/** * workerpool.js * https://github.com/josdejong/workerpool * * Offload tasks to a pool of workers on node.js and in the browser. * * @version 9.1.1 * @date 2024-04-06 * * @license * Copyright (C) 2014-2022 Jos de Jong * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy * of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ (function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) : (global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, factory(global.workerpool = {})); })(this, (function (exports) { 'use strict'; var src = {}; var environment = {exports: {}}; (function (module) { // source: https://github.com/flexdinesh/browser-or-node // source: https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js/blob/7ea0e40e588864cd938d1836ec61f1928d3877d3/src/shared/util.js#L24 var isNode = function (nodeProcess) { return typeof nodeProcess !== 'undefined' && nodeProcess.versions != null && nodeProcess.versions.node != null && nodeProcess + '' === '[object process]'; }; module.exports.isNode = isNode; // determines the JavaScript platform: browser or node module.exports.platform = typeof process !== 'undefined' && isNode(process) ? 'node' : 'browser'; // determines whether the code is running in main thread or not // note that in node.js we have to check both worker_thread and child_process var worker_threads = module.exports.platform === 'node' && require('worker_threads'); module.exports.isMainThread = module.exports.platform === 'node' ? (!worker_threads || worker_threads.isMainThread) && !process.connected : typeof Window !== 'undefined'; // determines the number of cpus available module.exports.cpus = module.exports.platform === 'browser' ? self.navigator.hardwareConcurrency : require('os').cpus().length; })(environment); var environmentExports = environment.exports; var _Promise$1 = {}; var hasRequired_Promise; function require_Promise() { if (hasRequired_Promise) return _Promise$1; hasRequired_Promise = 1; /** * Promise * * Inspired by https://gist.github.com/RubaXa/8501359 from RubaXa * @template T * @template [E=Error] * @param {Function} handler Called as handler(resolve: Function, reject: Function) * @param {Promise} [parent] Parent promise for propagation of cancel and timeout */ function Promise(handler, parent) { var me = this; if (!(this instanceof Promise)) { throw new SyntaxError('Constructor must be called with the new operator'); } if (typeof handler !== 'function') { throw new SyntaxError('Function parameter handler(resolve, reject) missing'); } var _onSuccess = []; var _onFail = []; // status /** * @readonly */ this.resolved = false; /** * @readonly */ this.rejected = false; /** * @readonly */ this.pending = true; /** * Process onSuccess and onFail callbacks: add them to the queue. * Once the promise is resolved, the function _promise is replace. * @param {Function} onSuccess * @param {Function} onFail * @private */ var _process = function (onSuccess, onFail) { _onSuccess.push(onSuccess); _onFail.push(onFail); }; /** * Add an onSuccess callback and optionally an onFail callback to the Promise * @template TT * @template [TE=never] * @param {(r: T) => TT | PromiseLike} onSuccess * @param {(r: E) => TE | PromiseLike} [onFail] * @returns {Promise} promise */ this.then = function (onSuccess, onFail) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var s = onSuccess ? _then(onSuccess, resolve, reject) : resolve; var f = onFail ? _then(onFail, resolve, reject) : reject; _process(s, f); }, me); }; /** * Resolve the promise * @param {*} result * @type {Function} */ var _resolve = function (result) { // update status me.resolved = true; me.rejected = false; me.pending = false; _onSuccess.forEach(function (fn) { fn(result); }); _process = function (onSuccess, onFail) { onSuccess(result); }; _resolve = _reject = function () {}; return me; }; /** * Reject the promise * @param {Error} error * @type {Function} */ var _reject = function (error) { // update status me.resolved = false; me.rejected = true; me.pending = false; _onFail.forEach(function (fn) { fn(error); }); _process = function (onSuccess, onFail) { onFail(error); }; _resolve = _reject = function () {}; return me; }; /** * Cancel the promise. This will reject the promise with a CancellationError * @returns {this} self */ this.cancel = function () { if (parent) { parent.cancel(); } else { _reject(new CancellationError()); } return me; }; /** * Set a timeout for the promise. If the promise is not resolved within * the time, the promise will be cancelled and a TimeoutError is thrown. * If the promise is resolved in time, the timeout is removed. * @param {number} delay Delay in milliseconds * @returns {this} self */ this.timeout = function (delay) { if (parent) { parent.timeout(delay); } else { var timer = setTimeout(function () { _reject(new TimeoutError('Promise timed out after ' + delay + ' ms')); }, delay); me.always(function () { clearTimeout(timer); }); } return me; }; // attach handler passing the resolve and reject functions handler(function (result) { _resolve(result); }, function (error) { _reject(error); }); } /** * Execute given callback, then call resolve/reject based on the returned result * @param {Function} callback * @param {Function} resolve * @param {Function} reject * @returns {Function} * @private */ function _then(callback, resolve, reject) { return function (result) { try { var res = callback(result); if (res && typeof res.then === 'function' && typeof res['catch'] === 'function') { // method returned a promise res.then(resolve, reject); } else { resolve(res); } } catch (error) { reject(error); } }; } /** * Add an onFail callback to the Promise * @template TT * @param {(error: E) => TT | PromiseLike} onFail * @returns {Promise} promise */ Promise.prototype['catch'] = function (onFail) { return this.then(null, onFail); }; // TODO: add support for Promise.catch(Error, callback) // TODO: add support for Promise.catch(Error, Error, callback) /** * Execute given callback when the promise either resolves or rejects. * @template TT * @param {() => Promise} fn * @returns {Promise} promise */ Promise.prototype.always = function (fn) { return this.then(fn, fn); }; /** * Create a promise which resolves when all provided promises are resolved, * and fails when any of