104 lines
3.5 KiB
104 lines
3.5 KiB
import './polyfills.js';
import renderToString from './pretty.js';
import { indent, encodeEntities } from './util.js';
import prettyFormat from 'pretty-format';
/** @typedef {import('preact').VNode} VNode */
// we have to patch in Array support, Possible issue in npm.im/pretty-format
let preactPlugin = {
test(object) {
return (
object &&
typeof object === 'object' &&
'type' in object &&
'props' in object &&
'key' in object
print(val, print, indent) {
return renderToString(val, preactPlugin.context, preactPlugin.opts, true);
let prettyFormatOpts = {
plugins: [preactPlugin]
function attributeHook(name, value, context, opts, isComponent) {
let type = typeof value;
// Use render-to-string's built-in handling for these properties
if (name === 'dangerouslySetInnerHTML') return false;
// always skip null & undefined values, skip false DOM attributes, skip functions if told to
if (value == null || (type === 'function' && !opts.functions)) return '';
if (
opts.skipFalseAttributes &&
!isComponent &&
(value === false ||
((name === 'class' || name === 'style') && value === ''))
return '';
let indentChar = typeof opts.pretty === 'string' ? opts.pretty : '\t';
if (type !== 'string') {
if (type === 'function' && !opts.functionNames) {
value = 'Function';
} else {
preactPlugin.context = context;
preactPlugin.opts = opts;
value = prettyFormat(value, prettyFormatOpts);
if (~value.indexOf('\n')) {
value = `${indent('\n' + value, indentChar)}\n`;
return indent(`\n${name}={${value}}`, indentChar);
return `\n${indentChar}${name}="${encodeEntities(value)}"`;
let defaultOpts = {
jsx: true,
xml: false,
functions: true,
functionNames: true,
skipFalseAttributes: true,
pretty: ' '
* Render Preact JSX + Components to a pretty-printed HTML-like string.
* @param {VNode} vnode JSX Element / VNode to render
* @param {Object} [context={}] Initial root context object
* @param {Object} [options={}] Rendering options
* @param {Boolean} [options.jsx=true] Generate JSX/XML output instead of HTML
* @param {Boolean} [options.xml=false] Use self-closing tags for elements without children
* @param {Boolean} [options.shallow=false] Serialize nested Components (`<Foo a="b" />`) instead of rendering
* @param {Boolean} [options.pretty=false] Add whitespace for readability
* @param {RegExp|undefined} [options.voidElements] RegeEx to define which element types are self-closing
* @returns {String} a pretty-printed HTML-like string
export default function renderToStringPretty(vnode, context, options) {
const opts = Object.assign({}, defaultOpts, options || {});
if (!opts.jsx) opts.attributeHook = null;
return renderToString(vnode, context, opts);
export { renderToStringPretty as render };
const SHALLOW = { shallow: true };
/** Only render elements, leaving Components inline as `<ComponentName ... />`.
* This method is just a convenience alias for `render(vnode, context, { shallow:true })`
* @name shallow
* @function
* @param {VNode} vnode JSX VNode to render.
* @param {Object} [context={}] Optionally pass an initial context object through the render path.
* @param {Parameters<typeof renderToStringPretty>[2]} [options] Optionally pass an initial context object through the render path.
export function shallowRender(vnode, context, options) {
const opts = Object.assign({}, SHALLOW, options || {});
return renderToStringPretty(vnode, context, opts);