760 lines
26 KiB
760 lines
26 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2017-2022 The MathJax Consortium
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @fileoverview Base mappings for TeX Parsing.
* @author v.sorge@mathjax.org (Volker Sorge)
import * as sm from '../SymbolMap.js';
import {TexConstant} from '../TexConstants.js';
import BaseMethods from './BaseMethods.js';
import ParseMethods from '../ParseMethods.js';
import ParseUtil from '../ParseUtil.js';
import {TEXCLASS} from '../../../core/MmlTree/MmlNode.js';
import {MATHSPACE, em} from '../../../util/lengths.js';
* Letter pattern for parsing identifiers and operators.
new sm.RegExpMap('letter', ParseMethods.variable, /[a-z]/i);
* Digit pattern for parsing numbers.
new sm.RegExpMap('digit', ParseMethods.digit, /[0-9.,]/);
* Pattern for spotting start of commands.
new sm.RegExpMap('command', ParseMethods.controlSequence, /^\\/ );
* Treatment of special characters in LaTeX.
new sm.MacroMap('special', {
// This is now handled with a RegExp!
// '\\': 'ControlSequence',
'{': 'Open',
'}': 'Close',
'~': 'Tilde',
'^': 'Superscript',
'_': 'Subscript',
' ': 'Space',
'\t': 'Space',
'\r': 'Space',
'\n': 'Space',
'\'': 'Prime',
'%': 'Comment',
'&': 'Entry',
'#': 'Hash',
'\u00A0': 'Space',
'\u2019': 'Prime'
}, BaseMethods);
* Macros for identifiers.
new sm.CharacterMap('mathchar0mi', ParseMethods.mathchar0mi, {
// Lower-case greek
alpha: '\u03B1',
beta: '\u03B2',
gamma: '\u03B3',
delta: '\u03B4',
epsilon: '\u03F5',
zeta: '\u03B6',
eta: '\u03B7',
theta: '\u03B8',
iota: '\u03B9',
kappa: '\u03BA',
lambda: '\u03BB',
mu: '\u03BC',
nu: '\u03BD',
xi: '\u03BE',
omicron: '\u03BF', // added for completeness
pi: '\u03C0',
rho: '\u03C1',
sigma: '\u03C3',
tau: '\u03C4',
upsilon: '\u03C5',
phi: '\u03D5',
chi: '\u03C7',
psi: '\u03C8',
omega: '\u03C9',
varepsilon: '\u03B5',
vartheta: '\u03D1',
varpi: '\u03D6',
varrho: '\u03F1',
varsigma: '\u03C2',
varphi: '\u03C6',
// Ord symbols
S: ['\u00A7', {mathvariant: TexConstant.Variant.NORMAL}],
aleph: ['\u2135', {mathvariant: TexConstant.Variant.NORMAL}],
hbar: ['\u210F', {variantForm: true}],
imath: '\u0131',
jmath: '\u0237',
ell: '\u2113',
wp: ['\u2118', {mathvariant: TexConstant.Variant.NORMAL}],
Re: ['\u211C', {mathvariant: TexConstant.Variant.NORMAL}],
Im: ['\u2111', {mathvariant: TexConstant.Variant.NORMAL}],
partial: ['\u2202', {mathvariant: TexConstant.Variant.ITALIC}],
infty: ['\u221E', {mathvariant: TexConstant.Variant.NORMAL}],
prime: ['\u2032', {variantForm: true}],
emptyset: ['\u2205', {mathvariant: TexConstant.Variant.NORMAL}],
nabla: ['\u2207', {mathvariant: TexConstant.Variant.NORMAL}],
top: ['\u22A4', {mathvariant: TexConstant.Variant.NORMAL}],
bot: ['\u22A5', {mathvariant: TexConstant.Variant.NORMAL}],
angle: ['\u2220', {mathvariant: TexConstant.Variant.NORMAL}],
triangle: ['\u25B3', {mathvariant: TexConstant.Variant.NORMAL}],
backslash: ['\u2216', {mathvariant: TexConstant.Variant.NORMAL}],
forall: ['\u2200', {mathvariant: TexConstant.Variant.NORMAL}],
exists: ['\u2203', {mathvariant: TexConstant.Variant.NORMAL}],
neg: ['\u00AC', {mathvariant: TexConstant.Variant.NORMAL}],
lnot: ['\u00AC', {mathvariant: TexConstant.Variant.NORMAL}],
flat: ['\u266D', {mathvariant: TexConstant.Variant.NORMAL}],
natural: ['\u266E', {mathvariant: TexConstant.Variant.NORMAL}],
sharp: ['\u266F', {mathvariant: TexConstant.Variant.NORMAL}],
clubsuit: ['\u2663', {mathvariant: TexConstant.Variant.NORMAL}],
diamondsuit: ['\u2662', {mathvariant: TexConstant.Variant.NORMAL}],
heartsuit: ['\u2661', {mathvariant: TexConstant.Variant.NORMAL}],
spadesuit: ['\u2660', {mathvariant: TexConstant.Variant.NORMAL}]
* Macros for operators.
