428 lines
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428 lines
14 KiB
declare module "flexsearch" {
// Type definitions for flexsearch 0.7
// Project: https://github.com/nextapps-de/flexsearch/
// Definitions by: LOSSES Don <https://github.com/Losses>
// Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped
/* Utils */
export type Id = number | string;
export type Limit = number;
export type ExportHandler<T> = (id: string | number, value: T) => void;
export type AsyncCallback<T = undefined> = T extends undefined
? () => void
: (result: T) => void;
export type UnknownFunction = (...x: unknown[]) => unknown;
export type StoreOption = boolean | string | string[];
export type EnrichStoreOption = true | string | string[];
/* Common Options */
* **Document:**
* * Presets: https://github.com/nextapps-de/flexsearch#presets
export type Preset = "memory" | "performance" | "match" | "score" | "default";
* **Document:**
* * Tokenizer: https://github.com/nextapps-de/flexsearch#tokenizer-prefix-search
* * Add custom tokenizer: https://github.com/nextapps-de/flexsearch#add-custom-tokenizer
export type Tokenizer =
| "strict"
| "forward"
| "reverse"
| "full"
| ((x: string) => string[]);
* **Document:**
* * Encoders: https://github.com/nextapps-de/flexsearch#encoders
export type Encoders =
| false
| "default"
| "simple"
| "balance"
| "advanced"
| "extra"
| ((x: string) => string[]);
* **Document:**
* * Contextual search: https://github.com/nextapps-de/flexsearch#contextual
export interface ContextOptions {
resolution: number;
depth: false | number;
bidirectional: boolean;
* **Document:**
* * Search options: https://github.com/nextapps-de/flexsearch#search-options
export interface SearchOptions {
query?: string;
limit?: number;
offset?: number;
suggest?: boolean;
* **Document:**
* * The document descriptor: https://github.com/nextapps-de/flexsearch#the-document-descriptor
export interface Descriptor<T, Store extends StoreOption = false> {
id: string | number;
field: string[] | Array<IndexOptions<T, Store>>;
* **Document:**
* * Context Options: https://github.com/nextapps-de/flexsearch#context-options
export interface ContextOptions {
resolution: number;
depth: false | number;
bidirectional: boolean;
* **Document:**
* * Charset options: https://github.com/nextapps-de/flexsearch#charset-options
export interface CharsetOptions {
split: false | string | RegExp;
rtl: boolean;
encode: (x: string) => string[];
export interface Stemmer {
[key: string]: string;
export interface Matcher {
[key: string]: string;
export type FilterFunction = (x: string) => boolean;
export type FilterArray = string[];
* **Document:**
* * Language Options: https://github.com/nextapps-de/flexsearch#language-options
* * Language: https://github.com/nextapps-de/flexsearch#languages
export interface LanguageOptions {
stemmer: false | string | Stemmer | UnknownFunction;
filter: false | string | FilterArray | FilterFunction;
matcher: false | string | Matcher | UnknownFunction;
* These options will determine how the documents be indexed.
* **Generic type parameters:**
* @template T The type of the document.
* @template Store If store is enabled.
