352 lines
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352 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2018-2022 The MathJax Consortium
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @fileoverview Mappings for TeX parsing for the bussproofs package.
* @author v.sorge@mathjax.org (Volker Sorge)
import {ParseMethod} from '../Types.js';
import TexError from '../TexError.js';
import TexParser from '../TexParser.js';
import ParseUtil from '../ParseUtil.js';
import {StackItem} from '../StackItem.js';
import {MmlNode} from '../../../core/MmlTree/MmlNode.js';
import * as BussproofsUtil from './BussproofsUtil.js';
// Namespace
let BussproofsMethods: Record<string, ParseMethod> = {};
* Implements the proof tree environment.
* @param {TexParser} parser The current parser.
* @param {StackItem} begin The opening element of the environment.
* @return {StackItem} The proof tree stackitem.
// TODO: Error handling if we have leftover elements or elements are not in the
// required order.
BussproofsMethods.Prooftree = function(parser: TexParser, begin: StackItem): StackItem {
// TODO: Check if opening a proof tree is legal.
let newItem = parser.itemFactory.create('proofTree').
setProperties({name: begin.getName(),
line: 'solid', currentLine: 'solid', rootAtTop: false});
// parser.Push(item);
return newItem;
* Implements the Axiom command.
* @param {TexParser} parser The current parser.
* @param {string} name The name of the command.
BussproofsMethods.Axiom = function(parser: TexParser, name: string) {
let top = parser.stack.Top();
// TODO: Label error
if (top.kind !== 'proofTree') {
throw new TexError('IllegalProofCommand',
'Proof commands only allowed in prooftree environment.');
let content = paddedContent(parser, parser.GetArgument(name));
BussproofsUtil.setProperty(content, 'axiom', true);
* Pads content of an inference rule.
* @param {TexParser} parser The calling parser.
* @param {string} content The content to be padded.
* @return {MmlNode} The mrow element with padded content.
const paddedContent = function(parser: TexParser, content: string): MmlNode {
// Add padding on either site.
let nodes = ParseUtil.internalMath(parser, ParseUtil.trimSpaces(content), 0);
if (!nodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes.length) {
return parser.create('node', 'mrow', []);
let lpad = parser.create('node', 'mspace', [], {width: '.5ex'});
let rpad = parser.create('node', 'mspace', [], {width: '.5ex'});
return parser.create('node', 'mrow', [lpad, ...nodes, rpad]);
* Implements the Inference rule commands.
* @param {TexParser} parser The current parser.
* @param {string} name The name of the command.
* @param {number} n Number of premises for this inference rule.
BussproofsMethods.Inference = function(parser: TexParser, name: string, n: number) {
let top = parser.stack.Top();
if (top.kind !== 'proofTree') {
throw new TexError('IllegalProofCommand',
'Proof commands only allowed in prooftree environment.');
if (top.Size() < n) {
throw new TexError('BadProofTree', 'Proof tree badly specified.');
const rootAtTop = top.getProperty('rootAtTop') as boolean;
const childCount = (n === 1 && !top.Peek()[0].childNodes.length) ? 0 : n;
let children: MmlNode[] = [];
do {
if (children.length) {
children.unshift(parser.create('node', 'mtd', [], {}));
parser.create('node', 'mtd', [top.Pop()],
{'rowalign': (rootAtTop ? 'top' : 'bottom')}));
} while (n > 0);
let row = parser.create('node', 'mtr', children, {});
let table = parser.create('node', 'mtable', [row], {framespacing: '0 0'});
let conclusion = paddedContent(parser, parser.GetArgument(name));
let style = top.getProperty('currentLine') as string;
if (style !== top.getProperty('line')) {
top.setProperty('currentLine', top.getProperty('line'));
let rule = createRule(
parser, table, [conclusion], top.getProperty('left') as MmlNode,
top.getProperty('right') as MmlNode, style, rootAtTop);
top.setProperty('left', null);
top.setProperty('right', null);
BussproofsUtil.setProperty(rule, 'inference', childCount);
parser.configuration.addNode('inference', rule);
* Creates a ND style inference rule.