new sm.CharacterMap('mathchar0mo', ParseMethods.mathchar0mo, {
surd: '\u221A',
// big ops
coprod: ['\u2210', {texClass: TEXCLASS.OP,
movesupsub: true}],
bigvee: ['\u22C1', {texClass: TEXCLASS.OP,
movesupsub: true}],
bigwedge: ['\u22C0', {texClass: TEXCLASS.OP,
movesupsub: true}],
biguplus: ['\u2A04', {texClass: TEXCLASS.OP,
movesupsub: true}],
bigcap: ['\u22C2', {texClass: TEXCLASS.OP,
movesupsub: true}],
bigcup: ['\u22C3', {texClass: TEXCLASS.OP,
movesupsub: true}],
'int': ['\u222B', {texClass: TEXCLASS.OP}],
intop: ['\u222B', {texClass: TEXCLASS.OP,
movesupsub: true, movablelimits: true}],
iint: ['\u222C', {texClass: TEXCLASS.OP}],
iiint: ['\u222D', {texClass: TEXCLASS.OP}],
prod: ['\u220F', {texClass: TEXCLASS.OP,
movesupsub: true}],
sum: ['\u2211', {texClass: TEXCLASS.OP,
movesupsub: true}],
bigotimes: ['\u2A02', {texClass: TEXCLASS.OP,
movesupsub: true}],
bigoplus: ['\u2A01', {texClass: TEXCLASS.OP,
movesupsub: true}],
bigodot: ['\u2A00', {texClass: TEXCLASS.OP,
movesupsub: true}],
oint: ['\u222E', {texClass: TEXCLASS.OP}],
bigsqcup: ['\u2A06', {texClass: TEXCLASS.OP,
movesupsub: true}],
smallint: ['\u222B', {largeop: false}],
// binary operations
triangleleft: '\u25C3',
triangleright: '\u25B9',
bigtriangleup: '\u25B3',
bigtriangledown: '\u25BD',
wedge: '\u2227',
land: '\u2227',
vee: '\u2228',
lor: '\u2228',
cap: '\u2229',
cup: '\u222A',
ddagger: '\u2021',
dagger: '\u2020',
sqcap: '\u2293',
sqcup: '\u2294',
uplus: '\u228E',
amalg: '\u2A3F',
diamond: '\u22C4',
bullet: '\u2219',
wr: '\u2240',
div: '\u00F7',
divsymbol: '\u00F7',
odot: ['\u2299', {largeop: false}],
oslash: ['\u2298', {largeop: false}],
otimes: ['\u2297', {largeop: false}],
ominus: ['\u2296', {largeop: false}],
oplus: ['\u2295', {largeop: false}],
mp: '\u2213',
pm: '\u00B1',
circ: '\u2218',
bigcirc: '\u25EF',
setminus: '\u2216',
cdot: '\u22C5',
ast: '\u2217',
times: '\u00D7',
star: '\u22C6',
// Relations
propto: '\u221D',
sqsubseteq: '\u2291',
sqsupseteq: '\u2292',
parallel: '\u2225',
mid: '\u2223',
dashv: '\u22A3',
vdash: '\u22A2',
leq: '\u2264',
le: '\u2264',
geq: '\u2265',
ge: '\u2265',
lt: '\u003C',
gt: '\u003E',
succ: '\u227B',
prec: '\u227A',
approx: '\u2248',
succeq: '\u2AB0', // or '227C',
preceq: '\u2AAF', // or '227D',
supset: '\u2283',
subset: '\u2282',
supseteq: '\u2287',
subseteq: '\u2286',
'in': '\u2208',
ni: '\u220B',
notin: '\u2209',
owns: '\u220B',
gg: '\u226B',
ll: '\u226A',
sim: '\u223C',
simeq: '\u2243',
perp: '\u22A5',
equiv: '\u2261',
asymp: '\u224D',
smile: '\u2323',
frown: '\u2322',
ne: '\u2260',
neq: '\u2260',
cong: '\u2245',
doteq: '\u2250',
