedOn === t && ((e.blockedOn = null), Wl || ((Wl = !0), Mt.unstable_scheduleCallback(Mt.unstable_NormalPriority, O_))) } function Ns(e) { function t(n) { return $n(n, e) } if (0 < xa.length) { $n(xa[0], e) for (var r = 1; r < xa.length; r++) { var i = xa[r] i.blockedOn === e && (i.blockedOn = null) } } for ( Kr !== null && $n(Kr, e), Jr !== null && $n(Jr, e), Zr !== null && $n(Zr, e), ks.forEach(t), ws.forEach(t), r = 0; r < Gr.length; r++ ) (i = Gr[r]), i.blockedOn === e && (i.blockedOn = null) for (; 0 < Gr.length && ((r = Gr[0]), r.blockedOn === null); ) b0(r), r.blockedOn === null && Gr.shift() } var yn = Br.ReactCurrentBatchConfig, ho = !0 function I_(e, t, r, i) { var n = Re, s = yn.transition yn.transition = null try { ;(Re = 1), _f(e, t, r, i) } finally { ;(Re = n), (yn.transition = s) } } function D_(e, t, r, i) { var n = Re, s = yn.transition yn.transition = null try { ;(Re = 4), _f(e, t, r, i) } finally { ;(Re = n), (yn.transition = s) } } function _f(e, t, r, i) { if (ho) { var n = Ql(e, t, r, i) if (n === null) Vu(e, t, i, mo, r), Qp(e, i) else if (N_(n, e, t, r, i)) i.stopPropagation() else if ((Qp(e, i), t & 4 && -1 < w_.indexOf(e))) { for (; n !== null; ) { var s = ra(n) if ((s !== null && h0(s), (s = Ql(e, t, r, i)), s === null && Vu(e, t, i, mo, r), s === n)) break n = s } n !== null && i.stopPropagation() } else Vu(e, t, i, null, r) } } var mo = null function Ql(e, t, r, i) { if (((mo = null), (e = df(i)), (e = Ei(e)), e !== null)) if (((t = zi(e)), t === null)) e = null else if (((r = t.tag), r === 13)) { if (((e = s0(t)), e !== null)) return e e = null } else if (r === 3) { if (t.stateNode.current.memoizedState.isDehydrated) return t.tag === 3 ? t.stateNode.containerInfo : null e = null } else t !== e && (e = null) return (mo = e), null } function y0(e) { switch (e) { case 'cancel': case 'click': case 'close': case 'contextmenu': case 'copy': case 'cut': case 'auxclick': case 'dblclick': case 'dragend': case 'dragstart': case 'drop': case 'focusin': case 'focusout': case 'input': case 'invalid': case 'keydown': case 'keypress': case 'keyup': case 'mousedown': case 'mouseup': case 'paste': case 'pause': case 'play': case 'pointercancel': case 'pointerdown': case 'pointerup': case 'ratechange': case 'reset': case 'resize': case 'seeked': case 'submit': case 'touchcancel': case 'touchend': case 'touchstart': case 'volumechange': case 'change': case 'selectionchange': case 'textInput': case 'compositionstart': case 'compositionend': case 'compositionupdate': case 'beforeblur': case 'afterblur': case 'beforeinput': case 'blur': case 'fullscreenchange': case 'focus': case 'hashchange': case 'popstate': case 'select': case 'selectstart': return 1 case 'drag': case 'dragenter': case 'dragexit': case 'dragleave': case 'dragover': case 'mousemove': case 'mouseout': case 'mouseover': case 'pointermove': case 'pointerout': case 'pointerover': case 'scroll': case 'toggle': case 'touchmove': case 'wheel': case 'mouseenter': case 'mouseleave': case 'pointerenter': case 'pointerleave': return 4 case 'message': switch (__()) { case gf: return 1 case l0: return 4 case fo: case v_: return 16 case c0: return 536870912 default: return 16 } default: return 16 } } var Wr = null, vf = null, Ga = null function _0() { if (Ga) return Ga var e, t = vf, r = t.length, i, n = 'value' in Wr ? Wr.value : Wr.textContent, s = n.length for (e = 0; e < r && t[e] === n[e]; e++); var a = r - e for (i = 1; i <= a && t[r - i] === n[s - i]; i++); return (Ga = n.slice(e, 1 < i ? 1 - i : void 0)) } function Xa(e) { var t = e.keyCode return ( 'charCode' in e ? ((e = e.charCode), e === 0 && t === 13 && (e = 13)) : (e = t), e === 10 && (e = 13), 32 <= e || e === 13 ? e : 0 ) } function Ta() { return !0 } function Jp() { return !1 } function Ht(e) { function t(r, i, n, s, a) { ;(this._reactName = r), (this._targetInst = n), (this.type = i), (this.nativeEvent = s), ( = a), (this.currentTarget = null) for (var o in e) e.hasOwnProperty(o) && ((r = e[o]), (this[o] = r ? r(s) : s[o])) return ( (this.isDefaultPrevented = ( s.defaultPrevented != null ? s.defaultPrevented : s.returnValue === !1 ) ? Ta : Jp), (this.isPropagationStopped = Jp), this ) } return ( Xe(t.prototype, { preventDefault: function () { this.defaultPrevented = !0 var r = this.nativeEvent r && (r.preventDefault ? r.preventDefault() : typeof r.returnValue != 'unknown' && (r.returnValue = !1), (this.isDefaultPrevented = Ta)) }, stopPropagation: function () { var r = this.nativeEvent r && (r.stopPropagation ? r.stopPropagation() : typeof r.cancelBubble != 'unknown' && (r.cancelBubble = !0), (this.isPropagationStopped = Ta)) }, persist: function () {}, isPersistent: Ta, }), t ) } var Bn = { eventPhase: 0, bubbles: 0, cancelable: 0, timeStamp: function (e) { return e.timeStamp || }, defaultPrevented: 0, isTrusted: 0, }, Ef = Ht(Bn), ta = Xe({}, Bn, { view: 0, detail: 0 }), R_ = Ht(ta), Bu, Fu, Vn, Vo = Xe({}, ta, { screenX: 0, screenY: 0, clientX: 0, clientY: 0, pageX: 0, pageY: 0, ctrlKey: 0, shiftKey: 0, altKey: 0, metaKey: 0, getModifierState: xf, button: 0, buttons: 0, relatedTarget: function (e) { return e.relatedTarget === void 0 ? e.fromElement === e.srcElement ? e.toElement : e.fromElement : e.relatedTarget }, movementX: function (e) { return 'movementX' in e ? e.movementX : (e !== Vn && (Vn && e.type === 'mousemove' ? ((Bu = e.screenX - Vn.screenX), (Fu = e.screenY - Vn.screenY)) : (Fu = Bu = 0), (Vn = e)), Bu) }, movementY: function (e) { return 'movementY' in e ? e.movementY : Fu }, }), Zp = Ht(Vo), L_ = Xe({}, Vo, { dataTransfer: 0 }), P_ = Ht(L_), B_ = Xe({}, ta, { relatedTarget: 0 }), Mu = Ht(B_), F_ = Xe({}, Bn, { animationName: 0, elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: 0 }), M_ = Ht(F_), U_ = Xe({}, Bn, { clipboardData: function (e) { return 'clipboardData' in e ? e.clipboardData : window.clipboardData }, }), H_ = Ht(U_), z_ = Xe({}, Bn, { data: 0 }), eh = Ht(z_), j_ = { Esc: 'Escape', Spacebar: ' ', Left: 'ArrowLeft', Up: 'ArrowUp', Right: 'ArrowRight', Down: 'ArrowDown', Del: 'Delete', Win: 'OS', Menu: 'ContextMenu', Apps: 'ContextMenu', Scroll: 'ScrollLock', MozPrintableKey: 'Unidentified', }, q_ = { 8: 'Backspace', 9: 'Tab', 12: 'Clear', 13: 'Enter', 16: 'Shift', 17: 'Control', 18: 'Alt', 19: 'Pause', 20: 'CapsLock', 27: 'Escape', 32: ' ', 33: 'PageUp', 34: 'PageDown', 35: 'End', 36: 'Home', 37: 'ArrowLeft', 38: 'ArrowUp', 39: 'ArrowRight', 40: 'ArrowDown', 45: 'Insert', 46: 'Delete', 112: 'F1', 113: 'F2', 114: 'F3', 115: 'F4', 116: 'F5', 117: 'F6', 118: 'F7', 119: 'F8', 120: 'F9', 121: 'F10', 122: 'F11', 123: 'F12', 144: 'NumLock', 145: 'ScrollLock', 224: 'Meta', }, $_ = { Alt: 'altKey', Control: 'ctrlKey', Meta: 'metaKey', Shift: 'shiftKey' } function V_(e) { var t = this.nativeEvent return t.getModifierState ? t.getModifierState(e) : (e = $_[e]) ? !!t[e] : !1 } function xf() { return V_ } var G_ = Xe({}, ta, { key: function (e) { if (e.key) { var t = j_[e.key] || e.key if (t !== 'Unidentified') return t } return e.type === 'keypress' ? ((e = Xa(e)), e === 13 ? 'Enter' : String.fromCharCode(e)) : e.type === 'keydown' || e.type === 'keyup' ? q_[e.keyCode] || 'Unidentified' : '' }, code: 0, location: 0, ctrlKey: 0, shiftKey: 0, altKey: 0, metaKey: 0, repeat: 0, locale: 0, getModifierState: xf, charCode: function (e) { return e.type === 'keypress' ? Xa(e) : 0 }, keyCode: function (e) { return e.type === 'keydown' || e.type === 'keyup' ? e.keyCode : 0 }, which: function (e) { return e.type === 'keypress' ? Xa(e) : e.type === 'keydown' || e.type === 'keyup' ? e.keyCode : 0 }, }), X_ = Ht(G_), Y_ = Xe({}, Vo, { pointerId: 0, width: 0, height: 0, pressure: 0, tangentialPressure: 0, tiltX: 0, tiltY: 0, twist: 0, pointerType: 0, isPrimary: 0, }), th = Ht(Y_), W_ = Xe({}, ta, { touches: 0, targetTouches: 0, changedTouches: 0, altKey: 0, metaKey: 0, ctrlKey: 0, shiftKey: 0, getModifierState: xf, }), Q_ = Ht(W_), K_ = Xe({}, Bn, { propertyName: 0, elapsedTime: 0, pseudoElement: 0 }), J_ = Ht(K_), Z_ = Xe({}, Vo, { deltaX: function (e) { return 'deltaX' in e ? e.deltaX : 'wheelDeltaX' in e ? -e.wheelDeltaX : 0 }, deltaY: function (e) { return 'deltaY' in e ? e.deltaY : 'wheelDeltaY' in e ? -e.wheelDeltaY : 'wheelDelta' in e ? -e.wheelDelta : 0 }, deltaZ: 0, deltaMode: 0, }), ev = Ht(Z_), tv = [9, 13, 27, 32], Tf = Or && 'CompositionEvent' in window, ls = null Or && 'documentMode' in document && (ls = document.documentMode) var rv = Or && 'TextEvent' in window && !ls, v0 = Or && (!Tf || (ls && 8 < ls && 11 >= ls)), rh = String.fromCharCode(32), ih = !1 function E0(e, t) { switch (e) { case 'keyup': return tv.indexOf(t.keyCode) !== -1 case 'keydown': return t.keyCode !== 229 case 'keypress': case 'mousedown': case 'focusout': return !0 default: return !1 } } function x0(e) { return (e = e.detail), typeof e == 'object' && 'data' in e ? : null } var en = !1 function iv(e, t) { switch (e) { case 'compositionend': return x0(t) case 'keypress': return t.which !== 32 ? null : ((ih = !0), rh) case 'textInput': return (e =, e === rh && ih ? null : e default: return null } } function nv(e, t) { if (en) return e === 'compositionend' || (!Tf && E0(e, t)) ? ((e = _0()), (Ga = vf = Wr = null), (en = !1), e) : null switch (e) { case 'paste': return null case 'keypress': if (!(t.ctrlKey || t.altKey || t.metaKey) || (t.ctrlKey && t.altKey)) { if (t.char && 1 < t.char.length) return t.char if (t.which) return String.fromCharCode(t.which) } return null case 'compositionend': return v0 && t.locale !== 'ko' ? null : default: return null } } var sv = { color: !0, date: !0, datetime: !0, 'datetime-local': !0, email: !0, month: !0, number: !0, password: !0, range: !0, search: !0, tel: !0, text: !0, time: !0, url: !0, week: !0, } function nh(e) { var t = e && e.nodeName && e.nodeName.toLowerCase() return t === 'input' ? !!sv[e.type] : t === 'textarea' } function T0(e, t, r, i) { e0(i), (t = go(t, 'onChange')), 0 < t.length && ((r = new Ef('onChange', 'change', null, r, i)), e.push({ event: r, listeners: t })) } var cs = null, Os = null function av(e) { L0(e, 0) } function Go(e) { var t = nn(e) if (Xd(t)) return e } function ov(e, t) { if (e === 'change') return t } var A0 = !1 if (Or) { var Uu if (Or) { var Hu = 'oninput' in document if (!Hu) { var sh = document.createElement('div') sh.setAttribute('oninput', 'return;'), (Hu = typeof sh.oninput == 'function') } Uu = Hu } else Uu = !1 A0 = Uu && (!document.documentMode || 9 < document.documentMode) } function ah() { cs && (cs.detachEvent('onpropertychange', S0), (Os = cs = null)) } function S0(e) { if (e.propertyName === 'value' && Go(Os)) { var t = [] T0(t, Os, e, df(e)), n0(av, t) } } function uv(e, t, r) { e === 'focusin' ? (ah(), (cs = t), (Os = r), cs.attachEvent('onpropertychange', S0)) : e === 'focusout' && ah() } function lv(e) { if (e === 'selectionchange' || e === 'keyup' || e === 'keydown') return Go(Os) } function cv(e, t) { if (e === 'click') return Go(t) } function fv(e, t) { if (e === 'input' || e === 'change') return Go(t) } function pv(e, t) { return (e === t && (e !== 0 || 1 / e === 1 / t)) || (e !== e && t !== t) } var ar = typeof == 'function' ? : pv function Is(e, t) { if (ar(e, t)) return !0 if (typeof e != 'object' || e === null || typeof t != 'object' || t === null) return !1 var r = Object.keys(e), i = Object.keys(t) if (r.length !== i.length) return !1 for (i = 0; i < r.length; i++) { var n = r[i] if (!, n) || !ar(e[n], t[n])) return !1 } return !0 } function oh(e) { for (; e && e.firstChild; ) e = e.firstChild return e } function uh(e, t) { var r = oh(e) e = 0 for (var i; r; ) { if (r.nodeType === 3) { if (((i = e + r.textContent.length), e <= t && i >= t)) return { node: r, offset: t - e } e = i } e: { for (; r; ) { if (r.nextSibling) { r = r.nextSibling break e } r = r.parentNode } r = void 0 } r = oh(r) } } function C0(e, t) { return e && t ? e === t ? !0 : e && e.nodeType === 3 ? !1 : t && t.nodeType === 3 ? C0(e, t.parentNode) : 'contains' in e ? e.contains(t) : e.compareDocumentPosition ? !!(e.compareDocumentPosition(t) & 16) : !1 : !1 } function k0() { for (var e = window, t = uo(); t instanceof e.HTMLIFrameElement; ) { try { var r = typeof t.contentWindow.location.href == 'string' } catch { r = !1 } if (r) e = t.contentWindow else break t = uo(e.document) } return t } function Af(e) { var t = e && e.nodeName && e.nodeName.toLowerCase() return ( t && ((t === 'input' && (e.type === 'text' || e.type === 'search' || e.type === 'tel' || e.type === 'url' || e.type === 'password')) || t === 'textarea' || e.contentEditable === 'true') ) } function hv(e) { var t = k0(), r = e.focusedElem, i = e.selectionRange if (t !== r && r && r.ownerDocument && C0(r.ownerDocument.documentElement, r)) { if (i !== null && Af(r)) { if (((t = i.start), (e = i.end), e === void 0 && (e = t), 'selectionStart' in r)) (r.selectionStart = t), (r.selectionEnd = Math.min(e, r.value.length)) else if ( ((e = ((t = r.ownerDocument || document) && t.defaultView) || window), e.getSelection) ) { e = e.getSelection() var n = r.textContent.length, s = Math.min(i.start, n) ;(i = i.end === void 0 ? s : Math.min(i.end, n)), !e.extend && s > i && ((n = i), (i = s), (s = n)), (n = uh(r, s)) var a = uh(r, i) n && a && (e.rangeCount !== 1 || e.anchorNode !== n.node || e.anchorOffset !== n.offset || e.focusNode !== a.node || e.focusOffset !== a.offset) && ((t = t.createRange()), t.setStart(n.node, n.offset), e.removeAllRanges(), s > i ? (e.addRange(t), e.extend(a.node, a.offset)) : (t.setEnd(a.node, a.offset), e.addRange(t))) } } for (t = [], e = r; (e = e.parentNode); ) e.nodeType === 1 && t.push({ element: e, left: e.scrollLeft, top: e.scrollTop }) for (typeof r.focus == 'function' && r.focus(), r = 0; r < t.length; r++) (e = t[r]), (e.element.scrollLeft = e.left), (e.element.scrollTop = } } var mv = Or && 'documentMode' in document && 11 >= document.documentMode, tn = null, Kl = null, fs = null, Jl = !1 function lh(e, t, r) { var i = r.window === r ? r.document : r.nodeType === 9 ? r : r.ownerDocument Jl || tn == null || tn !== uo(i) || ((i = tn), 'selectionStart' in i && Af(i) ? (i = { start: i.selectionStart, end: i.selectionEnd }) : ((i = ((i.ownerDocument && i.ownerDocument.defaultView) || window).getSelection()), (i = { anchorNode: i.anchorNode, anchorOffset: i.anchorOffset, focusNode: i.focusNode, focusOffset: i.focusOffset, })), (fs && Is(fs, i)) || ((fs = i), (i = go(Kl, 'onSelect')), 0 < i.length && ((t = new Ef('onSelect', 'select', null, t, r)), e.push({ event: t, listeners: i }), ( = tn)))) } function Aa(e, t) { var r = {} return ( (r[e.toLowerCase()] = t.toLowerCase()), (r['Webkit' + e] = 'webkit' + t), (r['Moz' + e] = 'moz' + t), r ) } var rn = { animationend: Aa('Animation', 'AnimationEnd'), animationiteration: Aa('Animation', 'AnimationIteration'), animationstart: Aa('Animation', 'AnimationStart'), transitionend: Aa('Transition', 'TransitionEnd'), }, zu = {}, w0 = {} Or && ((w0 = document.createElement('div').style), 'AnimationEvent' in window || (delete rn.animationend.animation, delete rn.animationiteration.animation, delete rn.animationstart.animation), 'TransitionEvent' in window || delete rn.transitionend.transition) function Xo(e) { if (zu[e]) return zu[e] if (!rn[e]) return e var t = rn[e], r for (r in t) if (t.hasOwnProperty(r) && r in w0) return (zu[e] = t[r]) return e } var N0 = Xo('animationend'), O0 = Xo('animationiteration'), I0 = Xo('animationstart'), D0 = Xo('transitionend'), R0 = new Map(), ch = 'abort auxClick cancel canPlay canPlayThrough click close contextMenu copy cut drag dragEnd dragEnter dragExit dragLeave dragOver dragStart drop durationChange emptied encrypted ended error gotPointerCapture input invalid keyDown keyPress keyUp load loadedData loadedMetadata loadStart lostPointerCapture mouseDown mouseMove mouseOut mouseOver mouseUp paste pause play playing pointerCancel pointerDown pointerMove pointerOut pointerOver pointerUp progress rateChange reset resize seeked seeking stalled submit suspend timeUpdate touchCancel touchEnd touchStart volumeChange scroll toggle touchMove waiting wheel'.split( ' ' ) function fi(e, t) { R0.set(e, t), Hi(t, [e]) } for (var ju = 0; ju < ch.length; ju++) { var qu = ch[ju], dv = qu.toLowerCase(), gv = qu[0].toUpperCase() + qu.slice(1) fi(dv, 'on' + gv) } fi(N0, 'onAnimationEnd') fi(O0, 'onAnimationIteration') fi(I0, 'onAnimationStart') fi('dblclick', 'onDoubleClick') fi('focusin', 'onFocus') fi('focusout', 'onBlur') fi(D0, 'onTransitionEnd') An('onMouseEnter', ['mouseout', 'mouseover']) An('onMouseLeave', ['mouseout', 'mouseover']) An('onPointerEnter', ['pointerout', 'pointerover']) An('onPointerLeave', ['pointerout', 'pointerover']) Hi('onChange', 'change click focusin focusout input keydown keyup selectionchange'.split(' ')) Hi( 'onSelect', 'focusout contextmenu dragend focusin keydown keyup mousedown mouseup selectionchange'.split(' ') ) Hi('onBeforeInput', ['compositionend', 'keypress', 'textInput', 'paste']) Hi('onCompositionEnd', 'compositionend focusout keydown keypress keyup mousedown'.split(' ')) Hi('onCompositionStart', 'compositionstart focusout keydown keypress keyup mousedown'.split(' ')) Hi('onCompositionUpdate', 'compositionupdate focusout keydown keypress keyup mousedown'.split(' ')) var ss = 'abort canplay canplaythrough durationchange emptied encrypted ended error loadeddata loadedmetadata loadstart pause play playing progress ratechange resize seeked seeking stalled suspend timeupdate volumechange waiting'.split( ' ' ), bv = new Set('cancel close invalid load scroll toggle'.split(' ').concat(ss)) function fh(e, t, r) { var i = e.type || 'unknown-event' ;(e.currentTarget = r), d_(i, t, void 0, e), (e.currentTarget = null) } function L0(e, t) { t = (t & 4) !== 0 for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++) { var i = e[r], n = i.event i = i.listeners e: { var s = void 0 if (t) for (var a = i.length - 1; 0 <= a; a--) { var o = i[a], u = o.instance, c = o.currentTarget if (((o = o.listener), u !== s && n.isPropagationStopped())) break e fh(n, o, c), (s = u) } else for (a = 0; a < i.length; a++) { if ( ((o = i[a]), (u = o.instance), (c = o.currentTarget), (o = o.listener), u !== s && n.isPropagationStopped()) ) break e fh(n, o, c), (s = u) } } } if (co) throw ((e = Xl), (co = !1), (Xl = null), e) } function Ue(e, t) { var r = t[ic] r === void 0 && (r = t[ic] = new Set()) var i = e + '__bubble' r.has(i) || (P0(t, e, 2, !1), r.add(i)) } function $u(e, t, r) { var i = 0 t && (i |= 4), P0(r, e, i, t) } var Sa = '_reactListening' + Math.random().toString(36).slice(2) function Ds(e) { if (!e[Sa]) { ;(e[Sa] = !0), jd.forEach(function (r) { r !== 'selectionchange' && (bv.has(r) || $u(r, !1, e), $u(r, !0, e)) }) var t = e.nodeType === 9 ? e : e.ownerDocument t === null || t[Sa] || ((t[Sa] = !0), $u('selectionchange', !1, t)) } } function P0(e, t, r, i) { switch (y0(t)) { case 1: var n = I_ break case 4: n = D_ break default: n = _f } ;(r = n.bind(null, t, r, e)), (n = void 0), !Gl || (t !== 'touchstart' && t !== 'touchmove' && t !== 'wheel') || (n = !0), i ? n !== void 0 ? e.addEventListener(t, r, { capture: !0, passive: n }) : e.addEventListener(t, r, !0) : n !== void 0 ? e.addEventListener(t, r, { passive: n }) : e.addEventListener(t, r, !1) } function Vu(e, t, r, i, n) { var s = i if (!(t & 1) && !(t & 2) && i !== null) e: for (;;) { if (i === null) return var a = i.tag if (a === 3 || a === 4) { var o = i.stateNode.containerInfo if (o === n || (o.nodeType === 8 && o.parentNode === n)) break if (a === 4) for (a = i.return; a !== null; ) { var u = a.tag if ( (u === 3 || u === 4) && ((u = a.stateNode.containerInfo), u === n || (u.nodeType === 8 && u.parentNode === n)) ) return a = a.return } for (; o !== null; ) { if (((a = Ei(o)), a === null)) return if (((u = a.tag), u === 5 || u === 6)) { i = s = a continue e } o = o.parentNode } } i = i.return } n0(function () { var c = s, f = df(r), h = [] e: { var p = R0.get(e) if (p !== void 0) { var m = Ef, v = e switch (e) { case 'keypress': if (Xa(r) === 0) break e case 'keydown': case 'keyup': m = X_ break case 'focusin': ;(v = 'focus'), (m = Mu) break case 'focusout': ;(v = 'blur'), (m = Mu) break case 'beforeblur': case 'afterblur': m = Mu break case 'click': if (r.button === 2) break e case 'auxclick': case 'dblclick': case 'mousedown': case 'mousemove': case 'mouseup': case 'mouseout': case 'mouseover': case 'contextmenu': m = Zp break case 'drag': case 'dragend': case 'dragenter': case 'dragexit': case 'dragleave': case 'dragover': case 'dragstart': case 'drop': m = P_ break case 'touchcancel': case 'touchend': case 'touchmove': case 'touchstart': m = Q_ break case N0: case O0: case I0: m = M_ break case D0: m = J_ break case 'scroll': m = R_ break case 'wheel': m = ev break case 'copy': case 'cut': case 'paste': m = H_ break case 'gotpointercapture': case 'lostpointercapture': case 'pointercancel': case 'pointerdown': case 'pointermove': case 'pointerout': case 'pointerover': case 'pointerup': m = th } var b = (t & 4) !== 0, S = !b && e === 'scroll', g = b ? (p !== null ? p + 'Capture' : null) : p b = [] for (var _ = c, y; _ !== null; ) { y = _ var x = y.stateNode if ( (y.tag === 5 && x !== null && ((y = x), g !== null && ((x = Cs(_, g)), x != null && b.push(Rs(_, x, y)))), S) ) break _ = _.return } 0 < b.length && ((p = new m(p, v, null, r, f)), h.push({ event: p, listeners: b })) } } if (!(t & 7)) { e: { if ( ((p = e === 'mouseover' || e === 'pointerover'), (m = e === 'mouseout' || e === 'pointerout'), p && r !== $l && (v = r.relatedTarget || r.fromElement) && (Ei(v) || v[Ir])) ) break e if ( (m || p) && ((p = f.window === f ? f : (p = f.ownerDocument) ? p.defaultView || p.parentWindow : window), m ? ((v = r.relatedTarget || r.toElement), (m = c), (v = v ? Ei(v) : null), v !== null && ((S = zi(v)), v !== S || (v.tag !== 5 && v.tag !== 6)) && (v = null)) : ((m = null), (v = c)), m !== v) ) { if ( ((b = Zp), (x = 'onMouseLeave'), (g = 'onMouseEnter'), (_ = 'mouse'), (e === 'pointerout' || e === 'pointerover') && ((b = th), (x = 'onPointerLeave'), (g = 'onPointerEnter'), (_ = 'pointer')), (S = m == null ? p : nn(m)), (y = v == null ? p : nn(v)), (p = new b(x, _ + 'leave', m, r, f)), ( = S), (p.relatedTarget = y), (x = null), Ei(f) === c && ((b = new b(g, _ + 'enter', v, r, f)), ( = y), (b.relatedTarget = S), (x = b)), (S = x), m && v) ) t: { for (b = m, g = v, _ = 0, y = b; y; y = $i(y)) _++ for (y = 0, x = g; x; x = $i(x)) y++ for (; 0 < _ - y; ) (b = $i(b)), _-- for (; 0 < y - _; ) (g = $i(g)), y-- for (; _--; ) { if (b === g || (g !== null && b === g.alternate)) break t ;(b = $i(b)), (g = $i(g)) } b = null } else b = null m !== null && ph(h, p, m, b, !1), v !== null && S !== null && ph(h, S, v, b, !0) } } e: { if ( ((p = c ? nn(c) : window), (m = p.nodeName && p.nodeName.toLowerCase()), m === 'select' || (m === 'input' && p.type === 'file')) ) var D = ov else if (nh(p)) if (A0) D = fv else { D = lv var C = uv } else (m = p.nodeName) && m.toLowerCase() === 'input' && (p.type === 'checkbox' || p.type === 'radio') && (D = cv) if (D && (D = D(e, c))) { T0(h, D, r, f) break e } C && C(e, p, c), e === 'focusout' && (C = p._wrapperState) && C.controlled && p.type === 'number' && Ul(p, 'number', p.value) } switch (((C = c ? nn(c) : window), e)) { case 'focusin': ;(nh(C) || C.contentEditable === 'true') && ((tn = C), (Kl = c), (fs = null)) break case 'focusout': fs = Kl = tn = null break case 'mousedown': Jl = !0 break case 'contextmenu': case 'mouseup': case 'dragend': ;(Jl = !1), lh(h, r, f) break case 'selectionchange': if (mv) break case 'keydown': case 'keyup': lh(h, r, f) } var H if (Tf) e: { switch (e) { case 'compositionstart': var T = 'onCompositionStart' break e case 'compositionend': T = 'onCompositionEnd' break e case 'compositionupdate': T = 'onCompositionUpdate' break e } T = void 0 } else en ? E0(e, r) && (T = 'onCompositionEnd') : e === 'keydown' && r.keyCode === 229 && (T = 'onCompositionStart') T && (v0 && r.locale !== 'ko' && (en || T !== 'onCompositionStart' ? T === 'onCompositionEnd' && en && (H = _0()) : ((Wr = f), (vf = 'value' in Wr ? Wr.value : Wr.textContent), (en = !0))), (C = go(c, T)), 0 < C.length && ((T = new eh(T, e, null, r, f)), h.push({ event: T, listeners: C }), H ? ( = H) : ((H = x0(r)), H !== null && ( = H)))), (H = rv ? iv(e, r) : nv(e, r)) && ((c = go(c, 'onBeforeInput')), 0 < c.length && ((f = new eh('onBeforeInput', 'beforeinput', null, r, f)), h.push({ event: f, listeners: c }), ( = H))) } L0(h, t) }) } function Rs(e, t, r) { return { instance: e, listener: t, currentTarget: r } } function go(e, t) { for (var r = t + 'Capture', i = []; e !== null; ) { var n = e, s = n.stateNode n.tag === 5 && s !== null && ((n = s), (s = Cs(e, r)), s != null && i.unshift(Rs(e, s, n)), (s = Cs(e, t)), s != null && i.push(Rs(e, s, n))), (e = e.return) } return i } function $i(e) { if (e === null) return null do e = e.return while (e && e.tag !== 5) return e || null } function ph(e, t, r, i, n) { for (var s = t._reactName, a = []; r !== null && r !== i; ) { var o = r, u = o.alternate, c = o.stateNode if (u !== null && u === i) break o.tag === 5 && c !== null && ((o = c), n ? ((u = Cs(r, s)), u != null && a.unshift(Rs(r, u, o))) : n || ((u = Cs(r, s)), u != null && a.push(Rs(r, u, o)))), (r = r.return) } a.length !== 0 && e.push({ event: t, listeners: a }) } var yv = /\r\n?/g, _v = /\u0000|\uFFFD/g function hh(e) { return (typeof e == 'string' ? e : '' + e) .replace( yv, ` ` ) .replace(_v, '') } function Ca(e, t, r) { if (((t = hh(t)), hh(e) !== t && r)) throw Error(ue(425)) } function bo() {} var Zl = null, ec = null function tc(e, t) { return ( e === 'textarea' || e === 'noscript' || typeof t.children == 'string' || typeof t.children == 'number' || (typeof t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML == 'object' && t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML !== null && t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML.__html != null) ) } var rc = typeof setTimeout == 'function' ? setTimeout : void 0, vv = typeof clearTimeout == 'function' ? clearTimeout : void 0, mh = typeof Promise == 'function' ? Promise : void 0, Ev = typeof queueMicrotask == 'function' ? queueMicrotask : typeof mh < 'u' ? function (e) { return mh.resolve(null).then(e).catch(xv) } : rc function xv(e) { setTimeout(function () { throw e }) } function Gu(e, t) { var r = t, i = 0 do { var n = r.nextSibling if ((e.removeChild(r), n && n.nodeType === 8)) if (((r =, r === '/$')) { if (i === 0) { e.removeChild(n), Ns(t) return } i-- } else (r !== '$' && r !== '$?' && r !== '$!') || i++ r = n } while (r) Ns(t) } function ei(e) { for (; e != null; e = e.nextSibling) { var t = e.nodeType if (t === 1 || t === 3) break if (t === 8) { if (((t =, t === '$' || t === '$!' || t === '$?')) break if (t === '/$') return null } } return e } function dh(e) { e = e.previousSibling for (var t = 0; e; ) { if (e.nodeType === 8) { var r = if (r === '$' || r === '$!' || r === '$?') { if (t === 0) return e t-- } else r === '/$' && t++ } e = e.previousSibling } return null } var Fn = Math.random().toString(36).slice(2), hr = '__reactFiber$' + Fn, Ls = '__reactProps$' + Fn, Ir = '__reactContainer$' + Fn, ic = '__reactEvents$' + Fn, Tv = '__reactListeners$' + Fn, Av = '__reactHandles$' + Fn function Ei(e) { var t = e[hr] if (t) return t for (var r = e.parentNode; r; ) { if ((t = r[Ir] || r[hr])) { if (((r = t.alternate), t.child !== null || (r !== null && r.child !== null))) for (e = dh(e); e !== null; ) { if ((r = e[hr])) return r e = dh(e) } return t } ;(e = r), (r = e.parentNode) } return null } function ra(e) { return ( (e = e[hr] || e[Ir]), !e || (e.tag !== 5 && e.tag !== 6 && e.tag !== 13 && e.tag !== 3) ? null : e ) } function nn(e) { if (e.tag === 5 || e.tag === 6) return e.stateNode throw Error(ue(33)) } function Yo(e) { return e[Ls] || null } var nc = [], sn = -1 function pi(e) { return { current: e } } function He(e) { 0 > sn || ((e.current = nc[sn]), (nc[sn] = null), sn--) } function Fe(e, t) { sn++, (nc[sn] = e.current), (e.current = t) } var ui = {}, mt = pi(ui), kt = pi(!1), wi = ui function Sn(e, t) { var r = e.type.contextTypes if (!r) return ui var i = e.stateNode if (i && i.__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext === t) return i.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext var n = {}, s for (s in r) n[s] = t[s] return ( i && ((e = e.stateNode), (e.__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext = t), (e.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext = n)), n ) } function wt(e) { return (e = e.childContextTypes), e != null } function yo() { He(kt), He(mt) } function gh(e, t, r) { if (mt.current !== ui) throw Error(ue(168)) Fe(mt, t), Fe(kt, r) } function B0(e, t, r) { var i = e.stateNode if (((t = t.childContextTypes), typeof i.getChildContext != 'function')) return r i = i.getChildContext() for (var n in i) if (!(n in t)) throw Error(ue(108, u_(e) || 'Unknown', n)) return Xe({}, r, i) } function _o(e) { return ( (e = ((e = e.stateNode) && e.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext) || ui), (wi = mt.current), Fe(mt, e), Fe(kt, kt.current), !0 ) } function bh(e, t, r) { var i = e.stateNode if (!i) throw Error(ue(169)) r ? ((e = B0(e, t, wi)), (i.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext = e), He(kt), He(mt), Fe(mt, e)) : He(kt), Fe(kt, r) } var Cr = null, Wo = !1, Xu = !1 function F0(e) { Cr === null ? (Cr = [e]) : Cr.push(e) } function Sv(e) { ;(Wo = !0), F0(e) } function hi() { if (!Xu && Cr !== null) { Xu = !0 var e = 0, t = Re try { var r = Cr for (Re = 1; e < r.length; e++) { var i = r[e] do i = i(!0) while (i !== null) } ;(Cr = null), (Wo = !1) } catch (n) { throw (Cr !== null && (Cr = Cr.slice(e + 1)), u0(gf, hi), n) } finally { ;(Re = t), (Xu = !1) } } return null } var an = [], on = 0, vo = null, Eo = 0, $t = [], Vt = 0, Ni = null, kr = 1, wr = '' function bi(e, t) { ;(an[on++] = Eo), (an[on++] = vo), (vo = e), (Eo = t) } function M0(e, t, r) { ;($t[Vt++] = kr), ($t[Vt++] = wr), ($t[Vt++] = Ni), (Ni = e) var i = kr e = wr var n = 32 - ir(i) - 1 ;(i &= ~(1 << n)), (r += 1) var s = 32 - ir(t) + n if (30 < s) { var a = n - (n % 5) ;(s = (i & ((1 << a) - 1)).toString(32)), (i >>= a), (n -= a), (kr = (1 << (32 - ir(t) + n)) | (r << n) | i), (wr = s + e) } else (kr = (1 << s) | (r << n) | i), (wr = e) } function Sf(e) { e.return !== null && (bi(e, 1), M0(e, 1, 0)) } function Cf(e) { for (; e === vo; ) (vo = an[--on]), (an[on] = null), (Eo = an[--on]), (an[on] = null) for (; e === Ni; ) (Ni = $t[--Vt]), ($t[Vt] = null), (wr = $t[--Vt]), ($t[Vt] = null), (kr = $t[--Vt]), ($t[Vt] = null) } var Pt = null, Lt = null, qe = !1, tr = null function U0(e, t) { var r = Xt(5, null, null, 0) ;(r.elementType = 'DELETED'), (r.stateNode = t), (r.return = e), (t = e.deletions), t === null ? ((e.deletions = [r]), (e.flags |= 16)) : t.push(r) } function yh(e, t) { switch (e.tag) { case 5: var r = e.type return ( (t = t.nodeType !== 1 || r.toLowerCase() !== t.nodeName.toLowerCase() ? null : t), t !== null ? ((e.stateNode = t), (Pt = e), (Lt = ei(t.firstChild)), !0) : !1 ) case 6: return ( (t = e.pendingProps === '' || t.nodeType !== 3 ? null : t), t !== null ? ((e.stateNode = t), (Pt = e), (Lt = null), !0) : !1 ) case 13: return ( (t = t.nodeType !== 8 ? null : t), t !== null ? ((r = Ni !== null ? { id: kr, overflow: wr } : null), (e.memoizedState = { dehydrated: t, treeContext: r, retryLane: 1073741824 }), (r = Xt(18, null, null, 0)), (r.stateNode = t), (r.return = e), (e.child = r), (Pt = e), (Lt = null), !0) : !1 ) default: return !1 } } function sc(e) { return (e.mode & 1) !== 0 && (e.flags & 128) === 0 } function ac(e) { if (qe) { var t = Lt if (t) { var r = t if (!yh(e, t)) { if (sc(e)) throw Error(ue(418)) t = ei(r.nextSibling) var i = Pt t && yh(e, t) ? U0(i, r) : ((e.flags = (e.flags & -4097) | 2), (qe = !1), (Pt = e)) } } else { if (sc(e)) throw Error(ue(418)) ;(e.flags = (e.flags & -4097) | 2), (qe = !1), (Pt = e) } } } function _h(e) { for (e = e.return; e !== null && e.tag !== 5 && e.tag !== 3 && e.tag !== 13; ) e = e.return Pt = e } function ka(e) { if (e !== Pt) return !1 if (!qe) return _h(e), (qe = !0), !1 var t if ( ((t = e.tag !== 3) && !(t = e.tag !== 5) && ((t = e.type), (t = t !== 'head' && t !== 'body' && !tc(e.type, e.memoizedProps))), t && (t = Lt)) ) { if (sc(e)) throw (H0(), Error(ue(418))) for (; t; ) U0(e, t), (t = ei(t.nextSibling)) } if ((_h(e), e.tag === 13)) { if (((e = e.memoizedState), (e = e !== null ? e.dehydrated : null), !e)) throw Error(ue(317)) e: { for (e = e.nextSibling, t = 0; e; ) { if (e.nodeType === 8) { var r = if (r === '/$') { if (t === 0) { Lt = ei(e.nextSibling) break e } t-- } else (r !== '$' && r !== '$!' && r !== '$?') || t++ } e = e.nextSibling } Lt = null } } else Lt = Pt ? ei(e.stateNode.nextSibling) : null return !0 } function H0() { for (var e = Lt; e; ) e = ei(e.nextSibling) } function Cn() { ;(Lt = Pt = null), (qe = !1) } function kf(e) { tr === null ? (tr = [e]) : tr.push(e) } var Cv = Br.ReactCurrentBatchConfig function Zt(e, t) { if (e && e.defaultProps) { ;(t = Xe({}, t)), (e = e.defaultProps) for (var r in e) t[r] === void 0 && (t[r] = e[r]) return t } return t } var xo = pi(null), To = null, un = null, wf = null function Nf() { wf = un = To = null } function Of(e) { var t = xo.current He(xo), (e._currentValue = t) } function oc(e, t, r) { for (; e !== null; ) { var i = e.alternate if ( ((e.childLanes & t) !== t ? ((e.childLanes |= t), i !== null && (i.childLanes |= t)) : i !== null && (i.childLanes & t) !== t && (i.childLanes |= t), e === r) ) break e = e.return } } function _n(e, t) { ;(To = e), (wf = un = null), (e = e.dependencies), e !== null && e.firstContext !== null && (e.lanes & t && (Ct = !0), (e.firstContext = null)) } function Wt(e) { var t = e._currentValue if (wf !== e) if (((e = { context: e, memoizedValue: t, next: null }), un === null)) { if (To === null) throw Error(ue(308)) ;(un = e), (To.dependencies = { lanes: 0, firstContext: e }) } else un = = e return t } var xi = null function If(e) { xi === null ? (xi = [e]) : xi.push(e) } function z0(e, t, r, i) { var n = t.interleaved return ( n === null ? (( = r), If(t)) : (( =, ( = r)), (t.interleaved = r), Dr(e, i) ) } function Dr(e, t) { e.lanes |= t var r = e.alternate for (r !== null && (r.lanes |= t), r = e, e = e.return; e !== null; ) (e.childLanes |= t), (r = e.alternate), r !== null && (r.childLanes |= t), (r = e), (e = e.return) return r.tag === 3 ? r.stateNode : null } var Vr = !1 function Df(e) { e.updateQueue = { baseState: e.memoizedState, firstBaseUpdate: null, lastBaseUpdate: null, shared: { pending: null, interleaved: null, lanes: 0 }, effects: null, } } function j0(e, t) { ;(e = e.updateQueue), t.updateQueue === e && (t.updateQueue = { baseState: e.baseState, firstBaseUpdate: e.firstBaseUpdate, lastBaseUpdate: e.lastBaseUpdate, shared: e.shared, effects: e.effects, }) } function Nr(e, t) { return { eventTime: e, lane: t, tag: 0, payload: null, callback: null, next: null } } function ti(e, t, r) { var i = e.updateQueue if (i === null) return null if (((i = i.shared), Ie & 2)) { var n = i.pending return n === null ? ( = t) : (( =, ( = t)), (i.pending = t), Dr(e, r) } return ( (n = i.interleaved), n === null ? (( = t), If(i)) : (( =, ( = t)), (i.interleaved = t), Dr(e, r) ) } function Ya(e, t, r) { if (((t = t.updateQueue), t !== null && ((t = t.shared), (r & 4194240) !== 0))) { var i = t.lanes ;(i &= e.pendingLanes), (r |= i), (t.lanes = r), bf(e, r) } } function vh(e, t) { var r = e.updateQueue, i = e.alternate if (i !== null && ((i = i.updateQueue), r === i)) { var n = null, s = null if (((r = r.firstBaseUpdate), r !== null)) { do { var a = { eventTime: r.eventTime, lane: r.lane, tag: r.tag, payload: r.payload, callback: r.callback, next: null, } s === null ? (n = s = a) : (s = = a), (r = } while (r !== null) s === null ? (n = s = t) : (s = = t) } else n = s = t ;(r = { baseState: i.baseState, firstBaseUpdate: n, lastBaseUpdate: s, shared: i.shared, effects: i.effects, }), (e.updateQueue = r) return } ;(e = r.lastBaseUpdate), e === null ? (r.firstBaseUpdate = t) : ( = t), (r.lastBaseUpdate = t) } function Ao(e, t, r, i) { var n = e.updateQueue Vr = !1 var s = n.firstBaseUpdate, a = n.lastBaseUpdate, o = n.shared.pending if (o !== null) { n.shared.pending = null var u = o, c = ;( = null), a === null ? (s = c) : ( = c), (a = u) var f = e.alternate f !== null && ((f = f.updateQueue), (o = f.lastBaseUpdate), o !== a && (o === null ? (f.firstBaseUpdate = c) : ( = c), (f.lastBaseUpdate = u))) } if (s !== null) { var h = n.baseState ;(a = 0), (f = c = u = null), (o = s) do { var p = o.lane, m = o.eventTime if ((i & p) === p) { f !== null && (f = = { eventTime: m, lane: 0, tag: o.tag, payload: o.payload, callback: o.callback, next: null, }) e: { var v = e, b = o switch (((p = t), (m = r), b.tag)) { case 1: if (((v = b.payload), typeof v == 'function')) { h =, h, p) break e } h = v break e case 3: v.flags = (v.flags & -65537) | 128 case 0: if (((v = b.payload), (p = typeof v == 'function' ?, h, p) : v), p == null)) break e h = Xe({}, h, p) break e case 2: Vr = !0 } } o.callback !== null && o.lane !== 0 && ((e.flags |= 64), (p = n.effects), p === null ? (n.effects = [o]) : p.push(o)) } else (m = { eventTime: m, lane: p, tag: o.tag, payload: o.payload, callback: o.callback, next: null, }), f === null ? ((c = f = m), (u = h)) : (f = = m), (a |= p) if (((o =, o === null)) { if (((o = n.shared.pending), o === null)) break ;(p = o), (o =, ( = null), (n.lastBaseUpdate = p), (n.shared.pending = null) } } while (1) if ( (f === null && (u = h), (n.baseState = u), (n.firstBaseUpdate = c), (n.lastBaseUpdate = f), (t = n.shared.interleaved), t !== null) ) { n = t do (a |= n.lane), (n = while (n !== t) } else s === null && (n.shared.lanes = 0) ;(Ii |= a), (e.lanes = a), (e.memoizedState = h) } } function Eh(e, t, r) { if (((e = t.effects), (t.effects = null), e !== null)) for (t = 0; t < e.length; t++) { var i = e[t], n = i.callback if (n !== null) { if (((i.callback = null), (i = r), typeof n != 'function')) throw Error(ue(191, n)) } } } var q0 = new zd.Component().refs function uc(e, t, r, i) { ;(t = e.memoizedState), (r = r(i, t)), (r = r == null ? t : Xe({}, t, r)), (e.memoizedState = r), e.lanes === 0 && (e.updateQueue.baseState = r) } var Qo = { isMounted: function (e) { return (e = e._reactInternals) ? zi(e) === e : !1 }, enqueueSetState: function (e, t, r) { e = e._reactInternals var i = yt(), n = ii(e), s = Nr(i, n) ;(s.payload = t), r != null && (s.callback = r), (t = ti(e, s, n)), t !== null && (nr(t, e, n, i), Ya(t, e, n)) }, enqueueReplaceState: function (e, t, r) { e = e._reactInternals var i = yt(), n = ii(e), s = Nr(i, n) ;(s.tag = 1), (s.payload = t), r != null && (s.callback = r), (t = ti(e, s, n)), t !== null && (nr(t, e, n, i), Ya(t, e, n)) }, enqueueForceUpdate: function (e, t) { e = e._reactInternals var r = yt(), i = ii(e), n = Nr(r, i) ;(n.tag = 2), t != null && (n.callback = t), (t = ti(e, n, i)), t !== null && (nr(t, e, i, r), Ya(t, e, i)) }, } function xh(e, t, r, i, n, s, a) { return ( (e = e.stateNode), typeof e.shouldComponentUpdate == 'function' ? e.shouldComponentUpdate(i, s, a) : t.prototype && t.prototype.isPureReactComponent ? !Is(r, i) || !Is(n, s) : !0 ) } function $0(e, t, r) { var i = !1, n = ui, s = t.contextType return ( typeof s == 'object' && s !== null ? (s = Wt(s)) : ((n = wt(t) ? wi : mt.current), (i = t.contextTypes), (s = (i = i != null) ? Sn(e, n) : ui)), (t = new t(r, s)), (e.memoizedState = t.state !== null && t.state !== void 0 ? t.state : null), (t.updater = Qo), (e.stateNode = t), (t._reactInternals = e), i && ((e = e.stateNode), (e.__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext = n), (e.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext = s)), t ) } function Th(e, t, r, i) { ;(e = t.state), typeof t.componentWillReceiveProps == 'function' && t.componentWillReceiveProps(r, i), typeof t.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps == 'function' && t.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(r, i), t.state !== e && Qo.enqueueReplaceState(t, t.state, null) } function lc(e, t, r, i) { var n = e.stateNode ;(n.props = r), (n.state = e.memoizedState), (n.refs = q0), Df(e) var s = t.contextType typeof s == 'object' && s !== null ? (n.context = Wt(s)) : ((s = wt(t) ? wi : mt.current), (n.context = Sn(e, s))), (n.state = e.memoizedState), (s = t.getDerivedStateFromProps), typeof s == 'function' && (uc(e, t, s, r), (n.state = e.memoizedState)), typeof t.getDerivedStateFromProps == 'function' || typeof n.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate == 'function' || (typeof n.UNSAFE_componentWillMount != 'function' && typeof n.componentWillMount != 'function') || ((t = n.state), typeof n.componentWillMount == 'function' && n.componentWillMount(), typeof n.UNSAFE_componentWillMount == 'function' && n.UNSAFE_componentWillMount(), t !== n.state && Qo.enqueueReplaceState(n, n.state, null), Ao(e, r, n, i), (n.state = e.memoizedState)), typeof n.componentDidMount == 'function' && (e.flags |= 4194308) } function Gn(e, t, r) { if (((e = r.ref), e !== null && typeof e != 'function' && typeof e != 'object')) { if (r._owner) { if (((r = r._owner), r)) { if (r.tag !== 1) throw Error(ue(309)) var i = r.stateNode } if (!i) throw Error(ue(147, e)) var n = i, s = '' + e return t !== null && t.ref !== null && typeof t.ref == 'function' && t.ref._stringRef === s ? t.ref : ((t = function (a) { var o = n.refs o === q0 && (o = n.refs = {}), a === null ? delete o[s] : (o[s] = a) }), (t._stringRef = s), t) } if (typeof e != 'string') throw Error(ue(284)) if (!r._owner) throw Error(ue(290, e)) } return e } function wa(e, t) { throw ( ((e =, Error( ue(31, e === '[object Object]' ? 'object with keys {' + Object.keys(t).join(', ') + '}' : e) )) ) } function Ah(e) { var t = e._init return t(e._payload) } function V0(e) { function t(g, _) { if (e) { var y = g.deletions y === null ? ((g.deletions = [_]), (g.flags |= 16)) : y.push(_) } } function r(g, _) { if (!e) return null for (; _ !== null; ) t(g, _), (_ = _.sibling) return null } function i(g, _) { for (g = new Map(); _ !== null; ) _.key !== null ? g.set(_.key, _) : g.set(_.index, _), (_ = _.sibling) return g } function n(g, _) { return (g = ni(g, _)), (g.index = 0), (g.sibling = null), g } function s(g, _, y) { return ( (g.index = y), e ? ((y = g.alternate), y !== null ? ((y = y.index), y < _ ? ((g.flags |= 2), _) : y) : ((g.flags |= 2), _)) : ((g.flags |= 1048576), _) ) } function a(g) { return e && g.alternate === null && (g.flags |= 2), g } function o(g, _, y, x) { return _ === null || _.tag !== 6 ? ((_ = el(y, g.mode, x)), (_.return = g), _) : ((_ = n(_, y)), (_.return = g), _) } function u(g, _, y, x) { var D = y.type return D === Zi ? f(g, _, y.props.children, x, y.key) : _ !== null && (_.elementType === D || (typeof D == 'object' && D !== null && D.$$typeof === $r && Ah(D) === _.type)) ? ((x = n(_, y.props)), (x.ref = Gn(g, _, y)), (x.return = g), x) : ((x = eo(y.type, y.key, y.props, null, g.mode, x)), (x.ref = Gn(g, _, y)), (x.return = g), x) } function c(g, _, y, x) { return _ === null || _.tag !== 4 || _.stateNode.containerInfo !== y.containerInfo || _.stateNode.implementation !== y.implementation ? ((_ = tl(y, g.mode, x)), (_.return = g), _) : ((_ = n(_, y.children || [])), (_.return = g), _) } function f(g, _, y, x, D) { return _ === null || _.tag !== 7 ? ((_ = Ci(y, g.mode, x, D)), (_.return = g), _) : ((_ = n(_, y)), (_.return = g), _) } function h(g, _, y) { if ((typeof _ == 'string' && _ !== '') || typeof _ == 'number') return (_ = el('' + _, g.mode, y)), (_.return = g), _ if (typeof _ == 'object' && _ !== null) { switch (_.$$typeof) { case ba: return ( (y = eo(_.type, _.key, _.props, null, g.mode, y)), (y.ref = Gn(g, null, _)), (y.return = g), y ) case Ji: return (_ = tl(_, g.mode, y)), (_.return = g), _ case $r: var x = _._init return h(g, x(_._payload), y) } if (is(_) || zn(_)) return (_ = Ci(_, g.mode, y, null)), (_.return = g), _ wa(g, _) } return null } function p(g, _, y, x) { var D = _ !== null ? _.key : null if ((typeof y == 'string' && y !== '') || typeof y == 'number') return D !== null ? null : o(g, _, '' + y, x) if (typeof y == 'object' && y !== null) { switch (y.$$typeof) { case ba: return y.key === D ? u(g, _, y, x) : null case Ji: return y.key === D ? c(g, _, y, x) : null case $r: return (D = y._init), p(g, _, D(y._payload), x) } if (is(y) || zn(y)) return D !== null ? null : f(g, _, y, x, null) wa(g, y) } return null } function m(g, _, y, x, D) { if ((typeof x == 'string' && x !== '') || typeof x == 'number') return (g = g.get(y) || null), o(_, g, '' + x, D) if (typeof x == 'object' && x !== null) { switch (x.$$typeof) { case ba: return (g = g.get(x.key === null ? y : x.key) || null), u(_, g, x, D) case Ji: return (g = g.get(x.key === null ? y : x.key) || null), c(_, g, x, D) case $r: var C = x._init return m(g, _, y, C(x._payload), D) } if (is(x) || zn(x)) return (g = g.get(y) || null), f(_, g, x, D, null) wa(_, x) } return null } function v(g, _, y, x) { for (var D = null, C = null, H = _, T = (_ = 0), k = null; H !== null && T < y.length; T++) { H.index > T ? ((k = H), (H = null)) : (k = H.sibling) var O = p(g, H, y[T], x) if (O === null) { H === null && (H = k) break } e && H && O.alternate === null && t(g, H), (_ = s(O, _, T)), C === null ? (D = O) : (C.sibling = O), (C = O), (H = k) } if (T === y.length) return r(g, H), qe && bi(g, T), D if (H === null) { for (; T < y.length; T++) (H = h(g, y[T], x)), H !== null && ((_ = s(H, _, T)), C === null ? (D = H) : (C.sibling = H), (C = H)) return qe && bi(g, T), D } for (H = i(g, H); T < y.length; T++) (k = m(H, g, T, y[T], x)), k !== null && (e && k.alternate !== null && H.delete(k.key === null ? T : k.key), (_ = s(k, _, T)), C === null ? (D = k) : (C.sibling = k), (C = k)) return ( e && H.forEach(function (N) { return t(g, N) }), qe && bi(g, T), D ) } function b(g, _, y, x) { var D = zn(y) if (typeof D != 'function') throw Error(ue(150)) if (((y =, y == null)) throw Error(ue(151)) for ( var C = (D = null), H = _, T = (_ = 0), k = null, O =; H !== null && !O.done; T++, O = ) { H.index > T ? ((k = H), (H = null)) : (k = H.sibling) var N = p(g, H, O.value, x) if (N === null) { H === null && (H = k) break } e && H && N.alternate === null && t(g, H), (_ = s(N, _, T)), C === null ? (D = N) : (C.sibling = N), (C = N), (H = k) } if (O.done) return r(g, H), qe && bi(g, T), D if (H === null) { for (; !O.done; T++, O = (O = h(g, O.value, x)), O !== null && ((_ = s(O, _, T)), C === null ? (D = O) : (C.sibling = O), (C = O)) return qe && bi(g, T), D } for (H = i(g, H); !O.done; T++, O = (O = m(H, g, T, O.value, x)), O !== null && (e && O.alternate !== null && H.delete(O.key === null ? T : O.key), (_ = s(O, _, T)), C === null ? (D = O) : (C.sibling = O), (C = O)) return ( e && H.forEach(function (M) { return t(g, M) }), qe && bi(g, T), D ) } function S(g, _, y, x) { if ( (typeof y == 'object' && y !== null && y.type === Zi && y.key === null && (y = y.props.children), typeof y == 'object' && y !== null) ) { switch (y.$$typeof) { case ba: e: { for (var D = y.key, C = _; C !== null; ) { if (C.key === D) { if (((D = y.type), D === Zi)) { if (C.tag === 7) { r(g, C.sibling), (_ = n(C, y.props.children)), (_.return = g), (g = _) break e } } else if ( C.elementType === D || (typeof D == 'object' && D !== null && D.$$typeof === $r && Ah(D) === C.type) ) { r(g, C.sibling), (_ = n(C, y.props)), (_.ref = Gn(g, C, y)), (_.return = g), (g = _) break e } r(g, C) break } else t(g, C) C = C.sibling } y.type === Zi ? ((_ = Ci(y.props.children, g.mode, x, y.key)), (_.return = g), (g = _)) : ((x = eo(y.type, y.key, y.props, null, g.mode, x)), (x.ref = Gn(g, _, y)), (x.return = g), (g = x)) } return a(g) case Ji: e: { for (C = y.key; _ !== null; ) { if (_.key === C) if ( _.tag === 4 && _.stateNode.containerInfo === y.containerInfo && _.stateNode.implementation === y.implementation ) { r(g, _.sibling), (_ = n(_, y.children || [])), (_.return = g), (g = _) break e } else { r(g, _) break } else t(g, _) _ = _.sibling } ;(_ = tl(y, g.mode, x)), (_.return = g), (g = _) } return a(g) case $r: return (C = y._init), S(g, _, C(y._payload), x) } if (is(y)) return v(g, _, y, x) if (zn(y)) return b(g, _, y, x) wa(g, y) } return (typeof y == 'string' && y !== '') || typeof y == 'number' ? ((y = '' + y), _ !== null && _.tag === 6 ? (r(g, _.sibling), (_ = n(_, y)), (_.return = g), (g = _)) : (r(g, _), (_ = el(y, g.mode, x)), (_.return = g), (g = _)), a(g)) : r(g, _) } return S } var kn = V0(!0), G0 = V0(!1), ia = {}, yr = pi(ia), Ps = pi(ia), Bs = pi(ia) function Ti(e) { if (e === ia) throw Error(ue(174)) return e } function Rf(e, t) { switch ((Fe(Bs, t), Fe(Ps, e), Fe(yr, ia), (e = t.nodeType), e)) { case 9: case 11: t = (t = t.documentElement) ? t.namespaceURI : zl(null, '') break default: ;(e = e === 8 ? t.parentNode : t), (t = e.namespaceURI || null), (e = e.tagName), (t = zl(t, e)) } He(yr), Fe(yr, t) } function wn() { He(yr), He(Ps), He(Bs) } function X0(e) { Ti(Bs.current) var t = Ti(yr.current), r = zl(t, e.type) t !== r && (Fe(Ps, e), Fe(yr, r)) } function Lf(e) { Ps.current === e && (He(yr), He(Ps)) } var Ve = pi(0) function So(e) { for (var t = e; t !== null; ) { if (t.tag === 13) { var r = t.memoizedState if (r !== null && ((r = r.dehydrated), r === null || === '$?' || === '$!')) return t } else if (t.tag === 19 && t.memoizedProps.revealOrder !== void 0) { if (t.flags & 128) return t } else if (t.child !== null) { ;(t.child.return = t), (t = t.child) continue } if (t === e) break for (; t.sibling === null; ) { if (t.return === null || t.return === e) return null t = t.return } ;(t.sibling.return = t.return), (t = t.sibling) } return null } var Yu = [] function Pf() { for (var e = 0; e < Yu.length; e++) Yu[e]._workInProgressVersionPrimary = null Yu.length = 0 } var Wa = Br.ReactCurrentDispatcher, Wu = Br.ReactCurrentBatchConfig, Oi = 0, Ge = null, Je = null, it = null, Co = !1, ps = !1, Fs = 0, kv = 0 function ct() { throw Error(ue(321)) } function Bf(e, t) { if (t === null) return !1 for (var r = 0; r < t.length && r < e.length; r++) if (!ar(e[r], t[r])) return !1 return !0 } function Ff(e, t, r, i, n, s) { if ( ((Oi = s), (Ge = t), (t.memoizedState = null), (t.updateQueue = null), (t.lanes = 0), (Wa.current = e === null || e.memoizedState === null ? Iv : Dv), (e = r(i, n)), ps) ) { s = 0 do { if (((ps = !1), (Fs = 0), 25 <= s)) throw Error(ue(301)) ;(s += 1), (it = Je = null), (t.updateQueue = null), (Wa.current = Rv), (e = r(i, n)) } while (ps) } if ( ((Wa.current = ko), (t = Je !== null && !== null), (Oi = 0), (it = Je = Ge = null), (Co = !1), t) ) throw Error(ue(300)) return e } function Mf() { var e = Fs !== 0 return (Fs = 0), e } function fr() { var e = { memoizedState: null, baseState: null, baseQueue: null, queue: null, next: null } return it === null ? (Ge.memoizedState = it = e) : (it = = e), it } function Qt() { if (Je === null) { var e = Ge.alternate e = e !== null ? e.memoizedState : null } else e = var t = it === null ? Ge.memoizedState : if (t !== null) (it = t), (Je = e) else { if (e === null) throw Error(ue(310)) ;(Je = e), (e = { memoizedState: Je.memoizedState, baseState: Je.baseState, baseQueue: Je.baseQueue, queue: Je.queue, next: null, }), it === null ? (Ge.memoizedState = it = e) : (it = = e) } return it } function Ms(e, t) { return typeof t == 'function' ? t(e) : t } function Qu(e) { var t = Qt(), r = t.queue if (r === null) throw Error(ue(311)) r.lastRenderedReducer = e var i = Je, n = i.baseQueue, s = r.pending if (s !== null) { if (n !== null) { var a = ;( =, ( = a) } ;(i.baseQueue = n = s), (r.pending = null) } if (n !== null) { ;(s =, (i = i.baseState) var o = (a = null), u = null, c = s do { var f = c.lane if ((Oi & f) === f) u !== null && (u = = { lane: 0, action: c.action, hasEagerState: c.hasEagerState, eagerState: c.eagerState, next: null, }), (i = c.hasEagerState ? c.eagerState : e(i, c.action)) else { var h = { lane: f, action: c.action, hasEagerState: c.hasEagerState, eagerState: c.eagerState, next: null, } u === null ? ((o = u = h), (a = i)) : (u = = h), (Ge.lanes |= f), (Ii |= f) } c = } while (c !== null && c !== s) u === null ? (a = i) : ( = o), ar(i, t.memoizedState) || (Ct = !0), (t.memoizedState = i), (t.baseState = a), (t.baseQueue = u), (r.lastRenderedState = i) } if (((e = r.interleaved), e !== null)) { n = e do (s = n.lane), (Ge.lanes |= s), (Ii |= s), (n = while (n !== e) } else n === null && (r.lanes = 0) return [t.memoizedState, r.dispatch] } function Ku(e) { var t = Qt(), r = t.queue if (r === null) throw Error(ue(311)) r.lastRenderedReducer = e var i = r.dispatch, n = r.pending, s = t.memoizedState if (n !== null) { r.pending = null var a = (n = do (s = e(s, a.action)), (a = while (a !== n) ar(s, t.memoizedState) || (Ct = !0), (t.memoizedState = s), t.baseQueue === null && (t.baseState = s), (r.lastRenderedState = s) } return [s, i] } function Y0() {} function W0(e, t) { var r = Ge, i = Qt(), n = t(), s = !ar(i.memoizedState, n) if ( (s && ((i.memoizedState = n), (Ct = !0)), (i = i.queue), Uf(J0.bind(null, r, i, e), [e]), i.getSnapshot !== t || s || (it !== null && it.memoizedState.tag & 1)) ) { if (((r.flags |= 2048), Us(9, K0.bind(null, r, i, n, t), void 0, null), st === null)) throw Error(ue(349)) Oi & 30 || Q0(r, t, n) } return n } function Q0(e, t, r) { ;(e.flags |= 16384), (e = { getSnapshot: t, value: r }), (t = Ge.updateQueue), t === null ? ((t = { lastEffect: null, stores: null }), (Ge.updateQueue = t), (t.stores = [e])) : ((r = t.stores), r === null ? (t.stores = [e]) : r.push(e)) } function K0(e, t, r, i) { ;(t.value = r), (t.getSnapshot = i), Z0(t) && eg(e) } function J0(e, t, r) { return r(function () { Z0(t) && eg(e) }) } function Z0(e) { var t = e.getSnapshot e = e.value try { var r = t() return !ar(e, r) } catch { return !0 } } function eg(e) { var t = Dr(e, 1) t !== null && nr(t, e, 1, -1) } function Sh(e) { var t = fr() return ( typeof e == 'function' && (e = e()), (t.memoizedState = t.baseState = e), (e = { pending: null, interleaved: null, lanes: 0, dispatch: null, lastRenderedReducer: Ms, lastRenderedState: e, }), (t.queue = e), (e = e.dispatch = Ov.bind(null, Ge, e)), [t.memoizedState, e] ) } function Us(e, t, r, i) { return ( (e = { tag: e, create: t, destroy: r, deps: i, next: null }), (t = Ge.updateQueue), t === null ? ((t = { lastEffect: null, stores: null }), (Ge.updateQueue = t), (t.lastEffect = = e)) : ((r = t.lastEffect), r === null ? (t.lastEffect = = e) : ((i =, ( = e), ( = i), (t.lastEffect = e))), e ) } function tg() { return Qt().memoizedState } function Qa(e, t, r, i) { var n = fr() ;(Ge.flags |= e), (n.memoizedState = Us(1 | t, r, void 0, i === void 0 ? null : i)) } function Ko(e, t, r, i) { var n = Qt() i = i === void 0 ? null : i var s = void 0 if (Je !== null) { var a = Je.memoizedState if (((s = a.destroy), i !== null && Bf(i, a.deps))) { n.memoizedState = Us(t, r, s, i) return } } ;(Ge.flags |= e), (n.memoizedState = Us(1 | t, r, s, i)) } function Ch(e, t) { return Qa(8390656, 8, e, t) } function Uf(e, t) { return Ko(2048, 8, e, t) } function rg(e, t) { return Ko(4, 2, e, t) } function ig(e, t) { return Ko(4, 4, e, t) } function ng(e, t) { if (typeof t == 'function') return ( (e = e()), t(e), function () { t(null) } ) if (t != null) return ( (e = e()), (t.current = e), function () { t.current = null } ) } function sg(e, t, r) { return (r = r != null ? r.concat([e]) : null), Ko(4, 4, ng.bind(null, t, e), r) } function Hf() {} function ag(e, t) { var r = Qt() t = t === void 0 ? null : t var i = r.memoizedState return i !== null && t !== null && Bf(t, i[1]) ? i[0] : ((r.memoizedState = [e, t]), e) } function og(e, t) { var r = Qt() t = t === void 0 ? null : t var i = r.memoizedState return i !== null && t !== null && Bf(t, i[1]) ? i[0] : ((e = e()), (r.memoizedState = [e, t]), e) } function ug(e, t, r) { return Oi & 21 ? (ar(r, t) || ((r = f0()), (Ge.lanes |= r), (Ii |= r), (e.baseState = !0)), t) : (e.baseState && ((e.baseState = !1), (Ct = !0)), (e.memoizedState = r)) } function wv(e, t) { var r = Re ;(Re = r !== 0 && 4 > r ? r : 4), e(!0) var i = Wu.transition Wu.transition = {} try { e(!1), t() } finally { ;(Re = r), (Wu.transition = i) } } function lg() { return Qt().memoizedState } function Nv(e, t, r) { var i = ii(e) if (((r = { lane: i, action: r, hasEagerState: !1, eagerState: null, next: null }), cg(e))) fg(t, r) else if (((r = z0(e, t, r, i)), r !== null)) { var n = yt() nr(r, e, i, n), pg(r, t, i) } } function Ov(e, t, r) { var i = ii(e), n = { lane: i, action: r, hasEagerState: !1, eagerState: null, next: null } if (cg(e)) fg(t, n) else { var s = e.alternate if (e.lanes === 0 && (s === null || s.lanes === 0) && ((s = t.lastRenderedReducer), s !== null)) try { var a = t.lastRenderedState, o = s(a, r) if (((n.hasEagerState = !0), (n.eagerState = o), ar(o, a))) { var u = t.interleaved u === null ? (( = n), If(t)) : (( =, ( = n)), (t.interleaved = n) return } } catch { } finally { } ;(r = z0(e, t, n, i)), r !== null && ((n = yt()), nr(r, e, i, n), pg(r, t, i)) } } function cg(e) { var t = e.alternate return e === Ge || (t !== null && t === Ge) } function fg(e, t) { ps = Co = !0 var r = e.pending r === null ? ( = t) : (( =, ( = t)), (e.pending = t) } function pg(e, t, r) { if (r & 4194240) { var i = t.lanes ;(i &= e.pendingLanes), (r |= i), (t.lanes = r), bf(e, r) } } var ko = { readContext: Wt, useCallback: ct, useContext: ct, useEffect: ct, useImperativeHandle: ct, useInsertionEffect: ct, useLayoutEffect: ct, useMemo: ct, useReducer: ct, useRef: ct, useState: ct, useDebugValue: ct, useDeferredValue: ct, useTransition: ct, useMutableSource: ct, useSyncExternalStore: ct, useId: ct, unstable_isNewReconciler: !1, }, Iv = { readContext: Wt, useCallback: function (e, t) { return (fr().memoizedState = [e, t === void 0 ? null : t]), e }, useContext: Wt, useEffect: Ch, useImperativeHandle: function (e, t, r) { return (r = r != null ? r.concat([e]) : null), Qa(4194308, 4, ng.bind(null, t, e), r) }, useLayoutEffect: function (e, t) { return Qa(4194308, 4, e, t) }, useInsertionEffect: function (e, t) { return Qa(4, 2, e, t) }, useMemo: function (e, t) { var r = fr() return (t = t === void 0 ? null : t), (e = e()), (r.memoizedState = [e, t]), e }, useReducer: function (e, t, r) { var i = fr() return ( (t = r !== void 0 ? r(t) : t), (i.memoizedState = i.baseState = t), (e = { pending: null, interleaved: null, lanes: 0, dispatch: null, lastRenderedReducer: e, lastRenderedState: t, }), (i.queue = e), (e = e.dispatch = Nv.bind(null, Ge, e)), [i.memoizedState, e] ) }, useRef: function (e) { var t = fr() return (e = { current: e }), (t.memoizedState = e) }, useState: Sh, useDebugValue: Hf, useDeferredValue: function (e) { return (fr().memoizedState = e) }, useTransition: function () { var e = Sh(!1), t = e[0] return (e = wv.bind(null, e[1])), (fr().memoizedState = e), [t, e] }, useMutableSource: function () {}, useSyncExternalStore: function (e, t, r) { var i = Ge, n = fr() if (qe) { if (r === void 0) throw Error(ue(407)) r = r() } else { if (((r = t()), st === null)) throw Error(ue(349)) Oi & 30 || Q0(i, t, r) } n.memoizedState = r var s = { value: r, getSnapshot: t } return ( (n.queue = s), Ch(J0.bind(null, i, s, e), [e]), (i.flags |= 2048), Us(9, K0.bind(null, i, s, r, t), void 0, null), r ) }, useId: function () { var e = fr(), t = st.identifierPrefix if (qe) { var r = wr, i = kr ;(r = (i & ~(1 << (32 - ir(i) - 1))).toString(32) + r), (t = ':' + t + 'R' + r), (r = Fs++), 0 < r && (t += 'H' + r.toString(32)), (t += ':') } else (r = kv++), (t = ':' + t + 'r' + r.toString(32) + ':') return (e.memoizedState = t) }, unstable_isNewReconciler: !1, }, Dv = { readContext: Wt, useCallback: ag, useContext: Wt, useEffect: Uf, useImperativeHandle: sg, useInsertionEffect: rg, useLayoutEffect: ig, useMemo: og, useReducer: Qu, useRef: tg, useState: function () { return Qu(Ms) }, useDebugValue: Hf, useDeferredValue: function (e) { var t = Qt() return ug(t, Je.memoizedState, e) }, useTransition: function () { var e = Qu(Ms)[0], t = Qt().memoizedState return [e, t] }, useMutableSource: Y0, useSyncExternalStore: W0, useId: lg, unstable_isNewReconciler: !1, }, Rv = { readContext: Wt, useCallback: ag, useContext: Wt, useEffect: Uf, useImperativeHandle: sg, useInsertionEffect: rg, useLayoutEffect: ig, useMemo: og, useReducer: Ku, useRef: tg, useState: function () { return Ku(Ms) }, useDebugValue: Hf, useDeferredValue: function (e) { var t = Qt() return Je === null ? (t.memoizedState = e) : ug(t, Je.memoizedState, e) }, useTransition: function () { var e = Ku(Ms)[0], t = Qt().memoizedState return [e, t] }, useMutableSource: Y0, useSyncExternalStore: W0, useId: lg, unstable_isNewReconciler: !1, } function Nn(e, t) { try { var r = '', i = t do (r += o_(i)), (i = i.return) while (i) var n = r } catch (s) { n = ` Error generating stack: ` + s.message + ` ` + s.stack } return { value: e, source: t, stack: n, digest: null } } function Ju(e, t, r) { return { value: e, source: null, stack: r ?? null, digest: t ?? null } } function cc(e, t) { try { console.error(t.value) } catch (r) { setTimeout(function () { throw r }) } } var Lv = typeof WeakMap == 'function' ? WeakMap : Map function hg(e, t, r) { ;(r = Nr(-1, r)), (r.tag = 3), (r.payload = { element: null }) var i = t.value return ( (r.callback = function () { No || ((No = !0), (vc = i)), cc(e, t) }), r ) } function mg(e, t, r) { ;(r = Nr(-1, r)), (r.tag = 3) var i = e.type.getDerivedStateFromError if (typeof i == 'function') { var n = t.value ;(r.payload = function () { return i(n) }), (r.callback = function () { cc(e, t) }) } var s = e.stateNode return ( s !== null && typeof s.componentDidCatch == 'function' && (r.callback = function () { cc(e, t), typeof i != 'function' && (ri === null ? (ri = new Set([this])) : ri.add(this)) var a = t.stack this.componentDidCatch(t.value, { componentStack: a !== null ? a : '' }) }), r ) } function kh(e, t, r) { var i = e.pingCache if (i === null) { i = e.pingCache = new Lv() var n = new Set() i.set(t, n) } else (n = i.get(t)), n === void 0 && ((n = new Set()), i.set(t, n)) n.has(r) || (n.add(r), (e = Yv.bind(null, e, t, r)), t.then(e, e)) } function wh(e) { do { var t if ( ((t = e.tag === 13) && ((t = e.memoizedState), (t = t !== null ? t.dehydrated !== null : !0)), t) ) return e e = e.return } while (e !== null) return null } function Nh(e, t, r, i, n) { return e.mode & 1 ? ((e.flags |= 65536), (e.lanes = n), e) : (e === t ? (e.flags |= 65536) : ((e.flags |= 128), (r.flags |= 131072), (r.flags &= -52805), r.tag === 1 && (r.alternate === null ? (r.tag = 17) : ((t = Nr(-1, 1)), (t.tag = 2), ti(r, t, 1))), (r.lanes |= 1)), e) } var Pv = Br.ReactCurrentOwner, Ct = !1 function gt(e, t, r, i) { t.child = e === null ? G0(t, null, r, i) : kn(t, e.child, r, i) } function Oh(e, t, r, i, n) { r = r.render var s = t.ref return ( _n(t, n), (i = Ff(e, t, r, i, s, n)), (r = Mf()), e !== null && !Ct ? ((t.updateQueue = e.updateQueue), (t.flags &= -2053), (e.lanes &= ~n), Rr(e, t, n)) : (qe && r && Sf(t), (t.flags |= 1), gt(e, t, i, n), t.child) ) } function Ih(e, t, r, i, n) { if (e === null) { var s = r.type return typeof s == 'function' && !Yf(s) && s.defaultProps === void 0 && === null && r.defaultProps === void 0 ? ((t.tag = 15), (t.type = s), dg(e, t, s, i, n)) : ((e = eo(r.type, null, i, t, t.mode, n)), (e.ref = t.ref), (e.return = t), (t.child = e)) } if (((s = e.child), !(e.lanes & n))) { var a = s.memoizedProps if (((r =, (r = r !== null ? r : Is), r(a, i) && e.ref === t.ref)) return Rr(e, t, n) } return (t.flags |= 1), (e = ni(s, i)), (e.ref = t.ref), (e.return = t), (t.child = e) } function dg(e, t, r, i, n) { if (e !== null) { var s = e.memoizedProps if (Is(s, i) && e.ref === t.ref) if (((Ct = !1), (t.pendingProps = i = s), (e.lanes & n) !== 0)) e.flags & 131072 && (Ct = !0) else return (t.lanes = e.lanes), Rr(e, t, n) } return fc(e, t, r, i, n) } function gg(e, t, r) { var i = t.pendingProps, n = i.children, s = e !== null ? e.memoizedState : null if (i.mode === 'hidden') if (!(t.mode & 1)) (t.memoizedState = { baseLanes: 0, cachePool: null, transitions: null }), Fe(cn, Dt), (Dt |= r) else { if (!(r & 1073741824)) return ( (e = s !== null ? s.baseLanes | r : r), (t.lanes = t.childLanes = 1073741824), (t.memoizedState = { baseLanes: e, cachePool: null, transitions: null }), (t.updateQueue = null), Fe(cn, Dt), (Dt |= e), null ) ;(t.memoizedState = { baseLanes: 0, cachePool: null, transitions: null }), (i = s !== null ? s.baseLanes : r), Fe(cn, Dt), (Dt |= i) } else s !== null ? ((i = s.baseLanes | r), (t.memoizedState = null)) : (i = r), Fe(cn, Dt), (Dt |= i) return gt(e, t, n, r), t.child } function bg(e, t) { var r = t.ref ;((e === null && r !== null) || (e !== null && e.ref !== r)) && ((t.flags |= 512), (t.flags |= 2097152)) } function fc(e, t, r, i, n) { var s = wt(r) ? wi : mt.current return ( (s = Sn(t, s)), _n(t, n), (r = Ff(e, t, r, i, s, n)), (i = Mf()), e !== null && !Ct ? ((t.updateQueue = e.updateQueue), (t.flags &= -2053), (e.lanes &= ~n), Rr(e, t, n)) : (qe && i && Sf(t), (t.flags |= 1), gt(e, t, r, n), t.child) ) } function Dh(e, t, r, i, n) { if (wt(r)) { var s = !0 _o(t) } else s = !1 if ((_n(t, n), t.stateNode === null)) Ka(e, t), $0(t, r, i), lc(t, r, i, n), (i = !0) else if (e === null) { var a = t.stateNode, o = t.memoizedProps a.props = o var u = a.context, c = r.contextType typeof c == 'object' && c !== null ? (c = Wt(c)) : ((c = wt(r) ? wi : mt.current), (c = Sn(t, c))) var f = r.getDerivedStateFromProps, h = typeof f == 'function' || typeof a.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate == 'function' h || (typeof a.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps != 'function' && typeof a.componentWillReceiveProps != 'function') || ((o !== i || u !== c) && Th(t, a, i, c)), (Vr = !1) var p = t.memoizedState ;(a.state = p), Ao(t, i, a, n), (u = t.memoizedState), o !== i || p !== u || kt.current || Vr ? (typeof f == 'function' && (uc(t, r, f, i), (u = t.memoizedState)), (o = Vr || xh(t, r, o, i, p, u, c)) ? (h || (typeof a.UNSAFE_componentWillMount != 'function' && typeof a.componentWillMount != 'function') || (typeof a.componentWillMount == 'function' && a.componentWillMount(), typeof a.UNSAFE_componentWillMount == 'function' && a.UNSAFE_componentWillMount()), typeof a.componentDidMount == 'function' && (t.flags |= 4194308)) : (typeof a.componentDidMount == 'function' && (t.flags |= 4194308), (t.memoizedProps = i), (t.memoizedState = u)), (a.props = i), (a.state = u), (a.context = c), (i = o)) : (typeof a.componentDidMount == 'function' && (t.flags |= 4194308), (i = !1)) } else { ;(a = t.stateNode), j0(e, t), (o = t.memoizedProps), (c = t.type === t.elementType ? o : Zt(t.type, o)), (a.props = c), (h = t.pendingProps), (p = a.context), (u = r.contextType), typeof u == 'object' && u !== null ? (u = Wt(u)) : ((u = wt(r) ? wi : mt.current), (u = Sn(t, u))) var m = r.getDerivedStateFromProps ;(f = typeof m == 'function' || typeof a.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate == 'function') || (typeof a.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps != 'function' && typeof a.componentWillReceiveProps != 'function') || ((o !== h || p !== u) && Th(t, a, i, u)), (Vr = !1), (p = t.memoizedState), (a.state = p), Ao(t, i, a, n) var v = t.memoizedState o !== h || p !== v || kt.current || Vr ? (typeof m == 'function' && (uc(t, r, m, i), (v = t.memoizedState)), (c = Vr || xh(t, r, c, i, p, v, u) || !1) ? (f || (typeof a.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate != 'function' && typeof a.componentWillUpdate != 'function') || (typeof a.componentWillUpdate == 'function' && a.componentWillUpdate(i, v, u), typeof a.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate == 'function' && a.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate(i, v, u)), typeof a.componentDidUpdate == 'function' && (t.flags |= 4), typeof a.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate == 'function' && (t.flags |= 1024)) : (typeof a.componentDidUpdate != 'function' || (o === e.memoizedProps && p === e.memoizedState) || (t.flags |= 4), typeof a.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate != 'function' || (o === e.memoizedProps && p === e.memoizedState) || (t.flags |= 1024), (t.memoizedProps = i), (t.memoizedState = v)), (a.props = i), (a.state = v), (a.context = u), (i = c)) : (typeof a.componentDidUpdate != 'function' || (o === e.memoizedProps && p === e.memoizedState) || (t.flags |= 4), typeof a.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate != 'function' || (o === e.memoizedProps && p === e.memoizedState) || (t.flags |= 1024), (i = !1)) } return pc(e, t, r, i, s, n) } function pc(e, t, r, i, n, s) { bg(e, t) var a = (t.flags & 128) !== 0 if (!i && !a) return n && bh(t, r, !1), Rr(e, t, s) ;(i = t.stateNode), (Pv.current = t) var o = a && typeof r.getDerivedStateFromError != 'function' ? null : i.render() return ( (t.flags |= 1), e !== null && a ? ((t.child = kn(t, e.child, null, s)), (t.child = kn(t, null, o, s))) : gt(e, t, o, s), (t.memoizedState = i.state), n && bh(t, r, !0), t.child ) } function yg(e) { var t = e.stateNode t.pendingContext ? gh(e, t.pendingContext, t.pendingContext !== t.context) : t.context && gh(e, t.context, !1), Rf(e, t.containerInfo) } function Rh(e, t, r, i, n) { return Cn(), kf(n), (t.flags |= 256), gt(e, t, r, i), t.child } var hc = { dehydrated: null, treeContext: null, retryLane: 0 } function mc(e) { return { baseLanes: e, cachePool: null, transitions: null } } function _g(e, t, r) { var i = t.pendingProps, n = Ve.current, s = !1, a = (t.flags & 128) !== 0, o if ( ((o = a) || (o = e !== null && e.memoizedState === null ? !1 : (n & 2) !== 0), o ? ((s = !0), (t.flags &= -129)) : (e === null || e.memoizedState !== null) && (n |= 1), Fe(Ve, n & 1), e === null) ) return ( ac(t), (e = t.memoizedState), e !== null && ((e = e.dehydrated), e !== null) ? (t.mode & 1 ? ( === '$!' ? (t.lanes = 8) : (t.lanes = 1073741824)) : (t.lanes = 1), null) : ((a = i.children), (e = i.fallback), s ? ((i = t.mode), (s = t.child), (a = { mode: 'hidden', children: a }), !(i & 1) && s !== null ? ((s.childLanes = 0), (s.pendingProps = a)) : (s = eu(a, i, 0, null)), (e = Ci(e, i, r, null)), (s.return = t), (e.return = t), (s.sibling = e), (t.child = s), (t.child.memoizedState = mc(r)), (t.memoizedState = hc), e) : zf(t, a)) ) if (((n = e.memoizedState), n !== null && ((o = n.dehydrated), o !== null))) return Bv(e, t, a, i, o, n, r) if (s) { ;(s = i.fallback), (a = t.mode), (n = e.child), (o = n.sibling) var u = { mode: 'hidden', children: i.children } return ( !(a & 1) && t.child !== n ? ((i = t.child), (i.childLanes = 0), (i.pendingProps = u), (t.deletions = null)) : ((i = ni(n, u)), (i.subtreeFlags = n.subtreeFlags & 14680064)), o !== null ? (s = ni(o, s)) : ((s = Ci(s, a, r, null)), (s.flags |= 2)), (s.return = t), (i.return = t), (i.sibling = s), (t.child = i), (i = s), (s = t.child), (a = e.child.memoizedState), (a = a === null ? mc(r) : { baseLanes: a.baseLanes | r, cachePool: null, transitions: a.transitions }), (s.memoizedState = a), (s.childLanes = e.childLanes & ~r), (t.memoizedState = hc), i ) } return ( (s = e.child), (e = s.sibling), (i = ni(s, { mode: 'visible', children: i.children })), !(t.mode & 1) && (i.lanes = r), (i.return = t), (i.sibling = null), e !== null && ((r = t.deletions), r === null ? ((t.deletions = [e]), (t.flags |= 16)) : r.push(e)), (t.child = i), (t.memoizedState = null), i ) } function zf(e, t) { return (t = eu({ mode: 'visible', children: t }, e.mode, 0, null)), (t.return = e), (e.child = t) } function Na(e, t, r, i) { return ( i !== null && kf(i), kn(t, e.child, null, r), (e = zf(t, t.pendingProps.children)), (e.flags |= 2), (t.memoizedState = null), e ) } function Bv(e, t, r, i, n, s, a) { if (r) return t.flags & 256 ? ((t.flags &= -257), (i = Ju(Error(ue(422)))), Na(e, t, a, i)) : t.memoizedState !== null ? ((t.child = e.child), (t.flags |= 128), null) : ((s = i.fallback), (n = t.mode), (i = eu({ mode: 'visible', children: i.children }, n, 0, null)), (s = Ci(s, n, a, null)), (s.flags |= 2), (i.return = t), (s.return = t), (i.sibling = s), (t.child = i), t.mode & 1 && kn(t, e.child, null, a), (t.child.memoizedState = mc(a)), (t.memoizedState = hc), s) if (!(t.mode & 1)) return Na(e, t, a, null) if ( === '$!') { if (((i = n.nextSibling && n.nextSibling.dataset), i)) var o = i.dgst return (i = o), (s = Error(ue(419))), (i = Ju(s, i, void 0)), Na(e, t, a, i) } if (((o = (a & e.childLanes) !== 0), Ct || o)) { if (((i = st), i !== null)) { switch (a & -a) { case 4: n = 2 break case 16: n = 8 break case 64: case 128: case 256: case 512: case 1024: case 2048: case 4096: case 8192: case 16384: case 32768: case 65536: case 131072: case 262144: case 524288: case 1048576: case 2097152: case 4194304: case 8388608: case 16777216: case 33554432: case 67108864: n = 32 break case 536870912: n = 268435456 break default: n = 0 } ;(n = n & (i.suspendedLanes | a) ? 0 : n), n !== 0 && n !== s.retryLane && ((s.retryLane = n), Dr(e, n), nr(i, e, n, -1)) } return Xf(), (i = Ju(Error(ue(421)))), Na(e, t, a, i) } return === '$?' ? ((t.flags |= 128), (t.child = e.child), (t = Wv.bind(null, e)), (n._reactRetry = t), null) : ((e = s.treeContext), (Lt = ei(n.nextSibling)), (Pt = t), (qe = !0), (tr = null), e !== null && (($t[Vt++] = kr), ($t[Vt++] = wr), ($t[Vt++] = Ni), (kr =, (wr = e.overflow), (Ni = t)), (t = zf(t, i.children)), (t.flags |= 4096), t) } function Lh(e, t, r) { e.lanes |= t var i = e.alternate i !== null && (i.lanes |= t), oc(e.return, t, r) } function Zu(e, t, r, i, n) { var s = e.memoizedState s === null ? (e.memoizedState = { isBackwards: t, rendering: null, renderingStartTime: 0, last: i, tail: r, tailMode: n, }) : ((s.isBackwards = t), (s.rendering = null), (s.renderingStartTime = 0), (s.last = i), (s.tail = r), (s.tailMode = n)) } function vg(e, t, r) { var i = t.pendingProps, n = i.revealOrder, s = i.tail if ((gt(e, t, i.children, r), (i = Ve.current), i & 2)) (i = (i & 1) | 2), (t.flags |= 128) else { if (e !== null && e.flags & 128) e: for (e = t.child; e !== null; ) { if (e.tag === 13) e.memoizedState !== null && Lh(e, r, t) else if (e.tag === 19) Lh(e, r, t) else if (e.child !== null) { ;(e.child.return = e), (e = e.child) continue } if (e === t) break e for (; e.sibling === null; ) { if (e.return === null || e.return === t) break e e = e.return } ;(e.sibling.return = e.return), (e = e.sibling) } i &= 1 } if ((Fe(Ve, i), !(t.mode & 1))) t.memoizedState = null else switch (n) { case 'forwards': for (r = t.child, n = null; r !== null; ) (e = r.alternate), e !== null && So(e) === null && (n = r), (r = r.sibling) ;(r = n), r === null ? ((n = t.child), (t.child = null)) : ((n = r.sibling), (r.sibling = null)), Zu(t, !1, n, r, s) break case 'backwards': for (r = null, n = t.child, t.child = null; n !== null; ) { if (((e = n.alternate), e !== null && So(e) === null)) { t.child = n break } ;(e = n.sibling), (n.sibling = r), (r = n), (n = e) } Zu(t, !0, r, null, s) break case 'together': Zu(t, !1, null, null, void 0) break default: t.memoizedState = null } return t.child } function Ka(e, t) { !(t.mode & 1) && e !== null && ((e.alternate = null), (t.alternate = null), (t.flags |= 2)) } function Rr(e, t, r) { if ((e !== null && (t.dependencies = e.dependencies), (Ii |= t.lanes), !(r & t.childLanes))) return null if (e !== null && t.child !== e.child) throw Error(ue(153)) if (t.child !== null) { for (e = t.child, r = ni(e, e.pendingProps), t.child = r, r.return = t; e.sibling !== null; ) (e = e.sibling), (r = r.sibling = ni(e, e.pendingProps)), (r.return = t) r.sibling = null } return t.child } function Fv(e, t, r) { switch (t.tag) { case 3: yg(t), Cn() break case 5: X0(t) break case 1: wt(t.type) && _o(t) break case 4: Rf(t, t.stateNode.containerInfo) break case 10: var i = t.type._context, n = t.memoizedProps.value Fe(xo, i._currentValue), (i._currentValue = n) break case 13: if (((i = t.memoizedState), i !== null)) return i.dehydrated !== null ? (Fe(Ve, Ve.current & 1), (t.flags |= 128), null) : r & t.child.childLanes ? _g(e, t, r) : (Fe(Ve, Ve.current & 1), (e = Rr(e, t, r)), e !== null ? e.sibling : null) Fe(Ve, Ve.current & 1) break case 19: if (((i = (r & t.childLanes) !== 0), e.flags & 128)) { if (i) return vg(e, t, r) t.flags |= 128 } if ( ((n = t.memoizedState), n !== null && ((n.rendering = null), (n.tail = null), (n.lastEffect = null)), Fe(Ve, Ve.current), i) ) break return null case 22: case 23: return (t.lanes = 0), gg(e, t, r) } return Rr(e, t, r) } var Eg, dc, xg, Tg Eg = function (e, t) { for (var r = t.child; r !== null; ) { if (r.tag === 5 || r.tag === 6) e.appendChild(r.stateNode) else if (r.tag !== 4 && r.child !== null) { ;(r.child.return = r), (r = r.child) continue } if (r === t) break for (; r.sibling === null; ) { if (r.return === null || r.return === t) return r = r.return } ;(r.sibling.return = r.return), (r = r.sibling) } } dc = function () {} xg = function (e, t, r, i) { var n = e.memoizedProps if (n !== i) { ;(e = t.stateNode), Ti(yr.current) var s = null switch (r) { case 'input': ;(n = Fl(e, n)), (i = Fl(e, i)), (s = []) break case 'select': ;(n = Xe({}, n, { value: void 0 })), (i = Xe({}, i, { value: void 0 })), (s = []) break case 'textarea': ;(n = Hl(e, n)), (i = Hl(e, i)), (s = []) break default: typeof n.onClick != 'function' && typeof i.onClick == 'function' && (e.onclick = bo) } jl(r, i) var a r = null for (c in n) if (!i.hasOwnProperty(c) && n.hasOwnProperty(c) && n[c] != null) if (c === 'style') { var o = n[c] for (a in o) o.hasOwnProperty(a) && (r || (r = {}), (r[a] = '')) } else c !== 'dangerouslySetInnerHTML' && c !== 'children' && c !== 'suppressContentEditableWarning' && c !== 'suppressHydrationWarning' && c !== 'autoFocus' && (As.hasOwnProperty(c) ? s || (s = []) : (s = s || []).push(c, null)) for (c in i) { var u = i[c] if ( ((o = n != null ? n[c] : void 0), i.hasOwnProperty(c) && u !== o && (u != null || o != null)) ) if (c === 'style') if (o) { for (a in o) !o.hasOwnProperty(a) || (u && u.hasOwnProperty(a)) || (r || (r = {}), (r[a] = '')) for (a in u) u.hasOwnProperty(a) && o[a] !== u[a] && (r || (r = {}), (r[a] = u[a])) } else r || (s || (s = []), s.push(c, r)), (r = u) else c === 'dangerouslySetInnerHTML' ? ((u = u ? u.__html : void 0), (o = o ? o.__html : void 0), u != null && o !== u && (s = s || []).push(c, u)) : c === 'children' ? (typeof u != 'string' && typeof u != 'number') || (s = s || []).push(c, '' + u) : c !== 'suppressContentEditableWarning' && c !== 'suppressHydrationWarning' && (As.hasOwnProperty(c) ? (u != null && c === 'onScroll' && Ue('scroll', e), s || o === u || (s = [])) : (s = s || []).push(c, u)) } r && (s = s || []).push('style', r) var c = s ;(t.updateQueue = c) && (t.flags |= 4) } } Tg = function (e, t, r, i) { r !== i && (t.flags |= 4) } function Xn(e, t) { if (!qe) switch (e.tailMode) { case 'hidden': t = e.tail for (var r = null; t !== null; ) t.alternate !== null && (r = t), (t = t.sibling) r === null ? (e.tail = null) : (r.sibling = null) break case 'collapsed': r = e.tail for (var i = null; r !== null; ) r.alternate !== null && (i = r), (r = r.sibling) i === null ? t || e.tail === null ? (e.tail = null) : (e.tail.sibling = null) : (i.sibling = null) } } function ft(e) { var t = e.alternate !== null && e.alternate.child === e.child, r = 0, i = 0 if (t) for (var n = e.child; n !== null; ) (r |= n.lanes | n.childLanes), (i |= n.subtreeFlags & 14680064), (i |= n.flags & 14680064), (n.return = e), (n = n.sibling) else for (n = e.child; n !== null; ) (r |= n.lanes | n.childLanes), (i |= n.subtreeFlags), (i |= n.flags), (n.return = e), (n = n.sibling) return (e.subtreeFlags |= i), (e.childLanes = r), t } function Mv(e, t, r) { var i = t.pendingProps switch ((Cf(t), t.tag)) { case 2: case 16: case 15: case 0: case 11: case 7: case 8: case 12: case 9: case 14: return ft(t), null case 1: return wt(t.type) && yo(), ft(t), null case 3: return ( (i = t.stateNode), wn(), He(kt), He(mt), Pf(), i.pendingContext && ((i.context = i.pendingContext), (i.pendingContext = null)), (e === null || e.child === null) && (ka(t) ? (t.flags |= 4) : e === null || (e.memoizedState.isDehydrated && !(t.flags & 256)) || ((t.flags |= 1024), tr !== null && (Tc(tr), (tr = null)))), dc(e, t), ft(t), null ) case 5: Lf(t) var n = Ti(Bs.current) if (((r = t.type), e !== null && t.stateNode != null)) xg(e, t, r, i, n), e.ref !== t.ref && ((t.flags |= 512), (t.flags |= 2097152)) else { if (!i) { if (t.stateNode === null) throw Error(ue(166)) return ft(t), null } if (((e = Ti(yr.current)), ka(t))) { ;(i = t.stateNode), (r = t.type) var s = t.memoizedProps switch (((i[hr] = t), (i[Ls] = s), (e = (t.mode & 1) !== 0), r)) { case 'dialog': Ue('cancel', i), Ue('close', i) break case 'iframe': case 'object': case 'embed': Ue('load', i) break case 'video': case 'audio': for (n = 0; n < ss.length; n++) Ue(ss[n], i) break case 'source': Ue('error', i) break case 'img': case 'image': case 'link': Ue('error', i), Ue('load', i) break case 'details': Ue('toggle', i) break case 'input': qp(i, s), Ue('invalid', i) break case 'select': ;(i._wrapperState = { wasMultiple: !!s.multiple }), Ue('invalid', i) break case 'textarea': Vp(i, s), Ue('invalid', i) } jl(r, s), (n = null) for (var a in s) if (s.hasOwnProperty(a)) { var o = s[a] a === 'children' ? typeof o == 'string' ? i.textContent !== o && (s.suppressHydrationWarning !== !0 && Ca(i.textContent, o, e), (n = ['children', o])) : typeof o == 'number' && i.textContent !== '' + o && (s.suppressHydrationWarning !== !0 && Ca(i.textContent, o, e), (n = ['children', '' + o])) : As.hasOwnProperty(a) && o != null && a === 'onScroll' && Ue('scroll', i) } switch (r) { case 'input': ya(i), $p(i, s, !0) break case 'textarea': ya(i), Gp(i) break case 'select': case 'option': break default: typeof s.onClick == 'function' && (i.onclick = bo) } ;(i = n), (t.updateQueue = i), i !== null && (t.flags |= 4) } else { ;(a = n.nodeType === 9 ? n : n.ownerDocument), e === '' && (e = Qd(r)), e === '' ? r === 'script' ? ((e = a.createElement('div')), (e.innerHTML = ''), (e = e.removeChild(e.firstChild))) : typeof == 'string' ? (e = a.createElement(r, { is: })) : ((e = a.createElement(r)), r === 'select' && ((a = e), i.multiple ? (a.multiple = !0) : i.size && (a.size = i.size))) : (e = a.createElementNS(e, r)), (e[hr] = t), (e[Ls] = i), Eg(e, t, !1, !1), (t.stateNode = e) e: { switch (((a = ql(r, i)), r)) { case 'dialog': Ue('cancel', e), Ue('close', e), (n = i) break case 'iframe': case 'object': case 'embed': Ue('load', e), (n = i) break case 'video': case 'audio': for (n = 0; n < ss.length; n++) Ue(ss[n], e) n = i break case 'source': Ue('error', e), (n = i) break case 'img': case 'image': case 'link': Ue('error', e), Ue('load', e), (n = i) break case 'details': Ue('toggle', e), (n = i) break case 'input': qp(e, i), (n = Fl(e, i)), Ue('invalid', e) break case 'option': n = i break case 'select': ;(e._wrapperState = { wasMultiple: !!i.multiple }), (n = Xe({}, i, { value: void 0 })), Ue('invalid', e) break case 'textarea': Vp(e, i), (n = Hl(e, i)), Ue('invalid', e) break default: n = i } jl(r, n), (o = n) for (s in o) if (o.hasOwnProperty(s)) { var u = o[s] s === 'style' ? Zd(e, u) : s === 'dangerouslySetInnerHTML' ? ((u = u ? u.__html : void 0), u != null && Kd(e, u)) : s === 'children' ? typeof u == 'string' ? (r !== 'textarea' || u !== '') && Ss(e, u) : typeof u == 'number' && Ss(e, '' + u) : s !== 'suppressContentEditableWarning' && s !== 'suppressHydrationWarning' && s !== 'autoFocus' && (As.hasOwnProperty(s) ? u != null && s === 'onScroll' && Ue('scroll', e) : u != null && ff(e, s, u, a)) } switch (r) { case 'input': ya(e), $p(e, i, !1) break case 'textarea': ya(e), Gp(e) break case 'option': i.value != null && e.setAttribute('value', '' + oi(i.value)) break case 'select': ;(e.multiple = !!i.multiple), (s = i.value), s != null ? dn(e, !!i.multiple, s, !1) : i.defaultValue != null && dn(e, !!i.multiple, i.defaultValue, !0) break default: typeof n.onClick == 'function' && (e.onclick = bo) } switch (r) { case 'button': case 'input': case 'select': case 'textarea': i = !!i.autoFocus break e case 'img': i = !0 break e default: i = !1 } } i && (t.flags |= 4) } t.ref !== null && ((t.flags |= 512), (t.flags |= 2097152)) } return ft(t), null case 6: if (e && t.stateNode != null) Tg(e, t, e.memoizedProps, i) else { if (typeof i != 'string' && t.stateNode === null) throw Error(ue(166)) if (((r = Ti(Bs.current)), Ti(yr.current), ka(t))) { if ( ((i = t.stateNode), (r = t.memoizedProps), (i[hr] = t), (s = i.nodeValue !== r) && ((e = Pt), e !== null)) ) switch (e.tag) { case 3: Ca(i.nodeValue, r, (e.mode & 1) !== 0) break case 5: e.memoizedProps.suppressHydrationWarning !== !0 && Ca(i.nodeValue, r, (e.mode & 1) !== 0) } s && (t.flags |= 4) } else (i = (r.nodeType === 9 ? r : r.ownerDocument).createTextNode(i)), (i[hr] = t), (t.stateNode = i) } return ft(t), null case 13: if ( (He(Ve), (i = t.memoizedState), e === null || (e.memoizedState !== null && e.memoizedState.dehydrated !== null)) ) { if (qe && Lt !== null && t.mode & 1 && !(t.flags & 128)) H0(), Cn(), (t.flags |= 98560), (s = !1) else if (((s = ka(t)), i !== null && i.dehydrated !== null)) { if (e === null) { if (!s) throw Error(ue(318)) if (((s = t.memoizedState), (s = s !== null ? s.dehydrated : null), !s)) throw Error(ue(317)) s[hr] = t } else Cn(), !(t.flags & 128) && (t.memoizedState = null), (t.flags |= 4) ft(t), (s = !1) } else tr !== null && (Tc(tr), (tr = null)), (s = !0) if (!s) return t.flags & 65536 ? t : null } return t.flags & 128 ? ((t.lanes = r), t) : ((i = i !== null), i !== (e !== null && e.memoizedState !== null) && i && ((t.child.flags |= 8192), t.mode & 1 && (e === null || Ve.current & 1 ? Ze === 0 && (Ze = 3) : Xf())), t.updateQueue !== null && (t.flags |= 4), ft(t), null) case 4: return wn(), dc(e, t), e === null && Ds(t.stateNode.containerInfo), ft(t), null case 10: return Of(t.type._context), ft(t), null case 17: return wt(t.type) && yo(), ft(t), null case 19: if ((He(Ve), (s = t.memoizedState), s === null)) return ft(t), null if (((i = (t.flags & 128) !== 0), (a = s.rendering), a === null)) if (i) Xn(s, !1) else { if (Ze !== 0 || (e !== null && e.flags & 128)) for (e = t.child; e !== null; ) { if (((a = So(e)), a !== null)) { for ( t.flags |= 128, Xn(s, !1), i = a.updateQueue, i !== null && ((t.updateQueue = i), (t.flags |= 4)), t.subtreeFlags = 0, i = r, r = t.child; r !== null; ) (s = r), (e = i), (s.flags &= 14680066), (a = s.alternate), a === null ? ((s.childLanes = 0), (s.lanes = e), (s.child = null), (s.subtreeFlags = 0), (s.memoizedProps = null), (s.memoizedState = null), (s.updateQueue = null), (s.dependencies = null), (s.stateNode = null)) : ((s.childLanes = a.childLanes), (s.lanes = a.lanes), (s.child = a.child), (s.subtreeFlags = 0), (s.deletions = null), (s.memoizedProps = a.memoizedProps), (s.memoizedState = a.memoizedState), (s.updateQueue = a.updateQueue), (s.type = a.type), (e = a.dependencies), (s.dependencies = e === null ? null : { lanes: e.lanes, firstContext: e.firstContext })), (r = r.sibling) return Fe(Ve, (Ve.current & 1) | 2), t.child } e = e.sibling } s.tail !== null && We() > On && ((t.flags |= 128), (i = !0), Xn(s, !1), (t.lanes = 4194304)) } else { if (!i) if (((e = So(a)), e !== null)) { if ( ((t.flags |= 128), (i = !0), (r = e.updateQueue), r !== null && ((t.updateQueue = r), (t.flags |= 4)), Xn(s, !0), s.tail === null && s.tailMode === 'hidden' && !a.alternate && !qe) ) return ft(t), null } else 2 * We() - s.renderingStartTime > On && r !== 1073741824 && ((t.flags |= 128), (i = !0), Xn(s, !1), (t.lanes = 4194304)) s.isBackwards ? ((a.sibling = t.child), (t.child = a)) : ((r = s.last), r !== null ? (r.sibling = a) : (t.child = a), (s.last = a)) } return s.tail !== null ? ((t = s.tail), (s.rendering = t), (s.tail = t.sibling), (s.renderingStartTime = We()), (t.sibling = null), (r = Ve.current), Fe(Ve, i ? (r & 1) | 2 : r & 1), t) : (ft(t), null) case 22: case 23: return ( Gf(), (i = t.memoizedState !== null), e !== null && (e.memoizedState !== null) !== i && (t.flags |= 8192), i && t.mode & 1 ? Dt & 1073741824 && (ft(t), t.subtreeFlags & 6 && (t.flags |= 8192)) : ft(t), null ) case 24: return null case 25: return null } throw Error(ue(156, t.tag)) } function Uv(e, t) { switch ((Cf(t), t.tag)) { case 1: return ( wt(t.type) && yo(), (e = t.flags), e & 65536 ? ((t.flags = (e & -65537) | 128), t) : null ) case 3: return ( wn(), He(kt), He(mt), Pf(), (e = t.flags), e & 65536 && !(e & 128) ? ((t.flags = (e & -65537) | 128), t) : null ) case 5: return Lf(t), null case 13: if ((He(Ve), (e = t.memoizedState), e !== null && e.dehydrated !== null)) { if (t.alternate === null) throw Error(ue(340)) Cn() } return (e = t.flags), e & 65536 ? ((t.flags = (e & -65537) | 128), t) : null case 19: return He(Ve), null case 4: return wn(), null case 10: return Of(t.type._context), null case 22: case 23: return Gf(), null case 24: return null default: return null } } var Oa = !1, pt = !1, Hv = typeof WeakSet == 'function' ? WeakSet : Set, he = null function ln(e, t) { var r = e.ref if (r !== null) if (typeof r == 'function') try { r(null) } catch (i) { Ye(e, t, i) } else r.current = null } function gc(e, t, r) { try { r() } catch (i) { Ye(e, t, i) } } var Ph = !1 function zv(e, t) { if (((Zl = ho), (e = k0()), Af(e))) { if ('selectionStart' in e) var r = { start: e.selectionStart, end: e.selectionEnd } else e: { r = ((r = e.ownerDocument) && r.defaultView) || window var i = r.getSelection && r.getSelection() if (i && i.rangeCount !== 0) { r = i.anchorNode var n = i.anchorOffset, s = i.focusNode i = i.focusOffset try { r.nodeType, s.nodeType } catch { r = null break e } var a = 0, o = -1, u = -1, c = 0, f = 0, h = e, p = null t: for (;;) { for ( var m; h !== r || (n !== 0 && h.nodeType !== 3) || (o = a + n), h !== s || (i !== 0 && h.nodeType !