Since the purpose that StatusHelper was mainly created for no longer
holds, it was simplified to Messenger. It is now is used to transport
simple messages to views and still transports info whether the message
is about success or failure.
Following privileges for post actions can now understand different settings for
everyone and for uploader:
* Scoring posts
* Featuring posts
* Flagging posts
* Favoriting posts
Additionally, privilege for flagging users can now understand different
settings for everyone and for the user that is currently logged in.
In other words: with this update admin can configure privileges so that scoring
own posts or flagging oneself will be prohibited, while scoring other people's
posts or flagging others will be okay.
Styles, scripts and page titles are no longer set from controllers level.
Changed because it was breaking MVC pattern and led to spaghetti code.
Also, optimized JS/CSS inclusions a bit.
Pages load 1.5-2x faster
Exception trace in JSON is now represented as an array
Fixed pagination of default favorites page in user pages
Fixed thumbnail size validation for non-square thumbnails
- Most of model-related code moved from controllers to model classes, much
fewer calls to R::whatever() in controllers
- Post editing and uploading shares the same code, thus making implementing
stuff easier in the future
- Added support for default bean wiring, no more calls to R::preload() all over
the place
- More robust concurrent post editing detection
- Centralized use of TextHelper::repr..() instead of hardcoded markdown
- Centralized processing of highlighting instead of hardcoded markdown
- Highlighted items are marked with color, not just bold
- Anonymous account is no longer created when commenting/uploading
- Anonymous users can now switch safety, if it's available
- Anonymous users can delete their own posts
- Refurbished session and logging in/out mechanism
- Possible fixes for registration/activation/account deletion issues