bowtie: '\u22C8',
models: '\u22A8',
notChar: '\u29F8',
// Arrows
Leftrightarrow: '\u21D4',
Leftarrow: '\u21D0',
Rightarrow: '\u21D2',
leftrightarrow: '\u2194',
leftarrow: '\u2190',
gets: '\u2190',
rightarrow: '\u2192',
to: ['\u2192', {accent: false}],
mapsto: '\u21A6',
leftharpoonup: '\u21BC',
leftharpoondown: '\u21BD',
rightharpoonup: '\u21C0',
rightharpoondown: '\u21C1',
nearrow: '\u2197',
searrow: '\u2198',
nwarrow: '\u2196',
swarrow: '\u2199',
rightleftharpoons: '\u21CC',
hookrightarrow: '\u21AA',
hookleftarrow: '\u21A9',
longleftarrow: '\u27F5',
Longleftarrow: '\u27F8',
longrightarrow: '\u27F6',
Longrightarrow: '\u27F9',
Longleftrightarrow: '\u27FA',
longleftrightarrow: '\u27F7',
longmapsto: '\u27FC',
// Misc.
ldots: '\u2026',
cdots: '\u22EF',
vdots: '\u22EE',
ddots: '\u22F1',
dotsc: '\u2026', // dots with commas
dotsb: '\u22EF', // dots with binary ops and relations
dotsm: '\u22EF', // dots with multiplication
dotsi: '\u22EF', // dots with integrals
dotso: '\u2026', // other dots
ldotp: ['\u002E', {texClass: TEXCLASS.PUNCT}],
cdotp: ['\u22C5', {texClass: TEXCLASS.PUNCT}],
colon: ['\u003A', {texClass: TEXCLASS.PUNCT}]
* Macros for special characters and identifiers.
new sm.CharacterMap('mathchar7', ParseMethods.mathchar7, {
Gamma: '\u0393',
Delta: '\u0394',
Theta: '\u0398',
Lambda: '\u039B',
Xi: '\u039E',
Pi: '\u03A0',
Sigma: '\u03A3',
Upsilon: '\u03A5',
Phi: '\u03A6',
Psi: '\u03A8',
Omega: '\u03A9',
'_': '\u005F',
'#': '\u0023',
'$': '\u0024',
'%': '\u0025',
'&': '\u0026',
And: '\u0026'
* Macros for delimiters.
new sm.DelimiterMap('delimiter', ParseMethods.delimiter, {
'(': '(',
')': ')',
'[': '[',
']': ']',
'<': '\u27E8',
'>': '\u27E9',
'\\lt': '\u27E8',
'\\gt': '\u27E9',
'/': '/',
'|': ['|', {texClass: TEXCLASS.ORD}],
'.': '',
'\\\\': '\\',
'\\lmoustache': '\u23B0', // non-standard
'\\rmoustache': '\u23B1', // non-standard
'\\lgroup': '\u27EE', // non-standard
'\\rgroup': '\u27EF', // non-standard
'\\arrowvert': '\u23D0',
'\\Arrowvert': '\u2016',
'\\bracevert': '\u23AA', // non-standard
'\\Vert': ['\u2016', {texClass: TEXCLASS.ORD}],
'\\|': ['\u2016', {texClass: TEXCLASS.ORD}],
'\\vert': ['|', {texClass: TEXCLASS.ORD}],
'\\uparrow': '\u2191',
'\\downarrow': '\u2193',
'\\updownarrow': '\u2195',
'\\Uparrow': '\u21D1',
'\\Downarrow': '\u21D3',
'\\Updownarrow': '\u21D5',
'\\backslash': '\\',
'\\rangle': '\u27E9',
'\\langle': '\u27E8',
'\\rbrace': '}',
'\\lbrace': '{',
'\\}': '}',
'\\{': '{',
'\\rceil': '\u2309',
'\\lceil': '\u2308',
'\\rfloor': '\u230B',
'\\lfloor': '\u230A',
'\\lbrack': '[',
'\\rbrack': ']'
* Macros for LaTeX commands.
