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2014-09-02 09:36:42 +02:00
var App = App || {};
App.Util = App.Util || {};
2014-09-02 09:36:42 +02:00
App.Util.Misc = function(_, jQuery, marked, promise) {
2014-09-02 09:36:42 +02:00
2015-06-28 10:07:11 +02:00
var exitConfirmationEnabled = false;
function transparentPixel() {
function enableExitConfirmation() {
exitConfirmationEnabled = true;
jQuery(window).bind('beforeunload', function(e) {
return 'There are unsaved changes.';
function disableExitConfirmation() {
exitConfirmationEnabled = false;
function isExitConfirmationEnabled() {
return exitConfirmationEnabled;
function loadImagesNicely($img) {
if (!$img.get(0).complete) {
$img.css({opacity: 0});
var $div = jQuery('<div>Loading ' + $img.attr('alt') + '&hellip;</div>');
var width = $img.width();
var height = $img.height();
if (width > 50 && height > 50) {
position: 'absolute',
width: width + 'px',
height: height + 'px',
color: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15)',
zIndex: -1,
display: 'flex',
alignItems: 'center',
justifyContent: 'center',
textAlign: 'center'});
$img.bind('load', function() {
$img.animate({opacity: 1}, 'fast');
function promiseTemplate(templateName) {
return promiseTemplateFromDOM(templateName) ||
function promiseTemplateFromDOM(templateName) {
var $template = jQuery('#' + templateName + '-template');
if ($template.length) {
return promise.make(function(resolve, reject) {
return null;
function promiseTemplateWithAJAX(templateName) {
return promise.make(function(resolve, reject) {
var templatesDir = '/templates';
var templateUrl = templatesDir + '/' + templateName + '.tpl';
url: templateUrl,
method: 'GET',
success: function(data, textStatus, xhr) {
error: function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
console.log(new Error('Error while loading template ' + templateName + ': ' + errorThrown));
function formatRelativeTime(timeString) {
if (!timeString) {
return 'never';
var then = Date.parse(timeString);
var now =;
var difference = Math.abs(now - then);
var future = now < then;
var text = (function(difference) {
var mul = 1000;
var prevMul;
mul *= 60;
if (difference < mul) {
return 'a few seconds';
} else if (difference < mul * 2) {
return 'a minute';
prevMul = mul; mul *= 60;
if (difference < mul) {
return Math.round(difference / prevMul) + ' minutes';
} else if (difference < mul * 2) {
return 'an hour';
prevMul = mul; mul *= 24;
if (difference < mul) {
return Math.round(difference / prevMul) + ' hours';
} else if (difference < mul * 2) {
return 'a day';
prevMul = mul; mul *= 30.42;
if (difference < mul) {
return Math.round(difference / prevMul) + ' days';
} else if (difference < mul * 2) {
return 'a month';
prevMul = mul; mul *= 12;
if (difference < mul) {
return Math.round(difference / prevMul) + ' months';
} else if (difference < mul * 2) {
return 'a year';
return Math.round(difference / mul) + ' years';
if (text === 'a day') {
return future ? 'tomorrow' : 'yesterday';
return future ? 'in ' + text : text + ' ago';
function formatAbsoluteTime(timeString) {
var time = new Date(Date.parse(timeString));
return time.toString();
function formatUnits(number, base, suffixes, callback) {
if (!number && number !== 0) {
return NaN;
number *= 1.0;
var suffix = suffixes.shift();
while (number >= base && suffixes.length > 0) {
suffix = suffixes.shift();
number /= base;
if (typeof(callback) === 'undefined') {
callback = function(number, suffix) {
return suffix ? number.toFixed(1) + suffix : number;
return callback(number, suffix);
function formatFileSize(fileSize) {
return formatUnits(
['B', 'K', 'M', 'G'],
function(number, suffix) {
var decimalPlaces = number < 20 && suffix !== 'B' ? 1 : 0;
return number.toFixed(decimalPlaces) + suffix;
function formatMarkdown(text) {
var renderer = new marked.Renderer();
var options = {
renderer: renderer,
breaks: true,
sanitize: true,
smartypants: true,
var preDecorator = function(text) {
//prevent ^#... from being treated as headers, due to tag permalinks
text = text.replace(/^#/g, '%%%#');
//fix \ before ~ being stripped away
text = text.replace(/\\~/g, '%%%T');
//post, user and tags premalinks
text = text.replace(/(^|^\(|(?:[^\]])\(|[\s<>\[\]\)])([+#@][a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/g, '$1[$2]($2)');
text = text.replace(/\]\(@(\d+)\)/g, '](#/post/$1)');
text = text.replace(/\]\(+([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\)/g, '](#/user/$1)');
text = text.replace(/\]\(#([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\)/g, '](#/posts/query=$1)');
2015-06-28 10:07:11 +02:00
return text;
var postDecorator = function(text) {
//restore fixes
text = text.replace(/%%%T/g, '\\~');
text = text.replace(/%%%#/g, '#');
//search permalinks
text = text.replace(/\[search\]((?:[^\[]|\[(?!\/?search\]))+)\[\/search\]/ig, '<a href="#/posts/query=$1"><code>$1</code></a>');
text = text.replace(/\[spoiler\]((?:[^\[]|\[(?!\/?spoiler\]))+)\[\/spoiler\]/ig, '<span class="spoiler">$1</span>');
text = text.replace(/\[small\]((?:[^\[]|\[(?!\/?small\]))+)\[\/small\]/ig, '<small>$1</small>');
text = text.replace(/(^|[^\\])(~~|~)([^~]+)\2/g, '$1<del>$3</del>');
text = text.replace(/\\~/g, '~');
return text;
return postDecorator(marked(preDecorator(text), options));
function appendComplexRouteParam(baseUri, params) {
var result = baseUri + '/';
_.each(params, function(v, k) {
if (typeof(v) !== 'undefined') {
result += k + '=' + v + ';';
return result.slice(0, -1);
function simplifySearchQuery(query) {
if (typeof(query) === 'undefined') {
return {};
if ( === 1) {
query = _.pick(query, _.identity); //remove falsy values
return query;
return {
promiseTemplate: promiseTemplate,
formatRelativeTime: formatRelativeTime,
formatAbsoluteTime: formatAbsoluteTime,
formatFileSize: formatFileSize,
formatMarkdown: formatMarkdown,
enableExitConfirmation: enableExitConfirmation,
disableExitConfirmation: disableExitConfirmation,
isExitConfirmationEnabled: isExitConfirmationEnabled,
transparentPixel: transparentPixel,
loadImagesNicely: loadImagesNicely,
appendComplexRouteParam: appendComplexRouteParam,
simplifySearchQuery: simplifySearchQuery,
2014-09-08 22:02:28 +02:00
2014-09-02 09:36:42 +02:00
App.DI.registerSingleton('util', ['_', 'jQuery', 'marked', 'promise'], App.Util.Misc);