2024-10-14 08:09:33 +02:00

400 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2018-2022 The MathJax Consortium
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @fileoverview Implements the SVG OutputJax object
* @author (Davide Cervone)
import {CommonOutputJax, UnknownBBox} from './common/OutputJax.js';
import {OptionList} from '../util/Options.js';
import {MathDocument} from '../core/MathDocument.js';
import {MathItem} from '../core/MathItem.js';
import {MmlNode} from '../core/MmlTree/MmlNode.js';
import {SVGWrapper} from './svg/Wrapper.js';
import {SVGWrapperFactory} from './svg/WrapperFactory.js';
import {SVGFontData} from './svg/FontData.js';
import {TeXFont} from './svg/fonts/tex.js';
import {StyleList as CssStyleList} from '../util/StyleList.js';
import {FontCache} from './svg/FontCache.js';
import {unicodeChars} from '../util/string.js';
import {percent} from '../util/lengths.js';
export const SVGNS = '';
export const XLINKNS = '';
* Implements the CHTML class (extends AbstractOutputJax)
* @template N The HTMLElement node class
* @template T The Text node class
* @template D The Document class
export class SVG<N, T, D> extends
CommonOutputJax<N, T, D, SVGWrapper<N, T, D>, SVGWrapperFactory<N, T, D>, SVGFontData, typeof SVGFontData> {
* The name of the output jax
public static NAME: string = 'SVG';
* @override
public static OPTIONS: OptionList = {
internalSpeechTitles: true, // insert <title> tags with speech content
titleID: 0, // initial id number to use for aria-labeledby titles
fontCache: 'local', // or 'global' or 'none'
localID: null, // ID to use for local font cache (for single equation processing)
* The default styles for SVG
public static commonStyles: CssStyleList = {
'mjx-container[jax="SVG"]': {
direction: 'ltr'
'mjx-container[jax="SVG"] > svg': {
overflow: 'visible',
'min-height': '1px',
'min-width': '1px'
'mjx-container[jax="SVG"] > svg a': {
fill: 'blue', stroke: 'blue'
* The ID for the SVG element that stores the cached font paths
public static FONTCACHEID = 'MJX-SVG-global-cache';
* The ID for the stylesheet element for the styles for the SVG output
public static STYLESHEETID = 'MJX-SVG-styles';
* Stores the CHTMLWrapper factory
public factory: SVGWrapperFactory<N, T, D>;
* Stores the information about the cached character glyphs
public fontCache: FontCache<N, T, D>;
* Minimum width for tables with labels,
public minwidth: number = 0;
* The shift for the main equation
public shift: number = 0;
* The container element for the math
public container: N = null;
* The SVG stylesheet, once it is constructed
public svgStyles: N = null;
* @override
* @constructor
constructor(options: OptionList = null) {
super(options, SVGWrapperFactory as any, TeXFont);
this.fontCache = new FontCache(this);
* @override
public initialize() {
if (this.options.fontCache === 'global') {
* Clear the font cache (use for resetting the global font cache)
public clearFontCache() {
* @override
public reset() {
* @override
protected setScale(node: N) {
if (this.options.scale !== 1) {
this.adaptor.setStyle(node, 'fontSize', percent(this.options.scale));
* @override
public escaped(math: MathItem<N, T, D>, html: MathDocument<N, T, D>) {
return this.html('span', {}, [this.text(math.math)]);
* @override
public styleSheet(html: MathDocument<N, T, D>) {
if (this.svgStyles) {
return this.svgStyles; // stylesheet is already added to the document
const sheet = this.svgStyles = super.styleSheet(html);
this.adaptor.setAttribute(sheet, 'id', SVG.STYLESHEETID);
return sheet;
* @override
public pageElements(html: MathDocument<N, T, D>) {
if (this.options.fontCache === 'global' && !this.findCache(html)) {
return this.svg('svg', {id: SVG.FONTCACHEID, style: {display: 'none'}}, [this.fontCache.getCache()]);
return null as N;
* Checks if there is already a font-cache element in the page
* @param {MathDocument} html The document to search
* @return {boolean} True if a font cache already exists in the page
protected findCache(html: MathDocument<N, T, D>): boolean {
const adaptor = this.adaptor;
const svgs = adaptor.tags(adaptor.body(html.document), 'svg');
for (let i = svgs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (this.adaptor.getAttribute(svgs[i], 'id') === SVG.FONTCACHEID) {
return true;
return false;
* @param {MmlNode} math The MML node whose SVG is to be produced
* @param {N} parent The HTML node to contain the SVG
protected processMath(math: MmlNode, parent: N) {
// Cache the container (tooltips process into separate containers)
const container = this.container;
this.container = parent;
// Get the wrapped math element and the SVG container
// Then typeset the math into the SVG
const wrapper = this.factory.wrap(math);
const [svg, g] = this.createRoot(wrapper);
this.typesetSVG(wrapper, svg, g);
// Put back the original container
this.container = container;
* @param {SVGWrapper} wrapper The wrapped math to process
* @return {[N, N]} The svg and g nodes for the math
protected createRoot(wrapper: SVGWrapper<N, T, D>): [N, N] {
const {w, h, d, pwidth} = wrapper.getOuterBBox();
const px = wrapper.metrics.em / 1000;