new sm.CommandMap('macros', {
displaystyle: ['SetStyle', 'D', true, 0],
textstyle: ['SetStyle', 'T', false, 0],
scriptstyle: ['SetStyle', 'S', false, 1],
scriptscriptstyle: ['SetStyle', 'SS', false, 2],
rm: ['SetFont', TexConstant.Variant.NORMAL],
mit: ['SetFont', TexConstant.Variant.ITALIC],
oldstyle: ['SetFont', TexConstant.Variant.OLDSTYLE],
cal: ['SetFont', TexConstant.Variant.CALLIGRAPHIC],
it: ['SetFont', TexConstant.Variant.MATHITALIC], // needs special handling
bf: ['SetFont', TexConstant.Variant.BOLD],
bbFont: ['SetFont', TexConstant.Variant.DOUBLESTRUCK],
scr: ['SetFont', TexConstant.Variant.SCRIPT],
frak: ['SetFont', TexConstant.Variant.FRAKTUR],
sf: ['SetFont', TexConstant.Variant.SANSSERIF],
tt: ['SetFont', TexConstant.Variant.MONOSPACE],
mathrm: ['MathFont', TexConstant.Variant.NORMAL],
mathup: ['MathFont', TexConstant.Variant.NORMAL],
mathnormal: ['MathFont', ''],
mathbf: ['MathFont', TexConstant.Variant.BOLD],
mathbfup: ['MathFont', TexConstant.Variant.BOLD],
mathit: ['MathFont', TexConstant.Variant.MATHITALIC],
mathbfit: ['MathFont', TexConstant.Variant.BOLDITALIC],
mathbb: ['MathFont', TexConstant.Variant.DOUBLESTRUCK],
Bbb: ['MathFont', TexConstant.Variant.DOUBLESTRUCK],
mathfrak: ['MathFont', TexConstant.Variant.FRAKTUR],
mathbffrak: ['MathFont', TexConstant.Variant.BOLDFRAKTUR],
mathscr: ['MathFont', TexConstant.Variant.SCRIPT],
mathbfscr: ['MathFont', TexConstant.Variant.BOLDSCRIPT],
mathsf: ['MathFont', TexConstant.Variant.SANSSERIF],
mathsfup: ['MathFont', TexConstant.Variant.SANSSERIF],
mathbfsf: ['MathFont', TexConstant.Variant.BOLDSANSSERIF],
mathbfsfup: ['MathFont', TexConstant.Variant.BOLDSANSSERIF],
mathsfit: ['MathFont', TexConstant.Variant.SANSSERIFITALIC],
mathbfsfit: ['MathFont', TexConstant.Variant.SANSSERIFBOLDITALIC],
mathtt: ['MathFont', TexConstant.Variant.MONOSPACE],
mathcal: ['MathFont', TexConstant.Variant.CALLIGRAPHIC],
mathbfcal: ['MathFont', TexConstant.Variant.BOLDCALLIGRAPHIC],
symrm: ['MathFont', TexConstant.Variant.NORMAL],
symup: ['MathFont', TexConstant.Variant.NORMAL],
symnormal: ['MathFont', ''],
symbf: ['MathFont', TexConstant.Variant.BOLD],
symbfup: ['MathFont', TexConstant.Variant.BOLD],
symit: ['MathFont', TexConstant.Variant.ITALIC],
symbfit: ['MathFont', TexConstant.Variant.BOLDITALIC],
symbb: ['MathFont', TexConstant.Variant.DOUBLESTRUCK],
symfrak: ['MathFont', TexConstant.Variant.FRAKTUR],
symbffrak: ['MathFont', TexConstant.Variant.BOLDFRAKTUR],
symscr: ['MathFont', TexConstant.Variant.SCRIPT],