== 3) || (u = a + i), h.nodeType === 3 && (a += h.nodeValue.length), (m = h.firstChild) !== null; ) (p = h), (h = m) for (;;) { if (h === e) break t if ( (p === r && ++c === n && (o = a), p === s && ++f === i && (u = a), (m = h.nextSibling) !== null) ) break ;(h = p), (p = h.parentNode) } h = m } r = o === -1 || u === -1 ? null : { start: o, end: u } } else r = null } r = r || { start: 0, end: 0 } } else r = null for (ec = { focusedElem: e, selectionRange: r }, ho = !1, he = t; he !== null; ) if (((t = he), (e = t.child), (t.subtreeFlags & 1028) !== 0 && e !== null)) (e.return = t), (he = e) else for (; he !== null; ) { t = he try { var v = t.alternate if (t.flags & 1024) switch (t.tag) { case 0: case 11: case 15: break case 1: if (v !== null) { var b = v.memoizedProps, S = v.memoizedState, g = t.stateNode, _ = g.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(t.elementType === t.type ? b : Zt(t.type, b), S) g.__reactInternalSnapshotBeforeUpdate = _ } break case 3: var y = t.stateNode.containerInfo y.nodeType === 1 ? (y.textContent = '') : y.nodeType === 9 && y.documentElement && y.removeChild(y.documentElement) break case 5: case 6: case 4: case 17: break default: throw Error(ue(163)) } } catch (x) { Ye(t, t.return, x) } if (((e = t.sibling), e !== null)) { ;(e.return = t.return), (he = e) break } he = t.return } return (v = Ph), (Ph = !1), v } function hs(e, t, r) { var i = t.updateQueue if (((i = i !== null ? i.lastEffect : null), i !== null)) { var n = (i = do { if ((n.tag & e) === e) { var s = n.destroy ;(n.destroy = void 0), s !== void 0 && gc(t, r, s) } n = } while (n !== i) } } function Jo(e, t) { if (((t = t.updateQueue), (t = t !== null ? t.lastEffect : null), t !== null)) { var r = (t = do { if ((r.tag & e) === e) { var i = r.create r.destroy = i() } r = } while (r !== t) } } function bc(e) { var t = e.ref if (t !== null) { var r = e.stateNode switch (e.tag) { case 5: e = r break default: e = r } typeof t == 'function' ? t(e) : (t.current = e) } } function Ag(e) { var t = e.alternate t !== null && ((e.alternate = null), Ag(t)), (e.child = null), (e.deletions = null), (e.sibling = null), e.tag === 5 && ((t = e.stateNode), t !== null && (delete t[hr], delete t[Ls], delete t[ic], delete t[Tv], delete t[Av])), (e.stateNode = null), (e.return = null), (e.dependencies = null), (e.memoizedProps = null), (e.memoizedState = null), (e.pendingProps = null), (e.stateNode = null), (e.updateQueue = null) } function Sg(e) { return e.tag === 5 || e.tag === 3 || e.tag === 4 } function Bh(e) { e: for (;;) { for (; e.sibling === null; ) { if (e.return === null || Sg(e.return)) return null e = e.return } for (e.sibling.return = e.return, e = e.sibling; e.tag !== 5 && e.tag !== 6 && e.tag !== 18; ) { if (e.flags & 2 || e.child === null || e.tag === 4) continue e ;(e.child.return = e), (e = e.child) } if (!(e.flags & 2)) return e.stateNode } } function yc(e, t, r) { var i = e.tag if (i === 5 || i === 6) (e = e.stateNode), t ? r.nodeType === 8 ? r.parentNode.insertBefore(e, t) : r.insertBefore(e, t) : (r.nodeType === 8 ? ((t = r.parentNode), t.insertBefore(e, r)) : ((t = r), t.appendChild(e)), (r = r._reactRootContainer), r != null || t.onclick !== null || (t.onclick = bo)) else if (i !== 4 && ((e = e.child), e !== null)) for (yc(e, t, r), e = e.sibling; e !== null; ) yc(e, t, r), (e = e.sibling) } function _c(e, t, r) { var i = e.tag if (i === 5 || i === 6) (e = e.stateNode), t ? r.insertBefore(e, t) : r.appendChild(e) else if (i !== 4 && ((e = e.child), e !== null)) for (_c(e, t, r), e = e.sibling; e !== null; ) _c(e, t, r), (e = e.sibling) } var at = null, er = !1 function Ur(e, t, r) { for (r = r.child; r !== null; ) Cg(e, t, r), (r = r.sibling) } function Cg(e, t, r) { if (br && typeof br.onCommitFiberUnmount == 'function') try { br.onCommitFiberUnmount($o, r) } catch {} switch (r.tag) { case 5: pt || ln(r, t) case 6: var i = at, n = er ;(at = null), Ur(e, t, r), (at = i), (er = n), at !== null && (er ? ((e = at), (r = r.stateNode), e.nodeType === 8 ? e.parentNode.removeChild(r) : e.removeChild(r)) : at.removeChild(r.stateNode)) break case 18: at !== null && (er ? ((e = at), (r = r.stateNode), e.nodeType === 8 ? Gu(e.parentNode, r) : e.nodeType === 1 && Gu(e, r), Ns(e)) : Gu(at, r.stateNode)) break case 4: ;(i = at), (n = er), (at = r.stateNode.containerInfo), (er = !0), Ur(e, t, r), (at = i), (er = n) break case 0: case 11: case 14: case 15: if (!pt && ((i = r.updateQueue), i !== null && ((i = i.lastEffect), i !== null))) { n = i = do { var s = n, a = s.destroy ;(s = s.tag), a !== void 0 && (s & 2 || s & 4) && gc(r, t, a), (n = } while (n !== i) } Ur(e, t, r) break case 1: if (!pt && (ln(r, t), (i = r.stateNode), typeof i.componentWillUnmount == 'function')) try { ;(i.props = r.memoizedProps), (i.state = r.memoizedState), i.componentWillUnmount() } catch (o) { Ye(r, t, o) } Ur(e, t, r) break case 21: Ur(e, t, r) break case 22: r.mode & 1 ? ((pt = (i = pt) || r.memoizedState !== null), Ur(e, t, r), (pt = i)) : Ur(e, t, r) break default: Ur(e, t, r) } } function Fh(e) { var t = e.updateQueue if (t !== null) { e.updateQueue = null var r = e.stateNode r === null && (r = e.stateNode = new Hv()), t.forEach(function (i) { var n = Qv.bind(null, e, i) r.has(i) || (r.add(i), i.then(n, n)) }) } } function Jt(e, t) { var r = t.deletions if (r !== null) for (var i = 0; i < r.length; i++) { var n = r[i] try { var s = e, a = t, o = a e: for (; o !== null; ) { switch (o.tag) { case 5: ;(at = o.stateNode), (er = !1) break e case 3: ;(at = o.stateNode.containerInfo), (er = !0) break e case 4: ;(at = o.stateNode.containerInfo), (er = !0) break e } o = o.return } if (at === null) throw Error(ue(160)) Cg(s, a, n), (at = null), (er = !1) var u = n.alternate u !== null && (u.return = null), (n.return = null) } catch (c) { Ye(n, t, c) } } if (t.subtreeFlags & 12854) for (t = t.child; t !== null; ) kg(t, e), (t = t.sibling) } function kg(e, t) { var r = e.alternate, i = e.flags switch (e.tag) { case 0: case 11: case 14: case 15: if ((Jt(t, e), cr(e), i & 4)) { try { hs(3, e, e.return), Jo(3, e) } catch (b) { Ye(e, e.return, b) } try { hs(5, e, e.return) } catch (b) { Ye(e, e.return, b) } } break case 1: Jt(t, e), cr(e), i & 512 && r !== null && ln(r, r.return) break case 5: if ((Jt(t, e), cr(e), i & 512 && r !== null && ln(r, r.return), e.flags & 32)) { var n = e.stateNode try { Ss(n, '') } catch (b) { Ye(e, e.return, b) } } if (i & 4 && ((n = e.stateNode), n != null)) { var s = e.memoizedProps, a = r !== null ? r.memoizedProps : s, o = e.type, u = e.updateQueue if (((e.updateQueue = null), u !== null)) try { o === 'input' && s.type === 'radio' && != null && Yd(n, s), ql(o, a) var c = ql(o, s) for (a = 0; a < u.length; a += 2) { var f = u[a], h = u[a + 1] f === 'style' ? Zd(n, h) : f === 'dangerouslySetInnerHTML' ? Kd(n, h) : f === 'children' ? Ss(n, h) : ff(n, f, h, c) } switch (o) { case 'input': Ml(n, s) break case 'textarea': Wd(n, s) break case 'select': var p = n._wrapperState.wasMultiple n._wrapperState.wasMultiple = !!s.multiple var m = s.value m != null ? dn(n, !!s.multiple, m, !1) : p !== !!s.multiple && (s.defaultValue != null ? dn(n, !!s.multiple, s.defaultValue, !0) : dn(n, !!s.multiple, s.multiple ? [] : '', !1)) } n[Ls] = s } catch (b) { Ye(e, e.return, b) } } break case 6: if ((Jt(t, e), cr(e), i & 4)) { if (e.stateNode === null) throw Error(ue(162)) ;(n = e.stateNode), (s = e.memoizedProps) try { n.nodeValue = s } catch (b) { Ye(e, e.return, b) } } break case 3: if ((Jt(t, e), cr(e), i & 4 && r !== null && r.memoizedState.isDehydrated)) try { Ns(t.containerInfo) } catch (b) { Ye(e, e.return, b) } break case 4: Jt(t, e), cr(e) break case 13: Jt(t, e), cr(e), (n = e.child), n.flags & 8192 && ((s = n.memoizedState !== null), (n.stateNode.isHidden = s), !s || (n.alternate !== null && n.alternate.memoizedState !== null) || ($f = We())), i & 4 && Fh(e) break case 22: if ( ((f = r !== null && r.memoizedState !== null), e.mode & 1 ? ((pt = (c = pt) || f), Jt(t, e), (pt = c)) : Jt(t, e), cr(e), i & 8192) ) { if (((c = e.memoizedState !== null), (e.stateNode.isHidden = c) && !f && e.mode & 1)) for (he = e, f = e.child; f !== null; ) { for (h = he = f; he !== null; ) { switch (((p = he), (m = p.child), p.tag)) { case 0: case 11: case 14: case 15: hs(4, p, p.return) break case 1: ln(p, p.return) var v = p.stateNode if (typeof v.componentWillUnmount == 'function') { ;(i = p), (r = p.return) try { ;(t = i), (v.props = t.memoizedProps), (v.state = t.memoizedState), v.componentWillUnmount() } catch (b) { Ye(i, r, b) } } break case 5: ln(p, p.return) break case 22: if (p.memoizedState !== null) { Uh(h) continue } } m !== null ? ((m.return = p), (he = m)) : Uh(h) } f = f.sibling } e: for (f = null, h = e; ; ) { if (h.tag === 5) { if (f === null) { f = h try { ;(n = h.stateNode), c ? ((s =, typeof s.setProperty == 'function' ? s.setProperty('display', 'none', 'important') : (s.display = 'none')) : ((o = h.stateNode), (u =, (a = u != null && u.hasOwnProperty('display') ? u.display : null), ( = Jd('display', a))) } catch (b) { Ye(e, e.return, b) } } } else if (h.tag === 6) { if (f === null) try { h.stateNode.nodeValue = c ? '' : h.memoizedProps } catch (b) { Ye(e, e.return, b) } } else if ( ((h.tag !== 22 && h.tag !== 23) || h.memoizedState === null || h === e) && h.child !== null ) { ;(h.child.return = h), (h = h.child) continue } if (h === e) break e for (; h.sibling === null; ) { if (h.return === null || h.return === e) break e f === h && (f = null), (h = h.return) } f === h && (f = null), (h.sibling.return = h.return), (h = h.sibling) } } break case 19: Jt(t, e), cr(e), i & 4 && Fh(e) break case 21: break default: Jt(t, e), cr(e) } } function cr(e) { var t = e.flags if (t & 2) { try { e: { for (var r = e.return; r !== null; ) { if (Sg(r)) { var i = r break e } r = r.return } throw Error(ue(160)) } switch (i.tag) { case 5: var n = i.stateNode i.flags & 32 && (Ss(n, ''), (i.flags &= -33)) var s = Bh(e) _c(e, s, n) break case 3: case 4: var a = i.stateNode.containerInfo, o = Bh(e) yc(e, o, a) break default: throw Error(ue(161)) } } catch (u) { Ye(e, e.return, u) } e.flags &= -3 } t & 4096 && (e.flags &= -4097) } function jv(e, t, r) { ;(he = e), wg(e) } function wg(e, t, r) { for (var i = (e.mode & 1) !== 0; he !== null; ) { var n = he, s = n.child if (n.tag === 22 && i) { var a = n.memoizedState !== null || Oa if (!a) { var o = n.alternate, u = (o !== null && o.memoizedState !== null) || pt o = Oa var c = pt if (((Oa = a), (pt = u) && !c)) for (he = n; he !== null; ) (a = he), (u = a.child), a.tag === 22 && a.memoizedState !== null ? Hh(n) : u !== null ? ((u.return = a), (he = u)) : Hh(n) for (; s !== null; ) (he = s), wg(s), (s = s.sibling) ;(he = n), (Oa = o), (pt = c) } Mh(e) } else n.subtreeFlags & 8772 && s !== null ? ((s.return = n), (he = s)) : Mh(e) } } function Mh(e) { for (; he !== null; ) { var t = he if (t.flags & 8772) { var r = t.alternate try { if (t.flags & 8772) switch (t.tag) { case 0: case 11: case 15: pt || Jo(5, t) break case 1: var i = t.stateNode if (t.flags & 4 && !pt) if (r === null) i.componentDidMount() else { var n = t.elementType === t.type ? r.memoizedProps : Zt(t.type, r.memoizedProps) i.componentDidUpdate(n, r.memoizedState, i.__reactInternalSnapshotBeforeUpdate) } var s = t.updateQueue s !== null && Eh(t, s, i) break case 3: var a = t.updateQueue if (a !== null) { if (((r = null), t.child !== null)) switch (t.child.tag) { case 5: r = t.child.stateNode break case 1: r = t.child.stateNode } Eh(t, a, r) } break case 5: var o = t.stateNode if (r === null && t.flags & 4) { r = o var u = t.memoizedProps switch (t.type) { case 'button': case 'input': case 'select': case 'textarea': u.autoFocus && r.focus() break case 'img': u.src && (r.src = u.src) } } break case 6: break case 4: break case 12: break case 13: if (t.memoizedState === null) { var c = t.alternate if (c !== null) { var f = c.memoizedState if (f !== null) { var h = f.dehydrated h !== null && Ns(h) } } } break case 19: case 17: case 21: case 22: case 23: case 25: break default: throw Error(ue(163)) } pt || (t.flags & 512 && bc(t)) } catch (p) { Ye(t, t.return, p) } } if (t === e) { he = null break } if (((r = t.sibling), r !== null)) { ;(r.return = t.return), (he = r) break } he = t.return } } function Uh(e) { for (; he !== null; ) { var t = he if (t === e) { he = null break } var r = t.sibling if (r !== null) { ;(r.return = t.return), (he = r) break } he = t.return } } function Hh(e) { for (; he !== null; ) { var t = he try { switch (t.tag) { case 0: case 11: case 15: var r = t.return try { Jo(4, t) } catch (u) { Ye(t, r, u) } break case 1: var i = t.stateNode if (typeof i.componentDidMount == 'function') { var n = t.return try { i.componentDidMount() } catch (u) { Ye(t, n, u) } } var s = t.return try { bc(t) } catch (u) { Ye(t, s, u) } break case 5: var a = t.return try { bc(t) } catch (u) { Ye(t, a, u) } } } catch (u) { Ye(t, t.return, u) } if (t === e) { he = null break } var o = t.sibling if (o !== null) { ;(o.return = t.return), (he = o) break } he = t.return } } var qv = Math.ceil, wo = Br.ReactCurrentDispatcher, jf = Br.ReactCurrentOwner, Yt = Br.ReactCurrentBatchConfig, Ie = 0, st = null, Ke = null, ot = 0, Dt = 0, cn = pi(0), Ze = 0, Hs = null, Ii = 0, Zo = 0, qf = 0, ms = null, At = null, $f = 0, On = 1 / 0, Sr = null, No = !1, vc = null, ri = null, Ia = !1, Qr = null, Oo = 0, ds = 0, Ec = null, Ja = -1, Za = 0 function yt() { return Ie & 6 ? We() : Ja !== -1 ? Ja : (Ja = We()) } function ii(e) { return e.mode & 1 ? Ie & 2 && ot !== 0 ? ot & -ot : Cv.transition !== null ? (Za === 0 && (Za = f0()), Za) : ((e = Re), e !== 0 || ((e = window.event), (e = e === void 0 ? 16 : y0(e.type))), e) : 1 } function nr(e, t, r, i) { if (50 < ds) throw ((ds = 0), (Ec = null), Error(ue(185))) ea(e, r, i), (!(Ie & 2) || e !== st) && (e === st && (!(Ie & 2) && (Zo |= r), Ze === 4 && Xr(e, ot)), Nt(e, i), r === 1 && Ie === 0 && !(t.mode & 1) && ((On = We() + 500), Wo && hi())) } function Nt(e, t) { var r = e.callbackNode C_(e, t) var i = po(e, e === st ? ot : 0) if (i === 0) r !== null && Wp(r), (e.callbackNode = null), (e.callbackPriority = 0) else if (((t = i & -i), e.callbackPriority !== t)) { if ((r != null && Wp(r), t === 1)) e.tag === 0 ? Sv(zh.bind(null, e)) : F0(zh.bind(null, e)), Ev(function () { !(Ie & 6) && hi() }), (r = null) else { switch (p0(i)) { case 1: r = gf break case 4: r = l0 break case 16: r = fo break case 536870912: r = c0 break default: r = fo } r = Bg(r, Ng.bind(null, e)) } ;(e.callbackPriority = t), (e.callbackNode = r) } } function Ng(e, t) { if (((Ja = -1), (Za = 0), Ie & 6)) throw Error(ue(327)) var r = e.callbackNode if (vn() && e.callbackNode !== r) return null var i = po(e, e === st ? ot : 0) if (i === 0) return null if (i & 30 || i & e.expiredLanes || t) t = Io(e, i) else { t = i var n = Ie Ie |= 2 var s = Ig() ;(st !== e || ot !== t) && ((Sr = null), (On = We() + 500), Si(e, t)) do try { Gv() break } catch (o) { Og(e, o) } while (1) Nf(), (wo.current = s), (Ie = n), Ke !== null ? (t = 0) : ((st = null), (ot = 0), (t = Ze)) } if (t !== 0) { if ((t === 2 && ((n = Yl(e)), n !== 0 && ((i = n), (t = xc(e, n)))), t === 1)) throw ((r = Hs), Si(e, 0), Xr(e, i), Nt(e, We()), r) if (t === 6) Xr(e, i) else { if ( ((n = e.current.alternate), !(i & 30) && !$v(n) && ((t = Io(e, i)), t === 2 && ((s = Yl(e)), s !== 0 && ((i = s), (t = xc(e, s)))), t === 1)) ) throw ((r = Hs), Si(e, 0), Xr(e, i), Nt(e, We()), r) switch (((e.finishedWork = n), (e.finishedLanes = i), t)) { case 0: case 1: throw Error(ue(345)) case 2: yi(e, At, Sr) break case 3: if ((Xr(e, i), (i & 130023424) === i && ((t = $f + 500 - We()), 10 < t))) { if (po(e, 0) !== 0) break if (((n = e.suspendedLanes), (n & i) !== i)) { yt(), (e.pingedLanes |= e.suspendedLanes & n) break } e.timeoutHandle = rc(yi.bind(null, e, At, Sr), t) break } yi(e, At, Sr) break case 4: if ((Xr(e, i), (i & 4194240) === i)) break for (t = e.eventTimes, n = -1; 0 < i; ) { var a = 31 - ir(i) ;(s = 1 << a), (a = t[a]), a > n && (n = a), (i &= ~s) } if ( ((i = n), (i = We() - i), (i = (120 > i ? 120 : 480 > i ? 480 : 1080 > i ? 1080 : 1920 > i ? 1920 : 3e3 > i ? 3e3 : 4320 > i ? 4320 : 1960 * qv(i / 1960)) - i), 10 < i) ) { e.timeoutHandle = rc(yi.bind(null, e, At, Sr), i) break } yi(e, At, Sr) break case 5: yi(e, At, Sr) break default: throw Error(ue(329)) } } } return Nt(e, We()), e.callbackNode === r ? Ng.bind(null, e) : null } function xc(e, t) { var r = ms return ( e.current.memoizedState.isDehydrated && (Si(e, t).flags |= 256), (e = Io(e, t)), e !== 2 && ((t = At), (At = r), t !== null && Tc(t)), e ) } function Tc(e) { At === null ? (At = e) : At.push.apply(At, e) } function $v(e) { for (var t = e; ; ) { if (t.flags & 16384) { var r = t.updateQueue if (r !== null && ((r = r.stores), r !== null)) for (var i = 0; i < r.length; i++) { var n = r[i], s = n.getSnapshot n = n.value try { if (!ar(s(), n)) return !1 } catch { return !1 } } } if (((r = t.child), t.subtreeFlags & 16384 && r !== null)) (r.return = t), (t = r) else { if (t === e) break for (; t.sibling === null; ) { if (t.return === null || t.return === e) return !0 t = t.return } ;(t.sibling.return = t.return), (t = t.sibling) } } return !0 } function Xr(e, t) { for ( t &= ~qf, t &= ~Zo, e.suspendedLanes |= t, e.pingedLanes &= ~t, e = e.expirationTimes; 0 < t; ) { var r = 31 - ir(t), i = 1 << r ;(e[r] = -1), (t &= ~i) } } function zh(e) { if (Ie & 6) throw Error(ue(327)) vn() var t = po(e, 0) if (!(t & 1)) return Nt(e, We()), null var r = Io(e, t) if (e.tag !== 0 && r === 2) { var i = Yl(e) i !== 0 && ((t = i), (r = xc(e, i))) } if (r === 1) throw ((r = Hs), Si(e, 0), Xr(e, t), Nt(e, We()), r) if (r === 6) throw Error(ue(345)) return ( (e.finishedWork = e.current.alternate), (e.finishedLanes = t), yi(e, At, Sr), Nt(e, We()), null ) } function Vf(e, t) { var r = Ie Ie |= 1 try { return e(t) } finally { ;(Ie = r), Ie === 0 && ((On = We() + 500), Wo && hi()) } } function Di(e) { Qr !== null && Qr.tag === 0 && !(Ie & 6) && vn() var t = Ie Ie |= 1 var r = Yt.transition, i = Re try { if (((Yt.transition = null), (Re = 1), e)) return e() } finally { ;(Re = i), (Yt.transition = r), (Ie = t), !(Ie & 6) && hi() } } function Gf() { ;(Dt = cn.current), He(cn) } function Si(e, t) { ;(e.finishedWork = null), (e.finishedLanes = 0) var r = e.timeoutHandle if ((r !== -1 && ((e.timeoutHandle = -1), vv(r)), Ke !== null)) for (r = Ke.return; r !== null; ) { var i = r switch ((Cf(i), i.tag)) { case 1: ;(i = i.type.childContextTypes), i != null && yo() break case 3: wn(), He(kt), He(mt), Pf() break case 5: Lf(i) break case 4: wn() break case 13: He(Ve) break case 19: He(Ve) break case 10: Of(i.type._context) break case 22: case 23: Gf() } r = r.return } if ( ((st = e), (Ke = e = ni(e.current, null)), (ot = Dt = t), (Ze = 0), (Hs = null), (qf = Zo = Ii = 0), (At = ms = null), xi !== null) ) { for (t = 0; t < xi.length; t++) if (((r = xi[t]), (i = r.interleaved), i !== null)) { r.interleaved = null var n =, s = r.pending if (s !== null) { var a = ;( = n), ( = a) } r.pending = i } xi = null } return e } function Og(e, t) { do { var r = Ke try { if ((Nf(), (Wa.current = ko), Co)) { for (var i = Ge.memoizedState; i !== null; ) { var n = i.queue n !== null && (n.pending = null), (i = } Co = !1 } if ( ((Oi = 0), (it = Je = Ge = null), (ps = !1), (Fs = 0), (jf.current = null), r === null || r.return === null) ) { ;(Ze = 1), (Hs = t), (Ke = null) break } e: { var s = e, a = r.return, o = r, u = t if ( ((t = ot), (o.flags |= 32768), u !== null && typeof u == 'object' && typeof u.then == 'function') ) { var c = u, f = o, h = f.tag if (!(f.mode & 1) && (h === 0 || h === 11 || h === 15)) { var p = f.alternate p ? ((f.updateQueue = p.updateQueue), (f.memoizedState = p.memoizedState), (f.lanes = p.lanes)) : ((f.updateQueue = null), (f.memoizedState = null)) } var m = wh(a) if (m !== null) { ;(m.flags &= -257), Nh(m, a, o, s, t), m.mode & 1 && kh(s, c, t), (t = m), (u = c) var v = t.updateQueue if (v === null) { var b = new Set() b.add(u), (t.updateQueue = b) } else v.add(u) break e } else { if (!(t & 1)) { kh(s, c, t), Xf() break e } u = Error(ue(426)) } } else if (qe && o.mode & 1) { var S = wh(a) if (S !== null) { !(S.flags & 65536) && (S.flags |= 256), Nh(S, a, o, s, t), kf(Nn(u, o)) break e } } ;(s = u = Nn(u, o)), Ze !== 4 && (Ze = 2), ms === null ? (ms = [s]) : ms.push(s), (s = a) do { switch (s.tag) { case 3: ;(s.flags |= 65536), (t &= -t), (s.lanes |= t) var g = hg(s, u, t) vh(s, g) break e case 1: o = u var _ = s.type, y = s.stateNode if ( !(s.flags & 128) && (typeof _.getDerivedStateFromError == 'function' || (y !== null && typeof y.componentDidCatch == 'function' && (ri === null || !ri.has(y)))) ) { ;(s.flags |= 65536), (t &= -t), (s.lanes |= t) var x = mg(s, o, t) vh(s, x) break e } } s = s.return } while (s !== null) } Rg(r) } catch (D) { ;(t = D), Ke === r && r !== null && (Ke = r = r.return) continue } break } while (1) } function Ig() { var e = wo.current return (wo.current = ko), e === null ? ko : e } function Xf() { ;(Ze === 0 || Ze === 3 || Ze === 2) && (Ze = 4), st === null || (!(Ii & 268435455) && !(Zo & 268435455)) || Xr(st, ot) } function Io(e, t) { var r = Ie Ie |= 2 var i = Ig() ;(st !== e || ot !== t) && ((Sr = null), Si(e, t)) do try { Vv() break } catch (n) { Og(e, n) } while (1) if ((Nf(), (Ie = r), (wo.current = i), Ke !== null)) throw Error(ue(261)) return (st = null), (ot = 0), Ze } function Vv() { for (; Ke !== null; ) Dg(Ke) } function Gv() { for (; Ke !== null && !b_(); ) Dg(Ke) } function Dg(e) { var t = Pg(e.alternate, e, Dt) ;(e.memoizedProps = e.pendingProps), t === null ? Rg(e) : (Ke = t), (jf.current = null) } function Rg(e) { var t = e do { var r = t.alternate if (((e = t.return), t.flags & 32768)) { if (((r = Uv(r, t)), r !== null)) { ;(r.flags &= 32767), (Ke = r) return } if (e !== null) (e.flags |= 32768), (e.subtreeFlags = 0), (e.deletions = null) else { ;(Ze = 6), (Ke = null) return } } else if (((r = Mv(r, t, Dt)), r !== null)) { Ke = r return } if (((t = t.sibling), t !== null)) { Ke = t return } Ke = t = e } while (t !== null) Ze === 0 && (Ze = 5) } function yi(e, t, r) { var i = Re, n = Yt.transition try { ;(Yt.transition = null), (Re = 1), Xv(e, t, r, i) } finally { ;(Yt.transition = n), (Re = i) } return null } function Xv(e, t, r, i) { do vn() while (Qr !== null) if (Ie & 6) throw Error(ue(327)) r = e.finishedWork var n = e.finishedLanes if (r === null) return null if (((e.finishedWork = null), (e.finishedLanes = 0), r === e.current)) throw Error(ue(177)) ;(e.callbackNode = null), (e.callbackPriority = 0) var s = r.lanes | r.childLanes if ( (k_(e, s), e === st && ((Ke = st = null), (ot = 0)), (!(r.subtreeFlags & 2064) && !(r.flags & 2064)) || Ia || ((Ia = !0), Bg(fo, function () { return vn(), null })), (s = (r.flags & 15990) !== 0), r.subtreeFlags & 15990 || s) ) { ;(s = Yt.transition), (Yt.transition = null) var a = Re Re = 1 var o = Ie ;(Ie |= 4), (jf.current = null), zv(e, r), kg(r, e), hv(ec), (ho = !!Zl), (ec = Zl = null), (e.current = r), jv(r), y_(), (Ie = o), (Re = a), (Yt.transition = s) } else e.current = r if ( (Ia && ((Ia = !1), (Qr = e), (Oo = n)), (s = e.pendingLanes), s === 0 && (ri = null), E_(r.stateNode), Nt(e, We()), t !== null) ) for (i = e.onRecoverableError, r = 0; r < t.length; r++) (n = t[r]), i(n.value, { componentStack: n.stack, digest: n.digest }) if (No) throw ((No = !1), (e = vc), (vc = null), e) return ( Oo & 1 && e.tag !== 0 && vn(), (s = e.pendingLanes), s & 1 ? (e === Ec ? ds++ : ((ds = 0), (Ec = e))) : (ds = 0), hi(), null ) } function vn() { if (Qr !== null) { var e = p0(Oo), t = Yt.transition, r = Re try { if (((Yt.transition = null), (Re = 16 > e ? 16 : e), Qr === null)) var i = !1 else { if (((e = Qr), (Qr = null), (Oo = 0), Ie & 6)) throw Error(ue(331)) var n = Ie for (Ie |= 4, he = e.current; he !== null; ) { var s = he, a = s.child if (he.flags & 16) { var o = s.deletions if (o !== null) { for (var u = 0; u < o.length; u++) { var c = o[u] for (he = c; he !== null; ) { var f = he switch (f.tag) { case 0: case 11: case 15: hs(8, f, s) } var h = f.child if (h !== null) (h.return = f), (he = h) else for (; he !== null; ) { f = he var p = f.sibling, m = f.return if ((Ag(f), f === c)) { he = null break } if (p !== null) { ;(p.return = m), (he = p) break } he = m } } } var v = s.alternate if (v !== null) { var b = v.child if (b !== null) { v.child = null do { var S = b.sibling ;(b.sibling = null), (b = S) } while (b !== null) } } he = s } } if (s.subtreeFlags & 2064 && a !== null) (a.return = s), (he = a) else e: for (; he !== null; ) { if (((s = he), s.flags & 2048)) switch (s.tag) { case 0: case 11: case 15: hs(9, s, s.return) } var g = s.sibling if (g !== null) { ;(g.return = s.return), (he = g) break e } he = s.return } } var _ = e.current for (he = _; he !== null; ) { a = he var y = a.child if (a.subtreeFlags & 2064 && y !== null) (y.return = a), (he = y) else e: for (a = _; he !== null; ) { if (((o = he), o.flags & 2048)) try { switch (o.tag) { case 0: case 11: case 15: Jo(9, o) } } catch (D) { Ye(o, o.return, D) } if (o === a) { he = null break e } var x = o.sibling if (x !== null) { ;(x.return = o.return), (he = x) break e } he = o.return } } if (((Ie = n), hi(), br && typeof br.onPostCommitFiberRoot == 'function')) try { br.onPostCommitFiberRoot($o, e) } catch {} i = !0 } return i } finally { ;(Re = r), (Yt.transition = t) } } return !1 } function jh(e, t, r) { ;(t = Nn(r, t)), (t = hg(e, t, 1)), (e = ti(e, t, 1)), (t = yt()), e !== null && (ea(e, 1, t), Nt(e, t)) } function Ye(e, t, r) { if (e.tag === 3) jh(e, e, r) else for (; t !== null; ) { if (t.tag === 3) { jh(t, e, r) break } else if (t.tag === 1) { var i = t.stateNode if ( typeof t.type.getDerivedStateFromError == 'function' || (typeof i.componentDidCatch == 'function' && (ri === null || !ri.has(i))) ) { ;(e = Nn(r, e)), (e = mg(t, e, 1)), (t = ti(t, e, 1)), (e = yt()), t !== null && (ea(t, 1, e), Nt(t, e)) break } } t = t.return } } function Yv(e, t, r) { var i = e.pingCache i !== null && i.delete(t), (t = yt()), (e.pingedLanes |= e.suspendedLanes & r), st === e && (ot & r) === r && (Ze === 4 || (Ze === 3 && (ot & 130023424) === ot && 500 > We() - $f) ? Si(e, 0) : (qf |= r)), Nt(e, t) } function Lg(e, t) { t === 0 && (e.mode & 1 ? ((t = Ea), (Ea <<= 1), !(Ea & 130023424) && (Ea = 4194304)) : (t = 1)) var r = yt() ;(e = Dr(e, t)), e !== null && (ea(e, t, r), Nt(e, r)) } function Wv(e) { var t = e.memoizedState, r = 0 t !== null && (r = t.retryLane), Lg(e, r) } function Qv(e, t) { var r = 0 switch (e.tag) { case 13: var i = e.stateNode, n = e.memoizedState n !== null && (r = n.retryLane) break case 19: i = e.stateNode break default: throw Error(ue(314)) } i !== null && i.delete(t), Lg(e, r) } var Pg Pg = function (e, t, r) { if (e !== null) if (e.memoizedProps !== t.pendingProps || kt.current) Ct = !0 else { if (!(e.lanes & r) && !(t.flags & 128)) return (Ct = !1), Fv(e, t, r) Ct = !!(e.flags & 131072) } else (Ct = !1), qe && t.flags & 1048576 && M0(t, Eo, t.index) switch (((t.lanes = 0), t.tag)) { case 2: var i = t.type Ka(e, t), (e = t.pendingProps) var n = Sn(t, mt.current) _n(t, r), (n = Ff(null, t, i, e, n, r)) var s = Mf() return ( (t.flags |= 1), typeof n == 'object' && n !== null && typeof n.render == 'function' && n.$$typeof === void 0 ? ((t.tag = 1), (t.memoizedState = null), (t.updateQueue = null), wt(i) ? ((s = !0), _o(t)) : (s = !1), (t.memoizedState = n.state !== null && n.state !== void 0 ? n.state : null), Df(t), (n.updater = Qo), (t.stateNode = n), (n._reactInternals = t), lc(t, i, e, r), (t = pc(null, t, i, !0, s, r))) : ((t.tag = 0), qe && s && Sf(t), gt(null, t, n, r), (t = t.child)), t ) case 16: i = t.elementType e: { switch ( (Ka(e, t), (e = t.pendingProps), (n = i._init), (i = n(i._payload)), (t.type = i), (n = t.tag = Jv(i)), (e = Zt(i, e)), n) ) { case 0: t = fc(null, t, i, e, r) break e case 1: t = Dh(null, t, i, e, r) break e case 11: t = Oh(null, t, i, e, r) break e case 14: t = Ih(null, t, i, Zt(i.type, e), r) break e } throw Error(ue(306, i, '')) } return t case 0: return ( (i = t.type), (n = t.pendingProps), (n = t.elementType === i ? n : Zt(i, n)), fc(e, t, i, n, r) ) case 1: return ( (i = t.type), (n = t.pendingProps), (n = t.elementType === i ? n : Zt(i, n)), Dh(e, t, i, n, r) ) case 3: e: { if ((yg(t), e === null)) throw Error(ue(387)) ;(i = t.pendingProps), (s = t.memoizedState), (n = s.element), j0(e, t), Ao(t, i, null, r) var a = t.memoizedState if (((i = a.element), s.isDehydrated)) if ( ((s = { element: i, isDehydrated: !1, cache: a.cache, pendingSuspenseBoundaries: a.pendingSuspenseBoundaries, transitions: a.transitions, }), (t.updateQueue.baseState = s), (t.memoizedState = s), t.flags & 256) ) { ;(n = Nn(Error(ue(423)), t)), (t = Rh(e, t, i, r, n)) break e } else if (i !== n) { ;(n = Nn(Error(ue(424)), t)), (t = Rh(e, t, i, r, n)) break e } else for ( Lt = ei(t.stateNode.containerInfo.firstChild), Pt = t, qe = !0, tr = null, r = G0(t, null, i, r), t.child = r; r; ) (r.flags = (r.flags & -3) | 4096), (r = r.sibling) else { if ((Cn(), i === n)) { t = Rr(e, t, r) break e } gt(e, t, i, r) } t = t.child } return t case 5: return ( X0(t), e === null && ac(t), (i = t.type), (n = t.pendingProps), (s = e !== null ? e.memoizedProps : null), (a = n.children), tc(i, n) ? (a = null) : s !== null && tc(i, s) && (t.flags |= 32), bg(e, t), gt(e, t, a, r), t.child ) case 6: return e === null && ac(t), null case 13: return _g(e, t, r) case 4: return ( Rf(t, t.stateNode.containerInfo), (i = t.pendingProps), e === null ? (t.child = kn(t, null, i, r)) : gt(e, t, i, r), t.child ) case 11: return ( (i = t.type), (n = t.pendingProps), (n = t.elementType === i ? n : Zt(i, n)), Oh(e, t, i, n, r) ) case 7: return gt(e, t, t.pendingProps, r), t.child case 8: return gt(e, t, t.pendingProps.children, r), t.child case 12: return gt(e, t, t.pendingProps.children, r), t.child case 10: e: { if ( ((i = t.type._context), (n = t.pendingProps), (s = t.memoizedProps), (a = n.value), Fe(xo, i._currentValue), (i._currentValue = a), s !== null) ) if (ar(s.value, a)) { if (s.children === n.children && !kt.current) { t = Rr(e, t, r) break e } } else for (s = t.child, s !== null && (s.return = t); s !== null; ) { var o = s.dependencies if (o !== null) { a = s.child for (var u = o.firstContext; u !== null; ) { if (u.context === i) { if (s.tag === 1) { ;(u = Nr(-1, r & -r)), (u.tag = 2) var c = s.updateQueue if (c !== null) { c = c.shared var f = c.pending f === null ? ( = u) : (( =, ( = u)), (c.pending = u) } } ;(s.lanes |= r), (u = s.alternate), u !== null && (u.lanes |= r), oc(s.return, r, t), (o.lanes |= r) break } u = } } else if (s.tag === 10) a = s.type === t.type ? null : s.child else if (s.tag === 18) { if (((a = s.return), a === null)) throw Error(ue(341)) ;(a.lanes |= r), (o = a.alternate), o !== null && (o.lanes |= r), oc(a, r, t), (a = s.sibling) } else a = s.child if (a !== null) a.return = s else for (a = s; a !== null; ) { if (a === t) { a = null break } if (((s = a.sibling), s !== null)) { ;(s.return = a.return), (a = s) break } a = a.return } s = a } gt(e, t, n.children, r), (t = t.child) } return t case 9: return ( (n = t.type), (i = t.pendingProps.children), _n(t, r), (n = Wt(n)), (i = i(n)), (t.flags |= 1), gt(e, t, i, r), t.child ) case 14: return (i = t.type), (n = Zt(i, t.pendingProps)), (n = Zt(i.type, n)), Ih(e, t, i, n, r) case 15: return dg(e, t, t.type, t.pendingProps, r) case 17: return ( (i = t.type), (n = t.pendingProps), (n = t.elementType === i ? n : Zt(i, n)), Ka(e, t), (t.tag = 1), wt(i) ? ((e = !0), _o(t)) : (e = !1), _n(t, r), $0(t, i, n), lc(t, i, n, r), pc(null, t, i, !0, e, r) ) case 19: return vg(e, t, r) case 22: return gg(e, t, r) } throw Error(ue(156, t.tag)) } function Bg(e, t) { return u0(e, t) } function Kv(e, t, r, i) { ;(this.tag = e), (this.key = r), (this.sibling = this.child = this.return = this.stateNode = this.type = this.elementType = null), (this.index = 0), (this.ref = null), (this.pendingProps = t), (this.dependencies = this.memoizedState = this.updateQueue = this.memoizedProps = null), (this.mode = i), (this.subtreeFlags = this.flags = 0), (this.deletions = null), (this.childLanes = this.lanes = 0), (this.alternate = null) } function Xt(e, t, r, i) { return new Kv(e, t, r, i) } function Yf(e) { return (e = e.prototype), !(!e || !e.isReactComponent) } function Jv(e) { if (typeof e == 'function') return Yf(e) ? 1 : 0 if (e != null) { if (((e = e.$$typeof), e === hf)) return 11 if (e === mf) return 14 } return 2 } function ni(e, t) { var r = e.alternate return ( r === null ? ((r = Xt(e.tag, t, e.key, e.mode)), (r.elementType = e.elementType), (r.type = e.type), (r.stateNode = e.stateNode), (r.alternate = e), (e.alternate = r)) : ((r.pendingProps = t), (r.type = e.type), (r.flags = 0), (r.subtreeFlags = 0), (r.deletions = null)), (r.flags = e.flags & 14680064), (r.childLanes = e.childLanes), (r.lanes = e.lanes), (r.child = e.child), (r.memoizedProps = e.memoizedProps), (r.memoizedState = e.memoizedState), (r.updateQueue = e.updateQueue), (t = e.dependencies), (r.dependencies = t === null ? null : { lanes: t.lanes, firstContext: t.firstContext }), (r.sibling = e.sibling), (r.index = e.index), (r.ref = e.ref), r ) } function eo(e, t, r, i, n, s) { var a = 2 if (((i = e), typeof e == 'function')) Yf(e) && (a = 1) else if (typeof e == 'string') a = 5 else e: switch (e) { case Zi: return Ci(r.children, n, s, t) case pf: ;(a = 8), (n |= 8) break case Rl: return (e = Xt(12, r, t, n | 2)), (e.elementType = Rl), (e.lanes = s), e case Ll: return (e = Xt(13, r, t, n)), (e.elementType = Ll), (e.lanes = s), e case Pl: return (e = Xt(19, r, t, n)), (e.elementType = Pl), (e.lanes = s), e case Vd: return eu(r, n, s, t) default: if (typeof e == 'object' && e !== null) switch (e.$$typeof) { case qd: a = 10 break e case $d: a = 9 break e case hf: a = 11 break e case mf: a = 14 break e case $r: ;(a = 16), (i = null) break e } throw Error(ue(130, e == null ? e : typeof e, '')) } return (t = Xt(a, r, t, n)), (t.elementType = e), (t.type = i), (t.lanes = s), t } function Ci(e, t, r, i) { return (e = Xt(7, e, i, t)), (e.lanes = r), e } function eu(e, t, r, i) { return ( (e = Xt(22, e, i, t)), (e.elementType = Vd), (e.lanes = r), (e.stateNode = { isHidden: !1 }), e ) } function el(e, t, r) { return (e = Xt(6, e, null, t)), (e.lanes = r), e } function tl(e, t, r) { return ( (t = Xt(4, e.children !== null ? e.children : [], e.key, t)), (t.lanes = r), (t.stateNode = { containerInfo: e.containerInfo, pendingChildren: null, implementation: e.implementation, }), t ) } function Zv(e, t, r, i, n) { ;(this.tag = t), (this.containerInfo = e), (this.finishedWork = this.pingCache = this.current = this.pendingChildren = null), (this.timeoutHandle = -1), (this.callbackNode = this.pendingContext = this.context = null), (this.callbackPriority = 0), (this.eventTimes = Pu(0)), (this.expirationTimes = Pu(-1)), (this.entangledLanes = this.finishedLanes = this.mutableReadLanes = this.expiredLanes = this.pingedLanes = this.suspendedLanes = this.pendingLanes = 0), (this.entanglements = Pu(0)), (this.identifierPrefix = i), (this.onRecoverableError = n), (this.mutableSourceEagerHydrationData = null) } function Wf(e, t, r, i, n, s, a, o, u) { return ( (e = new Zv(e, t, r, o, u)), t === 1 ? ((t = 1), s === !0 && (t |= 8)) : (t = 0), (s = Xt(3, null, null, t)), (e.current = s), (s.stateNode = e), (s.memoizedState = { element: i, isDehydrated: r, cache: null, transitions: null, pendingSuspenseBoundaries: null, }), Df(s), e ) } function eE(e, t, r) { var i = 3 < arguments.length && arguments[3] !== void 0 ? arguments[3] : null return { $$typeof: Ji, key: i == null ? null : '' + i, children: e, containerInfo: t, implementation: r, } } function Fg(e) { if (!e) return ui e = e._reactInternals e: { if (zi(e) !== e || e.tag !== 1) throw Error(ue(170)) var t = e do { switch (t.tag) { case 3: t = t.stateNode.context break e case 1: if (wt(t.type)) { t = t.stateNode.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext break e } } t = t.return } while (t !== null) throw Error(ue(171)) } if (e.tag === 1) { var r = e.type if (wt(r)) return B0(e, r, t) } return t } function Mg(e, t, r, i, n, s, a, o, u) { return ( (e = Wf(r, i, !0, e, n, s, a, o, u)), (e.context = Fg(null)), (r = e.current), (i = yt()), (n = ii(r)), (s = Nr(i, n)), (s.callback = t ?? null), ti(r, s, n), (e.current.lanes = n), ea(e, n, i), Nt(e, i), e ) } function tu(e, t, r, i) { var n = t.current, s = yt(), a = ii(n) return ( (r = Fg(r)), t.context === null ? (t.context = r) : (t.pendingContext = r), (t = Nr(s, a)), (t.payload = { element: e }), (i = i === void 0 ? null : i), i !== null && (t.callback = i), (e = ti(n, t, a)), e !== null && (nr(e, n, a, s), Ya(e, n, a)), a ) } function Do(e) { if (((e = e.current), !e.child)) return null switch (e.child.tag) { case 5: return e.child.stateNode default: return e.child.stateNode } } function qh(e, t) { if (((e = e.memoizedState), e !== null && e.dehydrated !== null)) { var r = e.retryLane e.retryLane = r !== 0 && r < t ? r : t } } function Qf(e, t) { qh(e, t), (e = e.alternate) && qh(e, t) } function tE() { return null } var Ug = typeof reportError == 'function' ? reportError : function (e) { console.error(e) } function Kf(e) { this._internalRoot = e } ru.prototype.render = Kf.prototype.render = function (e) { var t = this._internalRoot if (t === null) throw Error(ue(409)) tu(e, t, null, null) } ru.prototype.unmount = Kf.prototype.unmount = function () { var e = this._internalRoot if (e !== null) { this._internalRoot = null var t = e.containerInfo Di(function () { tu(null, e, null, null) }), (t[Ir] = null) } } function ru(e) { this._internalRoot = e } ru.prototype.unstable_scheduleHydration = function (e) { if (e) { var t = d0() e = { blockedOn: null, target: e, priority: t } for (var r = 0; r < Gr.length && t !== 0 && t < Gr[r].priority; r++); Gr.splice(r, 0, e), r === 0 && b0(e) } } function Jf(e) { return !(!e || (e.nodeType !== 1 && e.nodeType !== 9 && e.nodeType !== 11)) } function iu(e) { return !( !e || (e.nodeType !== 1 && e.nodeType !== 9 && e.nodeType !== 11 && (e.nodeType !== 8 || e.nodeValue !== ' react-mount-point-unstable ')) ) } function $h() {} function rE(e, t, r, i, n) { if (n) { if (typeof i == 'function') { var s = i i = function () { var c = Do(a) } } var a = Mg(t, i, e, 0, null, !1, !1, '', $h) return ( (e._reactRootContainer = a), (e[Ir] = a.current), Ds(e.nodeType === 8 ? e.parentNode : e), Di(), a ) } for (; (n = e.lastChild); ) e.removeChild(n) if (typeof i == 'function') { var o = i i = function () { var c = Do(u) } } var u = Wf(e, 0, !1, null, null, !1, !1, '', $h) return ( (e._reactRootContainer = u), (e[Ir] = u.current), Ds(e.nodeType === 8 ? e.parentNode : e), Di(function () { tu(t, u, r, i) }), u ) } function nu(e, t, r, i, n) { var s = r._reactRootContainer if (s) { var a = s if (typeof n == 'function') { var o = n n = function () { var u = Do(a) } } tu(t, a, e, n) } else a = rE(r, t, e, n, i) return Do(a) } h0 = function (e) { switch (e.tag) { case 3: var t = e.stateNode if (t.current.memoizedState.isDehydrated) { var r = ns(t.pendingLanes) r !== 0 && (bf(t, r | 1), Nt(t, We()), !(Ie & 6) && ((On = We() + 500), hi())) } break case 13: Di(function () { var i = Dr(e, 1) if (i !== null) { var n = yt() nr(i, e, 1, n) } }), Qf(e, 1) } } yf = function (e) { if (e.tag === 13) { var t = Dr(e, 134217728) if (t !== null) { var r = yt() nr(t, e, 134217728, r) } Qf(e, 134217728) } } m0 = function (e) { if (e.tag === 13) { var t = ii(e), r = Dr(e, t) if (r !== null) { var i = yt() nr(r, e, t, i) } Qf(e, t) } } d0 = function () { return Re } g0 = function (e, t) { var r = Re try { return (Re = e), t() } finally { Re = r } } Vl = function (e, t, r) { switch (t) { case 'input': if ((Ml(e, r), (t =, r.type === 'radio' && t != null)) { for (r = e; r.parentNode; ) r = r.parentNode for ( r = r.querySelectorAll('input[name=' + JSON.stringify('' + t) + '][type="radio"]'), t = 0; t < r.length; t++ ) { var i = r[t] if (i !== e && i.form === e.form) { var n = Yo(i) if (!n) throw Error(ue(90)) Xd(i), Ml(i, n) } } } break case 'textarea': Wd(e, r) break case 'select': ;(t = r.value), t != null && dn(e, !!r.multiple, t, !1) } } r0 = Vf i0 = Di var iE = { usingClientEntryPoint: !1, Events: [ra, nn, Yo, e0, t0, Vf] }, Yn = { findFiberByHostInstance: Ei, bundleType: 0, version: '18.2.0', rendererPackageName: 'react-dom', }, nE = { bundleType: Yn.bundleType, version: Yn.version, rendererPackageName: Yn.rendererPackageName, rendererConfig: Yn.rendererConfig, overrideHookState: null, overrideHookStateDeletePath: null, overrideHookStateRenamePath: null, overrideProps: null, overridePropsDeletePath: null, overridePropsRenamePath: null, setErrorHandler: null, setSuspenseHandler: null, scheduleUpdate: null, currentDispatcherRef: Br.ReactCurrentDispatcher, findHostInstanceByFiber: function (e) { return (e = a0(e)), e === null ? null : e.stateNode }, findFiberByHostInstance: Yn.findFiberByHostInstance || tE, findHostInstancesForRefresh: null, scheduleRefresh: null, scheduleRoot: null, setRefreshHandler: null, getCurrentFiber: null, reconcilerVersion: '18.2.0-next-9e3b772b8-20220608', } if (typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ < 'u') { var Da = __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ if (!Da.isDisabled && Da.supportsFiber) try { ;($o = Da.inject(nE)), (br = Da) } catch {} } Ut.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED = iE Ut.createPortal = function (e, t) { var r = 2 < arguments.length && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : null if (!Jf(t)) throw Error(ue(200)) return eE(e, t, null, r) } Ut.createRoot = function (e, t) { if (!Jf(e)) throw Error(ue(299)) var r = !1, i = '', n = Ug return ( t != null && (t.unstable_strictMode === !0 && (r = !0), t.identifierPrefix !== void 0 && (i = t.identifierPrefix), t.onRecoverableError !== void 0 && (n = t.onRecoverableError)), (t = Wf(e, 1, !1, null, null, r, !1, i, n)), (e[Ir] = t.current), Ds(e.nodeType === 8 ? e.parentNode : e), new Kf(t) ) } Ut.findDOMNode = function (e) { if (e == null) return null if (e.nodeType === 1) return e var t = e._reactInternals if (t === void 0) throw typeof e.render == 'function' ? Error(ue(188)) : ((e = Object.keys(e).join(',')), Error(ue(268, e))) return (e = a0(t)), (e = e === null ? null : e.stateNode), e } Ut.flushSync = function (e) { return Di(e) } Ut.hydrate = function (e, t, r) { if (!iu(t)) throw Error(ue(200)) return nu(null, e, t, !0, r) } Ut.hydrateRoot = function (e, t, r) { if (!Jf(e)) throw Error(ue(405)) var i = (r != null && r.hydratedSources) || null, n = !1, s = '', a = Ug if ( (r != null && (r.unstable_strictMode === !0 && (n = !0), r.identifierPrefix !== void 0 && (s = r.identifierPrefix), r.onRecoverableError !== void 0 && (a = r.onRecoverableError)), (t = Mg(t, null, e, 1, r ?? null, n, !1, s, a)), (e[Ir] = t.current), Ds(e), i) ) for (e = 0; e < i.length; e++) (r = i[e]), (n = r._getVersion), (n = n(r._source)), t.mutableSourceEagerHydrationData == null ? (t.mutableSourceEagerHydrationData = [r, n]) : t.mutableSourceEagerHydrationData.push(r, n) return new ru(t) } Ut.render = function (e, t, r) { if (!iu(t)) throw Error(ue(200)) return nu(null, e, t, !1, r) } Ut.unmountComponentAtNode = function (e) { if (!iu(e)) throw Error(ue(40)) return e._reactRootContainer ? (Di(function () { nu(null, null, e, !1, function () { ;(e._reactRootContainer = null), (e[Ir] = null) }) }), !0) : !1 } Ut.unstable_batchedUpdates = Vf Ut.unstable_renderSubtreeIntoContainer = function (e, t, r, i) { if (!iu(r)) throw Error(ue(200)) if (e == null || e._reactInternals === void 0) throw Error(ue(38)) return nu(e, t, r, !1, i) } Ut.version = '18.2.0-next-9e3b772b8-20220608' function Hg() { if ( !( typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ > 'u' || typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.checkDCE != 'function' ) ) try { __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.checkDCE(Hg) } catch (e) { console.error(e) } } Hg(), (Md.exports = Ut) var sE = Md.exports const aE = ci(sE) function Vh(e) { if (e) throw e } var to = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, zg = Object.prototype.toString, Gh = Object.defineProperty, Xh = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, Yh = function (t) { return typeof Array.isArray == 'function' ? Array.isArray(t) : === '[object Array]' }, Wh = function (t) { if (!t || !== '[object Object]') return !1 var r =, 'constructor'), i = t.constructor && t.constructor.prototype &&, 'isPrototypeOf') if (t.constructor && !r && !i) return !1 var n for (n in t); return typeof n > 'u' ||, n) }, Qh = function (t, r) { Gh && === '__proto__' ? Gh(t,, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, value: r.newValue, writable: !0 }) : (t[] = r.newValue) }, Kh = function (t, r) { if (r === '__proto__') if (, r)) { if (Xh) return Xh(t, r).value } else return return t[r] }, oE = function e() { var t, r, i, n, s, a, o = arguments[0], u = 1, c = arguments.length, f = !1 for ( typeof o == 'boolean' && ((f = o), (o = arguments[1] || {}), (u = 2)), (o == null || (typeof o != 'object' && typeof o != 'function')) && (o = {}); u < c; ++u ) if (((t = arguments[u]), t != null)) for (r in t) (i = Kh(o, r)), (n = Kh(t, r)), o !== n && (f && n && (Wh(n) || (s = Yh(n))) ? (s ? ((s = !1), (a = i && Yh(i) ? i : [])) : (a = i && Wh(i) ? i : {}), Qh(o, { name: r, newValue: e(f, a, n) })) : typeof n < 'u' && Qh(o, { name: r, newValue: n })) return o } const rl = ci(oE) function Ac(e) { if (typeof e != 'object' || e === null) return !1 const t = Object.getPrototypeOf(e) return ( (t === null || t === Object.prototype || Object.getPrototypeOf(t) === null) && !(Symbol.toStringTag in e) && !(Symbol.iterator in e) ) } function uE() { const e = [], t = { run: r, use: i } return t function r(...n) { let s = -1 const a = n.pop() if (typeof a != 'function') throw new TypeError('Expected function as last argument, not ' + a) o(null, ...n) function o(u, ...c) { const f = e[++s] let h = -1 if (u) { a(u) return } for (; ++h < n.length; ) (c[h] === null || c[h] === void 0) && (c[h] = n[h]) ;(n = c), f ? lE(f, o)(...c) : a(null, ...c) } } function i(n) { if (typeof n != 'function') throw new TypeError('Expected `middelware` to be a function, not ' + n) return e.push(n), t } } function lE(e, t) { let r return i function i(...a) { const o = e.length > a.length let u o && a.push(n) try { u = e.apply(this, a) } catch (c) { const f = c if (o && r) throw f return n(f) } o || (u instanceof Promise ? u.then(s, n) : u instanceof Error ? n(u) : s(u)) } function n(a, ...o) { r || ((r = !0), t(a, ...o)) } function s(a) { n(null, a) } } function gs(e) { return !e || typeof e != 'object' ? '' : 'position' in e || 'type' in e ? Jh(e.position) : 'start' in e || 'end' in e ? Jh(e) : 'line' in e || 'column' in e ? Sc(e) : '' } function Sc(e) { return Zh(e && e.line) + ':' + Zh(e && e.column) } function Jh(e) { return Sc(e && e.start) + '-' + Sc(e && e.end) } function Zh(e) { return e && typeof e == 'number' ? e : 1 } class Ot extends Error { constructor(t, r, i) { super(), typeof r == 'string' && ((i = r), (r = void 0)) let n = '', s = {}, a = !1 if ( (r && ('line' in r && 'column' in r ? (s = { place: r }) : 'start' in r && 'end' in r ? (s = { place: r }) : 'type' in r ? (s = { ancestors: [r], place: r.position }) : (s = { ...r })), typeof t == 'string' ? (n = t) : !s.cause && t && ((a = !0), (n = t.message), (s.cause = t)), !s.ruleId && !s.source && typeof i == 'string') ) { const u = i.indexOf(':') u === -1 ? (s.ruleId = i) : ((s.source = i.slice(0, u)), (s.ruleId = i.slice(u + 1))) } if (! && s.ancestors && s.ancestors) { const u = s.ancestors[s.ancestors.length - 1] u && ( = u.position) } const o = && 'start' in ? : ;(this.ancestors = s.ancestors || void 0), (this.cause = s.cause || void 0), (this.column = o ? o.column : void 0), (this.fatal = void 0), this.file, (this.message = n), (this.line = o ? o.line : void 0), ( = gs( || '1:1'), ( = || void 0), (this.reason = this.message), (this.ruleId = s.ruleId || void 0), (this.source = s.source || void 0), (this.stack = a && s.cause && typeof s.cause.stack == 'string' ? s.cause.stack : ''), this.actual, this.expected, this.note, this.url } } Ot.prototype.file = '' = '' Ot.prototype.reason = '' Ot.prototype.message = '' Ot.prototype.stack = '' Ot.prototype.column = void 0 Ot.prototype.line = void 0 Ot.prototype.ancestors = void 0 Ot.prototype.cause = void 0 Ot.prototype.fatal = void 0 = void 0 Ot.prototype.ruleId = void 0 Ot.prototype.source = void 0 const pr = { basename: cE, dirname: fE, extname: pE, join: hE, sep: '/' } function cE(e, t) { if (t !== void 0 && typeof t != 'string') throw new TypeError('"ext" argument must be a string') na(e) let r = 0, i = -1, n = e.length, s if (t === void 0 || t.length === 0 || t.length > e.length) { for (; n--; ) if (e.codePointAt(n) === 47) { if (s) { r = n + 1 break } } else i < 0 && ((s = !0), (i = n + 1)) return i < 0 ? '' : e.slice(r, i) } if (t === e) return '' let a = -1, o = t.length - 1 for (; n--; ) if (e.codePointAt(n) === 47) { if (s) { r = n + 1 break } } else a < 0 && ((s = !0), (a = n + 1)), o > -1 && (e.codePointAt(n) === t.codePointAt(o--) ? o < 0 && (i = n) : ((o = -1), (i = a))) return r === i ? (i = a) : i < 0 && (i = e.length), e.slice(r, i) } function fE(e) { if ((na(e), e.length === 0)) return '.' let t = -1, r = e.length, i for (; --r; ) if (e.codePointAt(r) === 47) { if (i) { t = r break } } else i || (i = !0) return t < 0 ? e.codePointAt(0) === 47 ? '/' : '.' : t === 1 && e.codePointAt(0) === 47 ? '//' : e.slice(0, t) } function pE(e) { na(e) let t = e.length, r = -1, i = 0, n = -1, s = 0, a for (; t--; ) { const o = e.codePointAt(t) if (o === 47) { if (a) { i = t + 1 break } continue } r < 0 && ((a = !0), (r = t + 1)), o === 46 ? (n < 0 ? (n = t) : s !== 1 && (s = 1)) : n > -1 && (s = -1) } return n < 0 || r < 0 || s === 0 || (s === 1 && n === r - 1 && n === i + 1) ? '' : e.slice(n, r) } function hE(...e) { let t = -1, r for (; ++t < e.length; ) na(e[t]), e[t] && (r = r === void 0 ? e[t] : r + '/' + e[t]) return r === void 0 ? '.' : mE(r) } function mE(e) { na(e) const t = e.codePointAt(0) === 47 let r = dE(e, !t) return ( r.length === 0 && !t && (r = '.'), r.length > 0 && e.codePointAt(e.length - 1) === 47 && (r += '/'), t ? '/' + r : r ) } function dE(e, t) { let r = '', i = 0, n = -1, s = 0, a = -1, o, u for (; ++a <= e.length; ) { if (a < e.length) o = e.codePointAt(a) else { if (o === 47) break o = 47 } if (o === 47) { if (!(n === a - 1 || s === 1)) if (n !== a - 1 && s === 2) { if ( r.length < 2 || i !== 2 || r.codePointAt(r.length - 1) !== 46 || r.codePointAt(r.length - 2) !== 46 ) { if (r.length > 2) { if (((u = r.lastIndexOf('/')), u !== r.length - 1)) { u < 0 ? ((r = ''), (i = 0)) : ((r = r.slice(0, u)), (i = r.length - 1 - r.lastIndexOf('/'))), (n = a), (s = 0) continue } } else if (r.length > 0) { ;(r = ''), (i = 0), (n = a), (s = 0) continue } } t && ((r = r.length > 0 ? r + '/..' : '..'), (i = 2)) } else r.length > 0 ? (r += '/' + e.slice(n + 1, a)) : (r = e.slice(n + 1, a)), (i = a - n - 1) ;(n = a), (s = 0) } else o === 46 && s > -1 ? s++ : (s = -1) } return r } function na(e) { if (typeof e != 'string') throw new TypeError('Path must be a string. Received ' + JSON.stringify(e)) } const gE = { cwd: bE } function bE() { return '/' } function Cc(e) { return !!( e !== null && typeof e == 'object' && 'href' in e && e.href && 'protocol' in e && e.protocol && e.auth === void 0 ) } function yE(e) { if (typeof e == 'string') e = new URL(e) else if (!Cc(e)) { const t = new TypeError( 'The "path" argument must be of type string or an instance of URL. Received `' + e + '`' ) throw ((t.code = 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE'), t) } if (e.protocol !== 'file:') { const t = new TypeError('The URL must be of scheme file') throw ((t.code = 'ERR_INVALID_URL_SCHEME'), t) } return _E(e) } function _E(e) { if (e.hostname !== '') { const i = new TypeError('File URL host must be "localhost" or empty on darwin') throw ((i.code = 'ERR_INVALID_FILE_URL_HOST'), i) } const t = e.pathname let r = -1 for (; ++r < t.length; ) if (t.codePointAt(r) === 37 && t.codePointAt(r + 1) === 50) { const i = t.codePointAt(r + 2) if (i === 70 || i === 102) { const n = new TypeError('File URL path must not include encoded / characters') throw ((n.code = 'ERR_INVALID_FILE_URL_PATH'), n) } } return decodeURIComponent(t) } const il = ['history', 'path', 'basename', 'stem', 'extname', 'dirname'] class vE { constructor(t) { let r t ? Cc(t) ? (r = { path: t }) : typeof t == 'string' || EE(t) ? (r = { value: t }) : (r = t) : (r = {}), (this.cwd = gE.cwd()), ( = {}), (this.history = []), (this.messages = []), this.value,, this.result, this.stored let i = -1 for (; ++i < il.length; ) { const s = il[i] s in r && r[s] !== void 0 && r[s] !== null && (this[s] = s === 'history' ? [...r[s]] : r[s]) } let n for (n in r) il.includes(n) || (this[n] = r[n]) } get basename() { return typeof this.path == 'string' ? pr.basename(this.path) : void 0 } set basename(t) { sl(t, 'basename'), nl(t, 'basename'), (this.path = pr.join(this.dirname || '', t)) } get dirname() { return typeof this.path == 'string' ? pr.dirname(this.path) : void 0 } set dirname(t) { em(this.basename, 'dirname'), (this.path = pr.join(t || '', this.basename)) } get extname() { return typeof this.path == 'string' ? pr.extname(this.path) : void 0 } set extname(t) { if ((nl(t, 'extname'), em(this.dirname, 'extname'), t)) { if (t.codePointAt(0) !== 46) throw new Error('`extname` must start with `.`') if (t.includes('.', 1)) throw new Error('`extname` cannot contain multiple dots') } this.path = pr.join(this.dirname, this.stem + (t || '')) } get path() { return this.history[this.history.length - 1] } set path(t) { Cc(t) && (t = yE(t)), sl(t, 'path'), this.path !== t && this.history.push(t) } get stem() { return typeof this.path == 'string' ? pr.basename(this.path, this.extname) : void 0 } set stem(t) { sl(t, 'stem'), nl(t, 'stem'), (this.path = pr.join(this.dirname || '', t + (this.extname || ''))) } fail(t, r, i) { const n = this.message(t, r, i) throw ((n.fatal = !0), n) } info(t, r, i) { const n = this.message(t, r, i) return (n.fatal = void 0), n } message(t, r, i) { const n = new Ot(t, r, i) return ( this.path && (( = this.path + ':' +, (n.file = this.path)), (n.fatal = !1), this.messages.push(n), n ) } toString(t) { return this.value === void 0 ? '' : typeof this.value == 'string' ? this.value : new TextDecoder(t || void 0).decode(this.value) } } function nl(e, t) { if (e && e.includes(pr.sep)) throw new Error('`' + t + '` cannot be a path: did not expect `' + pr.sep + '`') } function sl(e, t) { if (!e) throw new Error('`' + t + '` cannot be empty') } function em(e, t) { if (!e) throw new Error('Setting `' + t + '` requires `path` to be set too') } function EE(e) { return !!(e && typeof e == 'object' && 'byteLength' in e && 'byteOffset' in e) } const xE = function (e) { const i = this.constructor.prototype, n = i[e], s = function () { return n.apply(s, arguments) } Object.setPrototypeOf(s, i) const a = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(n) for (const o of a) { const u = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, o) u && Object.defineProperty(s, o, u) } return s }, TE = {}.hasOwnProperty class Zf extends xE { constructor() { super('copy'), (this.Compiler = void 0), (this.Parser = void 0), (this.attachers = []), (this.compiler = void 0), (this.freezeIndex = -1), (this.frozen = void 0), (this.namespace = {}), (this.parser = void 0), (this.transformers = uE()) } copy() { const t = new Zf() let r = -1 for (; ++r < this.attachers.length; ) { const i = this.attachers[r] t.use(...i) } return!0, {}, this.namespace)), t } data(t, r) { return typeof t == 'string' ? arguments.length === 2 ? (ul('data', this.frozen), (this.namespace[t] = r), this) : (, t) && this.namespace[t]) || void 0 : t ? (ul('data', this.frozen), (this.namespace = t), this) : this.namespace } freeze() { if (this.frozen) return this const t = this for (; ++this.freezeIndex < this.attachers.length; ) { const [r, ...i] = this.attachers[this.freezeIndex] if (i[0] === !1) continue i[0] === !0 && (i[0] = void 0) const n =, ...i) typeof n == 'function' && this.transformers.use(n) } return (this.frozen = !0), (this.freezeIndex = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY), this } parse(t) { this.freeze() const r = Ra(t), i = this.parser || this.Parser return al('parse', i), i(String(r), r) } process(t, r) { const i = this return ( this.freeze(), al('process', this.parser || this.Parser), ol('process', this.compiler || this.Compiler), r ? n(void 0, r) : new Promise(n) ) function n(s, a) { const o = Ra(t), u = i.parse(o), o, function (f, h, p) { if (f || !h || !p) return c(f) const m = h, v = i.stringify(m, p) CE(v) ? (p.value = v) : (p.result = v), c(f, p) }) function c(f, h) { f || !h ? a(f) : s ? s(h) : r(void 0, h) } } } processSync(t) { let r = !1, i return ( this.freeze(), al('processSync', this.parser || this.Parser), ol('processSync', this.compiler || this.Compiler), this.process(t, n), rm('processSync', 'process', r), i ) function n(s, a) { ;(r = !0), Vh(s), (i = a) } } run(t, r, i) { tm(t), this.freeze() const n = this.transformers return ( !i && typeof r == 'function' && ((i = r), (r = void 0)), i ? s(void 0, i) : new Promise(s) ) function s(a, o) { const u = Ra(r), u, c) function c(f, h, p) { const m = h || t f ? o(f) : a ? a(m) : i(void 0, m, p) } } } runSync(t, r) { let i = !1, n return, r, s), rm('runSync', 'run', i), n function s(a, o) { Vh(a), (n = o), (i = !0) } } stringify(t, r) { this.freeze() const i = Ra(r), n = this.compiler || this.Compiler return ol('stringify', n), tm(t), n(t, i) } use(t, ...r) { const i = this.attachers, n = this.namespace if ((ul('use', this.frozen), t != null)) if (typeof t == 'function') u(t, r) else if (typeof t == 'object') Array.isArray(t) ? o(t) : a(t) else throw new TypeError('Expected usable value, not `' + t + '`') return this function s(c) { if (typeof c == 'function') u(c, []) else if (typeof c == 'object') if (Array.isArray(c)) { const [f, ...h] = c u(f, h) } else a(c) else throw new TypeError('Expected usable value, not `' + c + '`') } function a(c) { if (!('plugins' in c) && !('settings' in c)) throw new Error( 'Expected usable value but received an empty preset, which is probably a mistake: presets typically come with `plugins` and sometimes with `settings`, but this has neither' ) o(c.plugins), c.settings && (n.settings = rl(!0, n.settings, c.settings)) } function o(c) { let f = -1 if (c != null) if (Array.isArray(c)) for (; ++f < c.length; ) { const h = c[f] s(h) } else throw new TypeError('Expected a list of plugins, not `' + c + '`') } function u(c, f) { let h = -1, p = -1 for (; ++h < i.length; ) if (i[h][0] === c) { p = h break } if (p === -1) i.push([c, ...f]) else if (f.length > 0) { let [m, ...v] = f const b = i[p][1] Ac(b) && Ac(m) && (m = rl(!0, b, m)), (i[p] = [c, m, ...v]) } } } } const AE = new Zf().freeze() function al(e, t) { if (typeof t != 'function') throw new TypeError('Cannot `' + e + '` without `parser`') } function ol(e, t) { if (typeof t != 'function') throw new TypeError('Cannot `' + e + '` without `compiler`') } function ul(e, t) { if (t) throw new Error( 'Cannot call `' + e + '` on a frozen processor.\nCreate a new processor first, by calling it: use `processor()` instead of `processor`.' ) } function tm(e) { if (!Ac(e) || typeof e.type != 'string') throw new TypeError('Expected node, got `' + e + '`') } function rm(e, t, r) { if (!r) throw new Error('`' + e + '` finished async. Use `' + t + '` instead') } function Ra(e) { return SE(e) ? e : new vE(e) } function SE(e) { return !!(e && typeof e == 'object' && 'message' in e && 'messages' in e) } function CE(e) { return typeof e == 'string' || kE(e) } function kE(e) { return !!(e && typeof e == 'object' && 'byteLength' in e && 'byteOffset' in e) } const wE = {} function ep(e, t) { const r = t || wE, i = typeof r.includeImageAlt == 'boolean' ? r.includeImageAlt : !0, n = typeof r.includeHtml == 'boolean' ? r.includeHtml : !0 return jg(e, i, n) } function jg(e, t, r) { if (NE(e)) { if ('value' in e) return e.type === 'html' && !r ? '' : e.value if (t && 'alt' in e && e.alt) return e.alt if ('children' in e) return im(e.children, t, r) } return Array.isArray(e) ? im(e, t, r) : '' } function im(e, t, r) { const i = [] let n = -1 for (; ++n < e.length; ) i[n] = jg(e[n], t, r) return i.join('') } function NE(e) { return !!(e && typeof e == 'object') } const nm = document.createElement('i') function tp(e) { const t = '&' + e + ';' nm.innerHTML = t const r = nm.textContent return (r.charCodeAt(r.length - 1) === 59 && e !== 'semi') || r === t ? !1 : r } function Bt(e, t, r, i) { const n = e.length let s = 0, a if ((t < 0 ? (t = -t > n ? 0 : n + t) : (t = t > n ? n : t), (r = r > 0 ? r : 0), i.length < 1e4)) (a = Array.from(i)), a.unshift(t, r), e.splice(...a) else for (r && e.splice(t, r); s < i.length; ) (a = i.slice(s, s + 1e4)), a.unshift(t, 0), e.splice(...a), (s += 1e4), (t += 1e4) } function Gt(e, t) { return e.length > 0 ? (Bt(e, e.length, 0, t), e) : t } const sm = {}.hasOwnProperty function qg(e) { const t = {} let r = -1 for (; ++r < e.length; ) OE(t, e[r]) return t } function OE(e, t) { let r for (r in t) { const n = (, r) ? e[r] : void 0) || (e[r] = {}), s = t[r] let a if (s) for (a in s) {, a) || (n[a] = []) const o = s[a] IE(n[a], Array.isArray(o) ? o : o ? [o] : []) } } } function IE(e, t) { let r = -1 const i = [] for (; ++r < t.length; ) (t[r].add === 'after' ? e : i).push(t[r]) Bt(e, 0, 0, i) } function $g(e, t) { const r = Number.parseInt(e, t) return r < 9 || r === 11 || (r > 13 && r < 32) || (r > 126 && r < 160) || (r > 55295 && r < 57344) || (r > 64975 && r < 65008) || (r & 65535) === 65535 || (r & 65535) === 65534 || r > 1114111 ? '�' : String.fromCharCode(r) } function sr(e) { return e .replace(/[\t\n\r ]+/g, ' ') .replace(/^ | $/g, '') .toLowerCase() .toUpperCase() } const DE = mi(/\p{P}/u), bt = mi(/[A-Za-z]/), ht = mi(/[\dA-Za-z]/), RE = mi(/[#-'*+\--9=?A-Z^-~]/) function Ro(e) { return e !== null && (e < 32 || e === 127) } const kc = mi(/\d/), LE = mi(/[\dA-Fa-f]/), Vg = mi(/[!-/:-@[-`{-~]/) function ye(e) { return e !== null && e < -2 } function Pe(e) { return e !== null && (e < 0 || e === 32) } function Ae(e) { return e === -2 || e === -1 || e === 32 } function su(e) { return Vg(e) || DE(e) } const Ri = mi(/\s/) function mi(e) { return t function t(r) { return r !== null && r > -1 && e.test(String.fromCharCode(r)) } } function Mn(e) { const t = [] let r = -1, i = 0, n = 0 for (; ++r < e.length; ) { const s = e.charCodeAt(r) let a = '' if (s === 37 && ht(e.charCodeAt(r + 1)) && ht(e.charCodeAt(r + 2))) n = 2 else if (s < 128) /[!#$&-;=?-Z_a-z~]/.test(String.fromCharCode(s)) || (a = String.fromCharCode(s)) else if (s > 55295 && s < 57344) { const o = e.charCodeAt(r + 1) s < 56320 && o > 56319 && o < 57344 ? ((a = String.fromCharCode(s, o)), (n = 1)) : (a = '�') } else a = String.fromCharCode(s) a && (t.push(e.slice(i, r), encodeURIComponent(a)), (i = r + n + 1), (a = '')), n && ((r += n), (n = 0)) } return t.join('') + e.slice(i) } function we(e, t, r, i) { const n = i ? i - 1 : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY let s = 0 return a function a(u) { return Ae(u) ? (e.enter(r), o(u)) : t(u) } function o(u) { return Ae(u) && s++ < n ? (e.consume(u), o) : (e.exit(r), t(u)) } } const PE = { tokenize: BE } function BE(e) { const t = e.attempt(this.parser.constructs.contentInitial, i, n) let r return t function i(o) { if (o === null) { e.consume(o) return } return e.enter('lineEnding'), e.consume(o), e.exit('lineEnding'), we(e, t, 'linePrefix') } function n(o) { return e.enter('paragraph'), s(o) } function s(o) { const u = e.enter('chunkText', { contentType: 'text', previous: r }) return r && ( = u), (r = u), a(o) } function a(o) { if (o === null) { e.exit('chunkText'), e.exit('paragraph'), e.consume(o) return } return ye(o) ? (e.consume(o), e.exit('chunkText'), s) : (e.consume(o), a) } } const FE = { tokenize: ME }, am = { tokenize: UE } function ME(e) { const t = this, r = [] let i = 0, n, s, a return o function o(y) { if (i < r.length) { const x = r[i] return (t.containerState = x[1]), e.attempt(x[0].continuation, u, c)(y) } return c(y) } function u(y) { if ((i++, t.containerState._closeFlow)) { ;(t.containerState._closeFlow = void 0), n && _() const x = let D = x, C for (; D--; ) if ([D][0] === 'exit' &&[D][1].type === 'chunkFlow') { C =[D][1].end break } g(i) let H = x for (; H <; ) ([H][1].end = Object.assign({}, C)), H++ return Bt(, D + 1, 0,, ( = H), c(y) } return o(y) } function c(y) { if (i === r.length) { if (!n) return p(y) if (n.currentConstruct && n.currentConstruct.concrete) return v(y) t.interrupt = !!(n.currentConstruct && !n._gfmTableDynamicInterruptHack) } return (t.containerState = {}), e.check(am, f, h)(y) } function f(y) { return n && _(), g(i), p(y) } function h(y) { return (t.parser.lazy[] = i !== r.length), (a =, v(y) } function p(y) { return (t.containerState = {}), e.attempt(am, m, v)(y) } function m(y) { return i++, r.push([t.currentConstruct, t.containerState]), p(y) } function v(y) { if (y === null) { n && _(), g(0), e.consume(y) return } return ( (n = n || t.parser.flow(, e.enter('chunkFlow', { contentType: 'flow', previous: s, _tokenizer: n }), b(y) ) } function b(y) { if (y === null) { S(e.exit('chunkFlow'), !0), g(0), e.consume(y) return } return ye(y) ? (e.consume(y), S(e.exit('chunkFlow')), (i = 0), (t.interrupt = void 0), o) : (e.consume(y), b) } function S(y, x) { const D = t.sliceStream(y) if ( (x && D.push(null), (y.previous = s), s && ( = y), (s = y), n.defineSkip(y.start), n.write(D), t.parser.lazy[y.start.line]) ) { let C = for (; C--; ) if ([C][1].start.offset < a && (![C][1].end ||[C][1].end.offset > a) ) return const H = let T = H, k, O for (; T--; ) if ([T][0] === 'exit' &&[T][1].type === 'chunkFlow') { if (k) { O =[T][1].end break } k = !0 } for (g(i), C = H; C <; ) ([C][1].end = Object.assign({}, O)), C++ Bt(, T + 1, 0,, ( = C) } } function g(y) { let x = r.length for (; x-- > y; ) { const D = r[x] ;(t.containerState = D[1]), D[0], e) } r.length = y } function _() { n.write([null]), (s = void 0), (n = void 0), (t.containerState._closeFlow = void 0) } } function UE(e, t, r) { return we( e, e.attempt(this.parser.constructs.document, t, r), 'linePrefix', this.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes('codeIndented') ? void 0 : 4 ) } function Lo(e) { if (e === null || Pe(e) || Ri(e)) return 1 if (su(e)) return 2 } function au(e, t, r) { const i = [] let n = -1 for (; ++n < e.length; ) { const s = e[n].resolveAll s && !i.includes(s) && ((t = s(t, r)), i.push(s)) } return t } const wc = { name: 'attention', tokenize: zE, resolveAll: HE } function HE(e, t) { let r = -1, i, n, s, a, o, u, c, f for (; ++r < e.length; ) if (e[r][0] === 'enter' && e[r][1].type === 'attentionSequence' && e[r][1]._close) { for (i = r; i--; ) if ( e[i][0] === 'exit' && e[i][1].type === 'attentionSequence' && e[i][1]._open && t.sliceSerialize(e[i][1]).charCodeAt(0) === t.sliceSerialize(e[r][1]).charCodeAt(0) ) { if ( (e[i][1]._close || e[r][1]._open) && (e[r][1].end.offset - e[r][1].start.offset) % 3 && !( (e[i][1].end.offset - e[i][1].start.offset + e[r][1].end.offset - e[r][1].start.offset) % 3 ) ) continue u = e[i][1].end.offset - e[i][1].start.offset > 1 && e[r][1].end.offset - e[r][1].start.offset > 1 ? 2 : 1 const h = Object.assign({}, e[i][1].end), p = Object.assign({}, e[r][1].start) om(h, -u), om(p, u), (a = { type: u > 1 ? 'strongSequence' : 'emphasisSequence', start: h, end: Object.assign({}, e[i][1].end), }), (o = { type: u > 1 ? 'strongSequence' : 'emphasisSequence', start: Object.assign({}, e[r][1].start), end: p, }), (s = { type: u > 1 ? 'strongText' : 'emphasisText', start: Object.assign({}, e[i][1].end), end: Object.assign({}, e[r][1].start), }), (n = { type: u > 1 ? 'strong' : 'emphasis', start: Object.assign({}, a.start), end: Object.assign({}, o.end), }), (e[i][1].end = Object.assign({}, a.start)), (e[r][1].start = Object.assign({}, o.end)), (c = []), e[i][1].end.offset - e[i][1].start.offset && (c = Gt(c, [ ['enter', e[i][1], t], ['exit', e[i][1], t], ])), (c = Gt(c, [ ['enter', n, t], ['enter', a, t], ['exit', a, t], ['enter', s, t], ])), (c = Gt(c, au(t.parser.constructs.insideSpan.null, e.slice(i + 1, r), t))), (c = Gt(c, [ ['exit', s, t], ['enter', o, t], ['exit', o, t], ['exit', n, t], ])), e[r][1].end.offset - e[r][1].start.offset ? ((f = 2), (c = Gt(c, [ ['enter', e[r][1], t], ['exit', e[r][1], t], ]))) : (f = 0), Bt(e, i - 1, r - i + 3, c), (r = i + c.length - f - 2) break } } for (r = -1; ++r < e.length; ) e[r][1].type === 'attentionSequence' && (e[r][1].type = 'data') return e } function zE(e, t) { const r = this.parser.constructs.attentionMarkers.null, i = this.previous, n = Lo(i) let s return a function a(u) { return (s = u), e.enter('attentionSequence'), o(u) } function o(u) { if (u === s) return e.consume(u), o const c = e.exit('attentionSequence'), f = Lo(u), h = !f || (f === 2 && n) || r.includes(u), p = !n || (n === 2 && f) || r.includes(i) return ( (c._open = !!(s === 42 ? h : h && (n || !p))), (c._close = !!(s === 42 ? p : p && (f || !h))), t(u) ) } } function om(e, t) { ;(e.column += t), (e.offset += t), (e._bufferIndex += t) } const jE = { name: 'autolink', tokenize: qE } function qE(e, t, r) { let i = 0 return n function n(m) { return ( e.enter('autolink'), e.enter('autolinkMarker'), e.consume(m), e.exit('autolinkMarker'), e.enter('autolinkProtocol'), s ) } function s(m) { return bt(m) ? (e.consume(m), a) : c(m) } function a(m) { return m === 43 || m === 45 || m === 46 || ht(m) ? ((i = 1), o(m)) : c(m) } function o(m) { return m === 58 ? (e.consume(m), (i = 0), u) : (m === 43 || m === 45 || m === 46 || ht(m)) && i++ < 32 ? (e.consume(m), o) : ((i = 0), c(m)) } function u(m) { return m === 62 ? (e.exit('autolinkProtocol'), e.enter('autolinkMarker'), e.consume(m), e.exit('autolinkMarker'), e.exit('autolink'), t) : m === null || m === 32 || m === 60 || Ro(m) ? r(m) : (e.consume(m), u) } function c(m) { return m === 64 ? (e.consume(m), f) : RE(m) ? (e.consume(m), c) : r(m) } function f(m) { return ht(m) ? h(m) : r(m) } function h(m) { return m === 46 ? (e.consume(m), (i = 0), f) : m === 62 ? ((e.exit('autolinkProtocol').type = 'autolinkEmail'), e.enter('autolinkMarker'), e.consume(m), e.exit('autolinkMarker'), e.exit('autolink'), t) : p(m) } function p(m) { if ((m === 45 || ht(m)) && i++ < 63) { const v = m === 45 ? p : h return e.consume(m), v } return r(m) } } const sa = { tokenize: $E, partial: !0 } function $E(e, t, r) { return i function i(s) { return Ae(s) ? we(e, n, 'linePrefix')(s) : n(s) } function n(s) { return s === null || ye(s) ? t(s) : r(s) } } const Gg = { name: 'blockQuote', tokenize: VE, continuation: { tokenize: GE }, exit: XE } function VE(e, t, r) { const i = this return n function n(a) { if (a === 62) { const o = i.containerState return ( || (e.enter('blockQuote', { _container: !0 }), ( = !0)), e.enter('blockQuotePrefix'), e.enter('blockQuoteMarker'), e.consume(a), e.exit('blockQuoteMarker'), s ) } return r(a) } function s(a) { return Ae(a) ? (e.enter('blockQuotePrefixWhitespace'), e.consume(a), e.exit('blockQuotePrefixWhitespace'), e.exit('blockQuotePrefix'), t) : (e.exit('blockQuotePrefix'), t(a)) } } function GE(e, t, r) { const i = this return n function n(a) { return Ae(a) ? we( e, s, 'linePrefix', i.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes('codeIndented') ? void 0 : 4 )(a) : s(a) } function s(a) { return e.attempt(Gg, t, r)(a) } } function XE(e) { e.exit('blockQuote') } const Xg = { name: 'characterEscape', tokenize: YE } function YE(e, t, r) { return i function i(s) { return ( e.enter('characterEscape'), e.enter('escapeMarker'), e.consume(s), e.exit('escapeMarker'), n ) } function n(s) { return Vg(s) ? (e.enter('characterEscapeValue'), e.consume(s), e.exit('characterEscapeValue'), e.exit('characterEscape'), t) : r(s) } } const Yg = { name: 'characterReference', tokenize: WE } function WE(e, t, r) { const i = this let n = 0, s, a return o function o(h) { return ( e.enter('characterReference'), e.enter('characterReferenceMarker'), e.consume(h), e.exit('characterReferenceMarker'), u ) } function u(h) { return h === 35 ? (e.enter('characterReferenceMarkerNumeric'), e.consume(h), e.exit('characterReferenceMarkerNumeric'), c) : (e.enter('characterReferenceValue'), (s = 31), (a = ht), f(h)) } function c(h) { return h === 88 || h === 120 ? (e.enter('characterReferenceMarkerHexadecimal'), e.consume(h), e.exit('characterReferenceMarkerHexadecimal'), e.enter('characterReferenceValue'), (s = 6), (a = LE), f) : (e.enter('characterReferenceValue'), (s = 7), (a = kc), f(h)) } function f(h) { if (h === 59 && n) { const p = e.exit('characterReferenceValue') return a === ht && !tp(i.sliceSerialize(p)) ? r(h) : (e.enter('characterReferenceMarker'), e.consume(h), e.exit('characterReferenceMarker'), e.exit('characterReference'), t) } return a(h) && n++ < s ? (e.consume(h), f) : r(h) } } const um = { tokenize: KE, partial: !0 }, lm = { name: 'codeFenced', tokenize: QE, concrete: !0 } function QE(e, t, r) { const i = this, n = { tokenize: D, partial: !0 } let s = 0, a = 0, o return u function u(C) { return c(C) } function c(C) { const H =[ - 1] return ( (s = H && H[1].type === 'linePrefix' ? H[2].sliceSerialize(H[1], !0).length : 0), (o = C), e.enter('codeFenced'), e.enter('codeFencedFence'), e.enter('codeFencedFenceSequence'), f(C) ) } function f(C) { return C === o ? (a++, e.consume(C), f) : a < 3 ? r(C) : (e.exit('codeFencedFenceSequence'), Ae(C) ? we(e, h, 'whitespace')(C) : h(C)) } function h(C) { return C === null || ye(C) ? (e.exit('codeFencedFence'), i.interrupt ? t(C) : e.check(um, b, x)(C)) : (e.enter('codeFencedFenceInfo'), e.enter('chunkString', { contentType: 'string' }), p(C)) } function p(C) { return C === null || ye(C) ? (e.exit('chunkString'), e.exit('codeFencedFenceInfo'), h(C)) : Ae(C) ? (e.exit('chunkString'), e.exit('codeFencedFenceInfo'), we(e, m, 'whitespace')(C)) : C === 96 && C === o ? r(C) : (e.consume(C), p) } function m(C) { return C === null || ye(C) ? h(C) : (e.enter('codeFencedFenceMeta'), e.enter('chunkString', { contentType: 'string' }), v(C)) } function v(C) { return C === null || ye(C) ? (e.exit('chunkString'), e.exit('codeFencedFenceMeta'), h(C)) : C === 96 && C === o ? r(C) : (e.consume(C), v) } function b(C) { return e.attempt(n, x, S)(C) } function S(C) { return e.enter('lineEnding'), e.consume(C), e.exit('lineEnding'), g } function g(C) { return s > 0 && Ae(C) ? we(e, _, 'linePrefix', s + 1)(C) : _(C) } function _(C) { return C === null || ye(C) ? e.check(um, b, x)(C) : (e.enter('codeFlowValue'), y(C)) } function y(C) { return C === null || ye(C) ? (e.exit('codeFlowValue'), _(C)) : (e.consume(C), y) } function x(C) { return e.exit('codeFenced'), t(C) } function D(C, H, T) { let k = 0 return O function O(R) { return C.enter('lineEnding'), C.consume(R), C.exit('lineEnding'), N } function N(R) { return ( C.enter('codeFencedFence'), Ae(R) ? we( C, M, 'linePrefix', i.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes('codeIndented') ? void 0 : 4 )(R) : M(R) ) } function M(R) { return R === o ? (C.enter('codeFencedFenceSequence'), V(R)) : T(R) } function V(R) { return R === o ? (k++, C.consume(R), V) : k >= a ? (C.exit('codeFencedFenceSequence'), Ae(R) ? we(C, j, 'whitespace')(R) : j(R)) : T(R) } function j(R) { return R === null || ye(R) ? (C.exit('codeFencedFence'), H(R)) : T(R) } } } function KE(e, t, r) { const i = this return n function n(a) { return a === null ? r(a) : (e.enter('lineEnding'), e.consume(a), e.exit('lineEnding'), s) } function s(a) { return i.parser.lazy[] ? r(a) : t(a) } } const ll = { name: 'codeIndented', tokenize: ZE }, JE = { tokenize: ex, partial: !0 } function ZE(e, t, r) { const i = this return n function n(c) { return e.enter('codeIndented'), we(e, s, 'linePrefix', 4 + 1)(c) } function s(c) { const f =[ - 1] return f && f[1].type === 'linePrefix' && f[2].sliceSerialize(f[1], !0).length >= 4 ? a(c) : r(c) } function a(c) { return c === null ? u(c) : ye(c) ? e.attempt(JE, a, u)(c) : (e.enter('codeFlowValue'), o(c)) } function o(c) { return c === null || ye(c) ? (e.exit('codeFlowValue'), a(c)) : (e.consume(c), o) } function u(c) { return e.exit('codeIndented'), t(c) } } function ex(e, t, r) { const i = this return n function n(a) { return i.parser.lazy[] ? r(a) : ye(a) ? (e.enter('lineEnding'), e.consume(a), e.exit('lineEnding'), n) : we(e, s, 'linePrefix', 4 + 1)(a) } function s(a) { const o =[ - 1] return o && o[1].type === 'linePrefix' && o[2].sliceSerialize(o[1], !0).length >= 4 ? t(a) : ye(a) ? n(a) : r(a) } } const tx = { name: 'codeText', tokenize: nx, resolve: rx, previous: ix } function rx(e) { let t = e.length - 4, r = 3, i, n if ( (e[r][1].type === 'lineEnding' || e[r][1].type === 'space') && (e[t][1].type === 'lineEnding' || e[t][1].type === 'space') ) { for (i = r; ++i < t; ) if (e[i][1].type === 'codeTextData') { ;(e[r][1].type = 'codeTextPadding'), (e[t][1].type = 'codeTextPadding'), (r += 2), (t -= 2) break } } for (i = r - 1, t++; ++i <= t; ) n === void 0 ? i !== t && e[i][1].type !== 'lineEnding' && (n = i) : (i === t || e[i][1].type === 'lineEnding') && ((e[n][1].type = 'codeTextData'), i !== n + 2 && ((e[n][1].end = e[i - 1][1].end), e.splice(n + 2, i - n - 2), (t -= i - n - 2), (i = n + 2)), (n = void 0)) return e } function ix(e) { return e !== 96 ||[ - 1][1].type === 'characterEscape' } function nx(e, t, r) { let i = 0, n, s return a function a(h) { return e.enter('codeText'), e.enter('codeTextSequence'), o(h) } function o(h) { return h === 96 ? (e.consume(h), i++, o) : (e.exit('codeTextSequence'), u(h)) } function u(h) { return h === null ? r(h) : h === 32 ? (e.enter('space'), e.consume(h), e.exit('space'), u) : h === 96 ? ((s = e.enter('codeTextSequence')), (n = 0), f(h)) : ye(h) ? (e.enter('lineEnding'), e.consume(h), e.exit('lineEnding'), u) : (e.enter('codeTextData'), c(h)) } function c(h) { return h === null || h === 32 || h === 96 || ye(h) ? (e.exit('codeTextData'), u(h)) : (e.consume(h), c) } function f(h) { return h === 96 ? (e.consume(h), n++, f) : n === i ? (e.exit('codeTextSequence'), e.exit('codeText'), t(h)) : ((s.type = 'codeTextData'), c(h)) } } function Wg(e) { const t = {} let r = -1, i, n, s, a, o, u, c for (; ++r < e.length; ) { for (; r in t; ) r = t[r] if ( ((i = e[r]), r && i[1].type === 'chunkFlow' && e[r - 1][1].type === 'listItemPrefix' && ((u = i[1], (s = 0), s < u.length && u[s][1].type === 'lineEndingBlank' && (s += 2), s < u.length && u[s][1].type === 'content')) ) for (; ++s < u.length && u[s][1].type !== 'content'; ) u[s][1].type === 'chunkText' && ((u[s][1]._isInFirstContentOfListItem = !0), s++) if (i[0] === 'enter') i[1].contentType && (Object.assign(t, sx(e, r)), (r = t[r]), (c = !0)) else if (i[1]._container) { for ( s = r, n = void 0; s-- && ((a = e[s]), a[1].type === 'lineEnding' || a[1].type === 'lineEndingBlank'); ) a[0] === 'enter' && (n && (e[n][1].type = 'lineEndingBlank'), (a[1].type = 'lineEnding'), (n = s)) n && ((i[1].end = Object.assign({}, e[n][1].start)), (o = e.slice(n, r)), o.unshift(i), Bt(e, n, r - n + 1, o)) } } return !c } function sx(e, t) { const r = e[t][1], i = e[t][2] let n = t - 1 const s = [], a = r._tokenizer || i.parser[r.contentType](r.start), o =, u = [], c = {} let f, h, p = -1, m = r, v = 0, b = 0 const S = [b] for (; m; ) { for (; e[++n][1] !== m; ); s.push(n), m._tokenizer || ((f = i.sliceStream(m)), || f.push(null), h && a.defineSkip(m.start), m._isInFirstContentOfListItem && (a._gfmTasklistFirstContentOfListItem = !0), a.write(f), m._isInFirstContentOfListItem && (a._gfmTasklistFirstContentOfListItem = void 0)), (h = m), (m = } for (m = r; ++p < o.length; ) o[p][0] === 'exit' && o[p - 1][0] === 'enter' && o[p][1].type === o[p - 1][1].type && o[p][1].start.line !== o[p][1].end.line && ((b = p + 1), S.push(b), (m._tokenizer = void 0), (m.previous = void 0), (m = for ( = [], m ? ((m._tokenizer = void 0), (m.previous = void 0)) : S.pop(), p = S.length; p--; ) { const g = o.slice(S[p], S[p + 1]), _ = s.pop() u.unshift([_, _ + g.length - 1]), Bt(e, _, 2, g) } for (p = -1; ++p < u.length; ) (c[v + u[p][0]] = v + u[p][1]), (v += u[p][1] - u[p][0] - 1) return c } const ax = { tokenize: lx, resolve: ux }, ox = { tokenize: cx, partial: !0 } function ux(e) { return Wg(e), e } function lx(e, t) { let r return i function i(o) { return e.enter('content'), (r = e.enter('chunkContent', { contentType: 'content' })), n(o) } function n(o) { return o === null ? s(o) : ye(o) ? e.check(ox, a, s)(o) : (e.consume(o), n) } function s(o) { return e.exit('chunkContent'), e.exit('content'), t(o) } function a(o) { return ( e.consume(o), e.exit('chunkContent'), ( = e.enter('chunkContent', { contentType: 'content', previous: r })), (r =, n ) } } function cx(e, t, r) { const i = this return n function n(a) { return ( e.exit('chunkContent'), e.enter('lineEnding'), e.consume(a), e.exit('lineEnding'), we(e, s, 'linePrefix') ) } function s(a) { if (a === null || ye(a)) return r(a) const o =[ - 1] return !i.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes('codeIndented') && o && o[1].type === 'linePrefix' && o[2].sliceSerialize(o[1], !0).length >= 4 ? t(a) : e.interrupt(i.parser.constructs.flow, r, t)(a) } } function Qg(e, t, r, i, n, s, a, o, u) { const c = u || Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY let f = 0 return h function h(g) { return g === 60 ? (e.enter(i), e.enter(n), e.enter(s), e.consume(g), e.exit(s), p) : g === null || g === 32 || g === 41 || Ro(g) ? r(g) : (e.enter(i), e.enter(a), e.enter(o), e.enter('chunkString', { contentType: 'string' }), b(g)) } function p(g) { return g === 62 ? (e.enter(s), e.consume(g), e.exit(s), e.exit(n), e.exit(i), t) : (e.enter(o), e.enter('chunkString', { contentType: 'string' }), m(g)) } function m(g) { return g === 62 ? (e.exit('chunkString'), e.exit(o), p(g)) : g === null || g === 60 || ye(g) ? r(g) : (e.consume(g), g === 92 ? v : m) } function v(g) { return g === 60 || g === 62 || g === 92 ? (e.consume(g), m) : m(g) } function b(g) { return !f && (g === null || g === 41 || Pe(g)) ? (e.exit('chunkString'), e.exit(o), e.exit(a), e.exit(i), t(g)) : f < c && g === 40 ? (e.consume(g), f++, b) : g === 41 ? (e.consume(g), f--, b) : g === null || g === 32 || g === 40 || Ro(g) ? r(g) : (e.consume(g), g === 92 ? S : b) } function S(g) { return g === 40 || g === 41 || g === 92 ? (e.consume(g), b) : b(g) } } function Kg(e, t, r, i, n, s) { const a = this let o = 0, u return c function c(m) { return e.enter(i), e.enter(n), e.consume(m), e.exit(n), e.enter(s), f } function f(m) { return o > 999 || m === null || m === 91 || (m === 93 && !u) || (m === 94 && !o && '_hiddenFootnoteSupport' in a.parser.constructs) ? r(m) : m === 93 ? (e.exit(s), e.enter(n), e.consume(m), e.exit(n), e.exit(i), t) : ye(m) ? (e.enter('lineEnding'), e.consume(m), e.exit('lineEnding'), f) : (e.enter('chunkString', { contentType: 'string' }), h(m)) } function h(m) { return m === null || m === 91 || m === 93 || ye(m) || o++ > 999 ? (e.exit('chunkString'), f(m)) : (e.consume(m), u || (u = !Ae(m)), m === 92 ? p : h) } function p(m) { return m === 91 || m === 92 || m === 93 ? (e.consume(m), o++, h) : h(m) } } function Jg(e, t, r, i, n, s) { let a return o function o(p) { return p === 34 || p === 39 || p === 40 ? (e.enter(i), e.enter(n), e.consume(p), e.exit(n), (a = p === 40 ? 41 : p), u) : r(p) } function u(p) { return p === a ? (e.enter(n), e.consume(p), e.exit(n), e.exit(i), t) : (e.enter(s), c(p)) } function c(p) { return p === a ? (e.exit(s), u(a)) : p === null ? r(p) : ye(p) ? (e.enter('lineEnding'), e.consume(p), e.exit('lineEnding'), we(e, c, 'linePrefix')) : (e.enter('chunkString', { contentType: 'string' }), f(p)) } function f(p) { return p === a || p === null || ye(p) ? (e.exit('chunkString'), c(p)) : (e.consume(p), p === 92 ? h : f) } function h(p) { return p === a || p === 92 ? (e.consume(p), f) : f(p) } } function bs(e, t) { let r return i function i(n) { return ye(n) ? (e.enter('lineEnding'), e.consume(n), e.exit('lineEnding'), (r = !0), i) : Ae(n) ? we(e, i, r ? 'linePrefix' : 'lineSuffix')(n) : t(n) } } const fx = { name: 'definition', tokenize: hx }, px = { tokenize: mx, partial: !0 } function hx(e, t, r) { const i = this let n return s function s(m) { return e.enter('definition'), a(m) } function a(m) { return i, e, o, r, 'definitionLabel', 'definitionLabelMarker', 'definitionLabelString' )(m) } function o(m) { return ( (n = sr(i.sliceSerialize([ - 1][1]).slice(1, -1))), m === 58 ? (e.enter('definitionMarker'), e.consume(m), e.exit('definitionMarker'), u) : r(m) ) } function u(m) { return Pe(m) ? bs(e, c)(m) : c(m) } function c(m) { return Qg( e, f, r, 'definitionDestination', 'definitionDestinationLiteral', 'definitionDestinationLiteralMarker', 'definitionDestinationRaw', 'definitionDestinationString' )(m) } function f(m) { return e.attempt(px, h, h)(m) } function h(m) { return Ae(m) ? we(e, p, 'whitespace')(m) : p(m) } function p(m) { return m === null || ye(m) ? (e.exit('definition'), i.parser.defined.push(n), t(m)) : r(m) } } function mx(e, t, r) { return i function i(o) { return Pe(o) ? bs(e, n)(o) : r(o) } function n(o) { return Jg(e, s, r, 'definitionTitle', 'definitionTitleMarker', 'definitionTitleString')(o) } function s(o) { return Ae(o) ? we(e, a, 'whitespace')(o) : a(o) } function a(o) { return o === null || ye(o) ? t(o) : r(o) } } const dx = { name: 'hardBreakEscape', tokenize: gx } function gx(e, t, r) { return i function i(s) { return e.enter('hardBreakEscape'), e.consume(s), n } function n(s) { return ye(s) ? (e.exit('hardBreakEscape'), t(s)) : r(s) } } const bx = { name: 'headingAtx', tokenize: _x, resolve: yx } function yx(e, t) { let r = e.length - 2, i = 3, n, s return ( e[i][1].type === 'whitespace' && (i += 2), r - 2 > i && e[r][1].type === 'whitespace' && (r -= 2), e[r][1].type === 'atxHeadingSequence' && (i === r - 1 || (r - 4 > i && e[r - 2][1].type === 'whitespace')) && (r -= i + 1 === r ? 2 : 4), r > i && ((n = { type: 'atxHeadingText', start: e[i][1].start, end: e[r][1].end }), (s = { type: 'chunkText', start: e[i][1].start, end: e[r][1].end, contentType: 'text' }), Bt(e, i, r - i + 1, [ ['enter', n, t], ['enter', s, t], ['exit', s, t], ['exit', n, t], ])), e ) } function _x(e, t, r) { let i = 0 return n function n(f) { return e.enter('atxHeading'), s(f) } function s(f) { return e.enter('atxHeadingSequence'), a(f) } function a(f) { return f === 35 && i++ < 6 ? (e.consume(f), a) : f === null || Pe(f) ? (e.exit('atxHeadingSequence'), o(f)) : r(f) } function o(f) { return f === 35 ? (e.enter('atxHeadingSequence'), u(f)) : f === null || ye(f) ? (e.exit('atxHeading'), t(f)) : Ae(f) ? we(e, o, 'whitespace')(f) : (e.enter('atxHeadingText'), c(f)) } function u(f) { return f === 35 ? (e.consume(f), u) : (e.exit('atxHeadingSequence'), o(f)) } function c(f) { return f === null || f === 35 || Pe(f) ? (e.exit('atxHeadingText'), o(f)) : (e.consume(f), c) } } const vx = [ 'address', 'article', 'aside', 'base', 'basefont', 'blockquote', 'body', 'caption', 'center', 'col', 'colgroup', 'dd', 'details', 'dialog', 'dir', 'div', 'dl', 'dt', 'fieldset', 'figcaption', 'figure', 'footer', 'form', 'frame', 'frameset', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'head', 'header', 'hr', 'html', 'iframe', 'legend', 'li', 'link', 'main', 'menu', 'menuitem', 'nav', 'noframes', 'ol', 'optgroup', 'option', 'p', 'param', 'search', 'section', 'summary', 'table', 'tbody', 'td', 'tfoot', 'th', 'thead', 'title', 'tr', 'track', 'ul', ], cm = ['pre', 'script', 'style', 'textarea'], Ex = { name: 'htmlFlow', tokenize: Sx, resolveTo: Ax, concrete: !0 }, xx = { tokenize: kx, partial: !0 }, Tx = { tokenize: Cx, partial: !0 } function Ax(e) { let t = e.length for (; t-- && !