const W = Math.max(w, px); // make sure we are at least one px wide (needed for e.g. \llap)
const H = Math.max(h + d, px); // make sure we are at least one px tall (needed for e.g., \smash)
// The container that flips the y-axis and sets the colors to inherit from the surroundings
const g = this.svg('g', {
stroke: 'currentColor', fill: 'currentColor',
'stroke-width': 0, transform: 'scale(1,-1)'
}) as N;
// The svg element with its viewBox, size and alignment
const adaptor = this.adaptor;
const svg = adaptor.append(this.container, this.svg('svg', {
xmlns: SVGNS,
width: this.ex(W), height: this.ex(H),
role: 'img', focusable: false,
style: {'vertical-align': this.ex(-d)},
viewBox: [0, this.fixed(-h * 1000, 1), this.fixed(W * 1000, 1), this.fixed(H * 1000, 1)].join(' ')
}, [g])) as N;
if (W === .001) {
adaptor.setAttribute(svg, 'preserveAspectRatio', 'xMidYMid slice');
if (w < 0) {
adaptor.setStyle(this.container, 'margin-right', this.ex(w));
if (pwidth) {
// Use width 100% with no viewbox, and instead scale and translate to achieve the same result
adaptor.setStyle(svg, 'min-width', this.ex(W));
adaptor.setAttribute(svg, 'width', pwidth);
adaptor.removeAttribute(svg, 'viewBox');
const scale = this.fixed(wrapper.metrics.ex / (this.font.params.x_height * 1000), 6);
adaptor.setAttribute(g, 'transform', `scale(${scale},-${scale}) translate(0, ${this.fixed(-h * 1000, 1)})`);
if (this.options.fontCache !== 'none') {
adaptor.setAttribute(svg, 'xmlns:xlink', XLINKNS);
return [svg, g];
* Typeset the math and add minwidth (from mtables), or set the alignment and indentation
* of the finalized expression.
* @param {SVGWrapper} wrapper The wrapped math to typeset
* @param {N} svg The main svg element for the typeet math
* @param {N} g The group in which the math is typeset
protected typesetSVG(wrapper: SVGWrapper<N, T, D>, svg: N, g: N) {
const adaptor = this.adaptor;
// Typeset the math and add minWidth (from mtables), or set the alignment and indentation
// of the finalized expression
this.minwidth = this.shift = 0;
if (this.options.fontCache === 'local') {
adaptor.insert(this.fontCache.getCache(), g);
if (this.minwidth) {
adaptor.setStyle(svg, 'minWidth', this.ex(this.minwidth));
adaptor.setStyle(this.container, 'minWidth', this.ex(this.minwidth));
} else if (this.shift) {
const align = adaptor.getAttribute(this.container, 'justify') || 'center';
this.setIndent(svg, align, this.shift);
* @param {N} svg The svg node whose indentation is to be adjusted
* @param {string} align The alignment for the node
* @param {number} shift The indent (positive or negative) for the node
protected setIndent(svg: N, align: string, shift: number) {
if (align === 'center' || align === 'left') {
this.adaptor.setStyle(svg, 'margin-left', this.ex(shift));
if (align === 'center' || align === 'right') {
this.adaptor.setStyle(svg, 'margin-right', this.ex(-shift));
* @param {number} m A number to be shown in ex
* @return {string} The number with units of ex
public ex(m: number): string {
m /= this.font.params.x_height;
return (Math.abs(m) < .001 ? '0' : m.toFixed(3).replace(/\.?0+$/, '') + 'ex');
* @param {string} kind The kind of node to create
* @param {OptionList} properties The properties to set for the element
* @param {(N|T)[]} children The child nodes for this node
* @return {N} The newly created node in the SVG namespace
public svg(kind: string, properties: OptionList = {}, children: (N | T)[] = []): N {
return this.html(kind, properties, children, SVGNS);
* @param {string} text The text to be displayed
* @param {string} variant The name of the variant for the text
* @return {N} The text element containing the text
public unknownText(text: string, variant: string): N {
const metrics = this.math.metrics;
const scale = this.font.params.x_height / metrics.ex * metrics.em * 1000;
const svg = this.svg('text', {
'data-variant': variant,
transform: 'scale(1,-1)', 'font-size': this.fixed(scale, 1) + 'px'
}, [this.text(text)]);
const adaptor = this.adaptor;
if (variant !== '-explicitFont') {
const c = unicodeChars(text);
if (c.length !== 1 || c[0] < 0x1D400 || c[0] > 0x1D7FF) {
const [family, italic, bold] = this.font.getCssFont(variant);
adaptor.setAttribute(svg, 'font-family', family);
if (italic) {
adaptor.setAttribute(svg, 'font-style', 'italic');
if (bold) {
adaptor.setAttribute(svg, 'font-weight', 'bold');
return svg;
* Measure the width of a text element by placing it in the page
* and looking up its size (fake the height and depth, since we can't measure that)
* @param {N} text The text element to measure
* @return {Object} The width, height and depth for the text
public measureTextNode(text: N): UnknownBBox {
const adaptor = this.adaptor;
text = adaptor.clone(text);
adaptor.removeAttribute(text, 'transform');
const ex = this.fixed(this.font.params.x_height * 1000, 1);
const svg = this.svg('svg', {
position: 'absolute', visibility: 'hidden',
width: '1ex', height: '1ex',
viewBox: [0, 0, ex, ex].join(' ')
}, [text]);
adaptor.append(adaptor.body(adaptor.document), svg);
let w = adaptor.nodeSize(text, 1000, true)[0];
return {w: w, h: .75, d: .2};