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299 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2018-2022 The MathJax Consortium
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @fileoverview Mappings for TeX parsing of the physics package.
* @author v.sorge@mathjax.org (Volker Sorge)
import {EnvironmentMap, CommandMap, MacroMap, CharacterMap} from '../SymbolMap.js';
import PhysicsMethods from './PhysicsMethods.js';
import {TexConstant} from '../TexConstants.js';
import ParseMethods from '../ParseMethods.js';
import {TEXCLASS} from '../../../core/MmlTree/MmlNode.js';
* Macros for physics package (section 2.1).
new CommandMap('Physics-automatic-bracing-macros', {
'quantity': 'Quantity',
'qty': 'Quantity',
'pqty': ['Quantity', '(', ')', true],
'bqty': ['Quantity', '[', ']', true],
'vqty': ['Quantity', '|', '|', true],
'Bqty': ['Quantity', '\\{', '\\}', true],
'absolutevalue': ['Quantity', '|', '|', true],
'abs': ['Quantity', '|', '|', true],
'norm': ['Quantity', '\\|', '\\|', true],
'evaluated': 'Eval',
'eval': 'Eval',
'order': ['Quantity', '(', ')', true, 'O',
'commutator': 'Commutator',
'comm': 'Commutator',
'anticommutator': ['Commutator', '\\{', '\\}'],
'acomm': ['Commutator', '\\{', '\\}'],
'poissonbracket': ['Commutator', '\\{', '\\}'],
'pb': ['Commutator', '\\{', '\\}']
}, PhysicsMethods);
* Macros for physics package (section 2.2).
new CharacterMap('Physics-vector-mo', ParseMethods.mathchar0mo, {
dotproduct: ['\u22C5', {mathvariant: TexConstant.Variant.BOLD}],
vdot: ['\u22C5', {mathvariant: TexConstant.Variant.BOLD}],
crossproduct: '\u00D7',
cross: '\u00D7',
cp: '\u00D7',
// This is auxiliary!
gradientnabla: ['\u2207', {mathvariant: TexConstant.Variant.BOLD}]
new CharacterMap('Physics-vector-mi', ParseMethods.mathchar0mi, {
real: ['\u211C', {mathvariant: TexConstant.Variant.NORMAL}],
imaginary: ['\u2111', {mathvariant: TexConstant.Variant.NORMAL}]
new CommandMap('Physics-vector-macros', {
'vnabla': 'Vnabla',
'vectorbold': 'VectorBold',
'vb': 'VectorBold',
'vectorarrow': ['StarMacro', 1, '\\vec{\\vb', '{#1}}'],
'va': ['StarMacro', 1, '\\vec{\\vb', '{#1}}'],
'vectorunit': ['StarMacro', 1, '\\hat{\\vb', '{#1}}'],
'vu': ['StarMacro', 1, '\\hat{\\vb', '{#1}}'],
'gradient': ['OperatorApplication', '\\vnabla', '(', '['],
'grad': ['OperatorApplication', '\\vnabla', '(', '['],
'divergence': ['VectorOperator', '\\vnabla\\vdot', '(', '['],
'div': ['VectorOperator', '\\vnabla\\vdot', '(', '['],
'curl': ['VectorOperator', '\\vnabla\\crossproduct', '(', '['],
'laplacian': ['OperatorApplication', '\\nabla^2', '(', '['],
}, PhysicsMethods);
* Macros for physics package (section 2.3).
new CommandMap('Physics-expressions-macros', {
'sin': 'Expression',
'sinh': 'Expression',
'arcsin': 'Expression',
'asin': 'Expression',
'cos': 'Expression',
'cosh': 'Expression',
'arccos': 'Expression',
'acos': 'Expression',
'tan': 'Expression',
'tanh': 'Expression',
'arctan': 'Expression',
'atan': 'Expression',
'csc': 'Expression',
'csch': 'Expression',
'arccsc': 'Expression',
'acsc': 'Expression',
'sec': 'Expression',
'sech': 'Expression',
'arcsec': 'Expression',
'asec': 'Expression',
'cot': 'Expression',
'coth': 'Expression',
'arccot': 'Expression',
'acot': 'Expression',
'exp': ['Expression', false],
'log': 'Expression',
'ln': 'Expression',
'det': ['Expression', false],
'Pr': ['Expression', false],
// New expressions.