(e[t][0] === 'enter' && e[t][1].type === 'htmlFlow'); ); return ( t > 1 && e[t - 2][1].type === 'linePrefix' && ((e[t][1].start = e[t - 2][1].start), (e[t + 1][1].start = e[t - 2][1].start), e.splice(t - 2, 2)), e ) } function Sx(e, t, r) { const i = this let n, s, a, o, u return c function c(I) { return f(I) } function f(I) { return e.enter('htmlFlow'), e.enter('htmlFlowData'), e.consume(I), h } function h(I) { return I === 33 ? (e.consume(I), p) : I === 47 ? (e.consume(I), (s = !0), b) : I === 63 ? (e.consume(I), (n = 3), i.interrupt ? t : w) : bt(I) ? (e.consume(I), (a = String.fromCharCode(I)), S) : r(I) } function p(I) { return I === 45 ? (e.consume(I), (n = 2), m) : I === 91 ? (e.consume(I), (n = 5), (o = 0), v) : bt(I) ? (e.consume(I), (n = 4), i.interrupt ? t : w) : r(I) } function m(I) { return I === 45 ? (e.consume(I), i.interrupt ? t : w) : r(I) } function v(I) { const re = 'CDATA[' return I === re.charCodeAt(o++) ? (e.consume(I), o === re.length ? (i.interrupt ? t : M) : v) : r(I) } function b(I) { return bt(I) ? (e.consume(I), (a = String.fromCharCode(I)), S) : r(I) } function S(I) { if (I === null || I === 47 || I === 62 || Pe(I)) { const re = I === 47, ie = a.toLowerCase() return !re && !s && cm.includes(ie) ? ((n = 1), i.interrupt ? t(I) : M(I)) : vx.includes(a.toLowerCase()) ? ((n = 6), re ? (e.consume(I), g) : i.interrupt ? t(I) : M(I)) : ((n = 7), i.interrupt && !i.parser.lazy[] ? r(I) : s ? _(I) : y(I)) } return I === 45 || ht(I) ? (e.consume(I), (a += String.fromCharCode(I)), S) : r(I) } function g(I) { return I === 62 ? (e.consume(I), i.interrupt ? t : M) : r(I) } function _(I) { return Ae(I) ? (e.consume(I), _) : O(I) } function y(I) { return I === 47 ? (e.consume(I), O) : I === 58 || I === 95 || bt(I) ? (e.consume(I), x) : Ae(I) ? (e.consume(I), y) : O(I) } function x(I) { return I === 45 || I === 46 || I === 58 || I === 95 || ht(I) ? (e.consume(I), x) : D(I) } function D(I) { return I === 61 ? (e.consume(I), C) : Ae(I) ? (e.consume(I), D) : y(I) } function C(I) { return I === null || I === 60 || I === 61 || I === 62 || I === 96 ? r(I) : I === 34 || I === 39 ? (e.consume(I), (u = I), H) : Ae(I) ? (e.consume(I), C) : T(I) } function H(I) { return I === u ? (e.consume(I), (u = null), k) : I === null || ye(I) ? r(I) : (e.consume(I), H) } function T(I) { return I === null || I === 34 || I === 39 || I === 47 || I === 60 || I === 61 || I === 62 || I === 96 || Pe(I) ? D(I) : (e.consume(I), T) } function k(I) { return I === 47 || I === 62 || Ae(I) ? y(I) : r(I) } function O(I) { return I === 62 ? (e.consume(I), N) : r(I) } function N(I) { return I === null || ye(I) ? M(I) : Ae(I) ? (e.consume(I), N) : r(I) } function M(I) { return I === 45 && n === 2 ? (e.consume(I), $) : I === 60 && n === 1 ? (e.consume(I), L) : I === 62 && n === 4 ? (e.consume(I), q) : I === 63 && n === 3 ? (e.consume(I), w) : I === 93 && n === 5 ? (e.consume(I), Y) : ye(I) && (n === 6 || n === 7) ? (e.exit('htmlFlowData'), e.check(xx, X, V)(I)) : I === null || ye(I) ? (e.exit('htmlFlowData'), V(I)) : (e.consume(I), M) } function V(I) { return e.check(Tx, j, X)(I) } function j(I) { return e.enter('lineEnding'), e.consume(I), e.exit('lineEnding'), R } function R(I) { return I === null || ye(I) ? V(I) : (e.enter('htmlFlowData'), M(I)) } function $(I) { return I === 45 ? (e.consume(I), w) : M(I) } function L(I) { return I === 47 ? (e.consume(I), (a = ''), P) : M(I) } function P(I) { if (I === 62) { const re = a.toLowerCase() return cm.includes(re) ? (e.consume(I), q) : M(I) } return bt(I) && a.length < 8 ? (e.consume(I), (a += String.fromCharCode(I)), P) : M(I) } function Y(I) { return I === 93 ? (e.consume(I), w) : M(I) } function w(I) { return I === 62 ? (e.consume(I), q) : I === 45 && n === 2 ? (e.consume(I), w) : M(I) } function q(I) { return I === null || ye(I) ? (e.exit('htmlFlowData'), X(I)) : (e.consume(I), q) } function X(I) { return e.exit('htmlFlow'), t(I) } } function Cx(e, t, r) { const i = this return n function n(a) { return ye(a) ? (e.enter('lineEnding'), e.consume(a), e.exit('lineEnding'), s) : r(a) } function s(a) { return i.parser.lazy[] ? r(a) : t(a) } } function kx(e, t, r) { return i function i(n) { return e.enter('lineEnding'), e.consume(n), e.exit('lineEnding'), e.attempt(sa, t, r) } } const wx = { name: 'htmlText', tokenize: Nx } function Nx(e, t, r) { const i = this let n, s, a return o function o(w) { return e.enter('htmlText'), e.enter('htmlTextData'), e.consume(w), u } function u(w) { return w === 33 ? (e.consume(w), c) : w === 47 ? (e.consume(w), D) : w === 63 ? (e.consume(w), y) : bt(w) ? (e.consume(w), T) : r(w) } function c(w) { return w === 45 ? (e.consume(w), f) : w === 91 ? (e.consume(w), (s = 0), v) : bt(w) ? (e.consume(w), _) : r(w) } function f(w) { return w === 45 ? (e.consume(w), m) : r(w) } function h(w) { return w === null ? r(w) : w === 45 ? (e.consume(w), p) : ye(w) ? ((a = h), L(w)) : (e.consume(w), h) } function p(w) { return w === 45 ? (e.consume(w), m) : h(w) } function m(w) { return w === 62 ? $(w) : w === 45 ? p(w) : h(w) } function v(w) { const q = 'CDATA[' return w === q.charCodeAt(s++) ? (e.consume(w), s === q.length ? b : v) : r(w) } function b(w) { return w === null ? r(w) : w === 93 ? (e.consume(w), S) : ye(w) ? ((a = b), L(w)) : (e.consume(w), b) } function S(w) { return w === 93 ? (e.consume(w), g) : b(w) } function g(w) { return w === 62 ? $(w) : w === 93 ? (e.consume(w), g) : b(w) } function _(w) { return w === null || w === 62 ? $(w) : ye(w) ? ((a = _), L(w)) : (e.consume(w), _) } function y(w) { return w === null ? r(w) : w === 63 ? (e.consume(w), x) : ye(w) ? ((a = y), L(w)) : (e.consume(w), y) } function x(w) { return w === 62 ? $(w) : y(w) } function D(w) { return bt(w) ? (e.consume(w), C) : r(w) } function C(w) { return w === 45 || ht(w) ? (e.consume(w), C) : H(w) } function H(w) { return ye(w) ? ((a = H), L(w)) : Ae(w) ? (e.consume(w), H) : $(w) } function T(w) { return w === 45 || ht(w) ? (e.consume(w), T) : w === 47 || w === 62 || Pe(w) ? k(w) : r(w) } function k(w) { return w === 47 ? (e.consume(w), $) : w === 58 || w === 95 || bt(w) ? (e.consume(w), O) : ye(w) ? ((a = k), L(w)) : Ae(w) ? (e.consume(w), k) : $(w) } function O(w) { return w === 45 || w === 46 || w === 58 || w === 95 || ht(w) ? (e.consume(w), O) : N(w) } function N(w) { return w === 61 ? (e.consume(w), M) : ye(w) ? ((a = N), L(w)) : Ae(w) ? (e.consume(w), N) : k(w) } function M(w) { return w === null || w === 60 || w === 61 || w === 62 || w === 96 ? r(w) : w === 34 || w === 39 ? (e.consume(w), (n = w), V) : ye(w) ? ((a = M), L(w)) : Ae(w) ? (e.consume(w), M) : (e.consume(w), j) } function V(w) { return w === n ? (e.consume(w), (n = void 0), R) : w === null ? r(w) : ye(w) ? ((a = V), L(w)) : (e.consume(w), V) } function j(w) { return w === null || w === 34 || w === 39 || w === 60 || w === 61 || w === 96 ? r(w) : w === 47 || w === 62 || Pe(w) ? k(w) : (e.consume(w), j) } function R(w) { return w === 47 || w === 62 || Pe(w) ? k(w) : r(w) } function $(w) { return w === 62 ? (e.consume(w), e.exit('htmlTextData'), e.exit('htmlText'), t) : r(w) } function L(w) { return e.exit('htmlTextData'), e.enter('lineEnding'), e.consume(w), e.exit('lineEnding'), P } function P(w) { return Ae(w) ? we( e, Y, 'linePrefix', i.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes('codeIndented') ? void 0 : 4 )(w) : Y(w) } function Y(w) { return e.enter('htmlTextData'), a(w) } } const rp = { name: 'labelEnd', tokenize: Px, resolveTo: Lx, resolveAll: Rx }, Ox = { tokenize: Bx }, Ix = { tokenize: Fx }, Dx = { tokenize: Mx } function Rx(e) { let t = -1 for (; ++t < e.length; ) { const r = e[t][1] ;(r.type === 'labelImage' || r.type === 'labelLink' || r.type === 'labelEnd') && (e.splice(t + 1, r.type === 'labelImage' ? 4 : 2), (r.type = 'data'), t++) } return e } function Lx(e, t) { let r = e.length, i = 0, n, s, a, o for (; r--; ) if (((n = e[r][1]), s)) { if (n.type === 'link' || (n.type === 'labelLink' && n._inactive)) break e[r][0] === 'enter' && n.type === 'labelLink' && (n._inactive = !0) } else if (a) { if ( e[r][0] === 'enter' && (n.type === 'labelImage' || n.type === 'labelLink') && !n._balanced && ((s = r), n.type !== 'labelLink') ) { i = 2 break } } else n.type === 'labelEnd' && (a = r) const u = { type: e[s][1].type === 'labelLink' ? 'link' : 'image', start: Object.assign({}, e[s][1].start), end: Object.assign({}, e[e.length - 1][1].end), }, c = { type: 'label', start: Object.assign({}, e[s][1].start), end: Object.assign({}, e[a][1].end), }, f = { type: 'labelText', start: Object.assign({}, e[s + i + 2][1].end), end: Object.assign({}, e[a - 2][1].start), } return ( (o = [ ['enter', u, t], ['enter', c, t], ]), (o = Gt(o, e.slice(s + 1, s + i + 3))), (o = Gt(o, [['enter', f, t]])), (o = Gt(o, au(t.parser.constructs.insideSpan.null, e.slice(s + i + 4, a - 3), t))), (o = Gt(o, [['exit', f, t], e[a - 2], e[a - 1], ['exit', c, t]])), (o = Gt(o, e.slice(a + 1))), (o = Gt(o, [['exit', u, t]])), Bt(e, s, e.length, o), e ) } function Px(e, t, r) { const i = this let n =, s, a for (; n--; ) if ( ([n][1].type === 'labelImage' ||[n][1].type === 'labelLink') && ![n][1]._balanced ) { s =[n][1] break } return o function o(p) { return s ? s._inactive ? h(p) : ((a = i.parser.defined.includes(sr(i.sliceSerialize({ start: s.end, end: })))), e.enter('labelEnd'), e.enter('labelMarker'), e.consume(p), e.exit('labelMarker'), e.exit('labelEnd'), u) : r(p) } function u(p) { return p === 40 ? e.attempt(Ox, f, a ? f : h)(p) : p === 91 ? e.attempt(Ix, f, a ? c : h)(p) : a ? f(p) : h(p) } function c(p) { return e.attempt(Dx, f, h)(p) } function f(p) { return t(p) } function h(p) { return (s._balanced = !0), r(p) } } function Bx(e, t, r) { return i function i(h) { return e.enter('resource'), e.enter('resourceMarker'), e.consume(h), e.exit('resourceMarker'), n } function n(h) { return Pe(h) ? bs(e, s)(h) : s(h) } function s(h) { return h === 41 ? f(h) : Qg( e, a, o, 'resourceDestination', 'resourceDestinationLiteral', 'resourceDestinationLiteralMarker', 'resourceDestinationRaw', 'resourceDestinationString', 32 )(h) } function a(h) { return Pe(h) ? bs(e, u)(h) : f(h) } function o(h) { return r(h) } function u(h) { return h === 34 || h === 39 || h === 40 ? Jg(e, c, r, 'resourceTitle', 'resourceTitleMarker', 'resourceTitleString')(h) : f(h) } function c(h) { return Pe(h) ? bs(e, f)(h) : f(h) } function f(h) { return h === 41 ? (e.enter('resourceMarker'), e.consume(h), e.exit('resourceMarker'), e.exit('resource'), t) : r(h) } } function Fx(e, t, r) { const i = this return n function n(o) { return, e, s, a, 'reference', 'referenceMarker', 'referenceString')(o) } function s(o) { return i.parser.defined.includes( sr(i.sliceSerialize([ - 1][1]).slice(1, -1)) ) ? t(o) : r(o) } function a(o) { return r(o) } } function Mx(e, t, r) { return i function i(s) { return ( e.enter('reference'), e.enter('referenceMarker'), e.consume(s), e.exit('referenceMarker'), n ) } function n(s) { return s === 93 ? (e.enter('referenceMarker'), e.consume(s), e.exit('referenceMarker'), e.exit('reference'), t) : r(s) } } const Ux = { name: 'labelStartImage', tokenize: Hx, resolveAll: rp.resolveAll } function Hx(e, t, r) { const i = this return n function n(o) { return ( e.enter('labelImage'), e.enter('labelImageMarker'), e.consume(o), e.exit('labelImageMarker'), s ) } function s(o) { return o === 91 ? (e.enter('labelMarker'), e.consume(o), e.exit('labelMarker'), e.exit('labelImage'), a) : r(o) } function a(o) { return o === 94 && '_hiddenFootnoteSupport' in i.parser.constructs ? r(o) : t(o) } } const zx = { name: 'labelStartLink', tokenize: jx, resolveAll: rp.resolveAll } function jx(e, t, r) { const i = this return n function n(a) { return ( e.enter('labelLink'), e.enter('labelMarker'), e.consume(a), e.exit('labelMarker'), e.exit('labelLink'), s ) } function s(a) { return a === 94 && '_hiddenFootnoteSupport' in i.parser.constructs ? r(a) : t(a) } } const cl = { name: 'lineEnding', tokenize: qx } function qx(e, t) { return r function r(i) { return e.enter('lineEnding'), e.consume(i), e.exit('lineEnding'), we(e, t, 'linePrefix') } } const ro = { name: 'thematicBreak', tokenize: $x } function $x(e, t, r) { let i = 0, n return s function s(c) { return e.enter('thematicBreak'), a(c) } function a(c) { return (n = c), o(c) } function o(c) { return c === n ? (e.enter('thematicBreakSequence'), u(c)) : i >= 3 && (c === null || ye(c)) ? (e.exit('thematicBreak'), t(c)) : r(c) } function u(c) { return c === n ? (e.consume(c), i++, u) : (e.exit('thematicBreakSequence'), Ae(c) ? we(e, o, 'whitespace')(c) : o(c)) } } const Tt = { name: 'list', tokenize: Xx, continuation: { tokenize: Yx }, exit: Qx }, Vx = { tokenize: Kx, partial: !0 }, Gx = { tokenize: Wx, partial: !0 } function Xx(e, t, r) { const i = this, n =[ - 1] let s = n && n[1].type === 'linePrefix' ? n[2].sliceSerialize(n[1], !0).length : 0, a = 0 return o function o(m) { const v = i.containerState.type || (m === 42 || m === 43 || m === 45 ? 'listUnordered' : 'listOrdered') if (v === 'listUnordered' ? !i.containerState.marker || m === i.containerState.marker : kc(m)) { if ( (i.containerState.type || ((i.containerState.type = v), e.enter(v, { _container: !0 })), v === 'listUnordered') ) return e.enter('listItemPrefix'), m === 42 || m === 45 ? e.check(ro, r, c)(m) : c(m) if (!i.interrupt || m === 49) return e.enter('listItemPrefix'), e.enter('listItemValue'), u(m) } return r(m) } function u(m) { return kc(m) && ++a < 10 ? (e.consume(m), u) : (!i.interrupt || a < 2) && (i.containerState.marker ? m === i.containerState.marker : m === 41 || m === 46) ? (e.exit('listItemValue'), c(m)) : r(m) } function c(m) { return ( e.enter('listItemMarker'), e.consume(m), e.exit('listItemMarker'), (i.containerState.marker = i.containerState.marker || m), e.check(sa, i.interrupt ? r : f, e.attempt(Vx, p, h)) ) } function f(m) { return (i.containerState.initialBlankLine = !0), s++, p(m) } function h(m) { return Ae(m) ? (e.enter('listItemPrefixWhitespace'), e.consume(m), e.exit('listItemPrefixWhitespace'), p) : r(m) } function p(m) { return (i.containerState.size = s + i.sliceSerialize(e.exit('listItemPrefix'), !0).length), t(m) } } function Yx(e, t, r) { const i = this return (i.containerState._closeFlow = void 0), e.check(sa, n, s) function n(o) { return ( (i.containerState.furtherBlankLines = i.containerState.furtherBlankLines || i.containerState.initialBlankLine), we(e, t, 'listItemIndent', i.containerState.size + 1)(o) ) } function s(o) { return i.containerState.furtherBlankLines || !Ae(o) ? ((i.containerState.furtherBlankLines = void 0), (i.containerState.initialBlankLine = void 0), a(o)) : ((i.containerState.furtherBlankLines = void 0), (i.containerState.initialBlankLine = void 0), e.attempt(Gx, t, a)(o)) } function a(o) { return ( (i.containerState._closeFlow = !0), (i.interrupt = void 0), we( e, e.attempt(Tt, t, r), 'linePrefix', i.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes('codeIndented') ? void 0 : 4 )(o) ) } } function Wx(e, t, r) { const i = this return we(e, n, 'listItemIndent', i.containerState.size + 1) function n(s) { const a =[ - 1] return a && a[1].type === 'listItemIndent' && a[2].sliceSerialize(a[1], !0).length === i.containerState.size ? t(s) : r(s) } } function Qx(e) { e.exit(this.containerState.type) } function Kx(e, t, r) { const i = this return we( e, n, 'listItemPrefixWhitespace', i.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes('codeIndented') ? void 0 : 4 + 1 ) function n(s) { const a =[ - 1] return !Ae(s) && a && a[1].type === 'listItemPrefixWhitespace' ? t(s) : r(s) } } const fm = { name: 'setextUnderline', tokenize: Zx, resolveTo: Jx } function Jx(e, t) { let r = e.length, i, n, s for (; r--; ) if (e[r][0] === 'enter') { if (e[r][1].type === 'content') { i = r break } e[r][1].type === 'paragraph' && (n = r) } else e[r][1].type === 'content' && e.splice(r, 1), !s && e[r][1].type === 'definition' && (s = r) const a = { type: 'setextHeading', start: Object.assign({}, e[n][1].start), end: Object.assign({}, e[e.length - 1][1].end), } return ( (e[n][1].type = 'setextHeadingText'), s ? (e.splice(n, 0, ['enter', a, t]), e.splice(s + 1, 0, ['exit', e[i][1], t]), (e[i][1].end = Object.assign({}, e[s][1].end))) : (e[i][1] = a), e.push(['exit', a, t]), e ) } function Zx(e, t, r) { const i = this let n return s function s(c) { let f =, h for (; f--; ) if ([f][1].type !== 'lineEnding' &&[f][1].type !== 'linePrefix' &&[f][1].type !== 'content' ) { h =[f][1].type === 'paragraph' break } return !i.parser.lazy[] && (i.interrupt || h) ? (e.enter('setextHeadingLine'), (n = c), a(c)) : r(c) } function a(c) { return e.enter('setextHeadingLineSequence'), o(c) } function o(c) { return c === n ? (e.consume(c), o) : (e.exit('setextHeadingLineSequence'), Ae(c) ? we(e, u, 'lineSuffix')(c) : u(c)) } function u(c) { return c === null || ye(c) ? (e.exit('setextHeadingLine'), t(c)) : r(c) } } const eT = { tokenize: tT } function tT(e) { const t = this, r = e.attempt( sa, i, e.attempt( this.parser.constructs.flowInitial, n, we(e, e.attempt(this.parser.constructs.flow, n, e.attempt(ax, n)), 'linePrefix') ) ) return r function i(s) { if (s === null) { e.consume(s) return } return ( e.enter('lineEndingBlank'), e.consume(s), e.exit('lineEndingBlank'), (t.currentConstruct = void 0), r ) } function n(s) { if (s === null) { e.consume(s) return } return ( e.enter('lineEnding'), e.consume(s), e.exit('lineEnding'), (t.currentConstruct = void 0), r ) } } const rT = { resolveAll: e1() }, iT = Zg('string'), nT = Zg('text') function Zg(e) { return { tokenize: t, resolveAll: e1(e === 'text' ? sT : void 0) } function t(r) { const i = this, n = this.parser.constructs[e], s = r.attempt(n, a, o) return a function a(f) { return c(f) ? s(f) : o(f) } function o(f) { if (f === null) { r.consume(f) return } return r.enter('data'), r.consume(f), u } function u(f) { return c(f) ? (r.exit('data'), s(f)) : (r.consume(f), u) } function c(f) { if (f === null) return !0 const h = n[f] let p = -1 if (h) for (; ++p < h.length; ) { const m = h[p] if (!m.previous ||, i.previous)) return !0 } return !1 } } } function e1(e) { return t function t(r, i) { let n = -1, s for (; ++n <= r.length; ) s === void 0 ? r[n] && r[n][1].type === 'data' && ((s = n), n++) : (!r[n] || r[n][1].type !== 'data') && (n !== s + 2 && ((r[s][1].end = r[n - 1][1].end), r.splice(s + 2, n - s - 2), (n = s + 2)), (s = void 0)) return e ? e(r, i) : r } } function sT(e, t) { let r = 0 for (; ++r <= e.length; ) if ((r === e.length || e[r][1].type === 'lineEnding') && e[r - 1][1].type === 'data') { const i = e[r - 1][1], n = t.sliceStream(i) let s = n.length, a = -1, o = 0, u for (; s--; ) { const c = n[s] if (typeof c == 'string') { for (a = c.length; c.charCodeAt(a - 1) === 32; ) o++, a-- if (a) break a = -1 } else if (c === -2) (u = !0), o++ else if (c !== -1) { s++ break } } if (o) { const c = { type: r === e.length || u || o < 2 ? 'lineSuffix' : 'hardBreakTrailing', start: { line: i.end.line, column: i.end.column - o, offset: i.end.offset - o, _index: i.start._index + s, _bufferIndex: s ? a : i.start._bufferIndex + a, }, end: Object.assign({}, i.end), } ;(i.end = Object.assign({}, c.start)), i.start.offset === i.end.offset ? Object.assign(i, c) : (e.splice(r, 0, ['enter', c, t], ['exit', c, t]), (r += 2)) } r++ } return e } function aT(e, t, r) { let i = Object.assign(r ? Object.assign({}, r) : { line: 1, column: 1, offset: 0 }, { _index: 0, _bufferIndex: -1, }) const n = {}, s = [] let a = [], o = [] const u = { consume: _, enter: y, exit: x, attempt: H(D), check: H(C), interrupt: H(C, { interrupt: !0 }), }, c = { previous: null, code: null, containerState: {}, events: [], parser: e, sliceStream: m, sliceSerialize: p, now: v, defineSkip: b, write: h, } let f =, u) return t.resolveAll && s.push(t), c function h(N) { return ( (a = Gt(a, N)), S(), a[a.length - 1] !== null ? [] : (T(t, 0), ( = au(s,, c)), ) } function p(N, M) { return uT(m(N), M) } function m(N) { return oT(a, N) } function v() { const { line: N, column: M, offset: V, _index: j, _bufferIndex: R } = i return { line: N, column: M, offset: V, _index: j, _bufferIndex: R } } function b(N) { ;(n[N.line] = N.column), O() } function S() { let N for (; i._index < a.length; ) { const M = a[i._index] if (typeof M == 'string') for ( N = i._index, i._bufferIndex < 0 && (i._bufferIndex = 0); i._index === N && i._bufferIndex < M.length; ) g(M.charCodeAt(i._bufferIndex)) else g(M) } } function g(N) { f = f(N) } function _(N) { ye(N) ? (i.line++, (i.column = 1), (i.offset += N === -3 ? 2 : 1), O()) : N !== -1 && (i.column++, i.offset++), i._bufferIndex < 0 ? i._index++ : (i._bufferIndex++, i._bufferIndex === a[i._index].length && ((i._bufferIndex = -1), i._index++)), (c.previous = N) } function y(N, M) { const V = M || {} return (V.type = N), (V.start = v()),['enter', V, c]), o.push(V), V } function x(N) { const M = o.pop() return (M.end = v()),['exit', M, c]), M } function D(N, M) { T(N, M.from) } function C(N, M) { M.restore() } function H(N, M) { return V function V(j, R, $) { let L, P, Y, w return Array.isArray(j) ? X(j) : 'tokenize' in j ? X([j]) : q(j) function q(Z) { return oe function oe(ce) { const fe = ce !== null && Z[ce], ge = ce !== null && Z.null, me = [ ...(Array.isArray(fe) ? fe : fe ? [fe] : []), ...(Array.isArray(ge) ? ge : ge ? [ge] : []), ] return X(me)(ce) } } function X(Z) { return (L = Z), (P = 0), Z.length === 0 ? $ : I(Z[P]) } function I(Z) { return oe function oe(ce) { return ( (w = k()), (Y = Z), Z.partial || (c.currentConstruct = Z), && c.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes( ? ie() : ? Object.assign(Object.create(c), M) : c, u, re, ie)(ce) ) } } function re(Z) { return N(Y, w), R } function ie(Z) { return w.restore(), ++P < L.length ? I(L[P]) : $ } } } function T(N, M) { N.resolveAll && !s.includes(N) && s.push(N), N.resolve && Bt(, M, - M, N.resolve(, c)), N.resolveTo && ( = N.resolveTo(, c)) } function k() { const N = v(), M = c.previous, V = c.currentConstruct, j =, R = Array.from(o) return { restore: $, from: j } function $() { ;(i = N), (c.previous = M), (c.currentConstruct = V), ( = j), (o = R), O() } } function O() { i.line in n && i.column < 2 && ((i.column = n[i.line]), (i.offset += n[i.line] - 1)) } } function oT(e, t) { const r = t.start._index, i = t.start._bufferIndex, n = t.end._index, s = t.end._bufferIndex let a if (r === n) a = [e[r].slice(i, s)] else { if (((a = e.slice(r, n)), i > -1)) { const o = a[0] typeof o == 'string' ? (a[0] = o.slice(i)) : a.shift() } s > 0 && a.push(e[n].slice(0, s)) } return a } function uT(e, t) { let r = -1 const i = [] let n for (; ++r < e.length; ) { const s = e[r] let a if (typeof s == 'string') a = s else switch (s) { case -5: { a = '\r' break } case -4: { a = ` ` break } case -3: { a = `\r ` break } case -2: { a = t ? ' ' : ' ' break } case -1: { if (!t && n) continue a = ' ' break } default: a = String.fromCharCode(s) } ;(n = s === -2), i.push(a) } return i.join('') } const lT = { 42: Tt, 43: Tt, 45: Tt, 48: Tt, 49: Tt, 50: Tt, 51: Tt, 52: Tt, 53: Tt, 54: Tt, 55: Tt, 56: Tt, 57: Tt, 62: Gg, }, cT = { 91: fx }, fT = { [-2]: ll, [-1]: ll, 32: ll }, pT = { 35: bx, 42: ro, 45: [fm, ro], 60: Ex, 61: fm, 95: ro, 96: lm, 126: lm }, hT = { 38: Yg, 92: Xg }, mT = { [-5]: cl, [-4]: cl, [-3]: cl, 33: Ux, 38: Yg, 42: wc, 60: [jE, wx], 91: zx, 92: [dx, Xg], 93: rp, 95: wc, 96: tx, }, dT = { null: [wc, rT] }, gT = { null: [42, 95] }, bT = { null: [] }, yT = Object.freeze( Object.defineProperty( { __proto__: null, attentionMarkers: gT, contentInitial: cT, disable: bT, document: lT, flow: pT, flowInitial: fT, insideSpan: dT, string: hT, text: mT, }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' } ) ) function _T(e) { const r = qg([yT, ...((e || {}).extensions || [])]), i = { defined: [], lazy: {}, constructs: r, content: n(PE), document: n(FE), flow: n(eT), string: n(iT), text: n(nT), } return i function n(s) { return a function a(o) { return aT(i, s, o) } } } function vT(e) { for (; !Wg(e); ); return e } const pm = /[\0\t\n\r]/g function ET() { let e = 1, t = '', r = !0, i return n function n(s, a, o) { const u = [] let c, f, h, p, m for ( s = t + (typeof s == 'string' ? s.toString() : new TextDecoder(a || void 0).decode(s)), h = 0, t = '', r && (s.charCodeAt(0) === 65279 && h++, (r = void 0)); h < s.length; ) { if ( ((pm.lastIndex = h), (c = pm.exec(s)), (p = c && c.index !== void 0 ? c.index : s.length), (m = s.charCodeAt(p)), !c) ) { t = s.slice(h) break } if (m === 10 && h === p && i) u.push(-3), (i = void 0) else switch ( (i && (u.push(-5), (i = void 0)), h < p && (u.push(s.slice(h, p)), (e += p - h)), m) ) { case 0: { u.push(65533), e++ break } case 9: { for (f = Math.ceil(e / 4) * 4, u.push(-2); e++ < f; ) u.push(-1) break } case 10: { u.push(-4), (e = 1) break } default: ;(i = !0), (e = 1) } h = p + 1 } return o && (i && u.push(-5), t && u.push(t), u.push(null)), u } } const xT = /\\([!-/:-@[-`{-~])|&(#(?:\d{1,7}|x[\da-f]{1,6})|[\da-z]{1,31});/gi function TT(e) { return e.replace(xT, AT) } function AT(e, t, r) { if (t) return t if (r.charCodeAt(0) === 35) { const n = r.charCodeAt(1), s = n === 120 || n === 88 return $g(r.slice(s ? 2 : 1), s ? 16 : 10) } return tp(r) || e } const t1 = {}.hasOwnProperty function ST(e, t, r) { return ( typeof t != 'string' && ((r = t), (t = void 0)), CT(r)(vT(_T(r).document().write(ET()(e, t, !0)))) ) } function CT(e) { const t = { transforms: [], canContainEols: ['emphasis', 'fragment', 'heading', 'paragraph', 'strong'], enter: { autolink: s(A), autolinkProtocol: k, autolinkEmail: k, atxHeading: s(Oe), blockQuote: s(fe), characterEscape: k, characterReference: k, codeFenced: s(ge), codeFencedFenceInfo: a, codeFencedFenceMeta: a, codeIndented: s(ge, a), codeText: s(me, a), codeTextData: k, data: k, codeFlowValue: k, definition: s(be), definitionDestinationString: a, definitionLabelString: a, definitionTitleString: a, emphasis: s(Ne), hardBreakEscape: s(_e), hardBreakTrailing: s(_e), htmlFlow: s(F, a), htmlFlowData: k, htmlText: s(F, a), htmlTextData: k, image: s(E), label: a, link: s(A), listItem: s(W), listItemValue: p, listOrdered: s(z, h), listUnordered: s(z), paragraph: s(te), reference: I, referenceString: a, resourceDestinationString: a, resourceTitleString: a, setextHeading: s(Oe), strong: s(ne), thematicBreak: s(De), }, exit: { atxHeading: u(), atxHeadingSequence: D, autolink: u(), autolinkEmail: ce, autolinkProtocol: oe, blockQuote: u(), characterEscapeValue: O, characterReferenceMarkerHexadecimal: ie, characterReferenceMarkerNumeric: ie, characterReferenceValue: Z, codeFenced: u(S), codeFencedFence: b, codeFencedFenceInfo: m, codeFencedFenceMeta: v, codeFlowValue: O, codeIndented: u(g), codeText: u(R), codeTextData: O, data: O, definition: u(), definitionDestinationString: x, definitionLabelString: _, definitionTitleString: y, emphasis: u(), hardBreakEscape: u(M), hardBreakTrailing: u(M), htmlFlow: u(V), htmlFlowData: O, htmlText: u(j), htmlTextData: O, image: u(L), label: Y, labelText: P, lineEnding: N, link: u($), listItem: u(), listOrdered: u(), listUnordered: u(), paragraph: u(), referenceString: re, resourceDestinationString: w, resourceTitleString: q, resource: X, setextHeading: u(T), setextHeadingLineSequence: H, setextHeadingText: C, strong: u(), thematicBreak: u(), }, } r1(t, (e || {}).mdastExtensions || []) const r = {} return i function i(K) { let se = { type: 'root', children: [] } const pe = { stack: [se], tokenStack: [], config: t, enter: o, exit: c, buffer: a, resume: f, data: r, }, ve = [] let Ce = -1 for (; ++Ce < K.length; ) if (K[Ce][1].type === 'listOrdered' || K[Ce][1].type === 'listUnordered') if (K[Ce][0] === 'enter') ve.push(Ce) else { const ze = ve.pop() Ce = n(K, ze, Ce) } for (Ce = -1; ++Ce < K.length; ) { const ze = t[K[Ce][0]], K[Ce][1].type) && ze[K[Ce][1].type].call( Object.assign({ sliceSerialize: K[Ce][2].sliceSerialize }, pe), K[Ce][1] ) } if (pe.tokenStack.length > 0) { const ze = pe.tokenStack[pe.tokenStack.length - 1] ;(ze[1] || hm).call(pe, void 0, ze[0]) } for ( se.position = { start: Hr(K.length > 0 ? K[0][1].start : { line: 1, column: 1, offset: 0 }), end: Hr(K.length > 0 ? K[K.length - 2][1].end : { line: 1, column: 1, offset: 0 }), }, Ce = -1; ++Ce < t.transforms.length; ) se = t.transforms[Ce](se) || se return se } function n(K, se, pe) { let ve = se - 1, Ce = -1, ze = !1, Et, Me, ur, Er for (; ++ve <= pe; ) { const lt = K[ve] switch (lt[1].type) { case 'listUnordered': case 'listOrdered': case 'blockQuote': { lt[0] === 'enter' ? Ce++ : Ce--, (Er = void 0) break } case 'lineEndingBlank': { lt[0] === 'enter' && (Et && !Er && !Ce && !ur && (ur = ve), (Er = void 0)) break } case 'linePrefix': case 'listItemValue': case 'listItemMarker': case 'listItemPrefix': case 'listItemPrefixWhitespace': break default: Er = void 0 } if ( (!Ce && lt[0] === 'enter' && lt[1].type === 'listItemPrefix') || (Ce === -1 && lt[0] === 'exit' && (lt[1].type === 'listUnordered' || lt[1].type === 'listOrdered')) ) { if (Et) { let xr = ve for (Me = void 0; xr--; ) { const zt = K[xr] if (zt[1].type === 'lineEnding' || zt[1].type === 'lineEndingBlank') { if (zt[0] === 'exit') continue Me && ((K[Me][1].type = 'lineEndingBlank'), (ze = !0)), (zt[1].type = 'lineEnding'), (Me = xr) } else if ( !( zt[1].type === 'linePrefix' || zt[1].type === 'blockQuotePrefix' || zt[1].type === 'blockQuotePrefixWhitespace' || zt[1].type === 'blockQuoteMarker' || zt[1].type === 'listItemIndent' ) ) break } ur && (!Me || ur < Me) && (Et._spread = !0), (Et.end = Object.assign({}, Me ? K[Me][1].start : lt[1].end)), K.splice(Me || ve, 0, ['exit', Et, lt[2]]), ve++, pe++ } if (lt[1].type === 'listItemPrefix') { const xr = { type: 'listItem', _spread: !1, start: Object.assign({}, lt[1].start), end: void 0, } ;(Et = xr), K.splice(ve, 0, ['enter', xr, lt[2]]), ve++, pe++, (ur = void 0), (Er = !0) } } } return (K[se][1]._spread = ze), pe } function s(K, se) { return pe function pe(ve) {, K(ve), ve), se &&, ve) } } function a() { this.stack.push({ type: 'fragment', children: [] }) } function o(K, se, pe) { this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].children.push(K), this.stack.push(K), this.tokenStack.push([se, pe]), (K.position = { start: Hr(se.start), end: void 0 }) } function u(K) { return se function se(pe) { K &&, pe),, pe) } } function c(K, se) { const pe = this.stack.pop(), ve = this.tokenStack.pop() if (ve) ve[0].type !== K.type && (se ?, K, ve[0]) : (ve[1] || hm).call(this, K, ve[0])) else throw new Error( 'Cannot close `' + K.type + '` (' + gs({ start: K.start, end: K.end }) + '): it’s not open' ) pe.position.end = Hr(K.end) } function f() { return ep(this.stack.pop()) } function h() { = !0 } function p(K) { if ( { const se = this.stack[this.stack.length - 2] ;(se.start = Number.parseInt(this.sliceSerialize(K), 10)), ( = void 0) } } function m() { const K = this.resume(), se = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] se.lang = K } function v() { const K = this.resume(), se = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] se.meta = K } function b() { || (this.buffer(), ( = !0)) } function S() { const K = this.resume(), se = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] ;(se.value = K.replace(/^(\r?\n|\r)|(\r?\n|\r)$/g, '')), ( = void 0) } function g() { const K = this.resume(), se = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] se.value = K.replace(/(\r?\n|\r)$/g, '') } function _(K) { const se = this.resume(), pe = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] ;(pe.label = se), (pe.identifier = sr(this.sliceSerialize(K)).toLowerCase()) } function y() { const K = this.resume(), se = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] se.title = K } function x() { const K = this.resume(), se = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] se.url = K } function D(K) { const se = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] if (!se.depth) { const pe = this.sliceSerialize(K).length se.depth = pe } } function C() { = !0 } function H(K) { const se = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] se.depth = this.sliceSerialize(K).codePointAt(0) === 61 ? 1 : 2 } function T() { = void 0 } function k(K) { const pe = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1].children let ve = pe[pe.length - 1] ;(!ve || ve.type !== 'text') && ((ve = Te()), (ve.position = { start: Hr(K.start), end: void 0 }), pe.push(ve)), this.stack.push(ve) } function O(K) { const se = this.stack.pop() ;(se.value += this.sliceSerialize(K)), (se.position.end = Hr(K.end)) } function N(K) { const se = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] if ( { const pe = se.children[se.children.length - 1] ;(pe.position.end = Hr(K.end)), ( = void 0) return } ! && t.canContainEols.includes(se.type) && (, K),, K)) } function M() { = !0 } function V() { const K = this.resume(), se = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] se.value = K } function j() { const K = this.resume(), se = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] se.value = K } function R() { const K = this.resume(), se = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] se.value = K } function $() { const K = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] if ( { const se = || 'shortcut' ;(K.type += 'Reference'), (K.referenceType = se), delete K.url, delete K.title } else delete K.identifier, delete K.label = void 0 } function L() { const K = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] if ( { const se = || 'shortcut' ;(K.type += 'Reference'), (K.referenceType = se), delete K.url, delete K.title } else delete K.identifier, delete K.label = void 0 } function P(K) { const se = this.sliceSerialize(K), pe = this.stack[this.stack.length - 2] ;(pe.label = TT(se)), (pe.identifier = sr(se).toLowerCase()) } function Y() { const K = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1], se = this.resume(), pe = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] if ((( = !0), pe.type === 'link')) { const ve = K.children pe.children = ve } else pe.alt = se } function w() { const K = this.resume(), se = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] se.url = K } function q() { const K = this.resume(), se = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] se.title = K } function X() { = void 0 } function I() { = 'collapsed' } function re(K) { const se = this.resume(), pe = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] ;(pe.label = se), (pe.identifier = sr(this.sliceSerialize(K)).toLowerCase()), ( = 'full') } function ie(K) { = K.type } function Z(K) { const se = this.sliceSerialize(K), pe = let ve pe ? ((ve = $g(se, pe === 'characterReferenceMarkerNumeric' ? 10 : 16)), ( = void 0)) : (ve = tp(se)) const Ce = this.stack.pop() ;(Ce.value += ve), (Ce.position.end = Hr(K.end)) } function oe(K) {, K) const se = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] se.url = this.sliceSerialize(K) } function ce(K) {, K) const se = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] se.url = 'mailto:' + this.sliceSerialize(K) } function fe() { return { type: 'blockquote', children: [] } } function ge() { return { type: 'code', lang: null, meta: null, value: '' } } function me() { return { type: 'inlineCode', value: '' } } function be() { return { type: 'definition', identifier: '', label: null, title: null, url: '' } } function Ne() { return { type: 'emphasis', children: [] } } function Oe() { return { type: 'heading', depth: 0, children: [] } } function _e() { return { type: 'break' } } function F() { return { type: 'html', value: '' } } function E() { return { type: 'image', title: null, url: '', alt: null } } function A() { return { type: 'link', title: null, url: '', children: [] } } function z(K) { return { type: 'list', ordered: K.type === 'listOrdered', start: null, spread: K._spread, children: [], } } function W(K) { return { type: 'listItem', spread: K._spread, checked: null, children: [] } } function te() { return { type: 'paragraph', children: [] } } function ne() { return { type: 'strong', children: [] } } function Te() { return { type: 'text', value: '' } } function De() { return { type: 'thematicBreak' } } } function Hr(e) { return { line: e.line, column: e.column, offset: e.offset } } function r1(e, t) { let r = -1 for (; ++r < t.length; ) { const i = t[r] Array.isArray(i) ? r1(e, i) : kT(e, i) } } function kT(e, t) { let r for (r in t) if (, r)) switch (r) { case 'canContainEols': { const i = t[r] i && e[r].push(...i) break } case 'transforms': { const i = t[r] i && e[r].push(...i) break } case 'enter': case 'exit': { const i = t[r] i && Object.assign(e[r], i) break } } } function hm(e, t) { throw e ? new Error( 'Cannot close `' + e.type + '` (' + gs({ start: e.start, end: e.end }) + '): a different token (`' + t.type + '`, ' + gs({ start: t.start, end: t.end }) + ') is open' ) : new Error( 'Cannot close document, a token (`' + t.type + '`, ' + gs({ start: t.start, end: t.end }) + ') is still open' ) } function wT(e) { const t = this t.parser = r function r(i) { return ST(i, {'settings'), ...e, extensions:'micromarkExtensions') || [], mdastExtensions:'fromMarkdownExtensions') || [], }) } } function NT(e, t) { const r = { type: 'element', tagName: 'blockquote', properties: {}, children: e.wrap(e.all(t), !0), } return e.patch(t, r), e.applyData(t, r) } function OT(e, t) { const r = { type: 'element', tagName: 'br', properties: {}, children: [] } return ( e.patch(t, r), [ e.applyData(t, r), { type: 'text', value: ` `, }, ] ) } function IT(e, t) { const r = t.value ? t.value + ` ` : '', i = {} t.lang && (i.className = ['language-' + t.lang]) let n = { type: 'element', tagName: 'code', properties: i, children: [{ type: 'text', value: r }], } return ( t.meta && ( = { meta: t.meta }), e.patch(t, n), (n = e.applyData(t, n)), (n = { type: 'element', tagName: 'pre', properties: {}, children: [n] }), e.patch(t, n), n ) } function DT(e, t) { const r = { type: 'element', tagName: 'del', properties: {}, children: e.all(t) } return e.patch(t, r), e.applyData(t, r) } function RT(e, t) { const r = { type: 'element', tagName: 'em', properties: {}, children: e.all(t) } return e.patch(t, r), e.applyData(t, r) } function LT(e, t) { const r = typeof e.options.clobberPrefix == 'string' ? e.options.clobberPrefix : 'user-content-', i = String(t.identifier).toUpperCase(), n = Mn(i.toLowerCase()), s = e.footnoteOrder.indexOf(i) let a, o = e.footnoteCounts.get(i) o === void 0 ? ((o = 0), e.footnoteOrder.push(i), (a = e.footnoteOrder.length)) : (a = s + 1), (o += 1), e.footnoteCounts.set(i, o) const u = { type: 'element', tagName: 'a', properties: { href: '#' + r + 'fn-' + n, id: r + 'fnref-' + n + (o > 1 ? '-' + o : ''), dataFootnoteRef: !0, ariaDescribedBy: ['footnote-label'], }, children: [{ type: 'text', value: String(a) }], } e.patch(t, u) const c = { type: 'element', tagName: 'sup', properties: {}, children: [u] } return e.patch(t, c), e.applyData(t, c) } function PT(e, t) { const r = { type: 'element', tagName: 'h' + t.depth, properties: {}, children: e.all(t) } return e.patch(t, r), e.applyData(t, r) } function BT(e, t) { if (e.options.allowDangerousHtml) { const r = { type: 'raw', value: t.value } return e.patch(t, r), e.applyData(t, r) } } function i1(e, t) { const r = t.referenceType let i = ']' if ( (r === 'collapsed' ? (i += '[]') : r === 'full' && (i += '[' + (t.label || t.identifier) + ']'), t.type === 'imageReference') ) return [{ type: 'text', value: '![' + t.alt + i }] const n = e.all(t), s = n[0] s && s.type === 'text' ? (s.value = '[' + s.value) : n.unshift({ type: 'text', value: '[' }) const a = n[n.length - 1] return a && a.type === 'text' ? (a.value += i) : n.push({ type: 'text', value: i }), n } function FT(e, t) { const r = String(t.identifier).toUpperCase(), i = e.definitionById.get(r) if (!i) return i1(e, t) const n = { src: Mn(i.url || ''), alt: t.alt } i.title !== null && i.title !== void 0 && (n.title = i.title) const s = { type: 'element', tagName: 'img', properties: n, children: [] } return e.patch(t, s), e.applyData(t, s) } function MT(e, t) { const r = { src: Mn(t.url) } t.alt !== null && t.alt !== void 0 && (r.alt = t.alt), t.title !== null && t.title !== void 0 && (r.title = t.title) const i = { type: 'element', tagName: 'img', properties: r, children: [] } return e.patch(t, i), e.applyData(t, i) } function UT(e, t) { const r = { type: 'text', value: t.value.replace(/\r?\n|\r/g, ' ') } e.patch(t, r) const i = { type: 'element', tagName: 'code', properties: {}, children: [r] } return e.patch(t, i), e.applyData(t, i) } function HT(e, t) { const r = String(t.identifier).toUpperCase(), i = e.definitionById.get(r) if (!i) return i1(e, t) const n = { href: Mn(i.url || '') } i.title !== null && i.title !== void 0 && (n.title = i.title) const s = { type: 'element', tagName: 'a', properties: n, children: e.all(t) } return e.patch(t, s), e.applyData(t, s) } function zT(e, t) { const r = { href: Mn(t.url) } t.title !== null && t.title !== void 0 && (r.title = t.title) const i = { type: 'element', tagName: 'a', properties: r, children: e.all(t) } return e.patch(t, i), e.applyData(t, i) } function jT(e, t, r) { const i = e.all(t), n = r ? qT(r) : n1(t), s = {}, a = [] if (typeof t.checked == 'boolean') { const f = i[0] let h f && f.type === 'element' && f.tagName === 'p' ? (h = f) : ((h = { type: 'element', tagName: 'p', properties: {}, children: [] }), i.unshift(h)), h.children.length > 0 && h.children.unshift({ type: 'text', value: ' ' }), h.children.unshift({ type: 'element', tagName: 'input', properties: { type: 'checkbox', checked: t.checked, disabled: !0 }, children: [], }), (s.className = ['task-list-item']) } let o = -1 for (; ++o < i.length; ) { const f = i[o] ;(n || o !== 0 || f.type !== 'element' || f.tagName !== 'p') && a.push({ type: 'text', value: ` `, }), f.type === 'element' && f.tagName === 'p' && !n ? a.push(...f.children) : a.push(f) } const u = i[i.length - 1] u && (n || u.type !== 'element' || u.tagName !== 'p') && a.push({ type: 'text', value: ` `, }) const c = { type: 'element', tagName: 'li', properties: s, children: a } return e.patch(t, c), e.applyData(t, c) } function qT(e) { let t = !1 if (e.type === 'list') { t = e.spread || !1 const r = e.children let i = -1 for (; !t && ++i < r.length; ) t = n1(r[i]) } return t } function n1(e) { const t = e.spread return t ?? e.children.length > 1 } function $T(e, t) { const r = {}, i = e.all(t) let n = -1 for (typeof t.start == 'number' && t.start !== 1 && (r.start = t.start); ++n < i.length; ) { const a = i[n] if ( a.type === 'element' && a.tagName === 'li' && && Array.isArray( &&'task-list-item') ) { r.className = ['contains-task-list'] break } } const s = { type: 'element', tagName: t.ordered ? 'ol' : 'ul', properties: r, children: e.wrap(i, !0), } return e.patch(t, s), e.applyData(t, s) } function VT(e, t) { const r = { type: 'element', tagName: 'p', properties: {}, children: e.all(t) } return e.patch(t, r), e.applyData(t, r) } function GT(e, t) { const r = { type: 'root', children: e.wrap(e.all(t)) } return e.patch(t, r), e.applyData(t, r) } function XT(e, t) { const r = { type: 'element', tagName: 'strong', properties: {}, children: e.all(t) } return e.patch(t, r), e.applyData(t, r) } const s1 = o1('end'), a1 = o1('start') function o1(e) { return t function t(r) { const i = (r && r.position && r.position[e]) || {} if (typeof i.line == 'number' && i.line > 0 && typeof i.column == 'number' && i.column > 0) return { line: i.line, column: i.column, offset: typeof i.offset == 'number' && i.offset > -1 ? i.offset : void 0, } } } function YT(e) { const t = a1(e), r = s1(e) if (t && r) return { start: t, end: r } } function WT(e, t) { const r = e.all(t), i = r.shift(), n = [] if (i) { const a = { type: 'element', tagName: 'thead', properties: {}, children: e.wrap([i], !0) } e.patch(t.children[0], a), n.push(a) } if (r.length > 0) { const a = { type: 'element', tagName: 'tbody', properties: {}, children: e.wrap(r, !0) }, o = a1(t.children[1]), u = s1(t.children[t.children.length - 1]) o && u && (a.position = { start: o, end: u }), n.push(a) } const s = { type: 'element', tagName: 'table', properties: {}, children: e.wrap(n, !0) } return e.patch(t, s), e.applyData(t, s) } function QT(e, t, r) { const i = r ? r.children : void 0, s = (i ? i.indexOf(t) : 1) === 0 ? 'th' : 'td', a = r && r.type === 'table' ? r.align : void 0, o = a ? a.length : t.children.length let u = -1 const c = [] for (; ++u < o; ) { const h = t.children[u], p = {}, m = a ? a[u] : void 0 m && (p.align = m) let v = { type: 'element', tagName: s, properties: p, children: [] } h && ((v.children = e.all(h)), e.patch(h, v), (v = e.applyData(h, v))), c.push(v) } const f = { type: 'element', tagName: 'tr', properties: {}, children: e.wrap(c, !0) } return e.patch(t, f), e.applyData(t, f) } function KT(e, t) { const r = { type: 'element', tagName: 'td', properties: {}, children: e.all(t) } return e.patch(t, r), e.applyData(t, r) } const mm = 9, dm = 32 function JT(e) { const t = String(e), r = /\r?\n|\r/g let i = r.exec(t), n = 0 const s = [] for (; i; ) s.push(gm(t.slice(n, i.index), n > 0, !0), i[0]), (n = i.index + i[0].length), (i = r.exec(t)) return s.push(gm(t.slice(n), n > 0, !1)), s.join('') } function gm(e, t, r) { let i = 0, n = e.length if (t) { let s = e.codePointAt(i) for (; s === mm || s === dm; ) i++, (s = e.codePointAt(i)) } if (r) { let s = e.codePointAt(n - 1) for (; s === mm || s === dm; ) n--, (s = e.codePointAt(n - 1)) } return n > i ? e.slice(i, n) : '' } function ZT(e, t) { const r = { type: 'text', value: JT(String(t.value)) } return e.patch(t, r), e.applyData(t, r) } function e2(e, t) { const r = { type: 'element', tagName: 'hr', properties: {}, children: [] } return e.patch(t, r), e.applyData(t, r) } const t2 = { blockquote: NT, break: OT, code: IT, delete: DT, emphasis: RT, footnoteReference: LT, heading: PT, html: BT, imageReference: FT, image: MT, inlineCode: UT, linkReference: HT, link: zT, listItem: jT, list: $T, paragraph: VT, root: GT, strong: XT, table: WT, tableCell: KT, tableRow: QT, text: ZT, thematicBreak: e2, toml: La, yaml: La, definition: La, footnoteDefinition: La, } function La() {} const u1 = -1, ou = 0, Po = 1, Bo = 2, ip = 3, np = 4, sp = 5, ap = 6, l1 = 7, c1 = 8, bm = typeof self == 'object' ? self : globalThis, r2 = (e, t) => { const r = (n, s) => (e.set(s, n), n), i = (n) => { if (e.has(n)) return e.get(n) const [s, a] = t[n] switch (s) { case ou: case u1: return r(a, n) case Po: { const o = r([], n) for (const u of a) o.push(i(u)) return o } case Bo: { const o = r({}, n) for (const [u, c] of a) o[i(u)] = i(c) return o } case ip: return r(new Date(a), n) case np: { const { source: o, flags: u } = a return r(new RegExp(o, u), n) } case sp: { const o = r(new Map(), n) for (const [u, c] of a) o.set(i(u), i(c)) return o } case ap: { const o = r(new Set(), n) for (const u of a) o.add(i(u)) return o } case l1: { const { name: o, message: u } = a return r(new bm[o](u), n) } case c1: return r(BigInt(a), n) case 'BigInt': return r(Object(BigInt(a)), n) } return r(new bm[s](a), n) } return i }, ym = (e) => r2(new Map(), e)(0), Vi = '', { toString: i2 } = {}, { keys: n2 } = Object, Wn = (e) => { const t = typeof e if (t !== 'object' || !e) return [ou, t] const r =, -1) switch (r) { case 'Array': return [Po, Vi] case 'Object': return [Bo, Vi] case 'Date': return [ip, Vi] case 'RegExp': return [np, Vi] case 'Map': return [sp, Vi] case 'Set': return [ap, Vi] } return r.includes('Array') ? [Po, r] : r.includes('Error') ? [l1, r] : [Bo, r] }, Pa = ([e, t]) => e === ou && (t === 'function' || t === 'symbol'), s2 = (e, t, r, i) => { const n = (a, o) => { const u = i.push(a) - 1 return r.set(o, u), u }, s = (a) => { if (r.has(a)) return r.get(a) let [o, u] = Wn(a) switch (o) { case ou: { let f = a switch (u) { case 'bigint': ;(o = c1), (f = a.toString()) break case 'function': case 'symbol': if (e) throw new TypeError('unable to serialize ' + u) f = null break case 'undefined': return n([u1], a) } return n([o, f], a) } case Po: { if (u) return n([u, [...a]], a) const f = [], h = n([o, f], a) for (const p of a) f.push(s(p)) return h } case Bo: { if (u) switch (u) { case 'BigInt': return n([u, a.toString()], a) case 'Boolean': case 'Number': case 'String': return n([u, a.valueOf()], a) } if (t && 'toJSON' in a) return s(a.toJSON()) const f = [], h = n([o, f], a) for (const p of n2(a)) (e || !Pa(Wn(a[p]))) && f.push([s(p), s(a[p])]) return h } case ip: return n([o, a.toISOString()], a) case np: { const { source: f, flags: h } = a return n([o, { source: f, flags: h }], a) } case sp: { const f = [], h = n([o, f], a) for (const [p, m] of a) (e || !(Pa(Wn(p)) || Pa(Wn(m)))) && f.push([s(p), s(m)]) return h } case ap: { const f = [], h = n([o, f], a) for (const p of a) (e || !Pa(Wn(p))) && f.push(s(p)) return h } } const { message: c } = a return n([o, { name: u, message: c }], a) } return s }, _m = (e, { json: t, lossy: r } = {}) => { const i = [] return s2(!(t || r), !!t, new Map(), i)(e), i }, Fo = typeof structuredClone == 'function' ? (e, t) => (t && ('json' in t || 'lossy' in t) ? ym(_m(e, t)) : structuredClone(e)) : (e, t) => ym(_m(e, t)) function a2(e, t) { const r = [{ type: 'text', value: '↩' }] return ( t > 1 && r.push({ type: 'element', tagName: 'sup', properties: {}, children: [{ type: 'text', value: String(t) }], }), r ) } function o2(e, t) { return 'Back to reference ' + (e + 1) + (t > 1 ? '-' + t : '') } function u2(e) { const t = typeof e.options.clobberPrefix == 'string' ? e.options.clobberPrefix : 'user-content-', r = e.options.footnoteBackContent || a2, i = e.options.footnoteBackLabel || o2, n = e.options.footnoteLabel || 'Footnotes', s = e.options.footnoteLabelTagName || 'h2', a = e.options.footnoteLabelProperties || { className: ['sr-only'] }, o = [] let u = -1 for (; ++u < e.footnoteOrder.length; ) { const c = e.footnoteById.get(e.footnoteOrder[u]) if (!c) continue const f = e.all(c), h = String(c.identifier).toUpperCase(), p = Mn(h.toLowerCase()) let m = 0 const v = [], b = e.footnoteCounts.get(h) for (; b !== void 0 && ++m <= b; ) { v.length > 0 && v.push({ type: 'text', value: ' ' }) let _ = typeof r == 'string' ? r : r(u, m) typeof _ == 'string' && (_ = { type: 'text', value: _ }), v.push({ type: 'element', tagName: 'a', properties: { href: '#' + t + 'fnref-' + p + (m > 1 ? '-' + m : ''), dataFootnoteBackref: '', ariaLabel: typeof i == 'string' ? i : i(u, m), className: ['data-footnote-backref'], }, children: Array.isArray(_) ? _ : [_], }) } const S = f[f.length - 1] if (S && S.type === 'element' && S.tagName === 'p') { const _ = S.children[S.children.length - 1] _ && _.type === 'text' ? (_.value += ' ') : S.children.push({ type: 'text', value: ' ' }), S.children.push(...v) } else f.push(...v) const g = { type: 'element', tagName: 'li', properties: { id: t + 'fn-' + p }, children: e.wrap(f, !0), } e.patch(c, g), o.push(g) } if (o.length !== 0) return { type: 'element', tagName: 'section', properties: { dataFootnotes: !0, className: ['footnotes'] }, children: [ { type: 'element', tagName: s, properties: { ...Fo(a), id: 'footnote-label' }, children: [{ type: 'text', value: n }], }, { type: 'text', value: ` `, }, { type: 'element', tagName: 'ol', properties: {}, children: e.wrap(o, !0) }, { type: 'text', value: ` `, }, ], } } const uu = function (e) { if (e == null) return p2 if (typeof e == 'function') return lu(e) if (typeof e == 'object') return Array.isArray(e) ? l2(e) : c2(e) if (typeof e == 'string') return f2(e) throw new Error('Expected function, string, or object as test') } function l2(e) { const t = [] let r = -1 for (; ++r < e.length; ) t[r] = uu(e[r]) return lu(i) function i(...n) { let s = -1 for (; ++s < t.length; ) if (t[s].apply(this, n)) return !0 return !1 } } function c2(e) { const t = e return lu(r) function r(i) { const n = i let s for (s in e) if (n[s] !== t[s]) return !1 return !0 } } function f2(e) { return lu(t) function t(r) { return r && r.type === e } } function lu(e) { return t function t(r, i, n) { return !!(h2(r) &&, r, typeof i == 'number' ? i : void 0, n || void 0)) } } function p2() { return !0 } function h2(e) { return e !== null && typeof e == 'object' && 'type' in e } const f1 = [], m2 = !0, Nc = !1, d2 = 'skip' function p1(e, t, r, i) { let n typeof t == 'function' && typeof r != 'function' ? ((i = r), (r = t)) : (n = t) const s = uu(n), a = i ? -1 : 1 o(e, void 0, [])() function o(u, c, f) { const h = u && typeof u == 'object' ? u : {} if (typeof h.type == 'string') { const m = typeof h.tagName == 'string' ? h.tagName : typeof == 'string' ? : void 0 Object.defineProperty(p, 'name', { value: 'node (' + (u.type + (m ? '<' + m + '>' : '')) + ')', }) } return p function p() { let m = f1, v, b, S if ((!t || s(u, c, f[f.length - 1] || void 0)) && ((m = g2(r(u, f))), m[0] === Nc)) return m if ('children' in u && u.children) { const g = u if (g.children && m[0] !== d2) for ( b = (i ? g.children.length : -1) + a, S = f.concat(g); b > -1 && b < g.children.length; ) { const _ = g.children[b] if (((v = o(_, b, S)()), v[0] === Nc)) return v b = typeof v[1] == 'number' ? v[1] : b + a } } return m } } } function g2(e) { return Array.isArray(e) ? e : typeof e == 'number' ? [m2, e] : e == null ? f1 : [e] } function fn(e, t, r, i) { let n, s, a typeof t == 'function' && typeof r != 'function' ? ((s = void 0), (a = t), (n = r)) : ((s = t), (a = r), (n = i)), p1(e, s, o, n) function o(u, c) { const f = c[c.length - 1], h = f ? f.children.indexOf(u) : void 0 return a(u, h, f) } } const Oc = {}.hasOwnProperty, b2 = {} function y2(e, t) { const r = t || b2, i = new Map(), n = new Map(), s = new Map(), a = { ...t2, ...r.handlers }, o = { all: c, applyData: v2, definitionById: i, footnoteById: n, footnoteCounts: s, footnoteOrder: [], handlers: a, one: u, options: r, patch: _2, wrap: x2, } return ( fn(e, function (f) { if (f.type === 'definition' || f.type === 'footnoteDefinition') { const h = f.type === 'definition' ? i : n, p = String(f.identifier).toUpperCase() h.has(p) || h.set(p, f) } }), o ) function u(f, h) { const p = f.type, m = o.handlers[p] if (, p) && m) return m(o, f, h) if (o.options.passThrough && o.options.passThrough.includes(p)) { if ('children' in f) { const { children: b, ...S } = f, g = Fo(S) return (g.children = o.all(f)), g } return Fo(f) } return (o.options.unknownHandler || E2)(o, f, h) } function c(f) { const h = [] if ('children' in f) { const p = f.children let m = -1 for (; ++m < p.length; ) { const v =[m], f) if (v) { if ( m && p[m - 1].type === 'break' && (!Array.isArray(v) && v.type === 'text' && (v.value = vm(v.value)), !Array.isArray(v) && v.type === 'element') ) { const b = v.children[0] b && b.type === 'text' && (b.value = vm(b.value)) } Array.isArray(v) ? h.push(...v) : h.push(v) } } } return h } } function _2(e, t) { e.position && (t.position = YT(e)) } function v2(e, t) { let r = t if (e && { const i =, n =, s = if (typeof i == 'string') if (r.type === 'element') r.tagName = i else { const a = 'children' in r ? r.children : [r] r = { type: 'element', tagName: i, properties: {}, children: a } } r.type === 'element' && s && Object.assign(, Fo(s)), 'children' in r && r.children && n !== null && n !== void 0 && (r.children = n) } return r } function E2(e, t) { const r = || {}, i = 'value' in t && !(, 'hProperties') ||, 'hChildren')) ? { type: 'text', value: t.value } : { type: 'element', tagName: 'div', properties: {}, children: e.all(t) } return e.patch(t, i), e.applyData(t, i) } function x2(e, t) { const r = [] let i = -1 for ( t && r.push({ type: 'text', value: ` `, }); ++i < e.length; ) i && r.push({ type: 'text', value: ` `, }), r.push(e[i]) return ( t && e.length > 0 && r.push({ type: 'text', value: ` `, }), r ) } function vm(e) { let t = 0, r = e.charCodeAt(t) for (; r === 9 || r === 32; ) t++, (r = e.charCodeAt(t)) return e.slice(t) } function Em(e, t) { const r = y2(e, t), i =, void 0), n = u2(r), s = Array.isArray(i) ? { type: 'root', children: i } : i || { type: 'root', children: [] } return ( n && s.children.push( { type: 'text', value: ` `, }, n ), s ) } function T2(e, t) { return e && 'run' in e ? async function (r, i) { const n = Em(r, t) await, i) } : function (r) { return Em(r, t || e) } } function Mo(e, t) { const r = String(e) if (typeof t != 'string') throw new TypeError('Expected character') let i = 0, n = r.indexOf(t) for (; n !== -1; ) i++, (n = r.indexOf(t, n + t.length)) return i } function A2(e) { if (typeof e != 'string') throw new TypeError('Expected a string') return e.replace(/[|\\{}()[\]^$+*?.]/g, '\\$&').replace(/-/g, '\\x2d') } function S2(e, t, r) { const n = uu((r || {}).ignore || []), s = C2(t) let a = -1 for (; ++a < s.length; ) p1(e, 'text', o) function o(c, f) { let h = -1, p for (; ++h < f.length; ) { const m = f[h], v = p ? p.children : void 0 if (n(m, v ? v.indexOf(m) : void 0, p)) return p = m } if (p) return u(c, f) } function u(c, f) { const h = f[f.length - 1], p = s[a][0], m = s[a][1] let v = 0 const S = h.children.indexOf(c) let g = !1, _ = [] p.lastIndex = 0 let y = p.exec(c.value) for (; y; ) { const x = y.index, D = { index: y.index, input: y.input, stack: [...f, c] } let C = m(...y, D) if ( (typeof C == 'string' && (C = C.length > 0 ? { type: 'text', value: C } : void 0), C === !1 ? (p.lastIndex = x + 1) : (v !== x && _.push({ type: 'text', value: c.value.slice(v, x) }), Array.isArray(C) ? _.push(...C) : C && _.push(C), (v = x + y[0].length), (g = !0)), ! ) break y = p.exec(c.value) } return ( g ? (v < c.value.length && _.push({ type: 'text', value: c.value.slice(v) }), h.children.splice(S, 1, ..._)) : (_ = [c]), S + _.length ) } } function C2(e) { const t = [] if (!Array.isArray(e)) throw new TypeError('Expected find and replace tuple or list of tuples') const r = !e[0] || Array.isArray(e[0]) ? e : [e] let i = -1 for (; ++i < r.length; ) { const n = r[i] t.push([k2(n[0]), w2(n[1])]) } return t } function k2(e) { return typeof e == 'string' ? new RegExp(A2(e), 'g') : e } function w2(e) { return typeof e == 'function' ? e : function () { return e } } const fl = 'phrasing', pl = ['autolink', 'link', 'image', 'label'] function N2() { return { transforms: [B2], enter: { literalAutolink: I2, literalAutolinkEmail: hl, literalAutolinkHttp: hl, literalAutolinkWww: hl, }, exit: { literalAutolink: P2, literalAutolinkEmail: L2, literalAutolinkHttp: D2, literalAutolinkWww: R2, }, } } function O2() { return { unsafe: [ { character: '@', before: '[+\\-.\\w]', after: '[\\-.\\w]', inConstruct: fl, notInConstruct: pl, }, { character: '.', before: '[Ww]', after: '[\\-.\\w]', inConstruct: fl, notInConstruct: pl }, { character: ':', before: '[ps]', after: '\\/', inConstruct: fl, notInConstruct: pl }, ], } } function I2(e) { this.enter({ type: 'link', title: null, url: '', children: [] }, e) } function hl(e) {, e) } function D2(e) {, e) } function R2(e) {, e) const t = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] t.type, (t.url = 'http://' + this.sliceSerialize(e)) } function L2(e) {, e) } function P2(e) { this.exit(e) } function B2(e) { S2( e, [ [/(https?:\/\/|www(?=\.))([-.\w]+)([^ \t\r\n]*)/gi, F2], [/([-.\w+]+)@([-\w]+(?:\.[-\w]+)+)/g, M2], ], { ignore: ['link', 'linkReference'] } ) } function F2(e, t, r, i, n) { let s = '' if (!h1(n) || (/^w/i.test(t) && ((r = t + r), (t = ''), (s = 'http://')), !U2(r))) return !1 const a = H2(r + i) if (!a[0]) return !1 const o = { type: 'link', title: null, url: s + t + a[0], children: [{ type: 'text', value: t + a[0] }], } return a[1] ? [o, { type: 'text', value: a[1] }] : o } function M2(e, t, r, i) { return !h1(i, !0) || /[-\d_]$/.test(r) ? !1 : { type: 'link', title: null, url: 'mailto:' + t + '@' + r, children: [{ type: 'text', value: t + '@' + r }], } } function U2(e) { const t = e.split('.') return !( t.length < 2 || (t[t.length - 1] && (/_/.test(t[t.length - 1]) || !/[a-zA-Z\d]/.test(t[t.length - 1]))) || (t[t.length - 2] && (/_/.test(t[t.length - 2]) || !/[a-zA-Z\d]/.test(t[t.length - 2]))) ) } function H2(e) { const t = /[!"&'),.:;<>?\]}]+$/.exec(e) if (!t) return [e, void 0] e = e.slice(0, t.index) let r = t[0], i = r.indexOf(')') const n = Mo(e, '(') let s = Mo(e, ')') for (; i !== -1 && n > s; ) (e += r.slice(0, i + 1)), (r = r.slice(i + 1)), (i = r.indexOf(')')), s++ return [e, r] } function h1(e, t) { const r = e.input.charCodeAt(e.index - 1) return (e.index === 0 || Ri(r) || su(r)) && (!t || r !== 47) } m1.peek = K2 function z2() { return { enter: { gfmFootnoteDefinition: q2, gfmFootnoteDefinitionLabelString: $2, gfmFootnoteCall: X2, gfmFootnoteCallString: Y2, }, exit: { gfmFootnoteDefinition: G2, gfmFootnoteDefinitionLabelString: V2, gfmFootnoteCall: Q2, gfmFootnoteCallString: W2, }, } } function j2() { return { unsafe: [{ character: '[', inConstruct: ['phrasing', 'label', 'reference'] }], handlers: { footnoteDefinition: J2, footnoteReference: m1 }, } } function q2(e) { this.enter({ type: 'footnoteDefinition', identifier: '', label: '', children: [] }, e) } function $2() { this.buffer() } function V2(e) { const t = this.resume(), r = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] r.type, (r.label = t), (r.identifier = sr(this.sliceSerialize(e)).toLowerCase()) } function G2(e) { this.exit(e) } function X2(e) { this.enter({ type: 'footnoteReference', identifier: '', label: '' }, e) } function Y2() { this.buffer() } function W2(e) { const t = this.resume(), r = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] r.type, (r.label = t), (r.identifier = sr(this.sliceSerialize(e)).toLowerCase()) } function Q2(e) { this.exit(e) } function m1(e, t, r, i) { const n = r.createTracker(i) let s = n.move('[^') const a = r.enter('footnoteReference'), o = r.enter('reference') return ( (s += n.move(, { ...n.current(), before: s, after: ']' }))), o(), a(), (s += n.move(']')), s ) } function K2() { return '[' } function J2(e, t, r, i) { const n = r.createTracker(i) let s = n.move('[^') const a = r.enter('footnoteDefinition'), o = r.enter('label') return ( (s += n.move(, { ...n.current(), before: s, after: ']' }))), o(), (s += n.move(']:' + (e.children && e.children.length > 0 ? ' ' : ''))), n.shift(4), (s += n.move(r.indentLines(r.containerFlow(e, n.current()), Z2))), a(), s ) } function Z2(e, t, r) { return t === 0 ? e : (r ? '' : ' ') + e } const eA = [ 'autolink', 'destinationLiteral', 'destinationRaw', 'reference', 'titleQuote', 'titleApostrophe', ] d1.peek = sA function tA() { return { canContainEols: ['delete'], enter: { strikethrough: iA }, exit: { strikethrough: nA } } } function rA() { return { unsafe: [{ character: '~', inConstruct: 'phrasing', notInConstruct: eA }], handlers: { delete: d1 }, } } function iA(e) { this.enter({ type: 'delete', children: [] }, e) } function nA(e) { this.exit(e) } function d1(e, t, r, i) { const n = r.createTracker(i), s = r.enter('strikethrough') let a = n.move('~~') return ( (a += r.containerPhrasing(e, { ...n.current(), before: a, after: '~' })), (a += n.move('~~')), s(), a ) } function sA() { return '~' } function aA(e, t = {}) { const r = (t.align || []).concat(), i = t.stringLength || uA, n = [], s = [], a = [], o = [] let u = 0, c = -1 for (; ++c < e.length; ) { const v = [], b = [] let S = -1 for (e[c].length > u && (u = e[c].length); ++S < e[c].length; ) { const g = oA(e[c][S]) if (t.alignDelimiters !== !1) { const _ = i(g) ;(b[S] = _), (o[S] === void 0 || _ > o[S]) && (o[S] = _) } v.push(g) } ;(s[c] = v), (a[c] = b) } let f = -1 if (typeof r == 'object' && 'length' in r) for (; ++f < u; ) n[f] = xm(r[f]) else { const v = xm(r) for (; ++f < u; ) n[f] = v } f = -1 const h = [], p = [] for (; ++f < u; ) { const v = n[f] let b = '', S = '' v === 99 ? ((b = ':'), (S = ':')) : v === 108 ? (b = ':') : v === 114 && (S = ':') let g = t.alignDelimiters === !1 ? 1 : Math.max(1, o[f] - b.length - S.length) const _ = b + '-'.repeat(g) + S t.alignDelimiters !== !1 && ((g = b.length + g + S.length), g > o[f] && (o[f] = g), (p[f] = g)), (h[f] = _) } s.splice(1, 0, h), a.splice(1, 0, p), (c = -1) const m = [] for (; ++c < s.length; ) { const v = s[c], b = a[c] f = -1 const S = [] for (; ++f < u; ) { const g = v[f] || '' let _ = '', y = '' if (t.alignDelimiters !== !1) { const x = o[f] - (b[f] || 0), D = n[f] D === 114 ? (_ = ' '.repeat(x)) : D === 99 ? x % 2 ? ((_ = ' '.repeat(x / 2 + 0.5)), (y = ' '.repeat(x / 2 - 0.5))) : ((_ = ' '.repeat(x / 2)), (y = _)) : (y = ' '.repeat(x)) } t.delimiterStart !== !1 && !f && S.push('|'), t.padding !== !1 && !(t.alignDelimiters === !1 && g === '') && (t.delimiterStart !== !1 || f) && S.push(' '), t.alignDelimiters !== !1 && S.push(_), S.push(g), t.alignDelimiters !== !1 && S.push(y), t.padding !== !1 && S.push(' '), (t.delimiterEnd !== !1 || f !== u - 1) && S.push('|') } m.push(t.delimiterEnd === !1 ? S.join('').replace(/ +$/, '') : S.join('')) } return m.join(` `) } function oA(e) { return e == null ? '' : String(e) } function uA(e) { return e.length } function xm(e) { const t = typeof e == 'string' ? e.codePointAt(0) : 0 return t === 67 || t === 99 ? 99 : t === 76 || t === 108 ? 108 : t === 82 || t === 114 ? 114 : 0 } const Tm = {}.hasOwnProperty function lA(e, t) { const r = t || {} function i(n, ...s) { let a = i.invalid const o = i.handlers if (n &&, e)) { const u = String(n[e]) a =, u) ? o[u] : i.unknown } if (a) return, n, ...s) } return (i.handlers = r.handlers || {}), (i.invalid = r.invalid), (i.unknown = r.unknown), i } function cA(e, t, r, i) { const n = r.enter('blockquote'), s = r.createTracker(i) s.move('> '), s.shift(2) const a = r.indentLines(r.containerFlow(e, s.current()), fA) return n(), a } function fA(e, t, r) { return '>' + (r ? '' : ' ') + e } function pA(e, t) { return Am(e, t.inConstruct, !0) && !Am(e, t.notInConstruct, !1) } function Am(e, t, r) { if ((typeof t == 'string' && (t = [t]), !t || t.length === 0)) return r let i = -1 for (; ++i < t.length; ) if (e.includes(t[i])) return !0 return !1 } function Sm(e, t, r, i) { let n = -1 for (; ++n < r.unsafe.length; ) if ( r.unsafe[n].character === ` ` && pA(r.stack, r.unsafe[n]) ) return /[ \t]/.test(i.before) ? '' : ' ' return `\\ ` } function hA(e, t) { const r = String(e) let i = r.indexOf(t), n = i, s = 0, a = 0 if (typeof t != 'string') throw new TypeError('Expected substring') for (; i !== -1; ) i === n ? ++s > a && (a = s) : (s = 1), (n = i + t.length), (i = r.indexOf(t, n)) return a } function mA(e, t) { return !!( t.options.fences === !1 && e.value && !e.lang && /[^ \r\n]/.test(e.value) && !/^[\t ]*(?:[\r\n]|$)|(?:^|[\r\n])[\t ]*$/.test(e.value) ) } function dA(e) { const t = e.options.fence || '`' if (t !== '`' && t !== '~') throw new Error( 'Cannot serialize code with `' + t + '` for `options.fence`, expected `` ` `` or `~`' ) return t } function gA(e, t, r, i) { const n = dA(r), s = e.value || '', a = n === '`' ? 'GraveAccent' : 'Tilde' if (mA(e, r)) { const h = r.enter('codeIndented'), p = r.indentLines(s, bA) return h(), p } const o = r.createTracker(i), u = n.repeat(Math.max(hA(s, n) + 1, 3)), c = r.enter('codeFenced') let f = o.move(u) if (e.lang) { const h = r.enter(`codeFencedLang${a}`) ;(f += o.move(, { before: f, after: ' ', encode: ['`'], ...o.current() }))), h() } if (e.lang && e.meta) { const h = r.enter(`codeFencedMeta${a}`) ;(f += o.move(' ')), (f += o.move(, { before: f, after: ` `, encode: ['`'], ...o.current(), }) )), h() } return ( (f += o.move(` `)), s && (f += o.move( s + ` ` )), (f += o.move(u)), c(), f ) } function bA(e, t, r) { return (r ? '' : ' ') + e } function op(e) { const t = e.options.quote || '"' if (t !== '"' && t !== "'") throw new Error( 'Cannot serialize title with `' + t + '` for `options.quote`, expected `"`, or `\'`' ) return t } function yA(e, t, r, i) { const n = op(r), s = n === '"' ? 'Quote' : 'Apostrophe', a = r.enter('definition') let o = r.enter('label') const u = r.createTracker(i) let c = u.move('[') return ( (c += u.move(, { before: c, after: ']', ...u.current() }))), (c += u.move(']: ')), o(), !e.url || /[\0- \u007F]/.test(e.url) ? ((o = r.enter('destinationLiteral')), (c += u.move('<')), (c += u.move(, { before: c, after: '>', ...u.current() }))), (c += u.move('>'))) : ((o = r.enter('destinationRaw')), (c += u.move(, { before: c, after: e.title ? ' ' : ` `, ...u.current(), }) ))), o(), e.title && ((o = r.enter(`title${s}`)), (c += u.move(' ' + n)), (c += u.move(, { before: c, after: n, ...u.current() }))), (c += u.move(n)), o()), a(), c ) } function _A(e) { const t = e.options.emphasis || '*' if (t !== '*' && t !== '_') throw new Error( 'Cannot serialize emphasis with `' + t + '` for `options.emphasis`, expected `*`, or `_`' ) return t } g1.peek = vA function g1(e, t, r, i) { const n = _A(r), s = r.enter('emphasis'), a = r.createTracker(i) let o = a.move(n) return ( (o += a.move(r.containerPhrasing(e, { before: o, after: n, ...a.current() }))), (o += a.move(n)), s(), o ) } function vA(e, t, r) { return r.options.emphasis || '*' } function EA(e, t) { let r = !1 return ( fn(e, function (i) { if (('value' in i && /\r?\n|\r/.test(i.value)) || i.type === 'break') return (r = !0), Nc }), !!((!e.depth || e.depth < 3) && ep(e) && (t.options.setext || r)) ) } function xA(e, t, r, i) { const n = Math.max(Math.min(6, e.depth || 1), 1), s = r.createTracker(i) if (EA(e, r)) { const f = r.enter('headingSetext'), h = r.enter('phrasing'), p = r.containerPhrasing(e, { ...s.current(), before: ` `, after: ` `, }) return ( h(), f(), p + ` ` + (n === 1 ? '=' : '-').repeat( p.length - (Math.max( p.lastIndexOf('\r'), p.lastIndexOf(` `) ) + 1) ) ) } const a = '#'.repeat(n), o = r.enter('headingAtx'), u = r.enter('phrasing') s.move(a + ' ') let c = r.containerPhrasing(e, { before: '# ', after: ` `, ...s.current(), }) return ( /^[\t ]/.test(c) && (c = '&#x' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase() + ';' + c.slice(1)), (c = c ? a + ' ' + c : a), r.options.closeAtx && (c += ' ' + a), u(), o(), c ) } b1.peek = TA function b1(e) { return e.value || '' } function TA() { return '<' } y1.peek = AA function y1(e, t, r, i) { const n = op(r), s = n === '"' ? 'Quote' : 'Apostrophe', a = r.enter('image') let o = r.enter('label') const u = r.createTracker(i) let c = u.move('![') return ( (c += u.move(, { before: c, after: ']', ...u.current() }))), (c += u.move('](')), o(), (!e.url && e.title) || /[\0- \u007F]/.test(e.url) ? ((o = r.enter('destinationLiteral')), (c += u.move('<')), (c += u.move(, { before: c, after: '>', ...u.current() }))), (c += u.move('>'))) : ((o = r.enter('destinationRaw')), (c += u.move(, { before: c, after: e.title ? ' ' : ')', ...u.current() })))), o(), e.title && ((o = r.enter(`title${s}`)), (c += u.move(' ' + n)), (c += u.move(, { before: c, after: n, ...u.current() }))), (c += u.move(n)), o()), (c += u.move(')')), a(), c ) } function AA() { return '!' } _1.peek = SA function _1(e, t, r, i) { const n = e.referenceType, s = r.enter('imageReference') let a = r.enter('label') const o = r.createTracker(i) let u = o.move('![') const c =, { before: u, after: ']', ...o.current() }) ;(u += o.move(c + '][')), a() const f = r.stack ;(r.stack = []), (a = r.enter('reference')) const h =, { before: u, after: ']', ...o.current() }) return ( a(), (r.stack = f), s(), n === 'full' || !c || c !== h ? (u += o.move(h + ']')) : n === 'shortcut' ? (u = u.slice(0, -1)) : (u += o.move(']')), u ) } function SA() { return '!' } v1.peek = CA function v1(e, t, r) { let i = e.value || '', n = '`', s = -1 for (; new RegExp('(^|[^`])' + n + '([^`]|$)').test(i); ) n += '`' for ( /[^ \r\n]/.test(i) && ((/^[ \r\n]/.test(i) && /[ \r\n]$/.test(i)) || /^`|`$/.test(i)) && (i = ' ' + i + ' '); ++s < r.unsafe.length; ) { const a = r.unsafe[s], o = r.compilePattern(a) let u if (a.atBreak) for (; (u = o.exec(i)); ) { let c = u.index i.charCodeAt(c) === 10 && i.charCodeAt(c - 1) === 13 && c--, (i = i.slice(0, c) + ' ' + i.slice(u.index + 1)) } } return n + i + n } function CA() { return '`' } function E1(e, t) { const r = ep(e) return !!( !t.options.resourceLink && e.url && !e.title && e.children && e.children.length === 1 && e.children[0].type === 'text' && (r === e.url || 'mailto:' + r === e.url) && /^[a-z][a-z+.-]+:/i.test(e.url) && !/[\0- <>\u007F]/.test(e.url) ) } x1.peek = kA function x1(e, t, r, i) { const n = op(r), s = n === '"' ? 'Quote' : 'Apostrophe', a = r.createTracker(i) let o, u if (E1(e, r)) { const f = r.stack ;(r.stack = []), (o = r.enter('autolink')) let h = a.move('<') return ( (h += a.move(r.containerPhrasing(e, { before: h, after: '>', ...a.current() }))), (h += a.move('>')), o(), (r.stack = f), h ) } ;(o = r.enter('link')), (u = r.enter('label')) let c = a.move('[') return ( (c += a.move(r.containerPhrasing(e, { before: c, after: '](', ...a.current() }))), (c += a.move('](')), u(), (!e.url && e.title) || /[\0- \u007F]/.test(e.url) ? ((u = r.enter('destinationLiteral')), (c += a.move('<')), (c += a.move(, { before: c, after: '>', ...a.current() }))), (c += a.move('>'))) : ((u = r.enter('destinationRaw')), (c += a.move(, { before: c, after: e.title ? ' ' : ')', ...a.current() })))), u(), e.title && ((u = r.enter(`title${s}`)), (c += a.move(' ' + n)), (c += a.move(, { before: c, after: n, ...a.current() }))), (c += a.move(n)), u()), (c += a.move(')')), o(), c ) } function kA(e, t, r) { return E1(e, r) ? '<' : '[' } T1.peek = wA function T1(e, t, r, i) { const n = e.referenceType, s = r.enter('linkReference') let a = r.enter('label') const o = r.createTracker(i) let u = o.move('[') const c = r.containerPhrasing(e, { before: u, after: ']', ...o.current() }) ;(u += o.move(c + '][')), a() const f = r.stack ;(r.stack = []), (a = r.enter('reference')) const h =, { before: u, after: ']', ...o.current() }) return ( a(), (r.stack = f), s(), n === 'full' || !c || c !== h ? (u += o.move(h + ']')) : n === 'shortcut' ? (u = u.slice(0, -1)) : (u += o.move(']')), u ) } function wA() { return '[' } function up(e) { const t = e.options.bullet || '*' if (t !== '*' && t !== '+' && t !== '-') throw new Error( 'Cannot serialize items with `' + t + '` for `options.bullet`, expected `*`, `+`, or `-`' ) return t } function NA(e) { const t = up(e), r = e.options.bulletOther if (!r) return t === '*' ? '-' : '*' if (r !== '*' && r !== '+' && r !== '-') throw new Error( 'Cannot serialize items with `' + r + '` for `options.bulletOther`, expected `*`, `+`, or `-`' ) if (r === t) throw new Error( 'Expected `bullet` (`' + t + '`) and `bulletOther` (`' + r + '`) to be different' ) return r } function OA(e) { const t = e.options.bulletOrdered || '.' if (t !== '.' && t !== ')') throw new Error( 'Cannot serialize items with `' + t + '` for `options.bulletOrdered`, expected `.` or `)`' ) return t } function A1(e) { const t = e.options.rule || '*' if (t !== '*' && t !== '-' && t !== '_') throw new Error( 'Cannot serialize rules with `' + t + '` for `options.rule`, expected `*`, `-`, or `_`' ) return t } function IA(e, t, r, i) { const n = r.enter('list'), s = r.bulletCurrent let a = e.ordered ? OA(r) : up(r) const o = e.ordered ? (a === '.' ? ')' : '.') : NA(r) let u = t && r.bulletLastUsed ? a === r.bulletLastUsed : !1 if (!e.ordered) { const f = e.children ? e.children[0] : void 0 if ( ((a === '*' || a === '-') && f && (!f.children || !f.children[0]) && r.stack[r.stack.length - 1] === 'list' && r.stack[r.stack.length - 2] === 'listItem' && r.stack[r.stack.length - 3] === 'list' && r.stack[r.stack.length - 4] === 'listItem' && r.indexStack[r.indexStack.length - 1] === 0 && r.indexStack[r.indexStack.length - 2] === 0 && r.indexStack[r.indexStack.length - 3] === 0 && (u = !0), A1(r) === a && f) ) { let h = -1 for (; ++h < e.children.length; ) { const p = e.children[h] if ( p && p.type === 'listItem' && p.children && p.children[0] && p.children[0].type === 'thematicBreak' ) { u = !0 break } } } } u && (a = o), (r.bulletCurrent = a) const c = r.containerFlow(e, i) return (r.bulletLastUsed = a), (r.bulletCurrent = s), n(), c } function DA(e) { const t = e.options.listItemIndent || 'one' if (t !== 'tab' && t !== 'one' && t !== 'mixed') throw new Error( 'Cannot serialize items with `' + t + '` for `options.listItemIndent`, expected `tab`, `one`, or `mixed`' ) return t } function RA(e, t, r, i) { const n = DA(r) let s = r.bulletCurrent || up(r) t && t.type === 'list' && t.ordered && (s = (typeof t.start == 'number' && t.start > -1 ? t.start : 1) + (r.options.incrementListMarker === !1 ? 0 : t.children.indexOf(e)) + s) let a = s.length + 1 ;(n === 'tab' || (n === 'mixed' && ((t && t.type === 'list' && t.spread) || e.spread))) && (a = Math.ceil(a / 4) * 4) const o = r.createTracker(i) o.move(s + ' '.repeat(a - s.length)), o.shift(a) const u = r.enter('listItem'), c = r.indentLines(r.containerFlow(e, o.current()), f) return u(), c function f(h, p, m) { return p ? (m ? '' : ' '.repeat(a)) + h : (m ? s : s + ' '.repeat(a - s.length)) + h } } function LA(e, t, r, i) { const n = r.enter('paragraph'), s = r.enter('phrasing'), a = r.containerPhrasing(e, i) return s(), n(), a } const PA = uu([ 'break', 'delete', 'emphasis', 'footnote', 'footnoteReference', 'image', 'imageReference', 'inlineCode', 'link', 'linkReference', 'strong', 'text', ]) function BA(e, t, r, i) { return ( e.children.some(function (a) { return PA(a) }) ? r.containerPhrasing : r.containerFlow ).call(r, e, i) } function FA(e) { const t = e.options.strong || '*' if (t !== '*' && t !== '_') throw new Error( 'Cannot serialize strong with `' + t + '` for `options.strong`, expected `*`, or `_`' ) return t } S1.peek = MA function S1(e, t, r, i) { const n = FA(r), s = r.enter('strong'), a = r.createTracker(i) let o = a.move(n + n) return ( (o += a.move(r.containerPhrasing(e, { before: o, after: n, ...a.current() }))), (o += a.move(n + n)), s(), o ) } function MA(e, t, r) { return r.options.strong || '*' } function UA(e, t, r, i) { return, i) } function HA(e) { const t = e.options.ruleRepetition || 3 if (t < 3) throw new Error( 'Cannot serialize rules with repetition `' + t + '` for `options.ruleRepetition`, expected `3` or more' ) return t } function zA(e, t, r) { const i = (A1(r) + (r.options.ruleSpaces ? ' ' : '')).repeat(HA(r)) return r.options.ruleSpaces ? i.slice(0, -1) : i } const C1 = { blockquote: cA, break: Sm, code: gA, definition: yA, emphasis: g1, hardBreak: Sm, heading: xA, html: b1, image: y1, imageReference: _1, inlineCode: v1, link: x1, linkReference: T1, list: IA, listItem: RA, paragraph: LA, root: BA, strong: S1, text: UA, thematicBreak: zA, } function jA() { return { enter: { table: qA, tableData: Cm, tableHeader: Cm, tableRow: VA }, exit: { codeText: GA, table: $A, tableData: ml, tableHeader: ml, tableRow: ml }, } } function qA(e) { const t = e._align this.enter( { type: 'table', align: (r) { return r === 'none' ? null : r }), children: [], }, e ), ( = !0) } function $A(e) { this.exit(e), ( = void 0) } function VA(e) { this.enter({ type: 'tableRow', children: [] }, e) } function ml(e) { this.exit(e) } function Cm(e) { this.enter({ type: 'tableCell', children: [] }, e) } function GA(e) { let t = this.resume() && (t = t.replace(/\\([\\|])/g, XA)) const r = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] r.type, (r.value = t), this.exit(e) } function XA(e, t) { return t === '|' ? t : e } function YA(e) { const t = e || {}, r = t.tableCellPadding, i = t.tablePipeAlign, n = t.stringLength, s = r ? ' ' : '|' return { unsafe: [ { character: '\r', inConstruct: 'tableCell' }, { character: ` `, inConstruct: 'tableCell', }, { atBreak: !0, character: '|', after: '[ :-]' }, { character: '|', inConstruct: 'tableCell' }, { atBreak: !0, character: ':', after: '-' }, { atBreak: !0, character: '-', after: '[:|-]' }, ], handlers: { inlineCode: p, table: a, tableCell: u, tableRow: o }, } function a(m, v, b, S) { return c(f(m, b, S), m.align) } function o(m, v, b, S) { const g = h(m, b, S), _ = c([g]) return _.slice( 0, _.indexOf(` `) ) } function u(m, v, b, S) { const g = b.enter('tableCell'), _ = b.enter('phrasing'), y = b.containerPhrasing(m, { ...S, before: s, after: s }) return _(), g(), y } function c(m, v) { return aA(m, { align: v, alignDelimiters: i, padding: r, stringLength: n }) } function f(m, v, b) { const S = m.children let g = -1 const _ = [], y = v.enter('table') for (; ++g < S.length; ) _[g] = h(S[g], v, b) return y(), _ } function h(m, v, b) { const S = m.children let g = -1 const _ = [], y = v.enter('tableRow') for (; ++g < S.length; ) _[g] = u(S[g], m, v, b) return y(), _ } function p(m, v, b) { let S = C1.inlineCode(m, v, b) return b.stack.includes('tableCell') && (S = S.replace(/\|/g, '\\$&')), S } } function WA() { return { exit: { taskListCheckValueChecked: km, taskListCheckValueUnchecked: km, paragraph: KA } } } function QA() { return { unsafe: [{ atBreak: !0, character: '-', after: '[:|-]' }], handlers: { listItem: JA } } } function km(e) { const t = this.stack[this.stack.length - 2] t.type, (t.checked = e.type === 'taskListCheckValueChecked') } function KA(e) { const t = this.stack[this.stack.length - 2] if (t && t.type === 'listItem' && typeof t.checked == 'boolean') { const r = this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] r.type const i = r.children[0] if (i && i.type === 'text') { const n = t.children let s = -1, a for (; ++s < n.length; ) { const o = n[s] if (o.type === 'paragraph') { a = o break } } a === r && ((i.value = i.value.slice(1)), i.value.length === 0 ? r.children.shift() : r.position && i.position && typeof i.position.start.offset == 'number' && (i.position.start.column++, i.position.start.offset++, (r.position.start = Object.assign({}, i.position.start)))) } } this.exit(e) } function JA(e, t, r, i) { const n = e.children[0], s = typeof e.checked == 'boolean' && n && n.type === 'paragraph', a = '[' + (e.checked ? 'x' : ' ') + '] ', o = r.createTracker(i) s && o.move(a) let u = C1.listItem(e, t, r, { ...i, ...o.current() }) return s && (u = u.replace(/^(?:[*+-]|\d+\.)([\r\n]| {1,3})/, c)), u function c(f) { return f + a } } function ZA() { return [N2(), z2(), tA(), jA(), WA()] } function eS(e) { return { extensions: [O2(), j2(), rA(), YA(e), QA()] } } const tS = { tokenize: oS, partial: !0 }, k1 = { tokenize: uS, partial: !0 }, w1 = { tokenize: lS, partial: !0 }, N1 = { tokenize: cS, partial: !0 }, rS = { tokenize: fS, partial: !0 }, O1 = { tokenize: sS, previous: D1 }, I1 = { tokenize: aS, previous: R1 }, Fr = { tokenize: nS, previous: L1 }, vr = {} function iS() { return { text: vr } } let gi = 48 for (; gi < 123; ) (vr[gi] = Fr), gi++, gi === 58 ? (gi = 65) : gi === 91 && (gi = 97) vr[43] = Fr vr[45] = Fr vr[46] = Fr vr[95] = Fr vr[72] = [Fr, I1] vr[104] = [Fr, I1] vr[87] = [Fr, O1] vr[119] = [Fr, O1] function nS(e, t, r) { const i = this let n, s return a function a(h) { return !Ic(h) || !, i.previous) || lp( ? r(h) : (e.enter('literalAutolink'), e.enter('literalAutolinkEmail'), o(h)) } function o(h) { return Ic(h) ? (e.consume(h), o) : h === 64 ? (e.consume(h), u) : r(h) } function u(h) { return h === 46 ? e.check(rS, f, c)(h) : h === 45 || h === 95 || ht(h) ? ((s = !0), e.consume(h), u) : f(h) } function c(h) { return e.consume(h), (n = !0), u } function f(h) { return s && n && bt(i.previous) ? (e.exit('literalAutolinkEmail'), e.exit('literalAutolink'), t(h)) : r(h) } } function sS(e, t, r) { const i = this return n function n(a) { return (a !== 87 && a !== 119) || !, i.previous) || lp( ? r(a) : (e.enter('literalAutolink'), e.enter('literalAutolinkWww'), e.check(tS, e.attempt(k1, e.attempt(w1, s), r), r)(a)) } function s(a) { return e.exit('literalAutolinkWww'), e.exit('literalAutolink'), t(a) } } function aS(e, t, r) { const i = this let n = '', s = !1 return a function a(h) { return (h === 72 || h === 104) &&, i.previous) && !lp( ? (e.enter('literalAutolink'), e.enter('literalAutolinkHttp'), (n += String.fromCodePoint(h)), e.consume(h), o) : r(h) } function o(h) { if (bt(h) && n.length < 5) return (n += String.fromCodePoint(h)), e.consume(h), o if (h === 58) { const p = n.toLowerCase() if (p === 'http' || p === 'https') return e.consume(h), u } return r(h) } function u(h) { return h === 47 ? (e.consume(h), s ? c : ((s = !0), u)) : r(h) } function c(h) { return h === null || Ro(h) || Pe(h) || Ri(h) || su(h) ? r(h) : e.attempt(k1, e.attempt(w1, f), r)(h) } function f(h) { return e.exit('literalAutolinkHttp'), e.exit('literalAutolink'), t(h) } } function oS(e, t, r) { let i = 0 return n function n(a) { return (a === 87 || a === 119) && i < 3 ? (i++, e.consume(a), n) : a === 46 && i === 3 ? (e.consume(a), s) : r(a) } function s(a) { return a === null ? r(a) : t(a) } } function uS(e, t, r) { let i, n, s return a function a(c) { return c === 46 || c === 95 ? e.check(N1, u, o)(c) : c === null || Pe(c) || Ri(c) || (c !== 45 && su(c)) ? u(c) : ((s = !0), e.consume(c), a) } function o(c) { return c === 95 ? (i = !0) : ((n = i), (i = void 0)), e.consume(c), a } function u(c) { return n || i || !s ? r(c) : t(c) } } function lS(e, t) { let r = 0, i = 0 return n function n(a) { return a === 40 ? (r++, e.consume(a), n) : a === 41 && i < r ? s(a) : a === 33 || a === 34 || a === 38 || a === 39 || a === 41 || a === 42 || a === 44 || a === 46 || a === 58 || a === 59 || a === 60 || a === 63 || a === 93 || a === 95 || a === 126 ? e.check(N1, t, s)(a) : a === null || Pe(a) || Ri(a) ? t(a) : (e.consume(a), n) } function s(a) { return a === 41 && i++, e.consume(a), n } } function cS(e, t, r) { return i function i(o) { return o === 33 || o === 34 || o === 39 || o === 41 || o === 42 || o === 44 || o === 46 || o === 58 || o === 59 || o === 63 || o === 95 || o === 126 ? (e.consume(o), i) : o === 38 ? (e.consume(o), s) : o === 93 ? (e.consume(o), n) : o === 60 || o === null || Pe(o) || Ri(o) ? t(o) : r(o) } function n(o) { return o === null || o === 40 || o === 91 || Pe(o) || Ri(o) ? t(o) : i(o) } function s(o) { return bt(o) ? a(o) : r(o) } function a(o) { return o === 59 ? (e.consume(o), i) : bt(o) ? (e.consume(o), a) : r(o) } } function fS(e, t, r) { return i function i(s) { return e.consume(s), n } function n(s) { return ht(s) ? r(s) : t(s) } } function D1(e) { return ( e === null || e === 40 || e === 42 || e === 95 || e === 91 || e === 93 || e === 126 || Pe(e) ) } function R1(e) { return !bt(e) } function L1(e) { return !(e === 47 || Ic(e)) } function Ic(e) { return e === 43 || e === 45 || e === 46 || e === 95 || ht(e) } function lp(e) { let t = e.length, r = !1 for (; t--; ) { const i = e[t][1] if ((i.type === 'labelLink' || i.type === 'labelImage') && !i._balanced) { r = !0 break } if (i._gfmAutolinkLiteralWalkedInto) { r = !1 break } } return e.length > 0 && !r && (e[e.length - 1][1]._gfmAutolinkLiteralWalkedInto = !0), r } const pS = { tokenize: vS, partial: !0 } function hS() { return { document: { 91: { tokenize: bS, continuation: { tokenize: yS }, exit: _S } }, text: { 91: { tokenize: gS }, 93: { add: 'after', tokenize: mS, resolveTo: dS } }, } } function mS(e, t, r) { const i = this let n = const s = i.parser.gfmFootnotes || (i.parser.gfmFootnotes = []) let a for (; n--; ) { const u =[n][1] if (u.type === 'labelImage') { a = u break } if ( u.type === 'gfmFootnoteCall' || u.type === 'labelLink' || u.type === 'label' || u.type === 'image' || u.type === 'link' ) break } return o function o(u) { if (!a || !a._balanced) return r(u) const c = sr(i.sliceSerialize({ start: a.end, end: })) return c.codePointAt(0) !== 94 || !s.includes(c.slice(1)) ? r(u) : (e.enter('gfmFootnoteCallLabelMarker'), e.consume(u), e.exit('gfmFootnoteCallLabelMarker'), t(u)) } } function dS(e, t) { let r = e.length for (; r--; ) if (e[r][1].type === 'labelImage' && e[r][0] === 'enter') { e[r][1] break } ;(e[r + 1][1].type = 'data'), (e[r + 3][1].type = 'gfmFootnoteCallLabelMarker') const i = { type: 'gfmFootnoteCall', start: Object.assign({}, e[r + 3][1].start), end: Object.assign({}, e[e.length - 1][1].end), }, n = { type: 'gfmFootnoteCallMarker', start: Object.assign({}, e[r + 3][1].end), end: Object.assign({}, e[r + 3][1].end), } n.end.column++, n.end.offset++, n.end._bufferIndex++ const s = { type: 'gfmFootnoteCallString', start: Object.assign({}, n.end), end: Object.assign({}, e[e.length - 1][1].start), }, a = { type: 'chunkString', contentType: 'string', start: Object.assign({}, s.start), end: Object.assign({}, s.end), }, o = [ e[r + 1], e[r + 2], ['enter', i, t], e[r + 3], e[r + 4], ['enter', n, t], ['exit', n, t], ['enter', s, t], ['enter', a, t], ['exit', a, t], ['exit', s, t], e[e.length - 2], e[e.length - 1], ['exit', i, t], ] return e.splice(r, e.length - r + 1, ...o), e } function gS(e, t, r) { const i = this, n = i.parser.gfmFootnotes || (i.parser.gfmFootnotes = []) let s = 0, a return o function o(h) { return ( e.enter('gfmFootnoteCall'), e.enter('gfmFootnoteCallLabelMarker'), e.consume(h), e.exit('gfmFootnoteCallLabelMarker'), u ) } function u(h) { return h !== 94 ? r(h) : (e.enter('gfmFootnoteCallMarker'), e.consume(h), e.exit('gfmFootnoteCallMarker'), e.enter('gfmFootnoteCallString'), (e.enter('chunkString').contentType = 'string'), c) } function c(h) { if (s > 999 || (h === 93 && !a) || h === null || h === 91 || Pe(h)) return r(h) if (h === 93) { e.exit('chunkString') const p = e.exit('gfmFootnoteCallString') return n.includes(sr(i.sliceSerialize(p))) ? (e.enter('gfmFootnoteCallLabelMarker'), e.consume(h), e.exit('gfmFootnoteCallLabelMarker'), e.exit('gfmFootnoteCall'), t) : r(h) } return Pe(h) || (a = !0), s++, e.consume(h), h === 92 ? f : c } function f(h) { return h === 91 || h === 92 || h === 93 ? (e.consume(h), s++, c) : c(h) } } function bS(e, t, r) { const i = this, n = i.parser.gfmFootnotes || (i.parser.gfmFootnotes = []) let s, a = 0, o return u function u(v) { return ( (e.enter('gfmFootnoteDefinition')._container = !0), e.enter('gfmFootnoteDefinitionLabel'), e.enter('gfmFootnoteDefinitionLabelMarker'), e.consume(v), e.exit('gfmFootnoteDefinitionLabelMarker'), c ) } function c(v) { return v === 94 ? (e.enter('gfmFootnoteDefinitionMarker'), e.consume(v), e.exit('gfmFootnoteDefinitionMarker'), e.enter('gfmFootnoteDefinitionLabelString'), (e.enter('chunkString').contentType = 'string'), f) : r(v) } function f(v) { if (a > 999 || (v === 93 && !o) || v === null || v === 91 || Pe(v)) return r(v) if (v === 93) { e.exit('chunkString') const b = e.exit('gfmFootnoteDefinitionLabelString') return ( (s = sr(i.sliceSerialize(b))), e.enter('gfmFootnoteDefinitionLabelMarker'), e.consume(v), e.exit('gfmFootnoteDefinitionLabelMarker'), e.exit('gfmFootnoteDefinitionLabel'), p ) } return Pe(v) || (o = !0), a++, e.consume(v), v === 92 ? h : f } function h(v) { return v === 91 || v === 92 || v === 93 ? (e.consume(v), a++, f) : f(v) } function p(v) { return v === 58 ? (e.enter('definitionMarker'), e.consume(v), e.exit('definitionMarker'), n.includes(s) || n.push(s), we(e, m, 'gfmFootnoteDefinitionWhitespace')) : r(v) } function m(v) { return t(v) } } function yS(e, t, r) { return e.check(sa, t, e.attempt(pS, t, r)) } function _S(e) { e.exit('gfmFootnoteDefinition') } function vS(e, t, r) { const i = this return we(e, n, 'gfmFootnoteDefinitionIndent', 4 + 1) function n(s) { const a =[ - 1] return a && a[1].type === 'gfmFootnoteDefinitionIndent' && a[2].sliceSerialize(a[1], !0).length === 4 ? t(s) : r(s) } } function ES(e) { let r = (e || {}).singleTilde const i = { tokenize: s, resolveAll: n } return ( r == null && (r = !0), { text: { 126: i }, insideSpan: { null: [i] }, attentionMarkers: { null: [126] } } ) function n(a, o) { let u = -1 for (; ++u < a.length; ) if ( a[u][0] === 'enter' && a[u][1].type === 'strikethroughSequenceTemporary' && a[u][1]._close ) { let c = u for (; c--; ) if ( a[c][0] === 'exit' && a[c][1].type === 'strikethroughSequenceTemporary' && a[c][1]._open && a[u][1].end.offset - a[u][1].start.offset === a[c][1].end.offset - a[c][1].start.offset ) { ;(a[u][1].type = 'strikethroughSequence'), (a[c][1].type = 'strikethroughSequence') const f = { type: 'strikethrough', start: Object.assign({}, a[c][1].start), end: Object.assign({}, a[u][1].end), }, h = { type: 'strikethroughText', start: Object.assign({}, a[c][1].end), end: Object.assign({}, a[u][1].start), }, p = [ ['enter', f, o], ['enter', a[c][1], o], ['exit', a[c][1], o], ['enter', h, o], ], m = o.parser.constructs.insideSpan.null m && Bt(p, p.length, 0, au(m, a.slice(c + 1, u), o)), Bt(p, p.length, 0, [ ['exit', h, o], ['enter', a[u][1], o], ['exit', a[u][1], o], ['exit', f, o], ]), Bt(a, c - 1, u - c + 3, p), (u = c + p.length - 2) break } } for (u = -1; ++u < a.length; ) a[u][1].type === 'strikethroughSequenceTemporary' && (a[u][1].type = 'data') return a } function s(a, o, u) { const c = this.previous, f = let h = 0 return p function p(v) { return c === 126 && f[f.length - 1][1].type !