2024-10-14 08:09:33 +02:00

1242 lines
29 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2009-2022 The MathJax Consortium
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @fileoverview Stack items for basic Tex parsing.
* @author (Volker Sorge)
import {MapHandler} from '../MapHandler.js';
import {CharacterMap} from '../SymbolMap.js';
import {entities} from '../../../util/Entities.js';
import {MmlNode, TextNode, TEXCLASS} from '../../../core/MmlTree/MmlNode.js';
import {MmlMsubsup} from '../../../core/MmlTree/MmlNodes/msubsup.js';
import TexError from '../TexError.js';
import ParseUtil from '../ParseUtil.js';
import NodeUtil from '../NodeUtil.js';
import {Property} from '../../../core/Tree/Node.js';
import StackItemFactory from '../StackItemFactory.js';
import {CheckType, BaseItem, StackItem, EnvList} from '../StackItem.js';
* Initial item on the stack. It's pushed when parsing begins.
export class StartItem extends BaseItem {
* @override
constructor(factory: StackItemFactory, public global: EnvList) {
* @override
public get kind() {
return 'start';
* @override
get isOpen() {
return true;
* @override
public checkItem(item: StackItem): CheckType {
if (item.isKind('stop')) {
let node = this.toMml();
if (! {
node = this.factory.configuration.tags.finalize(node, this.env);
return [[this.factory.create('mml', node)], true];
return super.checkItem(item);
* Final item on the stack. Errors will be thrown if other items than the start
* item are still on the stack.
export class StopItem extends BaseItem {
* @override
public get kind() {
return 'stop';
* @override
get isClose() {
return true;
* Item indicating an open brace.
export class OpenItem extends BaseItem {
* @override
protected static errors = Object.assign(Object.create(BaseItem.errors), {
// @test ExtraOpenMissingClose
'stop': ['ExtraOpenMissingClose',
'Extra open brace or missing close brace']
* @override
public get kind() {
return 'open';
* @override
get isOpen() {
return true;
* @override
public checkItem(item: StackItem): CheckType {
if (item.isKind('close')) {
// @test PrimeSup
let mml = this.toMml();
const node = this.create('node', 'TeXAtom', [mml]);
return [[this.factory.create('mml', node)], true];
return super.checkItem(item);
* Item indicating a close brace. Collapses stack until an OpenItem is found.
export class CloseItem extends BaseItem {
* @override
public get kind() {
return 'close';
* @override
get isClose() {
return true;
* Item indicating an we are currently dealing with a prime mark.
export class PrimeItem extends BaseItem {
* @override
public get kind() {
return 'prime';
* @override
public checkItem(item: StackItem): CheckType {
let [top0, top1] = this.Peek(2);
if (!NodeUtil.isType(top0, 'msubsup') || NodeUtil.isType(top0, 'msup')) {
// @test Prime, Double Prime
const node = this.create('node', 'msup', [top0, top1]);
return [[node, item], true];
NodeUtil.setChild(top0, (top0 as MmlMsubsup).sup, top1);
return [[top0, item], true];
* Item indicating an we are currently dealing with a sub/superscript
* expression.
export class SubsupItem extends BaseItem {
* @override
protected static errors = Object.assign(Object.create(BaseItem.errors), {
// @test MissingScript Sub, MissingScript Sup
'stop': ['MissingScript',
'Missing superscript or subscript argument'],
// @test MissingOpenForSup
'sup': ['MissingOpenForSup',
'Missing open brace for superscript'],
// @test MissingOpenForSub
'sub': ['MissingOpenForSub',
'Missing open brace for subscript']
* @override
public get kind() {
return 'subsup';
* @override
public checkItem(item: StackItem): CheckType | null {
if (item.isKind('open') || item.isKind('left')) {
return BaseItem.success;
const top = this.First;
const position = this.getProperty('position') as number;
if (item.isKind('mml')) {
if (this.getProperty('primes')) {
if (position !== 2) {
// @test Prime on Sub
NodeUtil.setChild(top, 2, this.getProperty('primes') as MmlNode);
} else {
// @test Prime on Prime
NodeUtil.setProperty(this.getProperty('primes') as MmlNode, 'variantForm', true);
const node = this.create('node', 'mrow', [this.getProperty('primes') as MmlNode, item.First]);
item.First = node;
NodeUtil.setChild(top, position, item.First);
if (this.getProperty('movesupsub') != null) {
// @test Limits Subsup (currently does not work! Check again!)