the promises resolves. * @param {Promise[]} promises * @returns {Promise} promise */ Promise.all = function (promises) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var remaining = promises.length, results = []; if (remaining) { promises.forEach(function (p, i) { p.then(function (result) { results[i] = result; remaining--; if (remaining == 0) { resolve(results); } }, function (error) { remaining = 0; reject(error); }); }); } else { resolve(results); } }); }; /** * Create a promise resolver * @returns {{promise: Promise, resolve: Function, reject: Function}} resolver */ Promise.defer = function () { var resolver = {}; resolver.promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { resolver.resolve = resolve; resolver.reject = reject; }); return resolver; }; /** * Create a cancellation error * @param {String} [message] * @extends Error */ function CancellationError(message) { this.message = message || 'promise cancelled'; this.stack = new Error().stack; } CancellationError.prototype = new Error(); CancellationError.prototype.constructor = Error; CancellationError.prototype.name = 'CancellationError'; Promise.CancellationError = CancellationError; /** * Create a timeout error * @param {String} [message] * @extends Error */ function TimeoutError(message) { this.message = message || 'timeout exceeded'; this.stack = new Error().stack; } TimeoutError.prototype = new Error(); TimeoutError.prototype.constructor = Error; TimeoutError.prototype.name = 'TimeoutError'; Promise.TimeoutError = TimeoutError; _Promise$1.Promise = Promise; return _Promise$1; } var WorkerHandler = {exports: {}}; var validateOptions = {}; /** * Validate that the object only contains known option names * - Throws an error when unknown options are detected * - Throws an error when some of the allowed options are attached * @param {Object | undefined} options * @param {string[]} allowedOptionNames * @param {string} objectName * @retrun {Object} Returns the original options */ var hasRequiredValidateOptions; function requireValidateOptions() { if (hasRequiredValidateOptions) return validateOptions; hasRequiredValidateOptions = 1; validateOptions.validateOptions = function validateOptions(options, allowedOptionNames, objectName) { if (!options) { return; } var optionNames = options ? Object.keys(options) : []; // check for unknown properties var unknownOptionName = optionNames.find(optionName => !allowedOptionNames.includes(optionName)); if (unknownOptionName) { throw new Error('Object "' + objectName + '" contains an unknown option "' + unknownOptionName + '"'); } // check for inherited properties which are not present on the object itself var illegalOptionName = allowedOptionNames.find(allowedOptionName => { return Object.prototype[allowedOptionName] && !optionNames.includes(allowedOptionName); }); if (illegalOptionName) { throw new Error('Object "' + objectName + '" contains an inherited option "' + illegalOptionName + '" which is ' + 'not defined in the object itself but in its prototype. Only plain objects are allowed. ' + 'Please remove the option from the prototype or override it with a value "undefined".'); } return options; }; // source: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Worker/Worker validateOptions.workerOptsNames = ['credentials', 'name', 'type']; // source: https://nodejs.org/api/child_process.html#child_processforkmodulepath-args-options validateOptions.forkOptsNames = ['cwd', 'detached', 'env', 'execPath', 'execArgv', 'gid', 'serialization', 'signal', 'killSignal', 'silent', 'stdio', 'uid', 'windowsVerbatimArguments', 'timeout']; // source: https://nodejs.org/api/worker_threads.html#new-workerfilename-options validateOptions.workerThreadOptsNames = ['argv', 'env', 'eval', 'execArgv', 'stdin', 'stdout', 'stderr', 'workerData', 'trackUnmanagedFds', 'transferList', 'resourceLimits', 'name']; return validateOptions; } /** * embeddedWorker.js contains an embedded version of worker.js. * This file is automatically generated, * changes made in this file will be overwritten. */ var embeddedWorker; var hasRequiredEmbeddedWorker; function requireEmbeddedWorker() { if (hasRequiredEmbeddedWorker) return embeddedWorker; hasRequiredEmbeddedWorker = 1; embeddedWorker = "!function(e,n){\"object\"==typeof exports&&\"undefined\"!=typeof module?module.exports=n():\"function\"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(n):(e=\"undefined\"!=typeof globalThis?globalThis:e||self).worker=n()}(this,(function(){\"use strict\";function e(e){return e&&e.__esModule&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e,\"default\")?e.default:e}var n={};var t=function(e,n){this.message=e,this.transfer=n};return function(e){var n=t,r={exit:function(){}};if(\"undefined\"!=typeof self&&\"function\"==typeof postMessage&&\"function\"==typeof addEventListener)r.on=function(e,n){addEventListener(e,(function(e){n(e.data)}))},r.send=function(e){postMessage(e)};else{if(\"undefined\"==typeof process)throw new Error(\"Script must be executed as a worker\");var o;try{o=require(\"worker_threads\")}catch(e){if(\"object\"!=typeof e||null===e||\"MODULE_NOT_FOUND\"!==e.code)throw e}if(o&&null!==o.parentPort){var i=o.parentPort;r.send=i.postMessage.bind(i),r.on=i.on.bind(i),r.exit=process.exit.bind(process)}else r.on=process.on.bind(process),r.send=function(e){process.send(e)},r.on(\"disconnect\",(function(){process.exit(1)})),r.exit=process.exit.bind(process)}function s(e){return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e).reduce((function(n,t){return Object.defineProperty(n,t,{value:e[t],enumerable:!0})}),{})}function d(e){return e&&\"function\"==typeof e.then&&\"function\"==typeof e.catch}r.methods={},r.methods.run=function(e,n){var t=new Function(\"return (\"+e+\").apply(null, arguments);\");return t.apply(t,n)},r.methods.methods=function(){return Object.keys(r.methods)},r.terminationHandler=void 0,r.cleanupAndExit=function(e){var n=function(){r.exit(e)};if(!r.terminationHandler)return n();var t=r.terminationHandler(e);d(t)?t.then(n,n):n()};var u=null;r.on(\"message\",(function(e){if(\"__workerpool-terminate__\"===e)return r.cleanupAndExit(0);try{var t=r.methods[e.method];if(!t)throw new Error('Unknown method \"'+e.method+'\"');u=e.id;var o=t.apply(t,e.params);d(o)?o.then((function(t){t