{ "name": "micromorph", "version": "0.4.5", "main": "./index.mjs", "types": "./types.d.ts", "exports": { ".": "./index.mjs", "./spa": "./dist/spa.js", "./nav": "./dist/nav.js" }, "files": [ "index.mjs", "index.d.ts", "spa.d.ts", "nav.d.ts", "dist/" ], "packageManager": "pnpm@6.32.3", "devDependencies": { "@changesets/cli": "^2.22.0", "esbuild": "^0.14.14" }, "volta": { "node": "18.16.0" }, "license": "MIT", "scripts": { "build": "pnpm run build:index && pnpm run build:spa && pnpm run build:nav", "build:index": "esbuild src/index.ts --bundle --format=esm --target=es2020 --outfile=dist/index.js --minify", "build:spa": "esbuild src/spa.ts --bundle --format=esm --target=es2020 --outfile=dist/spa.js --minify", "build:nav": "esbuild src/nav.ts --bundle --format=esm --target=es2020 --outfile=dist/nav.js --minify", "demo": "pnpm --filter demo run build && pnpm --filter demo run preview" }, "readme": "# 🤏 micromorph\n\nA very tiny library for diffing live DOM nodes.\n\nExtremely handy when used in conjunction with the [`DOMParser`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/DOMParser) API.\n\n---\n\n## Use Cases\n\n#### Want to update one node to match another?\n\nDiff them efficiently and only sync changes between the two nodes.\n\n```js\nimport diff from 'micromorph';\n\ndiff(fromNode, toNode);\n```\n\n#### Want to update the current `document` to match a new `document`, maybe from a string?\n\nMicromorph is smart enough to handle full document diffing while avoiding FOUC.\n\n```js\nimport diff from 'micromorph';\nconst p = new DOMParser();\n\nconst newDoc = p.parseFromString(`