NodeUtil.setProperty(top, 'movesupsub', this.getProperty('movesupsub') as Property);
const result = this.factory.create('mml', top);
return [[result], true];
if (super.checkItem(item)[1]) {
// @test Brace Superscript Error, MissingOpenForSup, MissingOpenForSub
const error = this.getErrors(['', 'sub', 'sup'][position]);
throw new TexError(error[0], error[1], ...error.splice(2));
return null;
* Item indicating an we are currently dealing with an \\over command.
export class OverItem extends BaseItem {
* @override
constructor(factory: StackItemFactory) {
this.setProperty('name', '\\over');
* @override
public get kind() {
return 'over';
* @override
get isClose() {
return true;
* @override
public checkItem(item: StackItem): CheckType {
if (item.isKind('over')) {
// @test Double Over
throw new TexError(
'AmbiguousUseOf', 'Ambiguous use of %1', item.getName());
if (item.isClose) {
// @test Over
let mml = this.create('node',
'mfrac', [this.getProperty('num') as MmlNode, this.toMml(false)]);
if (this.getProperty('thickness') != null) {
// @test Choose, Above, Above with Delims
NodeUtil.setAttribute(mml, 'linethickness',
this.getProperty('thickness') as string);
if (this.getProperty('open') || this.getProperty('close')) {
// @test Choose
NodeUtil.setProperty(mml, 'withDelims', true);
mml = ParseUtil.fixedFence(this.factory.configuration,
this.getProperty('open') as string, mml,
this.getProperty('close') as string);
return [[this.factory.create('mml', mml), item], true];
return super.checkItem(item);
* @override
public toString() {
return 'over[' + this.getProperty('num') +
' / ' + this.nodes.join('; ') + ']';
* Item pushed when a \\left opening delimiter has been found.
export class LeftItem extends BaseItem {
* @override
protected static errors = Object.assign(Object.create(BaseItem.errors), {
// @test ExtraLeftMissingRight
'stop': ['ExtraLeftMissingRight',
'Extra \\left or missing \\right']
* @override
constructor(factory: StackItemFactory, delim: string) {
this.setProperty('delim', delim);
* @override
public get kind() {
return 'left';
* @override
get isOpen() {
return true;
* @override
public checkItem(item: StackItem): CheckType {
// @test Missing Right
if (item.isKind('right')) {
// Create the fenced structure as an mrow
return [[this.factory.create('mml', ParseUtil.fenced(
this.getProperty('delim') as string, this.toMml(),
item.getProperty('delim') as string, '', item.getProperty('color') as string))], true];
if (item.isKind('middle')) {
// Add the middle delimiter, with empty open and close elements around it for spacing
const def = {stretchy: true} as any;
if (item.getProperty('color')) {
def.mathcolor = item.getProperty('color');
this.create('node', 'TeXAtom', [], {texClass: TEXCLASS.CLOSE}),
this.create('token', 'mo', def, item.getProperty('delim')),
this.create('node', 'TeXAtom', [], {texClass: TEXCLASS.OPEN})
this.env = {}; // Since \middle closes the group, clear the environment
return [[this], true]; // this will reset the environment to its initial state
return super.checkItem(item);
* Item pushed when a \\middle delimiter has been found. Stack is
* collapsed until a corresponding LeftItem is encountered.
export class Middle extends BaseItem {
* @override
constructor(factory: StackItemFactory, delim: string, color: string) {
this.setProperty('delim', delim);
color && this.setProperty('color', color);
* @override
public get kind() {
return 'middle';
* @override
get isClose() {
return true;
* Item pushed when a \\right closing delimiter has been found. Stack is
* collapsed until a corresponding LeftItem is encountered.