== 'characterEscape' ? u(v) : (a.enter('strikethroughSequenceTemporary'), m(v)) } function m(v) { const b = Lo(c) if (v === 126) return h > 1 ? u(v) : (a.consume(v), h++, m) if (h < 2 && !r) return u(v) const S = a.exit('strikethroughSequenceTemporary'), g = Lo(v) return (S._open = !g || (g === 2 && !!b)), (S._close = !b || (b === 2 && !!g)), o(v) } } } class xS { constructor() { = [] } add(t, r, i) { TS(this, t, r, i) } consume(t) { if ( ( (s, a) { return s[0] - a[0] }), === 0) ) return let r = const i = [] for (; r > 0; ) (r -= 1), i.push(t.slice([r][0] +[r][1]),[r][2]), (t.length =[r][0]) i.push([...t]), (t.length = 0) let n = i.pop() for (; n; ) t.push(...n), (n = i.pop()) = 0 } } function TS(e, t, r, i) { let n = 0 if (!(r === 0 && i.length === 0)) { for (; n <; ) { if ([n][0] === t) { ;([n][1] += r),[n][2].push(...i) return } n += 1 }[t, r, i]) } } function AS(e, t) { let r = !1 const i = [] for (; t < e.length; ) { const n = e[t] if (r) { if (n[0] === 'enter') n[1].type === 'tableContent' && i.push(e[t + 1][1].type === 'tableDelimiterMarker' ? 'left' : 'none') else if (n[1].type === 'tableContent') { if (e[t - 1][1].type === 'tableDelimiterMarker') { const s = i.length - 1 i[s] = i[s] === 'left' ? 'center' : 'right' } } else if (n[1].type === 'tableDelimiterRow') break } else n[0] === 'enter' && n[1].type === 'tableDelimiterRow' && (r = !0) t += 1 } return i } function SS() { return { flow: { null: { tokenize: CS, resolveAll: kS } } } } function CS(e, t, r) { const i = this let n = 0, s = 0, a return o function o(O) { let N = - 1 for (; N > -1; ) { const j =[N][1].type if (j === 'lineEnding' || j === 'linePrefix') N-- else break } const M = N > -1 ?[N][1].type : null, V = M === 'tableHead' || M === 'tableRow' ? C : u return V === C && i.parser.lazy[] ? r(O) : V(O) } function u(O) { return e.enter('tableHead'), e.enter('tableRow'), c(O) } function c(O) { return O === 124 || ((a = !0), (s += 1)), f(O) } function f(O) { return O === null ? r(O) : ye(O) ? s > 1 ? ((s = 0), (i.interrupt = !0), e.exit('tableRow'), e.enter('lineEnding'), e.consume(O), e.exit('lineEnding'), m) : r(O) : Ae(O) ? we(e, f, 'whitespace')(O) : ((s += 1), a && ((a = !1), (n += 1)), O === 124 ? (e.enter('tableCellDivider'), e.consume(O), e.exit('tableCellDivider'), (a = !0), f) : (e.enter('data'), h(O))) } function h(O) { return O === null || O === 124 || Pe(O) ? (e.exit('data'), f(O)) : (e.consume(O), O === 92 ? p : h) } function p(O) { return O === 92 || O === 124 ? (e.consume(O), h) : h(O) } function m(O) { return ( (i.interrupt = !1), i.parser.lazy[] ? r(O) : (e.enter('tableDelimiterRow'), (a = !1), Ae(O) ? we( e, v, 'linePrefix', i.parser.constructs.disable.null.includes('codeIndented') ? void 0 : 4 )(O) : v(O)) ) } function v(O) { return O === 45 || O === 58 ? S(O) : O === 124 ? ((a = !0), e.enter('tableCellDivider'), e.consume(O), e.exit('tableCellDivider'), b) : D(O) } function b(O) { return Ae(O) ? we(e, S, 'whitespace')(O) : S(O) } function S(O) { return O === 58 ? ((s += 1), (a = !0), e.enter('tableDelimiterMarker'), e.consume(O), e.exit('tableDelimiterMarker'), g) : O === 45 ? ((s += 1), g(O)) : O === null || ye(O) ? x(O) : D(O) } function g(O) { return O === 45 ? (e.enter('tableDelimiterFiller'), _(O)) : D(O) } function _(O) { return O === 45 ? (e.consume(O), _) : O === 58 ? ((a = !0), e.exit('tableDelimiterFiller'), e.enter('tableDelimiterMarker'), e.consume(O), e.exit('tableDelimiterMarker'), y) : (e.exit('tableDelimiterFiller'), y(O)) } function y(O) { return Ae(O) ? we(e, x, 'whitespace')(O) : x(O) } function x(O) { return O === 124 ? v(O) : O === null || ye(O) ? !a || n !== s ? D(O) : (e.exit('tableDelimiterRow'), e.exit('tableHead'), t(O)) : D(O) } function D(O) { return r(O) } function C(O) { return e.enter('tableRow'), H(O) } function H(O) { return O === 124 ? (e.enter('tableCellDivider'), e.consume(O), e.exit('tableCellDivider'), H) : O === null || ye(O) ? (e.exit('tableRow'), t(O)) : Ae(O) ? we(e, H, 'whitespace')(O) : (e.enter('data'), T(O)) } function T(O) { return O === null || O === 124 || Pe(O) ? (e.exit('data'), H(O)) : (e.consume(O), O === 92 ? k : T) } function k(O) { return O === 92 || O === 124 ? (e.consume(O), T) : T(O) } } function kS(e, t) { let r = -1, i = !0, n = 0, s = [0, 0, 0, 0], a = [0, 0, 0, 0], o = !1, u = 0, c, f, h const p = new xS() for (; ++r < e.length; ) { const m = e[r], v = m[1] m[0] === 'enter' ? v.type === 'tableHead' ? ((o = !1), u !== 0 && (wm(p, t, u, c, f), (f = void 0), (u = 0)), (c = { type: 'table', start: Object.assign({}, v.start), end: Object.assign({}, v.end) }), p.add(r, 0, [['enter', c, t]])) : v.type === 'tableRow' || v.type === 'tableDelimiterRow' ? ((i = !0), (h = void 0), (s = [0, 0, 0, 0]), (a = [0, r + 1, 0, 0]), o && ((o = !1), (f = { type: 'tableBody', start: Object.assign({}, v.start), end: Object.assign({}, v.end), }), p.add(r, 0, [['enter', f, t]])), (n = v.type === 'tableDelimiterRow' ? 2 : f ? 3 : 1)) : n && (v.type === 'data' || v.type === 'tableDelimiterMarker' || v.type === 'tableDelimiterFiller') ? ((i = !1), a[2] === 0 && (s[1] !== 0 && ((a[0] = a[1]), (h = Ba(p, t, s, n, void 0, h)), (s = [0, 0, 0, 0])), (a[2] = r))) : v.type === 'tableCellDivider' && (i ? (i = !1) : (s[1] !== 0 && ((a[0] = a[1]), (h = Ba(p, t, s, n, void 0, h))), (s = a), (a = [s[1], r, 0, 0]))) : v.type === 'tableHead' ? ((o = !0), (u = r)) : v.type === 'tableRow' || v.type === 'tableDelimiterRow' ? ((u = r), s[1] !== 0 ? ((a[0] = a[1]), (h = Ba(p, t, s, n, r, h))) : a[1] !== 0 && (h = Ba(p, t, a, n, r, h)), (n = 0)) : n && (v.type === 'data' || v.type === 'tableDelimiterMarker' || v.type === 'tableDelimiterFiller') && (a[3] = r) } for (u !== 0 && wm(p, t, u, c, f), p.consume(, r = -1; ++r <; ) { const m =[r] m[0] === 'enter' && m[1].type === 'table' && (m[1]._align = AS(, r)) } return e } function Ba(e, t, r, i, n, s) { const a = i === 1 ? 'tableHeader' : i === 2 ? 'tableDelimiter' : 'tableData', o = 'tableContent' r[0] !== 0 && ((s.end = Object.assign({}, Qi(, r[0]))), e.add(r[0], 0, [['exit', s, t]])) const u = Qi(, r[1]) if ( ((s = { type: a, start: Object.assign({}, u), end: Object.assign({}, u) }), e.add(r[1], 0, [['enter', s, t]]), r[2] !== 0) ) { const c = Qi(, r[2]), f = Qi(, r[3]), h = { type: o, start: Object.assign({}, c), end: Object.assign({}, f) } if ((e.add(r[2], 0, [['enter', h, t]]), i !== 2)) { const p =[r[2]], m =[r[3]] if ( ((p[1].end = Object.assign({}, m[1].end)), (p[1].type = 'chunkText'), (p[1].contentType = 'text'), r[3] > r[2] + 1) ) { const v = r[2] + 1, b = r[3] - r[2] - 1 e.add(v, b, []) } } e.add(r[3] + 1, 0, [['exit', h, t]]) } return ( n !== void 0 && ((s.end = Object.assign({}, Qi(, n))), e.add(n, 0, [['exit', s, t]]), (s = void 0)), s ) } function wm(e, t, r, i, n) { const s = [], a = Qi(, r) n && ((n.end = Object.assign({}, a)), s.push(['exit', n, t])), (i.end = Object.assign({}, a)), s.push(['exit', i, t]), e.add(r + 1, 0, s) } function Qi(e, t) { const r = e[t], i = r[0] === 'enter' ? 'start' : 'end' return r[1][i] } const wS = { tokenize: OS } function NS() { return { text: { 91: wS } } } function OS(e, t, r) { const i = this return n function n(u) { return i.previous !== null || !i._gfmTasklistFirstContentOfListItem ? r(u) : (e.enter('taskListCheck'), e.enter('taskListCheckMarker'), e.consume(u), e.exit('taskListCheckMarker'), s) } function s(u) { return Pe(u) ? (e.enter('taskListCheckValueUnchecked'), e.consume(u), e.exit('taskListCheckValueUnchecked'), a) : u === 88 || u === 120 ? (e.enter('taskListCheckValueChecked'), e.consume(u), e.exit('taskListCheckValueChecked'), a) : r(u) } function a(u) { return u === 93 ? (e.enter('taskListCheckMarker'), e.consume(u), e.exit('taskListCheckMarker'), e.exit('taskListCheck'), o) : r(u) } function o(u) { return ye(u) ? t(u) : Ae(u) ? e.check({ tokenize: IS }, t, r)(u) : r(u) } } function IS(e, t, r) { return we(e, i, 'whitespace') function i(n) { return n === null ? r(n) : t(n) } } function DS(e) { return qg([iS(), hS(), ES(e), SS(), NS()]) } const RS = {} function LS(e) { const t = this, r = e || RS, i =, n = i.micromarkExtensions || (i.micromarkExtensions = []), s = i.fromMarkdownExtensions || (i.fromMarkdownExtensions = []), a = i.toMarkdownExtensions || (i.toMarkdownExtensions = []) n.push(DS(r)), s.push(ZA()), a.push(eS(r)) } const PS = [ 'area', 'base', 'basefont', 'bgsound', 'br', 'col', 'command', 'embed', 'frame', 'hr', 'image', 'img', 'input', 'keygen', 'link', 'meta', 'param', 'source', 'track', 'wbr', ] class aa { constructor(t, r, i) { ;( = t), (this.normal = r), i && ( = i) } } = {} aa.prototype.normal = {} = null function P1(e, t) { const r = {}, i = {} let n = -1 for (; ++n < e.length; ) Object.assign(r, e[n].property), Object.assign(i, e[n].normal) return new aa(r, i, t) } function zs(e) { return e.toLowerCase() } class Kt { constructor(t, r) { ;( = t), (this.attribute = r) } } = null Kt.prototype.boolean = !1 Kt.prototype.booleanish = !1 Kt.prototype.overloadedBoolean = !1 Kt.prototype.number = !1 Kt.prototype.commaSeparated = !1 Kt.prototype.spaceSeparated = !1 Kt.prototype.commaOrSpaceSeparated = !1 Kt.prototype.mustUseProperty = !1 Kt.prototype.defined = !1 let BS = 0 const Ee = ji(), Qe = ji(), B1 = ji(), le = ji(), Be = ji(), En = ji(), It = ji() function ji() { return 2 ** ++BS } const Dc = Object.freeze( Object.defineProperty( { __proto__: null, boolean: Ee, booleanish: Qe, commaOrSpaceSeparated: It, commaSeparated: En, number: le, overloadedBoolean: B1, spaceSeparated: Be, }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' } ) ), dl = Object.keys(Dc) class cp extends Kt { constructor(t, r, i, n) { let s = -1 if ((super(t, r), Nm(this, 'space', n), typeof i == 'number')) for (; ++s < dl.length; ) { const a = dl[s] Nm(this, dl[s], (i & Dc[a]) === Dc[a]) } } } cp.prototype.defined = !0 function Nm(e, t, r) { r && (e[t] = r) } const FS = {}.hasOwnProperty function Un(e) { const t = {}, r = {} let i for (i in if (, i)) { const n =[i], s = new cp(i, e.transform(e.attributes || {}, i), n, e.mustUseProperty && e.mustUseProperty.includes(i) && (s.mustUseProperty = !0), (t[i] = s), (r[zs(i)] = i), (r[zs(s.attribute)] = i) } return new aa(t, r, } const F1 = Un({ space: 'xlink', transform(e, t) { return 'xlink:' + t.slice(5).toLowerCase() }, properties: { xLinkActuate: null, xLinkArcRole: null, xLinkHref: null, xLinkRole: null, xLinkShow: null, xLinkTitle: null, xLinkType: null, }, }), M1 = Un({ space: 'xml', transform(e, t) { return 'xml:' + t.slice(3).toLowerCase() }, properties: { xmlLang: null, xmlBase: null, xmlSpace: null }, }) function U1(e, t) { return t in e ? e[t] : t } function H1(e, t) { return U1(e, t.toLowerCase()) } const z1 = Un({ space: 'xmlns', attributes: { xmlnsxlink: 'xmlns:xlink' }, transform: H1, properties: { xmlns: null, xmlnsXLink: null }, }), j1 = Un({ transform(e, t) { return t === 'role' ? t : 'aria-' + t.slice(4).toLowerCase() }, properties: { ariaActiveDescendant: null, ariaAtomic: Qe, ariaAutoComplete: null, ariaBusy: Qe, ariaChecked: Qe, ariaColCount: le, ariaColIndex: le, ariaColSpan: le, ariaControls: Be, ariaCurrent: null, ariaDescribedBy: Be, ariaDetails: null, ariaDisabled: Qe, ariaDropEffect: Be, ariaErrorMessage: null, ariaExpanded: Qe, ariaFlowTo: Be, ariaGrabbed: Qe, ariaHasPopup: null, ariaHidden: Qe, ariaInvalid: null, ariaKeyShortcuts: null, ariaLabel: null, ariaLabelledBy: Be, ariaLevel: le, ariaLive: null, ariaModal: Qe, ariaMultiLine: Qe, ariaMultiSelectable: Qe, ariaOrientation: null, ariaOwns: Be, ariaPlaceholder: null, ariaPosInSet: le, ariaPressed: Qe, ariaReadOnly: Qe, ariaRelevant: null, ariaRequired: Qe, ariaRoleDescription: Be, ariaRowCount: le, ariaRowIndex: le, ariaRowSpan: le, ariaSelected: Qe, ariaSetSize: le, ariaSort: null, ariaValueMax: le, ariaValueMin: le, ariaValueNow: le, ariaValueText: null, role: null, }, }), MS = Un({ space: 'html', attributes: { acceptcharset: 'accept-charset', classname: 'class', htmlfor: 'for', httpequiv: 'http-equiv', }, transform: H1, mustUseProperty: ['checked', 'multiple', 'muted', 'selected'], properties: { abbr: null, accept: En, acceptCharset: Be, accessKey: Be, action: null, allow: null, allowFullScreen: Ee, allowPaymentRequest: Ee, allowUserMedia: Ee, alt: null, as: null, async: Ee, autoCapitalize: null, autoComplete: Be, autoFocus: Ee, autoPlay: Ee, blocking: Be, capture: Ee, charSet: null, checked: Ee, cite: null, className: Be, cols: le, colSpan: null, content: null, contentEditable: Qe, controls: Ee, controlsList: Be, coords: le | En, crossOrigin: null, data: null, dateTime: null, decoding: null, default: Ee, defer: Ee, dir: null, dirName: null, disabled: Ee, download: B1, draggable: Qe, encType: null, enterKeyHint: null, fetchPriority: null, form: null, formAction: null, formEncType: null, formMethod: null, formNoValidate: Ee, formTarget: null, headers: Be, height: le, hidden: Ee, high: le, href: null, hrefLang: null, htmlFor: Be, httpEquiv: Be, id: null, imageSizes: null, imageSrcSet: null, inert: Ee, inputMode: null, integrity: null, is: null, isMap: Ee, itemId: null, itemProp: Be, itemRef: Be, itemScope: Ee, itemType: Be, kind: null, label: null, lang: null, language: null, list: null, loading: null, loop: Ee, low: le, manifest: null, max: null, maxLength: le, media: null, method: null, min: null, minLength: le, multiple: Ee, muted: Ee, name: null, nonce: null, noModule: Ee, noValidate: Ee, onAbort: null, onAfterPrint: null, onAuxClick: null, onBeforeMatch: null, onBeforePrint: null, onBeforeUnload: null, onBlur: null, onCancel: null, onCanPlay: null, onCanPlayThrough: null, onChange: null, onClick: null, onClose: null, onContextLost: null, onContextMenu: null, onContextRestored: null, onCopy: null, onCueChange: null, onCut: null, onDblClick: null, onDrag: null, onDragEnd: null, onDragEnter: null, onDragExit: null, onDragLeave: null, onDragOver: null, onDragStart: null, onDrop: null, onDurationChange: null, onEmptied: null, onEnded: null, onError: null, onFocus: null, onFormData: null, onHashChange: null, onInput: null, onInvalid: null, onKeyDown: null, onKeyPress: null, onKeyUp: null, onLanguageChange: null, onLoad: null, onLoadedData: null, onLoadedMetadata: null, onLoadEnd: null, onLoadStart: null, onMessage: null, onMessageError: null, onMouseDown: null, onMouseEnter: null, onMouseLeave: null, onMouseMove: null, onMouseOut: null, onMouseOver: null, onMouseUp: null, onOffline: null, onOnline: null, onPageHide: null, onPageShow: null, onPaste: null, onPause: null, onPlay: null, onPlaying: null, onPopState: null, onProgress: null, onRateChange: null, onRejectionHandled: null, onReset: null, onResize: null, onScroll: null, onScrollEnd: null, onSecurityPolicyViolation: null, onSeeked: null, onSeeking: null, onSelect: null, onSlotChange: null, onStalled: null, onStorage: null, onSubmit: null, onSuspend: null, onTimeUpdate: null, onToggle: null, onUnhandledRejection: null, onUnload: null, onVolumeChange: null, onWaiting: null, onWheel: null, open: Ee, optimum: le, pattern: null, ping: Be, placeholder: null, playsInline: Ee, popover: null, popoverTarget: null, popoverTargetAction: null, poster: null, preload: null, readOnly: Ee, referrerPolicy: null, rel: Be, required: Ee, reversed: Ee, rows: le, rowSpan: le, sandbox: Be, scope: null, scoped: Ee, seamless: Ee, selected: Ee, shape: null, size: le, sizes: null, slot: null, span: le, spellCheck: Qe, src: null, srcDoc: null, srcLang: null, srcSet: null, start: le, step: null, style: null, tabIndex: le, target: null, title: null, translate: null, type: null, typeMustMatch: Ee, useMap: null, value: Qe, width: le, wrap: null, align: null, aLink: null, archive: Be, axis: null, background: null, bgColor: null, border: le, borderColor: null, bottomMargin: le, cellPadding: null, cellSpacing: null, char: null, charOff: null, classId: null, clear: null, code: null, codeBase: null, codeType: null, color: null, compact: Ee, declare: Ee, event: null, face: null, frame: null, frameBorder: null, hSpace: le, leftMargin: le, link: null, longDesc: null, lowSrc: null, marginHeight: le, marginWidth: le, noResize: Ee, noHref: Ee, noShade: Ee, noWrap: Ee, object: null, profile: null, prompt: null, rev: null, rightMargin: le, rules: null, scheme: null, scrolling: Qe, standby: null, summary: null, text: null, topMargin: le, valueType: null, version: null, vAlign: null, vLink: null, vSpace: le, allowTransparency: null, autoCorrect: null, autoSave: null, disablePictureInPicture: Ee, disableRemotePlayback: Ee, prefix: null, property: null, results: le, security: null, unselectable: null, }, }), US = Un({ space: 'svg', attributes: { accentHeight: 'accent-height', alignmentBaseline: 'alignment-baseline', arabicForm: 'arabic-form', baselineShift: 'baseline-shift', capHeight: 'cap-height', className: 'class', clipPath: 'clip-path', clipRule: 'clip-rule', colorInterpolation: 'color-interpolation', colorInterpolationFilters: 'color-interpolation-filters', colorProfile: 'color-profile', colorRendering: 'color-rendering', crossOrigin: 'crossorigin', dataType: 'datatype', dominantBaseline: 'dominant-baseline', enableBackground: 'enable-background', fillOpacity: 'fill-opacity', fillRule: 'fill-rule', floodColor: 'flood-color', floodOpacity: 'flood-opacity', fontFamily: 'font-family', fontSize: 'font-size', fontSizeAdjust: 'font-size-adjust', fontStretch: 'font-stretch', fontStyle: 'font-style', fontVariant: 'font-variant', fontWeight: 'font-weight', glyphName: 'glyph-name', glyphOrientationHorizontal: 'glyph-orientation-horizontal', glyphOrientationVertical: 'glyph-orientation-vertical', hrefLang: 'hreflang', horizAdvX: 'horiz-adv-x', horizOriginX: 'horiz-origin-x', horizOriginY: 'horiz-origin-y', imageRendering: 'image-rendering', letterSpacing: 'letter-spacing', lightingColor: 'lighting-color', markerEnd: 'marker-end', markerMid: 'marker-mid', markerStart: 'marker-start', navDown: 'nav-down', navDownLeft: 'nav-down-left', navDownRight: 'nav-down-right', navLeft: 'nav-left', navNext: 'nav-next', navPrev: 'nav-prev', navRight: 'nav-right', navUp: 'nav-up', navUpLeft: 'nav-up-left', navUpRight: 'nav-up-right', onAbort: 'onabort', onActivate: 'onactivate', onAfterPrint: 'onafterprint', onBeforePrint: 'onbeforeprint', onBegin: 'onbegin', onCancel: 'oncancel', onCanPlay: 'oncanplay', onCanPlayThrough: 'oncanplaythrough', onChange: 'onchange', onClick: 'onclick', onClose: 'onclose', onCopy: 'oncopy', onCueChange: 'oncuechange', onCut: 'oncut', onDblClick: 'ondblclick', onDrag: 'ondrag', onDragEnd: 'ondragend', onDragEnter: 'ondragenter', onDragExit: 'ondragexit', onDragLeave: 'ondragleave', onDragOver: 'ondragover', onDragStart: 'ondragstart', onDrop: 'ondrop', onDurationChange: 'ondurationchange', onEmptied: 'onemptied', onEnd: 'onend', onEnded: 'onended', onError: 'onerror', onFocus: 'onfocus', onFocusIn: 'onfocusin', onFocusOut: 'onfocusout', onHashChange: 'onhashchange', onInput: 'oninput', onInvalid: 'oninvalid', onKeyDown: 'onkeydown', onKeyPress: 'onkeypress', onKeyUp: 'onkeyup', onLoad: 'onload', onLoadedData: 'onloadeddata', onLoadedMetadata: 'onloadedmetadata', onLoadStart: 'onloadstart', onMessage: 'onmessage', onMouseDown: 'onmousedown', onMouseEnter: 'onmouseenter', onMouseLeave: 'onmouseleave', onMouseMove: 'onmousemove', onMouseOut: 'onmouseout', onMouseOver: 'onmouseover', onMouseUp: 'onmouseup', onMouseWheel: 'onmousewheel', onOffline: 'onoffline', onOnline: 'ononline', onPageHide: 'onpagehide', onPageShow: 'onpageshow', onPaste: 'onpaste', onPause: 'onpause', onPlay: 'onplay', onPlaying: 'onplaying', onPopState: 'onpopstate', onProgress: 'onprogress', onRateChange: 'onratechange', onRepeat: 'onrepeat', onReset: 'onreset', onResize: 'onresize', onScroll: 'onscroll', onSeeked: 'onseeked', onSeeking: 'onseeking', onSelect: 'onselect', onShow: 'onshow', onStalled: 'onstalled', onStorage: 'onstorage', onSubmit: 'onsubmit', onSuspend: 'onsuspend', onTimeUpdate: 'ontimeupdate', onToggle: 'ontoggle', onUnload: 'onunload', onVolumeChange: 'onvolumechange', onWaiting: 'onwaiting', onZoom: 'onzoom', overlinePosition: 'overline-position', overlineThickness: 'overline-thickness', paintOrder: 'paint-order', panose1: 'panose-1', pointerEvents: 'pointer-events', referrerPolicy: 'referrerpolicy', renderingIntent: 'rendering-intent', shapeRendering: 'shape-rendering', stopColor: 'stop-color', stopOpacity: 'stop-opacity', strikethroughPosition: 'strikethrough-position', strikethroughThickness: 'strikethrough-thickness', strokeDashArray: 'stroke-dasharray', strokeDashOffset: 'stroke-dashoffset', strokeLineCap: 'stroke-linecap', strokeLineJoin: 'stroke-linejoin', strokeMiterLimit: 'stroke-miterlimit', strokeOpacity: 'stroke-opacity', strokeWidth: 'stroke-width', tabIndex: 'tabindex', textAnchor: 'text-anchor', textDecoration: 'text-decoration', textRendering: 'text-rendering', transformOrigin: 'transform-origin', typeOf: 'typeof', underlinePosition: 'underline-position', underlineThickness: 'underline-thickness', unicodeBidi: 'unicode-bidi', unicodeRange: 'unicode-range', unitsPerEm: 'units-per-em', vAlphabetic: 'v-alphabetic', vHanging: 'v-hanging', vIdeographic: 'v-ideographic', vMathematical: 'v-mathematical', vectorEffect: 'vector-effect', vertAdvY: 'vert-adv-y', vertOriginX: 'vert-origin-x', vertOriginY: 'vert-origin-y', wordSpacing: 'word-spacing', writingMode: 'writing-mode', xHeight: 'x-height', playbackOrder: 'playbackorder', timelineBegin: 'timelinebegin', }, transform: U1, properties: { about: It, accentHeight: le, accumulate: null, additive: null, alignmentBaseline: null, alphabetic: le, amplitude: le, arabicForm: null, ascent: le, attributeName: null, attributeType: null, azimuth: le, bandwidth: null, baselineShift: null, baseFrequency: null, baseProfile: null, bbox: null, begin: null, bias: le, by: null, calcMode: null, capHeight: le, className: Be, clip: null, clipPath: null, clipPathUnits: null, clipRule: null, color: null, colorInterpolation: null, colorInterpolationFilters: null, colorProfile: null, colorRendering: null, content: null, contentScriptType: null, contentStyleType: null, crossOrigin: null, cursor: null, cx: null, cy: null, d: null, dataType: null, defaultAction: null, descent: le, diffuseConstant: le, direction: null, display: null, dur: null, divisor: le, dominantBaseline: null, download: Ee, dx: null, dy: null, edgeMode: null, editable: null, elevation: le, enableBackground: null, end: null, event: null, exponent: le, externalResourcesRequired: null, fill: null, fillOpacity: le, fillRule: null, filter: null, filterRes: null, filterUnits: null, floodColor: null, floodOpacity: null, focusable: null, focusHighlight: null, fontFamily: null, fontSize: null, fontSizeAdjust: null, fontStretch: null, fontStyle: null, fontVariant: null, fontWeight: null, format: null, fr: null, from: null, fx: null, fy: null, g1: En, g2: En, glyphName: En, glyphOrientationHorizontal: null, glyphOrientationVertical: null, glyphRef: null, gradientTransform: null, gradientUnits: null, handler: null, hanging: le, hatchContentUnits: null, hatchUnits: null, height: null, href: null, hrefLang: null, horizAdvX: le, horizOriginX: le, horizOriginY: le, id: null, ideographic: le, imageRendering: null, initialVisibility: null, in: null, in2: null, intercept: le, k: le, k1: le, k2: le, k3: le, k4: le, kernelMatrix: It, kernelUnitLength: null, keyPoints: null, keySplines: null, keyTimes: null, kerning: null, lang: null, lengthAdjust: null, letterSpacing: null, lightingColor: null, limitingConeAngle: le, local: null, markerEnd: null, markerMid: null, markerStart: null, markerHeight: null, markerUnits: null, markerWidth: null, mask: null, maskContentUnits: null, maskUnits: null, mathematical: null, max: null, media: null, mediaCharacterEncoding: null, mediaContentEncodings: null, mediaSize: le, mediaTime: null, method: null, min: null, mode: null, name: null, navDown: null, navDownLeft: null, navDownRight: null, navLeft: null, navNext: null, navPrev: null, navRight: null, navUp: null, navUpLeft: null, navUpRight: null, numOctaves: null, observer: null, offset: null, onAbort: null, onActivate: null, onAfterPrint: null, onBeforePrint: null, onBegin: null, onCancel: null, onCanPlay: null, onCanPlayThrough: null, onChange: null, onClick: null, onClose: null, onCopy: null, onCueChange: null, onCut: null, onDblClick: null, onDrag: null, onDragEnd: null, onDragEnter: null, onDragExit: null, onDragLeave: null, onDragOver: null, onDragStart: null, onDrop: null, onDurationChange: null, onEmptied: null, onEnd: null, onEnded: null, onError: null, onFocus: null, onFocusIn: null, onFocusOut: null, onHashChange: null, onInput: null, onInvalid: null, onKeyDown: null, onKeyPress: null, onKeyUp: null, onLoad: null, onLoadedData: null, onLoadedMetadata: null, onLoadStart: null, onMessage: null, onMouseDown: null, onMouseEnter: null, onMouseLeave: null, onMouseMove: null, onMouseOut: null, onMouseOver: null, onMouseUp: null, onMouseWheel: null, onOffline: null, onOnline: null, onPageHide: null, onPageShow: null, onPaste: null, onPause: null, onPlay: null, onPlaying: null, onPopState: null, onProgress: null, onRateChange: null, onRepeat: null, onReset: null, onResize: null, onScroll: null, onSeeked: null, onSeeking: null, onSelect: null, onShow: null, onStalled: null, onStorage: null, onSubmit: null, onSuspend: null, onTimeUpdate: null, onToggle: null, onUnload: null, onVolumeChange: null, onWaiting: null, onZoom: null, opacity: null, operator: null, order: null, orient: null, orientation: null, origin: null, overflow: null, overlay: null, overlinePosition: le, overlineThickness: le, paintOrder: null, panose1: null, path: null, pathLength: le, patternContentUnits: null, patternTransform: null, patternUnits: null, phase: null, ping: Be, pitch: null, playbackOrder: null, pointerEvents: null, points: null, pointsAtX: le, pointsAtY: le, pointsAtZ: le, preserveAlpha: null, preserveAspectRatio: null, primitiveUnits: null, propagate: null, property: It, r: null, radius: null, referrerPolicy: null, refX: null, refY: null, rel: It, rev: It, renderingIntent: null, repeatCount: null, repeatDur: null, requiredExtensions: It, requiredFeatures: It, requiredFonts: It, requiredFormats: It, resource: null, restart: null, result: null, rotate: null, rx: null, ry: null, scale: null, seed: null, shapeRendering: null, side: null, slope: null, snapshotTime: null, specularConstant: le, specularExponent: le, spreadMethod: null, spacing: null, startOffset: null, stdDeviation: null, stemh: null, stemv: null, stitchTiles: null, stopColor: null, stopOpacity: null, strikethroughPosition: le, strikethroughThickness: le, string: null, stroke: null, strokeDashArray: It, strokeDashOffset: null, strokeLineCap: null, strokeLineJoin: null, strokeMiterLimit: le, strokeOpacity: le, strokeWidth: null, style: null, surfaceScale: le, syncBehavior: null, syncBehaviorDefault: null, syncMaster: null, syncTolerance: null, syncToleranceDefault: null, systemLanguage: It, tabIndex: le, tableValues: null, target: null, targetX: le, targetY: le, textAnchor: null, textDecoration: null, textRendering: null, textLength: null, timelineBegin: null, title: null, transformBehavior: null, type: null, typeOf: It, to: null, transform: null, transformOrigin: null, u1: null, u2: null, underlinePosition: le, underlineThickness: le, unicode: null, unicodeBidi: null, unicodeRange: null, unitsPerEm: le, values: null, vAlphabetic: le, vMathematical: le, vectorEffect: null, vHanging: le, vIdeographic: le, version: null, vertAdvY: le, vertOriginX: le, vertOriginY: le, viewBox: null, viewTarget: null, visibility: null, width: null, widths: null, wordSpacing: null, writingMode: null, x: null, x1: null, x2: null, xChannelSelector: null, xHeight: le, y: null, y1: null, y2: null, yChannelSelector: null, z: null, zoomAndPan: null, }, }), HS = /^data[-\w.:]+$/i, Om = /-[a-z]/g, zS = /[A-Z]/g function fp(e, t) { const r = zs(t) let i = t, n = Kt if (r in e.normal) return[e.normal[r]] if (r.length > 4 && r.slice(0, 4) === 'data' && HS.test(t)) { if (t.charAt(4) === '-') { const s = t.slice(5).replace(Om, qS) i = 'data' + s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.slice(1) } else { const s = t.slice(4) if (!Om.test(s)) { let a = s.replace(zS, jS) a.charAt(0) !== '-' && (a = '-' + a), (t = 'data' + a) } } n = cp } return new n(i, t) } function jS(e) { return '-' + e.toLowerCase() } function qS(e) { return e.charAt(1).toUpperCase() } const cu = P1([M1, F1, z1, j1, MS], 'html'), oa = P1([M1, F1, z1, j1, US], 'svg') function $S(e, t) { if (((e = e.replace(t.subset ? VS(t.subset) : /["&'<>`]/g, i)), t.subset || t.escapeOnly)) return e return e .replace(/[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g, r) .replace(/[\x01-\t\v\f\x0E-\x1F\x7F\x81\x8D\x8F\x90\x9D\xA0-\uFFFF]/g, i) function r(n, s, a) { return t.format( (n.charCodeAt(0) - 55296) * 1024 + n.charCodeAt(1) - 56320 + 65536, a.charCodeAt(s + 2), t ) } function i(n, s, a) { return t.format(n.charCodeAt(0), a.charCodeAt(s + 1), t) } } function VS(e) { const t = [] let r = -1 for (; ++r < e.length; ) t.push(e[r].replace(/[|\\{}()[\]^$+*?.]/g, '\\$&')) return new RegExp('(?:' + t.join('|') + ')', 'g') } function GS(e, t, r) { const i = '&#x' + e.toString(16).toUpperCase() return r && t && !/[\dA-Fa-f]/.test(String.fromCharCode(t)) ? i : i + ';' } function XS(e, t, r) { const i = '&#' + String(e) return r && t && !/\d/.test(String.fromCharCode(t)) ? i : i + ';' } const YS = [ 'AElig', 'AMP', 'Aacute', 'Acirc', 'Agrave', 'Aring', 'Atilde', 'Auml', 'COPY', 'Ccedil', 'ETH', 'Eacute', 'Ecirc', 'Egrave', 'Euml', 'GT', 'Iacute', 'Icirc', 'Igrave', 'Iuml', 'LT', 'Ntilde', 'Oacute', 'Ocirc', 'Ograve', 'Oslash', 'Otilde', 'Ouml', 'QUOT', 'REG', 'THORN', 'Uacute', 'Ucirc', 'Ugrave', 'Uuml', 'Yacute', 'aacute', 'acirc', 'acute', 'aelig', 'agrave', 'amp', 'aring', 'atilde', 'auml', 'brvbar', 'ccedil', 'cedil', 'cent', 'copy', 'curren', 'deg', 'divide', 'eacute', 'ecirc', 'egrave', 'eth', 'euml', 'frac12', 'frac14', 'frac34', 'gt', 'iacute', 'icirc', 'iexcl', 'igrave', 'iquest', 'iuml', 'laquo', 'lt', 'macr', 'micro', 'middot', 'nbsp', 'not', 'ntilde', 'oacute', 'ocirc', 'ograve', 'ordf', 'ordm', 'oslash', 'otilde', 'ouml', 'para', 'plusmn', 'pound', 'quot', 'raquo', 'reg', 'sect', 'shy', 'sup1', 'sup2', 'sup3', 'szlig', 'thorn', 'times', 'uacute', 'ucirc', 'ugrave', 'uml', 'uuml', 'yacute', 'yen', 'yuml', ], gl = { nbsp: ' ', iexcl: '¡', cent: '¢', pound: '£', curren: '¤', yen: '¥', brvbar: '¦', sect: '§', uml: '¨', copy: '©', ordf: 'ª', laquo: '«', not: '¬', shy: '­', reg: '®', macr: '¯', deg: '°', plusmn: '±', sup2: '²', sup3: '³', acute: '´', micro: 'µ', para: '¶', middot: '·', cedil: '¸', sup1: '¹', ordm: 'º', raquo: '»', frac14: '¼', frac12: '½', frac34: '¾', iquest: '¿', Agrave: 'À', Aacute: 'Á', Acirc: 'Â', Atilde: 'Ã', Auml: 'Ä', Aring: 'Å', AElig: 'Æ', Ccedil: 'Ç', Egrave: 'È', Eacute: 'É', Ecirc: 'Ê', Euml: 'Ë', Igrave: 'Ì', Iacute: 'Í', Icirc: 'Î', Iuml: 'Ï', ETH: 'Ð', Ntilde: 'Ñ', Ograve: 'Ò', Oacute: 'Ó', Ocirc: 'Ô', Otilde: 'Õ', Ouml: 'Ö', times: '×', Oslash: 'Ø', Ugrave: 'Ù', Uacute: 'Ú', Ucirc: 'Û', Uuml: 'Ü', Yacute: 'Ý', THORN: 'Þ', szlig: 'ß', agrave: 'à', aacute: 'á', acirc: 'â', atilde: 'ã', auml: 'ä', aring: 'å', aelig: 'æ', ccedil: 'ç', egrave: 'è', eacute: 'é', ecirc: 'ê', euml: 'ë', igrave: 'ì', iacute: 'í', icirc: 'î', iuml: 'ï', eth: 'ð', ntilde: 'ñ', ograve: 'ò', oacute: 'ó', ocirc: 'ô', otilde: 'õ', ouml: 'ö', divide: '÷', oslash: 'ø', ugrave: 'ù', uacute: 'ú', ucirc: 'û', uuml: 'ü', yacute: 'ý', thorn: 'þ', yuml: 'ÿ', fnof: 'ƒ', Alpha: 'Α', Beta: 'Β', Gamma: 'Γ', Delta: 'Δ', Epsilon: 'Ε', Zeta: 'Ζ', Eta: 'Η', Theta: 'Θ', Iota: 'Ι', Kappa: 'Κ', Lambda: 'Λ', Mu: 'Μ', Nu: 'Ν', Xi: 'Ξ', Omicron: 'Ο', Pi: 'Π', Rho: 'Ρ', Sigma: 'Σ', Tau: 'Τ', Upsilon: 'Υ', Phi: 'Φ', Chi: 'Χ', Psi: 'Ψ', Omega: 'Ω', alpha: 'α', beta: 'β', gamma: 'γ', delta: 'δ', epsilon: 'ε', zeta: 'ζ', eta: 'η', theta: 'θ', iota: 'ι', kappa: 'κ', lambda: 'λ', mu: 'μ', nu: 'ν', xi: 'ξ', omicron: 'ο', pi: 'π', rho: 'ρ', sigmaf: 'ς', sigma: 'σ', tau: 'τ', upsilon: 'υ', phi: 'φ', chi: 'χ', psi: 'ψ', omega: 'ω', thetasym: 'ϑ', upsih: 'ϒ', piv: 'ϖ', bull: '•', hellip: '…', prime: '′', Prime: '″', oline: '‾', frasl: '⁄', weierp: '℘', image: 'ℑ', real: 'ℜ', trade: '™', alefsym: 'ℵ', larr: '←', uarr: '↑', rarr: '→', darr: '↓', harr: '↔', crarr: '↵', lArr: '⇐', uArr: '⇑', rArr: '⇒', dArr: '⇓', hArr: '⇔', forall: '∀', part: '∂', exist: '∃', empty: '∅', nabla: '∇', isin: '∈', notin: '∉', ni: '∋', prod: '∏', sum: '∑', minus: '−', lowast: '∗', radic: '√', prop: '∝', infin: '∞', ang: '∠', and: '∧', or: '∨', cap: '∩', cup: '∪', int: '∫', there4: '∴', sim: '∼', cong: '≅', asymp: '≈', ne: '≠', equiv: '≡', le: '≤', ge: '≥', sub: '⊂', sup: '⊃', nsub: '⊄', sube: '⊆', supe: '⊇', oplus: '⊕', otimes: '⊗', perp: '⊥', sdot: '⋅', lceil: '⌈', rceil: '⌉', lfloor: '⌊', rfloor: '⌋', lang: '〈', rang: '〉', loz: '◊', spades: '♠', clubs: '♣', hearts: '♥', diams: '♦', quot: '"', amp: '&', lt: '<', gt: '>', OElig: 'Œ', oelig: 'œ', Scaron: 'Š', scaron: 'š', Yuml: 'Ÿ', circ: 'ˆ', tilde: '˜', ensp: ' ', emsp: ' ', thinsp: ' ', zwnj: '‌', zwj: '‍', lrm: '‎', rlm: '‏', ndash: '–', mdash: '—', lsquo: '‘', rsquo: '’', sbquo: '‚', ldquo: '“', rdquo: '”', bdquo: '„', dagger: '†', Dagger: '‡', permil: '‰', lsaquo: '‹', rsaquo: '›', euro: '€', }, WS = ['cent', 'copy', 'divide', 'gt', 'lt', 'not', 'para', 'times'], q1 = {}.hasOwnProperty, Rc = {} let Fa for (Fa in gl), Fa) && (Rc[gl[Fa]] = Fa) function QS(e, t, r, i) { const n = String.fromCharCode(e) if (, n)) { const s = Rc[n], a = '&' + s return r && YS.includes(s) && !WS.includes(s) && (!i || (t && t !== 61 && /[^\da-z]/i.test(String.fromCharCode(t)))) ? a : a + ';' } return '' } function KS(e, t, r) { let i = GS(e, t, r.omitOptionalSemicolons), n if ( ((r.useNamedReferences || r.useShortestReferences) && (n = QS(e, t, r.omitOptionalSemicolons, r.attribute)), (r.useShortestReferences || !n) && r.useShortestReferences) ) { const s = XS(e, t, r.omitOptionalSemicolons) s.length < i.length && (i = s) } return n && (!r.useShortestReferences || n.length < i.length) ? n : i } function xn(e, t) { return $S(e, Object.assign({ format: KS }, t)) } function JS(e, t, r, i) { return i.settings.bogusComments ? ''] })) + '>' : '|--!>|' function n(s) { return xn(s, Object.assign({}, i.settings.characterReferences, { subset: ['<', '>'] })) } } function ZS(e, t, r, i) { return ( '' ) } function Im(e) { const t = [], r = String(e || '') let i = r.indexOf(','), n = 0, s = !1 for (; !s; ) { i === -1 && ((i = r.length), (s = !0)) const a = r.slice(n, i).trim() ;(a || !s) && t.push(a), (n = i + 1), (i = r.indexOf(',', n)) } return t } function eC(e, t) { const r = t || {} return (e[e.length - 1] === '' ? [...e, ''] : e) .join((r.padRight ? ' ' : '') + ',' + (r.padLeft === !1 ? '' : ' ')) .trim() } function Dm(e) { const t = String(e || '').trim() return t ? t.split(/[ \t\n\r\f]+/g) : [] } function tC(e) { return e.join(' ').trim() } const rC = /[ \t\n\f\r]/g function pp(e) { return typeof e == 'object' ? (e.type === 'text' ? Rm(e.value) : !1) : Rm(e) } function Rm(e) { return e.replace(rC, '') === '' } const et = V1(1), $1 = V1(-1), iC = [] function V1(e) { return t function t(r, i, n) { const s = r ? r.children : iC let a = (i || 0) + e, o = s[a] if (!n) for (; o && pp(o); ) (a += e), (o = s[a]) return o } } const nC = {}.hasOwnProperty function G1(e) { return t function t(r, i, n) { return, r.tagName) && e[r.tagName](r, i, n) } } const hp = G1({ body: aC, caption: bl, colgroup: bl, dd: cC, dt: lC, head: bl, html: sC, li: uC, optgroup: fC, option: pC, p: oC, rp: Lm, rt: Lm, tbody: mC, td: Pm, tfoot: dC, th: Pm, thead: hC, tr: gC, }) function bl(e, t, r) { const i = et(r, t, !0) return !i || (i.type !== 'comment' && !(i.type === 'text' && pp(i.value.charAt(0)))) } function sC(e, t, r) { const i = et(r, t) return !i || i.type !== 'comment' } function aC(e, t, r) { const i = et(r, t) return !i || i.type !== 'comment' } function oC(e, t, r) { const i = et(r, t) return i ? i.type === 'element' && (i.tagName === 'address' || i.tagName === 'article' || i.tagName === 'aside' || i.tagName === 'blockquote' || i.tagName === 'details' || i.tagName === 'div' || i.tagName === 'dl' || i.tagName === 'fieldset' || i.tagName === 'figcaption' || i.tagName === 'figure' || i.tagName === 'footer' || i.tagName === 'form' || i.tagName === 'h1' || i.tagName === 'h2' || i.tagName === 'h3' || i.tagName === 'h4' || i.tagName === 'h5' || i.tagName === 'h6' || i.tagName === 'header' || i.tagName === 'hgroup' || i.tagName === 'hr' || i.tagName === 'main' || i.tagName === 'menu' || i.tagName === 'nav' || i.tagName === 'ol' || i.tagName === 'p' || i.tagName === 'pre' || i.tagName === 'section' || i.tagName === 'table' || i.tagName === 'ul') : !r || !( r.type === 'element' && (r.tagName === 'a' || r.tagName === 'audio' || r.tagName === 'del' || r.tagName === 'ins' || r.tagName === 'map' || r.tagName === 'noscript' || r.tagName === 'video') ) } function uC(e, t, r) { const i = et(r, t) return !i || (i.type === 'element' && i.tagName === 'li') } function lC(e, t, r) { const i = et(r, t) return !!(i && i.type === 'element' && (i.tagName === 'dt' || i.tagName === 'dd')) } function cC(e, t, r) { const i = et(r, t) return !i || (i.type === 'element' && (i.tagName === 'dt' || i.tagName === 'dd')) } function Lm(e, t, r) { const i = et(r, t) return !i || (i.type === 'element' && (i.tagName === 'rp' || i.tagName === 'rt')) } function fC(e, t, r) { const i = et(r, t) return !i || (i.type === 'element' && i.tagName === 'optgroup') } function pC(e, t, r) { const i = et(r, t) return !i || (i.type === 'element' && (i.tagName === 'option' || i.tagName === 'optgroup')) } function hC(e, t, r) { const i = et(r, t) return !!(i && i.type === 'element' && (i.tagName === 'tbody' || i.tagName === 'tfoot')) } function mC(e, t, r) { const i = et(r, t) return !i || (i.type === 'element' && (i.tagName === 'tbody' || i.tagName === 'tfoot')) } function dC(e, t, r) { return !et(r, t) } function gC(e, t, r) { const i = et(r, t) return !i || (i.type === 'element' && i.tagName === 'tr') } function Pm(e, t, r) { const i = et(r, t) return !i || (i.type === 'element' && (i.tagName === 'td' || i.tagName === 'th')) } const bC = G1({ body: vC, colgroup: EC, head: _C, html: yC, tbody: xC }) function yC(e) { const t = et(e, -1) return !t || t.type !== 'comment' } function _C(e) { const t = e.children, r = [] let i = -1 for (; ++i < t.length; ) { const n = t[i] if (n.type === 'element' && (n.tagName === 'title' || n.tagName === 'base')) { if (r.includes(n.tagName)) return !1 r.push(n.tagName) } } return t.length > 0 } function vC(e) { const t = et(e, -1, !0) return ( !t || (t.type !== 'comment' && !(t.type === 'text' && pp(t.value.charAt(0))) && !( t.type === 'element' && (t.tagName === 'meta' || t.tagName === 'link' || t.tagName === 'script' || t.tagName === 'style' || t.tagName === 'template') )) ) } function EC(e, t, r) { const i = $1(r, t), n = et(e, -1, !0) return r && i && i.type === 'element' && i.tagName === 'colgroup' && hp(i, r.children.indexOf(i), r) ? !1 : !!(n && n.type === 'element' && n.tagName === 'col') } function xC(e, t, r) { const i = $1(r, t), n = et(e, -1) return r && i && i.type === 'element' && (i.tagName === 'thead' || i.tagName === 'tbody') && hp(i, r.children.indexOf(i), r) ? !1 : !!(n && n.type === 'element' && n.tagName === 'tr') } const Ma = { name: [ [ ` \f\r &/=>`.split(''), ` \f\r "&'/=>\``.split(''), ], [ `\0 \f\r "&'/<=>`.split(''), `\0 \f\r "&'/<=>\``.split(''), ], ], unquoted: [ [ ` \f\r &>`.split(''), `\0 \f\r "&'<=>\``.split(''), ], [ `\0 \f\r "&'<=>\``.split(''), `\0 \f\r "&'<=>\``.split(''), ], ], single: [ ["&'".split(''), '"&\'`'.split('')], ["\0&'".split(''), '\0"&\'`'.split('')], ], double: [ ['"&'.split(''), '"&\'`'.split('')], ['\0"&'.split(''), '\0"&\'`'.split('')], ], } function TC(e, t, r, i) { const n = i.schema, s = === 'svg' ? !1 : i.settings.omitOptionalTags let a = === 'svg' ? i.settings.closeEmptyElements : i.settings.voids.includes(e.tagName.toLowerCase()) const o = [] let u === 'html' && e.tagName === 'svg' && (i.schema = oa) const c = AC(i,, f = i.all( === 'html' && e.tagName === 'template' ? e.content : e) return ( (i.schema = n), f && (a = !1), (c || !s || !bC(e, t, r)) && (o.push('<', e.tagName, c ? ' ' + c : ''), a && ( === 'svg' || i.settings.closeSelfClosing) && ((u = c.charAt(c.length - 1)), (!i.settings.tightSelfClosing || u === '/' || (u && u !== '"' && u !== "'")) && o.push(' '), o.push('/')), o.push('>')), o.push(f), !a && (!s || !hp(e, t, r)) && o.push(''), o.join('') ) } function AC(e, t) { const r = [] let i = -1, n if (t) { for (n in t) if (t[n] !== null && t[n] !== void 0) { const s = SC(e, n, t[n]) s && r.push(s) } } for (; ++i < r.length; ) { const s = e.settings.tightAttributes ? r[i].charAt(r[i].length - 1) : void 0 i !== r.length - 1 && s !== '"' && s !== "'" && (r[i] += ' ') } return r.join('') } function SC(e, t, r) { const i = fp(e.schema, t), n = e.settings.allowParseErrors && === 'html' ? 0 : 1, s = e.settings.allowDangerousCharacters ? 0 : 1 let a = e.quote, o if ( (i.overloadedBoolean && (r === i.attribute || r === '') ? (r = !0) : (i.boolean || (i.overloadedBoolean && typeof r != 'string')) && (r = !!r), r == null || r === !1 || (typeof r == 'number' && Number.isNaN(r))) ) return '' const u = xn( i.attribute, Object.assign({}, e.settings.characterReferences, { subset:[n][s] }) ) return r === !0 || ((r = Array.isArray(r) ? (i.commaSeparated ? eC : tC)(r, { padLeft: !e.settings.tightCommaSeparatedLists }) : String(r)), e.settings.collapseEmptyAttributes && !r) ? u : (e.settings.preferUnquoted && (o = xn( r, Object.assign({}, e.settings.characterReferences, { attribute: !0, subset: Ma.unquoted[n][s], }) )), o !== r && (e.settings.quoteSmart && Mo(r, a) > Mo(r, e.alternative) && (a = e.alternative), (o = a + xn( r, Object.assign({}, e.settings.characterReferences, { subset: (a === "'" ? Ma.single : Ma.double)[n][s], attribute: !0, }) ) + a)), u + (o && '=' + o)) } function X1(e, t, r, i) { return r && r.type === 'element' && (r.tagName === 'script' || r.tagName === 'style') ? e.value : xn(e.value, Object.assign({}, i.settings.characterReferences, { subset: ['<', '&'] })) } function CC(e, t, r, i) { return i.settings.allowDangerousHtml ? e.value : X1(e, t, r, i) } function kC(e, t, r, i) { return i.all(e) } const wC = lA('type', { invalid: NC, unknown: OC, handlers: { comment: JS, doctype: ZS, element: TC, raw: CC, root: kC, text: X1 }, }) function NC(e) { throw new Error('Expected node, not `' + e + '`') } function OC(e) { const t = e throw new Error('Cannot compile unknown node `' + t.type + '`') } const IC = {}, DC = {}, RC = [] function LC(e, t) { const r = t || IC, i = r.quote || '"', n = i === '"' ? "'" : '"' if (i !== '"' && i !== "'") throw new Error('Invalid quote `' + i + '`, expected `\'` or `"`') return { one: PC, all: BC, settings: { omitOptionalTags: r.omitOptionalTags || !1, allowParseErrors: r.allowParseErrors || !1, allowDangerousCharacters: r.allowDangerousCharacters || !1, quoteSmart: r.quoteSmart || !1, preferUnquoted: r.preferUnquoted || !1, tightAttributes: r.tightAttributes || !1, upperDoctype: r.upperDoctype || !1, tightDoctype: r.tightDoctype || !1, bogusComments: r.bogusComments || !1, tightCommaSeparatedLists: r.tightCommaSeparatedLists || !1, tightSelfClosing: r.tightSelfClosing || !1, collapseEmptyAttributes: r.collapseEmptyAttributes || !1, allowDangerousHtml: r.allowDangerousHtml || !1, voids: r.voids || PS, characterReferences: r.characterReferences || DC, closeSelfClosing: r.closeSelfClosing || !1, closeEmptyElements: r.closeEmptyElements || !1, }, schema: === 'svg' ? oa : cu, quote: i, alternative: n, }.one(Array.isArray(e) ? { type: 'root', children: e } : e, void 0, void 0) } function PC(e, t, r) { return wC(e, t, r, this) } function BC(e) { const t = [], r = (e && e.children) || RC let i = -1 for (; ++i < r.length; ) t[i] =[i], i, e) return t.join('') } function FC(e) { const t = this, r = {'settings'), ...e } t.compiler = i function i(n) { return LC(n, r) } } var Lc = { exports: {} } ;(function (e, t) { var r = (typeof globalThis < 'u' && globalThis) || (typeof self < 'u' && self) || (typeof mn < 'u' && mn), i = (function () { function s() { ;(this.fetch = !1), (this.DOMException = r.DOMException) } return (s.prototype = r), new s() })() ;(function (s) { ;(function (a) { var o = (typeof s < 'u' && s) || (typeof self < 'u' && self) || (typeof o < 'u' && o), u = { searchParams: 'URLSearchParams' in o, iterable: 'Symbol' in o && 'iterator' in Symbol, blob: 'FileReader' in o && 'Blob' in o && (function () { try { return new Blob(), !0 } catch { return !1 } })(), formData: 'FormData' in o, arrayBuffer: 'ArrayBuffer' in o, } function c(R) { return R && DataView.prototype.isPrototypeOf(R) } if (u.arrayBuffer) var f = [ '[object Int8Array]', '[object Uint8Array]', '[object Uint8ClampedArray]', '[object Int16Array]', '[object Uint16Array]', '[object Int32Array]', '[object Uint32Array]', '[object Float32Array]', '[object Float64Array]', ], h = ArrayBuffer.isView || function (R) { return R && f.indexOf( > -1 } function p(R) { if ( (typeof R != 'string' && (R = String(R)), /[^a-z0-9\-#$%&'*+.^_`|~!]/i.test(R) || R === '') ) throw new TypeError('Invalid character in header field name: "' + R + '"') return R.toLowerCase() } function m(R) { return typeof R != 'string' && (R = String(R)), R } function v(R) { var $ = { next: function () { var L = R.shift() return { done: L === void 0, value: L } }, } return ( u.iterable && ($[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return $ }), $ ) } function b(R) { ;( = {}), R instanceof b ? R.forEach(function ($, L) { this.append(L, $) }, this) : Array.isArray(R) ? R.forEach(function ($) { this.append($[0], $[1]) }, this) : R && Object.getOwnPropertyNames(R).forEach(function ($) { this.append($, R[$]) }, this) } ;(b.prototype.append = function (R, $) { ;(R = p(R)), ($ = m($)) var L =[R][R] = L ? L + ', ' + $ : $ }), (b.prototype.delete = function (R) { delete[p(R)] }), (b.prototype.get = function (R) { return (R = p(R)), this.has(R) ?[R] : null }), (b.prototype.has = function (R) { return }), (b.prototype.set = function (R, $) {[p(R)] = m($) }), (b.prototype.forEach = function (R, $) { for (var L in &&$,[L], L, this) }), (b.prototype.keys = function () { var R = [] return ( this.forEach(function ($, L) { R.push(L) }), v(R) ) }), (b.prototype.values = function () { var R = [] return ( this.forEach(function ($) { R.push($) }), v(R) ) }), (b.prototype.entries = function () { var R = [] return ( this.forEach(function ($, L) { R.push([L, $]) }), v(R) ) }), u.iterable && (b.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = b.prototype.entries) function S(R) { if (R.bodyUsed) return Promise.reject(new TypeError('Already read')) R.bodyUsed = !0 } function g(R) { return new Promise(function ($, L) { ;(R.onload = function () { $(R.result) }), (R.onerror = function () { L(R.error) }) }) } function _(R) { var $ = new FileReader(), L = g($) return $.readAsArrayBuffer(R), L } function y(R) { var $ = new FileReader(), L = g($) return $.readAsText(R), L } function x(R) { for (var $ = new Uint8Array(R), L = new Array($.length), P = 0; P < $.length; P++) L[P] = String.fromCharCode($[P]) return L.join('') } function D(R) { if (R.slice) return R.slice(0) var $ = new Uint8Array(R.byteLength) return $.set(new Uint8Array(R)), $.buffer } function C() { return ( (this.bodyUsed = !1), (this._initBody = function (R) { ;(this.bodyUsed = this.bodyUsed), (this._bodyInit = R), R ? typeof R == 'string' ? (this._bodyText = R) : u.blob && Blob.prototype.isPrototypeOf(R) ? (this._bodyBlob = R) : u.formData && FormData.prototype.isPrototypeOf(R) ? (this._bodyFormData = R) : u.searchParams && URLSearchParams.prototype.isPrototypeOf(R) ? (this._bodyText = R.toString()) : u.arrayBuffer && u.blob && c(R) ? ((this._bodyArrayBuffer = D(R.buffer)), (this._bodyInit = new Blob([this._bodyArrayBuffer]))) : u.arrayBuffer && (ArrayBuffer.prototype.isPrototypeOf(R) || h(R)) ? (this._bodyArrayBuffer = D(R)) : (this._bodyText = R = : (this._bodyText = ''), this.headers.get('content-type') || (typeof R == 'string' ? this.headers.set('content-type', 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8') : this._bodyBlob && this._bodyBlob.type ? this.headers.set('content-type', this._bodyBlob.type) : u.searchParams && URLSearchParams.prototype.isPrototypeOf(R) && this.headers.set( 'content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8' )) }), u.blob && ((this.blob = function () { var R = S(this) if (R) return R if (this._bodyBlob) return Promise.resolve(this._bodyBlob) if (this._bodyArrayBuffer) return Promise.resolve(new Blob([this._bodyArrayBuffer])) if (this._bodyFormData) throw new Error('could not read FormData body as blob') return Promise.resolve(new Blob([this._bodyText])) }), (this.arrayBuffer = function () { if (this._bodyArrayBuffer) { var R = S(this) return ( R || (ArrayBuffer.isView(this._bodyArrayBuffer) ? Promise.resolve( this._bodyArrayBuffer.buffer.slice( this._bodyArrayBuffer.byteOffset, this._bodyArrayBuffer.byteOffset + this._bodyArrayBuffer.byteLength ) ) : Promise.resolve(this._bodyArrayBuffer)) ) } else return this.blob().then(_) })), (this.text = function () { var R = S(this) if (R) return R if (this._bodyBlob) return y(this._bodyBlob) if (this._bodyArrayBuffer) return Promise.resolve(x(this._bodyArrayBuffer)) if (this._bodyFormData) throw new Error('could not read FormData body as text') return Promise.resolve(this._bodyText) }), u.formData && (this.formData = function () { return this.text().then(O) }), (this.json = function () { return this.text().then(JSON.parse) }), this ) } var H = ['DELETE', 'GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'POST', 'PUT'] function T(R) { var $ = R.toUpperCase() return H.indexOf($) > -1 ? $ : R } function k(R, $) { if (!(this instanceof k)) throw new TypeError( 'Please use the "new" operator, this DOM object constructor cannot be called as a function.' ) $ = $ || {} var L = $.body if (R instanceof k) { if (R.bodyUsed) throw new TypeError('Already read') ;(this.url = R.url), (this.credentials = R.credentials), $.headers || (this.headers = new b(R.headers)), (this.method = R.method), (this.mode = R.mode), (this.signal = R.signal), !L && R._bodyInit != null && ((L = R._bodyInit), (R.bodyUsed = !0)) } else this.url = String(R) if ( ((this.credentials = $.credentials || this.credentials || 'same-origin'), ($.headers || !this.headers) && (this.headers = new b($.headers)), (this.method = T($.method || this.method || 'GET')), (this.mode = $.mode || this.mode || null), (this.signal = $.signal || this.signal), (this.referrer = null), (this.method === 'GET' || this.method === 'HEAD') && L) ) throw new TypeError('Body not allowed for GET or HEAD requests') if ( (this._initBody(L), (this.method === 'GET' || this.method === 'HEAD') && ($.cache === 'no-store' || $.cache === 'no-cache')) ) { var P = /([?&])_=[^&]*/ if (P.test(this.url)) this.url = this.url.replace(P, '$1_=' + new Date().getTime()) else { var Y = /\?/ this.url += (Y.test(this.url) ? '&' : '?') + '_=' + new Date().getTime() } } } k.prototype.clone = function () { return new k(this, { body: this._bodyInit }) } function O(R) { var $ = new FormData() return ( R.trim() .split('&') .forEach(function (L) { if (L) { var P = L.split('='), Y = P.shift().replace(/\+/g, ' '), w = P.join('=').replace(/\+/g, ' ') $.append(decodeURIComponent(Y), decodeURIComponent(w)) } }), $ ) } function N(R) { var $ = new b(), L = R.replace(/\r?\n[\t ]+/g, ' ') return ( L.split('\r') .map(function (P) { return P.indexOf(` `) === 0 ? P.substr(1, P.length) : P }) .forEach(function (P) { var Y = P.split(':'), w = Y.shift().trim() if (w) { var q = Y.join(':').trim() $.append(w, q) } }), $ ) } function M(R, $) { if (!(this instanceof M)) throw new TypeError( 'Please use the "new" operator, this DOM object constructor cannot be called as a function.' ) $ || ($ = {}), (this.type = 'default'), (this.status = $.status === void 0 ? 200 : $.status), (this.ok = this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300), (this.statusText = $.statusText === void 0 ? '' : '' + $.statusText), (this.headers = new b($.headers)), (this.url = $.url || ''), this._initBody(R) }, (M.prototype.clone = function () { return new M(this._bodyInit, { status: this.status, statusText: this.statusText, headers: new b(this.headers), url: this.url, }) }), (M.error = function () { var R = new M(null, { status: 0, statusText: '' }) return (R.type = 'error'), R }) var V = [301, 302, 303, 307, 308] ;(M.redirect = function (R, $) { if (V.indexOf($) === -1) throw new RangeError('Invalid status code') return new M(null, { status: $, headers: { location: R } }) }), (a.DOMException = o.DOMException) try { new a.DOMException() } catch { ;(a.DOMException = function ($, L) { ;(this.message = $), ( = L) var P = Error($) this.stack = P.stack }), (a.DOMException.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype)), (a.DOMException.prototype.constructor = a.DOMException) } function j(R, $) { return new Promise(function (L, P) { var Y = new k(R, $) if (Y.signal && Y.signal.aborted) return P(new a.DOMException('Aborted', 'AbortError')) var w = new XMLHttpRequest() function q() { w.abort() } ;(w.onload = function () { var I = { status: w.status, statusText: w.statusText, headers: N(w.getAllResponseHeaders() || ''), } I.url = 'responseURL' in w ? w.responseURL : I.headers.get('X-Request-URL') var re = 'response' in w ? w.response : w.responseText setTimeout(function () { L(new M(re, I)) }, 0) }), (w.onerror = function () { setTimeout(function () { P(new TypeError('Network request failed')) }, 0) }), (w.ontimeout = function () { setTimeout(function () { P(new TypeError('Network request failed')) }, 0) }), (w.onabort = function () { setTimeout(function () { P(new a.DOMException('Aborted', 'AbortError')) }, 0) }) function X(I) { try { return I === '' && o.location.href ? o.location.href : I } catch { return I } }, X(Y.url), !0), Y.credentials === 'include' ? (w.withCredentials = !0) : Y.credentials === 'omit' && (w.withCredentials = !1), 'responseType' in w && (u.blob ? (w.responseType = 'blob') : u.arrayBuffer && Y.headers.get('Content-Type') && Y.headers.get('Content-Type').indexOf('application/octet-stream') !== -1 && (w.responseType = 'arraybuffer')), $ && typeof $.headers == 'object' && !($.headers instanceof b) ? Object.getOwnPropertyNames($.headers).forEach(function (I) { w.setRequestHeader(I, m($.headers[I])) }) : Y.headers.forEach(function (I, re) { w.setRequestHeader(re, I) }), Y.signal && (Y.signal.addEventListener('abort', q), (w.onreadystatechange = function () { w.readyState === 4 && Y.signal.removeEventListener('abort', q) })), w.send(typeof Y._bodyInit > 'u' ? null : Y._bodyInit) }) } return ( (j.polyfill = !0), o.fetch || ((o.fetch = j), (o.Headers = b), (o.Request = k), (o.Response = M)), (a.Headers = b), (a.Request = k), (a.Response = M), (a.fetch = j), a ) })({}) })(i), (i.fetch.ponyfill = !0), delete i.fetch.polyfill var n = r.fetch ? r : i ;(t = n.fetch), (t.default = n.fetch), (t.fetch = n.fetch), (t.Headers = n.Headers), (t.Request = n.Request), (t.Response = n.Response), (e.exports = t) })(Lc, Lc.exports) var MC = Lc.exports const Y1 = ci(MC), UC = new RegExp( '(?:\\[([^[\\]]*@[^[\\]]+)\\])|(?<=\\s|^|(-))(?:@([\\p{L}\\d_][^\\s]*[\\p{L}\\d_]|\\{.+\\})(?:\\s+\\[(.*?)\\])?)', 'u' ), HC = /(?.+)?(?:@(?[\p{L}\d_][^\s{]*[\p{L}\d_]|\{.+\}))(?:\{(?.*)\})?(?:,\s+(?:\{(?.*)\})?(?.*))?/u, Bm = /^(?:[\d, -]*\d|[ivxlcdm, -]*[ivxlcdm])/i, Fm = { book: ['Buch', 'Bücher', 'B.', 'book', 'books', 'bk.', 'bks.', 'livre', 'livres', 'liv.'], chapter: ['Kapitel', 'Kap.', 'chapter', 'chapters', 'chap.', 'chaps', 'chapitre', 'chapitres'], column: [ 'Spalte', 'Spalten', 'Sp.', 'column', 'columns', 'col.', 'cols', 'colonne', 'colonnes', ], figure: ['Abbildung', 'Abbildungen', 'Abb.', 'figure', 'figures', 'fig.', 'figs'], folio: ['Blatt', 'Blätter', 'Fol.', 'folio', 'folios', 'fol.', 'fols', 'fᵒ', 'fᵒˢ'], issue: [ 'Nummer', 'Nummern', 'Nr.', 'number', 'numbers', 'no.', 'nos.', 'numéro', 'numéros', 'nᵒ', 'nᵒˢ', ], line: ['Zeile', 'Zeilen', 'Z', 'line', 'lines', 'l.', 'll.', 'ligne', 'lignes'], note: ['Note', 'Noten', 'N.', 'note', 'notes', 'n.', 'nn.'], opus: ['Opus', 'Opera', 'op.', 'opus', 'opera', 'opp.'], page: ['Seite', 'Seiten', 'S.', 'page', 'pages', 'p.', 'pp.'], paragraph: [ 'Absatz', 'Absätze', 'Abs.', '¶', '¶¶', 'paragraph', 'paragraphs', 'para.', 'paras', 'paragraphe', 'paragraphes', 'paragr.', ], part: ['Teil', 'Teile', 'part', 'parts', 'pt.', 'pts', 'partie', 'parties', 'part.'], section: [ 'Abschnitt', 'Abschnitte', 'Abschn.', '§', '§§', 'section', 'sections', 'sec.', 'secs', 'sect.', ], 'sub verbo': ['sub verbo', 'sub verbis', 's. v.', 's. vv.', 's.v.', 's.vv.'], verse: ['Vers', 'Verse', 'V.', 'verse', 'verses', 'v.', 'vv.', 'verset', 'versets'], volume: ['Band', 'Bände', 'Bd.', 'Bde.', 'volume', 'volumes', 'vol.', 'vols.'], }, zC = (e) => { let t = [], r = !1 const i = e[1], n = e[2], s = e[3], a = e[4] if (i !== void 0) for (const o of i.split(';')) { const u = HC.exec(o.trim()) if (u === null) continue const c = { id: u.groups.citekey.replace(/{(.+)}/, '$1'), prefix: void 0, locator: void 0, label: 'page', 'suppress-author': !1, suffix: void 0, }, f = u.groups.prefix f !== void 0 && ((c['suppress-author'] = f.trim().endsWith('-')), c['suppress-author'] ? (c.prefix = f.substring(0, f.trim().length - 1).trim()) : (c.prefix = f.trim())) const h = u.groups.explicitLocator, p = u.groups.explicitLocatorInSuffix, m = u.groups.suffix let v, b = !0 h === void 0 && p === void 0 ? ((v = m), (b = !1)) : (p !== void 0 || h !== void 0) && ((v = h !== void 0 ? h : p), (c.suffix = m == null ? void 0 : m.trim())) const { label: S, locator: g, suffix: _ } = Mm(v, b) ;(c.locator = g), S !== void 0 && (c.label = S), h === void 0 && p === void 0 ? (c.suffix = _) : _ !== void 0 && c.locator !== void 0 && (c.locator += _), t.push(c) } else (r = !0), t.push({ prefix: void 0, id: s.replace(/{(.+)}/, '$1'), 'suppress-author': n !== void 0, ...Mm(a, !1), }) return [t, r] } function Mm(e, t) { const r = { locator: void 0, label: 'page', suffix: void 0 } if (e === void 0) return r e = e.trim() for (const i in Fm) for (const n of Fm[i]) if (e.toLowerCase().startsWith(n.toLowerCase())) { if (((r.label = i), t)) r.locator = e.substr(n.length).trim() else { r.suffix = e.substr(n.length).trim() const s = Bm.exec(r.suffix) s !== null && ((r.locator = s[0]), (r.suffix = r.suffix.substr(s[0].length).trim())) } return r } if (t) r.locator = e else { const i = Bm.exec(e) i !== null && ((r.locator = i[0]), (r.suffix = e.substr(i[0].length).trim())) } return r } const jC = 'modulepreload', qC = function (e) { return '/' + e }, Um = {}, fu = function (t, r, i) { if (!r || r.length === 0) return t() const n = document.getElementsByTagName('link') return Promise.all( => { if (((s = qC(s)), s in Um)) return Um[s] = !0 const a = s.endsWith('.css'), o = a ? '[rel="stylesheet"]' : '' if (!!i) for (let f = n.length - 1; f >= 0; f--) { const h = n[f] if (h.href === s && (!a || h.rel === 'stylesheet')) return } else if (document.querySelector(`link[href="${s}"]${o}`)) return const c = document.createElement('link') if ( ((c.rel = a ? 'stylesheet' : jC), a || (( = 'script'), (c.crossOrigin = '')), (c.href = s), document.head.appendChild(c), a) ) return new Promise((f, h) => { c.addEventListener('load', f), c.addEventListener('error', () => h(new Error(`Unable to preload CSS for ${s}`))) }) }) ) .then(() => t()) .catch((s) => { const a = new Event('vite:preloadError', { cancelable: !0 }) if (((a.payload = s), window.dispatchEvent(a), !a.defaultPrevented)) throw s }) }, ua = typeof window > 'u', mp = async (e) => { if (la(e)) return Y1(e) .then((t) => t.text()) .then((t) => t) if (ua) return fu(() => import('./__vite-browser-external-b25bb000.js'), []).then((t) => t.readFileSync(e, 'utf8') ) throw new Error('Cannot read non valid URL in node env.') }, la = (e) => { let t try { t = new URL(e) } catch { return !1 } return t.protocol === 'http:' || t.protocol === 'https:' }, $C = async (e, t) => { var i, n let r = '' if (e.bibliography) r = e.bibliography else if ( (n = (i = t == null ? void 0 : == null ? void 0 : i.frontmatter) != null && n.bibliography && ((r =, !la(r)) ) if (ua) r = await fu(() => import('./__vite-browser-external-b25bb000.js'), []).then((s) => s.join(e.path || t.cwd, r) ) else throw new Error('Cannot read non valid bibliography URL in node env.') return r }, VC = async (e, t, r = '') => { const i = e.plugins.config.get('@csl') if (Object.keys( return t { const n = `customCSL-${Math.random().toString(36).slice(2, 7)}` let s = '' la(t) ? (s = t) : ua && (s = await fu(() => import('./__vite-browser-external-b25bb000.js'), []).then((a) => a.join(r, t) )) try { i.templates.add(n, await mp(s)) } catch { throw new Error(`Input CSL option, ${t}, is invalid or is an unknown file.`) } return n } }, GC = async (e, t, r = '') => { const i = e.plugins.config.get('@csl') if (Object.keys( return t { let n = '' la(t) ? (n = t) : ua && (n = await fu(() => import('./__vite-browser-external-b25bb000.js'), []).then((s) => s.join(r, t) )) try { const s = await mp(n), a = /xml:lang="(.+)"/, o = s.match(a)[1] return i.locales.add(o, s), o } catch { throw new Error(`Input locale option, ${t}, is invalid or is an unknown file.`) } } }, XC = (e) => e.cslXml.dataObj.children[0].children.find((n) => n.attrs && n.attrs['citation-format']).attrs[ 'citation-format' ], YC = (e, t, r) => { const i = [] if (r) for (const n of e.registry.reflist) t.includes( && i.push(n) else for (const n of t) i.push(e.registry.reflist.find((s) => === n)) return i }, WC = (e, t) => [e.slice(0, t), e.slice(t)], QC = (e, t) => { const r =, i = if (r.length !== i.length) return !1 for (let n = 0; n < r.length; n++) if (r[n].family !== i[n].family) return !1 return !0 }, KC = new Set([ 65534, 65535, 131070, 131071, 196606, 196607, 262142, 262143, 327678, 327679, 393214, 393215, 458750, 458751, 524286, 524287, 589822, 589823, 655358, 655359, 720894, 720895, 786430, 786431, 851966, 851967, 917502, 917503, 983038, 983039, 1048574, 1048575, 1114110, 1114111, ]), je = '�' var B ;(function (e) { ;(e[(e.EOF = -1)] = 'EOF'), (e[(e.NULL = 0)] = 'NULL'), (e[(e.TABULATION = 9)] = 'TABULATION'), (e[(e.CARRIAGE_RETURN = 13)] = 'CARRIAGE_RETURN'), (e[(e.LINE_FEED = 10)] = 'LINE_FEED'), (e[(e.FORM_FEED = 12)] = 'FORM_FEED'), (e[(e.SPACE = 32)] = 'SPACE'), (e[(e.EXCLAMATION_MARK = 33)] = 'EXCLAMATION_MARK'), (e[(e.QUOTATION_MARK = 34)] = 'QUOTATION_MARK'), (e[(e.NUMBER_SIGN = 35)] = 'NUMBER_SIGN'), (e[(e.AMPERSAND = 38)] = 'AMPERSAND'), (e[(e.APOSTROPHE = 39)] = 'APOSTROPHE'), (e[(e.HYPHEN_MINUS = 45)] = 'HYPHEN_MINUS'), (e[(e.SOLIDUS = 47)] = 'SOLIDUS'), (e[(e.DIGIT_0 = 48)] = 'DIGIT_0'), (e[(e.DIGIT_9 = 57)] = 'DIGIT_9'), (e[(e.SEMICOLON = 59)] = 'SEMICOLON'), (e[(e.LESS_THAN_SIGN = 60)] = 'LESS_THAN_SIGN'), (e[(e.EQUALS_SIGN = 61)] = 'EQUALS_SIGN'), (e[(e.GREATER_THAN_SIGN = 62)] = 'GREATER_THAN_SIGN'), (e[(e.QUESTION_MARK = 63)] = 'QUESTION_MARK'), (e[(e.LATIN_CAPITAL_A = 65)] = 'LATIN_CAPITAL_A'), (e[(e.LATIN_CAPITAL_F = 70)] = 'LATIN_CAPITAL_F'), (e[(e.LATIN_CAPITAL_X = 88)] = 'LATIN_CAPITAL_X'), (e[(e.LATIN_CAPITAL_Z = 90)] = 'LATIN_CAPITAL_Z'), (e[(e.RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET = 93)] = 'RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET'), (e[(e.GRAVE_ACCENT = 96)] = 'GRAVE_ACCENT'), (e[(e.LATIN_SMALL_A = 97)] = 'LATIN_SMALL_A'), (e[(e.LATIN_SMALL_F = 102)] = 'LATIN_SMALL_F'), (e[(e.LATIN_SMALL_X = 120)] = 'LATIN_SMALL_X'), (e[(e.LATIN_SMALL_Z = 122)] = 'LATIN_SMALL_Z'), (e[(e.REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER = 65533)] = 'REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER') })((B = B || (B = {}))) const xt = { DASH_DASH: '--', CDATA_START: '[CDATA[', DOCTYPE: 'doctype', SCRIPT: 'script', PUBLIC: 'public', SYSTEM: 'system', } function W1(e) { return e >= 55296 && e <= 57343 } function JC(e) { return e >= 56320 && e <= 57343 } function ZC(e, t) { return (e - 55296) * 1024 + 9216 + t } function Q1(e) { return ( (e !== 32 && e !== 10 && e !== 13 && e !== 9 && e !== 12 && e >= 1 && e <= 31) || (e >= 127 && e <= 159) ) } function K1(e) { return (e >= 64976 && e <= 65007) || KC.has(e) } var J ;(function (e) { ;(e.controlCharacterInInputStream = 'control-character-in-input-stream'), (e.noncharacterInInputStream = 'noncharacter-in-input-stream'), (e.surrogateInInputStream = 'surrogate-in-input-stream'), (e.nonVoidHtmlElementStartTagWithTrailingSolidus = 'non-void-html-element-start-tag-with-trailing-solidus'), (e.endTagWithAttributes = 'end-tag-with-attributes'), (e.endTagWithTrailingSolidus = 'end-tag-with-trailing-solidus'), (e.unexpectedSolidusInTag = 'unexpected-solidus-in-tag'), (e.unexpectedNullCharacter = 'unexpected-null-character'), (e.unexpectedQuestionMarkInsteadOfTagName = 'unexpected-question-mark-instead-of-tag-name'), (e.invalidFirstCharacterOfTagName = 'invalid-first-character-of-tag-name'), (e.unexpectedEqualsSignBeforeAttributeName = 'unexpected-equals-sign-before-attribute-name'), (e.missingEndTagName = 'missing-end-tag-name'), (e.unexpectedCharacterInAttributeName = 'unexpected-character-in-attribute-name'), (e.unknownNamedCharacterReference = 'unknown-named-character-reference'), (e.missingSemicolonAfterCharacterReference = 'missing-semicolon-after-character-reference'), (e.unexpectedCharacterAfterDoctypeSystemIdentifier = 'unexpected-character-after-doctype-system-identifier'), (e.unexpectedCharacterInUnquotedAttributeValue = 'unexpected-character-in-unquoted-attribute-value'), (e.eofBeforeTagName = 'eof-before-tag-name'), (e.eofInTag = 'eof-in-tag'), (e.missingAttributeValue = 'missing-attribute-value'), (e.missingWhitespaceBetweenAttributes = 'missing-whitespace-between-attributes'), (e.missingWhitespaceAfterDoctypePublicKeyword = 'missing-whitespace-after-doctype-public-keyword'), (e.missingWhitespaceBetweenDoctypePublicAndSystemIdentifiers = 'missing-whitespace-between-doctype-public-and-system-identifiers'), (e.missingWhitespaceAfterDoctypeSystemKeyword = 'missing-whitespace-after-doctype-system-keyword'), (e.missingQuoteBeforeDoctypePublicIdentifier = 'missing-quote-before-doctype-public-identifier'), (e.missingQuoteBeforeDoctypeSystemIdentifier = 'missing-quote-before-doctype-system-identifier'), (e.missingDoctypePublicIdentifier = 'missing-doctype-public-identifier'), (e.missingDoctypeSystemIdentifier = 'missing-doctype-system-identifier'), (e.abruptDoctypePublicIdentifier = 'abrupt-doctype-public-identifier'), (e.abruptDoctypeSystemIdentifier = 'abrupt-doctype-system-identifier'), (e.cdataInHtmlContent = 'cdata-in-html-content'), (e.incorrectlyOpenedComment = 'incorrectly-opened-comment'), (e.eofInScriptHtmlCommentLikeText = 'eof-in-script-html-comment-like-text'), (e.eofInDoctype = 'eof-in-doctype'), (e.nestedComment = 'nested-comment'), (e.abruptClosingOfEmptyComment = 'abrupt-closing-of-empty-comment'), (e.eofInComment = 'eof-in-comment'), (e.incorrectlyClosedComment = 'incorrectly-closed-comment'), (e.eofInCdata = 'eof-in-cdata'), (e.absenceOfDigitsInNumericCharacterReference = 'absence-of-digits-in-numeric-character-reference'), (e.nullCharacterReference = 'null-character-reference'), (e.surrogateCharacterReference = 'surrogate-character-reference'), (e.characterReferenceOutsideUnicodeRange = 'character-reference-outside-unicode-range'), (e.controlCharacterReference = 'control-character-reference'), (e.noncharacterCharacterReference = 'noncharacter-character-reference'), (e.missingWhitespaceBeforeDoctypeName = 'missing-whitespace-before-doctype-name'), (e.missingDoctypeName = 'missing-doctype-name'), (e.invalidCharacterSequenceAfterDoctypeName = 'invalid-character-sequence-after-doctype-name'), (e.duplicateAttribute = 'duplicate-attribute'), (e.nonConformingDoctype = 'non-conforming-doctype'), (e.missingDoctype = 'missing-doctype'), (e.misplacedDoctype = 'misplaced-doctype'), (e.endTagWithoutMatchingOpenElement = 'end-tag-without-matching-open-element'), (e.closingOfElementWithOpenChildElements = 'closing-of-element-with-open-child-elements'), (e.disallowedContentInNoscriptInHead = 'disallowed-content-in-noscript-in-head'), (e.openElementsLeftAfterEof = 'open-elements-left-after-eof'), (e.abandonedHeadElementChild = 'abandoned-head-element-child'), (e.misplacedStartTagForHeadElement = 'misplaced-start-tag-for-head-element'), (e.nestedNoscriptInHead = 'nested-noscript-in-head'), (e.eofInElementThatCanContainOnlyText = 'eof-in-element-that-can-contain-only-text') })((J = J || (J = {}))) const ek = 65536 class tk { constructor(t) { ;(this.handler = t), (this.html = ''), (this.pos = -1), (this.lastGapPos = -2), (this.gapStack = []), (this.skipNextNewLine = !1), (this.lastChunkWritten = !1), (this.endOfChunkHit = !1), (this.bufferWaterline = ek), (this.isEol = !1), (this.lineStartPos = 0), (this.droppedBufferSize = 0), (this.line = 1), (this.lastErrOffset = -1) } get col() { return this.pos - this.lineStartPos + +(this.lastGapPos !== this.pos) } get offset() { return this.droppedBufferSize + this.pos } getError(t) { const { line: r, col: i, offset: n } = this return { code: t, startLine: r, endLine: r, startCol: i, endCol: i, startOffset: n, endOffset: n, } } _err(t) { this.handler.onParseError && this.lastErrOffset !== this.offset && ((this.lastErrOffset = this.offset), this.handler.onParseError(this.getError(t))) } _addGap() { this.gapStack.push(this.lastGapPos), (this.lastGapPos = this.pos) } _processSurrogate(t) { if (this.pos !== this.html.length - 1) { const r = this.html.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1) if (JC(r)) return this.pos++, this._addGap(), ZC(t, r) } else if (!this.lastChunkWritten) return (this.endOfChunkHit = !0), B.EOF return this._err(J.surrogateInInputStream), t } willDropParsedChunk() { return this.pos > this.bufferWaterline } dropParsedChunk() { this.willDropParsedChunk() && ((this.html = this.html.substring(this.pos)), (this.lineStartPos -= this.pos), (this.droppedBufferSize += this.pos), (this.pos = 0), (this.lastGapPos = -2), (this.gapStack.length = 0)) } write(t, r) { this.html.length > 0 ? (this.html += t) : (this.html = t), (this.endOfChunkHit = !1), (this.lastChunkWritten = r) } insertHtmlAtCurrentPos(t) { ;(this.html = this.html.substring(0, this.pos + 1) + t + this.html.substring(this.pos + 1)), (this.endOfChunkHit = !1) } startsWith(t, r) { if (this.pos + t.length > this.html.length) return (this.endOfChunkHit = !this.lastChunkWritten), !1 if (r) return this.html.startsWith(t, this.pos) for (let i = 0; i < t.length; i++) if ((this.html.charCodeAt(this.pos + i) | 32) !== t.charCodeAt(i)) return !1 return !0 } peek(t) { const r = this.pos + t if (r >= this.html.length) return (this.endOfChunkHit = !this.lastChunkWritten), B.EOF const i = this.html.charCodeAt(r) return i === B.CARRIAGE_RETURN ? B.LINE_FEED : i } advance() { if ( (this.pos++, this.isEol && ((this.isEol = !1), this.line++, (this.lineStartPos = this.pos)), this.pos >= this.html.length) ) return (this.endOfChunkHit = !this.lastChunkWritten), B.EOF let t = this.html.charCodeAt(this.pos) return t === B.CARRIAGE_RETURN ? ((this.isEol = !0), (this.skipNextNewLine = !0), B.LINE_FEED) : t === B.LINE_FEED && ((this.isEol = !0), this.skipNextNewLine) ? (this.line--, (this.skipNextNewLine = !1), this._addGap(), this.advance()) : ((this.skipNextNewLine = !1), W1(t) && (t = this._processSurrogate(t)), this.handler.onParseError === null || (t > 31 && t < 127) || t === B.LINE_FEED || t === B.CARRIAGE_RETURN || (t > 159 && t < 64976) || this._checkForProblematicCharacters(t), t) } _checkForProblematicCharacters(t) { Q1(t) ? this._err(J.controlCharacterInInputStream) : K1(t) && this._err(J.noncharacterInInputStream) } retreat(t) { for (this.pos -= t; this.pos < this.lastGapPos; ) (this.lastGapPos = this.gapStack.pop()), this.pos-- this.isEol = !1 } } var ke ;(function (e) { ;(e[(e.CHARACTER = 0)] = 'CHARACTER'), (e[(e.NULL_CHARACTER = 1)] = 'NULL_CHARACTER'), (e[(e.WHITESPACE_CHARACTER = 2)] = 'WHITESPACE_CHARACTER'), (e[(e.START_TAG = 3)] = 'START_TAG'), (e[(e.END_TAG = 4)] = 'END_TAG'), (e[(e.COMMENT = 5)] = 'COMMENT'), (e[(e.DOCTYPE = 6)] = 'DOCTYPE'), (e[(e.EOF = 7)] = 'EOF'), (e[(e.HIBERNATION = 8)] = 'HIBERNATION') })((ke = ke || (ke = {}))) function J1(e, t) { for (let r = e.attrs.length - 1; r >= 0; r--) if (e.attrs[r].name === t) return e.attrs[r].value return null } const zr = new Uint16Array( 'ᵁ<Õıʊҝջאٵ۞ޢߖࠏ੊ઑඡ๭༉༦჊ረዡᐕᒝᓃᓟᔥ\0\0\0\0\0\0ᕫᛍᦍᰒᷝ὾⁠↰⊍⏀⏻⑂⠤⤒ⴈ⹈⿎〖㊺㘹㞬㣾㨨㩱㫠㬮ࠀEMabcfglmnoprstu\\bfms„‹•˜¦³¹ÈÏlig耻Æ䃆P耻&䀦cute耻Á䃁reve;䄂Āiyx}rc耻Â䃂;䐐r;쀀𝔄rave耻À䃀pha;䎑acr;䄀d;橓Āgp¡on;䄄f;쀀𝔸plyFunction;恡ing耻Å䃅Ācs¾Ãr;쀀𝒜ign;扔ilde耻Ã䃃ml耻Ä䃄ЀaceforsuåûþėĜĢħĪĀcrêòkslash;或Ŷöø;櫧ed;挆y;䐑ƀcrtąċĔause;戵noullis;愬a;䎒r;쀀𝔅pf;쀀𝔹eve;䋘còēmpeq;扎܀HOacdefhilorsuōőŖƀƞƢƵƷƺǜȕɳɸɾcy;䐧PY耻©䂩ƀcpyŝŢźute;䄆Ā;iŧŨ拒talDifferentialD;慅leys;愭ȀaeioƉƎƔƘron;䄌dil耻Ç䃇rc;䄈nint;戰ot;䄊ĀdnƧƭilla;䂸terDot;䂷òſi;䎧rcleȀDMPTLJNjǑǖot;抙inus;抖lus;投imes;抗oĀcsǢǸkwiseContourIntegral;戲eCurlyĀDQȃȏoubleQuote;思uote;怙ȀlnpuȞȨɇɕonĀ;eȥȦ户;橴ƀgitȯȶȺruent;扡nt;戯ourIntegral;戮ĀfrɌɎ;愂oduct;成nterClockwiseContourIntegral;戳oss;樯cr;쀀𝒞pĀ;Cʄʅ拓ap;才րDJSZacefiosʠʬʰʴʸˋ˗ˡ˦̳ҍĀ;oŹʥtrahd;椑cy;䐂cy;䐅cy;䐏ƀgrsʿ˄ˇger;怡r;憡hv;櫤Āayː˕ron;䄎;䐔lĀ;t˝˞戇a;䎔r;쀀𝔇Āaf˫̧Ācm˰̢riticalȀADGT̖̜̀̆cute;䂴oŴ̋̍;䋙bleAcute;䋝rave;䁠ilde;䋜ond;拄ferentialD;慆Ѱ̽\0\0\0͔͂\0Ѕf;쀀𝔻ƀ;DE͈͉͍䂨ot;惜qual;扐blèCDLRUVͣͲ΂ϏϢϸontourIntegraìȹoɴ͹\0\0ͻ»͉nArrow;懓Āeo·ΤftƀARTΐΖΡrrow;懐ightArrow;懔eåˊngĀLRΫτeftĀARγιrrow;柸ightArrow;柺ightArrow;柹ightĀATϘϞrrow;懒ee;抨pɁϩ\0\0ϯrrow;懑ownArrow;懕erticalBar;戥ǹABLRTaВЪаўѿͼrrowƀ;BUНОТ憓ar;椓pArrow;懵reve;䌑eft˒к\0ц\0ѐightVector;楐eeVector;楞ectorĀ;Bљњ憽ar;楖ightǔѧ\0ѱeeVector;楟ectorĀ;BѺѻ懁ar;楗eeĀ;A҆҇护rrow;憧ĀctҒҗr;쀀𝒟rok;䄐ࠀNTacdfglmopqstuxҽӀӄӋӞӢӧӮӵԡԯԶՒ՝ՠեG;䅊H耻Ð䃐cute耻É䃉ƀaiyӒӗӜron;䄚rc耻Ê䃊;䐭ot;䄖r;쀀𝔈rave耻È䃈ement;戈ĀapӺӾcr;䄒tyɓԆ\0\0ԒmallSquare;旻erySmallSquare;斫ĀgpԦԪon;䄘f;쀀𝔼silon;䎕uĀaiԼՉlĀ;TՂՃ橵ilde;扂librium;懌Āci՗՚r;愰m;橳a;䎗ml耻Ë䃋Āipժկsts;戃onentialE;慇ʀcfiosօֈ֍ֲ׌y;䐤r;쀀𝔉lledɓ֗\0\0֣mallSquare;旼erySmallSquare;斪Ͱֺ\0ֿ\0\0ׄf;쀀𝔽All;戀riertrf;愱cò׋؀JTabcdfgorstר׬ׯ׺؀ؒؖ؛؝أ٬ٲcy;䐃耻>䀾mmaĀ;d׷׸䎓;䏜reve;䄞ƀeiy؇،ؐdil;䄢rc;䄜;䐓ot;䄠r;쀀𝔊;拙pf;쀀𝔾eater̀EFGLSTصلَٖٛ٦qualĀ;Lؾؿ扥ess;招ullEqual;执reater;檢ess;扷lantEqual;橾ilde;扳cr;쀀𝒢;扫ЀAacfiosuڅڋږڛڞڪھۊRDcy;䐪Āctڐڔek;䋇;䁞irc;䄤r;愌lbertSpace;愋ǰگ\0ڲf;愍izontalLine;攀Āctۃۅòکrok;䄦mpńېۘownHumðįqual;扏܀EJOacdfgmnostuۺ۾܃܇܎ܚܞܡܨ݄ݸދޏޕcy;䐕lig;䄲cy;䐁cute耻Í䃍Āiyܓܘrc耻Î䃎;䐘ot;䄰r;愑rave耻Ì䃌ƀ;apܠܯܿĀcgܴܷr;䄪inaryI;慈lieóϝǴ݉\0ݢĀ;eݍݎ戬Āgrݓݘral;戫section;拂isibleĀCTݬݲomma;恣imes;恢ƀgptݿރވon;䄮f;쀀𝕀a;䎙cr;愐ilde;䄨ǫޚ\0ޞcy;䐆l耻Ï䃏ʀcfosuެ޷޼߂ߐĀiyޱ޵rc;䄴;䐙r;쀀𝔍pf;쀀𝕁ǣ߇\0ߌr;쀀𝒥rcy;䐈kcy;䐄΀HJacfosߤߨ߽߬߱ࠂࠈcy;䐥cy;䐌ppa;䎚Āey߶߻dil;䄶;䐚r;쀀𝔎pf;쀀𝕂cr;쀀𝒦րJTaceflmostࠥࠩࠬࡐࡣ঳সে্਷ੇcy;䐉耻<䀼ʀcmnpr࠷࠼ࡁࡄࡍute;䄹bda;䎛g;柪lacetrf;愒r;憞ƀaeyࡗ࡜ࡡron;䄽dil;䄻;䐛Āfsࡨ॰tԀACDFRTUVarࡾࢩࢱࣦ࣠ࣼयज़ΐ४Ānrࢃ࢏gleBracket;柨rowƀ;BR࢙࢚࢞憐ar;懤ightArrow;懆eiling;挈oǵࢷ\0ࣃbleBracket;柦nǔࣈ\0࣒eeVector;楡ectorĀ;Bࣛࣜ懃ar;楙loor;挊ightĀAV࣯ࣵrrow;憔ector;楎Āerँगeƀ;AVउऊऐ抣rrow;憤ector;楚iangleƀ;BEतथऩ抲ar;槏qual;抴pƀDTVषूौownVector;楑eeVector;楠ectorĀ;Bॖॗ憿ar;楘ectorĀ;B॥०憼ar;楒ightáΜs̀EFGLSTॾঋকঝঢভqualGreater;拚ullEqual;扦reater;扶ess;檡lantEqual;橽ilde;扲r;쀀𝔏Ā;eঽা拘ftarrow;懚idot;䄿ƀnpw৔ਖਛgȀLRlr৞৷ਂਐeftĀAR০৬rrow;柵ightArrow;柷ightArrow;柶eftĀarγਊightáοightáϊf;쀀𝕃erĀLRਢਬeftArrow;憙ightArrow;憘ƀchtਾੀੂòࡌ;憰rok;䅁;扪Ѐacefiosuਗ਼੝੠੷੼અઋ઎p;椅y;䐜Ādl੥੯iumSpace;恟lintrf;愳r;쀀𝔐nusPlus;戓pf;쀀𝕄cò੶;䎜ҀJacefostuણધભીଔଙඑ඗ඞcy;䐊cute;䅃ƀaey઴હાron;䅇dil;䅅;䐝ƀgswે૰଎ativeƀMTV૓૟૨ediumSpace;怋hiĀcn૦૘ë૙eryThiî૙tedĀGL૸ଆreaterGreateòٳessLesóੈLine;䀊r;쀀𝔑ȀBnptଢନଷ଺reak;恠BreakingSpace;䂠f;愕ڀ;CDEGHLNPRSTV୕ୖ୪୼஡௫ఄ౞಄ದ೘ൡඅ櫬Āou୛୤ngruent;扢pCap;扭oubleVerticalBar;戦ƀlqxஃஊ஛ement;戉ualĀ;Tஒஓ扠ilde;쀀≂̸ists;戄reater΀;EFGLSTஶஷ஽௉௓௘௥扯qual;扱ullEqual;쀀≧̸reater;쀀≫̸ess;批lantEqual;쀀⩾̸ilde;扵umpń௲௽ownHump;쀀≎̸qual;쀀≏̸eĀfsఊధtTriangleƀ;BEచఛడ拪ar;쀀⧏̸qual;括s̀;EGLSTవశ఼ౄోౘ扮qual;扰reater;扸ess;쀀≪̸lantEqual;쀀⩽̸ilde;扴estedĀGL౨౹reaterGreater;쀀⪢̸essLess;쀀⪡̸recedesƀ;ESಒಓಛ技qual;쀀⪯̸lantEqual;拠ĀeiಫಹverseElement;戌ghtTriangleƀ;BEೋೌ೒拫ar;쀀⧐̸qual;拭ĀquೝഌuareSuĀbp೨೹setĀ;E೰ೳ쀀⊏̸qual;拢ersetĀ;Eഃആ쀀⊐̸qual;拣ƀbcpഓതൎsetĀ;Eഛഞ쀀⊂⃒qual;抈ceedsȀ;ESTലള഻െ抁qual;쀀⪰̸lantEqual;拡ilde;쀀≿̸ersetĀ;E൘൛쀀⊃⃒qual;抉ildeȀ;EFT൮൯൵ൿ扁qual;扄ullEqual;扇ilde;扉erticalBar;戤cr;쀀𝒩ilde耻Ñ䃑;䎝܀Eacdfgmoprstuvලෂ෉෕ෛ෠෧෼ขภยา฿ไlig;䅒cute耻Ó䃓Āiy෎ීrc耻Ô䃔;䐞blac;䅐r;쀀𝔒rave耻Ò䃒ƀaei෮ෲ෶cr;䅌ga;䎩cron;䎟pf;쀀𝕆enCurlyĀDQฎบoubleQuote;怜uote;怘;橔Āclวฬr;쀀𝒪ash耻Ø䃘iŬื฼de耻Õ䃕es;樷ml耻Ö䃖erĀBP๋๠Āar๐๓r;怾acĀek๚๜;揞et;掴arenthesis;揜Ҁacfhilors๿ງຊຏຒດຝະ໼rtialD;戂y;䐟r;쀀𝔓i;䎦;䎠usMinus;䂱Āipຢອncareplanåڝf;愙Ȁ;eio຺ູ໠໤檻cedesȀ;EST່້໏໚扺qual;檯lantEqual;扼ilde;找me;怳Ādp໩໮uct;戏ortionĀ;aȥ໹l;戝Āci༁༆r;쀀𝒫;䎨ȀUfos༑༖༛༟OT耻"䀢r;쀀𝔔pf;愚cr;쀀𝒬؀BEacefhiorsu༾གྷཇའཱིྦྷྪྭ႖ႩႴႾarr;椐G耻®䂮ƀcnrཎནབute;䅔g;柫rĀ;tཛྷཝ憠l;椖ƀaeyཧཬཱron;䅘dil;䅖;䐠Ā;vླྀཹ愜erseĀEUྂྙĀlq྇ྎement;戋uilibrium;懋pEquilibrium;楯r»ཹo;䎡ghtЀACDFTUVa࿁࿫࿳ဢဨၛႇϘĀnr࿆࿒gleBracket;柩rowƀ;BL࿜࿝࿡憒ar;懥eftArrow;懄eiling;按oǵ࿹\0စbleBracket;柧nǔည\0နeeVector;楝ectorĀ;Bဝသ懂ar;楕loor;挋Āerိ၃eƀ;AVဵံြ抢rrow;憦ector;楛iangleƀ;BEၐၑၕ抳ar;槐qual;抵pƀDTVၣၮၸownVector;楏eeVector;楜ectorĀ;Bႂႃ憾ar;楔ectorĀ;B႑႒懀ar;楓Āpuႛ႞f;愝ndImplies;楰ightarrow;懛ĀchႹႼr;愛;憱leDelayed;槴ڀHOacfhimoqstuფჱჷჽᄙᄞᅑᅖᅡᅧᆵᆻᆿĀCcჩხHcy;䐩y;䐨FTcy;䐬cute;䅚ʀ;aeiyᄈᄉᄎᄓᄗ檼ron;䅠dil;䅞rc;䅜;䐡r;쀀𝔖ortȀDLRUᄪᄴᄾᅉownArrow»ОeftArrow»࢚ightArrow»࿝pArrow;憑gma;䎣allCircle;战pf;쀀𝕊ɲᅭ\0\0ᅰt;戚areȀ;ISUᅻᅼᆉᆯ斡ntersection;抓uĀbpᆏᆞsetĀ;Eᆗᆘ抏qual;抑ersetĀ;Eᆨᆩ抐qual;抒nion;抔cr;쀀𝒮ar;拆ȀbcmpᇈᇛሉላĀ;sᇍᇎ拐etĀ;Eᇍᇕqual;抆ĀchᇠህeedsȀ;ESTᇭᇮᇴᇿ扻qual;檰lantEqual;扽ilde;承Tháྌ;我ƀ;esሒሓሣ拑rsetĀ;Eሜም抃qual;抇et»ሓրHRSacfhiorsሾቄ቉ቕ቞ቱቶኟዂወዑORN耻Þ䃞ADE;愢ĀHc቎ቒcy;䐋y;䐦Ābuቚቜ;䀉;䎤ƀaeyብቪቯron;䅤dil;䅢;䐢r;쀀𝔗Āeiቻ኉Dzኀ\0ኇefore;戴a;䎘Ācn኎ኘkSpace;쀀  Space;怉ldeȀ;EFTካኬኲኼ戼qual;扃ullEqual;扅ilde;扈pf;쀀𝕋ipleDot;惛Āctዖዛr;쀀𝒯rok;䅦ૡዷጎጚጦ\0ጬጱ\0\0\0\0\0ጸጽ፷ᎅ\0᏿ᐄᐊᐐĀcrዻጁute耻Ú䃚rĀ;oጇገ憟cir;楉rǣጓ\0጖y;䐎ve;䅬Āiyጞጣrc耻Û䃛;䐣blac;䅰r;쀀𝔘rave耻Ù䃙acr;䅪Ādiፁ፩erĀBPፈ፝Āarፍፐr;䁟acĀekፗፙ;揟et;掵arenthesis;揝onĀ;P፰፱拃lus;抎Āgp፻፿on;䅲f;쀀𝕌ЀADETadps᎕ᎮᎸᏄϨᏒᏗᏳrrowƀ;BDᅐᎠᎤar;椒ownArrow;懅ownArrow;憕quilibrium;楮eeĀ;AᏋᏌ报rrow;憥ownáϳerĀLRᏞᏨeftArrow;憖ightArrow;憗iĀ;lᏹᏺ䏒on;䎥ing;䅮cr;쀀𝒰ilde;䅨ml耻Ü䃜ҀDbcdefosvᐧᐬᐰᐳᐾᒅᒊᒐᒖash;披ar;櫫y;䐒ashĀ;lᐻᐼ抩;櫦Āerᑃᑅ;拁ƀbtyᑌᑐᑺar;怖Ā;iᑏᑕcalȀBLSTᑡᑥᑪᑴar;戣ine;䁼eparator;杘ilde;所ThinSpace;怊r;쀀𝔙pf;쀀𝕍cr;쀀𝒱dash;抪ʀcefosᒧᒬᒱᒶᒼirc;䅴dge;拀r;쀀𝔚pf;쀀𝕎cr;쀀𝒲Ȁfiosᓋᓐᓒᓘr;쀀𝔛;䎞pf;쀀𝕏cr;쀀𝒳ҀAIUacfosuᓱᓵᓹᓽᔄᔏᔔᔚᔠcy;䐯cy;䐇cy;䐮cute耻Ý䃝Āiyᔉᔍrc;䅶;䐫r;쀀𝔜pf;쀀𝕐cr;쀀𝒴ml;䅸ЀHacdefosᔵᔹᔿᕋᕏᕝᕠᕤcy;䐖cute;䅹Āayᕄᕉron;䅽;䐗ot;䅻Dzᕔ\0ᕛoWidtè૙a;䎖r;愨pf;愤cr;쀀𝒵௡ᖃᖊᖐ\0ᖰᖶᖿ\0\0\0\0ᗆᗛᗫᙟ᙭\0ᚕ᚛ᚲᚹ\0ᚾcute耻á䃡reve;䄃̀;Ediuyᖜᖝᖡᖣᖨᖭ戾;쀀∾̳;房rc耻â䃢te肻´̆;䐰lig耻æ䃦Ā;r²ᖺ;쀀𝔞rave耻à䃠ĀepᗊᗖĀfpᗏᗔsym;愵èᗓha;䎱ĀapᗟcĀclᗤᗧr;䄁g;樿ɤᗰ\0\0ᘊʀ;adsvᗺᗻᗿᘁᘇ戧nd;橕;橜lope;橘;橚΀;elmrszᘘᘙᘛᘞᘿᙏᙙ戠;榤e»ᘙsdĀ;aᘥᘦ戡ѡᘰᘲᘴᘶᘸᘺᘼᘾ;榨;榩;榪;榫;榬;榭;榮;榯tĀ;vᙅᙆ戟bĀ;dᙌᙍ抾;榝Āptᙔᙗh;戢»¹arr;捼Āgpᙣᙧon;䄅f;쀀𝕒΀;Eaeiop዁ᙻᙽᚂᚄᚇᚊ;橰cir;橯;扊d;手s;䀧roxĀ;e዁ᚒñᚃing耻å䃥ƀctyᚡᚦᚨr;쀀𝒶;䀪mpĀ;e዁ᚯñʈilde耻ã䃣ml耻ä䃤Āciᛂᛈoninôɲnt;樑ࠀNabcdefiklnoprsu᛭ᛱᜰ᜼ᝃᝈ᝸᝽០៦ᠹᡐᜍ᤽᥈ᥰot;櫭Ācrᛶ᜞kȀcepsᜀᜅᜍᜓong;扌psilon;䏶rime;怵imĀ;e᜚᜛戽q;拍Ŷᜢᜦee;抽edĀ;gᜬᜭ挅e»ᜭrkĀ;t፜᜷brk;掶Āoyᜁᝁ;䐱quo;怞ʀcmprtᝓ᝛ᝡᝤᝨausĀ;eĊĉptyv;榰séᜌnoõēƀahwᝯ᝱ᝳ;䎲;愶een;扬r;쀀𝔟g΀costuvwឍឝឳេ៕៛៞ƀaiuបពរðݠrc;旯p»፱ƀdptឤឨឭot;樀lus;樁imes;樂ɱឹ\0\0ើcup;樆ar;昅riangleĀdu៍្own;施p;斳plus;樄eåᑄåᒭarow;植ƀako៭ᠦᠵĀcn៲ᠣkƀlst៺֫᠂ozenge;槫riangleȀ;dlr᠒᠓᠘᠝斴own;斾eft;旂ight;斸k;搣Ʊᠫ\0ᠳƲᠯ\0ᠱ;斒;斑4;斓ck;斈ĀeoᠾᡍĀ;qᡃᡆ쀀=⃥uiv;쀀≡⃥t;挐Ȁptwxᡙᡞᡧᡬf;쀀𝕓Ā;tᏋᡣom»Ꮜtie;拈؀DHUVbdhmptuvᢅᢖᢪᢻᣗᣛᣬ᣿ᤅᤊᤐᤡȀLRlrᢎᢐᢒᢔ;敗;敔;敖;敓ʀ;DUduᢡᢢᢤᢦᢨ敐;敦;敩;敤;敧ȀLRlrᢳᢵᢷᢹ;敝;敚;敜;教΀;HLRhlrᣊᣋᣍᣏᣑᣓᣕ救;敬;散;敠;敫;敢;敟ox;槉ȀLRlrᣤᣦᣨᣪ;敕;敒;攐;攌ʀ;DUduڽ᣷᣹᣻᣽;敥;敨;攬;攴inus;抟lus;択imes;抠ȀLRlrᤙᤛᤝ᤟;敛;敘;攘;攔΀;HLRhlrᤰᤱᤳᤵᤷ᤻᤹攂;敪;敡;敞;攼;攤;攜Āevģ᥂bar耻¦䂦Ȁceioᥑᥖᥚᥠr;쀀𝒷mi;恏mĀ;e᜚᜜lƀ;bhᥨᥩᥫ䁜;槅sub;柈Ŭᥴ᥾lĀ;e᥹᥺怢t»᥺pƀ;Eeįᦅᦇ;檮Ā;qۜۛೡᦧ\0᧨ᨑᨕᨲ\0ᨷᩐ\0\0᪴\0\0᫁\0\0ᬡᬮ᭍᭒\0᯽\0ᰌƀcpr᦭ᦲ᧝ute;䄇̀;abcdsᦿᧀᧄ᧊᧕᧙戩nd;橄rcup;橉Āau᧏᧒p;橋p;橇ot;橀;쀀∩︀Āeo᧢᧥t;恁îړȀaeiu᧰᧻ᨁᨅǰ᧵\0᧸s;橍on;䄍dil耻ç䃧rc;䄉psĀ;sᨌᨍ橌m;橐ot;䄋ƀdmnᨛᨠᨦil肻¸ƭptyv;榲t脀¢;eᨭᨮ䂢räƲr;쀀𝔠ƀceiᨽᩀᩍy;䑇ckĀ;mᩇᩈ朓ark»ᩈ;䏇r΀;Ecefms᩟᩠ᩢᩫ᪤᪪᪮旋;槃ƀ;elᩩᩪᩭ䋆q;扗eɡᩴ\0\0᪈rrowĀlr᩼᪁eft;憺ight;憻ʀRSacd᪒᪔᪖᪚᪟»ཇ;擈st;抛irc;抚ash;抝nint;樐id;櫯cir;槂ubsĀ;u᪻᪼晣it»᪼ˬ᫇᫔᫺\0ᬊonĀ;eᫍᫎ䀺Ā;qÇÆɭ᫙\0\0᫢aĀ;t᫞᫟䀬;䁀ƀ;fl᫨᫩᫫戁îᅠeĀmx᫱᫶ent»᫩eóɍǧ᫾\0ᬇĀ;dኻᬂot;橭nôɆƀfryᬐᬔᬗ;쀀𝕔oäɔ脀©;sŕᬝr;愗Āaoᬥᬩrr;憵ss;朗Ācuᬲᬷr;쀀𝒸Ābpᬼ᭄Ā;eᭁᭂ櫏;櫑Ā;eᭉᭊ櫐;櫒dot;拯΀delprvw᭠᭬᭷ᮂᮬᯔ᯹arrĀlr᭨᭪;椸;椵ɰ᭲\0\0᭵r;拞c;拟arrĀ;p᭿ᮀ憶;椽̀;bcdosᮏᮐᮖᮡᮥᮨ截rcap;橈Āauᮛᮞp;橆p;橊ot;抍r;橅;쀀∪︀Ȁalrv᮵ᮿᯞᯣrrĀ;mᮼᮽ憷;椼yƀevwᯇᯔᯘqɰᯎ\0\0ᯒreã᭳uã᭵ee;拎edge;拏en耻¤䂤earrowĀlrᯮ᯳eft»ᮀight»ᮽeäᯝĀciᰁᰇoninôǷnt;戱lcty;挭ঀAHabcdefhijlorstuwz᰸᰻᰿ᱝᱩᱵᲊᲞᲬᲷ᳻᳿ᴍᵻᶑᶫᶻ᷆᷍rò΁ar;楥Ȁglrs᱈ᱍ᱒᱔ger;怠eth;愸òᄳhĀ;vᱚᱛ怐»ऊūᱡᱧarow;椏aã̕Āayᱮᱳron;䄏;䐴ƀ;ao̲ᱼᲄĀgrʿᲁr;懊tseq;橷ƀglmᲑᲔᲘ耻°䂰ta;䎴ptyv;榱ĀirᲣᲨsht;楿;쀀𝔡arĀlrᲳᲵ»ࣜ»သʀaegsv᳂͸᳖᳜᳠mƀ;oș᳊᳔ndĀ;ș᳑uit;晦amma;䏝in;拲ƀ;io᳧᳨᳸䃷de脀÷;o᳧ᳰntimes;拇nø᳷cy;䑒cɯᴆ\0\0ᴊrn;挞op;挍ʀlptuwᴘᴝᴢᵉᵕlar;䀤f;쀀𝕕ʀ;emps̋ᴭᴷᴽᵂqĀ;d͒ᴳot;扑inus;戸lus;戔quare;抡blebarwedgåúnƀadhᄮᵝᵧownarrowóᲃarpoonĀlrᵲᵶefôᲴighôᲶŢᵿᶅkaro÷གɯᶊ\0\0ᶎrn;挟op;挌ƀcotᶘᶣᶦĀryᶝᶡ;쀀𝒹;䑕l;槶rok;䄑Ādrᶰᶴot;拱iĀ;fᶺ᠖斿Āah᷀᷃ròЩaòྦangle;榦Āci᷒ᷕy;䑟grarr;柿ऀDacdefglmnopqrstuxḁḉḙḸոḼṉṡṾấắẽỡἪἷὄ὎὚ĀDoḆᴴoôᲉĀcsḎḔute耻é䃩ter;橮ȀaioyḢḧḱḶron;䄛rĀ;cḭḮ扖耻ê䃪lon;払;䑍ot;䄗ĀDrṁṅot;扒;쀀𝔢ƀ;rsṐṑṗ檚ave耻è䃨Ā;dṜṝ檖ot;檘Ȁ;ilsṪṫṲṴ檙nters;揧;愓Ā;dṹṺ檕ot;檗ƀapsẅẉẗcr;䄓tyƀ;svẒẓẕ戅et»ẓpĀ1;ẝẤijạả;怄;怅怃ĀgsẪẬ;䅋p;怂ĀgpẴẸon;䄙f;쀀𝕖ƀalsỄỎỒrĀ;sỊị拕l;槣us;橱iƀ;lvỚớở䎵on»ớ;䏵ȀcsuvỪỳἋἣĀioữḱrc»Ḯɩỹ\0\0ỻíՈantĀglἂἆtr»ṝess»Ṻƀaeiἒ἖Ἒls;䀽st;扟vĀ;DȵἠD;橸parsl;槥ĀDaἯἳot;打rr;楱ƀcdiἾὁỸr;愯oô͒ĀahὉὋ;䎷耻ð䃰Āmrὓὗl耻ë䃫o;悬ƀcipὡὤὧl;䀡sôծĀeoὬὴctatioîՙnentialåչৡᾒ\0ᾞ\0ᾡᾧ\0\0ῆῌ\0ΐ\0ῦῪ \0 ⁚llingdotseñṄy;䑄male;晀ƀilrᾭᾳ῁lig;耀ffiɩᾹ\0\0᾽g;耀ffig;耀ffl;쀀𝔣lig;耀filig;쀀fjƀaltῙ῜ῡt;晭ig;耀flns;斱of;䆒ǰ΅\0ῳf;쀀𝕗ĀakֿῷĀ;vῼ´拔;櫙artint;樍Āao‌⁕Ācs‑⁒ႉ‸⁅⁈\0⁐β•‥‧‪‬\0‮耻½䂽;慓耻¼䂼;慕;慙;慛Ƴ‴\0‶;慔;慖ʴ‾⁁\0\0⁃耻¾䂾;慗;慜5;慘ƶ⁌\0⁎;慚;慝8;慞l;恄wn;挢cr;쀀𝒻ࢀEabcdefgijlnorstv₂₉₟₥₰₴⃰⃵⃺⃿℃ℒℸ̗ℾ⅒↞Ā;lٍ₇;檌ƀcmpₐₕ₝ute;䇵maĀ;dₜ᳚䎳;檆reve;䄟Āiy₪₮rc;䄝;䐳ot;䄡Ȁ;lqsؾق₽⃉ƀ;qsؾٌ⃄lanô٥Ȁ;cdl٥⃒⃥⃕c;檩otĀ;o⃜⃝檀Ā;l⃢⃣檂;檄Ā;e⃪⃭쀀⋛︀s;檔r;쀀𝔤Ā;gٳ؛mel;愷cy;䑓Ȁ;Eajٚℌℎℐ;檒;檥;檤ȀEaesℛℝ℩ℴ;扩pĀ;p℣ℤ檊rox»ℤĀ;q℮ℯ檈Ā;q℮ℛim;拧pf;쀀𝕘Āci⅃ⅆr;愊mƀ;el٫ⅎ⅐;檎;檐茀>;cdlqr׮ⅠⅪⅮⅳⅹĀciⅥⅧ;檧r;橺ot;拗Par;榕uest;橼ʀadelsↄⅪ←ٖ↛ǰ↉\0↎proø₞r;楸qĀlqؿ↖lesó₈ií٫Āen↣↭rtneqq;쀀≩︀Å↪ԀAabcefkosy⇄⇇⇱⇵⇺∘∝∯≨≽ròΠȀilmr⇐⇔⇗⇛rsðᒄf»․ilôکĀdr⇠⇤cy;䑊ƀ;cwࣴ⇫⇯ir;楈;憭ar;意irc;䄥ƀalr∁∎∓rtsĀ;u∉∊晥it»∊lip;怦con;抹r;쀀𝔥sĀew∣∩arow;椥arow;椦ʀamopr∺∾≃≞≣rr;懿tht;戻kĀlr≉≓eftarrow;憩ightarrow;憪f;쀀𝕙bar;怕ƀclt≯≴≸r;쀀𝒽asè⇴rok;䄧Ābp⊂⊇ull;恃hen»ᱛૡ⊣\0⊪\0⊸⋅⋎\0⋕⋳\0\0⋸⌢⍧⍢⍿\0⎆⎪⎴cute耻í䃭ƀ;iyݱ⊰⊵rc耻î䃮;䐸Ācx⊼⊿y;䐵cl耻¡䂡ĀfrΟ⋉;쀀𝔦rave耻ì䃬Ȁ;inoܾ⋝⋩⋮Āin⋢⋦nt;樌t;戭fin;槜ta;愩lig;䄳ƀaop⋾⌚⌝ƀcgt⌅⌈⌗r;䄫ƀelpܟ⌏⌓inåގarôܠh;䄱f;抷ed;䆵ʀ;cfotӴ⌬⌱⌽⍁are;愅inĀ;t⌸⌹戞ie;槝doô⌙ʀ;celpݗ⍌⍐⍛⍡al;抺Āgr⍕⍙eróᕣã⍍arhk;樗rod;樼Ȁcgpt⍯⍲⍶⍻y;䑑on;䄯f;쀀𝕚a;䎹uest耻¿䂿Āci⎊⎏r;쀀𝒾nʀ;EdsvӴ⎛⎝⎡ӳ;拹ot;拵Ā;v⎦⎧拴;拳Ā;iݷ⎮lde;䄩ǫ⎸\0⎼cy;䑖l耻ï䃯̀cfmosu⏌⏗⏜⏡⏧⏵Āiy⏑⏕rc;䄵;䐹r;쀀𝔧ath;䈷pf;쀀𝕛ǣ⏬\0⏱r;쀀𝒿rcy;䑘kcy;䑔Ѐacfghjos␋␖␢␧␭␱␵␻ppaĀ;v␓␔䎺;䏰Āey␛␠dil;䄷;䐺r;쀀𝔨reen;䄸cy;䑅cy;䑜pf;쀀𝕜cr;쀀𝓀஀ABEHabcdefghjlmnoprstuv⑰⒁⒆⒍⒑┎┽╚▀♎♞♥♹♽⚚⚲⛘❝❨➋⟀⠁⠒ƀart⑷⑺⑼rò৆òΕail;椛arr;椎Ā;gঔ⒋;檋ar;楢ॣ⒥\0⒪\0⒱\0\0\0\0\0⒵Ⓔ\0ⓆⓈⓍ\0⓹ute;䄺mptyv;榴raîࡌbda;䎻gƀ;dlࢎⓁⓃ;榑åࢎ;檅uo耻«䂫rЀ;bfhlpst࢙ⓞⓦⓩ⓫⓮⓱⓵Ā;f࢝ⓣs;椟s;椝ë≒p;憫l;椹im;楳l;憢ƀ;ae⓿─┄檫il;椙Ā;s┉┊檭;쀀⪭︀ƀabr┕┙┝rr;椌rk;杲Āak┢┬cĀek┨┪;䁻;䁛Āes┱┳;榋lĀdu┹┻;榏;榍Ȁaeuy╆╋╖╘ron;䄾Ādi═╔il;䄼ìࢰâ┩;䐻Ȁcqrs╣╦╭╽a;椶uoĀ;rนᝆĀdu╲╷har;楧shar;楋h;憲ʀ;fgqs▋▌উ◳◿扤tʀahlrt▘▤▷◂◨rrowĀ;t࢙□aé⓶arpoonĀdu▯▴own»њp»०eftarrows;懇ightƀahs◍◖◞rrowĀ;sࣴࢧarpoonó྘quigarro÷⇰hreetimes;拋ƀ;qs▋ও◺lanôবʀ;cdgsব☊☍☝☨c;檨otĀ;o☔☕橿Ā;r☚☛檁;檃Ā;e☢☥쀀⋚︀s;檓ʀadegs☳☹☽♉♋pproøⓆot;拖qĀgq♃♅ôউgtò⒌ôছiíলƀilr♕࣡♚sht;楼;쀀𝔩Ā;Eজ♣;檑š♩♶rĀdu▲♮Ā;l॥♳;楪lk;斄cy;䑙ʀ;achtੈ⚈⚋⚑⚖rò◁orneòᴈard;楫ri;旺Āio⚟⚤dot;䅀ustĀ;a⚬⚭掰che»⚭ȀEaes⚻⚽⛉⛔;扨pĀ;p⛃⛄檉rox»⛄Ā;q⛎⛏檇Ā;q⛎⚻im;拦Ѐabnoptwz⛩⛴⛷✚✯❁❇❐Ānr⛮⛱g;柬r;懽rëࣁgƀlmr⛿✍✔eftĀar০✇ightá৲apsto;柼ightá৽parrowĀlr✥✩efô⓭ight;憬ƀafl✶✹✽r;榅;쀀𝕝us;樭imes;樴š❋❏st;戗áፎƀ;ef❗❘᠀旊nge»❘arĀ;l❤❥䀨t;榓ʀachmt❳❶❼➅➇ròࢨorneòᶌarĀ;d྘➃;業;怎ri;抿̀achiqt➘➝ੀ➢➮➻quo;怹r;쀀𝓁mƀ;egল➪➬;檍;檏Ābu┪➳oĀ;rฟ➹;怚rok;䅂萀<;cdhilqrࠫ⟒☹⟜⟠⟥⟪⟰Āci⟗⟙;檦r;橹reå◲mes;拉arr;楶uest;橻ĀPi⟵⟹ar;榖ƀ;ef⠀भ᠛旃rĀdu⠇⠍shar;楊har;楦Āen⠗⠡rtneqq;쀀≨︀Å⠞܀Dacdefhilnopsu⡀⡅⢂⢎⢓⢠⢥⢨⣚⣢⣤ઃ⣳⤂Dot;戺Ȁclpr⡎⡒⡣⡽r耻¯䂯Āet⡗⡙;時Ā;e⡞⡟朠se»⡟Ā;sျ⡨toȀ;dluျ⡳⡷⡻owîҌefôएðᏑker;斮Āoy⢇⢌mma;権;䐼ash;怔asuredangle»ᘦr;쀀𝔪o;愧ƀcdn⢯⢴⣉ro耻µ䂵Ȁ;acdᑤ⢽⣀⣄sôᚧir;櫰ot肻·Ƶusƀ;bd⣒ᤃ⣓戒Ā;uᴼ⣘;横ţ⣞⣡p;櫛ò−ðઁĀdp⣩⣮els;抧f;쀀𝕞Āct⣸⣽r;쀀𝓂pos»ᖝƀ;lm⤉⤊⤍䎼timap;抸ఀGLRVabcdefghijlmoprstuvw⥂⥓⥾⦉⦘⧚⧩⨕⨚⩘⩝⪃⪕⪤⪨⬄⬇⭄⭿⮮ⰴⱧⱼ⳩Āgt⥇⥋;쀀⋙̸Ā;v⥐௏쀀≫⃒ƀelt⥚⥲⥶ftĀar⥡⥧rrow;懍ightarrow;懎;쀀⋘̸Ā;v⥻ే쀀≪⃒ightarrow;懏ĀDd⦎⦓ash;抯ash;抮ʀbcnpt⦣⦧⦬⦱⧌la»˞ute;䅄g;쀀∠⃒ʀ;Eiop඄⦼⧀⧅⧈;쀀⩰̸d;쀀≋̸s;䅉roø඄urĀ;a⧓⧔普lĀ;s⧓ସdz⧟\0⧣p肻 ଷmpĀ;e௹ఀʀaeouy⧴⧾⨃⨐⨓ǰ⧹\0⧻;橃on;䅈dil;䅆ngĀ;dൾ⨊ot;쀀⩭̸p;橂;䐽ash;怓΀;Aadqsxஒ⨩⨭⨻⩁⩅⩐rr;懗rĀhr⨳⨶k;椤Ā;oᏲᏰot;쀀≐̸uiöୣĀei⩊⩎ar;椨í஘istĀ;s஠டr;쀀𝔫ȀEest௅⩦⩹⩼ƀ;qs஼⩭௡ƀ;qs஼௅⩴lanô௢ií௪Ā;rஶ⪁»ஷƀAap⪊⪍⪑rò⥱rr;憮ar;櫲ƀ;svྍ⪜ྌĀ;d⪡⪢拼;拺cy;䑚΀AEadest⪷⪺⪾⫂⫅⫶⫹rò⥦;쀀≦̸rr;憚r;急Ȁ;fqs఻⫎⫣⫯tĀar⫔⫙rro÷⫁ightarro÷⪐ƀ;qs఻⪺⫪lanôౕĀ;sౕ⫴»శiíౝĀ;rవ⫾iĀ;eచథiäඐĀpt⬌⬑f;쀀𝕟膀¬;in⬙⬚⬶䂬nȀ;Edvஉ⬤⬨⬮;쀀⋹̸ot;쀀⋵̸ǡஉ⬳⬵;拷;拶iĀ;vಸ⬼ǡಸ⭁⭃;拾;拽ƀaor⭋⭣⭩rȀ;ast୻⭕⭚⭟lleì୻l;쀀⫽⃥;쀀∂̸lint;樔ƀ;ceಒ⭰⭳uåಥĀ;cಘ⭸Ā;eಒ⭽ñಘȀAait⮈⮋⮝⮧rò⦈rrƀ;cw⮔⮕⮙憛;쀀⤳̸;쀀↝̸ghtarrow»⮕riĀ;eೋೖ΀chimpqu⮽⯍⯙⬄୸⯤⯯Ȁ;cerല⯆ഷ⯉uå൅;쀀𝓃ortɭ⬅\0\0⯖ará⭖mĀ;e൮⯟Ā;q൴൳suĀbp⯫⯭å೸åഋƀbcp⯶ⰑⰙȀ;Ees⯿ⰀഢⰄ抄;쀀⫅̸etĀ;eഛⰋqĀ;qണⰀcĀ;eലⰗñസȀ;EesⰢⰣൟⰧ抅;쀀⫆̸etĀ;e൘ⰮqĀ;qൠⰣȀgilrⰽⰿⱅⱇìௗlde耻ñ䃱çృiangleĀlrⱒⱜeftĀ;eచⱚñదightĀ;eೋⱥñ೗Ā;mⱬⱭ䎽ƀ;esⱴⱵⱹ䀣ro;愖p;怇ҀDHadgilrsⲏⲔⲙⲞⲣⲰⲶⳓⳣash;抭arr;椄p;쀀≍⃒ash;抬ĀetⲨⲬ;쀀≥⃒;쀀>⃒nfin;槞ƀAetⲽⳁⳅrr;椂;쀀≤⃒Ā;rⳊⳍ쀀<⃒ie;쀀⊴⃒ĀAtⳘⳜrr;椃rie;쀀⊵⃒im;쀀∼⃒ƀAan⳰⳴ⴂrr;懖rĀhr⳺⳽k;椣Ā;oᏧᏥear;椧ቓ᪕\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0ⴭ\0ⴸⵈⵠⵥ⵲ⶄᬇ\0\0ⶍⶫ\0ⷈⷎ\0ⷜ⸙⸫⸾⹃Ācsⴱ᪗ute耻ó䃳ĀiyⴼⵅrĀ;c᪞ⵂ耻ô䃴;䐾ʀabios᪠ⵒⵗLjⵚlac;䅑v;樸old;榼lig;䅓Ācr⵩⵭ir;榿;쀀𝔬ͯ⵹\0\0⵼\0ⶂn;䋛ave耻ò䃲;槁Ābmⶈ෴ar;榵Ȁacitⶕ⶘ⶥⶨrò᪀Āir⶝ⶠr;榾oss;榻nå๒;槀ƀaeiⶱⶵⶹcr;䅍ga;䏉ƀcdnⷀⷅǍron;䎿;榶pf;쀀𝕠ƀaelⷔ⷗ǒr;榷rp;榹΀;adiosvⷪⷫⷮ⸈⸍⸐⸖戨rò᪆Ȁ;efmⷷⷸ⸂⸅橝rĀ;oⷾⷿ愴f»ⷿ耻ª䂪耻º䂺gof;抶r;橖lope;橗;橛ƀclo⸟⸡⸧ò⸁ash耻ø䃸l;折iŬⸯ⸴de耻õ䃵esĀ;aǛ⸺s;樶ml耻ö䃶bar;挽ૡ⹞\0⹽\0⺀⺝\0⺢⺹\0\0⻋ຜ\0⼓\0\0⼫⾼\0⿈rȀ;astЃ⹧⹲຅脀¶;l⹭⹮䂶leìЃɩ⹸\0\0⹻m;櫳;櫽y;䐿rʀcimpt⺋⺏⺓ᡥ⺗nt;䀥od;䀮il;怰enk;怱r;쀀𝔭ƀimo⺨⺰⺴Ā;v⺭⺮䏆;䏕maô੶ne;明ƀ;tv⺿⻀⻈䏀chfork»´;䏖Āau⻏⻟nĀck⻕⻝kĀ;h⇴⻛;愎ö⇴sҀ;abcdemst⻳⻴ᤈ⻹⻽⼄⼆⼊⼎䀫cir;樣ir;樢Āouᵀ⼂;樥;橲n肻±ຝim;樦wo;樧ƀipu⼙⼠⼥ntint;樕f;쀀𝕡nd耻£䂣Ԁ;Eaceinosu່⼿⽁⽄⽇⾁⾉⾒⽾⾶;檳p;檷uå໙Ā;c໎⽌̀;acens່⽙⽟⽦⽨⽾pproø⽃urlyeñ໙ñ໎ƀaes⽯⽶⽺pprox;檹qq;檵im;拨iíໟmeĀ;s⾈ຮ怲ƀEas⽸⾐⽺ð⽵ƀdfp໬⾙⾯ƀals⾠⾥⾪lar;挮ine;挒urf;挓Ā;t໻⾴ï໻rel;抰Āci⿀⿅r;쀀𝓅;䏈ncsp;怈̀fiopsu⿚⋢⿟⿥⿫⿱r;쀀𝔮pf;쀀𝕢rime;恗cr;쀀𝓆ƀaeo⿸〉〓tĀei⿾々rnionóڰnt;樖stĀ;e【】䀿ñἙô༔઀ABHabcdefhilmnoprstux぀けさすムㄎㄫㅇㅢㅲㆎ㈆㈕㈤㈩㉘㉮㉲㊐㊰㊷ƀartぇおがròႳòϝail;検aròᱥar;楤΀cdenqrtとふへみわゔヌĀeuねぱ;쀀∽̱te;䅕iãᅮmptyv;榳gȀ;del࿑らるろ;榒;榥å࿑uo耻»䂻rր;abcfhlpstw࿜ガクシスゼゾダッデナp;極Ā;f࿠ゴs;椠;椳s;椞ë≝ð✮l;楅im;楴l;憣;憝Āaiパフil;椚oĀ;nホボ戶aló༞ƀabrョリヮrò៥rk;杳ĀakンヽcĀekヹ・;䁽;䁝Āes㄂㄄;榌lĀduㄊㄌ;榎;榐Ȁaeuyㄗㄜㄧㄩron;䅙Ādiㄡㄥil;䅗ì࿲âヺ;䑀Ȁclqsㄴㄷㄽㅄa;椷dhar;楩uoĀ;rȎȍh;憳ƀacgㅎㅟངlȀ;ipsླྀㅘㅛႜnåႻarôྩt;断ƀilrㅩဣㅮsht;楽;쀀𝔯ĀaoㅷㆆrĀduㅽㅿ»ѻĀ;l႑ㆄ;楬Ā;vㆋㆌ䏁;䏱ƀgns㆕ㇹㇼht̀ahlrstㆤㆰ㇂㇘㇤㇮rrowĀ;t࿜ㆭaéトarpoonĀduㆻㆿowîㅾp»႒eftĀah㇊㇐rrowó࿪arpoonóՑightarrows;應quigarro÷ニhreetimes;拌g;䋚ingdotseñἲƀahm㈍㈐㈓rò࿪aòՑ;怏oustĀ;a㈞㈟掱che»㈟mid;櫮Ȁabpt㈲㈽㉀㉒Ānr㈷㈺g;柭r;懾rëဃƀafl㉇㉊㉎r;榆;쀀𝕣us;樮imes;樵Āap㉝㉧rĀ;g㉣㉤䀩t;榔olint;樒arò㇣Ȁachq㉻㊀Ⴜ㊅quo;怺r;쀀𝓇Ābu・㊊oĀ;rȔȓƀhir㊗㊛㊠reåㇸmes;拊iȀ;efl㊪ၙᠡ㊫方tri;槎luhar;楨;愞ൡ㋕㋛㋟㌬㌸㍱\0㍺㎤\0\0㏬㏰\0㐨㑈㑚㒭㒱㓊㓱\0㘖\0\0㘳cute;䅛quï➺Ԁ;Eaceinpsyᇭ㋳㋵㋿㌂㌋㌏㌟㌦㌩;檴ǰ㋺\0㋼;檸on;䅡uåᇾĀ;dᇳ㌇il;䅟rc;䅝ƀEas㌖㌘㌛;檶p;檺im;择olint;樓iíሄ;䑁otƀ;be㌴ᵇ㌵担;橦΀Aacmstx㍆㍊㍗㍛㍞㍣㍭rr;懘rĀhr㍐㍒ë∨Ā;oਸ਼਴t耻§䂧i;䀻war;椩mĀin㍩ðnuóñt;朶rĀ;o㍶⁕쀀𝔰Ȁacoy㎂㎆㎑㎠rp;景Āhy㎋㎏cy;䑉;䑈rtɭ㎙\0\0㎜iäᑤaraì⹯耻­䂭Āgm㎨㎴maƀ;fv㎱㎲㎲䏃;䏂Ѐ;deglnprካ㏅㏉㏎㏖㏞㏡㏦ot;橪Ā;q኱ኰĀ;E㏓㏔檞;檠Ā;E㏛㏜檝;檟e;扆lus;樤arr;楲aròᄽȀaeit㏸㐈㐏㐗Āls㏽㐄lsetmé㍪hp;樳parsl;槤Ādlᑣ㐔e;挣Ā;e㐜㐝檪Ā;s㐢㐣檬;쀀⪬︀ƀflp㐮㐳㑂tcy;䑌Ā;b㐸㐹䀯Ā;a㐾㐿槄r;挿f;쀀𝕤aĀdr㑍ЂesĀ;u㑔㑕晠it»㑕ƀcsu㑠㑹㒟Āau㑥㑯pĀ;sᆈ㑫;쀀⊓︀pĀ;sᆴ㑵;쀀⊔︀uĀbp㑿㒏ƀ;esᆗᆜ㒆etĀ;eᆗ㒍ñᆝƀ;esᆨᆭ㒖etĀ;eᆨ㒝ñᆮƀ;afᅻ㒦ְrť㒫ֱ»ᅼaròᅈȀcemt㒹㒾㓂㓅r;쀀𝓈tmîñiì㐕aræᆾĀar㓎㓕rĀ;f㓔ឿ昆Āan㓚㓭ightĀep㓣㓪psiloîỠhé⺯s»⡒ʀbcmnp㓻㕞ሉ㖋㖎Ҁ;Edemnprs㔎㔏㔑㔕㔞㔣㔬㔱㔶抂;櫅ot;檽Ā;dᇚ㔚ot;櫃ult;櫁ĀEe㔨㔪;櫋;把lus;檿arr;楹ƀeiu㔽㕒㕕tƀ;en㔎㕅㕋qĀ;qᇚ㔏eqĀ;q㔫㔨m;櫇Ābp㕚㕜;櫕;櫓c̀;acensᇭ㕬㕲㕹㕻㌦pproø㋺urlyeñᇾñᇳƀaes㖂㖈㌛pproø㌚qñ㌗g;晪ڀ123;Edehlmnps㖩㖬㖯ሜ㖲㖴㗀㗉㗕㗚㗟㗨㗭耻¹䂹耻²䂲耻³䂳;櫆Āos㖹㖼t;檾ub;櫘Ā;dሢ㗅ot;櫄sĀou㗏㗒l;柉b;櫗arr;楻ult;櫂ĀEe㗤㗦;櫌;抋lus;櫀ƀeiu㗴㘉㘌tƀ;enሜ㗼㘂qĀ;qሢ㖲eqĀ;q㗧㗤m;櫈Ābp㘑㘓;櫔;櫖ƀAan㘜㘠㘭rr;懙rĀhr㘦㘨ë∮Ā;oਫ਩war;椪lig耻ß䃟௡㙑㙝㙠ዎ㙳㙹\0㙾㛂\0\0\0\0\0㛛㜃\0㜉㝬\0\0\0㞇ɲ㙖\0\0㙛get;挖;䏄rë๟ƀaey㙦㙫㙰ron;䅥dil;䅣;䑂lrec;挕r;쀀𝔱Ȁeiko㚆㚝㚵㚼Dz㚋\0㚑eĀ4fኄኁaƀ;sv㚘㚙㚛䎸ym;䏑Ācn㚢㚲kĀas㚨㚮pproø዁im»ኬsðኞĀas㚺㚮ð዁rn耻þ䃾Ǭ̟㛆⋧es膀×;bd㛏㛐㛘䃗Ā;aᤏ㛕r;樱;樰ƀeps㛡㛣㜀á⩍Ȁ;bcf҆㛬㛰㛴ot;挶ir;櫱Ā;o㛹㛼쀀𝕥rk;櫚á㍢rime;怴ƀaip㜏㜒㝤dåቈ΀adempst㜡㝍㝀㝑㝗㝜㝟ngleʀ;dlqr㜰㜱㜶㝀㝂斵own»ᶻeftĀ;e⠀㜾ñम;扜ightĀ;e㊪㝋ñၚot;旬inus;樺lus;樹b;槍ime;樻ezium;揢ƀcht㝲㝽㞁Āry㝷㝻;쀀𝓉;䑆cy;䑛rok;䅧Āio㞋㞎xô᝷headĀlr㞗㞠eftarro÷ࡏightarrow»ཝऀAHabcdfghlmoprstuw㟐㟓㟗㟤㟰㟼㠎㠜㠣㠴㡑㡝㡫㢩㣌㣒㣪㣶ròϭar;楣Ācr㟜㟢ute耻ú䃺òᅐrǣ㟪\0㟭y;䑞ve;䅭Āiy㟵㟺rc耻û䃻;䑃ƀabh㠃㠆㠋ròᎭlac;䅱aòᏃĀir㠓㠘sht;楾;쀀𝔲rave耻ù䃹š㠧㠱rĀlr㠬㠮»ॗ»ႃlk;斀Āct㠹㡍ɯ㠿\0\0㡊rnĀ;e㡅㡆挜r»㡆op;挏ri;旸Āal㡖㡚cr;䅫肻¨͉Āgp㡢㡦on;䅳f;쀀𝕦̀adhlsuᅋ㡸㡽፲㢑㢠ownáᎳarpoonĀlr㢈㢌efô㠭ighô㠯iƀ;hl㢙㢚㢜䏅»ᏺon»㢚parrows;懈ƀcit㢰㣄㣈ɯ㢶\0\0㣁rnĀ;e㢼㢽挝r»㢽op;挎ng;䅯ri;旹cr;쀀𝓊ƀdir㣙㣝㣢ot;拰lde;䅩iĀ;f㜰㣨»᠓Āam㣯㣲rò㢨l耻ü䃼angle;榧ހABDacdeflnoprsz㤜㤟㤩㤭㦵㦸㦽㧟㧤㧨㧳㧹㧽㨁㨠ròϷarĀ;v㤦㤧櫨;櫩asèϡĀnr㤲㤷grt;榜΀eknprst㓣㥆㥋㥒㥝㥤㦖appá␕othinçẖƀhir㓫⻈㥙opô⾵Ā;hᎷ㥢ïㆍĀiu㥩㥭gmá㎳Ābp㥲㦄setneqĀ;q㥽㦀쀀⊊︀;쀀⫋︀setneqĀ;q㦏㦒쀀⊋︀;쀀⫌︀Āhr㦛㦟etá㚜iangleĀlr㦪㦯eft»थight»ၑy;䐲ash»ံƀelr㧄㧒㧗ƀ;beⷪ㧋㧏ar;抻q;扚lip;拮Ābt㧜ᑨaòᑩr;쀀𝔳tré㦮suĀbp㧯㧱»ജ»൙pf;쀀𝕧roð໻tré㦴Ācu㨆㨋r;쀀𝓋Ābp㨐㨘nĀEe㦀㨖»㥾nĀEe㦒㨞»㦐igzag;榚΀cefoprs㨶㨻㩖㩛㩔㩡㩪irc;䅵Ādi㩀㩑Ābg㩅㩉ar;機eĀ;qᗺ㩏;扙erp;愘r;쀀𝔴pf;쀀𝕨Ā;eᑹ㩦atèᑹcr;쀀𝓌ૣណ㪇\0㪋\0㪐㪛\0\0㪝㪨㪫㪯\0\0㫃㫎\0㫘ៜ៟tré៑r;쀀𝔵ĀAa㪔㪗ròσrò৶;䎾ĀAa㪡㪤ròθrò৫að✓is;拻ƀdptឤ㪵㪾Āfl㪺ឩ;쀀𝕩imåឲĀAa㫇㫊ròώròਁĀcq㫒ីr;쀀𝓍Āpt៖㫜ré។Ѐacefiosu㫰㫽㬈㬌㬑㬕㬛㬡cĀuy㫶㫻te耻ý䃽;䑏Āiy㬂㬆rc;䅷;䑋n耻¥䂥r;쀀𝔶cy;䑗pf;쀀𝕪cr;쀀𝓎Ācm㬦㬩y;䑎l耻ÿ䃿Ԁacdefhiosw㭂㭈㭔㭘㭤㭩㭭㭴㭺㮀cute;䅺Āay㭍㭒ron;䅾;䐷ot;䅼Āet㭝㭡træᕟa;䎶r;쀀𝔷cy;䐶grarr;懝pf;쀀𝕫cr;쀀𝓏Ājn㮅㮇;怍j;怌' .split('') .map((e) => e.charCodeAt(0)) ), rk = new Uint16Array( 'Ȁaglq \x1Bɭ\0\0p;䀦os;䀧t;䀾t;䀼uot;䀢'.split('').map((e) => e.charCodeAt(0)) ) var yl const ik = new Map([ [0, 65533], [128, 8364], [130, 8218], [131, 402], [132, 8222], [133, 8230], [134, 8224], [135, 8225], [136, 710], [137, 8240], [138, 352], [139, 8249], [140, 338], [142, 381], [145, 8216], [146, 8217], [147, 8220], [148, 8221], [149, 8226], [150, 8211], [151, 8212], [152, 732], [153, 8482], [154, 353], [155, 8250], [156, 339], [158, 382], [159, 376], ]), nk = (yl = String.fromCodePoint) !== null && yl !== void 0 ? yl : function (e) { let t = '' return ( e > 65535 && ((e -= 65536), (t += String.fromCharCode(((e >>> 10) & 1023) | 55296)), (e = 56320 | (e & 1023))), (t += String.fromCharCode(e)), t ) } function sk(e) { var t return (e >= 55296 && e <= 57343) || e > 1114111 ? 65533 : (t = ik.get(e)) !== null && t !