* @param {TexParser} parser The calling parser.
* @param {MmlNode} premise The premise (a single table).
* @param {MmlNode[]} conclusions Elements that are combined into the conclusion.
* @param {MmlNode|null} left The left label if it exists.
* @param {MmlNode|null} right The right label if it exists.
* @param {string} style Style of inference rule line.
* @param {boolean} rootAtTop Direction of inference rule: true for root at top.
function createRule(parser: TexParser, premise: MmlNode,
conclusions: MmlNode[], left: MmlNode | null,
right: MmlNode | null, style: string,
rootAtTop: boolean) {
const upper = parser.create(
'node', 'mtr', [parser.create('node', 'mtd', [premise], {})], {});
const lower = parser.create(
'node', 'mtr', [parser.create('node', 'mtd', conclusions, {})], {});
let rule = parser.create('node', 'mtable', rootAtTop ? [lower, upper] : [upper, lower],
{align: 'top 2', rowlines: style, framespacing: '0 0'});
BussproofsUtil.setProperty(rule, 'inferenceRule', rootAtTop ? 'up' : 'down');
let leftLabel, rightLabel;
if (left) {
leftLabel = parser.create(
'node', 'mpadded', [left],
{height: '+.5em', width: '+.5em', voffset: '-.15em'});
BussproofsUtil.setProperty(leftLabel, 'prooflabel', 'left');
if (right) {
rightLabel = parser.create(
'node', 'mpadded', [right],
{height: '+.5em', width: '+.5em', voffset: '-.15em'});
BussproofsUtil.setProperty(rightLabel, 'prooflabel', 'right');
let children, label;
if (left && right) {
children = [leftLabel, rule, rightLabel];
label = 'both';
} else if (left) {
children = [leftLabel, rule];
label = 'left';
} else if (right) {
children = [rule, rightLabel];
label = 'right';
} else {
return rule;
rule = parser.create('node', 'mrow', children);
BussproofsUtil.setProperty(rule, 'labelledRule', label);
return rule;
* Implements the label command.
* @param {TexParser} parser The current parser.
* @param {string} name The name of the command.
* @param {string} side The side of the label.
BussproofsMethods.Label = function(parser: TexParser, name: string, side: string) {
let top = parser.stack.Top();
// Label error
if (top.kind !== 'proofTree') {
throw new TexError('IllegalProofCommand',
'Proof commands only allowed in prooftree environment.');
let content = ParseUtil.internalMath(parser, parser.GetArgument(name), 0);
let label = (content.length > 1) ?
parser.create('node', 'mrow', content, {}) : content[0];
top.setProperty(side, label);
* Sets line style for inference rules.
* @param {TexParser} parser The current parser.
* @param {string} name The name of the command.
* @param {string} style The line style to set.
* @param {boolean} always Set as permanent style.
BussproofsMethods.SetLine = function(parser: TexParser, _name: string, style: string, always: boolean) {
let top = parser.stack.Top();
// Label error
if (top.kind !== 'proofTree') {
throw new TexError('IllegalProofCommand',
'Proof commands only allowed in prooftree environment.');
top.setProperty('currentLine', style);
if (always) {
top.setProperty('line', style);
* Implements commands indicating where the root of the proof tree is.
* @param {TexParser} parser The current parser.
* @param {string} name The name of the command.
* @param {string} where If true root is at top, otherwise at bottom.
BussproofsMethods.RootAtTop = function(parser: TexParser, _name: string, where: boolean) {
let top = parser.stack.Top();
if (top.kind !== 'proofTree') {
throw new TexError('IllegalProofCommand',
'Proof commands only allowed in prooftree environment.');
top.setProperty('rootAtTop', where);
* Implements Axiom command for sequents.