symbfscr: ['MathFont', TexConstant.Variant.BOLDSCRIPT],
symsf: ['MathFont', TexConstant.Variant.SANSSERIF],
symsfup: ['MathFont', TexConstant.Variant.SANSSERIF],
symbfsf: ['MathFont', TexConstant.Variant.BOLDSANSSERIF],
symbfsfup: ['MathFont', TexConstant.Variant.BOLDSANSSERIF],
symsfit: ['MathFont', TexConstant.Variant.SANSSERIFITALIC],
symbfsfit: ['MathFont', TexConstant.Variant.SANSSERIFBOLDITALIC],
symtt: ['MathFont', TexConstant.Variant.MONOSPACE],
symcal: ['MathFont', TexConstant.Variant.CALLIGRAPHIC],
symbfcal: ['MathFont', TexConstant.Variant.BOLDCALLIGRAPHIC],
textrm: ['HBox', null, TexConstant.Variant.NORMAL],
textup: ['HBox', null, TexConstant.Variant.NORMAL],
textnormal: ['HBox'],
textit: ['HBox', null, TexConstant.Variant.ITALIC],
textbf: ['HBox', null, TexConstant.Variant.BOLD],
textsf: ['HBox', null, TexConstant.Variant.SANSSERIF],
texttt: ['HBox', null, TexConstant.Variant.MONOSPACE],
tiny: ['SetSize', 0.5],
Tiny: ['SetSize', 0.6], // non-standard
scriptsize: ['SetSize', 0.7],
small: ['SetSize', 0.85],
normalsize: ['SetSize', 1.0],
large: ['SetSize', 1.2],
Large: ['SetSize', 1.44],
LARGE: ['SetSize', 1.73],
huge: ['SetSize', 2.07],
Huge: ['SetSize', 2.49],
arcsin: 'NamedFn',
arccos: 'NamedFn',
arctan: 'NamedFn',
arg: 'NamedFn',
cos: 'NamedFn',
cosh: 'NamedFn',
cot: 'NamedFn',
coth: 'NamedFn',
csc: 'NamedFn',
deg: 'NamedFn',
det: 'NamedOp',
dim: 'NamedFn',
exp: 'NamedFn',
gcd: 'NamedOp',
hom: 'NamedFn',
inf: 'NamedOp',
ker: 'NamedFn',
lg: 'NamedFn',
lim: 'NamedOp',
liminf: ['NamedOp', 'lim inf'],
limsup: ['NamedOp', 'lim sup'],
ln: 'NamedFn',
log: 'NamedFn',
max: 'NamedOp',
min: 'NamedOp',
Pr: 'NamedOp',
sec: 'NamedFn',
sin: 'NamedFn',
sinh: 'NamedFn',
sup: 'NamedOp',
tan: 'NamedFn',
tanh: 'NamedFn',
limits: ['Limits', 1],
nolimits: ['Limits', 0],
overline: ['UnderOver', '2015'],
underline: ['UnderOver', '2015'],
overbrace: ['UnderOver', '23DE', 1],
underbrace: ['UnderOver', '23DF', 1],
overparen: ['UnderOver', '23DC'],
underparen: ['UnderOver', '23DD'],
overrightarrow: ['UnderOver', '2192'],
underrightarrow: ['UnderOver', '2192'],
overleftarrow: ['UnderOver', '2190'],
underleftarrow: ['UnderOver', '2190'],
overleftrightarrow: ['UnderOver', '2194'],
underleftrightarrow: ['UnderOver', '2194'],
overset: 'Overset',
underset: 'Underset',
overunderset: 'Overunderset',
stackrel: ['Macro', '\\mathrel{\\mathop{#2}\\limits^{#1}}', 2],
stackbin: ['Macro', '\\mathbin{\\mathop{#2}\\limits^{#1}}', 2],
over: 'Over',
overwithdelims: 'Over',
atop: 'Over',
atopwithdelims: 'Over',
above: 'Over',
abovewithdelims: 'Over',