== void 0 ? t : e } var nt ;(function (e) { ;(e[(e.NUM = 35)] = 'NUM'), (e[(e.SEMI = 59)] = 'SEMI'), (e[(e.EQUALS = 61)] = 'EQUALS'), (e[(e.ZERO = 48)] = 'ZERO'), (e[(e.NINE = 57)] = 'NINE'), (e[(e.LOWER_A = 97)] = 'LOWER_A'), (e[(e.LOWER_F = 102)] = 'LOWER_F'), (e[(e.LOWER_X = 120)] = 'LOWER_X'), (e[(e.LOWER_Z = 122)] = 'LOWER_Z'), (e[(e.UPPER_A = 65)] = 'UPPER_A'), (e[(e.UPPER_F = 70)] = 'UPPER_F'), (e[(e.UPPER_Z = 90)] = 'UPPER_Z') })(nt || (nt = {})) const ak = 32 var dr ;(function (e) { ;(e[(e.VALUE_LENGTH = 49152)] = 'VALUE_LENGTH'), (e[(e.BRANCH_LENGTH = 16256)] = 'BRANCH_LENGTH'), (e[(e.JUMP_TABLE = 127)] = 'JUMP_TABLE') })(dr || (dr = {})) function Pc(e) { return e >= nt.ZERO && e <= nt.NINE } function ok(e) { return (e >= nt.UPPER_A && e <= nt.UPPER_F) || (e >= nt.LOWER_A && e <= nt.LOWER_F) } function uk(e) { return (e >= nt.UPPER_A && e <= nt.UPPER_Z) || (e >= nt.LOWER_A && e <= nt.LOWER_Z) || Pc(e) } function lk(e) { return e === nt.EQUALS || uk(e) } var tt ;(function (e) { ;(e[(e.EntityStart = 0)] = 'EntityStart'), (e[(e.NumericStart = 1)] = 'NumericStart'), (e[(e.NumericDecimal = 2)] = 'NumericDecimal'), (e[(e.NumericHex = 3)] = 'NumericHex'), (e[(e.NamedEntity = 4)] = 'NamedEntity') })(tt || (tt = {})) var _i ;(function (e) { ;(e[(e.Legacy = 0)] = 'Legacy'), (e[(e.Strict = 1)] = 'Strict'), (e[(e.Attribute = 2)] = 'Attribute') })(_i || (_i = {})) class ck { constructor(t, r, i) { ;(this.decodeTree = t), (this.emitCodePoint = r), (this.errors = i), (this.state = tt.EntityStart), (this.consumed = 1), (this.result = 0), (this.treeIndex = 0), (this.excess = 1), (this.decodeMode = _i.Strict) } startEntity(t) { ;(this.decodeMode = t), (this.state = tt.EntityStart), (this.result = 0), (this.treeIndex = 0), (this.excess = 1), (this.consumed = 1) } write(t, r) { switch (this.state) { case tt.EntityStart: return t.charCodeAt(r) === nt.NUM ? ((this.state = tt.NumericStart), (this.consumed += 1), this.stateNumericStart(t, r + 1)) : ((this.state = tt.NamedEntity), this.stateNamedEntity(t, r)) case tt.NumericStart: return this.stateNumericStart(t, r) case tt.NumericDecimal: return this.stateNumericDecimal(t, r) case tt.NumericHex: return this.stateNumericHex(t, r) case tt.NamedEntity: return this.stateNamedEntity(t, r) } } stateNumericStart(t, r) { return r >= t.length ? -1 : (t.charCodeAt(r) | ak) === nt.LOWER_X ? ((this.state = tt.NumericHex), (this.consumed += 1), this.stateNumericHex(t, r + 1)) : ((this.state = tt.NumericDecimal), this.stateNumericDecimal(t, r)) } addToNumericResult(t, r, i, n) { if (r !== i) { const s = i - r ;(this.result = this.result * Math.pow(n, s) + parseInt(t.substr(r, s), n)), (this.consumed += s) } } stateNumericHex(t, r) { const i = r for (; r < t.length; ) { const n = t.charCodeAt(r) if (Pc(n) || ok(n)) r += 1 else return this.addToNumericResult(t, i, r, 16), this.emitNumericEntity(n, 3) } return this.addToNumericResult(t, i, r, 16), -1 } stateNumericDecimal(t, r) { const i = r for (; r < t.length; ) { const n = t.charCodeAt(r) if (Pc(n)) r += 1 else return this.addToNumericResult(t, i, r, 10), this.emitNumericEntity(n, 2) } return this.addToNumericResult(t, i, r, 10), -1 } emitNumericEntity(t, r) { var i if (this.consumed <= r) return ( (i = this.errors) === null || i === void 0 || i.absenceOfDigitsInNumericCharacterReference(this.consumed), 0 ) if (t === nt.SEMI) this.consumed += 1 else if (this.decodeMode === _i.Strict) return 0 return ( this.emitCodePoint(sk(this.result), this.consumed), this.errors && (t !== nt.SEMI && this.errors.missingSemicolonAfterCharacterReference(), this.errors.validateNumericCharacterReference(this.result)), this.consumed ) } stateNamedEntity(t, r) { const { decodeTree: i } = this let n = i[this.treeIndex], s = (n & dr.VALUE_LENGTH) >> 14 for (; r < t.length; r++, this.excess++) { const a = t.charCodeAt(r) if (((this.treeIndex = eb(i, n, this.treeIndex + Math.max(1, s), a)), this.treeIndex < 0)) return this.result === 0 || (this.decodeMode === _i.Attribute && (s === 0 || lk(a))) ? 0 : this.emitNotTerminatedNamedEntity() if (((n = i[this.treeIndex]), (s = (n & dr.VALUE_LENGTH) >> 14), s !== 0)) { if (a === nt.SEMI) return this.emitNamedEntityData(this.treeIndex, s, this.consumed + this.excess) this.decodeMode !== _i.Strict && ((this.result = this.treeIndex), (this.consumed += this.excess), (this.excess = 0)) } } return -1 } emitNotTerminatedNamedEntity() { var t const { result: r, decodeTree: i } = this, n = (i[r] & dr.VALUE_LENGTH) >> 14 return ( this.emitNamedEntityData(r, n, this.consumed), (t = this.errors) === null || t === void 0 || t.missingSemicolonAfterCharacterReference(), this.consumed ) } emitNamedEntityData(t, r, i) { const { decodeTree: n } = this return ( this.emitCodePoint(r === 1 ? n[t] & ~dr.VALUE_LENGTH : n[t + 1], i), r === 3 && this.emitCodePoint(n[t + 2], i), i ) } end() { var t switch (this.state) { case tt.NamedEntity: return this.result !== 0 && (this.decodeMode !== _i.Attribute || this.result === this.treeIndex) ? this.emitNotTerminatedNamedEntity() : 0 case tt.NumericDecimal: return this.emitNumericEntity(0, 2) case tt.NumericHex: return this.emitNumericEntity(0, 3) case tt.NumericStart: return ( (t = this.errors) === null || t === void 0 || t.absenceOfDigitsInNumericCharacterReference(this.consumed), 0 ) case tt.EntityStart: return 0 } } } function Z1(e) { let t = '' const r = new ck(e, (i) => (t += nk(i))) return function (n, s) { let a = 0, o = 0 for (; (o = n.indexOf('&', o)) >= 0; ) { ;(t += n.slice(a, o)), r.startEntity(s) const c = r.write(n, o + 1) if (c < 0) { a = o + r.end() break } ;(a = o + c), (o = c === 0 ? a + 1 : a) } const u = t + n.slice(a) return (t = ''), u } } function eb(e, t, r, i) { const n = (t & dr.BRANCH_LENGTH) >> 7, s = t & dr.JUMP_TABLE if (n === 0) return s !== 0 && i === s ? r : -1 if (s) { const u = i - s return u < 0 || u >= n ? -1 : e[r + u] - 1 } let a = r, o = a + n - 1 for (; a <= o; ) { const u = (a + o) >>> 1, c = e[u] if (c < i) a = u + 1 else if (c > i) o = u - 1 else return e[u + n] } return -1 } Z1(zr) Z1(rk) var ee ;(function (e) { ;(e.HTML = ''), (e.MATHML = ''), (e.SVG = ''), (e.XLINK = ''), (e.XML = ''), (e.XMLNS = '') })((ee = ee || (ee = {}))) var si ;(function (e) { ;(e.TYPE = 'type'), (e.ACTION = 'action'), (e.ENCODING = 'encoding'), (e.PROMPT = 'prompt'), (e.NAME = 'name'), (e.COLOR = 'color'), (e.FACE = 'face'), (e.SIZE = 'size') })((si = si || (si = {}))) var Rt ;(function (e) { ;(e.NO_QUIRKS = 'no-quirks'), (e.QUIRKS = 'quirks'), (e.LIMITED_QUIRKS = 'limited-quirks') })((Rt = Rt || (Rt = {}))) var Q ;(function (e) { ;(e.A = 'a'), (e.ADDRESS = 'address'), (e.ANNOTATION_XML = 'annotation-xml'), (e.APPLET = 'applet'), (e.AREA = 'area'), (e.ARTICLE = 'article'), (e.ASIDE = 'aside'), (e.B = 'b'), (e.BASE = 'base'), (e.BASEFONT = 'basefont'), (e.BGSOUND = 'bgsound'), (e.BIG = 'big'), (e.BLOCKQUOTE = 'blockquote'), (e.BODY = 'body'), (e.BR = 'br'), (e.BUTTON = 'button'), (e.CAPTION = 'caption'), (e.CENTER = 'center'), (e.CODE = 'code'), (e.COL = 'col'), (e.COLGROUP = 'colgroup'), (e.DD = 'dd'), (e.DESC = 'desc'), (e.DETAILS = 'details'), (e.DIALOG = 'dialog'), (e.DIR = 'dir'), (e.DIV = 'div'), (e.DL = 'dl'), (e.DT = 'dt'), (e.EM = 'em'), (e.EMBED = 'embed'), (e.FIELDSET = 'fieldset'), (e.FIGCAPTION = 'figcaption'), (e.FIGURE = 'figure'), (e.FONT = 'font'), (e.FOOTER = 'footer'), (e.FOREIGN_OBJECT = 'foreignObject'), (e.FORM = 'form'), (e.FRAME = 'frame'), (e.FRAMESET = 'frameset'), (e.H1 = 'h1'), (e.H2 = 'h2'), (e.H3 = 'h3'), (e.H4 = 'h4'), (e.H5 = 'h5'), (e.H6 = 'h6'), (e.HEAD = 'head'), (e.HEADER = 'header'), (e.HGROUP = 'hgroup'), (e.HR = 'hr'), (e.HTML = 'html'), (e.I = 'i'), (e.IMG = 'img'), (e.IMAGE = 'image'), (e.INPUT = 'input'), (e.IFRAME = 'iframe'), (e.KEYGEN = 'keygen'), (e.LABEL = 'label'), (e.LI = 'li'), (e.LINK = 'link'), (e.LISTING = 'listing'), (e.MAIN = 'main'), (e.MALIGNMARK = 'malignmark'), (e.MARQUEE = 'marquee'), (e.MATH = 'math'), (e.MENU = 'menu'), (e.META = 'meta'), (e.MGLYPH = 'mglyph'), (e.MI = 'mi'), (e.MO = 'mo'), (e.MN = 'mn'), (e.MS = 'ms'), (e.MTEXT = 'mtext'), (e.NAV = 'nav'), (e.NOBR = 'nobr'), (e.NOFRAMES = 'noframes'), (e.NOEMBED = 'noembed'), (e.NOSCRIPT = 'noscript'), (e.OBJECT = 'object'), (e.OL = 'ol'), (e.OPTGROUP = 'optgroup'), (e.OPTION = 'option'), (e.P = 'p'), (e.PARAM = 'param'), (e.PLAINTEXT = 'plaintext'), (e.PRE = 'pre'), (e.RB = 'rb'), (e.RP = 'rp'), (e.RT = 'rt'), (e.RTC = 'rtc'), (e.RUBY = 'ruby'), (e.S = 's'), (e.SCRIPT = 'script'), (e.SECTION = 'section'), (e.SELECT = 'select'), (e.SOURCE = 'source'), (e.SMALL = 'small'), (e.SPAN = 'span'), (e.STRIKE = 'strike'), (e.STRONG = 'strong'), (e.STYLE = 'style'), (e.SUB = 'sub'), (e.SUMMARY = 'summary'), (e.SUP = 'sup'), (e.TABLE = 'table'), (e.TBODY = 'tbody'), (e.TEMPLATE = 'template'), (e.TEXTAREA = 'textarea'), (e.TFOOT = 'tfoot'), (e.TD = 'td'), (e.TH = 'th'), (e.THEAD = 'thead'), (e.TITLE = 'title'), (e.TR = 'tr'), (e.TRACK = 'track'), (e.TT = 'tt'), (e.U = 'u'), (e.UL = 'ul'), (e.SVG = 'svg'), (e.VAR = 'var'), (e.WBR = 'wbr'), (e.XMP = 'xmp') })((Q = Q || (Q = {}))) var d ;(function (e) { ;(e[(e.UNKNOWN = 0)] = 'UNKNOWN'), (e[(e.A = 1)] = 'A'), (e[(e.ADDRESS = 2)] = 'ADDRESS'), (e[(e.ANNOTATION_XML = 3)] = 'ANNOTATION_XML'), (e[(e.APPLET = 4)] = 'APPLET'), (e[(e.AREA = 5)] = 'AREA'), (e[(e.ARTICLE = 6)] = 'ARTICLE'), (e[(e.ASIDE = 7)] = 'ASIDE'), (e[(e.B = 8)] = 'B'), (e[(e.BASE = 9)] = 'BASE'), (e[(e.BASEFONT = 10)] = 'BASEFONT'), (e[(e.BGSOUND = 11)] = 'BGSOUND'), (e[(e.BIG = 12)] = 'BIG'), (e[(e.BLOCKQUOTE = 13)] = 'BLOCKQUOTE'), (e[(e.BODY = 14)] = 'BODY'), (e[(e.BR = 15)] = 'BR'), (e[(e.BUTTON = 16)] = 'BUTTON'), (e[(e.CAPTION = 17)] = 'CAPTION'), (e[(e.CENTER = 18)] = 'CENTER'), (e[(e.CODE = 19)] = 'CODE'), (e[(e.COL = 20)] = 'COL'), (e[(e.COLGROUP = 21)] = 'COLGROUP'), (e[(e.DD = 22)] = 'DD'), (e[(e.DESC = 23)] = 'DESC'), (e[(e.DETAILS = 24)] = 'DETAILS'), (e[(e.DIALOG = 25)] = 'DIALOG'), (e[(e.DIR = 26)] = 'DIR'), (e[(e.DIV = 27)] = 'DIV'), (e[(e.DL = 28)] = 'DL'), (e[(e.DT = 29)] = 'DT'), (e[(e.EM = 30)] = 'EM'), (e[(e.EMBED = 31)] = 'EMBED'), (e[(e.FIELDSET = 32)] = 'FIELDSET'), (e[(e.FIGCAPTION = 33)] = 'FIGCAPTION'), (e[(e.FIGURE = 34)] = 'FIGURE'), (e[(e.FONT = 35)] = 'FONT'), (e[(e.FOOTER = 36)] = 'FOOTER'), (e[(e.FOREIGN_OBJECT = 37)] = 'FOREIGN_OBJECT'), (e[(e.FORM = 38)] = 'FORM'), (e[(e.FRAME = 39)] = 'FRAME'), (e[(e.FRAMESET = 40)] = 'FRAMESET'), (e[(e.H1 = 41)] = 'H1'), (e[(e.H2 = 42)] = 'H2'), (e[(e.H3 = 43)] = 'H3'), (e[(e.H4 = 44)] = 'H4'), (e[(e.H5 = 45)] = 'H5'), (e[(e.H6 = 46)] = 'H6'), (e[(e.HEAD = 47)] = 'HEAD'), (e[(e.HEADER = 48)] = 'HEADER'), (e[(e.HGROUP = 49)] = 'HGROUP'), (e[(e.HR = 50)] = 'HR'), (e[(e.HTML = 51)] = 'HTML'), (e[(e.I = 52)] = 'I'), (e[(e.IMG = 53)] = 'IMG'), (e[(e.IMAGE = 54)] = 'IMAGE'), (e[(e.INPUT = 55)] = 'INPUT'), (e[(e.IFRAME = 56)] = 'IFRAME'), (e[(e.KEYGEN = 57)] = 'KEYGEN'), (e[(e.LABEL = 58)] = 'LABEL'), (e[(e.LI = 59)] = 'LI'), (e[(e.LINK = 60)] = 'LINK'), (e[(e.LISTING = 61)] = 'LISTING'), (e[(e.MAIN = 62)] = 'MAIN'), (e[(e.MALIGNMARK = 63)] = 'MALIGNMARK'), (e[(e.MARQUEE = 64)] = 'MARQUEE'), (e[(e.MATH = 65)] = 'MATH'), (e[(e.MENU = 66)] = 'MENU'), (e[(e.META = 67)] = 'META'), (e[(e.MGLYPH = 68)] = 'MGLYPH'), (e[(e.MI = 69)] = 'MI'), (e[(e.MO = 70)] = 'MO'), (e[(e.MN = 71)] = 'MN'), (e[(e.MS = 72)] = 'MS'), (e[(e.MTEXT = 73)] = 'MTEXT'), (e[(e.NAV = 74)] = 'NAV'), (e[(e.NOBR = 75)] = 'NOBR'), (e[(e.NOFRAMES = 76)] = 'NOFRAMES'), (e[(e.NOEMBED = 77)] = 'NOEMBED'), (e[(e.NOSCRIPT = 78)] = 'NOSCRIPT'), (e[(e.OBJECT = 79)] = 'OBJECT'), (e[(e.OL = 80)] = 'OL'), (e[(e.OPTGROUP = 81)] = 'OPTGROUP'), (e[(e.OPTION = 82)] = 'OPTION'), (e[(e.P = 83)] = 'P'), (e[(e.PARAM = 84)] = 'PARAM'), (e[(e.PLAINTEXT = 85)] = 'PLAINTEXT'), (e[(e.PRE = 86)] = 'PRE'), (e[(e.RB = 87)] = 'RB'), (e[(e.RP = 88)] = 'RP'), (e[(e.RT = 89)] = 'RT'), (e[(e.RTC = 90)] = 'RTC'), (e[(e.RUBY = 91)] = 'RUBY'), (e[(e.S = 92)] = 'S'), (e[(e.SCRIPT = 93)] = 'SCRIPT'), (e[(e.SECTION = 94)] = 'SECTION'), (e[(e.SELECT = 95)] = 'SELECT'), (e[(e.SOURCE = 96)] = 'SOURCE'), (e[(e.SMALL = 97)] = 'SMALL'), (e[(e.SPAN = 98)] = 'SPAN'), (e[(e.STRIKE = 99)] = 'STRIKE'), (e[(e.STRONG = 100)] = 'STRONG'), (e[(e.STYLE = 101)] = 'STYLE'), (e[(e.SUB = 102)] = 'SUB'), (e[(e.SUMMARY = 103)] = 'SUMMARY'), (e[(e.SUP = 104)] = 'SUP'), (e[(e.TABLE = 105)] = 'TABLE'), (e[(e.TBODY = 106)] = 'TBODY'), (e[(e.TEMPLATE = 107)] = 'TEMPLATE'), (e[(e.TEXTAREA = 108)] = 'TEXTAREA'), (e[(e.TFOOT = 109)] = 'TFOOT'), (e[(e.TD = 110)] = 'TD'), (e[(e.TH = 111)] = 'TH'), (e[(e.THEAD = 112)] = 'THEAD'), (e[(e.TITLE = 113)] = 'TITLE'), (e[(e.TR = 114)] = 'TR'), (e[(e.TRACK = 115)] = 'TRACK'), (e[(e.TT = 116)] = 'TT'), (e[(e.U = 117)] = 'U'), (e[(e.UL = 118)] = 'UL'), (e[(e.SVG = 119)] = 'SVG'), (e[(e.VAR = 120)] = 'VAR'), (e[(e.WBR = 121)] = 'WBR'), (e[(e.XMP = 122)] = 'XMP') })((d = d || (d = {}))) const fk = new Map([ [Q.A, d.A], [Q.ADDRESS, d.ADDRESS], [Q.ANNOTATION_XML, d.ANNOTATION_XML], [Q.APPLET, d.APPLET], [Q.AREA, d.AREA], [Q.ARTICLE, d.ARTICLE], [Q.ASIDE, d.ASIDE], [Q.B, d.B], [Q.BASE, d.BASE], [Q.BASEFONT, d.BASEFONT], [Q.BGSOUND, d.BGSOUND], [Q.BIG, d.BIG], [Q.BLOCKQUOTE, d.BLOCKQUOTE], [Q.BODY, d.BODY], [Q.BR, d.BR], [Q.BUTTON, d.BUTTON], [Q.CAPTION, d.CAPTION], [Q.CENTER, d.CENTER], [Q.CODE, d.CODE], [Q.COL, d.COL], [Q.COLGROUP, d.COLGROUP], [Q.DD, d.DD], [Q.DESC, d.DESC], [Q.DETAILS, d.DETAILS], [Q.DIALOG, d.DIALOG], [Q.DIR, d.DIR], [Q.DIV, d.DIV], [Q.DL, d.DL], [Q.DT, d.DT], [Q.EM, d.EM], [Q.EMBED, d.EMBED], [Q.FIELDSET, d.FIELDSET], [Q.FIGCAPTION, d.FIGCAPTION], [Q.FIGURE, d.FIGURE], [Q.FONT, d.FONT], [Q.FOOTER, d.FOOTER], [Q.FOREIGN_OBJECT, d.FOREIGN_OBJECT], [Q.FORM, d.FORM], [Q.FRAME, d.FRAME], [Q.FRAMESET, d.FRAMESET], [Q.H1, d.H1], [Q.H2, d.H2], [Q.H3, d.H3], [Q.H4, d.H4], [Q.H5, d.H5], [Q.H6, d.H6], [Q.HEAD, d.HEAD], [Q.HEADER, d.HEADER], [Q.HGROUP, d.HGROUP], [Q.HR, d.HR], [Q.HTML, d.HTML], [Q.I, d.I], [Q.IMG, d.IMG], [Q.IMAGE, d.IMAGE], [Q.INPUT, d.INPUT], [Q.IFRAME, d.IFRAME], [Q.KEYGEN, d.KEYGEN], [Q.LABEL, d.LABEL], [Q.LI, d.LI], [Q.LINK, d.LINK], [Q.LISTING, d.LISTING], [Q.MAIN, d.MAIN], [Q.MALIGNMARK, d.MALIGNMARK], [Q.MARQUEE, d.MARQUEE], [Q.MATH, d.MATH], [Q.MENU, d.MENU], [Q.META, d.META], [Q.MGLYPH, d.MGLYPH], [Q.MI, d.MI], [Q.MO, d.MO], [Q.MN, d.MN], [Q.MS, d.MS], [Q.MTEXT, d.MTEXT], [Q.NAV, d.NAV], [Q.NOBR, d.NOBR], [Q.NOFRAMES, d.NOFRAMES], [Q.NOEMBED, d.NOEMBED], [Q.NOSCRIPT, d.NOSCRIPT], [Q.OBJECT, d.OBJECT], [Q.OL, d.OL], [Q.OPTGROUP, d.OPTGROUP], [Q.OPTION, d.OPTION], [Q.P, d.P], [Q.PARAM, d.PARAM], [Q.PLAINTEXT, d.PLAINTEXT], [Q.PRE, d.PRE], [Q.RB, d.RB], [Q.RP, d.RP], [Q.RT, d.RT], [Q.RTC, d.RTC], [Q.RUBY, d.RUBY], [Q.S, d.S], [Q.SCRIPT, d.SCRIPT], [Q.SECTION, d.SECTION], [Q.SELECT, d.SELECT], [Q.SOURCE, d.SOURCE], [Q.SMALL, d.SMALL], [Q.SPAN, d.SPAN], [Q.STRIKE, d.STRIKE], [Q.STRONG, d.STRONG], [Q.STYLE, d.STYLE], [Q.SUB, d.SUB], [Q.SUMMARY, d.SUMMARY], [Q.SUP, d.SUP], [Q.TABLE, d.TABLE], [Q.TBODY, d.TBODY], [Q.TEMPLATE, d.TEMPLATE], [Q.TEXTAREA, d.TEXTAREA], [Q.TFOOT, d.TFOOT], [Q.TD, d.TD], [Q.TH, d.TH], [Q.THEAD, d.THEAD], [Q.TITLE, d.TITLE], [Q.TR, d.TR], [Q.TRACK, d.TRACK], [Q.TT, d.TT], [Q.U, d.U], [Q.UL, d.UL], [Q.SVG, d.SVG], [Q.VAR, d.VAR], [Q.WBR, d.WBR], [Q.XMP, d.XMP], ]) function pu(e) { var t return (t = fk.get(e)) !== null && t !== void 0 ? t : d.UNKNOWN } const ae = d, pk = { [ee.HTML]: new Set([ ae.ADDRESS, ae.APPLET, ae.AREA, ae.ARTICLE, ae.ASIDE, ae.BASE, ae.BASEFONT, ae.BGSOUND, ae.BLOCKQUOTE, ae.BODY, ae.BR, ae.BUTTON, ae.CAPTION, ae.CENTER, ae.COL, ae.COLGROUP, ae.DD, ae.DETAILS, ae.DIR, ae.DIV, ae.DL, ae.DT, ae.EMBED, ae.FIELDSET, ae.FIGCAPTION, ae.FIGURE, ae.FOOTER, ae.FORM, ae.FRAME, ae.FRAMESET, ae.H1, ae.H2, ae.H3, ae.H4, ae.H5, ae.H6, ae.HEAD, ae.HEADER, ae.HGROUP, ae.HR, ae.HTML, ae.IFRAME, ae.IMG, ae.INPUT, ae.LI, ae.LINK, ae.LISTING, ae.MAIN, ae.MARQUEE, ae.MENU, ae.META, ae.NAV, ae.NOEMBED, ae.NOFRAMES, ae.NOSCRIPT, ae.OBJECT, ae.OL, ae.P, ae.PARAM, ae.PLAINTEXT, ae.PRE, ae.SCRIPT, ae.SECTION, ae.SELECT, ae.SOURCE, ae.STYLE, ae.SUMMARY, ae.TABLE, ae.TBODY, ae.TD, ae.TEMPLATE, ae.TEXTAREA, ae.TFOOT, ae.TH, ae.THEAD, ae.TITLE, ae.TR, ae.TRACK, ae.UL, ae.WBR, ae.XMP, ]), [ee.MATHML]: new Set([ae.MI, ae.MO, ae.MN, ae.MS, ae.MTEXT, ae.ANNOTATION_XML]), [ee.SVG]: new Set([ae.TITLE, ae.FOREIGN_OBJECT, ae.DESC]), [ee.XLINK]: new Set(), [ee.XML]: new Set(), [ee.XMLNS]: new Set(), } function tb(e) { return e === ae.H1 || e === ae.H2 || e === ae.H3 || e === ae.H4 || e === ae.H5 || e === ae.H6 } Q.STYLE, Q.SCRIPT, Q.XMP, Q.IFRAME, Q.NOEMBED, Q.NOFRAMES, Q.PLAINTEXT const hk = new Map([ [128, 8364], [130, 8218], [131, 402], [132, 8222], [133, 8230], [134, 8224], [135, 8225], [136, 710], [137, 8240], [138, 352], [139, 8249], [140, 338], [142, 381], [145, 8216], [146, 8217], [147, 8220], [148, 8221], [149, 8226], [150, 8211], [151, 8212], [152, 732], [153, 8482], [154, 353], [155, 8250], [156, 339], [158, 382], [159, 376], ]) var U ;(function (e) { ;(e[(e.DATA = 0)] = 'DATA'), (e[(e.RCDATA = 1)] = 'RCDATA'), (e[(e.RAWTEXT = 2)] = 'RAWTEXT'), (e[(e.SCRIPT_DATA = 3)] = 'SCRIPT_DATA'), (e[(e.PLAINTEXT = 4)] = 'PLAINTEXT'), (e[(e.TAG_OPEN = 5)] = 'TAG_OPEN'), (e[(e.END_TAG_OPEN = 6)] = 'END_TAG_OPEN'), (e[(e.TAG_NAME = 7)] = 'TAG_NAME'), (e[(e.RCDATA_LESS_THAN_SIGN = 8)] = 'RCDATA_LESS_THAN_SIGN'), (e[(e.RCDATA_END_TAG_OPEN = 9)] = 'RCDATA_END_TAG_OPEN'), (e[(e.RCDATA_END_TAG_NAME = 10)] = 'RCDATA_END_TAG_NAME'), (e[(e.RAWTEXT_LESS_THAN_SIGN = 11)] = 'RAWTEXT_LESS_THAN_SIGN'), (e[(e.RAWTEXT_END_TAG_OPEN = 12)] = 'RAWTEXT_END_TAG_OPEN'), (e[(e.RAWTEXT_END_TAG_NAME = 13)] = 'RAWTEXT_END_TAG_NAME'), (e[(e.SCRIPT_DATA_LESS_THAN_SIGN = 14)] = 'SCRIPT_DATA_LESS_THAN_SIGN'), (e[(e.SCRIPT_DATA_END_TAG_OPEN = 15)] = 'SCRIPT_DATA_END_TAG_OPEN'), (e[(e.SCRIPT_DATA_END_TAG_NAME = 16)] = 'SCRIPT_DATA_END_TAG_NAME'), (e[(e.SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPE_START = 17)] = 'SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPE_START'), (e[(e.SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPE_START_DASH = 18)] = 'SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPE_START_DASH'), (e[(e.SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED = 19)] = 'SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED'), (e[(e.SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_DASH = 20)] = 'SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_DASH'), (e[(e.SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_DASH_DASH = 21)] = 'SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_DASH_DASH'), (e[(e.SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_LESS_THAN_SIGN = 22)] = 'SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_LESS_THAN_SIGN'), (e[(e.SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_END_TAG_OPEN = 23)] = 'SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_END_TAG_OPEN'), (e[(e.SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_END_TAG_NAME = 24)] = 'SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_END_TAG_NAME'), (e[(e.SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPE_START = 25)] = 'SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPE_START'), (e[(e.SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED = 26)] = 'SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED'), (e[(e.SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED_DASH = 27)] = 'SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED_DASH'), (e[(e.SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED_DASH_DASH = 28)] = 'SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED_DASH_DASH'), (e[(e.SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED_LESS_THAN_SIGN = 29)] = 'SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED_LESS_THAN_SIGN'), (e[(e.SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPE_END = 30)] = 'SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPE_END'), (e[(e.BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = 31)] = 'BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME'), (e[(e.ATTRIBUTE_NAME = 32)] = 'ATTRIBUTE_NAME'), (e[(e.AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = 33)] = 'AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_NAME'), (e[(e.BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE = 34)] = 'BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE'), (e[(e.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_DOUBLE_QUOTED = 35)] = 'ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_DOUBLE_QUOTED'), (e[(e.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SINGLE_QUOTED = 36)] = 'ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SINGLE_QUOTED'), (e[(e.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_UNQUOTED = 37)] = 'ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_UNQUOTED'), (e[(e.AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_QUOTED = 38)] = 'AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_QUOTED'), (e[(e.SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG = 39)] = 'SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG'), (e[(e.BOGUS_COMMENT = 40)] = 'BOGUS_COMMENT'), (e[(e.MARKUP_DECLARATION_OPEN = 41)] = 'MARKUP_DECLARATION_OPEN'), (e[(e.COMMENT_START = 42)] = 'COMMENT_START'), (e[(e.COMMENT_START_DASH = 43)] = 'COMMENT_START_DASH'), (e[(e.COMMENT = 44)] = 'COMMENT'), (e[(e.COMMENT_LESS_THAN_SIGN = 45)] = 'COMMENT_LESS_THAN_SIGN'), (e[(e.COMMENT_LESS_THAN_SIGN_BANG = 46)] = 'COMMENT_LESS_THAN_SIGN_BANG'), (e[(e.COMMENT_LESS_THAN_SIGN_BANG_DASH = 47)] = 'COMMENT_LESS_THAN_SIGN_BANG_DASH'), (e[(e.COMMENT_LESS_THAN_SIGN_BANG_DASH_DASH = 48)] = 'COMMENT_LESS_THAN_SIGN_BANG_DASH_DASH'), (e[(e.COMMENT_END_DASH = 49)] = 'COMMENT_END_DASH'), (e[(e.COMMENT_END = 50)] = 'COMMENT_END'), (e[(e.COMMENT_END_BANG = 51)] = 'COMMENT_END_BANG'), (e[(e.DOCTYPE = 52)] = 'DOCTYPE'), (e[(e.BEFORE_DOCTYPE_NAME = 53)] = 'BEFORE_DOCTYPE_NAME'), (e[(e.DOCTYPE_NAME = 54)] = 'DOCTYPE_NAME'), (e[(e.AFTER_DOCTYPE_NAME = 55)] = 'AFTER_DOCTYPE_NAME'), (e[(e.AFTER_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_KEYWORD = 56)] = 'AFTER_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_KEYWORD'), (e[(e.BEFORE_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER = 57)] = 'BEFORE_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER'), (e[(e.DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_DOUBLE_QUOTED = 58)] = 'DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_DOUBLE_QUOTED'), (e[(e.DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_SINGLE_QUOTED = 59)] = 'DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_SINGLE_QUOTED'), (e[(e.AFTER_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER = 60)] = 'AFTER_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER'), (e[(e.BETWEEN_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_AND_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIERS = 61)] = 'BETWEEN_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_AND_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIERS'), (e[(e.AFTER_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_KEYWORD = 62)] = 'AFTER_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_KEYWORD'), (e[(e.BEFORE_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER = 63)] = 'BEFORE_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER'), (e[(e.DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_DOUBLE_QUOTED = 64)] = 'DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_DOUBLE_QUOTED'), (e[(e.DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_SINGLE_QUOTED = 65)] = 'DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_SINGLE_QUOTED'), (e[(e.AFTER_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER = 66)] = 'AFTER_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER'), (e[(e.BOGUS_DOCTYPE = 67)] = 'BOGUS_DOCTYPE'), (e[(e.CDATA_SECTION = 68)] = 'CDATA_SECTION'), (e[(e.CDATA_SECTION_BRACKET = 69)] = 'CDATA_SECTION_BRACKET'), (e[(e.CDATA_SECTION_END = 70)] = 'CDATA_SECTION_END'), (e[(e.CHARACTER_REFERENCE = 71)] = 'CHARACTER_REFERENCE'), (e[(e.NAMED_CHARACTER_REFERENCE = 72)] = 'NAMED_CHARACTER_REFERENCE'), (e[(e.AMBIGUOUS_AMPERSAND = 73)] = 'AMBIGUOUS_AMPERSAND'), (e[(e.NUMERIC_CHARACTER_REFERENCE = 74)] = 'NUMERIC_CHARACTER_REFERENCE'), (e[(e.HEXADEMICAL_CHARACTER_REFERENCE_START = 75)] = 'HEXADEMICAL_CHARACTER_REFERENCE_START'), (e[(e.HEXADEMICAL_CHARACTER_REFERENCE = 76)] = 'HEXADEMICAL_CHARACTER_REFERENCE'), (e[(e.DECIMAL_CHARACTER_REFERENCE = 77)] = 'DECIMAL_CHARACTER_REFERENCE'), (e[(e.NUMERIC_CHARACTER_REFERENCE_END = 78)] = 'NUMERIC_CHARACTER_REFERENCE_END') })(U || (U = {})) const St = { DATA: U.DATA, RCDATA: U.RCDATA, RAWTEXT: U.RAWTEXT, SCRIPT_DATA: U.SCRIPT_DATA, PLAINTEXT: U.PLAINTEXT, CDATA_SECTION: U.CDATA_SECTION, } function ys(e) { return e >= B.DIGIT_0 && e <= B.DIGIT_9 } function as(e) { return e >= B.LATIN_CAPITAL_A && e <= B.LATIN_CAPITAL_Z } function mk(e) { return e >= B.LATIN_SMALL_A && e <= B.LATIN_SMALL_Z } function jr(e) { return mk(e) || as(e) } function Bc(e) { return jr(e) || ys(e) } function rb(e) { return e >= B.LATIN_CAPITAL_A && e <= B.LATIN_CAPITAL_F } function ib(e) { return e >= B.LATIN_SMALL_A && e <= B.LATIN_SMALL_F } function dk(e) { return ys(e) || rb(e) || ib(e) } function Ua(e) { return e + 32 } function nb(e) { return e === B.SPACE || e === B.LINE_FEED || e === B.TABULATION || e === B.FORM_FEED } function gk(e) { return e === B.EQUALS_SIGN || Bc(e) } function Hm(e) { return nb(e) || e === B.SOLIDUS || e === B.GREATER_THAN_SIGN } class bk { constructor(t, r) { ;(this.options = t), (this.handler = r), (this.paused = !1), (this.inLoop = !1), (this.inForeignNode = !1), (this.lastStartTagName = ''), ( = !1), (this.state = U.DATA), (this.returnState = U.DATA), (this.charRefCode = -1), (this.consumedAfterSnapshot = -1), (this.currentCharacterToken = null), (this.currentToken = null), (this.currentAttr = { name: '', value: '' }), (this.preprocessor = new tk(r)), (this.currentLocation = this.getCurrentLocation(-1)) } _err(t) { var r, i ;(i = (r = this.handler).onParseError) === null || i === void 0 ||, this.preprocessor.getError(t)) } getCurrentLocation(t) { return this.options.sourceCodeLocationInfo ? { startLine: this.preprocessor.line, startCol: this.preprocessor.col - t, startOffset: this.preprocessor.offset - t, endLine: -1, endCol: -1, endOffset: -1, } : null } _runParsingLoop() { if (!this.inLoop) { for (this.inLoop = !0; && !this.paused; ) { this.consumedAfterSnapshot = 0 const t = this._consume() this._ensureHibernation() || this._callState(t) } this.inLoop = !1 } } pause() { this.paused = !0 } resume(t) { if (!this.paused) throw new Error('Parser was already resumed') ;(this.paused = !1), !this.inLoop && (this._runParsingLoop(), this.paused || t == null || t()) } write(t, r, i) { ;( = !0), this.preprocessor.write(t, r), this._runParsingLoop(), this.paused || i == null || i() } insertHtmlAtCurrentPos(t) { ;( = !0), this.preprocessor.insertHtmlAtCurrentPos(t), this._runParsingLoop() } _ensureHibernation() { return this.preprocessor.endOfChunkHit ? (this._unconsume(this.consumedAfterSnapshot), ( = !1), !0) : !1 } _consume() { return this.consumedAfterSnapshot++, this.preprocessor.advance() } _unconsume(t) { ;(this.consumedAfterSnapshot -= t), this.preprocessor.retreat(t) } _reconsumeInState(t, r) { ;(this.state = t), this._callState(r) } _advanceBy(t) { this.consumedAfterSnapshot += t for (let r = 0; r < t; r++) this.preprocessor.advance() } _consumeSequenceIfMatch(t, r) { return this.preprocessor.startsWith(t, r) ? (this._advanceBy(t.length - 1), !0) : !1 } _createStartTagToken() { this.currentToken = { type: ke.START_TAG, tagName: '', tagID: d.UNKNOWN, selfClosing: !1, ackSelfClosing: !1, attrs: [], location: this.getCurrentLocation(1), } } _createEndTagToken() { this.currentToken = { type: ke.END_TAG, tagName: '', tagID: d.UNKNOWN, selfClosing: !1, ackSelfClosing: !1, attrs: [], location: this.getCurrentLocation(2), } } _createCommentToken(t) { this.currentToken = { type: ke.COMMENT, data: '', location: this.getCurrentLocation(t) } } _createDoctypeToken(t) { this.currentToken = { type: ke.DOCTYPE, name: t, forceQuirks: !1, publicId: null, systemId: null, location: this.currentLocation, } } _createCharacterToken(t, r) { this.currentCharacterToken = { type: t, chars: r, location: this.currentLocation } } _createAttr(t) { ;(this.currentAttr = { name: t, value: '' }), (this.currentLocation = this.getCurrentLocation(0)) } _leaveAttrName() { var t, r const i = this.currentToken if (J1(i, === null) { if ((i.attrs.push(this.currentAttr), i.location && this.currentLocation)) { const n = (t = (r = i.location).attrs) !== null && t !== void 0 ? t : (r.attrs = Object.create(null)) ;(n[] = this.currentLocation), this._leaveAttrValue() } } else this._err(J.duplicateAttribute) } _leaveAttrValue() { this.currentLocation && ((this.currentLocation.endLine = this.preprocessor.line), (this.currentLocation.endCol = this.preprocessor.col), (this.currentLocation.endOffset = this.preprocessor.offset)) } prepareToken(t) { this._emitCurrentCharacterToken(t.location), (this.currentToken = null), t.location && ((t.location.endLine = this.preprocessor.line), (t.location.endCol = this.preprocessor.col + 1), (t.location.endOffset = this.preprocessor.offset + 1)), (this.currentLocation = this.getCurrentLocation(-1)) } emitCurrentTagToken() { const t = this.currentToken this.prepareToken(t), (t.tagID = pu(t.tagName)), t.type === ke.START_TAG ? ((this.lastStartTagName = t.tagName), this.handler.onStartTag(t)) : (t.attrs.length > 0 && this._err(J.endTagWithAttributes), t.selfClosing && this._err(J.endTagWithTrailingSolidus), this.handler.onEndTag(t)), this.preprocessor.dropParsedChunk() } emitCurrentComment(t) { this.prepareToken(t), this.handler.onComment(t), this.preprocessor.dropParsedChunk() } emitCurrentDoctype(t) { this.prepareToken(t), this.handler.onDoctype(t), this.preprocessor.dropParsedChunk() } _emitCurrentCharacterToken(t) { if (this.currentCharacterToken) { switch ( (t && this.currentCharacterToken.location && ((this.currentCharacterToken.location.endLine = t.startLine), (this.currentCharacterToken.location.endCol = t.startCol), (this.currentCharacterToken.location.endOffset = t.startOffset)), this.currentCharacterToken.type) ) { case ke.CHARACTER: { this.handler.onCharacter(this.currentCharacterToken) break } case ke.NULL_CHARACTER: { this.handler.onNullCharacter(this.currentCharacterToken) break } case ke.WHITESPACE_CHARACTER: { this.handler.onWhitespaceCharacter(this.currentCharacterToken) break } } this.currentCharacterToken = null } } _emitEOFToken() { const t = this.getCurrentLocation(0) t && ((t.endLine = t.startLine), (t.endCol = t.startCol), (t.endOffset = t.startOffset)), this._emitCurrentCharacterToken(t), this.handler.onEof({ type: ke.EOF, location: t }), ( = !1) } _appendCharToCurrentCharacterToken(t, r) { if (this.currentCharacterToken) if (this.currentCharacterToken.type !== t) (this.currentLocation = this.getCurrentLocation(0)), this._emitCurrentCharacterToken(this.currentLocation), this.preprocessor.dropParsedChunk() else { this.currentCharacterToken.chars += r return } this._createCharacterToken(t, r) } _emitCodePoint(t) { const r = nb(t) ? ke.WHITESPACE_CHARACTER : t === B.NULL ? ke.NULL_CHARACTER : ke.CHARACTER this._appendCharToCurrentCharacterToken(r, String.fromCodePoint(t)) } _emitChars(t) { this._appendCharToCurrentCharacterToken(ke.CHARACTER, t) } _matchNamedCharacterReference(t) { let r = null, i = 0, n = !1 for ( let s = 0, a = zr[0]; s >= 0 && ((s = eb(zr, a, s + 1, t)), !(s < 0)); t = this._consume() ) { ;(i += 1), (a = zr[s]) const o = a & dr.VALUE_LENGTH if (o) { const u = (o >> 14) - 1 if ( (t !== B.SEMICOLON && this._isCharacterReferenceInAttribute() && gk(this.preprocessor.peek(1)) ? ((r = [B.AMPERSAND]), (s += u)) : ((r = u === 0 ? [zr[s] & ~dr.VALUE_LENGTH] : u === 1 ? [zr[++s]] : [zr[++s], zr[++s]]), (i = 0), (n = t !== B.SEMICOLON)), u === 0) ) { this._consume() break } } } return ( this._unconsume(i), n && !this.preprocessor.endOfChunkHit && this._err(J.missingSemicolonAfterCharacterReference), this._unconsume(1), r ) } _isCharacterReferenceInAttribute() { return ( this.returnState === U.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_DOUBLE_QUOTED || this.returnState === U.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SINGLE_QUOTED || this.returnState === U.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_UNQUOTED ) } _flushCodePointConsumedAsCharacterReference(t) { this._isCharacterReferenceInAttribute() ? (this.currentAttr.value += String.fromCodePoint(t)) : this._emitCodePoint(t) } _callState(t) { switch (this.state) { case U.DATA: { this._stateData(t) break } case U.RCDATA: { this._stateRcdata(t) break } case U.RAWTEXT: { this._stateRawtext(t) break } case U.SCRIPT_DATA: { this._stateScriptData(t) break } case U.PLAINTEXT: { this._statePlaintext(t) break } case U.TAG_OPEN: { this._stateTagOpen(t) break } case U.END_TAG_OPEN: { this._stateEndTagOpen(t) break } case U.TAG_NAME: { this._stateTagName(t) break } case U.RCDATA_LESS_THAN_SIGN: { this._stateRcdataLessThanSign(t) break } case U.RCDATA_END_TAG_OPEN: { this._stateRcdataEndTagOpen(t) break } case U.RCDATA_END_TAG_NAME: { this._stateRcdataEndTagName(t) break } case U.RAWTEXT_LESS_THAN_SIGN: { this._stateRawtextLessThanSign(t) break } case U.RAWTEXT_END_TAG_OPEN: { this._stateRawtextEndTagOpen(t) break } case U.RAWTEXT_END_TAG_NAME: { this._stateRawtextEndTagName(t) break } case U.SCRIPT_DATA_LESS_THAN_SIGN: { this._stateScriptDataLessThanSign(t) break } case U.SCRIPT_DATA_END_TAG_OPEN: { this._stateScriptDataEndTagOpen(t) break } case U.SCRIPT_DATA_END_TAG_NAME: { this._stateScriptDataEndTagName(t) break } case U.SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPE_START: { this._stateScriptDataEscapeStart(t) break } case U.SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPE_START_DASH: { this._stateScriptDataEscapeStartDash(t) break } case U.SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED: { this._stateScriptDataEscaped(t) break } case U.SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_DASH: { this._stateScriptDataEscapedDash(t) break } case U.SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_DASH_DASH: { this._stateScriptDataEscapedDashDash(t) break } case U.SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_LESS_THAN_SIGN: { this._stateScriptDataEscapedLessThanSign(t) break } case U.SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_END_TAG_OPEN: { this._stateScriptDataEscapedEndTagOpen(t) break } case U.SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_END_TAG_NAME: { this._stateScriptDataEscapedEndTagName(t) break } case U.SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPE_START: { this._stateScriptDataDoubleEscapeStart(t) break } case U.SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED: { this._stateScriptDataDoubleEscaped(t) break } case U.SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED_DASH: { this._stateScriptDataDoubleEscapedDash(t) break } case U.SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED_DASH_DASH: { this._stateScriptDataDoubleEscapedDashDash(t) break } case U.SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED_LESS_THAN_SIGN: { this._stateScriptDataDoubleEscapedLessThanSign(t) break } case U.SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPE_END: { this._stateScriptDataDoubleEscapeEnd(t) break } case U.BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: { this._stateBeforeAttributeName(t) break } case U.ATTRIBUTE_NAME: { this._stateAttributeName(t) break } case U.AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: { this._stateAfterAttributeName(t) break } case U.BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE: { this._stateBeforeAttributeValue(t) break } case U.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_DOUBLE_QUOTED: { this._stateAttributeValueDoubleQuoted(t) break } case U.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SINGLE_QUOTED: { this._stateAttributeValueSingleQuoted(t) break } case U.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_UNQUOTED: { this._stateAttributeValueUnquoted(t) break } case U.AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_QUOTED: { this._stateAfterAttributeValueQuoted(t) break } case U.SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG: { this._stateSelfClosingStartTag(t) break } case U.BOGUS_COMMENT: { this._stateBogusComment(t) break } case U.MARKUP_DECLARATION_OPEN: { this._stateMarkupDeclarationOpen(t) break } case U.COMMENT_START: { this._stateCommentStart(t) break } case U.COMMENT_START_DASH: { this._stateCommentStartDash(t) break } case U.COMMENT: { this._stateComment(t) break } case U.COMMENT_LESS_THAN_SIGN: { this._stateCommentLessThanSign(t) break } case U.COMMENT_LESS_THAN_SIGN_BANG: { this._stateCommentLessThanSignBang(t) break } case U.COMMENT_LESS_THAN_SIGN_BANG_DASH: { this._stateCommentLessThanSignBangDash(t) break } case U.COMMENT_LESS_THAN_SIGN_BANG_DASH_DASH: { this._stateCommentLessThanSignBangDashDash(t) break } case U.COMMENT_END_DASH: { this._stateCommentEndDash(t) break } case U.COMMENT_END: { this._stateCommentEnd(t) break } case U.COMMENT_END_BANG: { this._stateCommentEndBang(t) break } case U.DOCTYPE: { this._stateDoctype(t) break } case U.BEFORE_DOCTYPE_NAME: { this._stateBeforeDoctypeName(t) break } case U.DOCTYPE_NAME: { this._stateDoctypeName(t) break } case U.AFTER_DOCTYPE_NAME: { this._stateAfterDoctypeName(t) break } case U.AFTER_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_KEYWORD: { this._stateAfterDoctypePublicKeyword(t) break } case U.BEFORE_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER: { this._stateBeforeDoctypePublicIdentifier(t) break } case U.DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_DOUBLE_QUOTED: { this._stateDoctypePublicIdentifierDoubleQuoted(t) break } case U.DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_SINGLE_QUOTED: { this._stateDoctypePublicIdentifierSingleQuoted(t) break } case U.AFTER_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER: { this._stateAfterDoctypePublicIdentifier(t) break } case U.BETWEEN_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_AND_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIERS: { this._stateBetweenDoctypePublicAndSystemIdentifiers(t) break } case U.AFTER_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_KEYWORD: { this._stateAfterDoctypeSystemKeyword(t) break } case U.BEFORE_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER: { this._stateBeforeDoctypeSystemIdentifier(t) break } case U.DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_DOUBLE_QUOTED: { this._stateDoctypeSystemIdentifierDoubleQuoted(t) break } case U.DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_SINGLE_QUOTED: { this._stateDoctypeSystemIdentifierSingleQuoted(t) break } case U.AFTER_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER: { this._stateAfterDoctypeSystemIdentifier(t) break } case U.BOGUS_DOCTYPE: { this._stateBogusDoctype(t) break } case U.CDATA_SECTION: { this._stateCdataSection(t) break } case U.CDATA_SECTION_BRACKET: { this._stateCdataSectionBracket(t) break } case U.CDATA_SECTION_END: { this._stateCdataSectionEnd(t) break } case U.CHARACTER_REFERENCE: { this._stateCharacterReference(t) break } case U.NAMED_CHARACTER_REFERENCE: { this._stateNamedCharacterReference(t) break } case U.AMBIGUOUS_AMPERSAND: { this._stateAmbiguousAmpersand(t) break } case U.NUMERIC_CHARACTER_REFERENCE: { this._stateNumericCharacterReference(t) break } case U.HEXADEMICAL_CHARACTER_REFERENCE_START: { this._stateHexademicalCharacterReferenceStart(t) break } case U.HEXADEMICAL_CHARACTER_REFERENCE: { this._stateHexademicalCharacterReference(t) break } case U.DECIMAL_CHARACTER_REFERENCE: { this._stateDecimalCharacterReference(t) break } case U.NUMERIC_CHARACTER_REFERENCE_END: { this._stateNumericCharacterReferenceEnd(t) break } default: throw new Error('Unknown state') } } _stateData(t) { switch (t) { case B.LESS_THAN_SIGN: { this.state = U.TAG_OPEN break } case B.AMPERSAND: { ;(this.returnState = U.DATA), (this.state = U.CHARACTER_REFERENCE) break } case B.NULL: { this._err(J.unexpectedNullCharacter), this._emitCodePoint(t) break } case B.EOF: { this._emitEOFToken() break } default: this._emitCodePoint(t) } } _stateRcdata(t) { switch (t) { case B.AMPERSAND: { ;(this.returnState = U.RCDATA), (this.state = U.CHARACTER_REFERENCE) break } case B.LESS_THAN_SIGN: { this.state = U.RCDATA_LESS_THAN_SIGN break } case B.NULL: { this._err(J.unexpectedNullCharacter), this._emitChars(je) break } case B.EOF: { this._emitEOFToken() break } default: this._emitCodePoint(t) } } _stateRawtext(t) { switch (t) { case B.LESS_THAN_SIGN: { this.state = U.RAWTEXT_LESS_THAN_SIGN break } case B.NULL: { this._err(J.unexpectedNullCharacter), this._emitChars(je) break } case B.EOF: { this._emitEOFToken() break } default: this._emitCodePoint(t) } } _stateScriptData(t) { switch (t) { case B.LESS_THAN_SIGN: { this.state = U.SCRIPT_DATA_LESS_THAN_SIGN break } case B.NULL: { this._err(J.unexpectedNullCharacter), this._emitChars(je) break } case B.EOF: { this._emitEOFToken() break } default: this._emitCodePoint(t) } } _statePlaintext(t) { switch (t) { case B.NULL: { this._err(J.unexpectedNullCharacter), this._emitChars(je) break } case B.EOF: { this._emitEOFToken() break } default: this._emitCodePoint(t) } } _stateTagOpen(t) { if (jr(t)) this._createStartTagToken(), (this.state = U.TAG_NAME), this._stateTagName(t) else switch (t) { case B.EXCLAMATION_MARK: { this.state = U.MARKUP_DECLARATION_OPEN break } case B.SOLIDUS: { this.state = U.END_TAG_OPEN break } case B.QUESTION_MARK: { this._err(J.unexpectedQuestionMarkInsteadOfTagName), this._createCommentToken(1), (this.state = U.BOGUS_COMMENT), this._stateBogusComment(t) break } case B.EOF: { this._err(J.eofBeforeTagName), this._emitChars('<'), this._emitEOFToken() break } default: this._err(J.invalidFirstCharacterOfTagName), this._emitChars('<'), (this.state = U.DATA), this._stateData(t) } } _stateEndTagOpen(t) { if (jr(t)) this._createEndTagToken(), (this.state = U.TAG_NAME), this._stateTagName(t) else switch (t) { case B.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: { this._err(J.missingEndTagName), (this.state = U.DATA) break } case B.EOF: { this._err(J.eofBeforeTagName), this._emitChars('') break } case B.NULL: { this._err(J.unexpectedNullCharacter), (this.state = U.SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED), this._emitChars(je) break } case B.EOF: { this._err(J.eofInScriptHtmlCommentLikeText), this._emitEOFToken() break } default: ;(this.state = U.SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED), this._emitCodePoint(t) } } _stateScriptDataEscapedLessThanSign(t) { t === B.SOLIDUS ? (this.state = U.SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_END_TAG_OPEN) : jr(t) ? (this._emitChars('<'), (this.state = U.SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPE_START), this._stateScriptDataDoubleEscapeStart(t)) : (this._emitChars('<'), (this.state = U.SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED), this._stateScriptDataEscaped(t)) } _stateScriptDataEscapedEndTagOpen(t) { jr(t) ? ((this.state = U.SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED_END_TAG_NAME), this._stateScriptDataEscapedEndTagName(t)) : (this._emitChars('') break } case B.NULL: { this._err(J.unexpectedNullCharacter), (this.state = U.SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED), this._emitChars(je) break } case B.EOF: { this._err(J.eofInScriptHtmlCommentLikeText), this._emitEOFToken() break } default: ;(this.state = U.SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED), this._emitCodePoint(t) } } _stateScriptDataDoubleEscapedLessThanSign(t) { t === B.SOLIDUS ? ((this.state = U.SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPE_END), this._emitChars('/')) : ((this.state = U.SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED), this._stateScriptDataDoubleEscaped(t)) } _stateScriptDataDoubleEscapeEnd(t) { if ( this.preprocessor.startsWith(xt.SCRIPT, !1) && Hm(this.preprocessor.peek(xt.SCRIPT.length)) ) { this._emitCodePoint(t) for (let r = 0; r < xt.SCRIPT.length; r++) this._emitCodePoint(this._consume()) this.state = U.SCRIPT_DATA_ESCAPED } else this._ensureHibernation() || ((this.state = U.SCRIPT_DATA_DOUBLE_ESCAPED), this._stateScriptDataDoubleEscaped(t)) } _stateBeforeAttributeName(t) { switch (t) { case B.SPACE: case B.LINE_FEED: case B.TABULATION: case B.FORM_FEED: break case B.SOLIDUS: case B.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: case B.EOF: { ;(this.state = U.AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_NAME), this._stateAfterAttributeName(t) break } case B.EQUALS_SIGN: { this._err(J.unexpectedEqualsSignBeforeAttributeName), this._createAttr('='), (this.state = U.ATTRIBUTE_NAME) break } default: this._createAttr(''), (this.state = U.ATTRIBUTE_NAME), this._stateAttributeName(t) } } _stateAttributeName(t) { switch (t) { case B.SPACE: case B.LINE_FEED: case B.TABULATION: case B.FORM_FEED: case B.SOLIDUS: case B.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: case B.EOF: { this._leaveAttrName(), (this.state = U.AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_NAME), this._stateAfterAttributeName(t) break } case B.EQUALS_SIGN: { this._leaveAttrName(), (this.state = U.BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE) break } case B.QUOTATION_MARK: case B.APOSTROPHE: case B.LESS_THAN_SIGN: { this._err(J.unexpectedCharacterInAttributeName), ( += String.fromCodePoint(t)) break } case B.NULL: { this._err(J.unexpectedNullCharacter), ( += je) break } default: += String.fromCodePoint(as(t) ? Ua(t) : t) } } _stateAfterAttributeName(t) { switch (t) { case B.SPACE: case B.LINE_FEED: case B.TABULATION: case B.FORM_FEED: break case B.SOLIDUS: { this.state = U.SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG break } case B.EQUALS_SIGN: { this.state = U.BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE break } case B.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: { ;(this.state = U.DATA), this.emitCurrentTagToken() break } case B.EOF: { this._err(J.eofInTag), this._emitEOFToken() break } default: this._createAttr(''), (this.state = U.ATTRIBUTE_NAME), this._stateAttributeName(t) } } _stateBeforeAttributeValue(t) { switch (t) { case B.SPACE: case B.LINE_FEED: case B.TABULATION: case B.FORM_FEED: break case B.QUOTATION_MARK: { this.state = U.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_DOUBLE_QUOTED break } case B.APOSTROPHE: { this.state = U.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SINGLE_QUOTED break } case B.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: { this._err(J.missingAttributeValue), (this.state = U.DATA), this.emitCurrentTagToken() break } default: ;(this.state = U.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_UNQUOTED), this._stateAttributeValueUnquoted(t) } } _stateAttributeValueDoubleQuoted(t) { switch (t) { case B.QUOTATION_MARK: { this.state = U.AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_QUOTED break } case B.AMPERSAND: { ;(this.returnState = U.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_DOUBLE_QUOTED), (this.state = U.CHARACTER_REFERENCE) break } case B.NULL: { this._err(J.unexpectedNullCharacter), (this.currentAttr.value += je) break } case B.EOF: { this._err(J.eofInTag), this._emitEOFToken() break } default: this.currentAttr.value += String.fromCodePoint(t) } } _stateAttributeValueSingleQuoted(t) { switch (t) { case B.APOSTROPHE: { this.state = U.AFTER_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_QUOTED break } case B.AMPERSAND: { ;(this.returnState = U.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_SINGLE_QUOTED), (this.state = U.CHARACTER_REFERENCE) break } case B.NULL: { this._err(J.unexpectedNullCharacter), (this.currentAttr.value += je) break } case B.EOF: { this._err(J.eofInTag), this._emitEOFToken() break } default: this.currentAttr.value += String.fromCodePoint(t) } } _stateAttributeValueUnquoted(t) { switch (t) { case B.SPACE: case B.LINE_FEED: case B.TABULATION: case B.FORM_FEED: { this._leaveAttrValue(), (this.state = U.BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME) break } case B.AMPERSAND: { ;(this.returnState = U.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_UNQUOTED), (this.state = U.CHARACTER_REFERENCE) break } case B.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: { this._leaveAttrValue(), (this.state = U.DATA), this.emitCurrentTagToken() break } case B.NULL: { this._err(J.unexpectedNullCharacter), (this.currentAttr.value += je) break } case B.QUOTATION_MARK: case B.APOSTROPHE: case B.LESS_THAN_SIGN: case B.EQUALS_SIGN: case B.GRAVE_ACCENT: { this._err(J.unexpectedCharacterInUnquotedAttributeValue), (this.currentAttr.value += String.fromCodePoint(t)) break } case B.EOF: { this._err(J.eofInTag), this._emitEOFToken() break } default: this.currentAttr.value += String.fromCodePoint(t) } } _stateAfterAttributeValueQuoted(t) { switch (t) { case B.SPACE: case B.LINE_FEED: case B.TABULATION: case B.FORM_FEED: { this._leaveAttrValue(), (this.state = U.BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME) break } case B.SOLIDUS: { this._leaveAttrValue(), (this.state = U.SELF_CLOSING_START_TAG) break } case B.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: { this._leaveAttrValue(), (this.state = U.DATA), this.emitCurrentTagToken() break } case B.EOF: { this._err(J.eofInTag), this._emitEOFToken() break } default: this._err(J.missingWhitespaceBetweenAttributes), (this.state = U.BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME), this._stateBeforeAttributeName(t) } } _stateSelfClosingStartTag(t) { switch (t) { case B.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: { const r = this.currentToken ;(r.selfClosing = !0), (this.state = U.DATA), this.emitCurrentTagToken() break } case B.EOF: { this._err(J.eofInTag), this._emitEOFToken() break } default: this._err(J.unexpectedSolidusInTag), (this.state = U.BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME), this._stateBeforeAttributeName(t) } } _stateBogusComment(t) { const r = this.currentToken switch (t) { case B.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: { ;(this.state = U.DATA), this.emitCurrentComment(r) break } case B.EOF: { this.emitCurrentComment(r), this._emitEOFToken() break } case B.NULL: { this._err(J.unexpectedNullCharacter), ( += je) break } default: += String.fromCodePoint(t) } } _stateMarkupDeclarationOpen(t) { this._consumeSequenceIfMatch(xt.DASH_DASH, !0) ? (this._createCommentToken(xt.DASH_DASH.length + 1), (this.state = U.COMMENT_START)) : this._consumeSequenceIfMatch(xt.DOCTYPE, !1) ? ((this.currentLocation = this.getCurrentLocation(xt.DOCTYPE.length + 1)), (this.state = U.DOCTYPE)) : this._consumeSequenceIfMatch(xt.CDATA_START, !0) ? this.inForeignNode ? (this.state = U.CDATA_SECTION) : (this._err(J.cdataInHtmlContent), this._createCommentToken(xt.CDATA_START.length + 1), ( = '[CDATA['), (this.state = U.BOGUS_COMMENT)) : this._ensureHibernation() || (this._err(J.incorrectlyOpenedComment), this._createCommentToken(2), (this.state = U.BOGUS_COMMENT), this._stateBogusComment(t)) } _stateCommentStart(t) { switch (t) { case B.HYPHEN_MINUS: { this.state = U.COMMENT_START_DASH break } case B.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: { this._err(J.abruptClosingOfEmptyComment), (this.state = U.DATA) const r = this.currentToken this.emitCurrentComment(r) break } default: ;(this.state = U.COMMENT), this._stateComment(t) } } _stateCommentStartDash(t) { const r = this.currentToken switch (t) { case B.HYPHEN_MINUS: { this.state = U.COMMENT_END break } case B.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: { this._err(J.abruptClosingOfEmptyComment), (this.state = U.DATA), this.emitCurrentComment(r) break } case B.EOF: { this._err(J.eofInComment), this.emitCurrentComment(r), this._emitEOFToken() break } default: ;( += '-'), (this.state = U.COMMENT), this._stateComment(t) } } _stateComment(t) { const r = this.currentToken switch (t) { case B.HYPHEN_MINUS: { this.state = U.COMMENT_END_DASH break } case B.LESS_THAN_SIGN: { ;( += '<'), (this.state = U.COMMENT_LESS_THAN_SIGN) break } case B.NULL: { this._err(J.unexpectedNullCharacter), ( += je) break } case B.EOF: { this._err(J.eofInComment), this.emitCurrentComment(r), this._emitEOFToken() break } default: += String.fromCodePoint(t) } } _stateCommentLessThanSign(t) { const r = this.currentToken switch (t) { case B.EXCLAMATION_MARK: { ;( += '!'), (this.state = U.COMMENT_LESS_THAN_SIGN_BANG) break } case B.LESS_THAN_SIGN: { += '<' break } default: ;(this.state = U.COMMENT), this._stateComment(t) } } _stateCommentLessThanSignBang(t) { t === B.HYPHEN_MINUS ? (this.state = U.COMMENT_LESS_THAN_SIGN_BANG_DASH) : ((this.state = U.COMMENT), this._stateComment(t)) } _stateCommentLessThanSignBangDash(t) { t === B.HYPHEN_MINUS ? (this.state = U.COMMENT_LESS_THAN_SIGN_BANG_DASH_DASH) : ((this.state = U.COMMENT_END_DASH), this._stateCommentEndDash(t)) } _stateCommentLessThanSignBangDashDash(t) { t !== B.GREATER_THAN_SIGN && t !== B.EOF && this._err(J.nestedComment), (this.state = U.COMMENT_END), this._stateCommentEnd(t) } _stateCommentEndDash(t) { const r = this.currentToken switch (t) { case B.HYPHEN_MINUS: { this.state = U.COMMENT_END break } case B.EOF: { this._err(J.eofInComment), this.emitCurrentComment(r), this._emitEOFToken() break } default: ;( += '-'), (this.state = U.COMMENT), this._stateComment(t) } } _stateCommentEnd(t) { const r = this.currentToken switch (t) { case B.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: { ;(this.state = U.DATA), this.emitCurrentComment(r) break } case B.EXCLAMATION_MARK: { this.state = U.COMMENT_END_BANG break } case B.HYPHEN_MINUS: { += '-' break } case B.EOF: { this._err(J.eofInComment), this.emitCurrentComment(r), this._emitEOFToken() break } default: ;( += '--'), (this.state = U.COMMENT), this._stateComment(t) } } _stateCommentEndBang(t) { const r = this.currentToken switch (t) { case B.HYPHEN_MINUS: { ;( += '--!'), (this.state = U.COMMENT_END_DASH) break } case B.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: { this._err(J.incorrectlyClosedComment), (this.state = U.DATA), this.emitCurrentComment(r) break } case B.EOF: { this._err(J.eofInComment), this.emitCurrentComment(r), this._emitEOFToken() break } default: ;( += '--!'), (this.state = U.COMMENT), this._stateComment(t) } } _stateDoctype(t) { switch (t) { case B.SPACE: case B.LINE_FEED: case B.TABULATION: case B.FORM_FEED: { this.state = U.BEFORE_DOCTYPE_NAME break } case B.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: { ;(this.state = U.BEFORE_DOCTYPE_NAME), this._stateBeforeDoctypeName(t) break } case B.EOF: { this._err(J.eofInDoctype), this._createDoctypeToken(null) const r = this.currentToken ;(r.forceQuirks = !0), this.emitCurrentDoctype(r), this._emitEOFToken() break } default: this._err(J.missingWhitespaceBeforeDoctypeName), (this.state = U.BEFORE_DOCTYPE_NAME), this._stateBeforeDoctypeName(t) } } _stateBeforeDoctypeName(t) { if (as(t)) this._createDoctypeToken(String.fromCharCode(Ua(t))), (this.state = U.DOCTYPE_NAME) else switch (t) { case B.SPACE: case B.LINE_FEED: case B.TABULATION: case B.FORM_FEED: break case B.NULL: { this._err(J.unexpectedNullCharacter), this._createDoctypeToken(je), (this.state = U.DOCTYPE_NAME) break } case B.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: { this._err(J.missingDoctypeName), this._createDoctypeToken(null) const r = this.currentToken ;(r.forceQuirks = !0), this.emitCurrentDoctype(r), (this.state = U.DATA) break } case B.EOF: { this._err(J.eofInDoctype), this._createDoctypeToken(null) const r = this.currentToken ;(r.forceQuirks = !0), this.emitCurrentDoctype(r), this._emitEOFToken() break } default: this._createDoctypeToken(String.fromCodePoint(t)), (this.state = U.DOCTYPE_NAME) } } _stateDoctypeName(t) { const r = this.currentToken switch (t) { case B.SPACE: case B.LINE_FEED: case B.TABULATION: case B.FORM_FEED: { this.state = U.AFTER_DOCTYPE_NAME break } case B.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: { ;(this.state = U.DATA), this.emitCurrentDoctype(r) break } case B.NULL: { this._err(J.unexpectedNullCharacter), ( += je) break } case B.EOF: { this._err(J.eofInDoctype), (r.forceQuirks = !0), this.emitCurrentDoctype(r), this._emitEOFToken() break } default: += String.fromCodePoint(as(t) ? Ua(t) : t) } } _stateAfterDoctypeName(t) { const r = this.currentToken switch (t) { case B.SPACE: case B.LINE_FEED: case B.TABULATION: case B.FORM_FEED: break case B.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: { ;(this.state = U.DATA), this.emitCurrentDoctype(r) break } case B.EOF: { this._err(J.eofInDoctype), (r.forceQuirks = !0), this.emitCurrentDoctype(r), this._emitEOFToken() break } default: this._consumeSequenceIfMatch(xt.PUBLIC, !1) ? (this.state = U.AFTER_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_KEYWORD) : this._consumeSequenceIfMatch(xt.SYSTEM, !1) ? (this.state = U.AFTER_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_KEYWORD) : this._ensureHibernation() || (this._err(J.invalidCharacterSequenceAfterDoctypeName), (r.forceQuirks = !0), (this.state = U.BOGUS_DOCTYPE), this._stateBogusDoctype(t)) } } _stateAfterDoctypePublicKeyword(t) { const r = this.currentToken switch (t) { case B.SPACE: case B.LINE_FEED: case B.TABULATION: case B.FORM_FEED: { this.state = U.BEFORE_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER break } case B.QUOTATION_MARK: { this._err(J.missingWhitespaceAfterDoctypePublicKeyword), (r.publicId = ''), (this.state = U.DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_DOUBLE_QUOTED) break } case B.APOSTROPHE: { this._err(J.missingWhitespaceAfterDoctypePublicKeyword), (r.publicId = ''), (this.state = U.DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_SINGLE_QUOTED) break } case B.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: { this._err(J.missingDoctypePublicIdentifier), (r.forceQuirks = !0), (this.state = U.DATA), this.emitCurrentDoctype(r) break } case B.EOF: { this._err(J.eofInDoctype), (r.forceQuirks = !0), this.emitCurrentDoctype(r), this._emitEOFToken() break } default: this._err(J.missingQuoteBeforeDoctypePublicIdentifier), (r.forceQuirks = !0), (this.state = U.BOGUS_DOCTYPE), this._stateBogusDoctype(t) } } _stateBeforeDoctypePublicIdentifier(t) { const r = this.currentToken switch (t) { case B.SPACE: case B.LINE_FEED: case B.TABULATION: case B.FORM_FEED: break case B.QUOTATION_MARK: { ;(r.publicId = ''), (this.state = U.DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_DOUBLE_QUOTED) break } case B.APOSTROPHE: { ;(r.publicId = ''), (this.state = U.DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER_SINGLE_QUOTED) break } case B.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: { this._err(J.missingDoctypePublicIdentifier), (r.forceQuirks = !0), (this.state = U.DATA), this.emitCurrentDoctype(r) break } case B.EOF: { this._err(J.eofInDoctype), (r.forceQuirks = !0), this.emitCurrentDoctype(r), this._emitEOFToken() break } default: this._err(J.missingQuoteBeforeDoctypePublicIdentifier), (r.forceQuirks = !0), (this.state = U.BOGUS_DOCTYPE), this._stateBogusDoctype(t) } } _stateDoctypePublicIdentifierDoubleQuoted(t) { const r = this.currentToken switch (t) { case B.QUOTATION_MARK: { this.state = U.AFTER_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER break } case B.NULL: { this._err(J.unexpectedNullCharacter), (r.publicId += je) break } case B.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: { this._err(J.abruptDoctypePublicIdentifier), (r.forceQuirks = !0), this.emitCurrentDoctype(r), (this.state = U.DATA) break } case B.EOF: { this._err(J.eofInDoctype), (r.forceQuirks = !0), this.emitCurrentDoctype(r), this._emitEOFToken() break } default: r.publicId += String.fromCodePoint(t) } } _stateDoctypePublicIdentifierSingleQuoted(t) { const r = this.currentToken switch (t) { case B.APOSTROPHE: { this.state = U.AFTER_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_IDENTIFIER break } case B.NULL: { this._err(J.unexpectedNullCharacter), (r.publicId += je) break } case B.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: { this._err(J.abruptDoctypePublicIdentifier), (r.forceQuirks = !0), this.emitCurrentDoctype(r), (this.state = U.DATA) break } case B.EOF: { this._err(J.eofInDoctype), (r.forceQuirks = !0), this.emitCurrentDoctype(r), this._emitEOFToken() break } default: r.publicId += String.fromCodePoint(t) } } _stateAfterDoctypePublicIdentifier(t) { const r = this.currentToken switch (t) { case B.SPACE: case B.LINE_FEED: case B.TABULATION: case B.FORM_FEED: { this.state = U.BETWEEN_DOCTYPE_PUBLIC_AND_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIERS break } case B.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: { ;(this.state = U.DATA), this.emitCurrentDoctype(r) break } case B.QUOTATION_MARK: { this._err(J.missingWhitespaceBetweenDoctypePublicAndSystemIdentifiers), (r.systemId = ''), (this.state = U.DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_DOUBLE_QUOTED) break } case B.APOSTROPHE: { this._err(J.missingWhitespaceBetweenDoctypePublicAndSystemIdentifiers), (r.systemId = ''), (this.state = U.DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_SINGLE_QUOTED) break } case B.EOF: { this._err(J.eofInDoctype), (r.forceQuirks = !0), this.emitCurrentDoctype(r), this._emitEOFToken() break } default: this._err(J.missingQuoteBeforeDoctypeSystemIdentifier), (r.forceQuirks = !0), (this.state = U.BOGUS_DOCTYPE), this._stateBogusDoctype(t) } } _stateBetweenDoctypePublicAndSystemIdentifiers(t) { const r = this.currentToken switch (t) { case B.SPACE: case B.LINE_FEED: case B.TABULATION: case B.FORM_FEED: break case B.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: { this.emitCurrentDoctype(r), (this.state = U.DATA) break } case B.QUOTATION_MARK: { ;(r.systemId = ''), (this.state = U.DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_DOUBLE_QUOTED) break } case B.APOSTROPHE: { ;(r.systemId = ''), (this.state = U.DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_SINGLE_QUOTED) break } case B.EOF: { this._err(J.eofInDoctype), (r.forceQuirks = !0), this.emitCurrentDoctype(r), this._emitEOFToken() break } default: this._err(J.missingQuoteBeforeDoctypeSystemIdentifier), (r.forceQuirks = !0), (this.state = U.BOGUS_DOCTYPE), this._stateBogusDoctype(t) } } _stateAfterDoctypeSystemKeyword(t) { const r = this.currentToken switch (t) { case B.SPACE: case B.LINE_FEED: case B.TABULATION: case B.FORM_FEED: { this.state = U.BEFORE_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER break } case B.QUOTATION_MARK: { this._err(J.missingWhitespaceAfterDoctypeSystemKeyword), (r.systemId = ''), (this.state = U.DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_DOUBLE_QUOTED) break } case B.APOSTROPHE: { this._err(J.missingWhitespaceAfterDoctypeSystemKeyword), (r.systemId = ''), (this.state = U.DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_SINGLE_QUOTED) break } case B.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: { this._err(J.missingDoctypeSystemIdentifier), (r.forceQuirks = !0), (this.state = U.DATA), this.emitCurrentDoctype(r) break } case B.EOF: { this._err(J.eofInDoctype), (r.forceQuirks = !0), this.emitCurrentDoctype(r), this._emitEOFToken() break } default: this._err(J.missingQuoteBeforeDoctypeSystemIdentifier), (r.forceQuirks = !0), (this.state = U.BOGUS_DOCTYPE), this._stateBogusDoctype(t) } } _stateBeforeDoctypeSystemIdentifier(t) { const r = this.currentToken switch (t) { case B.SPACE: case B.LINE_FEED: case B.TABULATION: case B.FORM_FEED: break case B.QUOTATION_MARK: { ;(r.systemId = ''), (this.state = U.DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_DOUBLE_QUOTED) break } case B.APOSTROPHE: { ;(r.systemId = ''), (this.state = U.DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER_SINGLE_QUOTED) break } case B.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: { this._err(J.missingDoctypeSystemIdentifier), (r.forceQuirks = !0), (this.state = U.DATA), this.emitCurrentDoctype(r) break } case B.EOF: { this._err(J.eofInDoctype), (r.forceQuirks = !0), this.emitCurrentDoctype(r), this._emitEOFToken() break } default: this._err(J.missingQuoteBeforeDoctypeSystemIdentifier), (r.forceQuirks = !0), (this.state = U.BOGUS_DOCTYPE), this._stateBogusDoctype(t) } } _stateDoctypeSystemIdentifierDoubleQuoted(t) { const r = this.currentToken switch (t) { case B.QUOTATION_MARK: { this.state = U.AFTER_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER break } case B.NULL: { this._err(J.unexpectedNullCharacter), (r.systemId += je) break } case B.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: { this._err(J.abruptDoctypeSystemIdentifier), (r.forceQuirks = !0), this.emitCurrentDoctype(r), (this.state = U.DATA) break } case B.EOF: { this._err(J.eofInDoctype), (r.forceQuirks = !0), this.emitCurrentDoctype(r), this._emitEOFToken() break } default: r.systemId += String.fromCodePoint(t) } } _stateDoctypeSystemIdentifierSingleQuoted(t) { const r = this.currentToken switch (t) { case B.APOSTROPHE: { this.state = U.AFTER_DOCTYPE_SYSTEM_IDENTIFIER break } case B.NULL: { this._err(J.unexpectedNullCharacter), (r.systemId += je) break } case B.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: { this._err(J.abruptDoctypeSystemIdentifier), (r.forceQuirks = !0), this.emitCurrentDoctype(r), (this.state = U.DATA) break } case B.EOF: { this._err(J.eofInDoctype), (r.forceQuirks = !0), this.emitCurrentDoctype(r), this._emitEOFToken() break } default: r.systemId += String.fromCodePoint(t) } } _stateAfterDoctypeSystemIdentifier(t) { const r = this.currentToken switch (t) { case B.SPACE: case B.LINE_FEED: case B.TABULATION: case B.FORM_FEED: break case B.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: { this.emitCurrentDoctype(r), (this.state = U.DATA) break } case B.EOF: { this._err(J.eofInDoctype), (r.forceQuirks = !0), this.emitCurrentDoctype(r), this._emitEOFToken() break } default: this._err(J.unexpectedCharacterAfterDoctypeSystemIdentifier), (this.state = U.BOGUS_DOCTYPE), this._stateBogusDoctype(t) } } _stateBogusDoctype(t) { const r = this.currentToken switch (t) { case B.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: { this.emitCurrentDoctype(r), (this.state = U.DATA) break } case B.NULL: { this._err(J.unexpectedNullCharacter) break } case B.EOF: { this.emitCurrentDoctype(r), this._emitEOFToken() break } } } _stateCdataSection(t) { switch (t) { case B.RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET: { this.state = U.CDATA_SECTION_BRACKET break } case B.EOF: { this._err(J.eofInCdata), this._emitEOFToken() break } default: this._emitCodePoint(t) } } _stateCdataSectionBracket(t) { t === B.RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET ? (this.state = U.CDATA_SECTION_END) : (this._emitChars(']'), (this.state = U.CDATA_SECTION), this._stateCdataSection(t)) } _stateCdataSectionEnd(t) { switch (t) { case B.GREATER_THAN_SIGN: { this.state = U.DATA break } case B.RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET: { this._emitChars(']') break } default: this._emitChars(']]'), (this.state = U.CDATA_SECTION), this._stateCdataSection(t) } } _stateCharacterReference(t) { t === B.NUMBER_SIGN ? (this.state = U.NUMERIC_CHARACTER_REFERENCE) : Bc(t) ? ((this.state = U.NAMED_CHARACTER_REFERENCE), this._stateNamedCharacterReference(t)) : (this._flushCodePointConsumedAsCharacterReference(B.AMPERSAND), this._reconsumeInState(this.returnState, t)) } _stateNamedCharacterReference(t) { const r = this._matchNamedCharacterReference(t) if (!this._ensureHibernation()) if (r) { for (let i = 0; i < r.length; i++) this._flushCodePointConsumedAsCharacterReference(r[i]) this.state = this.returnState } else this._flushCodePointConsumedAsCharacterReference(B.AMPERSAND), (this.state = U.AMBIGUOUS_AMPERSAND) } _stateAmbiguousAmpersand(t) { Bc(t) ? this._flushCodePointConsumedAsCharacterReference(t) : (t === B.SEMICOLON && this._err(J.unknownNamedCharacterReference), this._reconsumeInState(this.returnState, t)) } _stateNumericCharacterReference(t) { ;(this.charRefCode = 0), t === B.LATIN_SMALL_X || t === B.LATIN_CAPITAL_X ? (this.state = U.HEXADEMICAL_CHARACTER_REFERENCE_START) : ys(t) ? ((this.state = U.DECIMAL_CHARACTER_REFERENCE), this._stateDecimalCharacterReference(t)) : (this._err(J.absenceOfDigitsInNumericCharacterReference), this._flushCodePointConsumedAsCharacterReference(B.AMPERSAND), this._flushCodePointConsumedAsCharacterReference(B.NUMBER_SIGN), this._reconsumeInState(this.returnState, t)) } _stateHexademicalCharacterReferenceStart(t) { dk(t) ? ((this.state = U.HEXADEMICAL_CHARACTER_REFERENCE), this._stateHexademicalCharacterReference(t)) : (this._err(J.absenceOfDigitsInNumericCharacterReference), this._flushCodePointConsumedAsCharacterReference(B.AMPERSAND), this._flushCodePointConsumedAsCharacterReference(B.NUMBER_SIGN), this._unconsume(2), (this.state = this.returnState)) } _stateHexademicalCharacterReference(t) { rb(t) ? (this.charRefCode = this.charRefCode * 16 + t - 55) : ib(t) ? (this.charRefCode = this.charRefCode * 16 + t - 87) : ys(t) ? (this.charRefCode = this.charRefCode * 16 + t - 48) : t === B.SEMICOLON ? (this.state = U.NUMERIC_CHARACTER_REFERENCE_END) : (this._err(J.missingSemicolonAfterCharacterReference), (this.state = U.NUMERIC_CHARACTER_REFERENCE_END), this._stateNumericCharacterReferenceEnd(t)) } _stateDecimalCharacterReference(t) { ys(t) ? (this.charRefCode = this.charRefCode * 10 + t - 48) : t === B.SEMICOLON ? (this.state = U.NUMERIC_CHARACTER_REFERENCE_END) : (this._err(J.missingSemicolonAfterCharacterReference), (this.state = U.NUMERIC_CHARACTER_REFERENCE_END), this._stateNumericCharacterReferenceEnd(t)) } _stateNumericCharacterReferenceEnd(t) { if (this.charRefCode === B.NULL) this._err(J.nullCharacterReference), (this.charRefCode = B.REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER) else if (this.charRefCode > 1114111) this._err(J.characterReferenceOutsideUnicodeRange), (this.charRefCode = B.REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER) else if (W1(this.charRefCode)) this._err(J.surrogateCharacterReference), (this.charRefCode = B.REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER) else if (K1(this.charRefCode)) this._err(J.noncharacterCharacterReference) else if (Q1(this.charRefCode) || this.charRefCode === B.CARRIAGE_RETURN) { this._err(J.controlCharacterReference) const r = hk.get(this.charRefCode) r !== void 0 && (this.charRefCode = r) } this._flushCodePointConsumedAsCharacterReference(this.charRefCode), this._reconsumeInState(this.returnState, t) } } const sb = new Set([d.DD, d.DT, d.LI, d.OPTGROUP, d.OPTION, d.P, d.RB, d.RP, d.RT, d.RTC]), zm = new Set([, d.CAPTION, d.COLGROUP, d.TBODY, d.TD, d.TFOOT, d.TH, d.THEAD, d.TR]), Ha = new Map([ [d.APPLET, ee.HTML], [d.CAPTION, ee.HTML], [d.HTML, ee.HTML], [d.MARQUEE, ee.HTML], [d.OBJECT, ee.HTML], [d.TABLE, ee.HTML], [d.TD, ee.HTML], [d.TEMPLATE, ee.HTML], [d.TH, ee.HTML], [d.ANNOTATION_XML, ee.MATHML], [d.MI, ee.MATHML], [d.MN, ee.MATHML], [d.MO, ee.MATHML], [d.MS, ee.MATHML], [d.MTEXT, ee.MATHML], [d.DESC, ee.SVG], [d.FOREIGN_OBJECT, ee.SVG], [d.TITLE, ee.SVG], ]), yk = [d.H1, d.H2, d.H3, d.H4, d.H5, d.H6], _k = [d.TR, d.TEMPLATE, d.HTML], vk = [d.TBODY, d.TFOOT, d.THEAD, d.TEMPLATE, d.HTML], Ek = [d.TABLE, d.TEMPLATE, d.HTML], xk = [d.TD, d.TH] class Tk { get currentTmplContentOrNode() { return this._isInTemplate() ? this.treeAdapter.getTemplateContent(this.current) : this.current } constructor(t, r, i) { ;(this.treeAdapter = r), (this.handler = i), (this.items = []), (this.tagIDs = []), (this.stackTop = -1), (this.tmplCount = 0), (this.currentTagId = d.UNKNOWN), (this.current = t) } _indexOf(t) { return this.items.lastIndexOf(t, this.stackTop) } _isInTemplate() { return ( this.currentTagId === d.TEMPLATE && this.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(this.current) === ee.HTML ) } _updateCurrentElement() { ;(this.current = this.items[this.stackTop]), (this.currentTagId = this.tagIDs[this.stackTop]) } push(t, r) { this.stackTop++, (this.items[this.stackTop] = t), (this.current = t), (this.tagIDs[this.stackTop] = r), (this.currentTagId = r), this._isInTemplate() && this.tmplCount++, this.handler.onItemPush(t, r, !0) } pop() { const t = this.current this.tmplCount > 0 && this._isInTemplate() && this.tmplCount--, this.stackTop--, this._updateCurrentElement(), this.handler.onItemPop(t, !0) } replace(t, r) { const i = this._indexOf(t) ;(this.items[i] = r), i === this.stackTop && (this.current = r) } insertAfter(t, r, i) { const n = this._indexOf(t) + 1 this.items.splice(n, 0, r), this.tagIDs.splice(n, 0, i), this.stackTop++, n === this.stackTop && this._updateCurrentElement(), this.handler.onItemPush(this.current, this.currentTagId, n === this.stackTop) } popUntilTagNamePopped(t) { let r = this.stackTop + 1 do r = this.tagIDs.lastIndexOf(t, r - 1) while (r > 0 && this.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(this.items[r]) !== ee.HTML) this.shortenToLength(r < 0 ? 0 : r) } shortenToLength(t) { for (; this.stackTop >= t; ) { const r = this.current this.tmplCount > 0 && this._isInTemplate() && (this.tmplCount -= 1), this.stackTop--, this._updateCurrentElement(), this.handler.onItemPop(r, this.stackTop < t) } } popUntilElementPopped(t) { const r = this._indexOf(t) this.shortenToLength(r < 0 ? 0 : r) } popUntilPopped(t, r) { const i = this._indexOfTagNames(t, r) this.shortenToLength(i < 0 ? 0 : i) } popUntilNumberedHeaderPopped() { this.popUntilPopped(yk, ee.HTML) } popUntilTableCellPopped() { this.popUntilPopped(xk, ee.HTML) } popAllUpToHtmlElement() { ;(this.tmplCount = 0), this.shortenToLength(1) } _indexOfTagNames(t, r) { for (let i = this.stackTop; i >= 0; i--) if (t.includes(this.tagIDs[i]) && this.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(this.items[i]) === r) return i return -1 } clearBackTo(t, r) { const i = this._indexOfTagNames(t, r) this.shortenToLength(i + 1) } clearBackToTableContext() { this.clearBackTo(Ek, ee.HTML) } clearBackToTableBodyContext() { this.clearBackTo(vk, ee.HTML) } clearBackToTableRowContext() { this.clearBackTo(_k, ee.HTML) } remove(t) { const r = this._indexOf(t) r >= 0 && (r === this.stackTop ? this.pop() : (this.items.splice(r, 1), this.tagIDs.splice(r, 1), this.stackTop--, this._updateCurrentElement(), this.handler.onItemPop(t, !1))) } tryPeekProperlyNestedBodyElement() { return this.stackTop >= 1 && this.tagIDs[1] === d.BODY ? this.items[1] : null } contains(t) { return this._indexOf(t) > -1 } getCommonAncestor(t) { const r = this._indexOf(t) - 1 return r >= 0 ? this.items[r] : null } isRootHtmlElementCurrent() { return this.stackTop === 0 && this.tagIDs[0] === d.HTML } hasInScope(t) { for (let r = this.stackTop; r >= 0; r--) { const i = this.tagIDs[r], n = this.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(this.items[r]) if (i === t && n === ee.HTML) return !0 if (Ha.get(i) === n) return !1 } return !0 } hasNumberedHeaderInScope() { for (let t = this.stackTop; t >= 0; t--) { const r = this.tagIDs[t], i = this.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(this.items[t]) if (tb(r) && i === ee.HTML) return !0 if (Ha.get(r) === i) return !1 } return !0 } hasInListItemScope(t) { for (let r = this.stackTop; r >= 0; r--) { const i = this.tagIDs[r], n = this.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(this.items[r]) if (i === t && n === ee.HTML) return !0 if (((i === d.UL || i === d.OL) && n === ee.HTML) || Ha.get(i) === n) return !1 } return !0 } hasInButtonScope(t) { for (let r = this.stackTop; r >= 0; r--) { const i = this.tagIDs[r], n = this.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(this.items[r]) if (i === t && n === ee.HTML) return !0 if ((i === d.BUTTON && n === ee.HTML) || Ha.get(i) === n) return !1 } return !0 } hasInTableScope(t) { for (let r = this.stackTop; r >= 0; r--) { const i = this.tagIDs[r] if (this.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(this.items[r]) === ee.HTML) { if (i === t) return !0 if (i === d.TABLE || i === d.TEMPLATE || i === d.HTML) return !1 } } return !0 } hasTableBodyContextInTableScope() { for (let t = this.stackTop; t >= 0; t--) { const r = this.tagIDs[t] if (this.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(this.items[t]) === ee.HTML) { if (r === d.TBODY || r === d.THEAD || r === d.TFOOT) return !0 if (r === d.TABLE || r === d.HTML) return !1 } } return !0 } hasInSelectScope(t) { for (let r = this.stackTop; r >= 0; r--) { const i = this.tagIDs[r] if (this.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(this.items[r]) === ee.HTML) { if (i === t) return !0 if (i !== d.OPTION && i !== d.OPTGROUP) return !1 } } return !0 } generateImpliedEndTags() { for (; sb.has(this.currentTagId); ) this.pop() } generateImpliedEndTagsThoroughly() { for (; zm.has(this.currentTagId); ) this.pop() } generateImpliedEndTagsWithExclusion(t) { for (; this.currentTagId !== t && zm.has(this.currentTagId); ) this.pop() } } const _l = 3 var rr ;(function (e) { ;(e[(e.Marker = 0)] = 'Marker'), (e[(e.Element = 1)] = 'Element') })((rr = rr || (rr = {}))) const jm = { type: rr.Marker } class Ak { constructor(t) { ;(this.treeAdapter = t), (this.entries = []), (this.bookmark = null) } _getNoahArkConditionCandidates(t, r) { const i = [], n = r.length, s = this.treeAdapter.getTagName(t), a = this.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(t) for (let o = 0; o < this.entries.length; o++) { const u = this.entries[o] if (u.type === rr.Marker) break const { element: c } = u if (this.treeAdapter.getTagName(c) === s && this.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(c) === a) { const f = this.treeAdapter.getAttrList(c) f.length === n && i.push({ idx: o, attrs: f }) } } return i } _ensureNoahArkCondition(t) { if (this.entries.length < _l) return const r = this.treeAdapter.getAttrList(t), i = this._getNoahArkConditionCandidates(t, r) if (i.length < _l) return const n = new Map( => [, a.value])) let s = 0 for (let a = 0; a < i.length; a++) { const o = i[a] o.attrs.every((u) => n.get( === u.value) && ((s += 1), s >= _l && this.entries.splice(o.idx, 1)) } } insertMarker() { this.entries.unshift(jm) } pushElement(t, r) { this._ensureNoahArkCondition(t), this.entries.unshift({ type: rr.Element, element: t, token: r }) } insertElementAfterBookmark(t, r) { const i = this.entries.indexOf(this.bookmark) this.entries.splice(i, 0, { type: rr.Element, element: t, token: r }) } removeEntry(t) { const r = this.entries.indexOf(t) r >= 0 && this.entries.splice(r, 1) } clearToLastMarker() { const t = this.entries.indexOf(jm) t >= 0 ? this.entries.splice(0, t + 1) : (this.entries.length = 0) } getElementEntryInScopeWithTagName(t) { const r = this.entries.find( (i) => i.type === rr.Marker || this.treeAdapter.getTagName(i.element) === t ) return r && r.type === rr.Element ? r : null } getElementEntry(t) { return this.entries.find((r) => r.type === rr.Element && r.element === t) } } function qm(e) { return { nodeName: '#text', value: e, parentNode: null } } const Ki = { createDocument() { return { nodeName: '#document', mode: Rt.NO_QUIRKS, childNodes: [] } }, createDocumentFragment() { return { nodeName: '#document-fragment', childNodes: [] } }, createElement(e, t, r) { return { nodeName: e, tagName: e, attrs: r, namespaceURI: t, childNodes: [], parentNode: null, } }, createCommentNode(e) { return { nodeName: '#comment', data: e, parentNode: null } }, appendChild(e, t) { e.childNodes.push(t), (t.parentNode = e) }, insertBefore(e, t, r) { const i = e.childNodes.indexOf(r) e.childNodes.splice(i, 0, t), (t.parentNode = e) }, setTemplateContent(e, t) { e.content = t }, getTemplateContent(e) { return e.content }, setDocumentType(e, t, r, i) { const n = e.childNodes.find((s) => s.nodeName === '#documentType') if (n) ( = t), (n.publicId = r), (n.systemId = i) else { const s = { nodeName: '#documentType', name: t, publicId: r, systemId: i, parentNode: null } Ki.appendChild(e, s) } }, setDocumentMode(e, t) { e.mode = t }, getDocumentMode(e) { return e.mode }, detachNode(e) { if (e.parentNode) { const t = e.parentNode.childNodes.indexOf(e) e.parentNode.childNodes.splice(t, 1), (e.parentNode = null) } }, insertText(e, t) { if (e.childNodes.length > 0) { const r = e.childNodes[e.childNodes.length - 1] if (Ki.isTextNode(r)) { r.value += t return } } Ki.appendChild(e, qm(t)) }, insertTextBefore(e, t, r) { const i = e.childNodes[e.childNodes.indexOf(r) - 1] i && Ki.isTextNode(i) ? (i.value += t) : Ki.insertBefore(e, qm(t), r) }, adoptAttributes(e, t) { const r = new Set( => for (let i = 0; i < t.length; i++) r.has(t[i].name) || e.attrs.push(t[i]) }, getFirstChild(e) { return e.childNodes[0] }, getChildNodes(e) { return e.childNodes }, getParentNode(e) { return e.parentNode }, getAttrList(e) { return e.attrs }, getTagName(e) { return e.tagName }, getNamespaceURI(e) { return e.namespaceURI }, getTextNodeContent(e) { return e.value }, getCommentNodeContent(e) { return }, getDocumentTypeNodeName(e) { return }, getDocumentTypeNodePublicId(e) { return e.publicId }, getDocumentTypeNodeSystemId(e) { return e.systemId }, isTextNode(e) { return e.nodeName === '#text' }, isCommentNode(e) { return e.nodeName === '#comment' }, isDocumentTypeNode(e) { return e.nodeName === '#documentType' }, isElementNode(e) { return, 'tagName') }, setNodeSourceCodeLocation(e, t) { e.sourceCodeLocation = t }, getNodeSourceCodeLocation(e) { return e.sourceCodeLocation }, updateNodeSourceCodeLocation(e, t) { e.sourceCodeLocation = { ...e.sourceCodeLocation, ...t } }, }, ab = 'html', Sk = 'about:legacy-compat', Ck = '', ob = [ '+//silmaril//dtd html pro v0r11 19970101//', '-//as//dtd html 3.0 aswedit + extensions//', '-//advasoft ltd//dtd html 3.0 aswedit + extensions//', '-//ietf//dtd html 2.0 level 1//', '-//ietf//dtd html 2.0 level 2//', '-//ietf//dtd html 2.0 strict level 1//', '-//ietf//dtd html 2.0 strict level 2//', '-//ietf//dtd html 2.0 strict//', '-//ietf//dtd html 2.0//', '-//ietf//dtd html 2.1e//', '-//ietf//dtd html 3.0//', '-//ietf//dtd html 3.2 final//', '-//ietf//dtd html 3.2//', '-//ietf//dtd html 3//', '-//ietf//dtd html level 0//', '-//ietf//dtd html level 1//', '-//ietf//dtd html level 2//', '-//ietf//dtd html level 3//', '-//ietf//dtd html strict level 0//', '-//ietf//dtd html strict level 1//', '-//ietf//dtd html strict level 2//', '-//ietf//dtd html strict level 3//', '-//ietf//dtd html strict//', '-//ietf//dtd html//', '-//metrius//dtd metrius presentational//', '-//microsoft//dtd internet explorer 2.0 html strict//', '-//microsoft//dtd internet explorer 2.0 html//', '-//microsoft//dtd internet explorer 2.0 tables//', '-//microsoft//dtd internet explorer 3.0 html strict//', '-//microsoft//dtd internet explorer 3.0 html//', '-//microsoft//dtd internet explorer 3.0 tables//', '-//netscape comm. corp.//dtd html//', '-//netscape comm. corp.//dtd strict html//', "-//o'reilly and associates//dtd html 2.0//", "-//o'reilly and associates//dtd html extended 1.0//", "-//o'reilly and associates//dtd html extended relaxed 1.0//", '-//sq//dtd html 2.0 hotmetal + extensions//', '-//softquad software//dtd hotmetal pro 6.0::19990601::extensions to html 4.0//', '-//softquad//dtd hotmetal pro 4.0::19971010::extensions to html 4.0//', '-//spyglass//dtd html 2.0 extended//', '-//sun microsystems corp.//dtd hotjava html//', '-//sun microsystems corp.//dtd hotjava strict html//', '-//w3c//dtd html 3 1995-03-24//', '-//w3c//dtd html 3.2 draft//', '-//w3c//dtd html 3.2 final//', '-//w3c//dtd html 3.2//', '-//w3c//dtd html 3.2s draft//', '-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 frameset//', '-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//', '-//w3c//dtd html experimental 19960712//', '-//w3c//dtd html experimental 970421//', '-//w3c//dtd w3 html//', '-//w3o//dtd w3 html 3.0//', '-//webtechs//dtd mozilla html 2.0//', '-//webtechs//dtd mozilla html//', ], kk = [...ob, '-//w3c//dtd html 4.01 frameset//', '-//w3c//dtd html 4.01 transitional//'], wk = new Set([ '-//w3o//dtd w3 html strict 3.0//en//', '-/w3c/dtd html 4.0 transitional/en', 'html', ]), ub = ['-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 frameset//', '-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transitional//'], Nk = [...ub, '-//w3c//dtd html 4.01 frameset//', '-//w3c//dtd html 4.01 transitional//'] function $m(e, t) { return t.some((r) => e.startsWith(r)) } function Ok(e) { return === ab && e.publicId === null && (e.systemId === null || e.systemId === Sk) } function Ik(e) { if ( !== ab) return Rt.QUIRKS const { systemId: t } = e if (t && t.toLowerCase() === Ck) return Rt.QUIRKS let { publicId: r } = e if (r !== null) { if (((r = r.toLowerCase()), wk.has(r))) return Rt.QUIRKS let i = t === null ? kk : ob if ($m(r, i)) return Rt.QUIRKS if (((i = t === null ? ub : Nk), $m(r, i))) return Rt.LIMITED_QUIRKS } return Rt.NO_QUIRKS } const Vm = { TEXT_HTML: 'text/html', APPLICATION_XML: 'application/xhtml+xml' }, Dk = 'definitionurl', Rk = 'definitionURL', Lk = new Map( [ 'attributeName', 'attributeType', 'baseFrequency', 'baseProfile', 'calcMode', 'clipPathUnits', 'diffuseConstant', 'edgeMode', 'filterUnits', 'glyphRef', 'gradientTransform', 'gradientUnits', 'kernelMatrix', 'kernelUnitLength', 'keyPoints', 'keySplines', 'keyTimes', 'lengthAdjust', 'limitingConeAngle', 'markerHeight', 'markerUnits', 'markerWidth', 'maskContentUnits', 'maskUnits', 'numOctaves', 'pathLength', 'patternContentUnits', 'patternTransform', 'patternUnits', 'pointsAtX', 'pointsAtY', 'pointsAtZ', 'preserveAlpha', 'preserveAspectRatio', 'primitiveUnits', 'refX', 'refY', 'repeatCount', 'repeatDur', 'requiredExtensions', 'requiredFeatures', 'specularConstant', 'specularExponent', 'spreadMethod', 'startOffset', 'stdDeviation', 'stitchTiles', 'surfaceScale', 'systemLanguage', 'tableValues', 'targetX', 'targetY', 'textLength', 'viewBox', 'viewTarget', 'xChannelSelector', 'yChannelSelector', 'zoomAndPan', ].map((e) => [e.toLowerCase(), e]) ), Pk = new Map([ ['xlink:actuate', { prefix: 'xlink', name: 'actuate', namespace: ee.XLINK }], ['xlink:arcrole', { prefix: 'xlink', name: 'arcrole', namespace: ee.XLINK }], ['xlink:href', { prefix: 'xlink', name: 'href', namespace: ee.XLINK }], ['xlink:role', { prefix: 'xlink', name: 'role', namespace: ee.XLINK }], ['xlink:show', { prefix: 'xlink', name: 'show', namespace: ee.XLINK }], ['xlink:title', { prefix: 'xlink', name: 'title', namespace: ee.XLINK }], ['xlink:type', { prefix: 'xlink', name: 'type', namespace: ee.XLINK }], ['xml:base', { prefix: 'xml', name: 'base', namespace: ee.XML }], ['xml:lang', { prefix: 'xml', name: 'lang', namespace: ee.XML }], ['xml:space', { prefix: 'xml', name: 'space', namespace: ee.XML }], ['xmlns', { prefix: '', name: 'xmlns', namespace: ee.XMLNS }], ['xmlns:xlink', { prefix: 'xmlns', name: 'xlink', namespace: ee.XMLNS }], ]), Bk = new Map( [ 'altGlyph', 'altGlyphDef', 'altGlyphItem', 'animateColor', 'animateMotion', 'animateTransform', 'clipPath', 'feBlend', 'feColorMatrix', 'feComponentTransfer', 'feComposite', 'feConvolveMatrix', 'feDiffuseLighting', 'feDisplacementMap', 'feDistantLight', 'feFlood', 'feFuncA', 'feFuncB', 'feFuncG', 'feFuncR', 'feGaussianBlur', 'feImage', 'feMerge', 'feMergeNode', 'feMorphology', 'feOffset', 'fePointLight', 'feSpecularLighting', 'feSpotLight', 'feTile', 'feTurbulence', 'foreignObject', 'glyphRef', 'linearGradient', 'radialGradient', 'textPath', ].map((e) => [e.toLowerCase(), e]) ), Fk = new Set([ d.B, d.BIG, d.BLOCKQUOTE, d.BODY, d.BR, d.CENTER, d.CODE, d.DD, d.DIV, d.DL, d.DT, d.EM, d.EMBED, d.H1, d.H2, d.H3, d.H4, d.H5, d.H6, d.HEAD, d.HR, d.I, d.IMG, d.LI, d.LISTING, d.MENU, d.META, d.NOBR, d.OL, d.P, d.PRE, d.RUBY, d.S, d.SMALL, d.SPAN, d.STRONG, d.STRIKE, d.SUB, d.SUP, d.TABLE, d.TT, d.U, d.UL, d.VAR, ]) function Mk(e) { const t = e.tagID return ( (t === d.FONT && e.attrs.some(({ name: i }) => i === si.COLOR || i === si.SIZE || i === si.FACE)) || Fk.has(t) ) } function lb(e) { for (let t = 0; t < e.attrs.length; t++) if (e.attrs[t].name === Dk) { e.attrs[t].name = Rk break } } function cb(e) { for (let t = 0; t < e.attrs.length; t++) { const r = Lk.get(e.attrs[t].name) r != null && (e.attrs[t].name = r) } } function dp(e) { for (let t = 0; t < e.attrs.length; t++) { const r = Pk.get(e.attrs[t].name) r && ((e.attrs[t].prefix = r.prefix), (e.attrs[t].name =, (e.attrs[t].namespace = r.namespace)) } } function Uk(e) { const t = Bk.get(e.tagName) t != null && ((e.tagName = t), (e.tagID = pu(e.tagName))) } function Hk(e, t) { return t === ee.MATHML && (e === d.MI || e === d.MO || e === d.MN || e === d.MS || e === d.MTEXT) } function zk(e, t, r) { if (t === ee.MATHML && e === d.ANNOTATION_XML) { for (let i = 0; i < r.length; i++) if (r[i].name === si.ENCODING) { const n = r[i].value.toLowerCase() return n === Vm.TEXT_HTML || n === Vm.APPLICATION_XML } } return t === ee.SVG && (e === d.FOREIGN_OBJECT || e === d.DESC || e === d.TITLE) } function jk(e, t, r, i) { return ((!i || i === ee.HTML) && zk(e, t, r)) || ((!i || i === ee.MATHML) && Hk(e, t)) } const qk = 'hidden', $k = 8, Vk = 3 var G ;(function (e) { ;(e[(e.INITIAL = 0)] = 'INITIAL'), (e[(e.BEFORE_HTML = 1)] = 'BEFORE_HTML'), (e[(e.BEFORE_HEAD = 2)] = 'BEFORE_HEAD'), (e[(e.IN_HEAD = 3)] = 'IN_HEAD'), (e[(e.IN_HEAD_NO_SCRIPT = 4)] = 'IN_HEAD_NO_SCRIPT'), (e[(e.AFTER_HEAD = 5)] = 'AFTER_HEAD'), (e[(e.IN_BODY = 6)] = 'IN_BODY'), (e[(e.TEXT = 7)] = 'TEXT'), (e[(e.IN_TABLE = 8)] = 'IN_TABLE'), (e[(e.IN_TABLE_TEXT = 9)] = 'IN_TABLE_TEXT'), (e[(e.IN_CAPTION = 10)] = 'IN_CAPTION'), (e[(e.IN_COLUMN_GROUP = 11)] = 'IN_COLUMN_GROUP'), (e[(e.IN_TABLE_BODY = 12)] = 'IN_TABLE_BODY'), (e[(e.IN_ROW = 13)] = 'IN_ROW'), (e[(e.IN_CELL = 14)] = 'IN_CELL'), (e[(e.IN_SELECT = 15)] = 'IN_SELECT'), (e[(e.IN_SELECT_IN_TABLE = 16)] = 'IN_SELECT_IN_TABLE'), (e[(e.IN_TEMPLATE = 17)] = 'IN_TEMPLATE'), (e[(e.AFTER_BODY = 18)] = 'AFTER_BODY'), (e[(e.IN_FRAMESET = 19)] = 'IN_FRAMESET'), (e[(e.AFTER_FRAMESET = 20)] = 'AFTER_FRAMESET'), (e[(e.AFTER_AFTER_BODY = 21)] = 'AFTER_AFTER_BODY'), (e[(e.AFTER_AFTER_FRAMESET = 22)] = 'AFTER_AFTER_FRAMESET') })(G || (G = {})) const Gk = { startLine: -1, startCol: -1, startOffset: -1, endLine: -1, endCol: -1, endOffset: -1 }, fb = new Set([d.TABLE, d.TBODY, d.TFOOT, d.THEAD, d.TR]), Gm = { scriptingEnabled: !0, sourceCodeLocationInfo: !1, treeAdapter: Ki, onParseError: null } class Xk { constructor(t, r, i = null, n = null) { ;(this.fragmentContext = i), (this.scriptHandler = n), (this.currentToken = null), (this.stopped = !1), (this.insertionMode = G.INITIAL), (this.originalInsertionMode = G.INITIAL), (this.headElement = null), (this.formElement = null), (this.currentNotInHTML = !1), (this.tmplInsertionModeStack = []), (this.pendingCharacterTokens = []), (this.hasNonWhitespacePendingCharacterToken = !1), (this.framesetOk = !0), (this.skipNextNewLine = !1), (this.fosterParentingEnabled = !1), (this.options = { ...Gm, ...t }), (this.treeAdapter = this.options.treeAdapter), (this.onParseError = this.options.onParseError), this.onParseError && (this.options.sourceCodeLocationInfo = !0), (this.document = r ?? this.treeAdapter.createDocument()), (this.tokenizer = new bk(this.options, this)), (this.activeFormattingElements = new Ak(this.treeAdapter)), (this.fragmentContextID = i ? pu(this.treeAdapter.getTagName(i)) : d.UNKNOWN), this._setContextModes(i ?? this.document, this.fragmentContextID), (this.openElements = new Tk(this.document, this.treeAdapter, this)) } static parse(t, r) { const i = new this(r) return i.tokenizer.write(t, !0), i.document } static getFragmentParser(t, r) { const i = { ...Gm, ...r } t ?? (t = i.treeAdapter.createElement(Q.TEMPLATE, ee.HTML, [])) const n = i.treeAdapter.createElement('documentmock', ee.HTML, []), s = new this(i, n, t) return ( s.fragmentContextID === d.TEMPLATE && s.tmplInsertionModeStack.unshift(G.IN_TEMPLATE), s._initTokenizerForFragmentParsing(), s._insertFakeRootElement(), s._resetInsertionMode(), s._findFormInFragmentContext(), s ) } getFragment() { const t = this.treeAdapter.getFirstChild(this.document), r = this.treeAdapter.createDocumentFragment() return this._adoptNodes(t, r), r } _err(t, r, i) { var n if (!this.onParseError) return const s = (n = t.location) !