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* Copyright (c) 2017-2022 The MathJax Consortium
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @fileoverview Implements the HTMLDocument class
* @author dpvc@mathjax.org (Davide Cervone)
import {AbstractMathDocument} from '../../core/MathDocument.js';
import {userOptions, separateOptions, OptionList, expandable} from '../../util/Options.js';
import {HTMLMathItem} from './HTMLMathItem.js';
import {HTMLMathList} from './HTMLMathList.js';
import {HTMLDomStrings} from './HTMLDomStrings.js';
import {DOMAdaptor} from '../../core/DOMAdaptor.js';
import {InputJax} from '../../core/InputJax.js';
import {STATE, ProtoItem, Location} from '../../core/MathItem.js';
import {StyleList} from '../../util/StyleList.js';
* List of Lists of pairs consisting of a DOM node and its text length
* These represent the Text elements that make up a single
* string in the list of strings to be searched for math
* (multiple consecutive Text nodes can form a single string).
* @template N The HTMLElement node class
* @template T The Text node class
export type HTMLNodeArray<N, T> = [N | T, number][][];
* The HTMLDocument class (extends AbstractMathDocument)
* @template N The HTMLElement node class
* @template T The Text node class
* @template D The Document class
export class HTMLDocument<N, T, D> extends AbstractMathDocument<N, T, D> {
* The kind of document
public static KIND: string = 'HTML';
* The default options for HTMLDocument
public static OPTIONS: OptionList = {
renderActions: expandable({
styles: [STATE.INSERTED + 1, '', 'updateStyleSheet', false] // update styles on a rerender() call
MathList: HTMLMathList, // Use the HTMLMathList for MathLists
MathItem: HTMLMathItem, // Use the HTMLMathItem for MathItem
DomStrings: null // Use the default DomString parser
* Extra styles to be included in the document's stylesheet (added by extensions)
protected styles: StyleList[];
* The DomString parser for locating the text in DOM trees
public domStrings: HTMLDomStrings<N, T, D>;
* @override
* @constructor
* @extends {AbstractMathDocument}
constructor(document: any, adaptor: DOMAdaptor<N, T, D>, options: OptionList) {
let [html, dom] = separateOptions(options, HTMLDomStrings.OPTIONS);
super(document, adaptor, html);
this.domStrings = this.options['DomStrings'] || new HTMLDomStrings<N, T, D>(dom);
this.domStrings.adaptor = adaptor;
this.styles = [];
* Creates a Location object for a delimiter at the position given by index in the N's string
* of the array of strings searched for math, recovering the original DOM node where the delimiter
* was found.
* @param {number} N The index of the string in the string array
* @param {number} index The position within the N's string that needs to be found
* @param {string} delim The delimiter for this position
* @param {HTMLNodeArray} nodes The list of node lists representing the string array
* @return {Location} The Location object for the position of the delimiter in the document
protected findPosition(N: number, index: number, delim: string, nodes: HTMLNodeArray<N, T>): Location<N, T> {
const adaptor = this.adaptor;
for (const list of nodes[N]) {
let [node, n] = list;
if (index <= n && adaptor.kind(node) === '#text') {
return {node: node, n: Math.max(index, 0), delim: delim};
index -= n;
return {node: null, n: 0, delim: delim};
* Convert a ProtoItem to a MathItem (i.e., determine the actual Location
* objects for its start and end)
* @param {ProtoItem} item The proto math item to turn into an actual MathItem
* @param {InputJax} jax The input jax to use for the MathItem
* @param {HTMLNodeArray} nodes The array of node lists that produced the string array
* @return {HTMLMathItem} The MathItem for the given proto item
protected mathItem(item: ProtoItem<N, T>, jax: InputJax<N, T, D>,
nodes: HTMLNodeArray<N, T>): HTMLMathItem<N, T, D> {
let math = item.math;
let start = this.findPosition(item.n, item.start.n, item.open, nodes);
let end = this.findPosition(item.n, item.end.n, item.close, nodes);
return new this.options.MathItem(math, jax, item.display, start, end) as HTMLMathItem<N, T, D>;
* Find math within the document:
* Get the list of containers (default is document.body), and for each:
* For each input jax:
* Make a new MathList to store the located math
* If the input jax processes strings:
* If we haven't already made the string array and corresponding node list, do so
* Ask the jax to find the math in the string array, and
* for each one, push it onto the math list
* Otherwise (the jax processes DOM nodes):
* Ask the jax to find the math in the container, and
* for each one, make the result into a MathItem, and push it on the list
* Merge the new math list into the document's math list
* (we use merge to maintain a sorted list of MathItems)
* @override
public findMath(options: OptionList) {
if (!this.processed.isSet('findMath')) {
this.adaptor.document = this.document;
options = userOptions({elements: this.options.elements || [this.adaptor.body(this.document)]}, options);
for (const container of this.adaptor.getElements(options['elements'], this.document)) {
let [strings, nodes] = [null, null] as [string[], HTMLNodeArray<N, T>];
for (const jax of this.inputJax) {
let list = new (this.options['MathList'])();
if (jax.processStrings) {
if (strings === null) {
[strings, nodes] = this.domStrings.find(container);
for (const math of jax.findMath(strings)) {
list.push(this.mathItem(math, jax, nodes));
} else {
for (const math of jax.findMath(container)) {
let item: HTMLMathItem<N, T, D> =
new this.options.MathItem(math.math, jax, math.display, math.start, math.end);
return this;
* @override
public updateDocument() {
if (!this.processed.isSet('updateDocument')) {
return this;
* Add any elements needed for the document
protected addPageElements() {
const body = this.adaptor.body(this.document);
const node = this.documentPageElements();
if (node) {
this.adaptor.append(body, node);
* Add the stylesheet to the document
public addStyleSheet() {
const sheet = this.documentStyleSheet();
const adaptor = this.adaptor;
if (sheet && !adaptor.parent(sheet)) {
const head = adaptor.head(this.document);
let styles = this.findSheet(head, adaptor.getAttribute(sheet, 'id'));
if (styles) {
adaptor.replace(sheet, styles);
} else {
adaptor.append(head, sheet);
* @param {N} head The document <head>
* @param {string} id The id of the stylesheet to find
* @param {N|null} The stylesheet with the given ID
protected findSheet(head: N, id: string) {
if (id) {
for (const sheet of this.adaptor.tags(head, 'style')) {
if (this.adaptor.getAttribute(sheet, 'id') === id) {
return sheet;
return null as N;
* @override
public removeFromDocument(restore: boolean = false) {
if (this.processed.isSet('updateDocument')) {
for (const math of this.math) {
if (math.state() >= STATE.INSERTED) {
math.state(STATE.TYPESET, restore);
return this;
* @override
public documentStyleSheet() {
return this.outputJax.styleSheet(this);
* @override
public documentPageElements() {
return this.outputJax.pageElements(this);
* Add styles to be included in the document's stylesheet
* @param {StyleList} styles The styles to include
public addStyles(styles: StyleList) {
* Get the array of document-specific styles
public getStyles() {
return this.styles;