brace: ['Over', '{', '}'],
brack: ['Over', '[', ']'],
choose: ['Over', '(', ')'],
frac: 'Frac',
sqrt: 'Sqrt',
root: 'Root',
uproot: ['MoveRoot', 'upRoot'],
leftroot: ['MoveRoot', 'leftRoot'],
left: 'LeftRight',
right: 'LeftRight',
middle: 'LeftRight',
llap: 'Lap',
rlap: 'Lap',
raise: 'RaiseLower',
lower: 'RaiseLower',
moveleft: 'MoveLeftRight',
moveright: 'MoveLeftRight',
',': ['Spacer', MATHSPACE.thinmathspace],
':': ['Spacer', MATHSPACE.mediummathspace],
'>': ['Spacer', MATHSPACE.mediummathspace],
';': ['Spacer', MATHSPACE.thickmathspace],
'!': ['Spacer', MATHSPACE.negativethinmathspace],
enspace: ['Spacer', .5],
quad: ['Spacer', 1],
qquad: ['Spacer', 2],
thinspace: ['Spacer', MATHSPACE.thinmathspace],
negthinspace: ['Spacer', MATHSPACE.negativethinmathspace],
hskip: 'Hskip',
hspace: 'Hskip',
kern: 'Hskip',
mskip: 'Hskip',
mspace: 'Hskip',
mkern: 'Hskip',
rule: 'rule',
Rule: ['Rule'],
Space: ['Rule', 'blank'],
nonscript: 'Nonscript',
big: ['MakeBig', TEXCLASS.ORD, 0.85],
Big: ['MakeBig', TEXCLASS.ORD, 1.15],
bigg: ['MakeBig', TEXCLASS.ORD, 1.45],
Bigg: ['MakeBig', TEXCLASS.ORD, 1.75],
bigl: ['MakeBig', TEXCLASS.OPEN, 0.85],
Bigl: ['MakeBig', TEXCLASS.OPEN, 1.15],
biggl: ['MakeBig', TEXCLASS.OPEN, 1.45],
Biggl: ['MakeBig', TEXCLASS.OPEN, 1.75],
bigr: ['MakeBig', TEXCLASS.CLOSE, 0.85],
Bigr: ['MakeBig', TEXCLASS.CLOSE, 1.15],
biggr: ['MakeBig', TEXCLASS.CLOSE, 1.45],
Biggr: ['MakeBig', TEXCLASS.CLOSE, 1.75],
bigm: ['MakeBig', TEXCLASS.REL, 0.85],
Bigm: ['MakeBig', TEXCLASS.REL, 1.15],
biggm: ['MakeBig', TEXCLASS.REL, 1.45],
Biggm: ['MakeBig', TEXCLASS.REL, 1.75],
mathord: ['TeXAtom', TEXCLASS.ORD],
mathop: ['TeXAtom', TEXCLASS.OP],
mathopen: ['TeXAtom', TEXCLASS.OPEN],
mathclose: ['TeXAtom', TEXCLASS.CLOSE],
mathbin: ['TeXAtom', TEXCLASS.BIN],
mathrel: ['TeXAtom', TEXCLASS.REL],
mathpunct: ['TeXAtom', TEXCLASS.PUNCT],
mathinner: ['TeXAtom', TEXCLASS.INNER],
vcenter: ['TeXAtom', TEXCLASS.VCENTER],
buildrel: 'BuildRel',
hbox: ['HBox', 0],
text: 'HBox',
mbox: ['HBox', 0],
fbox: 'FBox',
boxed: ['Macro', '\\fbox{$\\displaystyle{#1}$}', 1],
framebox: 'FrameBox',
strut: 'Strut',
mathstrut: ['Macro', '\\vphantom{(}'],
phantom: 'Phantom',
vphantom: ['Phantom', 1, 0],
hphantom: ['Phantom', 0, 1],
smash: 'Smash',
acute: ['Accent', '00B4'], // or 0301 or 02CA
grave: ['Accent', '0060'], // or 0300 or 02CB
ddot: ['Accent', '00A8'], // or 0308
tilde: ['Accent', '007E'], // or 0303 or 02DC
bar: ['Accent', '00AF'], // or 0304 or 02C9
breve: ['Accent', '02D8'], // or 0306
check: ['Accent', '02C7'], // or 030C