instanceof n?r.send({id:e.id,result:t.message,error:null},t.transfer):r.send({id:e.id,result:t,error:null}),u=null})).catch((function(n){r.send({id:e.id,result:null,error:s(n)}),u=null})):(o instanceof n?r.send({id:e.id,result:o.message,error:null},o.transfer):r.send({id:e.id,result:o,error:null}),u=null)}catch(n){r.send({id:e.id,result:null,error:s(n)})}})),r.register=function(e,n){if(e)for(var t in e)e.hasOwnProperty(t)&&(r.methods[t]=e[t]);n&&(r.terminationHandler=n.onTerminate),r.send(\"ready\")},r.emit=function(e){if(u){if(e instanceof n)return void r.send({id:u,isEvent:!0,payload:e.message},e.transfer);r.send({id:u,isEvent:!0,payload:e})}},e.add=r.register,e.emit=r.emit}(n),e(n)}));\n//# sourceMappingURL=worker.min.js.map\n"; return embeddedWorker; } var hasRequiredWorkerHandler; function requireWorkerHandler() { if (hasRequiredWorkerHandler) return WorkerHandler.exports; hasRequiredWorkerHandler = 1; var { Promise } = require_Promise(); var environment = environmentExports; const { validateOptions, forkOptsNames, workerThreadOptsNames, workerOptsNames } = requireValidateOptions(); /** * Special message sent by parent which causes a child process worker to terminate itself. * Not a "message object"; this string is the entire message. */ var TERMINATE_METHOD_ID = '__workerpool-terminate__'; function ensureWorkerThreads() { var WorkerThreads = tryRequireWorkerThreads(); if (!WorkerThreads) { throw new Error('WorkerPool: workerType = \'thread\' is not supported, Node >= 11.7.0 required'); } return WorkerThreads; } // check whether Worker is supported by the browser function ensureWebWorker() { // Workaround for a bug in PhantomJS (Or QtWebkit): https://github.com/ariya/phantomjs/issues/14534 if (typeof Worker !== 'function' && (typeof Worker !== 'object' || typeof Worker.prototype.constructor !== 'function')) { throw new Error('WorkerPool: Web Workers not supported'); } } function tryRequireWorkerThreads() { try { return require('worker_threads'); } catch (error) { if (typeof error === 'object' && error !== null && error.code === 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') { // no worker_threads available (old version of node.js) return null; } else { throw error; } } } // get the default worker script function getDefaultWorker() { if (environment.platform === 'browser') { // test whether the browser supports all features that we need if (typeof Blob === 'undefined') { throw new Error('Blob not supported by the browser'); } if (!window.URL || typeof window.URL.createObjectURL !== 'function') { throw new Error('URL.createObjectURL not supported by the browser'); } // use embedded worker.js var blob = new Blob([requireEmbeddedWorker()], { type: 'text/javascript' }); return window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); } else { // use external worker.js in current directory return __dirname + '/worker.js'; } } function setupWorker(script, options) { if (options.workerType === 'web') { // browser only ensureWebWorker(); return setupBrowserWorker(script, options.workerOpts, Worker); } else if (options.workerType === 'thread') { // node.js only WorkerThreads = ensureWorkerThreads(); return setupWorkerThreadWorker(script, WorkerThreads, options); } else if (options.workerType === 'process' || !options.workerType) { // node.js only return setupProcessWorker(script, resolveForkOptions(options), require('child_process')); } else { // options.workerType === 'auto' or undefined if (environment.platform === 'browser') { ensureWebWorker(); return setupBrowserWorker(script, options.workerOpts, Worker); } else { // environment.platform === 'node' var WorkerThreads = tryRequireWorkerThreads(); if (WorkerThreads) { return setupWorkerThreadWorker(script, WorkerThreads, options); } else { return setupProcessWorker(script, resolveForkOptions(options), require('child_process')); } } } } function setupBrowserWorker(script, workerOpts, Worker) { // validate the options right before creating the worker (not when creating the pool) validateOptions(workerOpts, workerOptsNames, 'workerOpts'); // create the web worker var worker = new Worker(script, workerOpts); worker.isBrowserWorker = true; // add node.js API to the web worker worker.on = function (event, callback) { this.addEventListener(event, function (message) { callback(message.data); }); }; worker.send = function (message, transfer) { this.postMessage(message, transfer); }; return worker; } function setupWorkerThreadWorker(script, WorkerThreads, options) { // validate the options right before creating the worker thread (not when creating the pool) validateOptions(options?.workerThreadOpts, workerThreadOptsNames, 'workerThreadOpts'); var worker = new WorkerThreads.Worker(script, { stdout: options?.emitStdStreams ?? false, // pipe worker.STDOUT to process.STDOUT if not requested stderr: options?.emitStdStreams ?? false, // pipe worker.STDERR to process.STDERR if not requested ...options?.workerThreadOpts }); worker.isWorkerThread = true; worker.send = function (message, transfer) { this.postMessage(message, transfer); }; worker.kill = function () { this.terminate(); return true; }; worker.disconnect = function () { this.terminate(); }; if (options?.emitStdStreams) { worker.stdout.on('data', data => worker.emit("stdout", data)); worker.stderr.on('data', data => worker.emit("stderr", data)); } return worker; } function setupProcessWorker(script, options, child_process) { // validate the options right before creating the child process (not when creating the pool) validateOptions(options.forkOpts, forkOptsNames, 'forkOpts'); // no WorkerThreads, fallback to sub-process based workers var worker = child_process.fork(script, options.forkArgs, options.forkOpts); // ignore transfer argument since it is not supported by process var send = worker.send; worker.send = function (message) { return send.call(worker, message); }; if (options.emitStdStreams) { worker.stdout.on('data', data => worker.emit("stdout", data)); worker.stderr.on('data', data => worker.emit("stderr", data)); } worker.isChildProcess = true; return worker; } // add debug flags to child processes if the node inspector is active function resolveForkOptions(opts) { opts = opts || {}; var processExecArgv = process.execArgv.join(' '); var inspectorActive = processExecArgv.indexOf('--inspect') !