* @param {TexParser} parser The current parser.
* @param {string} name The name of the command.
BussproofsMethods.AxiomF = function(parser: TexParser, name: string) {
let top = parser.stack.Top();
if (top.kind !== 'proofTree') {
throw new TexError('IllegalProofCommand',
'Proof commands only allowed in prooftree environment.');
let line = parseFCenterLine(parser, name);
BussproofsUtil.setProperty(line, 'axiom', true);
* Parses a line with a sequent (i.e., one containing \\fcenter).
* @param {TexParser} parser The current parser.
* @param {string} name The name of the calling command.
* @return {MmlNode} The parsed line.
function parseFCenterLine(parser: TexParser, name: string): MmlNode {
let dollar = parser.GetNext();
if (dollar !== '$') {
throw new TexError('IllegalUseOfCommand',
'Use of %1 does not match it\'s definition.', name);
let axiom = parser.GetUpTo(name, '$');
if (axiom.indexOf('\\fCenter') === -1) {
throw new TexError('IllegalUseOfCommand',
'Missing \\fCenter in %1.', name);
// Check for fCenter and throw error?
let [prem, conc] = axiom.split('\\fCenter');
let premise = (new TexParser(prem, parser.stack.env, parser.configuration)).mml();
let conclusion = (new TexParser(conc, parser.stack.env, parser.configuration)).mml();
let fcenter = (new TexParser('\\fCenter', parser.stack.env, parser.configuration)).mml();
const left = parser.create('node', 'mtd', [premise], {});
const middle = parser.create('node', 'mtd', [fcenter], {});
const right = parser.create('node', 'mtd', [conclusion], {});
const row = parser.create('node', 'mtr', [left, middle, right], {});
const table = parser.create('node', 'mtable', [row], {columnspacing: '.5ex', columnalign: 'center 2'});
BussproofsUtil.setProperty(table, 'sequent', true);
parser.configuration.addNode('sequent', row);
return table;
* Placeholder for Fcenter macro that can be overwritten with renewcommand.
* @param {TexParser} parser The current parser.
* @param {string} name The name of the command.
BussproofsMethods.FCenter = function(_parser: TexParser, _name: string) { };
* Implements inference rules for sequents.
* @param {TexParser} parser The current parser.
* @param {string} name The name of the command.
* @param {number} n Number of premises for this inference rule.
BussproofsMethods.InferenceF = function(parser: TexParser, name: string, n: number) {
let top = parser.stack.Top();
if (top.kind !== 'proofTree') {
throw new TexError('IllegalProofCommand',
'Proof commands only allowed in prooftree environment.');
if (top.Size() < n) {
throw new TexError('BadProofTree', 'Proof tree badly specified.');
const rootAtTop = top.getProperty('rootAtTop') as boolean;
const childCount = (n === 1 && !top.Peek()[0].childNodes.length) ? 0 : n;
let children: MmlNode[] = [];
do {
if (children.length) {
children.unshift(parser.create('node', 'mtd', [], {}));
parser.create('node', 'mtd', [top.Pop()],
{'rowalign': (rootAtTop ? 'top' : 'bottom')}));
} while (n > 0);
let row = parser.create('node', 'mtr', children, {});
let table = parser.create('node', 'mtable', [row], {framespacing: '0 0'});
let conclusion = parseFCenterLine(parser, name); // TODO: Padding
let style = top.getProperty('currentLine') as string;
if (style !== top.getProperty('line')) {
top.setProperty('currentLine', top.getProperty('line'));
let rule = createRule(
parser, table, [conclusion], top.getProperty('left') as MmlNode,
top.getProperty('right') as MmlNode, style, rootAtTop);
top.setProperty('left', null);
top.setProperty('right', null);
BussproofsUtil.setProperty(rule, 'inference', childCount);
parser.configuration.addNode('inference', rule);
export default BussproofsMethods;