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* Copyright (c) 2017-2022 The MathJax Consortium
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @fileoverview Implementation of the Compile function for the MathML input jax
* @author dpvc@mathjax.org (Davide Cervone)
import {MmlFactory} from '../../core/MmlTree/MmlFactory.js';
import {MmlNode, TextNode, XMLNode, AbstractMmlNode, AbstractMmlTokenNode, TEXCLASS}
from '../../core/MmlTree/MmlNode.js';
import {userOptions, defaultOptions, OptionList} from '../../util/Options.js';
import * as Entities from '../../util/Entities.js';
import {DOMAdaptor} from '../../core/DOMAdaptor.js';
* The class for performing the MathML DOM node to
* internal MmlNode conversion.
* @template N The HTMLElement node class
* @template T The Text node class
* @template D The Document class
export class MathMLCompile<N, T, D> {
* The default options for this object
public static OPTIONS: OptionList = {
MmlFactory: null, // The MmlFactory to use (defaults to a new MmlFactory)
fixMisplacedChildren: true, // True if we want to use heuristics to try to fix
// problems with the tree based on HTML not handling
// self-closing tags properly
verify: { // Options to pass to verifyTree() controlling MathML verification
translateEntities: true // True means translate entities in text nodes
* The DOMAdaptor for the document being processed
public adaptor: DOMAdaptor<N, T, D>;
* The instance of the MmlFactory object and
protected factory: MmlFactory;
* The options (the defaults with the user options merged in)
protected options: OptionList;
* Merge the user options into the defaults, and save them
* Create the MmlFactory object
* @param {OptionList} options The options controlling the conversion
constructor(options: OptionList = {}) {
const Class = this.constructor as typeof MathMLCompile;
this.options = userOptions(defaultOptions({}, Class.OPTIONS), options);
* @param{MmlFactory} mmlFactory The MathML factory to use for new nodes
public setMmlFactory(mmlFactory: MmlFactory) {
this.factory = mmlFactory;
* Convert a MathML DOM tree to internal MmlNodes
* @param {N} node The <math> node to convert to MmlNodes
* @return {MmlNode} The MmlNode at the root of the converted tree
public compile(node: N): MmlNode {
let mml = this.makeNode(node);
mml.setInheritedAttributes({}, false, 0, false);
return mml;
* Recursively convert nodes and their children, taking MathJax classes
* into account.
* FIXME: we should use data-* attributes rather than classes for these
* @param {N} node The node to convert to an MmlNode
* @return {MmlNode} The converted MmlNode
public makeNode(node: N): MmlNode {
const adaptor = this.adaptor;
let limits = false;
let kind = adaptor.kind(node).replace(/^.*:/, '');
let texClass = adaptor.getAttribute(node, 'data-mjx-texclass') || '';
if (texClass) {
texClass = this.filterAttribute('data-mjx-texclass', texClass) || '';
let type = texClass && kind === 'mrow' ? 'TeXAtom' : kind;
for (const name of this.filterClassList(adaptor.allClasses(node))) {
if (name.match(/^MJX-TeXAtom-/) && kind === 'mrow') {
texClass = name.substr(12);
type = 'TeXAtom';
} else if (name === 'MJX-fixedlimits') {
limits = true;
this.factory.getNodeClass(type) || this.error('Unknown node type "' + type + '"');
let mml = this.factory.create(type);
if (type === 'TeXAtom' && texClass === 'OP' && !limits) {
mml.setProperty('movesupsub', true);
mml.attributes.setInherited('movablelimits', true);
if (texClass) {
mml.texClass = (TEXCLASS as {[name: string]: number})[texClass];
mml.setProperty('texClass', mml.texClass);
this.addAttributes(mml, node);
this.checkClass(mml, node);
this.addChildren(mml, node);
return mml;
* Copy the attributes from a MathML node to an MmlNode.
* @param {MmlNode} mml The MmlNode to which attributes will be added
* @param {N} node The MathML node whose attributes to copy
protected addAttributes(mml: MmlNode, node: N) {
let ignoreVariant = false;
for (const attr of this.adaptor.allAttributes(node)) {
let name = attr.name;
let value = this.filterAttribute(name, attr.value);
if (value === null || name === 'xmlns') {
if (name.substr(0, 9) === 'data-mjx-') {
switch (name.substr(9)) {
case 'alternate':
mml.setProperty('variantForm', true);
case 'variant':
mml.attributes.set('mathvariant', value);
ignoreVariant = true;
case 'smallmatrix':
mml.setProperty('scriptlevel', 1);
mml.setProperty('useHeight', false);
case 'accent':
mml.setProperty('mathaccent', value === 'true');
case 'auto-op':
mml.setProperty('autoOP', value === 'true');
case 'script-align':
mml.setProperty('scriptalign', value);
} else if (name !== 'class') {
let val = value.toLowerCase();
if (val === 'true' || val === 'false') {
mml.attributes.set(name, val === 'true');
} else if (!ignoreVariant || name !== 'mathvariant') {
mml.attributes.set(name, value);
* Provide a hook for the Safe extension to filter attribute values.