== -1; var debugBrk = processExecArgv.indexOf('--debug-brk') !== -1; var execArgv = []; if (inspectorActive) { execArgv.push('--inspect=' + opts.debugPort); if (debugBrk) { execArgv.push('--debug-brk'); } } process.execArgv.forEach(function (arg) { if (arg.indexOf('--max-old-space-size') > -1) { execArgv.push(arg); } }); return Object.assign({}, opts, { forkArgs: opts.forkArgs, forkOpts: Object.assign({}, opts.forkOpts, { execArgv: (opts.forkOpts && opts.forkOpts.execArgv || []).concat(execArgv), stdio: opts.emitStdStreams ? "pipe" : undefined }) }); } /** * Converts a serialized error to Error * @param {Object} obj Error that has been serialized and parsed to object * @return {Error} The equivalent Error. */ function objectToError(obj) { var temp = new Error(''); var props = Object.keys(obj); for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { temp[props[i]] = obj[props[i]]; } return temp; } function handleEmittedStdPayload(handler, payload) { // TODO: refactor if parallel task execution gets added if (Object.keys(handler.processing).length !== 1) { return; } var task = Object.values(handler.processing)[0]; if (task.options && typeof task.options.on === 'function') { task.options.on(payload); } } /** * A WorkerHandler controls a single worker. This worker can be a child process * on node.js or a WebWorker in a browser environment. * @param {String} [script] If no script is provided, a default worker with a * function run will be created. * @param {import('./types.js').WorkerPoolOptions} [_options] See docs * @constructor */ function WorkerHandler$1(script, _options) { var me = this; var options = _options || {}; this.script = script || getDefaultWorker(); this.worker = setupWorker(this.script, options); this.debugPort = options.debugPort; this.forkOpts = options.forkOpts; this.forkArgs = options.forkArgs; this.workerOpts = options.workerOpts; this.workerThreadOpts = options.workerThreadOpts; this.workerTerminateTimeout = options.workerTerminateTimeout; // The ready message is only sent if the worker.add method is called (And the default script is not used) if (!script) { this.worker.ready = true; } // queue for requests that are received before the worker is ready this.requestQueue = []; this.worker.on("stdout", function (data) { handleEmittedStdPayload(me, { "stdout": data.toString() }); }); this.worker.on("stderr", function (data) { handleEmittedStdPayload(me, { "stderr": data.toString() }); }); this.worker.on('message', function (response) { if (me.terminated) { return; } if (typeof response === 'string' && response === 'ready') { me.worker.ready = true; dispatchQueuedRequests(); } else { // find the task from the processing queue, and run the tasks callback var id = response.id; var task = me.processing[id]; if (task !== undefined) { if (response.isEvent) { if (task.options && typeof task.options.on === 'function') { task.options.on(response.payload); } } else { // remove the task from the queue delete me.processing[id]; // test if we need to terminate if (me.terminating === true) { // complete worker termination if all tasks are finished me.terminate(); } // resolve the task's promise if (response.error) { task.resolver.reject(objectToError(response.error)); } else { task.resolver.resolve(response.result); } } } } }); // reject all running tasks on worker error function onError(error) { me.terminated = true; for (var id in me.processing) { if (me.processing[id] !== undefined) { me.processing[id].resolver.reject(error); } } me.processing = Object.create(null); } // send all queued requests to worker function dispatchQueuedRequests() { for (const request of me.requestQueue.splice(0)) { me.worker.send(request.message, request.transfer); } } var worker = this.worker; // listen for worker messages error and exit this.worker.on('error', onError); this.worker.on('exit', function (exitCode, signalCode) { var message = 'Workerpool Worker terminated Unexpectedly\n'; message += ' exitCode: `' + exitCode + '`\n'; message += ' signalCode: `' + signalCode + '`\n'; message += ' workerpool.script: `' + me.script + '`\n'; message += ' spawnArgs: `' + worker.spawnargs + '`\n'; message += ' spawnfile: `' + worker.spawnfile + '`\n'; message += ' stdout: `' + worker.stdout + '`\n'; message += ' stderr: `' + worker.stderr + '`\n'; onError(new Error(message)); }); this.processing = Object.create(null); // queue with tasks currently in progress this.terminating = false; this.terminated = false; this.cleaning = false; this.terminationHandler = null; this.lastId = 0; } /** * Get a list with methods available on the worker. * @return {Promise.} methods */ WorkerHandler$1.prototype.methods = function () { return this.exec('methods'); }; /** * Execute a method with given parameters on the worker * @param {String} method * @param {Array} [params] * @param {{resolve: Function, reject: Function}} [resolver] * @param {import('./types.js').ExecOptions} [options] * @return {Promise.<*, Error>} result */ WorkerHandler$1.prototype.exec = function (method, params, resolver, options) { if (!resolver) { resolver = Promise.defer(); } // generate a unique id for the task var id = ++this.lastId; // register a new task as being in progress this.processing[id] = { id: id, resolver: resolver, options: options }; // build a JSON-RPC request var request = { message: { id: id, method: method, params: params }, transfer: options && options.transfer }; if (this.terminated) { resolver.reject(new Error('Worker is terminated')); } else if (this.worker.ready) { // send the request to the worker this.worker.send(request.message, request.transfer); } else { this.requestQueue.push(request); } // on cancellation, force the worker to terminate var me = this; return resolver.promise.catch(function (error) { if (error instanceof Promise.CancellationError || error instanceof Promise.TimeoutError) { // remove this task from the queue. It is already rejected (hence this // catch event), and else it will be rejected again when terminating delete me.processing[id]; // terminate worker return me.terminateAndNotify(true).then(function () { throw error; }, function (err) { throw err; }); } else { throw error; } }); }; /** * Test whether the worker is processing any tasks or cleaning up before termination. * @return {boolean} Returns true if the worker is busy */ WorkerHandler$1.prototype.busy = function () { return this.cleaning || Object.keys(this.processing).length > 0; }; /** * Terminate the worker. * @param {boolean} [force=false] If false (default), the worker is terminated * after finishing all tasks currently in * progress. If true, the worker will be * terminated immediately. * @param {function} [callback=null] If provided, will be called when process terminates. */ WorkerHandler$1.prototype.terminate = function (force, callback) { var me = this; if (force) { // cancel all tasks in progress for (var id in this.processing) { if (this.processing[id] !