* **Document:**
* * Index options: https://github.com/nextapps-de/flexsearch#index-options
* * Language: https://github.com/nextapps-de/flexsearch#languages
export interface IndexOptions<T, Store extends StoreOption = false> {
preset?: Preset;
tokenize?: Tokenizer;
cache?: boolean | number;
resolution?: number;
context?: boolean | IndexOptions<T, Store> | ContextOptions;
optimize?: boolean;
boost?: (words: string[], term: string, index: number) => number;
// Language-specific Options and Encoding
charset?: CharsetOptions | string;
language?: LanguageOptions | string;
encode?: Encoders;
stemmer?: LanguageOptions["stemmer"];
filter?: LanguageOptions["filter"];
matcher?: LanguageOptions["matcher"];
/* Index Search */
export type IndexSearchResult = Id[];
* **Document:**
* * Basic usage and variants: https://github.com/nextapps-de/flexsearch#basic-usage-and-variants
* * API overview: https://github.com/nextapps-de/flexsearch#api-overview
* * Usage: https://github.com/nextapps-de/flexsearch#usage
export class Index {
constructor(x?: Preset | IndexOptions<string>);
add(id: Id, item: string): this;
append(id: Id, item: string): this;
update(id: Id, item: string): this;
remove(target: Id): this;
search(query: string, options?: Limit | SearchOptions): IndexSearchResult;
query: string,
limit: number,
options: SearchOptions
): IndexSearchResult;
search(options: SearchOptions): IndexSearchResult;
// https://github.com/nextapps-de/flexsearch#check-existence-of-already-indexed-ids
contain(id: Id): boolean;
export(handler: ExportHandler<string>): Promise<void>;
import(id: Id, item: string): Promise<void>;
// Async Methods
id: Id,
item: string,
callback?: AsyncCallback<this>
): Promise<this>;
id: Id,
item: string,
callback?: AsyncCallback<this>
): Promise<this>;
id: Id,
item: string,
callback?: AsyncCallback<this>
): Promise<this>;
removeAsync(target: Id, callback?: AsyncCallback<this>): Promise<this>;
query: string,
options?: Limit | SearchOptions,
callback?: AsyncCallback<IndexSearchResult>
): Promise<IndexSearchResult>;
query: string,
limit: number,
options?: Limit | SearchOptions
): IndexSearchResult;
searchAsync(options: SearchOptions): Promise<IndexSearchResult>;
* **Document:**
* * Basic usage and variants: https://github.com/nextapps-de/flexsearch#basic-usage-and-variants
* * API overview: https://github.com/nextapps-de/flexsearch#api-overview
* * Worker index: https://github.com/nextapps-de/flexsearch#worker-index
export class Worker {
constructor(x?: Preset | IndexOptions<string>);
add(id: Id, item: string, callback?: AsyncCallback<Worker>): Promise<this>;
append(id: Id, item: string, callback?: AsyncCallback<this>): Promise<this>;
update(id: Id, item: string, callback?: AsyncCallback<this>): Promise<this>;
remove(target: Id, callback?: AsyncCallback<this>): Promise<this>;
query: string,
options?: Limit | SearchOptions,
callback?: AsyncCallback<IndexSearchResult>
): Promise<IndexSearchResult>;
query: string,
limit: number,
options?: Limit | SearchOptions
): IndexSearchResult;
search(options: SearchOptions): Promise<IndexSearchResult>;
// Async Methods
id: Id,
item: string,
callback?: AsyncCallback<this>
): Promise<this>;
id: Id,
item: string,
callback?: AsyncCallback<this>
): Promise<this>;
id: Id,
item: string,
callback?: AsyncCallback<this>
): Promise<this>;
removeAsync(target: Id, callback?: AsyncCallback<this>): Promise<this>;
query: string,
options?: Limit | SearchOptions,
callback?: AsyncCallback<IndexSearchResult>
): Promise<IndexSearchResult>;
query: string,
limit: number,
options?: Limit | SearchOptions
): IndexSearchResult;
searchAsync(options: SearchOptions): Promise<IndexSearchResult>;
/* Document Search */
* **Document:**
* * Document options: https://github.com/nextapps-de/flexsearch#document-options
export interface DocumentOptions<T, Store extends StoreOption = false> {
id: string;
tag?: false | string;
| string
| string[]
| Array<IndexOptions<T, Store> & { field: string }>;
store?: Store;
* **Document:**
* * Index options: https://github.com/nextapps-de/flexsearch#index-options
export interface IndexOptionsForDocumentSearch<
Store extends StoreOption = false
> extends IndexOptions<T, Store> {
// Additional Options for Document Indexes
worker?: boolean;
document?: DocumentOptions<T, Store> | Descriptor<T, Store>;
export interface SimpleDocumentSearchResultSetUnit {
field: string;
result: Id[];
export interface EnrichedDocumentSearchResultSetUnitResultUnit<T> {
id: Id[];
doc: T;
export interface EnrichedDocumentSearchResultSetUnit<T> {
field: string;
result: Array<EnrichedDocumentSearchResultSetUnitResultUnit<T>>;
* # Document Search Result
* To make your result return the full document:
* * set `store` to `true` while creating the document;
* * set `enrich` to `true` while searching.