* @param {string} name The name of an attribute to filter
* @param {string} value The value to filter
protected filterAttribute(_name: string, value: string) {
return value;
* Provide a hook for the Safe extension to filter class names.
* @param {string[]} list The list of class names to filter
protected filterClassList(list: string[]) {
return list;
* Convert the children of the MathML node and add them to the MmlNode
* @param {MmlNode} mml The MmlNode to which children will be added
* @param {N} node The MathML node whose children are to be copied
protected addChildren(mml: MmlNode, node: N) {
if (mml.arity === 0) {
const adaptor = this.adaptor;
for (const child of adaptor.childNodes(node) as N[]) {
const name = adaptor.kind(child);
if (name === '#comment') {
if (name === '#text') {
this.addText(mml, child);
} else if (mml.isKind('annotation-xml')) {
mml.appendChild((this.factory.create('XML') as XMLNode).setXML(child, adaptor));
} else {
let childMml = mml.appendChild(this.makeNode(child)) as MmlNode;
if (childMml.arity === 0 && adaptor.childNodes(child).length) {
if (this.options['fixMisplacedChildren']) {
this.addChildren(mml, child);
} else {
childMml.mError('There should not be children for ' + childMml.kind + ' nodes',
this.options['verify'], true);
* Add text to a token node
* @param {MmlNode} mml The MmlNode to which text will be added
* @param {N} child The text node whose contents is to be copied
protected addText(mml: MmlNode, child: N) {
let text = this.adaptor.value(child);
if ((mml.isToken || mml.getProperty('isChars')) && mml.arity) {
if (mml.isToken) {
text = Entities.translate(text);
text = this.trimSpace(text);
mml.appendChild((this.factory.create('text') as TextNode).setText(text));
} else if (text.match(/\S/)) {
this.error('Unexpected text node "' + text + '"');
* Check for special MJX values in the class and process them
* @param {MmlNode} mml The MmlNode to be modified according to the class markers
* @param {N} node The MathML node whose class is to be processed
protected checkClass(mml: MmlNode, node: N) {
let classList = [];
for (const name of this.filterClassList(this.adaptor.allClasses(node))) {
if (name.substr(0, 4) === 'MJX-') {
if (name === 'MJX-variant') {
mml.setProperty('variantForm', true);
} else if (name.substr(0, 11) !== 'MJX-TeXAtom') {
mml.attributes.set('mathvariant', this.fixCalligraphic(name.substr(3)));
} else {
if (classList.length) {
mml.attributes.set('class', classList.join(' '));
* Fix the old incorrect spelling of calligraphic.
* @param {string} variant The mathvariant name
* @return {string} The corrected variant
protected fixCalligraphic(variant: string): string {
return variant.replace(/caligraphic/, 'calligraphic');
* Check to see if an mrow has delimiters at both ends (so looks like an mfenced structure).
* @param {MmlNode} mml The node to check for mfenced structure
protected markMrows(mml: MmlNode) {
if (mml.isKind('mrow') && !mml.isInferred && mml.childNodes.length >= 2) {
let first = mml.childNodes[0] as MmlNode;
let last = mml.childNodes[mml.childNodes.length - 1] as MmlNode;
if (first.isKind('mo') && first.attributes.get('fence') && first.attributes.get('stretchy') &&
last.isKind('mo') && last.attributes.get('fence') && last.attributes.get('stretchy')) {
if (first.childNodes.length) {
mml.setProperty('open', (first as AbstractMmlTokenNode).getText());
if (last.childNodes.length) {
mml.setProperty('close', (last as AbstractMmlTokenNode).getText());
* @param {string} text The text to have leading/trailing spaced removed
* @return {string} The trimmed text
protected trimSpace(text: string): string {
return text.replace(/[\t\n\r]/g, ' ') // whitespace to spaces
.replace(/^ +/, '') // initial whitespace
.replace(/ +$/, '') // trailing whitespace
.replace(/ +/g, ' '); // internal multiple whitespace
* @param {string} message The error message to produce
protected error(message: string) {
throw new Error(message);