== undefined) { this.processing[id].resolver.reject(new Error('Worker terminated')); } } this.processing = Object.create(null); } if (typeof callback === 'function') { this.terminationHandler = callback; } if (!this.busy()) { // all tasks are finished. kill the worker var cleanup = function (err) { me.terminated = true; me.cleaning = false; if (me.worker != null && me.worker.removeAllListeners) { // removeAllListeners is only available for child_process me.worker.removeAllListeners('message'); } me.worker = null; me.terminating = false; if (me.terminationHandler) { me.terminationHandler(err, me); } else if (err) { throw err; } }; if (this.worker) { if (typeof this.worker.kill === 'function') { if (this.worker.killed) { cleanup(new Error('worker already killed!')); return; } // child process and worker threads var cleanExitTimeout = setTimeout(function () { if (me.worker) { me.worker.kill(); } }, this.workerTerminateTimeout); this.worker.once('exit', function () { clearTimeout(cleanExitTimeout); if (me.worker) { me.worker.killed = true; } cleanup(); }); if (this.worker.ready) { this.worker.send(TERMINATE_METHOD_ID); } else { this.requestQueue.push({ message: TERMINATE_METHOD_ID }); } // mark that the worker is cleaning up resources // to prevent new tasks from being executed this.cleaning = true; return; } else if (typeof this.worker.terminate === 'function') { this.worker.terminate(); // web worker this.worker.killed = true; } else { throw new Error('Failed to terminate worker'); } } cleanup(); } else { // we can't terminate immediately, there are still tasks being executed this.terminating = true; } }; /** * Terminate the worker, returning a Promise that resolves when the termination has been done. * @param {boolean} [force=false] If false (default), the worker is terminated * after finishing all tasks currently in * progress. If true, the worker will be * terminated immediately. * @param {number} [timeout] If provided and non-zero, worker termination promise will be rejected * after timeout if worker process has not been terminated. * @return {Promise.} */ WorkerHandler$1.prototype.terminateAndNotify = function (force, timeout) { var resolver = Promise.defer(); if (timeout) { resolver.promise.timeout(timeout); } this.terminate(force, function (err, worker) { if (err) { resolver.reject(err); } else { resolver.resolve(worker); } }); return resolver.promise; }; WorkerHandler.exports = WorkerHandler$1; WorkerHandler.exports._tryRequireWorkerThreads = tryRequireWorkerThreads; WorkerHandler.exports._setupProcessWorker = setupProcessWorker; WorkerHandler.exports._setupBrowserWorker = setupBrowserWorker; WorkerHandler.exports._setupWorkerThreadWorker = setupWorkerThreadWorker; WorkerHandler.exports.ensureWorkerThreads = ensureWorkerThreads; return WorkerHandler.exports; } var debugPortAllocator; var hasRequiredDebugPortAllocator; function requireDebugPortAllocator() { if (hasRequiredDebugPortAllocator) return debugPortAllocator; hasRequiredDebugPortAllocator = 1; var MAX_PORTS = 65535; debugPortAllocator = DebugPortAllocator; function DebugPortAllocator() { this.ports = Object.create(null); this.length = 0; } DebugPortAllocator.prototype.nextAvailableStartingAt = function (starting) { while (this.ports[starting] === true) { starting++; } if (starting >= MAX_PORTS) { throw new Error('WorkerPool debug port limit reached: ' + starting + '>= ' + MAX_PORTS); } this.ports[starting] = true; this.length++; return starting; }; DebugPortAllocator.prototype.releasePort = function (port) { delete this.ports[port]; this.length--; }; return debugPortAllocator; } var Pool_1; var hasRequiredPool; function requirePool() { if (hasRequiredPool) return Pool_1; hasRequiredPool = 1; var { Promise } = require_Promise(); var WorkerHandler = requireWorkerHandler(); var environment = environmentExports; var DebugPortAllocator = requireDebugPortAllocator(); var DEBUG_PORT_ALLOCATOR = new DebugPortAllocator(); /** * A pool to manage workers, which can be created using the function workerpool.pool. * * @param {String} [script] Optional worker script * @param {import('./types.js').WorkerPoolOptions} [options] See docs * @constructor */ function Pool(script, options) { if (typeof script === 'string') { /** @readonly */ this.script = script || null; } else { this.script = null; options = script; } /** @private */ this.workers = []; // queue with all workers /** @private */ this.tasks = []; // queue with tasks awaiting execution options = options || {}; /** @readonly */ this.forkArgs = Object.freeze(options.forkArgs || []); /** @readonly */ this.forkOpts = Object.freeze(options.forkOpts || {}); /** @readonly */ this.workerOpts = Object.freeze(options.workerOpts || {}); /** @readonly */ this.workerThreadOpts = Object.freeze(options.workerThreadOpts || {}); /** @private */ this.debugPortStart = options.debugPortStart || 43210; /** @readonly @deprecated */ this.nodeWorker = options.nodeWorker; /** @readonly * @type {'auto' | 'web' | 'process' | 'thread'} */ this.workerType = options.workerType || options.nodeWorker || 'auto'; /** @readonly */ this.maxQueueSize = options.maxQueueSize || Infinity; /** @readonly */ this.workerTerminateTimeout = options.workerTerminateTimeout || 1000; /** @readonly */ this.onCreateWorker = options.onCreateWorker || (() => null); /** @readonly */ this.onTerminateWorker = options.onTerminateWorker || (() => null); /** @readonly */ this.emitStdStreams = options.emitStdStreams || false; // configuration if (options && 'maxWorkers' in options) { validateMaxWorkers(options.maxWorkers); /** @readonly */ this.maxWorkers = options.maxWorkers; } else { this.maxWorkers = Math.max((environment.cpus || 4) - 1, 1); } if (options && 'minWorkers' in options) { if (options.minWorkers === 'max') { /** @readonly */ this.minWorkers = this.maxWorkers; } else { validateMinWorkers(options.minWorkers); this.minWorkers = options.minWorkers; this.maxWorkers = Math.max(this.minWorkers, this.maxWorkers); // in case minWorkers is higher than maxWorkers } this._ensureMinWorkers(); } /** @private */ this._boundNext = this._next.bind(this); if (this.workerType === 'thread') { WorkerHandler.ensureWorkerThreads(); } } /** * Execute a function on a worker. * * Example usage: * * var pool = new Pool() * * // call a function available on the worker * pool.exec('fibonacci', [6]) * * // offload a function * function add(a, b) { * return a + b * }; * pool.exec(add, [2, 4]) * .then(function (result) { * console.log(result); // outputs 6 * }) * .catch(function(error) { * console.log(error); * }); * @template { (...args: any[]) => any } T * @param {String | T} method Function name or function. * If `method` is a string, the corresponding * method on the worker will be executed * If `method` is a Function, the function * will be stringified and executed via the * workers built-in function `run(fn, args)`. * @param {Parameters | null} [params] Function arguments applied when calling the function * @param {import('./types.js').ExecOptions} [options] Options * @return {Promise>} */ Pool.prototype.exec = function (method, params, options) { // validate type of arguments if (params && !Array.isArray(params)) { throw new TypeError('Array expected as argument "params"'); } if (typeof method === 'string') { var resolver = Promise.defer(); if (this.tasks.length >= this.maxQueueSize) { throw new Error('Max queue size of ' + this.maxQueueSize + ' reached'); } // add a new task to the queue var tasks = this.tasks; var task = { method: method, params: params, resolver: resolver, timeout: null, options: options }; tasks.push(task); // replace the timeout method of the Promise with our own, // which starts the timer as soon as the task is actually started var originalTimeout = resolver.promise.timeout; resolver.promise.timeout = function timeout(delay) { if (tasks.indexOf(task) !== -1) { // task is still queued -> start the timer later on task.timeout = delay; return resolver.promise; } else { // task is already being executed -> start timer immediately return originalTimeout.call(resolver.promise, delay); } }; // trigger task execution this._next(); return resolver.promise; } else if (typeof method === 'function') { // send stringified function and function arguments to worker return this.exec('run', [String(method), params], options); } else { throw new TypeError('Function or string expected as argument "method"'); } }; /** * Create a proxy for current worker. Returns an object containing all * methods available on the worker. All methods return promises resolving the methods result. * @template { { [k: string]: (...args: any[]) => any } } T * @return {Promise, Error>} Returns a promise which resolves with a proxy object */ Pool.prototype.proxy = function () { if (arguments.length > 0) { throw new Error('No arguments expected'); } var pool = this; return this.exec('methods').then(function (methods) { var proxy = {}; methods.forEach(function (method) { proxy[method] = function () { return pool.exec(method, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)); }; }); return proxy; }); }; /** * Creates new array with the results of calling a provided callback function * on every element in this array. * @param {Array} array * @param {function} callback Function taking two arguments: * `callback(currentValue, index)` * @return {Promise.} Returns a promise which resolves with an Array * containing the results of the callback function * executed for each of the array elements. */ /* TODO: implement map Pool.prototype.map = function (array, callback) { }; */ /** * Grab the first task from the queue, find a free worker, and assign the * worker to the task. * @private */ Pool.prototype._next = function () { if (this.tasks.length > 0) { // there are tasks in the queue // find an available worker var worker = this._getWorker(); if (worker) { // get the first task from the queue var me = this; var task = this.tasks.shift(); // check if the task is still pending (and not cancelled -> promise rejected) if (task.resolver.promise.pending) { // send the request to the worker var promise = worker.exec(task.method, task.params, task.resolver, task.options).then(me._boundNext).catch(function () { // if the worker crashed and terminated, remove it from the pool if (worker.terminated) { return me._removeWorker(worker); } }).then(function () { me._next(); // trigger next task in the queue }); // start queued timer now if (typeof task.timeout === 'number') { promise.timeout(task.timeout); } } else { // The task taken was already complete (either rejected or resolved), so just trigger next task in the queue me._next(); } } } }; /** * Get an available worker. If no worker is available and the maximum number * of workers isn't yet reached, a new worker will be created and returned. * If no worker is available and the maximum number of workers is reached, * null will be returned. * * @return {WorkerHandler | null} worker * @private */ Pool.prototype._getWorker = function () { // find a non-busy worker var workers = this.workers; for (var i = 0; i < workers.length; i++) { var worker = workers[i]; if (worker.busy() === false) { return worker; } } if (workers.length < this.maxWorkers) { // create a new worker worker = this._createWorkerHandler(); workers.push(worker); return worker; } return null; }; /** * Remove a worker from the pool. * Attempts to terminate worker if not already terminated, and ensures the minimum * pool size is met. * @param {WorkerHandler} worker * @return {Promise} * @private */ Pool.prototype._removeWorker = function (worker) { var me = this; DEBUG_PORT_ALLOCATOR.releasePort(worker.debugPort); // _removeWorker will call this, but we need it to be removed synchronously this._removeWorkerFromList(worker); // If minWorkers set, spin up new workers to replace the crashed ones this._ensureMinWorkers(); // terminate the worker (if not already terminated) return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { worker.terminate(false, function (err) { me.onTerminateWorker({ forkArgs: worker.forkArgs, forkOpts: worker.forkOpts, workerThreadOpts: worker.workerThreadOpts, script: worker.script }); if (err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(worker); } }); }); }; /** * Remove a worker from the pool list. * @param {WorkerHandler} worker * @private */ Pool.prototype._removeWorkerFromList = function (worker) { // remove from the list with workers var index = this.workers.indexOf(worker); if (index !