2013-10-14 10:22:53 +02:00
< div id = "sidebar" >
< div class = "avatar-wrapper" >
< a href = " <?php echo \Chibi\UrlHelper :: route ( 'user' , 'view' , [ 'name' => $this -> context -> transport -> user -> name ]) ?> " >
2013-10-15 00:41:04 +02:00
< img src = " <?php echo htmlspecialchars ( $this -> context -> transport -> user -> getAvatarUrl ( 140 )) ?> " alt = " <?php echo $this -> context -> transport -> user -> name ?> " >
2013-10-14 10:22:53 +02:00
< / a >
< h1 > <?php echo $this -> context -> transport -> user -> name ?> </ h1 >
< / div >
2013-10-19 22:56:56 +02:00
< div class = "unit details" >
2013-10-15 00:41:04 +02:00
< h1 > details< / h1 >
2013-10-15 13:14:48 +02:00
< div class = "key-value join-date" >
2013-10-14 10:22:53 +02:00
< span class = "key" > Joined:< / span >
2013-10-15 13:14:48 +02:00
< span class = "value" title = " <?php echo $val = date ( 'Y-m-d' , $this -> context -> transport -> user -> join_date ) ?> " > <?php echo $val ?> </ span >
2013-10-14 10:22:53 +02:00
< / div >
2013-10-15 13:14:48 +02:00
< div class = "key-value access-rank" >
2013-10-14 10:22:53 +02:00
< span class = "key" > Access rank:< / span >
2013-10-16 08:33:45 +02:00
< span class = "value" title = " <?php echo $val = TextHelper :: camelCaseToHumanCase ( AccessRank :: toString ( $this -> context -> transport -> user -> access_rank )) ?> " > <?php echo $val ?> </ span >
2013-10-14 10:22:53 +02:00
< / div >
2013-10-15 13:14:48 +02:00
2013-10-20 19:19:52 +02:00
<?php if ( PrivilegesHelper :: confirm ( Privilege :: ViewUserEmail , PrivilegesHelper :: getIdentitySubPrivilege ( $this -> context -> transport -> user ))) : ?>
2013-10-15 13:14:48 +02:00
< div class = "key-value email" >
< span class = "key" > E-mail:< / span >
2013-10-16 18:07:23 +02:00
< span class = "value" title = " <?php echo $val = ( $this -> context -> transport -> user -> email_unconfirmed ? '(unconfirmed) ' . $this -> context -> transport -> user -> email_unconfirmed : $this -> context -> transport -> user -> email_confirmed ?: 'none specified' ) ?> " > <?php echo $val ?> </ span >
2013-10-16 20:26:48 +02:00
< br > (only you and staff can see this)
2013-10-15 13:14:48 +02:00
< / div >
<?php endif ?>
2013-10-14 10:22:53 +02:00
< / div >
2013-10-15 00:41:04 +02:00
2013-10-19 22:56:56 +02:00
< div class = "unit options" >
2013-10-15 00:41:04 +02:00
< h1 > options< / h1 >
< ul >
$userModificationPrivileges = [
$userModificationPrivileges = array_fill_keys($userModificationPrivileges, false);
foreach (array_keys($userModificationPrivileges) as $privilege)
2013-10-18 00:09:50 +02:00
if (PrivilegesHelper::confirm($privilege, PrivilegesHelper::getIdentitySubPrivilege($this->context->transport->user)))
2013-10-15 00:41:04 +02:00
$userModificationPrivileges[$privilege] = true;
$canModifyAnything = count(array_filter($userModificationPrivileges)) > 0;
<?php if ( $canModifyAnything ) : ?>
< li class = "edit" >
< a href = " <?php echo \Chibi\UrlHelper :: route ( 'user' , 'edit' , [ 'name' => $this -> context -> transport -> user -> name , 'tab' => 'edit' ]) ?> " >
Edit account settings
< / a >
< / li >
<?php endif ?>
2013-10-19 19:34:15 +02:00
<?php if ( PrivilegesHelper :: confirm ( Privilege :: DeleteUser , PrivilegesHelper :: getIdentitySubPrivilege ( $this -> context -> transport -> user ))) : ?>
< li class = "edit" >
< a href = " <?php echo \Chibi\UrlHelper :: route ( 'user' , 'delete' , [ 'name' => $this -> context -> transport -> user -> name , 'tab' => 'delete' ]) ?> " >
Delete account
< / a >
< / li >
<?php endif ?>
2013-10-18 00:09:50 +02:00
<?php if ( PrivilegesHelper :: confirm ( Privilege :: BanUser , PrivilegesHelper :: getIdentitySubPrivilege ( $this -> context -> transport -> user ))) : ?>
2013-10-15 13:14:48 +02:00
<?php if ( ! $this -> context -> transport -> user -> banned ) : ?>
< li class = "ban" >
< a class = "simple-action" href = " <?php echo \Chibi\UrlHelper :: route ( 'user' , 'ban' , [ 'name' => $this -> context -> transport -> user -> name ]) ?> " data-confirm-text = "Are you sure?" >
Ban user
< / a >
< / li >
<?php else : ?>
< li class = "unban" >
< a class = "simple-action" href = " <?php echo \Chibi\UrlHelper :: route ( 'user' , 'unban' , [ 'name' => $this -> context -> transport -> user -> name ]) ?> " data-confirm-text = "Are you sure?" >