* If neither of these conditions is met, then the returned result will be a `ISimpleDocumentSearchResult`.
export type DocumentSearchResult<
Store extends StoreOption = false,
Enrich extends boolean = false
> = [Store, Enrich] extends [EnrichStoreOption, true]
? Array<EnrichedDocumentSearchResultSetUnit<T>>
: SimpleDocumentSearchResultSetUnit[];
* **Document:**
* * Document search options: https://github.com/nextapps-de/flexsearch#document-search-options
export interface DocumentSearchOptions<T extends boolean> extends SearchOptions {
index?: string | string[] | SearchOptions[];
tag?: string | string[];
enrich?: T;
bool?: "and" | "or";
* **Document:**
* * Basic usage and variants: https://github.com/nextapps-de/flexsearch#basic-usage-and-variants
* * API overview: https://github.com/nextapps-de/flexsearch#api-overview
* * Document store: https://github.com/nextapps-de/flexsearch#document-store
export class Document<T, Store extends StoreOption = false> {
options: IndexOptionsForDocumentSearch<T, Store>,
typeHack?: T
add(document: T): this;
add(id: Id, document: T): this;
append(document: T): this;
append(id: Id, document: T): this;
update(document: T): this;
update(id: Id, document: T): this;
remove(target: Id | T): this;
search(query: string, limit?: number): SimpleDocumentSearchResultSetUnit[];
// https://github.com/nextapps-de/flexsearch#field-search
query: string,
options: string[] | Partial<DocumentSearchOptions<boolean>>
): SimpleDocumentSearchResultSetUnit[];
search<Enrich extends boolean = false>(
query: string,
limit?: number,
options?: Partial<DocumentSearchOptions<Enrich>>
): DocumentSearchResult<T, Store, Enrich>;
options: Partial<DocumentSearchOptions<boolean>>
): SimpleDocumentSearchResultSetUnit[];
export(handler: ExportHandler<T>): Promise<void>;
import(id: Id, document: T): Promise<void>;
// Async Methods
addAsync(id: Id, document: T, callback?: AsyncCallback): Promise<this>;
appendAsync(id: Id, document: T, callback?: AsyncCallback): Promise<this>;
updateAsync(id: Id, document: T, callback?: AsyncCallback): Promise<this>;
removeAsync(target: Id | T, callback?: AsyncCallback): Promise<this>;
searchAsync<Enrich extends boolean = false>(
query: string,
options: string[] | Partial<DocumentSearchOptions<Enrich>>
): Promise<DocumentSearchResult<T, Store, Enrich>>;
query: string,
limit?: number
): Promise<SimpleDocumentSearchResultSetUnit[]>;
query: string,
limit: number,
callback: AsyncCallback<SimpleDocumentSearchResultSetUnit[]>
): Promise<this>;
searchAsync<Enrich extends boolean = false>(
query: string,
options: Partial<DocumentSearchOptions<Enrich>>,
callback: AsyncCallback<DocumentSearchResult<T, Store, Enrich>>
): Promise<this>;
searchAsync<Enrich extends boolean = false>(
options: Partial<DocumentSearchOptions<Enrich>>
): Promise<DocumentSearchResult<T, Store, Enrich>>;
searchAsync<Enrich extends boolean = false>(
options: Partial<DocumentSearchOptions<Enrich>>,
callback: AsyncCallback<DocumentSearchResult<T, Store, Enrich>>
): Promise<this>;
/* Miscellaneous */
export function create(options: IndexOptions<string>): Index;
export function registerCharset(name: string, charset: CharsetOptions): void;
export function registerLanguage(
name: string,
language: LanguageOptions
): void;
} |