export class RightItem extends BaseItem {
* @override
constructor(factory: StackItemFactory, delim: string, color: string) {
this.setProperty('delim', delim);
color && this.setProperty('color', color);
* @override
public get kind() {
return 'right';
* @override
get isClose() {
return true;
* Item pushed for opening an environment with \\begin{env}.
export class BeginItem extends BaseItem {
* @override
public get kind() {
return 'begin';
* @override
get isOpen() {
return true;
* @override
public checkItem(item: StackItem): CheckType {
if (item.isKind('end')) {
if (item.getName() !== this.getName()) {
// @test EnvBadEnd
throw new TexError('EnvBadEnd', '\\begin{%1} ended with \\end{%2}',
this.getName(), item.getName());
if (!this.getProperty('end')) {
// @test Hfill
return [[this.factory.create('mml', this.toMml())], true];
return; // TODO: This case could probably go!
if (item.isKind('stop')) {
// @test EnvMissingEnd Array
throw new TexError('EnvMissingEnd', 'Missing \\end{%1}', this.getName());
return super.checkItem(item);
* Item pushed for closing an environment with \\end{env}. Stack is collapsed
* until a corresponding BeginItem for 'env' is found. Error is thrown in case
* other open environments interfere.
export class EndItem extends BaseItem {
* @override
public get kind() {
return 'end';
* @override
get isClose() {
return true;
* Item pushed for remembering styling information.
export class StyleItem extends BaseItem {
* @override
public get kind() {
return 'style';
* @override
public checkItem(item: StackItem): CheckType {
if (!item.isClose) {
return super.checkItem(item);
// @test Style
const mml = this.create('node', 'mstyle', this.nodes, this.getProperty('styles'));
return [[this.factory.create('mml', mml), item], true];
* Item pushed for remembering positioning information.
export class PositionItem extends BaseItem {
* @override
public get kind() {
return 'position';
* @override
public checkItem(item: StackItem): CheckType {
if (item.isClose) {
// @test MissingBoxFor
throw new TexError('MissingBoxFor', 'Missing box for %1', this.getName());
if (item.isFinal) {
let mml = item.toMml();
switch (this.getProperty('move')) {
case 'vertical':
// @test Raise, Lower, Raise Negative, Lower Negative
mml = this.create('node', 'mpadded', [mml],
{height: this.getProperty('dh'),
depth: this.getProperty('dd'),
voffset: this.getProperty('dh')});
return [[this.factory.create('mml', mml)], true];
case 'horizontal':
// @test Move Left, Move Right, Move Left Negative, Move Right Negative
return [[this.factory.create('mml', this.getProperty('left') as MmlNode), item,
this.factory.create('mml', this.getProperty('right') as MmlNode)], true];
return super.checkItem(item);
* Item indicating a table cell.
export class CellItem extends BaseItem {
* @override
public get kind() {
return 'cell';
* @override
get isClose() {
return true;
* Final item for collating Nodes.
export class MmlItem extends BaseItem {
* @override
public get isFinal() {
return true;
* @override
public get kind() {
return 'mml';
* Item indicating a named function operator (e.g., \\sin) as been encountered.
export class FnItem extends BaseItem {
* @override
public get kind() {
return 'fn';
* @override
public checkItem(item: StackItem): CheckType {
const top = this.First;
if (top) {
if (item.isOpen) {
// @test Fn Stretchy
return BaseItem.success;
if (!item.isKind('fn')) {
// @test Named Function
let mml = item.First;
if (!item.isKind('mml') || !mml) {
// @test Mathop Super
return [[top, item], true];
if ((NodeUtil.isType(mml, 'mstyle') && mml.childNodes.length &&
NodeUtil.isType(mml.childNodes[0].childNodes[0] as MmlNode, 'mspace')) ||
NodeUtil.isType(mml, 'mspace')) {
// @test Fn Pos Space, Fn Neg Space
return [[top, item], true];
if (NodeUtil.isEmbellished(mml)) {
// @test MultiInt with Limits
mml = NodeUtil.getCoreMO(mml);
const form = NodeUtil.getForm(mml);
if (form != null && [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0][form[2]]) {
// @test Fn Operator
return [[top, item], true];
// @test Named Function, Named Function Arg
const node = this.create('token', 'mo', {texClass: TEXCLASS.NONE},
return [[top, node, item], true];
// @test Mathop Super, Mathop Sub
return super.checkItem.apply(this, arguments);
* Item indicating a \\not has been encountered and needs to be applied to the
* next operator.