'tr': ['Expression', false],
'trace': ['Expression', false, 'tr'],
'Tr': ['Expression', false],
'Trace': ['Expression', false, 'Tr'],
'rank': 'NamedFn',
'erf': ['Expression', false],
'Residue': ['Macro', '\\mathrm{Res}'],
'Res': ['OperatorApplication', '\\Residue', '(', '[', '{'],
'principalvalue': ['OperatorApplication', '{\\cal P}'],
'pv': ['OperatorApplication', '{\\cal P}'],
'PV': ['OperatorApplication', '{\\rm P.V.}'],
'Re': ['OperatorApplication', '\\mathrm{Re}', '{'],
'Im': ['OperatorApplication', '\\mathrm{Im}', '{'],
// Old named functions.
'sine': ['NamedFn', 'sin'],
'hypsine': ['NamedFn', 'sinh'],
'arcsine': ['NamedFn', 'arcsin'],
'asine': ['NamedFn', 'asin'],
'cosine': ['NamedFn', 'cos'],
'hypcosine': ['NamedFn', 'cosh'],
'arccosine': ['NamedFn', 'arccos'],
'acosine': ['NamedFn', 'acos'],
'tangent': ['NamedFn', 'tan'],
'hyptangent': ['NamedFn', 'tanh'],
'arctangent': ['NamedFn', 'arctan'],
'atangent': ['NamedFn', 'atan'],
'cosecant': ['NamedFn', 'csc'],
'hypcosecant': ['NamedFn', 'csch'],
'arccosecant': ['NamedFn', 'arccsc'],
'acosecant': ['NamedFn', 'acsc'],
'secant': ['NamedFn', 'sec'],
'hypsecant': ['NamedFn', 'sech'],
'arcsecant': ['NamedFn', 'arcsec'],
'asecant': ['NamedFn', 'asec'],
'cotangent': ['NamedFn', 'cot'],
'hypcotangent': ['NamedFn', 'coth'],
'arccotangent': ['NamedFn', 'arccot'],
'acotangent': ['NamedFn', 'acot'],
'exponential': ['NamedFn', 'exp'],
'logarithm': ['NamedFn', 'log'],
'naturallogarithm': ['NamedFn', 'ln'],
'determinant': ['NamedFn', 'det'],
'Probability': ['NamedFn', 'Pr'],
}, PhysicsMethods);
* Macros for physics package (section 2.4).
new CommandMap('Physics-quick-quad-macros', {
'qqtext': 'Qqtext',
'qq': 'Qqtext',
'qcomma': ['Macro', '\\qqtext*{,}'],
'qc': ['Macro', '\\qqtext*{,}'],
'qcc': ['Qqtext', 'c.c.'],
'qif': ['Qqtext', 'if'],
'qthen': ['Qqtext', 'then'],
'qelse': ['Qqtext', 'else'],
'qotherwise': ['Qqtext', 'otherwise'],
'qunless': ['Qqtext', 'unless'],
'qgiven': ['Qqtext', 'given'],
'qusing': ['Qqtext', 'using'],
'qassume': ['Qqtext', 'assume'],
'qsince': ['Qqtext', 'since'],
'qlet': ['Qqtext', 'let'],
'qfor': ['Qqtext', 'for'],
'qall': ['Qqtext', 'all'],
'qeven': ['Qqtext', 'even'],
'qodd': ['Qqtext', 'odd'],
'qinteger': ['Qqtext', 'integer'],
'qand': ['Qqtext', 'and'],
'qor': ['Qqtext', 'or'],
'qas': ['Qqtext', 'as'],
'qin': ['Qqtext', 'in'],
}, PhysicsMethods);
* Macros for physics package (section 2.5).