== -1) { this.workers.splice(index, 1); } }; /** * Close all active workers. Tasks currently being executed will be finished first. * @param {boolean} [force=false] If false (default), the workers are terminated * after finishing all tasks currently in * progress. If true, the workers will be * terminated immediately. * @param {number} [timeout] If provided and non-zero, worker termination promise will be rejected * after timeout if worker process has not been terminated. * @return {Promise.} */ Pool.prototype.terminate = function (force, timeout) { var me = this; // cancel any pending tasks this.tasks.forEach(function (task) { task.resolver.reject(new Error('Pool terminated')); }); this.tasks.length = 0; var f = function (worker) { DEBUG_PORT_ALLOCATOR.releasePort(worker.debugPort); this._removeWorkerFromList(worker); }; var removeWorker = f.bind(this); var promises = []; var workers = this.workers.slice(); workers.forEach(function (worker) { var termPromise = worker.terminateAndNotify(force, timeout).then(removeWorker).always(function () { me.onTerminateWorker({ forkArgs: worker.forkArgs, forkOpts: worker.forkOpts, workerThreadOpts: worker.workerThreadOpts, script: worker.script }); }); promises.push(termPromise); }); return Promise.all(promises); }; /** * Retrieve statistics on tasks and workers. * @return {{totalWorkers: number, busyWorkers: number, idleWorkers: number, pendingTasks: number, activeTasks: number}} Returns an object with statistics */ Pool.prototype.stats = function () { var totalWorkers = this.workers.length; var busyWorkers = this.workers.filter(function (worker) { return worker.busy(); }).length; return { totalWorkers: totalWorkers, busyWorkers: busyWorkers, idleWorkers: totalWorkers - busyWorkers, pendingTasks: this.tasks.length, activeTasks: busyWorkers }; }; /** * Ensures that a minimum of minWorkers is up and running * @private */ Pool.prototype._ensureMinWorkers = function () { if (this.minWorkers) { for (var i = this.workers.length; i < this.minWorkers; i++) { this.workers.push(this._createWorkerHandler()); } } }; /** * Helper function to create a new WorkerHandler and pass all options. * @return {WorkerHandler} * @private */ Pool.prototype._createWorkerHandler = function () { const overriddenParams = this.onCreateWorker({ forkArgs: this.forkArgs, forkOpts: this.forkOpts, workerOpts: this.workerOpts, workerThreadOpts: this.workerThreadOpts, script: this.script }) || {}; return new WorkerHandler(overriddenParams.script || this.script, { forkArgs: overriddenParams.forkArgs || this.forkArgs, forkOpts: overriddenParams.forkOpts || this.forkOpts, workerOpts: overriddenParams.workerOpts || this.workerOpts, workerThreadOpts: overriddenParams.workerThreadOpts || this.workerThreadOpts, debugPort: DEBUG_PORT_ALLOCATOR.nextAvailableStartingAt(this.debugPortStart), workerType: this.workerType, workerTerminateTimeout: this.workerTerminateTimeout, emitStdStreams: this.emitStdStreams }); }; /** * Ensure that the maxWorkers option is an integer >= 1 * @param {*} maxWorkers * @returns {boolean} returns true maxWorkers has a valid value */ function validateMaxWorkers(maxWorkers) { if (!isNumber(maxWorkers) || !isInteger(maxWorkers) || maxWorkers < 1) { throw new TypeError('Option maxWorkers must be an integer number >= 1'); } } /** * Ensure that the minWorkers option is an integer >= 0 * @param {*} minWorkers * @returns {boolean} returns true when minWorkers has a valid value */ function validateMinWorkers(minWorkers) { if (!isNumber(minWorkers) || !isInteger(minWorkers) || minWorkers < 0) { throw new TypeError('Option minWorkers must be an integer number >= 0'); } } /** * Test whether a variable is a number * @param {*} value * @returns {boolean} returns true when value is a number */ function isNumber(value) { return typeof value === 'number'; } /** * Test whether a number is an integer * @param {number} value * @returns {boolean} Returns true if value is an integer */ function isInteger(value) { return Math.round(value) == value; } Pool_1 = Pool; return Pool_1; } var worker$1 = {}; /** * The helper class for transferring data from the worker to the main thread. * * @param {Object} message The object to deliver to the main thread. * @param {Object[]} transfer An array of transferable Objects to transfer ownership of. */ var transfer; var hasRequiredTransfer; function requireTransfer() { if (hasRequiredTransfer) return transfer; hasRequiredTransfer = 1; function Transfer(message, transfer) { this.message = message; this.transfer = transfer; } transfer = Transfer; return transfer; } /** * worker must be started as a child process or a web worker. * It listens for RPC messages from the parent process. */ var hasRequiredWorker; function requireWorker() { if (hasRequiredWorker) return worker$1; hasRequiredWorker = 1; (function (exports) { var Transfer = requireTransfer(); /** * Special message sent by parent which causes the worker to terminate itself. * Not a "message object"; this string is the entire message. */ var TERMINATE_METHOD_ID = '__workerpool-terminate__'; // var nodeOSPlatform = require('./environment').nodeOSPlatform; // create a worker API for sending and receiving messages which works both on // node.js and in the browser var worker = { exit: function () {} }; if (typeof self !== 'undefined' && typeof postMessage === 'function' && typeof addEventListener === 'function') { // worker in the browser worker.on = function (event, callback) { addEventListener(event, function (message) { callback(message.data); }); }; worker.send = function (message) { postMessage(message); }; } else if (typeof process !