export class NotItem extends BaseItem {
private remap = MapHandler.getMap('not_remap') as CharacterMap;
* @override
public get kind() {
return 'not';
* @override
public checkItem(item: StackItem): CheckType {
let mml: TextNode | MmlNode;
let c: string;
let textNode: TextNode;
if (item.isKind('open') || item.isKind('left')) {
// @test Negation Left Paren
return BaseItem.success;
if (item.isKind('mml') &&
(NodeUtil.isType(item.First, 'mo') || NodeUtil.isType(item.First, 'mi') ||
NodeUtil.isType(item.First, 'mtext'))) {
mml = item.First;
c = NodeUtil.getText(mml as TextNode);
if (c.length === 1 && !NodeUtil.getProperty(mml, 'movesupsub') &&
NodeUtil.getChildren(mml).length === 1) {
if (this.remap.contains(c)) {
// @test Negation Simple, Negation Complex
textNode = this.create('text', this.remap.lookup(c).char) as TextNode;
NodeUtil.setChild(mml, 0, textNode);
} else {
// @test Negation Explicit
textNode = this.create('text', '\u0338') as TextNode;
NodeUtil.appendChildren(mml, [textNode]);
return [[item], true];
// @test Negation Large
textNode = this.create('text', '\u29F8') as TextNode;
const mtextNode = this.create('node', 'mtext', [], {}, textNode);
const paddedNode = this.create('node', 'mpadded', [mtextNode], {width: 0});
mml = this.create('node', 'TeXAtom', [paddedNode], {texClass: TEXCLASS.REL});
return [[mml, item], true];
* A StackItem that removes an mspace that follows it (for \nonscript).
export class NonscriptItem extends BaseItem {
* @override
public get kind() {
return 'nonscript';
* @override
public checkItem(item: StackItem): CheckType {
// Check if the next item is an mspace (or an mspace in an mstyle) and remove it.
if (item.isKind('mml') && item.Size() === 1) {
let mml = item.First;
// Space macros like \, are wrapped with an mstyle to set scriptlevel="0"
// (so size is independent of level), we look at the contents of the mstyle for the mspace.
if (mml.isKind('mstyle') && mml.notParent) {
mml = NodeUtil.getChildren(NodeUtil.getChildren(mml)[0])[0];
if (mml.isKind('mspace')) {
// If the space is in an mstyle, wrap it in an mrow so we can test its scriptlevel
// in the post-filter (the mrow will be removed in the filter). We can't test
// the mstyle's scriptlevel, since it is ecxplicitly setting it to 0.
if (mml !== item.First) {
const mrow = this.create('node', 'mrow', [item.Pop()]);
// Save the mspace for later post-processing.
this.factory.configuration.addNode('nonscript', item.First);
return [[item], true];
* Item indicating a dots command has been encountered.
export class DotsItem extends BaseItem {
* @override
public get kind() {
return 'dots';
* @override
public checkItem(item: StackItem): CheckType {
if (item.isKind('open') || item.isKind('left')) {
return BaseItem.success;
let dots = this.getProperty('ldots') as MmlNode;
let top = item.First;
// @test Operator Dots
if (item.isKind('mml') && NodeUtil.isEmbellished(top)) {
const tclass = NodeUtil.getTexClass(NodeUtil.getCoreMO(top));
if (tclass === TEXCLASS.BIN || tclass === TEXCLASS.REL) {
dots = this.getProperty('cdots') as MmlNode;
return [[dots, item], true];
* Item indicating an array is assembled. It collates cells, rows and
* information about column/row separator and framing lines.
export class ArrayItem extends BaseItem {
* The table as a list of rows.