new CommandMap('Physics-derivative-macros', {
'diffd': 'DiffD',
'flatfrac': ['Macro', '\\left.#1\\middle/#2\\right.', 2],
'differential': ['Differential', '\\diffd'],
'dd': ['Differential', '\\diffd'],
'variation': ['Differential', '\\delta'],
'var': ['Differential', '\\delta'],
'derivative': ['Derivative', 2, '\\diffd'],
'dv': ['Derivative', 2, '\\diffd'],
'partialderivative': ['Derivative', 3, '\\partial'],
'pderivative': ['Derivative', 3, '\\partial'],
'pdv': ['Derivative', 3, '\\partial'],
'functionalderivative': ['Derivative', 2, '\\delta'],
'fderivative': ['Derivative', 2, '\\delta'],
'fdv': ['Derivative', 2, '\\delta'],
}, PhysicsMethods);
* Macros for physics package (section 2.6).
new CommandMap('Physics-bra-ket-macros', {
'bra': 'Bra',
'ket': 'Ket',
'innerproduct': 'BraKet',
'ip': 'BraKet',
'braket': 'BraKet',
'outerproduct': 'KetBra',
'dyad': 'KetBra',
'ketbra': 'KetBra',
'op': 'KetBra',
'expectationvalue': 'Expectation',
'expval': 'Expectation',
'ev': 'Expectation',
'matrixelement': 'MatrixElement',
'matrixel': 'MatrixElement',
'mel': 'MatrixElement',
}, PhysicsMethods);
* Macros for physics package (section 2.7).
new CommandMap('Physics-matrix-macros', {
'matrixquantity': 'MatrixQuantity',
'mqty' : 'MatrixQuantity',
'pmqty': ['Macro', '\\mqty(#1)', 1],
'Pmqty': ['Macro', '\\mqty*(#1)', 1],
'bmqty': ['Macro', '\\mqty[#1]', 1],
'vmqty': ['Macro', '\\mqty|#1|', 1],
// Smallmatrices
'smallmatrixquantity': ['MatrixQuantity', true],
'smqty': ['MatrixQuantity', true],
'spmqty': ['Macro', '\\smqty(#1)', 1],
'sPmqty': ['Macro', '\\smqty*(#1)', 1],
'sbmqty': ['Macro', '\\smqty[#1]', 1],
'svmqty': ['Macro', '\\smqty|#1|', 1],
'matrixdeterminant': ['Macro', '\\vmqty{#1}', 1],
'mdet': ['Macro', '\\vmqty{#1}', 1],
'smdet': ['Macro', '\\svmqty{#1}', 1],
'identitymatrix': 'IdentityMatrix',
'imat': 'IdentityMatrix',
'xmatrix': 'XMatrix',
'xmat': 'XMatrix',
'zeromatrix': ['Macro', '\\xmat{0}{#1}{#2}', 2],
'zmat': ['Macro', '\\xmat{0}{#1}{#2}', 2],
'paulimatrix': 'PauliMatrix',
'pmat': 'PauliMatrix',
'diagonalmatrix': 'DiagonalMatrix',
'dmat': 'DiagonalMatrix',
'antidiagonalmatrix': ['DiagonalMatrix', true],
'admat': ['DiagonalMatrix', true]
}, PhysicsMethods);
* Auxiliary environment map to define smallmatrix. This makes Physics
* independent of AmsMath.
new EnvironmentMap('Physics-aux-envs', ParseMethods.environment, {
smallmatrix: ['Array', null, null, null, 'c', '0.333em', '.2em', 'S', 1]
}, PhysicsMethods);
* Character map for braket package.
new MacroMap('Physics-characters', {
'|': ['AutoClose', TEXCLASS.ORD], // texClass: TEXCLASS.ORD, // Have to push the closer as mml with special property
')': 'AutoClose',
']': 'AutoClose'
}, PhysicsMethods);