Unban user
< / a >
< / li >
<?php endif ?>
<?php endif ?>
2013-10-18 00:09:50 +02:00
<?php if ( PrivilegesHelper :: confirm ( Privilege :: AcceptUserRegistration ) and ! $this -> context -> transport -> user -> staff_confirmed and $this -> config -> registration -> staffActivation ) : ?>
2013-10-15 13:14:48 +02:00
< li class = "accept-registration" >
< a class = "simple-action" href = " <?php echo \Chibi\UrlHelper :: route ( 'user' , 'accept-registration' , [ 'name' => $this -> context -> transport -> user -> name ]) ?> " >
Accept registration
< / a >
< / li >
<?php endif ?>
2013-10-15 00:41:04 +02:00
< / ul >
< script type = "text/javascript" >
if (!$('.options ul li').length)
< / script >
< / div >
2013-10-14 10:22:53 +02:00
< / div >
< div id = "inner-content" >
< div class = "tabs" >
< nav >
< ul >
<?php if ( $this -> context -> transport -> tab == 'favs' ) : ?>
2013-10-15 00:41:04 +02:00
< li class = "selected favs" >
2013-10-14 10:22:53 +02:00
<?php else : ?>
2013-10-15 00:41:04 +02:00
< li class = "favs" >
2013-10-14 10:22:53 +02:00
<?php endif ?>
< a href = " <?php echo \Chibi\UrlHelper :: route ( 'user' , 'view' , [ 'name' => $this -> context -> transport -> user -> name , 'tab' => 'favs' , 'page' => 1 ]) ?> " >
< / a >
< / li >
<?php if ( $this -> context -> transport -> tab == 'uploads' ) : ?>
2013-10-15 00:41:04 +02:00
< li class = "selected uploads" >
2013-10-14 10:22:53 +02:00
<?php else : ?>
2013-10-15 00:41:04 +02:00
< li class = "uploads" >
2013-10-14 10:22:53 +02:00
<?php endif ?>
< a href = " <?php echo \Chibi\UrlHelper :: route ( 'user' , 'view' , [ 'name' => $this -> context -> transport -> user -> name , 'tab' => 'uploads' , 'page' => 1 ]) ?> " >
< / a >
< / li >
2013-10-15 00:41:04 +02:00
2013-10-25 17:25:05 +02:00
<?php if ( PrivilegesHelper :: confirm ( Privilege :: ChangeUserSettings , PrivilegesHelper :: getIdentitySubPrivilege ( $this -> context -> transport -> user ))) : ?>
<?php if ( $this -> context -> transport -> tab == 'settings' ) : ?>
< li class = "selected settings" >
<?php else : ?>
< li class = "settings" >
<?php endif ?>
< a href = " <?php echo \Chibi\UrlHelper :: route ( 'user' , 'settings' , [ 'name' => $this -> context -> transport -> user -> name ]) ?> " >
Browsing settings
< / a >
< / li >
2013-10-22 00:17:06 +02:00
<?php endif ?>
2013-10-15 00:41:04 +02:00
<?php if ( $canModifyAnything ) : ?>
<?php if ( $this -> context -> transport -> tab == 'edit' ) : ?>
< li class = "selected edit" >
<?php else : ?>
< li class = "edit" >
<?php endif ?>
2013-10-15 13:14:48 +02:00
< a href = " <?php echo \Chibi\UrlHelper :: route ( 'user' , 'edit' , [ 'name' => $this -> context -> transport -> user -> name ]) ?> " >
2013-10-15 00:41:04 +02:00
Account settings
< / a >
< / li >
<?php endif ?>
2013-10-15 13:14:48 +02:00
2013-10-18 00:09:50 +02:00
<?php if ( PrivilegesHelper :: confirm ( Privilege :: DeleteUser , PrivilegesHelper :: getIdentitySubPrivilege ( $this -> context -> transport -> user ))) : ?>
2013-10-15 13:14:48 +02:00
<?php if ( $this -> context -> transport -> tab == 'delete' ) : ?>
< li class = "selected delete" >
<?php else : ?>
< li class = "delete" >
<?php endif ?>
< a href = " <?php echo \Chibi\UrlHelper :: route ( 'user' , 'delete' , [ 'name' => $this -> context -> transport -> user -> name ]) ?> " >
Delete account
< / a >
< / li >
<?php endif ?>
2013-10-14 10:22:53 +02:00
< / ul >
< / nav >
< / div >
2013-10-15 00:41:04 +02:00
<?php if ( isset ( $this -> context -> transport -> posts )) : ?>
2013-10-16 13:07:01 +02:00
<?php $this -> renderFile ( 'post-list' ) ?>
2013-10-15 00:41:04 +02:00
<?php endif ?>
2013-10-22 00:17:06 +02:00
<?php if ( $this -> context -> transport -> tab == 'settings' ) : ?>
<?php $this -> renderFile ( 'user-settings' ) ?>
<?php elseif ( $this -> context -> transport -> tab == 'edit' ) : ?>
2013-10-21 23:29:38 +02:00
<?php $this -> renderFile ( 'user-edit' ) ?>
2013-10-15 13:14:48 +02:00
<?php elseif ( $this -> context -> transport -> tab == 'delete' ) : ?>
2013-10-21 23:29:38 +02:00
<?php $this -> renderFile ( 'user-delete' ) ?>
2013-10-15 00:41:04 +02:00
<?php endif ?>
2013-10-14 10:22:53 +02:00
< / div >