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65 lines
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* @typedef {import('hast').Element} Element
* @typedef {import('mathjax-full/js/core/MathDocument.js').MathDocument<HTMLElement, Text, Document>} MathDocument
* @typedef {import('mathjax-full/js/core/OutputJax.js').OutputJax<HTMLElement, Text, Document>} OutputJax
* @typedef {import('./create-plugin.js').Options} Options
* @typedef {import('./create-plugin.js').Renderer} Renderer
import {fromDom} from 'hast-util-from-dom'
import {RegisterHTMLHandler} from 'mathjax-full/js/handlers/html.js'
import {TeX} from 'mathjax-full/js/input/tex.js'
import {AllPackages} from 'mathjax-full/js/input/tex/AllPackages.js'
import {mathjax} from 'mathjax-full/js/mathjax.js'
import {createAdapter} from '#create-adapter'
const adapter = createAdapter()
// To do next major: Keep resultant HTML handler from `register(adapter)` to
// allow registering the `AssistiveMmlHandler` as in this demo:
// <https://github.com/mathjax/MathJax-demos-node/tree/master/direct>
// To do next major: If registering `AssistiveMmlHandler` is supported through
// configuration, move HTML handler registration to beginning of transformer and
// unregister at the end of transformer with
// `mathjax.handlers.unregister(handler)`.
// That is to prevent memory leak in `mathjax.handlers` whenever a new instance
// of the plugin is used.
/* eslint-disable-next-line new-cap */
* Create a renderer.
* @param {Options} options
* Configuration.
* @param {OutputJax} output
* Output jax.
* @returns {Renderer}
* Rendeder.
export function createRenderer(options, output) {
const input = new TeX({packages: AllPackages, ...options.tex})
/** @type {MathDocument} */
const doc = mathjax.document('', {InputJax: input, OutputJax: output})
return {
render(value, options) {
// Cast as this practically results in `HTMLElement`.
const domNode = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ (doc.convert(value, options))
// Cast as `HTMLElement` results in an `Element`.
const hastNode = /** @type {Element} */ (fromDom(domNode))
return [hastNode]
styleSheet() {
const value = adapter.textContent(output.styleSheet(doc))
return {
type: 'element',
tagName: 'style',
properties: {},
children: [{type: 'text', value}]