== 'undefined') { // node.js var WorkerThreads; try { WorkerThreads = require('worker_threads'); } catch (error) { if (typeof error === 'object' && error !== null && error.code === 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND') ; else { throw error; } } if (WorkerThreads && /* if there is a parentPort, we are in a WorkerThread */ WorkerThreads.parentPort !== null) { var parentPort = WorkerThreads.parentPort; worker.send = parentPort.postMessage.bind(parentPort); worker.on = parentPort.on.bind(parentPort); worker.exit = process.exit.bind(process); } else { worker.on = process.on.bind(process); // ignore transfer argument since it is not supported by process worker.send = function (message) { process.send(message); }; // register disconnect handler only for subprocess worker to exit when parent is killed unexpectedly worker.on('disconnect', function () { process.exit(1); }); worker.exit = process.exit.bind(process); } } else { throw new Error('Script must be executed as a worker'); } function convertError(error) { return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(error).reduce(function (product, name) { return Object.defineProperty(product, name, { value: error[name], enumerable: true }); }, {}); } /** * Test whether a value is a Promise via duck typing. * @param {*} value * @returns {boolean} Returns true when given value is an object * having functions `then` and `catch`. */ function isPromise(value) { return value && typeof value.then === 'function' && typeof value.catch === 'function'; } // functions available externally worker.methods = {}; /** * Execute a function with provided arguments * @param {String} fn Stringified function * @param {Array} [args] Function arguments * @returns {*} */ worker.methods.run = function run(fn, args) { var f = new Function('return (' + fn + ').apply(null, arguments);'); return f.apply(f, args); }; /** * Get a list with methods available on this worker * @return {String[]} methods */ worker.methods.methods = function methods() { return Object.keys(worker.methods); }; /** * Custom handler for when the worker is terminated. */ worker.terminationHandler = undefined; /** * Cleanup and exit the worker. * @param {Number} code * @returns */ worker.cleanupAndExit = function (code) { var _exit = function () { worker.exit(code); }; if (!worker.terminationHandler) { return _exit(); } var result = worker.terminationHandler(code); if (isPromise(result)) { result.then(_exit, _exit); } else { _exit(); } }; var currentRequestId = null; worker.on('message', function (request) { if (request === TERMINATE_METHOD_ID) { return worker.cleanupAndExit(0); } try { var method = worker.methods[request.method]; if (method) { currentRequestId = request.id; // execute the function var result = method.apply(method, request.params); if (isPromise(result)) { // promise returned, resolve this and then return result.then(function (result) { if (result instanceof Transfer) { worker.send({ id: request.id, result: result.message, error: null }, result.transfer); } else { worker.send({ id: request.id, result: result, error: null }); } currentRequestId = null; }).catch(function (err) { worker.send({ id: request.id, result: null, error: convertError(err) }); currentRequestId = null; }); } else { // immediate result if (result instanceof Transfer) { worker.send({ id: request.id, result: result.message, error: null }, result.transfer); } else { worker.send({ id: request.id, result: result, error: null }); } currentRequestId = null; } } else { throw new Error('Unknown method "' + request.method + '"'); } } catch (err) { worker.send({ id: request.id, result: null, error: convertError(err) }); } }); /** * Register methods to the worker * @param {Object} [methods] * @param {import('./types.js').WorkerRegisterOptions} [options] */ worker.register = function (methods, options) { if (methods) { for (var name in methods) { if (methods.hasOwnProperty(name)) { worker.methods[name] = methods[name]; } } } if (options) { worker.terminationHandler = options.onTerminate; } worker.send('ready'); }; worker.emit = function (payload) { if (currentRequestId) { if (payload instanceof Transfer) { worker.send({ id: currentRequestId, isEvent: true, payload: payload.message }, payload.transfer); return; } worker.send({ id: currentRequestId, isEvent: true, payload }); } }; { exports.add = worker.register; exports.emit = worker.emit; } })(worker$1); return worker$1; } const { platform, isMainThread, cpus } = environmentExports; /** @typedef {import("./Pool")} Pool */ /** @typedef {import("./types.js").WorkerPoolOptions} WorkerPoolOptions */ /** @typedef {import("./types.js").WorkerRegisterOptions} WorkerRegisterOptions */ /** * @template { { [k: string]: (...args: any[]) => any } } T * @typedef {import('./types.js').Proxy} Proxy */ /** * @overload * Create a new worker pool * @param {WorkerPoolOptions} [script] * @returns {Pool} pool */ /** * @overload * Create a new worker pool * @param {string} [script] * @param {WorkerPoolOptions} [options] * @returns {Pool} pool */ function pool(script, options) { var Pool = requirePool(); return new Pool(script, options); } var pool_1 = src.pool = pool; /** * Create a worker and optionally register a set of methods to the worker. * @param {{ [k: string]: (...args: any[]) => any }} [methods] * @param {WorkerRegisterOptions} [options] */ function worker(methods, options) { var worker = requireWorker(); worker.add(methods, options); } var worker_1 = src.worker = worker; /** * Sends an event to the parent worker pool. * @param {any} payload */ function workerEmit(payload) { var worker = requireWorker(); worker.emit(payload); } var workerEmit_1 = src.workerEmit = workerEmit; const { Promise: Promise$1 } = require_Promise(); var _Promise = src.Promise = Promise$1; var Transfer = src.Transfer = requireTransfer(); var platform_1 = src.platform = platform; var isMainThread_1 = src.isMainThread = isMainThread; var cpus_1 = src.cpus = cpus; exports.Promise = _Promise; exports.Transfer = Transfer; exports.cpus = cpus_1; exports.default = src; exports.isMainThread = isMainThread_1; exports.platform = platform_1; exports.pool = pool_1; exports.worker = worker_1; exports.workerEmit = workerEmit_1; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); })); //# sourceMappingURL=workerpool.js.map