== null && n !== void 0 ? n : Gk, a = { code: r, startLine: s.startLine, startCol: s.startCol, startOffset: s.startOffset, endLine: i ? s.startLine : s.endLine, endCol: i ? s.startCol : s.endCol, endOffset: i ? s.startOffset : s.endOffset, } this.onParseError(a) } onItemPush(t, r, i) { var n, s ;(s = (n = this.treeAdapter).onItemPush) === null || s === void 0 ||, t), i && this.openElements.stackTop > 0 && this._setContextModes(t, r) } onItemPop(t, r) { var i, n if ( (this.options.sourceCodeLocationInfo && this._setEndLocation(t, this.currentToken), (n = (i = this.treeAdapter).onItemPop) === null || n === void 0 ||, t, this.openElements.current), r) ) { let s, a this.openElements.stackTop === 0 && this.fragmentContext ? ((s = this.fragmentContext), (a = this.fragmentContextID)) : ({ current: s, currentTagId: a } = this.openElements), this._setContextModes(s, a) } } _setContextModes(t, r) { const i = t === this.document || this.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(t) === ee.HTML ;(this.currentNotInHTML = !i), (this.tokenizer.inForeignNode = !i && !this._isIntegrationPoint(r, t)) } _switchToTextParsing(t, r) { this._insertElement(t, ee.HTML), (this.tokenizer.state = r), (this.originalInsertionMode = this.insertionMode), (this.insertionMode = G.TEXT) } switchToPlaintextParsing() { ;(this.insertionMode = G.TEXT), (this.originalInsertionMode = G.IN_BODY), (this.tokenizer.state = St.PLAINTEXT) } _getAdjustedCurrentElement() { return this.openElements.stackTop === 0 && this.fragmentContext ? this.fragmentContext : this.openElements.current } _findFormInFragmentContext() { let t = this.fragmentContext for (; t; ) { if (this.treeAdapter.getTagName(t) === Q.FORM) { this.formElement = t break } t = this.treeAdapter.getParentNode(t) } } _initTokenizerForFragmentParsing() { if ( !(!this.fragmentContext || this.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(this.fragmentContext) !== ee.HTML) ) switch (this.fragmentContextID) { case d.TITLE: case d.TEXTAREA: { this.tokenizer.state = St.RCDATA break } case d.STYLE: case d.XMP: case d.IFRAME: case d.NOEMBED: case d.NOFRAMES: case d.NOSCRIPT: { this.tokenizer.state = St.RAWTEXT break } case d.SCRIPT: { this.tokenizer.state = St.SCRIPT_DATA break } case d.PLAINTEXT: { this.tokenizer.state = St.PLAINTEXT break } } } _setDocumentType(t) { const r = || '', i = t.publicId || '', n = t.systemId || '' if ((this.treeAdapter.setDocumentType(this.document, r, i, n), t.location)) { const a = this.treeAdapter .getChildNodes(this.document) .find((o) => this.treeAdapter.isDocumentTypeNode(o)) a && this.treeAdapter.setNodeSourceCodeLocation(a, t.location) } } _attachElementToTree(t, r) { if (this.options.sourceCodeLocationInfo) { const i = r && { ...r, startTag: r } this.treeAdapter.setNodeSourceCodeLocation(t, i) } if (this._shouldFosterParentOnInsertion()) this._fosterParentElement(t) else { const i = this.openElements.currentTmplContentOrNode this.treeAdapter.appendChild(i, t) } } _appendElement(t, r) { const i = this.treeAdapter.createElement(t.tagName, r, t.attrs) this._attachElementToTree(i, t.location) } _insertElement(t, r) { const i = this.treeAdapter.createElement(t.tagName, r, t.attrs) this._attachElementToTree(i, t.location), this.openElements.push(i, t.tagID) } _insertFakeElement(t, r) { const i = this.treeAdapter.createElement(t, ee.HTML, []) this._attachElementToTree(i, null), this.openElements.push(i, r) } _insertTemplate(t) { const r = this.treeAdapter.createElement(t.tagName, ee.HTML, t.attrs), i = this.treeAdapter.createDocumentFragment() this.treeAdapter.setTemplateContent(r, i), this._attachElementToTree(r, t.location), this.openElements.push(r, t.tagID), this.options.sourceCodeLocationInfo && this.treeAdapter.setNodeSourceCodeLocation(i, null) } _insertFakeRootElement() { const t = this.treeAdapter.createElement(Q.HTML, ee.HTML, []) this.options.sourceCodeLocationInfo && this.treeAdapter.setNodeSourceCodeLocation(t, null), this.treeAdapter.appendChild(this.openElements.current, t), this.openElements.push(t, d.HTML) } _appendCommentNode(t, r) { const i = this.treeAdapter.createCommentNode( this.treeAdapter.appendChild(r, i), this.options.sourceCodeLocationInfo && this.treeAdapter.setNodeSourceCodeLocation(i, t.location) } _insertCharacters(t) { let r, i if ( (this._shouldFosterParentOnInsertion() ? (({ parent: r, beforeElement: i } = this._findFosterParentingLocation()), i ? this.treeAdapter.insertTextBefore(r, t.chars, i) : this.treeAdapter.insertText(r, t.chars)) : ((r = this.openElements.currentTmplContentOrNode), this.treeAdapter.insertText(r, t.chars)), !t.location) ) return const n = this.treeAdapter.getChildNodes(r), s = i ? n.lastIndexOf(i) : n.length, a = n[s - 1] if (this.treeAdapter.getNodeSourceCodeLocation(a)) { const { endLine: u, endCol: c, endOffset: f } = t.location this.treeAdapter.updateNodeSourceCodeLocation(a, { endLine: u, endCol: c, endOffset: f }) } else this.options.sourceCodeLocationInfo && this.treeAdapter.setNodeSourceCodeLocation(a, t.location) } _adoptNodes(t, r) { for (let i = this.treeAdapter.getFirstChild(t); i; i = this.treeAdapter.getFirstChild(t)) this.treeAdapter.detachNode(i), this.treeAdapter.appendChild(r, i) } _setEndLocation(t, r) { if (this.treeAdapter.getNodeSourceCodeLocation(t) && r.location) { const i = r.location, n = this.treeAdapter.getTagName(t), s = r.type === ke.END_TAG && n === r.tagName ? { endTag: { ...i }, endLine: i.endLine, endCol: i.endCol, endOffset: i.endOffset } : { endLine: i.startLine, endCol: i.startCol, endOffset: i.startOffset } this.treeAdapter.updateNodeSourceCodeLocation(t, s) } } shouldProcessStartTagTokenInForeignContent(t) { if (!this.currentNotInHTML) return !1 let r, i return ( this.openElements.stackTop === 0 && this.fragmentContext ? ((r = this.fragmentContext), (i = this.fragmentContextID)) : ({ current: r, currentTagId: i } = this.openElements), t.tagID === d.SVG && this.treeAdapter.getTagName(r) === Q.ANNOTATION_XML && this.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(r) === ee.MATHML ? !1 : this.tokenizer.inForeignNode || ((t.tagID === d.MGLYPH || t.tagID === d.MALIGNMARK) && !this._isIntegrationPoint(i, r, ee.HTML)) ) } _processToken(t) { switch (t.type) { case ke.CHARACTER: { this.onCharacter(t) break } case ke.NULL_CHARACTER: { this.onNullCharacter(t) break } case ke.COMMENT: { this.onComment(t) break } case ke.DOCTYPE: { this.onDoctype(t) break } case ke.START_TAG: { this._processStartTag(t) break } case ke.END_TAG: { this.onEndTag(t) break } case ke.EOF: { this.onEof(t) break } case ke.WHITESPACE_CHARACTER: { this.onWhitespaceCharacter(t) break } } } _isIntegrationPoint(t, r, i) { const n = this.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(r), s = this.treeAdapter.getAttrList(r) return jk(t, n, s, i) } _reconstructActiveFormattingElements() { const t = this.activeFormattingElements.entries.length if (t) { const r = this.activeFormattingElements.entries.findIndex( (n) => n.type === rr.Marker || this.openElements.contains(n.element) ), i = r < 0 ? t - 1 : r - 1 for (let n = i; n >= 0; n--) { const s = this.activeFormattingElements.entries[n] this._insertElement(s.token, this.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(s.element)), (s.element = this.openElements.current) } } } _closeTableCell() { this.openElements.generateImpliedEndTags(), this.openElements.popUntilTableCellPopped(), this.activeFormattingElements.clearToLastMarker(), (this.insertionMode = G.IN_ROW) } _closePElement() { this.openElements.generateImpliedEndTagsWithExclusion(d.P), this.openElements.popUntilTagNamePopped(d.P) } _resetInsertionMode() { for (let t = this.openElements.stackTop; t >= 0; t--) switch ( t === 0 && this.fragmentContext ? this.fragmentContextID : this.openElements.tagIDs[t] ) { case d.TR: { this.insertionMode = G.IN_ROW return } case d.TBODY: case d.THEAD: case d.TFOOT: { this.insertionMode = G.IN_TABLE_BODY return } case d.CAPTION: { this.insertionMode = G.IN_CAPTION return } case d.COLGROUP: { this.insertionMode = G.IN_COLUMN_GROUP return } case d.TABLE: { this.insertionMode = G.IN_TABLE return } case d.BODY: { this.insertionMode = G.IN_BODY return } case d.FRAMESET: { this.insertionMode = G.IN_FRAMESET return } case d.SELECT: { this._resetInsertionModeForSelect(t) return } case d.TEMPLATE: { this.insertionMode = this.tmplInsertionModeStack[0] return } case d.HTML: { this.insertionMode = this.headElement ? G.AFTER_HEAD : G.BEFORE_HEAD return } case d.TD: case d.TH: { if (t > 0) { this.insertionMode = G.IN_CELL return } break } case d.HEAD: { if (t > 0) { this.insertionMode = G.IN_HEAD return } break } } this.insertionMode = G.IN_BODY } _resetInsertionModeForSelect(t) { if (t > 0) for (let r = t - 1; r > 0; r--) { const i = this.openElements.tagIDs[r] if (i === d.TEMPLATE) break if (i === d.TABLE) { this.insertionMode = G.IN_SELECT_IN_TABLE return } } this.insertionMode = G.IN_SELECT } _isElementCausesFosterParenting(t) { return fb.has(t) } _shouldFosterParentOnInsertion() { return ( this.fosterParentingEnabled && this._isElementCausesFosterParenting(this.openElements.currentTagId) ) } _findFosterParentingLocation() { for (let t = this.openElements.stackTop; t >= 0; t--) { const r = this.openElements.items[t] switch (this.openElements.tagIDs[t]) { case d.TEMPLATE: { if (this.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(r) === ee.HTML) return { parent: this.treeAdapter.getTemplateContent(r), beforeElement: null } break } case d.TABLE: { const i = this.treeAdapter.getParentNode(r) return i ? { parent: i, beforeElement: r } : { parent: this.openElements.items[t - 1], beforeElement: null } } } } return { parent: this.openElements.items[0], beforeElement: null } } _fosterParentElement(t) { const r = this._findFosterParentingLocation() r.beforeElement ? this.treeAdapter.insertBefore(r.parent, t, r.beforeElement) : this.treeAdapter.appendChild(r.parent, t) } _isSpecialElement(t, r) { const i = this.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(t) return pk[i].has(r) } onCharacter(t) { if (((this.skipNextNewLine = !1), this.tokenizer.inForeignNode)) { TN(this, t) return } switch (this.insertionMode) { case G.INITIAL: { Qn(this, t) break } case G.BEFORE_HTML: { _s(this, t) break } case G.BEFORE_HEAD: { vs(this, t) break } case G.IN_HEAD: { Es(this, t) break } case G.IN_HEAD_NO_SCRIPT: { xs(this, t) break } case G.AFTER_HEAD: { Ts(this, t) break } case G.IN_BODY: case G.IN_CAPTION: case G.IN_CELL: case G.IN_TEMPLATE: { hb(this, t) break } case G.TEXT: case G.IN_SELECT: case G.IN_SELECT_IN_TABLE: { this._insertCharacters(t) break } case G.IN_TABLE: case G.IN_TABLE_BODY: case G.IN_ROW: { vl(this, t) break } case G.IN_TABLE_TEXT: { _b(this, t) break } case G.IN_COLUMN_GROUP: { Uo(this, t) break } case G.AFTER_BODY: { Ho(this, t) break } case G.AFTER_AFTER_BODY: { io(this, t) break } } } onNullCharacter(t) { if (((this.skipNextNewLine = !1), this.tokenizer.inForeignNode)) { xN(this, t) return } switch (this.insertionMode) { case G.INITIAL: { Qn(this, t) break } case G.BEFORE_HTML: { _s(this, t) break } case G.BEFORE_HEAD: { vs(this, t) break } case G.IN_HEAD: { Es(this, t) break } case G.IN_HEAD_NO_SCRIPT: { xs(this, t) break } case G.AFTER_HEAD: { Ts(this, t) break } case G.TEXT: { this._insertCharacters(t) break } case G.IN_TABLE: case G.IN_TABLE_BODY: case G.IN_ROW: { vl(this, t) break } case G.IN_COLUMN_GROUP: { Uo(this, t) break } case G.AFTER_BODY: { Ho(this, t) break } case G.AFTER_AFTER_BODY: { io(this, t) break } } } onComment(t) { if (((this.skipNextNewLine = !1), this.currentNotInHTML)) { Fc(this, t) return } switch (this.insertionMode) { case G.INITIAL: case G.BEFORE_HTML: case G.BEFORE_HEAD: case G.IN_HEAD: case G.IN_HEAD_NO_SCRIPT: case G.AFTER_HEAD: case G.IN_BODY: case G.IN_TABLE: case G.IN_CAPTION: case G.IN_COLUMN_GROUP: case G.IN_TABLE_BODY: case G.IN_ROW: case G.IN_CELL: case G.IN_SELECT: case G.IN_SELECT_IN_TABLE: case G.IN_TEMPLATE: case G.IN_FRAMESET: case G.AFTER_FRAMESET: { Fc(this, t) break } case G.IN_TABLE_TEXT: { Kn(this, t) break } case G.AFTER_BODY: { ew(this, t) break } case G.AFTER_AFTER_BODY: case G.AFTER_AFTER_FRAMESET: { tw(this, t) break } } } onDoctype(t) { switch (((this.skipNextNewLine = !1), this.insertionMode)) { case G.INITIAL: { rw(this, t) break } case G.BEFORE_HEAD: case G.IN_HEAD: case G.IN_HEAD_NO_SCRIPT: case G.AFTER_HEAD: { this._err(t, J.misplacedDoctype) break } case G.IN_TABLE_TEXT: { Kn(this, t) break } } } onStartTag(t) { ;(this.skipNextNewLine = !1), (this.currentToken = t), this._processStartTag(t), t.selfClosing && !t.ackSelfClosing && this._err(t, J.nonVoidHtmlElementStartTagWithTrailingSolidus) } _processStartTag(t) { this.shouldProcessStartTagTokenInForeignContent(t) ? AN(this, t) : this._startTagOutsideForeignContent(t) } _startTagOutsideForeignContent(t) { switch (this.insertionMode) { case G.INITIAL: { Qn(this, t) break } case G.BEFORE_HTML: { iw(this, t) break } case G.BEFORE_HEAD: { sw(this, t) break } case G.IN_HEAD: { or(this, t) break } case G.IN_HEAD_NO_SCRIPT: { uw(this, t) break } case G.AFTER_HEAD: { cw(this, t) break } case G.IN_BODY: { dt(this, t) break } case G.IN_TABLE: { In(this, t) break } case G.IN_TABLE_TEXT: { Kn(this, t) break } case G.IN_CAPTION: { aN(this, t) break } case G.IN_COLUMN_GROUP: { yp(this, t) break } case G.IN_TABLE_BODY: { du(this, t) break } case G.IN_ROW: { gu(this, t) break } case G.IN_CELL: { lN(this, t) break } case G.IN_SELECT: { xb(this, t) break } case G.IN_SELECT_IN_TABLE: { fN(this, t) break } case G.IN_TEMPLATE: { hN(this, t) break } case G.AFTER_BODY: { dN(this, t) break } case G.IN_FRAMESET: { gN(this, t) break } case G.AFTER_FRAMESET: { yN(this, t) break } case G.AFTER_AFTER_BODY: { vN(this, t) break } case G.AFTER_AFTER_FRAMESET: { EN(this, t) break } } } onEndTag(t) { ;(this.skipNextNewLine = !1), (this.currentToken = t), this.currentNotInHTML ? SN(this, t) : this._endTagOutsideForeignContent(t) } _endTagOutsideForeignContent(t) { switch (this.insertionMode) { case G.INITIAL: { Qn(this, t) break } case G.BEFORE_HTML: { nw(this, t) break } case G.BEFORE_HEAD: { aw(this, t) break } case G.IN_HEAD: { ow(this, t) break } case G.IN_HEAD_NO_SCRIPT: { lw(this, t) break } case G.AFTER_HEAD: { fw(this, t) break } case G.IN_BODY: { mu(this, t) break } case G.TEXT: { Qw(this, t) break } case G.IN_TABLE: { js(this, t) break } case G.IN_TABLE_TEXT: { Kn(this, t) break } case G.IN_CAPTION: { oN(this, t) break } case G.IN_COLUMN_GROUP: { uN(this, t) break } case G.IN_TABLE_BODY: { Mc(this, t) break } case G.IN_ROW: { Eb(this, t) break } case G.IN_CELL: { cN(this, t) break } case G.IN_SELECT: { Tb(this, t) break } case G.IN_SELECT_IN_TABLE: { pN(this, t) break } case G.IN_TEMPLATE: { mN(this, t) break } case G.AFTER_BODY: { Sb(this, t) break } case G.IN_FRAMESET: { bN(this, t) break } case G.AFTER_FRAMESET: { _N(this, t) break } case G.AFTER_AFTER_BODY: { io(this, t) break } } } onEof(t) { switch (this.insertionMode) { case G.INITIAL: { Qn(this, t) break } case G.BEFORE_HTML: { _s(this, t) break } case G.BEFORE_HEAD: { vs(this, t) break } case G.IN_HEAD: { Es(this, t) break } case G.IN_HEAD_NO_SCRIPT: { xs(this, t) break } case G.AFTER_HEAD: { Ts(this, t) break } case G.IN_BODY: case G.IN_TABLE: case G.IN_CAPTION: case G.IN_COLUMN_GROUP: case G.IN_TABLE_BODY: case G.IN_ROW: case G.IN_CELL: case G.IN_SELECT: case G.IN_SELECT_IN_TABLE: { bb(this, t) break } case G.TEXT: { Kw(this, t) break } case G.IN_TABLE_TEXT: { Kn(this, t) break } case G.IN_TEMPLATE: { Ab(this, t) break } case G.AFTER_BODY: case G.IN_FRAMESET: case G.AFTER_FRAMESET: case G.AFTER_AFTER_BODY: case G.AFTER_AFTER_FRAMESET: { bp(this, t) break } } } onWhitespaceCharacter(t) { if ( this.skipNextNewLine && ((this.skipNextNewLine = !1), t.chars.charCodeAt(0) === B.LINE_FEED) ) { if (t.chars.length === 1) return t.chars = t.chars.substr(1) } if (this.tokenizer.inForeignNode) { this._insertCharacters(t) return } switch (this.insertionMode) { case G.IN_HEAD: case G.IN_HEAD_NO_SCRIPT: case G.AFTER_HEAD: case G.TEXT: case G.IN_COLUMN_GROUP: case G.IN_SELECT: case G.IN_SELECT_IN_TABLE: case G.IN_FRAMESET: case G.AFTER_FRAMESET: { this._insertCharacters(t) break } case G.IN_BODY: case G.IN_CAPTION: case G.IN_CELL: case G.IN_TEMPLATE: case G.AFTER_BODY: case G.AFTER_AFTER_BODY: case G.AFTER_AFTER_FRAMESET: { pb(this, t) break } case G.IN_TABLE: case G.IN_TABLE_BODY: case G.IN_ROW: { vl(this, t) break } case G.IN_TABLE_TEXT: { yb(this, t) break } } } } function Yk(e, t) { let r = e.activeFormattingElements.getElementEntryInScopeWithTagName(t.tagName) return ( r ? e.openElements.contains(r.element) ? e.openElements.hasInScope(t.tagID) || (r = null) : (e.activeFormattingElements.removeEntry(r), (r = null)) : gb(e, t), r ) } function Wk(e, t) { let r = null, i = e.openElements.stackTop for (; i >= 0; i--) { const n = e.openElements.items[i] if (n === t.element) break e._isSpecialElement(n, e.openElements.tagIDs[i]) && (r = n) } return ( r || (e.openElements.shortenToLength(i < 0 ? 0 : i), e.activeFormattingElements.removeEntry(t)), r ) } function Qk(e, t, r) { let i = t, n = e.openElements.getCommonAncestor(t) for (let s = 0, a = n; a !== r; s++, a = n) { n = e.openElements.getCommonAncestor(a) const o = e.activeFormattingElements.getElementEntry(a), u = o && s >= Vk !o || u ? (u && e.activeFormattingElements.removeEntry(o), e.openElements.remove(a)) : ((a = Kk(e, o)), i === t && (e.activeFormattingElements.bookmark = o), e.treeAdapter.detachNode(i), e.treeAdapter.appendChild(a, i), (i = a)) } return i } function Kk(e, t) { const r = e.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(t.element), i = e.treeAdapter.createElement(t.token.tagName, r, t.token.attrs) return e.openElements.replace(t.element, i), (t.element = i), i } function Jk(e, t, r) { const i = e.treeAdapter.getTagName(t), n = pu(i) if (e._isElementCausesFosterParenting(n)) e._fosterParentElement(r) else { const s = e.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(t) n === d.TEMPLATE && s === ee.HTML && (t = e.treeAdapter.getTemplateContent(t)), e.treeAdapter.appendChild(t, r) } } function Zk(e, t, r) { const i = e.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(r.element), { token: n } = r, s = e.treeAdapter.createElement(n.tagName, i, n.attrs) e._adoptNodes(t, s), e.treeAdapter.appendChild(t, s), e.activeFormattingElements.insertElementAfterBookmark(s, n), e.activeFormattingElements.removeEntry(r), e.openElements.remove(r.element), e.openElements.insertAfter(t, s, n.tagID) } function gp(e, t) { for (let r = 0; r < $k; r++) { const i = Yk(e, t) if (!i) break const n = Wk(e, i) if (!n) break e.activeFormattingElements.bookmark = i const s = Qk(e, n, i.element), a = e.openElements.getCommonAncestor(i.element) e.treeAdapter.detachNode(s), a && Jk(e, a, s), Zk(e, n, i) } } function Fc(e, t) { e._appendCommentNode(t, e.openElements.currentTmplContentOrNode) } function ew(e, t) { e._appendCommentNode(t, e.openElements.items[0]) } function tw(e, t) { e._appendCommentNode(t, e.document) } function bp(e, t) { if (((e.stopped = !0), t.location)) { const r = e.fragmentContext ? 0 : 2 for (let i = e.openElements.stackTop; i >= r; i--) e._setEndLocation(e.openElements.items[i], t) if (!e.fragmentContext && e.openElements.stackTop >= 0) { const i = e.openElements.items[0], n = e.treeAdapter.getNodeSourceCodeLocation(i) if (n && !n.endTag && (e._setEndLocation(i, t), e.openElements.stackTop >= 1)) { const s = e.openElements.items[1], a = e.treeAdapter.getNodeSourceCodeLocation(s) a && !a.endTag && e._setEndLocation(s, t) } } } } function rw(e, t) { e._setDocumentType(t) const r = t.forceQuirks ? Rt.QUIRKS : Ik(t) Ok(t) || e._err(t, J.nonConformingDoctype), e.treeAdapter.setDocumentMode(e.document, r), (e.insertionMode = G.BEFORE_HTML) } function Qn(e, t) { e._err(t, J.missingDoctype, !0), e.treeAdapter.setDocumentMode(e.document, Rt.QUIRKS), (e.insertionMode = G.BEFORE_HTML), e._processToken(t) } function iw(e, t) { t.tagID === d.HTML ? (e._insertElement(t, ee.HTML), (e.insertionMode = G.BEFORE_HEAD)) : _s(e, t) } function nw(e, t) { const r = t.tagID ;(r === d.HTML || r === d.HEAD || r === d.BODY || r === d.BR) && _s(e, t) } function _s(e, t) { e._insertFakeRootElement(), (e.insertionMode = G.BEFORE_HEAD), e._processToken(t) } function sw(e, t) { switch (t.tagID) { case d.HTML: { dt(e, t) break } case d.HEAD: { e._insertElement(t, ee.HTML), (e.headElement = e.openElements.current), (e.insertionMode = G.IN_HEAD) break } default: vs(e, t) } } function aw(e, t) { const r = t.tagID r === d.HEAD || r === d.BODY || r === d.HTML || r === d.BR ? vs(e, t) : e._err(t, J.endTagWithoutMatchingOpenElement) } function vs(e, t) { e._insertFakeElement(Q.HEAD, d.HEAD), (e.headElement = e.openElements.current), (e.insertionMode = G.IN_HEAD), e._processToken(t) } function or(e, t) { switch (t.tagID) { case d.HTML: { dt(e, t) break } case d.BASE: case d.BASEFONT: case d.BGSOUND: case d.LINK: case d.META: { e._appendElement(t, ee.HTML), (t.ackSelfClosing = !0) break } case d.TITLE: { e._switchToTextParsing(t, St.RCDATA) break } case d.NOSCRIPT: { e.options.scriptingEnabled ? e._switchToTextParsing(t, St.RAWTEXT) : (e._insertElement(t, ee.HTML), (e.insertionMode = G.IN_HEAD_NO_SCRIPT)) break } case d.NOFRAMES: case d.STYLE: { e._switchToTextParsing(t, St.RAWTEXT) break } case d.SCRIPT: { e._switchToTextParsing(t, St.SCRIPT_DATA) break } case d.TEMPLATE: { e._insertTemplate(t), e.activeFormattingElements.insertMarker(), (e.framesetOk = !1), (e.insertionMode = G.IN_TEMPLATE), e.tmplInsertionModeStack.unshift(G.IN_TEMPLATE) break } case d.HEAD: { e._err(t, J.misplacedStartTagForHeadElement) break } default: Es(e, t) } } function ow(e, t) { switch (t.tagID) { case d.HEAD: { e.openElements.pop(), (e.insertionMode = G.AFTER_HEAD) break } case d.BODY: case d.BR: case d.HTML: { Es(e, t) break } case d.TEMPLATE: { qi(e, t) break } default: e._err(t, J.endTagWithoutMatchingOpenElement) } } function qi(e, t) { e.openElements.tmplCount > 0 ? (e.openElements.generateImpliedEndTagsThoroughly(), e.openElements.currentTagId !== d.TEMPLATE && e._err(t, J.closingOfElementWithOpenChildElements), e.openElements.popUntilTagNamePopped(d.TEMPLATE), e.activeFormattingElements.clearToLastMarker(), e.tmplInsertionModeStack.shift(), e._resetInsertionMode()) : e._err(t, J.endTagWithoutMatchingOpenElement) } function Es(e, t) { e.openElements.pop(), (e.insertionMode = G.AFTER_HEAD), e._processToken(t) } function uw(e, t) { switch (t.tagID) { case d.HTML: { dt(e, t) break } case d.BASEFONT: case d.BGSOUND: case d.HEAD: case d.LINK: case d.META: case d.NOFRAMES: case d.STYLE: { or(e, t) break } case d.NOSCRIPT: { e._err(t, J.nestedNoscriptInHead) break } default: xs(e, t) } } function lw(e, t) { switch (t.tagID) { case d.NOSCRIPT: { e.openElements.pop(), (e.insertionMode = G.IN_HEAD) break } case d.BR: { xs(e, t) break } default: e._err(t, J.endTagWithoutMatchingOpenElement) } } function xs(e, t) { const r = t.type === ke.EOF ? J.openElementsLeftAfterEof : J.disallowedContentInNoscriptInHead e._err(t, r), e.openElements.pop(), (e.insertionMode = G.IN_HEAD), e._processToken(t) } function cw(e, t) { switch (t.tagID) { case d.HTML: { dt(e, t) break } case d.BODY: { e._insertElement(t, ee.HTML), (e.framesetOk = !1), (e.insertionMode = G.IN_BODY) break } case d.FRAMESET: { e._insertElement(t, ee.HTML), (e.insertionMode = G.IN_FRAMESET) break } case d.BASE: case d.BASEFONT: case d.BGSOUND: case d.LINK: case d.META: case d.NOFRAMES: case d.SCRIPT: case d.STYLE: case d.TEMPLATE: case d.TITLE: { e._err(t, J.abandonedHeadElementChild), e.openElements.push(e.headElement, d.HEAD), or(e, t), e.openElements.remove(e.headElement) break } case d.HEAD: { e._err(t, J.misplacedStartTagForHeadElement) break } default: Ts(e, t) } } function fw(e, t) { switch (t.tagID) { case d.BODY: case d.HTML: case d.BR: { Ts(e, t) break } case d.TEMPLATE: { qi(e, t) break } default: e._err(t, J.endTagWithoutMatchingOpenElement) } } function Ts(e, t) { e._insertFakeElement(Q.BODY, d.BODY), (e.insertionMode = G.IN_BODY), hu(e, t) } function hu(e, t) { switch (t.type) { case ke.CHARACTER: { hb(e, t) break } case ke.WHITESPACE_CHARACTER: { pb(e, t) break } case ke.COMMENT: { Fc(e, t) break } case ke.START_TAG: { dt(e, t) break } case ke.END_TAG: { mu(e, t) break } case ke.EOF: { bb(e, t) break } } } function pb(e, t) { e._reconstructActiveFormattingElements(), e._insertCharacters(t) } function hb(e, t) { e._reconstructActiveFormattingElements(), e._insertCharacters(t), (e.framesetOk = !1) } function pw(e, t) { e.openElements.tmplCount === 0 && e.treeAdapter.adoptAttributes(e.openElements.items[0], t.attrs) } function hw(e, t) { const r = e.openElements.tryPeekProperlyNestedBodyElement() r && e.openElements.tmplCount === 0 && ((e.framesetOk = !1), e.treeAdapter.adoptAttributes(r, t.attrs)) } function mw(e, t) { const r = e.openElements.tryPeekProperlyNestedBodyElement() e.framesetOk && r && (e.treeAdapter.detachNode(r), e.openElements.popAllUpToHtmlElement(), e._insertElement(t, ee.HTML), (e.insertionMode = G.IN_FRAMESET)) } function dw(e, t) { e.openElements.hasInButtonScope(d.P) && e._closePElement(), e._insertElement(t, ee.HTML) } function gw(e, t) { e.openElements.hasInButtonScope(d.P) && e._closePElement(), tb(e.openElements.currentTagId) && e.openElements.pop(), e._insertElement(t, ee.HTML) } function bw(e, t) { e.openElements.hasInButtonScope(d.P) && e._closePElement(), e._insertElement(t, ee.HTML), (e.skipNextNewLine = !0), (e.framesetOk = !1) } function yw(e, t) { const r = e.openElements.tmplCount > 0 ;(!e.formElement || r) && (e.openElements.hasInButtonScope(d.P) && e._closePElement(), e._insertElement(t, ee.HTML), r || (e.formElement = e.openElements.current)) } function _w(e, t) { e.framesetOk = !1 const r = t.tagID for (let i = e.openElements.stackTop; i >= 0; i--) { const n = e.openElements.tagIDs[i] if ((r === d.LI && n === d.LI) || ((r === d.DD || r === d.DT) && (n === d.DD || n === d.DT))) { e.openElements.generateImpliedEndTagsWithExclusion(n), e.openElements.popUntilTagNamePopped(n) break } if ( n !== d.ADDRESS && n !== d.DIV && n !== d.P && e._isSpecialElement(e.openElements.items[i], n) ) break } e.openElements.hasInButtonScope(d.P) && e._closePElement(), e._insertElement(t, ee.HTML) } function vw(e, t) { e.openElements.hasInButtonScope(d.P) && e._closePElement(), e._insertElement(t, ee.HTML), (e.tokenizer.state = St.PLAINTEXT) } function Ew(e, t) { e.openElements.hasInScope(d.BUTTON) && (e.openElements.generateImpliedEndTags(), e.openElements.popUntilTagNamePopped(d.BUTTON)), e._reconstructActiveFormattingElements(), e._insertElement(t, ee.HTML), (e.framesetOk = !1) } function xw(e, t) { const r = e.activeFormattingElements.getElementEntryInScopeWithTagName(Q.A) r && (gp(e, t), e.openElements.remove(r.element), e.activeFormattingElements.removeEntry(r)), e._reconstructActiveFormattingElements(), e._insertElement(t, ee.HTML), e.activeFormattingElements.pushElement(e.openElements.current, t) } function Tw(e, t) { e._reconstructActiveFormattingElements(), e._insertElement(t, ee.HTML), e.activeFormattingElements.pushElement(e.openElements.current, t) } function Aw(e, t) { e._reconstructActiveFormattingElements(), e.openElements.hasInScope(d.NOBR) && (gp(e, t), e._reconstructActiveFormattingElements()), e._insertElement(t, ee.HTML), e.activeFormattingElements.pushElement(e.openElements.current, t) } function Sw(e, t) { e._reconstructActiveFormattingElements(), e._insertElement(t, ee.HTML), e.activeFormattingElements.insertMarker(), (e.framesetOk = !1) } function Cw(e, t) { e.treeAdapter.getDocumentMode(e.document) !== Rt.QUIRKS && e.openElements.hasInButtonScope(d.P) && e._closePElement(), e._insertElement(t, ee.HTML), (e.framesetOk = !1), (e.insertionMode = G.IN_TABLE) } function mb(e, t) { e._reconstructActiveFormattingElements(), e._appendElement(t, ee.HTML), (e.framesetOk = !1), (t.ackSelfClosing = !0) } function db(e) { const t = J1(e, si.TYPE) return t != null && t.toLowerCase() === qk } function kw(e, t) { e._reconstructActiveFormattingElements(), e._appendElement(t, ee.HTML), db(t) || (e.framesetOk = !1), (t.ackSelfClosing = !0) } function ww(e, t) { e._appendElement(t, ee.HTML), (t.ackSelfClosing = !0) } function Nw(e, t) { e.openElements.hasInButtonScope(d.P) && e._closePElement(), e._appendElement(t, ee.HTML), (e.framesetOk = !1), (t.ackSelfClosing = !0) } function Ow(e, t) { ;(t.tagName = Q.IMG), (t.tagID = d.IMG), mb(e, t) } function Iw(e, t) { e._insertElement(t, ee.HTML), (e.skipNextNewLine = !0), (e.tokenizer.state = St.RCDATA), (e.originalInsertionMode = e.insertionMode), (e.framesetOk = !1), (e.insertionMode = G.TEXT) } function Dw(e, t) { e.openElements.hasInButtonScope(d.P) && e._closePElement(), e._reconstructActiveFormattingElements(), (e.framesetOk = !1), e._switchToTextParsing(t, St.RAWTEXT) } function Rw(e, t) { ;(e.framesetOk = !1), e._switchToTextParsing(t, St.RAWTEXT) } function Xm(e, t) { e._switchToTextParsing(t, St.RAWTEXT) } function Lw(e, t) { e._reconstructActiveFormattingElements(), e._insertElement(t, ee.HTML), (e.framesetOk = !1), (e.insertionMode = e.insertionMode === G.IN_TABLE || e.insertionMode === G.IN_CAPTION || e.insertionMode === G.IN_TABLE_BODY || e.insertionMode === G.IN_ROW || e.insertionMode === G.IN_CELL ? G.IN_SELECT_IN_TABLE : G.IN_SELECT) } function Pw(e, t) { e.openElements.currentTagId === d.OPTION && e.openElements.pop(), e._reconstructActiveFormattingElements(), e._insertElement(t, ee.HTML) } function Bw(e, t) { e.openElements.hasInScope(d.RUBY) && e.openElements.generateImpliedEndTags(), e._insertElement(t, ee.HTML) } function Fw(e, t) { e.openElements.hasInScope(d.RUBY) && e.openElements.generateImpliedEndTagsWithExclusion(d.RTC), e._insertElement(t, ee.HTML) } function Mw(e, t) { e._reconstructActiveFormattingElements(), lb(t), dp(t), t.selfClosing ? e._appendElement(t, ee.MATHML) : e._insertElement(t, ee.MATHML), (t.ackSelfClosing = !0) } function Uw(e, t) { e._reconstructActiveFormattingElements(), cb(t), dp(t), t.selfClosing ? e._appendElement(t, ee.SVG) : e._insertElement(t, ee.SVG), (t.ackSelfClosing = !0) } function Ym(e, t) { e._reconstructActiveFormattingElements(), e._insertElement(t, ee.HTML) } function dt(e, t) { switch (t.tagID) { case d.I: case d.S: case d.B: case d.U: case d.EM: case d.TT: case d.BIG: case d.CODE: case d.FONT: case d.SMALL: case d.STRIKE: case d.STRONG: { Tw(e, t) break } case d.A: { xw(e, t) break } case d.H1: case d.H2: case d.H3: case d.H4: case d.H5: case d.H6: { gw(e, t) break } case d.P: case d.DL: case d.OL: case d.UL: case d.DIV: case d.DIR: case d.NAV: case d.MAIN: case d.MENU: case d.ASIDE: case d.CENTER: case d.FIGURE: case d.FOOTER: case d.HEADER: case d.HGROUP: case d.DIALOG: case d.DETAILS: case d.ADDRESS: case d.ARTICLE: case d.SECTION: case d.SUMMARY: case d.FIELDSET: case d.BLOCKQUOTE: case d.FIGCAPTION: { dw(e, t) break } case d.LI: case d.DD: case d.DT: { _w(e, t) break } case d.BR: case d.IMG: case d.WBR: case d.AREA: case d.EMBED: case d.KEYGEN: { mb(e, t) break } case d.HR: { Nw(e, t) break } case d.RB: case d.RTC: { Bw(e, t) break } case d.RT: case d.RP: { Fw(e, t) break } case d.PRE: case d.LISTING: { bw(e, t) break } case d.XMP: { Dw(e, t) break } case d.SVG: { Uw(e, t) break } case d.HTML: { pw(e, t) break } case d.BASE: case d.LINK: case d.META: case d.STYLE: case d.TITLE: case d.SCRIPT: case d.BGSOUND: case d.BASEFONT: case d.TEMPLATE: { or(e, t) break } case d.BODY: { hw(e, t) break } case d.FORM: { yw(e, t) break } case d.NOBR: { Aw(e, t) break } case d.MATH: { Mw(e, t) break } case d.TABLE: { Cw(e, t) break } case d.INPUT: { kw(e, t) break } case d.PARAM: case d.TRACK: case d.SOURCE: { ww(e, t) break } case d.IMAGE: { Ow(e, t) break } case d.BUTTON: { Ew(e, t) break } case d.APPLET: case d.OBJECT: case d.MARQUEE: { Sw(e, t) break } case d.IFRAME: { Rw(e, t) break } case d.SELECT: { Lw(e, t) break } case d.OPTION: case d.OPTGROUP: { Pw(e, t) break } case d.NOEMBED: { Xm(e, t) break } case d.FRAMESET: { mw(e, t) break } case d.TEXTAREA: { Iw(e, t) break } case d.NOSCRIPT: { e.options.scriptingEnabled ? Xm(e, t) : Ym(e, t) break } case d.PLAINTEXT: { vw(e, t) break } case d.COL: case d.TH: case d.TD: case d.TR: case d.HEAD: case d.FRAME: case d.TBODY: case d.TFOOT: case d.THEAD: case d.CAPTION: case d.COLGROUP: break default: Ym(e, t) } } function Hw(e, t) { if ( e.openElements.hasInScope(d.BODY) && ((e.insertionMode = G.AFTER_BODY), e.options.sourceCodeLocationInfo) ) { const r = e.openElements.tryPeekProperlyNestedBodyElement() r && e._setEndLocation(r, t) } } function zw(e, t) { e.openElements.hasInScope(d.BODY) && ((e.insertionMode = G.AFTER_BODY), Sb(e, t)) } function jw(e, t) { const r = t.tagID e.openElements.hasInScope(r) && (e.openElements.generateImpliedEndTags(), e.openElements.popUntilTagNamePopped(r)) } function qw(e) { const t = e.openElements.tmplCount > 0, { formElement: r } = e t || (e.formElement = null), (r || t) && e.openElements.hasInScope(d.FORM) && (e.openElements.generateImpliedEndTags(), t ? e.openElements.popUntilTagNamePopped(d.FORM) : r && e.openElements.remove(r)) } function $w(e) { e.openElements.hasInButtonScope(d.P) || e._insertFakeElement(Q.P, d.P), e._closePElement() } function Vw(e) { e.openElements.hasInListItemScope(d.LI) && (e.openElements.generateImpliedEndTagsWithExclusion(d.LI), e.openElements.popUntilTagNamePopped(d.LI)) } function Gw(e, t) { const r = t.tagID e.openElements.hasInScope(r) && (e.openElements.generateImpliedEndTagsWithExclusion(r), e.openElements.popUntilTagNamePopped(r)) } function Xw(e) { e.openElements.hasNumberedHeaderInScope() && (e.openElements.generateImpliedEndTags(), e.openElements.popUntilNumberedHeaderPopped()) } function Yw(e, t) { const r = t.tagID e.openElements.hasInScope(r) && (e.openElements.generateImpliedEndTags(), e.openElements.popUntilTagNamePopped(r), e.activeFormattingElements.clearToLastMarker()) } function Ww(e) { e._reconstructActiveFormattingElements(), e._insertFakeElement(Q.BR, d.BR), e.openElements.pop(), (e.framesetOk = !1) } function gb(e, t) { const r = t.tagName, i = t.tagID for (let n = e.openElements.stackTop; n > 0; n--) { const s = e.openElements.items[n], a = e.openElements.tagIDs[n] if (i === a && (i !== d.UNKNOWN || e.treeAdapter.getTagName(s) === r)) { e.openElements.generateImpliedEndTagsWithExclusion(i), e.openElements.stackTop >= n && e.openElements.shortenToLength(n) break } if (e._isSpecialElement(s, a)) break } } function mu(e, t) { switch (t.tagID) { case d.A: case d.B: case d.I: case d.S: case d.U: case d.EM: case d.TT: case d.BIG: case d.CODE: case d.FONT: case d.NOBR: case d.SMALL: case d.STRIKE: case d.STRONG: { gp(e, t) break } case d.P: { $w(e) break } case d.DL: case d.UL: case d.OL: case d.DIR: case d.DIV: case d.NAV: case d.PRE: case d.MAIN: case d.MENU: case d.ASIDE: case d.BUTTON: case d.CENTER: case d.FIGURE: case d.FOOTER: case d.HEADER: case d.HGROUP: case d.DIALOG: case d.ADDRESS: case d.ARTICLE: case d.DETAILS: case d.SECTION: case d.SUMMARY: case d.LISTING: case d.FIELDSET: case d.BLOCKQUOTE: case d.FIGCAPTION: { jw(e, t) break } case d.LI: { Vw(e) break } case d.DD: case d.DT: { Gw(e, t) break } case d.H1: case d.H2: case d.H3: case d.H4: case d.H5: case d.H6: { Xw(e) break } case d.BR: { Ww(e) break } case d.BODY: { Hw(e, t) break } case d.HTML: { zw(e, t) break } case d.FORM: { qw(e) break } case d.APPLET: case d.OBJECT: case d.MARQUEE: { Yw(e, t) break } case d.TEMPLATE: { qi(e, t) break } default: gb(e, t) } } function bb(e, t) { e.tmplInsertionModeStack.length > 0 ? Ab(e, t) : bp(e, t) } function Qw(e, t) { var r t.tagID === d.SCRIPT && ((r = e.scriptHandler) === null || r === void 0 ||, e.openElements.current)), e.openElements.pop(), (e.insertionMode = e.originalInsertionMode) } function Kw(e, t) { e._err(t, J.eofInElementThatCanContainOnlyText), e.openElements.pop(), (e.insertionMode = e.originalInsertionMode), e.onEof(t) } function vl(e, t) { if (fb.has(e.openElements.currentTagId)) switch ( ((e.pendingCharacterTokens.length = 0), (e.hasNonWhitespacePendingCharacterToken = !1), (e.originalInsertionMode = e.insertionMode), (e.insertionMode = G.IN_TABLE_TEXT), t.type) ) { case ke.CHARACTER: { _b(e, t) break } case ke.WHITESPACE_CHARACTER: { yb(e, t) break } } else ca(e, t) } function Jw(e, t) { e.openElements.clearBackToTableContext(), e.activeFormattingElements.insertMarker(), e._insertElement(t, ee.HTML), (e.insertionMode = G.IN_CAPTION) } function Zw(e, t) { e.openElements.clearBackToTableContext(), e._insertElement(t, ee.HTML), (e.insertionMode = G.IN_COLUMN_GROUP) } function eN(e, t) { e.openElements.clearBackToTableContext(), e._insertFakeElement(Q.COLGROUP, d.COLGROUP), (e.insertionMode = G.IN_COLUMN_GROUP), yp(e, t) } function tN(e, t) { e.openElements.clearBackToTableContext(), e._insertElement(t, ee.HTML), (e.insertionMode = G.IN_TABLE_BODY) } function rN(e, t) { e.openElements.clearBackToTableContext(), e._insertFakeElement(Q.TBODY, d.TBODY), (e.insertionMode = G.IN_TABLE_BODY), du(e, t) } function iN(e, t) { e.openElements.hasInTableScope(d.TABLE) && (e.openElements.popUntilTagNamePopped(d.TABLE), e._resetInsertionMode(), e._processStartTag(t)) } function nN(e, t) { db(t) ? e._appendElement(t, ee.HTML) : ca(e, t), (t.ackSelfClosing = !0) } function sN(e, t) { !e.formElement && e.openElements.tmplCount === 0 && (e._insertElement(t, ee.HTML), (e.formElement = e.openElements.current), e.openElements.pop()) } function In(e, t) { switch (t.tagID) { case d.TD: case d.TH: case d.TR: { rN(e, t) break } case d.STYLE: case d.SCRIPT: case d.TEMPLATE: { or(e, t) break } case d.COL: { eN(e, t) break } case d.FORM: { sN(e, t) break } case d.TABLE: { iN(e, t) break } case d.TBODY: case d.TFOOT: case d.THEAD: { tN(e, t) break } case d.INPUT: { nN(e, t) break } case d.CAPTION: { Jw(e, t) break } case d.COLGROUP: { Zw(e, t) break } default: ca(e, t) } } function js(e, t) { switch (t.tagID) { case d.TABLE: { e.openElements.hasInTableScope(d.TABLE) && (e.openElements.popUntilTagNamePopped(d.TABLE), e._resetInsertionMode()) break } case d.TEMPLATE: { qi(e, t) break } case d.BODY: case d.CAPTION: case d.COL: case d.COLGROUP: case d.HTML: case d.TBODY: case d.TD: case d.TFOOT: case d.TH: case d.THEAD: case d.TR: break default: ca(e, t) } } function ca(e, t) { const r = e.fosterParentingEnabled ;(e.fosterParentingEnabled = !0), hu(e, t), (e.fosterParentingEnabled = r) } function yb(e, t) { e.pendingCharacterTokens.push(t) } function _b(e, t) { e.pendingCharacterTokens.push(t), (e.hasNonWhitespacePendingCharacterToken = !0) } function Kn(e, t) { let r = 0 if (e.hasNonWhitespacePendingCharacterToken) for (; r < e.pendingCharacterTokens.length; r++) ca(e, e.pendingCharacterTokens[r]) else for (; r < e.pendingCharacterTokens.length; r++) e._insertCharacters(e.pendingCharacterTokens[r]) ;(e.insertionMode = e.originalInsertionMode), e._processToken(t) } const vb = new Set([d.CAPTION, d.COL, d.COLGROUP, d.TBODY, d.TD, d.TFOOT, d.TH, d.THEAD, d.TR]) function aN(e, t) { const r = t.tagID vb.has(r) ? e.openElements.hasInTableScope(d.CAPTION) && (e.openElements.generateImpliedEndTags(), e.openElements.popUntilTagNamePopped(d.CAPTION), e.activeFormattingElements.clearToLastMarker(), (e.insertionMode = G.IN_TABLE), In(e, t)) : dt(e, t) } function oN(e, t) { const r = t.tagID switch (r) { case d.CAPTION: case d.TABLE: { e.openElements.hasInTableScope(d.CAPTION) && (e.openElements.generateImpliedEndTags(), e.openElements.popUntilTagNamePopped(d.CAPTION), e.activeFormattingElements.clearToLastMarker(), (e.insertionMode = G.IN_TABLE), r === d.TABLE && js(e, t)) break } case d.BODY: case d.COL: case d.COLGROUP: case d.HTML: case d.TBODY: case d.TD: case d.TFOOT: case d.TH: case d.THEAD: case d.TR: break default: mu(e, t) } } function yp(e, t) { switch (t.tagID) { case d.HTML: { dt(e, t) break } case d.COL: { e._appendElement(t, ee.HTML), (t.ackSelfClosing = !0) break } case d.TEMPLATE: { or(e, t) break } default: Uo(e, t) } } function uN(e, t) { switch (t.tagID) { case d.COLGROUP: { e.openElements.currentTagId === d.COLGROUP && (e.openElements.pop(), (e.insertionMode = G.IN_TABLE)) break } case d.TEMPLATE: { qi(e, t) break } case d.COL: break default: Uo(e, t) } } function Uo(e, t) { e.openElements.currentTagId === d.COLGROUP && (e.openElements.pop(), (e.insertionMode = G.IN_TABLE), e._processToken(t)) } function du(e, t) { switch (t.tagID) { case d.TR: { e.openElements.clearBackToTableBodyContext(), e._insertElement(t, ee.HTML), (e.insertionMode = G.IN_ROW) break } case d.TH: case d.TD: { e.openElements.clearBackToTableBodyContext(), e._insertFakeElement(Q.TR, d.TR), (e.insertionMode = G.IN_ROW), gu(e, t) break } case d.CAPTION: case d.COL: case d.COLGROUP: case d.TBODY: case d.TFOOT: case d.THEAD: { e.openElements.hasTableBodyContextInTableScope() && (e.openElements.clearBackToTableBodyContext(), e.openElements.pop(), (e.insertionMode = G.IN_TABLE), In(e, t)) break } default: In(e, t) } } function Mc(e, t) { const r = t.tagID switch (t.tagID) { case d.TBODY: case d.TFOOT: case d.THEAD: { e.openElements.hasInTableScope(r) && (e.openElements.clearBackToTableBodyContext(), e.openElements.pop(), (e.insertionMode = G.IN_TABLE)) break } case d.TABLE: { e.openElements.hasTableBodyContextInTableScope() && (e.openElements.clearBackToTableBodyContext(), e.openElements.pop(), (e.insertionMode = G.IN_TABLE), js(e, t)) break } case d.BODY: case d.CAPTION: case d.COL: case d.COLGROUP: case d.HTML: case d.TD: case d.TH: case d.TR: break default: js(e, t) } } function gu(e, t) { switch (t.tagID) { case d.TH: case d.TD: { e.openElements.clearBackToTableRowContext(), e._insertElement(t, ee.HTML), (e.insertionMode = G.IN_CELL), e.activeFormattingElements.insertMarker() break } case d.CAPTION: case d.COL: case d.COLGROUP: case d.TBODY: case d.TFOOT: case d.THEAD: case d.TR: { e.openElements.hasInTableScope(d.TR) && (e.openElements.clearBackToTableRowContext(), e.openElements.pop(), (e.insertionMode = G.IN_TABLE_BODY), du(e, t)) break } default: In(e, t) } } function Eb(e, t) { switch (t.tagID) { case d.TR: { e.openElements.hasInTableScope(d.TR) && (e.openElements.clearBackToTableRowContext(), e.openElements.pop(), (e.insertionMode = G.IN_TABLE_BODY)) break } case d.TABLE: { e.openElements.hasInTableScope(d.TR) && (e.openElements.clearBackToTableRowContext(), e.openElements.pop(), (e.insertionMode = G.IN_TABLE_BODY), Mc(e, t)) break } case d.TBODY: case d.TFOOT: case d.THEAD: { ;(e.openElements.hasInTableScope(t.tagID) || e.openElements.hasInTableScope(d.TR)) && (e.openElements.clearBackToTableRowContext(), e.openElements.pop(), (e.insertionMode = G.IN_TABLE_BODY), Mc(e, t)) break } case d.BODY: case d.CAPTION: case d.COL: case d.COLGROUP: case d.HTML: case d.TD: case d.TH: break default: js(e, t) } } function lN(e, t) { const r = t.tagID vb.has(r) ? (e.openElements.hasInTableScope(d.TD) || e.openElements.hasInTableScope(d.TH)) && (e._closeTableCell(), gu(e, t)) : dt(e, t) } function cN(e, t) { const r = t.tagID switch (r) { case d.TD: case d.TH: { e.openElements.hasInTableScope(r) && (e.openElements.generateImpliedEndTags(), e.openElements.popUntilTagNamePopped(r), e.activeFormattingElements.clearToLastMarker(), (e.insertionMode = G.IN_ROW)) break } case d.TABLE: case d.TBODY: case d.TFOOT: case d.THEAD: case d.TR: { e.openElements.hasInTableScope(r) && (e._closeTableCell(), Eb(e, t)) break } case d.BODY: case d.CAPTION: case d.COL: case d.COLGROUP: case d.HTML: break default: mu(e, t) } } function xb(e, t) { switch (t.tagID) { case d.HTML: { dt(e, t) break } case d.OPTION: { e.openElements.currentTagId === d.OPTION && e.openElements.pop(), e._insertElement(t, ee.HTML) break } case d.OPTGROUP: { e.openElements.currentTagId === d.OPTION && e.openElements.pop(), e.openElements.currentTagId === d.OPTGROUP && e.openElements.pop(), e._insertElement(t, ee.HTML) break } case d.INPUT: case d.KEYGEN: case d.TEXTAREA: case d.SELECT: { e.openElements.hasInSelectScope(d.SELECT) && (e.openElements.popUntilTagNamePopped(d.SELECT), e._resetInsertionMode(), t.tagID !== d.SELECT && e._processStartTag(t)) break } case d.SCRIPT: case d.TEMPLATE: { or(e, t) break } } } function Tb(e, t) { switch (t.tagID) { case d.OPTGROUP: { e.openElements.stackTop > 0 && e.openElements.currentTagId === d.OPTION && e.openElements.tagIDs[e.openElements.stackTop - 1] === d.OPTGROUP && e.openElements.pop(), e.openElements.currentTagId === d.OPTGROUP && e.openElements.pop() break } case d.OPTION: { e.openElements.currentTagId === d.OPTION && e.openElements.pop() break } case d.SELECT: { e.openElements.hasInSelectScope(d.SELECT) && (e.openElements.popUntilTagNamePopped(d.SELECT), e._resetInsertionMode()) break } case d.TEMPLATE: { qi(e, t) break } } } function fN(e, t) { const r = t.tagID r === d.CAPTION || r === d.TABLE || r === d.TBODY || r === d.TFOOT || r === d.THEAD || r === d.TR || r === d.TD || r === d.TH ? (e.openElements.popUntilTagNamePopped(d.SELECT), e._resetInsertionMode(), e._processStartTag(t)) : xb(e, t) } function pN(e, t) { const r = t.tagID r === d.CAPTION || r === d.TABLE || r === d.TBODY || r === d.TFOOT || r === d.THEAD || r === d.TR || r === d.TD || r === d.TH ? e.openElements.hasInTableScope(r) && (e.openElements.popUntilTagNamePopped(d.SELECT), e._resetInsertionMode(), e.onEndTag(t)) : Tb(e, t) } function hN(e, t) { switch (t.tagID) { case d.BASE: case d.BASEFONT: case d.BGSOUND: case d.LINK: case d.META: case d.NOFRAMES: case d.SCRIPT: case d.STYLE: case d.TEMPLATE: case d.TITLE: { or(e, t) break } case d.CAPTION: case d.COLGROUP: case d.TBODY: case d.TFOOT: case d.THEAD: { ;(e.tmplInsertionModeStack[0] = G.IN_TABLE), (e.insertionMode = G.IN_TABLE), In(e, t) break } case d.COL: { ;(e.tmplInsertionModeStack[0] = G.IN_COLUMN_GROUP), (e.insertionMode = G.IN_COLUMN_GROUP), yp(e, t) break } case d.TR: { ;(e.tmplInsertionModeStack[0] = G.IN_TABLE_BODY), (e.insertionMode = G.IN_TABLE_BODY), du(e, t) break } case d.TD: case d.TH: { ;(e.tmplInsertionModeStack[0] = G.IN_ROW), (e.insertionMode = G.IN_ROW), gu(e, t) break } default: ;(e.tmplInsertionModeStack[0] = G.IN_BODY), (e.insertionMode = G.IN_BODY), dt(e, t) } } function mN(e, t) { t.tagID === d.TEMPLATE && qi(e, t) } function Ab(e, t) { e.openElements.tmplCount > 0 ? (e.openElements.popUntilTagNamePopped(d.TEMPLATE), e.activeFormattingElements.clearToLastMarker(), e.tmplInsertionModeStack.shift(), e._resetInsertionMode(), e.onEof(t)) : bp(e, t) } function dN(e, t) { t.tagID === d.HTML ? dt(e, t) : Ho(e, t) } function Sb(e, t) { var r if (t.tagID === d.HTML) { if ( (e.fragmentContext || (e.insertionMode = G.AFTER_AFTER_BODY), e.options.sourceCodeLocationInfo && e.openElements.tagIDs[0] === d.HTML) ) { e._setEndLocation(e.openElements.items[0], t) const i = e.openElements.items[1] i && !( !((r = e.treeAdapter.getNodeSourceCodeLocation(i)) === null || r === void 0) && r.endTag ) && e._setEndLocation(i, t) } } else Ho(e, t) } function Ho(e, t) { ;(e.insertionMode = G.IN_BODY), hu(e, t) } function gN(e, t) { switch (t.tagID) { case d.HTML: { dt(e, t) break } case d.FRAMESET: { e._insertElement(t, ee.HTML) break } case d.FRAME: { e._appendElement(t, ee.HTML), (t.ackSelfClosing = !0) break } case d.NOFRAMES: { or(e, t) break } } } function bN(e, t) { t.tagID === d.FRAMESET && !e.openElements.isRootHtmlElementCurrent() && (e.openElements.pop(), !e.fragmentContext && e.openElements.currentTagId !== d.FRAMESET && (e.insertionMode = G.AFTER_FRAMESET)) } function yN(e, t) { switch (t.tagID) { case d.HTML: { dt(e, t) break } case d.NOFRAMES: { or(e, t) break } } } function _N(e, t) { t.tagID === d.HTML && (e.insertionMode = G.AFTER_AFTER_FRAMESET) } function vN(e, t) { t.tagID === d.HTML ? dt(e, t) : io(e, t) } function io(e, t) { ;(e.insertionMode = G.IN_BODY), hu(e, t) } function EN(e, t) { switch (t.tagID) { case d.HTML: { dt(e, t) break } case d.NOFRAMES: { or(e, t) break } } } function xN(e, t) { ;(t.chars = je), e._insertCharacters(t) } function TN(e, t) { e._insertCharacters(t), (e.framesetOk = !1) } function Cb(e) { for ( ; e.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(e.openElements.current) !== ee.HTML && !e._isIntegrationPoint(e.openElements.currentTagId, e.openElements.current); ) e.openElements.pop() } function AN(e, t) { if (Mk(t)) Cb(e), e._startTagOutsideForeignContent(t) else { const r = e._getAdjustedCurrentElement(), i = e.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(r) i === ee.MATHML ? lb(t) : i === ee.SVG && (Uk(t), cb(t)), dp(t), t.selfClosing ? e._appendElement(t, i) : e._insertElement(t, i), (t.ackSelfClosing = !0) } } function SN(e, t) { if (t.tagID === d.P || t.tagID === d.BR) { Cb(e), e._endTagOutsideForeignContent(t) return } for (let r = e.openElements.stackTop; r > 0; r--) { const i = e.openElements.items[r] if (e.treeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(i) === ee.HTML) { e._endTagOutsideForeignContent(t) break } const n = e.treeAdapter.getTagName(i) if (n.toLowerCase() === t.tagName) { ;(t.tagName = n), e.openElements.shortenToLength(r) break } } } Q.AREA, Q.BASE, Q.BASEFONT, Q.BGSOUND, Q.BR, Q.COL, Q.EMBED, Q.FRAME, Q.HR, Q.IMG, Q.INPUT, Q.KEYGEN, Q.LINK, Q.META, Q.PARAM, Q.SOURCE, Q.TRACK, Q.WBR function CN(e, t, r) { typeof e == 'string' && ((r = t), (t = e), (e = null)) const i = Xk.getFragmentParser(e, r) return i.tokenizer.write(t, !0), i.getFragment() } const Wm = /[#.]/g function kN(e, t) { const r = e || '', i = {} let n = 0, s, a for (; n < r.length; ) { Wm.lastIndex = n const o = Wm.exec(r), u = r.slice(n, o ? o.index : r.length) u && (s ? s === '#' ? ( = u) : Array.isArray(i.className) ? i.className.push(u) : (i.className = [u]) : (a = u), (n += u.length)), o && ((s = o[0]), n++) } return { type: 'element', tagName: a || t || 'div', properties: i, children: [] } } const wN = new Set(['button', 'menu', 'reset', 'submit']), Uc = {}.hasOwnProperty function kb(e, t, r) { const i = r && DN(r) function n(s, a, ...o) { let u = -1, c if (s == null) { c = { type: 'root', children: [] } const f = a o.unshift(f) } else if ( ((c = kN(s, t)), (c.tagName = c.tagName.toLowerCase()), i &&, c.tagName) && (c.tagName = i[c.tagName]), NN(a, c.tagName)) ) { let f for (f in a), f) && ON(e,, f, a[f]) } else o.unshift(a) for (; ++u < o.length; ) Hc(c.children, o[u]) return ( c.type === 'element' && c.tagName === 'template' && ((c.content = { type: 'root', children: c.children }), (c.children = [])), c ) } return n } function NN(e, t) { return e == null || typeof e != 'object' || Array.isArray(e) ? !1 : t === 'input' || !e.type || typeof e.type != 'string' ? !0 : 'children' in e && Array.isArray(e.children) ? !1 : t === 'button' ? wN.has(e.type.toLowerCase()) : !('value' in e) } function ON(e, t, r, i) { const n = fp(e, r) let s = -1, a if (i != null) { if (typeof i == 'number') { if (Number.isNaN(i)) return a = i } else typeof i == 'boolean' ? (a = i) : typeof i == 'string' ? n.spaceSeparated ? (a = Dm(i)) : n.commaSeparated ? (a = Im(i)) : n.commaOrSpaceSeparated ? (a = Dm(Im(i).join(' '))) : (a = Qm(n,, i)) : Array.isArray(i) ? (a = i.concat()) : (a = === 'style' ? IN(i) : String(i)) if (Array.isArray(a)) { const o = [] for (; ++s < a.length; ) { const u = Qm(n,, a[s]) o[s] = u } a = o } if ( === 'className' && Array.isArray(t.className)) { const o = a a = t.className.concat(o) } t[] = a } } function Hc(e, t) { let r = -1 if (t != null) if (typeof t == 'string' || typeof t == 'number') e.push({ type: 'text', value: String(t) }) else if (Array.isArray(t)) for (; ++r < t.length; ) Hc(e, t[r]) else if (typeof t == 'object' && 'type' in t) t.type === 'root' ? Hc(e, t.children) : e.push(t) else throw new Error('Expected node, nodes, or string, got `' + t + '`') } function Qm(e, t, r) { if (typeof r == 'string') { if (e.number && r && !Number.isNaN(Number(r))) return Number(r) if ((e.boolean || e.overloadedBoolean) && (r === '' || zs(r) === zs(t))) return !0 } return r } function IN(e) { const t = [] let r for (r in e), r) && t.push([r, e[r]].join(': ')) return t.join('; ') } function DN(e) { const t = {} let r = -1 for (; ++r < e.length; ) t[e[r].toLowerCase()] = e[r] return t } const RN = [ 'altGlyph', 'altGlyphDef', 'altGlyphItem', 'animateColor', 'animateMotion', 'animateTransform', 'clipPath', 'feBlend', 'feColorMatrix', 'feComponentTransfer', 'feComposite', 'feConvolveMatrix', 'feDiffuseLighting', 'feDisplacementMap', 'feDistantLight', 'feDropShadow', 'feFlood', 'feFuncA', 'feFuncB', 'feFuncG', 'feFuncR', 'feGaussianBlur', 'feImage', 'feMerge', 'feMergeNode', 'feMorphology', 'feOffset', 'fePointLight', 'feSpecularLighting', 'feSpotLight', 'feTile', 'feTurbulence', 'foreignObject', 'glyphRef', 'linearGradient', 'radialGradient', 'solidColor', 'textArea', 'textPath', ], LN = kb(cu, 'div'), PN = kb(oa, 'g', RN), El = /\r?\n|\r/g function BN(e) { const t = String(e), r = [] for (El.lastIndex = 0; El.test(t); ) r.push(El.lastIndex) return r.push(t.length + 1), { toPoint: i, toOffset: n } function i(s) { let a = -1 if (typeof s == 'number' && s > -1 && s < r[r.length - 1]) { for (; ++a < r.length; ) if (r[a] > s) return { line: a + 1, column: s - (a > 0 ? r[a - 1] : 0) + 1, offset: s } } } function n(s) { const a = s && s.line, o = s && s.column if ( typeof a == 'number' && typeof o == 'number' && !Number.isNaN(a) && !Number.isNaN(o) && a - 1 in r ) { const u = (r[a - 2] || 0) + o - 1 || 0 if (u > -1 && u < r[r.length - 1]) return u } } } const FN = { html: '', mathml: '', svg: '', xlink: '', xml: '', xmlns: '', }, wb = {}.hasOwnProperty, MN = Object.prototype function UN(e, t) { const r = t || {} return _p( { file: r.file || void 0, location: !1, schema: === 'svg' ? oa : cu, verbose: r.verbose || !1, }, e ) } function _p(e, t) { let r switch (t.nodeName) { case '#comment': { const i = t return (r = { type: 'comment', value: }), no(e, i, r), r } case '#document': case '#document-fragment': { const i = t, n = 'mode' in i ? i.mode === 'quirks' || i.mode === 'limited-quirks' : !1 if ( ((r = { type: 'root', children: Nb(e, t.childNodes), data: { quirksMode: n } }), e.file && e.location) ) { const s = String(e.file), a = BN(s), o = a.toPoint(0), u = a.toPoint(s.length) r.position = { start: o, end: u } } return r } case '#documentType': { const i = t return (r = { type: 'doctype' }), no(e, i, r), r } case '#text': { const i = t return (r = { type: 'text', value: i.value }), no(e, i, r), r } default: return (r = HN(e, t)), r } } function Nb(e, t) { let r = -1 const i = [] for (; ++r < t.length; ) { const n = _p(e, t[r]) i.push(n) } return i } function HN(e, t) { const r = e.schema e.schema = t.namespaceURI === FN.svg ? oa : cu let i = -1 const n = {} for (; ++i < t.attrs.length; ) { const o = t.attrs[i], u = (o.prefix ? o.prefix + ':' : '') +, u) || (n[u] = o.value) } const a = ( === 'svg' ? PN : LN)(t.tagName, n, Nb(e, t.childNodes)) if ((no(e, t, a), a.tagName === 'template')) { const o = t, u = o.sourceCodeLocation, c = u && u.startTag && pn(u.startTag), f = u && u.endTag && pn(u.endTag), h = _p(e, o.content) c && f && e.file && (h.position = { start: c.end, end: f.start }), (a.content = h) } return (e.schema = r), a } function no(e, t, r) { if ('sourceCodeLocation' in t && t.sourceCodeLocation && e.file) { const i = zN(e, r, t.sourceCodeLocation) i && ((e.location = !0), (r.position = i)) } } function zN(e, t, r) { const i = pn(r) if (t.type === 'element') { const n = t.children[t.children.length - 1] if ( (i && !r.endTag && n && n.position && n.position.end && (i.end = Object.assign({}, n.position.end)), e.verbose) ) { const s = {} let a if (r.attrs) for (a in r.attrs), a) && (s[fp(e.schema, a).property] = pn(r.attrs[a])) r.startTag const o = pn(r.startTag), u = r.endTag ? pn(r.endTag) : void 0, c = { opening: o } u && (c.closing = u), ( = s), ( = { position: c }) } } return i } function pn(e) { const t = Km({ line: e.startLine, column: e.startCol, offset: e.startOffset }), r = Km({ line: e.endLine, column: e.endCol, offset: e.endOffset }) return t || r ? { start: t, end: r } : void 0 } function Km(e) { return e.line && e.column ? e : void 0 } const vi = (e) => { const t = CN(e) return UN(t).children[0] }, jN = (e, t, r, i, n, s, a, o, u) => { const { inlineClass: c, linkCitations: f } = a, h = `${i}-${n}`, m = e .processCitationCluster( { citationID: h, citationItems: r, properties: t === 'in-text' ? { noteIndex: 0, mode: o ? 'composite' : '' } : { noteIndex: n, mode: o ? 'composite' : '' }, }, s.length > 0 ? s : [], [] )[1] .find((b) => b[2] === h)[1], v = `citation--${ =>'--')}--${n}` if (t === 'note') return [ m, vi( `${n}` ), ] if (f && u === 'numeric') { let b = 0 const S = =>, g = m.replace(/\d+/g, function (_) { const y = `${_}` return b++, y }) return [m, vi(`${g}`)] } else if (f && u === 'author-date') if (r.length === 1) { const b = o ? `${m}` : `${m.slice(0, 1)}${m.slice(1, -1)}${m.slice( -1 )}` return [m, vi(`${b}`)] } else { const b = =>, S = YC(e, b, e.opt.sort_citations), g = [] let _ = m for (const [y, x] of S.entries()) { const D = let C = x.ambig y > 0 && QC(S[y - 1], x) && _.indexOf(C) === -1 && (C = x.ref.issued.year.toString()) const H = _.indexOf(C), [T, k] = WC(_, H) g.push(T) const O = `${k.substring(0, C.length)}` g.push(O), (_ = k.substr(C.length)) } return ( g.push(_), [m, vi(`${g.join('')}`)] ) } else return [m, vi(`${m}`)] }, qN = (e) => { const [t, r] = e.makeBibliography(), i = `
` + r.join('') + '
', n = vi(i) return ( n.children .filter((s) => { var a, o return (o = (a = == null ? void 0 : a.className) == null ? void 0 : o.includes('csl-entry') }) .forEach((s, a) => { const o = t.entry_ids[a][0].toLowerCase() ;( = || {}), ( = 'bib-' + o) }), n ) }, $N = (e, t, r) => { const i = { type: 'element', tagName: 'ol', properties: {}, children: [ { type: 'text', value: ` `, }, ], } let n r && (n = r.children.filter((a) => a.type == 'element').find((a) => a.tagName === 'ol')) for (const [a, o] of t.entries()) { const { type: u, oldId: c } = o if (u === 'citation') i.children.push({ type: 'element', tagName: 'li', properties: { id: `user-content-fn-${a + 1}` }, children: [ { type: 'element', tagName: 'p', properties: {}, children: [ vi(`${e[c]}`), { type: 'element', tagName: 'a', properties: { href: `#user-content-fnref-${a + 1}`, dataFootnoteBackref: !0, className: ['data-footnote-backref'], ariaLabel: 'Back to content', }, children: [{ type: 'text', value: '↩' }], }, ], }, { type: 'text', value: ` `, }, ], }) else if (u === 'existing') { const f = n.children.find( (p) => p.tagName === 'li' && === `user-content-fn-${c}` ) = `user-content-fn-${a + 1}` const h = f.children[1].children.find((p) => p.tagName === 'a') ;( = `#user-content-fnref-${a + 1}`), i.children.push(f) } } return { type: 'element', tagName: 'section', properties: { dataFootnotes: !0, className: ['footnotes'] }, children: [ { type: 'element', tagName: 'h2', properties: { className: ['sr-only'], id: 'footnote-label' }, children: [{ type: 'text', value: 'Footnotes' }], }, { type: 'text', value: ` `, }, i, ], } }, VN = 'apa', GN = ['div', 'p', 'span', 'li', 'td', 'th'], Jm = 'CITATION', XN = (e) => (t = {}) => async (r, i) => { var x, D, C let n = await $C(t, i) if (!n) return let s const a = t.csl || ((D = (x = i == null ? void 0 : == null ? void 0 : x.frontmatter) == null ? void 0 : D.csl) || VN, o = t.lang || 'en-US', u = e.plugins.config.get('@csl'), c = await VC(e, a, t.path), f = await GC(e, o, t.path) if (la(n)) s = await (await Y1(n)).text() else if (ua) s = await mp(n) else throw new Error('Cannot read non valid bibliography URL in node env.') const h = new e(s), p = =>, m = [], v = {} let b = 1 const S = u.engine(, c, f, 'html'), g = S.opt.xclass, _ = XC(S) if ( (fn(r, 'text', (H, T, k) => { const O = H.value.match(UC) if (!O || ('tagName' in k && !GN.includes(k.tagName))) return let N = O.index, M = O.index + O[0].length O[2] !== void 0 && N-- const V = [] N !== 0 && V.push({ type: 'text', value: H.value.slice(0, N) }) const [j, R] = zC(O) for (const P of j) if (!p.includes( return const [$, L] = jN(S, g, j, Jm, b, m, t, R, _) ;(v[b] = $), m.push([`${Jm}-${b}`, 0]), (b = b + 1), V.push(L), M < H.value.length && V.push({ type: 'text', value: H.value.slice(M) }), (k.children = [...k.children.slice(0, T), ...V, ...k.children.slice(T + 1)]) }), t.noCite && S.updateItems( => H.replace('@', ''))), S.registry.mylist.length >= 1 && (!t.suppressBibliography || ((C = t.inlineBibClass) == null ? void 0 : C.length) > 0)) ) { const H = qN(S) let T = !1 const k = {} H.children .filter((O) => { var N, M return (M = (N = == null ? void 0 : N.className) == null ? void 0 : M.includes('csl-entry') }) .forEach((O) => { const N ='-').slice(1).join('-') ;(k[N] = { ...O }), (k[N].properties = { id: 'inlinebib-' + N }) }), fn(r, 'element', (O, N, M) => { var V, j, R if ( ((V = t.inlineBibClass) == null ? void 0 : V.length) > 0 && (R = (j = == null ? void 0 : != null && R.toString().startsWith('citation-') ) { const [, ...$] ='--'), L = $.pop(), P = { type: 'element', tagName: 'div', properties: { className: t.inlineBibClass, id: `inlineBib--${$.join('--')}--${L}`, }, children: $.map((Y) => { const w = k[Y] return ( = { class: 'inline-entry', id: `inline--${Y}--${L}` }), w }), } M.children.push(P) } !t.suppressBibliography && (O.tagName === 'p' || O.tagName === 'div') && O.children.length >= 1 && O.children[0].type === 'text' && O.children[0].value === '[^ref]' && ((M.children[N] = H), (T = !0)) }), !t.suppressBibliography && !T && r.children.push(H) } let y if ( (fn(r, 'element', (H, T, k) => { H.tagName === 'section' && && ((y = H), k.children.splice(T, 1)) }), g === 'note' && Object.keys(v).length > 0) ) { let H = [], T = 1 fn(r, 'element', (O) => { if (O.tagName === 'sup' && O.children[0].type === 'element') { let N = O.children[0] if (N.tagName === 'a') { const { href: M, id: V } = if (M.includes('fn') && V.includes('fnref')) { const j = M.split('-').pop() H.push({ type: M.includes('cite') ? 'citation' : 'existing', oldId: j }), ( = `#user-content-fn-${T}`), ( = `user-content-fnref-${T}`), (N.children[0].value = T.toString()), (T += 1) } } } }) const k = $N(v, H, y) r.children.push(k) } else y && r.children.push(y) } function YN() { return this.log.length } function WN(e = 1) { if (e <= 0 || e > this.currentVersion()) return null { const [t, r] = this.log[e - 1], i = new li(JSON.parse(t), JSON.parse(r)) return (i.log = this.log.slice(0, e)), i } } function QN(e = 1) { return this.retrieveVersion(this.currentVersion() - e) } function KN() { return this.retrieveVersion(this.currentVersion()) } function JN() { return this.log.push([JSON.stringify(, JSON.stringify(this._options)]), this } const ZN = Object.freeze( Object.defineProperty( { __proto__: null, currentVersion: YN, retrieveLastVersion: KN, retrieveVersion: WN, save: JN, undo: QN, }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' } ) ), Zm = ['real', 'string'], ed = ['json', 'html', 'string', 'rtf'], td = ['csl', 'bibtex', 'bibtxt', 'citation-*', 'ris', 'ndjson'], rd = ['string', 'function'] function bu(e) { if (typeof e != 'object') throw new TypeError('Options not an object!') const { format: t, type: r, style: i, lang: n, append: s, prepend: a } = e if (t && !Zm.includes(t)) throw new TypeError(`Option format ("${t}") should be one of: ${Zm}`) if (r && !ed.includes(r)) throw new TypeError(`Option type ("${r}") should be one of: ${ed}`) if (i && !td.includes(i) && !/^citation/.test(i)) throw new TypeError(`Option style ("${i}") should be one of: ${td}`) if (n && typeof n != 'string') throw new TypeError(`Option lang should be a string, but is a ${typeof n}`) if (a && !rd.includes(typeof a)) throw new TypeError(`Option prepend should be a string or a function, but is a ${typeof a}`) if (s && !rd.includes(typeof s)) throw new TypeError(`Option append should be a string or a function, but is a ${typeof s}`) if (/^citation/.test(i) && r === 'json') throw new Error(`Combination type/style of json/citation-* is not valid: ${r}/${i}`) return !0 } function e3(e) { if (typeof e != 'object') throw new TypeError('Options should be an object') if (e.output) bu(e.output) else { if (e.maxChainLength && typeof e.maxChainLength != 'number') throw new TypeError('Option maxChainLength should be a number') if (e.forceType && typeof e.forceType != 'string') throw new TypeError('Option forceType should be a string') if (e.generateGraph != null && typeof e.generateGraph != 'boolean') throw new TypeError('Option generateGraph should be a boolean') if (e.strict != null && typeof e.strict != 'boolean') throw new TypeError('Option strict should be a boolean') if ( != null && typeof != 'string') throw new TypeError('Option target should be a boolean') } return !0 } const t3 = { format: 'real', type: 'json', style: 'csl', lang: 'en-US' } function r3(e, t) { return bu(e), t &&, Object.assign(this._options, e), this } const i3 = Object.freeze( Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, defaultOptions: t3, options: r3 }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module', }) ) function zc(e) { switch (e) { case void 0: return 'Undefined' case null: return 'Null' default: return } } function Ob(e) { switch (typeof e) { case 'string': return 'String' case 'object': if (Array.isArray(e)) return 'Array' if (zc(e) === 'Object') return 'SimpleObject' if (zc(e) !== 'Null') return 'ComplexObject' default: return 'Primitive' } } const n3 = Object.freeze( Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, dataTypeOf: Ob, typeOf: zc }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module', }) ) function Ib(e, t) { if (e._graph) { const r = t.findIndex(({ type: i }) => i === '@else/list+object') r !== -1 && t.splice(r + 1, 0, ...e._graph.slice(0, -1)) } return (e._graph = t), e } function Db(e) { return delete e._graph, e } const s3 = Object.freeze( Object.defineProperty( { __proto__: null, applyGraph: Ib, removeGraph: Db }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' } ) ), Ft = { _output(e, t, r) { this._log.push(t, r), !(this._levels.indexOf(e) < this._levels.indexOf(this.level)) && this._console.log(t, ...r) }, _console: null, _log: [], _levels: ['http', 'debug', 'unmapped', 'info', 'warn', 'error', 'silent'], level: 'silent', } for (const e of Ft._levels) Ft[e] = (t, ...r) => Ft._output(e, t, r) typeof console.Console == 'function' ? (Ft._console = new console.Console(process.stderr)) : (Ft._console = console) const _r = {}, Li = {}, Gi = {} function id(e, t) { switch (t) { case 'Array': return e.length === 0 || e.every((r) => Pi(r) === '@csl/object') ? '@csl/list+object' : '@else/list+object' case 'SimpleObject': case 'ComplexObject': return '@csl/object' default: return '@invalid' } } function Rb(e = [], t) { for (const r of e) if (_r[r].predicate(t)) return Rb(_r[r].extensions, t) || r } function Pi(e) { const t = Ob(e) return t === 'Array' && e.length === 0 ? id(e, t) : Rb(Li[t], e) || id(e, t) } function Lb(e, { dataType: t, predicate: r, extends: i }) { let n = [] e in Gi && ((n = Gi[e]), delete Gi[e], Ft.debug('[core]', `Subclasses "${n}" finally registered to parent type "${e}"`)) const s = { predicate: r, extensions: n } if (((_r[e] = s), i)) { const a = _r[i] a ? a.extensions.push(e) : (Gi[i] || (Gi[i] = []), Gi[i].push(e), Ft.debug('[core]', `Subclass "${e}" is waiting on parent type "${i}"`)) } else (Li[t] || (Li[t] = [])).push(e) } function a3(e) { return, e) } function Pb(e) { delete _r[e], [ ...Object.keys(Li).map((r) => Li[r]), ...Object.keys(_r) .map((r) => _r[r].extensions) .filter((r) => r.length > 0), ].forEach((r) => { const i = r.indexOf(e) i > -1 && r.splice(i, 1) }) } function o3() { return Object.keys(_r) } function u3() { const e = (t) => ({ name: t, children: _r[t] }) return { name: 'Type tree', children: Object.keys(Li).map((t) => ({ name: t, children: Li[t].map(e) })), } } const Bb = /^(?:@(.+?))(?:\/(?:(.+?)\+)?(?:(.+)))?$/ class Fb { constructor(t) { Bp(this, 'validDataTypes', ['String', 'Array', 'SimpleObject', 'ComplexObject', 'Primitive']) = t } validateDataType() { const t = if (t && !this.validDataTypes.includes(t)) throw new RangeError(`dataType was ${t}; expected one of ${this.validDataTypes}`) } validateParseType() { const t = if (t && !(t instanceof RegExp || typeof t == 'function')) throw new TypeError(`predicate was ${typeof t}; expected RegExp or function`) } validateTokenList() { const t = if (t && typeof t != 'object') throw new TypeError(`tokenList was ${typeof t}; expected object or RegExp`) } validatePropertyConstraint() { const t = if (t && typeof t != 'object') throw new TypeError(`propertyConstraint was ${typeof t}; expected array or object`) } validateElementConstraint() { const t = if (t && typeof t != 'string') throw new TypeError(`elementConstraint was ${typeof t}; expected string`) } validateExtends() { const t = if (t && typeof t != 'string') throw new TypeError(`extends was ${typeof t}; expected string`) } validate() { if ( === null || typeof != 'object') throw new TypeError(`typeParser was ${typeof}; expected object`) this.validateDataType(), this.validateParseType(), this.validateTokenList(), this.validatePropertyConstraint(), this.validateElementConstraint(), this.validateExtends() } parseTokenList() { let t = if (t) t instanceof RegExp && (t = { token: t }) else return [] const { token: r, split: i = /\s+/, trim: n = !0, every: s = !0 } = t, a = (c) => (n ? c.trim() : c), o = s ? 'every' : 'some' return [ (c) => a(c) .split(i) [o]((f) => r.test(f)), ] } parsePropertyConstraint() { return [].concat( || []).map(({ props: r, match: i, value: n }) => { switch (((r = [].concat(r)), i)) { case 'any': case 'some': return (s) => r.some((a) => a in s && (!n || n(s[a]))) case 'none': return (s) => !r.some((a) => a in s && (!n || n(s[a]))) case 'every': default: return (s) => r.every((a) => a in s && (!n || n(s[a]))) } }) } parseElementConstraint() { const t = return t ? [(r) => r.every((i) => Pi(i) === t)] : [] } parsePredicate() { return instanceof RegExp ? [] : ? [] : [] } getCombinedPredicate() { const t = [ ...this.parsePredicate(), ...this.parseTokenList(), ...this.parsePropertyConstraint(), ...this.parseElementConstraint(), ] return t.length === 0 ? () => !0 : t.length === 1 ? t[0] : (r) => t.every((i) => i(r)) } getDataType() { return ? : instanceof RegExp || ? 'String' : ? 'Array' : 'Primitive' } get dataType() { return this.getDataType() } get predicate() { return this.getCombinedPredicate() } get extends() { return } } class jc { constructor(t, { async: r } = {}) { ;(this.parser = t), (this.async = r) } validate() { const t = this.parser if (typeof t != 'function') throw new TypeError(`parser was ${typeof t}; expected function`) } } class Mb { constructor(t, r = {}) { ;(this.format = t), r.parseType && (this.typeParser = new Fb(r.parseType)), r.parse && (this.dataParser = new jc(r.parse, { async: !1 })), r.parseAsync && (this.asyncDataParser = new jc(r.parseAsync, { async: !0 })) } validateFormat() { const t = this.format if (!Bb.test(t)) throw new TypeError(`format name was "${t}"; didn't match expected pattern`) } validate() { this.validateFormat(), this.typeParser && this.typeParser.validate(), this.dataParser && this.dataParser.validate(), this.asyncDataParser && this.asyncDataParser.validate() } } const l3 = Object.freeze( Object.defineProperty( { __proto__: null, DataParser: jc, FormatParser: Mb, TypeParser: Fb }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' } ) ) var yu = {}, gr = {} Object.defineProperty(gr, '__esModule', { value: !0 }) gr.default = gr.parse = gr.types = gr.scope = void 0 function nd(e, t) { return p3(e) || f3(e, t) || c3() } function c3() { throw new TypeError('Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance') } function f3(e, t) { var r = [], i = !0, n = !1, s = void 0 try { for ( var a = e[Symbol.iterator](), o; !(i = (o = && (r.push(o.value), !(t && r.length === t)); i = !0 ); } catch (u) { ;(n = !0), (s = u) } finally { try { !i && a.return != null && a.return() } finally { if (n) throw s } } return r } function p3(e) { if (Array.isArray(e)) return e } const Ub = (e) => e.replace(/$|( )|(?!^)(?=[A-Z])/g, '\\.?$1'), vp = (e) => `(?:${e.join('|')})\\b`, Ep = (e, t) => new RegExp(`(?:^| )(${e}$)`, t), h3 = [ 'mr', 'mrs', 'ms', 'miss', 'dr', 'herr', 'monsieur', 'hr', 'frau', 'a v m', 'admiraal', 'admiral', 'air cdre', 'air commodore', 'air marshal', 'air vice marshal', 'alderman', 'alhaji', 'ambassador', 'baron', 'barones', 'brig', 'brig gen', 'brig general', 'brigadier', 'brigadier general', 'brother', 'canon', 'capt', 'captain', 'cardinal', 'cdr', 'chief', 'cik', 'cmdr', 'coach', 'col', 'col dr', 'colonel', 'commandant', 'commander', 'commissioner', 'commodore', 'comte', 'comtessa', 'congressman', 'conseiller', 'consul', 'conte', 'contessa', 'corporal', 'councillor', 'count', 'countess', 'crown prince', 'crown princess', 'dame', 'datin', 'dato', 'datuk', 'datuk seri', 'deacon', 'deaconess', 'dean', 'dhr', 'dipl ing', 'doctor', 'dott', 'dott sa', 'dr', 'dr ing', 'dra', 'drs', 'embajador', 'embajadora', 'en', 'encik', 'eng', 'eur ing', 'exma sra', 'exmo sr', 'f o', 'father', 'first lieutient', 'first officer', 'flt lieut', 'flying officer', 'fr', 'frau', 'fraulein', 'fru', 'gen', 'generaal', 'general', 'governor', 'graaf', 'gravin', 'group captain', 'grp capt', 'h e dr', 'h h', 'h m', 'h r h', 'hajah', 'haji', 'hajim', 'her highness', 'her majesty', 'herr', 'high chief', 'his highness', 'his holiness', 'his majesty', 'hon', 'hr', 'hra', 'ing', 'ir', 'jonkheer', 'judge', 'justice', 'khun ying', 'kolonel', 'lady', 'lcda', 'lic', 'lieut', 'lieut cdr', 'lieut col', 'lieut gen', 'lord', 'm', 'm l', 'm r', 'madame', 'mademoiselle', 'maj gen', 'major', 'master', 'mevrouw', 'miss', 'mlle', 'mme', 'monsieur', 'monsignor', 'mr', 'mrs', 'ms', 'mstr', 'nti', 'pastor', 'president', 'prince', 'princess', 'princesse', 'prinses', 'prof', 'prof dr', 'prof sir', 'professor', 'puan', 'puan sri', 'rabbi', 'rear admiral', 'rev', 'rev canon', 'rev dr', 'rev mother', 'reverend', 'rva', 'senator', 'sergeant', 'sheikh', 'sheikha', 'sig', 'sig na', 'sig ra', 'sir', 'sister', 'sqn ldr', 'sr', 'sr d', 'sra', 'srta', 'sultan', 'tan sri', 'tan sri dato', 'tengku', 'teuku', 'than puying', 'the hon dr', 'the hon justice', 'the hon miss', 'the hon mr', 'the hon mrs', 'the hon ms', 'the hon sir', 'the very rev', 'toh puan', 'tun', 'vice admiral', 'viscount', 'viscountess', 'wg cdr', ], m3 = [ 'I', 'II', 'III', 'IV', 'V', 'Senior', 'Junior', 'Jr', 'Sr', 'PhD', 'Ph\\.D', 'APR', 'RPh', 'PE', 'MD', 'MA', 'DMD', 'CME', 'BVM', 'CFRE', 'CLU', 'CPA', 'CSC', 'CSJ', 'DC', 'DD', 'DDS', 'DO', 'DVM', 'EdD', 'Esq', 'JD', 'LLD', 'OD', 'OSB', 'PC', 'Ret', 'RGS', 'RN', 'RNC', 'SHCJ', 'SJ', 'SNJM', 'SSMO', 'USA', 'USAF', 'USAFR', 'USAR', 'USCG', 'USMC', 'USMCR', 'USN', 'USNR', ], d3 = [ 'Vere', 'Von', 'Van', 'De', 'Del', 'Della', 'Di', 'Da', 'Pietro', 'Vanden', 'Du', 'St.', 'St', 'La', 'Lo', 'Ter', 'O', "O'", 'Mac', 'Fitz', ], g3 = vp(, qc = vp(, b3 = vp(d3), y3 = new RegExp(`^((?:${g3} )*)(.*)$`, 'i'), _3 = Ep(`(?:${qc}, )*(?:${qc})`, 'i'), v3 = Ep( `${ /(?:[A-Z\xC0-\xD6\xD8-\xDE\u0100\u0102\u0104\u0106\u0108\u010A\u010C\u010E\u0110\u0112\u0114\u0116\u0118\u011A\u011C\u011E\u0120\u0122\u0124\u0126\u0128\u012A\u012C\u012E\u0130\u0132\u0134\u0136\u0139\u013B\u013D\u013F\u0141\u0143\u0145\u0147\u014A\u014C\u014E\u0150\u0152\u0154\u0156\u0158\u015A\u015C\u015E\u0160\u0162\u0164\u0166\u0168\u016A\u016C\u016E\u0170\u0172\u0174\u0176\u0178\u0179\u017B\u017D\u0181\u0182\u0184\u0186\u0187\u0189-\u018B\u018E-\u0191\u0193\u0194\u0196-\u0198\u019C\u019D\u019F\u01A0\u01A2\u01A4\u01A6\u01A7\u01A9\u01AC\u01AE\u01AF\u01B1-\u01B3\u01B5\u01B7\u01B8\u01BC\u01C4\u01C7\u01CA\u01CD\u01CF\u01D1\u01D3\u01D5\u01D7\u01D9\u01DB\u01DE\u01E0\u01E2\u01E4\u01E6\u01E8\u01EA\u01EC\u01EE\u01F1\u01F4\u01F6-\u01F8\u01FA\u01FC\u01FE\u0200\u0202\u0204\u0206\u0208\u020A\u020C\u020E\u0210\u0212\u0214\u0216\u0218\u021A\u021C\u021E\u0220\u0222\u0224\u0226\u0228\u022A\u022C\u022E\u0230\u0232\u023A\u023B\u023D\u023E\u0241\u0243-\u0246\u0248\u024A\u024C\u024E\u0370\u0372\u0376\u037F\u0386\u0388-\u038A\u038C\u038E\u038F\u0391-\u03A1\u03A3-\u03AB\u03CF\u03D2-\u03D4\u03D8\u03DA\u03DC\u03DE\u03E0\u03E2\u03E4\u03E6\u03E8\u03EA\u03EC\u03EE\u03F4\u03F7\u03F9\u03FA\u03FD-\u042F\u0460\u0462\u0464\u0466\u0468\u046A\u046C\u046E\u0470\u0472\u0474\u0476\u0478\u047A\u047C\u047E\u0480\u048A\u048C\u048E\u0490\u0492\u0494\u0496\u0498\u049A\u049C\u049E\u04A0\u04A2\u04A4\u04A6\u04A8\u04AA\u04AC\u04AE\u04B0\u04B2\u04B4\u04B6\u04B8\u04BA\u04BC\u04BE\u04C0\u04C1\u04C3\u04C5\u04C7\u04C9\u04CB\u04CD\u04D0\u04D2\u04D4\u04D6\u04D8\u04DA\u04DC\u04DE\u04E0\u04E2\u04E4\u04E6\u04E8\u04EA\u04EC\u04EE\u04F0\u04F2\u04F4\u04F6\u04F8\u04FA\u04FC\u04FE\u0500\u0502\u0504\u0506\u0508\u050A\u050C\u050E\u0510\u0512\u0514\u0516\u0518\u051A\u051C\u051E\u0520\u0522\u0524\u0526\u0528\u052A\u052C\u052E\u0531-\u0556\u10A0-\u10C5\u10C7\u10CD\u13A0-\u13F5\u1C90-\u1CBA\u1CBD-\u1CBF\u1E00\u1E02\u1E04\u1E06\u1E08\u1E0A\u1E0C\u1E0E\u1E10\u1E12\u1E14\u1E16\u1E18\u1E1A\u1E1C\u1E1E\u1E20\u1E22\u1E24\u1E26\u1E28\u1E2A\u1E2C\u1E2E\u1E30\u1E32\u1E34\u1E36\u1E38\u1E3A\u1E3C\u1E3E\u1E40\u1E42\u1E44\u1E46\u1E48\u1E4A\u1E4C\u1E4E\u1E50\u1E52\u1E54\u1E56\u1E58\u1E5A\u1E5C\u1E5E\u1E60\u1E62\u1E64\u1E66\u1E68\u1E6A\u1E6C\u1E6E\u1E70\u1E72\u1E74\u1E76\u1E78\u1E7A\u1E7C\u1E7E\u1E80\u1E82\u1E84\u1E86\u1E88\u1E8A\u1E8C\u1E8E\u1E90\u1E92\u1E94\u1E9E\u1EA0\u1EA2\u1EA4\u1EA6\u1EA8\u1EAA\u1EAC\u1EAE\u1EB0\u1EB2\u1EB4\u1EB6\u1EB8\u1EBA\u1EBC\u1EBE\u1EC0\u1EC2\u1EC4\u1EC6\u1EC8\u1ECA\u1ECC\u1ECE\u1ED0\u1ED2\u1ED4\u1ED6\u1ED8\u1EDA\u1EDC\u1EDE\u1EE0\u1EE2\u1EE4\u1EE6\u1EE8\u1EEA\u1EEC\u1EEE\u1EF0\u1EF2\u1EF4\u1EF6\u1EF8\u1EFA\u1EFC\u1EFE\u1F08-\u1F0F\u1F18-\u1F1D\u1F28-\u1F2F\u1F38-\u1F3F\u1F48-\u1F4D\u1F59\u1F5B\u1F5D\u1F5F\u1F68-\u1F6F\u1FB8-\u1FBB\u1FC8-\u1FCB\u1FD8-\u1FDB\u1FE8-\u1FEC\u1FF8-\u1FFB\u2102\u2107\u210B-\u210D\u2110-\u2112\u2115\u2119-\u211D\u2124\u2126\u2128\u212A-\u212D\u2130-\u2133\u213E\u213F\u2145\u2160-\u216F\u2183\u24B6-\u24CF\u2C00-\u2C2E\u2C60\u2C62-\u2C64\u2C67\u2C69\u2C6B\u2C6D-\u2C70\u2C72\u2C75\u2C7E-\u2C80\u2C82\u2C84\u2C86\u2C88\u2C8A\u2C8C\u2C8E\u2C90\u2C92\u2C94\u2C96\u2C98\u2C9A\u2C9C\u2C9E\u2CA0\u2CA2\u2CA4\u2CA6\u2CA8\u2CAA\u2CAC\u2CAE\u2CB0\u2CB2\u2CB4\u2CB6\u2CB8\u2CBA\u2CBC\u2CBE\u2CC0\u2CC2\u2CC4\u2CC6\u2CC8\u2CCA\u2CCC\u2CCE\u2CD0\u2CD2\u2CD4\u2CD6\u2CD8\u2CDA\u2CDC\u2CDE\u2CE0\u2CE2\u2CEB\u2CED\u2CF2\uA640\uA642\uA644\uA646\uA648\uA64A\uA64C\uA64E\uA650\uA652\uA654\uA656\uA658\uA65A\uA65C\uA65E\uA660\uA662\uA664\uA666\uA668\uA66A\uA66C\uA680\uA682\uA684\uA686\uA688\uA68A\uA68C\uA68E\uA690\uA692\uA694\uA696\uA698\uA69A\uA722\uA724\uA726\uA728\uA72A\uA72C\uA72E\uA732\uA734\uA736\uA738\uA73A\uA73C\uA73E\uA740\uA742\uA744\uA746\uA748\uA74A\uA74C\uA74E\uA750\uA752\uA754\uA756\uA758\uA75A\uA75C\uA75E\uA760\uA762\uA764\uA766\uA768\uA76A\uA76C\uA76E\uA779\uA77B\uA77D\uA77E\uA780\uA782\uA784\uA786\uA78B\uA78D\uA790\uA792\uA796\uA798\uA79A\uA79C\uA79E\uA7A0\uA7A2\uA7A4\uA7A6\uA7A8\uA7AA-\uA7AE\uA7B0-\uA7B4\uA7B6\uA7B8\uFF21-\uFF3A]|\uD801[\uDC00-\uDC27\uDCB0-\uDCD3]|\uD803[\uDC80-\uDCB2]|\uD806[\uDCA0-\uDCBF]|\uD81B[\uDE40-\uDE5F]|\uD835[\uDC00-\uDC19\uDC34-\uDC4D\uDC68-\uDC81\uDC9C\uDC9E\uDC9F\uDCA2\uDCA5\uDCA6\uDCA9-\uDCAC\uDCAE-\uDCB5\uDCD0-\uDCE9\uDD04\uDD05\uDD07-\uDD0A\uDD0D-\uDD14\uDD16-\uDD1C\uDD38\uDD39\uDD3B-\uDD3E\uDD40-\uDD44\uDD46\uDD4A-\uDD50\uDD6C-\uDD85\uDDA0-\uDDB9\uDDD4-\uDDED\uDE08-\uDE21\uDE3C-\uDE55\uDE70-\uDE89\uDEA8-\uDEC0\uDEE2-\uDEFA\uDF1C-\uDF34\uDF56-\uDF6E\uDF90-\uDFA8\uDFCA]|\uD83A[\uDD00-\uDD21]|\uD83C[\uDD30-\uDD49\uDD50-\uDD69\uDD70-\uDD89])/ .source }.*` ), E3 = Ep( `(?:${ /(?:[a-z\xAA\xB5\xBA\xDF-\xF6\xF8-\xFF\u0101\u0103\u0105\u0107\u0109\u010B\u010D\u010F\u0111\u0113\u0115\u0117\u0119\u011B\u011D\u011F\u0121\u0123\u0125\u0127\u0129\u012B\u012D\u012F\u0131\u0133\u0135\u0137\u0138\u013A\u013C\u013E\u0140\u0142\u0144\u0146\u0148\u0149\u014B\u014D\u014F\u0151\u0153\u0155\u0157\u0159\u015B\u015D\u015F\u0161\u0163\u0165\u0167\u0169\u016B\u016D\u016F\u0171\u0173\u0175\u0177\u017A\u017C\u017E-\u0180\u0183\u0185\u0188\u018C\u018D\u0192\u0195\u0199-\u019B\u019E\u01A1\u01A3\u01A5\u01A8\u01AA\u01AB\u01AD\u01B0\u01B4\u01B6\u01B9\u01BA\u01BD-\u01BF\u01C6\u01C9\u01CC\u01CE\u01D0\u01D2\u01D4\u01D6\u01D8\u01DA\u01DC\u01DD\u01DF\u01E1\u01E3\u01E5\u01E7\u01E9\u01EB\u01ED\u01EF\u01F0\u01F3\u01F5\u01F9\u01FB\u01FD\u01FF\u0201\u0203\u0205\u0207\u0209\u020B\u020D\u020F\u0211\u0213\u0215\u0217\u0219\u021B\u021D\u021F\u0221\u0223\u0225\u0227\u0229\u022B\u022D\u022F\u0231\u0233-\u0239\u023C\u023F\u0240\u0242\u0247\u0249\u024B\u024D\u024F-\u0293\u0295-\u02B8\u02C0\u02C1\u02E0-\u02E4\u0345\u0371\u0373\u0377\u037A-\u037D\u0390\u03AC-\u03CE\u03D0\u03D1\u03D5-\u03D7\u03D9\u03DB\u03DD\u03DF\u03E1\u03E3\u03E5\u03E7\u03E9\u03EB\u03ED\u03EF-\u03F3\u03F5\u03F8\u03FB\u03FC\u0430-\u045F\u0461\u0463\u0465\u0467\u0469\u046B\u046D\u046F\u0471\u0473\u0475\u0477\u0479\u047B\u047D\u047F\u0481\u048B\u048D\u048F\u0491\u0493\u0495\u0497\u0499\u049B\u049D\u049F\u04A1\u04A3\u04A5\u04A7\u04A9\u04AB\u04AD\u04AF\u04B1\u04B3\u04B5\u04B7\u04B9\u04BB\u04BD\u04BF\u04C2\u04C4\u04C6\u04C8\u04CA\u04CC\u04CE\u04CF\u04D1\u04D3\u04D5\u04D7\u04D9\u04DB\u04DD\u04DF\u04E1\u04E3\u04E5\u04E7\u04E9\u04EB\u04ED\u04EF\u04F1\u04F3\u04F5\u04F7\u04F9\u04FB\u04FD\u04FF\u0501\u0503\u0505\u0507\u0509\u050B\u050D\u050F\u0511\u0513\u0515\u0517\u0519\u051B\u051D\u051F\u0521\u0523\u0525\u0527\u0529\u052B\u052D\u052F\u0560-\u0588\u10D0-\u10FA\u10FD-\u10FF\u13F8-\u13FD\u1C80-\u1C88\u1D00-\u1DBF\u1E01\u1E03\u1E05\u1E07\u1E09\u1E0B\u1E0D\u1E0F\u1E11\u1E13\u1E15\u1E17\u1E19\u1E1B\u1E1D\u1E1F\u1E21\u1E23\u1E25\u1E27\u1E29\u1E2B\u1E2D\u1E2F\u1E31\u1E33\u1E35\u1E37\u1E39\u1E3B\u1E3D\u1E3F\u1E41\u1E43\u1E45\u1E47\u1E49\u1E4B\u1E4D\u1E4F\u1E51\u1E53\u1E55\u1E57\u1E59\u1E5B\u1E5D\u1E5F\u1E61\u1E63\u1E65\u1E67\u1E69\u1E6B\u1E6D\u1E6F\u1E71\u1E73\u1E75\u1E77\u1E79\u1E7B\u1E7D\u1E7F\u1E81\u1E83\u1E85\u1E87\u1E89\u1E8B\u1E8D\u1E8F\u1E91\u1E93\u1E95-\u1E9D\u1E9F\u1EA1\u1EA3\u1EA5\u1EA7\u1EA9\u1EAB\u1EAD\u1EAF\u1EB1\u1EB3\u1EB5\u1EB7\u1EB9\u1EBB\u1EBD\u1EBF\u1EC1\u1EC3\u1EC5\u1EC7\u1EC9\u1ECB\u1ECD\u1ECF\u1ED1\u1ED3\u1ED5\u1ED7\u1ED9\u1EDB\u1EDD\u1EDF\u1EE1\u1EE3\u1EE5\u1EE7\u1EE9\u1EEB\u1EED\u1EEF\u1EF1\u1EF3\u1EF5\u1EF7\u1EF9\u1EFB\u1EFD\u1EFF-\u1F07\u1F10-\u1F15\u1F20-\u1F27\u1F30-\u1F37\u1F40-\u1F45\u1F50-\u1F57\u1F60-\u1F67\u1F70-\u1F7D\u1F80-\u1F87\u1F90-\u1F97\u1FA0-\u1FA7\u1FB0-\u1FB4\u1FB6\u1FB7\u1FBE\u1FC2-\u1FC4\u1FC6\u1FC7\u1FD0-\u1FD3\u1FD6\u1FD7\u1FE0-\u1FE7\u1FF2-\u1FF4\u1FF6\u1FF7\u2071\u207F\u2090-\u209C\u210A\u210E\u210F\u2113\u212F\u2134\u2139\u213C\u213D\u2146-\u2149\u214E\u2170-\u217F\u2184\u24D0-\u24E9\u2C30-\u2C5E\u2C61\u2C65\u2C66\u2C68\u2C6A\u2C6C\u2C71\u2C73\u2C74\u2C76-\u2C7D\u2C81\u2C83\u2C85\u2C87\u2C89\u2C8B\u2C8D\u2C8F\u2C91\u2C93\u2C95\u2C97\u2C99\u2C9B\u2C9D\u2C9F\u2CA1\u2CA3\u2CA5\u2CA7\u2CA9\u2CAB\u2CAD\u2CAF\u2CB1\u2CB3\u2CB5\u2CB7\u2CB9\u2CBB\u2CBD\u2CBF\u2CC1\u2CC3\u2CC5\u2CC7\u2CC9\u2CCB\u2CCD\u2CCF\u2CD1\u2CD3\u2CD5\u2CD7\u2CD9\u2CDB\u2CDD\u2CDF\u2CE1\u2CE3\u2CE4\u2CEC\u2CEE\u2CF3\u2D00-\u2D25\u2D27\u2D2D\uA641\uA643\uA645\uA647\uA649\uA64B\uA64D\uA64F\uA651\uA653\uA655\uA657\uA659\uA65B\uA65D\uA65F\uA661\uA663\uA665\uA667\uA669\uA66B\uA66D\uA681\uA683\uA685\uA687\uA689\uA68B\uA68D\uA68F\uA691\uA693\uA695\uA697\uA699\uA69B-\uA69D\uA723\uA725\uA727\uA729\uA72B\uA72D\uA72F-\uA731\uA733\uA735\uA737\uA739\uA73B\uA73D\uA73F\uA741\uA743\uA745\uA747\uA749\uA74B\uA74D\uA74F\uA751\uA753\uA755\uA757\uA759\uA75B\uA75D\uA75F\uA761\uA763\uA765\uA767\uA769\uA76B\uA76D\uA76F-\uA778\uA77A\uA77C\uA77F\uA781\uA783\uA785\uA787\uA78C\uA78E\uA791\uA793-\uA795\uA797\uA799\uA79B\uA79D\uA79F\uA7A1\uA7A3\uA7A5\uA7A7\uA7A9\uA7AF\uA7B5\uA7B7\uA7B9\uA7F8-\uA7FA\uAB30-\uAB5A\uAB5C-\uAB65\uAB70-\uABBF\uFB00-\uFB06\uFB13-\uFB17\uFF41-\uFF5A]|\uD801[\uDC28-\uDC4F\uDCD8-\uDCFB]|\uD803[\uDCC0-\uDCF2]|\uD806[\uDCC0-\uDCDF]|\uD81B[\uDE60-\uDE7F]|\uD835[\uDC1A-\uDC33\uDC4E-\uDC54\uDC56-\uDC67\uDC82-\uDC9B\uDCB6-\uDCB9\uDCBB\uDCBD-\uDCC3\uDCC5-\uDCCF\uDCEA-\uDD03\uDD1E-\uDD37\uDD52-\uDD6B\uDD86-\uDD9F\uDDBA-\uDDD3\uDDEE-\uDE07\uDE22-\uDE3B\uDE56-\uDE6F\uDE8A-\uDEA5\uDEC2-\uDEDA\uDEDC-\uDEE1\uDEFC-\uDF14\uDF16-\uDF1B\uDF36-\uDF4E\uDF50-\uDF55\uDF70-\uDF88\uDF8A-\uDF8F\uDFAA-\uDFC2\uDFC4-\uDFC9\uDFCB]|\uD83A[\uDD22-\uDD43])/ .source }.*|${b3}.*|\\S*)` ), x3 = function (t = '') { typeof t != 'string' && (t = t + '') let r = '', i = '', n = '' if (/[^.], /.test(t)) { const v = t.split(', ') n = v.shift() const b = RegExp(qc).exec(v.join(', ')) ;(r = v.splice(b && b.index !== 0 ? 0 : -1, 1)[0]), (i = v.join(', ')) } else { const v = t.split(_3, 2), b = v.shift().split(E3, 2) ;(r = b[0]), (n = b[1]), (i = v.pop()) } const s = r.match(y3), a = nd(s, 3), o = a[1], u = a[2], c = i, f = n.split(v3, 2).reverse(), h = nd(f, 2), p = h[0], m = h[1] if (!u && p) return p.includes(' ') ? { literal: p } : { family: p } if (p) { const v = { 'dropping-particle': o, given: u, suffix: c, 'non-dropping-particle': m, family: p, } return ( Object.keys(v).forEach((b) => { v[b] || delete v[b] }), v ) } else return { literal: t } } gr.default = gr.parse = x3 const T3 = '@name' gr.scope = T3 const A3 = '@name' gr.types = A3 var _u = {} Object.defineProperty(_u, '__esModule', { value: !0 }) _u.default = void 0 const xl = ['dropping-particle', 'given'], Tl = ['suffix'], sd = ['non-dropping-particle', 'family'], S3 = function (t, r = !1) { const i = (n) => n .map((s) => t[s] || '') .filter(Boolean) .join(' ') if (t.literal) return t.literal if (r) { const n = i(Tl) ? `, ${i(Tl)}` : '', s = i(xl) ? `, ${i(xl)}` : '' return i(sd) + n + s } else return `${i([...xl, ...Tl,])}` } var C3 = S3 _u.default = C3 ;(function (e) { Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(e, 'parse', { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return t.default }, }), Object.defineProperty(e, 'format', { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return r.default }, }) var t = i(gr), r = i(_u) function i(n) { return n && n.__esModule ? n : { default: n } } })(yu) const k3 = 1, Le = 2, qr = 3, Hb = 4, Al = { article: !0, 'article-journal': !0, 'article-magazine': !0, 'article-newspaper': !0, bill: !0, book: !0, broadcast: !0, chapter: !0, classic: !0, collection: !0, dataset: !0, document: !0, entry: !0, 'entry-dictionary': !0, 'entry-encyclopedia': !0, event: !0, figure: !0, graphic: !0, hearing: !0, interview: !0, legal_case: !0, legislation: !0, manuscript: !0, map: !0, motion_picture: !0, musical_score: !0, pamphlet: !0, 'paper-conference': !0, patent: !0, performance: !0, periodical: !0, personal_communication: !0, post: !0, 'post-weblog': !0, regulation: !0, report: !0, review: !0, 'review-book': !0, software: !0, song: !0, speech: !0, standard: !0, thesis: !0, treaty: !0, webpage: !0, 'journal-article': 'article-journal', 'book-chapter': 'chapter', 'posted-content': 'manuscript', 'proceedings-article': 'paper-conference', }, ad = { author: Le, chair: Le, 'collection-editor': Le, compiler: Le, composer: Le, 'container-author': Le, contributor: Le, curator: Le, director: Le, editor: Le, 'editorial-director': Le, 'executive-producer': Le, guest: Le, host: Le, interviewer: Le, illustrator: Le, narrator: Le, organizer: Le, 'original-author': Le, performer: Le, producer: Le, 'reviewed-author': Le, recipient: Le, 'script-writer': Le, 'series-creator': Le, translator: Le, accessed: qr, 'available-date': qr, container: qr, 'event-date': qr, issued: qr, 'original-date': qr, submitted: qr, type: Hb, categories: 'object', custom: 'object', id: ['string', 'number'], language: 'string', journalAbbreviation: 'string', shortTitle: 'string', abstract: 'string', annote: 'string', archive: 'string', archive_collection: 'string', archive_location: 'string', 'archive-place': 'string', authority: 'string', 'call-number': 'string', 'chapter-number': 'string', 'citation-number': 'string', 'citation-key': 'string', 'citation-label': 'string', 'collection-number': 'string', 'collection-title': 'string', 'container-title': 'string', 'container-title-short': 'string', dimensions: 'string', division: 'string', DOI: 'string', edition: ['string', 'number'], event: 'string', 'event-title': 'string', 'event-place': 'string', 'first-reference-note-number': 'string', genre: 'string', ISBN: 'string', ISSN: 'string', issue: ['string', 'number'], jurisdiction: 'string', keyword: 'string', locator: 'string', medium: 'string', note: 'string', number: ['string', 'number'], 'number-of-pages': 'string', 'number-of-volumes': ['string', 'number'], 'original-publisher': 'string', 'original-publisher-place': 'string', 'original-title': 'string', page: 'string', 'page-first': 'string', 'part-number': ['string', 'number'], 'part-title': 'string', PMCID: 'string', PMID: 'string', printing: 'string', publisher: 'string', 'publisher-place': 'string', references: 'string', 'reviewed-title': 'string', 'reviewed-genre': 'string', scale: 'string', section: 'string', source: 'string', status: 'string', supplement: ['string', 'number'], title: 'string', 'title-short': 'string', URL: 'string', version: 'string', volume: ['string', 'number'], 'volume-title': 'string', 'volume-title-short': 'string', 'year-suffix': 'string', } function zb(e, t) { if (typeof e == 'object' && e !