* @type {MmlNode[]}
public table: MmlNode[] = [];
* The current row as a list of cells.
* @type {MmlNode[]}
public row: MmlNode[] = [];
* Frame specification as a list of strings.
* @type {string[]}
public frame: string[] = [];
* Hfill value.
* @type {number[]}
public hfill: number[] = [];
* Properties for special array definitions.
* @type {{[key: string]: string|number|boolean}}
public arraydef: {[key: string]: string | number | boolean} = {};
* True if separators are dashed.
* @type {boolean}
public dashed: boolean = false;
* @override
public get kind() {
return 'array';
* @override
get isOpen() {
return true;
* @override
get copyEnv() {
return false;
* @override
public checkItem(item: StackItem): CheckType {
// @test Array Single
if (item.isClose && !item.isKind('over')) {
// @test Array Single
if (item.getProperty('isEntry')) {
// @test Array dashed column, Array solid column
if (item.getProperty('isCR')) {
// @test Enclosed bottom
let newItem = this.factory.create('mml', this.createMml());
if (this.getProperty('requireClose')) {
// @test: Label
if (item.isKind('close')) {
// @test: Label
return [[newItem], true];
// @test MissingCloseBrace2
throw new TexError('MissingCloseBrace', 'Missing close brace');
return [[newItem, item], true];
return super.checkItem(item);
* Create the MathML representation of the table.
* @return {MmlNode}
public createMml(): MmlNode {
const scriptlevel = this.arraydef['scriptlevel'];
delete this.arraydef['scriptlevel'];
let mml = this.create('node', 'mtable', this.table, this.arraydef);
if (scriptlevel) {
mml.setProperty('scriptlevel', scriptlevel);
if (this.frame.length === 4) {
// @test Enclosed frame solid, Enclosed frame dashed
NodeUtil.setAttribute(mml, 'frame', this.dashed ? 'dashed' : 'solid');
} else if (this.frame.length) {
// @test Enclosed left right
if (this.arraydef['rowlines']) {
// @test Enclosed dashed row, Enclosed solid row,
this.arraydef['rowlines'] =
(this.arraydef['rowlines'] as string).replace(/none( none)+$/, 'none');
// @test Enclosed left right
NodeUtil.setAttribute(mml, 'frame', '');
mml = this.create('node', 'menclose', [mml], {notation: this.frame.join(' ')});
if ((this.arraydef['columnlines'] || 'none') !== 'none' ||
(this.arraydef['rowlines'] || 'none') !== 'none') {
// @test Enclosed dashed row, Enclosed solid row
// @test Enclosed dashed column, Enclosed solid column
NodeUtil.setAttribute(mml, 'data-padding', 0);
if (this.getProperty('open') || this.getProperty('close')) {
// @test Cross Product Formula
mml = ParseUtil.fenced(this.factory.configuration,
this.getProperty('open') as string, mml,
this.getProperty('close') as string);
return mml;
* Finishes a single cell of the array.
public EndEntry() {
// @test Array1, Array2
const mtd = this.create('node', 'mtd', this.nodes);
if (this.hfill.length) {
if (this.hfill[0] === 0) {
NodeUtil.setAttribute(mtd, 'columnalign', 'right');
if (this.hfill[this.hfill.length - 1] === this.Size()) {
mtd, 'columnalign',
NodeUtil.getAttribute(mtd, 'columnalign') ? 'center' : 'left');
this.hfill = [];
* Finishes a single row of the array.
public EndRow() {
let node: MmlNode;
if (this.getProperty('isNumbered') && this.row.length === 3) {
// @test Label, Matrix Numbered
this.row.unshift(this.row.pop()); // move equation number to first
// position
node = this.create('node', 'mlabeledtr', this.row);
} else {
// @test Array1, Array2
node = this.create('node', 'mtr', this.row);
this.row = [];
* Finishes the table layout.
