51 lines
1.8 KiB
51 lines
1.8 KiB
// @flow
import katexReplaceWithTex from './katex2tex';
// Return <div class="katex"> element containing node, or null if not found.
function closestKatex(node: Node): ?Element {
// If node is a Text Node, for example, go up to containing Element,
// where we can apply the `closest` method.
const element: ?Element =
(node instanceof Element ? node : node.parentElement);
return element && element.closest('.katex');
// Global copy handler to modify behavior on/within .katex elements.
document.addEventListener('copy', function(event: ClipboardEvent) {
const selection = window.getSelection();
if (selection.isCollapsed || !event.clipboardData) {
return; // default action OK if selection is empty or unchangeable
const clipboardData = event.clipboardData;
const range = selection.getRangeAt(0);
// When start point is within a formula, expand to entire formula.
const startKatex = closestKatex(range.startContainer);
if (startKatex) {
// Similarly, when end point is within a formula, expand to entire formula.
const endKatex = closestKatex(range.endContainer);
if (endKatex) {
const fragment = range.cloneContents();
if (!fragment.querySelector('.katex-mathml')) {
return; // default action OK if no .katex-mathml elements
const htmlContents = Array.prototype.map.call(fragment.childNodes,
(el) => (el instanceof Text ? el.textContent : el.outerHTML)
// Preserve usual HTML copy/paste behavior.
clipboardData.setData('text/html', htmlContents);
// Rewrite plain-text version.
// Prevent normal copy handling.