== null && (e.literal || e.given || return e if (t) { if (typeof e == 'string') return yu.parse(e) } else return } function w3(e, t) { if (e instanceof Array) { const r = => zb(i, t)).filter(Boolean) return r.length ? r : void 0 } } function Sl(e, t) { return e.every((r) => typeof r == 'number') ? e : !t || e.some((r) => isNaN(parseInt(r))) ? void 0 : => parseInt(r)) } function N3(e, t) { const r = 'date-parts' if (!(typeof e != 'object' || e === null)) { if (e[r] instanceof Array && e[r].every((i) => i instanceof Array)) { const i = e[r].map((n) => Sl(n, t)).filter(Boolean) return i.length ? { ...e, 'date-parts': i } : void 0 } else if (e instanceof Array && e.every((i) => i[r] instanceof Array)) { const i = => Sl(n[r], t)).filter(Boolean) return i.length ? { 'date-parts': i } : void 0 } else if (e[r] instanceof Array) { const i = Sl(e[r], t) return i && { 'date-parts': [i] } } else if ('literal' in e || 'raw' in e) return e } } function O3(e, t) { return (e = xp('language', e, t)), Al[e] === !0 ? e : t && e in Al ? Al[e] : void 0 } function xp(e, t, r) { const i = [].concat(ad[e]) switch (ad[e]) { case k3: return zb(t, r) case Le: return w3(t, r) case qr: return N3(t, r) case Hb: return O3(t, r) } if (r) { if (typeof t == 'string' && i.includes('number') && !i.includes('string') && !isNaN(+t)) return parseFloat(t) if (typeof t == 'number' && i.includes('string') && !i.includes('number')) return t.toString() if (Array.isArray(t) && t.length) return xp(e, t[0], r) } if (i.includes(typeof t)) return t } function jb(e, t = !0) { return (r) { const i = {} for (const n in r) { const s = xp(n, r[n], t) s !== void 0 && (i[n] = s) } return i }) } const I3 = Object.freeze( Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, clean: jb }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' }) ) function qb(e) { return Array.isArray(e) ? : ((e = { ...e }), 'event' in e && ((e['event-title'] = e.event), delete e.event), e.type === 'book' && 'version' in e && (e.type = 'software'), e) } function qs(e) { return Array.isArray(e) ? : ((e = { ...e }), 'event-title' in e && ((e.event = e['event-title']), delete e['event-title']), e.type === 'software' && (e.type = 'book'), e) } function Bi(e, t = new Set()) { if (typeof e != 'object' || e === null || (e.constructor !== Object && e.constructor !== Array)) return e if (t.has(e)) throw new TypeError('Recursively copying circular structure') t.add(e) let r if (e.constructor === Array) r = => Bi(i, t)) else { const i = {} for (const n in e) i[n] = Bi(e[n], t) r = i } return t.delete(e), r } var $b = {}, vu = {} vu.byteLength = L3 vu.toByteArray = B3 vu.fromByteArray = U3 var mr = [], qt = [], D3 = typeof Uint8Array < 'u' ? Uint8Array : Array, Cl = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/' for (var Xi = 0, R3 = Cl.length; Xi < R3; ++Xi) (mr[Xi] = Cl[Xi]), (qt[Cl.charCodeAt(Xi)] = Xi) qt['-'.charCodeAt(0)] = 62 qt['_'.charCodeAt(0)] = 63 function Vb(e) { var t = e.length if (t % 4 > 0) throw new Error('Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4') var r = e.indexOf('=') r === -1 && (r = t) var i = r === t ? 0 : 4 - (r % 4) return [r, i] } function L3(e) { var t = Vb(e), r = t[0], i = t[1] return ((r + i) * 3) / 4 - i } function P3(e, t, r) { return ((t + r) * 3) / 4 - r } function B3(e) { var t, r = Vb(e), i = r[0], n = r[1], s = new D3(P3(e, i, n)), a = 0, o = n > 0 ? i - 4 : i, u for (u = 0; u < o; u += 4) (t = (qt[e.charCodeAt(u)] << 18) | (qt[e.charCodeAt(u + 1)] << 12) | (qt[e.charCodeAt(u + 2)] << 6) | qt[e.charCodeAt(u + 3)]), (s[a++] = (t >> 16) & 255), (s[a++] = (t >> 8) & 255), (s[a++] = t & 255) return ( n === 2 && ((t = (qt[e.charCodeAt(u)] << 2) | (qt[e.charCodeAt(u + 1)] >> 4)), (s[a++] = t & 255)), n === 1 && ((t = (qt[e.charCodeAt(u)] << 10) | (qt[e.charCodeAt(u + 1)] << 4) | (qt[e.charCodeAt(u + 2)] >> 2)), (s[a++] = (t >> 8) & 255), (s[a++] = t & 255)), s ) } function F3(e) { return mr[(e >> 18) & 63] + mr[(e >> 12) & 63] + mr[(e >> 6) & 63] + mr[e & 63] } function M3(e, t, r) { for (var i, n = [], s = t; s < r; s += 3) (i = ((e[s] << 16) & 16711680) + ((e[s + 1] << 8) & 65280) + (e[s + 2] & 255)), n.push(F3(i)) return n.join('') } function U3(e) { for (var t, r = e.length, i = r % 3, n = [], s = 16383, a = 0, o = r - i; a < o; a += s) n.push(M3(e, a, a + s > o ? o : a + s)) return ( i === 1 ? ((t = e[r - 1]), n.push(mr[t >> 2] + mr[(t << 4) & 63] + '==')) : i === 2 && ((t = (e[r - 2] << 8) + e[r - 1]), n.push(mr[t >> 10] + mr[(t >> 4) & 63] + mr[(t << 2) & 63] + '=')), n.join('') ) } var Tp = {} /*! ieee754. BSD-3-Clause License. Feross Aboukhadijeh */ = function (e, t, r, i, n) { var s, a, o = n * 8 - i - 1, u = (1 << o) - 1, c = u >> 1, f = -7, h = r ? n - 1 : 0, p = r ? -1 : 1, m = e[t + h] for ( h += p, s = m & ((1 << -f) - 1), m >>= -f, f += o; f > 0; s = s * 256 + e[t + h], h += p, f -= 8 ); for (a = s & ((1 << -f) - 1), s >>= -f, f += i; f > 0; a = a * 256 + e[t + h], h += p, f -= 8); if (s === 0) s = 1 - c else { if (s === u) return a ? NaN : (m ? -1 : 1) * (1 / 0) ;(a = a + Math.pow(2, i)), (s = s - c) } return (m ? -1 : 1) * a * Math.pow(2, s - i) } Tp.write = function (e, t, r, i, n, s) { var a, o, u, c = s * 8 - n - 1, f = (1 << c) - 1, h = f >> 1, p = n === 23 ? Math.pow(2, -24) - Math.pow(2, -77) : 0, m = i ? 0 : s - 1, v = i ? 1 : -1, b = t < 0 || (t === 0 && 1 / t < 0) ? 1 : 0 for ( t = Math.abs(t), isNaN(t) || t === 1 / 0 ? ((o = isNaN(t) ? 1 : 0), (a = f)) : ((a = Math.floor(Math.log(t) / Math.LN2)), t * (u = Math.pow(2, -a)) < 1 && (a--, (u *= 2)), a + h >= 1 ? (t += p / u) : (t += p * Math.pow(2, 1 - h)), t * u >= 2 && (a++, (u /= 2)), a + h >= f ? ((o = 0), (a = f)) : a + h >= 1 ? ((o = (t * u - 1) * Math.pow(2, n)), (a = a + h)) : ((o = t * Math.pow(2, h - 1) * Math.pow(2, n)), (a = 0))); n >= 8; e[r + m] = o & 255, m += v, o /= 256, n -= 8 ); for (a = (a << n) | o, c += n; c > 0; e[r + m] = a & 255, m += v, a /= 256, c -= 8); e[r + m - v] |= b * 128 } /*! * The buffer module from node.js, for the browser. * * @author Feross Aboukhadijeh * @license MIT */ ;(function (e) { var t = vu, r = Tp, i = typeof Symbol == 'function' && typeof Symbol.for == 'function' ? Symbol.for('nodejs.util.inspect.custom') : null ;(e.Buffer = o), (e.SlowBuffer = _), (e.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES = 50) var n = 2147483647 ;(e.kMaxLength = n), (o.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT = s()), !o.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT && typeof console < 'u' && typeof console.error == 'function' && console.error( 'This browser lacks typed array (Uint8Array) support which is required by `buffer` v5.x. Use `buffer` v4.x if you require old browser support.' ) function s() { try { var F = new Uint8Array(1), E = { foo: function () { return 42 }, } return ( Object.setPrototypeOf(E, Uint8Array.prototype), Object.setPrototypeOf(F, E), === 42 ) } catch { return !1 } } Object.defineProperty(o.prototype, 'parent', { enumerable: !0, get: function () { if (o.isBuffer(this)) return this.buffer }, }), Object.defineProperty(o.prototype, 'offset', { enumerable: !0, get: function () { if (o.isBuffer(this)) return this.byteOffset }, }) function a(F) { if (F > n) throw new RangeError('The value "' + F + '" is invalid for option "size"') var E = new Uint8Array(F) return Object.setPrototypeOf(E, o.prototype), E } function o(F, E, A) { if (typeof F == 'number') { if (typeof E == 'string') throw new TypeError('The "string" argument must be of type string. Received type number') return h(F) } return u(F, E, A) } o.poolSize = 8192 function u(F, E, A) { if (typeof F == 'string') return p(F, E) if (ArrayBuffer.isView(F)) return v(F) if (F == null) throw new TypeError( 'The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type ' + typeof F ) if ( Ne(F, ArrayBuffer) || (F && Ne(F.buffer, ArrayBuffer)) || (typeof SharedArrayBuffer < 'u' && (Ne(F, SharedArrayBuffer) || (F && Ne(F.buffer, SharedArrayBuffer)))) ) return b(F, E, A) if (typeof F == 'number') throw new TypeError('The "value" argument must not be of type number. Received type number') var z = F.valueOf && F.valueOf() if (z != null && z !== F) return o.from(z, E, A) var W = S(F) if (W) return W if ( typeof Symbol < 'u' && Symbol.toPrimitive != null && typeof F[Symbol.toPrimitive] == 'function' ) return o.from(F[Symbol.toPrimitive]('string'), E, A) throw new TypeError( 'The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type ' + typeof F ) } ;(o.from = function (F, E, A) { return u(F, E, A) }), Object.setPrototypeOf(o.prototype, Uint8Array.prototype), Object.setPrototypeOf(o, Uint8Array) function c(F) { if (typeof F != 'number') throw new TypeError('"size" argument must be of type number') if (F < 0) throw new RangeError('The value "' + F + '" is invalid for option "size"') } function f(F, E, A) { return ( c(F), F <= 0 ? a(F) : E !== void 0 ? (typeof A == 'string' ? a(F).fill(E, A) : a(F).fill(E)) : a(F) ) } o.alloc = function (F, E, A) { return f(F, E, A) } function h(F) { return c(F), a(F < 0 ? 0 : g(F) | 0) } ;(o.allocUnsafe = function (F) { return h(F) }), (o.allocUnsafeSlow = function (F) { return h(F) }) function p(F, E) { if (((typeof E != 'string' || E === '') && (E = 'utf8'), !o.isEncoding(E))) throw new TypeError('Unknown encoding: ' + E) var A = y(F, E) | 0, z = a(A), W = z.write(F, E) return W !== A && (z = z.slice(0, W)), z } function m(F) { for (var E = F.length < 0 ? 0 : g(F.length) | 0, A = a(E), z = 0; z < E; z += 1) A[z] = F[z] & 255 return A } function v(F) { if (Ne(F, Uint8Array)) { var E = new Uint8Array(F) return b(E.buffer, E.byteOffset, E.byteLength) } return m(F) } function b(F, E, A) { if (E < 0 || F.byteLength < E) throw new RangeError('"offset" is outside of buffer bounds') if (F.byteLength < E + (A || 0)) throw new RangeError('"length" is outside of buffer bounds') var z return ( E === void 0 && A === void 0 ? (z = new Uint8Array(F)) : A === void 0 ? (z = new Uint8Array(F, E)) : (z = new Uint8Array(F, E, A)), Object.setPrototypeOf(z, o.prototype), z ) } function S(F) { if (o.isBuffer(F)) { var E = g(F.length) | 0, A = a(E) return A.length === 0 || F.copy(A, 0, 0, E), A } if (F.length !== void 0) return typeof F.length != 'number' || Oe(F.length) ? a(0) : m(F) if (F.type === 'Buffer' && Array.isArray( return m( } function g(F) { if (F >= n) throw new RangeError( 'Attempt to allocate Buffer larger than maximum size: 0x' + n.toString(16) + ' bytes' ) return F | 0 } function _(F) { return +F != F && (F = 0), o.alloc(+F) } ;(o.isBuffer = function (E) { return E != null && E._isBuffer === !0 && E !== o.prototype }), ( = function (E, A) { if ( (Ne(E, Uint8Array) && (E = o.from(E, E.offset, E.byteLength)), Ne(A, Uint8Array) && (A = o.from(A, A.offset, A.byteLength)), !o.isBuffer(E) || !o.isBuffer(A)) ) throw new TypeError('The "buf1", "buf2" arguments must be one of type Buffer or Uint8Array') if (E === A) return 0 for (var z = E.length, W = A.length, te = 0, ne = Math.min(z, W); te < ne; ++te) if (E[te] !== A[te]) { ;(z = E[te]), (W = A[te]) break } return z < W ? -1 : W < z ? 1 : 0 }), (o.isEncoding = function (E) { switch (String(E).toLowerCase()) { case 'hex': case 'utf8': case 'utf-8': case 'ascii': case 'latin1': case 'binary': case 'base64': case 'ucs2': case 'ucs-2': case 'utf16le': case 'utf-16le': return !0 default: return !1 } }), (o.concat = function (E, A) { if (!Array.isArray(E)) throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers') if (E.length === 0) return o.alloc(0) var z if (A === void 0) for (A = 0, z = 0; z < E.length; ++z) A += E[z].length var W = o.allocUnsafe(A), te = 0 for (z = 0; z < E.length; ++z) { var ne = E[z] if (Ne(ne, Uint8Array)) te + ne.length > W.length ? o.from(ne).copy(W, te) :, ne, te) else if (o.isBuffer(ne)) ne.copy(W, te) else throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers') te += ne.length } return W }) function y(F, E) { if (o.isBuffer(F)) return F.length if (ArrayBuffer.isView(F) || Ne(F, ArrayBuffer)) return F.byteLength if (typeof F != 'string') throw new TypeError( 'The "string" argument must be one of type string, Buffer, or ArrayBuffer. Received type ' + typeof F ) var A = F.length, z = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] === !0 if (!z && A === 0) return 0 for (var W = !1; ; ) switch (E) { case 'ascii': case 'latin1': case 'binary': return A case 'utf8': case 'utf-8': return ce(F).length case 'ucs2': case 'ucs-2': case 'utf16le': case 'utf-16le': return A * 2 case 'hex': return A >>> 1 case 'base64': return me(F).length default: if (W) return z ? -1 : ce(F).length ;(E = ('' + E).toLowerCase()), (W = !0) } } o.byteLength = y function x(F, E, A) { var z = !1 if ( ((E === void 0 || E < 0) && (E = 0), E > this.length || ((A === void 0 || A > this.length) && (A = this.length), A <= 0) || ((A >>>= 0), (E >>>= 0), A <= E)) ) return '' for (F || (F = 'utf8'); ; ) switch (F) { case 'hex': return Y(this, E, A) case 'utf8': case 'utf-8': return j(this, E, A) case 'ascii': return L(this, E, A) case 'latin1': case 'binary': return P(this, E, A) case 'base64': return V(this, E, A) case 'ucs2': case 'ucs-2': case 'utf16le': case 'utf-16le': return w(this, E, A) default: if (z) throw new TypeError('Unknown encoding: ' + F) ;(F = (F + '').toLowerCase()), (z = !0) } } o.prototype._isBuffer = !0 function D(F, E, A) { var z = F[E] ;(F[E] = F[A]), (F[A] = z) } ;(o.prototype.swap16 = function () { var E = this.length if (E % 2 !== 0) throw new RangeError('Buffer size must be a multiple of 16-bits') for (var A = 0; A < E; A += 2) D(this, A, A + 1) return this }), (o.prototype.swap32 = function () { var E = this.length if (E % 4 !== 0) throw new RangeError('Buffer size must be a multiple of 32-bits') for (var A = 0; A < E; A += 4) D(this, A, A + 3), D(this, A + 1, A + 2) return this }), (o.prototype.swap64 = function () { var E = this.length if (E % 8 !== 0) throw new RangeError('Buffer size must be a multiple of 64-bits') for (var A = 0; A < E; A += 8) D(this, A, A + 7), D(this, A + 1, A + 6), D(this, A + 2, A + 5), D(this, A + 3, A + 4) return this }), (o.prototype.toString = function () { var E = this.length return E === 0 ? '' : arguments.length === 0 ? j(this, 0, E) : x.apply(this, arguments) }), (o.prototype.toLocaleString = o.prototype.toString), (o.prototype.equals = function (E) { if (!o.isBuffer(E)) throw new TypeError('Argument must be a Buffer') return this === E ? !0 :, E) === 0 }), (o.prototype.inspect = function () { var E = '', A = e.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES return ( (E = this.toString('hex', 0, A) .replace(/(.{2})/g, '$1 ') .trim()), this.length > A && (E += ' ... '), '' ) }), i && (o.prototype[i] = o.prototype.inspect), ( = function (E, A, z, W, te) { if ((Ne(E, Uint8Array) && (E = o.from(E, E.offset, E.byteLength)), !o.isBuffer(E))) throw new TypeError( 'The "target" argument must be one of type Buffer or Uint8Array. Received type ' + typeof E ) if ( (A === void 0 && (A = 0), z === void 0 && (z = E ? E.length : 0), W === void 0 && (W = 0), te === void 0 && (te = this.length), A < 0 || z > E.length || W < 0 || te > this.length) ) throw new RangeError('out of range index') if (W >= te && A >= z) return 0 if (W >= te) return -1 if (A >= z) return 1 if (((A >>>= 0), (z >>>= 0), (W >>>= 0), (te >>>= 0), this === E)) return 0 for ( var ne = te - W, Te = z - A, De = Math.min(ne, Te), K = this.slice(W, te), se = E.slice(A, z), pe = 0; pe < De; ++pe ) if (K[pe] !== se[pe]) { ;(ne = K[pe]), (Te = se[pe]) break } return ne < Te ? -1 : Te < ne ? 1 : 0 }) function C(F, E, A, z, W) { if (F.length === 0) return -1 if ( (typeof A == 'string' ? ((z = A), (A = 0)) : A > 2147483647 ? (A = 2147483647) : A < -2147483648 && (A = -2147483648), (A = +A), Oe(A) && (A = W ? 0 : F.length - 1), A < 0 && (A = F.length + A), A >= F.length) ) { if (W) return -1 A = F.length - 1 } else if (A < 0) if (W) A = 0 else return -1 if ((typeof E == 'string' && (E = o.from(E, z)), o.isBuffer(E))) return E.length === 0 ? -1 : H(F, E, A, z, W) if (typeof E == 'number') return ( (E = E & 255), typeof Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf == 'function' ? W ?, E, A) :, E, A) : H(F, [E], A, z, W) ) throw new TypeError('val must be string, number or Buffer') } function H(F, E, A, z, W) { var te = 1, ne = F.length, Te = E.length if ( z !== void 0 && ((z = String(z).toLowerCase()), z === 'ucs2' || z === 'ucs-2' || z === 'utf16le' || z === 'utf-16le') ) { if (F.length < 2 || E.length < 2) return -1 ;(te = 2), (ne /= 2), (Te /= 2), (A /= 2) } function De(Ce, ze) { return te === 1 ? Ce[ze] : Ce.readUInt16BE(ze * te) } var K if (W) { var se = -1 for (K = A; K < ne; K++) if (De(F, K) === De(E, se === -1 ? 0 : K - se)) { if ((se === -1 && (se = K), K - se + 1 === Te)) return se * te } else se !== -1 && (K -= K - se), (se = -1) } else for (A + Te > ne && (A = ne - Te), K = A; K >= 0; K--) { for (var pe = !0, ve = 0; ve < Te; ve++) if (De(F, K + ve) !== De(E, ve)) { pe = !1 break } if (pe) return K } return -1 } ;(o.prototype.includes = function (E, A, z) { return this.indexOf(E, A, z) !== -1 }), (o.prototype.indexOf = function (E, A, z) { return C(this, E, A, z, !0) }), (o.prototype.lastIndexOf = function (E, A, z) { return C(this, E, A, z, !1) }) function T(F, E, A, z) { A = Number(A) || 0 var W = F.length - A z ? ((z = Number(z)), z > W && (z = W)) : (z = W) var te = E.length z > te / 2 && (z = te / 2) for (var ne = 0; ne < z; ++ne) { var Te = parseInt(E.substr(ne * 2, 2), 16) if (Oe(Te)) return ne F[A + ne] = Te } return ne } function k(F, E, A, z) { return be(ce(E, F.length - A), F, A, z) } function O(F, E, A, z) { return be(fe(E), F, A, z) } function N(F, E, A, z) { return be(me(E), F, A, z) } function M(F, E, A, z) { return be(ge(E, F.length - A), F, A, z) } ;(o.prototype.write = function (E, A, z, W) { if (A === void 0) (W = 'utf8'), (z = this.length), (A = 0) else if (z === void 0 && typeof A == 'string') (W = A), (z = this.length), (A = 0) else if (isFinite(A)) (A = A >>> 0), isFinite(z) ? ((z = z >>> 0), W === void 0 && (W = 'utf8')) : ((W = z), (z = void 0)) else throw new Error('Buffer.write(string, encoding, offset[, length]) is no longer supported') var te = this.length - A if ( ((z === void 0 || z > te) && (z = te), (E.length > 0 && (z < 0 || A < 0)) || A > this.length) ) throw new RangeError('Attempt to write outside buffer bounds') W || (W = 'utf8') for (var ne = !1; ; ) switch (W) { case 'hex': return T(this, E, A, z) case 'utf8': case 'utf-8': return k(this, E, A, z) case 'ascii': case 'latin1': case 'binary': return O(this, E, A, z) case 'base64': return N(this, E, A, z) case 'ucs2': case 'ucs-2': case 'utf16le': case 'utf-16le': return M(this, E, A, z) default: if (ne) throw new TypeError('Unknown encoding: ' + W) ;(W = ('' + W).toLowerCase()), (ne = !0) } }), (o.prototype.toJSON = function () { return { type: 'Buffer', data: || this, 0) } }) function V(F, E, A) { return E === 0 && A === F.length ? t.fromByteArray(F) : t.fromByteArray(F.slice(E, A)) } function j(F, E, A) { A = Math.min(F.length, A) for (var z = [], W = E; W < A; ) { var te = F[W], ne = null, Te = te > 239 ? 4 : te > 223 ? 3 : te > 191 ? 2 : 1 if (W + Te <= A) { var De, K, se, pe switch (Te) { case 1: te < 128 && (ne = te) break case 2: ;(De = F[W + 1]), (De & 192) === 128 && ((pe = ((te & 31) << 6) | (De & 63)), pe > 127 && (ne = pe)) break case 3: ;(De = F[W + 1]), (K = F[W + 2]), (De & 192) === 128 && (K & 192) === 128 && ((pe = ((te & 15) << 12) | ((De & 63) << 6) | (K & 63)), pe > 2047 && (pe < 55296 || pe > 57343) && (ne = pe)) break case 4: ;(De = F[W + 1]), (K = F[W + 2]), (se = F[W + 3]), (De & 192) === 128 && (K & 192) === 128 && (se & 192) === 128 && ((pe = ((te & 15) << 18) | ((De & 63) << 12) | ((K & 63) << 6) | (se & 63)), pe > 65535 && pe < 1114112 && (ne = pe)) } } ne === null ? ((ne = 65533), (Te = 1)) : ne > 65535 && ((ne -= 65536), z.push(((ne >>> 10) & 1023) | 55296), (ne = 56320 | (ne & 1023))), z.push(ne), (W += Te) } return $(z) } var R = 4096 function $(F) { var E = F.length if (E <= R) return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, F) for (var A = '', z = 0; z < E; ) A += String.fromCharCode.apply(String, F.slice(z, (z += R))) return A } function L(F, E, A) { var z = '' A = Math.min(F.length, A) for (var W = E; W < A; ++W) z += String.fromCharCode(F[W] & 127) return z } function P(F, E, A) { var z = '' A = Math.min(F.length, A) for (var W = E; W < A; ++W) z += String.fromCharCode(F[W]) return z } function Y(F, E, A) { var z = F.length ;(!E || E < 0) && (E = 0), (!A || A < 0 || A > z) && (A = z) for (var W = '', te = E; te < A; ++te) W += _e[F[te]] return W } function w(F, E, A) { for (var z = F.slice(E, A), W = '', te = 0; te < z.length - 1; te += 2) W += String.fromCharCode(z[te] + z[te + 1] * 256) return W } o.prototype.slice = function (E, A) { var z = this.length ;(E = ~~E), (A = A === void 0 ? z : ~~A), E < 0 ? ((E += z), E < 0 && (E = 0)) : E > z && (E = z), A < 0 ? ((A += z), A < 0 && (A = 0)) : A > z && (A = z), A < E && (A = E) var W = this.subarray(E, A) return Object.setPrototypeOf(W, o.prototype), W } function q(F, E, A) { if (F % 1 !== 0 || F < 0) throw new RangeError('offset is not uint') if (F + E > A) throw new RangeError('Trying to access beyond buffer length') } ;(o.prototype.readUintLE = o.prototype.readUIntLE = function (E, A, z) { ;(E = E >>> 0), (A = A >>> 0), z || q(E, A, this.length) for (var W = this[E], te = 1, ne = 0; ++ne < A && (te *= 256); ) W += this[E + ne] * te return W }), (o.prototype.readUintBE = o.prototype.readUIntBE = function (E, A, z) { ;(E = E >>> 0), (A = A >>> 0), z || q(E, A, this.length) for (var W = this[E + --A], te = 1; A > 0 && (te *= 256); ) W += this[E + --A] * te return W }), (o.prototype.readUint8 = o.prototype.readUInt8 = function (E, A) { return (E = E >>> 0), A || q(E, 1, this.length), this[E] }), (o.prototype.readUint16LE = o.prototype.readUInt16LE = function (E, A) { return (E = E >>> 0), A || q(E, 2, this.length), this[E] | (this[E + 1] << 8) }), (o.prototype.readUint16BE = o.prototype.readUInt16BE = function (E, A) { return (E = E >>> 0), A || q(E, 2, this.length), (this[E] << 8) | this[E + 1] }), (o.prototype.readUint32LE = o.prototype.readUInt32LE = function (E, A) { return ( (E = E >>> 0), A || q(E, 4, this.length), (this[E] | (this[E + 1] << 8) | (this[E + 2] << 16)) + this[E + 3] * 16777216 ) }), (o.prototype.readUint32BE = o.prototype.readUInt32BE = function (E, A) { return ( (E = E >>> 0), A || q(E, 4, this.length), this[E] * 16777216 + ((this[E + 1] << 16) | (this[E + 2] << 8) | this[E + 3]) ) }), (o.prototype.readIntLE = function (E, A, z) { ;(E = E >>> 0), (A = A >>> 0), z || q(E, A, this.length) for (var W = this[E], te = 1, ne = 0; ++ne < A && (te *= 256); ) W += this[E + ne] * te return (te *= 128), W >= te && (W -= Math.pow(2, 8 * A)), W }), (o.prototype.readIntBE = function (E, A, z) { ;(E = E >>> 0), (A = A >>> 0), z || q(E, A, this.length) for (var W = A, te = 1, ne = this[E + --W]; W > 0 && (te *= 256); ) ne += this[E + --W] * te return (te *= 128), ne >= te && (ne -= Math.pow(2, 8 * A)), ne }), (o.prototype.readInt8 = function (E, A) { return ( (E = E >>> 0), A || q(E, 1, this.length), this[E] & 128 ? (255 - this[E] + 1) * -1 : this[E] ) }), (o.prototype.readInt16LE = function (E, A) { ;(E = E >>> 0), A || q(E, 2, this.length) var z = this[E] | (this[E + 1] << 8) return z & 32768 ? z | 4294901760 : z }), (o.prototype.readInt16BE = function (E, A) { ;(E = E >>> 0), A || q(E, 2, this.length) var z = this[E + 1] | (this[E] << 8) return z & 32768 ? z | 4294901760 : z }), (o.prototype.readInt32LE = function (E, A) { return ( (E = E >>> 0), A || q(E, 4, this.length), this[E] | (this[E + 1] << 8) | (this[E + 2] << 16) | (this[E + 3] << 24) ) }), (o.prototype.readInt32BE = function (E, A) { return ( (E = E >>> 0), A || q(E, 4, this.length), (this[E] << 24) | (this[E + 1] << 16) | (this[E + 2] << 8) | this[E + 3] ) }), (o.prototype.readFloatLE = function (E, A) { return (E = E >>> 0), A || q(E, 4, this.length),, E, !0, 23, 4) }), (o.prototype.readFloatBE = function (E, A) { return (E = E >>> 0), A || q(E, 4, this.length),, E, !1, 23, 4) }), (o.prototype.readDoubleLE = function (E, A) { return (E = E >>> 0), A || q(E, 8, this.length),, E, !0, 52, 8) }), (o.prototype.readDoubleBE = function (E, A) { return (E = E >>> 0), A || q(E, 8, this.length),, E, !1, 52, 8) }) function X(F, E, A, z, W, te) { if (!o.isBuffer(F)) throw new TypeError('"buffer" argument must be a Buffer instance') if (E > W || E < te) throw new RangeError('"value" argument is out of bounds') if (A + z > F.length) throw new RangeError('Index out of range') } ;(o.prototype.writeUintLE = o.prototype.writeUIntLE = function (E, A, z, W) { if (((E = +E), (A = A >>> 0), (z = z >>> 0), !W)) { var te = Math.pow(2, 8 * z) - 1 X(this, E, A, z, te, 0) } var ne = 1, Te = 0 for (this[A] = E & 255; ++Te < z && (ne *= 256); ) this[A + Te] = (E / ne) & 255 return A + z }), (o.prototype.writeUintBE = o.prototype.writeUIntBE = function (E, A, z, W) { if (((E = +E), (A = A >>> 0), (z = z >>> 0), !W)) { var te = Math.pow(2, 8 * z) - 1 X(this, E, A, z, te, 0) } var ne = z - 1, Te = 1 for (this[A + ne] = E & 255; --ne >= 0 && (Te *= 256); ) this[A + ne] = (E / Te) & 255 return A + z }), (o.prototype.writeUint8 = o.prototype.writeUInt8 = function (E, A, z) { return (E = +E), (A = A >>> 0), z || X(this, E, A, 1, 255, 0), (this[A] = E & 255), A + 1 }), (o.prototype.writeUint16LE = o.prototype.writeUInt16LE = function (E, A, z) { return ( (E = +E), (A = A >>> 0), z || X(this, E, A, 2, 65535, 0), (this[A] = E & 255), (this[A + 1] = E >>> 8), A + 2 ) }), (o.prototype.writeUint16BE = o.prototype.writeUInt16BE = function (E, A, z) { return ( (E = +E), (A = A >>> 0), z || X(this, E, A, 2, 65535, 0), (this[A] = E >>> 8), (this[A + 1] = E & 255), A + 2 ) }), (o.prototype.writeUint32LE = o.prototype.writeUInt32LE = function (E, A, z) { return ( (E = +E), (A = A >>> 0), z || X(this, E, A, 4, 4294967295, 0), (this[A + 3] = E >>> 24), (this[A + 2] = E >>> 16), (this[A + 1] = E >>> 8), (this[A] = E & 255), A + 4 ) }), (o.prototype.writeUint32BE = o.prototype.writeUInt32BE = function (E, A, z) { return ( (E = +E), (A = A >>> 0), z || X(this, E, A, 4, 4294967295, 0), (this[A] = E >>> 24), (this[A + 1] = E >>> 16), (this[A + 2] = E >>> 8), (this[A + 3] = E & 255), A + 4 ) }), (o.prototype.writeIntLE = function (E, A, z, W) { if (((E = +E), (A = A >>> 0), !W)) { var te = Math.pow(2, 8 * z - 1) X(this, E, A, z, te - 1, -te) } var ne = 0, Te = 1, De = 0 for (this[A] = E & 255; ++ne < z && (Te *= 256); ) E < 0 && De === 0 && this[A + ne - 1] !== 0 && (De = 1), (this[A + ne] = (((E / Te) >> 0) - De) & 255) return A + z }), (o.prototype.writeIntBE = function (E, A, z, W) { if (((E = +E), (A = A >>> 0), !W)) { var te = Math.pow(2, 8 * z - 1) X(this, E, A, z, te - 1, -te) } var ne = z - 1, Te = 1, De = 0 for (this[A + ne] = E & 255; --ne >= 0 && (Te *= 256); ) E < 0 && De === 0 && this[A + ne + 1] !== 0 && (De = 1), (this[A + ne] = (((E / Te) >> 0) - De) & 255) return A + z }), (o.prototype.writeInt8 = function (E, A, z) { return ( (E = +E), (A = A >>> 0), z || X(this, E, A, 1, 127, -128), E < 0 && (E = 255 + E + 1), (this[A] = E & 255), A + 1 ) }), (o.prototype.writeInt16LE = function (E, A, z) { return ( (E = +E), (A = A >>> 0), z || X(this, E, A, 2, 32767, -32768), (this[A] = E & 255), (this[A + 1] = E >>> 8), A + 2 ) }), (o.prototype.writeInt16BE = function (E, A, z) { return ( (E = +E), (A = A >>> 0), z || X(this, E, A, 2, 32767, -32768), (this[A] = E >>> 8), (this[A + 1] = E & 255), A + 2 ) }), (o.prototype.writeInt32LE = function (E, A, z) { return ( (E = +E), (A = A >>> 0), z || X(this, E, A, 4, 2147483647, -2147483648), (this[A] = E & 255), (this[A + 1] = E >>> 8), (this[A + 2] = E >>> 16), (this[A + 3] = E >>> 24), A + 4 ) }), (o.prototype.writeInt32BE = function (E, A, z) { return ( (E = +E), (A = A >>> 0), z || X(this, E, A, 4, 2147483647, -2147483648), E < 0 && (E = 4294967295 + E + 1), (this[A] = E >>> 24), (this[A + 1] = E >>> 16), (this[A + 2] = E >>> 8), (this[A + 3] = E & 255), A + 4 ) }) function I(F, E, A, z, W, te) { if (A + z > F.length) throw new RangeError('Index out of range') if (A < 0) throw new RangeError('Index out of range') } function re(F, E, A, z, W) { return (E = +E), (A = A >>> 0), W || I(F, E, A, 4), r.write(F, E, A, z, 23, 4), A + 4 } ;(o.prototype.writeFloatLE = function (E, A, z) { return re(this, E, A, !0, z) }), (o.prototype.writeFloatBE = function (E, A, z) { return re(this, E, A, !1, z) }) function ie(F, E, A, z, W) { return (E = +E), (A = A >>> 0), W || I(F, E, A, 8), r.write(F, E, A, z, 52, 8), A + 8 } ;(o.prototype.writeDoubleLE = function (E, A, z) { return ie(this, E, A, !0, z) }), (o.prototype.writeDoubleBE = function (E, A, z) { return ie(this, E, A, !1, z) }), (o.prototype.copy = function (E, A, z, W) { if (!o.isBuffer(E)) throw new TypeError('argument should be a Buffer') if ( (z || (z = 0), !W && W !== 0 && (W = this.length), A >= E.length && (A = E.length), A || (A = 0), W > 0 && W < z && (W = z), W === z || E.length === 0 || this.length === 0) ) return 0 if (A < 0) throw new RangeError('targetStart out of bounds') if (z < 0 || z >= this.length) throw new RangeError('Index out of range') if (W < 0) throw new RangeError('sourceEnd out of bounds') W > this.length && (W = this.length), E.length - A < W - z && (W = E.length - A + z) var te = W - z return ( this === E && typeof Uint8Array.prototype.copyWithin == 'function' ? this.copyWithin(A, z, W) :, this.subarray(z, W), A), te ) }), (o.prototype.fill = function (E, A, z, W) { if (typeof E == 'string') { if ( (typeof A == 'string' ? ((W = A), (A = 0), (z = this.length)) : typeof z == 'string' && ((W = z), (z = this.length)), W !== void 0 && typeof W != 'string') ) throw new TypeError('encoding must be a string') if (typeof W == 'string' && !o.isEncoding(W)) throw new TypeError('Unknown encoding: ' + W) if (E.length === 1) { var te = E.charCodeAt(0) ;((W === 'utf8' && te < 128) || W === 'latin1') && (E = te) } } else typeof E == 'number' ? (E = E & 255) : typeof E == 'boolean' && (E = Number(E)) if (A < 0 || this.length < A || this.length < z) throw new RangeError('Out of range index') if (z <= A) return this ;(A = A >>> 0), (z = z === void 0 ? this.length : z >>> 0), E || (E = 0) var ne if (typeof E == 'number') for (ne = A; ne < z; ++ne) this[ne] = E else { var Te = o.isBuffer(E) ? E : o.from(E, W), De = Te.length if (De === 0) throw new TypeError('The value "' + E + '" is invalid for argument "value"') for (ne = 0; ne < z - A; ++ne) this[ne + A] = Te[ne % De] } return this }) var Z = /[^+/0-9A-Za-z-_]/g function oe(F) { if (((F = F.split('=')[0]), (F = F.trim().replace(Z, '')), F.length < 2)) return '' for (; F.length % 4 !== 0; ) F = F + '=' return F } function ce(F, E) { E = E || 1 / 0 for (var A, z = F.length, W = null, te = [], ne = 0; ne < z; ++ne) { if (((A = F.charCodeAt(ne)), A > 55295 && A < 57344)) { if (!W) { if (A > 56319) { ;(E -= 3) > -1 && te.push(239, 191, 189) continue } else if (ne + 1 === z) { ;(E -= 3) > -1 && te.push(239, 191, 189) continue } W = A continue } if (A < 56320) { ;(E -= 3) > -1 && te.push(239, 191, 189), (W = A) continue } A = (((W - 55296) << 10) | (A - 56320)) + 65536 } else W && (E -= 3) > -1 && te.push(239, 191, 189) if (((W = null), A < 128)) { if ((E -= 1) < 0) break te.push(A) } else if (A < 2048) { if ((E -= 2) < 0) break te.push((A >> 6) | 192, (A & 63) | 128) } else if (A < 65536) { if ((E -= 3) < 0) break te.push((A >> 12) | 224, ((A >> 6) & 63) | 128, (A & 63) | 128) } else if (A < 1114112) { if ((E -= 4) < 0) break te.push((A >> 18) | 240, ((A >> 12) & 63) | 128, ((A >> 6) & 63) | 128, (A & 63) | 128) } else throw new Error('Invalid code point') } return te } function fe(F) { for (var E = [], A = 0; A < F.length; ++A) E.push(F.charCodeAt(A) & 255) return E } function ge(F, E) { for (var A, z, W, te = [], ne = 0; ne < F.length && !((E -= 2) < 0); ++ne) (A = F.charCodeAt(ne)), (z = A >> 8), (W = A % 256), te.push(W), te.push(z) return te } function me(F) { return t.toByteArray(oe(F)) } function be(F, E, A, z) { for (var W = 0; W < z && !(W + A >= E.length || W >= F.length); ++W) E[W + A] = F[W] return W } function Ne(F, E) { return ( F instanceof E || (F != null && F.constructor != null && != null && === ) } function Oe(F) { return F !== F } var _e = (function () { for (var F = '0123456789abcdef', E = new Array(256), A = 0; A < 16; ++A) for (var z = A * 16, W = 0; W < 16; ++W) E[z + W] = F[A] + F[W] return E })() })($b) const { Buffer: fa } = $b function Lr(...e) { const t = new Lr.Request(...e), r = new XMLHttpRequest() ;(r.withCredentials = t.credentials === 'include'), (r.timeout = t[de].timeout),, t.url, !1) let i = !1 try { r.responseType = 'arraybuffer' } catch { r.overrideMimeType('text/plain; charset=x-user-defined'), (i = !0) } for (const o of t.headers) r.setRequestHeader(...o) r.send(t.body || null) let n = r.getAllResponseHeaders() n = n && n .split( `\r ` ) .filter(Boolean) .map((o) => o.split(': ', 2)) let s = r.response if (i) { const o = fa.alloc(s.length) for (let u = 0; u < s.length; u++) o[u] = s.charCodeAt(u) & 255 s = o } const a = new Lr.Response(s, { headers: n, status: r.status, statusText: r.statusText }) return (a[de].url = r.responseURL), (a[de].redirected = r.responseURL !== t.url), a } const de = Symbol('SyncFetch Internals'), H3 = ['mode', 'cache', 'redirect', 'referrer', 'integrity'], z3 = { 100: 'Continue', 101: 'Switching Protocols', 200: 'OK', 201: 'Created', 202: 'Accepted', 203: 'Non-Authoritative Information', 204: 'No Content', 205: 'Reset Content', 206: 'Partial Content', 300: 'Multiple Choices', 301: 'Moved Permanently', 302: 'Found', 303: 'See Other', 304: 'Not Modified', 305: 'Use Proxy', 307: 'Temporary Redirect', 400: 'Bad Request', 401: 'Unauthorized', 402: 'Payment Required', 403: 'Forbidden', 404: 'Not Found', 405: 'Method Not Allowed', 406: 'Not Acceptable', 407: 'Proxy Authentication Required', 408: 'Request Timeout', 409: 'Conflict', 410: 'Gone', 411: 'Length Required', 412: 'Precondition Failed', 413: 'Payload Too Large', 414: 'URI Too Long', 415: 'Unsupported Media Type', 416: 'Range Not Satisfiable', 417: 'Expectation Failed', 426: 'Upgrade Required', 500: 'Internal Server Error', 501: 'Not Implemented', 502: 'Bad Gateway', 503: 'Service Unavailable', 504: 'Gateway Timeout', 505: 'HTTP Version Not Supported', } class $s { constructor(t, r = {}) { for (const i of H3) if (i in r) throw new TypeError(`option ${i} not supported`) if (r.credentials === 'same-origin') throw new TypeError("option credentials with value 'same-origin' not supported") if ( ((this[de] = { method: r.method || 'GET', headers: new Lr.Headers(r.headers), body: r.body ? fa.from(r.body) : null, credentials: r.credentials || 'omit', timeout: r.timeout || 0, }), typeof t == 'string') ) this[de].url = t else if (t instanceof $s) (this[de].url = t.url), r.method || (this[de].method = t.method), r.headers || (this[de].headers = t.headers), r.body || (this[de].body = t[de].body), r.credentials || (this[de].credentials = t.credentials) else throw new TypeError('Request input should be a URL string or a Request object') } get cache() { return 'default' } get credentials() { return this[de].credentials } get destination() { return '' } get headers() { return this[de].headers } get integrity() { return '' } get method() { return this[de].method } get mode() { return 'cors' } get priority() { return 'auto' } get redirect() { return 'follow' } get referrer() { return 'about:client' } get referrerPolicy() { return '' } get url() { return this[de].url } clone() { return Ap(this), new $s(this.url, this[de]) } } class Eu { constructor(t, r = {}) { this[de] = { body: t ? fa.from(t) : null, bodyUsed: !1, headers: new Lr.Headers(r.headers), status: r.status, statusText: r.statusText, } } get headers() { return this[de].headers } get ok() { const t = this[de].status return t >= 200 && t < 300 } get redirected() { return this[de].redirected } get status() { return this[de].status } get statusText() { return this[de].statusText } get url() { return this[de].url } clone() { return this.redirect(this[de].url, this[de].status) } redirect(t, r) { Ap(this) const i = new Eu(this[de].body, { headers: this[de].headers, status: r || this[de].status, statusText: z3[r] || this[de].statusText, }) return (i[de].url = t || this[de].url), (i[de].redirected = this[de].redirected), i } } class Vs { constructor(t) { this[de] = { body: fa.from(t), bodyUsed: !1 } } get bodyUsed() { return this[de].bodyUsed } static mixin(t) { for (const r of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Vs.prototype)) { if (r === 'constructor') continue const i = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Vs.prototype, r) Object.defineProperty(t, r, { ...i, enumerable: !0 }) } } arrayBuffer() { const t = Jn(this) return t.buffer.slice(t.byteOffset, t.byteOffset + t.byteLength) } blob() { const t = this.headers && this.headers.get('content-type') return new Blob([Jn(this)], t && { type: t }) } text() { return Jn(this).toString() } json() { try { return JSON.parse(Jn(this).toString()) } catch (t) { throw new TypeError( `invalid json response body at ${this.url} reason: ${t.message}`, 'invalid-json' ) } } buffer() { return Jn(this).clone() } } function Ap(e) { if (e.bodyUsed) throw new TypeError(`body used already for: ${e.url}`) } function Jn(e) { return Ap(e), (e[de].bodyUsed = !0), e[de].body || fa.alloc(0) } Vs.mixin($s.prototype) Vs.mixin(Eu.prototype) let j3 = class { constructor(t) { if (t instanceof Lr.Headers) this[de] = { ...t[de] } else if (((this[de] = {}), Array.isArray(t))) for (const [r, i] of t) this.append(r, i) else if (typeof t == 'object') for (const r in t) this.set(r, t[r]) } append(t, r) { ;(t = t.toLowerCase()), this[de][t] || (this[de][t] = []), this[de][t].push(r) } delete(t) { delete this[de][t.toLowerCase()] } set(t, r) { this[de][t.toLowerCase()] = [r] } entries() { const t = [] for (const r in this[de]) for (const i of this[de][r]) t.push([r, i]) return t } get(t) { return (t = t.toLowerCase()), t in this[de] ? this[de][t].join(', ') : null } keys() { return Object.keys(this[de]) } has(t) { return t.toLowerCase() in this[de] } values() { const t = [] for (const r in this[de]) for (const i of this[de][r]) t.push(i) return t } *[Symbol.iterator]() { for (const t in this[de]) for (const r of this[de][t]) yield [t, r] } } Lr.Headers = j3 Lr.Request = $s Lr.Response = Eu var q3 = Lr const Gb = ci(q3) var $c = { exports: {} } ;(function (e, t) { ;(function (r) { function i(n) { var s = (n && n.Promise) || r.Promise, a = (n && n.XMLHttpRequest) || r.XMLHttpRequest return (function () { var o = Object.create(r, { fetch: { value: void 0, writable: !0 } }) return ( (function (u, c) { c(t) })(this, function (u) { var c = (typeof o < 'u' && o) || (typeof self < 'u' && self) || (typeof c < 'u' && c), f = { searchParams: 'URLSearchParams' in c, iterable: 'Symbol' in c && 'iterator' in Symbol, blob: 'FileReader' in c && 'Blob' in c && (function () { try { return new Blob(), !0 } catch { return !1 } })(), formData: 'FormData' in c, arrayBuffer: 'ArrayBuffer' in c, } function h(L) { return L && DataView.prototype.isPrototypeOf(L) } if (f.arrayBuffer) var p = [ '[object Int8Array]', '[object Uint8Array]', '[object Uint8ClampedArray]', '[object Int16Array]', '[object Uint16Array]', '[object Int32Array]', '[object Uint32Array]', '[object Float32Array]', '[object Float64Array]', ], m = ArrayBuffer.isView || function (L) { return L && p.indexOf( > -1 } function v(L) { if ( (typeof L != 'string' && (L = String(L)), /[^a-z0-9\-#$%&'*+.^_`|~!]/i.test(L) || L === '') ) throw new TypeError('Invalid character in header field name') return L.toLowerCase() } function b(L) { return typeof L != 'string' && (L = String(L)), L } function S(L) { var P = { next: function () { var Y = L.shift() return { done: Y === void 0, value: Y } }, } return ( f.iterable && (P[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return P }), P ) } function g(L) { ;( = {}), L instanceof g ? L.forEach(function (P, Y) { this.append(Y, P) }, this) : Array.isArray(L) ? L.forEach(function (P) { this.append(P[0], P[1]) }, this) : L && Object.getOwnPropertyNames(L).forEach(function (P) { this.append(P, L[P]) }, this) } ;(g.prototype.append = function (L, P) { ;(L = v(L)), (P = b(P)) var Y =[L][L] = Y ? Y + ', ' + P : P }), (g.prototype.delete = function (L) { delete[v(L)] }), (g.prototype.get = function (L) { return (L = v(L)), this.has(L) ?[L] : null }), (g.prototype.has = function (L) { return }), (g.prototype.set = function (L, P) {[v(L)] = b(P) }), (g.prototype.forEach = function (L, P) { for (var Y in &&,[Y], Y, this) }), (g.prototype.keys = function () { var L = [] return ( this.forEach(function (P, Y) { L.push(Y) }), S(L) ) }), (g.prototype.values = function () { var L = [] return ( this.forEach(function (P) { L.push(P) }), S(L) ) }), (g.prototype.entries = function () { var L = [] return ( this.forEach(function (P, Y) { L.push([Y, P]) }), S(L) ) }), f.iterable && (g.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = g.prototype.entries) function _(L) { if (L.bodyUsed) return s.reject(new TypeError('Already read')) L.bodyUsed = !0 } function y(L) { return new s(function (P, Y) { ;(L.onload = function () { P(L.result) }), (L.onerror = function () { Y(L.error) }) }) } function x(L) { var P = new FileReader(), Y = y(P) return P.readAsArrayBuffer(L), Y } function D(L) { var P = new FileReader(), Y = y(P) return P.readAsText(L), Y } function C(L) { for (var P = new Uint8Array(L), Y = new Array(P.length), w = 0; w < P.length; w++) Y[w] = String.fromCharCode(P[w]) return Y.join('') } function H(L) { if (L.slice) return L.slice(0) var P = new Uint8Array(L.byteLength) return P.set(new Uint8Array(L)), P.buffer } function T() { return ( (this.bodyUsed = !1), (this._initBody = function (L) { ;(this.bodyUsed = this.bodyUsed), (this._bodyInit = L), L ? typeof L == 'string' ? (this._bodyText = L) : f.blob && Blob.prototype.isPrototypeOf(L) ? (this._bodyBlob = L) : f.formData && FormData.prototype.isPrototypeOf(L) ? (this._bodyFormData = L) : f.searchParams && URLSearchParams.prototype.isPrototypeOf(L) ? (this._bodyText = L.toString()) : f.arrayBuffer && f.blob && h(L) ? ((this._bodyArrayBuffer = H(L.buffer)), (this._bodyInit = new Blob([this._bodyArrayBuffer]))) : f.arrayBuffer && (ArrayBuffer.prototype.isPrototypeOf(L) || m(L)) ? (this._bodyArrayBuffer = H(L)) : (this._bodyText = L = : (this._bodyText = ''), this.headers.get('content-type') || (typeof L == 'string' ? this.headers.set('content-type', 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8') : this._bodyBlob && this._bodyBlob.type ? this.headers.set('content-type', this._bodyBlob.type) : f.searchParams && URLSearchParams.prototype.isPrototypeOf(L) && this.headers.set( 'content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8' )) }), f.blob && ((this.blob = function () { var L = _(this) if (L) return L if (this._bodyBlob) return s.resolve(this._bodyBlob) if (this._bodyArrayBuffer) return s.resolve(new Blob([this._bodyArrayBuffer])) if (this._bodyFormData) throw new Error('could not read FormData body as blob') return s.resolve(new Blob([this._bodyText])) }), (this.arrayBuffer = function () { if (this._bodyArrayBuffer) { var L = _(this) return ( L || (ArrayBuffer.isView(this._bodyArrayBuffer) ? s.resolve( this._bodyArrayBuffer.buffer.slice( this._bodyArrayBuffer.byteOffset, this._bodyArrayBuffer.byteOffset + this._bodyArrayBuffer.byteLength ) ) : s.resolve(this._bodyArrayBuffer)) ) } else return this.blob().then(x) })), (this.text = function () { var L = _(this) if (L) return L if (this._bodyBlob) return D(this._bodyBlob) if (this._bodyArrayBuffer) return s.resolve(C(this._bodyArrayBuffer)) if (this._bodyFormData) throw new Error('could not read FormData body as text') return s.resolve(this._bodyText) }), f.formData && (this.formData = function () { return this.text().then(M) }), (this.json = function () { return this.text().then(JSON.parse) }), this ) } var k = ['DELETE', 'GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'POST', 'PUT'] function O(L) { var P = L.toUpperCase() return k.indexOf(P) > -1 ? P : L } function N(L, P) { if (!(this instanceof N)) throw new TypeError( 'Please use the "new" operator, this DOM object constructor cannot be called as a function.' ) P = P || {} var Y = P.body if (L instanceof N) { if (L.bodyUsed) throw new TypeError('Already read') ;(this.url = L.url), (this.credentials = L.credentials), P.headers || (this.headers = new g(L.headers)), (this.method = L.method), (this.mode = L.mode), (this.signal = L.signal), !Y && L._bodyInit != null && ((Y = L._bodyInit), (L.bodyUsed = !0)) } else this.url = String(L) if ( ((this.credentials = P.credentials || this.credentials || 'same-origin'), (P.headers || !this.headers) && (this.headers = new g(P.headers)), (this.method = O(P.method || this.method || 'GET')), (this.mode = P.mode || this.mode || null), (this.signal = P.signal || this.signal), (this.referrer = null), (this.method === 'GET' || this.method === 'HEAD') && Y) ) throw new TypeError('Body not allowed for GET or HEAD requests') if ( (this._initBody(Y), (this.method === 'GET' || this.method === 'HEAD') && (P.cache === 'no-store' || P.cache === 'no-cache')) ) { var w = /([?&])_=[^&]*/ if (w.test(this.url)) this.url = this.url.replace(w, '$1_=' + new Date().getTime()) else { var q = /\?/ this.url += (q.test(this.url) ? '&' : '?') + '_=' + new Date().getTime() } } } N.prototype.clone = function () { return new N(this, { body: this._bodyInit }) } function M(L) { var P = new FormData() return ( L.trim() .split('&') .forEach(function (Y) { if (Y) { var w = Y.split('='), q = w.shift().replace(/\+/g, ' '), X = w.join('=').replace(/\+/g, ' ') P.append(decodeURIComponent(q), decodeURIComponent(X)) } }), P ) } function V(L) { var P = new g(), Y = L.replace(/\r?\n[\t ]+/g, ' ') return ( Y.split('\r') .map(function (w) { return w.indexOf(` `) === 0 ? w.substr(1, w.length) : w }) .forEach(function (w) { var q = w.split(':'), X = q.shift().trim() if (X) { var I = q.join(':').trim() P.append(X, I) } }), P ) } function j(L, P) { if (!(this instanceof j)) throw new TypeError( 'Please use the "new" operator, this DOM object constructor cannot be called as a function.' ) P || (P = {}), (this.type = 'default'), (this.status = P.status === void 0 ? 200 : P.status), (this.ok = this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300), (this.statusText = 'statusText' in P ? P.statusText : ''), (this.headers = new g(P.headers)), (this.url = P.url || ''), this._initBody(L) }, (j.prototype.clone = function () { return new j(this._bodyInit, { status: this.status, statusText: this.statusText, headers: new g(this.headers), url: this.url, }) }), (j.error = function () { var L = new j(null, { status: 0, statusText: '' }) return (L.type = 'error'), L }) var R = [301, 302, 303, 307, 308] ;(j.redirect = function (L, P) { if (R.indexOf(P) === -1) throw new RangeError('Invalid status code') return new j(null, { status: P, headers: { location: L } }) }), (u.DOMException = c.DOMException) try { new u.DOMException() } catch { ;(u.DOMException = function (P, Y) { ;(this.message = P), ( = Y) var w = Error(P) this.stack = w.stack }), (u.DOMException.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype)), (u.DOMException.prototype.constructor = u.DOMException) } function $(L, P) { return new s(function (Y, w) { var q = new N(L, P) if (q.signal && q.signal.aborted) return w(new u.DOMException('Aborted', 'AbortError')) var X = new a() function I() { X.abort() } ;(X.onload = function () { var ie = { status: X.status, statusText: X.statusText, headers: V(X.getAllResponseHeaders() || ''), } ie.url = 'responseURL' in X ? X.responseURL : ie.headers.get('X-Request-URL') var Z = 'response' in X ? X.response : X.responseText setTimeout(function () { Y(new j(Z, ie)) }, 0) }), (X.onerror = function () { setTimeout(function () { w(new TypeError('Network request failed')) }, 0) }), (X.ontimeout = function () { setTimeout(function () { w(new TypeError('Network request failed')) }, 0) }), (X.onabort = function () { setTimeout(function () { w(new u.DOMException('Aborted', 'AbortError')) }, 0) }) function re(ie) { try { return ie === '' && c.location.href ? c.location.href : ie } catch { return ie } }, re(q.url), !0), q.credentials === 'include' ? (X.withCredentials = !0) : q.credentials === 'omit' && (X.withCredentials = !1), 'responseType' in X && (f.blob ? (X.responseType = 'blob') : f.arrayBuffer && q.headers.get('Content-Type') && q.headers.get('Content-Type').indexOf('application/octet-stream') !== -1 && (X.responseType = 'arraybuffer')), P && typeof P.headers == 'object' && !(P.headers instanceof g) ? Object.getOwnPropertyNames(P.headers).forEach(function (ie) { X.setRequestHeader(ie, b(P.headers[ie])) }) : q.headers.forEach(function (ie, Z) { X.setRequestHeader(Z, ie) }), q.signal && (q.signal.addEventListener('abort', I), (X.onreadystatechange = function () { X.readyState === 4 && q.signal.removeEventListener('abort', I) })), X.send(typeof q._bodyInit > 'u' ? null : q._bodyInit) }) } ;($.polyfill = !0), c.fetch || ((c.fetch = $), (c.Headers = g), (c.Request = N), (c.Response = j)), (u.Headers = g), (u.Request = N), (u.Response = j), (u.fetch = $), Object.defineProperty(u, '__esModule', { value: !0 }) }), { fetch: o.fetch, Headers: o.Headers, Request: o.Request, Response: o.Response, DOMException: o.DOMException, } ) })() } e.exports = i })(typeof globalThis < 'u' ? globalThis : typeof self < 'u' ? self : mn) })($c, $c.exports) var $3 = $c.exports const V3 = ci($3), { fetch: G3, Headers: X3 } = V3(), Y3 = typeof location < 'u' && typeof document < 'u' let W3 = 'Citation.js/0.65' function Xb(e) { const t = {}, r = e instanceof X3 || e instanceof Gb.Headers ? Array.from(e) : Object.entries(e) for (const [i, n] of r) t[i.toLowerCase()] = n.toString() return t } function Yb(e = {}) { const t = { headers: { accept: '*/*' }, method: 'GET', checkContentType: e.checkContentType } if ((Y3 || (t.headers['user-agent'] = W3), e.body)) { t.method = 'POST' const r = typeof e.body != 'string' ;(t.body = r ? JSON.stringify(e.body) : e.body), (t.headers['content-type'] = r ? 'application/json' : 'text/plain') } return e.headers && Object.assign(t.headers, Xb(e.headers)), t } function Q3(e, t) { if (!e.accept || e.accept === '*/*' || !t['content-type']) return !0 const [r, i] = t['content-type'].split(';')[0].trim().split('/') return e.accept .split(',') .map((n) => n.split(';')[0].trim().split('/')) .some(([n, s]) => (n === r || n === '*') && (s === i || s === '*')) } function Wb(e, t) { const { status: r, headers: i } = e let n if ( (r >= 400 ? (n = new Error(`Server responded with status code ${r}`)) : t.checkContentType === !0 && !Q3(t.headers, Xb(i)) && (n = new Error(`Server responded with content-type ${i.get('content-type')}`)), n) ) throw ((n.status = r), (n.headers = i), (n.body = e.body), n) return e } function K3(e, t) { const r = Yb(t) return Ft.http('[core]', r.method, e, r), Wb(Gb(e, r), r).text() } async function J3(e, t) { const r = Yb(t) return ( Ft.http('[core]', r.method, e, r), G3(e, r) .then((i) => Wb(i, r)) .then((i) => i.text()) ) } function Qb(e, t) { let r for (; r === void 0 || e.includes(r); ) r = `${t}${Math.random().toString().slice(2)}` return r } class xu { constructor(t = {}) { = t } set(t, r) { return ([t] = r), this } add(...t) { return this.set(...t) } delete(t) { return delete[t], this } remove(...t) { return this.delete(...t) } get(t) { return[t] } has(t) { return, t) } list() { return Object.keys( } } class Kb { constructor(t, r) { ;(this.rules = t), (this.defaultState = r), (this.mainRule = Object.keys(t)[0]), (this.log = []) } parse(t, r) { return ( (this.lexer = t), (this.token =, (this.state = Bi(this.defaultState)), (this.log = []), this.consumeRule(r || this.mainRule) ) } matchEndOfFile() { return !this.token } matchToken(t) { return this.token && t === this.token.type } consumeToken(t, r) { const i = this.token if (!t || (i && i.type === t)) return (this.token =, i if (r) return { const n = i ? `"${i.type}"` : 'EOF', s = new SyntaxError(this.lexer.formatError(i, `expected "${t}", got ${n}`)) throw ((s.message += ` (${this.log.join('->')})`), s) } } consumeRule(t) { this.log.push(t) const r = this.rules[t].call(this) return this.log.pop(), r } } function Z3(e) { return function (r) { return typeof e == 'boolean' ? e : Object.keys(e).every((i) => { const n = e[i] return n === !0 ? i in r : n === !1 ? !(i in r) : typeof n == 'function' ? n(r[i]) : Array.isArray(n) ? n.includes(r[i]) : r[i] === n }) } } function eO(e, t) { let r, i, n, s if (typeof e == 'string') r = i = e else if (e) (r = t ? : e.source), (i = t ? e.source :, e.convert && (n = t ? e.convert.toSource : e.convert.toTarget), e.when && ((s = t ? : e.when.source), s != null && (s = Z3(s))) else return null return ( (r = [].concat(r).filter(Boolean)), (i = [].concat(i).filter(Boolean)), { inputProp: r, outputProp: i, convert: n, condition: s } ) } function od(e, t) { return ( (t = t === Pr.CONVERT_TO_SOURCE), (e = => eO(r, t)).filter(Boolean)), function (i) { const n = {} for (const { inputProp: s, outputProp: a, convert: o, condition: u } of e) { if (a.length === 0) continue if (u && !u(i)) continue if (s.length !== 0 && s.every((f) => !(f in i))) continue let c = => i[f]) if (o) try { const f = o.apply(i, c) c = a.length === 1 ? [f] : f } catch (f) { throw new Error(`Failed to convert ${s} to ${a}`, { cause: f }) } a.forEach((f, h) => { const p = c[h] p !== void 0 && (n[f] = p) }) } return n } ) } class Pr { constructor(t) { ;(this.convertToSource = od(t, Pr.CONVERT_TO_SOURCE)), (this.convertToTarget = od(t, Pr.CONVERT_TO_TARGET)) } } Pr.CONVERT_TO_SOURCE = Symbol('convert to source') Pr.CONVERT_TO_TARGET = Symbol('convert to target') function tO(e) { return e .reduce((t, r) => { const i = t[t.length - 1] return i && i.type === r.type ? (i.count = i.count + 1 || 2) : t.push(r), t }, []) .map((t) => (t.count > 1 ? t.count + 'x ' : '') + t.type) .join(' -> ') } class Jb { constructor(t, r = {}) { ;(this.options = Object.assign( { generateGraph: !0, forceType: Pi(t), maxChainLength: 10, strict: !0, target: '@csl/list+object', }, r )), (this.type = this.options.forceType), ( = typeof t == 'object' ? Bi(t) : t), (this.graph = [{ type: this.type, data: t }]), (this.iteration = 0) } iterate() { if (this.iteration !== 0) { const t = ey(this.type) t && t.outputs ? (this.type = t.outputs) : (this.type = Pi(, this.graph.push({ type: this.type }) } return this.error || this.type === ? !1 : this.iteration >= this.options.maxChainLength ? ((this.error = new RangeError( `Max. number of parsing iterations reached (${tO(this.graph)})` )), !1) : (this.iteration++, !0) } end() { if (this.error) { if ((Ft.error('[core]', this.error.message), this.options.strict !== !1)) throw this.error return [] } else return === '@csl/list+object' ? qb( ? (t) => Ib(t, this.graph) : Db) : } } const Sp = (...e) => { const t = new Jb(...e) for (; t.iterate(); ) try { = Tu(, t.type) } catch (r) { t.error = r } return t.end() }, rO = (e) => { const t = Pi(e), r = t.match(/array|object/) ? Bi(e) : e return Tu(r, t) }, Cp = async (...e) => { const t = new Jb(...e) for (; t.iterate(); ) = await kp(, t.type).catch((r) => { t.error = r }) return t.end() }, iO = async (e) => { const t = Pi(e), r = t.match(/array|object/) ? Bi(e) : e return kp(r, t) }, Dn = {}, Rn = {}, Vc = { '@csl/object': (e) => [e], '@csl/list+object': (e) => e, '@else/list+object': (e) =>, '@invalid': () => { throw new Error('This format is not supported or recognized') }, }, Gc = { '@else/list+object': async (e) => (await Promise.all( } function Tu(e, t) { if (typeof Dn[t] == 'function') return Dn[t](e) if (typeof Vc[t] == 'function') return Vc[t](e) throw new TypeError(`No synchronous parser found for ${t}`) } async function kp(e, t) { if (typeof Rn[t] == 'function') return Rn[t](e) if (typeof Gc[t] == 'function') return Gc[t](e) if (Zb(t, !1)) return Tu(e, t) throw new TypeError(`No parser found for ${t}`) } function Xc(e, { parser: t, async: r }) { r ? (Rn[e] = t) : (Dn[e] = t) } function Zb(e, t) { return t ? Rn[e] || Gc[e] : Dn[e] || Vc[e] } function Yc(e, t) { delete (t ? Rn : Dn)[e] } function nO(e) { return Object.keys(e ? Rn : Dn) } const Fi = {} function sO(e, t) { const r = new Mb(e, t) r.validate() const i = Fi[e] || (Fi[e] = {}) r.typeParser && (Lb(e, r.typeParser), (i.type = !0)), r.dataParser && (Xc(e, r.dataParser), ( = !0)), r.asyncDataParser && (Xc(e, r.asyncDataParser), (i.asyncData = !0)), t.outputs && (i.outputs = t.outputs) } function ey(e) { return Fi[e] } function aO(e) { const t = Fi[e] t && (t.type && Pb(e), && Yc(e), t.asyncData && Yc(e, !0), delete Fi[e]) } function oO(e) { return e in Fi } function uO() { return Object.keys(Fi) } const lO = Object.assign({}, n3, s3, l3, I3), ty = Object.freeze( Object.defineProperty( { __proto__: null, add: sO, addDataParser: Xc, addTypeParser: Lb, chain: Sp, chainAsync: Cp, chainLink: rO, chainLinkAsync: iO, data: Tu, dataAsync: kp, get: ey, has: oO, hasDataParser: Zb, hasTypeParser: a3, list: uO, listDataParser: nO, listTypeParser: o3, remove: aO, removeDataParser: Yc, removeTypeParser: Pb, treeTypeParser: u3, type: Pi, typeMatcher: Bb, util: lO, }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' } ) ) function cO(e, t = {}, r = !1) { return ( (t === !0 || r === !0) &&,, t)), .filter((i) => !, 'id')) .forEach((i) => { = Qb(this.getIds(), 'temp_id_') }), this ) } async function fO(e, t = {}, r = !1) { return ( (t === !0 || r === !0) &&, Cp(e, t))), .filter((i) => !, 'id')) .forEach((i) => { = Qb(this.getIds(), 'temp_id_') }), this ) } function pO(e, t = {}, r = !1) { return ( (t === !0 || r === !0) &&, ( = []), typeof t != 'boolean' ? this.add(e, t) : this.add(e) ) } async function hO(e, t = {}, r = !1) { return ( (t === !0 || r === !0) &&, ( = []), typeof t != 'boolean' ? this.addAsync(e, t) : this.addAsync(e) ) } function mO(e) { return e &&, ( = []), (this._options = {}), this } const dO = Object.freeze( Object.defineProperty( { __proto__: null, add: cO, addAsync: fO, reset: mO, set: pO, setAsync: hO }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' } ) ) function ry(e) { if ('citation-label' in e) return e['citation-label'] let t = '' return ( && (t +=[0].family ||[0].literal), e.issued && e.issued['date-parts'] && e.issued['date-parts'][0] && (t += e.issued['date-parts'][0][0]), e['year-suffix'] ? (t += e['year-suffix']) : e.title && (t += e.title.replace(/<\/?.*?>/g, '').match(/^(?:(?:the|a|an)\s+)?(\S+)/i)[1]), t ) } const gO = { label(e) { return e.reduce((t, r) => ((t[] = ry(r)), t), {}) }, } function ud(e, t, r = t === 'label') { let i = r ? ry(e) : e[t] switch (t) { case 'author': case 'editor': return => n.literal || || yu.format(n)) case 'accessed': case 'issued': return i['date-parts'][0] case 'page': return i.split('-').map((n) => parseInt(n)) case 'edition': case 'issue': case 'volume': return (i = parseInt(i)), isNaN(i) ? -1 / 0 : i default: return i || -1 / 0 } } function bO(e, t, r, i = /^!/.test(r)) { r = r.replace(/^!/, '') const n = ud(e, r), s = ud(t, r) return (i ? -1 : 1) * (n > s ? 1 : n < s ? -1 : 0) } function yO(...e) { return (t, r) => { const i = e.slice() let n = 0 for (; !n && i.length; ) n = bO(t, r, i.shift()) return n } } function _O(e = [], t) { return t &&, e == 'function' ? e : yO(...e, 'label')), this } const vO = Object.freeze( Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, sort: _O }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' }) ) function EO(e, t, r) { typeof t == 'function' && !r && ((r = t), (t = void 0)) const i = li().setAsync(e, t) if (typeof r == 'function') { i.then(r) return } else return i } const xO = Object.freeze( Object.defineProperty( { __proto__: null, async: EO, validateOptions: e3, validateOutputOptions: bu }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' } ) ) function TO(e, t) { if (typeof e != 'string') throw new TypeError(`Invalid output format name, expected string, got ${typeof e}`) if (typeof t != 'function') throw new TypeError(`Invalid formatter, expected function, got ${typeof t}`) } const Mi = new xu() function AO(e, t) { TO(e, t), Mi.set(e, t) } function SO(e) { Mi.remove(e) } function CO(e) { return Mi.has(e) } function kO() { return Mi.list() } function iy(e, t, ...r) { if (!Mi.has(e)) throw new Error(`Output format "${e}" unavailable`) return Mi.get(e)(t, ...r) } const ny = Object.freeze( Object.defineProperty( { __proto__: null, add: AO, format: iy, has: CO, list: kO, register: Mi, remove: SO }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' } ) ) function wO() { return => } function NO(e, ...t) { return iy(e, jb(, ...t) } function OO(e = {}) { bu(e) const t = Object.assign({}, this.defaultOptions, this._options.output, e), { type: r, style: i } = t, [n, s] = i.split('-'), a = n === 'citation' ? 'bibliography' : n === 'csl' ? 'data' : n, o = r === 'string' ? 'text' : r === 'json' ? 'object' : r let u switch (a) { case 'bibliography': { const { lang: h, append: p, prepend: m } = t u = { template: s, lang: h, format: o, append: p, prepend: m } break } case 'data': case 'bibtex': case 'bibtxt': case 'ndjson': case 'ris': u = { type: o } break default: throw new Error(`Invalid style "${a}"`) } const c = this.format(a, Object.assign(u, e._newOptions)), { format: f } = t if ( f === 'real' && o === 'html' && typeof document < 'u' && typeof document.createElement == 'function' ) { const h = document.createElement('div') return (h.innerHTML = c), h.firstChild } else return f === 'string' && typeof c == 'object' ? JSON.stringify(c) : c } const IO = Object.freeze( Object.defineProperty({ __proto__: null, format: NO, get: OO, getIds: wO }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module', }) ) function li(e, t = {}) { return this instanceof li ? ((this._options = t), (this.log = []), ( = []), this.set(e, t), this.options(t), this) : new li(e, t) } Object.assign(li.prototype, ZN, i3, dO, vO, IO) li.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function* () { yield* } Object.assign(li, xO) function DO(e, t) { if (typeof e != 'string') throw new TypeError(`Invalid dict name, expected string, got ${typeof e}`) if (typeof t != 'object') throw new TypeError(`Invalid dict, expected object, got ${typeof t}`) for (const r in t) { const i = t[r] if (!Array.isArray(i) || i.some((n) => typeof n != 'string')) throw new TypeError(`Invalid dict entry "${r}", expected array of strings`) } } const Ui = new xu({ html: { bibliographyContainer: ['
', '
'], entry: ['
', '
'], list: ['
    ', '
'], listItem: ['
  • ', '
  • '], }, text: { bibliographyContainer: [ '', ` `, ], entry: [ '', ` `, ], list: [ ` `, '', ], listItem: [ ' ', ` `, ], }, }) function RO(e, t) { DO(e, t), Ui.set(e, t) } function LO(e) { Ui.remove(e) } function sy(e) { return Ui.has(e) } function PO() { return Ui.list() } function wp(e) { if (!Ui.has(e)) throw new Error(`Dict "${e}" unavailable`) return Ui.get(e) } const BO = { wr_start: '
    ', wr_end: '
    ', en_start: '
    ', en_end: '
    ', ul_start: '
      ', ul_end: '
    ', li_start: '
  • ', li_end: '
  • ', }, FO = { wr_start: '', wr_end: ` `, en_start: '', en_end: ` `, ul_start: ` `, ul_end: '', li_start: ' ', li_end: ` `, }, ay = Object.freeze( Object.defineProperty( { __proto__: null, add: RO, get: wp, has: sy, htmlDict: BO, list: PO, register: Ui, remove: LO, textDict: FO, }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' } ) ), pa = {} function MO(e, t) { pa[e] = t } function UO(e) { return pa[e] } function HO(e) { return, e) } function zO(e) { delete pa[e] } function jO() { return Object.keys(pa) } const oy = Object.freeze( Object.defineProperty( { __proto__: null, add: MO, get: UO, has: HO, list: jO, remove: zO }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' } ) ), Wc = { input: ty, output: ny, dict: ay, config: oy }, Gs = {} function ha(e, t = {}) { const r = (Gs[e] = {}) for (const i in t) { if (i === 'config') { ;(r.config = { [e]: t.config }), Wc.config.add(e, t.config) continue } const n = (r[i] = {}), s = t[i] for (const a in s) { const o = s[a] ;(n[a] = !0), Wc[i].add(a, o) } } } function qO(e) { const t = Gs[e] for (const r in t) { const i = t[r] for (const n in i) Wc[r].remove(n) } delete Gs[e] } function $O(e) { return e in Gs } function VO() { return Object.keys(Gs) } const GO = Object.freeze( Object.defineProperty( { __proto__: null, add: ha, config: oy, dict: ay, has: $O, input: ty, list: VO, output: ny, remove: qO, }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' } ) ) function kl() { return [] } const XO = [ [/((?:\[|:|,)\s*)'((?:\\'|[^'])*?[^\\])?'(?=\s*(?:\]|}|,))/g, '$1"$2"'], [ /((?:(?:"|]|}|\/[gmiuys]|\.|(?:\d|\.|-)*\d)\s*,|{)\s*)(?:"([^":\n]+?)"|'([^":\n]+?)'|([^":\n]+?))(\s*):/g, '$1"$2$3$4"$5:', ], ] function YO(e) { if (typeof e != 'string') return JSON.parse(e) try { return JSON.parse(e) } catch { return ( Ft.debug('[plugin-common]', 'Invalid JSON, switching to experimental parser'), XO.forEach(([r, i]) => { e = e.replace(r, i) }), JSON.parse(e) ) } } function WO(e) { return e.val() || e.text() || e.html() } function QO(e) { return e.value || e.textContent } const KO = '@else', JO = { '@empty/text': { parse: kl, parseType: { dataType: 'String', predicate: (e) => e === '' } }, '@empty/whitespace+text': { parse: kl, parseType: { dataType: 'String', predicate: /^\s+$/ } }, '@empty': { parse: kl, parseType: { dataType: 'Primitive', predicate: (e) => e == null } }, '@else/json': { parse: YO, parseType: { dataType: 'String', predicate: /^\s*(\{[\S\s]*\}|\[[\S\s]*\])\s*$/ }, }, '@else/url': { parse: K3, parseAsync: J3, parseType: { dataType: 'String', predicate: /^https?:\/\/(([\w-]+\.)*[\w-]+)(:\d+)?(\/[^?/]*)*(\?[^#]*)?(#.*)?$/i, }, }, '@else/jquery': { parse: WO, parseType: { dataType: 'ComplexObject', predicate(e) { return typeof jQuery < 'u' && e instanceof jQuery }, }, }, '@else/html': { parse: QO, parseType: { dataType: 'ComplexObject', predicate(e) { return typeof HTMLElement < 'u' && e instanceof HTMLElement }, }, }, } function uy(e, t, r) { return e + (t < r.length - 1 ? ',' : '') } function ly(e, t) { const r = Array.isArray(e) let i return ( r ? (i = => ld(n, t))) : (i = Object.keys(e) .filter((n) => JSON.stringify(e[n])) .map((n) => `"${n}": ${ld(e[n], t)}`)), (i = => t.listItem.join(n))), (i = t.list.join(i.join(''))), r ? `[${i}]` : `{${i}}` ) } function ld(e, t) { return typeof e == 'object' && e !== null ? e.length === 0 ? '[]' : Object.keys(e).length === 0 ? '{}' : ly(e, t) : JSON.stringify(e) } function ZO(e, t) { let r = => ly(i, t)) return ( (r = => t.entry.join(i))), (r = r.join('')), t.bibliographyContainer.join(`[${r}]`) ) } const eI = { data(e, { type: t, format: r = t || 'text', version: i = '1.0.2' } = {}) { return ( i < '1.0.2' && (e = qs(e)), r === 'object' ? Bi(e) : r === 'text' ? JSON.stringify(e, null, 2) : (Ft.warn( '[core]', 'This feature (JSON output with special formatting) is unstable. See' ), ZO(e, wp(r))) ) }, ndjson(e, { version: t = '1.0.2' } = {}) { return ( t < '1.0.2' && (e = qs(e)), => JSON.stringify(r)).join(` `) ) }, }, tI = Object.assign({}, eI, gO) ha(KO, { input: JO, output: tI }) var Xs = {}, Au = {} Object.defineProperty(Au, '__esModule', { value: !0 }) Au.default = void 0 function Ln(e, t) { return sI(e) || nI(e, t) || iI(e, t) || rI() } function rI() { throw new TypeError(`Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance. In order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.`) } function iI(e, t) { if (e) { if (typeof e == 'string') return cd(e, t) var r =, -1) if ((r === 'Object' && e.constructor && (r =, r === 'Map' || r === 'Set')) return Array.from(e) if (r === 'Arguments' || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(r)) return cd(e, t) } } function cd(e, t) { ;(t == null || t > e.length) && (t = e.length) for (var r = 0, i = new Array(t); r < t; r++) i[r] = e[r] return i } function nI(e, t) { var r = e == null ? null : (typeof Symbol < 'u' && e[Symbol.iterator]) || e['@@iterator'] if (r != null) { var i = [], n = !0, s = !1, a, o try { for ( r =; !(n = (a = && (i.push(a.value), !(t && i.length === t)); n = !0 ); } catch (u) { ;(s = !0), (o = u) } finally { try { !n && r.return != null && r.return() } finally { if (s) throw o } } return i } } function sI(e) { if (Array.isArray(e)) return e } const aI = { jan: 1, feb: 2, mar: 3, apr: 4, may: 5, jun: 6, jul: 7, aug: 8, sep: 9, oct: 10, nov: 11, dec: 12, }, oI = / (?:to|[-/]) | ?(?:--|[–—]) ?/, fd = /^(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})\/(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})$/ function Ai(e) { return aI[e.toLowerCase().slice(0, 3)] } function uI(e) { const t = new Date(e) return typeof e == 'number' && !isNaN(t.valueOf()) ? [t.getFullYear(), t.getMonth() + 1, t.getDate()] : null } const lI = function (t) { const r = /^(\d{4}|[-+]\d{6,})-(\d{2})(?:-(\d{2}))?/ if (typeof t != 'string' || !r.test(t)) return null const i = t.match(r), n = Ln(i, 4), s = n[1], a = n[2], o = n[3] return +a ? (+o ? [s, a, o] : [s, a]) : [s] }, cI = function (t) { const r = /^(?:[a-z]{3},\s*)?(\d{1,2}) ([a-z]{3}) (\d{4,})/i if (typeof t != 'string' || !r.test(t)) return null let i = t.match(r), n = Ln(i, 4), s = n[1], a = n[2], o = n[3] return (a = Ai(a)), a ? [o, a, s] : null } function fI(e) { const t = /^(\d{1,2})\/(\d{1,2})\/(\d{2}(?:\d{2})?)/ if (typeof e != 'string' || !t.test(e)) return null const r = e.match(t), i = Ln(r, 4), n = i[1], s = i[2], a = i[3] return new Date(a, n, s).getMonth() === parseInt(n) ? [a, n, s] : null } function pI(e) { const t = /^(\d{1,2})[ .\-/](\d{1,2}|[a-z]{3,10})[ .\-/](-?\d+)/i, r = /^(-?\d+)[ .\-/](\d{1,2}|[a-z]{3,10})[ .\-/](\d{1,2})/i let i, n, s if (typeof e != 'string') return null if (t.test(e)) { var a = e.match(t), o = Ln(a, 4) ;(s = o[1]), (n = o[2]), (i = o[3]) } else if (r.test(e)) { var u = e.match(r), c = Ln(u, 4) ;(i = c[1]), (n = c[2]), (s = c[3]) } else return null if (Ai(n)) n = Ai(n) else if (isNaN(n)) return null return [i, n, s] } function hI(e) { const t = /^([a-z]{3,10}|-?\d+)[^\w-]+([a-z]{3,10}|-?\d+)$/i if (typeof e == 'string' && t.test(e)) { const r = e.match(t).slice(1, 3) let i if (Ai(r[1])) i = Ai(r.pop()) else if (Ai(r[0])) i = Ai(r.shift()) else { if (r.some(isNaN) || r.every((s) => +s < 0)) return null ;+r[0] < 0 || (+r[0] > +r[1] && +r[1] > 0) ? (i = r.pop()) : (i = r.shift()) } return [r.pop(), i] } else return null } function mI(e) { if (typeof e != 'string') return null const t = e.match(/^(\d+) ?(a\.?d\.?|b\.?c\.?)$/i) if (t) { const r = t.slice(1), i = Ln(r, 2), n = i[0], s = i[1] return [n * (s.toLowerCase()[0] === 'a' ? 1 : -1)] } else return /^-?\d+$/.test(e) ? [e] : null } function dI(e) { const t = uI(e) || lI(e) || cI(e) || fI(e) || pI(e) || hI(e) || mI(e) return t && => parseInt(r)) } function gI(e) { return fd.test(e) ? e.match(fd).slice(1, 3) : e.split(oI) } function bI(e, t) { const r = [], i = typeof e == 'string' && gI(e) t ? r.push(e, t) : i && i.length === 2 ? r.push(...i) : r.push(e) const n = return n.filter(Boolean).length === r.length ? { 'date-parts': n } : { raw: t ? r.join('/') : e } } var yI = bI Au.default = yI var Su = {} Object.defineProperty(Su, '__esModule', { value: !0 }) Su.default = void 0 function wl(e, t, r) { if (e.length >= t) return e for (; e.length < t; ) e = r + e return e.slice(-t) } const _I = function (t, r = '-') { if (!t['date-parts']) return t.raw const i = t['date-parts'][0].map((n) => n.toString()) switch (i.length) { case 3: i[2] = wl(i[2], 2, '0') case 2: i[1] = wl(i[1], 2, '0') case 1: i[0] = wl(i[0], 4, '0') break } return i.join(r) } var vI = _I Su.default = vI ;(function (e) { Object.defineProperty(e, '__esModule', { value: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(e, 'format', { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return r.default }, }), Object.defineProperty(e, 'parse', { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return t.default }, }) var t = i(Au), r = i(Su) function i(n) { return n && n.__esModule ? n : { default: n } } })(Xs) function Nl(e) { const { firstname: t, lastname: r, firstName: i = t, lastName: n = r } = e if (i && n) return { given: i, family: n } if ( return yu.parse( } const EI = ['PMID', 'PMCID', 'DOI', 'ISBN'], xI = ['ISSN'] function pd(e, t) { const r = {} for (const i in e) { const n = i.toUpperCase() t.includes(n) && (r[n] = e[i]) } if (e.identifier) for (let { id: i, type: n = '' } of e.identifier) (n = n.toUpperCase()), t.includes(n) && (r[n] = i) return r } const TI = { article: 'article', book: 'book', booklet: 'book', proceedings: 'book', mastersthesis: 'thesis', inbook: 'chapter', incollection: 'chapter', conference: 'paper-conference', inproceedings: 'paper-conference', manual: 'report', misc: 'document', online: 'website', patent: 'patent', phdthesis: 'thesis', techreport: 'report', unpublished: 'manuscript', } function AI() { return { type: 'article-journal' } } function cy(e) { const t = { type: TI[e.type] || 'document', title: e.title } if ( ( && ( =, e.editor && (t.editor =, e.reviewer && ( && (t['reviewed-author'] =, ( =, Array.isArray(e.keywords) ? (t.keyword = e.keywords.join()) : e.keywords && (t.keyword = e.keywords), e.publisher && (t.publisher = || e.publisher), && ? (t.issued = Xs.parse( : e.year && (t.issued = { 'date-parts': [[+e.year]] }), && && (t.submitted = Xs.parse(, e.journal) ) { const r = e.journal && (t['container-title'] =, r.volume && (t.volume = r.volume), r.issue && (t.issue = r.issue), Object.assign(t, pd(r, xI)), r.firstpage && (t['page-first'] = r.firstpage), r.pages ? ( = r.pages.replace('--', '-')) : r.firstpage && r.lastpage && ( = r.firstpage + '-' + r.lastpage) } return ( && typeof[0] == 'object' && (t.URL =[0].url), Object.assign(t, pd(e, EI)), e.cid ? ( = e.cid) : t.DOI && ( = t.DOI), t ) } const SI = function (e) { return Object.assign(cy(e), AI()) }, CI = function (e) { return cy(e) }, kI = ['fulltext_html', 'fulltext_xml', 'fulltext_pdf'], wI = ['name', 'lastname', 'lastName', 'firstname', 'firstName'], NI = '@bibjson', OI = { '@bibjson/quickscrape+record+object': { parse: SI, parseType: { propertyConstraint: { props: 'link', value(e) { return kI.some((t) => e.find(({ type: r }) => r === t)) }, }, extends: '@bibjson/record+object', }, }, '@bibjson/record+object': { parse: CI, parseType: { dataType: 'SimpleObject', propertyConstraint: [ { props: 'title' }, { props: ['author', 'editor'], match: 'some', value(e) { return Array.isArray(e) && e[0] && wI.some((t) => t in e[0]) }, }, ], }, }, '@bibjson/collection+object': { parse(e) { return e.records }, parseType: { dataType: 'SimpleObject', propertyConstraint: [ { props: 'metadata', value(e) { return 'collection' in e }, }, { props: 'records', value(e) { return Array.isArray(e) }, }, ], }, }, } ha(NI, { input: OI }) var fy = { exports: {} } ;(function (e) { ;(function (t, r) { e.exports ? (e.exports = r()) : (t.moo = r()) })(mn, function () { var t = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, r = Object.prototype.toString, i = typeof new RegExp().sticky == 'boolean' function n(N) { return N && === '[object RegExp]' } function s(N) { return N && typeof N == 'object' && !n(N) && !Array.isArray(N) } function a(N) { return N.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&') } function o(N) { var M = new RegExp('|' + N) return M.exec('').length - 1 } function u(N) { return '(' + N + ')' } function c(N) { if (!N.length) return '(?!)' var M = (V) { return '(?:' + V + ')' }).join('|') return '(?:' + M + ')' } function f(N) { if (typeof N == 'string') return '(?:' + a(N) + ')' if (n(N)) { if (N.ignoreCase) throw new Error('RegExp /i flag not allowed') if ( throw new Error('RegExp /g flag is implied') if (N.sticky) throw new Error('RegExp /y flag is implied') if (N.multiline) throw new Error('RegExp /m flag is implied') return N.source } else throw new Error('Not a pattern: ' + N) } function h(N, M) { return N.length > M ? N : Array(M - N.length + 1).join(' ') + N } function p(N, M) { for (var V = N.length, j = 0; ; ) { var R = N.lastIndexOf( ` `, V - 1 ) if (R === -1 || (j++, (V = R), j === M) || V === 0) break } var $ = j < M ? 0 : V + 1 return N.substring($).split(` `) } function m(N) { for (var M = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(N), V = [], j = 0; j < M.length; j++) { var R = M[j], $ = N[R], L = [].concat($) if (R === 'include') { for (var P = 0; P < L.length; P++) V.push({ include: L[P] }) continue } var Y = [] L.forEach(function (w) { s(w) ? (Y.length && V.push(b(R, Y)), V.push(b(R, w)), (Y = [])) : Y.push(w) }), Y.length && V.push(b(R, Y)) } return V } function v(N) { for (var M = [], V = 0; V < N.length; V++) { var j = N[V] if (j.include) { for (var R = [].concat(j.include), $ = 0; $ < R.length; $++) M.push({ include: R[$] }) continue } if (!j.type) throw new Error('Rule has no type: ' + JSON.stringify(j)) M.push(b(j.type, j)) } return M } function b(N, M) { if ((s(M) || (M = { match: M }), M.include)) throw new Error('Matching rules cannot also include states') var V = { defaultType: N, lineBreaks: !!M.error || !!M.fallback, pop: !1, next: null, push: null, error: !1, fallback: !1, value: null, type: null, shouldThrow: !1, } for (var j in M), j) && (V[j] = M[j]) if (typeof V.type == 'string' && N !== V.type) throw new Error( "Type transform cannot be a string (type '" + V.type + "' for token '" + N + "')" ) var R = V.match return ( (V.match = Array.isArray(R) ? R : R ? [R] : []), V.match.sort(function ($, L) { return n($) && n(L) ? 0 : n(L) ? -1 : n($) ? 1 : L.length - $.length }), V ) } function S(N) { return Array.isArray(N) ? v(N) : m(N) } var g = b('error', { lineBreaks: !0, shouldThrow: !0 }) function _(N, M) { for ( var V = null, j = Object.create(null), R = !0, $ = null, L = [], P = [], Y = 0; Y < N.length; Y++ ) N[Y].fallback && (R = !1) for (var Y = 0; Y < N.length; Y++) { var w = N[Y] if (w.include) throw new Error('Inheritance is not allowed in stateless lexers') if (w.error || w.fallback) { if (V) throw !w.fallback == !V.fallback ? new Error( 'Multiple ' + (w.fallback ? 'fallback' : 'error') + " rules not allowed (for token '" + w.defaultType + "')" ) : new Error( "fallback and error are mutually exclusive (for token '" + w.defaultType + "')" ) V = w } var q = w.match.slice() if (R) for (; q.length && typeof q[0] == 'string' && q[0].length === 1; ) { var X = q.shift() j[X.charCodeAt(0)] = w } if (w.pop || w.push || { if (!M) throw new Error( "State-switching options are not allowed in stateless lexers (for token '" + w.defaultType + "')" ) if (w.fallback) throw new Error( "State-switching options are not allowed on fallback tokens (for token '" + w.defaultType + "')" ) } if (q.length !== 0) { ;(R = !1), L.push(w) for (var I = 0; I < q.length; I++) { var re = q[I] if (n(re)) { if ($ === null) $ = re.unicode else if ($ !== re.unicode && w.fallback === !1) throw new Error('If one rule is /u then all must be') } } var ie = c(, Z = new RegExp(ie) if (Z.test('')) throw new Error('RegExp matches empty string: ' + Z) var oe = o(ie) if (oe > 0) throw new Error( 'RegExp has capture groups: ' + Z + ` Use (?: … ) instead` ) if ( !w.lineBreaks && Z.test(` `) ) throw new Error('Rule should declare lineBreaks: ' + Z) P.push(u(ie)) } } var ce = V && V.fallback, fe = i && !ce ? 'ym' : 'gm', ge = i || ce ? '' : '|' $ === !0 && (fe += 'u') var me = new RegExp(c(P) + ge, fe) return { regexp: me, groups: L, fast: j, error: V || g } } function y(N) { var M = _(S(N)) return new H({ start: M }, 'start') } function x(N, M, V) { var j = N && (N.push || if (j && !V[j]) throw new Error( "Missing state '" + j + "' (in token '" + N.defaultType + "' of state '" + M + "')" ) if (N && N.pop && +N.pop != 1) throw new Error("pop must be 1 (in token '" + N.defaultType + "' of state '" + M + "')") } function D(N, M) { var V = N.$all ? S(N.$all) : [] delete N.$all var j = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(N) M || (M = j[0]) for (var R = Object.create(null), $ = 0; $ < j.length; $++) { var L = j[$] R[L] = S(N[L]).concat(V) } for (var $ = 0; $ < j.length; $++) for (var L = j[$], P = R[L], Y = Object.create(null), w = 0; w < P.length; w++) { var q = P[w] if (q.include) { var X = [w, 1] if (q.include !== L && !Y[q.include]) { Y[q.include] = !0 var I = R[q.include] if (!I) throw new Error( "Cannot include nonexistent state '" + q.include + "' (in state '" + L + "')" ) for (var re = 0; re < I.length; re++) { var ie = I[re] P.indexOf(ie) === -1 && X.push(ie) } } P.splice.apply(P, X), w-- } } for (var Z = Object.create(null), $ = 0; $ < j.length; $++) { var L = j[$] Z[L] = _(R[L], !0) } for (var $ = 0; $ < j.length; $++) { for (var oe = j[$], ce = Z[oe], fe = ce.groups, w = 0; w < fe.length; w++) x(fe[w], oe, Z) for (var ge = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(, w = 0; w < ge.length; w++) x([ge[w]], oe, Z) } return new H(Z, M) } function C(N) { for ( var M = typeof Map < 'u', V = M ? new Map() : Object.create(null), j = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(N), R = 0; R < j.length; R++ ) { var $ = j[R], L = N[$], P = Array.isArray(L) ? L : [L] P.forEach(function (Y) { if (typeof Y != 'string') throw new Error("keyword must be string (in keyword '" + $ + "')") M ? V.set(Y, $) : (V[Y] = $) }) } return function (Y) { return M ? V.get(Y) : V[Y] } } var H = function (N, M) { ;(this.startState = M), (this.states = N), (this.buffer = ''), (this.stack = []), this.reset() } ;(H.prototype.reset = function (N, M) { return ( (this.buffer = N || ''), (this.index = 0), (this.line = M ? M.line : 1), (this.col = M ? M.col : 1), (this.queuedToken = M ? M.queuedToken : null), (this.queuedText = M ? M.queuedText : ''), (this.queuedThrow = M ? M.queuedThrow : null), this.setState(M ? M.state : this.startState), (this.stack = M && M.stack ? M.stack.slice() : []), this ) }), ( = function () { return { line: this.line, col: this.col, state: this.state, stack: this.stack.slice(), queuedToken: this.queuedToken, queuedText: this.queuedText, queuedThrow: this.queuedThrow, } }), (H.prototype.setState = function (N) { if (!(!N || this.state === N)) { this.state = N var M = this.states[N] ;(this.groups = M.groups), (this.error = M.error), ( = M.regexp), ( = } }), (H.prototype.popState = function () { this.setState(this.stack.pop()) }), (H.prototype.pushState = function (N) { this.stack.push(this.state), this.setState(N) }) var T = i ? function (N, M) { return N.exec(M) } : function (N, M) { var V = N.exec(M) return V[0].length === 0 ? null : V } H.prototype._getGroup = function (N) { for (var M = this.groups.length, V = 0; V < M; V++) if (N[V + 1] !== void 0) return this.groups[V] throw new Error('Cannot find token type for matched text') } function k() { return this.value } if ( (( = function () { var N = this.index if (this.queuedGroup) { var M = this._token(this.queuedGroup, this.queuedText, N) return (this.queuedGroup = null), (this.queuedText = ''), M } var V = this.buffer if (N !== V.length) { var L =[V.charCodeAt(N)] if (L) return this._token(L, V.charAt(N), N) var j = j.lastIndex = N var R = T(j, V), $ = this.error if (R == null) return this._token($, V.slice(N, V.length), N) var L = this._getGroup(R), P = R[0] return $.fallback && R.index !== N ? ((this.queuedGroup = L), (this.queuedText = P), this._token($, V.slice(N, R.index), N)) : this._token(L, P, N) } }), (H.prototype._token = function (N, M, V) { var j = 0 if (N.lineBreaks) { var R = /\n/g, $ = 1 if ( M === ` ` ) j = 1 else for (; R.exec(M); ) j++, ($ = R.lastIndex) } var L = { type: (typeof N.type == 'function' && N.type(M)) || N.defaultType, value: typeof N.value == 'function' ? N.value(M) : M, text: M, toString: k, offset: V, lineBreaks: j, line: this.line, col: this.col, }, P = M.length if ( ((this.index += P), (this.line += j), j !== 0 ? (this.col = P - $ + 1) : (this.col += P), N.shouldThrow) ) { var Y = new Error(this.formatError(L, 'invalid syntax')) throw Y } return ( N.pop ? this.popState() : N.push ? this.pushState(N.push) : && this.setState(, L ) }), typeof Symbol < 'u' && Symbol.iterator) ) { var O = function (N) { this.lexer = N } ;( = function () { var N = return { value: N, done: !N } }), (O.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this }), (H.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return new O(this) }) } return ( (H.prototype.formatError = function (N, M) { if (N == null) var V = this.buffer.slice(this.index), N = { text: V, offset: this.index, lineBreaks: V.indexOf(` `) === -1 ? 