182 lines
6.5 KiB
182 lines
6.5 KiB
"use strict";
// This is the same as rimrafPosix, with the following changes:
// 1. EBUSY, ENFILE, EMFILE trigger retries and/or exponential backoff
// 2. All non-directories are removed first and then all directories are
// removed in a second sweep.
// 3. If we hit ENOTEMPTY in the second sweep, fall back to move-remove on
// the that folder.
// Note: "move then remove" is 2-10 times slower, and just as unreliable.
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.rimrafWindowsSync = exports.rimrafWindows = void 0;
const path_1 = require("path");
const fix_eperm_js_1 = require("./fix-eperm.js");
const fs_js_1 = require("./fs.js");
const ignore_enoent_js_1 = require("./ignore-enoent.js");
const readdir_or_error_js_1 = require("./readdir-or-error.js");
const retry_busy_js_1 = require("./retry-busy.js");
const rimraf_move_remove_js_1 = require("./rimraf-move-remove.js");
const { unlink, rmdir, lstat } = fs_js_1.promises;
const rimrafWindowsFile = (0, retry_busy_js_1.retryBusy)((0, fix_eperm_js_1.fixEPERM)(unlink));
const rimrafWindowsFileSync = (0, retry_busy_js_1.retryBusySync)((0, fix_eperm_js_1.fixEPERMSync)(fs_js_1.unlinkSync));
const rimrafWindowsDirRetry = (0, retry_busy_js_1.retryBusy)((0, fix_eperm_js_1.fixEPERM)(rmdir));
const rimrafWindowsDirRetrySync = (0, retry_busy_js_1.retryBusySync)((0, fix_eperm_js_1.fixEPERMSync)(fs_js_1.rmdirSync));
const rimrafWindowsDirMoveRemoveFallback = async (path, opt) => {
/* c8 ignore start */
if (opt?.signal?.aborted) {
throw opt.signal.reason;
/* c8 ignore stop */
// already filtered, remove from options so we don't call unnecessarily
const { filter, ...options } = opt;
try {
return await rimrafWindowsDirRetry(path, options);
catch (er) {
if (er?.code === 'ENOTEMPTY') {
return await (0, rimraf_move_remove_js_1.rimrafMoveRemove)(path, options);
throw er;
const rimrafWindowsDirMoveRemoveFallbackSync = (path, opt) => {
if (opt?.signal?.aborted) {
throw opt.signal.reason;
// already filtered, remove from options so we don't call unnecessarily
const { filter, ...options } = opt;
try {
return rimrafWindowsDirRetrySync(path, options);
catch (er) {
const fer = er;
if (fer?.code === 'ENOTEMPTY') {
return (0, rimraf_move_remove_js_1.rimrafMoveRemoveSync)(path, options);
throw er;
const START = Symbol('start');
const CHILD = Symbol('child');
const FINISH = Symbol('finish');
const rimrafWindows = async (path, opt) => {
if (opt?.signal?.aborted) {
throw opt.signal.reason;
try {
return await rimrafWindowsDir(path, opt, await lstat(path), START);
catch (er) {
if (er?.code === 'ENOENT')
return true;
throw er;
exports.rimrafWindows = rimrafWindows;
const rimrafWindowsSync = (path, opt) => {
if (opt?.signal?.aborted) {
throw opt.signal.reason;
try {
return rimrafWindowsDirSync(path, opt, (0, fs_js_1.lstatSync)(path), START);
catch (er) {
if (er?.code === 'ENOENT')
return true;
throw er;
exports.rimrafWindowsSync = rimrafWindowsSync;
const rimrafWindowsDir = async (path, opt, ent, state = START) => {
if (opt?.signal?.aborted) {
throw opt.signal.reason;
const entries = ent.isDirectory() ? await (0, readdir_or_error_js_1.readdirOrError)(path) : null;
if (!Array.isArray(entries)) {
// this can only happen if lstat/readdir lied, or if the dir was
// swapped out with a file at just the right moment.
/* c8 ignore start */
if (entries) {
if (entries.code === 'ENOENT') {
return true;
if (entries.code !== 'ENOTDIR') {
throw entries;
/* c8 ignore stop */
if (opt.filter && !(await opt.filter(path, ent))) {
return false;
// is a file
await (0, ignore_enoent_js_1.ignoreENOENT)(rimrafWindowsFile(path, opt));
return true;
const s = state === START ? CHILD : state;
const removedAll = (await Promise.all(entries.map(ent => rimrafWindowsDir((0, path_1.resolve)(path, ent.name), opt, ent, s)))).reduce((a, b) => a && b, true);
if (state === START) {
return rimrafWindowsDir(path, opt, ent, FINISH);
else if (state === FINISH) {
if (opt.preserveRoot === false && path === (0, path_1.parse)(path).root) {
return false;
if (!removedAll) {
return false;
if (opt.filter && !(await opt.filter(path, ent))) {
return false;
await (0, ignore_enoent_js_1.ignoreENOENT)(rimrafWindowsDirMoveRemoveFallback(path, opt));
return true;
const rimrafWindowsDirSync = (path, opt, ent, state = START) => {
const entries = ent.isDirectory() ? (0, readdir_or_error_js_1.readdirOrErrorSync)(path) : null;
if (!Array.isArray(entries)) {
// this can only happen if lstat/readdir lied, or if the dir was
// swapped out with a file at just the right moment.
/* c8 ignore start */
if (entries) {
if (entries.code === 'ENOENT') {
return true;
if (entries.code !== 'ENOTDIR') {
throw entries;
/* c8 ignore stop */
if (opt.filter && !opt.filter(path, ent)) {
return false;
// is a file
(0, ignore_enoent_js_1.ignoreENOENTSync)(() => rimrafWindowsFileSync(path, opt));
return true;
let removedAll = true;
for (const ent of entries) {
const s = state === START ? CHILD : state;
const p = (0, path_1.resolve)(path, ent.name);
removedAll = rimrafWindowsDirSync(p, opt, ent, s) && removedAll;
if (state === START) {
return rimrafWindowsDirSync(path, opt, ent, FINISH);
else if (state === FINISH) {
if (opt.preserveRoot === false && path === (0, path_1.parse)(path).root) {
return false;
if (!removedAll) {
return false;
if (opt.filter && !opt.filter(path, ent)) {
return false;
(0, ignore_enoent_js_1.ignoreENOENTSync)(() => {
rimrafWindowsDirMoveRemoveFallbackSync(path, opt);
return true;
//# sourceMappingURL=rimraf-windows.js.map