hat: ['Accent', '005E'], // or 0302 or 02C6
vec: ['Accent', '2192'], // or 20D7
dot: ['Accent', '02D9'], // or 0307
widetilde: ['Accent', '007E', 1], // or 0303 or 02DC
widehat: ['Accent', '005E', 1], // or 0302 or 02C6
matrix: 'Matrix',
array: 'Matrix',
pmatrix: ['Matrix', '(', ')'],
cases: ['Matrix', '{', '', 'left left', null, '.1em', null,
eqalign: ['Matrix', null, null, 'right left',
em(MATHSPACE.thickmathspace), '.5em', 'D'],
displaylines: ['Matrix', null, null, 'center', null, '.5em', 'D'],
cr: 'Cr',
'\\': 'CrLaTeX',
newline: ['CrLaTeX', true],
hline: ['HLine', 'solid'],
hdashline: ['HLine', 'dashed'],
// noalign: 'HandleNoAlign',
eqalignno: ['Matrix', null, null, 'right left',
em(MATHSPACE.thickmathspace), '.5em', 'D', null,
leqalignno: ['Matrix', null, null, 'right left',
em(MATHSPACE.thickmathspace), '.5em', 'D', null,
hfill: 'HFill',
hfil: 'HFill', // \hfil treated as \hfill for now
hfilll: 'HFill', // \hfilll treated as \hfill for now
// TeX substitution macros
bmod: ['Macro', '\\mmlToken{mo}[lspace="thickmathspace"' +
' rspace="thickmathspace"]{mod}'],
pmod: ['Macro', '\\pod{\\mmlToken{mi}{mod}\\kern 6mu #1}', 1],
mod: ['Macro', '\\mathchoice{\\kern18mu}{\\kern12mu}' +
pod: ['Macro', '\\mathchoice{\\kern18mu}{\\kern8mu}' +
'{\\kern8mu}{\\kern8mu}(#1)', 1],
iff: ['Macro', '\\;\\Longleftrightarrow\\;'],
skew: ['Macro', '{{#2{#3\\mkern#1mu}\\mkern-#1mu}{}}', 3],
pmb: ['Macro', '\\rlap{#1}\\kern1px{#1}', 1],
TeX: ['Macro', 'T\\kern-.14em\\lower.5ex{E}\\kern-.115em X'],
LaTeX: ['Macro', 'L\\kern-.325em\\raise.21em' +
' ': ['Macro', '\\text{ }'],
// Specially handled
not: 'Not',
dots: 'Dots',
space: 'Tilde',
'\u00A0': 'Tilde',
// LaTeX
begin: 'BeginEnd',
end: 'BeginEnd',
label: 'HandleLabel',
ref: 'HandleRef',
nonumber: 'HandleNoTag',
// Internal use:
mathchoice: 'MathChoice',
mmlToken: 'MmlToken'
}, BaseMethods);
* Macros for LaTeX environments.
new sm.EnvironmentMap('environment', ParseMethods.environment, {
array: ['AlignedArray'],
equation: ['Equation', null, true],
eqnarray: ['EqnArray', null, true, true, 'rcl',
ParseUtil.cols(0, MATHSPACE.thickmathspace), '.5em']
}, BaseMethods);
* Mapping for negated operators.
new sm.CharacterMap('not_remap', null, {
'\u2190': '\u219A',
'\u2192': '\u219B',
'\u2194': '\u21AE',
'\u21D0': '\u21CD',
'\u21D2': '\u21CF',
'\u21D4': '\u21CE',
'\u2208': '\u2209',
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'\u2283': '\u2285',
'\u2286': '\u2288',
'\u2287': '\u2289',
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