0 : 1, line: this.line, col: this.col, } var j = 2, R = Math.max(N.line - j, 1), $ = N.line + j, L = String($).length, P = p(this.buffer, this.line - N.line + j + 1).slice(0, 5), Y = [] Y.push(M + ' at line ' + N.line + ' col ' + N.col + ':'), Y.push('') for (var w = 0; w < P.length; w++) { var q = P[w], X = R + w Y.push(h(String(X), L) + ' ' + q), X === N.line && Y.push(h('', L + N.col + 1) + '^') } return Y.join(` `) }), (H.prototype.clone = function () { return new H(this.states, this.state) }), (H.prototype.has = function (N) { return !0 }), { compile: y, states: D, error: Object.freeze({ error: !0 }), fallback: Object.freeze({ fallback: !0 }), keywords: C, } ) }) })(fy) var II = fy.exports const Np = ci(II), DI = { biblatex: { article: ['author', 'title', 'journaltitle', ['year', 'date']], book: ['author', 'title', ['year', 'date']], mvbook: ['author', 'title', ['year', 'date']], inbook: ['author', 'title', 'booktitle', ['year', 'date']], booklet: [['author', 'editor'], 'title', ['year', 'date']], collection: ['editor', 'title', ['year', 'date']], mvcollection: ['editor', 'title', ['year', 'date']], incollection: ['author', 'title', 'booktitle', ['year', 'date']], dataset: [['author', 'editor'], 'title', ['year', 'date']], online: [['author', 'editor'], 'title', ['year', 'date'], ['doi', 'eprint', 'url']], patent: ['author', 'title', 'number', ['year', 'date']], periodical: ['editor', 'title', ['year', 'date']], proceedings: ['title', ['year', 'date']], mvproceedings: ['title', ['year', 'date']], inproceedings: ['author', 'title', 'booktitle', ['year', 'date']], report: ['author', 'title', 'type', 'institution', ['year', 'date']], thesis: ['author', 'title', 'type', 'institution', ['year', 'date']], unpublished: ['author', 'title', ['year', 'date']], conference: ['author', 'title', 'booktitle', ['year', 'date']], electronic: [['author', 'editor'], 'title', ['year', 'date'], ['doi', 'eprint', 'url']], mastersthesis: ['author', 'title', 'institution', ['year', 'date']], phdthesis: ['author', 'title', 'institution', ['year', 'date']], techreport: ['author', 'title', 'institution', ['year', 'date']], www: [['author', 'editor'], 'title', ['year', 'date'], ['doi', 'eprint', 'url']], }, bibtex: { article: ['author', 'title', 'journal', 'year'], book: [['author', 'editor'], 'title', 'publisher', 'year'], booklet: ['title'], inbook: [['author', 'editor'], 'title', ['chapter', 'pages'], 'publisher', 'year'], incollection: ['author', 'title', 'booktitle', 'publisher', 'year'], inproceedings: ['author', 'title', 'booktitle', 'year'], mastersthesis: ['author', 'title', 'school', 'year'], phdthesis: ['author', 'title', 'school', 'year'], proceedings: ['title', 'year'], techreport: ['author', 'title', 'institution', 'year'], unpublished: ['author', 'title', 'note'], }, }, RI = { abstract: ['field', 'literal'], addendum: ['field', 'literal'], afterword: ['list', 'name'], annotation: ['field', 'literal'], annotator: ['list', 'name'], author: ['list', 'name'], authortype: ['field', 'key'], bookauthor: ['list', 'name'], bookpagination: ['field', 'key'], booksubtitle: ['field', 'literal'], booktitle: ['field', 'title'], booktitleaddon: ['field', 'literal'], chapter: ['field', 'literal'], commentator: ['list', 'name'], date: ['field', 'date'], doi: ['field', 'verbatim'], edition: ['field', 'literal'], editor: ['list', 'name'], editora: ['list', 'name'], editorb: ['list', 'name'], editorc: ['list', 'name'], editortype: ['field', 'key'], editoratype: ['field', 'key'], editorbtype: ['field', 'key'], editorctype: ['field', 'key'], eid: ['field', 'literal'], entrysubtype: ['field', 'literal'], eprint: ['field', 'verbatim'], eprintclass: ['field', 'literal'], eprinttype: ['field', 'literal'], eventdate: ['field', 'date'], eventtitle: ['field', 'title'], eventtitleaddon: ['field', 'literal'], file: ['field', 'verbatim'], foreword: ['list', 'name'], holder: ['list', 'name'], howpublished: ['field', 'literal'], indextitle: ['field', 'literal'], institution: ['list', 'literal'], introduction: ['list', 'name'], isan: ['field', 'literal'], isbn: ['field', 'literal'], ismn: ['field', 'literal'], isrn: ['field', 'literal'], issn: ['field', 'literal'], issue: ['field', 'literal'], issuesubtitle: ['field', 'literal'], issuetitle: ['field', 'literal'], 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['field', 'literal'], shortjournal: ['field', 'literal'], shortseries: ['field', 'literal'], shorttitle: ['field', 'title'], subtitle: ['field', 'literal'], title: ['field', 'title'], titleaddon: ['field', 'literal'], translator: ['list', 'name'], type: ['field', 'title'], url: ['field', 'uri'], urldate: ['field', 'date'], venue: ['field', 'literal'], version: ['field', 'literal'], volume: ['field', 'integer'], volumes: ['field', 'integer'], year: ['field', 'literal'], crossref: ['field', 'entry key'], entryset: ['separated', 'literal'], execute: ['field', 'code'], gender: ['field', 'gender'], langid: ['field', 'identifier'], langidopts: ['field', 'literal'], ids: ['separated', 'entry key'], indexsorttitle: ['field', 'literal'], keywords: ['separated', 'literal'], options: ['separated', 'options'], presort: ['field', 'string'], related: ['separated', 'literal'], relatedoptions: ['separated', 'literal'], relatedtype: ['field', 'identifier'], relatedstring: ['field', 'literal'], sortkey: ['field', 'literal'], sortname: ['list', 'name'], sortshorthand: ['field', 'literal'], sorttitle: ['field', 'literal'], sortyear: ['field', 'integer'], xdata: ['separated', 'entry key'], xref: ['field', 'entry key'], namea: ['list', 'name'], nameb: ['list', 'name'], namec: ['list', 'name'], nameatype: ['field', 'key'], namebtype: ['field', 'key'], namectype: ['field', 'key'], lista: ['list', 'literal'], listb: ['list', 'literal'], listc: ['list', 'literal'], listd: ['list', 'literal'], liste: ['list', 'literal'], listf: ['list', 'literal'], usera: ['field', 'literal'], userb: ['field', 'literal'], userc: ['field', 'literal'], userd: ['field', 'literal'], usere: ['field', 'literal'], userf: ['field', 'literal'], verba: ['field', 'literal'], verbb: ['field', 'literal'], verbc: ['field', 'literal'], address: ['list', 'literal'], annote: ['field', 'literal'], archiveprefix: ['field', 'literal'], journal: ['field', 'literal'], key: ['field', 'literal'], pdf: ['field', 'verbatim'], primaryclass: ['field', 'literal'], school: ['list', 'literal'], numpages: ['field', 'integer'], pmid: ['field', 'literal'], pmcid: ['field', 'literal'], }, py = { diacritics: { '`': '̀', "'": '́', '^': '̂', '~': '̃', '=': '̄', u: '̆', '.': '̇', '"': '̈', r: '̊', H: '̋', v: '̌', b: '̲', d: '̣', c: '̧', k: '̨', t: '͡', textcommabelow: '̦', }, commands: { textquotesingle: "'", textasciigrave: '`', textquotedbl: '"', textdollar: '$', textless: '<', textgreater: '>', textbackslash: '\\', textasciicircum: '^', textunderscore: '_', textbraceleft: '{', textbar: '|', textbraceright: '}', textasciitilde: '~', textexclamdown: '¡', textcent: '¢', textsterling: '£', textcurrency: '¤', textyen: '¥', textbrokenbar: '¦', textsection: '§', textasciidieresis: '¨', textcopyright: '©', textordfeminine: 'ª', guillemetleft: '«', guillemotleft: '«', textlnot: '¬', textregistered: '®', textasciimacron: '¯', textdegree: '°', textpm: '±', texttwosuperior: '²', textthreesuperior: '³', textasciiacute: '´', textmu: 'µ', textparagraph: '¶', textperiodcentered: '·', textonesuperior: '¹', textordmasculine: 'º', guillemetright: '»', guillemotright: '»', textonequarter: '¼', textonehalf: '½', textthreequarters: '¾', textquestiondown: '¿', AE: 'Æ', DH: 'Ð', texttimes: '×', O: 'Ø', TH: 'Þ', ss: 'ß', ae: 'æ', dh: 'ð', textdiv: '÷', o: 'ø', th: 'þ', DJ: 'Đ', dj: 'đ', i: 'ı', IJ: 'IJ', ij: 'ij', L: 'Ł', l: 'ł', NG: 'Ŋ', ng: 'ŋ', OE: 'Œ', oe: 'œ', textflorin: 'ƒ', j: 'ȷ', textasciicaron: 'ˇ', textasciibreve: '˘', textacutedbl: '˝', textgravedbl: '˵', texttildelow: '˷', textbaht: '฿', SS: 'ẞ', textcompwordmark: '‌', textendash: '–', textemdash: '—', textbardbl: '‖', textquoteleft: '‘', textquoteright: '’', quotesinglbase: '‚', textquotedblleft: '“', textquotedblright: '”', quotedblbase: '„', textdagger: '†', textdaggerdbl: '‡', textbullet: '•', textellipsis: '…', textperthousand: '‰', textpertenthousand: '‱', guilsinglleft: '‹', guilsinglright: '›', textreferencemark: '※', textinterrobang: '‽', 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lambda: 'λ', mu: 'μ', nu: 'ν', xi: 'ξ', pi: 'π', rho: 'ρ', varsigma: 'ς', sigma: 'σ', tau: 'τ', upsilon: 'υ', varphi: 'φ', chi: 'χ', psi: 'ψ', omega: 'ω', vartheta: 'ϑ', Upsilon: 'ϒ', phi: 'ϕ', varpi: 'ϖ', varrho: 'ϱ', epsilon: 'ϵ', }, }, Op = DI, zo = RI, Ys = py.diacritics, Ws = py.commands, hy = { jan: '01', feb: '02', mar: '03', apr: '04', may: '05', jun: '06', jul: '07', aug: '08', sep: '09', oct: '10', nov: '11', dec: '12', acmcs: 'ACM Computing Surveys', acta: 'Acta Informatica', cacm: 'Communications of the ACM', ibmjrd: 'IBM Journal of Research and Development', ibmsj: 'IBM Systems Journal', ieeese: 'IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering', ieeetc: 'IEEE Transactions on Computers', ieeetcad: 'IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits', ipl: 'Information Processing Letters', jacm: 'Journal of the ACM', jcss: 'Journal of Computer and System Sciences', scp: 'Science of Computer Programming', sicomp: 'SIAM Journal on Computing', tocs: 'ACM Transactions on Computer Systems', tods: 'ACM Transactions on Database Systems', tog: 'ACM Transactions on Graphics', toms: 'ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software', toois: 'ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems', toplas: 'ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems', tcs: 'Theoretical Computer Science', }, so = { it: 'italics', itshape: 'italics', sl: 'italics', slshape: 'italics', em: 'italics', bf: 'bold', bfseries: 'bold', sc: 'smallcaps', scshape: 'smallcaps', rm: void 0, sf: void 0, tt: void 0, }, Qc = { textit: 'italics', textsl: 'italics', emph: 'italics', mkbibitalic: 'italics', mkbibemph: 'italics', textbf: 'bold', strong: 'bold', mkbibbold: 'bold', textsc: 'smallcaps', textsuperscript: 'superscript', textsubscript: 'subscript', enquote: 'quotes', mkbibquote: 'quotes', textmd: void 0, textrm: void 0, textsf: void 0, texttt: void 0, textup: void 0, }, jo = { italics: ['', ''], bold: ['', ''], superscript: ['', ''], subscript: ['', ''], smallcaps: ['', ''], nocase: ['', ''], quotes: ['“', '”'], }, Kc = { ElsevierGlyph(e) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(e, 16)) }, href(e, t) { return e }, url(e) { return e }, }, my = /---?|''|``|~/g, Qs = { '--': '–', '---': '—', '``': '“', "''": '”', '~': ' ' }, ao = { '^': 'superscript', sp: 'superscript', _: 'subscript', sb: 'subscript', mathrm: void 0 }, Jc = { '^': { 0: '⁰', 1: '¹', 2: '²', 3: '³', 4: '⁴', 5: '⁵', 6: '⁶', 7: '⁷', 8: '⁸', 9: '⁹', '+': '⁺', '-': '⁻', '=': '⁼', '(': '⁽', ')': '⁾', i: 'ⁱ', n: 'ⁿ', }, _: { 0: '₀', 1: '₁', 2: '₂', 3: '₃', 4: '₄', 5: '₅', 6: '₆', 7: '₇', 8: '₈', 9: '₉', '+': '₊', '-': '₋', '=': '₌', '(': '₍', ')': '₎', a: 'ₐ', e: 'ₑ', o: 'ₒ', x: 'ₓ', ə: 'ₔ', h: 'ₕ', k: 'ₖ', l: 'ₗ', m: 'ₘ', n: 'ₙ', s: 'ₚ', p: 'ₛ', t: 'ₜ', }, }, dy = [ 'american', 'british', 'canadian', 'english', 'australian', 'newzealand', 'usenglish', 'ukenglish', 'en', 'eng', 'en-au', 'en-bz', 'en-ca', 'en-cb', 'en-gb', 'en-ie', 'en-jm', 'en-nz', 'en-ph', 'en-tt', 'en-us', 'en-za', 'en-zw', 'anglais', ], LI = Object.freeze( Object.defineProperty( { __proto__: null, argumentCommands: Kc, commands: Ws, defaultStrings: hy, diacritics: Ys, fieldTypes: zo, formatting: jo, formattingCommands: Qc, formattingEnvs: so, ligaturePattern: my, ligatures: Qs, mathScriptFormatting: ao, mathScripts: Jc, required: Op, sentenceCaseLanguages: dy, }, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' } ) ), hd = /[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_:-]*/, za = { comment: /%.*/, whitespace: { match: /\s+/, lineBreaks: !0 } }, PI = Np.states({ main: { junk: { match: /@[cC][oO][mM][mM][eE][nN][tT].+|[^@]+/, lineBreaks: !0 }, at: { match: '@', push: 'entry' }, }, entry: {, otherEntryType: { match: /[sS][tT][rR][iI][nN][gG]|[pP][rR][eE][aA][mM][bB][lL][eE]/, next: 'otherEntryContents', }, dataEntryType: { match: hd, next: 'dataEntryContents' }, }, otherEntryContents: {, lbrace: { match: /[{(]/, next: 'fields' } }, dataEntryContents: {, lbrace: { match: /[{(]/, next: 'dataEntryContents' }, label: /[^,\s]+/, comma: { match: ',', next: 'fields' }, }, fields: {, identifier: hd, number: /-?\d+/, hash: '#', equals: '=', comma: ',', quote: { match: '"', push: 'quotedLiteral' }, lbrace: { match: '{', push: 'bracedLiteral' }, rbrace: { match: /[})]/, pop: !0 }, }, quotedLiteral: { lbrace: { match: '{', push: 'bracedLiteral' }, quote: { match: '"', pop: !0 }, text: { match: /(?:\\[\\{]|[^{"])+/, lineBreaks: !0 }, }, bracedLiteral: { lbrace: { match: '{', push: 'bracedLiteral' }, rbrace: { match: '}', pop: !0 }, text: { match: /(?:\\[\\{}]|[^{}])+/, lineBreaks: !0 }, }, }), BI = { '(': ')', '{': '}' }, FI = new Kb( { Main() { const e = [] for (;;) { for (; this.matchToken('junk'); ) this.consumeToken('junk') if (this.matchEndOfFile()) break e.push(this.consumeRule('Entry')) } return e.filter(Boolean) }, _() { let e for (; e !== this.token; ) (e = this.token), this.consumeToken('whitespace', !0), this.consumeToken('comment', !0) }, Entry() { this.consumeToken('at'), this.consumeRule('_') const e = ( this.matchToken('otherEntryType') ? this.consumeToken('otherEntryType') : this.consumeToken('dataEntryType') ).value.toLowerCase() this.consumeRule('_') const t = this.consumeToken('lbrace').value this.consumeRule('_') let r if (e === 'string') { const [n, s] = this.consumeRule('Field') this.state.strings[n] = s } else if (e === 'preamble') this.consumeRule('Expression') else { const n = this.consumeToken('label').value this.consumeRule('_'), this.consumeToken('comma'), this.consumeRule('_') const s = this.consumeRule('EntryBody') r = { type: e, label: n, properties: s } } this.consumeRule('_') const i = this.consumeToken('rbrace').value return ( i !== BI[t] && Ft.warn('[plugin-bibtex]', `entry started with "${t}", but ends with "${i}"`), r ) }, EntryBody() { const e = {} for (; this.matchToken('identifier'); ) { const [t, r] = this.consumeRule('Field') if (((e[t] = r), this.consumeRule('_'), this.consumeToken('comma', !0))) this.consumeRule('_') else break } return e }, Field() { const e = this.consumeToken('identifier').value.toLowerCase() this.consumeRule('_'), this.consumeToken('equals'), this.consumeRule('_') const t = this.consumeRule('Expression') return [e, t] }, Expression() { let e = this.consumeRule('ExpressionPart') for (this.consumeRule('_'); this.matchToken('hash'); ) this.consumeToken('hash'), this.consumeRule('_'), (e += this.consumeRule('ExpressionPart').toString()), this.consumeRule('_') return e }, ExpressionPart() { return this.matchToken('identifier') ? this.state.strings[this.consumeToken('identifier').value.toLowerCase()] || '' : this.matchToken('number') ? parseInt(this.consumeToken('number')) : this.matchToken('quote') ? this.consumeRule('QuoteString') : this.consumeRule('BracketString') }, QuoteString() { let e = '' for (this.consumeToken('quote'); !this.matchToken('quote'); ) e += this.consumeRule('Text') return this.consumeToken('quote'), e }, BracketString() { let e = '' for (this.consumeToken('lbrace'); !this.matchToken('rbrace'); ) e += this.consumeRule('Text') return this.consumeToken('rbrace'), e }, Text() { return this.matchToken('lbrace') ? `{${this.consumeRule('BracketString')}}` : this.consumeToken('text').value }, }, { strings: hy } ) function md(e) { return FI.parse(PI.reset(e)) } const oo = { splitEntries: /\n\s*(?=\[)/g, parseEntry: /^\[(.+?)\]\s*(?:\n([\s\S]+))?$/, splitPairs: /((?=.)\s)*\n\s*/g, splitPair: /:(.*)/, }, MI = (e) => { const [, t, r] = e.match(oo.parseEntry) || [] if (!t || !r) return {} { const i = { type: 'book', label: t, properties: {} } return ( r .trim() .split(oo.splitPairs) .filter((n) => n) .forEach((n) => { let [s, a] = n.split(oo.splitPair) a && ((s = s.trim()), (a = a.trim()), s === 'type' ? (i.type = a) : ([s] = a)) }), i ) } }, UI = (e) => e.trim().split(oo.splitEntries).map(MI), Zc = { source: { article: 'article-journal', book: 'book', mvbook: 'book', inbook: 'chapter', bookinbook: 'book', booklet: 'book', collection: 'book', mvcollection: 'book', incollection: 'chapter', dataset: 'dataset', online: 'webpage', patent: 'patent', periodical: 'article-journal', proceedings: 'book', mvproceedings: 'book', inproceedings: 'paper-conference', reference: 'book', mvreference: 'book', inreference: 'entry', report: 'report', software: 'book', thesis: 'thesis', unpublished: 'manuscript', artwork: 'graphic', audio: 'song', image: 'figure', jurisdiction: 'legal_case', legislation: 'legislation', legal: 'treaty', letter: 'personal_communication', movie: 'motion_picture', music: 'musical_score', review: 'review', video: 'motion_picture', conference: 'paper-conference', electronic: 'webpage', mastersthesis: 'thesis', phdthesis: 'thesis', techreport: 'report', www: 'webpage', }, target: { article: 'article', 'article-journal': 'article', 'article-magazine': 'article', 'article-newspaper': 'article', bill: 'legislation', book: 'book', broadcast: 'audio', chapter: 'inbook', dataset: 'dataset', entry: 'inreference', 'entry-dictionary': 'inreference', 'entry-encyclopedia': 'inreference', figure: 'artwork', graphic: 'artwork', interview: 'audio', legal_case: 'jurisdiction', legislation: 'legislation', manuscript: 'unpublished', motion_picture: 'movie', musical_score: 'music', 'paper-conference': 'inproceedings', patent: 'patent', personal_communication: 'letter', post: 'online', 'post-weblog': 'online', report: 'report', review: 'review', 'review-book': 'review', song: 'music', speech: 'audio', thesis: 'thesis', treaty: 'legal', webpage: 'online', }, }, ef = { source: { article: 'article-journal', book: 'book', booklet: 'book', conference: 'paper-conference', inbook: 'chapter', incollection: 'chapter', inproceedings: 'paper-conference', mastersthesis: 'thesis', phdthesis: 'thesis', proceedings: 'book', techreport: 'report', unpublished: 'manuscript', }, target: { article: 'article', 'article-journal': 'article', 'article-magazine': 'article', 'article-newspaper': 'article', book: 'book', chapter: 'inbook', manuscript: 'unpublished', 'paper-conference': 'inproceedings', report: 'techreport', review: 'article', 'review-book': 'article', }, }, ma = { constants: LI, types: { biblatex: Zc, bibtex: ef }, parse: { biblatex: !0, strict: !1, sentenceCase: 'never' }, format: { useIdAsLabel: !1 }, }, HI = new Set(['the', 'a', 'an']), tf = /(?:<\/?.*?>|[\u0020-\u002F\u003A-\u0040\u005B-\u005E\u0060\u007B-\u007F])+/g, zI = /[^\u0020-\u007F]+/g function dd(e) { return e ? e .normalize('NFKD') .replace(zI, '') .split(tf) .find((t) => t.length && !HI.has(t.toLowerCase())) : '' } const gd = new Pr([ { source: 'given', target: 'given' }, { source: 'family', target: 'family' }, { source: 'suffix', target: 'suffix' }, { source: 'prefix', target: 'non-dropping-particle' }, { source: 'family', target: 'literal', when: { source: !1, target: { family: !1, given: !1 } }, }, ]), jI = ['jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'jun', 'jul', 'aug', 'sep', 'oct', 'nov', 'dec'], rt = 'BibTeX type', Ks = 'BibTeX label', Yi = { jan: 1, feb: 2, mar: 3, apr: 4, may: 5, jun: 6, jul: 7, aug: 8, sep: 9, oct: 10, nov: 11, dec: 12, january: 1, february: 2, march: 3, april: 4, may: 5, june: 6, july: 7, august: 8, september: 9, october: 10, november: 11, december: 12, }, qI = { bathesis: "Bachelor's thesis", mathesis: "Master's thesis", phdthesis: 'PhD thesis', candthesis: 'Candidate thesis', techreport: 'technical report', resreport: 'research report', software: 'computer software', datacd: 'data cd', audiocd: 'audio cd', patent: 'patent', patentde: 'German patent', patenteu: 'European patent', patentfr: 'French patent', patentuk: 'British patent', patentus: 'U.S. patent', patreq: 'patent request', patreqde: 'German patent request', patreqeu: 'European patent request', patreqfr: 'French patent request', patrequk: 'British patent request', patrequs: 'U.S. patent request', }, $I = /(^(?:ISAN )?(?:[0-9a-f]{4}-){4}[0-9a-z](?:-(?:[0-9a-f]{4}-){2}[0-9a-z])?$)|(^(?:979-?0-?|M-?)(?:\d{9}|(?=[\d-]{11}$)\d+-\d+-\d)$)|(^ISRN .{1,36}$)|(^(?:ISWC )?T-?\d{9}-?\d$)/i function VI(e) { const t = e .split('T')[0] .replace(/[?~%]$/, '') .split('-'), r = +t[0].replace(/^Y(?=-?\d{4}\d+)/, '').replace(/X/g, '0'), i = +t[1], n = +t[2] return !i || i > 20 ? [r] : n ? [r, i, n] : [r, i] } function GI(e) { if (e == null) return [] if (+e) return [parseInt(e, 10)] if (((e = e.trim().toLowerCase()), e in Yi)) return [Yi[e]] const t = e.split(/\s+/) let r, i return ( t[0] in Yi ? ((r = Yi[t[0]]), (i = parseInt(t[1]))) : t[1] in Yi && ((r = Yi[t[1]]), (i = parseInt(t[0]))), i ? [r, i] : r ? [r] : [] ) } function XI(e, t, r, i) { let n = '' return ( e && e[0] && (n += dd(e[0].family || e[0].literal)), t && t['date-parts'] && t['date-parts'][0] && (n += t['date-parts'][0][0]), r ? (n += r) : i && (n += dd(i)), n ) } const xe = { PICK: { toTarget(...e) { return e.find(Boolean) }, toSource(e) { return [e] }, }, DATE: { toTarget(e) { const t = e.split('/').map((r) => (r && r !== '..' ? VI(r) : void 0)) return isNaN(t[0][0]) ? { literal: e } : { 'date-parts': t } }, toSource(e) { if ('date-parts' in e) return e['date-parts'] .map((t) => => r.toString().padStart(2, '0')).join('-')) .join('/') }, }, YEAR_MONTH: { toTarget(e, t, r) { return isNaN(+e) ? { literal: e } : !isNaN(+r) && !isNaN(+t) ? { 'date-parts': [[+e, +t, +r]] } : { 'date-parts': [[+e, ...GI(t)]] } }, toSource(e) { if ('date-parts' in e) { const [t, r, i] = e['date-parts'][0] return [t.toString(), r ? (i ? `${jI[r - 1]} ${i}` : r) : void 0] } }, }, EPRINT: { toTarget(e, t) { if (t === 'pubmed') return e }, toSource(e) { return [e, 'pubmed'] }, }, HOW_PUBLISHED: { toTarget(e) { if (e.startsWith('http')) return e }, }, KEYWORDS: { toTarget(e) { return e.join(',') }, toSource(e) { return e.split(',') }, }, LABEL: { toTarget(e) { return [e, e] }, toSource(e, t, r, i, n, s) { let a return ( e === null ? (a = 'null') : e === void 0 ? (a = 'undefined') : (a = e.toString().replace(tf, '')), ma.format.useIdAsLabel ? a : t && !tf.test(t) ? t : XI(r, i, n, s) || a ) }, }, NAMES: { toTarget(e) { return }, toSource(e) { return }, }, STANDARD_NUMBERS: { toTarget(...e) { return e.find(Boolean) }, toSource(e) { const t = e.toString().match($I) return t ? t.slice(1, 5) : [] }, }, STATUS: { toSource(e) { if (/^(inpreparation|submitted|forthcoming|inpress|prepublished)$/i.test(e)) return e }, }, TITLE: { toTarget(e, t, r) { return t && (e += ': ' + t), e }, toSource(e) { return [e] }, }, }, YI = [ { source: 'note', target: 'accessed', when: { source: !1, target: { note: !1 } }, convert: { toSource(e) { return `[Online; accessed ${Xs.format(e)}]` }, }, }, { source: 'numpages', target: 'number-of-pages', when: { source: { pagetotal: !1 }, target: !1 }, }, { source: 'pmid', target: 'PMID', when: { source: { eprinttype(e) { return e !== 'pmid' }, archiveprefix(e) { return e !== 'pmid' }, }, target: !1, }, }, { source: 'pmcid', target: 'PMCID', when: { target: !1 } }, ], WI = [ { source: 'annote', target: 'annote', when: { source: { annotation: !1 }, target: !1 } }, { source: 'address', target: 'publisher-place', convert: xe.PICK, when: { source: { location: !1 }, target: !1 }, }, { source: ['eprint', 'archiveprefix'], target: 'PMID', convert: xe.EPRINT, when: { source: { eprinttype: !1 }, target: !1 }, }, { source: 'journal', target: 'container-title', when: { source: { maintitle: !1, booktitle: !1, journaltitle: !1 }, target: !1 }, }, { source: 'school', target: 'publisher', convert: xe.PICK, when: { source: { institution: !1, organization: !1, publisher: !1 }, target: !1 }, }, ], gy = new Pr([ ...WI, ...YI, { source: 'abstract', target: 'abstract' }, { source: 'urldate', target: 'accessed', convert: xe.DATE }, { source: 'annotation', target: 'annote' }, { source: 'author', target: 'author', convert: xe.NAMES }, { source: 'library', target: 'call-number' }, { source: 'chapter', target: 'chapter-number' }, { source: 'bookauthor', target: 'container-author', convert: xe.NAMES }, { source: ['maintitle', 'mainsubtitle', 'maintitleaddon'], target: 'container-title', when: { source: !0, target: { 'number-of-volumes': !0 } }, convert: xe.TITLE, }, { source: ['booktitle', 'booksubtitle', 'booktitleaddon'], target: 'container-title', when: { source: { maintitle: !1 }, target: { 'number-of-volumes': !1, type(e) { return !e.startsWith('article') }, }, }, convert: xe.TITLE, }, { source: ['journaltitle', 'journalsubtitle', 'journaltitleaddon'], target: 'container-title', when: { source: { [rt]: 'article' }, target: { type: ['article', 'article-newspaper', 'article-journal', 'article-magazine'] }, }, convert: xe.TITLE, }, { source: 'shortjournal', target: 'container-title-short', when: { source: { [rt]: 'article' }, target: { type: ['article', 'article-newspaper', 'article-journal', 'article-magazine'] }, }, }, { source: 'shortjournal', target: 'journalAbbreviation', when: { source: !1, target: { 'container-title-short': !1 } }, }, { source: 'number', target: 'collection-number', when: { source: { [rt]: [ 'book', 'mvbook', 'inbook', 'bookinbook', 'suppbook', 'collection', 'mvcollection', 'incollection', 'suppcollection', 'manual', 'suppperiodical', 'proceedings', 'mvproceedings', 'refererence', ], }, target: { type: [ 'bill', 'book', 'broadcast', 'chapter', 'dataset', 'entry', 'entry-dictionary', 'entry-encyclopedia', 'figure', 'graphic', 'interview', 'legislation', 'legal_case', 'manuscript', 'map', 'motion_picture', 'musical_score', 'pamphlet', 'post', 'post-weblog', 'personal_communication', 'review', 'review-book', 'song', 'speech', 'thesis', 'treaty', 'webpage', ], }, }, }, { source: 'series', target: 'collection-title' }, { source: 'shortseries', target: 'collection-title-short' }, { source: 'doi', target: 'DOI' }, { source: 'edition', target: 'edition' }, { source: 'editor', target: 'editor', convert: xe.NAMES }, { source: [rt, 'entrysubtype', 'type'], target: ['type', 'genre'], convert: { toTarget(e, t, r) { return ( r || (e === 'masterthesis' && (r = 'mathesis'), e === 'phdthesis' && (r = 'phdthesis'), e === 'techreport' && (r = 'techreport')), [Zc.source[e] || 'book', r || t] ) }, toSource(e, t) { const r =[e] || 'misc' return t in qI ? [r, void 0, t] : [r, t] }, }, }, { source: rt, when: { target: { type: !1 } }, convert: { toSource() { return 'misc' }, }, }, { source: 'eventdate', target: 'event-date', convert: xe.DATE }, { source: 'venue', target: 'event-place' }, { source: 'eventtitle', target: 'event' }, { source: Ks, target: ['id', 'citation-label', 'author', 'issued', 'year-suffix', 'title'], convert: xe.LABEL, }, { source: 'isbn', target: 'ISBN' }, { source: 'issn', target: 'ISSN' }, { source: 'issue', target: 'issue', when: { source: { number: !1, [rt]: ['article', 'periodical'] }, target: { issue(e) { return typeof e == 'string' && !e.match(/\d+/) }, type: ['article', 'article-journal', 'article-newspaper', 'article-magazine'], }, }, }, { source: 'number', target: 'issue', when: { source: { [rt]: ['article', 'periodical', 'inproceedings'] }, target: { issue(e) { return e && (typeof e == 'number' || e.match(/\d+/)) }, type: [ 'article', 'article-journal', 'article-newspaper', 'article-magazine', 'paper-conference', ], }, }, }, { source: 'date', target: 'issued', convert: xe.DATE }, { source: ['year', 'month', 'day'], target: 'issued', convert: xe.YEAR_MONTH, when: { source: { date: !1 }, target: !1 }, }, { source: 'location', target: 'jurisdiction', when: { source: { type: 'patent' }, target: { type: 'patent' } }, }, { source: 'keywords', target: 'keyword', convert: xe.KEYWORDS }, { source: 'language', target: 'language', convert: xe.PICK }, { source: 'note', target: 'note' }, { source: ['isan', 'ismn', 'isrn', 'iswc'], target: 'number', convert: xe.STANDARD_NUMBERS, when: { source: { [rt](e) { return e !== 'patent' }, }, target: { type(e) { return e !== 'patent' }, }, }, }, { source: 'number', target: 'number', when: { source: { [rt]: ['patent', 'report', 'techreport', 'legislation'] }, target: { type: ['patent', 'report', 'legislation'] }, }, }, { source: 'origdate', target: 'original-date', convert: xe.DATE }, { source: 'origlocation', target: 'original-publisher-place', convert: xe.PICK }, { source: 'origpublisher', target: 'original-publisher', convert: xe.PICK }, { source: 'origtitle', target: 'original-title' }, { source: ['pages', 'eid'], target: 'page', convert: { toTarget(e, t) { return t ? t.replace(/^e?/i, 'e') : e.replace(/[–—]/, '-') }, toSource(e) { return /^e/i.test(e) ? [e, e] : [e.replace('-', '--')] }, }, }, { source: 'pagetotal', target: 'number-of-pages' }, { source: ['eprint', 'eprinttype'], target: 'PMID', convert: xe.EPRINT }, { source: 'location', target: 'publisher-place', convert: xe.PICK }, { source: 'publisher', target: 'publisher', convert: xe.PICK, when: { source: !0, target: { type: [ 'article', 'article-journal', 'article-magazine', 'article-newspaper', 'bill', 'book', 'broadcast', 'chapter', 'dataset', 'entry', 'entry-dictionary', 'entry-encyclopedia', 'figure', 'graphic', 'interview', 'legal_case', 'legislation', 'manuscript', 'map', 'motion_picture', 'musical_score', 'pamphlet', 'paper-conference', 'patent', 'personal_communication', 'post', 'post-weblog', 'regulation', 'review', 'review-book', 'song', 'speech', 'treaty', ], }, }, }, { source: 'organization', target: 'publisher', convert: xe.PICK, when: { source: { publisher: !1 }, target: { type: 'webpage' } }, }, { source: 'institution', target: 'publisher', convert: xe.PICK, when: { source: { publisher: !1, organization: !1 }, target: { type: ['report', 'thesis'] } }, }, { source: 'howpublished', target: 'publisher', convert: xe.PICK, when: { source: { publisher: !1, organization: !1, institution: !1 }, target: { type: 'manuscript' }, }, }, { source: ['pages', 'bookpagination'], target: 'section', when: { source: { bookpagination: 'section' }, target: { page: !1 } }, convert: { toTarget(e) { return e }, toSource(e) { return [e, 'section'] }, }, }, { source: 'pubstate', target: 'status', convert: xe.STATUS }, { source: 'shorttitle', target: 'title-short' }, { source: ['title', 'subtitle', 'titleaddon'], target: 'title', convert: xe.TITLE }, { source: 'translator', target: 'translator', convert: xe.NAMES }, { source: 'url', target: 'URL' }, { source: 'howpublished', target: 'URL', convert: xe.HOW_PUBLISHED, when: { source: { url: !1 }, target: !1 }, }, { source: 'version', target: 'version' }, { source: 'volume', target: 'volume' }, { source: 'volumes', target: 'number-of-volumes' }, ]), by = new Pr([ { source: 'note', target: 'accessed', when: { source: !1, target: { note: !1 } }, convert: { toSource(e) { return `[Online; accessed ${Xs.format(e)}]` }, }, }, { source: 'annote', target: 'annote' }, { source: 'address', target: 'publisher-place', convert: xe.PICK }, { source: 'author', target: 'author', convert: xe.NAMES }, { source: 'chapter', target: 'chapter-number' }, { source: 'number', target: 'collection-number', when: { source: { [rt]: [ 'book', 'mvbook', 'inbook', 'collection', 'mvcollection', 'incollection', 'suppcollection', 'manual', 'suppperiodical', 'proceedings', 'mvproceedings', 'refererence', ], }, target: { type: [ 'bill', 'book', 'broadcast', 'chapter', 'dataset', 'entry', 'entry-dictionary', 'entry-encyclopedia', 'figure', 'graphic', 'interview', 'legislation', 'legal_case', 'manuscript', 'map', 'motion_picture', 'musical_score', 'pamphlet', 'post', 'post-weblog', 'personal_communication', 'review', 'review-book', 'song', 'speech', 'thesis', 'treaty', 'webpage', ], }, }, }, { source: 'series', target: 'collection-title' }, { source: 'booktitle', target: 'container-title', when: { target: { type: ['chapter', 'paper-conference'] } }, }, { source: 'journal', target: 'container-title', when: { source: { [rt]: 'article' }, target: { type: ['article', 'article-newspaper', 'article-journal', 'article-magazine'] }, }, }, { source: 'edition', target: 'edition' }, { source: 'editor', target: 'editor', convert: xe.NAMES }, { source: Ks, target: ['id', 'citation-label', 'author', 'issued', 'year-suffix', 'title'], convert: xe.LABEL, }, { source: 'number', target: 'issue', when: { source: { [rt]: ['article', 'periodical', 'inproceedings'] }, target: { issue(e) { return typeof e == 'number' || (typeof e == 'string' && e.match(/\d+/)) }, type: [ 'article', 'article-journal', 'article-newspaper', 'article-magazine', 'paper-conference', ], }, }, }, { source: ['year', 'month', 'day'], target: 'issued', convert: xe.YEAR_MONTH }, { source: 'note', target: 'note' }, { source: 'number', target: 'number', when: { source: { [rt]: ['patent', 'report', 'techreport'] }, target: { type: ['patent', 'report'] }, }, }, { source: 'pages', target: 'page', convert: { toTarget(e) { return e.replace(/[–—]/, '-') }, toSource(e) { return e.replace('-', '--') }, }, }, { source: 'publisher', target: 'publisher', convert: xe.PICK, when: { target: { type: [ 'article', 'article-journal', 'article-magazine', 'article-newspaper', 'bill', 'book', 'broadcast', 'chapter', 'dataset', 'entry', 'entry-dictionary', 'entry-encyclopedia', 'figure', 'graphic', 'interview', 'legal_case', 'legislation', 'map', 'motion_picture', 'musical_score', 'pamphlet', 'patent', 'personal_communication', 'post', 'post-weblog', 'review', 'review-book', 'song', 'speech', 'treaty', 'webpage', ], }, }, }, { source: 'organization', target: 'publisher', convert: xe.PICK, when: { source: { publisher: !1 }, target: { type: 'paper-conference' } }, }, { source: 'institution', target: 'publisher', convert: xe.PICK, when: { source: { publisher: !1, organization: !1 }, target: { type: 'report' } }, }, { source: 'school', target: 'publisher', convert: xe.PICK, when: { source: { institution: !1, organization: !1, publisher: !1 }, target: { type: 'thesis' }, }, }, { source: 'howpublished', target: 'publisher', convert: xe.PICK, when: { source: { publisher: !1, organization: !1, institution: !1, school: !1 }, target: { type: 'manuscript' }, }, }, { source: 'title', target: 'title' }, { source: [rt, 'type'], target: ['type', 'genre'], convert: { toTarget(e, t) { const r = ef.source[e] || 'book' return t ? [r, t] : e === 'mastersthesis' ? [r, "Master's thesis"] : e === 'phdthesis' ? [r, 'PhD thesis'] : [r] }, toSource(e, t) { const r =[e] || 'misc' return /^(master'?s|diploma) thesis$/i.test(t) ? ['mastersthesis'] : /^(phd|doctoral) thesis$/i.test(t) ? ['phdthesis'] : [r, t] }, }, }, { source: rt, when: { target: { type: !1 } }, convert: { toSource() { return 'misc' }, }, }, { source: 'howpublished', target: 'URL', convert: xe.HOW_PUBLISHED, when: { target: { publisher: !1 } }, }, { source: 'volume', target: 'volume' }, ]) function QI(e, t) { if (e == null) return {} var r = KI(e, t), i, n if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var s = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e) for (n = 0; n < s.length; n++) (i = s[n]), !(t.indexOf(i) >= 0) &&, i) && (r[i] = e[i]) } return r } function KI(e, t) { if (e == null) return {} var r = {}, i = Object.keys(e), n, s for (s = 0; s < i.length; s++) (n = i[s]), !(t.indexOf(n) >= 0) && (r[n] = e[n]) return r } function JI(e) { var t = ZI(e, 'string') return typeof t == 'symbol' ? t : String(t) } function ZI(e, t) { if (typeof e != 'object' || e === null) return e var r = e[Symbol.toPrimitive] if (r !== void 0) { var i =, t || 'default') if (typeof i != 'object') return i throw new TypeError('@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.') } return (t === 'string' ? String : Number)(e) } function bd(e, t) { var r = Object.keys(e) if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var i = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e) t && (i = i.filter(function (n) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, n).enumerable })), r.push.apply(r, i) } return r } function eD(e) { for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) { var r = arguments[t] != null ? arguments[t] : {} t % 2 ? bd(Object(r), !0).forEach(function (i) { tD(e, i, r[i]) }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(r)) : bd(Object(r)).forEach(function (i) { Object.defineProperty(e, i, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, i)) }) } return e } function tD(e, t, r) { return ( t in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, { value: r, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : (e[t] = r), e ) } function yy(e, t) { if (e.crossref in t) { const r = t[e.crossref].properties return r === e ? e : Object.assign({}, yy(r, t), e) } return e } function _y(e, t) { const r = {} for (const i of e) r[i.label] = i return{ type: i, label: n, properties: s }) => t.convertToTarget(eD({ [rt]: i, [Ks]: n }, yy(s, r))) ) } function vy(e, t) { return => { const i = t.convertToSource(r), { [rt]: n, [Ks]: s } = i, a = QI(i, [rt, Ks].map(JI)) return { type: n, label: s, properties: a } }) } function rD(e) { return _y(e, by) } function iD(e) { return vy(e, by) } function nD(e) { return _y(e, gy) } function sD(e) { return vy(e, gy) } function aD(e) { const t = e.toUpperCase(), r = e.toLowerCase() for (let i = 0; i < e.length; i++) if (t[i] !== r[i]) return t[i] === e[i] return null } function ai(e) { if (e.length === 0) return let t = '' for (; e.length > 1; ) { const { value: i, hyphenated: n } = e.shift() t += i + (n ? '-' : ' ') } const r = t + e[0].value return r[0] && r } function oD(e, t = !0) { const r = [], i = [] if (t) for (; e.length > 1 && e[0].upperCase !== !1; ) { for (r.push(...i), i.length = 0; e.length > 1 && e[0].upperCase !== !1 && !e[0].hyphenated; ) r.push(e.shift()) for (; e.length > 0 && e[0].upperCase !== !1 && e[0].hyphenated; ) i.push(e.shift()) } const n = [], s = [] for (; e.length > 1; ) { for (n.push(...s), s.length = 0; e.length > 1 && e[0].upperCase === !1; ) n.push(e.shift()) for (; e.length > 0 && e[0].upperCase !== !1; ) s.push(e.shift()) } return i.length && s.unshift(...i), e.length && s.push(e[0]), [ai(r), ai(n), ai(s)] } function uD(e) { if (e[0][0].label) { const s = {} for (const [{ value: a, label: o }] of e) s[o] = a return s } const t = {}, [r, i, n] = oD(e[0], e.length === 1) return ( n && ( = n), i && (t.prefix = i), e.length === 3 ? ((t.given = ai(e[2])), (t.suffix = ai(e[1]))) : e.length === 2 ? (t.given = ai(e[1])) : r && (t.given = r), t ) } const Wi = { command: { match: /\\(?:[a-zA-Z]+|.) */, type: Np.keywords({ commandBegin: '\\begin', commandEnd: '\\end' }), value: (e) => e.slice(1).trim(), }, lbrace: { match: '{', push: 'bracedLiteral' }, mathShift: { match: '$', push: 'mathLiteral' }, whitespace: { match: /[\s]+|~/, lineBreaks: !0, value(e) { return e === '~' ? ' ' : ' ' }, }, }, lD = Np.states({ stringLiteral: { ...Wi, text: /[^{$}\s~\\]+/ }, namesLiteral: { and: /\s+[aA][nN][dD]\s+/, comma: ',', hyphen: '-', equals: '=', ...Wi, text: /[^{$}\s~\\,=-]+/, }, listLiteral: { and: /\s+and\s+/, ...Wi, text: /[^{$}\s~\\]+/ }, separatedLiteral: { comma: ',', ...Wi, text: /[^{$}\s~\\,]+/ }, bracedLiteral: { ...Wi, rbrace: { match: '}', pop: !0 }, text: /[^{$}\s~\\]+/ }, mathLiteral: { ...Wi, mathShift: { match: '$', pop: !0 }, script: /[\^_]/, text: /[^{$}\s~\\^_]+/, }, }) function ja(e) { return e[0], e } function Zn(e, t) { return t in jo ? e && jo[t].join(e) : e } const cD = new Kb( { String() { let e = '' for (; !this.matchEndOfFile(); ) e += this.consumeRule('Text') return ja(e) }, StringNames() { const e = [] for (;;) { if ( (this.consumeToken('whitespace', !0), e.push(this.consumeRule('Name')), this.consumeToken('whitespace', !0), this.matchEndOfFile()) ) return e this.consumeToken('and') } }, Name() { const e = [] for (;;) { if ( (e.push(this.consumeRule('NamePiece')), this.matchEndOfFile() || this.matchToken('and')) ) return uD(e) this.consumeToken('comma'), this.consumeToken('whitespace', !0) } }, NamePiece() { const e = [] for (;;) { const t = this.consumeRule('NameToken') if (t.label) return (t.label = ai([...e, { value: t.label }])), [t] if ( (e.push(t), this.matchEndOfFile() || this.matchToken('and') || this.matchToken('comma')) ) return e for (; this.matchToken('hyphen') || this.matchToken('whitespace'); ) this.consumeToken() } }, NameToken() { let e = null, t = '' for (;;) if (e === null && this.matchToken('text')) { const r = this.consumeToken().value ;(t += r), (e = aD(r)) } else { if ( this.matchEndOfFile() || this.matchToken('and') || this.matchToken('comma') || this.matchToken('whitespace') ) return { value: t, upperCase: e } if (this.matchToken('hyphen')) return { value: t, upperCase: e, hyphenated: !0 } if (this.matchToken('equals')) { this.consumeToken('equals') const r = this.consumeRule('NamePiece') return r[0].label && (t += '=' + r[0].label), { value: ai(r), label: t } } else t += this.consumeRule('Text') } }, StringList() { const e = [] for (; !this.matchEndOfFile(); ) { let t = '' for (; !this.matchEndOfFile() && !this.matchToken('and'); ) t += this.consumeRule('Text') e.push(ja(t)), this.consumeToken('and', !0) } return e.length === 1 ? e[0] : e }, StringSeparated() { const e = [] for (; !this.matchEndOfFile(); ) { let t = '' for (; !this.matchEndOfFile() && !this.matchToken('comma'); ) t += this.consumeRule('Text') e.push(t.trim()), this.consumeToken('comma', !0), this.consumeToken('whitespace', !0) } return e }, StringVerbatim() { let e = '' for (; !this.matchEndOfFile(); ) e += this.consumeToken().text return ja(e) }, StringUri() { const e = this.consumeRule('StringVerbatim') try { return decodeURI(e) === e ? encodeURI(e) : e } catch { return encodeURI(e) } }, StringTitleCase() { this.state.sentenceCase = !0 let e = '' for (; !this.matchEndOfFile(); ) e += this.consumeRule('Text') return ja(e) }, BracketString() { var n let e = '' this.consumeToken('lbrace') const t = this.state.sentenceCase for ( this.state.sentenceCase = t && this.matchToken('command'), (n = this.state).partlyLowercase && (n.partlyLowercase = this.state.sentenceCase); !this.matchToken('rbrace'); ) e += this.consumeRule('Text') const i = t && !this.state.sentenceCase && this.state.partlyLowercase return (this.state.sentenceCase = t), this.consumeToken('rbrace'), i ? Zn(e, 'nocase') : e }, MathString() { let e = '' for (this.consumeToken('mathShift'); !this.matchToken('mathShift'); ) { if (this.matchToken('script')) { const t = this.consumeToken('script').value, r = this.consumeRule('Text').split('') if (r.every((i) => i in Jc[t])) e += => Jc[t][i]).join('') else { const i = ao[t] e += jo[i].join(r.join('')) } continue } if (this.matchToken('command')) { const t = this.token.value if (t in ao) { this.consumeToken('command') const r = this.consumeRule('BracketString') e += Zn(r, ao[t]) continue } } e += this.consumeRule('Text') } return this.consumeToken('mathShift'), e }, Text() { var a if (this.matchToken('lbrace')) return this.consumeRule('BracketString') if (this.matchToken('mathShift')) return this.consumeRule('MathString') if (this.matchToken('whitespace')) return this.consumeToken('whitespace').value if (this.matchToken('commandBegin')) return this.consumeRule('EnclosedEnv') if (this.matchToken('command')) return this.consumeRule('Command') const e = this.consumeToken('text').value.replace(my, (o) => Qs[o]), t = this.state.afterPunctuation if (((this.state.afterPunctuation = /[?!.:]$/.test(e)), !this.state.sentenceCase)) return ( (a = this.state).partlyLowercase || (a.partlyLowercase = e === e.toLowerCase() && e !== e.toUpperCase()), e ) const [r, ...i] = e, n = i.join(''), s = n.toLowerCase() return n !== s ? e : t ? r + s : e.toLowerCase() }, Command() { const e = this.consumeToken('command'), t = e.value if (t in so) { const r = this.consumeRule('Env'), i = so[t] return Zn(r, i) } else if (t in Qc) { const r = this.consumeRule('BracketString'), i = Qc[t] return Zn(r, i) } else { if (t in Ws) return Ws[t] if (t in Ys && !this.matchEndOfFile()) { const r = this.consumeRule('Text') return (r[0] + Ys[t]).normalize('NFC') + r.slice(1) } else if (t in Kc) { const r = Kc[t], i = [] let n = r.length for (; n-- > 0; ) this.consumeToken('whitespace', !0), i.push(this.consumeRule('BracketString')) return r(...i) } else return /^[&%$#_{}]$/.test(t) ? e.text.slice(1) : e.text } }, Env() { let e = '' for (; !this.matchEndOfFile() && !this.matchToken('rbrace'); ) e += this.consumeRule('Text') return e }, EnclosedEnv() { this.consumeToken('commandBegin') const e = this.consumeRule('BracketString') let t = '' for (; !this.matchToken('commandEnd'); ) t += this.consumeRule('Text') const r = this.consumeToken('commandEnd'), i = this.consumeRule('BracketString') if (e !== i) throw new SyntaxError( this.lexer.formatError(r, `environment started with "${e}", ended with "${i}"`) ) return Zn(t, so[e]) }, }, { sentenceCase: !1, partlyLowercase: !1, afterPunctuation: !0 } ) function yd(e) { return dy.includes(e.toLowerCase()) } function fD(e) { return Array.isArray(e) ? e.every(yd) : yd(e) } function pD(e, t) { if (e[1] === 'name') return e[0] === 'list' ? 'StringNames' : 'Name' if (e[1] === 'title') { const r = ma.parse.sentenceCase return r === 'always' || (r === 'english' && fD(t)) ? 'StringTitleCase' : 'String' } switch (e[0] === 'field' ? e[1] : e[0]) { case 'list': return 'StringList' case 'separated': return 'StringSeparated' case 'verbatim': return 'StringVerbatim' case 'uri': return 'StringUri' case 'title': case 'literal': default: return 'String' } } function hD(e) { if (e[1] === 'name') return 'namesLiteral' switch (e[0]) { case 'list': return 'listLiteral' case 'separated': return 'separatedLiteral' case 'field': default: return 'stringLiteral' } } function _d(e, t, r = []) { const i = zo[t] || [] return cD.parse(lD.reset(e, { state: hD(i), line: 0, col: 0 }), pD(i, r)) } function Ey(e, t) { const r = [] for (const { type: i, label: n, properties: s } of e) if (i in t) { const a = [] for (const o of t[i]) Array.isArray(o) && !o.some((u) => u in s) ? a.push(o.join('/')) : typeof o == 'string' && !(o in s) && a.push(o) a.length && r.push([n, `missing fields: ${a.join(', ')}`]) } else r.push([n, `invalid type: "${i}"`]) if (r.length) throw new RangeError( ['Invalid entries:'].concat([i, n]) => ` - ${i} has ${n}`)).join(` `) ) } function xy(e) { const t = {} 'language' in && (t.language = _d(, 'language')) for (const r in { const i =[r] i !== '' && (t[r] = _d(i + '', r, t.language)) } return { ...e, properties: t } } function vd(e) { return ma.parse.strict && Ey(e, Op.biblatex), nD( } function Ed(e) { return ma.parse.strict && Ey(e, Op.bibtex), rD( } const mD = '@bibtex', dD = { '@biblatex/text': { parse: md, parseType: { dataType: 'String', predicate: /@\s{0,5}[A-Za-z]{1,13}\s{0,5}\{\s{0,5}[^@{}"=,\\\s]{0,100}\s{0,5},[\s\S]*\}/, }, }, '@biblatex/entry+object': { parse(e) { return vd([e]) }, parseType: { dataType: 'SimpleObject', propertyConstraint: { props: ['type', 'label', 'properties'] }, }, }, '@biblatex/entries+list': { parse: vd, parseType: { elementConstraint: '@biblatex/entry+object' }, }, '@bibtex/text': { parse: md, outputs: '@bibtex/entries+list' }, '@bibtex/entry+object': { parse(e) { return Ed([e]) }, }, '@bibtex/entries+list': { parse: Ed }, '@bibtxt/text': { parse: UI, parseType: { dataType: 'String', predicate: /^\s*(\[(?!\s*[{[]).*?\]\s*(\n\s*[^[]((?!:)\S)+\s*:\s*.+?\s*)*\s*)+$/, }, }, }, Yr = {} for (const e in Ws) Yr[Ws[e]] = e for (const e in Ys) Yr[Ys[e]] = e for (const e in Qs) Yr[Qs[e]] = e const gD = /[^a-zA-Z0-9\s!"#%&'()*+,\-./:;=?@[\]{}\u0300-\u0308\u030a-\u030c\u0332\u0323\u0327\u0328\u0361\u0326]/g, bD = /.[\u0300-\u0308\u030a-\u030c\u0332\u0323\u0327\u0328\u0361\u0326]+/g, Ip = { separated: ',', list: ' and ' }, xd = { i: '\\textit{', b: '\\textbf{', sc: '\\textsc{', sup: '\\textsuperscript{', sub: '\\textsubscript{', 'span style="font-variant:small-caps;"': '\\textsc{', 'span class="nocase"': '{', } function Dp(e) { return e .normalize('NFKD') .replace(gD, (t) => (t in Yr ? (Yr[t] in Qs ? Yr[t] : `\\${Yr[t]}{}`) : '')) .replace(bD, (t) => Array.from(t).reduce((r, i) => `{\\${Yr[i]} ${r}}`)) } function Ty(e) { const t = [] let r = e.split(/<(\/?(?:i|b|sc|sup|sub|span)|span .*?)>/g) return ( (r =, n) => n % 2 === 0 ? Dp(i) : i in xd ? (t.push('/' + i.split(' ')[0]), xd[i]) : i === t[t.length - 1] ? (t.pop(), '}') : '' )), r.join('') ) } function yD(e) { if ( && !e.prefix && !e.given & !e.suffix) return ? : `{${}}` const t = [''] return ( e.prefix && && (t[0] += e.prefix + ' '), && (t[0] +=, e.suffix ? (t.push(e.suffix), t.push(e.given || '')) : t.push(e.given), Dp(t.join(', ').trim()) ) } function _D(e) { return Ty(e) .split(/(:\s*)/) .map((t, r) => (r % 2 ? t : t.replace(/(?!^)\b[a-z]*[A-Z].*?\b/g, '{$&}'))) .join('') } function rf(e, t) { switch (t) { case 'title': return _D(e) case 'literal': return Ty(e.toString()) case 'name': return yD(e) case 'verbatim': case 'uri': return e.toString() default: return Dp(e.toString()) } } function vD(e, t, r) { const i = Ip[r] return e .map((n) => { const s = rf(n, t) return s.includes(i) ? `{${s}}` : s }) .join(i) } function ED(e, t) { if (!(e in zo)) return rf(t, 'verbatim') const [r, i] = zo[e] return r in Ip ? vD(t, i, r) : rf(t, i) } function Ay({ type: e, label: t, properties: r }) { const i = {} for (const n in r) { const s = r[n] i[n] = ED(n, s) } return { type: e, label: t, properties: i } } function xD(e) { return sD(e).map(Ay) } function Td(e) { return iD(e).map(Ay) } function TD({ type: e, label: t, properties: r }, i) { const n = Object.entries(r).map(([s, a]) => i.listItem.join(`${s} = {${a}},`)) return i.entry.join(`@${e}{${t},${i.list.join(n.join(''))}}`) } function Ad(e, t) { const r = => TD(i, t)).join('') return t.bibliographyContainer.join(r) } function AD({ type: e, label: t, properties: r }, i) { const n = Object.entries(r) .concat([['type', e]]) .map(([s, a]) => i.listItem.join(`${s}: ${a}`)) return i.entry.join(`[${t}]${i.list.join(n.join(''))}`) } function SD(e, t) { const r = => AD(i, t)).join(` `) return t.bibliographyContainer.join(r) } const Ol = function (e, t) { return function (r, i = {}) { const { type: n, format: s = n || 'text' } = i if (((r = e(r)), s === 'object')) return r if (sy(s)) return t(r, wp(s), i) throw new RangeError(`Output dictionary "${s}" not available`) } }, CD = { bibtex: Ol(Td, Ad), biblatex: Ol(xD, Ad), bibtxt: Ol(Td, SD) } ha(mD, { input: dD, output: CD, config: ma }) const kD = { 'en-US': 'Andrew DunningSebastian KarcherRintze M. ZelleDenis MeierBrenton M. WiernikThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License2015-10-10T23:31:02+00:00advance online publicationalbumaudio recordingfilmhenceforthloc. publishern.p.onop. cit.original work publishedpersonal communicationpodcastpodcast episodepreprintradio broadcastradio seriesradio series episodespecial issuespecial sectiontelevision broadcasttelevision seriestelevision series episodevideoworking paperaccessedandand othersanonymousanon.atavailable al.forthcomingfromibid.inin pressinternetinterviewletterno daten.d.onlinepresented at thereferencereferencesref.refs.retrievedscaleversionpreprintjournal articlemagazine articlenewspaper articlebillbookbroadcastbook chapterclassiccollectiondatasetdocumententrydictionary entryencyclopedia entryeventgraphichearinginterviewlegal caselegislationmanuscriptmapvideo recordingmusical scorepamphletconference paperpatentperformanceperiodicalpersonal communicationpostblog postregulationreportreviewbook reviewsoftwareaudio recordingpresentationstandardthesistreatywebpagejournal art.mag. art.newspaper art.bk.bk. chap.doc.graph.interv.MSvideo rec.rep.rev.bk. rec.ADBCBCECE:,;thstndrdthththfirstsecondthirdfourthfifthsixthseventheighthninthtenthactactsappendixappendicesarticlearticlescanoncanonslocationlocationsequationequationsrulerulesscenescenestabletablestitletitlesbookbookschapterchapterscolumncolumnsfigurefiguresfoliofoliosnumbernumberslinelinesnotenotesopusoperapagepagespagepagesparagraphparagraphspartpartssectionsectionssub verbosub¶¶§§§chairchairscompilercompilerscontributorcontributorscuratorcuratorsexecutive producerexecutive producersguestguestshosthostsnarratornarratorsorganizerorganizersperformerperformersproducerproducerswriterwritersseries creatorseries creatorsdirectordirectorseditoreditorseditoreditorsillustratorillustratorstranslatortranslatorseditor & translatoreditors & translatorscomp.comps.contrib.contribs.cur.curs.exec. prod.exec. & tran.eds. & trans.chaired bycompiled bywithcurated byexecutive produced bywith guesthosted bynarrated byorganized byperformed byproduced bywritten bycreated bybydirected byedited byedited byillustrated byinterview bytobytranslated byedited & translated bycomp. byw.cur. byexec. prod. byw. guesthosted bynarr. byorg. byperf. byprod. bywrit. bycre. bydir. byed. byed. byillus. bytrans. byed. & trans. byJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberJan.Feb.Mar.Apr.MayJun.Jul.Aug.Sep.Oct.Nov.Dec.SpringSummerAutumnWinter', }, hn = new xu(kD), wD = { apa: '', }, nf = new xu(wD) var l = { PROCESSOR_VERSION: '1.4.61', error: function (e) { throw typeof Error > 'u' ? new Error('citeproc-js error: ' + e) : 'citeproc-js error: ' + e }, debug: function (e) { typeof console > 'u' ? dump( 'CSL: ' + e + ` ` ) : console.log('citeproc-js warning: ' + e) }, toLocaleUpperCase(e) { var t = this.tmp.lang_array try { e = e.toLocaleUpperCase(t) } catch { e = e.toUpperCase() } return e }, toLocaleLowerCase(e) { var t = this.tmp.lang_array try { e = e.toLocaleLowerCase(t) } catch { e = e.toLowerCase() } return e }, LOCATOR_LABELS_REGEXP: new RegExp( '^((vrs|sv|subpara|op|subch|add|amend|annot|app|art|bibliog|bk|ch|cl|col|cmt|dec|dept|div|ex|fig|fld|fol|n|hypo|illus|intro|l|no|p|pp|para|pt|pmbl|princ|pub|r|rn|sched|sec|ser|subdiv|subsec|supp|tbl|tit|vol)\\.)\\s+(.*)' ), STATUTE_SUBDIV_PLAIN_REGEX: /(?:(?:^| )(?:vrs|sv|subpara|op|subch|add|amend|annot|app|art|bibliog|bk|ch|cl|col|cmt|dec|dept|div|ex|fig|fld|fol|n|hypo|illus|intro|l|no|p|pp|para|pt|pmbl|princ|pub|r|rn|sched|sec|ser|subdiv|subsec|supp|tbl|tit|vol)\. *)/, STATUTE_SUBDIV_PLAIN_REGEX_FRONT: /(?:^\s*[.,;]*\s*(?:vrs|sv|subpara|op|subch|add|amend|annot|app|art|bibliog|bk|ch|cl|col|cmt|dec|dept|div|ex|fig|fld|fol|n|hypo|illus|intro|l|no|p|pp|para|pt|pmbl|princ|pub|r|rn|sched|sec|ser|subdiv|subsec|supp|tbl|tit|vol)\. *)/, STATUTE_SUBDIV_STRINGS: { 'vrs.': 'verse', 'sv.': 'sub-verbo', 'subpara.': 'subparagraph', 'op.': 'opus', 'subch.': 'subchapter', 'add.': 'addendum', 'amend.': 'amendment', 'annot.': 'annotation', 'app.': 'appendix', 'art.': 'article', 'bibliog.': 'bibliography', 'bk.': 'book', 'ch.': 'chapter', 'cl.': 'clause', 'col.': 'column', 'cmt.': 'comment', 'dec.': 'decision', 'dept.': 'department', 'ex.': 'example', 'fig.': 'figure', 'fld.': 'field', 'fol.': 'folio', 'n.': 'note', 'hypo.': 'hypothetical', 'illus.': 'illustration', 'intro.': 'introduction', 'l.': 'line', 'no.': 'issue', 'p.': 'page', 'pp.': 'page', 'para.': 'paragraph', 'pt.': 'part', 'pmbl.': 'preamble', 'princ.': 'principle', 'pub.': 'publication', 'r.': 'rule', 'rn.': 'randnummer', 'sched.': 'schedule', 'sec.': 'section', 'ser.': 'series,', 'subdiv.': 'subdivision', 'subsec.': 'subsection', 'supp.': 'supplement', 'tbl.': 'table', 'tit.': 'title', 'vol.': 'volume', }, STATUTE_SUBDIV_STRINGS_REVERSE: { verse: 'vrs.', 'sub-verbo': 'sv.', 'sub verbo': 'sv.', subparagraph: 'subpara.', opus: 'op.', subchapter: 'subch.', addendum: 'add.', amendment: 'amend.', annotation: 'annot.', appendix: 'app.', article: 'art.', bibliography: 'bibliog.', book: 'bk.', chapter: 'ch.', clause: 'cl.', column: 'col.', comment: 'cmt.', decision: 'dec.', department: 'dept.', example: 'ex.', figure: 'fig.', field: 'fld.', folio: 'fol.', note: 'n.', hypothetical: 'hypo.', illustration: 'illus.', introduction: 'intro.', line: 'l.', issue: 'no.', page: 'p.', paragraph: 'para.', part: 'pt.', preamble: 'pmbl.', principle: 'princ.', publication: 'pub.', rule: 'r.', randnummer: 'rn.', schedule: 'sched.', section: 'sec.', 'series,': 'ser.', subdivision: 'subdiv.', subsection: 'subsec.', supplement: 'supp.', table: 'tbl.', title: 'tit.', volume: 'vol.', }, LOCATOR_LABELS_MAP: { vrs: 'verse', sv: 'sub-verbo', subpara: 'subparagraph', op: 'opus', subch: 'subchapter', add: 'addendum', amend: 'amendment', annot: 'annotation', app: 'appendix', art: 'article', bibliog: 'bibliography', bk: 'book', ch: 'chapter', cl: 'clause', col: 'column', cmt: 'comment', dec: 'decision', dept: 'department', ex: 'example', fig: 'figure', fld: 'field', fol: 'folio', n: 'note', hypo: 'hypothetical', illus: 'illustration', intro: 'introduction', l: 'line', no: 'issue', p: 'page', pp: 'page', para: 'paragraph', pt: 'part', pmbl: 'preamble', princ: 'principle', pub: 'publication', r: 'rule', rn: 'randnummer', sched: 'schedule', sec: 'section', ser: 'series,', subdiv: 'subdivision', subsec: 'subsection', supp: 'supplement', tbl: 'table', tit: 'title', vol: 'volume', }, MODULE_MACROS: { 'juris-pretitle': !0, 'juris-title': !0, 'juris-pretitle-short': !0, 'juris-title-short': !0, 'juris-main': !0, 'juris-main-short': !0, 'juris-tail': !0, 'juris-tail-short': !0, 'juris-locator': !0, }, MODULE_TYPES: { legal_case: !0, legislation: !0, bill: !0, hearing: !0, gazette: !0, report: !0, regulation: !0, standard: !0, patent: !0, locator: !0, }, checkNestedBrace: function (e) { e.opt.xclass === 'note' ? ((this.depth = 0), (this.update = function (r) { for (var r = r || '', i = r.split(/([\(\)])/), n = 1, s = i.length; n < s; n += 2) i[n] === '(' ? (this.depth % 2 === 1 && (i[n] = '['), (this.depth += 1)) : i[n] === ')' && (this.depth % 2 === 0 && (i[n] = ']'), (this.depth -= 1)) var a = i.join('') return a })) : (this.update = function (t) { return t }) }, MULTI_FIELDS: [ 'event', 'publisher', 'publisher-place', 'event-place', 'title', 'container-title', 'collection-title', 'authority', 'genre', 'title-short', 'medium', 'country', 'jurisdiction', 'archive', 'archive-place', ], LangPrefsMap: { title: 'titles', 'title-short': 'titles', event: 'titles', genre: 'titles', medium: 'titles', 'container-title': 'journals', 'collection-title': 'titles', archive: 'journals', publisher: 'publishers', authority: 'publishers', 'publisher-place': 'places', 'event-place': 'places', 'archive-place': 'places', jurisdiction: 'places', number: 'places', edition: 'places', issue: 'places', volume: 'places', }, AbbreviationSegments: function () { ;(this['container-title'] = {}), (this['collection-title'] = {}), (this['institution-entire'] = {}), (this['institution-part'] = {}), (this.nickname = {}), (this.number = {}), (this.title = {}), ( = {}), (this.hereinafter = {}), (this.classic = {}), (this['container-phrase'] = {}), (this['title-phrase'] = {}) }, getAbbrevsDomain: function (e, t, r) { var i = null if (e.opt.availableAbbrevDomains && t && t !== 'default') { var n = e.locale[e.opt.lang].opts['jurisdiction-preference'], s = null if ((e.locale[r] && (s = e.locale[r].opts['jurisdiction-preference']), s)) { for (var a = s.length - 1; a > -1; a--) if (e.opt.availableAbbrevDomains[t].indexOf(s[a]) > -1) { i = s[a] break } } if (!i && n) { for (var a = n.length - 1; a > -1; a--) if (e.opt.availableAbbrevDomains[t].indexOf(n[a]) > -1) { i = n[a] break } } } return i }, FIELD_CATEGORY_REMAP: { title: 'title', 'container-title': 'container-title', 'collection-title': 'collection-title', country: 'place', number: 'number', place: 'place', archive: 'container-title', 'title-short': 'title', genre: 'title', event: 'title', medium: 'title', 'archive-place': 'place', 'publisher-place': 'place', 'event-place': 'place', jurisdiction: 'place', 'language-name': 'place', 'language-name-original': 'place', 'call-number': 'number', 'chapter-number': 'number', 'collection-number': 'number', edition: 'number', page: 'number', issue: 'number', locator: 'number', 'locator-extra': 'number', 'number-of-pages': 'number', 'number-of-volumes': 'number', volume: 'number', 'citation-number': 'number', publisher: 'institution-part', }, parseLocator: function (e) { if (this.opt.development_extensions.locator_date_and_revision && e.locator) { e.locator = '' + e.locator var t = e.locator.indexOf('|') if (t > -1) { var r = e.locator ;(e.locator = r.slice(0, t)), (r = r.slice(t + 1)) var i = r.match(/^([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}).*/) i && ((e['locator-date'] =[1])), (r = r.slice(i[1].length))), (e['locator-extra'] = r.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, '')) } } return e.locator && (e.locator = ('' + e.locator).replace(/\s+$/, '')), e }, normalizeLocaleStr: function (e) { if (e) { var t = e.split('-') return (t[0] = t[0].toLowerCase()), t[1] && (t[1] = t[1].toUpperCase()), t.join('-') } }, parseNoteFieldHacks: function (e, t, r) { if (typeof e.note == 'string') { for ( var i = [], n = e.note.split(` `), s = 0, a = n.length; s < a; s++ ) { var o = n[s], i = [], u = o.match(l.NOTE_FIELDS_REGEXP) if (u) { for (var c = o.split(l.NOTE_FIELDS_REGEXP), f = 0, h = c.length - 1; f < h; f++) i.push(c[f]), i.push(u[f]) i.push(c[c.length - 1]) for ( var f = 1, h = i.length; f < h && !(i[f - 1].trim() && (s > 0 || f > 1) && !i[f - 1].match(l.NOTE_FIELD_REGEXP)); f += 2 ) i[f] = ` ` + i[f].slice(2, -1).trim() + ` ` n[s] = i.join('') } } n = n.join(` `).split(` `) for (var p = 0, m = {}, s = 0, a = n.length; s < a; s++) { var o = n[s], v = o.match(l.NOTE_FIELD_REGEXP) if (o.trim()) { if (!v) { if (s === 0) continue p = s break } } else continue var b = v[1], S = v[2].replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, '') if (b === 'type') (e.type = S), (n[s] = '') else if (l.DATE_VARIABLES.indexOf(b.replace(/^alt-/, '')) > -1) (!e[b] || r) && ((e[b] = l.DateParser.parseDateToArray(S)), (!t || (t[b] && this.isDateString(S))) && (n[s] = '')) else if (!e[b]) { if (l.NAME_VARIABLES.indexOf(b.replace(/^alt-/, '')) > -1) { m[b] || (m[b] = []) var g = S.split(/\s*\|\|\s*/) if (g.length === 1) m[b].push({ literal: g[0] }) else if (g.length === 2) { var _ = { family: g[0], given: g[1] } l.parseParticles(_), m[b].push(_) } } else e[b] = S ;(!t || t[b]) && (n[s] = '') } } for (var b in m) e[b] = m[b] if (t) { n[p].trim() && (n[p] = ` ` + n[p]) for (var s = p - 1; s > -1; s--) n[s].trim() || (n = n.slice(0, s).concat(n.slice(s + 1))) } e.note = n .join( ` ` ) .trim() } }, checkPrefixSpaceAppend: function (e, s) { s || (s = '') var r = '', i = s.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, '').replace(/["'\u201d\u2019\u00bb\u202f\u00a0 ]+$/g, ''), n = i.slice(-1) ;(i.match(l.ENDSWITH_ROMANESQUE_REGEXP) || l.TERMINAL_PUNCTUATION.slice(0, -1).indexOf(n) > -1 || n.match(/[\)\],0-9]/)) && (r = ' ') var s = (s + r).replace(/\s+/g, ' ') return s }, checkIgnorePredecessor: function (e, t) { var r = t.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, '').replace(/["'\u201d\u2019\u00bb\u202f\u00a0 ]+$/g, ''), i = r.slice(-1) return l.TERMINAL_PUNCTUATION.slice(0, -1).indexOf(i) > -1 && t.trim().indexOf(' ') > -1 ? ((e.tmp.term_predecessor = !1), !0) : !1 }, checkSuffixSpacePrepend: function (e, t) { return t ? ((t.match(l.STARTSWITH_ROMANESQUE_REGEXP) || ['[', '('].indexOf(t.slice(0, 1)) > -1) && (t = ' ' + t), t) : '' }, GENDERS: ['masculine', 'feminine'], ERROR_NO_RENDERED_FORM: 1, PREVIEW: 'Just for laughs.', ASSUME_ALL_ITEMS_REGISTERED: 2, START: 0, END: 1, SINGLETON: 2, SEEN: 6, SUCCESSOR: 3, SUCCESSOR_OF_SUCCESSOR: 4, SUPPRESS: 5, SINGULAR: 0, PLURAL: 1, LITERAL: !0, BEFORE: 1, AFTER: 2, DESCENDING: 1, ASCENDING: 2, PRIMARY: 1, SECONDARY: 2, POSITION_FIRST: 0, POSITION_SUBSEQUENT: 1, POSITION_IBID: 2, POSITION_IBID_WITH_LOCATOR: 3, POSITION_CONTAINER_SUBSEQUENT: 4, POSITION_MAP: { 0: 0, 4: 1, 1: 2, 2: 3, 3: 4 }, POSITION_TEST_VARS: ['position', 'first-reference-note-number', 'near-note'], AREAS: ['citation', 'citation_sort', 'bibliography', 'bibliography_sort', 'intext'], CITE_FIELDS: [ 'first-reference-note-number', 'first-container-reference-note-number', 'locator', 'locator-extra', ], SWAPPING_PUNCTUATION: ['.', '!', '?', ':', ','], TERMINAL_PUNCTUATION: [':', '.', ';', '!', '?', ' '], NONE: 0, NUMERIC: 1, POSITION: 2, TRIGRAPH: 3, DATE_PARTS: ['year', 'month', 'day'], DATE_PARTS_ALL: ['year', 'month', 'day', 'season'], DATE_PARTS_INTERNAL: ['year', 'month', 'day', 'year_end', 'month_end', 'day_end'], NAME_PARTS: [ 'non-dropping-particle', 'family', 'given', 'dropping-particle', 'suffix', 'literal', ], DISAMBIGUATE_OPTIONS: [ 'disambiguate-add-names', 'disambiguate-add-givenname', 'disambiguate-add-year-suffix', ], GIVENNAME_DISAMBIGUATION_RULES: [ 'all-names', 'all-names-with-initials', 'primary-name', 'primary-name-with-initials', 'by-cite', ], NAME_ATTRIBUTES: [ 'and', 'delimiter-precedes-last', 'delimiter-precedes-et-al', 'initialize-with', 'initialize', 'name-as-sort-order', 'sort-separator', 'et-al-min', 'et-al-use-first', 'et-al-subsequent-min', 'et-al-subsequent-use-first', 'form', 'prefix', 'suffix', 'delimiter', ], LOOSE: 0, STRICT: 1, TOLERANT: 2, PREFIX_PUNCTUATION: /[.;:]\s*$/, SUFFIX_PUNCTUATION: /^\s*[.;:,\(\)]/, NUMBER_REGEXP: /(?:^\d+|\d+$)/, NAME_INITIAL_REGEXP: /^([A-Z\u0e01-\u0e5b\u00c0-\u017f\u0400-\u042f\u0590-\u05d4\u05d6-\u05ff\u0600-\u06ff\u0370\u0372\u0376\u0386\u0388-\u03ab\u03e2\u03e4\u03e6\u03e8\u03ea\u03ec\u03ee\u03f4\u03f7\u03fd-\u03ff])([a-zA-Z\u0e01-\u0e5b\u00c0-\u017f\u0400-\u052f\u0600-\u06ff\u0370-\u03ff\u1f00-\u1fff]*|)(\.)*/, ROMANESQUE_REGEXP: /[-0-9a-zA-Z\u0e01-\u0e5b\u00c0-\u017f\u0370-\u03ff\u0400-\u052f\u0590-\u05d4\u05d6-\u05ff\u1f00-\u1fff\u0600-\u06ff\u200c\u200d\u200e\u0218\u0219\u021a\u021b\u202a-\u202e]/, ROMANESQUE_NOT_REGEXP: /[^a-zA-Z\u0e01-\u0e5b\u00c0-\u017f\u0370-\u03ff\u0400-\u052f\u0590-\u05d4\u05d6-\u05ff\u1f00-\u1fff\u0600-\u06ff\u200c\u200d\u200e\u0218\u0219\u021a\u021b\u202a-\u202e]/g, STARTSWITH_ROMANESQUE_REGEXP: /^[&a-zA-Z\u0e01-\u0e5b\u00c0-\u017f\u0370-\u03ff\u0400-\u052f\u0590-\u05d4\u05d6-\u05ff\u1f00-\u1fff\u0600-\u06ff\u200c\u200d\u200e\u0218\u0219\u021a\u021b\u202a-\u202e]/, ENDSWITH_ROMANESQUE_REGEXP: /[.;:&a-zA-Z\u0e01-\u0e5b\u00c0-\u017f\u0370-\u03ff\u0400-\u052f\u0590-\u05d4\u05d6-\u05ff\u1f00-\u1fff\u0600-\u06ff\u200c\u200d\u200e\u0218\u0219\u021a\u021b\u202a-\u202e]$/, ALL_ROMANESQUE_REGEXP: /^[a-zA-Z\u0e01-\u0e5b\u00c0-\u017f\u0370-\u03ff\u0400-\u052f\u0590-\u05d4\u05d6-\u05ff\u1f00-\u1fff\u0600-\u06ff\u200c\u200d\u200e\u0218\u0219\u021a\u021b\u202a-\u202e]+$/, VIETNAMESE_SPECIALS: /[\u00c0-\u00c3\u00c8-\u00ca\u00cc\u00cd\u00d2-\u00d5\u00d9\u00da\u00dd\u00e0-\u00e3\u00e8-\u00ea\u00ec\u00ed\u00f2-\u00f5\u00f9\u00fa\u00fd\u0101\u0103\u0110\u0111\u0128\u0129\u0168\u0169\u01a0\u01a1\u01af\u01b0\u1ea0-\u1ef9]/, VIETNAMESE_NAMES: /^(?:(?:[.AaBbCcDdEeGgHhIiKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvXxYy \u00c0-\u00c3\u00c8-\u00ca\u00cc\u00cd\u00d2-\u00d5\u00d9\u00da\u00dd\u00e0-\u00e3\u00e8-\u00ea\u00ec\u00ed\u00f2-\u00f5\u00f9\u00fa\u00fd\u0101\u0103\u0110\u0111\u0128\u0129\u0168\u0169\u01a0\u01a1\u01af\u01b0\u1ea0-\u1ef9]{2,6})(\s+|$))+$/, NOTE_FIELDS_REGEXP: /\{:(?:[\-_a-z]+|[A-Z]+):[^\}]+\}/g, NOTE_FIELD_REGEXP: /^([\-_a-z]+|[A-Z]+):\s*([^\}]+)$/, PARTICLE_GIVEN_REGEXP: /^([^ ]+(?:\u02bb |\u2019 | |\' ) *)(.+)$/, PARTICLE_FAMILY_REGEXP: /^([^ ]+(?:\-|\u02bb|\u2019| |\') *)(.+)$/, DISPLAY_CLASSES: ['block', 'left-margin', 'right-inline', 'indent'], NAME_VARIABLES: [ 'author', 'chair', 'collection-editor', 'compiler', 'composer', 'container-author', 'contributor', 'curator', 'director', 'editor', 'editor-translator', 'editorial-director', 'executive-producer', 'guest', 'host', 'illustrator', 'interviewer', 'narrator', 'organizer', 'original-author', 'performer', 'producer', 'recipient', 'reviewed-author', 'script-writer', 'series-creator', 'translator', 'commenter', ], CREATORS: [ 'author', 'chair', 'collection-editor', 'compiler', 'composer', 'container-author', 'contributor', 'curator', 'director', 'editor', 'editor-translator', 'editorial-director', 'executive-producer', 'guest', 'host', 'illustrator', 'interviewer', 'narrator', 'organizer', 'original-author', 'performer', 'producer', 'recipient', 'reviewed-author', 'script-writer', 'series-creator', 'translator', 'commenter', ], NUMERIC_VARIABLES: [ 'call-number', 'chapter-number', 'collection-number', 'division', 'edition', 'page', 'issue', 'locator', 'locator-extra', 'number', 'number-of-pages', 'number-of-volumes', 'part-number', 'printing-number', 'section', 'supplement-number', 'version', 'volume', 'supplement', 'citation-number', ], DATE_VARIABLES: [ 'locator-date', 'issued', 'event-date', 'accessed', 'original-date', 'publication-date', 'available-date', 'submitted', 'alt-issued', 'alt-event', ], VARIABLES_WITH_SHORT_FORM: ['title', 'container-title'], TITLE_FIELD_SPLITS: function (e) { for ( var t = ['title', 'short', 'main', 'sub', 'subjoin'], r = {}, i = 0, n = t.length; i < n; i++ ) r[t[i]] = e + 'title' + (t[i] === 'title' ? '' : '-' + t[i]) return r }, demoteNoiseWords: function (e, t, r) { var i = e.locale[e.opt.lang].opts['leading-noise-words'] if (t && r) { ;(t = t.split(/\s+/)), t.reverse() for (var n = [], s = t.length - 1; s > -1 && i.indexOf(t[s].toLowerCase()) > -1; s += -1) n.push(t.pop()) t.reverse() var a = t.join(' '), o = n.join(' ') r === 'drop' || !o ? (t = a) : r === 'demote' && (t = [a, o].join(', ')) } return t }, extractTitleAndSubtitle: function (e, t) { var r = t ? ' ' : '', i = [''] this.opt.development_extensions.split_container_title && i.push('container-') for (var n = 0, s = i.length; n < s; n++) { var a = i[n], o = l.TITLE_FIELD_SPLITS(a), u = [!1] if (e.multi) for (var c in e.multi._keys[o.short]) u.push(c) for (var f = 0, h = u.length; f < h; f++) { var c = u[f], p = {} c ? (e.multi._keys[o.title] && (p[o.title] = e.multi._keys[o.title][c]), e.multi._keys[o.short] && (p[o.short] = e.multi._keys[o.short][c])) : ((p[o.title] = e[o.title]), (p[o.short] = e[o.short])), (p[o.main] = p[o.title]), (p[o.sub] = !1) var m = p[o.short] if (p[o.title]) { if (m && m.toLowerCase() === p[o.title].toLowerCase()) (p[o.main] = p[o.title]), (p[o.subjoin] = ''), (p[o.sub] = '') else if (m) { var v = p[o.title].slice(m.replace(/[\?\!]+$/, '').length), b = p[o.title].replace(v.replace(/^[\?\!]+/, ''), '').trim(), S = l.TITLE_SPLIT_REGEXP.matchfirst.exec(v) if (S && b.toLowerCase() === m.toLowerCase()) (p[o.main] = b), (p[o.subjoin] = S[1].replace(/[\?\!]+(\s*)$/, '$1')), (p[o.sub] = v.replace(l.TITLE_SPLIT_REGEXP.matchfirst, '')), this.opt.development_extensions.force_short_title_casing_alignment && (p[o.short] = p[o.main]) else { var g = l.TITLE_SPLIT(p[o.title]) g.length == 3 ? ((p[o.main] = g[0]), (p[o.subjoin] = g[1]), (p[o.sub] = g[2])) : ((p[o.main] = p[o.title]), (p[o.subjoin] = ''), (p[o.sub] = '')) } } else { var g = l.TITLE_SPLIT(p[o.title]) if (g.length == 3) { if ( ((p[o.main] = g[0]), (p[o.subjoin] = g[1]), (p[o.sub] = g[2]), this.opt.development_extensions.implicit_short_title && e.type !== 'legal_case' && !e[o.short] && !p[o.main].match(/^[\-\.[0-9]+$/)) ) { var _ = p[o.subjoin].trim() ;['?', '!'].indexOf(_) === -1 && (_ = ''), (p[o.short] = p[o.main] + _) } } else (p[o.main] = p[o.title]), (p[o.subjoin] = ''), (p[o.sub] = '') } if (p[o.subjoin] && p[o.subjoin].match(/([\?\!])/)) { var S = p[o.subjoin].match(/(\s*)$/) ;(p[o.main] = p[o.main] + r + p[o.subjoin].trim()), (p[o.subjoin] = S[1]) } } if ( (p[o.subjoin] && (p[o.subjoin].indexOf(':') > -1 && (p[o.subjoin] = r + ': '), (p[o.subjoin].indexOf('-') > -1 || p[o.subjoin].indexOf('—') > -1) && (p[o.subjoin] = '—')), c) ) for (var y in p) e.multi._keys[y] || (e.multi._keys[y] = {}), (e.multi._keys[y][c] = p[y]) else for (var y in p) e[y] = p[y] } } }, titlecaseSentenceOrNormal: function (e, t, r, i, n) { var s = l.TITLE_FIELD_SPLITS(r), a = {} if ( (i && t.multi ? (t.multi._keys[s.title] && (a[s.title] = t.multi._keys[s.title][i]), t.multi._keys[s.main] && (a[s.main] = t.multi._keys[s.main][i]), t.multi._keys[s.sub] && (a[s.sub] = t.multi._keys[s.sub][i]), t.multi._keys[s.subjoin] && (a[s.subjoin] = t.multi._keys[s.subjoin][i])) : ((a[s.title] = t[s.title]), (a[s.main] = t[s.main]), (a[s.sub] = t[s.sub]), (a[s.subjoin] = t[s.subjoin])), a[s.main] && a[s.sub]) ) { var o = a[s.main], u = a[s.subjoin], c = a[s.sub] return ( n ? ((o = l.Output.Formatters.sentence(e, o)), (c = l.Output.Formatters.sentence(e, c))) : e.opt.development_extensions.uppercase_subtitles && (c = l.Output.Formatters['capitalize-first'](e, c)), [o, u, c].join('') ) } else if (a[s.title]) { if (n) return l.Output.Formatters.sentence(e, a[s.title]) if (e.opt.development_extensions.uppercase_subtitles) { for (var f = l.TITLE_SPLIT(a[s.title]), h = 0, p = f.length; h < p; h += 2) f[h] = l.Output.Formatters['capitalize-first'](e, f[h]) for (var h = 1, p = f.length - 1; h < p; h += 2) { var m = f[h].match(/([:\?\!] )/) if (m) { var v = e.opt['default-locale'][0].slice(0, 2).toLowerCase() === 'fr' ? ' ' : '' f[h] = v + m[1] } ;(f[h].indexOf('-') > -1 || f[h].indexOf('—') > -1) && (f[h] = '—') } return (a[s.title] = f.join('')), a[s.title] } else return a[s.title] } else return '' }, getSafeEscape: function (e) { if (['bibliography', 'citation'].indexOf(e.tmp.area) > -1) { var t = [] return ( e.opt.development_extensions.thin_non_breaking_space_html_hack && e.opt.mode === 'html' && t.push(function (r) { return r.replace(/\u202f/g, '') }), t.length ? function (r) { for (var i = 0, n = t.length; i < n; i += 1) r = t[i](r) return l.Output.Formats[e.opt.mode].text_escape(r) } : l.Output.Formats[e.opt.mode].text_escape ) } else return function (r) { return r } }, SKIP_WORDS: [ 'about', 'above', 'across', 'afore', 'after', 'against', 'al', 'along', 'alongside', 'amid', 'amidst', 'among', 'amongst', 'anenst', 'apropos', 'apud', 'around', 'as', 'aside', 'astride', 'at', 'athwart', 'atop', 'barring', 'before', 'behind', 'below', 'beneath', 'beside', 'besides', 'between', 'beyond', 'but', 'by', 'circa', 'despite', 'down', 'during', 'et', 'except', 'for', 'forenenst', 'from', 'given', 'in', 'inside', 'into', 'lest', 'like', 'modulo', 'near', 'next', 'notwithstanding', 'of', 'off', 'on', 'onto', 'out', 'over', 'per', 'plus', 'pro', 'qua', 'sans', 'since', 'than', 'through', ' thru', 'throughout', 'thruout', 'till', 'to', 'toward', 'towards', 'under', 'underneath', 'until', 'unto', 'up', 'upon', 'versus', 'vs.', 'v.', 'vs', 'v', 'via', 'vis-à-vis', 'with', 'within', 'without', 'according to', 'ahead of', 'apart from', 'as for', 'as of', 'as per', 'as regards', 'aside from', 'back to', 'because of', 'close to', 'due to', 'except for', 'far from', 'inside of', 'instead of', 'near to', 'next to', 'on to', 'out from', 'out of', 'outside of', 'prior to', 'pursuant to', 'rather than', 'regardless of', 'such as', 'that of', 'up to', 'where as', 'or', 'yet', 'so', 'for', 'and', 'nor', 'a', 'an', 'the', 'de', "d'", 'von', 'van', 'c', 'ca', ], FORMAT_KEY_SEQUENCE: [ '@strip-periods', '@font-style', '@font-variant', '@font-weight', '@text-decoration', '@vertical-align', '@quotes', ], INSTITUTION_KEYS: ['font-style', 'font-variant', 'font-weight', 'text-decoration', 'text-case'], SUFFIX_CHARS: 'a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z', ROMAN_NUMERALS: [ ['', 'i', 'ii', 'iii', 'iv', 'v', 'vi', 'vii', 'viii', 'ix'], ['', 'x', 'xx', 'xxx', 'xl', 'l', 'lx', 'lxx', 'lxxx', 'xc'], ['', 'c', 'cc', 'ccc', 'cd', 'd', 'dc', 'dcc', 'dccc', 'cm'], ['', 'm', 'mm', 'mmm', 'mmmm', 'mmmmm'], ], LANGS: { 'af-ZA': 'Afrikaans', ar: 'Arabic', 'bg-BG': 'Bulgarian', 'ca-AD': 'Catalan', 'cs-CZ': 'Czech', 'da-DK': 'Danish', 'de-AT': 'Austrian', 'de-CH': 'German (CH)', 'de-DE': 'German (DE)', 'el-GR': 'Greek', 'en-GB': 'English (GB)', 'en-US': 'English (US)', 'es-ES': 'Spanish', 'et-EE': 'Estonian', eu: 'European', 'fa-IR': 'Persian', 'fi-FI': 'Finnish', 'fr-CA': 'French (CA)', 'fr-FR': 'French (FR)', 'he-IL': 'Hebrew', 'hr-HR': 'Croatian', 'hu-HU': 'Hungarian', 'is-IS': 'Icelandic', 'it-IT': 'Italian', 'ja-JP': 'Japanese', 'km-KH': 'Khmer', 'ko-KR': 'Korean', 'lt-LT': 'Lithuanian', 'lv-LV': 'Latvian', 'mn-MN': 'Mongolian', 'nb-NO': 'Norwegian (Bokmål)', 'nl-NL': 'Dutch', 'nn-NO': 'Norwegian (Nynorsk)', 'pl-PL': 'Polish', 'pt-BR': 'Portuguese (BR)', 'pt-PT': 'Portuguese (PT)', 'ro-RO': 'Romanian', 'ru-RU': 'Russian', 'sk-SK': 'Slovak', 'sl-SI': 'Slovenian', 'sr-RS': 'Serbian', 'sv-SE': 'Swedish', 'th-TH': 'Thai', 'tr-TR': 'Turkish', 'uk-UA': 'Ukrainian', 'vi-VN': 'Vietnamese', 'zh-CN': 'Chinese (CN)', 'zh-TW': 'Chinese (TW)', }, LANG_BASES: { af: 'af_ZA', ar: 'ar', bg: 'bg_BG', ca: 'ca_AD', cs: 'cs_CZ', da: 'da_DK', de: 'de_DE', el: 'el_GR', en: 'en_US', es: 'es_ES', et: 'et_EE', eu: 'eu', fa: 'fa_IR', fi: 'fi_FI', fr: 'fr_FR', he: 'he_IL', hr: 'hr-HR', hu: 'hu_HU', is: 'is_IS', it: 'it_IT', ja: 'ja_JP', km: 'km_KH', ko: 'ko_KR', lt: 'lt_LT', lv: 'lv-LV', mn: 'mn_MN', nb: 'nb_NO', nl: 'nl_NL', nn: 'nn-NO', pl: 'pl_PL', pt: 'pt_PT', ro: 'ro_RO', ru: 'ru_RU', sk: 'sk_SK', sl: 'sl_SI', sr: 'sr_RS', sv: 'sv_SE', th: 'th_TH', tr: 'tr_TR', uk: 'uk_UA', vi: 'vi_VN', zh: 'zh_CN', }, SUPERSCRIPTS: { ª: 'a', '²': '2', '³': '3', '¹': '1', º: 'o', ʰ: 'h', ʱ: 'ɦ', ʲ: 'j', ʳ: 'r', ʴ: 'ɹ', ʵ: 'ɻ', ʶ: 'ʁ', ʷ: 'w', ʸ: 'y', ˠ: 'ɣ', ˡ: 'l', ˢ: 's', ˣ: 'x', ˤ: 'ʕ', ᴬ: 'A', ᴭ: 'Æ', ᴮ: 'B', ᴰ: 'D', ᴱ: 'E', ᴲ: 'Ǝ', ᴳ: 'G', ᴴ: 'H', ᴵ: 'I', ᴶ: 'J', ᴷ: 'K', ᴸ: 'L', ᴹ: 'M', ᴺ: 'N', ᴼ: 'O', ᴽ: 'Ȣ', ᴾ: 'P', ᴿ: 'R', ᵀ: 'T', ᵁ: 'U', ᵂ: 'W', ᵃ: 'a', ᵄ: 'ɐ', ᵅ: 'ɑ', ᵆ: 'ᴂ', ᵇ: 'b', ᵈ: 'd', ᵉ: 'e', ᵊ: 'ə', ᵋ: 'ɛ', ᵌ: 'ɜ', ᵍ: 'g', ᵏ: 'k', ᵐ: 'm', ᵑ: 'ŋ', ᵒ: 'o', ᵓ: 'ɔ', ᵔ: 'ᴖ', ᵕ: 'ᴗ', ᵖ: 'p', ᵗ: 't', ᵘ: 'u', ᵙ: 'ᴝ', ᵚ: 'ɯ', ᵛ: 'v', ᵜ: 'ᴥ', ᵝ: 'β', ᵞ: 'γ', ᵟ: 'δ', ᵠ: 'φ', ᵡ: 'χ', '⁰': '0', ⁱ: 'i', '⁴': '4', '⁵': '5', '⁶': '6', '⁷': '7', '⁸': '8', '⁹': '9', '⁺': '+', '⁻': '−', '⁼': '=', '⁽': '(', '⁾': ')', ⁿ: 'n', '℠': 'SM', '™': 'TM', '㆒': '一', '㆓': '二', '㆔': '三', '㆕': '四', '㆖': '上', '㆗': '中', '㆘': '下', '㆙': '甲', '㆚': '乙', '㆛': '丙', '㆜': '丁', '㆝': '天', '㆞': '地', '㆟': '人', ˀ: 'ʔ', ˁ: 'ʕ', ۥ: 'و', ۦ: 'ي', }, SUPERSCRIPTS_REGEXP: new RegExp( '[ª²³¹ºʰʱʲʳʴʵʶʷʸˠˡˢˣˤᴬᴭᴮᴰᴱᴲᴳᴴᴵᴶᴷᴸᴹᴺᴼᴽᴾᴿᵀᵁᵂᵃᵄᵅᵆᵇᵈᵉᵊᵋᵌᵍᵏᵐᵑᵒᵓᵔᵕᵖᵗᵘᵙᵚᵛᵜᵝᵞᵟᵠᵡ⁰ⁱ⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹⁺⁻⁼⁽⁾ⁿ℠™㆒㆓㆔㆕㆖㆗㆘㆙㆚㆛㆜㆝㆞㆟ˀˁۥۦ]', 'g' ), UPDATE_GROUP_CONTEXT_CONDITION: function (e, t, r, i, n) { if (e.opt.use_context_condition) { var s = e.tmp.group_context.tip s.condition ? (s.condition.termtxt || ((s.condition.termtxt = t), (s.condition.valueTerm = r)), !s.value_seen && s.condition.test === 'comma-safe-numbers-only' && n && ((s.value_seen = !0), n.match(/^[0-9]/) || (e.tmp.just_did_number = !1))) : (i && i.decorations.filter((a) => a[0] === '@vertical-align').length > 0) || (i && i.strings.suffix) ? (e.tmp.just_did_number = !1) : t && (t.match(/[0-9]$/) ? (e.tmp.just_did_number = !0) : (e.tmp.just_did_number = !1)) } }, EVALUATE_GROUP_CONDITION: function (e, t) { if (e.opt.use_context_condition) { var r, i = t.condition.test === 'comma-safe-numbers-only' if (t.condition.test === 'empty-label') r = !t.condition.termtxt else if (t.condition.test === 'empty-label-no-decor') r = !t.condition.termtxt || t.condition.termtxt.indexOf('%s') > -1 else if (['comma-safe', 'comma-safe-numbers-only'].indexOf(t.condition.test) > -1) { var n = t.condition.termtxt, s = !1 t.condition.termtxt && (s = t.condition.termtxt.slice(0, 1).match(l.ALL_ROMANESQUE_REGEXP)) var a = e.tmp.just_did_number a ? t.condition.valueTerm ? (r = !i) : n ? s ? (r = !i) : ['always', 'after-number'].indexOf(e.opt.require_comma_on_symbol) > -1 ? (r = !0) : (r = !1) : (r = !0) : t.condition.valueTerm ? (r = !1) : n ? s ? (r = !i) : e.opt.require_comma_on_symbol === 'always' ? (r = !0) : (r = !1) : (r = !1) } if (r) var o = !1 else var o = !0 return t.condition.not && (o = !o), o } }, SYS_OPTIONS: [ 'prioritize_disambiguate_condition', 'csl_reverse_lookup_support', 'main_title_from_short_title', 'uppercase_subtitles', 'force_short_title_casing_alignment', 'implicit_short_title', 'split_container_title', ], TITLE_SPLIT_REGEXP: (function () { var e = [ '\\.\\s+', '\\!\\s+', '\\?\\s+', '\\s*::*\\s+', '\\s*—\\s*', '\\s+\\-\\s+', '\\s*\\-\\-\\-*\\s*', ] return { match: new RegExp('(' + e.join('|') + ')', 'g'), matchfirst: new RegExp('^(' + e.join('|') + ')'), split: new RegExp('(?:' + e.join('|') + ')'), } })(), TITLE_SPLIT: function (e) { if (!e) return e for ( var t = e.match(l.TITLE_SPLIT_REGEXP.match), r = e.split(l.TITLE_SPLIT_REGEXP.split), i = r.length - 2; i > -1; i-- ) (r[i] = r[i].trim()), r[i] && r[i].slice(-1).toLowerCase() !== r[i].slice(-1) ? ((r[i] = r[i] + t[i] + r[i + 1]), (r = r.slice(0, i + 1).concat(r.slice(i + 2)))) : (r = r .slice(0, i + 1) .concat([t[i]]) .concat(r.slice(i + 1))) return r }, GET_COURT_CLASS: function (e, t, r) { var i = '', n = null, s = t.jurisdiction ? t.jurisdiction.split(':')[0] : null, a = 'court_condition_classes' return ( r && (a = 'court_key_classes'), s && t.authority && (typeof t.authority == 'string' ? (n = t.authority) : t.authority[0] && t.authority[0].literal && (n = t.authority[0].literal)), n && (this.lang && e.locale[this.lang].opts[a] && e.locale[this.lang].opts[a][s] && e.locale[this.lang].opts[a][s][n] ? (i = e.locale[this.lang].opts[a][s][n]) : e.locale[e.opt['default-locale'][0]].opts[a] && e.locale[e.opt['default-locale'][0]].opts[a][s] && e.locale[e.opt['default-locale'][0]].opts[a][s][n] && (i = e.locale[e.opt['default-locale'][0]].opts[a][s][n])), i ) }, SET_COURT_CLASSES: function (e, t, r, i) { for (var n = r.getNodesByName(i, 'court-class'), s = 0, a = r.numberofnodes(n); s < a; s += 1) { var o = n[s], u = r.attributes(o), c = u['@name'], f = u['@country'], h = u['@courts'], p = 'court_key_classes' if ((e.registry && (p = 'court_condition_classes'), c && f && h)) { ;(h = h.trim().split(/\s+/)), e.locale[t].opts[p] || (e.locale[t].opts[p] = {}), e.locale[t].opts[p][f] || (e.locale[t].opts[p][f] = {}) for (var m = 0, v = h.length; m < v; m++) e.locale[t].opts[p][f][h[m]] = c } } }, INIT_JURISDICTION_MACROS: function (e, t, r, i) { if (t['best-jurisdiction']) return !0 if (!e.sys.retrieveStyleModule || !l.MODULE_MACROS[i] || !t.jurisdiction) return !1 var o = e.getJurisdictionList(t.jurisdiction) if (!e.opt.jurisdictions_seen[o[0]]) { var n = e.retrieveAllStyleModules(o) for (var s in n) { var a = e.loadStyleModule(s, n[s]) a && (n[a] || (Object.assign(n, e.retrieveAllStyleModules([a])), e.loadStyleModule(a, n[a], !0))) } } var o = e.getJurisdictionList(t.jurisdiction) e.opt.parallel.enable && (e.parallel || (e.parallel = new l.Parallel(e))) for (var u = 0, c = o.length; u < c; u++) { var s = o[u] if ( (r && e.juris[s] && !r['best-jurisdiction'] && e.juris[s].types.locator && (t['best-jurisdiction'] = s), e.juris[s] && e.juris[s].types[t.type]) ) return (t['best-jurisdiction'] = s), !0 } return !1 }, } l.XmlJSON = function (e) { ;(this.dataObj = e), (this.institution = { name: 'institution', attrs: { 'institution-parts': 'long', delimiter: ', ' }, children: [{ name: 'institution-part', attrs: { name: 'long' }, children: [] }], }) } l.XmlJSON.prototype.clean = function (e) { return e } l.XmlJSON.prototype.getStyleId = function (e, t) { var r = 'id' t && (r = 'title') for (var i = '', n = e.children, s = 0, a = n.length; s < a; s++) if (n[s].name === 'info') for (var o = n[s].children, u = 0, c = o.length; u < c; u++) o[u].name === r && (i = o[u].children[0]) return i } l.XmlJSON.prototype.children = function (e) { return e && e.children.length ? e.children.slice() : !1 } l.XmlJSON.prototype.nodename = function (e) { return e ? : null } l.XmlJSON.prototype.attributes = function (e) { var t = {} for (var r in e.attrs) t['@' + r] = e.attrs[r] return t } l.XmlJSON.prototype.content = function (e) { var t = '' if (!e || !e.children) return t for (var r = 0, i = e.children.length; r < i; r += 1) typeof e.children[r] == 'string' && (t += e.children[r]) return t } l.XmlJSON.prototype.namespace = {} l.XmlJSON.prototype.numberofnodes = function (e) { return e && typeof e.length == 'number' ? e.length : 0 } l.XmlJSON.prototype.getAttributeValue = function (e, t, r) { var i = '' return r && (t = r + ':' + t), e && e.attrs && (e.attrs[t] ? (i = e.attrs[t]) : (i = '')), i } l.XmlJSON.prototype.getNodeValue = function (e, t) { var r = '' if (t) for (var i = 0, n = e.children.length; i < n; i += 1) e.children[i].name === t && (e.children[i].children.length ? (r = e.children[i]) : (r = '')) else e && (r = e) return ( r && r.children && r.children.length == 1 && typeof r.children[0] == 'string' && (r = r.children[0]), r ) } l.XmlJSON.prototype.setAttributeOnNodeIdentifiedByNameAttribute = function (e, t, r, i, n) { i.slice(0, 1) === '@' && (i = i.slice(1)) for (var s = 0, a = e.children.length; s < a; s += 1) e.children[s].name === t && e.children[s] === r && (e.children[s].attrs[i] = n) } l.XmlJSON.prototype.deleteNodeByNameAttribute = function (e, t) { var r, i for (r = 0, i = e.children.length; r < i; r += 1) !e.children[r] || typeof e.children[r] == 'string' || (e.children[r] == t && (e.children = e.children.slice(0, r).concat(e.children.slice(r + 1)))) } l.XmlJSON.prototype.deleteAttribute = function (e, t) { typeof e.attrs[t] < 'u' && e.attrs.pop(t) } l.XmlJSON.prototype.setAttribute = function (e, t, r) { return (e.attrs[t] = r), !1 } l.XmlJSON.prototype.nodeCopy = function (e, t) { if (!t) var t = {} if (typeof t == 'object' && typeof t.length > 'u') for (var r in e) typeof e[r] == 'string' ? (t[r] = e[r]) : typeof e[r] == 'object' && (typeof e[r].length > 'u' ? (t[r] = this.nodeCopy(e[r], {})) : (t[r] = this.nodeCopy(e[r], []))) else for (var i = 0, n = e.length; i < n; i += 1) typeof e[i] == 'string' ? (t[i] = e[i]) : (t[i] = this.nodeCopy(e[i], {})) return t } l.XmlJSON.prototype.getNodesByName = function (e, t, r, i) { if (!i) var i = [] if (!e || !e.children) return i t === && (r ? r === && i.push(e) : i.push(e)) for (var n = 0, s = e.children.length; n < s; n += 1) typeof e.children[n] == 'object' && this.getNodesByName(e.children[n], t, r, i) return i } l.XmlJSON.prototype.nodeNameIs = function (e, t) { return typeof e > 'u' ? !1 : t == } l.XmlJSON.prototype.makeXml = function (e) { return ( typeof e == 'string' && (e.slice(0, 1) === '<' ? (e = this.jsonStringWalker.walkToObject(e)) : (e = JSON.parse(e))), e ) } l.XmlJSON.prototype.insertChildNodeAfter = function (e, t, r, i) { for (var n = 0, s = e.children.length; n < s; n += 1) if (t === e.children[n]) { e.children = e.children .slice(0, n) .concat([i]) .concat(e.children.slice(n + 1)) break } return e } l.XmlJSON.prototype.insertPublisherAndPlace = function (e) { if ( === 'group') { for ( var t = !0, r = ['publisher', 'publisher-place'], i = 0, n = e.children.length; i < n; i += 1 ) { var s = r.indexOf(e.children[i].attrs.variable), a = e.children[i].name === 'text' if (a && s > -1 && !e.children[i].attrs.prefix && !e.children[i].attrs.suffix) r = r.slice(0, s).concat(r.slice(s + 1)) else { t = !1 break } } t && !r.length && (e.attrs['has-publisher-and-publisher-place'] = !0) } for (var i = 0, n = e.children.length; i < n; i += 1) typeof e.children[i] == 'object' && this.insertPublisherAndPlace(e.children[i]) } l.XmlJSON.prototype.isChildOfSubstitute = function (e) { if (e.length > 0) { var t = e.slice(), r = t.pop() return r === 'substitute' ? !0 : this.isChildOfSubstitute(t) } return !1 } l.XmlJSON.prototype.addMissingNameNodes = function (e, t) { if ((t || (t = []), === 'names' && !this.isChildOfSubstitute(t))) { for (var r = !0, i = 0, n = e.children.length; i < n; i++) if (e.children[i].name === 'name') { r = !1 break } r && (e.children = [{ name: 'name', attrs: {}, children: [] }].concat(e.children)) } t.push( for (var i = 0, n = e.children.length; i < n; i += 1) typeof e.children[i] == 'object' && this.addMissingNameNodes(e.children[i], t) t.pop() } l.XmlJSON.prototype.addInstitutionNodes = function (e) { var t if ( === 'names') { for (var r = {}, i = -1, n = 0, s = e.children.length; n < s; n += 1) { if (e.children[n].name == 'name') { for (var a in e.children[n].attrs) r[a] = e.children[n].attrs[a] ;(r.delimiter = e.children[n].attrs.delimiter), (r.and = e.children[n].attrs.and), (i = n) for (var o = 0, u = e.children[n].children.length; o < u; o += 1) if (e.children[n].children[o] === 'family') for (var a in e.children[n].children[o].attrs) r[a] = e.children[n].children[o].attrs[a] } if (e.children[n].name == 'institution') { i = -1 break } } if (i > -1) { for ( var t = this.nodeCopy(this.institution), n = 0, s = l.INSTITUTION_KEYS.length; n < s; n += 1 ) { var c = l.INSTITUTION_KEYS[n] typeof r[c] < 'u' && (t.children[0].attrs[c] = r[c]), r.delimiter && (t.attrs.delimiter = r.delimiter), r.and && (t.attrs.and = r.and) } e.children = e.children .slice(0, i + 1) .concat([t]) .concat(e.children.slice(i + 1)) } } for (var n = 0, s = e.children.length; n < s; n += 1) typeof e.children[n] != 'string' && this.addInstitutionNodes(e.children[n]) } l.XmlJSON.prototype.flagDateMacros = function (e) { for (var t = 0, r = e.children.length; t < r; t += 1) e.children[t].name === 'macro' && this.inspectDateMacros(e.children[t]) && (e.children[t].attrs['macro-has-date'] = 'true') } l.XmlJSON.prototype.inspectDateMacros = function (e) { if (!e || !e.children) return !1 if ( === 'date') return !0 for (var t = 0, r = e.children.length; t < r; t += 1) if (this.inspectDateMacros(e.children[t])) return !0 return !1 } l.stripXmlProcessingInstruction = function (e) { return ( e && ((e = e.replace(/^<\?[^?]+\?>/, '')), (e = e.replace(//g, '')), (e = e.replace(/^\s+/g, '')), (e = e.replace(/\s+$/g, '')), e) ) } l.parseXml = function (e) { var t = { children: [] }, r = [t.children] function i(g) { g = g .split(/(?:\r\n|\n|\r)/) .join(' ') .replace(/>[ ]+<') .replace(/<\!--.*?-->/g, '') for (var _ = g.split('><'), y = null, x = 0, D = _.length; x < D; x++) x > 0 && (_[x] = '<' + _[x]), x < _.length - 1 && (_[x] = _[x] + '>'), typeof y != 'number' && (_[x].slice(0, 7) === '', UD = '', HD = '', zD = '', Cu = Js.plugins.config.get('@csl') Cu.templates.add('vancouver', zD) Cu.templates.add('harvard1', HD) Cu.templates.add('mla', MD) Cu.templates.add('chicago', UD) const jD = XN(Js) function es({ markdown: e, rehypeCitationOptions: t }) { return ( Tn.useEffect(() => { AE() .use(wT) .use(LS) .use(T2, {}) .use(jD, t) .use(FC) .process(e) .then((r) => { document.getElementById('results').innerHTML = r }) }, [e, t]), $e.jsx('div', { children: $e.jsxs('div', { className: 'flex lg:space-x-12 flex-col lg:flex-row', children: [ $e.jsxs('div', { className: 'mt-8 lg:max-w-[600px]', children: [ $e.jsx('h2', { className: 'text-2xl mb-2', children: 'Markdown text' }), $e.jsx('div', { className: 'pb-4 font-mono text-sm overflow-auto whitespace-pre bg-gray-800 text-white rounded p-4', id: 'markdown', children: e, }), $e.jsx('h2', { className: 'text-2xl mt-4 mb-2', children: 'Settings' }), $e.jsx('div', { className: 'pb-4 bg-gray-200 whitespace-pre overflow-auto rounded p-4', id: 'markdown', children: JSON.stringify(t, null, 2), }), ], }), $e.jsxs('div', { className: 'mt-4 lg:mt-8', children: [ $e.jsx('h2', { className: 'text-2xl mb-2', children: 'Result' }), $e.jsx('div', { className: 'prose pb-4 marker:text-black bg-blue-100 rounded p-4 prose-a:text-gray-800 hover:prose-a:text-gray-600 prose-a:no-underline', id: 'results', children: 'processing markdown...', }), ], }), ], }), }) ) } const qD = `## Welcome Rehype plugin to nicely format citations in markdown documents and insert bibliography in html format. - Supports standard citations [@Nash1950{pp. iv, vi-xi, (xv)-(xvii)}]; - in-text citations, @Nash1951 [p. 33] says blah; - and multiple citations [see @Nash1950 pp 12-13; @Nash1951] Customizable CSL and locale. ### Bibliography `, $D = `## Welcome Rehype plugin to nicely format citations in markdown documents and insert bibliography in html format. - Supports standard citations [@Nash1950{pp. iv, vi-xi, (xv)-(xvii)}]; - in-text citations, @Nash1951 [p. 33] says blah; - and multiple citations [see @Nash1950 pp 12-13; @Nash1951] Customizable CSL and locale. `, VD = `## Welcome Choose from one of the multiple preconfigured CSLs[^1] [^1]: apa, vancouver, harvard1, chicago, mla or pass in a valid file path or url to the _csl_ argument. Here's an example in ACM format: - Supports standard citations [@Nash1950{pp. iv, vi-xi, (xv)-(xvii)}]; - You probably don't want in-text citation with a note style; - and multiple citations [see @Nash1950 pp 12-13; @Nash1951] ### References `, GD = `## Welcome The plugin also works with Github formatted footnotes from remarkgfm and automatically merges user content with citations.[^1] [^1]: There's no guarantee it works with other footnote formats since it searches for specific ids and hrefs added by GFM Here's an example in Chicago fullnote style: - Supports standard citations[@Nash1950{pp. iv, vi-xi, (xv)-(xvii)}]; - Avoid in-text citations for footnote citations; - and multiple citations[see @Nash1950 pp 12-13; @Nash1951] ### References `, XD = `## Welcome Rehype plugin to nicely format citations in markdown documents and insert bibliography in html format. - Supports standard citations [@Nash1950{pp. iv, vi-xi, (xv)-(xvii)}]; - in-text citations, @Nash1951 [p. 33] says blah; - and multiple citations [see @Nash1950 pp 12-13; @Nash1951] The _link-citations_ option can be used to add a link from citations to the references sections. This applies to numeric and author-date styles only. Implementation might differ from Pandoc, but if you run into any problems please file an issue. ### Bibliography `, ts = '', YD = '', WD = '', Ar = ['Default', 'Suppress Bibliography', 'Custom CSL', 'Footnote Style', 'Link Citations'], kd = => e.toLocaleLowerCase().replace(' ', '-')) function QD() { Tn.useEffect(() => { const r = kd.find((i) => i === window.location.pathname.slice(1)) t(r ? Ar[kd.indexOf(r)] : Ar[0]) }, []) const [e, t] = Tn.useState() return $e.jsx($e.Fragment, { children: $e.jsxs('div', { className: 'mx-6 pt-12 lg:pl-12 mb-12', children: [ $e.jsx('h1', { className: 'text-4xl font-bold', children: 'Rehype Citation' }), $e.jsx('div', { className: 'mt-8 space-x-4 space-y-2', children: => $e.jsx( 'button', { onClick: () => { window.history.pushState({}, '', r.toLowerCase().replace(' ', '-')), t(r) }, className: `${ e === r && 'bg-gradient-to-r from-purple-400 to-yellow-400' } px-4 py-2 text-sm font-bold bg-indigo-100 rounded`, children: r, }, r ) ), }), e === Ar[0] && $e.jsx(es, { markdown: qD, rehypeCitationOptions: { bibliography: ts } }), e === Ar[1] && $e.jsx(es, { markdown: $D, rehypeCitationOptions: { bibliography: ts, suppressBibliography: !0 }, }), e === Ar[2] && $e.jsx(es, { markdown: VD, rehypeCitationOptions: { bibliography: ts, csl: YD } }), e === Ar[3] && $e.jsx(es, { markdown: GD, rehypeCitationOptions: { bibliography: ts, csl: WD } }), e === Ar[4] && $e.jsx(es, { markdown: XD, rehypeCitationOptions: { bibliography: ts, linkCitations: !0 }, }), ], }), }) } aE.render($e.jsx(Wy.StrictMode, { children: $e.jsx(QD, {}) }), document.getElementById('root'))