public EndTable() {
if (this.Size() || this.row.length) {
* Finishes line layout if not already given.
public checkLines() {
if (this.arraydef['rowlines']) {
const lines = (this.arraydef['rowlines'] as string).split(/ /);
if (lines.length === this.table.length) {
this.arraydef['rowlines'] = lines.join(' ');
} else if (lines.length < this.table.length - 1) {
this.arraydef['rowlines'] += ' none';
if (this.getProperty('rowspacing')) {
const rows = (this.arraydef['rowspacing'] as string).split(/ /);
while (rows.length < this.table.length) {
rows.push(this.getProperty('rowspacing') + 'em');
this.arraydef['rowspacing'] = rows.join(' ');
* Adds a row-spacing to the current row (padding out the rowspacing if needed to get there).
* @param {string} spacing The rowspacing to use for the current row.
public addRowSpacing(spacing: string) {
if (this.arraydef['rowspacing']) {
const rows = (this.arraydef['rowspacing'] as string).split(/ /);
if (!this.getProperty('rowspacing')) {
// @test Array Custom Linebreak
let dimem = ParseUtil.dimen2em(rows[0]);
this.setProperty('rowspacing', dimem);
const rowspacing = this.getProperty('rowspacing') as number;
while (rows.length < this.table.length) {
rows[this.table.length - 1] = ParseUtil.Em(
Math.max(0, rowspacing + ParseUtil.dimen2em(spacing)));
this.arraydef['rowspacing'] = rows.join(' ');
* Item dealing with equation arrays as a special case of arrays. Handles
* tagging information according to the given tagging style.
export class EqnArrayItem extends ArrayItem {
* The length of the longest row.
public maxrow: number = 0;
* @override
constructor(factory: any, ...args: any[]) {
this.factory.configuration.tags.start(args[0], args[2], args[1]);
* @override
get kind() {
return 'eqnarray';
* @override
public EndEntry() {
// @test Cubic Binomial
if (this.row.length) {
ParseUtil.fixInitialMO(this.factory.configuration, this.nodes);
const node = this.create('node', 'mtd', this.nodes);
* @override
public EndRow() {
if (this.row.length > this.maxrow) {
this.maxrow = this.row.length;
// @test Cubic Binomial
let mtr = 'mtr';
let tag = this.factory.configuration.tags.getTag();
if (tag) {
this.row = [tag].concat(this.row);
mtr = 'mlabeledtr';
const node = this.create('node', mtr, this.row);
this.row = [];
* @override
public EndTable() {
// @test Cubic Binomial
// Repeat the column align and width specifications
// to match the number of columns
this.extendArray('columnalign', this.maxrow);
this.extendArray('columnwidth', this.maxrow);
this.extendArray('columnspacing', this.maxrow - 1);
* Extend a column specification to include a repeating set of values
* so that it has enough to match the maximum row length.
protected extendArray(name: string, max: number) {
if (!this.arraydef[name]) return;
const repeat = (this.arraydef[name] as string).split(/ /);
const columns = [...repeat];
if (columns.length > 1) {
while (columns.length < max) {
this.arraydef[name] = columns.slice(0, max).join(' ');
* Item dealing with simple equation environments. Handles tagging information
* according to the given tagging style.
export class EquationItem extends BaseItem {
* @override
constructor(factory: any, ...args: any[]) {
this.factory.configuration.tags.start('equation', true, args[0]);
* @override
get kind() {
return 'equation';
* @override
get isOpen() {
return true;
* @override
public checkItem(item: StackItem): CheckType {
if (item.isKind('end')) {
let mml = this.toMml();
let tag = this.factory.configuration.tags.getTag();
return [[tag ? this.factory.configuration.tags.enTag(mml, tag) : mml, item], true];
if (item.isKind('stop')) {
// @test EnvMissingEnd Equation
throw new TexError('EnvMissingEnd', 'Missing \\end{%1}', this.getName());
return super.checkItem(item);