Clicking the Browse button at the top will take you to the list of recent posts. Use the search box in the top right corner to find posts you want to see.
If you’re not a registered user, you will only see public (Safe) posts. Logging in to your account will enable you to filter content by its rating: Safe, Sketchy, and NSFW.
You can use your keyboard to navigate around the site. There are a few shortcuts:
You can combine tags and negate any of them for interesting results. [search]sea -favmin:8 type:swf submit:Pirate[/search] will show you **flash files** tagged as **sea**, that were **liked by seven people** at most, uploaded by user **Pirate**.
The e-mail you enter during account creation is only used to retrieve your [Gravatar]( and activate your account. Only you can see it (well, except the database staff… we won’t spam your mailbox anyway).
Oh, and you can delete your account at any time. Posts you uploaded will stay, unless some angry admin removes them.
# Comments
Registered users can post comments. Comments support [Markdown syntax](, extended by some handy tags:
- permalink to post number 426: @426
- link to tag "Dragon_Ball": #Dragon_Ball
- mark text as spoiler and hide it: [spoiler][spoiler]There is no spoon.[/spoiler][/spoiler]
# Uploads
After registering and activating your account, you gain the power to upload files to the service for everyone else to see.